Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Fotografowanie jest proste" |
"Ten skondensowany kurs pozwoli ci zacz swobodnie posugiwa si aparatem fotograficznym, pozna najbardziej przydatne funkcje, aby zrobi naprawd dobre zdjcia. Z kursu dowiesz si midzy innymi jak poprawi nieudane zdjcie, jak rozjani lub przyciemni fotografi, jak ustawi ostro na wybranym planie, w jaki sposb wpyn na kolorystyk zdjcie, tak aby fotografia nie bya zbyt niebieska lub pomaraczowa, a take jak unikn poruszonych zdj. Dowiesz si rwnie kiedy uy lampy byskowej i jak dowietli obiekt w trudnych warunkach owietleniowych. Omwienie funkcji: - ISO- czas ekspozycji-migawka- przesona- ustawienia ostroci- ustawienia balansu bieli - wybr trybu pracy aparatu - zdjcia seryjne- samowyzwalacz"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Painting Dot Mandalas Tutorial (Course)." |
"Get ready to draw a Mandala!Mandalas, meaning ""circles"" in Sanskrit, are sacred symbols that are used for meditation, prayer, healing, and art therapy for both adults and children. Mandalas, have been shown in clinical studies to boost the immune system, reduce stress and pain, lower blood pressure, promote sleep, and ease depression. Mandalas open the door into the symbolic language of our inner spirit and wisdom!In this course, you will learn basic steps to draw the Mandala, such as: sketching the outlines, painting with acrylic paints using dotting technique, adding extra dots for decoration and finishing touches. This art process is very inspiring and meditative! It also helps to release stress and can be used as art therapy. To start drawing a Mandala, you will need the following materials: acrylic paints (at least 3 colors, any brand), white pencil, ruler, eraser, protractor, a white piece of drawing paper, stick - on gems/jewels for decoration, dot painting stylus set, or you can also use simple wooden sticks with different diameters. I hope my tutorial will inspire you to continue drawing mandalas, becoming one with your inner being, and finding your meditative nature!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How start your own balloon business." |
"In this course you will learn how to create your own balloon business from A to Z. First Part is practical, you will learn about equipment, designs and different balloon compositions. In the second part you will learn what you need in order to start your balloon business today. Enjoy the course!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Podcasting: Crea tu podcast desde cero y crgalo a Spotify" |
"Quieres crear un podcast como un canal para trasmitir tu mensaje a cientos de miles de personas?La tendencia de los podcast va en subida, y estoy seguro que no quieres quedarte afuera de alcanzar a ser uno de los primeros podcast mejores posicionados.En este curso sers capaz de lanzar tu curso en menos de una semana, te acompaamos desde la idea hasta la promocin y monetizacin de tu podcast.Sino creas tu podcast ahora que hay poca competencia ser muy complejo cuando ya haya demasiados podcast con los cuales te sea muy complejo de destacar.Iniciando ahora solo tienes que dar un pequeo empujn al inicio y crecers como la espuma.Ms de 400 alumnos ya han iniciado a desarrollar su podcastTal vez esto parezca incongruente con lo que te acabo de decir de la poca competencia. Pero ten en cuenta algo:Son numeros muy pequeos para el gran pastel que hay de pblico y escuchasEn YouTube hay ms de 26 millones de canales, esa s es competenciaAprenders todo lo necesario para tener tu Podcast listo en un par de semanasClarificar tu idea para tu podcastCrear el nombre idealCrear una intro para tu podcastAprender sobre el equipo que podras usar para mejorar tu podcastAprender a grabar entrevistasAprender a grabar tu podcastEditar tu podcast en AudacityEditar tu podcast en Adobe AuditionExportar tu podcast con la calidad idealMandarlo a Spotify, Apple Podcast, iVoox, Google Podcast y msPromocionar tu podcastMonetizar tu podcastTe surge alguna duda? Si tienes alguna duda sobre tu podcast, quieres consejos, o no te quedo claro algo en el video.Puedes preguntarme y en menos de 1 da tendrs la respuesta a tus preguntasEl asesoramiento prcticamente individualizado te permitir lograr tener un podcast de xito con mi ayudaY si no estoy convencido?Si tu consideras que no vale la pena el curso, una vez que lo hayas terminado por completo, puedes pedir un rembolso sin preguntas ni explicaciones, das clic en un botn y listo tu dinero estar devuelta contigo. Pero creme eso no suceder, ya son cientos los estudiantes que han estado conformes y les ha sido de utilidad este curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
OK |
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"Seja um ninja no Lightroom, edies rpidas e praticas!" |
"CURSO DE LIGHTROOM:O objetivo do curso fazer voc ter conhecimento nas ferramentas do Lightroom alem de ensinar estilo de edies rpidas, facies e profissionais para voc aplicar em suas fotos, gastando menos tempo na sua edio.Nesse curso trabalhamos com edies de imagem totalmente no Lightroom, o curso voltado para todo publico sendo fotografo, amante da fotografia ou at Pessoas que desejam aprender sobre edio, venha perder seu medo de realizar uma boa e rpida ps produo de suas imagens."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Edio de fotografias no Celular, edite suas prprias fotos!" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender a editar suas prprias fotos de modo rpido e profissional diretamente em seu celular, sem segredos.Se voc quiser usar este aplicativo do PC, h uma forma para fazer isso e eu explico totalmente como fazer isso no curso.No final deste curso, voc conseguir realizar o uso das ferramentas de edio de fotos no celular, mas tambm poder explorar sua prpria criatividade e fazer suas fotografias ou de amigos e realizar uma edio ao seu gosto, ao gosto de seus amigos, familiares ou at mesmo seu publico nas redes sociais.Seu celular uma ferramenta muito poderosa para isso, o que voc est esperando para adquirir o curso e partir para edio?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aesthetic Philosophy" |
"Come listen!You can understand the aesthetics class, uncover the mystery of beauty, and master the mystery of beauty.Come listen!You are absolutely unexpected, and you can clearly understand the basics of aesthetics and its development and final conclusions.Come listen!A class that is really serious, a lesson that explores learning, a lesson that constantly seeks truth.Come listen!Suitable for anyone who wants to listen to aesthetics, art workers, people who want to help them learn in aesthetics.If there are any mistakes in the course, I hope everyone corrects and constantly improves, thank you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Stock Trading Using Candlesticks & Technical Analysis" |
"See Udemy reviewYour delivery is superb, you unfold perfectly with the topic, this will encourage students to feel sure they're learning from someone who knows what they're talking about. Great Job!Master the foundations of trading using technical analysis and Japanese candlesticks. Trend lines support andresistance. Learn and master trading chart patterns and market analysis. Learn the essential money and riskmanagement and so much more from professional master trader and university educator .Learn how to: Trade and invest in the stock market successfully. Learn chart reading basics and mastery. Calculate exact entry and exit, your target price and plan your stop loss before you trade. Protect your hard earned money.Learn the foundations of successful trading from a professional master trader, 17 years experience and even more as a university educator. Learn right from the start so you can earn right away!Simple visual practical approach to chart reading and Japanese candlesticks. Learn how to interpret price action movements correctly. A great combination of technical analysis and candlesticks risk and money management formulas will increase your trading success in the market. Whether you are trading stock , future currencies or cryptos, this course is for you. We will look how to apply the concepts taught on real charts and explain and practice from basic concepts to mastery level. Avoid the common pitfalls new traders make when they trade the wrong side of the market. We will cover this in market analysis and trade analysis so you can avoid these mistakes. You'll do lots of practice and homework that will make you a successful trader. Weather you want make living trading or earn money as part time this course is for you.Take this course and have continuous feedback on your progress so you adjust your learning and trading as you go. Take this course and copy/paste millionaire trader's strategies which have been collected through the years - they're super simple! See you inside."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Your Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certificate in 2 Hours" |
"Learn about the basic concepts about Lean, Six Sigma, Defects, Charter, CTQ, DPMO, SIPOC, VA-NVA Analysis and much more, this is a specifically designed course for almost everyone who is planning to start their six sigma journey. Start with this course here and learn the topics in simple way, understand the DMAIC methodology and how to use it to do or review projects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"O Jeito Certo de Comprar seu Imvel" |
"Eu criei o Curso Jeito Certo Imveis para que ele fosse direto ao ponto.Voc vai ter todo o conhecimento que voc precisa pra conquistar o seu imvel prprio sem complicaes, um verdadeiro passo a passo pra voc realizar o seu sonho do jeito certo, dentro da legalidade e com segurana. Alem de economizar tempo e dinheiro no processo.Um produto pensado e executado em mais de 1 ano de pesquisa, planejamento e execuo. Curso totalmente em vdeo para pessoas que precisam de informao urgente para um momento especial em suas vidas. A aquisio da casa prpria. Informaes de uma pessoa comum que aprendeu com a prpria experincia."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Clickfunnels: Como Crear Embudos de Venta de Alta Conversin" |
"En este Curso de Clickfunnels aprenders todo lo necesario para Crear Embudos de Venta de Alta Conversin utilizando. Te mostrare como sacar el MXIMO RENDIMIENTO a tus embudos de venta mediante el uso de herramientas complementarias y secretos que te ayudarn a tener un mayor control sobre cada uno de los procesos que integran un embudo de ventas.Introduccin a los embudos de ventaLa estrategia de captacin, fidelizacin y venta de productos o servicios mediante embudos de venta es en la actualidad una de las estrategias de Marketing Digital ms utilizadas por grandes y pequeas empresas. Clickfunnels ofrece todas las herramientas necesarias para crear embudos de venta sin tener experiencia previa.Qu aprenders en este curso?El uso completo de la herramienta (Clickfunnels).Crear embudos en funcin del tipo de negocio o producto que tengas para ofrecerControlar cada uno los procesos del embudo de venta.Comprender los conceptos bsicos y avanzados de los embudos de venta.Implementar estrategias efectivas para aumentar las tasas de conversin.Analizar las estadsticas de tus embudos de venta.Realizar TEST A/B de tus landing pagesOptimizar tus embudos de venta para dispositivos mviles.Integrar Google Analytics a tu embudo de ventas.Integrar el Pixel de Facebook a tu Embudo de ventas.Integrar y utilizar herramientas de UX (experiencia usuario) para realizar mejoras.Tener control sobre el trafico que diriges a tu embudo.Utilizar Link Trackers para identificar tu canal de trafico ganador.Integrar Clickfunnels con tu Auto-responder.Integrar Clickfunnels con tus pasarelas de pago.Configurar tu auto-responder.Generar secuencias de Email Automatizadas mediante GetresponseRealizar envos masivos de email marketing.Comprender las estadsticas de tus campaas de email marketing.Utilizar Social Proof para incrementar la conversin.Conseguir Clientes por InternetRecursosDentro del curso tambin encontraras una serie de recursos que te ayudarn en todo el proceso de creacin de tus embudos de venta. Tendrs acceso a mi gua FUNNEL HACKER.Tendrs acceso tambin a mi grupo privado de facebook [CLICKFUNNELS MASTERMIND] donde podrs encontrar a otros emprendedores, funnels builders o nuevos contenidos que complementars lo aprendido en el curso.Caso de xito + BONUSDentro del curso podrs ver un caso de xito donde con una inversin de 29,86 he conseguido generar 314 Clientes Potenciales utilizando Facebook Ads.NUEVA CLASE BONUS - Creacin de Campaas de Conversin con FACEBOOK ADSPara quien es este curso?Este curso ha sido diseado para cualquier persona o empresa que quiera aplicar los embudos de venta a su negocio con diferentes fines:Captar clientes potencialesIncrementar las ventas de sus negocioEscalar su negocio de forma progresiva y automatizada"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Understand asynchronous programming with .Net and C#" |
"Have you ever had issues with a bug that resulted in an asynchronous programming wrong doing? Did your users report some unresponsive behavior of your application they did not want to deal with? Or does your boss want you to utilize the given hardware in the most efficient way possible?If you had any of those or similar issues with asynchronous programming, this course will help you solve those issues. In other words this course will help you to handle multithreaded and concurrent scenarios in programming like you always wanted to. Besides looking at the underlying mechanisms, we will look at all the different techniques to utilize our freshly crafted knowledge.This course not only gives you the well rounded background to understand what is going on with all that concurrency, parallelism and multi threading, but also hands over all the needed tools to you, that you will need to excel in this regardIt includes:TPL with Tasks and async await keywordsThe actual Thread APIThread Safety with Locking, Non-exclusive locking and Concurrent Collections Everything about how concurrency works under the hoodIn this course you will also see examples to every of the above topics and this will guide you to become a master of asynchronous programming techniques with .Net.So do not hesitate and enroll to:Advance your careerMaster one of the most needed skills of contemporary programmingIf you still do not find any value here, you still have the 30 days refund."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"C# & .Net used effectively in day to day work- includes LINQ" |
"Do you need to think twice which LinqOperater you need to use ordo you have the need to check on stackoverflow every little detail for LINQqueries?Was it Substring or Replace on a string which would be more appropriate here?How can you add buffering to your stream again?Need to dynamically work with JSON objects?Those and many more every day questions will be answered by this course on day to day programming in .Net.Not only will this make you more productive but also way more confident with your abilities!This course contains:LINQqerying from fluent to query syntax All LINQoperatorscommon string operations and best practicesEquality and Comparison like it is intendedworking with datetimes and timespansSerialization with JSON.NETStreams and I/Owith .NetWith this course you are going to be absolutely well equipped to utilize the full power of the .Net Framework to your advantage. This will lead to better code and helps you to concentrate on the business logic."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C# und .Net Produktivitt inklusive LINQ" |
"Mit 20% Einsatz 80% der erforderlichen Arbeit erledigen. Das ist die Idee das Gesetzes von Pareto und auf etliche Bereiche des Lebens anwendbar. Insbesondere in der Programmierung ist dies leicht erkennbar. Aus diesem Grund habe ich diesen Kurs erstellt, um dir mit dem .Net Framework genau die 20% der Fhigkeiten zu zeigen, die du bentigst um 80% aller Ergebnisse zu erreichen.Das ist allerdings nicht alles, mit diesem Kurs lernst du auerdem etliche Tips und Tricks und wie das Framework an sich effektiv in der tglichen Arbeit verwendet werden kann.In diesem Kurs, wirst du lernen, wie du im .Net Framework effektiv mit den folgenden Themen arbeiten kannst:StringsDateTimes/TimespansLINQJSON.NET Streams und I/OArbeiten mit Files und DirectoriesPraktische bungen mit Szenarien aus dem echten Programmieralltag.Dazu gibt es nicht nur das bentigte Hintergrundwissen, sondern auch etliche Beispiele im Code.Welche erklren wozu man diese Techniken bentigt.Als kleinen Bonus sind cheat sheets und andere Materialien angehngt, die ein paar elegante Lsungen fr alltgliche Programmierprobleme in .Net aufzeigen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C# data access: from ADO.NET to EF and Dapper" |
"One of the most important aspects of working effectively with any application is accessing and storing the persistent data. There is no application without data, be it SQL, NoSQL or any other form of a persistent data store.For all of them the fundamental concepts are similar. In this course we are going to explore the CRUD operations for different styles and with different technologies.You will get an insight into all of the following data access technologies and how they are structured:SQL Databases with Sqlite and PostgreSQLADO.NETEntity FrameworkDapperNoSQLMongoDb withMongoDb DriverRedis StackExchangeRedisAlso:Refresh basic Knowledge on SQLSetup postgres and redis in docker containerslearn how to store data in MongoDb works essentiallySQL vs NoSQL, when is which appropriate?Enrolling in this course will boost your productivity and the understanding of how to access any data storage you might encounter. In the end it is all about the information you can store and retrieve.You should be familiar with .NET in general and C# in particular. You need not to be an expert, but you should be somewhat comfortable with reading code written in dotnet core.Now have fun and enjoy the course!UPDATE:This course now comes with a free coupon to my EF core Course. To get this, just message me via a DM with 'Entity Framework Core' as the content."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"RabbitMQ: Learn all MessageQueue concepts and administration" |
"Ever asked yourself how to decouple your systems without the least amount of friction?Or did you ask yourself how to scale a distributed system?Or are you tired of changing your code over and over again, just because your boss or sales wants this or that little tiny extra feature?Then learn decoupling by asynchronous messaging with the message broker RabbitMQ in this online course.This course will not only cover which benefits this technology offers but also shows you of what you can use it for.With that out of the way, it dives right into the following topicsRabbitMQ Entities and Message FlowExchangesQueuesBinding, Declare and Queue PropertiesRabbitMQ Access Control Virtual HostsUsers and PermissionsAuthentication and AuthorizationManagement of the RabbitMQ serverSetup in Docker containerConfigure the server for your needsDifferent means of configurationClustering Why and HowFor High AvailabilityThroughputLogging and MonitoringLogging with Built in mechanismsMonitoring with clients and built in mechanismsTo follow this course, basic programming knowledge is advised, best with Python and/or .Net (C#). Taking this course should also be done with understanding of basic software and application knowledge.The course itself is most appropriate if you identify as one of the following groupsAnyone who needs to learn RabbitMQ (obv is obv)Software engineer / developer in distributed systemsDevOps engineersIT professionals that manage a RabbitMQ Server instanceIn general as a developer it is a good idea to learn about a Message Broker, simply because this is a way to easily decouple your applications and make them more maintanable, extendable and failure proof.To become a more competent developer, advance your career and learn about an extremely well implemented system which is RabbitMQ,ENROLL NOWand get access to life long updates for RabbitMQ, with support from a Freelance DevOps engineer that has implemented multiple systems with this broker.Also remember the 30 days refund, so there is nothing to loose for you really.Enjoy the course and becoming a better engineer and developer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Entity Framework (EF) core Komplettkurs: Datenzugriff mit C#" |
"Entity Framework Core ist die Standardtechnologie fr den Datenzugriff mit dotnet core. Als .Net core Entwickler, der fr die Zukunft gewappnet sein mchte, kommt man einfach nicht an dieser Technologie vorbei.Lerne in diesem Kurs alles ber die folgenden Themen:Was ist Entity Framework core, Warum brauchen wir es?Was ist ein ORM (object relational mapper)?Welche grundlegenden Bausteine hat Entity Framework CoreDbContextPocosMigrationenChange Trackinguvm.Erstellen der Datenbank mit dem Code first AnsatzAbleiten aus einer bestehenden Datenbank mit dem Database first AnsatzQueries und Commands mit der Entity Framework core APIMigrationen: Verwalte das DatenbankschemaChangetracking und PerformanceAuerdem enthlt der Kurs etliche Materialien, die das Gelernte vertiefen, sowie bungen zu jedem Kapitel in diesem Entity Framework Online Kurs.Die Themen werden anhand einer Beispielapplikation erlutert, die in einer hnlichen Form im produktiven Einsatz existiert. Die bungsaufgaben werden anhand einer Todo Liste vorgestellt.Im Online Kurs sind alle Beispiele als Code abrufbar. Dabei werden die folgenden Datenbanken eingesetzt:Sqlite (als Datei einfach herunterzuladen zum nachvollziehen der Beispiele)Postgres (vermutliche beste open source Datenbank)MariaDB (als Open Source MySQL Fork, vermutlich eine der meist verbreitetsten Dbs)Zuletzt gibt es im Bonuskapitel etliche Auffrischer und Erluterungen zu den folgenden Themen:Intro zu DockerIntro zu SQLIntro zu LINQIntro zu VS Code und der dotnet CLISchreib dich ein und profitiere von meiner jahrelangen Erfahrung mit dotnet core und Entity Framework core!Viel Erfolg mit dem Kurs."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Docker fr Softwareentwickler - Schnellstart fr den Alltag" |
"Docker ist aus dem modernen Entwicklungsalltag nicht mehr wegzudenken! Wenn du schnell neue Applikationen fr das Dev System hochfahren mchtest, neue Programmiersprachen testen mchtest, oder um simpel und einfach einen standardisierten und gesicherten Vorgang zum Entwickeln und Deployen zu haben.Docker ist die Technologie der Wahl! In Bereichen die unter anderem die folgenden Trends der IT Branche einschlieen:DevOps Cloud DeploymentStandardisierte UmgebungenTestbarkeit Skalierbarkeit Microservicesuvm.Aus diesem Grunde solltest du Docker unbedingt beherrschen, um deine Karriere voran zu bringen und ein exzellenter Developer im modernen Entwicklungsprozess zu sein.In diesem Kurs lernst du folgendes:Docker im Vergleich zu Virtuellen MaschinenWelche Probleme lst Docker allgemein im SoftwareentwicklungsprozessResponsiveness ProblemKonsistenz ProblemArchitektur von Docker und die Funktionsweise des Docker DaemonEinblick und Analogien zu Dockerfile, Images und ContainerNutzen der CLI, um mit ImagesContainernNetzwerkeVolumesumzugehen und zu arbeiten.Zustzlich wirst du Einblicke gewinnen in folgende fortgeschrittenen Themen, die auch ASP.Net einschlieen:Multi Stage BuildsWie funktioniert das Image LayeringContainer DebuggingVerbinden von Containern ber Docker ComposeContainerisiertes Development (IDE in Docker sozusagen)Woher kommt Docker eigentlich?Zudem gibt es natrlich den gesamten Code als Downlaod in einem GitHub Repository, sowie Cheat Sheets, Quizzes und Assignments, um Docker zu erlernen.Schreib dich ein, denn durch die 30 Tage Rckgabe Garantie von Udemy kannst du jederzeit vom Kauf zurcktreten, sollte dir der Kurs nicht weiterhelfen...Zudem stehe ich mit Antworten zu allen Fragen bereit.Viel Erfolg bei diesem Kurs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Docker essentials for .Net Developers - Get started quickly" |
"Docker is an integral part of modern software development!If you simply want to try out a new application, need to run multiple versions of the same app on your machine or want to replicate the dev environment of a colleague.Docker is the technology of choiceIn the following Trends of the IT industry it is one or the driving force:DevOps with CI/CDCloud DeploymentStandardized EnvironmentsTestability of SystemsScalability of SystemsMicroservicesand much moreSo to stay up to date and accelerate your career as a developer you absolutely should at least be comfortable with Docker!In the course you are going to learn:Docker in comparison to Virtual MachinesDockers architecture, what it was built on and why docker is so popularWhich Problems does Docker solve for us as developers?Consistency ProblemResponsiveness ProblemUseful analogies to cope with the Docker conceptsCompared to object oriented programmingImages are like classesContainers are like instances Learn to use the CLI Client effectivelyImagesContainerNetworksVolumesIn addition you get to know the following advanced topics:Multi Stage buildsWhat is image layeringContainer debuggingAutomate multiple container setup with docker compose containerized developmentAlso this course comes packed with downloadable materials like a github repository and Cheat sheets for the examples so you can reproduce all of it and deepen your knowledge of Docker.So go ahead, enroll with the course, becuase of the 30 day money back guarantee of Udemy you have nothing to loose but your confusion about Docker!I also tend to answer really quickly for course topic related questions ;)Enjoy the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gnate a tus estudiantes" |
"Quieres prevenir y resolver los conflictos con tus estudiantes? El curso escolar va avanzando y con l los problemas con los alumnos. Si notas que algunos conflictos se estn empezando a empeorar, te recomiendo que tomes cartas en el asunto cuanto antes, antes de que se hagan ms grandes.Como sabes, este camino puede ser arduo y confuso Pero no tiene por qu ser as! Aprende en este curso lo que a m me ha llevado aos de lecturas, formaciones y prueba/error en el aula.Si necesitas un cambio y quieres reducir los conflictos en tu aula de una vez por todas Inscrbete en el curso ahora!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Affirmation Mastery" |
"Welcome to the Affirmation Mastery Course and Congratulations on this investment you have made in yourself. By signing up for this course and committing to learn about affirmations and how to effectively use them in your life you, are closer to accomplishing your dreams than 95% of your peers are. What is it that sets successful people apart? Is it being born to riches? Natural talent? The answer is MINDSET! and the key to developing the right mindset starts in the mind, subconscious and conscious. Congratulations again now let's dive into Affirmation Mastery!Each Module will have a Presentation to download. The Presentation holds the lesson. We made the lessons downloadable so that you can keep it for reference and for offline use. There is also a comment section below in which all students will be able to communicate and interact. We have also optimized the course for use on Mobile, Desktop, Laptop, and Tablets so you can take the course with you wherever you go! But most importantly we want you to have fun and gain knowledge to help you in your life!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Real Estate Sales Funnel Crash Course" |
"In this course you will learn about using Funnels and Digital Marketing to lead generate 24/7 without ever having to knock on one door or make one cold call. Most people spend countless hours of the day on the internet and social media. Our goal is to help you excel in your business while being able to make more time for your family and the things you love."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Visualization Mastery" |
"Welcome to the Visualization Mastery Course and Congratulations on this investment you have made in yourself. By signing up for this course and committing to learn about Visualization and how to effectively use them in your life, you are closer to accomplishing your dreams than 95% of your peers are. What is it that sets successful people apart? Is it being born to riches? Natural talent? The answer is MINDSET! And the key to developing the right mindset starts in the mind, subconscious and conscious. Congratulations again now let's dive into Visualization Mastery!We have also optimized the course for use on Mobile, Desktop, Laptop, and Tablets so you can take the course with you wherever you go! And remember most importantly we want you to have fun and gain knowledge to help you live the life you deserve!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Prepare for your SAT and GRE with challenging problems" |
"This course is about preparing you to pass the mathematics part of the SAT and the GRE exams. This course will teach you how to think about a problem you have never seen before. Also, a reminder of the background of each problem solving skill is given to combine studying with problems solving. As time goes by, I'm always going to add more and new problems with new ideas to keep you in track."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso definitivo de creacin de negocios" |
"Emprendedor o emprendedora, te doy la bienvenida a este maravilloso viaje de emprendimiento. Mi nombre es Gustavo Flores y ser tu compaero en este proceso.Personalmente me considero un gran apasionado del emprendimiento. Por lo que durante estos ltimos aos me he dedicado a montar mis propios proyectos y a absorber todo el contenido posible acerca de cmo llevar nuestros negocios al siguiente nivel.Con este curso te entregar herramientas prcticas que te ayudarn a montar tu negocio de la manera ms eficiente posible, ahorrndote en el proceso tiempo, energa y dinero.Veremos cmo construir una base slida para nuestro negocio, en donde tengamos mayores chances de hacerlo crecer y obtener libertad a travs de l.Los temas que trataremos dentro del curso son:Como es un proceso de emprendimientoDesarrollo estratgico de negocios Creacin de modelo de negociosDiseo de propuesta de valor (producto o servicio)Como tener una mentalidad emprendedoraComo validar ideas de negocio en la era digitalSistematizacin de procesos productivosFinanzas empresariales bsicasHerramientas de marketing bsicas"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Financia tu StartUp" |
"Te interesa comenzar a emprender, pero no tienes el dinero suficiente para financiar tu proyecto?O ya estas emprendiendo, pero sientes que la falta de capital te est ahogando?Estos panoramas son muy comunes en el mundo del emprendimiento y muchas veces terminan siendo factores decisivos en la alta tasa de fracasos empresariales. .Es por estos motivos que he creado este curso, para conozcas las muchas opciones que existen a la hora de financiar un proyecto y logres multiplicar tus probabilidades de xito!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Grow Your Instagram Following" |
"This course will get you to where you want to be in your following on Instagram.Grow from zero to 1,000s. Grow with this step approach that Ihave laid out for you.- Learn the importance of posting with specific content- Learn how captions and hashtags will impact your growth.- Engaging your audience authentically. For all levels: Beginners to Advanced."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Reiki Level 1 (Non-Certification)" |
"This is an introduction to Reiki Healing which is energy healing. Reiki Healing is shown to aid relaxation, assist in the body's natural healing processes, and develop emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. It is also said to induce deep relaxation, help people cope with difficulties, relieve emotional stress, and improve overall wellbeingThis is also a NON-Certification course which covers the basics to know if higher Reiki levels are right for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Grow Traffic to Your YouTube Channel (for Beginners)" |
"This course is designed to be a step-by-step guide to growing YouTube traffic for beginners. We will cover all of the basics from keyword research and search engine optimization SEO to video structure and thumbnails. Are you overwhelmed by all of the articles and blogs and videos out there, each one giving some new hack or secret to grow your YouTube traffic?We were just like you. Were here to help using methods designed for newbies - live screencasts and walkthroughs, step-by-step guides, and overviews of basics.No fluff. Just basic, proven lessons that you can apply to YouTube traffic, and even beyond to blogs and other websites.Lesson #1: Introduction to Growing YouTube TrafficLesson #2: How to Do Competitive Research on Other ChannelsLesson #3: How to Do Keyword ResearchLesson #4: How to Make Effective Titles and DescriptionsLesson #5: Ways to Optimize Your Actual Video to Grow TrafficLesson #6: Your Thumbnail Matters and Tips to Make People ClickLesson #7: Why Video Length Is So ImportantLesson #8: Tips to Move Up Search RankingsLesson #9: Advanced Strategies and 2019 (And Beyond) TrendsOur course provides a base of knowledge that will help you build YouTube videos and channels from the ground up to attract viewers, engagement and traffic. Our focus is on core skills that you can apply to any channel, website or blog."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Technical Analysis Made Simple" |
"Stock trading can be intimidating, frustrating, sometimes painful... but always exciting.Which stocks, commodities, or cryptocurrency should I buy?When exactly should I buy or sell?What is technical analysis and where can I learn it?When youre risking real money, its scary. Especially when youre not a numbers person. Maybe you look at stock charts and all those crazy lines and it's like a foreign language.Its even worse if youve been investing for awhile and kind of know what youre doing. You might make money sometimes, but its not consistent. And between TV, blogs, Twitter and all the noise online, its information overload. One guy says buy, one guy says sell. Your research tells you one thing, and then the market does the opposite.What if you knew a proven process to make smart, confident trading decisions?Imagine looking at a stock chart and knowing exactly if you want to buy or sell.Picture yourself having more winning trades and knowing how to manage your risk and cut your losses when youre wrong?This course will teach you the essentials of technical analysis and stock trading to help you make smart, profitable investing decisions. Youll focus on the most important technical indicators and put it all together into a process that I actually use as a professional hedge fund manager.My Stacking System is a step-by-step process to analyze any price chart using simple, classic technical analysis. I apply a few basic trading strategies, and stack them together to give repeatable signals.If you can follow a recipe, you can learn my system.Ive been a professional hedge fund manager and trader for over 20 years, in front of the screens trading billions of dollars. Ive posted market insights and trades live online, where I cant hide and fake my results. My consistency and success rate speak for themselves. And Ive taught everyone from professional traders to beginners how to trade stocks.This is NOT a comprehensive, kitchen sink course with hours of obscure, useless information. Thats the last thing I want to teach. I filter everything down and focus on only the MOST important foundations of stock trading and technical analysis:Learn the 3 types of stock charts you need to know - Line, Bar and Candlestick.Discover the power of my simple 3 Cs Stacking System.Master the Single most important signal in technical analysis.What the most common stock chart patterns really tell you - Flags, Head-and-Shoulders, Cup and Handles, Double Tops and Bottoms.How to use common, consistent technical indicators like MACD and RSI to your advantage.The counterintuitive reason why I use the less popular DMI indicator.Into the wild: Live, hands-on video walkthroughs of actual trades and stock chart analyses.PLUS - little-known tips on trading psychology and next-level strategy.My teaching style is end-to-end and easy to follow. I wont bore you with a bunch of definitions and theory. Ill actually SHOW you with visual aids and live video walkthroughs. Youll go in-depth into the STORY behind everything. Not just What is happening, but Why.Most importantly, my videos will be hands-on and youll look over my shoulder as I talk through how I apply my concepts in practice with live examples.My process is all about SIMPLICITY. Ill leave the fancy, complex stuff to others. More is not always better. Well focus on simple ideas like support, resistance, basic chart patterns, and a couple of technical indicators. (Dont worry if you dont know what these meanI walk through everything from the ground up).Once you understand the foundations of technical analysis, you can apply it to any market and any kind of trading. Stocks, penny stocks, ETFs, commodities and Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading? Investing, swing trading, day trading, options trading?Technical analysis will give you an edge in all of this.For Complete Beginners: Step-by-step introduction to the basics of stock charts and what all those crazy lines mean.For Experienced Traders: Hands-on walkthroughs of how a professional hedge fund trader goes through the progressions of analyzing a chart and lessons on psychology and strategy.Understanding technical analysis will change the way you trade and give you control and confidence over your investments. My course will transform you from a close-your-eyes-and-hope beginner to a smart, consistent trader. If you want to learn how to read a stock chart, understand technical analysis and trade with confidence, youre in the right place."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |