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"Osmanl Trkesi (Osmanlca) Eitimi" |
"Osmanl Trkesi ya da daha yaygn kullanlan adyla Osmanlca 623 yl hkm sren Osmanl mparatorluunun resmi dilidir. Osmanlca aslnda Trke'dir, bugne gre farkll yazmnda farkl bir alfabenin kullanlmas ve elbette gemite kalm birok farkl kelimeyi barndrmasdr. Osmanlca renmek tarih blm rencileri iin bir zorunluluktur. Sanat tarihi rencileri, arkeoloji, edebiyat, uluslararas ilikiler gibi blmleri okuyan renciler iin de ok faydal olabilir.Bu eitim seti ile birlikte Osmanlca renmeye sfrdan balayacaksnz. Osmanl Trkesi'nin temel kavramlarn renerek, eski metinleri okuyup anlama ansn elde edeceksiniz. Hem rgn eitimde hem de Akretim Tarih blmnde okuyan renciler Osmanl Trkesi ile ilgili derslere alrken bu eitim setinden ok faydalanacak. niversite eitimini Boazii niversitesi Tarih Blmnde baar ile tamamlayan Zeynep ztrk tarafndan oluturulan bu eitim Hezarfen Akademi tarafndan sunulmakta. Eitim setimiz gelen taleplere gre gncellenmeye devam edecektir.Herkese faydal olmas dileiyle :)"
Price: 229.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan YOGA ve PLATES Eitim Seti" |
"Yoga ; 5.000 yllk gemie sahip ve Hindistan'n en eski retisidir. Kelime anlam olarak birlemek, btnlemek anlamna gelmektedir. Kiinin bedensel, ruhsal ve zihinsel adan btnln ifade eder. Yoga durular sinir sistemini glendirip arndrr; bylece kii dnyay bilinli ve olumlu bir tutum iinde alglayarak etkileime gememiz mmkn olur. Ya, kilosu bedensel esneklik ve salk durumu ne olursa olsun, her insan yoga yapabilir. Yoga mkemmel bir eitleyicidir, sadece asana'lardan (yogada yaplan durular) olumaz. Durular esnasnda zihni sakinletirmek , bedeni dinlemek ve prana (nefes) kontroln sakin ve bedene uyumlu bir ekilde devam ettirmek gerekmektedir. Yoga spor deil bir farkndalktr.YOGA Yapmann YararlarYoga stresle baa kabilme hayatmzdan stresi kayglar uzaklatrma yntemidir. Bedeni ve zihni glendirir. Zihin dzenli odaklanma ve meditasyon uygulamalar ile kontrol edilebilir. Yoga uzun sre uygulandnda omurga ve srt kemiklerini ekillendirir daha dzgn bir postre sahip olmamz salar. Baklk sistemini glendirir. Yemek yeme davranlarmzn farkna varmamz ve vcudumuza giren besinlerin bilincinde olmamz salar. Yoga meditasyonda da olduu gibi stresten kaynakl uyku problemlerinin nne geer. Nefes ve beden egzersizleri kan akmz ve kaslarmzn ileyiini dzenleyerek yorgunluk hissimizden kurtulmamz salar. Yogada en nemli ey kendinizle ba baa kalyor olmanzdr.Sormak istediiniz her eyi soru-cevap ksmndan sorabilir, tm nerilerinizi bizimle paylaabilirsiniz. Setimiz gncellemeye devam edecektir."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Transformao Digital e microservios em menos de 2h" |
"Ocurso uma intoduo breve a metodologias, tcnicas, e conceitos que formam a base da nova TI:microservios, Devops, API, Cloud e outros. Ocurso ensina a pensar e se preparar para a transformao digital.Este curso indicado para gestores de TI, arquitetos de soluo, arquitetos de software, desenvolvedores de processos de negcio, gestores que interagem com a TI, desenvolvedores de software.Metodologia:Aulas expositivas de conceitos e exemplosReferncias para desenvolver os conceitos"
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"The End of Procrastination - How to Stop Postponing" |
"The course is created by authors of the international book bestseller The End of Procrastination (15 translations, over 100 000 copies sold worldwide).""While wasting our time hesitating and procrastinating, life goes on. -- Seneca, roman philosopher It will explain the causes of procrastination and give you specific and practical tools to help you to win over it every day.Based on 120+ scientific studiesEasy, smart & practical toolsApplicable for everyday lifeIn the course you will learn:Why people procrastinate and what current science knows about procrastination.What decision paralysis is and why it has such a negative effect on us.How human motivation works and how to properly set yourself up to have long-term motivation.How to find your personal vision, define your strengths and use them to do meaningful things.How our self-control works and how to strengthen your willpower.How to become more efficient and learn positive new habits while unlearning the bad ones.How to organize your time and tasks so that you can do more without getting tired.How to better manage personal failures and overcome fear of change."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Aprende matemticas desde cero" |
"Si no eres bueno en matemticas, este curso es para ti. Esta es tu oportunidad de empezar desde cero Te explicar los temas bsicos que necesitas saber para cualquier curso posterior de matemticas con paciencia y siempre al tanto de todas tus preguntas. Las matemticas son bonitas, al final del curso terminars amando la materia"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"lgebra desde cero (primera parte)" |
"En este curso aprenders cmo realizar las operaciones bsicas con cantidades generalizadas, es decir, con expresiones algebraicas. Te recomiendo que si no has estudiado el curso de temas bsicos, revises primero ese curso para que llegues ac con todas las bases necesarias para comenzar.Aprueba tus exmenes con 10!!Tu puedes!Te apoyare con todas tus dudas.No pierdas ms tiempo y empieza a cambiar tu realidad en la escuela. Todos merecemos una segunda oportunidad, que no?"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"lgebra desde cero (segunda parte)" |
"En este curso aprenders todo sobre ecuaciones y desigualdades. Te recomiendo que si no has estudiado los dos cursos anteriores (Temas bsicos y lgebra primera parte) primero estudies esos dos cursos para que aproveches al mximo el curso completo. Nunca esta de ms repasar conceptos bsicos para que todo fluya ms rpido!Estas listo para continuar con el mejor curso de matemticas?Vamos a estudiar, quiero que seas el mejor de tu clase y apruebes todos esos exmenes con xito!"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Trigonometra desde cero" |
"Aprenders los temas ms importantes de trigonometra que te ayudaran a pasar cualquier examen de esta materia y cualquier examen de admisin que contenga este tema. Desde sistemas de medicin, todo lo relacionado a triangulo rectngulo, triangulo oblicungulo y funciones trigonomtricas. Inclu un tema extra en donde te ensear a calcular las funciones trigonomtricas para ngulos notables y ms para que te conviertas en todo un crack en trigonometra. Recuerda que yo estar aqu disponible todo el tiempo para resolver cualquier duda que tengas No perdamos ms tiempo y vamos a comenzar!!"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Geometra analtica desde cero" |
"Geometra analtica ha sido tu dolor de cabeza este ao?Este curso es para ti!Encontr una manera fcil de explicar estos temas y te prometo que al final del curso esta parte de la geometra ya no ser ms un problema para tiEn una semana podrs cubrir el temario completo, entendiendo perfectamente las ecuaciones desde el fundamento y no solamente aprendiendo de memoria todo. Como todos los temas de este curso de Matemticas!No te enrollo ms y vamos a comenzar!"
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Aprende preclculo desde cero" |
"Con este curso terminaremos por prepararte en todos los temas que necesitas para poder entrar con todas las bases necesarias para para cualquier curso de Clculo I. Muchas veces el problema de los estudiantes no necesariamente es el tema de derivadas e integrales sino todos los temas anteriores. Estoy segura que esto te ser demasiado sencillo as que trata de hacerlo lo ms rpido posible para que puedas llegar al final de este curso. Recuerda que estoy siempre disponible para resolver todas tus dudasNo lo olvides!"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Aprende Clculo diferencial e integral" |
"Este es un curso exprs de Clculo podrs entender de forma rpida y simplificada todo lo que te ensearon en la escuela. Es un curso que trata de generalizar todas las reglas para poder facilitar su aprendizaje, sin memorizar nada y entendiendo el fundamento de todo. Si las matemticas no son lo tuyo, recomendara que primero pases al menos por los cursos de Temas bsicos y lgebra para poder asegurar tu xito en este curso."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Blmchenmalerei mit Gel" |
"Mit nur wenigen Handgriffen zauberst du tolle Blumen. Ich zeige dir, wie du Schattierungen sinnvoll setzt und den Blten eine Struktur gibst, die sie mglichst real wirken lassen. Mit ein paar Verzierungen rundest du das Design ab und versetzt alle ins Staunen. Nach Abschluss des Kurses bekommst du natrlich ein Zertifikat per E-Mail zugeschickt."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Retail Arbitrage on Amazon Master Class" |
"A comprehensive 27 video guide to sourcing products via retail arbitrage and selling them on Amazon. All videos are presented in an informative and entertaining explainer-style animation. This course teaches you everything you need to know about sourcing and selling products through Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon service. No experience or expertise is required."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Speaking English with confidence at work" |
"This course is designed to provide you with practical skills to boost your confidence and increase the success of your conversations at work. Split into three sections, this course covers; 1. Body language - how to look and feel more confident. 2. How to speak with clarity, volume and clear intent even if your English is not as polished as you would like it to be.3. Problem solving - how to manage mistakes while speaking English in the work-place. This course is for you if:You speak English fluently but you sometimes struggle with feeling confident speaking it at work. You have been told that your English is good but you just don't feel confident when you speak.You have a good job and you want to present with more confidence so that you will be considered for a promotion.You do not have a good job and you want the confidence to apply for a job that is better suited to your skill set but your confidence in the English language is holding you back.This course is not for you if:You are looking to improve your vocabulary - This course is not about learning new words but about how to speak them with more impact.You are just beginning to learn English and you want grammatical education.You want to simply watch lectures but not take part in the practical exercises.YOUR CONFIDENCE WILL SOAR! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pajak Penghasilan di Indonesia" |
"Materi Penghasilan Pajak di Indonesia membahas mengenai Peraturan pajak penghasilan di Indonesia. Topik berisi 10 judul yaitu pemaparan umum perpajakan di Indonesia, peraturan hukum pajak, Subjek dan Objek pajak, deductible dan Non Deductible Expense, pemahaman tarif pajak, Pajak Penghasilan Final, kemudian membahas PPH pasal 21 26. Durasi sekitar 100 menit. Pembahasan tidak hanya berkaitan dengan teori tetapi juga gambaran ringkas penghitungannya diharapkan pemakai bisa lebih paham teori berbagai jenis pajak penghasilan di Indonesia dan cara penghitungan ringkas."
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Teknologi Material Konstruksi (Beton)" |
"Materi ini terdiri dari hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan konsep dasar dan pengetahuan material tentang beton. Ini termasuk pengenalan bahan beton dan komposisi Bahan beton yang Portland Semen, agregat, pencampuran dan air. Kursus ini juga membahas tentang perbedaan antara beton pracetak dan cor in situ, beton ringan dan beton mutu tinggi, 6 tahap penting dalam pengolahan beton, sifat beton segar dan beton pemadatan diri. Materi ini dibawakan oleh Putri Arumsari. Putri Arumsari adalah Dosen dengan spesialisasi dalam Manajemen Konstruksi. Dia mengajar mata kuliah dasar seperti Konstruksi Bangunan, Survei, dan Teknologi Bahan Konstruksi. Dia juga mengajarkan kursus yang berkaitan dengan Manajemen Konstruksi seperti Estimasi Biaya, Manajemen Infrastruktur dan Manajemen Proyek Evaluasi. "
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Manajemen Lintas Budaya untuk Pemula" |
"Materi ini terdiri dari 10 modul dan akan memberikan Pelajar pengetahuan tentang konsep dan keterampilan praktis untuk memahami dan bekerja dalam organisasi dari banyak budaya yang membentuk lingkungan tempat kerja global abad ke-21. Materi ini memaparkan Pelajar pada konsep dasar manajemen organisasi, seperti komunikasi, negosiasi, kepemimpinan, motivasi, pengambilan keputusan dan kontrol, lintas budaya. Setelah berhasil menyelesaikan materi ini, Pelajar akan dapat: memahami konsep budaya dan manajemen menjelaskan Budaya dan Organisasi untuk Bisnis Internasional menganalisis Perilaku Organisasi dan manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia untuk Implementasi Manajemen Lintas Budaya menerapkan Bisnis Budaya dan Komunikasi untuk Implementasi Manajemen Lintas Budaya"
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Conquering the bar exam - Due Process review" |
"This course should be useful to anyone who is interested in Constitutional Law, but is designed primarily to serve as a review for students who are preparing to take a bar exam sometime in the near future. It covers the basic concepts involved in the Due Process of Law clauses of the 5th and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conquering The Bar - Equal Protection Review" |
"This courses serves as a substantive review of the principles of Equal Protection under the USConstitution. Those who are taking a bar examination in the moderately near future will most benefit from the course, however it is also useful to those currently in law school taking Constitutional Law, as well as any one with an interest in learning more on the subject."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"7 Quality Tools with Minitab & Excel for Quality Management" |
"About course- 7 Quality Tools with Minitab & Excel for Quality Management""As much as 95% of quality related problems in the factory can be solved with seven fundamental quantitative tools"", Kaoru Ishikawa (Professor at the Faculty of Engineering at The University of Tokyo, also known as father of Japanese Quality Control/ father of the scientific analysis of the causes of problems in industrial processes).Are you looking for a course that serves as a foundation of problem-solving, improvements and root cause analysis? Are you manufacturing, business, service or quality based professional or do you have an interest in these fields? Do you want to walk with professional problem-solving issues that matter for a lifetime? If so, congratulations, this course is definitely for you!Walking through various journeys as a formulation scientist, Quality Management, Lean, six sigma and quality assurance specialist I felt my skills must be transformed to a learning platform that can help students solve the most basics of the quality problems. Seven Quality Tools will help you walk with skills applicable daily in business and quality management sectors.Who should be taking this course?This course could be useful for any professionals and students looking for improving their skills in quality sectors or have an interest in quality management in business fields. The content of the course would also be equally valuable for students anticipating six sigma or lean sigma belt examinations (Particularly Basics, Yellow or Green belts).The content of the course would also be helpful for PMP certifications and students appearing in Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) and Certified Quality Technician (CQT) exams.The 7 tools that we would be learning are:Fishbone for root cause analysis and looking for potential causes of the problem.Flowchart for process mapping where we study simple flowcharts or top-down flowchart for logical process flow, swim-lane maps or deployment maps where we will study the process flow along with interrelation among the different departments and value stream maps which will give us an eagle-eye view of the process.Pareto Analysis or Pareto chart based on 80:20 principle meaning 80 percent of results are due to 20% of the causes.Histogram for the visual representation of data, trends, and variations.Control Chart to understand how a process changes over time.Check sheets for collecting and organizing measured or counted data.Scatterplot (with stratification) for finding the relationship among the dataWhat do you learn in this course ? Define and understand seven quality tools and their functions in quality. How to use Minitab and Excel to solve quality problems. How to find the problems, solutions and improve the process for future business endeavours. How to extract important information from data. How to use the findings for future improvements. How to drive a sense of continuous improvement in an organization through quality tools.And Whats New and Extra in this particular course? Real life and simulated case studies to showcase actual use of these tools. Minitab and excel templates to work out Quizzes, pdf handouts and a lot more! 7+(1) unique tools and approaches to handling quality issues."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Dual Certification: Lean Six Sigma White Belt & Yellow Belt" |
"'Quality, Content & Certification' of two Lean Six Sigma Training Programs ; 'Lean Six Sigma White Belt' and 'Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt' in the price of one. Grow your business and lean management skills with this course with on-demand 5.5 hours course with over 15 Modules (105+ topics) covering 20 lean tools, 30 downloadable resources, templates and data files, 4 Case Studies how Fortune 500 companies use Lean and Six Sigma, 7 QC tools explained with Software integration (Minitab 17/18/19 & Excel), downloadable pdfs, 2 practice tests, Quizzes and plenty more !Do you know that in the U.S., those with at least one level of Six Sigma training make an average of $17,762/month more than those who had not received Six Sigma training? In Canada a six sigma trained professional makes an average $5,861 more! And a single Master Black Belts make an average of $44,636 more than those without a Master Black Belt! On an average, enterprises achieve 65% of higher project savings by adhering to Six Sigma methodology. Enterprises using Process Improvement Methodology (like lean & six sigma) achieve 40% more ROI than those who did not use it. Six Sigma is a continuous, controlled and data driven method of eliminating defects in such a way as to go for six standard deviations between the mean and nearest specification limit in any process throughout the life cycle of the product, business or service. To achieve six sigma, the process shouldnt produce more than 3.4 defects in a million opportunities. We can thus roughly say that six sigma is a mistake free approach of improving the business or service.Please do not forget to participate in the practice tests and get two certificates of 'Lean Six Sigma White Belt' and 'Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt'On Six Sigma White BeltWhite belt is the introductory level of six sigma belts. This Lean Six Sigma White belt certification prepares you with basics of lean six sigma and software integration. If you already have higher belts of lean six sigma this course may not be for you but it still we challenge that this course definitely has more and new market friendly inclusions that you never realized in other courses before!On Six Sigma Yellow Belt'Yellow belt is the first professional level of six sigma belts. This Lean Six Sigma Yellow belt certification prepares you with in depth content of the six sigma DMAIC cycle (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control). It also introduces you with more than 20 lean tools, 7 Quality tools along with complete Minitab 18, Minitab 19 and Excel tutorial to solve the quality problems. What is unique with the course that you wont get elsewhere?Two training courses 'Lean Six Sigma White Belt' and 'Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt' and certification opportunities in the price of one. Get acquainted with > 20 problem solving scenario, 30+ templates, articles and data files and two practice exams each for white and yellow belt certification.Guides you for the use of Minitab 2017, Minitab 2018 and Minitab 2019 and Excel (Which hasnt been explored by any six sigma course up to date ! )Learn how the Fortune 500 companies are benefiting from lean and six sigma (TOYOTA, NIKE, INTEL, BANK OF AMERICA)Learn seven quality control tools (Pareto Analysis, Check Sheet, Scatter Diagram, Histogram, fish-bone diagram, control chart, flow chart) using unique simulated case studies.Introduces yourself with 20 lean tools for your business and productivity (Kaizen, 5S, 3M (Muda, Mura and Muri), Work Standardization, Value Stream Mapping, Pull System, Kanban, Key Performance Indicators,Overall Equipment Effectiveness,Root Cause Analysis, Single Minute Exchange of Dies, Andon, Heijunka, PDCA, A3 Report,Mistake Proofing or Poka Yoke, TAKT Time,Six Big Losses, JIDOKA (Automation),Setting Smart Goals,Policy Deployment (Hosin Kanri))Get certified and add this powerful credential to your resume.Prepare for ASQ six sigma certification (unofficial), Quality Engineering certification, RCA certification and other relevant exams with this course.Any requirements?There is no special requirements for this course as this course prepares you with Lean Six Sigma from a basic level. Even if you have no prior statistical knowledge or knowledge working with software such as MINITAB 18, MINITAB 19, or MS-Excel, this course helps you to have a complete practical knowledge of using these software for solving specific quality issues and Lean Six Sigma issues.Still confused?Take a tour of our course with the introductory video, Preview of how to use this course and the entire syllabus if you still have a confusion. This course comes with Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee and that's my personal promise to your success!Enroll into the course and I will see you inside,Thank you !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Root Cause Analysis: Identify & Solve Root Problems" |
"Starting with WHY-Why you should consider taking this course ?1. Feature- This is the only course in RCA so far in UDEMY that describes RCA techniques with different software; Minitab, Companion and Excel. Also, we make sure, you need no prior knowledge using these software while going through this course as this course is self explanatory.Why? In the present practical world, its not just enough that you only learn the theory. You should be able to use and derive solutions using RCA tools.2. Feature- This course covers more than 10 simulated and real business case studies for ease of your understanding.Why? Why not? You should be confident enough to use RCA after seeing how the tools are used in the business and service world.3. Feature- This course doesnt just deal with Root Cause analysis but also its management and control part.Why? Finding some cause as a root of the failure and eliminating them (like what you have learnt in other books) just doesnt make sense. This course helps you to manage that failure and also make sure that such failures doesnt get repeated over time with our control features.4. Feature- Lots of links and resources.Get yourself equipped with bonus contents, links to certification and courses, links to articles about the topic, links to slides, templates, questionnaire, exams etc.Why? You should be able to use technology and resources in order to deal with any topics in depth.5. Feature- Link to questionnaire, exams, training and certificationWhy? You should be able to see whether you have made any improvement regarding knowledge and skills.6. Feature- A step by step approach in solving RCA problemsWhy- Whether you are a rookie or a pro, the systematized content helps to digest the ideas of course efficiently.Business, services, manufacturing and management sectors often face wide range of problems that needs effort to locate, solve, control and manage. Often in deep investigation there is always either a unique cause or set of inter-related causes of the problems that poses huge management, time and financial losses. Root cause analysis is the process of discovering the root causes of problems in order to identify appropriate solutions. It is the process of defining, understanding and solving a problem.In this course we will first be learning to locate and define the business problems, we will then try to find the major possible causes of those problems and funnel down to find the root cause of the problem. We will then search for the solutions and then take actions to solve those problems ..we are not all done yet.we will further Measure and Access whether the solution actually eliminated the original problem under consideration. Unlike the usual root cause analysis practices, this course is thus not only focussing on searching for root cause but their solution and management for future best practices as well.By the end of this course you will be able to I. locate and define the problems using tools such asProject Risk Assessment1. Team selection2. Stakeholder analysis3. Responsibility Assignment (RACI Matrix)4. Time Planning (Gantt Chart)II. you will also be able to find the major possible causes with1. Brainstorming and e-brainstorming2. Process Mapping (Flowcharts and value stream mapping3. Fishbone diagramsIII. Finding the root causes of the problem with1. Cause and effect matrix2. Tree diagram3. 5 Whys4. Fault Tree Analysis5. Pareto Analysis6. Scatter Diagram7. Histogram8. Spaghetti diagramIV. Find Solutions of the problem with1. Benchmarking2 BrainstormingV. Take Actions using tools such as,1 Force Field Analysis,2 Impact Effort Matrix,3 Change EffectivenessVI. You will also be able to Measure and Access whether the solution actually eliminated the original problem under consideration using some tools such as1. Pilot study2. Poka-Yoke3. RCA ReportAnd Whats New and Extra in this particular course?- 23 Root Cause Analysis Tools-real life and simulated case studies to showcase actual use of all these tools.-Plenty of minitab and excel tutorials that can let you excel in these tools even without prior knowledge.- Minitab and excel templates to work out- Quizzes, pdf handouts and a lot more!There are plenty of simulated case studies, minitab and excel templates, quizzes etc waiting to make your learning experience easier inside.With a 30 day money back guarantee on the course you can sit back and relax as you learn.Thank you for your interest.Feel free to look through the course description and I look forward to see you attending the course ! Together, we will make it a happy learning journey.Please try the free preview and syllabus to explore further !Enroll in the course and get a mastery on 7 quality tools NOW!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Lean Management 2020: Business & Project Management" |
"Do you know that the top fortune 500 companies use LEAN as their quality management tools? Be it INTEL who could introduce the new chip to the factory in 10 days compared to 14 weeks 5 years back using lean automation or Bank of America (ranking a golden 6th in Forbes Global 2000 list) who used lean tool like Hosin-Kanri in their management. The Japanese company TOYOTA (With total assets of $473 billions and market value of 200 billion, Toyota motors ranks 12th position in Forbes Worlds Largest company list and worlds largest automobile manufacturer in 2018) is actually accredited for developing many lean principles such as pull system, A3 and 5 Why etc.Wouldn't it be fun learning from the case studies of these big corporate for developing our small business?Lean is a continuous improvement and a value oriented strategy of creating more value to the customers (users) using minimum resources with minimization of wastes in every steps of process.Note: Value- Ability to provide the customers what they want in right time, quality and cost. Waste-Any activity that utilizes time, space and resources without adding value to the product.Lean is not just only a cost related practice. Its way of thinking and organization of entire organization. It helps organization to be innovative and competitive.Lean Management is the concept of running a business or an organization with continuous improvement with small and incremental changes to improve the value of product or service (with improved quality) and decrease wastes, defects and cost.There are no particular requirements for this course. Anyone with interest in project management, lean management or organizational management.About the course 'Lean Management 2020 : Business & Project Management'How is the course organized for lean management?Introduction Section- Introduces you with how to work with the course, lean and lean tools with some case studiesBenefits Section- Introduces you with benefits of lean in Manufacturing, IT, Hospitals, Hostels and Hospitality Business, Banking and Finance, Telecommunication etc.Lean tools to know and control your business surrounding- In this section we will learn about setting the goals and direction, resources and requirements, responsibilities, setting tidy and secure area and make everything visible.Lean tools for identifying customers and aligning our actions according to their requirement- In this section we will study how to understand the Voice of Customers, map the current process and see the problem areas with mapping tools, access if the production is meeting demands and create a pull system that produces good according to customers demand.Lean tools for aligning your team for action- In this section, we will study about aligning our team with Flash Meetings, Work Standardization, making communication with Kanban and e-Kanban and making improvements with Kaizen.Lean problem solving and Root Cause Analysis Tools- In this section we will study about problem solving tools such as Brainstorming and use tools for root cause analysis of the problem.Lean tools for breakthrough improvements- In this section, we will study about Benchmarking and Lean tools such as PDCA, A3 and Hosin Kanri.Unique features of this course that you can count on- More than 20 lean management tools explained with theory, problem solving scenarios, case studies and simulated case studies, quizzes, practice test along with minitab and excel tutorial to solve some problems. 10 unique problem solving scenarios Step by step guide of using software such as Minitab, companion and excel to solve lean quality problems. 4 fortune 500 case studies More than 15 simple with animated or software integrated Simulated Case Studies Quizzes as problem solving scenarios and a practice test. Many templates and practice data files to work with.Please dont forget to download the following templates when you join the course:1. A3 Analysis working template2. Takt time excel calculator3. Fishbone Excel Templates4. Fishbone Minitab Templates5. Five Why Excel Templates6. Work Standardization chart7. Process Capacity Excel template8. Value Stream Mapping excel template9. Flowchart excel template10. Swimlane Map Excel Template11. Littles law excel templateAlthough we will be learning many management strategies and tools in this course, here are some key lean tools we will be learning: 5S: for workplace organization Kaizen and Kaizen blitz: for continuous business improvement Work Standardization: for keeping the documented procedures for best practices Value Stream Mapping: To visualize and improve the steps in product creation and delivering it to the end customers. Pull system: to reduce the wastes Just-In-Time: for reducing the times in the production systems and also a time of delivery from manufacture to the end customers. Kanban: As a visual management tool for improving manufacturing efficiency and helping just in time. KPI: Key Performance Indicators: To help evaluate the success of the organization and know what sectors to look for making the improvement. RCA (Root Cause Analysis): For locating the root cause of the problem and eliminating them. Andon: for notifying management, maintenance, and other workers of a quality or process problem PDCA: to help to make continuous improvement of processes and products Setting SMART Goals: specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic and time-based TAKT time: to meet production rate so that customers demand is adequately met. JIDOKA (Autonomation): Increasing productivity and efficiency through partial/full automation.This course comes with Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee and that's my personal promise to your success!Enroll into the course and I will see you inside,"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Kaizen Practitioner Certification Mastercourse for Beginners" |
"How big is Kaizen?Do you know that almost all FORTUNE 500 companies are using or had used Kaizen during their business growth curve? Be it FORD motor company which survived and recovered the rough times during Great recession of late 2000s, Herman Miller which enjoyed more than 500% increase in productivity and quality in its product and services with Kaizen or even aerospace technology company like Lockheed Martin during development of Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM) system, Kaizen has always been in lead role. We also may have heard the stories how Canon and Toyota used Kaizen for improving productivity and quality. It is for this reason that Government sectors of many nations have also been largely interested in implementing this technique to improve public sectors.What is Kaizen ? Kaizen is a japanese term () which means to change and put back together in a better way. Kaizen is an all employee involvement strategy of eliminating the wastes from all the process and bring a culture of continuous improvement using lesser resources. In English definition, it means Continuous Improvement.What not is Kaizen? Kaizen is not an organizationals 'Get rich quick without effort' scheme. Although Kaizen Blitz helps in quick problem locating and solving, it really needs dedication, knowledge and effort to bring a great change to your personal and organizational growth. Its not a Managers only job. Kaizen works best in overall participation. Its not a one-time improvement policy. Its a continuous improvement approach.What is in this course for me?This course is a step by step Kaizen Training platform for beginners and also for future professional Kaizen Practitioner aspirants. You get knowledge, skills and certification as a Kaizen Practitioner. The best part of the course is, it is an step by step approach starting from beginners to an expert level. It also lectures you with the use of MINITAB and EXCEL where necessary even if you have never used these software before. The first Beginners level deals with introduction of Kaizen, its principles and ground rules, Kaizen procedure and benefits. In the intermediate level of difficulty you study about pillars of Kaizen involving lean tools like 5S, MUDA, MURA and MURI and about 8 kinds of wastes. Finally, you study in depth how to perform Kaizen with an organized lean PDCA pathway.PDCA stands for Plan, Do, Check and Act.In Plan phase of Kaizen, we select a Kaizen project with knowledge of who, when and where to implement Kaizen and also learn to perform the GEMBA walk. We select Key performance indicators and set SMART GOALS for our Kaizen project. Finally, we make an ACTION PLAN for our Kaizen project.In Do Phase we collect and sample data and analyze the data with Checksheets, Histograms and Scatterplots, Control Charts etc with analysis tools such as Cause and Effect Diagram and Pareto Analysis etc. We will learn performing these analytical tasks using MINITAB and EXCEL.In Check phase, we develop solutions using Benchmarking and Brainstorming, find the root cause of the problem with RCA (Root Cause Analysis), test the solutions and ensure if the goals are satisfied.Finally, in the Act Phase, we implement and monitor the countermeasures with a notion of continuous improvement.How do I really know that I have learned enough?There are 3 ways to do so inside the course- By learning through Case Studies and Simulated Case Studies By checking your knowledge through other Quizzes By participating in FINAL PRACTICE TEST.What is so different in this course? This course comes with many case studies and simulated case studies in order to explain the practical use of kaizen and its philosophy in real life business environment. You also get tutored in using MINITAB and Excel where necessary and it doesnt need your prior knowledge of using these software tools. You can test your knowledge with a lot of quizzes and a final practice test. This course is a step by step learning opportunity for complete beginners. It is also helpful for certification as Kaizen Practitioner. You can get your questions answered directly from the instructor of the course on any relevant Kaizen topic.Whats the safety?With 30 days money back guarantee you can sit back and relax as you learn. Give it a try because this course will change your organizational improvement knowledge and thats a person promise from the instructor.Lets make it a learning celebration and a skill for lifetime. Welcome to the course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Visual Project Management-5S,Andon,Kanban,Displays &Control" |
"What is Lean Visual Business Management?In most of the management crashes, communication is one of the main reasons of the business problems. Visual management is all about making effective communication using cues so that key information can easily be transmitted to the workers or customers. Though it is commonly used to display information on targets, performance, warnings, expectations and standards, the key concept is whether or not someone is familiar with the particular business or service, he/she should be able to understand all the process visually regarding current state of work, work processes, navigate around the area and track the teams performance.What isnt Lean Visual Business Management?Many understand flowcharts and pictorial process layouts as Lean or Visual Management. Although flowcharts and pictorial instructions are some tools of lean management and visual management, they arent complete visual management themselves.Starting with 'WHY'-WHY should you try this course?This course comes out of experience of a professional who has 10+ years of experience in Visual Management, Business Process Mapping and Flow-charting, Value Streaming the processes and Business Analysis. This course is based on Theory-Case Study-Practical Analysis-Test your Skills approach.The Theory deals with unique step by step problem identification, analysis, solving and control approach with different kinds and levels of Visual Tools such as Visual Displays, Visual Measures and Visual Controls. WHY- Because this creates a logical reading pathway to understand Visual Management from Beginner's level of Visual Displays to advanced level of Visual Measures and Visual controls.The Case Study Section deals with simulated case studies. WHY- Because you should be able to understand the real life use of the skills you learn in theory.The Analytical Section deals with tutorials of MINITAB, EXCEL and COMPANION for Minitab to use and understand Visual Measures. WHY- Because you should be able to save your time, energy and resources while performing analysis and these tools will certainly help you improve your learning curve.The Quiz 'Test Your Skills' Section deals with checking your knowledge after the section of the course is over. Finally the 'Practice Test Section' helps you identify your weak and strong knowledge or skill areas. WHY- Because you should be perfect enough to practice the skills in real life scenario when you finish the course.What's inside the course (in a nutshell)?In the Beginner's level of Difficulty, you will learn how to use the course, benefits and characteristics of visual management and different types of Visual management tools. You will also learn about work place organization, work standardization, visual work place and color coding. This will be followed by different quizzes and simulation case studies.In the Advanced Level of this course, you will further learn about different Visual Management Strategies using-VISUAL DISPLAYS- Where you will study about different symbols used in visual displays, ANDON, KANBAN and e-KANBAN, Cross Training Charts, Visual Footprints, Visual Work Instructions and Red Tagging. VISUAL MEASURES- Where you will study about BOS charts, Run charts, Pareto Charts and HistogramsVISUAL CONTROLS- Where you will study about different visual control tools.This level follows a final 'PRACTICE TEST' section that helps you check your string and weak areas of knowledge.How do I really know that I have learned enough?There are 3 ways to do so inside the course- By learning through Case Studies and Simulated Case Studies By checking your knowledge through other Quizzes By participating in FINAL PRACTICE TEST.Whats the safety?With 30 days money back guarantee you can sit back and relax as you learn. Give it a try because this course will change your organizational improvement knowledge and thats the promise from the instructor.Lets make it a learning celebration and a 'skill for lifetime'. Welcome to the course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Business & Project management in a page: The A3 Analysis" |
"Fun Facts !Do you know that Toyota's corporate structure consisted of 364,445 employees worldwide in 2017 and, as of October 2016, was the fifth-largest company in the world by revenue and also the world's largest automotive manufacturer?Wouldnt it be great to learn something from this Giant corporation with marvellous organizational structure and implement the idea in your own industry and business?A3 is a continuous improvement, structured and problem-solving approach employed by TOYOTA. The A3 approach is based on the principles of Edward Demings PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act). It is named after the international paper size on which it fits. A3 refers to the standardized paper size of 11 x 17. The format of the A3 report looks very much like templates created by U.S. companies in the 1980s and 1990s. Ford Motor Company created an 8.5-inch by 11-inch 8D Problem Solving template. We will Study A3 Analysis in seven proven steps in this course:Step 1: Background Screening, Clarification of the problem-Before starting any project, you must have a clear picture of PROBLEM under discussion. You should feel what the problem actually is so that you save your valuable time and resources that would otherwise be wasted when beating around the bush !In this step, we try to address the following questions- Why am I looking at this problem? What is the problem? Who is interested in the problem? What benefit does solving this problem have for me? How does it help to address the goals of the business?Tools used at this stage-1. Voice of the customer- In this topic, we will see study how we can address the customers need through Kano and other models and also, we will solve a sample problem .2. Stakeholder Analysis- In this topic, we will be studying how to handle different types of stakeholders, how to know which of our business partners will be helpful to us in a long run and who will probably create a problem. You will also be guided to a sample case study using Minitab companion (also with setup and analysis guide).3. Is/Is not Analysis-In this tool you will be learning to avoid jumping to a false cause or reason while finding the root cause of the problem. Here too you will be guided for a Minitab download, setup and analysis guide for using Is/Is not Analysis.Sample case studies we will be dealing-Case study 1: Kano model of a refrigerator. Determining which qualities to place on the item/machine so that there is a maximum customer satisfaction.Case study 2: Stakeholder analysis for a project of a company Bidur cosmo and pharmaceuticals which wants to introduce a new brand to launch targeting the niche that is already existing but still has potential of growth.Case study 3: Determining the root cause through IS/IS NOT analysis for a machine (cap sealing machine) that periodically possess problems during manufacture of a liquid product.2. Current condition screening; Breakdown the problemIn this stage, we will be addressing with the following questions- What is the size of the problem? What data do I have? What are the component parts of this problem? How much will I address at this point?Tools used at this stage-SIPOC, process mapping, spaghetti mapping, data collection, run chart, bar chart, histogram, box plot (Dont worry, after explanation of the use of these tools, we will take a sample case study and you will be guided for a Minitab problem solving approaches for these problems.Sample case studies we will be dealing in dealing in this stage-Case Study 4: Process mapping of an industrial manufacturing process through minitab.Case Study 5: Using SIPOC to determine which Supplier is good and which can be omitted for targeted good customers response.Case Study 6: In a Quality Assurance check, rejections were obtained at different time intervals in a factory. Understanding the whole scenario with Run chart, Box-plots and control charts.Case Study 7: Understanding the business and project management skills and improvements (before Vs. After) of a particular process by using I chart.3. Target condition/ Setting the Target.In this stage, we will be dealing the following questions- What outcome do I want? Visualise the desired results. Using the data, set a measurable and realistic goal4. Root cause and Gap analysis-In this section, we will be using various tools to identify the root cause of the problems. We will be learning through demo problem projects and when needed use Minitab.Tools used in this stage- 5 whys cause and effects analysis regression & correlation process capability analysis FMEA Case study 8: Understanding how the visit of customers can be increased in a particular stall of a trade fair through Fish and Bone Diagram understanding every causes for a low traffic. Case study 9: Understanding the root cause of a low yield of a product on a particular batch with Fish Bone Diagram. Case study 10: Using Cause and effect matrix to find the chief causes of Customers visit in a supermarket in order to increase the number of sales. Case Study 11: Using the Pareto diagram to understand the top 20% of things responsible for 80% of customers visit to a market. Case Study 12: Using co-relation coefficient to understand the relationship between gases and commodity. Case Study 13: Understanding the real scenario which factor is exactly responsible for generating the sales in the supermarket (male customers, female customers, discount corners, offers, average takt time) with multiple regression. Case Study 14: Using regression to understand the relation between sales and advertisement. Case Study 15: Using Capability Index to show a progress before and after using lean six sigma project.5. Develop countermeasures and Implementation planIn this section, we will be dealing with various counter measures. This is purely a brain storming session. We will use various tools for brainstorming.6. Implementing the countermeasure planOut of all the brainstormed plans we will select the most practical and effective countermeasure and create a clear and detailed action plan.In this stage we will be dealing with error proofing or POKA-YOKE methods and also do works that helps to improve the management of resources. We will be dealing with following tools: Save the system from future mistakes -mistake proofing Make improvement in the layout Make improvement in Process flow Make improvement in Standard Operating procedure7. Effect confirmation/ Monitor the results and processIn this stage, we will be learning to monitor the progress and report the findings to the stakeholders and study with various case studies and tools-Tools we will be learning at this stage- Run chart and control chartPractical case studies that will be dealing in this project-Case Study 16: Using run and control chart to understand the process progress of a manufacturing company.8. Standardize the results and follow-up actionsIn this stage we document the new process and set as new standard and start the next improvement process with a new subject. You will be learning creating an effective Standard Operating Procedures and Kaizen tools, Gannt chart and 30-60-90 action plan.Practical case studies that will be dealing in this project-Case Study 17: A 30-60-90 Action plan for launching a blogCase Study 18: Transforming Plans in a Gantt ChartCase Study 19: Live learning to make an improved SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) from an earlier version of a poorly maintained SOP taking all the ideas from A3 project.Unique features of this course that you can count on- All quality, business and project management tools explained with theory, problem solving scenarios, case studies and simulated case studies, quizzes, practice test along with minitab and excel tutorial to solve some problems. Unique problem solving scenarios Step by step guide of using software such as Minitab, companion and excel to solve lean quality problems and improve business and project management skills Case studies Quizzes as problem solving scenarios and a practice test. Many templates and practice data files to work with.Safety This course comes with Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee and that's my personal promise to your success!Please enroll into the course and let me take you to a tour of a completely new business and project management skills with this course"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Liderlik Eitimi" |
"ncelikle literatrdeki gemii ile birlikte tm liderlik aratrmalarna hakim olun. Liderlik tanmlar, liderlik trleri ve tarihi geliimlerini kavrayn. Btn aratrmalardan en nemli olanlar inceleyin ve bilgi edinin. Klasik liderlik trlerini rendikten sonra, gnmzde aktif olarak geerli olan modern liderlik teorilerini renin. Ayrca bu kapsaml eitimde u sorulara yant bulacaksnz?- Kendi kiisel liderlik trnz- Liderlik tarznz nasl gelitirebilirsiniz?- e alacanz personel liderlik zellikleri gsteriyor mu?- e alacanz personeli pratik yoldan test edin ve liderlik zellikleri gelimi olan ie aln!- Mevcut yneticileriniz hangi tr liderlik zellikleri gsteriyor?- Yneticinizin altnda alan ekip ile birlikte yneticinizin liderliini snayn, eksikliklerini tamamlayn!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crea modelos 3D con drones y Agisoft MetaShape" |
"Prctica con material descargable de modelado con el programa Agisoft MetaShape e imgenes obtenidas con drones. Aprende en poco tiempo y a travs de un ejemplo verstil en el que podrs realizar todos los pasos de modelado digital segn tus objetivos. Explicado a travs de la experiencia de muchas pruebas a lo largo del tiempo en forestal, tambin aplicable a modelado 3D de objetos, ingeniera y ciencias de la tierra: Sector forestal e ingeniera de montes Geologa y minera Arqueologa Medio ambiente Investigacin Topografa y cartografa Edificacin, ingeniera civil y patriomonioNOTA: En motivo de mejorar el aprendizaje, se puede elegir entre realizar la prctica con las mismas imgenes que en el vdeo o unas similares (recomendado).Agradecimientos:Imgenes a partir de un proyecto de Joan Cristian PadrPuntos de control: Raul Filter"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Die Bachblten Therapie frs Pferd" |
""" Die Bachblten Therapie frs Pferd"" mit viel ?Bonus Was Dich bei dem Seminar Die Bachblten-Therapie frs Pferd erwartet:- Geschichte der Bachblten- Wie wirken Bachblten?- Herstellung und Gewinnung der Bachblten- Die 7 Bachblten-Gruppen- Die 5 Wandlungsphasen mit Typbeschreibung (TCM)- Die 38 Bachblten- Anwendungsgebiete innerlich und uerlich- Kombination von Therapieverfahren- Ermittlung der passenden Bachblten- Fallbeispiele?Dein zustzlicher Bonus:- Umfangreicher Fragebogen (fr Tierrzte und Therapeuten geeignet)- Therapieplan- Ebook Die Bachblten Therapie frs Pferd- 69 Australien Bush Flower Essenzen- 103 Kalifornische EssenzenAn wen richtet sich das Seminar?- An alle, die mit Pferden in Kontakt sind und ihr Wissen erweitern wollen, um dem Pferd mgliche Untersttzung zu bieten.- Pferdebesitzer- Therapeuten- Tierrzte"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Die Bachblten Therapie fr den Hund" |
""" Die Bachblten Therapie fr den Hund"" mit viel ?Bonus Was Dich bei dem Seminar Die Bachblten-Therapie fr den Hund erwartet:- Geschichte der Bachblten- Wie wirken Bachblten?- Herstellung und Gewinnung der Bachblten- Die 7 Bachblten-Gruppen- Die 5 Wandlungsphasen mit Typbeschreibung (TCM)- Die 38 Bachblten- Anwendungsgebiete innerlich und uerlich- Kombination von Therapieverfahren- Ermittlung der passenden Bachblten- FallbeispieleDein zustzlicher Bonus:- Umfangreicher Fragebogen (fr Tierrzte und Therapeuten geeignet)- Therapieplan- Ebook Die Bachblten Therapie fr den Hund- 69 Australien Bush Flower Essenzen- 103 Kalifornische EssenzenAn wen richtet sich das Seminar?- An alle, die mit Pferden in Kontakt sind und ihr Wissen erweitern wollen, um dem Pferd mgliche Untersttzung zu bieten.- Pferdebesitzer- Therapeuten- Tierrzte"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Guide to Microsoft SQL using Azure Data Studio" |
"Introductory course to Microsoft SQL and its new Data Management Platform Azure Data Studio. This course will cover the basics of 3 types of languages - Data Query Language, Data Definition Language, and Data Manipulation Language. By the end of the course, you should be able to create databases and tables, import data, modify or manipulate data, and query it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |