Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Create and Automate Profitable Niche Websites" |
"What This Course Will Do For YouShow you how to make a website with a strong brand imageTeach you how to get it to page 1 of GoogleShow you how to turn your website traffic into passive incomeTeach you exclusive automation techniques to eliminate heaps of hard work and save you timeWhy Should You Listen To Me?Hey, I'm Jason and I created a site called DigiNo. I used all of these techniques to take this online ESL teaching website from 0 traffic to 40,000 visitors per month in one year.My niche website, SEO and passive income techniques were so successful that I developed KuboSEO to help other small businesses do the same.I made this course to share as much as I can about creating and automating profitable niche websites with all of you.So let's get started with the class!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React Native/Hooks 2020" |
"~~2020924~~React Native + ExpoReact NativeAPIHooksReduxReact NativeWebReact NativeJavaScriptReact Native2020/9/24 (L4~6)2020/8/16 2020/4/26 News API2020/4/11 TypeScript2020/3/8 React Navigation v572020/3/8 ReduxHooks82020/2/15 392020/2/11 44react-navigation2020/2/7 4Expo2020/2/3 46HomeScreen"
Price: 11400.00 ![]() |
"Learn HTML in Urdu/Hindi" |
"This course is designed for beginner's developers in mind, and have given special attentions to each and every elements of HTML, so that it will create rock solid foundation in your website development career. Having such a unique course in your local language puts extra sparks, with 30 Days money back guarantee! so i see you in the class!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"OBS ," |
"VDO OBS . ""OBS"" . !!. ""OBS"" . , , , ""OBS"" !.OBS (Open Broadcast Software) OpenSource . OBS . . OBS VDO . VDO Utube"
Price: 800.00 ![]() |
"Amazon Affiliates 2020 New Updated English Beginners Course" |
"Hello everyone, welcome to this New, Improved, Slow & Beginners Course in English, by the end of this course, you will be able to create your first Amazon Affiliate Website and you will know better about Amazon's Associates!I have developed this course in English, and have tried to cover every step with scratch, from which to select the most profitable Amazon category to create an Amazon affiliate website!Hello, I am from Rajat Gupta, New Delhi, India and as you can see that I have been a digital marketer for the last 19 years. But now from the year 2013, I have reduced the number of customers, and stopped taking new projects, I am a full time Amazon affiliate and marketer. If you learn this course properly, then believe me or you will be part time or full time affiliate with this training."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easily Build Amazon Affiliate Niche Website E Stores" |
"In this step-by-step course you will learn how to build a profitable Amazon Affiliate E-commerce store that you can setup in just 1 hour!These stores are very quick and easy to create and set up, and you will be able to create stores in less than 59 minutes, as I do - watch the intro video where I show you how beautiful these stores look and give a premium look just like an ecommerce store. I will guide you for every step and help you build your store as you follow along with the videos in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Affiliates 2020 Hindi Tutorial Beginners Course" |
", , Amazon Affiliate Website Amazon ! , , !, , , 19 2013 , , ,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Airbnb Mastery: Vacation Rental Blueprint w/o Owning a Home" |
"Looking for a course to get you started on how to benefit immensely from your own short term rental business, AirBnB sets you out on a path to learn and discover the step by step processes needed to start up a short term rental business and make huge profits from it in the shortest possible time.LECTURE 1: Legality and Insurance LECTURE 2: Prepare The PropertyLECTURE 3: Earn Your First 5-Star ReviewLECTURE 4: Get Listed On 1st 2 PagesLECTURE 5: Listing RichesLECTURE 6: Market Your BusinessLECTURE 7: Check-in-out AutomationLECTURE 8: Automate CommunicationLECTURE 9: Know Your NumbersLECTURE 10: The Real ProfitLECTURE 11: General Book-keepingLECTURE 12: Key Performance IndicatorsLECTURE 13: How to Create an Empire on Airbnb without Owning a HomeOur Airbnb course places more emphasis on relevance and value; its puts you up in a more competitive space, giving you basic knowledge on standard real estate, advanced property, hotelier, customer experience, and listing strategies to maximize your space, bookings & profit. With good knowledge of the aforementioned, your Airbnb business can be kick started.Well provide you with first hand knowledge on customer satisfaction and how to get maximum profits from the business. Your guests deserve an amazing experience which can be delivered at the best possible price. Our mission is to ensure you give your guests the luxury experience they deserve and also equip you with ready-to-go templates, financial calculators, shopping lists, trade discounts and more to have you earning good profits.If you need additional income streams to get you on a bigger competitive stage, there is no better way to start up than an assured return on an easy-to-start-up online property business. With Airbnb, you can earn up to 3x your actual investment compared to a long term rental tenancy. Though anyone can Airbnb an under-utilized space for instant cash within days; but not everyone will be able to minimize costs to maximize their return using proven strategies.Our course provides you with best practices and strategies to set up your online property gig and help you maximize returns on every existing space within your listing."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Einsteigerkurs 2019" |
"Starte Deine professionelle Internetseite mit unserem Online WordPress Kurs. Lerne in einfachen Videos Schritt fr Schritt WordPress in der aktuellen Version 5 auf Agenturstandard selbst einzurichten. Du bentigst KEINE VORKENNTNISSE. WordPress 5.0 Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung Aktuelle Oberflche 2019 und neuester Standard ber 20 Videos und mehr als 10 Stunden Videomaterial in Full-HD Uneingeschrnkter lebenslanger Zugriff Auf Mobilgerten, TV und Computer ansehen 100 % Untersttzung fr beste Ergebnisse Zahlreiche Agentur-Tipps fr effizientes Arbeiten 100% kostenlose Plugins + Premiumplugins Fr das Smartphone optimierte Websites (responsive) Mit SEO Best Practice & Tipps"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Invest in Value Stocks with Expectations Investing" |
"Learn how to invest wisely in public companies throughMCQ quizzes series of short video lessons. This course will direct your thinking to resemble Warren Buffet's using a reverse-engineered value investment system. We'll build up your knowledge of corporate finance and then teach you investing so that savings put aside for stock investment, however small, can grow into something substantial with the power of compounding. Our approach is to analyze market expectations of business value drivers, the greatest determinant of business' respective stock prices, to assess whether stocks are under or overvalued.No leap of faith necessary - First and Last Lesson Free to view!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Bengali Language Simplified 2020: Speak Bangla in 1 hour" |
"Bengali is the 6th most spoken Language, so this course is important for people who is travelling to Bangladesh or India, whether for business, travel or just to interact with Bengali speaking people. This course teaches students phrases that are most commonly used, without going into the rough Bengali grammar. The most important sections include introducing yourself in Bengali, the must know phrases, food and places."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Build a Digital Marketing Agency From Scratch" |
"In this course you are going to be learning and afterwards utilizing all the knowledge I have gained over the past 2-3 years in Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing to grow your own agency! We are going to be going over many things as follows:Branding Your AgencyGetting Promotional Branding Work Done For Your AgencyCreating Your Agency's WebsiteBeing Able To Set Up Your Clients When You Start Getting SomeRecruiting The Right ClientsHow To Use FREE Evaluations To Grab Business Owners' EyesHow To Create + Distribute Content For Your Agency/ClientsWhat Softwares You'll Need To Run a Successful AgencyIn-Depth Video Tutorials and Hands-On Walkthroughs For Each Software/CircumstanceWhats Services To Offer and How To Price ThemHow To Correctly Utilize Facebook Ads to Get Your Clients Optimized ResultsLead Generation (Gyms, and other business types)My Own Lead generation System That Gets Leads While You're Sleeping (Literally...)and More!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Online Viral Marketing Secrets" |
"Aprenda a maximizar sua visibilidade com menos esforo!Passo 1: Economize tempo e dinheiro decidindo no fazer isso Pare de inventar novodeo viral S porque voc acha que quente e 'vai viral' no significa necessariamente vai ... Pode ser caro em termos de tempo e dinheiro A melhor maneira de comercializar o contedo viral Escolha vencedores experimentados e comprovados para para os olhos olhos Adicionar CTA para ""filtrar"" olhos para os membros da audincia NICHE Passo 2: Adopte esta ESTRATGIA GERAL: 2 Step Trick PASSO 1: Encontre o que est quente Filtrar com base na 'proximidade' em interesse do seu nicho ETAPA 2: compartilhar contedo viral para gerar CONVERSES Compartilhe em seu blog Use-os para atrair trfego ""Conversor"" com o seu boletim informativo ou pgina do blog INTERNAL Etapa 3: suporte do tema interessante Veja uma lista de palavras-chave de nicho de destino Encontre contas de mdia social que segmentam essas palavras-chave Filtrar com uma especificidade de nicho Encontre e roube contedo viral de seus principais ou nichos de fs Filtrar todo o contedo com sinais de mdia social. retweets) Atalho: Buzzsumo Etapa 4: maximizar uma segmentao de nicho para o seu contedo curado Criar manchetes segmentadas por nicho Criar descries ou comentrios segmentados para o nicho selecionado Etiquetar hashtags segmentadas por nichos Passo 5: Lembre-se de proteger quando compartilhar o contedo de outros O poder do CTTO.Certifique-se de marcar uma declarao devida Certifique-se de COMENTAR sobre o contedo Como uma doutrina de uso justo No use todo o contedo Direto para a fonte (link) Etapa 6: republicar em grupos do Facebook e outras pginas Republicar usando o editor Hootsuite ou Outro automtico Espace uma republicao por semanas, se no meses Por que republicar? Obter como Mordidas Nuas Recicle o apelo do seu contedo D o novo contedo de seus fs Sempre incluiu um link para sua PGINA DE CONVERSO para sua empresa curada viral Pgina de converso = lista de discusso pgina de converso = pgina FB Poste os URLs das pginas do seu FB em grupos de FB relacionados a nichos Fazer isso somente depois que voc se mexe com os membros do grupo Estabelecimento de credibilidade primeiro Estratgia de Contedo FB Viral. Empreendedor em grupos para gerar gostos para uma pgina do FB Publicao pblica automaticamente na pgina do FB para maximizar os olhos na pgina de converso Obtenha cliques na pgina de e-mails e mais membros da lista Publique-se de forma passiva por e-mail e CONVERSES passivamente (ou seja, dirija trafegar para blogs e convert-los por meio de cliques em anncios ou direcionar o trfego para anncios e conversor atravs de vendas).Etapa 7: compartilhe novamente o site viral no Twitter Poste o contedo viral na sua linha do tempo do Twitter Lderes de influncia de nicho de marca Use hashtags hashtags Rodar Preencha seu feed do Twitter com ferramentas de autopublishing como o Hootsuite hashtags Rodar Faa isso durante um autopublishing Procure com contas dos seus concorrentes Siga seus mais ativos Como funciona o ""Siga-me / eu sigo voc"" Estratgia concentrada Publique Especial Eleico Nichos Especial Virais Construir uma molcula que se ajusta ao meio pelo reverso os seus seguidores Guia de nicho para o ndice especfico de nicho para gerar CONVERSES.Etapa 8: demonstre seu sucesso de maior Encontre o que funciona e faa mais disso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"YouTube SEO 2019" |
"Rank Your YouTube Channel & Generate Traffic To Your Products, Affiliate Products, and More Starting Today""In this specific video training course, you will get to watch over my shoulder - step-by-step, click by click - and learn how to take your YouTube Channel to brand new heights.From the Desk of:Eric PessoaDear Future Video Marketers,Its nothing new that YouTube is a huge source of traffic for your products or services.Video marketing is one of the easiest ways to get highly targeted traffic, but you have to do it right. If you do it wrong and simply upload a video to YouTube in the hopes that it will get ranked both on YouTube and on Google then you wont be as effective.That may have worked back in 2005 where you could just throw a couple backlinks at it, but today is different.The problem is that ranking on YouTube isnt as easy as it was back in 2005, or even 2010.Plus, on top of that, there are tons and tons of different marketing strategies out there online. Many of these work and many of them have faded away.So what works and what doesnt now?What is a long-term strategy that will work for years to come?Its simple.Understanding what Google wants and making sure what you do looks as natural as possible is the key strategy here.We cant say what it is other than that, but you can even outsource this process.Once it is setup, you can let it run.Theres nothing spammy about this method either.Introducing...Video #1 - Introduction to YouTube Video TrafficBefore we jump right in, we want to make sure that you are in the right mindset. So, we will be discussing where you need to put your 100% focus into. In addition to that, we will discuss a quick overview of what's inside this video course, so you know exactly what to expect. You'll also get to see everything that you need to get started successfully.Video #2 - What This Is NOTTo ensure you are able to successfully implement this strategy, we want to discuss with you what this is NOT about. The reality is that there's a lot of misconceptions that people have when it comes to ranking videos on YouTube or even Google. These misconceptions or assumptions that certain things working certain ways don't work or will actually prevent you from succeeding. So, to make sure that these don't create roadblocks for you, we want to make sure that you understand what this is not.Video #3 - What Google Wants & The StrategyIn this video, we are going to discuss what Google wants based on the data that we have seen and how the strategy works. Part of being able to rank on YouTube and Google is to understand what Google wants. If you can understand their vision, then you can adapt a long-term strategy to your ranking strategy. By the end of this video, you should have a better and clearer understanding of what you need for your game plan.Video #4 - The RingNow it's time to focus on the strategy in a very specific step-by-step plan of attack. This strategy is what we call the ring. To make things easier for you, you will be given a visual map of what this looks like in practical terms.Video #5 - How to Automate The RingAfter viewing the previous video, you can imagine how tedious and overwhelming it is to have to maintain the ring, much less get it setup yourself. Yes, getting good rankings is not an easy shortcut by any means. Lucky for you - there is a way to automate it once you have set things up.Video #6 - Account CreationIn order to set up the ring, you need to be able to apply best practices in terms of creating accounts. Fortunately for you, we have been creating accounts which have been successful and have failed at the same time, so we are able to share with you what has worked for us. Believe it or not, if you don't follow these best practices - some of your accounts can potentially be removed or banned by these big platforms.Video #7 - OutsourcingAs you can see, creating a ring is very time consuming. It can take a week or two for someone whos never done this before. So, finding somebody who has done this before and has done very effectively is crucial if you want to focus on the other parts of your business. Lucky for you - we have used several and will show you who we get so you dont have to lose money finding the wrong personVideo #8 - TestingWhether you created the ring yourself or hired someone to do it, testing it is very important. In this video, we will show you how to test the ring to make sure that it actually works. And don't worry about all the technical details if you're not tech-savvy. If you can simply watch a video, watch over my shoulder step-by-step and click by click, then you should have no problem at all setting up this system and start receiving traffic.So, grab this video course today and begin generating targeted video traffic for your products the right way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Selenium webdriver w Java" |
"Selenium to w peni darmowy zestaw narzdzi, ktry jest do powszechnie stosowany przez testerw, ktrzy d do automatyzacji swoich zada. Automatyzacja potrafi w krtkim czasie wykona sporo zada za nas. Dziki Selenium moemy:testowa strony internetowetworzy rozbudowane automaty testoweoszczdzi czas potrzebny na testowanie tych samych powtarzajcych si czynnociKupujc kurs Selenium otrzymujesz wiedz, ktra pozwoli Tobie pisa testy automatyczne przy pomocy jzyka programowania java.Nauczysz si:jak uruchamia testy na przegldarce Chrome lub Firefoxjak uruchomi wczeniej nagrane testyw jaki sposb dokona modyfikacji w teciejak dokona weryfikacji czy dany element jest na stroniejak wprowadzi dowolny tekst do pola tekstowegow jaki sposb lokalizowa rne elementy na stronie po rnych atrybutachw jaki sposb przechowywa w zmiennych dane, a potem je weryfikowaw jaki sposb przechowywa elementy w tablicach, sownikachjak wylosowa danejak wykonywa testy w ptli tak aby za kadym razem dziaa na innych danychjak udokumentowa testy ( zrzuty ekranu, zapis danych do pliku )w jaki sposb stosowa wzorce projektowe i dlaczego s one tak bardzo przydatnejak testowa strony wielojzycznei wiele wiele innychKurs jest przeznaczony zarwno dla osb, ktre chciayby w przyszoci zosta testerami oprogramowania i dopiero poznaj narzdzia uywane przez testerw oraz dla testerw oprogramowania, ktrzy wchodz w temat zwizany z automatyzacj testowania. Poznasz niezbdne wiadomoci pokazujce jak zacz testowanie w Selenium oraz jak stopniowo rozbudowywa swoje testy. Dziki tej wiedzy nie musisz szuka szkole z Selenium i wydawa duych pienidzy aby przyswoi sobie wiedz. Kupujc u nas kurs moesz bez wychodzenia z domu pozyskiwa wiedz oraz odtwarza j tyle razy ile potrzebujesz. Oszczdzasz rwnie pienidze i czas."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel 2013" |
"Excel to jeden z elementw pakietu Microsoft Office 2013, ktry suy dogromadzenia danych w formie arkuszy lub baz danych z moliwoci formatowania i sortowania,uywania rnego rodzaju funkcji m. in. finansowych, matematycznych i statystycznych,konstrukcji rnego rodzaje tabel, zestawie lub rachunkw, oraz dowolnej iloci wykresw w arkuszu.Excel jest bardzo dobrym narzdziem w pracy biurowej. Program te jest powszechnie stosowany do opracowywania wynikw rnych bada. Mona tworzy w prosty sposb wzorce tabel lub zestawie wykorzystujc do tego kreator.Kupujc kurs Excel dowiesz si m. in.:Jak posugiwa si arkuszamiJakie s, co robi oraz jak uywa wielu funkcji z biblioteki funkcji dostpnej w programieNauczysz si tworzy wykresyPoznasz ciekawe i przydatne opcje dostpne w programieNauczysz si nagrywa makra i je odtwarzaDowiesz si jak wygldaj i jak dziaaj tabele przestawneNauczysz si tworzy raporty w Excelu uwzgldniajce rne kryteriaPoznasz rwnie sposb tworzenia wasnych makr wykorzystujc do tego jzyk VBADowiesz si czym rni si funkcja od proceduryBdziesz potrafi napisa wasne funkcjeI wiele wiele innych wiadomociKurs jest przeznaczony gwnie dla osb, ktre dopiero zaczynaj przygod z pakietem Office, ale rwnie mog z niego korzysta osoby posiadajce podstawowe wiadomoci z Excela tym bardziej, e niektre zagadnienia jak np. jzyk VBA przeznaczony jest gwnie dla zaawansowanych uytkownikw. Przede wszystkim podczas kursu suchacz nauczy si od podstaw danego programu, a z kad kolejn lekcj bd dochodzi nowe elementy, ktre rozszerz wczeniej zdobyte informacje. Na koniec kursu kady uczestnik bdzie posiada wiedz teoretyczn, ktra przyda si podczas pracy z dan aplikacj oraz bdzie potrafi t wiedz co najwaniejsze zastosowa w praktyce.Ten kurs to duy zastrzyk wiedzy teoretycznej i praktycznej. Nie musisz teraz szuka szkole z Excela i wydawa duych pienidzy aby zdoby wiedz. Dodatkowo gdyby chcia skorzysta ze szkole musiaby odby przynajmniej dwa: podstawowy oraz rednio-zaawansowany. Kupujc u nas kurs moesz bez wychodzenia z domu pozyskiwa wiedz oraz odtwarza j tyle razy ile potrzebujesz. Oszczdzasz rwnie pienidze i czas.Uwaga! Majc wiedz zdobyt w video kursie dotyczcych pakietu Excel moesz z powodzeniem obsugiwa darmowe programy takie jak np: Open Office, Libre Office lub Google documentsWiadomoci z kursu bardzo czsto pojawiaj si na maturze z informatyki lub te na lekcjach informatyki w szkole lub na studiach wic naprawd warto z niego skorzysta."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word 2010" |
"Edytor tekstu Microsoft Word jest jednym z programw nalecych do pakietu biurowego Microsoft Office . Suy do tworzenia dokumentw tekstowych, ktre mog zawiera tabele, wykresy, rysunki, rwnania, oraz inne obiekty wystpujce w rodowisku Windows. Bardziej zaawansowane funkcje edytora umoliwiaj generowanie listw i raportw oraz tworzenie formularzy, stron internetowych oraz wysyanie e-mail.Z kursu dowiesz si jak: tworzy proste i zaawansowane dokumenty wykorzystywa i edytowa dostpne szablony korzysta z podstawowych i dodatkowych opcji programu stworzy profesjonalny artyku modyfikowa dokumenty wykona i modyfikowa prac dyplomow tworzy korespondencj seryjn stworzy w krtkim czasie pisma do duej liczby adresatw zapisanych w excelu wykona prost stron internetowA oprcz tego dowiesz si jak dodawa: tabele obrazy wykresy wzory matematyczne spis treci tabele bibliografiKurs jest przeznaczony gwnie dla osb, ktre dopiero zaczynaj przygod z pakietem Office, ale rwnie mog z niego korzysta osoby posiadajce jak wiedz z pakietu Office. Przede wszystkim podczas kursu suchacz nauczy si od podstaw danego programu, a z kad kolejn lekcj bd dochodzi nowe elementy, ktre rozszerz wczeniej zdobyte informacje. Na koniec kursu kady uczestnik bdzie posiada wiedz teoretyczn, ktra przyda si podczas pracy z dan aplikacj oraz bdzie potrafi t wiedz co najwaniejsze zastosowa w praktyce.Te kursy to nie tylko wiedza teoretyczna i praktyczna. Tutaj rwnie zostan poruszone pewne elementy pozwalajce inaczej spojrze na np. sposb przygotowania dokumentu. Suchacz dowie si rwnie gdzie na co dzie mona wykorzystywa dan wiedz oraz jak bardzo si ona przydaje i uatwia ycie.Nie musisz teraz jedzi na specjalne szkolenia z Worda i wydawa kilkaset zotych aby pozna jeden program. Kupujc u nas kurs moesz bez wychodzenia z domu pozyskiwa wiedz oraz odtwarza j tyle razy ile potrzebujesz. Oszczdzasz rwnie pienidze i czas.Uwaga! Majc wiedz zdobyt w video kursie dotyczc programu Word moesz z powodzeniem obsugiwa darmowe programy takie jak np: Writer z pakietu Open Office lub Libre Office albo te korzysta z gogle docs. Dodatkowo wiedza zdobyta w kursie pozwoli take pracowa na nowszych wersjach Microsoft Word."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Power Point 2013" |
"PowerPoint to jeden z elementw pakietu Microsoft Office 2013, ktry suy do tworzenia prezentacji multimedialnych. W PowerPoint czy si obrazy, tekst, grafik lub nawet filmy w prezentacj multimedialn. Uytkownik moe korzysta z gotowych wzorcw, moe rwnie korzysta z gotowcw. Slajdy mog by wywietlane na monitorze lub projektorze multimedialnym.Kupujc video kurs z PowerPointa dowiesz si m. in.:W jaki sposb wykorzystywa gotowe szablony i jak porusza si po programieNauczysz si krok po kroku tworzy slajdy oraz w jaki sposb mona zmienia ich ta, kolory czcionek, dodawa obrazy, modyfikowa je itd.Nauczysz si wykorzystywa grafik smart art, wykresy, tabelePoznasz dziaanie sekcji, komentarzy i albumu zdj.Dowiesz si jak wstawia proste i zaawansowane przejcia i animacjeDowiesz si jak przygotowa pokaz slajdwNauczysz si tworzy wasne szablony do slajdwKurs jest przeznaczony gwnie dla osb, ktre dopiero zaczynaj przygod z pakietem Office, ale rwnie mog z niego korzysta osoby posiadajce jak wiedz z pakietu Office. Przede wszystkim podczas kursu suchacz nauczy si od podstaw danego programu, a z kad kolejn lekcj bd dochodzi nowe elementy, ktre rozszerz wczeniej zdobyte informacje. Na koniec kursu kady uczestnik bdzie posiada wiedz teoretyczn, ktra przyda si podczas pracy z dan aplikacj oraz bdzie potrafi t wiedz co najwaniejsze zastosowa w praktyce.Te kursy to nie tylko wiedza teoretyczna i praktyczna. Tutaj rwnie zostan poruszone pewne elementy pozwalajce inaczej spojrze na np. sposb przeprowadzania prezentacji. Suchacz dowie si rwnie gdzie na co dzie mona wykorzystywa dane oprogramowanie oraz jak bardzo si ono przydaje i uatwia ycie.Nie musisz teraz jedzi na specjalne szkolenia z PowerPointa i wydawa kilkaset zotych aby pozna jeden program. Kupujc u nas kurs moesz bez wychodzenia z domu pozyskiwa wiedz oraz odtwarza j tyle razy ile potrzebujesz. Oszczdzasz rwnie pienidze i czas.Uwaga! Majc wiedz zdobyt w video kursie dotyczcych pakietu PowerPoint moesz z powodzeniem obsugiwa darmowe programy takie jak np: Open Office, Libre Office lub Google documents"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) Practice Questions" |
"In this course, you will encounter with different CCAT questions. All questions will be solved detaily.Types of these questions will be:- Math (Aritmetic Mean, Rate, Ratio, Direct and Reverse Proportion...)- Logic (Connection between events...)- Spatial Reasoning (Rotation, substraction, addition, Tracing...)- Verbal (Synonym, Opposite, Fill in the blanks with words, similar relations...)The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) is a popular pre-employment cognitive ability test.You should notice in CCAT to these things:- Don't use calculater.- You will have just 15 minutes to 50 questions.What should we know about CCAT?1. We will encounter with 50 questions. 2. We will have 15 minutes for all questions so we will have 16 seconds for per question.3. Most test takers get only 24 answers correctly so you should aim get 24 answers correctly at least.4. We will be evaluated on logic, math, and verbal reasoning.Suggestions:- Don't spen time for specific questions.- Please have a pen and paper with you when you take the assessment."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test - Math Tricks & Solutions" |
"Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT)In this cource, you will learn CCAT and some practical techniques about CCAT.The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) measures your critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to learn and apply new information to given situations.Important Informations About CCAT:50 questions15 minutesVerbal QuestionsLogic QuestionsMath QuestionsWe will learn and implement techniques with example questions and solutions.We will solve practice test about CCAT."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Egyptian traditional breakfast" |
"in this course u will learn:1- how to make Egyptian foul Medames(Egyptian beans). how to make egyption beans from a to z from the dry beans into cooked one ready for eating. two different ways to eat foul with.2- how to make falafel dough & how to prepare for eating.3- how to use Thini paste(pure sesame paste) with some adds to be ready for eating.4- how to make eggplant with tomato sauce."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso completo de Pro Tools" |
"Con este curso aprenders a manejar completamente todas las funciones ms importantes de Pro Tools, el secuenciador Standard Mundial que todos los profesionales utilizan. Un curso en el cual puedes hacerlo a tu ritmo, con clases cortas que van directo al punto a estudiar para que no pierdas el foco.Un contenido total de 9 secciones con 48 clases donde tambin podrs ir ponindote a prueba con breves evaluaciones a fin de seccin.Abarcaremos a fondo los siguientes temas.Configuracin de Pro Tools y tu tarjeta de sonidoInterfaz de Pro Tools donde aprenders para que es cada botnCreacin de Pistas de todo tipo, aprenders a grabarte y grabar a otras personasCreacin de instrumentos virtualesRevisin a fondo de MIDI para que puedas crear, grabar, editar tus instrumentos virtualesQue son los Marcadores y para que se usanUso de PlantillasEfectos por envos, para que sirven y porque de esta formaAutomatizacionesCreacin de pista de metrnomo (que lleva un plus de una mini clase de teora musical para poder entenderlo mejor)Una seccin de Extras con algunas joyitas para hacer tu trabajo ms fluido donde tambin se incluye como importar Video y archivos AAF.El curso esta realizado en Pro Tools 10 en un sistema Mac.Para los usuarios de Windows es completamente compatible, solo cambiarn los atajos de teclado.El curso es compatible con cualquier versin de Pro Tools que tengas ya sea 8 en adelante y si es HD tambin.Si tienes la versin HD de Pro Tools tienes adicionales que puedo explicarte de forma personalizada.Ofrezco resolucin de dudas mediante Skype/Zoom compartiendo mi pantalla.Tambin podrs formar parte de una comunidad donde doy soporte y regalos!Te aseguro que te ser de gran utilidad. Nos vemos dentro."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Curso SQL on Hadoop - Bsico" |
"Objetivo desse curso ensinar como manipular dados no ambiente Hadoop com a linguagem SQL comeando do bsico, como tambm apresentar as possibilidades que existem no uso dessa linguagem que fundamental para quem quer desenvolver essa habilidade que atualmente est sendo muito requisitada pelas empresas que acreditam que o BIG DATA o futuro na anlise de dados."
Price: 549.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a criar um portflio na plataforma GitHub" |
"Voc ir aprender como fazer um portflio profissional na rede social para desenvolvedores GitHub e para isso aprender os comandos bsicos do Git, como tambm vai entender mais sobre essas duas ferramentas que so fundamentais para quem quer publicar ideias e projetos na internet e deixar disponvel para que todos acessem."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting." |
"People spend time searching their problems to gain results that provide value to them. The more value the results provide, the easier search engines make it to find them. Copywriting is a key component in ranking and getting noticed. Whether you have a blog, an ecommerce website, social media campaigns or SEO, you need to be able to understand what the problems your customers are facing and creatively write a headline or description that captures their attention and contains popular keywords.This course takes you from knowing your audience to conversions to making use of the customers you gain in order to consistently keep boosting your sales!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dance Naturally with Musicality" |
"DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU'RE NOT ABLE TO DANCE NATURALLY AND CREATE YOUR OWN FREESTYLES?You've probably attended dance classes where you learned:-swaggy/trendy steps-moves and choreographies-the 5 6 7 8 counting systemDid it work?No.On the contrary, the more techniques you learn, the less creative you become. And eventually, it doesn't look natural when you dance.Before the counting system, the choreographies, and the steps, what a dancer MUST master is Musicality.In simple words, musicality is how much you can hear from a song.Because musicality gives you the raw material.Without it, all the techniques in the world will be useless.It would be like a painter without canvas...He might have the best paintings in the world, The most extraordinary brushes,And even the most incredible talent.Without canvas, he wouldn't get far.It's the same for you.You may be spending a lot of time crafting your technique, learning new steps, choreographies but,...Without musicality , you'll reproduce somebody else's style rather than finding your own.And, eventually, you'll feel awkward when you dance!Yet, with the right method you could easily develop your own unique style, and even come up with sick freestyles of your own!Because at the end of the day, what you want is:Spot the different elements in a songMatch your movements to those elementsCreate never-seen-before movements (because they're yours only!)And freestyling on songs you don't know anything about!That's exactly what I'm offering you to learn here in Dance Naturally With Musicality!Each month, you'll get a new video (on top of the pre-existing ones) with the best advice and insights, to help you EXPRESS YOURSELF on your own unique way on the dancefloor!We'll breakdown a different song each time to make sure you can apply your new skills right away!!Remember: This course will not give you the moves. Rather, it will give you the ability to create your OWN moves.P.S. As I will say numerous times in the videos, interaction is key in your progress. The community is here to help you, so comment and ask questions to keep the energy flowing!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Masterclass: Reading Tips and Strategies" |
"You have tried your hands on several IELTS Reading tests, but you were just a point or two away from scoring the desired score.You have put your most exceptional learning skills in IELTS Reading but still lacking somewhere?Dont worry, it happens to the best of us. I get it that you dont want to lose a single point and bag the best score in IELTS Reading. Its evident because IELTS is a life-changing exam and the Reading test of IELTS always seems tough!In IELTS Reading, with reading almost 2750 words, there are 14 question types, and each has a separate way and different strategies to find the correct answer.The IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Reading Question Types is a precisely crafted course to help you with the best skills, strategies and approach to attempt all the types of reading question types. One of the most detailed courses, this course is really useful to excel the Reading Task of IELTS for both Academic and General Training modules.This course will introduce you to all the question types IELTS Reading can ever have and help you with some of the best tricks and strategies to bring back those lost marks while you are reading.What is IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Reading (Tips and Strategies) course about?Introduction to question types in IELTS ReadingSteps to solve each question typeStrategies to confine losing marksTips for managing timeAfter completing this course, what will you be able to successfully do?Read between the lines to find the correct answerApply the structured approach in each question typeUnderstand which step to skip in which type to manage timeAvoid re-reading the unnecessary informationprecisely read each of the passagesfind the flagship sentencesextract the main ideafollow the scaffolding of the passagesunderstand the framework of the passagesidentify the opinion or the writers perspectivecomprehend writers gist or the conclusionAnd much more!Do not expect to have examples solved here. This course will definitely help you if you want to take your learnings one level up to bag more than the expected score.IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Reading Question Types course focuses mainly on the variety of questions asked in Reading Task of IELTS. Each of the time has a specific approach, a list of tips and a few strategies offered. The approach will help you with the ideal way to deal with the question type. The tips will help you save your time and work on the questions efficiently. These also highlight the tentative mistakes that one does. So, you will be saved from those grey areas after following all the tips. And, the strategies will let you handle the questions smartly.With more than 15 downloadable resources and achievable quick-win strategies, you ought to be strong with the skills developed to attempt each question in all the three sections of IELTS Reading Task. Also, every lecture will take you one step ahead to reaching your goal and stay at the highest band."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Writing Task 1 (General Training)" |
"If you are looking for a Zero-to-Hero course for IELTS Writing Task 1 of General Training, you have come to the right place. This is the perfect place to start your IELTS journey.While IELTS Writing Task 1 may seem tough as you have to interpret the situation given in the question and write a minimum of 150 words and more, it is not as youll think after you complete this course, IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Writing Task 1 (General Training).In this course, you are introduced to 3 basic styles of writing that can be asked in the examination. The only class that covers right from how to start the letter to how to end it, IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Writing Task 1 (General Training) course comprises of:introduction to the styles of writingplanning the letterachieving all points of marking criteriadifferent letter typesand much more!After successful completion of this course, you will be able to:identify all writing types in the exambrainstorm the points that will go in the letterplan the letterwrite the introductory paragraphstructure the body paragraphssign off the letteruse proper grammar and words appropriate for the given style of writingunderstand how each type should be writtenand much more!I will take you through each and every step in detail. So, you will be confident to deduce the context of the question, plan and write the essay with proper template and vocabulary.Good luck!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Productivity Masterclass: Personal Productivity (Part 1)" |
"Personal Productivity is not a natural skill. We never had the burning desire to improve on getting things done in the right way and prioritizing tasks. Many of the skilled productivity specialists have tried it several times but failed. Not everyone could find their ultimate and the most effective method for the best time management system. So, what is the system that will work as a key to your personal productivity, a key to your success.So, whether it is Technique 1 or Technique 2, you need to understand the events and the building blocks that will lead you to different approaches to be taken for reaching to your goal. Once you know which one works the best for you, try it and find that 'Hurrah' moment each time. Even this feeling of knowing the best system that clicks will kick in that adrenaline rush to help you find your way.There are a number of apps that can aid your system. However, Productivity Masterclass: Personal Productivity (Part 1) has the easiest and the most doable of all. So, no myriad of items to look at or brainstorm with and no tough apps to tackle. With a number of resources and activities, get useful and time saving tips to increase productivity to a completely new level."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Da Zero al punto luce con lo Standard KNX" |
"In questo corso imparerai a conoscere lo Standard KNX pi da vicino e da una prospettiva diversa. Infatti ti parler dei vari trucchi e dei metodi che ho sviluppato negli anni parametrizzando svariati impianti KNX. Lobbiettivo finale quello di realizzare il cablaggio e la configurazione su ETS5, per comandare un punto luce, utilizzando dispositivi KNX.Se vorrai mettere in pratica tutto ci che ti mostrer in questo Corso, dovrai munirti di un PC Windows con almeno Windows 7, 4 Giga di RAM installata ed un buon processore, poich il Software ETS5 abbastanza esoso di risorse.Allinterno del corso troverai la lista dei dispositivi KNX, da acquistare, che ho utilizzato nei video, in modo da farti provare a casa tua lo stesso progetto, rendendo lapprendimento pi esaustivo.Sono inoltre comprese le guide in PDF per vari approfondimenti a corredo dei video.N.B: questo corso online non concorre e non sostituisce i corsi certificati dellassociazione KNX."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Come creare un Supervisore KNX con Home Assistant" |
"All'interno di questo corso imparerai a conoscere la piattaforma di Home Assistant, partendo dalla prima installazione e configurazione all'interno di un Raspberry Pi, fino ad arrivare alla completa integrazione con un impianto KNX.Ti spiegher come comandare un impianto KNX con gli assistenti vocali, sfruttando i servizi di Home Assistant.Quindi affronteremo le integrazioni pi comuni in un impianto domotico KNX, come i punti luce, la termoregolazione, le tapparelle, gli scenari ed infine i sensori analogici.Grazie a questo corso non dovrai pi preoccuparti dello scoglio economico del supervisore per il tuo impianto KNX !!!Imparerai inoltre, come far comunicare alcuni dispositivi IoT (lampadine wifi, smart switch, etc.), con il bus KNX. Dandoti la possibilit di poter comandare lampadine Wi-Fi RGB tramite i tasti del tuo impianto KNX, senza eseguire l'errato taglio di fase.Alla fine del corso avrai le conoscenze per poterti destreggiare in tutta autonomia con la Piattaforma Home Assistant, dando libero sfogo alla tua fantasia verso tutte le integrazioni disponibili.Cosa Aspetti ? Diventa anche tu un Elettricista Evoluto !!!Ti aspetto all'interno del Corso !!!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |