Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Guitar Practice Skills- Am Pentatonic Scales Sequence #1" |
"Now that you have mastered your Am Pentatonic Scales, lets learn a pentatonic sequence. This is the first one I always teach in my private lessons. The sequences will increase your melodic sense of the pentatonic scales and also further your finger strength and control. It will also increase what you are able to handle playing as a lead guitar player. Learn To Practice- Learn To Play!After you get the basic forms down for the Am pentatonic scales and you are able to play the scale with 8th notes its time to start practicing scale sequences. This program series teaches you how to start practicing sequence I with the Am pentatonic scale with 8th notes.A Scale or melodic sequence is a fragment of a scale or pattern that when repeated, forms a continuous pattern up and down each form of the scale. There are numerous sequences made from simple patterns to practice and this is the first one that everybody starts with.IF YOU CANNOT PLAY 8TH NOTES YET PLEASE START WITH THE AM PENTATONIC SCALE VIDEO SERIES AND IT WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO PLAY 8TH NOTES WITH THE METRONOME!Directions are as follows:1. Download the PDF of the scale forms and then watch the Am Pentatonic Scale 8th Notes Sequence I Intro Video.2. Learn and memorize the scale sequence for the 5 different scale forms for Am pentatonic.3. Practice the scale forms for 10 to 15 mins a day ( or as much time as you can spare) for 2 weeks working on playing slowly and evenly until you can play the scale somewhat smoothly.4. If you are a beginner I recommend you watch my First Lesson Beginner Section Part I video program which in the first 5 chapters in that program I talk about the finger exercise and how to use the metronome.4. Once you are ready, the 2nd video starts you with a metronome at 80 beats per minute with eighth notes. I count us in 1 measue "" 1 2 3 4 "" and you will play Form I with sequence I with me and I will count us in for each form and play each one 2 times in a row.5. Practice with 80 BPM""S until you feel you have it consistent and strong enough to move to the 3rd video which is 90 BPMS. Play with 90 BPMS until you can play solid and go to 80, 90, 100 all the way to 200."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Practice Skills- Learn Your C Major Scales For Guitar" |
"The Major scale is made up of 8 consecutive tones or notes that are arranged in a specific order of intervals from the scales root note ( in this case C is the root) to its octave (which is also C). The order of the intervals or formula for the major scale are as follows: W-W-H-W-W-W-H, so the notes in C Major are: C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C. Notice that the Half Steps occur between the 3rd and 4th degrees ( E to F) and the 7th and 8th ( B to C). The C major scale is a great one to start with because there are no sharps or flats so its a little easier to understand.This program teaches you all 5 shapes of the 3 note per string C major scales. I would definitely recommend if you do not know how to play scales with a metronome to check out my Pentatonics Course and Beginner Guitar Course to look at the finger exercise clips to get a handle on the metronome.Directions for this video series are as follows:1. Download the PDF of the scale forms and then watch the C Major Scale Scale Intro Video.2. Learn and memorize the 5 different scale forms for C Major.3. Practice the scale forms for 10 to 15 mins a day ( or as much time as you can spare) for 2 weeks working on playing slowly and evenly until you can play the scale somewhat smoothly.4. If you are a beginner I recommend you watch my First Lesson Beginner Section Part I video program which in the first 5 chapters in that program I talk about the finger exercise and how to use the metronome.4. Once you are ready, the 2nd video starts you with a metronome at 60 beats per minute with quarter notes. I count us in 1 measue "" 1 2 3 4 "" and you will play Form I with me and I will count us in for each form and play each one 2 times in a row.5. Practice with 60 BPM""S at least 2 weeks or until you feel you have it consistent and strong enough to move to the 3rd video which is 70 BPMS. Play with 70 BPMS until you can play solid and go to 80, 90, 100 all the way to 140, then we will cut back to 60 and learn how to play 8th notes, from there you continue to work on each video as the tempos go in increments of 10 and go all the way to 200."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Practice Skills- C Major Scale Sequence Study #1" |
"After you get the basic forms down for the C Major Scales and you are able to play the scale with 8th notes its time to start practicing scale sequences. This program series teaches you how to start practicing sequence I with the Am pentatonic scale with 8th notes.A Scale or melodic sequence is a fragment of a scale or pattern that when repeated, forms a continuous pattern up and down each form of the scale. There are numerous sequences made from simple patterns to practice and this is the first one that everybody starts with.IF YOU CANNOT PLAY 8TH NOTES YET PLEASE START WITH THE C MAJOR SCALE VIDEO SERIES AND IT WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO PLAY 8TH NOTES WITH THE METRONOME!Directions are as follows:1. Download the PDF of the scale forms and then watch the C Major Scale 8th Notes Sequence I Intro Video.2. Learn and memorize the scale sequence for the 5 different scale forms for C Major.3. Practice the scale forms for 10 to 15 mins a day ( or as much time as you can spare) for 2 weeks working on playing slowly and evenly until you can play the scale somewhat smoothly.4. If you are a beginner I recommend you watch my First Lesson Beginner Section Part I video program which in the first 5 chapters in that program I talk about the finger exercise and how to use the metronome.4. Once you are ready, the 2nd video starts you with a metronome at 80 beats per minute with eighth notes. I count us in 1 measue "" 1 2 3 4 "" and you will play Form I with sequence I with me and I will count us in for each form and play each one 2 times in a row.5. Practice with 60 BPM""S until you feel you have it consistent and strong enough to move to the 3rd video which is 70 BPMS. Play with 70 BPMS until you can play solid and go to 80, 90, 100 all the way to 200."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Create and Manage SQLite Databases From Scratch" |
"Are you a Developer looking to learn how to create and manage databases using SQLite? Or maybe you're new to databases and you just don't know where to start... Then Our Complete SQLite Databases Course is For You! _________________________________________________________________________Welcome To How To Create and Manage SQLite Databases From Scratch Join 500,000+ Students Who Have Enrolled in My Udemy Courses! 10,000+ Five Star Reviews Show Students Who Enrolling Are Getting Real Results! You Get Over 3.5+ hours and 25+ Lectures of HD content! Watch the Promo Video to see how you can Get Started Today!Dont Delay! Click the ""Buy Now"" Button For Instant Life-Time Access!_________________________________________________________________________Here is what you will learn in our complete SQLite Databases Course: In our complete SQLite Databases course you will learn how to create a reliable SQLite database from scratch. You will learn:How to create tables and insert records into themUpdate and delete records in a databaseSQLite shell commandsUseful functions available in SQLiteDifferent Datatypes available in SQLiteAll of the complexities of Date in SQLiteConstraints on columnsAdvanced QueriesJoining tables togetherSubqueriesCreating viewsGroup By and Having clausesTransactionsTriggers on tablesYou will also learn how to manage existing SQLite databases and even do things that seem impossible in SQLite ...Like how to create views that can be used to insert, update and delete recordsHow to customize constraints so that you can apply them to your tablesAndroid Studio Specific Database Lessons And so much more!But thats not all you receive by enrolling in our complete SqLite courseWe have added multiple video lessons on how to implement SQLite in Android studio!We will also be uploading and adding additional content with practice activities to give you a hands on learning experience_________________________________________________________________________Who is This Course For? This course is perfect for any developer looking for a way to create a fast, light weight, and easy to use database in their applicationsSo whether youre an Android Developer, iOS Developer, Python Developer, or any developer in-between..This course is perfect for you!_________________________________________________________________________The benefits to our course are absolutely unlimited!We believe the best way to learn is by DOING. That is why we have multiple mini projects in each and every section of our course! These hands on projects will allow you to not only learn by watching, but by DOING as well. Check out some of the recent review from our students_________________________________________________________________________With the right mindset, understanding, and application, you will instantly begin learning how to create SQLite Databases from scratchWhen we learn something new - we add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life._________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this Course..I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But it can be done!I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course._________________________________________________________________________It's time to take action! This course will not remain this price forever!Click the ""Buy Now"" button, top right, Today!Every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Meisam & Joe"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Azure DevOps Boards for Project Managers/Analyst/Developers" |
"In this simple, easy to follow, fast paced video tutorial, learn to create Epics, Features, Product Backlogs & Tasks using Microsoft's Azure DevOps (VSTS / TFS) Boards. Learn to create queries, charts, custom work items and many other features. A full day lecture has been edited so tight, that what resulted was just 1.5 hrs of video."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ASP.NET Web API 2 Project with Database - Step by Step" |
"Learn to create a simple full fledged end to end application using ASP.NET Web API 2.2 done in an easy to follow step by step tutorial. You will create an Application with various Web API's, use Dependency Injection and connect to the Database using Entity Framework. You will also learn to create AJAX requests to access these Web API's. You will also learn to Unit test using MOQ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Azure DevOps Repos with GIT and Visual Studio for Developers" |
"Move your source control to the Microsoft cloud. This video is the quickest and easiest way to learn to use Azure DevOps Repos with GIT and Visual Studio. The step by step instruction will show you how to effectively use GIT for local version control. The video starts with introducing what is Azure Repos and GIT and shows you all the steps required from creating a local project to managing it in the cloud. No prior experience required. Quick reference guide included."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instagram DM Domination System: How to make Hundreds on IG!" |
"I am going to teach you how I made over $75k in the first 12 months of my online brand just by messaging people on instagram! It is the exact system I still use to this day to earn between $300-$1500 a day! This course will teach you how to start doing this within a week! Now thats ROI."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Wheatgrass: How to Grow and Juice A Superfood in 7 Days" |
"Are you interested inusing food to create ahealthier life?Do you want toprevent or even reverse chronic diseasessuch as obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes? Do you want to learn how to grow one of the world's healthiest superfoods in the comfort of your own home?If you answered ""yes"" to any of those questions,you're in the right place!Dont waste your money on expensive wheatgrass shots at overpriced juice bars. You can grow organic hydroponic wheatgrass at home in only 7 days and for a fraction of the cost and the best part is.. it's super easy!This course will teach you the basics of how togrow and juice wheatgrass, as well as some of the most delicious juice recipes. You'll also learn about the amazinghealth benefits of wheatgrass!Take this course at your own pace andgrow wheatgrass at home by yourself, with a friend, spouse or your kids and take the next step towards a healthier life!All future lectures and other bonuses added to the course are always free once you have enrolled.I am always available by email and the course discussion board to help you along your journey towards a healthier life!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Webpack 1 & 2 - The Complete Guide" |
"Webpack by far thebest and greatest tool for front end development. It is a module bundler suitable for bothlarge or small single-page web applications.In this course you will fully understand and master all the aspects you need to know about this awesome tool. You will learn all the different configuration options allowing you customiseWebpack to work the way you want for your own projects.This is the most detailed course on Webpack ever created. You will learn both Webpack 1 and 2, so that you understand the key differences between the versions.The topics you will are:Running a Webpack buildSetting up loaders and presetsConfiguring webpack-dev-serverCSS, SASS & BootstrapAdding entry pointsBundling vendor filesProduction BuildsLongterm cachingDeployment"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Branding Guide Creation for Beginners" |
"Brandingis one of the most important aspects of any business, especially for startups. A Unique Brand can give you a major edge as a startup.So in this courseWith only a simple steps & free online tools, you'll be able to create branding guides for yourself and your clients.These brand guide can beused to attract potential customers to your work by pinning it to your Pinterest or share it on social media.You also can earn from it if you made it a gig on freelancer websites such as Fiverr. So, If you're interested in learning how to do it don't hesitated & click the Enroll Button now."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Create easy leadin pages & adding scarcity to your WP" |
"In This course, we'll focus on 2 main plugins:1) Using a simple strategy to collect new leads by keeping distractions low and engagement high in a simple start page, once the visitor clicks the button a YouTube or Vimeo video will automatically slide over and start playing and an opt-in form will automatically appear when the video is done.With this plugin, it's incredibly easy to create innovative squeeze pages with built customization features that will produce unlimited amounts of pages ALL within your existing Wordpress blog.2)Skyrocket Your Clicks, Sales, and Commissions with Scarcity Timers. You'll get to Choose from an evergreen style timer that starts at the same time for every visitor or a static time that expires at an exact date and time, Plus, you'll have 60+ styles to match your brand colors and you can use it on every post and page or add the code anywhere else. Enroll now & get all the tools for FREE."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Modern Multi Vendors E-Commerce Store In PHP" |
"I have made a modern e-commerce store for those students who want to learn to make any kind of e-commerce store by purely using PHP and MySQL functions with the assistance of bootstrap framework to make it complete responsive and dynamic.Often people use bootstrap for this purpose and the good thing of the usage of bootstrap kinds of the framework is that students can easily make any kind of theme responsive without indulging themselves in any complicated issues. Therefore I have made this e-commerce store to make the students fully expert in all the essential PHP & MySQL functions and bootstrap framework.So I am very hopeful that after joining this course and learning it, you will get a good control over making any kind of advance level responsive plus dynamic e-commerce website with all its complete functionalities with the assistance of bootstrap, PHP & MySQL. I have focused to make the students fully experts in the usage of all the essential PHP & MySQL functions and bootstrap, so you could learn their usage very well."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing - Rollout Strategy Development" |
"Did you know that with very little to no investment required, you can be making an income from the Internet as an Affiliate Marketer. Are you interested in learning how? This course gives you a great start to building a new monthly income stream for yourself. Through this course, you will learn: How and where to start making money almost immediately selling 3rd party products Ways you can use Amazon to earn revenue for yourself as an affiliate My recommended top 10 Affiliate Marketing bulletin board sites where you can find quality products to promote and earn income How to sell your services online through affiliate sites where others help you find consulting engagements How you can put your own teams together to propose on and complete projects that you can take an overriding commission on for every hour your teams work How to build your own online affiliate programs so other people are selling your products Why you have made an income on day one just by starting a home business I personally have been making my own income as a consultant and an online entrepreneur since before the year 2000. Except for a short period since the late 90s, I have not worked as an employee for anyone all of my income has come from my own entrepreneurial efforts. I have a lot of knowledge in Internet marketing in general and affiliate marketing online and I am looking forward to beginning to share it with you through this course so come join me. Let me help you get started. See you on the inside!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Ready for Production with Spring Boot Actuator" |
"For far too many developers, running an application in production is an after thought. In big enterprises, as a developer, you write an application and then turn it over to another team. Someone else promotes your code into QA and then the operations guys eventually take your code to production.Out of sight, out of mind right?Wrong. Not so much anymore. The age of DevOps has really brought developers and operations closer together.Spring Boot has introduced a tremendous amount of functionality to the Spring Framework. If you are building modern Spring Framework applications, you're probably already using Spring Boot.An awesome feature of Spring Boot is Spring Boot Actuator.If you're a developer, Spring Boot Actuator brings you a set of tools you want to be using to help people in operations monitor your application.Spring Boot Actuator is all about supporting and monitoringyour application running production.If you're in operations, Spring Boot Actuator is a set of tools you want your developers to enable in their Spring Boot projects.Spring Boot Actuator is a set of tools for monitoring and managing Spring Boot Applications as they run in production.As the industry moves towards microservices deployed in containers, automated monitoring becomes more and more important.Out of the box Spring Boot Actuator provides a health endpoint which can easily be wired into container orchestration tools, such as Kubernetes or Open Shift, which can be used to trigger alerting or automated self-healing.But Spring Boot Actuator is much more than just a simple health end point.In this courseyou will learn:About the available Spring Boot Actuator endpoints.How you can write your own custom endpoints.How to use Spring MVC to expose endpoints via HTTP.About the out of the box health checks provided by Spring Boot Actuator.How to write your own custom health check.How to show Git commit information on the Information endpoint.How to show build information on the Information endpoint.How to see system health metrics (memory, cache hits, disk usage, etc)How to add metrics to see your application activity (page views, or other custom actions)How to change log levels at runtime to aid troubleshooting.When things go wrong in production, wouldn't it be nice to know exactly what version of your code is running?With Spring Boot Actuator, it's simple to add information from your Git checkin or your Jenkins CI build. Then, you can go to the information endpoint and know exactly what version of the code is running in production.As you troubleshoot a problem, sometimes you need to see more detailed log output. If you're running in production, your logging levels are probably turned down to keep the logging overhead at a minimum.What you need is a way to shell into your running application and change the log levels.In this course, you will see exactly how you can shell into your running application to adjust the log levels.If you're deploying Spring Boot applications in today's enterprise, Spring Boot Actuator is really a must have."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"PHP CodeIgniter:CRUD concepts in MVC" |
"This course mainly focuses on learning Codeigniter crud(create read update delete operations of a database table) in its MVC architecturewhich is very useful in the web development field. In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . Codeigniteris a PHPframework which is in very demand. it is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will get a very good grip on crud in Codeigniter. By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of crudin Codeigniterand you will be able to code a crud applicationin Codeigniteron your own .this course is not for experts and slow learners as the pace of this course will be very fast .you should have basic understanding of PHP,HTML,MYSQLand Codeigniterfor enrolling in this course"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PHP:CRUD and Pagination using OOPS" |
"This course mainly focuses on creatingcrud(create read update delete operations of a database table) in PHP using OOPS,which is very useful in the web development field. In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . creating a crud inPHP usingOOPSis in very high demand nowadays. it is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will get a very good grip on creatingcrud in PHP usingOOPS.By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of crudin PHP by using OOPS and you will be able to code a crud applicationin PHP usingOOPSon your own .this course is not for experts and slow learners as the pace of this course will be very fast .you should have basic understanding of PHP,HTML,CSS,MYSQLand OOPSfor enrolling in this course and you should know how to use wamp server and sqlyog"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cakephp:Creating a CRUD application" |
"This course mainly focuses on learning crud(create read update delete operations of a database table) in Cakephp framework of phpwhich is very useful in the web development field. In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . Cakephpis a PHPframework which is in very demand. it is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will get a very good grip on crud in Cakephp. By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of crudin Cakephpand you will be able to code a crud applicationin Cakephpon your own .this course is not for experts and slow learners as the pace of this course will be very fast .you should have basic understanding of PHP,HTML,MYSQLand Cakephp basicsfor enrolling in this course"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PHP Zend Framework 1.11:Creating a CRUD Application" |
"This course mainly focuses on learning crud(create read update delete operations of a database table) in Zendframework 1.11of phpwhich is very useful in the web development field. In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . Zendis a PHPframework which is in very demand. it is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will get a very good grip on crud in Zend framework. By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of crudin Zend frameworkand you will be able to code a crud applicationin Zendframework 1.11on your own . this course is not for experts and slow learners as the pace of this course will be very fast . you should have basic understanding of PHP,HTML,MYSQLand Zendframework1.11basicsfor enrolling in this course"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PHP Zend Framework 2:Creating a CRUD Application" |
"This course mainly focuses on learning crud(create read update delete operations of a database table) in Zendframework 2of phpwhich is very useful in the web development field. In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . Zendis a PHPframework which is in very demand. it is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will get a very good grip on crud in Zend framework. By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of crudin Zend frameworkand you will be able to code a crud applicationin Zendframework 2on your own . this course is not for experts and slow learners as the pace of this course will be very fast . you should have basic understanding of PHP,HTML,MYSQLand Zendframework2basicsfor enrolling in this course"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PHP Yii Framework 1.1:Creating a CRUD Application" |
"This course mainly focuses on learning crud(create read update delete operations of a database table) in YII framework 1.1of phpwhich is very useful in the web development field. In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . YIIis a PHPframework which is in very demand. it is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will get a very good grip on creating acrud in YIIframework using GII. By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of crud generatorin YII frameworkand you will be able to generate a crud applicationin YII framework 1.1 by using GIIon your own . this course is not for experts and slow learners as the pace of this course will be very fast . you should have basic understanding of PHP,HTML,MYSQLand YII framework 1.1basicsfor enrolling in this course"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"PHP Yii Framework 2:Creating a CRUD Application" |
"This course mainly focuses on learning crud(create read update delete operations of a database table) in YII framework 2of phpwhich is very useful in the web development field. In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . YIIis a PHPframework which is in very demand. it is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will get a very good grip on creating acrud in YIIframework using GII. By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of crud generatorin YII frameworkand you will be able to generate a crud applicationin YII framework 2by using GIIon your own . this course is not for experts and slow learners as the pace of this course will be very fast . you should have basic understanding of PHP,HTML,MYSQLand YII framework 2basicsfor enrolling in this course"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PHP Laravel 5:Creating a CRUD application" |
"This course mainly focuses on creating acrud(create read update delete operations of a database table) using crud generator in laravel 5 frameworkof phpwhich is very useful in the web development field. In this tutorial series you get to learn about it's basics . laravel 5is a PHPframework which is in very demand. it is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. By enrolling in this course you will get a very good grip on creating acrud in laravel 5framework using crud generator. By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of crud generatorin laravel 5 frameworkand you will be able to generate a crud applicationin laravel5frameworkby using crud generatoron your own . this course is not for experts and slow learners as the pace of this course will be very fast . you should have basic understanding of PHP,HTML,MYSQLand laravel 5framework basicsfor enrolling in this course"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Anger Management Tips and Techniques" |
"Anger is one of the important emotion which ifwe neglect to control then it may lead to a very serious consequences. so anger management is the set of practices that assist in Temper Control and aims at improving skills to control youranger successfully. this is very important in everyone's life to know how to control your anger because as i already told if we don't control our anger in initial stages it will cause a very serious problems to both your personal as well as professional life. so coming to this course, it has been designed completely for beginners like students and professionals who seeks assistance to control their anger. in this course we will discuss about how to identify your anger and how to control it"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Assertiveness for Beginners" |
"Assertivenessis one of the importantskill which weregularly hear in social and communication skills training. Being assertive means being able to stand up for your own or other people's rights in a calm and positive way, without being either aggressive, or passively accepting 'wrong'. it is among the one of the mostimportant skillwhich isvery useful for persons who were working in a group or who are working in a place where they have to interact with lots of people. in this course we will discuss about the differences between aggression and assertion and we will also discuss about tips for assertiveness. so i strongly recommend this course to people who want to learn assertiveness"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Attention Management for Employees" |
"Attention management is nothing but a set of methods or waysfor supporting the managementof attentionat the individual or at the collective level to increase productivity at the work place.this course will be very useful for people who are having problems in focusing on their work and having issues in managing their attention at a work place. in this course we will discuss about attention managementbasics in detail like what are the ways to improve your attention and keep focused. this will be very useful for the working professionals as well as students. so enroll inthis course and improve your attention towards performing a task or workwithout distractions and deviations"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduo a Estruturas de Dados com a Linguagem C" |
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender a implementar vrias estruturas de dados utilizando a linguagem de programao C.A linguagem C uma das linguagens mais populares e eficientes que existe! Aprender sobre estruturas de dados fundamental na carreira de qualquer programador. Esse curso tem como objetivo explicar vrias estruturas de dados e, atravs de aulas dinmicas e didticas, implementar cada uma dessas estruturas.Voc ir aprender com Marcos Castro que j publicou dezenas de cursos e j ensinou centenas de alunos. Ele tambm foi 3x finalista da Maratona de Programao que uma competio onde voc tem que resolver os mais variados problemas utilizando uma linguagem de programao.O armazenamento e organizao dos dados muito importante para que esses dados sejam utilizados de forma eficiente. Aprenda agora mesmo sobre estruturas de dados com a linguagem C atravs de aulas claras e objetivas!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a montar o seu negcio digital - Trabalhe em casa!" |
"Quer aprender a montar um negcio digital de forma slida e eficaz com as melhores ferramentas?Quer trabalhar no conforto da sua casa e se tornar um empreendedor digital?Ento esse curso para voc que quer se tornar um empreendedor digital de sucesso!Voc ir aprender comMarcos Castro que possui vrios negcios digitais e j utilizou diversas ferramentas que iro alavancar o seu negcio digital.Eu irei lhe ensinar o passo a passo para voc montar seu negcio digital com dicas precisas atravs de aulas didticas e dinmicas, voc no conseguir desgrudar osolhos das aulas!O que voc ganha com esse curso?Acesso vitalcio, pode assistir quando quiser e quantas vezes quiser!Certificado de concluso do curso.Poder fazer quantas perguntas quiser que sero respondidas o mais rpido possvel!Voc contar com a minha ajuda para alavancar o seu negcio digital!Eu respondo a todos os alunos no menor tempo possvel, garantia de satisfao!O que est esperando? Cadastre-se agora mesmo e conhea o potencial da Internet para voc montar o seu negcio digital e faturar dinheiro com isso!No perca tempo!Vrias pessoas esto ganhando dinheiro com a Internet de diversas formas e voc no pode ficar de fora!Eu j testei diversas ferramentas e formas de ganhar dinheiro com a Internet e coloquei tudo nesse curso para voc, sem enrolao, direto ao ponto com objetividade e clareza em todas as explicaes!Aguardo voc no curso, abrao!- Marcos Castro"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10 for Seniors" |
"This is the proven system for attacking the biggest problems you are experiencing with Windows 10 right now.This course isn't for everyone.If you're looking for a comprehensive reference that addresses every Windows 10 issue under the sunthen your time and money would be better used elsewhere; there are numerous reference books online that are quite good.This course is for people over 50 years oldwho want to get going with Windows 10 fastwithout fumbling around relearning the basicsor dealing with tools and features they would never use anyway.This course doesn't waste any time and almost immediately jumps into walking you through the transition from older versions of Windows to Windows 10. After watching the first few videos you'll already feel more comfortable with Windows 10 (especially if you've never seen it before).After a week of going through the content you'll become a more agile and confident Windows 10 user.After three months you'll be helping others and a year after completing this material, you'll be a completely different person; deftly clicking open Windows and unabashedly taking on the newest update Microsoft forces on you.You see, this course isn't just about Windows 10 - it's about creating a transformation in your life.This of this course as in investment in yourself.An investment in the change you're about to bring into your life and an investment in the lives of your friends and family as youmake a positive impact in their lives.There are certainly other Windows 10 courses online and many are free. If you're just looking for a simple answer to a few questions thenthose courses might suit you.But if you're serious about understanding Windows 10 and rooting out the pain then this course is for you. I simplyhaven't found another system that's: Custom tailored to the unique challenges of SeniorsAnd is made for Seniors who have prior experience with Windows and simply want Windows 10 to work in a natural and intuitive fashion.Instead of wasting your time on Google, Youtube and other sources, make an investment in yourself todayand become a proficient Windows 10 user today. I promise you won't regret it.-Vonnie"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Build the Ultimate Penetration Testing Hacking Lab" |
"Do You Have What It Takes?Have you ever wondered how hackers breach systems? How does malware work? How do hackers crack passwords, gain unauthorized access to social sites such as Facebook or impersonate legitimate users by stealing credentials?What if it were possible to pass the CompTIA Security+ exam without just reading a book or watching a video?What if you could actually create real-life attack scenarios in the comfort of your own home using the very tools the attackers use?Maybe You Have Questions...Do I need to know Linux?What programming languages do I need?How long will it take?I'm new, where shouldI start?The cybersecurity sector is a hot field. According to Symantec, ""the demand for the (cybersecurity) workforce is expected to rise to 6 million (globally) by 2019,with a projected shortfall of 1.5 million""and the 2014 Cisco Annual Security Report warned that there was anestimated1 million openingsin cybersecurity.Cybersecurity positions are on the rise. Cybersecurity was the top IT priority in the Obama administration and appears to be a priority for Trump as well. There is a deep need for talented, professional white-hat hackers who can protect critical infrastructure and make a positive difference in the world.This is what most people do...Most people who want to get into cybersecurity make the rookie mistake of wading through endless blogs, books (Messer and Myers),Youtubevideos, magazines and Reddit forums trying to read everything they can about hacking. With this approach, you'll probably gain some good head knowledge about how to hack, but if a potential employer gave you an Ethernet jack and a laptop and said:Here, go break into our enterprise - you've got 30 minutes.Would you know what to do? The raw truthMost professional hackers can gain domain administrator rights before lunch. It's not hard but if you don't know where to begin it can beextremely challenging.Do it right the first timeThat's where theWeekend Pen-Testing Lab Creation Boot campcomes in. This intensive two-day boot camp shortcuts your time investment by training you to build a professional-grade penetration testing lab.This is a hands-on course thatwill transform you into a confident penetration tester (even if you have no prior experience). The boot camp is astep-by-step systemfor building a practice lab so you can gain the experience you need to become a professional penetration tester. You can then use your lab not only as a platform to pass the CompTIA Security+ exam but also other more advanced certifications such as the CEH ""Certified Ethical Hacker"" and others.By the end of this course, not only will you know how to hack but you'll have the infrastructure in place to hone your tradecraft and become an excellent candidate for entry level penetration testing jobs. If you do the work, complete the exercises and practice your hacks -you will succeed. You will be building a professional pen-testing lab using the very same attack tools the bad guys use to breach organizations and compromise systems.Are you up for the challenge?When you finish this course, you will:Feel a deep sense of confidence and responsibility as you'll not only know how to hack Windows servers and clients but also how to explain howitsdone to your colleagues and friends. You'll feel smarter because you'll BE smarter.Feel in control of your career as you'll have a complete hacking lab established on your computer with the exact attack tools used by black-hat hackers and professional penetration testers.You'll have a platform to practice and refine your tradecraft as you attack Windows, Linux and web server systems all within the safety of your lab environment.Here's what you'll get6 hands-on modulesthat walk you through the basics of building a pen-test lab. You'll learn the step-by-step process for setting up vulnerable hosts and executing sophisticated attacks against them in the comfort of your own home. Everything takes place in a lab that emulates real production networks so you'll gain the first step of experience needed to apply for entry-levelpen-testingjobs. Another side-benefit is that you may be able to leverage the skills you gain from this course to negotiate a higher salary and more challenging career options.28 resource guideswith summaries of all the commands used in the video lesson as well as explanations as to what each command did. The course is 100% online and 100% downloadable so you can take it with you on the go even without an internet connection.You haveunlimited updates. The cybersecurity landscape is continually evolving thus we are continually updating the course and adding new content to keep it relevant. By the course one time today and you'llget grandfathered into updates forever.Here's what you'll createA pen-test lab including a Kali Linux attack box, a Windows XP host, a Windows 2008 Domain Controller and a vulnerable webserver.A completely isolated environment where you can perfect your skills over-and-over again without any fear of breaking a real production systemYour time is now.Your InvestmentWhen you signup today you willget:The Complete Pen Testing Lab Creation Two Boot Camp Course in 6 Modules30 Convenient PDF Resource Guide Cheat SheetsEverything is 100% Online and 100% DownloadableInstant Access After PurchaseLifetime Access with Unlimited Updates to the CourseSo let us ask you the question: do you have what it takes to be a hacker?After taking this course you will be able to confidently say: yes!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Certified Ultimate Stop Smoking Hypnosis Practitioner Course" |
"Last updated on November 11, 2019Everything you need to give outstanding smoking cessation sessions in one place. Whether you're a beginner or have years of experience under your belt, this course will set you up as the go-to specialist in your area.This is a certification course. On completion you will be able to confidently and efficiently give stop smoking sessions using hypnosis. Smokers are willing to pay considerably more for stop smoking sessions. This course takes you through all the necessary steps. With this course you'll have the confidence to be a specialist smoking cessation practitioner in the top 1%!**********************************As of December 12, 2019, this course will be going private. This means that only students who have signed up for the course will continue to have access. If you are already a student or become one before December 10th you will continue to have access. After that date the course will still be available elsewhere at a considerably higher price only.**********************************Read some comments from students who have taken the course:""As a practicinghypnotherapist I found this course really helpful to refine myapproach to Stop Smoking sessions. I really like the Pre Talksections...I have found it extremely important to spend time on thisto help the client adjust their thinking and beliefs about smoking.Overall, the course material is spot-on, and with the supportmaterial represents excellent value for money.""C.S.--------------------------------------------------""Mark is very easy tounderstand. He has a good speaking voice. He is not trying to impressyou on how much he knows. It's obvious he is experienced in smokingcessation Hypnosis.""J.B.--------------------------------------------------""My name is Paul Hill Iam board certified instructor and practising hypnotherapist and Imust say I think that this is one of the best courses that I havetaken it is full of useful information on the programme is runningthe correct manner congratulations you have achieved a very usefuland helpful product well done.""P.H.-------------------------------------------------- Smokers, when they want to stop smoking, are not interested in how they stop; they are far more interested in the fact that they will stop. Thats why they want to go to a stop smoking specialist rather than a general hypnosis practitioner. Smokers are also willing to pay more for a session than for other issues. Ex-smokers are much more likely to recommend you to their friends, families and colleagues than for any other issue. Use my experience from the last 25 years as a practicing hypnotherapist and smoking cessation specialist. You can follow through my videos and tutorials and learn what does work. (Believe me I have also learned what doesnt work; the hard way!) You can be as successful as I have been or take it to the next level and be even more so. You do not need to already have taken a training in hypnosis as this course contains the specific hypnosis necessary to run successful stop smoking sessions with step by step instructions. No need to take a training costing thousands to benefit from this course, though you may wish to learn more about hypnosis when you see how well it works for smoking cessation! If you are already a hypnotist or hypnotherapist, I would suggest that you use this system from now on for your smoking cessation clients. You will reap the benefits. This is a comprehensive smoking cessation practitioner course with full accompanying notes, videos and tutorials. I take you through it step by step not only telling you how to do it but when and why. When youve taken this course you will be able to confidently give stop smoking sessions using hypnosis. As a stop smoking specialist you will be able to charge a lot more than the competition knowing that you are providing great value for investment. I will shortly remove this course from the sales platform and then it will only be available at full price. It's worth it and much more!You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra cost, ever All future additional lectures, bonuses etc in this course are always free - 18 new lectures have just been added. Theres an unconditional 30 day, no questions asked, full money-back guarantee My help is always available to you "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |