Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Ableton Brazil 2020 - OZONE e Master" |
"Ableton foi desenvolvido em 2001 e desde ento ganha a cena da arte e musica ao redor do mundo. Uma plataforma de desenvolvimento de musica pra Gravao porem tambm uma plataforma ""Viva"" Live, que liberta o artista a tocar as produes ao vivo. Eleve sua dinamica musical! Aprenda Ableton!No curso da Ableton OZONE e Master, iremos finalizar uma musica enquanto aprendemos a utilizar essa ferramente incrivel desenvolvida pela waves o OZONE, iremos passo a passo dar distoro tape, equalizao, dinmica e muito mais. Ao final do curso poder utilizar das tcnicas pra aplicar na sua propria musica um toque final de masterPra voce participar desse curso, voce ira precisar somente do software, um computador e um headphone pra voc ouvir sua produo. O Ableton utilizado no curso O ableton 10, recentemente lanado pelos desenvolvedores na Alemanha."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"How To Do Your Own SEO In 2020" |
"91% of searchers click on the top 3 websites on page 1 of Google. If your website is buried in the depths of search engine results, no-one can find you, click on your website, or buy from you. If you want to use the web to attract more customers, you need to get more visible. Without visibility customers can't find you to be able to buy your products or services. Im here to solve this problem for you.Every week I meet business owners and marketing managers just like you that know SEO is important to their business but aren't 100% sure how to do it. Sure there's YouTube where you can go and watch a few free tutorials and start to change basic stuff like Page Titles. Now that's a great start, but soon you find out it's a LOT bigger task than you thought, and you're getting increasingly frustrated and confused at all of the techy, confusing parts of it with nowhere to turn to learn how to do it in a SIMPLE WAY. And then there's that YouTube hole that you will inevitably end up, after hours and hours of searching. Productivity levels waning, frustration increasing. This is why I built 'How To Do Your Own SEO in 2020'.This course contains a TONNE of video tutorials and screen-shares to walk you through the EXACT techniques you need to be doing to get your website higher up on Google. I share with you the the things I do every day to get massive results for my clients."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Edio de vdeo com vegas pro 16 do bsico ao avanado" |
"Curso de edio de video com vegas pro 16 voltado para aqueles que querem dominar o programa para trabalho seja em produtoras ou na internet como freelancer quanto para projetos pessoais como videos para youtube, facebook, intagram e outros midias sociais, um aprendizado no somente do programa, mas tambem o mesmo sistema utilizado pela maioria dos outros programas de edio, tecnicas de animao, bases para entender da melhor forma a rea da edio, e dicas para iniciar sua carreira na internet."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda design grfico com inkscape" |
"O curso voltado para iniciantes que querem comear na rea, freelancer, donos de canal no youtube ou algum que apenas gosta de aprender algo novo. Durante o curso vamos aprender conceitos e tcnicas da edio de imagens e vetores, como usar o programa e vamos fazer alguns exerccios para fixar o aprendizado."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Marka Hukuku" |
"Bu kurs herhangi bir ekilde bu alana ilgi duyanlar, marka vekilleri ve marka vekil adaylar iin gereken tm zen gsterilerek hazrlanmtr.erii srasyla, marka olabilecek iaretlerden balayarak, marka hakk tecavze urayan hak sahibinin ileri srebilecei taleplere kadar geni ve gncel mevzuat temel alnarak oluturulmutur.Kurs ieriinde online marka ve tasarm bavurularnn nasl yapldn anlatan videolar mevcuttur.Eitimler dzenli olarak yenilecek, gncellenecek ve gelitirilecektir. Mevzuat deiikleri srekli olarak takip edilecektir.Ayrca bu eitimden faydalanan herkes ''Haksz Rekabet Hukuku'' eitiminden cretsiz olarak yararlanacaktr.ndirimli kuponlar ve cretsiz kuponlar iin benimle herhangi bir yerden iletiime geebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Money, Spending and Reconciling" |
"This course focuses on the importance of reconciling your bank accounts on a regular basis against your personal financial records. It also provides a better understanding of this process in order to better manage your money. A willingness to learn and apply the information presented is required.You will also learn the process of reconciliation and how simple it can be."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Your Money, Your Expenses, Your Budget (Personal Budgeting)" |
"This course is designed for people with little to no knowledge of budgeting. We will cover basic information such as; what a budget is, the different componets of a budget, why it is important to have a budget.You will learn what three of the basic investments available are and why starting an investment early in life and getting the best rate of return will build you a sizable nest egg.You will also have the opportunity to test your financial knowledge right at the beginning of the course.Last but not least, a downloadable personal budget worksheet complete with instructions and a sample budget is included with this course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Screenflow Fast! (Step-By-Step Beginner's Guide)" |
"Have you ever wanted to edit videos professionally? Look no further, because this course will make you an expert video editor master!In this course, you will learn how to:- Record your screen and import media files from your desktop- Split & re-arrange clips- Add text & sub-titles to your clips- Insert transitions in between your clips- Zoom-in & add callouts to your clips (highlight effects)- Learn how to export your content with the best settings... And so much more!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop 2020 Maniplasyon ve Retouch Dersleri" |
"Yllardr Adobe Photoshop Programnda Fotograf Maniplasyon almalar ve Retouch lemleri Yapyorum.Bu Tecrbemi Sizlerle Paylamak in Buradaym. Sfrdan Balayp En leri Seviyede Maniplasyon ve Retouch Nasl Yaplr Sizlere Anlatyorum.Photoshop'ta Fotograf Maniplasyonlar ve Retouch almalarnda duymadnz ncelikleri de Sizlerle Paylayorum.Ayrca Fotoraflkta Renk Ayarlamalar ,Ik Uyumu,Renk Uyumu,Tonlama Teknikleri ve Zorlanlan Dier Konular En Sade Anlatmla Kursumuzda Bulabilirsiniz.Kursumuzda Yapmanz Gereken Sadece Dersi Dinlemek, Mmknse Ksayollar Not Almak Ve Verdiimiz devleri Yapmaya almak."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Uygulamal Photoshop Maniplasyon ve Retouch Dersleri" |
"Yllardr Adobe Photoshop Programnda Fotograf Maniplasyon almalar ve Retouch lemleri Yapyorum.Bu Tecrbemi Sizlerle Paylamak in Buradaym. Sfrdan Balayp En leri Seviyede Maniplasyon ve Retouch Nasl Yaplr Sizlere Anlatyorum.Photoshop'ta Fotograf Maniplasyonlar ve Retouch almalarnda duymadnz ncelikleri de Sizlerle Paylayorum.Ayrca Fotoraflkta Renk Ayarlamalar ,Ik Uyumu,Renk Uyumu,Tonlama Teknikleri ve Zorlanlan Dier Konular En Sade Anlatmla Kursumuzda Bulabilirsiniz.Kursumuzda Yapmanz Gereken Sadece Dersi Dinlemek, Mmknse Ksayollar Not Almak Ve Verdiimiz devleri Yapmaya almak."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Kindle ebook schreiben erstellen vermarkten verkaufen" |
"In meinem Kurs ""Amazon Kindle ebook schreiben erstellen vermarkten verkaufen"" zeige ich Dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie Du mit Amazon kindle ebooks nebenbei online Geld verdienen kannst und Dir nebenberuflich ein passives Einkommen im Internet aufbaust.Du trumst schon lange davon, Dein eigenes Buch zu verffentlichen, weit aber nicht, wie das geht, oder hast neben Beruf und Familie wenig Zeit, um Dir 1000 Youtube Videos zu diesem Thema anzuschauen?Ich gebe Dir in Diesem Kurs das ntige Rstzeug an die Hand, um Deinen Traum vom eigenen ebook Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. ""Straight to the point"" bekommst Du eine A-Z Anleitung, die Dich ohne Umschweife zum Ziel fhrt. Hierbei gehen wir nach dem PARETO-Prinzip vor. Das heit, mit 20 Prozent Einsatz 80 Prozent des Ergebnisses innerhalb krzester Zeit zu erreichen und somit schnell erste Erfolge zu erzielen.Du wirst Dich am Ende fragen, warum Du nicht schon lngst ein ebook verffentlicht hast.Die gute Nachricht ist: ""Es ist nie zu spt! Fang heute an und werde mit ebooks erfolgreich!"" - Alles was Du tun musst erfhrst Du in meinem Kurs. ich freue mich, Dich kennenzulernen und wnsche Dir schon jetzt viel Erfolg bei Deiner ersten Buchverffentlichung!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mit Amazon Affiliate Marketing online passiv Geld verdienen" |
"In meinem Kurs Amazon Affiliate Marketing Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung lernst Du step-by-step, was Affiliate Marketing ist und wie man es optimal einsetzt, um nebenbei online passiv Geld zu verdienen. Der Kurs ist ideal geeignet fr Betreiber von Websites oder Blogs, die sich einen zustzlichen passiven Einkommensstrom mit Affiliate Marketing aufbauen wollen. Wenn Du bereits ein ebook hast und Du gern Affiliatelinks einbauen mchtest ist dieser Kurs ebenfalls optimal fr Dich geeignet. Du bekommst einen umfassenden Praxisleitfaden an die Hand, der Dich von der Anmeldung an Amazons Partnernet, ber eine Gewerbeanmeldung bis zum Einbau von Affiliate-Links in Wordpress an die Hand nimmt und Dir einen Gesamtberblick gibt, mit dem Du selbst durchstarten kannst. Nach kurzer Zeit wirst Du in der Lage sein, Dir einen passiven Einkommensstrom mit Amazon Affiliate Marketing aufzubauen. Als Bonus gebe ich Dir einen Einblick in weitere Affiliate-Programme, wie z.B.: Digistore24, Affilinet oder adcell. So bist Du in der Lage, Dein Portfolio als Affiliate-Marketer weiter auszubauen und Dein Einkommen zu steigern. Hol Dir jetzt meinen Kurs und starte in die profitable Welt des Affiliate-Marketing - ich freue mich, Dein Dozent zu sein. :-)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Online Kurs erstellen fr udemy und teachable (unofficial)" |
"In meinem 2-stndigen Videokurs lernst Du Deinen ersten eigenen Online Kurs zu erstellen, auf udemy hochzuladen, zu vermarkten und verkaufen. Auerdem lernst Du, wie Du ganz einfach eine eigene Online Akademie fr Deine Videokurse mit teachable verwirklichen kannst.Du wirst anschlieend Monat fr Monat ein passives Einkommen aus Online Kursen verdienen. Wir gehen den Uploadprozess sowohl fr udemy als auch fr teachable gemeinsam durch.Du lernst Schritt fr Schritt ein Thema fr Deinen Videokurs zu finden, eine Struktur zu erstellen, Dein Setting einzurichten, Dich selbst zu filmen sowie eine Bildschirmaufnahme (Screencapture) zu machen.Ich zeige dir Step by Step, wie Du Folien (Slides) mit OpenOffice oder CANVA erzeugst und die Prsentation abfilmst. Du lernst auerdem Dein Video zu schneiden, Intros und Outros einzufgen und anschlieend zu rendern.Mit meiner Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung wirst Du Deinen eigenen Videokurs erstellen, hochladen, vermarkten und online Geld verdienen knnen.Ich freue mich schon jetzt, Dich dabei zu haben!Du kannst mir jederzeit Fragen stellen falls Du weiteren Informationsbedarf hast. Besuche mich auch gern auf meiner Seite ""teachdich .de"""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"7 Online Business Modelle sofort starten und Geld verdienen" |
"Du trumst schon lange davon, ein eigenes Online Business zu starten, aber weit nicht so recht, wie das funktioniert? Du hast Angst vor den brokratischen Hrden? Du glaubst Du schaffst es nicht, Dir ein lukratives, serises Unternehmen aufzubauen?In diesem Online Kurs nehme ich Dich an die Hand und zeige Dir sieben Online Business Modelle, die Du sofort und ohne Startkapital umsetzen kannst. Du wirst am Ende des Kurses in der Lage sein, Dir endlich einen oder mehrere Online Einkommensstrme aufzubauen und zu skalieren.Du lernst neben den verschiedenen Mglichkeiten Online Geld zu verdienen auch die Grundlagen der Unternehmensgrndung kennen. wir fllen z.B. gemeinsam eine Gewerbeanmeldung aus und du lernst die Unterschiede zwischen Kapitalgesellschaft ( GmbH oder UG ) und Einzelunternehmen kennen.Mit diesem Kurs nimmst Du die Abkrzung zum erfolgreichen Online Unternehmer, da Du meine Fehler nicht machen musst - und auch das Lehrgeld der letzten Jahre habe ich schon fr Dich gezahlt. ;-)Alle vorgestellten Online Business Modelle betreibe ich selbst nebenberuflich und habe mir nach und nach mehrere passive Einkommensquellen aufgebaut.Du kannst mir im Kurs jederzeit Fragen stellen, falls Dir irgendetwas unklar ist!Schreib' Dich jetzt ein und werde Teil unserer Community! Ich freue mich, Dich in meinem Kurs begren zu drfen und von Dir zu hren,Dein Ren"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Setting up Cloudflare for website security and performance" |
"You'll need your own website, which you have access to the domain configuration so that you can change the nameservers. As long as you have this, you can follow along the whole course, step by step, with your own website. You'll learn how to improve both the security and performance of your website using the Cloudflare service."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Optimising your website: A development workflow" |
"This course will teach you how to optimise your website, by using a modern development workflow which includes Git and Gulp. I'll talk you through installing the relevant components, and using them to improve the speed and efficiency of your website, based on the sample website provided. The same website can be downloaded from my Github account - all details are given at the start of the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Setting up Cloudflare - Page Rules deep dive" |
"Learn how to improve the security and performance of your website without using any coding or technical skills, using Cloudflare page rules (for free!)Learn how to:Redirect traffic from HTTP to HTTPSImprove SEO by creating a canonical URLCreate your own vanity URLsAdd extra protection to your login/admin pagesImprove caching of static assets which rarely changeProtect pages of your site by making them ""always online"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Setting up Cloudflare and Wordpress" |
"In this course we will take a look at how we can integrate Cloudflare and Wordpress, so that you can get all the benefits of Wordpress as a content management system (CMS) but without the performance cost that is usually associated with pages that are built dynamically.You will learn:Installing and setting up the official Cloudflare plugin for WordpressHow to configure HTTP/2 Server PushHow to cache page HTML using Cloudflare WorkersSetting up a Web Application Firewall"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Optimising your website: A development workflow continued" |
"This course will teach you how to optimise your website, by using a modern development workflow which includes Git and Gulp. I'll talk you through installing the relevant components, and using them to improve the speed and efficiency of your website, based on the sample website provided. The same website can be downloaded from my Github account - all details are given at the start of the course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Setting up Cloudflare - Scrape Shield deep dive" |
"Learn how to improve the security and performance of your website without using any coding or technical skills, using Cloudflare scrape shield (for free!)Learn how to:Obfuscate email addresses in a way that genuine users will never noticeExclude content on the server-side so that disreputable users won't see itAdd hotlink protection to your images so they can't be used on other sites"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Practical Web MVC Projects in ASP.NET CORE" |
"You will actively Build 8 MVC Projects throughout this course using ASP.NET CORE 2.0, 2.1,2.2, 3.0. The emphasis on how you can handle image files, pictures or binary data in your models and leverage the System IO namespace in .NET. Moreover, several scenarios are presented to illuminate our understanding on how to store the binary data or images in a database or in a folder. The principle operations of Create, Read, Update and Delete are presented in a streamlined fashion so that you should be able to intercept the data flow and perform other operations are required by the business logic."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"ASP.NET MVC app with ADO.NET, Stored Procedure and MySQL" |
"#Create a new ASP.NET MVC Web Application using Visual Studio 2017#Use the Nugget Package Manager#Create Views#Create a MySQL database using workbench#Add the Connection String of the Database in the web.config#Add model#Create the Data Abstraction layer with application functionalities#Write application logic, use ADO.NET, MySQL queries and create stored procedures in the database#Perform the CREATE functionality in controller#Perform the LIST functionality in controller to display all workers#Perform the READ functionality in the controller#Perform the UPDATE functionality in the controller#Performing the DELETE functionality in the controller#Perform a test to confirm that the functionalities are working"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AFFILIATION MARKETING: Gagner un revenu passif sur Internet" |
"Souhaites-tu vivre d'une activit sur Internet sans avoir crer de produit?Cherches-tu un moyen assez rapide pour gnrer de l'argent sans avoir quelque chose vendre?Voudrais-tu vivre de ta passions en vendant le produit des autres et tre pay suffisamment bien?Dans cette formation, je te montre exactement comment tu vas pouvoir vendre des produits qui ne t'appartiennent pas et gagner de l'argent.Le Marketing d'affiliation est en effet un Business facile mettre en place surtout quand l'on dbute dans le monde du Digital Marketing.Il te permet de gagner de l'argent mme quand tu dors.Il suffit de mettre en place le systme une fois et il tournera en automatique.Tu n'es pas fan de la technique peut tre?J'y ai pens, je te montre dans la formation des mthodes simples mettre en place.Cette formation s'adresse toi mme si tu es dbutant (e).Si tu souhaites tout savoir du Marketing d'affiliation, je serai heureux de vous accueillir dans la formation.A bienttDucasse."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 and 10.1 and 12.0" |
"No or Less theory, only practical, End to end implementation and configuration,SAP Security and Basis tips along with the video, Home work assignments given. Short video tutorials of up-to 10 mins long to keep the learning engaging. Learn below topicsDescribe tasks performed by a typical SAP Access Control user Identify authorization risks in typical business processes Describe the Segregation of Duties Risk Management Process Describe and configure functionality and features for SAP Access Control 10.1 Use the SAP Access Control 10.1 application to analyze and manage risk, design and manage roles, and provision and manage users Describe the SAP Access Control 10.1 architecture and landscape, SAP Access Control Repository, and Object Level Security Describe the Periodic Access Review process Plan for and manage emergency access Discuss the reporting framework Configure workflows, including multi-stage multi- path (MSMP) workflows and BRF+ Describe how the different applications of the SAP GRC Solution integrate with each other Discuss key steps in the SAP Access Control implementation process Pass GRC AC certification exam GRC 12.0 Fiori Apps (standard catalog) "
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"CCSK v4.0 preparation course -Section1/2Cloud Governance" |
"The CCSK is intended to provide understanding of security issues and best practices over a broad range of cloud computing domains. As cloud computing is becoming the dominant IT system, CCSK is applicable to a wide variety of IT and information security jobs in virtually every organization. The CCSK is strongly recommended for IT auditors, and it is even required for portions of the CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR) program.Get solid knowledge on the concepts of cloud security. Learn important concepts you will need to know in order to prepare for the CCSK V4 certification exam.This section covers below domains:Domain 1 - Cloud computing concepts and ArchitecturesDomain 2 - Governance and Enterprise Risk ManagementDomain 3 - Legal Issues, Contracts and Electronic Discovery Domain 4- Compliance and Audit Management Domain 5 - Information Governance"
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Docker and Containers: Commands" |
"Commands to be used for image creation, image launch, setting environment variable, push and pull images, force commands.The fundamentals of docker and containers commands, understand terminal or command prompt basics., Linux basics like shells, SSH, and package managers. Take the tests and be confident that you have a good understanding of docker and containers commands. Use DOCKERCONTAINERS01 at the exit to get the course in minimum price possible."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"CCSK v4.0 preparation course -Section2/2Cloud Operations" |
"The CCSK is intended to provide understanding of security issues and best practices over a broad range of cloud computing domains. As cloud computing is becoming the dominant IT system, CCSK is applicable to a wide variety of IT and information security jobs in virtually every organization. The CCSK is strongly recommended for IT auditors, and it is even required for portions of the CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR) program.Get solid knowledge on the concepts of cloud security. Learn important concepts you will need to know in order to prepare for the CCSK V4 certification exam.This section covers below domains:Domain 6 - Management Plane and Business Continuity Domain 7 - Infrastructure security Domain 8 - Virtualization and Containers Domain 9 - Incident Response Domain 10 - Application security Domain 11 - Data security and encryptionDomain 12 - Identity, Entitlement, and Access Management Domain 13 - Security as a service Domain 14 - Related technologies"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"ISO/IEC 27001 ISMS controls and requirements - Auditors View" |
"At the end of the course you will be able to 1. Design and implement an ISMS complying with all the mandatory elements specified in the main body of ISO/IEC 27001, 2. Identify and assess the information security risks facing those parts of the organization that are declared in scope for your ISMS, 3. Systematically check and record the status of your security risks and controls, 4.Once your ISMS is operating normally, the metrics are looking good and you have amassed sufficient evidence , it can be formally audited for compliance with '27001 by an accredited certification body."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 Mock Certification Tests" |
"Students/Professionals wanting to practice SAP GRC questions before appearing for the official examAnyone who wants to pass the official SAP GRC certification exam in the first attemptAttempt the questions based on different SAP GRC AC modules such as ARA, ARM, BRM, EAM.Get proper explanation behind the correct answer of a question"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Communications, Media and Telecommunication Industry" |
"This course covers the insides of the Communication Media and Telecommunication industry, the challenges of the Communication Media and Telecommunication industry, recent trends of the Communication Media and Telecommunication industry, opportunities within the Communication Media and Telecommunication industry, big telecom players in the Communication Media and Telecommunication industry, technology regulations of the Communication Media and Telecommunication industry, operating principle of telecommunications etc."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Complete Foundation and Basic Stock Market Course in Hindi" |
"This is a knowledge base complete basic course on stock market ( fundamental + technical analysis with case studies ).here the course is divided into four parts.1. Fundamental analysis of stock2. Technical analysis of stock3. Case studies4. How to build ideal Portfolio ( For investment purpose )In fundamental analysis , one will be able to learn about the the stock market and various terms like index, sensex, broker and brokerage , how to analysis fundamentally a stock for right investment.In technical part one will be able to learn the price behavior ( up or down ) of a stock or index shows during a particular period like 1 hour ,in a day, week, month or years. And by learning this one will be able to invest when one has to buy a stock and when he needs to sell the stock to earn profit.Case studies is given so that one can learn how to implement this ideas in stock.In Portfolio ,we will learn how we can build an ideal portfolio ? So right from trading and investing , everything is covered here.Anyone can sign up there and can watch preview/ promo video before buying the course. the course is designed with video and hindi audio presentation and in very simple language. Anyone will be understand the course.Remember if you know about stock market then you will be able to earn profits in stock market otherwise it will be risky to enter without learning about the stock market."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |