Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn to DJ from beginners to advanced" |
"This is a 3 section course with 27 lessons that will walk you through becoming a DJ as well as advanced DJ methods and techniques. We will walk you through:EquipmentMixingperforming Fundamentals of DJ'ingAdvanced FX and controlsEQ'sBeat matchingUnderstanding the musicScratchingAdvanced ControlsHarmonic MixingPreparing your DJSetMusic LibraryMashupsCrowd readingBooking your first gig and more!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Top Mental Math Shortcuts for Practical Everyday Mental Math" |
"The fastest people at Mental Math are using techniques that aren't taught in schools to help them solve problems with much less effort.I'm an International-Level Competitor in Mental Calculation, representing the UK six times in events such as:Mental Calculation World Cup (2012, 2016, 2018)Memoriad (2016 with a Bronze Medal in the Hectoc Category and a new record in Calendar Date Calculations)Mental Calculations World Championship (2017, 2018, 2019)I run the biggest website for advanced Mental Math training, and I'm one of the official trainers who prepare the under-20s for the Junior Mental Calculations World Championship.There's a whole assortment of Mathematical tricks I use in order to perform at this level, but in this course I've chosen the most practical techniques and facts for real-life use, and quickest for you to learn.The most important goal of Mental Math in this modern age is to calculate high-quality estimates at lightning speed. For perfect precision we all have calculators now. Therefore I've filled this course with the best techniques for accurate estimation, and some other exact techniques that are faster than a calculator.My goal is to quickly make you into one of the fastest people you know at Mental Mathematics!By the end of this course you will:Be able to quickly find very accurate estimates to ANY multiplication or divisionKnow the optimal method for learning information such as number facts (and even vocabulary for languages!)Evaluate deals quickly in order to easily select good value itemsConvert between Fahrenheit and Celsius, miles and kilometers, pounds and kilograms, and other common unitsSwitch between currencies in your head without worrying about paying the wrong priceCalculate percentage discounts in salesSee quickly what any test score is as a percentageI've made this course compact and efficient, so that even the busiest learners can benefit from the techniques taught in this course, and there are plenty of practice activities so you can level up your skills at your own pace.The first videos of sections 2, 3, 7 and 8 are available for a free preview for a more detailed introduction to the content you'll be learning here.By enrolling now you'll have unlimited access to the resources within, and the support of myself and your fellow students as you learn your new skills.See you in the videos!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Gamification Tools for Personal Motivation + Productivity" |
"Whether you want to bring your productivity to the next level, or build new habits, we can all benefit with a boost in motivation.For years I've been hyper-productive and kept control of a range of lifestyle choices using techniques from Gamification:(2011) Finishing university projects well in advance of deadlines(2012) Going from doing zero exercise to working out 5 days per week(2018) Training to compete for the UK in Mind Sports(2019) Creating this video course on UdemyIn this class I'll be showing you the 4 most powerful techniques I've found for applying Gamification elements to real life, and share with you 4 templates that you can use for a real, sustained boost in your productivity.You'll also learn about the Psychology of Motivation, and explore 5 further advanced techniques, so that by the end of the course you'll have:Some ready-made templates (in Google Sheets) that you can begin to use whenever you likeThe ability to design your own system (in any format) to match your productivity and lifestyle needs (or other people's)And as with all Udemy courses, you are able to ask questions to me at any time and I'll be here to help!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Foundations of JavaScript Urdu/Hindi" |
"***First Complete JavaScript Course in Urdu/Hindi on Udemy.***In JavaScript Foundations, you'll learn the most popular programming language in the world - JavaScript! You'll learn the basics of the language and then take the next step by looking at the advance JavaScript topics, functions, arrays and objects.You can practice JavaScript in your web browser! Take advantage of Google Chrome developer tools.There will be lots of quizzes on the JavaScript syntax we have just covered. The goal of this course is to move slow and allow these concepts and syntax to sink in through repetition.Course Contain.Basic Data TypesConditionsFunctionsLoopsArraysObjectsSo all in all this course will be very amazing and really helpful for you to boost your programming skills and your career.Who this course is for:Take this course if you are new to the world of programming.Take this course if you really want to understand JavaScript from very basic.Take this course if you search over Udemy and doesn't find the amazing content in your own language Urdu/Hindi.Take this course if you want to learn world most wanted programming language quickly and easily.Now This is your turn to decide........."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Informtica Bsica - Windows 10, Email, Internet e Nuvem" |
"** Atualizado 2020 **Vamos passar tambm pelas principais novidades do Windows 10 em 2020!Esse Curso de Informtica e Windows 10 foi criado para pessoas que ainda no tm muita intimidade e conhecimentos sobre itens bsicos de informtica e windows. Dessa forma ele constri uma base de conceitos muito importantes que facilitaro e daro muito suporte para usar o seu computador de forma mais produtiva. Alm disso, tambm inclui no meu curso tpicos sobre como navegar na internet, melhores prticas para usar o navegador, armazenamento na nuvem e muito mais. Se voc tem alguma dificuldade com windows e computadores, fique tranquilo. Neste curso vou do zero at um bom nvel para que voc consiga utilizar seu computador para fazer suas principais tarefas de forma mais fcil. Alguns dos contedos so:WindowsExplorador de Arquivos: extenses de arquivo, como localizar e manipular seus arquivos facilmente, etc.Internet e Navegador: principais funes do navegador, sincronizando dados, etc. Email: como utilizar seu email e o que inbox zero. Algumas outras dicas de produtividade. Durante todo o curso, voc ter o meu suporte para suas dvidas sobre os assuntos estudados.Fique a vontade para explorar a grade curricular completa disponvel abaixo. Veja tambm o vdeo de apresentao do curso e algumas aulas gratuitas que foram disponibilizadas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PHP, CodeIgniter ve Laravel ile Proje Gelitirme." |
"Ayn aileden 3 farkl yaklam renmeniz, renirken karlatrabilmeniz ve zmseyebilmeniz iin bu kursu hazrladk.Bir yazlm dili olarak PHP ile iki bilinen framework Laravel ve CodeIgniter. Ortak ynlerini, avantajlarn, dezavantajlarn ve en nemlisi birbirlerine grece stnlklerini uygulayarak renmek istiyorsanz doru yerdesiniz.PHP, Laravel veya CodeIgniter....Proje gelitirmek iin siz de hangisini kullanmalym diyorsanz... Hangisi performansta, Hangisi kodlamada, Hangisi kurulumda nde diye soruyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre.PHP, web tabanl uygulamalar iin kullanlan yaygn bir dil. Dnya genelinde yaynda olan internet sitelerinin yarya yaknnn PHP tabanl olduunu gz nne alrsak ne demek istediimiz daha iyi anlalacaktr. Framework'e gelince, herhangi bir proje oluturmak iin temel bileenlere sahip, gelitirici iin yardmc ktphaneler ve zmler sunan gelitirme ortam diyebiliriz.PHP tabanl frameworkler deyince akla ilk gelen iki framework; tabi ki Laravel ve CodeIgniter.phehiz her iki framework'n de kuvvetli ve zayf taraflar mevcut. Bunu anlamann en gzel yolu bu yaklamlarla proje gelitirmek. Peki size ayn projeyi hem PHP, hem Laravel, hem de CodeIgniter ile gelitireceiz dersek?Bylece her yaklam ayn proje zerinde renme ve karlatrma imkannz olacak dersek?Gzel olmaz m?Bu dnceyle hazrladmz bu kursun sonunda amacmz PHP dili ile Laravel ve CodeIgniter framework'lerini tanmanz ve renmenizi salamak. Kurs ieriini balang seviyesinde tuttuk. Burada her yaklam tanyarak, gelitireceiniz projelerinize hangisinin daha uygun olduuna karar verebileceksiniz.Ayrca, best practice odakl yaklam ile syntax bazl programlamann yannda, Ne-Ne Zaman-Nerede-Niin sorularna cevap veriyoruz. Kursun bitiminde; ayn projeyi saf PHP, CodeIgniter ve Laravel framework'lerini kullanarak gelitireceksiniz. Dolaysyla ayn zme farkl yntemlerle ulaacak; yolculuunuz esnasnda hem farkl teknolojileri tanyacak, hem de bu teknolojilerin birbirlerine gre hangi alanlarda daha stn veya dezavantajl olduunu renmi olacaksnz.NELERDEN BAHSEDECEZ HIZLICA BR GZ ATALIM :MAMP uygulamasnn tantm ve kurulumumySql veritaban kurulumu,mySql veritabannda tablo oluturulmas,AdminLTE HTML temann indirilmesi,AdminLTE temann projeye uygun hale getirilmesi iin paralanmas,AdminLTE tema dosyalarnn PHP projesine uygun hale getirilmesi,Oluturulacak sayfalarn projeye uygun hale getirilmesi,Tema dosyalarnda statik sayfa ierikleri ile link ayarlamalarnn yaplmas,DataTable eklentisinin tantm,DataTable eklentisinin indirilmesi,DataTable eklentisinin kullanmna ilikin statik verilerle rnekler verilmesi,PHP dili ile AJAX metodunun kullanlmas,PHP, AJAX teknii ve DataTable eklentisi ile veritaban (ekleme, gncelleme, silme ve okuma) ilemleri (CRUD functions),BONUS: DataTable eklentisinin server-side zelliinin tantlmas,SAF PHP KONULARI :Veri gncelleme ilemlerinde modal popup kullanm teknii,DataTable ile raporlama ilemleri,DataTable Trkeletirme ilemleri,LARAVEL KONULARI :Laravel framework tantm,Ayn projenin Laravel framework'ne entegrasyonu (migration, seeder ve routing),MVC mimarisine uygun olarak View, Controller ve Model dosyalarnn oluturulmas,Laravel ile veritaban ilemleri,BONUS: Laravel FAKER Ktphanesinin anlatm ve rnek kullanm,CODEIGNITER KONULARI :CodeIgniter framework tantm,Ayn projenin CodeIgniter framework'ne entegrasyonu,MVC mimarisine uygun olarak View, Controller ve Model dosyalarnn oluturulmas,CodeIgniter ile veritaban ilemleri,Veri gncelleme ilemlerinde model popup kullanm ile form POST metodu kullanmnn karlatrlmas,BONUS: Proje gelitirilirken DATABASE ve URL Ktphanelerinin anlatm ve rnek kullanm.PEK BU KURSTA NELER YOK?Orta ve ileri dzey konulara yer vermedik,Web servis gelitirilmesi yok,Login ilemleri yok,Kullanc rol ve rol bazl yetkilendirme ilemleri yok,Raporlama ilemleri yok,Middleware gelitirme sreleri yok,Session ynetimi yok,Cache ynetimi yok,Laravel ve CodeIgniter framework'lerine zg yardmc ktphanelerin detayl anlatm yok (Laravel'de rnek olarak FAKER; CI'de database ve url ktphanelerine rnekler verilmitir),Gvenli kod yazma sreleri yok...Bu kursta yer vermediimiz konulara ilikin olarak sizlerden gelecek geri bildirimleri esas alarak neler yapabileceimizi ilerleyen srete deerlendireceiz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP for HANA 2.0 E_HANAAW_14 E_HANAAW_16 Practice Exam" |
"Thank you for purchasing our Practice tests for ABAP on HANA 2.0 (based on latest version )These practice tests will equip you for certification in ABAP on HANA2.0 E_HANAAW_14 / E_HANAAW_163 Practice Tests of 40 questions each - Total of 120 QuestionsNo repetition of questionsBased on latest version of SAP learning materials HA400, HA300 and HA100It is important to study all the units in SAP Materials (particularly HA400) to understand the conceptsImportant Points !Questions for E_HANAAW_14 & E_HANAAW_16 are predominantly from HA400 - if you have previous ABAP experience then learning HA400 will doDo not ignore the contents mentioned in the Figures within the material. In fact most questions can be answered easily by studying the information mentioned in Figures within the each of the Units in HA400In case of questions with multiple-answers, all the selected answers should be correct to score points for that question - no partial scoringDon't spend time memorising outdated questions! (plenty out there)Weightage for topic areas vary between E_HANAAW_14 & E_HANAAW_16, however both are based on same learning materialsQuestions have been prepared with SAP Certification complexity in mind and based on previous experience.Please ensure you select all the correct answers to score marks for any question.Feedback appreciated. Happy learning & Good luck with you certification."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Intelligence: Master Your Emotions" |
"Your thinking and beliefs impact every area of your life. They affect your mind, body, and energy level. This course teaches you a three-step method to help you better manage your emotions. Because when you learn to master your emotions, you feel more in control which increases your self-esteem, improves your self-awareness, and allows you to live life with more focus and intention.BONUSES:Downloadable Self-Reflection Guide Self-Reflection assignments to deepen the learning experienceAudio version of the course to listen to on the goFree guided meditation and visualization practices with Coach TarshCC SubtitlesAn instructor who cares about you, your goals, dreams, and wants you to be happy and successful"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"LEED Green Associate V4 Practice Exam" |
"If you have some basic knowledge in Sustainability, or you're working in the related field. This practice test will surely help you pass the exam. To help you achieve higher score during the actual exam, repeat the practice test several times until you memorize the correct answers.The passing rate is 70%, but if you could get a perfect score, that would be great!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Civil Service Practice Exam" |
"Passing the civil service exam will make you eligible to work on government institutions and alike. The actual test is not hard especially when you are prepared.If you passed on this practice exam, be confident because you're almost certain you'll pass the exam. If not, don't worry, just do more practice and soon you'll be prepared.Try it now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certified Electronics Technician Practice Exam" |
"Are you searching for Certified Electronics Technician Practice Exam? Take a look at this practice test. It will surely help you assess your knowledge and together with other exam preparation materials, you will pass the exam in no time.The questions here are all related to your exam and direct to the point. Try it now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certified Cost Professional Practice Exam" |
"Are you searching for Certified Cost Professional Practice Exam? Take a look at this practice test. It will surely help you assess your knowledge and together with other exam preparation materials, you will pass the exam in no time.The questions here are all related to your exam and direct to the point. Try it now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LEED v4.1 O+M Practice Exam" |
"Are you looking for LEED v4.1 O+M Practice Exam? Take a look at this practice test. It will surely help you assess your knowledge and together with other exam preparation materials, you will pass the exam in no time.The questions here are all straightforward and related to LEED v4.1 O+M Exam. Try it now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga per Principianti" |
"Hai sempre voluto praticare yoga ma non sai da dove iniziare? In questo corso puoi trovare tutti gli elementi che ti servono per iniziare la tua pratica di yoga, da casa, online o in uno studio.Lo yoga una disciplina meravigliosa che se praticata correttamente porta tantissimi benefici. Per citarne alcuni:Tonifica e rafforza i muscoli;Migliora la flessibilit di muscoli e legamenti;Aumenta l'equilibrio;Migliora la postura;Riduce ansia e stress.In questo corso puoi trovare 11 video dedicati allo studio dei movimenti del corpo usati nello yoga, 6 video dedicati allo studio di singole asana (posizioni), pi un video di una lezione di 30 minuti per mettere in pratica tutto quello che hai imparato."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AP Microeconomics Exam Preparation with the EconProf" |
"This course will provide the first half of a refresher course on AP microeconomics. It will review many of the important topics including elasticity, comparative advantage, supply and demand, production function and the costs of production, consumer theory, etc. It will also provide study questions and tips for reviewing for the exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Paint This Textured Abstract Art Painting" |
"SILVERTOTHECOREabstract art painting guided class. Suited for Beginner/Intermediate level artists. Learn to paint this modern, textured abstract in guided sessions. We'll use abstract mediums and techniques to create this multi-layered, textured full-scale painting. Silver to the Core is a tonal, metallic-glazed artwork with a pearlescent finish. Full course materials download provided. Final artwork will be archival."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Art Photo Editing" |
"Sell More Art - Beginners Newbies: How to Create Art Photos That Sell**BEGINNERS - NEWBIES - NON-PHOTOGRAPHERS - NON PHOTOSHOP SAVVY**NOPROFESSIONALPHOTOSTUDIO? Me neither, soI learned several methods to take my not-so-great photos and make them sell themselves. **NOTE** This is NOT a photography course. This will help you take your photos and make them better, enhance them naturally and also help you enter the lucrative print market. I use Photoshop Elements (you can use most any editing software you like).Better photos online = better sales and more interest.This is for you if:-You have been painting for a little while and are now ready to sell your work-You have sold a few pieces, but really want to build an art career or solid sideline with your art-You know just a little but your photos never come out looking quite right-You see other artists listing their images and they look great (how do they do that?If you are a total newbie or advanced beginner (not for anyone who works with Photoshop or is already listing/selling art consistently, you'll learn step-by-step how to take your photos and really present your art in its best light.NOTE: This series works with Photoshop Elements and basic online software and programs.You can use any photo editing program you like.We'll take ho-hum photos and turn them into stars that will help sell your art - and - work for the print market.We'll cover:-Taking photos (very basic tips)-The difference between a good and bad raw photo-Why you should save your raw photos-Editing photos-Changing resolutions (a must to know)-Creating photos that feature your art in a room-Changing saturation/tones/colors of photos-How to add:Drop shadowsWatermarks - both text and image-How to create the best social media images-Developing photos for the lucrative print market!More!Taught by professional artist, KR MOEHR"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Expressionist Abstract Painting" |
"Abstract art painting course for impressionist - expressionist style artwork.SPRINGTIMEHappy, upbeat colors and movement.Work on a wrapped canvas with acrylics.BEGINNERS WELCOME!Step-by-step course will guide you through sessions.Learn how to create layers, impasto, work with various techniques.Full course materials included.Taught by KR Moehr Brushes, palette knife, canvas, acrylicsBlue, yellow, green, springtime paintingTWO BONUS SECTIONS INCLUDED:-Creating art images for social media (helpful for marketing and selling your art)-Creating an oil-like finish your acrylic paintings using mediums"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Optimal Living - Big Goals, Great Habits & More Time" |
"Powerful Techniques taught to coaching clients in 4 continents across the globe.Host of Top 10 Ranked Wellness Podcast in iTunes (in 5 countries) Featured on Virgin Australia (In Flight Entertainment)Combined 20 Years Professional Experience This Effective Training System is all you'll need to Optimise your life. In this course, you'll learn how to DEFINE, SET and ACHIEVE your biggest (and smallest) goals. Learn how to replace old bad habits with new POSITIVEHABITS that serve you. Plus you'll learn how to CREATEMORETIME and be more EFFECTIVE with your time in an already busy life. We include advanced techniques such as: Life Integration, Success Tracking, Life Leverage, The Habit Quadrant plus much more. RECENTBONUSES ADDEDExclusive Special Guest Interviews with best selling authors on goal setting, habit building and time management. They openly share insights and knowledge just for you. Free Downloadable resources to help you Take ActionQuick fun quizzes to embed your learning Maybe you'll have some fun along the way, after all -life is for living by your design, on your terms. Reach Your Maximum Potential and take action!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Cinema 4D - Create Abstract 3D Design Elements" |
"In this course, youll learn how to create abstract 3D design elements. And by doing that youll also learn the fundamentals of working with Cinema 4D, and with 3D in general.We learn best by doing, so this is a hands-on, project-based course.We're going to work through 4 fun projects from start to finish. We will create everything within Cinema 4D and won't use and pre-made elements.We will use a procedural workflow that doesnt require modeling. That means that all settings remain editable and we can change the entire look by just adjusting a few sliders. It makes the whole process of creating and experimenting fun, flexible and powerful.The design elements well create are well-suited for either a 3D or a 2D workflow.Well cover the fundamental concepts in the first project. And then well build upon what we learned in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th projects.Well reiterate the most important aspects for a deeper understanding and add new skills and techniques as we progress.Heres a glimpse of what well cover Working with parametric objects Exploring how geometry and complexity affect the appearance of objects Working with deformers Looking at how displacement works and how to optimize for best result Working with the noise shader Making complex shaders by using the layer shader Lighting a scene with 3-point lighting Working with cameras Creating materials Rendering with the Physical and the Standard Renderer Making a seamless loop animation Color grading and post-effects in Adobe After EffectsUdemy offers a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. So if you for any reason at all find that the course wasnt for you, you can get a full refund.However, I think, and hope, youll find this to be an efficient and fun training to get started with Cinema 4D.Go ahead and enroll, and Ill see you in the course.Jesper"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
easywebinar[] |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
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Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Baking with Chocolate" |
"Baking is a science, so it's important that you know each ingredient very well. In this course, we will focus on one of the most popular baking ingredients - CHOCOLATE!Whether you are new to baking or have been baking for a while but have always just followed recipes - without knowing the difference between baking powder and baking soda, difference between natural vs Dutch-processed cocoa powder, then The Ultimate Guide to Baking with Chocolate is the perfect course for you. Achieve better baked goods by knowing your ingredients and using the right chocolate!In this course, I will cover:Chocolate 101: Process of Cocoa Powder making from Cacao BeansDutch-Processed vs Natural Cocoa PowderDark, Milk, and White Chocolate in GanacheChocolate Chips, Baking Chocolate, vs Regular Chocolate BarsCompound vs Couverture ChocolateBonus: One-Bowl Chocolate Cake RecipeBonus: Baking Tips"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Grficos en R con ggplot2 para Data Scientist" |
"Te gustara dominar la visualizacin en R para crear grficas profesionales?En este curso veremos las principales grficas bsicas utilizando la librera de R ggplot2. Este paquete de R permite crear visualizaciones de alta calidad de una manera sencilla.NUEVO: se ha aadido una seccin explicando el paquete gganimate con ejemplos de grficas en movimiento al final del curso.En este curso aprenders a:Crear grficas bsicas en R con ggplot2Diferenciar entre los distintos tipos de grficas bsicasTrabajar con varias grficas en la misma visualizacinEditar colores, tamaos, leyendas y limites de una grficasEl nico requisito es que tengas instalado R y RStudio en tu PC. Es recomendable tener conocimiento bsico de R (recuerda que si no lo tienes puedes ver el curso gratuito que tengo en Udemy)Sobre el instructorMi nombre es Rafa y trabajo como cientfico de datos en Madrid. He utilizado la visualizacin de datos en R en muchos de mis proyectos. Espero poder ayudarte a crear las mejores grficas para tu desarrollo profesional.GarantaEste curso cuenta con una garanta de satisfaccin de 30 das. Por lo que si no ests contento con los resultados del curso puedes pedir un reembolso del curso. No se hacen preguntas.Espero verte pronto en el cursoRafa"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Alkohol Tinten" |
"Mit Alkohol Tinten lassen sich ganz einfach tolle Bilder zaubern. Mit wenig Material kann man ganz viel erreichen. Es macht einen riesen Spa zu sehen, wie die Tinten miteinander reagieren und wunderschne Effekte entstehen lassen. Solange die Farben nicht fixiert sind, kann man sie jederzeit nochmal bearbeiten. Es ist ein sehr entspannende Technik und gibt ganz schnelle Erfolgserlebnisse.Auch die Vielfltigkeit ist enorm, denn mit den Alkoholtinten kann man auf allen Untergrnden, die nicht durchlssig sind, arbeiten: Glas, Metall, synthetisches Papier, Plastik usw.In diesem Video werden die grundstzlichen Techniken auf einer Fliese und auf Papier gezeigt. Ebenso zeige ich dir, wie man aus einem Werk, mit dem man nicht so zufrieden ist, doch nochmal etwas Wunderschnes machen kann."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Art Beads Kreativperlen dekorative Stelen oder Schmuck" |
"Im Kurs lernst Du wie Du auf einfache Weise diese wunderschnen individuellen Perlen herstellen kannst. Sie lassen sich ganz vielseitig verwenden. Entweder als Art Projekt, als Lesezeichen oder in der Schmuckverarbeitung. Sie sind was ganz Besonderes, denn jede Perle ist einzigartig. Im Kurs wird alles genau erklrt und so lassen sie sich ganz einfach nacharbeiten."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mindful Wing Chun Online - Ip Man Lineage" |
"This set of videos has been hand-picked by Sifu Nima King from Mindful Wing Chun Online to give you a deep look into Grandmaster Chu Shong Tins internal method of Wing Chun Kung Fu.Please take note that this method of Wing Chun is fundamentally unique because it delves deep into the traditional method of Kung Fu practice which leads to developing enormous power through the tools of relaxation, mindfulness and perfect biomechanics.These videos will make you understand that true Kung Fu is not just about copying external movements and that there is a boundless depth to it. It will give you insight as to why the Martial/Self-defense aspect of the art is merely a branch on the tree of benefits that this beautiful and genuine art has to offer.The only issue is that you may get very intrigued and become hooked to this method, as has been the case for many thousands of students and teachers who have come in contact with Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin and Sifu Nima King in the past decades and have transformed their lives through the powerful and mindful practice!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Practice questions in Thermodynamics" |
"This course is an hands on session in Numerical and Theoretical questions, likely to appear in professional examinations like Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), Engineering Services (IES), Public Sector Units (PSU). This course is also beneficial to the students who are doing their undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering. The course gives tips and tricks, and useful references to the student who primarily focuses on self study route to cover the examination syllabus."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Outsourcing Meisterkurs Wie betreibe ich richtig Outsourcing" |
"Im Outsourcing Meisterkurs lernst du, wie du an das Thema Outsourcing richtig herangehst. Zum Outsourcen gibt es einige Plattformen, die ich dir hier im Kurs nherbringe. Outsourcing schreckt viele ab, da es beim Outsourcing einiges zu beachten gibt. Ich htte mir fr meinen Einstieg einen solchen Videokurs gewnscht, um sicherer zu werden, deshalb lernst du hier im Outsourcing Meisterkurs auch gleich Anfngerfehler zu vermeiden und dir wie ein Profi lange Geschftsbeziehungen zum Thema Outsourcing in einem Netzwerk aufzubauen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Meisterkurs Zeitmanagement" |
"Bist du auf der Suche nach neuen Wegen Zeit zu sparen? Und wrdest du gerne wissen, wie du durch einfache Tipps und Tricks Zeit sparen kannst? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du deinen Alltag analysierst, Zeitfresser enttarnst und diese wirkungsvoll eliminierst. Dieser Kurs geht jedoch noch einen Schritt weiter - Ich zeige dir nmlich auerdem wie du durch technische Errungenschaften, Planung und Routinen Zeit sparen kannst.Was genau wirst du jedoch im Detail in diesem Kurs lernen?Analyse - In diesem Kapitel werden wir uns anschauen wie dein Tag in der Regel abluft, welchen Ttigkeiten du wann nachgehst und wie du deinen Tag richtig beobachtest.Smartphone - In diesem Teil des Kurses werden wir uns Schritt fr Schritt anschauen, wie du mit und ohne Smartphone Zeit sparen kannst.Kernprobleme In diesem Kapitel werden wir deine Probleme und die hufigsten auftretenden Probleme analysieren.Lsung - Nun geht es wirklich ans Eingemachte. In diesem Teil des Kurses zeige ich dir einfache Lsungsanstze, die zu deinen persnlichen und zu den vorher festgestellten Kernproblemen passen.Priorisierung - Jetzt gehen wir noch den nchsten Schritt. In diesem Teil des Kurses zeige ich dir mit Hilfe eines Modells, wie du am geschicktesten Prioritten setzen kannst, damit alle Aufgaben deinen Tag fllen, allerdings dein Zeitbudget nicht bersteigen.Effizienz - In diesem Kapitel wirst du lernen, wie du Routinen aufbaust und effizient arbeitest. Auerdem, wirst du die Macht eines gut gefhrten Kalenders kennenlernen.Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du folgende Dinge knnen: Deinen Alltag von unntigen Aktivitten befreien Durch positiven Druck effizienter arbeiten Routinen erstellen und implementieren Dein Smartphone und deinen Konsum berblicken und regulierenBestehen fr den Kurs bestimmte Anforderungen oder Voraussetzungen? Du brauchst einen Timer Ein Smartphone ist optional Einen Kalender Schmierpapier fr To-Do-ListenFr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs: Online Unternehmer die gerne effizienter arbeiten mchten Junge Unternehmer & Arbeitnehmer, die ihrem Leben gegenberstehen und es in eine Struktur bringen mchtenFr wen ist dieser Kurs? Dieser Kurs ist fr all die Leute die endlich effizient arbeiten mchten und Strategien aufgezeigt bekommen mchten, die praktisch umzusetzen sind. Der Kurs ist etwas fr dich, wenn du einige Tipps und Tricks im Umgang mit Zeit bekommen mchtest. Dieser Kurs ist jedoch NICHT fr all die Leute die keinen Grund darin sehen ihr Leben zeitlich in den Griff zu kriegen. Wenn du zu den Leuten gehrst die finanziell frei werden mchten und die online Geld verdienen mchten, dann schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein.Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Brazil - Curso Iniciante Side B" |
"Ableton foi desenvolvido em 2001 e desde ento ganha a cena da arte e musica ao redor do mundo. Uma plataforma de desenvolvimento de musica pra Gravao porem tambm uma plataforma ""Viva"" Live, que liberta o artista a tocar as produes ao vivo. Eleve sua dinamica musical! Aprenda Ableton!No curso Side B iremos aprender um pouco sobre cada Audio Effect e os Midi Effect ao final do curso saira entendendo uma das bases do Ableton, o que ele , como mexer nele alem de tambm aprender tecnicas de criao. Durante o Curso o professor tambm incentivara o aluno a fazer sua propria musica usando as aulas como base pro aluno praticar no seu proprio computador.Pra voce participar desse curso, voce ira precisar somente do software, um computador e um headphone pra voc ouvir sua produo. O Ableton utilizado no curso O ableton 10, recentemente lanado pelos desenvolvedores na Alemanha. Iremos tambem utilizar sons da Bateria Yamaha dada pela Ableton e mais dois pacotes de Audios que sero a principio a Base de nossas musicas.Ao final do Curso O aluno ter aprendido as diferenas entre os efeitos de audio e midi."
Price: 324.99 ![]() |