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"Digital Power!" |
"MUY IMPORTANTE: El presente curso incluye una hora de consultora ""uno a uno"" va Zoom, Meet, Teams o Skype con el Instructor (ms de 25 aos de experiencia gerencial en marketing y digital, en multinacionales y como emprendedor). Vos pods elegir cundo, sin embargo te recomendamos hacerla una vez realizada la capacitacin. Una inmersin en las herramientas ms importantes del marketing digital, para qu sirven y cmo utilizarlas. Desde el plan hasta la medicin de resultados. Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn B2B, Programtica, SEO, Analytics y la relacin cliente-agencia. Un curso diseado por expertos que realmente trabajan a diario con estas herramientas. Para principiantes e intermedios, te explicaremos de una forma clara y amena todo lo que tens que saber para realizar, controlar, entender, supervisar las actividades digitales de tu emprendimiento, de tu cliente o de la empresa en la que trabajas. Te acompaamos en todo el proceso de aprendizaje atendiendo a tus consultas.Las ventajas de este curso sobre otros:1) Todas nuestras enseanzas las aplicamos en nuestra propia agencia digital, que funciona desde 2010 con todo tipo de clientes. Vivimos de esto.2) Te explicamos de forma simple las herramientas para que puedas aplicarlas, sin embargo no perdemos la visin estratgica y el sentido del negocio. Con excesivos tecnicismos se pierde el objetivo principal del marketing y de los negocios, que es hacer clientes y dinero, construir marca y reputacin, y comunicarse con la audiencia adecuada.3) Te damos soporte personalmente. Todas tus dudas y consultas podes hacerlas a travs de la plataforma y estamos para ayudarte en todo el trayecto. Adicionalmente, te ofrecemos sin cargo adicional una sesin de Skype de 60 minutos con el Instructor.4) Si quers profundizar en algn tema en particular, podemos hacerlo online o bien en nuestras oficinas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aula pratica de tantan" |
"Curso de Tantan para iniciante, passo a passo.Para Aqueles que querem aprimorar a tcnica e quer aprender a independncia das mos, em breve teremos outros cursos. Aprenda com Gesiel Cruz Msico, percussionista e compositor, nascido no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Atuando hoje no meio gospel, teve alguns CDs gravados durante a sua carreira, estudou na Faculdade de Msica do Esprito Santo em Vitria. Depois de uma longa carreira Internacional e no Brasil, hoje mora na Sua, onde tem residncia fixa a mais de 20 anos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to build your startup product ideas from scratch (ZIZO)" |
"Are you ready to build your next startup? Do you have a problem you want to solve and don't know where to start? Are you a product manager and need methods to be creative yet focused?This course is for startup founders, entrepreneurs, product managers and everyone who is working on building a new product or startup idea. The course includes both lectures and workshop assignments you can follow and build your startup ideas along the course. You will learn a design method called ZIZO or Zoom-In-Zoom-Out that helps teams and founders to design and build their ideas in different levels from strategic design and zooming in to detailed user action design. It will help you practice and understand the importance of shifting between perspectives in the design process from high level view to detailed view of your work. Throughout the course you will learn how the ZIZO design method can help you: - Build your startup and product ideas from scratch- Improve and optimize existing product features- Help you become a better leader by aligning your team around the three levels of design- Communicate your ideas clearly to your management and investorsThe course includes assignments in which you can apply on any idea that you are working on. Students are encouraged to share their work with the ZIZO community on Udemy to get feedback from other students, the course instructors and teaching assistants."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Computer Networks For Beginners IT Networking Fundamentals" |
"Computer network connects two or more autonomous computers. The computers can be geographically located anywhere. Computer networks have opened up an entire frontier in the world of computing called the client/server model.By choosing this course, you will come to know about the basics of computer networks, types of network models, Types of layers in each model, types of devices, types of networks and what is internet etc. You will also learn about the history of internet, history of these computer networks and who are the scientist involved in developing these technologies."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Database Management Systems (DBMS)" |
"Information is not useful if not organized. In database, data is organized in a way that people find it meaningful and useful. Database Management System (DBMS) is used to input, sort, organize and store data.Database Management System (DBMS) is a Software for data storage & retrieval, for creating user interface (forms), reports, and for administering a DB system (security, access, etc.). An implementation of a DBMS product to support various information needs in a company includes one or more databases, logic (business rules), backend code and user interface.An information system that is built from applying a DBMS or a database to a specific domain, supports specific information needs."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest Marketing Secrets 1.0" |
"Are you a blogger, website owner or affiliate marketer who wants to learn how to harness the power of Pinterest to get hundreds of thousands of FREEvisitors to your site? Then you're in the right place!In Pinterest Marketing Secrets 1.0, you'll learn exactly how to drive hordes of traffic to your website without paying a dime in paid advertising. This course isn't theory or fluff. This is the EXACTstrategy I use to get hundreds of thousands of visitors to my multiple websites every single month, for FREE, from Pinterest. I don't hold anything back in this course. I'm not going to teach you some basic overview and leave you hanging. This course contains EVERYTHINGI do with my own Pinterest accounts. What would 100,000 blog visitors mean to you? It could mean thousands of dollars in ad revenue every month.It could mean an explosion in your affiliate marketing conversions. It could mean a huge growth in the sales of your own products.That milestone may sound huge right now, but it's entirely achievable. I know, because I do it (and beyond) every single month.Ready to learn how to harness the power of Pinterest for yourself?Then I'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Muscle function series: enhancing performance and fitness" |
"At the end of this course you will have a greater understanding of the structure and function of skeletal muscles. Particular attention will be paid to using this knowledge to create of better evidence based exercise programs to enhance performance and fitness. This course is for anyone looking to design better programs for themselves, clients or athletes. We will consider topics such as the sliding filament model of muscle contraction, muscle energy systems and muscle fiber types and examine how exercise can improve these aspects of muscle anatomy and physiology."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn React JS and Web API by creating a Full Stack Web App" |
"In this course we will learn how to build a Web application from scratch. We will use React JS for front end, Microsoft SQL server for data base and ASP.NET Web API for creating APIs. This is not a complete theoretical guide on React JS but a practical based approach where we will learn to build a Web App using React JS by using some of the most commonly used controls. This course will be regularly updated. Make sure to check out the additional resources section of this course for theoretical/advanced concepts."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Angular 8 & Web API by creating a Full Stack Web App" |
"In this course, we will learn how to use Angular 8 and Web API to create a simple full stack app from scratch. We will be using Angular 8 for front end and ASP . NET Web api with SQL Server for back end. Important topics covered in Angular 8:Installing Angular 8 and creating project.Install bootstrap and material design to our Angular project.Consume the API methods (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE).Angular routingForm fields with drop downs and datepickers.etc.,"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Programming with Python" |
"In this course, you will learn all the fundamental concepts to be a python programmer. You will also learn some advanced concepts such as Object Oriented programming, Analyzing and Visualizing data with Python along with the basic concepts such as introduction, setting up the environment for python, variables and operators, data types, decision statements, looping statements, functions, lambda functions, exception handling and regular expressions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga da base ad intermedio" |
"Lezione 1:IntroSaluto al soleAllungamenti colonna e bacinoPranayama e rilassamentoLezione 2:IntroSaluto al soleSequenze dei guerrieriPosizioni di radicamento a terraRilassamentoLezione 3:IntroSaluto al soleAllungamenti in piedi (posizione della dea in dinamica)Allungamenti a terra (rotazioni del bacino)Preparazione al LotoRilassamentoLezione 4:IntroSaluto al sole con chaturangaCore stability in quadrupediaCore stability a terraRilassamentoLezione 5: automassaggio e respirazione pranayama"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dispositivos de segurana em equipamentos de RM" |
"O curso baseado em minha experincia como Engenheiro de Manuteno de Equipamentos Mdicos por 17 anos, e ir explicar os pontos principais de funcionamento e pontos de ateno sobre o funcionamento de dispositivos de segurana que protegem os pacientes durante a realizao de exames, demonstrando como o equipamento de RM seguro, e o que acontece quando os princpios bsicos de segurana no so seguidos, podendo ocorrer aquecimento do paciente, ou em casos mais graves queimaduras de primeiro ou segundo grau.Com linguagem simples e descomplicada, vou passar informaes extremamente relevantes e importantes, com comparaes com elementos do dia a dia, que meu jeito de explicar conhecimentos fsicos e eletrnicos de maneira que voc entenda! E quem sabe possa repassar, indicar o treinamento, treinar sua equipe e colegas, tornar o ambiente de RM ainda mais seguro.Nesse vdeo curso sero abordados:- O motivo do aquecimento;- Quais so os mecanismos de proteo contra eventos adversos;- Como funcionam as bobinas de Ressonncia Magntica, e o que deve ser observado nelas;- Como evitar ou impedir o aquecimento do paciente.Este curso ser til tanto para as pessoas que j trabalham em ambientes clnicos ou mdico-hospitalares, profissionais em formao ou interessados em geral no assunto, trazendo material especfico e inovador sobre o assunto, agregado em um nico curso, e independe do fabricante do equipamento o qual estamos nos referindo.(Observao: Sugere-se a ligao das legendas - CC - para melhor entendimento do contedo)E-mail: meajudarafa@yahoo.comInstagram: @meajudarafa"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Hooks, Flows & Funnels The Taster Course" |
"Struggling to convert web traffic into sales??In Hooks Flows and Funnels we'll teach you the 3 critical stages that are often missing:HOOKS: Attract visitors to your website with motivating messagesFLOWS: Take customers on an amazing journey through your siteFUNNELS: Bring customers back when they're ready to talk to youIf your site isn't performing you might have only fixed PART of the problem ? We'll teach you how the 3 stages work together to supercharge your website.Your website is a work of commerce not a work of art ?Are you a start-up with an existing website or you're about to build one? Then STOP! This course teaches you step-by-step how to make your site irresistible BEFORE you got into design and build.Learn the right techniques and work to a blueprint so you can design and develop the site yourself or bring in a freelancer.Why Hooks, Flows & Funnels? ?Fact is: OVER 60% OFWEBSITESFAIL. They get built ignoring what the customer actually wants. Don't fall into this trap. Learn ALL the skills you need so your website can launch and prosper.This course teaches you techniques from the 'real world' of business. Taught by a marketing professional with over 25 years agency experience under their belt and READYTOHELPYOU. So you get proven learnings from the world of digital consulting."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Money With Music Online - Sell Music Online" |
"Wondering how musicians make money online?Are you at the stage where your making great music but not making an income from it?I know music business and music marketing can see really hard subjects, But by combining and maximising around your core skills you can sell music online and make money with your music effectively. Wondering how?This is the course for you, I Want to show you how to make money with music, There has never been a better time to be an independent musician than right now. The majority of people making great music and that have great skill set to do so are not making the money they deserve. This isn't because its not out there or that there is no opportunity, Its simply a lack of understanding how to generate money both from your music, skill sets and even the journey.In this course you will transform from a musician with little understanding of ways you can monetize your music, Into a warrior of the industry.Understanding your goals21 Different ways to monetize your music and what you doHow to tie multiple things togetherMultiple streams of income methodUsing social media as an income toolBonusFacebook Posting AutomationSpotify Playlisting with Distrokid"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Making Electronic Music with Logic Pro X Track From Scratch" |
"***Project File Included******Sample Pack Included***Either follow along or just take the ideas into your own work. This course is designed to help improve your workflow in creating musical ideas inside Logic Pro X. Perfect for making electronic music such as EDM and drum and bass.The course is divided into 6 steps with techniques from each video following onto the next. The project file for the final result is also available for students to download."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Music Sampling with FL Studio 20" |
"***Sample Pack Included***Do you want to make beats with FL Studio 20?Sampling music is huge part of beat making and the genres of Hip Hop and Trap beats.In this FL Studio 20 sampling course, We will go from start to finish learnings how to use FL Studio Edison for creating good loops, adding samples to FL Studio and finding the key of any samples you want to use. We look at how to chop samples in different ways using FL Studio and then making beats from samples as well. If you want to become a sampling beat making expert in FL Studio this is the course for you"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Music Promotion and Music Marketing - Spotify Playlists" |
"Are you finding it hard to gain traction on Spotify in the modern music business?Feel like Spotify marketing isn't worth the time for the payout?I get it, music marketing can be tough. I thought like this at one time too. I even considered going to a record label, Not anymore though. Now I see Spotify like this.A huge promotion toolA massive discovery opportunityAnother social networkExtra IncomeMusic marketing on spotify has never been simpler, With these spotify playlist promotion techniques. You can really level up your discovery on music streaming platforms. So why a full course on Spotify?Well I tried looking for some many of the things in this short course, An simply couldn't find good answers. Whats more theres a whole world out there of FAKES, SCAMS and PAYOLA monsters. So navigating that world has been difficult. The thinking being ive hacked away at a clearer path so you can walk it much faster than I did.See You in the courseUnders"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Waves Plugins - Comprehensive Guides into Using Waves" |
"Looking for detailed breakdowns of your waves plugins?Got loads of waves plugin that you dont fully know how to use?I've got you!As the artist ""Unders"" i'm actually affiliated with the brand of waves, i've presented on their behalf and collaborate with them regularly. I say all this because back in 2008 when I bought my first Waves Bundle for $599 which back then was GOLD with about 15 plugins. I never imagine how much in the future my music would really rely on them.So after more than a decade of using Waves plugins im here to guide you on the new and the old."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Music Using Izotope Ozone 9" |
"Mastering EDM music and all the other genres can be a hard process. Mastering techniques are a different cam to mixing music.Its that final step in mixing and mastering that can be the final push to making a good track sound great.What we're going to do together in this course is take your from kind of knowing what each tool does in Izotope Ozone 9. To being a mastering master of Ozone 9.By the end of this course you will be able to understand fully what each tool does in Izotope's Ozone 9. And when and why to use each tool. You will be able to take your own music to a level where its ready for commercial release, And even rent out your new skill set for client work as well. In Mastering Music with Ozone 9 we coverWhat is masteringAll of the tools inside Ozone 9How to use tools and techniques to fix certain issuesHow to master a track step by stepWhy true peak is important to noteHow bit depth will affect your end resultThe best way to export for a streaming releaseIf you're new to using Ozone or been here before, There's something here for you as we cover new ground with the latest features available to Ozone with version 9, Applying the latest and most modern mastering techniques."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Become a Fearless Minimalist" |
"What is this course? - In this course I will teach you an amazing life skill called Minimalism, which no college, university, or workplace will teach you. Minimalism is also known as voluntary frugality. Once you learn minimalism you can confidently handle your life's ups and downs without any fear or putting yourself and your family in trouble. Once you become a minimalist you will also become financially and psychologically superior than the rest of the crowd.Why such a course? - Most executives think that financial problems, bankruptcies, suicides, etc., only happen to some other people but not to them. So, they happily lead a lavish lifestyle and increase their standard of living. Secondly, they assume that their credentials, knowledge, and friends will keep them employed forever or help get new jobs. Or they think that their good deeds and positive thoughts will safeguard them. Sadly, they are mistaken. Nature is nasty, merciless, and it does not spare anyone. In fact, good people suffer more than bad people. Todays unpredictable economy, downsizing, health, transfers, reorganizations, family issues, office politics, etc., can make even the most qualified employee unemployed. What if one door closes and another does not open? You are no different and could be living in a fools paradise without thinking about what will happen to you and your family if a disaster strikes you. Can you guarantee that you will not die or meet with any accident tomorrow? Surely, no. What are the prerequisites? - There no special or technical prerequisites for this course other than being a breadwinner for the family or someone grappling with your finances. If you are such a person, then you will find this course highly useful. What will you gain? - This course is designed to help you overcome such risks and become a long distance runner in life and not a short distance runner. I recommend you go through this course in a slow and methodical manner to fully grasp the fantastic life skills being explained and implement them in your life. Depending on your state of mind, some of the advice may seem like a breath or fresh air and some advice may simply blow you away. I hope you find the course useful and interesting enough to spread the word around to your friends, colleagues, and relatives. Thanks for watching and good luck."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Start an IT Asset Department" |
"What is this course? - In this course I will teach you how to start a unique and powerful department in your organization. Almost all companies worldwide will have the usual departments like sales, marketing, HR, tech support, finance, purchase, R&D, and so on. But they will be missing one important department, and that is called the IT Asset Management or ITAM for short. This is the missing powerful techno-commercial department that is absolutely necessary to keep the top management, auditors, and finance departments happy. In this course I will explain the pressing need for having such a department in your organization, and also the usual reasons why such an important department usually doesn't exist in most companies. Why such a course? - Most technical departments do not think that IT asset management is a crucial function, and hence they have a low level of maturity. This is because they mistakenly assume this is only a boring stores management activity. Secondly, most technical staff will be unable and unwilling to do such activities as it involves non-glamorous activities like maintaining paperwork, taking stock, managing inventory, process invoices, etc. But the costs and headaches of not having a proper IT asset team are huge. Without ITAM there will be no control over IT assets, budgets will overshoot, old and obsolete equipment will be lying all around, software licensing will be a mess, theft and misplacement will become rampant, audits and data security will fail, and so on.What are the prerequisites? To appreciate and implement this course you must belong to this kind of audience - Technology managers, Finance managers, Auditors, CIOs, CTOs, CFOs, IT consultants, and anyone who manages IT assets in an organization and is responsible for optimizing its costs.What will you gain? By implementing an ITAM team you (and your team) will gain valuable business skills like technical leadership, financial leadership, vendor management, and also the ability to interact with all layers of employees in your organization. Secondly, no other department can offer the wide range of business skills that an ITAM department will provide to its team members within a single department. Here you will gain a tremendous amount of industry knowledge about hardware and software as you will be continuously involved in the life-cycle of an asset. You can gain industry contacts, attend useful seminars, meet subject experts, and even get help in career moves. Management will depend on your data for approving budgets, save costs, and take strategic decisions. You will attend important meetings to present the ongoing and impending IT costs to the management. Senior management can take better decisions regarding their IT infrastructure with a properly functioning ITAM department. As you can see from the above, very few departments offer such opportunities for an employee in a single department. This is why asset management is a crucial function for any organization, and can be compared to the armed forces of a country that protect the nations assets. I hope the information provided in this course is useful enough to kick start a professional IT asset management team in your organization. I would love to hear your comments and suggestions for this course.Thanks for watching and good luck."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Become an Author" |
"What is this course? - In this course I am going to teach you how to become an Author and Self-Publish your book worldwide. I will also show you how to overcome your initial fears, write your first book, edit it perfectly, format it for Paperback and eBook formats, and upload on international sites like Amazon and Smashwords.Why such a course? Many people have dreams of becoming an author. But they will usually be hit by various fears as they think they will require some special brains or a masters degree to become an author. Or they will be concerned about ridicule and criticism from their friends, relatives, and strangers. This course will show you how to overcome such fears and boldly write your first book.What are the prerequisites? Anyone who wants to share their knowledge, imagination, or experience with others and write their first fiction or a non-fiction will find this course highly useful.What will you gain? Becoming an author is one of the most satisfying and rewarding experiences you can have. Bud Gardner, one of the authors of the Chick Soup for the Soul books once said - When you speak your words echo only across the room or down the hall. But when you write your words echo down the ages. So, once you become an author you can tell your story to the world, share your knowledge and experience with others, position yourself as an expert, stand out from your colleagues and get noticed, get speaking opportunities, earn royalties form book sales, keep your brain active, have a lifelong hobby, and so on. For example, books like Stop Worrying and Start Living and Chicken Soup Series have impacted and changed the lives of millions of people. So, without wasting any more time let us dive in and start your author journey. Thanks for watching and good luck."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sprzeda usug TSL" |
"Kurs dedykowany jest wszystkim osobom pracujcym w brany transportu i spedycji, ktrzy s w bezporednim kontakcie z klientami, pozyskuj nowych klientw i zlecenia czy szukaj lub chc zacz szuka zlece bezporednio na rynku omijajc porednikw. Materiay zawarte w kursie kompleksowo obejmuj wszystkie kluczowe zagadnienia zaczynajc od pozyskiwania klientw, specyfik brany transportu i spedycji, planowania sprzeday, po organizacj pracy czy kluczowe techniki negocjacyjne i sprzedaowe. W kursie znajdziesz te sprawdzone metody i skrypty prowadzenia rozmw telefonicznych (cold calling czy umawianie spotka) oraz prowadzenia i roli spotka z klientami w celu ich pozyskania, utrzymania i rozwijania wsppracy.Jeeli zaley Tobie na zwikszeniu iloci zlece, pozyskiwaniu nowych klientw, negocjowaniu lepszych stawek - w kursie znajdziesz narzdzia i metody pozwalajce Tobie to uzyska! Nie czekaj - zapisz si ju teraz i zacznij wprowadza nowe praktyczne metody i narzdzia w codzienn prac"
Price: 609.99 ![]() |
"Spotkania z klientami w TSL - relacje i sprzeda" |
"Nie jedzisz po klientach a chcesz zacz? Masz du rotacj klientw i nie wiesz dlaczego? Jakie dziaania podejmowa, aby klienci byli do Ciebie bardziej przywizani i nie kierowali si tylko kryterium ceny?Odpowiedzi s spotkania z klientami. A dokadniej budowanie i rozwijanie relacji z klientami w Twojej firmie. Spotkania su za fundamentalne narzdzie, bez ktrego o silne i dobre relacje bdzie na prawd ciko.Na tym kursie dowiesz si wszystkiego co powiniene wiedzie o spotkaniach z klientami.W tym rwnie dostaniesz gotowe narzdzie do pracy z klientem (metod prowadzenia spotkania) - jak ju bdziesz si wybiera do niego.#LogistykaSprzeday"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"- ? : "" ?"" , , , ? . , HTML CSS, , CSS-, . , CSS - , CSS - (2D 3D ) CSS - , transitions, , . , !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
solremotebasic |
"/ , , BASIC . SOLREMOTE . :"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"zgemi (CV) Hazrlama ve Kariyer Ynetimi Eitimi" |
"CV HAZIRLAMAK MAHARET GEREKTRR.ncelikle bu eitimi alan herkes, zgemii , gelecek kariyer hedefleri ve tm mlakat sreleri ile ilgili snrsz soru sorma hakkna sahip olmaktadr. Hazrladnz zgemiin yaptnz bavuruda binlerce adayn iinde ne gemesi iin doru ve profesyonel bir ekilde hazrlanm olmas gerekmektedir. Doru ve profesyonel bir ekilde hazrlanm olan zgemi sayesinde mlakata arldnzda bunu baarl bir ekilde deerlendirmeniz gerekmektedir. Konumac olarak katlm olduum onlarca kariyer gn ve etkinliklerde dikkatimi en ok eken ey yanl hazrlanm zgemiler , rencilerin kariyer hedeflerini tam olarak belirlemekte zorlanmalar ve kk hata olarak gzken ancak mlakat srelerinin olumsuz olmasna neden olan hatalar oldu. Baz adaylarmz telefonunu yazmamt. Bazlar deiik ifadeler ieren mailler almt. (tatl_cadi tarz mailler:) nann bu arkadalarmz knamak iin sylemiyorum ancak zgemilerimiz bizim grmeye katlmamz salayacak en byk etmendir.Bizi anlatan bir pazarlama aracdr. Bu nedenle zenle hazrlamamz gerekmektedir. Profesyonel CV hazrlama sreci , i grmesine hazrlk ve bu srete dikkat edilmesi gerekenler zerine hazrladm bu eitim programyla renci,yeni mezun veya uzun sredir zgemi hazrlamak zorunda olmayan adaylarmza katk salamay , onlarn yeteneklerini ve mlakat srelerini gelitirip , ii en iyi ekilde kapmalarn amaladm."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Art of the Portrait - Drawing For Beginners" |
"Discover my simple 7-step portrait drawing system for drawing the human faceYou have a passion for drawing the human face and using it to tell your stories, express your visions and draw portraits. This is who you are. It's your calling and it's deep, and I am here to guide you on your way to reaching your goals.Discover my simple 7-step portrait drawing system for drawing the human face. In this course I am going to help you draw the face really believably in the style you choose and apply it to your career or personal visions. You will be able to do it quickly with purpose in a way that is clear and carries meaning to your viewers. At the end of this course you will have an awesome portrait for your portfolio that you can feel proud of and attract attention.WHAT YOU GET15 hours of On Demand video lesson content 3 portrait drawing demonstrations from start to finish22 downloadable resources to help you practiceBonus lectures on anatomy, planes and tons of portrait tips from my years of professional experienceFull lifetime accessAccess on mobile and TVAssignments10 articlesCertificate of CompletionArt direction secrets to make your portraits stand out...and MUCH moreWHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT THE COURSE:The first thing to say is that unlike some 'art instructors' Mr. Petrocchi is clearly an accomplished artist. He's not simply some guy who's always liked to draw, got a microphone for Christmas and thought it'd be cool to make a course. I regard myself as an exceptionally unexceptional draftsman but can already sense some improvement in the way I'm tackling portraits.The value I've already received leaves me with absolutely no complaints. You'll be getting A LOT of information from a guy who knows what he's doing with this course. And the demos - from blank sheet of paper to finished, fully rendered drawing - are both highly informative and inspirational. I'm not sure you can ask for more than that from any instructor. It's a keeper. Many Thanks, Mr P for putting this together.Sam PollardOf all the elements of drawing, portraiture is one of the most difficult to master. Practice alone is not enough to create portraits that come alive. That is the core value of this course. It provides a strong foundation for the individual to begin to master the creation of portraits of substance. This is not a course for the lazy. It requires patience and practice. But it will provide a roadmap that will allow the student to create fulfilling and satisfying portraits.Stuart GivotAn Excellent Course. I was Impressed by Chris's Level of Knowledge, Experience and Expertise. This course has differently give me knowledge that will help me improve my work and help me integrate into work with Charcoal.Aisha SmithI was blown away of how great of a teacher Mr. Petrocchi is. He provided some incredible insights into helping me improve my facial drawing skills. It's amazing of how easy and simple he teaches technique. I feel inspired and highly recommend his courses. I can't wait to learn more from him!!!Tuese AhkiongHere is a clear, deep and well made course. Chris's sense of art teaching is excellent, it's like hanging out in his studio, looking over his shoulder (literally sometimes) and learning from following a professional. He talks out loud what goes on in his thoughts as he mindfully works his image. Seeing him work really helps me. His own career is used as an example, and I love all the personal stories that talk about his journey in the art world and specifically in this field of drawing portraits. The course is full of gold nuggets of info, stories, metaphors that help me put words and structure in my work. (I love the ""Valley of the Suck"" conceptso true! ) This course really helped me to clarify my work in regards to values. Also, it helps to come back to those foundations of the underlying structure of the face. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to build a strong foundation and seriously wants to get into portrait art. As it is in my case, I would recommend it as well to any professional that wants to come back and touch those foundations again, one tends to forget stuff! Thank you Chris, and I agree ""the figure is a song""!Philippe AmesIf you are ready to improve and go higher than you ever thought you could with your portraits then this course is for you!See you inside,Chris Petrocchi Draw Juice studio#portrait #portraiture #drawing #draw #human #faces #beginners"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Community management & rseaux sociaux, les bonnes pratiques" |
"Les rseaux sociaux sont devenus incontournables, avec plusieurs milliards d'utilisateurs dans le monde. Ils permettent tous de faire connatre son activit, avec un budget limit. Mais cela ne s'improvise pas, et ncessite de connatre de nombreuses techniques. L'objet du cours sera de vous les prsenter.Ce cours s'adresse celles et ceux qui veulent mieux utiliser les rseaux sociaux des fins professionnelles, par exemple :Si vous tes un commerant qui souhaite trouver de nouveaux clientsSi vous tes en charge de la communication d'une associationSi vous tes un blogueur qui souhaite largir son audienceSi vous tes le charg de communication d'une entreprise qui souhaite aller sur les rseaux sociaux.Les cas de figure sont trs nombreux, et tout le monde est concern.Que ce soit les entreprises, mme petites, les associations, vous pouvez utiliser les rseaux sociaux pour dvelopper votre business, mme avec un budget trs serr.Ce cours vise atteindre des objectifs professionnels, orients business, et non personnels. Il ne s'adresse pas ceux qui veulent mieux utiliser les rseaux sociaux titre personnel, pour avoir plus d'amis sur Facebook, ou de likes sur leur photos de vacances ;-)Vous n'avez pas besoin d'tre un expert des rseaux sociaux pour suivre ce cours, qui abordera tous les fondamentaux : sur quels rseaux sociaux dois-je me lancer ? Que dois-je publier ? Comment fonctionnent les algorithmes ? Comment dois-je m'adresser aux internautes ? Comment faire de la publicit cible ?Ce n'est pas non plus un cours sur la prise en main d'Instagram ou de Facebook destin ceux qui ne les ont jamais utiliss. Mais si vous avez un compte personnel Facebook que vous l'utilisez de faon rcrative, cela sera suffisant.Le cours s'appuie sur des exemples concrets, afin de vous donner de linspiration . Ma philosophie est : pas de blabla, mais des conseils pratiques et utiles pour vous au quotidien. Pas d'effets de manche dans mon cours, des visuels trs simples, pour aller l'essentiel. Votre temps est prcieux.En seulement quelques heures, vous disposerez de bases solides pour vous lancer sur les rseaux sociaux de faon efficace. Vous gagnerez d'abord du temps, parce que vous saurez comment bien faire sur les rseaux sociaux. Mais vos rsultats seront aussi plus efficaces, car vous matriserez le fonctionnement de ces rseaux, qui sont des mdias trs particuliers."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a resolver problemas cotidianos [CREATIVIDAD]" |
"Desde que nacemos estamos condicionados a resolver problemas, por ejemplo: eres un bebe recin nacido y tienes hambre Cmo solucionas ese problema? pues llorando. Llorar no te quita el hambre pero hace que tu mam reaccione te d de comer y voila, tu problema est resuelto.Conforme vas creciendo los problemas se vuelven mas complejos y llorar comienza a no ser suficiente.Es entonces que aprendemos a resolver los problemas de diferentes maneras, dialogando, gritando, huyendo, incluso hasta a golpes o bien le hacemos caso a la intuicin, al azar o al ""destino"" Pero Porqu es as? Sencillo, por que nadie nos ense a resolver problemas.Es por eso que he diseado este curso para que aprendas a resolver cualquier tipo de problemas.A travs de un recorrido con nuestro Anfitrin Ricky, aprenders que es la creatividad y por que no adoptamos una actitud creativa, te presentar a otros 4 personajes que te ayudarn a encontrar, mejorar, evaluar y ejecutar las ideas para encontrar una solucin creativa y efectiva, no importa el problema que ests tratando. Aprenders a reconocer cuales son los obstculos que frenan tu comportamiento creativo y te dar tcnicas efectivas para vencerlos. Y al final te dar una clase especial para que aprendas a hacer una lluvia de ideas para que pongas en prctica todo lo que aprendiste en este curso. As que no te quedes fuera INSCRBETE AHORA MISMO!"
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"An Introduction To Electricity" |
"This course is useful to those who would like to understand the concepts of electricity better. This course clearly explains what exactly electricity is and what is meant by voltage and resistance. It also contains comparison between series and parallel circuits, KCL and KVL, resistor color coding, basic electronic components and power transmission."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |