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"Windows Server 2016 DirectAccess" |
"Windows Server 2016 DirectAccess , Windows Server 2016 DirectAccess VPN DirectAccess DirectAccess DirectAccess DirectAccess Windows 7 DirectAccess"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V" |
"Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V Hyper-V ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V" |
"Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Hyper-V Hyper-V"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2012 DHCP" |
"Windows Server 2012 DHCP , Windows Server 2012 DHCP Windows Server 2012 Server Core , GUI Powershell IPv4 IPv6"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2012 R2 DHCP" |
"Windows Server 2012 R2 DHCP , Windows Server 2012 R2 DHCP Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core , GUI Powershell IPv4 IPv6"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
daytrade888 |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Clculo Diferencial : Lmites, Continuidad y Derivadas" |
"Este es un curso de Clculo Diferencial con ms de 70 videoclases, el curso se presenta como la alternativa ms completa para aprender una de las ramas ms interesantes de las matemticas. La idea desde el primer momento fue y es ofrecer un curso entendible, a travs de un lenguaje sencillo y con ejemplos aclaratorios sin dejar de lado la rigurosidad y formalidad que exige las matemticas. El curso consta de 4 captulos: Lmites, Continuidad, La derivada y Aplicaciones de la derivada ( revisar programa para mayor detalle). En cada uno de estos captulos los temas tratados incluyen no solo la parte prctica sino tambin propiedades y teoremas ms importantes con sus respectivas demostraciones. Para que el curso no se vuelva denso, estas demostraciones (la mayora de ellas) se encuentran en el Cap. 5: Anexos, adems que cada video incluye un archivo PDF de lo que se haga en pizarra. As, ya no estars preocupado por tomar apuntes y te enfocars solo en prestar atencin.Tambin contars con el apoyo de tu profesor de forma constante para cualquier duda que tengas, estar a tu disposicin el foro de preguntas y respuestas. Qu esperas? Inscrbete y en poco tiempo te sorprenders de todo lo que habrs aprendido."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Goods and Service Tax in India : A Brief Introduction." |
"The Goods & Service Tax Act came into effect from 1st July, 2017 in India and is one of the largest Tax reforms in India which subsumed many of the indirect taxes into a single tax.The GST Act have been successfully implemented in India since 2017 and a large number of organisations have been registered under the GST regime.The implementation of GST has brought a good impact on the Indian business environment and is expected to create new employment opportunities. Given , GST is a new law, there is a huge demand of GST professionals in the job market.Given the high demand of workforce, we have created this course on GST in India keeping in mind the current Industry requirements. This course have been developed by professionals having expert knowledge of GST in India. Unlike traditional teaching method, our courses have been designed in a modern, student friendly manner.We have simplified the complex laws, provisions and rules with the help of charts, graphs and smart art objects. We have also included examples, quizzes and downloadable resources so as to enable the students to gain a practical insight into GST. Also, we have minimized the boring theory portion so as to make learning more interesting.The Unique features of this course are:- Small, concise, brief and to the point lectures.- Use of graphs, charts, illustrations for easy learning- Downloadable PDFs, quizzes and other files- Practical examples- Simple and easy explanation of complex laws.So, go forward and enroll in this course and get ready to get hired to your dream job or promoted in your current job.We promise you a good learning experience and a value for your money.Wishing you all the very best!!!!"
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"Accounting for Companies - Issue of Debentures" |
"Debentures as a source of finance suit companies which have regular earnings to service the debts, and offers adequate financial security to the Company and motivate the investors to invest in debentures in order to earn a fixed return on the investments.In a depressed market conditions, Debentures plays an important role in providing a good source of finance for a Company. In the present era, the recent trends regarding the issue of Debentures has been quite encouraging. We have designed this course to ensure that the students will gain an in depth knowledge regarding Debentures. Our course have been designed in an student friendly manner with charts, graphics and pictorial representations to make learning easy.The Unique features of our Course are: -Small, concise, brief and to the point lectures.- Downloadable PDFs, quizzes and other files- Use of graphs, charts, illustrations for quick retention of facts- Practical examplesSo, go ahead and enroll in this course to gain an in-depth knowledge regarding Debentures. We promise you a very happy learning experience and a value for your money.Wishing you all the very best!!!!"
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Powerpoint A-Z Training" |
"Herzlich Willkommen zum Powerpoint A-Z Training, dem kompletten Kurs fr all die Leute die mit Powerpoint durchstarten wollen. Wenn du gerne zum Powerpoint Profi werden mchtest, um im Job mit Prsentationen zu glnzen, dein eigenes Business voranzubringen, Kunden zielgerichtet informieren zu knnen, dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich!In diesem Kurs werden wir folgende Themen im Detail behandeln: Wofr brauche ich Powerpoint, Wie erstelle ich meine erste Prsentation, Welche Funktionen bietet Powerpoint an, Organigramme und sogar ein Tutorial woher ich meine beauftragten Logos und Powerpoint Themes kaufe.Folgende Dinge wirst du in diesem Kurs im Detail lernen:Wofr brauche ich Powerpoint - Wir sprechen ber alle Anwendungsbeispiele die Powerpoint bietet.Wie erstelle ich meine erste Prsentation - Wir werden Schritt fr Schritt eure erste Prsentation erstellen.Welche Funktionen bietet Powerpoint - Wir werden Smart Arts, Diagramme, Verknpfungen, Video-Einbettungen, Verlinkungen, eigene Zeichnungen, und Interaktive Schaltflchen besprechen und benutzen .Organigramme - Wir werden besprechen was einOrganigramm ist und werden dein erstes zusammen erstellen.Logos&Themes - Ich werde euch zeigen, woher und wie ihr eure ersten personalisierten Logos oder Powerpoint Themes kaufen knnt.Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du folgende Dinge knnen:Eigenstndig Prsentation erstellen.Animierte Folien erstellen.Jede Schaltflche von Powerpoint verstehen& beherrschen.Prsentationen mit eigenem Themes und Logos erstellen.Smart Arts erstellen.Diagramm verknpfen Excel - Powerpoint.Video-Einbettungen (wir verknpfen euer eigenesVideo oder einen Stream).Ihr werdet lernen wie man Prsentation automatisiert (Schaufensterprsentationen).Ihr werdet eigene Zeichnungen erstellen knnen.Interaktive Schaltflchen programmieren.Organigramme erstellen.Deswegen schreibe dich jetzt ein. Nehme diese Chance wahr und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video des Kurses!Fr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs: Selbstndige mit eigenem Unternehmen. Angestellte die sich in ihrem Job verbessern mchten. Schler die bessere Prsentation erstellen mchten. Vertriebsmitarbeiter die Kunden Produkte prsentieren mchten. Management Angestellte Jeder der Probleme mit Kunden, Abteilungen oder Lieferanten dokumentieren muss. Jeder, der mehr Verkufe generieren mchte. Event Manager die mehr Teilnehmer fr ihre online Events generieren mchten. Jeder der interessiert ist am Thema werben und verkaufen. Fr jeden der Powerpoint lernen und verstehen mchte."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to have a Strategic Advantage in Car Detailing" |
"If you would like to make a living off cleaning cars but don't know where to start, this course will guide you toward a market of possibilities and provide an ideal platform that will make your life connecting with others much easier.I will provide a mentor approach to presenting this course preferably as a guidance.This can be an entry level hobby or a business investment opportunity, in this course I will be providing a mentor approach so you will feel like someone I know and would love to share my opportunities with, I will guide you on which directions are available and why you should take or not to take the paths in these lectures.So the topics I will cover is an introduction to car detailing with a quick summary and then proceed to talk about the different kinds of detailers today, by comparing the two and basing their qualities to match your preferences, which we'll then proceed to find that market which can become your success in the future.Have a look at the preview to get to know me and what to expect within this course."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Business Management Fundamentals Simplified." |
"My mentor approach will have you understand that there is too much time learning on steps which just require a brief understanding on components that just make the business place work, In this course I cover the fundamentals of running a business in a traditional way and also an Innovative way which is desired today.This course will contain major components that has been refined into a more concise timely form, which encompasses the fundamentals that you need to know, so you wont have to spend from 1-3 years and thousands of dollars in tuition fees.However this course can be an affordable way to determine whether the topics covered could be a course worth investing into University or College.The following are the course topics which will be covered for your ease of learning.Diploma Level Business ManagementSales/Operations DepartmentHuman Resource DepartmentAccounting/Finance DepartmentAdministration DepartmentMarketing DepartmentManager DepartmentAs a bonus there will be a brief coverage of topics which are based on major or specialized units that will help you in determining whether achieving these courses in University or College is worth the price and time.Estimated 3 years and up to $60,000 in fees of free insight!Bachelor Level of BusinessHuman Resource ManagementEconomic PrinciplesBusiness MarketingAccountingBusiness LawCritical and Professional DevelopmentBusiness StatisticsBusiness Information SystemsAfter understanding these components, this would be a great way to work towards entrepreneurship, which I will briefly cover at the end of this course to give you an insight of the possibilities of what your knowledge gained from this course can produce!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn about the Entrepreneur Mentality and Development" |
"This course will be presented in a mentoring manner where there are instructions and advice to consider when you are developing as an entrepreneur.We will be having a brief understanding of what entrepreneurs are and the importance of the way one associates with the world.So the topics which will be covered areTypes of EntrepreneurCommon skills and traitsWhere to startWhat you should be doingMethods to maintain mentalityStrategies to learningHow to develop consistentlyBasically providing a general walk through from my perspective in order to present you simple habits that have proven to create ideas which you can adopt in your journey as a future entrepreneur.AdditionallyThere will be a presentation of my own business plan which will allow you to develop your own and possibly generate amazing ideas using my format as a reference."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Kursun amac video dzenlemek isteyenler,Youtube kanal amay dnenler ve bunun iin montaj yapmak isteyenler, sonunda da bunu para kazanmaya evirmek isteyen kitle iin hazrlanmtr.Youtube ile ilgilenmek isteyenler iin;Gnmzde birok Youtuber ilk video dzenleme yazlm olarak bu program ile balamtr. Popler isimler arasnda Ruhi enet, Furkan Yaman, Enes Batur, Duygu Kseolu vs. gibi birok isim yer alabilir. Sende onlar kadar baarl olmak istiyorsan hemen kursa kaydol!Bunun yannda birok platform iin (instagram,film siteleri vb.) video dzenleyip gelir elde etmek isteyenler karmasn!Kurs sonunda yapabileceklerimiz:Videolar ileri seviyede dzenleyebilmek, Herhangi bir sosyal medya platformu iin (Youtube,nstagram vs.) videolar oluturmak veya ektiiniz uzun-ksa filmleri montajlayarak gelir elde edebilmek.Sizde sfrdan gzel bir seviyeye gelmek istiyorsanz ve bu ilere meraklysanz harika bir kurs sizi bekliyor."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning Technical Interview" |
"This course is designed to become a convenient resource for preparing for a technical machine learning interview. It helps you to get ready for an interview with 50 lectures covering questions and answers on a varied range of topics. The course is intended not only for candidates with a full understanding of possible questions but also for recalling knowledge in data science.We will systematically cover the data preparation methods including data normalization, outliers handling, feature engineering, and dimensionality reduction techniques.After processing the data in the next section, we will move on to the supervised machine learning methods. We will consider simple linear algorithms, regularization, maximum likelihood method. Besides, we will also talk about the Bayes theorem and the naive Bayes classifier. Several lectures in this section are devoted to the support vector machine model. Most of the lectures after this will be dedicated to algorithms based on decision-making trees: we will consider bagging algorithm, random forest, AdaBoost, and gradient boosting.Having finished reviewing the interview questions on algorithms, we will move on to the subject area of machine learning and discuss such topics as good experiment design, cross-validation methods, overfitting and underfitting, feature selection methods, unbalanced data problem.This course also includes several lectures on clustering algorithms, covering the most well-known methods and their concepts. In addition, as part of this course, we will consider various metrics for assessing the quality of supervised and unsupervised models.In summary, this course will help you to recall the methods used by real machine learning experts and prepare you for this hot data scientist career path."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Piano Bootcamp - Learn to Play Staff Easily from Scratch" |
"Learn to Play Staff on the Piano easily without wasting money, time and effort on a traditional Piano LessonThis Piano Bootcamp course is comprehensive and specifically designed to take a complete beginner to intermediate level on the Piano within some couple of time. At the end of this course you will be able to sit down and Play your favorite songs on the staff. This course will start off by teaching you the rudiments of music, music notations, how to read any kind of songs and then catapult you to the level where you can now confidently sit down and play any kind of classical pieces. One of the Beauties of this course is that it comes with lots of complementary materials and exercises to aid your learning process.LIFE TIME ACCESS: By enrolling in this course you have an instant Life- Time access30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you will be refunded of your money.THANK YOU AND I HOPE TO SEE YOU IN THE COURSE"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"100 Most Useful Phrasal Verbs in English" |
"Being able to understand and use phrasal verbs is essential to speaking better English! But phrasal verbs are unfortunately really confusing for most English language learners, and the English language is full of them. Are you struggling with learning phrasal verbs? Do you have a hard time understanding native speakers because of their frequent use of them? Then this course is for you. It's a quick and simple guide to learning all the most useful phrasal verbs in English, so that you can boost your conversation skills and start speaking with more confidence. "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Start an Etsy T-Shirt Business in 2020 with No Costs!" |
"Learn How to Start an Etsy T-Shirt Business in 2020 with No Costs! Take your Etsy Store to the next level with EtsyCentral's 2019 advanced course on how to start your very own Etsy t-shirt businessEtsyCentral is a thinkTank comprised up of the best sellers, crafters, artists, hustlers, and makers to ever sell on Etsy. As a collective, they have generated over $15 million dollars worth of sales to date. The knowledge and taught in this latest course took years to discover and develop. As a group, its our deepest mission to spread freedom to those who don't want to live the normal 9-5. ----------------------Hi there! My name is Jackie and I am one of the instructors for this course. Etsy and EtsyCentral has given me the ability to live a life of freedom and sustainability all while doing exactly what I love...crafting. Etsy allowed me, a young woman to chase my lifelong dream of opening my own business. With it, I have traveled the world, met with amazing, inspirational people, and built a life I've only ever dreamed of living.It's hard for me to even begin to explain all of the amazing things that Etsy has made possible for me. I want to share that with ANYONE who wants to learn. I want to share with you every tactic and strategy I've learned along the way to growing and scaling out my own Etsy Store. I'll show you how to add scarcity ""only 3 items left..."" to all of your listings, I'll teach you how to grow your reviews more than you've ever thought possible, I'll teach you how to send monthly emails to your entire customer base automatically. Most of all, I want to help makers grow their Etsy business so that they can focus on their passions.Yours Truly,Jackie-------By the end of this course, you will be fluently versed in the art of selling on Etsy and be ready to make your own sales grow with the strategies we cover.Sign up today, and look forwards to:Over 390 minutes of HD 1080p animated video content covering everything you'll ever need to know to succeed as an Etsy SellerHow to setup a Print on Demand T-shirt business that will generate you sales without having to hold inventory or make purchases in advanceBuilding out your own automated year long follow up email funnel that includes request for honest reviews, and promises of outstanding customer service. Bid Strategy, Google Ads, and External Scaling StrategiesLearn how to spy on your competitors and target their keywordsA catalogue of outstanding customer service responsesOur SEO ready 2019 Etsy product description template$8000+ Etsy SEO bootcamp course materials and curriculumFrom 1 Sale to Etsy Guru with Just One Course-------How To Sell On EtsyIn this course students will learn how to take their Etsy stores to the next level. The course is broken up into 5 modules covering the major categories of selling on Etsy.Module 1 will introduce you to Etsy Central and how to get the most out of this courseModule 2 will go over with you how to setup your store on Etsy and is titled ""Setting Up Your Store""Module 3 is called, ""Branding 101"" and goes over the essentials of branding and how to communicate your stores message and quality standards to your customers. In this section we go over how The North Face, Patagonia, etc. are able to connect with their customers on a deeper level. We'll even create our very own logo from start to finishModule 4 is called, ""What the Heck is Print on Demand"" and goes what the heck is Print on Demand. In this section we will go over a few different Print on Demand backends that will allow you to create and list designs and them fulfill them as customers order them...automatically!Module 5 titled, ""Conceptualizing, Designing, Listing on Etsy"" goes over the process of designing and listing products onto your Print on Demand backend and then onto Etsy. In this module we go over from start to finish, designing, listing and selling your first Print on Demand product! Module 6 titled, ""Yay! First Order... Now What?"" continues the previous module and goes over what to do when you get your first order. How do you fulfill? How do you ship? Module 7 is called, ""The Etsy Search Engine Algorithm and How to Hack It"" and goes over the essentials of Etsy's search engine algorithm and how to work with it to boost sales. We will go over how to leverage keywords and spy on our competitors to optimize our listings for successModule 8 is titled, ""Optimizing Your Listings for Maximum Conversion"" and goes over how to turn your now keyworded listing into a profitable value proposition. In this section you will learn how to add keywords into your listing to MAXIMIZE placement and rankings for your products, how to optimize your Etsy descriptions to better engage potential customers, how to take and incorporate engaging photos that WOW your audience, how to keep customers happy by giving them excellent customer service, how to ask for and obtain reviews, and how to align your interests with Etsys interest to gain their favor! By this end of this module, you will know how to fully optimize your listing for maximum engagement!Module 9 goes over how to use Etsy's native ads program to quickly ramp up your keyword ranking efforts and is called, ""Module 3 : Scaling your store with Etsys Promoted Listings""Module 10 is named, ""Scaling your store with a few emails"" and goes over how to use Aweber to link your customer emails up to your marketing email funnel. This section focuses on how to establish a meaningful connection with your fanbase. Included in this lesson are my individual email templates I used to 10x my return customers!Module 11 is called, ""Driving sales with external traffic"" and goes over how to bring external traffic from outside Etsy into Etsy by purchasing something from your storefront.Module 13 is called ""Applying the Lessons... Scaling for Print on Demand"" and goes over with you how to apply the lessons we learned in the previous modules with the specific needs of a Print on Demand store.I've also included a bonus lecture on the Scarcity Hack I used to beat out all my competitors on the search pageIn addition to all of our lessons, we've included sections on gathering Etsy reviews, how to scale new products, how to grow your storefront into a profitable, sustainable business. Additionally we have also included all of our email and customer service response templates!#howtosellonetsy #bestetsycourse #howtocreateetsystore "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Avoid Pitfalls and Traps in International Trade" |
"Do you want to learn How to Avoid Pitfalls and Traps when it comes to international trade?With over 13 real life legal case studies in International Trade - this is the most comprehensive online International Trade course available.Your instructor will take you through each real life case studies on what happened, what was the court judgement on the cases & learning points.By the end of the course, you will know what are the pitfalls and traps that you should avoid when it comes to International Trade . You can implement the lessons that you have learnt from the case studies at workInside the course, you'll learn how to:- How a House Bill of Lading can be risky for an Exporter - Examining the risk of using FOB for an Exporter.- How an Importer was cheated by the Exporter using forged documents in a Letter of Credit transaction- The consequences if the goods description in the Sales Contract does not match the terms of the Letter of Credit- Han Jin Bankruptcy - An Importer's harrowing experience- How using an LC to pay for past shipment of goods can be detrimental to the Seller- Can an Issuing Bank be held liable to the applicant if there are forgeries in the documents submitted to the Exporter- How backdating a Bill of Lading is tantamount to fraud- How an Issuing Bank was liable to pay US$1.2million due to non compliance to Article 14 of UCP500- Beware of Triad Syndicates operating in International Trade- How an Exporter did not get paid under a Confirmed LC although the Importer had waived the discrepancies- How an Importer was not able to claim under Insurance for damaged goods- A surprise twist on how things can go wrong for both Seller & Buyer on a transaction using Incoterms DAP.- How Importing under CIF can be riskyYou'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionEnrol today to become an expert in navigating pitfalls and traps in International TradeAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Basic understanding of Letters of Credit & IncotermsWho this course is for:ImportersExportersManufacturersTradersBankersInsurersFreight forwarders and carriers."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Membangun Channel Youtube" |
"Di ecourse kali ini aku bakal share secara tuntas ke teman2 tentang tips dan best practice yang aku lakukan untuk mencari dan mengembangkan audience dan branding kalian di platform Youtube. Aku juga bakal share, bagaimana aku bisa menghasilkan 70JUTA dalam 1 minggu dalam Youtube hanya dengan memanfaatkan audience yang aku punya.Prankster atau Gammer Youtuber itu sudah banyak di Indonesia. Tapi kalau Design Vlogger atau Design Youtuber yang aktif ngeVlog, itu masih sangat sedikit atau bahkan tidak ada di Indonesia.Namun aku berhasil untuk membangun channel Design Youtuber ini dan bisa mencapai 100RIBU subscribers.Dan ini saatnya kamu yang harus mencoba! Apakah kamu seorang Artist? Pelukis? Band? Comic Standup Comedy?Guru?Internet Marketing? Seniman Kerajinan Tangan?Pebisnis?Mahasiswa? Influencers? Atau profesi apapun itu, mempunyai sebuah channel Youtube dan audience yang besar dapat membantu brand personal maupun bisnis Anda cepat berkembang.TENTANG PENGAJAR:Kenalin aku Riopuba, seorang Freelance Designer dan Design-Youtuber di Indonesia. Saat ini aku mempunyai sebuah channel youtube dengan 100 RIBUsubscribers, dan sebagian besar audience aku sangat tertarget yaitu orang-orang Indonesia yang passion nya adalah desain, dan orang-orang yang tertarik dengan dunia desain dan freelancing. ChannelYoutube ini cukup banyak membuka peluang baru bagi aku, karena semakin banyak peluang client yang memesan desain, peluang mendapatkan endorse dari beberapa brand yang berhubungan dengan desain, peluang undangan sebagai keynote speaker di sekolah maupun universitas di Indonesia, dan masih banyak peluang lain yang aku dapatkan dari channel Youtube ini.So, sekarang giliran kamu. Investasi untuk masa depan kamu. Daftar ecourse ini sekarang!:)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Next Level PowerPoint - kreative Bildgestaltung im Marketing" |
"Verbringen Sie NICHT fnf Stunden damit, jede noch so kleine Stellschraube der PowerPoint Bildgestaltung kennenzulernen. Dafr ist Ihre Zeit zu wertvoll. Und ntig ist es auch nicht. Lernen Sie lieber kompakt in einer Stunde die effektivsten Methoden, wirklich bildstarke Folien zu erstellen. Die einzelnen Bildeffekte bentigen im Schnitt nur 3 Minuten in der Umsetzung und sind somit tglich in der Praxis anwendbar. Adaptionen (zum Beispiel gleiche Folie mit anderem Bild) erzielen Sie in einer Minute. So entstehen knftig noch in letzter Minute WOW-Effekte. In diesen Kurs flieen Erkenntnisse aus ber 10-jhriger Agentur- und Pitch-Erfahrung. Lernen Sie Next Level PowerPoint von jemandem, der nicht nur das Tool, sondern auch die Anforderungen der Business Welt versteht! Denn Zeit ist Geld.Als Bonus erhalten Sie eine PowerPoint Datei mit allen finalen Folien (mit Bildplatzhaltern) zum Download. Innerhalb von einer Minute knnen Sie diesen Platzhalter in Ihre aktuelle Prsentation kopieren und ein eigenes Bild hinterlegen. Bringen Sie Ihre Bildsprache JETZT auf ein neues Level!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Live profissional no Instagram" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a fazer lives no instagram de forma profissional utilizando o seu computador e sem precisar usar o celular. Utilize este curso para fazer qualquer tipo de live como gameplays por exemplo.Aumente seu nmero de seguidores e o engajamento deles com lives interessantes utilizando imagens, vdeos, textos, gameplays, webcam e etc...Alm disso voc vai aprender de forma fcil e rpida como utilizar o programa de stream mais usado pelos streamers profissionais e com apenas 2 cliques voc iniciar IMEDIATAMENTE suas lives."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Thrive Architect: Landing Pages in WordPress erstellen 2019" |
"In diesem kompletten Thrive Architect Kurs lernst du, wie du Landingpages kinderleicht in WordPress erstellen, ohne Vorkenntnisse schne Websites bauen und mit dem erworbenen Wissen eventuell sogar Web-Projekte fr andere umsetzen kannst.Dieser Kurs ist absolut Einsteiger geeignet, da ich selbst vor etwa 3 Jahren komplett neu in der Materie war. Als ich das Plugin Thrive Architect von Thrive Themes kennengelernt, und damit erfolgreich einige Websites erstellt hatte, kam mir die Idee, dieses Wissen weiterzugeben.Wir werden zunchst gemeinsam Wordpress installieren, anschlieend das Thrive Dashboard durchgehen und du wirst alle Funktionen dieses Programms kennenlernen. Dann erstellen wir gemeinsam eine Landing-Page und ich zeige dir noch ein paar Tipps, Tricks, und verschiedene Plug-Ins, die dir den Umgang mit WordPress ganz wesentlich erleichtern."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress lernen fr Anfnger 2020: Website erstellen in 1h" |
"Werde jetzt zum Website-Selbermacher!Mit diesem Online-Kurs erhltst du ein Werkzeug, mit dem du schnell und ohne Vorkenntnisse deine eigene private Website auf Basis von Wordpress erstellen, einen Blog einrichten oder fr dein Business den Grundstein im Online-Marketing legen kannst.In 11 Lektionen lernst du die absoluten Basics und kannst damit in knapp einer Stunde schon mit deiner Wordpress Seite online gehen: Das korrekte Hosting-Paket muss nicht teuer sein: Mit diesem Anbieter schaffst du den Weg zur eigenen Website innerhalb von Minuten und um wenige Euro pro MonatSo richtest du Wordpress ein und installierst ein ThemeDer Aufbau von Wordpress CMS (Content Management System): Die wesentlichen Unterschiede zwischen Seiten und BlogbeitrgenWas sind die wichtigsten Wordpress-Plugins: SEO-Basics, Sicherheit fr deine Page, gute Ladezeiten und richtig coole Kontaktformulare. Vielleicht hast du auch berlegt, einen eigenen Onlineshop auf Wordpress/Woocommerce Basis zu erstellen. Das alles lsst sich mit Plugins lsen!DSGVO: Du kannst einfach nicht alles wissen - Du bekommst Vorschlge fr die richtigen Tools, um zu 100% sicher zu seinWordpress-BLOG: So richtest du deine Blog-Seite ein, auf der die Beitrge erscheinenMen, Header und Footer: Die Navigation auf deiner Seite soll so einfach wie mglich fr den User sein. Hier lernst du, wie du vorgehst!Schritt-fr-Schritt Anleitung fr die ersten Schritte mit deiner Wordpress-InstallationFRAGEN: Du darfst Fragen stellen, so viele du mchtest. Sollte irgend etwas unklar sein, erstelle ich ein Video in der Updates-Sektion und beantworte deine Frage als Screencast-Video."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kubernetes Made Easy: Learn Kubernetes From Scratch" |
"""Gone through various Kubernetes paid courses too. But this series is best so far. It is helping me to understand each and every smaller components and configuration of K8S in a very practical manner. Thanks for your effort and time you have devoted to making this course. :) "" - StudentIf my guess is right, I'm sure you heard about Kubernetes multiple times and also you heard about it is becoming defacto standard for Container Orchestration. Currently, It is must know technology for any DevOps engineer, Developers and Administrators. This course is designed from ground up for anyone who is interested to get hands-on Kubernetes. It will help you to gain understanding on how to deploy, use, and maintain your applications on Kubernetes. ""Srinath, you are the best. Your series covers everything. Folks, if you are interested in all nuts and bolts of Kubernetes, watching Srinath series is A MUST !!!! ""- StudentSo, without wasting a minute and lets dive into the world of Kubernetes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Attracting True Love Later in Life" |
"Love is something we crave at any age, but it can be particularly difficult to attract the love you want a little bit later in life. Sometimes, the years can send our mojo into hiding. I will show you how to bring it back into full view! How is it that some people seem to be love magnets? It turns out there are concrete qualities, a set of mental and physical attributes that make some of us attractors and others repellers. This course delves deeply into what it takes to attract true love into your life using your lifetime of valuable experience to set you on the right energetic path. Every single moment of your life has led you to this place where you are right now. Uncover the lessons and discover the tools to help bring love to you at any age. If you are willing to do the work, it can change your life and make your dreams come true."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fast MBA - Sales - Curso Completo de Vendas" |
"Este o curso de vendas da franquia Fast MBA. Neste curso, voc vai aprender a estruturar um processo comercial completo na sua empresa.Vai aprender a vender de forma profissional e estruturada buscando escala e no apenas o esforo pessoal dos scios.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a:Definir quem o perfil de cliente ideal para sua empresa (segmentao de mercado e definio de nicho para diferenciao)Definir quem o comprador (buyer persona) e como abord-lo no desenvolvimento de oportunidades comerciaisMontar um manual de vendas para que todos na sua empresa utilizem o mesmo processo padro e assim conseguir escalaFazer prospeco via telefone e e-mail de forma confiante e agregando valor de verdade para os clientesQualificar os leads para uma abordagem comercial avanada em busca do fechamentoDesenvolver a oportunidade comercial mantendo o prospect envolvido e interessado at o fechamento.Converter o prospect em cliente Este curso importante para voc se sua empresa:Precisa estruturar um processo de venda contnuo dentro da minha empresa.Precisa trazer novos clientes de forma recorrente.Precisa aumentar a taxa de converso das propostas comerciais que elaboramos.Precisa formar uma equipe de vendas bem qualificada.Precisa aumentar a quantidade de oportunidades para minha equipe de vendas trabalhar.O contedo do curso vai te ajudar a vender solues complexas, servios, produtos de alto valor e SaaS. Principalmente para o pblico B2B (Vendas para empresas)."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
Java |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master the art of Dynamic Programming" |
"Implementing dynamic programming algorithms is more of an art than just a programming technique. Dynamic programming problems are also very commonly asked in coding interviews but if you ask anyone who is preparing for coding interviews which are the toughest problems asked in interviews most likely the answer is going to be dynamic programming. In fact, dynamic programming problems are very easy to solve once you understand the theory in depth and know certain tricks. Most of the dynamic programming problems share some common elements and if you know how to identify those things you can come up with solutions easily.In this course, you will learn1. The in-depth theory behind dynamic programming 2. Recursion and backtracking techniques3. A step by step approach to come up with dynamic programming solutions to a given problem from scratch4. Applying step by step approach for one-dimensional dynamic programming problems with detailed examples5. Applying step by step approach for multi dimensional dynamic programming problems with detailed examples6. How to analyze the time and space complexities of recursive solutions as well as dynamic programming solutions"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cara membuat Ujian Online di Moodle Cloud 3.6" |
"Kursus ini sangat cocok untuk para Guru, Dosen, Pelatih Training, Profesional yang ingin mulai belajar tentang membuat Ujian Online di Moodle 3.6. Pada kursus ini, Anda akan pelajari mulai dari membuat Moodle Cloud, sampai dengan membuat Bank Soal dengan berbagai macam tipe soal yang sering digunakan untuk ujian seperti Pilihan Ganda, Jawaban Singkat, Benar.Salah Essay, dan mencocokkan dan juga ada simulasi pada saat ujian sedang berlangsung . Jika Anda belum mengerti cara membuat soal ujian online, kursus ini dibuat dan akan membimbing Anda langkah demi langkah sampai Anda bisa membuat bank soal dan ujian online di Moodle."
Price: 700000.00 ![]() |
"Tests de la constitucin espaola orientado a oposiciones" |
"Si quieres presentarte a una oposicin a la Administracin General del Estado, a Correos, a las Comunidades Autnomas, etc. vas a tener que superar las preguntas de La Constitucin. Este curso es una herramienta perfecta para superar esta parte del examen. A travs de 100 preguntas tipo test afianzars los contenidos de la norma fundamental de nuestro ordenamiento jurdico. Adems, te enviaremos un enlace desde el que te podrs descargar el texto ntegro de la Constitucin Espaola.Estas preguntas, hacindolas una y otra vez, te servirn para estudiar, repasar y comprobar tu aprendizaje. Al final de cada test tienes la respuesta correcta. Que no te d miedo presentarte a una Oposicin, y comienza ya el primer test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |