Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"EXCEL para Solucionadores de Problemas" |
"Que tal aprender um pouco mais sobre Excel, aplicando conhecimentos tericos na resoluo de problemas encontrados no dia a dia, seja em seu trabalho, faculdade, negcios, entre outros? Esse curso possui uma abordagem diferenciada, nosso aluno ter acesso a uma plataforma online que permitir aprender quando e onde quiser, respondendo atividades, quizzes e interagindo diretamente com nossa equipe. Alm disso, teremos encontros semanais para tirar dvidas e/ou desenvolver projetos em conjunto."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"MuleSoft Associate Certification Question Paper- Mule 3" |
"Get certified in MuleSoft Anypoint Platform fundamentals and be an expert in the mule. These question papers are designed to understand the basic to advanced level concept using the Anypoint Platform to build APIs and integrations. The question set covers various conceptual topics on the Anypoint Platform and Studio on how to discover, consume, design, build, deploy, manage, and govern APIs.Explaining Application Network BasicsDesigning and Consuming APIsAccessing and Modifying Mule MessagesStructuring Mule ApplicationsBuilding API Implementation InterfacesUsing ConnectorsProcessing RecordsTransforming DataRouting MessagesHandling ExceptionsDebugging and Troubleshooting Mule AppsDeploying and Managing APIs and IntegrationsWhat you will get:Set of 2 Multiple-choice question paper created by MuleSoft certified developers Each set contains 60 questionsTest format:Number of Question: 60 questionsDuration: 120 minutesPass score: 70%Language: EnglishRecommendation:Don't complete both paper in one go! First complete set 1, analyse the result and work on topics which needs improvement and then attempt set 2."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Win at Teaching in Education" |
"What do you really desire when you get into teaching?Is it the late nights planning and marking?Is it the filing of countless sheets of administrative paperwork?Is it teaching to a standardized test?Or is it because you want to make a difference, be creative and inspire a generation to learn?Well we all know the answer to this dont we.And this is why I created this course for you which is specially designed to be entertaining, colorful and most importantly contains highly effective teaching strategies which are currently giving me student success rates of 98%And you could easily learn these success strategies to and from the comfort of your own sofa.But Ill confess this success didnt just happen come overnight.You see as a newly qualified teacher confidence was high, but this confidence began to evaporate quickly when I started to feel the pressure of everyday teaching and my first year in the classroom wasn't what I'd hoped for.It was hard, stressful and exhausting due to the many sleepless nights worrying.Worrying if my best was good enough and worrying if my students would hit the grades all teachers crave.I felt overwhelmed, frustrated and seriously considered whether teaching was the career for me, but I didnt want to give in and become yet another statistic, another burnt out teacher leaving education and quitting on their dreams.I needed help, something to help me focus my energy on what really mattered.I had to act quickly.So, I began to organise some of the best information, universal truths on teaching and learning into an easy to follow format which would help me regain my confidence, purpose and focus.And it workedAnd it wasnt just student's grades which got better. I got better.And Over the next few years I became a totally different teacher, a more focused teacher, a more confident teacher, a happier teacher who lived for the classroom.It was a complete turnaround from the beaten, burnt out teacher just a few years earlier and others noticed this to.My confidence was soaring and so were my students grades.And just when I thought things couldnt get any better, I applied for promotion and won.Could you imagine the feeling?The feeling off pure joy and excitement, youve won promotion, youve turned it around, youve come out on top and now you just cant wait to celebrate.Its a great feelingAnd I want you to feel like this to, and this is why I created this course for you.How to Win at Teaching in EducationYour GPS to teaching success.This course is designed in a logical order from planning to classroom and first you will learn how to plan with laser guided focus, and I guarantee if you follow these simple steps your students grades will take off and your colleagues will wonder how you did it.Here are your videosWhy content standards are the foundation for your success.How to unpack standards and build your winning foundation.A time saving approach to planning aligned unitsDiscovering your desired results, big ideas and essential questions.Your Guide to formative and summative AssessmentHow to Plan Learning Experiences Your Student's Will never forget.So, Whats the Difference Between Aims and Objectives?How you Set SMART Objectives for SuccessHow to Use Blooms Taxonomy to tier learning.Time saving Tips to Help You Plan Effective LessonsLooks good doesnt it?But thats only half of it because now its time to move into the classroom where youll learn tried and tested tricks, tips and techniques which will have students eating out the palm of your hand.Here you goHow to Create a harmonious Classroom Environment to Boost LearningTips on How you can Build Good Relationships with Your StudentsHow to Differentiate your students learning9 Simple Steps to Teaching Classroom RoutinesHomework Pros and Cons and Getting the Balance just RightThe Pro's and Con's to Seating LayoutsHow to Use Teaching Assistants to Enhance Learning in Your ClassroomHow communicate With Parents and get them on your side7 Tips for your Great Lesson ObservationHow to tick all the boxes when Interviewing for Your Dream Teaching Job.Thats twenty high definition videos which you can watch from the comfort of your own sofa, its that easy.Plus youll also receive full lifetime access so when more high-quality videos are added you wont pay another penny, Just think of it as a course which pays you back with interest.But It cant remain this price for long because as more videos are added the price will rise, so be wise and save yourself some money and get in now.And remember this is a Udemy course, so you have the security of a no questions asked money back guarantee. Youve really got nothing to lose so join me right now in what I can promise will be a fascinating journey.Click the buy button, dont delay and youll be inside learning your GPS to teaching success today.See you on the inside"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Finding an Internship / job in France" |
"This course was made to help foreign students and job seekers who want or who already are in France,land a job or an internship, it is a detailed course to be followed fully, giving general to specific information on what you should do if you're ever planning on coming to work and live in France !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Design de Produtos e Moblias em 3dsmax. Do zero ao Ps." |
"Apresentao:O curso: Design de Produtos e Moblias em 3dsmax. Do zero ao Ps um treinamento bsico para quem quer aprender a modelar, texturizar no 3dsmax 2017, com nfase em moblias e produtos e renderizar no VRay 3.4.O Curso possui 58 aulas, com modelagem, texturizao, materiais e renderizao em VRay 3.4. Sempre na ltima aula de cada projeto, existe a ps-produo no Photoshop.Mveis Sob Medida e Produtos:Um curso bsico de Mveis e produtos sob medida para quem quer entrar na rea de design de produtos, desta forma, todos os produtos e moblias desenvolvidos no mesmo so encontrados a venda em lojas. No existem produtos fictcios.Iluminao de EstdioOs produtos sero desenvolvidos em uma cena com iluminao de Studio e sombras suaves. Desta forma voc poder utilizar essa cena para desenvolver seus prprios produtos.A cena j estar toda configura e pronta apenas para inserir os produtos nela.Materiais e TexturasSero desenvolvidas todas as configuraes de materiais dos produtos apresentados. Junto com dezenas de aulas sobre conceitos de desenvolvimento de materiais e texturas sem emendas. Nenhuma configurao retirada da internet, todas sero desenvolvidas durante o curso.Ps Produo no PhotoshopAps modelagem, texturizao e renderizao, cada produto ser salvo de uma maneira especifica para a imagem poder ser tratada no Photoshop. Os produtos desenvolvidos tem como ltima aula a ps produo, onde a imagem corrigida para a entrega final ao cliente"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3DSMax para quem tem medo de 3DSMax" |
"Aprenda neste curso rpido e direto as ferramentas bsicas do 3dsmax. Para quem no tem nenhum conhecimento no programa. Aulas rpidas e diretas. Sem enrolao. A mdia das aulas so de 2 minutos. Explicando claramente o que faz cada ferramenta sem deixar margem a duvidas. Aprenda Sem Sair de Casa e Sem Pagar Mensalidade. Curso Completo e gratuito."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Awakenings-Online |
"Introductory course to the path of enlightenment. Release your inner Light-Worker and build self awareness. This course is for beginners, it will have all the information you need to start your new journey towards being a Light-Worker. This is the first course in a progressive series of spiritually awakening programs."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Urgncia e Emergncia - Direto ao Ponto" |
"Desenvolvemos esse curso para profissionais que tem pouco tempo disponvel na rotina, sem enrolao apresentamos os principais e mais importantes pontos do atendimento de urgncia de forma objetiva e direta.Alm disso, o contedo todo adaptado para voc conseguir estudar pelo seu celular!!!! O curso composto de vdeo aulas explicativas.CONTEDO* Introduo;* Aspectos Legais;* Segurana do Paciente;* Segurana do Profissional;* Parada Cardiorrespiratria;* Avaliao de Sinais Vitais;* Estado de Mal Sbito;* Dor Torcica;* Sincope;* Crise Convulsiva;* Obstruo de Vias Areas;* Ferimentos;* Fraturas;* Hemorragias;* Queimaduras;"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
Trigonometry |
"Here's a small practice test to check how much know someone for trigonometry. In the first practice test has 4 questions which are testing your level in basic rules of trigonometry. In the second practice test has 4 questions again and is testing your ability to find the appropriate formula for the function given. You have 10 minutes per practise test and you have to have the half questions to pass the tests. Good luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ALGERIAN COUSCOUS :traditional recipe easy to make & healthy" |
"Do you have an idea about Algerian Cuisine ? , do you have the chance to taste one of the most popular recipe in Algeria? have you think how you can prepare it ?Do you want to learn how to cook a delicious Algerian Couscous recipe by the traditional and healthy way ?Now its your right place.You'll know the benefits of the Algerian food as it is one of the healthiest food in the Mideterranean basin. It contains very little fat but a variety of ingredients, specially vegetables and spices. You'll have a detailed explanation of the most famous dishes through simple videos ;-Couscous By the end, you'll be able to prepare these dishes by yourself and enjoy the Algerian cuisine with friends and family"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Build a High Converting Shopify Dropshipping Store - 90 Mins" |
"Introduction... Shopify! The easiest way to build a Shopify Dropshipping eCommerce store in 90 minutes or less without any coding experience.Online retail and eCommerce is growing quickly. In the 4 day span of Black Friday to Cyber Monday in 2018 the eCommerce market broke an all-time high of recorded sales equaling a total of $7.9 billion. Yep, you read that correctly. Not to mention this was an industry increase of 19.3% from 2017.The road to creating a Shopify Dropshipping store can seem difficult and confusing if you don't know the proper tools to use. Without previous experience in web designing and vast knowledge about CSS and HTML coding, many people worry that they will not be able to start their own store without paying hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars for a professional to do it for them.Have NO fear! If youre thinking of creating your own Shopify Dropshipping store and dont know how to do, it then this course is the perfect solution for you.In this course we will go over the following:Creating a Shopify accountProperly setting up all of the back-end technical settings (Payment Processing, Checkout Procedures, Shipping Rates, Taxes, Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, Terms of Service and much more)Install and source products from OberloImport products directly to your Shopify Dropshipping storeEdit product information, descriptions and pricingBuilding out a high converting front end to your Shopify Dropshipping StoreEditing store navigation menus on your Shopify DropshippingConnecting a domain to your store (LIVE SITE)Remember, this course is only available online, you won't find it anywhere else. Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diseo de Webs y Blogs Profesionales de 0 a 100." |
"Crea y Disea tu propia Web, Blog o Tienda Online de forma fcil y profesional.Aprende a proteger contra ataques de hacker, hacer copias de seguridad y otras opciones.Posiciona tu Web en Google y usa las redes sociales para atraer trfico y visitas a tu webHaz que tu pgina Web salga en las primeras posiciones de Google."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Emprendimiento ""Emprender y triunfar en el intento""" |
"Cuando pensamos en emprender, encontramos mucha informacin acerca los consejos habituales de cmo HACER empresa, basados en aspectos acadmicos de investigaciones de mercado, planes de negocio, estrategias de mercadeo y ventas, flujos de caja Lo que nadie nos dice es que para obtener resultados exitosos en la vida es tan importante el HACER como el SER, por eso este entrenamiento se enfoca en cmo SER un excelente empresario. En l se propone una travesa prctica, sencilla y muy entretenida para saber abordar el mundo que existe detrs del gran proyecto de crear empresa, explicando cmo hacerlo de la manera correcta, utilizando todo nuestro potencial interior y encontrando el equilibrio en todos los aspectos de la vida para saber enfrentar los retos del emprendimiento, sus frustraciones y as triunfar en el intento. T puedes ser un gran empresario y siguiendo a conciencia esta gua, el xito ser inevitable."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discover Your Life Purpose" |
"Finding and following your passion is not enough. More and more research keep showing that the more important and significant element that we need to discover and live is our life purpose.Im sure many of us have had that question to ourselves like What is the best career for me? What are my talents? What is my life purpose?And if we dont really know the answer to that question wholeheartedly, there will be some discomfort inside that youre feeling.So we have a mystery, you have a mystery, what is my life purpose?And that is what this course is all about. In this course youll be solving the mystery of whats your life purpose. Every single step of the journey will be a very insightful and more importantly practical experience for you to discover your life purpose."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Hacking Your Negative Emotional Habits" |
"A lot of people dont realize that the emotion that they often feel is actually a habit that they create by themselves. A habit of producing a certain kind of emotion, whether its positive or its negative kind of emotion, and you cannot live a positive life with a negative mind.Building the right emotional habit is a skill that you can build. Its scientific skill that you can build and its something that is not only just psychological, but also related to your biological features.In this course, Hacking Negative Emotional Habits, you will learn and practice the science on how to build the skill to create a positive emotional habit in your life and have a greater quality of life."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"UX Design College Class taught by a University UX Instructor" |
"Learn User ResearchLearn how to set goalsCreate User interview ScriptsHow to Synthesize Research InsightsWrite Problem StatementsCreate Customer Journey MapsUse UX sketching FrameworksCreate Wireframes using adobe XD and examples of good and not good wireframe designsHow to do user testing and user testing synthesisHow do create a design systemHow do apply visual design to your wireframeBest practices when creating a design resumeLearn to outline on how to create good UX case studyDownload all the files you see in the videos including the Adobe XD design files"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Design & Prototype a Mobile UI/UX Experience - Learn Figma" |
"In this class, I have created a figma file for you to download and I will walk you through step-by-step, how to create a fully-functional prototype using the design tool Figma. Here is the class agenda:Intro to Figma design tool & file walkthroughHow to design a login & signup experienceHow to design a shopping experienceHow to design checkout experienceHow to design profile & order history screensHow to create & use a component libraryHow to create & share a clickable prototype + smart animate and other transition effectsHow to invite others & collaboration in figmaHow to export UI assets & inspect code for engineeringFigma keyboard short cutsHow to use figma plugins & GUI KitsHow to create comments & review comments in figmaFinal thoughts & going forward"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Diseo de redes - Basado en CCDA" |
"Este Curso de basado en Cisco CCDA, est orientado a analistas de redes y comunicaciones, administradores de redes, ingenieros de diseo de redes, ingenieros de sistemas y personas interesadas en el diseo de redes.El propsito de este curso es entregar a los estudiantes las directrices, conocimiento y habilidades globales necesarios para lograr un nivel de competencia general para el diseo de red.Audio y Video mejorado, en comparacin con el curso de inicio, ademas de entregar ms horas de contenido claves para entender el diseo de las redes a mediana escala y redes enterprise. CCDA (Cisco Certified Design Associate)Introduccion:La certificacion CCDA (Cisco Certified Design Associate) indica un profundo conocimiento en el diseo de redes dentro de lo que es conocido como Cisco Internetwork Infrastructure. Los profesionales certificados en CCDA pueden disear infraestructuras de redes mediente routers y switches abarcando redes LAN, WAN y servicios de acceso remoto para negocios y empresas.Este curso busca que ustedes adquieran la base para luego profundizar y poder interiorizarse ms aun con los temas de Diseo de Redes, y luego idealmente buscar que los estudiantes aspiren a rendir el examen de certificacin 200-310, previa exhaustiva y seria preparacin.It's Alive ! it's a Miracle!Saludos y espero de todo corazn les pueda aportar un granito de arena a este maravilloso mundo!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA 200-301" |
"Practical demonstrations and lectures of CCNA Routing, Switching, Security, Network Automation and Programmability. Students will acquire more than enough knowledge upon completion. Its highly recommended that students should practice all the labs before attempting the new CCNA exam and prepare with the sample questions to experience the real exam environment. Labs are demonstrated using Cisco's simulator Packet Tracer (mostly) and also GNS3. The students can contact me for any support on the lab setup and more explanations if necessary."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro for Fresh Video Editors" |
"Hi, my name is Rudy Nugteren. I'm a videographer and editor, who loves producing videos for people and myself. If you are someone who wants to become a video editor, this course is for you. In this course, you will learn different techniques to edit like a pro! Let's dive deep into Premiere Pro and create video content together!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"6 Business Basics for Sustainable Growth" |
"Set your business up for sustainable growthDoes this sound like you?You're in business, but you feel like you're guessing and hoping for the best, with no clear strategy.You know there are key areas you should be keeping track of, but need some guidance and direction to sit down and plan it out.You want someone to tell you THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED, so you're not always scrambling and Googling things when they come up.You want to be prepared and ahead so you can create a business that supports and works with YOUR lifestyle - not the other way around.This masterclass will walk you through the 6 areas of business to set a strong foundation for sustainable growth and set your business up to scale!We'll cover:StrategyAccounting & FinancePeopleMarketingSalesOperations ManagementYou'll also receive BONUS material:A 15-page Business Plan template & instructions to fill it outSeriously, it's time to STOP scrambling and guessing if you want your business to grow and support your lifestyle.This masterclass, '6 Business Basics for Sustainable Growth' is here to teach you everything that I've learned, what I've learned from business coaches & mentors, and things I wish I knew when starting."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Xero Payroll - The Complete Training Course" |
"Our ""Xero Payroll Course"" is one I wish was available to me when I was learning how to use Xero.As I became proficient at Xero, I realised the need for an easy-to-follow payroll course for beginners.So here you have it, a course that will step you through everything you need to know about setting up and using Xeros payroll system.---------------------What will I learn from this course?First, we will cover how to correctly set up your payroll settings. You will learn how to pay employees weekly, fortnightly or monthly and how to set up different public holidays for each Australian state and territory.We will then learn how to set up different earnings pay items for ordinary hours, overtime hours and allowances, and how to set up deductions for salary sacrificing, union fees and more.You will also see where to set up your employees regulated and self-managed superannuation funds.After we finish the payroll settings, we go through the process of adding employees to payroll.We then look at how to manage leave applications and how to manage timesheets for your casual staff.We also run through the entire process of putting together and processing pay runs before learning how to pay your staff through online banking.At various stages, we go into the My Payroll portal where your employees can go to see their payslips, submit timesheets and apply for leave.Finally, we cover some important topics such as setting up Single Touch Payroll (STP), end of financial year reporting and how to pay out unused annual leave.By the end of the course you should have the confidence and know-how to set up and run Xero payroll for your business.---------------------What is the course structure?** Please note that this course uses the Australian version of Xero however many concepts apply to payroll in all countries **A major benefit of this course is that you can practise your skills in real time in Xeros demo company as you watch each lesson.That way, you can learn by doing, as the whole course is one big interactive exercise!---------------------So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and learn all about Xero payroll.See you on the course!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Learn Xero Bank Accounts - The Complete Training Course" |
"Are you wasting time manually importing bank transactions?Is reconciling your bank accounts time consuming, inefficient and painfully repetitive?If any of that sounds familiar, then this course about Xeros innovative bank accounts features is for you!---------------------What will I learn from this course?Our complete Xero Bank Accounts course will teach you how to use Xeros automated bank accounts system - one of the cloud-based accounting softwares best selling features.In just a few hours, you will learn how to navigate the bank accounts section of Xero, how to add bank accounts and PayPal accounts and how to set up automatic bank feeds.You will also learn how to manually import bank transactions, find out the different ways Xero allows you to reconcile bank account lines and discover ways to fix reconciliation mistakes.---------------------What is the course structure?** This course uses the Australian version of Xero however most concepts apply in all countries **We use Xeros amazing demo company to show you how to set up and manage bank accounts in Xero for your business.Because we use the demo company, you can practise your skills in real time as you watch each lesson.That way, you can learn by doing, as the whole course is one big interactive exercise!---------------------What topics are covered?In the beginning of the course, we learn how to navigate the bank accounts section of Xero.Then, we take a look at how to add bank accounts and PayPal accounts.We also learn how to set up automatic bank feeds and how to manually import bank transactions.Finally, we learn all the different ways Xero allows us to reconcile bank account lines. We also look at a few ways to fix up any reconciliation mistakes we make.By the end of our course you should have the confidence and know-how to set up and use bank accounts in Xero for your business.---------------------So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and get control over your bank accounts in Xero.See you on the course!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Personal Budgeting System That Works - Google Sheets" |
"In this course, you will use our Personal Budget Model to easily create a comprehensive cash flow budget for your household.** No Spreadsheet Skills Required. We Have Made The Budget Model In Google Sheets For You **We have kept our budget model as simple as possible so you will not be overwhelmed and confused.By the end of the course, you will see exactly what money is coming into and going out of your life so you can easily see where you need to make improvements.********In the beginning, we take a tour of the budget model so you can become familiar with each section.Then, we take a look at how the Cash In and Cash Out tabs work.You will then learn how to easily see on average how much you spend on variable costs such as food and petrol.We also create categories for your cash outflows, such as Entertainment and Loans, so you can see more easily where your money is going.Towards the end, we take a look at your net cash flow position to see whether it is in good shape.Finally, we talk about how you can use the budget model on a continual basis and how you can work out how long it will take you to achieve your savings goal.********By the end of the course you should have the confidence and know-how to set up a household budget and adjust it until you get to your ideal net cash flow position."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Accounting 101 - Learn the Basic Principles the Right Way" |
"*** Accounting is easy to learn when taught the right way. Weve got your covered! ***Is this course for you?Our course on accounting basics is perfect if you:Want to do the accounts for your own businessAre tired of being confused by your accountantNeed a refresher course on accounting fundamentalsHope to start a career in accounting or financeAlready work in finance and want to learn new skillsWhat you will get out of this courseEven if you know nothing about accounting you will finish this course with the confidence to:Read financial reportsDo the books for your own business; orGo on to learn more about accountingWhy this is the best course on accounting basicsAccounting is a huge subject so we have carefully selected the best topics to include in an introduction to accounting course. We then teach them in the right order so you can start from the basics and build on your new knowledge bit by bit.By the end of this course you will understand:Debits and creditsWhat the double entry system is and why it is importantThe nature and true business definition of the five types of accounts:AssetsLiabilitiesOwners equityExpensesRevenuesHow to use T accounts to help with your accountingThe importance of using accounting and bookkeeping softwareHow to create and understand balance sheetsHow to create and understand profit and loss statementsHow to create and post journal entriesHow to use a trial balance to check your accountsThe eight steps of the accounting cycle and where the lessons you have learned in this course fit into the cycleAbout your instructorHi , Im Mark Cunningham and I am a qualified accountant. I have worked for businesses and government organisations of all shapes and sizes both at home and overseas. I really enjoy teaching what I know to people like you who are looking to expand their knowledge. I look forward to teaching you through my Udemy courses. Please feel free to ask me questions at any time while you are completing this course as Im always happy to help."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Xero Invoices and Sales - The Complete Training Course" |
"Is your cash flow at risk because of a clunky invoicing process?Do your invoices get stuck in an inefficient approval process? Are late payments not followed up automatically by your invoicing system?If any of that sounds familiar, then this is the course for you!---------------------What will I learn from this course?Our complete Xero Invoicing and Sales course will teach you everything you need to know about setting up and managing invoices in the worlds fastest growing cloud-based accounting software.In just a few hours, you will learn everything from setting up and sending invoices, managing customers information, reconciling invoice payments and checking reports.---------------------What is the course structure?** This course uses the Australian version of Xero however most concepts apply in all countries **We use Xeros amazing demo company to show you how to set up and manage invoices in Xero for your business.Because we use the demo company, you can practise your skills in real time as you watch each lesson.That way, you can learn by doing, as the whole course is one big interactive exercise!---------------------What topics are covered?We cover a lot of topics on this course, including:Taking a look at the main sales and invoices screensHow to create your first invoiceHow to create repeating invoicesHow to set up invoice settings including branding themes with logos and payment services like PayPal and StripeHow contacts and invoices interact and how you can manage your customer contactsThe invoice approval process and how to set approval permissions for your Xero usersEmailing invoices to clients and attaching files to invoices in Xero and to emailsCredit notes and how to apply them in full or in part to invoicesHow to create quotes and how to create an invoice out of a quote after the client approves itHow to reconcile invoice payments in your Xero bank account feedWe also take a tour of the reports Xero offers for sales and invoicing, such as aged receivablesBy the end of our course you should have the confidence and know-how to set up and manage sales and invoices in Xero for your business.---------------------So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and get control over your sales and invoicing process in Xero.See you on the course!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Xero Bills and Purchases - The Complete Training Course" |
"Is your business failing to pay the bills on time because of a clunky process?Is an inefficient approval process tripping you up and harming your business?Are you struggling to keep on top of your purchases?Paying bills on time is critical to keeping your suppliers happy. Let us show you how to create a smooth purchasing process in Xero.---------------------What will I learn from this course?Our complete Xero Invoicing and Sales course will teach you everything you need to know about setting up and managing purchases and bills.In just a few hours, you will learn skills such as creating repeating bills, managing customer contacts, attaching files to bills, creating purchase orders and setting up a bills approval process.At the end of this course, you will be armed with the knowledge and skills to pay suppliers seamlessly and on time in Xero.---------------------What is the course structure?** This course uses the Australian version of Xero however most concepts apply in all countries **We use Xeros amazing demo company to show you how to set up and manage invoices in Xero for your business.Because we use the demo company, you can practise your skills in real time as you watch each lesson.That way, you can learn by doing, as the whole course is one big interactive exercise!---------------------What topics are covered?We cover a lot of topics on this course, including:Taking a look at the main purchases and bills screens in XeroHow to create your first billHow to create repeating billsHow to set up bill settingsHow contacts and bills interact and how you can manage your customer contactsThe bill approval process and how to set approval permissions for your Xero usersAttaching files to bills in XeroCredit notes and how to apply them in full or in part to billsHow to create purchase orders and how to create a bill out of a purchase order after it's approvedHow to create and process batch paymentsHow to reconcile bill payments in your bank feed in XeroWe also take a tour of the reports Xero offer for purchases and billing, such as aged payablesBy the end of our course you should have the confidence and know-how to set up and manage bills and purchases in Xero for your business.---------------------So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and get control over your bills and purchasing process in Xero.See you on the course!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Xero Advanced Accounting - The Complete Training Course" |
"Do you want to take your knowledge of Xero to the next level?Do you want to advance your career and have greater control of your accounts?Well, our ""Xero Advanced Accounting"" course will do that for you.---------------------What will I learn from this course?In just a couple of hours, our course goes beyond bookkeeping basics and will teach you how to use Xero like an accountant.You will learn new skills such as how to manage a fixed assets register, post manual journals and set up a full chart of accounts.---------------------What is the course structure?** This course uses the Australian version of Xero however most concepts apply in all countries **We use Xeros amazing demo company to show you how to set up and manage charts of accounts, expense claims and more.Because we use the demo company, you can practise your skills in real time as you watch each lesson.That way, you can learn by doing, as the whole course is one big interactive exercise!---------------------What topics are covered?We cover a range of advanced accounting topics in this course, including:Chart of accountsConversion balancesTracking categoriesExpense claimsProducts and servicesManual journalsFixed assetsBy the end of our course you will have an advanced knowledge of Xero, which will give you more control of your accounts.---------------------So what are you waiting for? Sign up today, advance your career and take your knowledge of Xero to the next level.See you on the course!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Totalny Kurs Wordpress Aktualizacja 08/2019" |
"**** CYKLICZNE AKTUALIZACJE ****Czy wyobraasz sobie, ycie bez Internetu ? Po kursie nie wyobrazisz sobie, ycia bez Wordpress-a ...Pewnie nie! Ja nie wyobraam sobie ycia bez wasnej strony WWW. Prowadzisz firm ? Musisz mie stron w sieci. Szukasz pracy jako ekspert poka si z tej strony w Internecie. A jak najprociej, najtaniej i najszybciej zrobi stron WWW wanie z wykorzystaniem WordPress-a! Praktycznie kady, kto potrafi porusza si po Internecie, korzysta z Facebook-a przy odrobinie chci moe w atwy sposb zrobi wasn stron. Mao tego na WP nie tylko zrobisz stron WWW zrobisz wszystko np. Sklep Internetowy czy maszynk do generowania leadw.Czego si dowiesz?Ktry hosting wybra? Jakie musi mie parametry Niezbdne wtyczki - no wanie, ktre to i jak je zainstalowa. Dowiesz si o zabezpieczeniu SSL na stron - czy warto i jak to zrobi Szablony! Temat rzeka - ja przedstawi Ci kilka moich fajnych frameworkw - czyli takich potnych narzdzi do ukadania treci na stronie - zrobisz prawie wszystko Sklep na WordPress - a czemu nie - ale to temat rzeka ...Peny kurs Wordpress od A do ZDostaniesz pakiet niespodzianek :) LekcjeInstalacja - wprowadzenieInstalacja rcznaInstalacja - kreator OVHXamppInstalacja na localuWybr domenyWybr hostinguOmwienie kokpituTworzenie treciWygld strony gwnejSzablon - wprowadzenieInstalacja szablonu z wwwWtyczki formularzeAktulizacja wtyczekJetpackOglnie o wtyczkachUpdraftNivo sliderPretty linksWprowadzenie do CSSPlugin SEO YoastDodatkiLuny kurs SEO - peny kurs o pozycjonowaniu stron internetowychPDF z linkami do szablonwDostp do grupy wsparcia"
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Excel VBA dla kadego" |
"Nie ukrywam, e 2 lata zbieraem si do kursu VBA. Zastanawiaem si czy bdzie takie zapotrzebowanie na rynku? Pod presj kursantw zmobilizowaem si i jest! Idea bya prosta MEGA przystpny kurs do nauki troch trudniejszych zagadnie :DKurs VBAKurs jest podzielony na 3 bloki A,B,C (A podstawy VBA, B- praca z formularzami, C-gotowe mini programy)Prawie 8 godziny naukiTo ponad 40 lekcjiWytumaczone wszystko od podstaw skoczywszy na tworzeniu wasnych klasZobaczysz jak atwo importowa i modyfikowa makraOtrzymasz zaproszenie do tajnej grupy gdzie bdziemy Ci wspiera w nauce VBAZaprosimy Ci na dodatkowe konferencjeDlaczego musisz opanowa VBA?Oszczdzisz mnstwo czasu!Zautomatyzujesz prac!Zyskasz nowe umiejtnoci wic awans i nowa praca bdzie na wycignicie rki!Zostaniesz jednym z nielicznych ekspertw w Twojej firmie"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Meditation: A Guide for Those Who Need Mental Uplifting" |
"Meditation is both a challenge and a relief. We humans need to get our minds higher than our circumstances. Pressure comes from both within and without. There is a roadmap for meditation to the highest place laid out in the Scriptures of the Bible. If you are willing to take control of your own thought life than this is the course for you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |