Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Unfailing Principles Of Wealth" |
"The earth is full of resources that can make every personrich and wealthy. People fail to amass wealth because they simply do not know how. No matter your race, color, background or educational qualification, physical ability, you can become as wealthy as you desire if you only know how. In this course, iwill show you how.Have you ever wondered why many strong, able bodied people are poor while some disabled people are super rich? Uneducated fellows are employing graduates and controlling the influential people because they know how to amass wealth. This course was developed to help you become rich and influential and it has nothing to do with your present educational qualification, age, gender, race, or even profession.Anybody from any country or educational background can become very rich if they only learn these secrets. You are about to discover some secrets that will change your life forever, you are about to learn about the secrets of wealth millionaires had been keeping from you all these years.If you are interested in becoming rich and maintaining it, then enrol for this course now. This is the course you have been looking and praying for, enrol and begin to do what it takes to get wealth. There is a 30 days iron clad money back guarantee if you are not satisfied. Yes, you read correctly, if you enrolled and are not satisfied, your money will be fully returned to you, no question asked.You have nothing to loose but everything to gain by enrolling now, you have a lifetime access to this life changing course that will populate your bank account with money earned legitimately through inspired ideas from you. This is an opportunity of a lifetime, seize it now and be blessed forever."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"The Mystery Of Problems" |
"Those who master the art of solving problems rule in this world. Every man is created with power to solve problems and defeat anything that threatens his existence. People die in problems because they have not learnedor understood the mystery of problems. Register for this course now and start immediately to turn every problem around for your own good.What is problem?Problems are challenges that makes life difficult and unbearable for people. Problems bring sorrow and incapacitate people from doing and getting what they really desired. The world is full of problems and it seems as if there is no human being who does not have his or her own problems at one time or the other. Problems devastates, weakens, threatens, and sometimes kills its victims if timely and adequate solution is not in place.Problems are serious and must be addressed rightly and timely because problems have the propensity to increase and multiply if they are not taken care of on time. Problems does not regard class and status of people, it comes to the high and the low, it infest both the bad people and the good. Some people thinks that been good will exempt them from problem in life, but reality soon set in to make everyone know that problems can come to anyone.In this course, I am out to show you that you've got power on the inside of you to defeat that stubborn problem, you are about to discover what it takes not only to win and overcome every difficulties, but also succeed beyond your widest imagination. There will always be problem as long as you live, discovering the art and science of solving problems is the only way to stay afloat and win in every situation.The mysteryof Problems course was created to help you see the innate power within youthat can help solve any form of problem that life may have tossed at you.It will let you see the fact that you can make it, this course willinject fire into your soul and energize you to stop at nothing lessthan the perfect solution to that problem plaguing you and yourfamily. You will see the reasons why God allowed problems in yourlife and the way out of every problem, you will learn from this platformthe powers behind your problems and how you can dethrone them. Youare created to solve problems not to be overwhelmed by them. Get ready to take control over every situations and problems that had taken your life captive hitherto.Register now and start destroying those problems and difficulties that had been putting you down, enroll and begin on a new journey and adventure that will ensure that you overcome every problem. Remember, if you are not satisfied within 30 days of enrolling in this course,your money will be refunded in full, no question asked. Enrol now, you have nothing to loose but everything to gain."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Angular (2+) verstehen und anwenden" |
"Angular 2 ist der von Google entwickelte Nachfolgereinesderbeliebtesten Frontend JavaScript Frameworks der Welt:Angular 1. Und es ist einfach groartig!brigens, eines gleich zu Beginn:Es sind keinerlei Angular 1 Kenntnisse erforderlich um mit Angular 2 zu starten. Tatschlich weicht Angular 2 so stark von Angular 1 ab, dass die Verwandtschaft kaum zu sehen wre!Warum Angular 2?Angular 2 ermglicht das Erstellen von extrem vielseitigen, schnellen, mchtigen und funktionsreichen Webapplikationen. Diese Applikationen laufen im Browser und bringen damit das sehr reaktive und dadurch groartige Nutzungserlebnis von mobilen Apps auf den Desktop bzw. Browser.Web Applikationen, die diese Nutzererfahrung erlauben, sind beliebt und nachgefragt wie zu keinem Zeitpunkt zuvor! Kein Wunder, dassFrontend Entwickler, darunter gerade auch Angular Entwickler, in hchstem Mae gefragt und sehr gut bezahlt sind.Was bietet der Kurs?Dieser Kurs startet bei den Grundlagen, wie ein Angular 2 Projekt erstellt wird, was Angular 2 im Detail ist, wie es funktioniert und was die Grundphilosophie dahinter ist. Und sobald diese Basiskenntnisse festgezurrt sind, geht es mit groen Schritten durch die Angular 2 Welt:Routing, Formulare, Directives und Animationen sind nur ein paar der vielen Themen, die in diesem Kurs detailliert vorgestellt werden!All die gelernten Dinge werden dann im Rahmen eines kursbergreifenden Projektes sofort in der Praxis umgesetzt.Die Inhalte im Kurzberblick:Was ist Angular 2? Welcher Philosophie folgt es?Wie wird eine Angular 2 App gestartet?Components - die Bausteineeiner jeden Angular 2 AppDirectives - Angular 2 Befehlegeben!Services - Daten verwalten, App-Bestandteile verbinden und viel mehr!Routing - Wie man in einer Angular 2 App die Seiten wechseltFormulare - Nutzerdaten einlesen und richtig verwendenPipes - Output transformierenHttp /Webzugriff - Wie die Frontend App (Angular 2)mit einem Backend kommunizieren kannAuthentifizierung - Wie eine Angular 2 App gesichert wirdAnimationen - Es soll ja auch schn aussehen!Optimierungen und Angular Module - Wie die App besser strukturiert und optimiert wirdUnd noch mehr!Fr wen ist der Kurs gedacht?Finden wir heraus ob dieser Kurs fr dich geeignet ist!Kannst du mindestens eine der folgenden Fragen mit ""Ja"" beantworten?Dann nichts wie los!JavaScript Grundkenntnisse und der Wille zur Einarbeitung in eine darauf aufbauende Sprache (TypeScript) sind vorhanden?Das Ziel ist es, tolle Web Applikationen (egal ob klein, mittel oder gro)welche direkt im Browser laufen, zu erschaffen?Du mchtest eines der modernsten Frontend Frameworks lernen?Ich freue mich darauf, dich in diesem Kurs begren zu drfen!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Every trip will become an unforgettable experience!Broaden your horizons as you travel to Albania.If you can speak Albanian, your trip will become an unforgettable experience:You will get to know more intensely and better understand the country and its people.When you can speak Albanian, you will be able to easily find your way in Albania.You will be able to ask for information or ask the locals for help.Building your career!You will increase your professional opportunities now that you can speak Albanian fluently and confidently.You now have the skills to work in Albania whenever you wish.Make more of your free time!You will be able to watch movies in Albanian!What a joy it is to be able to read a book in Albanian!You meet new people!Every new language opens a door to a new world for you.You will meet many new and interesting people!Who knows: maybe the love of your life speaks Albanian?Are you in a bilingual relationship?Your partner will be proud of you, if you improve your Albanian!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Present Your Best Self on Live Streaming and Recorded Video" |
"Are you planning to participate in a virtual meeting, webcast, virtual job interview, or record a video of an elevator or a sales pitch?Mobile technology allows us to video everywhere using such video platforms asInstagram, Vine, YouTube, Skype, Webex, and GoToMeeting, to name just a few of the many options available. Video and virtual presentations and conferencing are becoming more and more the norm. From websites, employment interviews, training and product videos, corporate and marketing videos, media interviews - the list goes on more businesses are taking advantage of this medium to help them compete, manage, and grow business. Organizations use it as a way to connect with customers, vendors, partners, as well as a tool for hiring and training. With widespread applications of video, we can reach vast numbers of people practically anywhere across the globe. Which is even more reason why its necessary to present yourself well, in the most compelling and engaging way. However, do you know how to do this? Do you know how to well present in front of the camera? Are you ready for a close-up? Do the same principals when speaking face-to-face in front of a live audience apply to a virtual presentation? You may be a skilled and gifted speaker at speaking in pubic. However, presenting to virtual audiences has its own set of unique challenges. You may not be able to see the entire or any of the audience or hear them well. If you are recording a video, you wont be able to see peoples reactions when they view it. You also wont be able to make eye contact with your audience, making it difficult to assess their reactions. A simple process? Not exactly. Have you ever seen any poorly done recorded and live video sessions that were hard to hear and see leaving you unimpressed and frustrated? Probably! However, when done well, our online and virtual presence should and can appear natural and comfortable. This course will provide you practical techniques for making your video stand out that will place you in the spotlight."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Effective Time Management & Stressfree Productivity" |
"Master the skill of Time Management and also get Stressfree Productivity.It is time to get rid of ineffective patterns and mindsets and start your new life with at least twice as much productivity! Mark Licz is showing you the Secret Weapons to achieve your goals!These include the 90 Day Sprintgs, the Getting Things Done system, how to develop Laser Focus, The 8-Step-Game-Plan of Super-Productivity, and so much more.So, don't wait any longer and get on the fastlane of productivity!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Schwarze Rhetorik: Manipulation durch Sprache!" |
"Menschen lassen sich durch Sprache manipulieren.Und damit Du nicht Opfer dieser sprachlichen Manipulationen bist, musst Du die Manipulations-Techniken erstmal berhaupt kennen und natrlich auch wissen, wie man diesen Techniken am besten begegnet.Dieser Kurs vermittelt Dir das notwendige Grundwissen ber die hufigsten Manipulationstechniken des Alltags.Der Trainer Wlad ist absoluter Rhetorik-Profi, gehrt zu den erfolgreichsten Turnier-Rednern Europas (TOP10-Speaker bei der Debattier-Europameisterschaft 2015) - und gibt ausschlielich Tipps, die auch wirklich funktionieren! Er ist auch Autor des Sachbuchs ""Schwarze Rhetorik: Manipuliere, bevor Du manipuliert wirst!"" (Goldmann) und seine Analysen fuen auf wissenschaftlichen Studien und Experimenten der Sozialpsychologie.Die 5 Kerninhalte dieses Kurses sind: 1. Was genau ist Schwarze Rhetorik? Ist das alles neu?2. Die hufigsten Scheinargumente - und wie man sie entkrftet3. Die hufigsten sprachlichen Tricks - und wie man ihnen begegnet4. Die wichtigsten kognitiven Verzerrungen - und was man gegen sie tun kann5. Werden wir immer manipuliert? Oder manipulieren auch wir?ber Deinen Trainer:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach. Auf Udemy hat er bereits knapp 30 Kurse mit ber 30.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Vor allem: Egal ob Du Anfnger bist - oder schon etwas fortgeschritten: Das hier vermittelte Wissen ist ein absolutes Muss fr jeden, der nicht manipuliert werden will!Also: Gleich anmelden und ein paar Lektionen machen! Es lohnt sich!!Wer sich noch mehr fr das Thema ""Schwarze Rhetorik"" interessiert, dem sei auch sein ""Schwarze Rhetorik fr Profis: Versteckte Beeinflussung"" auf dieser Plattform empfohlen!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP fr Anfnger 4: Das Data Dictionary" |
"SAP ABAP ist die bekannte Enterprise-Programmiersprache, die von den grten Unternehmen zum Betrieb ihrer Business-Systeme eingesetzt wird.In diesem vierten Teil der Kursreihe des SAP ABAP-Kompendiums vermittle ich dir Schritt fr Schritt die Grundlagen und essentiellen Fhigkeiten, die du bentigst, um ABAP zu verstehen und anzuwenden.Auch whrend dieses Kurses wirst du erneut deine eigenen ABAP-Programme schreiben und testen.Der Kurs ist ideal fr Einsteiger. Er basiert auf den Inhalten des ersten, zweiten und dritten Teils und fhrt diese konsequent weiter in die Tiefe, damit du sicher verstehst, wie du am besten deine eigenen SAP-Programme implementieren kannst.Die in Teil 1, 2 und 3 vermittelten Inhalte setze ich in diesem Kurs als bekannt voraus.Wir werden uns nach und nach an weitere wichtige Schlsselaspekte der Programmiersprache herantasten, wie zum Beispiel:Das DATA DictionaryGlobale Elemente des DDICDatenbanktabellen in SAPOPEN SQL - Die Sprache zum auslesen und manipulieren von DatenbanktabellenDu wirst mir dabei zusehen knnen, wie ich die Befehle, die ich erklre, selbst anwende und ich werde dich anleiten, deinen eigenen Code zu schreiben und zu modifizieren.Du bekommst das Wissen auf eine Art und Weise vermittelt, dass du garantiert die grundlegenden Konzepte verstehen und anwenden knnen wirst!Auerdem werden wir uns in diesem Kurs auf die Praxis fokussieren, so dass du dich nicht ewig mit Theorie herumqulen musst, sondern die Sprache in einem absolut praktikablen und leicht verstndlichen Ansatz lernen wirst und mit jeder Kurseinheit tiefer in die Materie einsteigst.Egal ob du neu in der Programmierung bist, oder nur neu im Bereich ABAP: Diese Kursreihe ist dein Weg zur schnellen, professionellen ABAP-Softwareentwicklung im Businessumfeld!Die meisten ABAP-Kurse kosten tausende von Euros und kratzen gerade einmal an der Oberflche. Meist darfst du dich erst einmal durch tausende langweiliger PDF-Seiten lesen und hast dann immer noch keine praktische Erfahrung. Der Zeitaufwand kann locker ber 50 Tage im Vollzeitstudium betragen! Nicht so mit diesem Kompendium! Ich bin erfahrener SAP Ausbilder, Coach und Trainer, der ber 5 Jahre Erfahrung in der Beratung und Implementierung mit SAP ABAP hat. Ich vermittle dir State-of-the-art ABAP-Knowhow aus dem aktuellsten Patch von SAP!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SAP Berechtigungen Grundlagen 2016" |
"HINWEIS: es ist eine neuere Version dieses Kurses verfgbar: ""Grundlagen SAP Berechtigungen inkl. Fiori"". Die Stilllegung dieses Kurses erfolgt bald. Fragen dazu an info[@]rz10[.]deViele Wege fhren zu funktionierenden SAP Berechtigungen in ABAP-basierten SAP Systemen. Einer davon ist SAP_ALL. Wenn Sie wissen wollen, wie Sie SAP Berechtigungen effektiv und sinnvoll managen und verwalten knnen, ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr Sie. Als Einsteiger lernen Sie grundlegende Funktionen kennen, aber auch wichtige Fallstricke und Hindernisse zu umgehen. Als Fortgeschrittener knnen Sie Tipps und Tricks mitnehmen aus meiner jahrelangen Praxis aus vielen Berechtigungsprojekten und Prfungen.Seit mehr als zehn Jahren vermittel ich Wissen aus der Praxis fr die Praxis auf der Webseite RZ10 - der grten deutschen Webseite fr SAP Basis & Security. In diesem Kurs habe ich erstmals all diese Erfahrungen in einem ansprechenden Online Kurs zusammengefhrt."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP fr Anfnger 5: Datenbanken & Code Inspector" |
"SAP ABAP ist die bekannte Enterprise-Programmiersprache, die von den grten Unternehmen zum Betrieb ihrer Business-Systeme eingesetzt wird.In diesem fnften Teil der Kursreihe des SAP ABAP-Kompendiums vermittle ich dir Schritt fr Schritt die Grundlagen und essentiellen Fhigkeiten, die du bentigst, um ABAP zu verstehen und anzuwenden.Auch whrend dieses Kurses wirst du erneut deine eigenen ABAP-Programme schreiben und testen.Der Kurs ist ideal fr Einsteiger. Er basiert auf den Inhalten des ersten bis vierten Teils und fhrt diese konsequent weiter in die Tiefe, damit du sicher verstehst, wie du am besten deine eigenen SAP-Programme implementieren kannst.Die in Teil 1 bis 4 vermittelten Inhalte setze ich in diesem Kurs als bekannt voraus.Wir werden uns nach und nach an weitere wichtige Schlsselaspekte der Programmiersprache herantasten, wie zum Beispiel:Datenbanken im SAP Umfeld und alle damit mglichen OperationenOPEN SQL in der Tiefe - darunter zB Joins und AggregatfunktionenDer Code Inspector, wofr er gut ist und wie er dir hilft die Qualitt deiner Programme zu verbessernDu wirst mir dabei zusehen knnen, wie ich die Befehle, die ich erklre, selbst anwende und ich werde dich anleiten, deinen eigenen Code zu schreiben und zu modifizieren.Du bekommst das Wissen auf eine Art und Weise vermittelt, dass du garantiert die grundlegenden Konzepte verstehen und anwenden knnen wirst!Auerdem werden wir uns in diesem Kurs auf die Praxis fokussieren, so dass du dich nicht ewig mit Theorie herumqulen musst, sondern die Sprache in einem absolut praktikablen und leicht verstndlichen Ansatz lernen wirst und mit jeder Kurseinheit tiefer in die Materie einsteigst.Egal ob du neu in der Programmierung bist, oder nur neu im Bereich ABAP: Diese Kursreihe ist dein Weg zur schnellen, professionellen ABAP-Softwareentwicklung im Businessumfeld!Die meisten ABAP-Kurse kosten tausende von Euros und kratzen gerade einmal an der Oberflche. Meist darfst du dich erst einmal durch tausende langweiliger PDF-Seiten lesen und hast dann immer noch keine praktische Erfahrung. Der Zeitaufwand kann locker ber 50 Tage im Vollzeitstudium betragen! Nicht so mit diesem Kompendium! Ich bin erfahrener SAP Ausbilder, Coach und Trainer, der ber 5 Jahre Erfahrung in der Beratung und Implementierung mit SAP ABAP hat. Ich vermittle dir State-of-the-art ABAP-Knowhow aus dem aktuellsten Patch von SAP!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Hatha & Vinyasa Flow Yoga for Beginners! Earth Yoga" |
"Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga For Beginners, is not just another typical Yoga program. This amazing yoga course includes a lot of different other systems such as Pilates, Karana Yoga, Restorative poses, Sotai Yoga,Yoga Nidra and more! It is my firm belief that we humans are an integral part of Nature and that's why I wanted to share this course with you in the outdoors, right in the heart of Nature! This way you will balance mentally and physically rediscovering your inner path!For a better student engagement and for a better learning experience, this course comes with FULL English Subtitles! ''Earth Yoga Course'' is the final part in a series of three introductory Yoga Courses. There are two more parts in the series, the Sea Yoga Course and the Green Yoga Course.The EARTH YOGA course is divided into two parts. The first part is intended for beginner level students. Beginners will first deal with the 3 Basic Breathings,the Karanas and the Deep Relaxation. The second part is intended for intermediate level students.Intermediate students can do all the lectures in the course. The goal of this course is to understand your body!We'll start off by the main Earth Yoga Course. In this Special Vinyasa Flow lesson, we'll begin with Karana Yoga, a special therapeutic warm up for the arms,shoulders and hands, that prepares the body for the Yoga Asanas! We will continue with the Kneeling & Reverse position Asanas. With these Asanas we will empower our entire body, particularly the shoulders and hands!With Vinyasa Flow For Beginners we will additionally strengthen our legs and we'll improved the flexibility of our hips and legs! We will then move on to the 3 Basic Breathing Exercises! There, we will learn how to properly practice these 3 Breathings i.e. the Rhythmic Abdominal, the Natural Abdominal and the Full Yoga Breathing. The purpose of these breathing techniques is to learn how to distinguish the rhythmic Abdominal Breathing from the Natural Abdominal Breathing and also how to experience the benefits of the Full Breathing! We will then deal with the Philosophy of Yoga and we'll learn about the meaning of ''Namaste. We will also learn about the Gunas, also known as the 3 Frequencies of Energy! Finally, we will implement everything we've learned with lots of practical exercises and custom Yoga Routines! In this Special Vinyasa Flow lesson, you'll learn how to: Release all accumulated tensions that everyday stress produces, that particularly exist in our neck and back, by doing the Special Therapeutic exercises, the Karanas! Empower your entire body, particularly the shoulders and hands,with the Asana Poses! Improve the flexibility of your hips and legs, with the Vinyasa Flow for Beginners! Prepare your body, for the more difficult and demanding Yoga Asanas!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Yahoo Pulsar Tutorial for Beginners (Pub Sub Messaging)" |
"Yahoo pulsar is an upcoming messaging system and people are considering it as alternative to apache kafka/ tibco / activeMQ etc.In this course, I will try to explain all the basic concepts and terminology so that you can familiar with what exactly yahoo pulsar is and then I will explain a simple end to end real time example.I explained below concepts at the beginningBasic conceptsTopic's & Topic nameSubscription modesArchitectureStarting a standalone Pulsar serverUsing the Pulsar Java client APIIntroduction to ConsumerIntroduction to ProducerAt the end I concluded the course with a simple producer and consumer example.If you have any questions feel free to contact architectblogs@gmail.comThanks"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Apache Ant Bootcamp" |
"Apache Ant is the major Build tooland it isused in almost every where. In this tutorial we are trying to teach you thebasic concepts of Apache Ant, Build Toolsand how to configure easilyand also explained a practical example which will be helpful in understanding the basic and advancedconcepts easily.Ourgoalis uponcompleting this course,you should be familiar with concepts like:Apache AntBuild ToolsOther Java Build ToolsApache Ant vs Maven vs GradleBuild deploymentBuilt tool with Eclipse, Terminal & Command Lineand so on.All thematerial which is usedin this course is attached in the lectures so you can learn with ease.You can complete this course in 2-3hours and please don't ignore any Topics/Quiz.We made this course such away that everyone can understand easily, we added the basic concepts in the beginning lectures ,then addedadvanced topics and added practical examples forevery new concept to understand it better."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQLite Tutorial for beginners" |
"SQLiteis anopen source,zero-configuration,self-contained,stand alone,transactionrelational database engine designed to beembeddedinto an application.This tutorial help you to startwith SQLite. Follow the complete tutorial to get started with SQLite quickly.We will teach you concepts like,what is SQLite?How tostart working with to download SQLiteInstall SQLiteMost of the basic conceptsAlso the practical Examples in every lectureIn this course, I will try to explain all the basic concepts and terminology so that you can familiar with what exactly yahoo pulsar is and then I will explain a simple end to end real time example.I explained the basic SQL/SQLiteconcepts at the beginning and concluded with practical/real time example.To make is easy for the students, we explained all the concepts with practical examples.If you have any questions feel free to contact architectblogs@gmail.comThanks,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Schneewittchen und die 7 Zwerge hkeln" |
"Jeder kann hkeln lernen. Egal, ob Sie Schneewittchen oder einen der Zwerge hkeln, dank der Videoanleitung und der schriftlichen Anleitung werden Sie die einzelnen Schritte ganz einfach nachvollziehen knnen. Auch wenn Sie noch nie eine Hkelnadel in der Hand hatten, werden Sie Ihr Projekt umsetzen knnen, da ich Ihnen im Video Schritt fr Schritt zeige, wie Sie die einzelnen Teile von Schneewittchen oder den Zwergenhkeln. Auch die Accessoires der Zwerge sind schnell gemacht. Sptestens nach dem Fertigstellen des zweiten Zwergs knnen SiemitSchneewittchen beginnen. Schneewittchen beginnt mit den Schuhen und geht dannmit den Beinen weiter. Ich erklre wirklich jeden einzelnen Schritt und so werden Sie ohne Schwierigkeiten Schneewittchen und die 7 Zwerge nacharbeitenknnen.Wenn Sie dann damit fertig sind, haben Sie eine wunderschne Dekoration fr sich selber oder aber ein tolles und unbezahlbares Geschenk fr einen lieben Menschen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Family - From Addiction To Recovery" |
"Join accomplished Family Therapist and addiction/recovery specialist Jean Wheeler on an exploration of addiction, its associated behavioral patterns, and proven pathways to recovery for the family unit. This effective approach tounderstanding a complex problem can help family members face the challenges of addiction by developing new coping strategies to relieve the pressures caused by addiction created through a lack of practical information.In this Family course you will learn about aspects of addiction, patterns of behavior, typical family system responses as well as accessible resources to create the changes necessary to set the stage for your family's recovery.You will learn how to integrate effective, constructive techniques to help all members of the family, as well as the individual effected by addiction.You will learn to understand and identify the, often well intentioned, family responses that can enable addictive behavior and create obstacles to the recovery process.Clear practical video lectures, text lectures and quiz style check ins encourage changes in thinking, understanding and processing of problematic behaviors and responses to the situations created by addiction problems in the family.Developed by professionals intimately involved in long-term recovery, with extensive clinical experience of family addiction and recovery processes the course is designed to educate, inform and support new ways of dealing with the problem."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"3 Minute Spanish - Course 2 Language lessons for beginners" |
"This is the second course in the 3 Minute Spanish series and it consists of lessons 10-18. If you're familiar with all the words and phrases you learnt in the course 1, then you're ready to go!The good thing about the 3 Minute Spanish courses is that everything you learn is recapped in later lessons, so you don't have to worry about going back to the start to refresh your memory (although you can if you like, it won't harm you). At the end of every lesson are some recap practice exercises to make sure words and phrases you learnt previously are still secure in your memory.In this course, you'll start to look at some different sentence structures in Spanish. You'll be looking at some ways to ask questions and then you'll get an introduction to a very useful part of the language: verbs. All of this will open up the Spanish language to you, giving you many more things to say. Don't worry if you've never come across verbs before, or if you've had a bad experience with learning grammar; everything in this course is explained in a simple and easy to understand way.As well as the new structures, we'll be exploring some new topic areas including telling the time in Spanish, booking taxis and asking where things are. We'll also look at an interesting linguistic feature in English called the Saxon Genitive, and we'll discover that it doesn't exist in Spanish so we'll need ways to get around it.The best way to tackle the trickier features of any language is to spread them out rather than looking at them all at once. Sometimes, when you open a foreign language instruction book, all the linguistic features of the language are introduced on the first page, and it can often be very off putting! In the 3 Minute Spanish courses, I have broken them down and spread them about. We look at each particular feature when it crops up naturally in the order of the course. In this course, there are a few such features that need explaining in order to understand how some of the Spanish structures work.In this course, there are also some more Vocabulary Expansion Sheets for you to boost your Spanish vocabulary.I hope you enjoy :-)Kieran"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Saugeen Kayakers - Watercolour & Pen Workshop" |
"Learn how to bring colour, composition and techniques together to create a watercolour work of art!As we paint, we will review the basic information of watercolour paper, paints and brushes from previous courses.This course was especially made for novicestudents or seasoned artists to encourage them to try a new techniques such as pouring watercolours and creatingshadows. reflectionsand have fun by 'doing'. For those students 'terrified' to draw, a easy transfer method is explained and special hints using packing tape is provided.'Saugeen Kayakers' makes an excellent reference for learning how to paint skin tones and shadows..Students will begin developing theirown personal skills for future paintings.Teacher available for any questions during and after this course. She would love to see your original paintings.Students will receive3 hoursof video supported with written and verbal step-by-step instructionsAt the end of this course, you will have a beautiful, final masterpiece ""Saugeen Kayakers"" to be proud of!Happy Painting"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Product Manager Interview" |
"** With a 300 Page PDF and Worksheets to help you prepare **Amazon Product Manager Interview Preparationis a comprehensive course about landing the coveted product management role at Amazon. Learn in a step by step manner how to ace this difficult interview at Amazon.The approach of this course is to first teach you a chapter and then give you some homework to complete.This course consists of worksheets, that you can download and combines both theory and practice to help you succeed.Book OutlineThe entire course contains of the following 8 sections:1.The product management (pm) role Well start by understanding the role of a product manager in general and as defined by the industry.2.Amazon product manager role Well then talk about the role of a product manager specifically at amazon.3.Interview process Well talk about the interview process for a pm at amazon.4.Company information Well then talk about the details about amazon as a company and the various products and services it has.5.Questions Well then get into the specific question types that amazon typically asks its candidates and how to attack each one. Well specifically cover the following question types:Behavioral questionsTradeoff questionsPricing questionsFinancial projectionsStrategy questionsCustomer experience questionsMetrics questionsDesign questionsVision questionsEstimation questions6.Questions to ask then, we will discuss what questions to ask during your interview.7.Preparation plan and tips well then cover a number of preparation tips for the interview process and put together a time table for you to study.8.Conclusion finally well end by summarizing everything in this chapter.Sample Questions CoveredHow would you price the Kindle Fire HD?Amazon launched Display Advertisements on its web page, and it was a highly controversial decision within Amazon. Pick either the pro or con side of the argument. Explainyour position of including ads on the site.Assume that you are the new Product Manager in our Amazon Prime business and are in charge of new Feature Development. What data would you look at to develop new features? What new features would they be?Assume you are the new Product Manager in our Amazon Prime business and are in charge of Pricing. The VP would like to lower the price from $79.99 per year to $69.99 per year. Making your own assumptions, develop the financial projections of this decision.Start a new category, division, or international market for Amazon. Which one do you choose and why?Choose a company that you believe provides a world-class customer experience. What do they do well? Choose a company you believe provides a poor customer experience. What do they do poorly? How would you improve it?Give me an example of a situation where you had to overcome major obstacles to achieve your objectives.Tell me about the last time you had an idea to improve the way things work. Was this idea implemented? Why or why not?Explain to me a time where you disagreed with the decision of a manager or higher ranked individual, how did this play out, what was the end decision?Describe a situation in which you communicated a very complicated situation to a group of people that were completely unfamiliar with the topic. What approach did you take?How many iPhones are sold in the US each year?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Maquete Digital Interna com Unreal Engine 4" |
"Produza cenas incrveis e realsticas com o curso de maquete digital interna. Voc aprender de forma prtica e dinmica a exportar uma cena do 3ds Max para o motor grfico Unreal engine 4 e preparar a iluminao, adicionar materiais e fazer uma composio de ps processamento. Esse curso pra voc que deseja montar um cenrio realstico na Unreal seguindo um fluxo de trabalho prtico e fcil."
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Career Boost: The Simple Guide To Nailing Your Job Interview" |
"""The course is presented in great way, everything is almost perfect. Using some real cases in explaining some point is really good. The information which are presented are well organized so it is easy to remember.""""Thanks for your inputs. I will remember to be a little bit boring(won't crack too many jokes) and go detail out the stories of certainsituations related to my abilities.It was a fun workshop and got to know the little things I need to change in my CV. Thanks again!""I re-wrote my c.v. and have received two replies after two applications. Thank you so much for your excellent course.""11,000 + students on Udemy350 reviews with an average of 4.4/5Business podcast 'Breaking Biz' with over 10,000 subscribersHello and welcome!This course is designed to simplify the best practices of job interviewsso you can understand how toimprove your chances of landing that job.Understand the art of job interviewsusing proven, simple and effective techniques.Discover the simple traps that interviwers lay down and how to avoid themLearn how to become a hiring manager's dream candidateFind out how to change a 'normal' answer into a 'job winning' answerLearn the correct way to conduct yourself during an interviewUnderstand the subtle tricks that will put you ahead of the competitionKnowing how to handle the pressure of an interviewis an essential element of today's competitive job market.In the course you will learn how to avoid the standard mistakes that are commonly made by job applicants during their interviews.From understanding the basics, through to learning simple techniques, you will leave this course ready to sell yourself in the correct manner.I designed this course to offer you an easy to follow, comprehensive guide to job interviews. Interviewingis a topic that can be made complicated very quickly. This is why I have prepared slide presentations with a running commentary, so you can enjoy the visuals and explanations that go with them.I hope you enjoy learning the basics, and I look forward to connecting with students who have any requirements or questions.Recent Udemy feedback""I'm very impressed with how many great tips there were in this short course. Good job. This guy clearly knows what he's talking about. I was going to give it 4.5 stars for being too short -- but I thought that didn't make sense since what is there is excellent.... Just what I've been looking for.""""Great Mentor, and also the good method of teaching. I am a 16+ kid from India and I was looking for the way that could help me get some basic awareness about starting a business and the responsibilities of an entrepreneur. Got some extra info regarding marketings and steps to follow to reach out the correct audience. What to do and what not and even got to know more about the personal point of views from a bunch of successful persons. Overall: A quick course and very helpful for getting the rough ideas and guideline for becoming an entrepreneur."" ""Good information and very motivational. Once I started I couldn't stop till I watched all of them."""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Develop Your Own Author Style" |
"Many successful authors are known for their unique or compelling ""style.""But what is style, and how can you develop yours?Writing style can seem mysterious. Is it about personality?Is it about unique creativity?Is it self expression?Is it manipulation?Do authors choose their style, or does it develop naturally?In this course I will dispel the mystery, and you will learn how to choose and apply style.Build your writingstyle on solid creative and technical foundations... through three critical relationshipsyour relationship with languageyour relationship with wordsyour style choicesThrough both lectures and exercises, I'll show you how style is about informed choice; and you'll learn what you need to begin developing your style, and making choices that will both serve your story and please your readers, and make your work instantly recognizable.Course ContentOver an hour of lectures, with exercises that are a lot more than just repetitive practice. Each lecture is a lesson in style development, and each exercise will change the way you think about creative writing, and develop the cognitive tools you use to turn your story ideas into actual narration.Each lecture comes with a handout to download, with either factual information, useful links, or additional commentary on some of the ideas and techniques, as well as the exercise instructions written in full."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Modern .NET Ecosystem and .NET Core" |
"Last years a great number of technologies came up to the world of .NET platform: nowadays we have the full (classic) .NET framework with CLR as a runtime, Mono with its own runtime, .NET Core with Core CLR, WinRT, UWP and Xamarin, a new JIT compiler RyuJit, .NET Standard, PCL, .Net Native, new Roslyn compiler with open API, NuGet based project management. Gods sake! Its so simple to get lost in that ocean of technologies. You need to understand the overall picture to feel comfortable today. Didnt you feel like a small fish in the ocean last time?Well,I did.I questioned myself,""what the hell is going on around me?"" I didnt quite understand the directions in which technologies develop. I didnt know what to expect, what to learn next. In such situation, you feel helpless. And what we are going to do in the course is that were going to eliminate this nasty feeling of being helpless by learning all the most important notions in the modern .NET platform.Teaching ApproachNo fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I esteem your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All important concepts are covered. For absolute beginners, I offer my help on Skype absolutely free if requested.Don't forget that this course has English subtitles, so if you don't understand my accent, feel free to turn them on.Take this course and you will be satisfied.Build a deep understanding of modern .NET conceptsIf you go behind the modern .NET directions, then this course is for you. This course will bring a whole picture of what's going on nowadays in the world of .NET, so you'll understand what you can and what you can't achieve using specific technologies. This course is like a navigation map.Content and OverviewThe goal of this course is to reveal the whole picture of the .NET world. One of the most profound technologies is the new .NET Core platform, so learning it, is a second primarygoal of this course.Of course, all the way along we will discuss all the other technologies I mentioned above.This course is built for all kind of C# developers who are interested in learning the .NET platform. This course is beneficial for juniors as well as for seniors who want to stay well-informed about modern .NET platform. Im sure any student will find something interesting and useful in this course. The main prerequisite is to be familiar with development on the .NET platform in C#. Thats all you need.In short,the course covers the following topics:Classic .net platform, its building blocks, the history of this platformMono platform, its building blocks. Youll figure out if classic .NET and Mono are compatible. We will compare classic .NET framework and Mono platform .NET Core is the new cross-platform .NET platform. We will understand whats different here comparing to other .NET platform and this platform means for the future of the .NET world platform .NET Native is an interesting ahead-of-time compilation technology. Youll know that a form of .NET Native comes to .NET Core as well. Do you really understand what is UWP? How it is related to WinRT and what WinRT actually is? Roslyn as a compiler platform NuGet as a system of dependencies managementInstallation of .NETCoreCommand-Line Interface (CLI) of .NET CoreDeployment in .NET Core: SCD and FDDThe problem of cross-compilingPortable Class Library (PCL).NETStandard.NET Portability AnalyzerUnit-Testing in .NETCoreUpcoming Changes quick overviewHow long is this course:The course is around2hours. All are video lectures. You will be able to download all the slides and code samples used in the course.------------------------------------------------------------Keywords related to the course:.NET CoreC#.NET Core.NETStandardNuGetCoreCLR.NET Ecosystem"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Projects with JSON and APIs" |
"In this course we will takea step-by-step approach to learning how to handle JSONdata, how to connect to APIs, and how to work with Google Maps. We will learnhow to create a CodePen accountand cover the basic set up of the appsand then we will dive right into coding our applications! We willstart with creating basic HTML elementsand then move tousing the jQuery getJSON() method to grab JSON data. In the final lectures, we will build a ""Location App"" that uses the Google Maps API. Along the way you will learn several important topics, including:HTML and CSSfor loopsobjectsJSONAPIsGoogle Maps APIjQueryAnd much more!There are only two things that you need to take this course: an internet connection and a computer. There is no need to download any paid software orset up complexdevelopment environments.The course is about2hours long and is structured in a step-by-step manner, from simple to more difficult concepts. We build the variousapplicationsfrom the groundup and cover each new featureone at a time - so you will never feel overwhelmed with the content.With the knowledge gained in this course you can move forward and build more complex applications, and use themain""Location App""you created at the end of this course to add to your portfolio.I hope to hear from you soon, and look forward to having you in my course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
".NET Developer Skills Advancing" |
"Hello There! Are you still new to .NETand want to enhance your skills and advance them to become a more productive .NETdeveloper? Then you came to the right place. This course is about advancing your skills in the .NET development world and to become more productive and more better developer.My name is Amr and I've been developing .NETsolutions for the past 6 years and through out this journey I've seen a lot and learned a lot. I Took my MCSDabout two years ago and worked for different company's and would like to share my knowledge with you. And give you shortcuts that I wish that I knew when I wast just starting.Environment Setup -Visual Studio ExtendingThis course will start off easy, just to show you how to install the visual studio. Then, we will see how we can install extensions to improve the visual studio experience. Then, we will see how we can create our own visual studio extensions.Debugging And ProfilingNext section, we will see debugging more in depth and see how we can debug our applications more effectively. And how we can debug our applications remotely.Project Structure and DesignThen, we will see how to setup our project solutions and making our applications more object oriented and share code between our application parts more effectively.Unit TestingThen, we will see unit testing using NUnit and how we can guarantee a that our work is correct and check our work effectively and make sure no parts from the applications breaks due to changes.Code Enhancement & Shortcuts While CodingWe will see how we can create an effective comments for the code we write, and use T4 to generate code.Source ControlWe will learn in this section a very important development skills that is always a requirement when ever you go. Source Control is very important and it can save you in many cases. We will use TFSto keep our code safe and to track changes.NuGet AdvancedLearn how to work with nuget, create packages for nuget and how to create your own private nuget server.Helping ToolsNext, we will see how we can keep our work organized using project management tools so we keep track of progress of work and how to estimate time and cost for projects and tasks.SQL Server ToolsLearn how to make sql server sql statements writing much easier and much better.*Note:Credit topurple-planet(dot)com for the used sound in the promo video."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows IoT App Development" |
"**Note:Course in Beta Release, more lectures are being added and this is not the final release**Hello and Welcome, this course is aimed to give you the basics you need to start working with windows IoT. Windows IoTwas newly released by Microsoft which aimed to give you the ability to target and provide applications for your mini pc such as Raspberry Pi. Windows IoT supports the UWP(Universal Windows Platform, code once target many platforms) so you can have the ability to create apps that has the ability to run on different type of devices no problem what so ever. Also, this way you can save a lot of time since you code only once and target multi platforms.IoT recently been a big thing, having the ability to use cheap devices that is connected to the internet and being able to send and receive data. Since the raspberry pi and similar devices cost does not cross a 50 or even 100 USD they are a great choice to develop IoT projects and will provide enough flexibility and support so you can develop your project without any limitation. Windows IoT can make things a lot easier for .NET developer who aims to develop IoT projects. You can develop your project in C# and have it running on multi platforms. Windows IoT can be a great alternative instead of using the Linux operating system and trying to learn Python or other similar languages to develop IoT Projects.Now, of course you will be wondering is it worth it to take this course? According to Forbes (Source: Roundup Of Internet Of Things Forecasts And Market Estimates, 2016), the size of the IoT market will be 3.7 Billion Dollar. This number isn't small at all. And the field is relatively new and there are hardly a strong competition or a market leader. So you have a huge chance to rise quickly in this field.In this course:You will be able to install and control Windows IoTYou will learn how to develop IoT ApplicationsSee some advanced commands that you can use in Windows IoTHow to connect to sensors and modules to read valuesSo, what you are waiting for? Join us now and learn Windows IoT and start your IoT Project."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Maximiza tu Productividad y Gana Tiempo Libre" |
"Maximiza tu Productividad y Gana Tiempo Libre! Que este ao 2017 sea mejor que el 2016!ERES DE LAS PERSONAS QUE TRABAJAN ARDUAMENTE CADA DA Y NUNCA LES ALCANZA EL TIEMPO? TRABAJAS DEMASIADO PERO LOGRAS POCO? HACES TODO MENOS LO QUE QUISIERAS HACER?Al utilizar las tcnicas y herramientas que te comparto en este cursovas a lograr 3cosas:Alcanzar cada da tus objetivos ms importantes y sentirte satisfecho al final del da.Tener ms tiempo libre para usarlo en lo que t decidas (familia, diversin, descanso, estudiar).Hacer mucho mas de lo que haces ahora con menos tiempo y esfuerzo.Despus de tu SALUD nada vale ms que tu TIEMPO.Tu tiempo y energa son limitados, requieres aprender a hacer mucho ms con menos tiempo y esfuerzo. Imagina el cambio positivo que tendr tu vida si tienes ms tiempo libre y que puedas ver cmo tu esfuerzo y trabajo de cada da te llevar a lograr tus metas personales por ms distantes que parezcan No sera grandioso poder lograrlo? Te garantizo que al final del curso vas a tener las herramientas necesarias para lograrlo.Ser productivo no es una opcines una necesidad si quieres alcanzar tus objetivos sin dejar de vivir!Toma el curso ahora y gana tiempo libre!Nos vemos del otro lado del curso.Gibran Snchez"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"l'art du storytelling" |
"Une formation simple et pratique sur le Storytelling .Nous allons dans se voyage tent de rsoudre lnigme d'une grandehistoire !On va commenc par comprendre se qu 'est une histoire au plus profond niveau grce au neuroscience .Ensuite on va tudier lesmodles de storyteller qui ont particulirement russi a notre re comme Ted , Steve Jobs ,et bien d'autres .On va par la suite comprendre les composante d'une grande histoire .En conclusion on va apprendre a faire des histoire avec impact"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Russir ses entretiens d'embauches et commerciaux" |
"Russir n'est une questionde hasard , mais bien une question deprparation mental ,de matrise de soi et de sa communication et bien sure connaitre les rgles du jeux .Vous allez apprendre vous prparez pour russir et dcrocher votre meilleur job,ou votre meilleur vente !Vendre ses comptences ,ou vendre un produit reviens au mme c est toujours une question de communication ,matrise de soietde choix de la stratgiegagnante .Dans se cour vous allez apprendre ,a communiqu , et vousmatris et savoir mettre a l avent vos meilleur comptences pour mettre toutes les chances de russite de votre cot !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Powerpoint 3d" |
"Dans se cour vous allez apprendre travers 9 projets et 10 parties matris la 3D sur PowerPoint 2016.Arrtez de prsenter en 2D quant la 3D vous 10 fois plus d'impact !Faites des prsentations impressionnantes avec le pouvoir de la 3D sur PowerPoint.Apprenez prsent toute vos prsentations en3D"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"[Intermediate] Spatial Data Analysis with R, QGIS & More" |
"PRACTICAL TRAINING WITH REAL SPATIAL DATA FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEVELOP MAD GIS SKILLS AND PERFORM SPATIAL DATA ANALYSIS USING FREE KICKASS TOOLS SUCH AS QGIS, R, GRASS AND GOOGLE EARTH. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course is designed to take users who use R and QGIS for basic spatial data/GIS analysis to perform more advanced GIS tasks (including automated workflows and geo-referencing) using a variety of different data. In addition to making you proficient in R and QGIS for spatial data analysis, you will be introduced to another powerful free GIS software.. GRASS.This course takes a completely practical approach to spatial data analysis and mapping- Each lecture will teach you a practical application/processing technique which you can apply easily.The course is taught by Minerva Singh, A PhD graduate from Cambridge University, UK, who has several years of research experience in Quantitative Ecology and an MPhil in Geography and Environment from Oxford University. Minerva has published papers in international peer reviewed journals and given talks at international conferences. The underlying motivation for the course is to ensure you can put spatial data analysis into practice today and develop sound GIS analysis skills. Youll be able to start analyzing spatial data for your own projects, and IMPRESS YOUR FUTURE EMPLOYERS with examples of your PRACTICAL spatial data analysis abilities. This course is different from other training resources. Each lecture seeks to enhance your GIS skills in a demonstrable and tangible manner and provide you with practically implementable GIS solutions.This is an intermediate course in spatial data analysis, i.e. we will build on on basic spatial data analysis tasks (such as those covered in the beginner version course: Core Spatial Data Analysis: Introductory GIS with R and QGIS) and teach users how to practically implement more complex GIS tasks such as interpolation, mapping spatial data, geo-referencing and detailed vector processing. Additionally you will be introduced to preliminary geo-statistics and mapping/visualizing spatial data. This course covers complex GIS techniques, and by completing this course, you will be implementing these PRACTICALLY in freely-available software, thus making you MORE ATTRACTIVE TO EMPLOYERS. It is a practical, hands-on course, i.e. we will spend a tiny amount of time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts pertaining to the different spatial data analysis techniques demonstrated in the course. However, majority of the course will focus on working with real spatial data from different sources. After each video you will learn how to practically implement a new concept or technique in the different softwares used for the course.During the course of my research I have discovered that R is a powerful tool for collating and analyzing spatial data acquired from different sources. Proficiency in spatial data analysis in R and QGIS has helped me publish more peer reviewed papers faster. Feel free to check out my profile on ResearchGate.FREE BONUS: You will have access to all the data used in the course, along with the R code files. You will also have access to future lectures, resources and R code files. Enroll in the course today & take advantage of this special bonus!I dont have to remind you that we have a RISK-FREE GUARANTEE in the case of you not being satisfied with the course. Take action now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |