Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"English Language Proficiency" |
"An advanced course in the English language corresponding to the level of proficiency. It includes exercises such as Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Multiple Choice, True or False and Fill In the Blanks and aims respectively at teaching the main skills: Reading, Listening, Writing. It provides a means of enhancing your linguistic performance and boosting your competence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketing de contedo: como encantar sua audincia" |
"Bem-vindo ao Curso de Marketing de contedo.Descubra porque o Marketing de Contedo o mtodo de marketing digital mais eficaz para crescer sua empresa e comece a aplic-lo logo aps o curso!Quero te contar que o meu objetivo te ajudar a compreender e utilizar todo poder da estratgia de marketing de contedo para aumentar exponencialmente suas vendas, esmagar seus concorrentes e se tornar referncia na sua rea.Quero te ajudar a construir uma comunidade de fs apaixonados pelo seu contedo e pelos seus produtos.Este no um curso que voc apenas assiste e guarda o conhecimento em uma gaveta. Aps este curso voc estar capacitado para implementar uma tima estratgia de marketing de contedo.Meu objetivo te levar a agir, a encantar sua audincia e produzir timos resultados. E eu estou falando de resultados reais.Vou te ensinar a estratgia que muitas empresas de destaque no mercado utilizam. Voc aprender como encontrar sua persona e identificar qual o contedo certo para o seu pblico.Vai aprender como planejar seu contedo para aumentar exponencialmente seus seguidores, fs e clientes. um curso para quem j entendeu que marketing de contedo poder de venda, a nova moeda do sculo XXI.Usando as estratgias certas, voc obter excelentes resultados, aumentando suas vendas, aumentando o nmero de clientes e seguidores e seu relacionamento com eles, aumentando o nmero de curtidas em suas fotos, visualizaes em seus vdeos e inspirando seus seguidores a agir e comprar seus produtos ou servios.Bem vindo ao melhor curso de marketing de contedo da Udemy.O que voc vai aprender? Voc aprender os conceitos sobre marketing de contedo para se destacar no seu mercado.Voc aprender o que e como construir sua persona para atingi-los da maneira correta, encantado-os e fazendo-os virarem seus fs, seguidores e clientes.Voc aprender como criar uma estratgia de contedo realmente eficaz.Voc aprender como pesquisar as palavras-chave e descobrir o que de fato a sua persona est buscando na internet.Voc aprender a quais so as melhores ferramentas para comear uma estratgia de marketing de contedo.Voc aprender como fazer curadoria de contedo e como criar um calendrio editorial.Voc aprender o que um funil de vendas e como fazer um dentro da estratgia de marketing de contedo.Voc aprender sobre automao de marketing e construo de landing pages para captao de leads.e muito mais ..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Enseigner la vente (coaching)" |
"Partagez vos connaissances efficacement et simplement.Qu'est-ce que vous voulez coacher? Enseigner des savoir-tre et des savoir-faire adapts l'employ, faire le suivi pour avoir une quipe mobilise. Il y a des techniques pour que vos employs apprennent et appliquent dune faon constante ce que vous leur enseignez. Il y a des mthodes pour quils soient heureux dans leur travail!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Courage building & Personal Leadership" |
"Want to stop working at your boring dayjob and start your dream career?Want to learn how to say 'no' to people, and protect your personal boundaries? Want to drive more confidently even if youve been too afraid to drive a car for years?Want to give a speech at that friends wedding, or speak up at a work meeting?Want to ask out that one special person, on a date?This is the world's only scientifically-based, track proven methodology that helps you to build courage, and overcome fears and insecurities. Its fast, simple, and effective. You can either follow the training online and independently from your own house, or with support from a licensed coach. The Fearlessly Fearful method does not offer you magical tricks to become fearless, because they simply dont exist (and if you ever come across a self-proclaimed expert who says they do, we at Fearlessly Fearful recommend you to reconsider spending your money on that person!). However, you can learn to better manage your insecurities, so that fear no longer controls what you do, or dont.We teach you how, like we have taught hundreds of other people. Whether you struggle with a fear of public speaking, a fear of driving a car, or the fear to bond in a relationship, we will tell you exactly what works, why it works and how it works and youll also learn why many of the popular fear-management techniques that you will find in selfhelp books, may not at all be effective for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comment amliorer son mental par l'auto-hypnose ?" |
"Un atelier pratique et complet sur la prparation mentale travers l'auto-hypnose. Trois thmatiques principales sont abordes : Gestion du stress, Dtermination d'objectifs et Cration de routines. Ce cours comprend aussi une initiaition l'auto-hypnose.Dcouvrez les outils de votre russite et de l'amlioration de vos performances ! Idal pour les sportifs, comptiteurs, performers, managers, directeurs de projets..."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Raciocnio Lgico Matemtico para Concursos" |
"Curso de Raciocnio Lgico para pessoas interessadas em se preparar para as provas de concurso pblico e demais processos seletivos. O cursos consiste em trs aulas introdutrias de Teoria dos Conjuntos e onze aulas de Raciocnio Lgico. Exerccios das principais bancas do pas tambm sero resolvidos em aula. Bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de PR-CLCULO" |
"Relembre os conceitos mais importantes de matemtica do ensino mdio que servem de base para o curso de clculo! O curso comea com funes do primeiro e do segundo grau para que o aluno consiga acompanhar o curso de clculo e demais matrias de cincias exatas. O curso abordar os seguintes tpicos:- Funo do primeiro grau;- Funo do segundo grau;- Inequao do primeiro grau;- Inequao do segundo grau;- Funo polinomial;- Funo Injetora, Sobrejetora e Bijetora Bom curso! =)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Noes de ESTATSTICA" |
"Estatstica uma das matrias mais importantes para o bom entendimento das cincias da natureza e cincias sociais aplicadas. O curso comea com uma introduo s principais medidas de tendncia central: mdia, moda e mediana. O curso continua com a introduo das principais medidas de disperso: varincia e desvio padro. Sero abordados casos com dados individuais e agrupados para que os alunos consigam analisar estatisticamente amostras e populaes com uma grande quantidade de dados.Bons estudos! =)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to forensic chemistry and crime science" |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Selling T-Shirts on Ebay, Amazon Synced from Shopify" |
"It is combination of the 3 top ecommerce platforms in the world: Ebay, Amazon, Shopify and one of the leading T Shirt Manufacturing Company in the world that is Custom Cat to guarantee that your T-Shirts will be delivered to the customers within the 48 states in the US within 5 working days!By combining Ebay, Amazon, Shopify platforms, we can take advantages of TREMENDOUS ORGANIC TRAFFIC OF AMAZON AND EBAY OF AROUND 3.56 BILLIONS / MONTH and of the LEADING MANUFACTURER, namely, CUSTOM CAT to print a base cost of a T-Shirt at a price of 6 dollars while we sell a T-Shirt on Ebay or Amazon at an average price of 22.99 dollars, which optimize our profits! Selling one T-Shirt on Ebay and Amazon, I make a profit of around 17 dollars per T-Shirt!That's why Selling T-Shirts on Ebay and Amazon is considered the best way to make money online MMO because its simplicity and effective profit.This way of selling T-Shirts is challenging but rewarding once you master how to do it!This course emphasizes on how to sell T-Shirts on Ebay, Amazon which is considered more advanced level of selling T-Shirts on ecommerce platforms in the world. In this course, I do not mention basic sections like how to register your Amazon account, your Ebay account since these are of entry level tasks. I mainly focus on mindset, tools and hand-on knowledge how to optimize your profit when you sell T-Shirts online. You will learn new and interesting knowledge about how to sell T-Shirts at advanced-level that most of you have never heard of.With a design file of jpeg or png with dimension of 4,500 x 5,400 px, you can list on Ebay and Amazon unlimited times and sell to unlimited customers to make unlimited profit.CONTENTI) Different ways to sell T-Shirts onlineII) Why selling T-Shirts on Ebay, Amazon sync from Shopify and exported to Custom Cat is the best way to make money online. What are the advantages of this way compared with those of another ways to sell T-Shirts?III) What is a profit for selling 1 T-Shirt by this way?IV) Review one of my Ebay selling T-Shirt accounts Combined with Shopify and Custom CatV) American personalityVI) Content of designs on T-ShirtsVII) Tools to use for selling T-ShirtsVIII) How to list T-Shirts from Custom Cat to export to Shopify and to sync to Ebay and AmazonIX) English for Design texts, slogans on T-Shirts: Figures of Speech, ParallelismX) Best Selling T-Shirt Designs that sold well for your reference"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SHOPIFY fcilmente" |
"En pleno 2019 hay una tendencia alcista en comercio electrnico. La mayora de los expertos afirman que este ao se dar el boom definitivo en el que el e-commerce crecer tanto que superar al comercio fsico y tradicional. Nunca en la historia de la humanidad ha habido una oportunidad como esta. Desde cualquier lugar del mundo puedes vender a cualquier persona que este en cualquier otro lugar del mundo. En este curso veremos los conceptos bsicos que necesitas tener para montar tu propio negocio en internet y vender mucho este ao."
Price: 2145.00 ![]() |
"HR Management Diploma -" |
". . ."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Management Skills -" |
".. .. "" "" IDC Academy"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
Mini-MBA |
".. . . . . ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"OpenVMS Basics: Logging In and Some Basic DCL Commands" |
"This course shows you how to login to an OpenVMSOperating System and execute some basic commands. Commands covered include CREATE, TYPE, DIRECTORY, and SHOWDEFAULT. The goal is to introduce somebody who knows nothing about OpenVMS, so they can see how easy it is to use the operating system and commands. Further courses will go more in depth and will build in what is learned in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Implement a Document Management System (EDMS)" |
"Leading Digital Transformation through implementing a document management system is challenging. A huge responsibility is on the implementation lead to ensure the platform purchased alleviates the business's pain points in information management. This practical course goes step by step through choosing the right platform, getting your organization on board and ensuring adoption to the new system."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Malware/backdoor Hacking -" |
"""Malware/backdoor Hacking for beginners - "" Malware & backdoor with NCAT Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing and Information Security 24"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Calculus 1: The Complete Guide" |
"Are you struggling with Mathematics?Are you anxious about being behind in Maths class?Or do you just simply want to get ahead of yourself and learn Maths?Well, let me ask you instead:How would you feel if Maths weren't something you're afraid of or struggling with anymore?Instead of having to sit down after class trying to figure out what's going on, what if you no longer have to do that because you clearly understand everything?I, a newly graduate from Kings's College London with a degree in Mathematics, first honours, will help you with that. This Calculus I course is packed with videos, no more than 10 minutes each. For those longer videos, I suggest you sit through the whole video in one go, it will definitely be easier to understand, and pause before you move onto the next part unless you've fully understood the materials, otherwise the confusion will pile up. I've also included a bunch of definitions, theorems, quizzes, examples, concise notes for each section, exercises for every topic, and walkthrough of all weekly questions that will help you fully understand Calculus. Most importantly, I've done a BONUS section for you! It includes some additional questions and a cheat sheet that myself have used to get through the exam.Calculus is the core of all other topics in Mathematics, and a good understanding of the basics is what is needed to help you get good at the more difficult topics. It's very crucial to learn and understand the basics before you move on to harder materials. Everything has been broken down into simple structure to make learning and understanding easy for you. I will be sharing some of the tips that I have used in solving problems during university as well as my thought process as I approach each question. Feel free to leave questions in the Q&A section. I understand what it's like to have to sit on unanswered questions and confusion for days, or perhaps weeks, so I will try and get back to you ASAP.This COMPLETE guide is for those of you are looking to get a little bit of extra materials and are ready to fully commit to improving yourself. You've already shown half of your determination by looking at the course, so if this course sounds right for you, boost that up and join me on this journey!Tips: 1) It will be very useful if you also take notes of your own as you're watching the lectures, it will help you understand everything better and quicker. Just pause if I move on to other topics too fast or if you haven't fully understood the previous sub-topic before you move on to the next parts.2) Please ask any questions you may have in the Q&A section if you don't understand. It's one thing to not understand it, but it's a whole new experience and a very important thing to do when learning Maths to be able to discuss it with fellow students who are going through the same thing.3) Use headphones for better sound.4) Don't forget you can always slow down or speed up the video!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Probability and Statistics 1: The Complete Guide" |
"I know, Probability and Statistics is difficult. But is there a way to make it easy? Of course. I for one managed that.I know a lot of people struggle with it; a very small group of people are good at it. Back in university, I was in that bigger group, the group that struggled through Probability and Statistics lecture. I needed help; I couldn't understand a thing, but I finally found help and turned my exam result around. I guess since you're looking at this, you need help too. This 6-hour COMPLETE GUIDE course contains everything you need to know to get started with Probability and Statistics. It's packed with videos that have been categorised into different topics, hence easy for you to learn. I've included lots of definitions, theorems, quizzes, examples, concise notes for EVERY single section, exercises, and a walkthrough of all the exercise sheets. Most importantly, I've done a BONUS section for you! It includes some additional questions that will strengthen your skill even more.With this basic Probability and Statistics course, you will have a good core understanding to pursue many more difficult Mathematics topic. In this course, everything has been broken down into a simple structure to make learning and understanding easy for you. This COMPLETE guide is for those of you are looking to get a full understanding of the basics; the important parts. You've already shown half of your determination by looking at the course, so if this course sounds right for you, boost your eagerness to learn and join me on this journey!Tips: 1) It will be very useful if you also take notes of your own as you're watching the lectures, it will help you understand everything better and quicker. Just pause if I move on to other topics too fast or if you haven't fully understood the previous sub-topic before you move on to the next parts.2) Please ask any questions you may have in the Q&A section if you don't understand. It's one thing to not understand it, but it's a whole new experience and a very important thing to do when learning Maths to be able to discuss it with fellow students who are going through the same thing.3) Use headphones for better sound. (I suggest you turn the volume up)4) Don't forget you can always slow down or speed up the video!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Dutch :The Fast, Easy & Fun Speaking Dutch Method 6hrs" |
"I have a quick question for you: ""Are you intimidated by the idea to LEARNDUTCH? "" You don't have to be... Contrary to what you might believe Dutch is still considered one of the easiest languages to learn for native and non-native English speakers. I designed this course for anyone who wants to learn Dutch speaking from scratch, in a simple, painless manner. So if you are an absolute beginner and you have very little knowledge of Dutch, this course is good for you. Or if you are going on a holiday, study or move to the Netherlands or Belgium and you need to get a practical use of basic Dutch as quickly as possible. Then this Learn Dutch course is the right choice for you!After this course you will be able to hold simple conversations using common Dutch phrases from daily life.TRADITIONALMETHODS DONOTALWAYSPRODUCEGOODRESULTSI have learnt 6 languages myself. So, I understand the problems and difficulties of learning a new language. I have taught students from all over the world, and it is quite clear to me that the traditional methods used by many institutions and courses do not produce good results. And that's why I created this course and this new system to help people like you to learn Dutch speaking from scratch, in a simple, painless manner.DUTCHCOMMUNICATIVELANGUAGETEACHINGMETHODI have created a new learning system: I call it the Dutch Communicative Language Teaching Method. This system of teaching to Learn Dutch for beginners will provide you with a solid base and a practical usage of the Dutch language as quickly as possible. This system is based on the idea that learning a language successfully comes from having to communicate REAL meaning.When you are talking about things that happen in your day-to- day life your natural strategies for language acquisition and learning are much more activated. And this will allow you to learn to use the language faster and better.REAL WORLD CONVERSATIONS AND SITUATIONS FROM DAILY LIFE ONLYThats why all the activities in this learn Dutch course are based on the usage of real-word conversations and situations. So, no boring irrelevant content. Learn Dutch naturally and quickly.This is achieved through a carefully designed system that builds up and practices the language in your mind, step by step, until you can understand and make relatively complex sentences with ease.From the very start, you will be listening to and speaking Dutch with your own words and sentences, absorbing structures without even realizing it. The method guides you through basic Dutch speaking in a motivating and stimulating way.HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?This Learn Dutch Beginner course consists of 6,5 hours and 80+ video lessons of spoken English to Dutch. In every lesson there is a series of Dutch speaking exercises, language insights as well as some interesting cultural Insights of the Netherlands and the Dutch language.WHAT AM I GOING TO LEARN?The topics that will be presented to learn Dutch and that you will absorb are the following:How to introduce yourself and othersHow to say where youre fromHow to ask peoples namesHow to ask how people areHow to ask what people want to drinkHow to introduce someoneHow to talk about your familyHow to say which languages you speakHow to say what nationality you areHow to ask and answer questions about accommodationHow to talk about the surrounding areaHow to talk about your living arrangementsLEARN DUTCH TODAY!You will be engaged in spoken dialogues that requires no pen and paper. Just listen and talk, talk and talk. You will speak Dutch from start to finish. This is the ideal system for beginners to learn Dutch. My goal is for you to become ""hooked"" on learning to speak Dutch and thereby mastering basic Dutch speaking as quickly as possible.Thank you so much for your interest in this Learn to speak Dutch course. I hope youre as excited as I am and, with our 30-day money back guarantee, theres no reason to hesitate!>> Click the enroll button right now and well see you in lesson one to start learning about: "" Meeting New People"" <<Make a start and LEARNDUTCHTODAY"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Hosting Node.JS apps using Amazon Lightsail - Complete Guide" |
"Hello there! Welcome to this course! Let's get right into it ... This course is all about AWSLightsail and focuses specifically on running a NodeJS or MEANapplication using your own private VPSinstance that is cheap, fast and reliable with Lightsail!In this course I walk you through every step along the way so your never left asking questions. When we require quite a few lines of code I provide a text document that you can download which contains the code as well as helpful tips on how to implement it correctly. I have broken the process down into easy to follow tutorials that are short and easy to consume.In total the course lasts around 2 hours and I have structured it so you are able to jump into any video in the course once you've gone through it once so if you ever need any help you can find the video and have an answer in just a few minutes! As well as this I have included some bonus videos which further your Lightsail understanding. helping you become a pro!Overall this course is short and snappy, getting straight to the point, while making sure you can easily achieve your goal of learning AWSLightsail & creating your own server! I hope to see you in the course :)Thank you! -Adam Redfern"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bu egitim seti ile elinizde plc olmadan da plc programlamanin mumkun oldugunu ve sifir dan hic bir plc temeline sahip olmadan plc programlamayi ogrenebileceksiniz. siemens s7 1200 programinin tia portal uzerinden sizlere anlattk. bu sette tia portal programinin nasil kuruldugundan baslayarak saha tecrubelerimizi de icine katarak egitim setimizi oluturduk.Yeni otomasyon hayatina atilacak arkadalarimiz icin oldukca faydal olacak bir settir biz bu seti yayinlamadan once gerekli sunumlari sagladik ve gayet olumlu tepkiler aldik. gelecek hayatinizda basarilar dileriz."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Bu eitim setinde siemens vincc rt professional tia portal program ile programlamay reneceksiniz.bu 17 derslik videolar bitirdiinizde rahatlkla siemensin butun scada ve operator panellern orta duzeyde tasarlyablecek hale geleceksiniz.scada da sayfa olusturma plc ye deger gonderp okuyablme, similasyon olusturma , alarm , recete, tred ve daha birok seyin tasarmn rahatlkla yapableceksinizeitim videolarn olutururken gercek hayattak uygulamalar ve kendi tecrubelermz de iine katarak vermllg maxmum seviyeye gertrdik"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Price: 259.99 ![]() |
"Full Deep Tissue Massage Certified Course (hot oil)" |
"Deep Tissue Massage with oil involves applying firm pressure and slow strokes to the deeper layers of muscles and fascia (connective tissues surrounding muscles).The pressure / technique used are beneficial in releasing chronic muscle and tension. The focus is on the deepest layers of the muscle tissues, tendons and fascia of joint and bones.Deep tissue massage offers both physical and psychological benefits,unlike other massage techniques, the main focus is on relaxation whilst treating muscle pain and improve stiffness. ... These techniques of deep tissue massage are popular with sports injuries.This comprehensive course will cover both practical and theory aspects.On completion of this course ,you will be ready to offer a great deep massage with oil unlike any other..."
Price: 2050.00 ![]() |
anatomy-of-head |
", , - , , . , . , . - , . , ."
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Edius Montaj Yazlmyla Hzl Kurgu Yapmay renin" |
"EDIUS, profesyoneller ve iddial video merakllar iin ideal bir dzenleme yazlmdr. Kullanclar film yapmclar, video gazetecileri, YouTuberlar, niversiteler, yaynclar, film stdyolar, prodksiyon irketleri ve devlet kurumlardr.EDIUS, yaratcl ve retkenlii snrlamaz; nk EDIUS, stn sistem kararllyla, oluturma ve beklemekten ziyade sezgisel, hzl almaya izin verir. EDIUS, en son kayt formatlarn, kameralar ve kodekleri doal olarak destekler. Bu, renk dzeltmesi ve ek filtreler de dahil olmak zere birok 4K malzeme katmannn e zamanl olarak ilenmesini salar. Bu eitim setiyle Edius'un stn zelliklerini kefedecek, bunlar bir profesyonel gibi kullanabileceksiniz. Daha yaratc kurgular daha hzl bir teknikle yapmak istiyorsanz, kurstaki dersleri dikkatlice takip edin. Kursta yaplan uygulamalar sizde kendi bilgisayarnzda tekrar edin ve rendiklerinizi pekitirin. Kursu tamamladnzda sizde Edius'u akc bir ekilde kullanacak ve amatr videolarnzdan profesyonel filmlere kadar birok projeye Ediusla hayat vereceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Camtasia ile ekrannz kaydedin dzenleyin ve paylan" |
"Camtasia'nn renmesi hzl. Byk bir bteye ya da k bir video dzenleme becerisine ihtiyacnz yok. Basite ekrannz kaydedin ve birka efekt ekleyin. Ayrca videonuzu kolay bir ekilde animasyonlar ve altyazlarla zenginletirin. Camtasia ile ilgili hazrlanan bu kapsaml eitim sayesinde bu yazlmn btn yeteneklerine hakim olacaksnz. erisinde bulundurduu hazr efektler ve pratik animasyonlarla iinizi kolaylatracak Camtasia'y kurs boyunca yaplan uygulamalar nda reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"WooCommerce Theme Development: Advanced Course" |
"You can earn a living, or make some cash on the side, as a freelancer or full-time WooCommerce theme developerAre you looking for a comprehensive WooCommerce theme development course? Have you ever thought about becoming a professional WooCommerce theme developer and make some money on the side?Today WooCommerce is quickly becoming the next big thing in e-commerce. Its mission is to transform any WordPress website into a real e-commerce store. And it really does! That's why so many developers today want to learn how to create themes for it. You'll find many WooCommerce tutorials out there, but most of the times they are very confusing.This course is different. It features almost 100 lessons in which I'll really share with you everything I've learned so far about creating themes, especially about how to build a WordPress theme with WooCommerce compatibility.Today, many developers make money quickly building themes to people who want a custom theme for their stores. Good freelancers will charge anywhere between $3,000 and $15,000 for a simple custom WordPress website. WordPress sites with WooCommerce capabilities are more profitable to clients, so they are more than willing to pay even more! Many other developers earn a living selling premium versions of their themes. And you can be one of them too! I'm an instructor of more than 17,000 satisfied students only here at Udemy and I know how to help you.What exactly are you going to learn?Here's a quick list of the main subjects covered by this course. You'll learn:How to declare WooCommerce support and customize your themes. Your clients' online stores will become even more attractive;How to modify the WooCommerce template files in the right way. Your store will look the way you want;How to use the WooCommerce shortcodes the way no one does;How to use powerful tools like Theme Customizer and TGM Plugin Activation to make the store shine;How to create a responsive menu and a sexy and modern slideshow - without using plugins!How to add a blog to the e-commerce store. Your theme users will sell more!And more! How about learning how to create demo versions of your theme? If your intention is to sell premium versions of your theme, you'll see that the ones with demo versions are the top sellers. Your clients will love them! And how about making them available in any language? You'll learn how to create themes that are fully translatable. Clients from all over the world will be able to use your themes, as they will be fully compatible with Poedit or any WordPress translation plugin. And it doesn't end here... How about making your WooCommerce themes really secure?You will learn how to put in place, step by step, the main WordPress security features in your theme's code! Just relax! There will be no loopholes for anyone to attack your theme.And to top it off, start a new career as an official WordPress/WooCommerce theme developerFollow me as I send the theme created in the course out to the official WordPress theme repository. This is one of the best strategies for those who want to start making money by creating themes, even free ones. You will understand all the tests that are necessary to pass through the strict review system of WordPress, until the publication of the theme. And, of course, you'll also understand some of the strategies you can use to make money with the theme and make a living as a theme creator. Yes, you can make money, even with free themes hosted at the official WordPress theme repository.And, on top of that, all the content is loaded with basic notions about creating WordPress themes such as loops, inner pages, sidebars, template parts, filters, action hooks, page templates, enqueuing Bootstrap and Google fonts etc. Really, I won't hide anything in this course!Besides, you'll have all the material available to follow the lessons.Who this course is for?I recommend this course to programmers, IT students, web developers, web designers, or any freelancer or full-time professional who works with PHP, HTML and CSS. It's recommended for everyone who want to build a full-time business, creating custom WooCommerce themes for clients or for selling.I don't recommend, in any way, for curious people, shop owners, or people who don't know how to write code yet. This is not a regular WooCommerce course. My goal is to teach the student how to create a theme, so we'll be writing a lot of code. If you are interested in just creating a webstore, without having to understand programming, there are several other courses that can help you out there. This course is not about setting up a store. We are not going to learn how to configure payment methods, product shipping methods. We are not going to test those extraordinary membership plugins. We are not going to configure subscription plugins, marketing plugins, nothing like that. This course is aimed at all those who want to become professional theme creators. Basically the course is aimed at two types of people.Those who would like to become independent, create their own custom theme, learning to customize the look of the store the way they want, or learn to customize third-party themes. They can do it for themselves, or for their clients.People who have plans to fly even higher! If you are already a little tired of working with annoying deadlines, boring clients, endless projects, anyway, if you want to start building a career with more freedom, more time for you, doing what you like to do, you will love the content that I have prepared for you!In this course I will guide you, step by step, in the beginning of your professional career as a WooCommerce theme developer. I'll show you, from start to finish, how to create a theme following all the recommendations of the WordPress theme review team. In the bonus section of the course you'll learn everything you need in order to make a theme pass the hard tests of the WordPress theme repository, how to bundle WooCommerce with the theme, how to prepare a theme demo, how to make your theme go international, how to make it totally secure, and much more.In the end, I'll show you how to submit this theme to the WordPress theme repository, which is a wonderful showcase from which you can attract buyers to a premium version of the theme.The course is also a basis for you to send the theme to other platforms, such as ThemeForest, which is one of the largest premium theme marketplaces in the world. Knowing how to do this for the official repository, you're on your way to go anywhere!How is this course different?What my students like the most is the excellent response time to their questions. You know, long waiting times can slow down your progress. So, I always try to reply within 24 hours. You can be sure youll never feel alone in this course.Here's what my student Ryan Johnson has to say about one of my courses: I'm almost done with my own theme, ran in to an issue, and Marcelo has responded back with very detailed, quick help. I don't know how he does it! () Marcelo has laid this course out well, when you come up to a snag do everything you can to research and fix it on your own, but if you can't he's there for you. That's huge for me and may be for you, too.Or my student Adnan Usman""Marcelo has been amazing at explaining everything and has been extremely responsive when I ask questions while doing the course. I am not 100% done with the course yet but due to his diligence and quick and thorough responses I could not wait to give him a 5 star rating. And Christopher MoldrickxMarcelo is very knowledgeable and makes the course enjoyable. He answered my questions in the forum fully and within a few hours time. Frankly, I would buy any WP course from Marcelo! And the list goes onSo, are you ready for this course? You can always watch the free available lectures before you make your decision. Remember, this is a Udemy course, so youve nothing to lose. You can count on our 100% 30-day money-back guarantee in case you dont like it. No questions asked.So join me right now. From now on, the sky is your limit!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Stage Hypnosis with Stage Hypnotist Kris Anthony" |
"*** PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS COURSE IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR DISCOUNT PROMOTIONS OFFERED BY UDEMY ***Over a 20 year period I have performed across Europe performing as a Stage Hypnotist. Working in venues from the local pub to top corporate companies (even Hypnotising the Queens Guards in 2009). I've earnt good money and more important, I've had great fun doing it....YOU CAN TOO! Hypnotising someone is the easy part, it's the problems and challenges that come your way whilst performing this mesmerising and intriguing craft. I learnt the hard don't have to.Imagine you are on stage, the posters are up everywhere with you name on it, your audience are up on stage with youand it goes all wrong. Well, I have heard it does. Understanding EXACTLY what is going through their minds is not taught in other courses and is the most important part in learning this skill. There are many Hypnotists worldwidetake your average Hypnotist and place them in a tough corporate company show or an non obedient social club in the North of England and they will fail miserably. Its fine practicing with other Hypnotists on a course or with family and friends wanting to please you and cooperating with you but if you want to be paid with this skill you really do need to be prepared.The problem I see with most training is that it is done working on theory not what works in the real world. It is so often taught by Hypnotists that have just done a handful of shows or none at all! Fancy inductions are often taught that dont work in a performance environment, even how Stage Hypnotism is taught is not the real (or main) reason to how it works. This leads to thousands of books/dvds purchased and resulting to a small amount of working Stage Hypnotists that either dont feel confident enough to perform or that have tried it and died on their feet. This must be the worst experience evera Hypnotist that cant Hypnotise. You need to go on a Stage Hypnotist training course where you will come away from it feeling confident you can go out and perform shows.AREAS INCLUDED IN THE STAGE HYPNOTIST TRAINING COURSE:THE REAL TRUTH TO HOW & WHY IT WORKS (most Hypnotists either do not know or realise the real psychological state the subject / volunteers are in). This is explained...when you know fully how it works you can be more effective & more powerful as a Comedy Stage Hypnotist.When to use a fast hypnotic induction and when to use a slow one. There are specific advantages/disadvantages to both3 Hypnotic Inductions including 2 rapid inductions and the hand clasp routineChoosing your best subjects from the available volunteersCreating your own stage personaSound and lighting / PA equipmentMarketing and promoting yourself as a Comedy Stage HypnotistHow and when to use props within the showExtra source of income via hypnosis including group stop smoking sessionsRoutines & skits that always gain laughterInsurance & the law.and so much more from one of the most experienced Comedy Stage Hypnotists in Europe.The problem with most/all Stage Hypnotist training courses is that they teach that if you do abc then xyz will happen. You will be taught on a typical Stage Hypnotism course how to induce hypnosis and how to deliver suggestion, how to manage them and how to take them out of hypnosis. Great, job done.Butwhat if it all goes wrong? And it does.If any Stage Hypnotist says otherwise they are saving face. If you fully understand how and why it actually works, you will be fully equipped to deal with any abreaction (a negative physiological or psychological response due to the hypnotism or process you are undertaking) or any part of the show that is not going you way (as the Hypnotist). Equipped with the proper know how and true understanding of how from a psychological aspect it works, you can turnaround any situation to your benefit so you can continue the show and get re-booked.Here is a factthere are thousands of people that have read Stage Hypnotism books, seen Stage Hypnosis DVDs, that have been on Stage Hypnosis courses, have then gone out there and performed a Stage Hypnosis show and simply died on their feet. It was the worst and humiliating experience they have ever come across and have never attempted to do it again. I heard the many stories in his time. They were ill equipped and did not have the tools or proper understanding or simply did not know the true and real reason as to why it works.It is very stereotypical to say you will learn this guarded secret but this is the case. I can confidently say there are not many Stage Hypnotists (if any) that know how it really works and this understanding has only come after Hypnotising thousands and speaking at length to the subjects/volunteers after the show. Having pushed my volunteers to limits in a way that others worldwide have not ever managed, its this experience and knowledge that has got results that other Stage Hypnotists can only dream of doing."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"El poder del mindfulness en la alimentacin" |
"Alguna vez te pas de pasar por la puerta de una panadera y sin pensarlo terminar comprando medialunas? O pasar por el escritorio de una compaera de la oficina y agarrar un par de galletitas? Hoy te vamos a contar lo que nunca antes de contaron. Los tratamientos ms clsicos para adelgazar hacen foco principalmente en dos pilares: en los alimentos que consumimos y en nuestra actividad fsica. En esta oportunidad, vamos a ensearte acerca del tercer pilar, el cual nunca se dio a conocer lo suficiente hasta ahora, que son los factores emocionales y ambientales que nos llevan a comer. Podemos estar haciendo la mejor dieta y el mejor plan de entrenamiento, pero si no aprendemos a controlar las emociones los resultados no van a ser los mismos.El 60% de las personas excedidas de peso son comedores emocionales. Es decir, cada vez ms personas comen por ansiedad, por estrs, o por bronca o por aburrimiento y de esta manera perdemos nocin de la calidad y cantidad de alimentos que consumimos.Si considersemos la importancia de empezar a comer prestando ms atencin, para muchas personas los cambios que podran tener seran muy significativos. Es hora de arrancar!..........................................................En este curso vas a aprender a:1. Reconocer los estmulos que nos conducen a comer cuando no tenemos hambre.2. Aprender a responder adecuadamente a las seales de hambre y saciedad.3. Aprender a disfrutar ms de los alimentos comiendo menos.4. Aprender a manejarnos cuando nos damos cuenta que el estrs emocionalnos conduce a comer sin tener hambre real.............................................................El mindfulness, la prctica de la atencin plena, est cambiando vidas y es hora de que cambies la tuya. Te esperamos!Cami y Juan"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |