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"Talento Humano 3.0 La Nueva Gestin de los Recursos Humanos" |
"Las ciencias administrativas han desarrollado importantes investigaciones sobre los individuos y grupos en las organizaciones, que quizs pareciera un tema nuevo. Por tanto, al referirse al Talento Humano se hace mencin a ese recurso importante desde una concepcin ms actualizada considerando los cambios y avances en la sociedad del siglo XXI, con matices ms especficos dentro de una organizacin social. Como resultado, se han presentado diversas posiciones y conceptos, en relacin a ese individuo con caractersticas muy concretas y complejas que interacta en una organizacin bien sea pblica, privada, pequea mediana o gran empresa, pero que algunos gerentes parecieran no valorar. Por lo que el empleado y la empresa deben estar alineados en sus expectativas para tener una relacin ganador ganador que, a su vez, permita satisfacer las necesidades del cliente, motivar al empleado y lograr prcticas rentables a la empresa. Aunque no existen frmulas mgicas para motivar al personal, uno de los aspectos centrales es alinear las expectativas del trabajador y la empresa, y esto se logra incluso antes de que el trabajador ingrese a la empresa. En el presente curso analizar las nuevas tendencias de manejo del talento humano 3.0 en las empresas y emprendimientos.OBJETIVOSObjetivo General Analizar las nuevas tendencias de manejo del talento humano 3.0 en las empresas y emprendimientos.Objetivos Especficos Definir el estudio del Talento Humano 3.0. Revisar las competencias y actividades del Talento Humano 3.0. Analizar el liderazgo para la gestin del Talento Humano 3.0. Evaluar los casos de estudio de las empresas ms talentosas en la efectividad del Talento Humano 3.0."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Emprendimiento Productivo los primeros pasos" |
"En un principio, el ser humano entendi que por s solo no poda obtener mejores recursos y bienes, por lo que decidi aliarse a otros, formando aldeas y comunidades, la antesala de lo que fue evolucionando en las sociedades primitivas y la consecuente divisin de las tareas, dando lugar a los roles definidos dentro de una sociedad. Miles de aos de evolucin hacen que el mundo moderno estos emprendimientos sean compaas o empresas que pueden alcanzar inclusive gran escala, teniendo algunas de ellas el rol de empresas multinacionales y transnacionales, contando con bienes millonarios y una gran cantidad de recursos bajo su control, pero todo ello gira en torno al sueo o creatividad de una mente brillante. La importancia de contar con un espritu emprendedor radica fundamentalmente en la ambicin de progresar, tener xito y un constante crecimiento, que se puede reflejar tanto en las ganancias o ingresos como tambin en los campos o mercados que abarca la compaa, teniendo en cuenta un anlisis del mercado y sobre todo el uso de los conocimientos y la formacin profesional. El presente curso estudiar los mecanismos para desarrollar habilidades que les permita desarrollar su mbito profesional de manera exitosa."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"A Practical Guide to Alteryx for Data Science & Analytics" |
"Start designing and executing automated business analytics workflows with Alteryx Designer by learning from an Alteryx Certified Partner today!In this course I will cover the three main steps to data science and business analytics: Data ManagementData WranglingData AnalyticsI will be guiding you through this course using practical datasets for real world applications, not only will we cover the details of the Alteryx and data science, there will also be meaningful exercises, walkthrough solutions, tips and tricks, and useful resources. Together, we will walk through the entire process of designing an automated workflow step by step.By the end of this course, you will be able to design a fully automated workflow and will have mastered the 3 step process to data science and the fundamentals of Alteryx!So, what are you waiting for? Get started on learning how to ALTER EVERYTHING!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Practical Guide to TIBCO Spotfire for Business Analytics" |
"Learn how to use Spotfire to design user-friendly and visually impactful dashboards to transform data into meaningful and actionable insights!What is Spotfire?Spotfire is one of the most powerful data analytics platform for delivering business insights from your data with dashboards designed for data management, data wrangling, data visualizations, and advanced data analytics capabilities. Spotfire's user-friendly interface is specifically designed for exploring and visualizing data with interactive dashboards to uncover valuable, decision making insights from your data.In this course you will learn the fundamentals of Spotfire and the 3 essential components of designing a Spotfire dashboard for data analytics: Data Table Management & RelationshipsData Visualizations for AnalyticsInteractive Dashboard ConfigurationsI will be guiding you through this course using practical datasets for real world applications (Public Oil & Gas Well Data), not only will we cover the details of building a Spotfire dashboard, there will also be meaningful exercises, walkthrough solutions, tips and tricks, and useful resources. Together, we will walk through the entire process of designing a professional Spotfire dashboard step by step.By the end of this course, you will be able to design a fully functional dashboard for data visualization, data analysis, business analytics, and will have mastered the fundamentals of Spotfire!So, what are you waiting for? Get started on learning how to turn your DATA into INSIGHT!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Do Healing With Own Voice" |
"The simplest and easiest way of healing where you do not need any tools but only utilise what you already have within you. This method also a great way to open up your throat chakra or your communication chakra.Your voice has the power to bring you into balance, restore harmony and generate vitality. When you accept your true voice without judgement, you have accepted yourself totally.To see if this Voice Healing is right for you, identify any of the following you might have:- If you desire higher state of consciousness- If you breathe too shallow- If you're depressed- If your communication chakra seems blockedWho this course is for:- You love self-healing- Teachers, healers or anyone who wish to incorporate or add in this voice healing to your class or practice- Parents, caretakers, students or anyone who want to be able to heal self or other people"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How to make Mala & Conduct Meditative Mala Making Workshop" |
"Love Malas and would love to learn to make one instead of buying? Purchasing a nice pretty Mala could be quite pricey, why not learn to make them and you would own many without breaking your pocket. And learn how to conduct the workshop by teaching others how to make them, earning some side income from what you love.I've been making, selling Malas and teaching many people how to make them. Beside, I also repairing &redesigning some of the Malas from clients. Making and teaching them altogether are fun.In this course, I will teach all you need to know about Mala Making and sharing some pictures of Malas that I have made.Enjoy ..."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Curso completo de Matemtica Bsica: ( competencia numrica)" |
"El curso completo de matemtica bsica se compone de unas series de contenidos significativos para desarrollar la competencia numrica en los estudiantes y ayudarle a tener una mejor visin cientfica y crtica para solucionar los problemas que se presenten en su entorno laboral y social.Se aprenderan los siguientes contenidos:El hombre y su relacin con las matemticas.Los conjuntos numricos.Los signos de comparacin y agrupacin.Valores posicionales de los nmeros.Las sietes operaciones fundamentales de la aritmtica (adicin, sustraccin, multiplicacin, divisin, potenciacin, radicacin y logaritmacin, as como sus elementos, reglas y propiedades de cada una).Problemas matemticos en el entorno.Valor absoluto, recproco e inverso aditivo de los nmeros.Los nmeros primos y compuestos.Mltiplos y divisores.La factorizacin y utilizacin del MCM y MCD.Los decimales y tipos de fracciones.Razones y proporciones.El clculo de porcentaje aplicado en los mercados.Indroduccin al lgebra.Ecuaciones lineales.Ecuaciones fraccionarias.Inecuaciones."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Cracking Coding Interviews - Mastering Algorithms" |
"This course will teach you how to ace a technical job interview at a large Silicon Valley company such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Uber, Airbnb, etc. You will get my top 3 secret tips for acing any interview at a top tier Silicon Valley company along with preparation tips for the different types of data structures and algorithm questions you can expect to see. I will walk through many examples of how to explain and code your solution during a technical interview.If you want to land your dream job, then let's get started today!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Advanced SQL Certification Practice Tests" |
"This will help all students who wish to get Certified on Oracle including advanced SQL, PL SQL concepts. There will be 3 practice tests, first two with 30 questions each and the last with 25 questions. The time limited for the first 2 tests are 30 minutes and last one is 25 minutes. All the best!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PASSO A PASSO - Futebol Universitrio nos EUA" |
"Saiba o passo a passo para se tornar um jogador de futebol universitrio nos Estados Unidos!Aprenda como contactar coaches, como preparar a documentao necessria, enviar e-mails, se preparar fisicamente e estudar para as provas do TOEFL e SAT.Saiba como ter acesso todos os treinadores de futebol universitrio nos EUA.Aprenda como embarcar sem precisar pagar uma empresa ou agncia de intercmbio!"
Price: 444.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Economics" |
"Important knowledge for everyone. It's necessary for those who want to be financially successful. Two words: FINANCIAL LITERACY.Economics is one of the most important fields of financial literacy. Very basics of economics, that is what this course will show you. Surprisingly it's less than an hour! You may ask how it is possible?!Well, this course is motion-learning based. Which is a new, interesting method and quite fast for teaching and learning. Also, it can stabilization better in your memory compare to old methods of lectures.Enjoy learning!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Pixel Secrets: Create Successful Facebook Ads" |
"Facebook Secrets Will Help You... Install Your Facebook Pixel: Start Tracking Every Action People Take On Your Website Create Ads Using Facebook's Data: Create Ads Targeting The Customers You Want Save Your Money: Only Spend Money Targeting People Most Likely To Convert(And I'm not talking random people! These secrets will bring your exact target audience who are most likely to convert!)This Training Will Reveal Secrets Showing You: How To Create Facebook Ads: The complete step-by-step process to create Facebook ads that target EXACTLY who you want seeing your ads. Retargeting Strategy: Put your ads directly in front of the people who have already shown interest and are the most likely to convert. You will no longer have to spend all your time searching for the perfect customers! The Power of the Facebook Pixel: Track every action your visitors take. Know which pages they view, who gives you their email, and who adds products to their cart. Save Money: You will save so much money with these simple and easy steps when creating your ads. Stop spending time finding audiences when you can let Facebook do all your work for you!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Grant writing for artists, non-profits & freelance writers" |
"Non profits and artists are very similar. They both tend to sacrifice for something larger then themselves and they both seem to suffer financially because of that. Most non profits spend a lifetime helping others out but only spend several days/weeks helping themselves out. In that process they don't seem to understand or have difficulties with accepting that you can only help others if you help yourself first. Somehow non-profits like to believe that doing good will always be rewarded in some form or another. While I don't know if that statement is true or not... I do know that if there's a reward, it never comes in the form of money.Grant writing is one of the best ways to get a stable source of income for non-profits while establishing more credibility and impact along the way. Fortunately there is a proven method to write the best proposals. A method backed by neuroscience and used by top level artists and non-profits crossing different fields. With this method and set of principles you can win grants, proposals, pitches, offers, etc. In this course Dries will be teaching you this proven method and set of principles so you can get the funding and support you deserve. This same goes for artists.Most artists spend a lifetime acquiring there artistic skills in order to master them but only spend several weeks learning how to sell that skill. This attitude is fundamentally broken. Somehow we like to believe that all geniuses where born with natural talents for their art and didn't spend any time in learning how to build an audience or sell their work. This image of the ideal genius is a fantasy and doesn't apply to the real world. In reality all artists who are recognized for their craft, trained themselves in marketing and selling their craft. Grant writing just happens to be one of the best ways to get funding for your projects as well as marketing your art and building that people portfolio out. And fortunately there is a proven method to write the best proposals used by top level artists crossing different fields. With this method and set of principles you can win grants, prices, residencies, scholarships, and more. In this course Dries will be teaching you this proven method and set of principles so you can get the funding and support you deserve. Taking the red pill starts with understanding that you will need to train yourself in the skills of grant writing, skills that will be applicable in other areas of your artistic career, in order to get the financial certainty you are longing for. For most artists getting paid for your art is a dream. For some it's a reality. and I know first hand that grant writing can turn that into a reality for you. So let's give you a short introduction into what you'll be learning in this course. You will learn: - Learn the most successful strategy to decide which words to put in your proposal.- The first and most important rule of grant writing.- The best communication trick from Martin L. King and how to use it in your proposal.- How to put dopamine in the brains of the readers and make them addicted to your proposal.- Learn the truth. Learn why sample language and templates will never work.- Learn the principles of grant writing in order to get funding within the next 6 months.- You'll learn how to write in a way that people can build an emotional bridge with your project.- How to master the skill of grant curation.- How to identify the most important parts of the writing process and where to spend most of your time on. - Understand the difference between the remembering self and the experiencing self and how to use it in any form of writing. - How to think and write like a professional copywriter.- How to solve your financial problems as an artist through grant writing.- Learn how to write a budget that tells a story and makes people emotional. - Get real recognition for your art from important institutions and foundations.- Become a master communicator and get the same results as the instructor of this course. Dries won dozens of awards, residencies and grants and got featured in some of the biggest art magazines (VICE, FUBIZ, Bored Panda, etc.). This course will enable you to do the same.This course is for:- Artists who want to solve their financial problems and start receiving money for their projects.- Freelance writers who want to build confidence and charisma when approaching clients in the field of the arts. - Professional artists who want to learn advanced business writing skills like grant writing or find an online training resource for one of their employees. - People who want to improve their communication skills. Above all of this, there is no risk involved whatsoever. You have a 30-day money back guarantee. Go ahead and check out the free sections of this course before you make a final decision. Or decide to buy the course immediately before you change your mind and postpone your personal development again. Anyway looking forward to see you on the other side."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Fbrica de Vendas" |
"A abertura de uma empresa ou lanamento de um novo produto ou servio o primeiro passo dos empreendedores para seu crescimento e a realizao dos seus sonhos.Mas este um caminho duro, cheio de imprevistos e espinhos, e este curso vai ajudar voc a se preparar para superar alguns dos maiores entraves que aparecero no seu caminho.Diversas etapas no desenvolvimento e na preparao da empresa/produto/servio para serem lanados no mercado parecem no ter necessidade pratica, entretanto fazem parte de um plano maior, vender.Muitas pessoas acreditam que preo sempre o fator determinante numa venda, mas precisam entender que este valor relativo e est diretamente ligado necessidade e a experincia do consumidor.Neste curso voc vai aprender passo a passo como construir a fundao para divulgar e vender seu produto/servio, pelas mdias sociais ou pessoalmente."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Quadratic Equations -A complete course with Examples -Math" |
"Quadratic equations is an important topic of algebra.This course of theory Quadratic Equations will be a useful course for the students of class 10th,11th & 12th and for those who are appearing in competitions like IIT JEE,NDA etc.Generally many questions come from this topic in competition exams.The course is helpful for beginners as well as for advance level.The course covers viz; Introduction,Methods of solving Quadratic equations,Quadratic Formula,Nature of Roots, Relation between roots,Condition for common roots,graphs and miscellaneous topics.A good number of excellent examples have been added here for better understanding of the course."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Basic concepts of Complex Numbers-Math" |
"Complex numbers is one of the most important topics of mathematics.This course has been designed in such a way that even a beginner will understand the concepts easily and develop confidence to attempt unsolved exercises.All definitions and formulae have been discussed in detail in lucid manner with suitable examples.The course is thoughtfully structured and organised. The topics covered areIntroduction and integral powers of iotaSome problems based on integral powers of iotaReal and imaginary parts of complex numbers & equality of complex numbersAddition and subtraction of complex numbers and their propertiesMultiplication and division of complex numbers & conjugate of complex number and propertiesModulus of complex number and propertiesSquare root of complex numberCube root of unity and its propertiesGeometrical representation of a complex number......and many more.Join now !!!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Exponential and Logarithmic series" |
"Exponential and Logarithmic series is one of the most important topics of mathematics.This course has been designed in such a way that even a beginner will understand the concepts easily and develop confidence to attempt unsolved exercises.All definitions and formulae have been discussed in detail in lucid manner.The course is thoughtfully structured and organised. The topics covered areDefinition and properties of eExpansion of e to the power x and exponential theoremImportant resultslogarithmic series........and few examples.Join now!!!!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Learn Binomial Theoremconcepts and excellent examples-Math" |
"Binomial theorem is an important topic of algebra.Generally many questions do come from this topic in competition exams.This course will be useful for the students who are appearing in class 11th and for those who are preparing for IIT JEE,NDA and MCA entrance exams.The course is useful for both beginners as well as advance level.It covers following areas in details-Binomial Theorem for positive indexProperties of Binomial Theorem ,its general term and Middle termsPascal's TriangleTerm from end Properties of binomial CoefficientsBinomial theorem for any indexMultinomial theorem and its important resultsA good number of simple and tough questions have been added here for better understanding of the course and boosting the self confidence of the students.Join now!!!!!!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Leadership et dveloppement personnel" |
"Le leadership se dfinit comme la capacit d'influencer positivement des personnes de faon ce qu'elles ralisent ou puissent excuter des tches, des directives ou des consignes sans contraintes, avec toute la motivation voulue pour atteindre des objectifs communs.Le dveloppement personnel est un cl de russite et un levier incontournable du leader."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Using Revit Mass to Speed Up Building Design Development." |
"Modeling in Revit with typical workflow is a tedious and time consuming work. This course teach you the Advance Special Building Modeling Technique Using Hidden Powerful Capability of Revit Massing. You will Gain Much Much More Modeling Productivity, resulting in get modeling jobs done much faster. Also Make Revit Much More Joyfully to work with."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Gypsy Jazz Guitar" |
"In this course we will look at many aspects of Gypsy Jazz guitar:- Right hand technique (9 lessons)- Left hand technique (4 lessons)- Ornamentation- Swing rhythm (La Pompe)- Bossa & Bolero Rhythm- Typical Gypsy Jazz chords- Timing- Arpeggios (14 lessons)- Embellishing arpeggios- Special arpeggios- Gear (guitars, picks and strings)- Typical Gypsy Jazz arpeggios- Scales (4 lessons)- Licks and phrases (18 lessons)- Improvisation techniques- Phrasing- Endingsand many more topics ..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Compliance Jurdico" |
"O curso sobre o Compliance Jurdico traz um contedo que engloba sobre a tica nas empresas, atuao dos escritrios de advocacia frente ao Compliance, entendimento do contedo aos estudantes que desejam estar a frente quando se fala de tica.O tema sobre o COMPLIANCE JURDICO se constitui em relevante tpico para todo o estudo do Direito. O Curso traa um panorama amplo sobre o assunto, trabalhando seus conceitos iniciais e princpios, bem como a anlise de cada tema trazido no curso, este curso indicado para ser estudado por advogados, contadores, administradores de empresas, empresrios, empreendedores e estudantes de reas afins."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"O tema do Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficincia uma norma de Direito Constitucional inicialmente como um Tratado Internacional de Direitos Humanos que fora recepcionado por nosso Ordenamento com a nomenclatura de Lei de Acessibilidade. O curso traa um panorama amplo sobre o assunto, trabalhando seus conceitos iniciais e princpios, bem como a necessidade Constitucional de um tratado para pessoas impactadas por sua vulnerabilidade."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Licitaes e Contratos - Lei 8.666 de 1993" |
"O curso Licitaes e Contratos proposto para que possa ser analisado com referncia a norma vigente (Lei 8.666 de 1993) e com base nos doutrinadores fez-se um estudo de como se deve proceder as Licitaes e as Contrataes com a Administrao Pblica, seja para Obras, Servios, Compras e Alienaes, analisando as modalidades permitidas, Concorrncia, Tomada de Preo, Convite, Leilo e Concurso, e por fim, um estudo breve sobre o Regime Diferenciado de Contratao."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico: Fundamentos de Inteligncia Artificial" |
"Curso de Fundamentos de Inteligncia Artificial! Aprenda sobre esse assunto to requerido em TI sem muita complicao seguindo vdeo aulas breves e explicativas!Nesse curso online sero abordados diversos temas dentro desse fascinante assunto, passando por uma breve histria sobre sua concepo e caractersticas, apresentao de diferentes algoritmos de resoluo de problemas, lgicas para transformar valores e conceitos do mundo real para que uma mquina consiga entender, e uma breve pincelada no campo de redes neurais artificiais onde possvel ensinar uma mquina a aprender padres (tudo com exemplos resolvidos durante as aulas e exerccios para reforar todo o aprendizado).As aulas so divididas em tpicos que abrangem cada etapa do aprendizado, seguidas por exerccios dependendo do assunto (a resoluo dos exerccios tambm fornecida, sempre na aula seguinte).Ao final do curso, voc conseguir resolver diversos problemas que utilizem algum dos algoritmos ou tcnicas explicadas durante os vdeos, podendo aplicar esse conhecimento tanto para a rea de Jogos Digitais quanto em qualquer outra dentro do ramo de Tecnologia da Informao.Desejo muito sucesso para todos que adquiriram o curso, e que todos aproveitem e aprendam bastante no decorrer das aulas!(Basic Course of Artificial Intelligence! Learn about this much-needed subject in IT without much complication following brief and explanatory video lessons! With videos subtitled in English!In this online course will be discussed various topics within this fascinating subject, going through a brief history about its creation and characteristics, presentation of different problem solving algorithms, logic to transform real world values and concepts so that a machine can understand, and a brief lessons in the field of artificial neural networks where it's possible to teach a machine how to learn patterns (all with examples solved during classes and exercises to reinforce all learning).Classes are divided into topics that cover each stage of learning, followed by exercises depending on the subject (exercise resolution is also provided, always in the next class).At the end of the course, you'll be able to solve several problems that use some of the algorithms or techniques explained during the videos, being able to apply this knowledge both for the Digital Games area and any other within the branch of Information Technology.I wish much success for all who have acquired the course, and that everyone enjoys and learn a lot with the classes!)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Ingls Turbo - Aprenda Conversar em 8 Semanas" |
"O mtodo de ensino que vai turbinar seu inglsAmplo conhecimento que acarretaria meses de estudo, resumido em diasFocado totalmente em conversao Se voc tem dificuldade de conversar ou quer se dar bem em entrevistas de emprego sem se intimidar em um dilogo e fluir em assuntos agindo naturalmente o curso te promete fazer isso acontecer, deixando de lado todo o ensino tedioso e lento com gramtica e assuntos que dificilmente ser utilizado em seu dia a dia. O objetivo fazer voc confiar em si mesmo e em qualquer situao mostrar o seu potencial."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Feng Shui Essentials For The Home, Work & Financial Success" |
"In this course we will cover the essentials to apply to your home to attract wealth and success.We will learn how to use the bagua to map your home's energy.We will go through the feng shui trinity of the home which consists of the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom and learn the essential feng shui principals to apply to each room to increase good energy."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Heal Your Microbiome and Change Your Life" |
"This course thoroughly explains in easy to understand terms what exactly your microbiome is, and how the health of your microbiome affects you both physically and mentally. Learn how to take care of and repair your microbiome for optimal health and vitality. Learn what medical conditions can manifest when your microbiome is not functioning as it is intended to. Learn what items we use in our modern lifestyle that compromises the health of your microbiome. Learn about the gut microbiome, the skin microbiome, the oral microbiome and your home's microbiome. Learn simple changes you can implement right away in your life to support your microbiome and experience amazing health and wellness.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About The Instructor:Charlene RossiterI am a Herbalist and an Energy Healing Practitioner. I have been studying nutrition and health for over 15 years and help my clients overcome health and wellness issues through nutrition, lifestyle choices, stress management and energy healing practices. I believe the body has an incredible ability to overcome health problems when our lives are simplified through natural healing practices and nutritionI would like to share with you some of the successful techniques I have used to help clients overcome multiple health and wellness issues and live more fulfilling lives."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Blend Herbal Teas & Identify 43 Common Herbs." |
"-Learn about the origins of the common teas and about their many health benefits.-Identify and learn the benefits of 43 different herbs, flowers, roots, seeds and barks that can be blended into healthy herbal teas.-Receive a PDF ebook with beautiful photos of the 43 different herbs that you can download for easy reference.-Learn the basic tea blending principals.-Learn 13 different herbal tea blend recipes that you can put together at home to enjoy.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About The Instructor:Charlene RossiterI am a Herbalist and an Energy Healing Practitioner. I have been studying nutrition and health for over 15 years and help my clients overcome health and wellness issues through nutrition, lifestyle choices, stress management and energy healing practices. I believe the body has an incredible ability to overcome health problems when our lives are simplified through natural healing practices and nutritionI would like to share with you some of the successful techniques I have used to help clients overcome multiple health and wellness issues and live more fulfilling lives."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Conquer Your Anxiety: 30 Strategies for Anxiety Management" |
"This course will give you 30 proven strategies to conquer your anxiety and depression. These powerful tools will help to relieve your anxiety on a daily basis and help you cope with anxiety attacks. Anxiety and stress are at an all-time high in our fast paced society, these 30 strategies are ways to cope and retrain your brain so that you can live a normal and healthy life without constant fear, anxiety and worry.By implementing some or all of these anxiety strategies into your life, you will regain the power to control your mind and overcome anxiety and depression.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About The Instructor:Charlene RossiterI am a Herbalist and an Energy Healing Practitioner. I have been studying nutrition and health for over 15 years and help my clients overcome health and wellness issues through nutrition, lifestyle choices, stress management and energy healing practices. I believe the body has an incredible ability to overcome health problems when our lives are simplified through natural healing practices and nutritionI would like to share with you some of the successful techniques I have used to help clients overcome multiple health and wellness issues and live more fulfilling lives."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Herbalism : Complete Guide To Making Herbal Remedies" |
"This is a complete course to get you started on your natural wellness journey into herbalism. You will learn the many benefits of 43 different herbs, flowers, seeds, roots, barks and spices and how to use them effectively for specific health goals. You will receive a PDF ebook to download with beautiful up close photos of each herb so you can learn how to identify them This course will give you the knowledge to confidently blend herbs and make healthy tinctures, tonics, teas, salves, poultices, herbal infused oils, herbal honeys and syrups. Unleash the power of natural healing and take your health to a whole new level of vitality and strength.About The Instructor:Charlene RossiterI am a Herbalist and an Energy Healing Practitioner. I have been studying nutrition and health for over 15 years and help my clients overcome health and wellness issues through nutrition, lifestyle choices, stress management and energy healing practices. I believe the body has an incredible ability to overcome health problems when our lives are simplified through natural healing practices and nutritionI would like to share with you some of the successful techniques I have used to help clients overcome multiple health and wellness issues and live more fulfilling lives."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |