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"PMP Practice tests 6th Edition - 500 questions+explanations" |
"The best way to pass your PMP exam certification on your own and on your first try is the following one:1 - Graba book explaining the main PMP conceptsin a ""friendly"" way. Do the test at the end of each chapter.We recommend:- Rita Mulcahys PMP Exam Prep- PMP Project Management Professional Exam - Study Guide - Sybex - Kim Heldman- The PMP Exam: How to Pass on Your First Try - Andy Crowe- McGraw-Hill Education PMP Project Management Professional Exam - Henrique Moura2 - Then, read and studythe PMBOK (be sure to take the latest edition).Dont trythis first as you will get confused by somany new processes, inputs, outputs, techniques, etc.(until you are an experienced project manager...)Try to do a mental map with all the processes (and their associated knowledge area). Memorize the input/output for the most used processes.3 - Try as many practice tests as possible. Even if you can ""pass"" if you get more than 75%, repeat and repeat until you get over 95% in a consistent way.Read carefully everyexplanation.The practice tests in this course are based on latest PMBOKEdition (6th Edition).You will find the same type of questions that in the real exam.Following these steps you can be sure thatyou will get your PMP certification on your first try !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Get the Spanish Citizenship EASILY!" |
"Do you want to get the Spanish Citizenship?The CCSE exams (constitutional and cultural knowledge of Spain) are aimed at people over 18 who want to obtain Spanish citizenship with the following characteristics: 10 years of legal residence 2 years of legal residence for citizens of Latin American origin Married with Spanish person for at least 1 yearCCSE exams are organised by the Cervantes Institute and the examination centres are schools which are accredited by the Instituto Cervantes. The exam consists of 25 questions distributed by the following content: 60% of questions on the constitution and 40% on culture, society and history; time allowance for the test is 45 minutes. To obtain a necessary PASS you must answer correctly at least 60% of the questions, for example 15/25.In this course, you have a lot of questions to prepare for CCSE exam. The CCSE exam is validated once the DELE certificate, with a minimum A2 level for non-Spanish speakers is achieved. The DELE exam can be taken either before or after the CCSE exam.Come on and start now the first test !!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TensorFlow, Deep Learning e Python: Construa um Chatbot" |
"A rea de Deep Learning (Aprendizagem Profunda) est relacionada a aplicao das redes neurais artificiais na resoluo de problemas complexos e que requerem artifcioscomputacionais avanados. Existem diversas aplicaes prticas que j foram construdas utilizando essastcnicas, tais como:carros autnomos, descoberta de novos medicamentos,cura e diagnstico antecipado dedoenas, gerao automtica de notcias, reconhecimento facial, recomendao de produtos, previso dos valores de aes na bolsa de valores e at mesmo a gerao automtica de roteiros de filmes! Nesses exemplos, a tcnica base utilizada so as redes neurais artificiais, que procuram ""imitar"" como o crebro humano funciona e so consideradas hoje em dia como as mais avanadas no cenrio de Machine Learning (Aprendizagem de Mquina).Dentro da rea de Machine Learning existe uma sub-rea que o Processamento de Linguagem Natural, que tem o objetivo de reproduzir em computadores a compreenso automtica de lnguas humanas naturais. Alguns exemplos clssicos dessa rea incluem: traduo de voz para texto, texto para voz, sumarizao automtica de documentos, adio automtica de legendas em vdeos, deteco de entidades em textos, gerao de linguagens, reconhecimento ptico de caracteres (OCR), dentre vrias outras. E uma das aplicaes mais famosas e relevantes atualmente so os chatbots (robs de conversa), que consistem em sistemas de Inteligncia Artificial que so capazes de entender a linguagem humana e darem respostas, tanto em texto quanto em voz! Esse tipo de tecnologia vem sendo cada vez mais utilizado por grandes empresas para acelerarem o atendimento ao cliente, ou seja, ao invs de voc conversar com uma pessoa voc conversa com um chatbot. Vrias empresas de tecnologia tem investido grande capital no desenvolvimento de chatbots, como por exemplo: a Apple (Siri), a Microsoft (Cortana), o Google (Google Assitant) e a Amazon (Alexa).E para levar voc at essa rea, neste curso voc ter uma viso terica e principalmente prtica sobre a construo de chatbots utilizando as mais modernas tcnicas de Deep Learning utilizando o TensorFlow e o Python! Vamos unir as reas de Processamento de Linguagem Natural e Deep Learning, para que voc aprenda a desenvolver um chatbot utilizando Redes Neurais Recorrentes e o Modelo Seq2Seq, que atualmente so consideradas como as melhores tecnologias para o desenvolvimento desse tipo de aplicao! Ao final voc ter todas as ferramentas necessrias para construir chatbots e outras aplicaes de Processamento de Linguagem Natural, utilizando bases de dados reais. Para isso, o contedo do curso est dividido em cinco partes:Teoria sobre Processamento de Linguagem Natural e explicaes sobre o modelo Seq2SeqPr-processamento dos textosConstruo do Modelo Seq2SeqTreinamento do Modelo Seq2SeqComo melhorar o chatbot construdo e anlise de outras implementaes de chatbotVoc ainda conta com trs anexos caso voc no tenha muita experincia na rea. O primeiro mostra o bsico sobre as redes neurais artificiais, o segundo sobre as redes neurais recorrentes, e por fim, o terceiro aborda aulas bsicas e prticas sobre o TensorFlow.Este curso categorizado como nvel intermedirio, pois apesar de existirem os trs anexos para reviso do contedo bsico, interessante que voc j tenha uma certa experincia com a rea de Deep Learning.A rea de Deep Learning atualmente um dos campos de trabalhomais relevantesda Inteligncia Artificial, sendo que omercado de trabalho dessa rea nos Estados Unidos e em vrios pases da Europa est em grande ascenso; e a previso que no Brasil cada vez mais esse tipo de profissional seja requisitado! Inclusive alguns estudos apontam que o conhecimento dessa rea ser em breve um pr-requisito para os profissionais de Tecnologia da Informao!Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardamos voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre l'arabe : Alphabtisation" |
"Je vous propose le programme le plus complet pour apprendre les bases de la langue arabe.Que vous soyez un parfait dbutant ou que vous ayez quelques notions de bases, ce programme est fait pour vous.Dans ce programme, vous aurez :Plus de 3 h de cours en VIDOS.Groupe Facebook priv avec un contenu exclusif quotidien pour pratiquer ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours.Je rponds toutes vos questions.Je vous accompagne dans le groupe Facebook.Explications dtailles (du cours) dans les vidos.Version PDF de toutes les leons ( imprimer).Plein de contenus exclusifs dans ce programme.DTAILS DU PROGRAMME :Ce programme s'articule au tour de 4 chapitres dans lequel vous aurez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour matriser les bases de la langue arabe.Chapitre 1 : Introduction la langue arabeDans ce chapitre, vous serez initi l'alphabet arabe.Dcouvrir les voyelles en langue arabe.Apprendre lcriture arabe.Vous serez initi la lecture de vos premiers mots arabe.Chapitre 2 : Les lettres similairesCe chapitre est ddi la bonne prononciation et la bonne articulation. C'est un chapitre o vous aurez beaucoup de travail oral.L'criture n'est pas carte dans ce chapitre, elle est bien au centre ce chapitre.Dans ce chapitre, on va voir beaucoup de vocabulaire galement.Chapitre 3 : Les lettres similaires (suite)Dans ce chapitre, on va parfaire les comptences vues dans les deux premiers chapitres.On va travailler la bonne prononciation, l'articulation.On va apprendre de nouveaux vocabulaires.Chapitre 4 : Parfaire ses comptencesDans ce chapitre, je vais initier la lecture de phrases simples.Je vais vous pousser travailler en autonomie sur la lecture et l'criture en langue arabe.Vous aurez beaucoup d'exercices pour matriser toutes les notions de ce programme.En bonus : En vous inscrivant dans ce programme, vous allez apprendre les notions suivantes :Les lettres solaires et les lettres lunaires en langue arabeAlif al mad et alif al qadrLe Ta MarboutaUne introduction au hamzaLes chiffresLes pronoms personnels en langue arabe qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il ?Quiconque souhaite s'initier la langue arabe et ainsi apprendre le lire et l'crire."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Como organizar a rotina com filhos" |
"Este curso foi criado para que as famlias organizem uma rotina que estabelea uma maior conexo entre pais e filhos a partir de um mtodo prtico e eficiente. Tem como objetivo introduzir uma nova rotina: mais leve, prtica e divertida e que melhore o funcionamento da casa. Inclui dicas de brincadeiras para as diferentes faixas etrias e orientaes de limites, forma de comunicao e de conexo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Come ottenere ottime referenze per il lavoro?" |
"Eri perfetto per quel ruolo. Avevi veramente tutto.Eppure ti hanno scartato lo stesso. Perch?Senza qualcuno che affermi che sei chi dici di essere, non vai molto lontano. Non hai convinto, non ci sei andato neanche vicino.C un modo semplice e potente per ottenere la fiducia del tuo interlocutore quando guarda il tuo CV, un profilo LinkedIn oppure ti sta valutando al colloquio: le referenze/testimonianze.Si, ma come ottenere referenze/testimonianze che aumentano il tuo valore?In pochi minuti ti insegner:Capire a chi chiederle e quandoRenderle particolarmente efficaciSuperare la paura di chiederleOttenerle anche dal tuo attuale datore di lavoro senza che si insospettisca"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Come interpretare un annuncio di lavoro" |
"Analizzare un annuncio di lavoro ti permette di avere alcune informazioni importanti per aumentare leffetto della tua candidatura.Puoi capire esattamente cosa vuole il datore di lavoro e saperti regolare di conseguenza per apparire la scelta migliore da fare.Il 90% delle informazioni utili non sono espresse chiaramente nell'annuncio, devi saperle dedurle adottare un apposito metodo.Sar una rivoluzione per te. Scoprirai aspetti della comunicazione scritta che non pensavi esistessero ma che ti daranno un vantaggio vincente."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sporchi trucchi per trovare lavoro (provati sul campo)" |
"Ci saranno sempre dei motivi per cui il selezionatore non ti chiamer al colloquio. Le motivazioni pi comuni saranno:Non sei riuscito a ottenere la sua fiducia.Pensa che non ci siano le condizioni per ottenere risultati.Non ha letto la tua candidatura.Non ha capito il testo della candidatura.Non esiste al momento un reale bisogno della tua collaborazione.Ha interrotto la lettura della candidatura.Si manifestano situazioni imprevedibili.Tanto altro...Per ridurre al minimo queste possibilit, esiste una serie di trucchi e accorgimenti che possono farti comodo. Quelli che vedrai di seguito sono il frutto dellesperienza di centinaia di persone che hanno deciso di mettere a tua disposizione i loro errori e le loro soluzioni."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Clojure Introduction: Learn Functional Programming" |
"Learn how to program with Clojure, a functional programming language.Clojure is different from other languages in that it is a functional programming language. This requires you to think in a different way and the learning curve can be steep. This course will give you an easy introduction to functional programming with Clojure. We'll go over the basics and you'll be able to make programs with Clojure.This is a getting started course. It helps you start at the beginner level."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux Desktop Automation" |
"Learn how to automate your Linux desktop with Bash scripting. This includes moving the mouse, windows, clicking around or even login to systems remotely (over ssh) and take over the desktop all from a bash script.Do you want to move your bash scripting to the next level and automate the Linux desktop?enroll today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux Bash Scripting" |
"This course is an introduction to Bash scripting.You will learn the beginners concepts and be able to make your own bash scripts. This will make your life easier, as you won't have to type each command manually but instead run scripts. We'll go over file scripts, loops, if statements and many other scripting concepts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Haskell Programming" |
"Learn programming with Haskell. Haskell is a functional programming language. Learning Haskell helps you to think in a different way about a problem. You get a new way of thinking. There's also a job market for Haskell, so it may improve your career possibilities. If you want to become a better programmer and learn something interesting, try Haskell. This is a beginners course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Elixir Programming" |
"This is a beginners course for the Elixir programming language. Elixir is a functional programming language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. This course goes over the basics like how to run elixir, control flow, files, processes, recursion and all the other things.If you want to learn the Elixir programming language, this is an introduction point to get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Secure your Linux VPS" |
"In this course you will learn how to secure your Linux server from attacks. It goes over the basics like pub/prv keys, fail2ban, firewalls and other things. This course is for you if you are a Linux beginner. You will need a Linux VPSin the Cloud, but no other requirements."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hexo - Make a Blazing Blog" |
"In this course you'll learn how to create a blazing fast blog with Hexo.If you are currently using WordPress, it will be ""slow"" around the world regardless of what you do, because it's based on a single server it has a slow TTFB. If you use Hexo with aCDN, it will be fast anywhere in the world.You'll learn how to create a blog, add posts, pages, use plugins, change theme and how to deploy it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AppArmor - Linux Security" |
"In this course you will learn how to use AppArmor.AppArmor lets you control whats apps can do. You can decide if an app is allowed to access the internet, if its allowed to read your home directory, your system files, to write files or anything else.By taking this course you'll be able to increase the security of your Linux system. You will need Ubuntu Linux or OpenSuse Linux for this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gatsby - Make a Blazing Fast Blog" |
"Is your blog slow or are you stuck with WordPress?Wordpress sites are often slow because when someone opens a wordpress website, the server must do manual actions: it has to load data from different tables in the database, it has to run all your installed plugins and many other things. It has to do that for every user visiting the site, so the more people visit the site the more the server has to do. WordPress users sometimes try to mitigate that using caching and other techniques, but there is an easier way.What is Gatsby.js?You could switch to Gatsby.js. Gatsby is an open source platform for the development of websites and software based on React. With more than 2000 plugins and performance, scalability, and security built-in by design, build everything you think of.Gatsby just loads critical portions of the website, so it loads as quickly as possible on your web. Once installed, Gatsby prefetches2 tools for other pages so that it feels extremely quick. Instead of thinking about results, Gatsby lets teams concentrate on developing content-driven websites.In this course you'll create a blog with Gatsby.jsGatsby.js is an open source framework based on react. Lets build a Blazing Fast Blog!The course goes over the basics and helps you deploy the website online. This is an introduction course for those that don't have any experience with Gatsby.js"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kar yk hesab (TS EN 1991-1-3)" |
"TS498'in yerini TSEN1991-1-3'n almasyla kar ykleri hesab da byk lde deimi ve bu etkiler geree daha yakn olarak gz nne alnmaya balanmtr. Yaplarn statik hesabn yaparken kullandmz yazlmlarn nemli bir ksm, kar yklerini otomatik olarak hesaplayarak yapya etkitmektedir. Her ne kadar bu hesaplar karmak gibi gzkse de aslnda basit kabullere dayanmaktadr. Biz mhendislerin grevi standarttaki bu hesap yntemlerini anlayarak, uygulamaktr. ""Kar yklerini otomatik hesapla"" tuuna bastnzda yazlmn hangi parametrelerle nasl bir zm rettiini bilmek ve doruluunu teyit etmek her zaman sizin sorumluluunuzdadr. Bu kursa katlarak atlara etkiyecek kar yk deerinin nasl hesaplanacan renebilirsiniz.Kurs kapsamnda aadaki balklar nce teorik olarak anlatlacak ardndan rnek problemler elle zlecektir.Zemin ve at kar yk tanmlarTek ve ift eimli atlarok eimli atlarTonoz ve kubbe atlarFarkl kottaki komu atlardan kaynaklanan etkilerKar kaymas ve birikmesi etkileriBONUS: Son olarak, ounlukla elik yaplarn hesabnda byk nem tayan kar ykleri ideCADelik ve SAP2000 yazlmlar tarafndan nasl hesaplanyor ona bakacaz."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Full Body Sweat Sessions for all Fitness Levels" |
"Get ready to sweat, burn and work with this one of a kind Fitness by the Lake online program!The program is designed to be completed in a 6 week time frame but if life gets in the way just keep plugging away and fit in the workouts when you can.If you liked your workouts when you joined us for Prenatal or Mom & Baby than we know youll LOVE these new and improved home workouts.Developed to test not only your strength and endurance but to challenge you to move out of your comfort zoneEach workout is 30 minutes long. The theme/style of your workout will change ensuring the workouts are unique and engaging.Boring is just not in our vocabulary.All workouts include timed interval sets, meaning we do anywhere between 20 seconds to 1 minute sets. What you do in those timed sets is according to your fitness level. Week one you may find that you complete 5 squats in 20 seconds, while week three youre up to 7.Its a great confidence boost. Youll feel stronger, more confident and have more energy all while getting fit and toned."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Minicurso de Tcnicas e Poses para usar em suas fotos" |
"Este minicurso traz tcnicas voltadas para mulheres. De forma rpida e simples voc aprender posies essenciais de mos, braos, pernas, pescoo, cabea e expresso facial. Com essas tcnicas e poses voc ir aprimorar suas fotos nas redes sociais, como Facebook e Instagram e at mesmo em sites profissionais. Esse conhecimento ser muito importante para ajudar voc a transmitir leveza e elegncia atravs da imagem comunicada na fotografia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ruby on Rails: Active Record - Interaes com Banco de Dados" |
"Percebendo uma 'dor' de muitos devs Rails que conheo pela falta de um conhecimento mais profundo do Active Record, decidi montar uma srie de cursos, com foco total na camada Model do Rails. Diferente dos cursos convencionais onde em geral voc cria um projeto e aprende de acordo com o contexto de cada aula, vamos mergulhar de cabea no Active Record e dominar seus principais conceitos para aplicar o conhecimento adquirido em exemplos prticos.A ideia dos cursos levar o seu conhecimento com Active Record para o prximo nvel, pois na minha opinio ele a base pra dominar e desenvolver back ends bem feitos.Essa srie tambm pode servir de pontap inicial no framework, pois com toda certeza aps dominar a camada model as camadas Controller e View tornam-se mais claras para quem est iniciando.A grade do curso I :- Conceitos bsicos Para trabalhar com Active Record- CRUD usando o AR-Transactions e Database Locking(Contedo Bnus)- Queries(Onde as coisas ficam interessantes)"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Ruby on Rails: Active Record 1 - How to Query Properly" |
"Realizing that a lot of Rails developers get in trouble because a shallow knowledge about Active Record patterns, I decided to create a series of courses, with total focus in the Model part of MVC. Different than conventional courses, where you develop a project and learn according to the lessons's context, we'll go deep into Active Record concepts and apply them in pratical examples.The idea behind of this series is to lead you to the next level of Active Record and masterize the Model part of MVC(which is in my opinion the base to develop well done back ends).These courses can be a first step to learn Rails too, I'm sure after learning deep how models works, it'll be easier to understand how the framework works.In this first course you're gonna learn:- Basics concepts to work properly with Active Record- CRUD with Active Record- Transactions and Database Locking(Bnus)- Queries(The most important content of this first course)"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao Javascript + ES6: Direto ao Ponto!" |
"Voc pode sim aprender Javascript de maneira simples e direta, tornando-se um profissional mais completo e competitivo em um mercado que exige evoluo contnua.Voc j se imaginou alcanando as melhores vagas e salrios do mercado, sentindo total segurana nas suas habilidades como desenvolvedor? E como alcanar isso, sem conhecer de verdade uma linguagem to presente nos projetos pelo mundo? Eu, como desenvolvedor Full Stack, por muito tempo evitei aprender Javascript na ntegra, acreditando que, quando precisasse, pesquisar no Google e encontrar respostas rpidas seria o suficiente (enquanto JQuery e Ajax eram leis, entender o bsico funcionou bem).Com a evoluo da linguagem e a vinda do ES6, o Javascript se tornou mais presente nos projetos, trazendo novos conceitos e frameworks mais complexos. Isso me fez sair da zona de conforto. Sabe qual foi a maior surpresa? Aps aprender toda essa base, os frameworks se tornaram mais simples e compreensveis.Portanto este curso tem como alvo dois tipos diferentes de desenvolvedores:* Programadores vindos de outras linguagens e no que conhecem Javascript, mas desejam aprender de verdade a linguagem mais utilizada no mundo, incluindo as novas funes pelo ES6.* Desenvolvedores WEB que j conhecem e utilizam Javascript, mas que, por algum receio, no se atualizaram e hoje sentem dificuldades para aprender novos frameworks, bibliotecas e conceitos Javascript como React, Vue e Angular.A estrutura deste curso simples:- Uma introduo da linguagem pura e sua sintaxe;- Suas novas funcionalidades e sintaxe com ES6.Disponibilizei algumas aulas para que voc possa assistir gratuitamente e decidir se este curso ser um bom investimento para sua carreira.Nos vemos l!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Vuex: Gerencie estados facilmente!" |
"Aprender gerncia de estados no precisa ser doloroso, atravs desse curso voc ir aprender a gerenciar seus estados de forma simples e direta com Vuex.Vuex uma biblioteca e um padro de gerenciamento de estados baseado na tecnologia Flux(criada pelo facebook) e faz parte do ecossistema do Vue.js.Por que vuex?Quando as pessoas falam sobre gerncia de estados, a primeira biblioteca que se pensa o Redux, mas o Redux tem fama de trazer confuso no cdigo, ser feio e acaba trazendo certo medo nos desenvolvedores.Uma opo a ele o Vuex, que foi criado pensando em simplificar e estruturar a store de forma que se torna muito simples seu desenvolvimento. Pensando dessa maneira aprender Vuex pode ser benfico at para desenvolvedores javascript com interesse em Redux, j que ambos so baseados em Flux, porm Vuex mais simples.Esse curso ser composto por 2 sees principais:Introduo: Uma introduo onde voc aprender atravs de exemplos como cada parte de uma store Vuex funcionaProjeto: Um projeto usando Vue CLI, modelado para aprender gerncia de estados"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Basic Grammar: Present Simple" |
"Welcome to your course with Ms. K! Learn English today! This is a course for people who want to learn English. You will learn basic English vocabulary words. I recommend ""Basic Grammar: Present Simple"" for Beginners. You will have questions to answer during the course. The questions will help you to understand the Grammar Point: The Present Simple Tense. You will be able to speak English. You will feel more confident. I hope that you enjoy this course. Who is this course for?: English Language LearnersWhat will I learn? : Students will be able to speak in complete sentences using the Present Simple tense.Subject: The English LanguageWhat Level is this?: Beginner"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Are YOU Ready for Work?" |
"Course Name: Are YOU Ready for Work?This course is an introduction to Work Topics. Ms. K will prepare you for the following: The InterviewThe Email CorrespondenceDress AttireThank you NoteBusiness CommunicationsAre you excited about your new job?Here are some basic questions that you might have about the workplace:How do you want to present yourself at work?How do you want to look? Do you know what is expected of you before you walk into your next interview?Do not worry. Time to prepare!I hope that you feel more confident about yourself after ""Are YOU Ready for Work?"" with Ms. K."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To: Plan A Trip with Ms. K" |
"Course title: How to: Plan A TripMs. K will teach you how to Travel. Students will be able to plan a trip.Learn how to answer questions about travel.I want to learn how to plan a trip.I know how to drive. I know how to take a bus. I want to travel more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced EID Practitioner" |
"An interactive way on how to improve yourself, help others and tackle the 1000's of emotions we are faced with everyday. Overcome stress, anxiety, anger, communication, mindset, habits, beliefs, values, self esteem...... there are '37' topics to learn about and '1' mission; take down negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. When you are done you will not only have completely transformed yourself but you will gain the understanding, skills, and knowledge to help those around you. The sky is not the limit, the only limits there are, are the ones you place on yourself. Enhance relationships, personal development, work, school, and overall well-being so you can become the best version of yourself with nothing holding you back. It's never been taught in schools or the workplace and it's about time we start enhancing our Emotional Intelligence to better society as a whole. What To Expect Master your emotions and take your life to the next level by recognizing and directing your emotions so youre not hijacked by your mind. No one ever taught us what feelings are, or that we could control them and ultimately then controlling our minds and lives.No one ever taught us that a lack of emotional awareness could lead to suffering, drama, addictions or poor decisions.Stop racing thoughts and calm your anxiety.De-escalate and overcome fears.How to direct thoughts ultimately directing your emotions.Reframe situations and trauma in the past that made you feel bad so you can feel neutral to positiveStress reduction techniquesAdopt proven processes to prevent from losing control of your emotionsSelf-Empowering and Self-Esteem TechniquesGain the fundamentals and clarity of basic psychology with critical and creative thinking models.Identify and change unwanted habits by gaining the knowledge of the loop modelLearn about the benefits of journaling and how you can implement it in your life.Become aware of your inner dialogue and perception over yourself and the world around you.Learn the skills, and techniques used in NLP to rewire your emotions.Use visualization which is the most underutilized tool to manifesting your desires, goals, and overall life."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SkechtUp SketcUp" |
"SketchUp. Rectangle Circle Move Rotate23 Push/Pull offest Follow Me GroupConponent GroupConponent Layer Layer style style3D Warehouse3D WarehouseVray VrayIES LightSpot Light"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Educao Financeira para Mulheres" |
"Curso que ensina tcnicas de como realizar o Planejamento Pessoal, como atingir seus objetivos financeiros e como realizar e controlar um oramento financeiro pessoal. Ensina as ferramentas necessrias para determinar Objetivos, como traar corretamente as metas para atingi-los e como se organizar financeiramente para alcanar o sucesso nos seus planos. Alm de ensinar como eliminar as dvidas, ensina tambm as melhores estratgias na hora de adquirir um bem e tudo o que voc precisa saber para comear a investir."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Paper Quilling" |
"Paper Quilling is fun and easy to learn. Even if you are a beginner, you can easily learn this and start a new hobby that will have you wanting to do more and more. All the techniques used in this course are easy to master with practice. Just follow the step by step instructions and you will be amazed at how easy it is to create these beautiful piece of craft. This paper quilling course will also help you to get inspiration to make your new quilled decors and gifts."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |