Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Luyn thi TOEIC new format (mc tiu 450-750)" |
"K t thng 6/2109, bi thi TOEIC ti Vit Nam s i sang dng TOEIC new format. Dng thc mi ca thi kh hn nhiu s vi bi thi c. Hin ti Vit Nam hu nh rt t sch v ti liu v dng thi TOEIC new format. Kha hc TOEIC new format mc tiu 450-750 ko di trong 64 bui hc, tp trung vo kin thc cn c khi i thi TOEIC kiu mi v mo theo ch hc vin c th lm bi nhanh hn Kha hc tp trung vo ging nhng KIN THC m bi thi TOEIC kiu mi cp v cc K NNG lm bi CN C c th ti u ha im ca hc vin.Ngoi ra kha hc cung cp NGN HNG CU HI thng gp RT ST vi bi thi TOEIC new format v c GII THCH 1 cch CHI TIT, D HIU gip ngi hc t im cao trong k thi"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mo thi TOEIC (Mc tiu 650+)" |
"Kha hc khng dn tri theo kiu l thuyt m trnh by cc mo lm bi thi, cc by cn trnh trong bi thi TOEIC. Vi hn 10 nm kinh nghim luyn thi TOEIC cho hng chc nghn hc vin, tc gi kha hc c kt li nhng b kp luyn thi tinh ty, hiu qu nht.Hng chc b kp luyn thi c thy Kim Tun trnh by mt cch logic, d hiu, d nh, s gip cc s t tng im mt cch thn k.C hng ngn hc vin ca tc gi t trn 900 im, tng n hn 300 im sau khi luyn cc b kp ny.''B kp luyn thi TOEIC'' c nh gi l kha hc luyn thi hay nht trn th trng hin nay, gip hc vin n tp mt cch hiu qu nht, v t im cao nht trong thi gian ngn nht."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Luyn thi TOEIC cho ngi mt gc (mc tiu 450)" |
"Kha hc bao gm 38 bi hc, tp trung vo nhng kin thc nn tng trong bi thi TOEIC v cc k nng lm bi cn c c th ti u ha im ca hc vin. Sau kha hc, hc vin s nm r cu trc thi, hiu cc dng bi c, nghe thng gp trong bi thi TOEIC; tip thu c lng t vng v ng php nht nh. Ngoi ra, hc vin c thm nhng mo v b quyt lm bi thi t im cao.Hy ng k kha hc ngay hm nay chinh phc thi TOEIC!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ng php TOEIC" |
"Kha hc gm 36 bi bao gm nhng kin thc c bn v chuyn su ca Ng Php TOEIC. Thm vo , kha hc cung cp 36 bi test cng li gii chi tit, c th cho tng ch ng php thng gp trong TOEIC. Sau kha hc ny, cc bn c th vn dng ng php thnh tho luyn thi TOEIC."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"T vng TOEIC siu st" |
"T vng l yu t then cht, l v kh sc bn nht trong qu trnh chinh phc thi TOEIC. Tuy nhin, vic tch ly t vng khng phi l iu d dng, c bit l i vi nhng s t khng c phng php trau di hiu qu. Ngay c khi bn v ang i theo mt con ng ng n th lm th no i ph vi hng nghn t vng lin quan n ch Business khi m khi lng ca chng khng l nh vy? Kha hc T vng TOEIC siu st , ng nh tn gi ca n, s cung cp cho bn nhng t, cm t hay gp v cc st vi thi TOEIC, c trch t nhng ngun ti liu, thi c nh gi l siu st thi tht nh Economy, ETS, Big Step Kha hc ph hp vi mi trnh , c bit l nhng i tng sp phi trc tip i mt vi thi v phng thi. Vi phng php LY YU NH MNH, LY T CH NHIU, cc bi hc s mang li cho bn vn t cc k li hi chin u v vt qua thi TOEIC vi IM S CC K N TNG"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master The Top 100 Excel Formulas" |
"This course will ensure you are very well equipped to handle Excel tasks at the workplace by providing an in-depth guide to using the Top 100 formulas in Excel, which will be explained through numerous examples. All that while providing the best value for your money.Thorough explanation of the structure and use of each formula.Explanation and examples of the most frequently used combinations of formulasStudents can practise the formulas using the examples sheet from the courseBuild up your analytical skills in ExcelExplanations provided in a simple and understandable wayInstructor available for any follow-up questionsCourse is priced at a much more reasonable rate than the available alternatives."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la direccin de proyectos" |
"Introduccin a la direccin de proyectos. Partiendo de cero veremos las principales herramientas para gestionar todos los aspectos de un proyecto (alcance, intervinientes, business case, planificacin, monitorizacin, riesgos, cierre, etc. )El curso no est orientado a conseguir ninguna certificacin, sino a aprender a dirigir proyectos, lo cual nos ayudar a conseguir tanto las certiricaciones de PMP, Prince2 como las de Scrum Master o Product Owner."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"No aprendas Scrum. HAZ SCRUM" |
"Aprender Scrum es sencillo, y con este curso se adquieren los conocimientos necesarios para afrontar un examen de certificacin. Veremos los roles, las reuniones y los artefactos. Pero no es suficiente con aprender SCRUM, queremos que los alumnos hagan SCRUM. Por eso, adems de explicar el qu, veremos tambin el cundo y el por qu. Y todo ello sin perder de vista el verdadero espritu de las metodologas giles, que es el Manifiesto Agil"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Herramientas de Estimacin para proyectos" |
"Cuando dirigimos un proyecto, es importante ser consciente, desde el mismo inicio del proyecto, hasta su final, de la importancia de la estimacin, tanto de costes, como sobre todo de tiempos. Cunto me costar?Cundo terminar?Es viable?Pero no son preguntas que debamos hacernos solamente al inicio del proyecto, sino durante toda su vida. Sigue siendo viable?Y si estimar es importante, es importante estimar bien. En este curso veremos, con mucho cario, distintos tipos de herramientas; tanto las comnmente enfocadas a las metodologas tradicionales, como las ms llamativas asociadas con metodologas giles. Todas las herramientas de estimacin pueden ser tiles; a todas hay que quererlas, independientemente de la metodologa que usemos. Sabiendo estimar, dirigir un proyecto puede ser una bonita historia de amor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Errores a evitar en la gestin de proyectos y productos." |
"Todos cometemos equivocaciones. Lo importante es que aprendamos de ellos. Y si podemos obtener el conocimiento sin tener que haber sufrido las consecuencias de haber cometido el error, mucho mejor. En este curso, veremos varios de los errores que he cometido, o visto cometer durante mi carrera profesional, as como la forma de evitarlos. Pero este curso no nos har invulnerables. Seguiremos cometiendo errores (preferiblemente distintos a los tratados en este curso)Lo importante es que aprendamos de ellos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dogaduj si po wosku" |
"Jest to cakowicie nowe podejcie do nauki jzyka - nauczysz si serii innowacyjnych i bardzo efektywnych technik do samodzielnej nauki jzyka woskiego, przy ktrych jednoczenie mona si wietnie bawi, np. ogldajc woskie filmy! Wszystko to bez koniecznoci wkuwania gramatyki czy list swek.Kurs skada si z 6 moduw, pomylanych na minimum 6 tygodni nauki. W kadym module poznasz nowe techniki oraz otrzymasz solidn porcj wysokiej jakoci materiau do nauki. Kurs przeznaczony jest dla wszystkich poziomw zaawansowania - zarwno dla pocztkujcych, bez adnego dowiadczenia z jzykiem woskim, jak i dla zaawansowanych, jako forma udoskonalenia jzyka i przejcia na kolejny poziom pynnoci. Kurs ma struktur ponadpoziomow, uniwersaln.W kadym module plan nauki na kady dzie (niczym jzykowy plan treningowy) oraz materia do pobrania.Autork kursu jest filoloka jzyka woskiego z wieloletnim dowiadczeniem w nauczaniu, tumaczka przysiga jzyka woskiego, pasjonatka podry i jzykw (poza woskim, mwi jeszcze 4 jzykami). Kurs zawiera najlepsze techniki stosowane przez poliglotw na caym wiecie, w autorskim wydaniu popartym latami dowiadczenia w nauczaniu.A presto! (Do zobaczenia!)Aga"
Price: 594.99 ![]() |
"Clickbank Autopilot Ultimate Guarnteed Formula 2020 updated" |
"Clickbank Ultimate Formula 2020Here I will show you How to Make Money From Clickbank Affiliate In 2020With Free Traffic For Life Time .This is only Course you Never Seen any whereIn this course you will LearnHow to set up Quora Account By New Way In 2019How To Find valuable Questions Which will give you More ViewsHow to Find Keywords With Latest and New WayHow to Find Keywords By Keyword Planner With This Secret In 2019How to Give Answer Without Writing A single Word .With This Course You Will Get 2 Premium Softwares (Cost 97$)No need Any Backlink No need to run Any Facebook Paid Campaign Free Traffic Forever and you will Learn New Way and Get Guaranteed Success"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Make Your Own Digital Store and Start your Software Business" |
"Hi friends How are you ,In this Course I will Teach you How can you make Own Digital Store by php script And No need to Install wordpress on it because This is simple Php Script which is Better Than Wordpress ,Easy to install and dashboard is also Very easy Means A child Can Also Manage His Store . Features :You can Add Your Own LogoYou Can Add Unlimited ProductsYou can Also Set your own PriceNo special Requirement you should have only computer and internet connectionFully customized and Professional Store"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn Full Digital Marketing Training Start To End In 2019" |
"Learn Full Digital Marketing Training Start To End In 2019Full WordPress With All premium Theme And Plugins .Backlinks course 2019 and Also You will Learn SEM and Email marketing.You Will Learn Everything From Start To End How to install WordpressHow to Install Theme How to Configure Theme How to Install Plugins How to Verify Website With WebmasterHow To do On Page Seo How to Make A Viral Website Without Writing A Word How to Rank your Website Without BacklinkHow To Make High Quality Backlinks without Invest Or High Paying Hire FreelancersHow to Do Free Email marketing Without Spending Any money How To Make a Landing Pages In 1 Minute Only How to Use Autoresponder For Life Time How to Get Traffic From Facebook With cheap CPC How to Get Traffic From Google Adwords On Cheap CPCYou Can Not Find This Type Of course Anywhere So Grab It and Make Your Digital Marketing Agency.You Will Rank Your Website Yourself Without Hiring Any Person and You Do Not Need spend Money On SEO and Link Building Services"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 base : crea le tue pagine web con Html5" |
"Grazie ad HTML oggi possibile creare le famose PAGINE, di un sito web.Nonostante oggi la maggior parte di webmaster usi diversi template (modello predefinito di sito web) per realizzare siti, conoscere il linguaggio HTML fondamentale.Infatti imparando ad usare HTML5 potrai modificare, personalizzare e conoscere il contenuto di ogni singola pagina web.Conoscere HTML5 fondamentale perch non sei un vero professionista webmaster se non conosci il linguaggio HTML.Finito il corso di HTML5 Base contattami. Per te una gradita sorpresa."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"EXCEL - Corso pratico livello base e intermedio." |
"Al termine del corso di EXCEL - Corso pratico livello base e intermedio, sarai in grado di utilizzare agevolmenteformule, funzioni, per creare utili fogli di calcolo per il tuo lavoro o per uso personale.Imparerai a formattare le celle proteggere il tuo foglio di calcolo e ad usare funzioni che velocizzano l' inserimento dati .Il corso sar costantemente aggiornato !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CSS3 : Impara ad usare i css3 per i tuoi siti in html" |
"Cosa sono i fogli di stile (CSS)?In questo corso vedremo cosa sono i CSS3 e tratteremo tutti gli argomenti necessari a rendere il tuo codice html graficamente impeccabile.Conoscendo le basi del CSS3, potrai finalmente iniziare ad usare e sfruttare i fogli di stile CSS3, per impostare il look da dare alle pagine del tuo sito web.Infatti imparando ad usare CSS3 potrai realizzare, l'aspetto grafico del tuo sito web."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SEO - Ottimizzare il tuo sito web per i motori di ricerca" |
"Videocorso sulla SEO. Come ottimizzare il tuo sito web per una ottima indicizzazione nei motori di ricerca. in questo videocorso vedremo:Cosa e' la SEOQuali sono i fattori che piu' influenzano la SEOCome configurare il tuo sito web per un ottima indicizzazioneCome impostare i TAG piu' importantiCome registrare il tuo sito in Google Search ConsoleCome usare Google AnalyticsCome creare una sitemap per il tuo sitoCome verificare che il tuo sito sia ottimizzato per dispositivi mobiliCosa sono le KeywordCome usare le KeywordCome inserire le keyword nel nostro sitoCome testare la velocita' del tuo sito webCome inserire contenuti corretti in una pagina web"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Interview English Not Only For Foreign Speakers" |
"You have applied for a job and now they want to see you in person. That is great news! Are you nervous? Don't be. The key for success is in the correct preparation.Are you not a native speaker? It can be double scary to have an interview in a foreign language. But this course will provide you with the tips and tricks to be able to handle it with grace. Ready to learn? Let's start today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
i-can-speak-english |
", , , , . , , , . , , , ., ? , , , , . , , , . , , . , - , , , !, . , , , . . , , , , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Este curso um passo a passo rpido e direto ao ponto, VALIDADO por diversos profissionais os quais ajudei na conquista do novo emprego nos mais de 12 anos de experincia em Recursos Humanos, com Recrutamento & Seleo e Gesto de Carreiras. tambm exatamente o o que EU fiz nas minhas transies de carreira, saindo do interior de So Paulo, assumindo desafios a nvel nacional e internacional, e hoje atuo como gerente de Recursos Humanos no Mdico Sem Fronteiras em misso humanitria na frica. Vai aprender a:Definir bem o seu objetivo profissional e elaborar um currculo consistente e coerenteEncontrar as vagas no divulgadas no mercado (que so 85% de todas as vagas existentes) Entender o que os avaliadores esperam de voc e como contar a sua histria de forma clara e atrativaEste curso direcionado a quem est desempregado no momento em busca de uma nova oportunidade ou para quem est insatisfeito com a ocupao atual e quer uma nova oportunidade na carreira.Como voc provavelmente j sentiu na pele, normalmente, no fcil nem rpido se recolocar no mercado de trabalho e fica ainda mais difcil quando voc no sabe em que focar. Para valorizar o seu tempo e seu dinheiro, cirei este curso super acessvel e direto ao ponto, elencando para voc as aes que realmente funcionam e valem a pena investir.Se estiver disposto(a) a seguir o passo a passo com consistncia e determinao, tenho total confiana de que voc alcanar seu objetivo: o novo emprego."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"iOS Start: c 0 1 (Swift)" |
": 1) / Trainee/Junior iOS Developer 2) iOS , , 3) iPhone iPad ! . iOS . Swift !: 20 -! , - ! Swift Xcode. ! - ) 4.0 4.2 Swift. . . 5.x, 4.2. !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Osmanlca (Osmanl Trkesi )" |
"Bu kurs Osmanl Trkesi giri kapsamndadr. Yalnzca balang konular ele alnp alfabe zerinde younlamtr. Kursun amac bir yaz dili olan Osmanlcann; harflerinin bata- ortada ve sonda nasl yazldklarn, sesli ve sessiz harflerin neler olduklarn, baz balang dzeyi gramer konularn, saylar ve yazm ekillerini, Eski Trkede kullanlan baz rnek kelimeleri gstermeyi hedeflemitir. Tamamen okuma ve yazmaya odakl bir kurstur. Kelime ve anlamlar yada ileri dzey gramer konular barndrmamaktadr. Yaz ekli; matbu harfleri konu almtr. leri seviye dersleri olan rika alfabesi gsterilmemektedir. Rika alfabesi yada ileri dzey gramer dersi renecek kiiler bu dersi kusursuz gemek durumundadr. Okumasn bilmediiniz bir dersin anlamlarn ve gramer konularn da kavrayamazsnz. Bu nedenle Osmanlcann en temel gereksinimi harflerin nerelerde nasl okunup yazldn kavramaktr. Osmanlca bir yaz dilidir. O dnemde Osmanl topraklarnn genilemesiyle birlikte konuma dili karma bir dil haline dnm ve bu karma dile uygun Osmanlca dediimiz bir yaz dili oluturulmutur.Bu nedenle Kelime ezberi yapmak zaman kayb olacaktr. Aktif kullanmadnz kelimeler zihninizden silinecektir. Bunun yerine evirmek istediiniz yazy nce okuma becerisi kazanmal ve szlk eliiyle anlamlarn bulmalsnz.Osmanlca ile youn ekilde igilenenler bu yntemle ska karlatklar kelimeleri istemsizce ezberleyecektir. Kurs okuma becerisi kazanmay vaad ediyor, kelimelerin anlamlarn renmek sizin aratrma isteinize baldr. Bu balamda Osmanlca ; Eski Trke kelimelerin youn kullanld , Farsa ve Arapa kelimelerinde fazlaca ierisine dahil olduu bir konuma diline sahiptir diyebiliriz.leri dzey eitim seti plan dahilinde vardr fakat bu sizlerin deerlendirme puanlarndan gelecek olumlu geri dnlere baldr. Baarlar..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Becoming a Professional Travel Photographer" |
"Ever dreamed of traveling the world and taking photos for a living? Join professional travel photographer Sean Dalton as he explores several ways to make money as a photographer traveling the world.Before Sean became a travel photographer, he worked a 9-5 job like most Americans. He had a Masters degree in a field he loved, and was passionate about his work. But, something wasn't right, and an urge within him lead him to leave his job and pursue a career in travel photography. Despite early hardships, Sean slowly taught himself the ins and outs of monetizing his photography services while living abroad, and is now recognized as a successful travel photographer.In this 80 minute course, Sean teaches you everything you need to know about how to get paid as a travel photographer, providing you with several techniques that can help you earn a living while traveling the world, including:How to find jobs as a documentary photographer or photo journalistHow to expand your current photography clientele to other countriesHow to monetize your social media accountsHow to maximize your income with stock photographyHow to utilize alternative methods like online teaching, photography blogging, and more.Whether you're a professional photographer that has always dreamed of becoming a travel photographer, or someone that has an interest in photography and is just looking to travel, there is something in this course for everyone. This course covers everything you need to know about monetizing your craft while you travel, allowing you to live a much more free and adventurous life."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Becoming an Instagram Influencer" |
"Join popular Instagram lifestyle photographer Sean Dalton (@seandalt) as he breaks down the process of becoming an Instagram influencer.Having grown his following by over 25,000 in just 9 months, Sean has learned the ins and outs of Instagram growth and working with brands. He is part of a popular Instagram community in Thailand, and continues to explore and understand Instagram's complicated algorithms. In this 60 minute course, Sean breaks down everything you need to know about Instagram's platform, providing you with detailed steps on how to grow and monetize your account. Sean share's all of his Instagram secrets to success, including:Creating a consistent themeHow to post quality contentHow to select the perfect targeted hashtagsPhoto editing made easyEffective engagementHow to utilize Instagram podsWhether you're a seasoned Instagrammer, a moderate user, or brand new to the platform, there is something to learn in this course for everyone. This course covers everything you need to know about Instagram from a business standpoint, and can help you become an Instagram influencer in no time."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Edit Photos Like a Pro With Your Smartphone" |
"Smartphone photography is at an all time high in 2020, and editing professional looking photos on your phone is now a reality. In this course Sean covers everything you need to know about how to create stunning edits with nothing more than your iPhone or similar device. Whether you're a professional photographer, or someone that shoots all of their photos with their phone, this course will help you create stunning edits on your phone, and will give you a strong foundation in photo editing that will be essential for your growth as a photographer."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Lightroom: Finding Your Unique Editing Style" |
"Standing out as a photographer in 2019 isn't easy, especially when it comes to developing an editing style that is unique to you.In this course we are going to cover everything you need to know about finding and developing your own unique editing style using Adobe Lightroom. We start with discussing the steps you can take to finding your editing style, before showing how you to use Adobe Lightroom as a tool to bring your images to life. Lastly, I will show you how to edit in several different artistic styles, including an orange and teal look, a dark and moody look, and a vintage style portrait. These will not only help you further understand Lightroom, but give you an idea of the stylistic aspects of a photograph that you like.This course is for anyone who is searching for their own unique editing style, or anyone that just wants to improve their Adobe Lightroom skills. Whether you're an amateur photographer who wants to stand out among other photographers, or a professional looking to take their editing skills to the next level, there is something here for everyone :)The course project is an integral part of this course, and some of the best projects will be featured on my Instagram page!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Instagram and Personal Branding" |
"About This ClassHaving taught one of the most popular Instagram courses on Skillshare to date, Top Teacher Sean Dalton returns with his second Instagram course. In this 55 minute course, Sean covers everything you need to know about how to establish a strong and authentic personal brand on Instagram that will have your followers waiting in excitement for your next post. Here are just a few of the things you can expect to learn:How to find your Instagram themeHow to create high quality contentHow establish a strong brand imageHow to engage effectively to increase Instagram growthHow to remain authentic from the startWhether you're a seasoned Instagrammer, a small brand looking to grow, or even someone without an Instagram account, this course will help you find your place on Instagram, and will give you a strong foundation in personal branding that will be essential for your future on the platform."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Photography Essentials: Understanding the Basics" |
"Want to learn photography but don't have time for a 20 hour course? Sean has you covered.In this 90 minute course, Sean focuses on all the essential information you need to know in order to capture beautiful images. You'll learn all the most fundamental lessons of photography, as well as countless tips and tricks that will help you establish yourself as a prominent photographer.Here are some of the things you will learn:How to fully understand and master your DSLR or mirrorless cameraHow to choose the best camera settings and camera modeHow to nail the perfect compositionHow to get tack-sharp focus in every photoHow to identify perfect lighting environmentsHow to find your unique photography stylePhoto editing tipsSocial media tips for photographersPlus countless other tips that will propel your photography skills even further.This course was designed for:Beginner photographers with little to no experience who want to improve their photography skillsIntermediate photographers who want a deeper understanding of foundational photography conceptsAnyone who wants to improve their general knowledge of photography in order to capture beautiful images"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Travel & Teach: Your how-to guide" |
"Learn how you can travel the world and get paid by teaching English. This course was designed for anyone looking for a change of lifestyle or to take a break from the mundane life of a 9-5 job. You will learn what you need in order to become an ESL teacher, you'll learn about the industry itself and by the end of this course you will know exactly what steps you need to take in order to start your new journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"This course targets parents and teachers at the same time, because this talk is about our future - children. We need humans with values, who know the price and who can distinguish between loving people and using things. Suggestopedia is a teaching methodology, but it can be used as communication framework in daily life. Suggestopedia makes us believe that we can unlock our hidden potential and reveal ourselves to achieve our dreams. Because dreams really do come true."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |