Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Camtasia Studio 8" |
"Qu es Camtasia?Camtasia, ms que un grabador de pantalla simple, Camtasia nos ayuda a crear videos profesionales con facilidad. Usar Camtasia para grabar la actividad en pantalla, personalizar y editar el contenido, agregar elementos interactivos, y compartir tus vdeos con cualquier persona, en casi cualquier dispositivo.Qu aprender con este curso?En este curso aprenders a como elaborar tus propios Video tutoriales, editar videos, audio, agregar efectos de transicin, importar imgenes, zonas resaltantes, crear cuestionarios de preguntas, que te servirn para elaborar productos o herramientas para mostrar o compartir, como por ejemplo: la creacin de materiales de trabajo que puedes usar en aulas de clases para con tus alumnos.Quin debe seguir el curso?Est orientado hacia todo tipo de profesionales sobre todo en la docencia y estudiantes.Es una buena herramienta para su aplicacin en las TIC's.Sobre la ayuda del InstructorCualquier consulta que tengan sobre los temas que se han tocado en el curso, sern atendidas con mucho gusto, siempre pensando en que el usuario pueda sacarle el mximo provecho al curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HP Quick Test Professional" |
"HP Quick Test Professional helps you in automating functional test cases. In this course we will explore about various capabilities of HP QTP and use it to create automated regression test suites. This course will take 8 hours to complete. By end of course you should write automated test cases using HP QTP. "
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Become Flash Multimedia Animation Expert" |
"Hello Students. Welcome to the course! This module will teach you step by step how to use flash tools and techniques in very smart ways for Multimedia in different types of buttons, text animation, image transitions, simulation, ActionScript 3.0 , get & set property, login, calculator etc. These techniques are very simple to use and can give you very professional results."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Pginas web dinmicas con esttica profesional" |
"¿La creación de sitios web es realmente un "arte" hoy en día? Si intenta enumerar las competencias necesarias para concebir un sitio web, puede que que la lista sea impresionante, ya que deberá incluir las habilidades de diversos especialistas: grafista, diseñador, ergonomista, redactor, jefe de proyecto, programador, comercial, community manager, especialista SEO, gestor de servidores, integrador, gestor de la estrategia de los contenidos, director artístico... Y nos paramos aquí, aunque podríamos seguir. Ni que decir tiene que la creación y la gestión de un sitio web es la obra común de diversos profesionales con habilidades complementarias, en la que cada cual será el especialista de su área."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word 2013 Tutorial, Learn To Master Microsoft Word" |
"This Course Comes With A Certificate Of Completion About This CourseIn this Microsoft Word 2013 tutorial, Infinite Skills teaches you how to use this popular word processing software. You will learn the basics of creating and formatting documents in Word, and how to use the most popular tools that Microsoft makes available to you in the 2013 release. This tutorial is designed for the absolute beginner and no prior experience in Microsoft Word is required. This tutorial will show you how to create and format your Word 2013 documents in short, easy to understand videos. Using the working files that are provided, you will be able to practice the lessons throughout this Word 2013 tutorial, re-enforcing what you learn. Some of the topics that are covered include; setting document properties, adding headers and footers, protecting your documents, formatting your text, working with tables, using Autotext and creating a Mail Merge. You will also learn how to add shapes, images and even charts to your documents. Finally, we'll show you how to publish your document to the web and even how to edit it online! Once you have completed this Microsoft Word 2013 video tutorial, you will be familiar with the features most used on a day to day bases. You will be capable creating and formatting both simple and complex Word documents either for personal use, or in a professional environment."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Visio 2010 Introduction" |
"This course teaches the basic functions and features of Visio Professional 2010. The primary focus is to get acquainted with creating the different diagrams using the stencils and templates. You will learn how to draw basic shapes and compound lines and arrange objects. You will also learn how to create diagrams, work with text, and apply formatting. Finally, you will create organization charts and brainstorming diagrams, set shape properties, and work with pages."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Windows 7 New Features" |
"This course introduces you to the major new features and enhancements in Windows 7, many of which will save you time and improve your efficiency. You will learn how to understand the new desktop and how to customize it, use Gadgets, pin items to the Start or Task Bar, manage multiple windows in new ways, and some great keyboard shortcuts. The course also helps you to understand changes to file management, placing emphasis on the new Document Library system and improvements in searching.This IAAP-certified counts for 1.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Improve Your Life with ""Mental Magic""" |
"This course will show you exactlyHow to design the life you want. How to create it step by step. How to form step-by-step plans to create it; How to develop an unshakeable self-confidence in your ability to succeed.How to persevere until you are living the life of your dreams. The entire course consists of Video lessons you can watch, re-watch, and downloadMeditation / visualization exercises, A digital copy of my best - selling book'A workbook/journal to keep your life changing insights, Fill in the blank templates of your dreams, plans and most powerful ideas, Information about my You Tube channel where you can find more information."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"VMware virtualization from Scratch" |
"Voc receber um certificado de concluso e poder instalar seu prprio ambiente online!Com a crescente demanda por experientes profissionais em Cloud Computing crescendo em todo o mundo, ns temos como misso, mant-lo atualizado com a mais recente tecnologia. A VMware possui a plataforma nmero um em tecnologia de virtualizao. Ns projetamos o curso VMware vSphere 5.1 em um formato online para lhe proporcionar a melhor formao tcnica que ir transformar a perspectiva do Mercado em relao voc. O que oferecemos? 1. Voc ter somente o melhor treinamento: O curso ministrado por Cleriston Cardoso, que possui mais de 15 anos de experincia na indstria de TI com foco intenso em virtualizao de servidores e desktops 2. Curso 100% certificado: No basta ser treinado. obtenha a certificao 3. Obtenha a prtica: Voc comea a aprender tudo, desde a teoria bsica da computao em nuvem at a parte prtica de como fazer 4. Aprenda confortavelmente: O curso oferecido on-line no conforto da sua prpria casa 5. Pague uma pechincha: O curso est sendo oferecido por uma frao do preo original obtenha agora a melhor formao, sem que seja um fardo para seu bolso. 6. Portugus: O curso oferecido 100% em portugus.Leia mais sobre a importncia deste curso...A Virtualizao de Servidores e Desktop uma crescente na nova era Cloud Computing, segundo pesquisas da Glassdoor, JobVolume e tanta outras, um especialista nesta tecnologia poder ter seu salrio na casa dos 136 mil dlare anuais, que tal este nmero em sua carteira heim? Neste curso voc aprender na prtica todos os passos necessrios para instalar, configurar e Gerenciar o VMware vSphere 5.1 incluindo o ESXi 5.1 Update 1 (o mais recente do mercado), vCenter, Single Sign on, desde os recursos mais simples como o download dos instaladores, como obter a licena gratuita do VMware ESXi e instalao at mesmo s configuraes mais avanadas como configurar toda a parte de Storage, Networking, vSwitch, Cluster, Data Center, High Availability (HA), DRS Distributed Resource Scheduler, Fault Tolerance, vMotion, Storage vMotion, Virtual Storage Appliance, Data Protection (VDP), etc...No se preocupe com todos estes nomes e siglas, ao fazer este curso voc aprender tanto a parte conceitual da arquitetura como principalmente a parte prtica de como fazer. Voc poder contar tambm com um laboratrio virtual e online no perodo desejado para colocar "A mo na massa" e subir seu prprio ambiente de virtualizao*...e ento, est esperando o que, Vamos iniciar a virtualizao?Este curso organizado em sesses que esto definidas em um formato cronolgico, cada qual contendo lies e estudo de caso, alm disso voc ter a oportunidade de praticar seu conhecimento com exerccios dinmicos e para todos os assuntos abordados eu farei uma demonstrao prtica de como fazer em um ambiente "mundo real".Voc no precisa gastar uma fortuna para aprender a Instalar, Configurar e Gerenciar o VMware vSphere. Inscreva-se neste curso e aproveite todo o conhecimento que voc ter sobre o tema, voc tambm poder entrar em contato comigo atravs de e-mails e redes sociais. Nos vemos na prxima lio!!!!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Professional Copywriting Training" |
"Discover How To Hit Your Sales By Following The Simple And Proven Step-By-Step Professional Hitting Copywriting Methods To Creating Hypnotic Sales Copy That Turns Visitors Into Eager To Buy Paying Customers! Tired Of Losing Money On Advertising Because Your Sales Letter Wont Covert The Visitors To Your Website Into Paying Customers? Then This professional Copywriting course is designed for aspiring copywriters or webmasters who want to learn the art of persuasive Follow the easy copywriting methods and techniques outlined in this brand new, straight to the point, and your visitors will go from suspicious readers to trusting, eager to buy customers at the blink of an eye Extreme Importance & Power of good sales copy! Lets say you have a $97 product and a decent sales letter up on your website that converts visitors to buyers at 1%. Lets also say that you drive 3000 unique visits to your website a month, so at 1% you would be making $2910 (minus advertising costs and expenses). Thats not bad! But after a while you get bored with that number and decide you want to double your income. Now theres three ways you can do that: You can double the price of your product from $97 to $194 (this will probably kill your 1% conversion and your overall profits would drop) You could try driving double the traffic to your website and see what happens (this is not always easy, as traffic does not come on demand it can also be a costly choice) Or, you could work on improving your sales copy and increase your conversion rate to 2% (if you have a good product this is a very possible) Just imagine what you could do with the cash from more sales! Think of how great it will feel when the family wants to go out to eat and you dont have to tell them that going out to eat is not in the budget! That is how powerful good sales copy is. Just by tweaking and improving your sales letter you can go from: 3000 visitors a month with a $97 product converting at 1% for a total of $2910 in sales to: 3000 visitors a month with a $97 product converting at 2% for a total of $5820 in sales! ""With Over 5-Hours of Video Training"" Heres Just A Small Example Of What Youll Learn In The Professional Copywriters Course: 1. How to use persuasion methods in your sales message to get what you want when you want it! 2.The Basic elements of the sales letter and why it is important to follow them (once you get these fundamentals into your head, writing sales letters will become easier and easier) 3.The basic parts of a standard sales letter explained. Everything from the headline to the P.S. (Post Script) 4. How to create attention grabbing headlines that grab your readers by their throat and lead them into your offer (the headline is considered by many to be the most important part of the sales letter) And so much more This is going to be a refreshing change. Thats because The Professional Copywriters Course will give you a paint-by-numbers blueprint to follow to writing high converting Sales Copy that draws your customers from your killer headline to your persuasive call to action that will have your visitor depositing money directly into your bank account."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"How To Move From Finance to a Tech Startup" |
"I spent five years in finance before moving to work at a tech startup based in NYC. The recruiting process in tech is very different, and this presentation shares everything I wish I'd known when I was making the move, including:How to think about what I was looking forHow to approach startupsWhether or not I should be active on social mediaInterviewing tipsThe course is set of 5 video lectures that will take about an hour to complete, plus supplementary reading materials.I'm hoping to continue adding to the course over time so if you have questions that aren't addressed please let me know and I'll add video responses to them.By the end of the class you should have a clear sense of your next steps in making the move from finance to tech."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Tctica de Ftbol: claves para atacar mejor (parte 1)" |
"El curso se adentra en el conocimiento del juego del ftbol. Saber cmo actuar cuando tenemos el baln es uno de los aspectos fundamentales de este juego. Aprende tctica vindola en partidos reales. Dos horas de material nica y exclusivamente de video para conseguir un aprendizaje sencillo y consolidado. Mediante el curso, veremos distintos conceptos ofensivos que nos ayudarn en nuestro juego de ataque e iremos adquiriendo nociones para superar a la defensa contraria, cuando sta se encuentra encerrada."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Encuentra tu trabajo ""ideal"" en 17 das" |
"Los tiempos estn cambiando, y hay que empezar a hacer cosas distintas para obtener cosas nuevas.El hecho de buscar trabajo es uno de esos cambios, por eso te propongo hacer algo "diferente": descubrir tu potencial y aprender cmo usarlo para lograr trabajar en lo que te gusta.Quizs hayas hecho, sin resultados, todo lo que recomiendan para encontrar trabajo. Ahora te animo a trabajar tu programacin interna, tu motivacin, tu creatividad e ingenio para que definas qu es lo que verdaderamente quieres, para que descubras todas tus capacidades, para que aprendas cmo convertir todo lo que sabes en una oportunidad de trabajo y para que sepas cmo hacerlo paso a paso. Sabes realmente qu es lo que quieres conseguir en tu vida?Conoces cules son tus capacidades y habilidades para hacerlo?Sabes todo lo que puedes llevar a cabo con ellas?Sabes cmo puedes transformarlas en "dinero" o una oportunidad de trabajo?Tienes claro qu pasos dars para hacerlo?A estas preguntas, y a otras muchas ms, son a las que el Curso On-line -Encuentra tu trabajo "ideal" en 17 das- ir dando respuesta de una forma prctica, amena, divertida y motivadora.Para ello, a lo largo de 17 das, a travs de interesantes ejercicios y poderosas preguntas de Coaching, irs clarificando qu es lo que quieres exactamente, descubriendo cules son tus recursos y valores para conseguirlo, sabiendo qu es todo lo que puedes realizar con ello y dominando cmo hacerlo paso a paso...El curso est estructurado en 4 reas y un total de 17 ejercicios: 1 rea: QU QUIERESAqu aprenders a concretar, clarificar y ordenar tus intenciones, ideas y pensamientos (3 ejercicios). 2 rea: QU TIENES Aqu descubrirs todo aquello que eres, tienes y sabes hacer mucho ms all de tu currculum (5 ejercicios). 3 rea: QU MS PUEDES HACER Aqu aprenders a "convertir" todo lo que sabes hacer en una oportunidad de trabajo o en dinero (2 ejercicios). 4 rea: CMO LO HARS Aqu aprenders a realizar un Plan de Accin para saber paso a paso qu acciones tienes que realizar para lograr tu objetivo (7 ejercicios)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Teach Online 24/7/365" |
"Introduction A survey conducted by the Babson Survey Research Group regarding online learning showed that the number of students enrolled in one or more online courses was nearly 7 million in 2011. This was more than a half million increase over 2010. At the college level, 32 percent of students are taking at least one online course. As online education literally explodes, the issue facing the education system is that teaching online is not the same as teaching face to face. If you’re a teacher, be it home school, public school, Bible study teacher, or someone who teaches a special skill or subject, you know this. The question for many people wishing to transition to teaching in a virtual classroom is a very simple one: How do I do an effective job of teaching online? That’s the question this course is designed to answer. In this course, University of Phoenix Advanced Certified Online Instructor David Lantz walks you through the teaching strategies being used by the best online college instructors to teach in an asynchronous online course. Lesson Materials A total of 17 video lessons divided between 3 course modules constitute the core of the learning materials. These videos are recorded power point presentations converted to video designed to emphasize key learning objectives. Additionally, each module is accompanied by an ebook (PDF) designed to round out the video presentations. Each module is introduced and concluded by a video of the course creator, David Lantz. A fourth module, Next Steps, concludes the course, and offers several other resources the student may wish to take advantage of. Depending on the pace of the online learner, one should plan to spend about four hours going through the materials. Course Organization The course is divided into three modules. The first module, Creating a Culture of Self- Discipline Online, is designed to help you learn how to motivate your students to develop the self-discipline required to learn in the online environment. This module is, in turn subdivided into three parts. · Learning Modality and Student Motivation · Establishing Participation Expectations · Building an Online Community The second module, Managing the Online Classroom, recognizes that online facilitation involves three basic areas of focus: organizational, social, and intellectual. The instructor, therefore, should see his or her role as being that as a facilitator of online learning, rather than simply the “Sage on the Stage.” This module is also subdivided into three parts. · Socratic Teaching: How to Teach by Asking Questions · It’s ALL About What you Say and How You Say It · Online Interaction: Best Practices The third module, Preparing to Teach in the Flipped Classroom, examines the trend of having the student access the “lecture” via video/online instruction created by the instructor or another educator before coming to a face to face class. The role of the classroom teacher changes from Lecturer to Mentor. Rather than spending time teaching in class, the instructor uses learning-based activities. Doing this effectively requires the teacher to put a lot of effort into his/her course preparation up front. This module delivers the following three sessions: · Enabling Your Students to Learn 24/7/365 · Creating Your On Demand Unidirectional Materials · Exploring an Asynchronous Learning Management Classroom. Why Take This Course The explosion in online learning requires educators who know how to teach online. Key research findings about student learning in the online classroom underscore the importance of having instructors who can manage the online classroom to insure that students learn. Online facilitation involves three basic areas of focus: organizational, social, and intellectual. How to Teach in the Online Classroom 24/7/365 covers all three of these aspects of online instruction to prepare you to teach online. About David Lantz Hello, my name is David Lantz. I’ve been teaching online at the college level since 2004. I was voted Faculty of the Year by the first graduating class of the Indianapolis Campus of the University of Phoenix. In May of 2012, I was awarded that school’s Advanced Facilitator Certification. In addition to teaching online for University of Phoenix, I teach for 3 other schools on such subjects as statistics, economics, ecommerce, and public relations. Five years ago, I set about the process of showing others how to teach online. I worked with my first pilot group of 8 students over a four week period to demonstrate best practice techniques for online, asynchronous teaching. With Udemy’s powerful online course delivery system, I now have a way to take what we did in that prototype class and demonstrate the art of online instruction via video and downloadable text instruction. Welcome to my course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"1 hour corporate training - Coding for beginners" |
"Coding is the new math. Coding is thought of as this hard to do task. Really it isn't that hard especially after you take this course. This course has an hour of jam packed materials so people can learn the most programming in one hour. This is a great course for any workspace. Not only do you get to learn a valuable new skill but you and your company get to learn what is driving business forward. If you take this course you will not only learn to code you will learn more about the digital world around you. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Just chords Piano: Learn to Play Piano Quickly - No Music" |
"Learn to play the piano really quickly without needing to learn music.Just Chords Piano is the perfect course for you to take beginners piano lessons with? It teaches you what you need to know to play piano in the way you want to play.This course is designed to teach an absolute beginner to teach piano using chords and not music. This method of learning piano is perfect if you do not wish to learn music or play any form of classical music.Type of lessons.To take this course you download and print a provided textbook. This textbook is used throughout the High Definition video lessons of the course. Each lesson will end with a practice schedule for you to use between lessons.Why no music?Almost all songs you will play are played using chords, rather than you playing the melody line, which is how playing with music is usually done. The melody is the job of the singer to do, not the pianist.You could have no desire to play songs following sheet music. For you, the fun element may be more important than the discipline of learning to read music.Consequently learning music is irrelevant to you. However this is not to say that music should be completely discarded, you may decide to play piano songs, as quickly as possible now, by using the chord method. You may consider playing by music at a later date.Problems.The chords approach may be seen as a problem by you. You may suspect that if the music is not taught, you could have bad playing habits in the future.Just Chords Piano only teaches correct musical terminology and techniques throughout all of its lessons.You will not need to learn music in this course of study as it is unnecessary. You learn everything else properly as you would privately.The methods you will learn by in this course, are purposely designed, to allow you to learn music at a later date, if you choose to do so, without having to re-learn or even unlearn anything.How are lessons taught?You will:Be taught by piano lessons in video format, thus you will need your device near to your piano or keyboard.Need to download a workbook and print it as you will need it throughout the course.Always take lessons sequentially, as they must be taken in order, for you to get the best from the course.require a pencil to take notes as you progress through the course. Your course book is ideal for this task.In subsequent lessons your knowledge will be expanded with lessons teaching:A multitude of chords.How to play them properly.Playing with two hands. Where to find the chords and words for songs. Methods of interpreting songs. How to use dynamics to improve how your songs sound. Some great introductions to sound great. Turn a-rounds to fill in the gaps. Great song endings. Keeping time. Rhythms. Quality.I have done everything possible for you, to make your taking of Just Chords Piano lessons, as near as possible to the quality you would receive if you came to me for private lessons.You always receive personal support from me, Jackie. Consequently, I believed that my support is at least equal to, or better than a private tutor would provide for you.Student input.You the student are learning to play the piano. You, therefore, have a responsibility to take the provided lessons in sequence and carry out the practice schedules required of you.Playing the piano is a practical activity. We get better at doing things by practising them. Olympic athletes become so because they practice.Taking a lesson without understanding it, or practising what has been learned afterwards, will result in you failing to learn to play.If you do not understand anything in a lesson, you go over the lesson again, if you still do not understand. Ask for help! Support is all about asking for help. You will need to make a commitment to yourself to practice every day for around 10 minutes. Everyone can find ten minutes a day to achieve a dream.Summary.With Just Chords Piano you will:Learn to play the piano using chords and no music.Need to go over again any aspect of a lesson that you don't understand, or ask for help before you continue to the next lesson in the course.Practice every day for just ten minutes and you will be well on the way to achieving your dream of learning to play the piano using these easy simple piano lessons for beginners.Be able to play your favourite songs in not time at all. Confident of your abilities as a pianist.Most songs are played using piano chords, this allows easy playing and singing. The melody is done by the voice, not the piano. So it makes sense to learn piano by playing chords.The course lessons will teach you the basics properly. You will soon know all the notes of the piano and how to use them to play chords. You will rapidly progress to playing simple tunes. At all times you will be told exactly what to practice so your progress is sound. Within a few months, you will easily be able to play your favourite songs. all you need to do then is be amazed at how you improve by playing them.Of course, full support is available from Jackie, who will quickly get you back on track.This is what one student said:""Great course going really well, easy to learn, never played before, now I can, and still learning started late in life""And another said:""This is a very good course and the materials are a great reference, especially for practising offline and using the material to write down chords for songs. I have her book Play Piano with Chords so the course goes well with it. I'm looking forward to continuing the lessons, especially since additional sessions were added so it's even better. Jackie is a very good and patient instructor and this comes across in the lessons. Glad I signed up""Douglas Warren said:A wonderful course for learning chord piano that produces pleasing results quickly.Jackie's videos make you feel like you're getting personal,one to one instruction.if you're a beginner this course will help you to build a solid foundation that will give you the confidence to take your new found skills even further.Highly recommended!30-day money back guarantees mean no risk to you at all. Enrol today and start playing the piano today."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Certification - Exam 70-410" |
"Being MCSA certified is without a doubt a very prestigious accolade and will increase your earning potential. Training for Microsoft Certification used to be expensive, but Infinite Skills have now teamed up with Udemy to offer the complete MCSA study course for a fraction of the traditional cost. This course is part 1 of a 3 part series that will prepare you for the MCSA Certification. The other courses required to become MCSA are 70-411 70-412 </p> In this Windows Server 2012 certification training course, Infinite Skills teaches you the skills that are required to pass the 70-410 exam for Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012. You are required to complete the 70-410 exam as a part of both the MCSA and MCSE certification paths. This tutorial covers all the essential skills in this Server 2012 training video that you will need to have in order to pass your 70-410 exam. This includes installing and configuring servers, configuring server roles and features, configuring Hyper-V, deploying and configuring core network services, installation and administering Active Directory and creating and managing group policies. By the end of this video tutorial for Installing and Configuring Microsoft Windows Server 2012, you will fully understand the core concepts and skills required to pass the 70-410 exam which is required for MCSE and MCSA certifications. Even if you are not going the certification route, this training course will give you the tools you need to install and configure Windows Server 2012 for any environment. How to take the Microsoft 70-410 Exam: 1. Find a test center near you ( ) to take the Server 70-410 certification exam, their will provide details on test center locations and schedules. This exam is typically priced around $150 dollars. 2. Study the required material to pass the 70-410 examination. This course covers the material that is within the 70-410 certification exam, and will help put you in a great position to succeed in the exam 3. Pass your exam! 4. Tell your friends how easy passing the Microsoft 70-410 exam was using Infinite Skills training courses 5) Take our Microsoft Windows Server 70-411 and 70-412 courses which will prepare you for the 70-411 and 70-412 exams. Upon passing the 70-410, 70-412, and 70-412 exams you will become a Microsoft Solutions Certified Associate in Windows Server 2012. The information laid out above is given in good faith, we are not endorsing and third party company by offering a link to their site. You should always do your own research prior to making a purchase or using any service linked to via this website. Prices or details may alter and any information listed can not be guaranteed to be accurate. Note: While this course is comprehensive in regards to covering material on the exam, we do recommend using other aids to guide your study."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Effective use of Outlook 2010" |
"Do you wish you could save time by managing your email moreeffectively? Do you wish you could become more organized and keep better track of all yourappointments and the things you need to do? Would you like to learn from abusiness productivity expert how to get the most of Microsoft Outlook 2010 tomanage your email, calendar, tasks and contacts more effectively? If so, thisis the course for you!In this course you will learn methods for how to takecontrol of your email. You will learn how to use the powerful tools inMicrosoft Outlook 2010 to clean up your inbox and how to save time byautomating manual tasks. You will learn how to manage your calendar and how to stayon top of your tasks. Finally you will learn how to connect Microsoft Outlook2010 to social networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook to stay in the loop ofwhat is going on with the people in your network. Instead of learning how to use Microsoft Outlook 2010feature by feature, you will see how Microsoft Outlook 2010 is used in reallife by productivity expert Ulrika Hedlund."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Five Minute Photoshop Rule - Interactive Photoshop" |
"Photoshop is a massive program with a lot to learn. We have cut the fat and just left you the meat. In this course we have structured the course to swing you directly to the section that delivers results. Don't feel bad by going directly to SECTION 5: Interactive Projects For Daily Use. Assessable from your mobile device you can load up the the lectures and follow along with the exercise files we provide. The great thing about the course is you will be able to download the photoshop files and see directly on your computer how every interactive file has been structured. You will have the power to pause us and interact with everything you will learn in this course step-by-step. By skipping to SECTION 5: "Interactive Projects For Daily Use" You can master all the designs all in one day. As a matter of fact you can take a long lunch break and take it all in in 2.5 Hours. We will be adding new design ideas to the course weekly to keep you fresh and creative! Facebook and Instagram better watch out because you images will POP off the screen and right into your friends lap! Just an idea.... You friends might become your clients once you learn how to quickly add great effect to your images that the pros use all over the world. Who is using Photoshop daily? AnimatorsArchitectsAstronomersPeople Who Want To Be Notice OnlineCommercial PrintersFashion DesignersFilm and Video ProsPeople Who Take ACTION Fine Art PhotographersEveryday PhotographersInstagram Rock StarsEveryday FaceBook UsersWeb DesignersNow YouAdobe Says:Web Developers Web designers count on Photoshop Extended to help them enhance the photos and create the backgrounds, buttons, and 3D artwork that deliver just the right look for each client’s site.Fine Art PhotographersWith an image-editing toolset that offers unlimited possibilities for creative expression, Photoshop appeals to fine artists who use photography to express their unique perceptions and visions.Fashion DesignersFrom humble logo tees to outré runway togs, fashion designs often get their start in Photoshop. Bring in a sketch, adjust line and drape, play with color and texture — and create tomorrow’s must-have looks.Read More Here This course will bridge the gap between the introduction of knowing how to use the tools the pros use and doing what everyone else is doing. You have been looking for a gateway to greatness and now you have found the best examples the web has to offer. There will be more advanced courses to come, this course will give you a one up on all the procrastinators. I started using Photoshop on version CS4 and I felt so left behind. Now that we are at CS6 I am so glad I got in the game when I did. ITS NEVER TOO LATE! Look up on YouTube "Girl Takes a Terrible Fall During a Race" for a extra push to get started :-) "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO avanzado" |
"Al contrario de lo proclamado por muchos, el SEO es una disciplina ms viva que nunca, si bien es cierto que las variables o factores sobre los que podemos incidir estn en constante evolucin. Para el xito de cualquier proyecto on-line se torna imprescindible conocer y, en cierta medida, anticiparse a estas continuas mutaciones de los algoritmos de bsqueda.Las estrategias SEO avanzadas se centran no tanto en las tcnicas particulares de optimizacin y posicionamiento en s, sino en la creacin de excelente contenido de valor que se torne en fuente para los dems y en la obtencin natural de reputacin digitalen la construccin de marca personal o corporativa.El poder de marca, la mxima visibilidad de contenidos y el posicionamiento de los autores (Author Rank) son algunas de las nuevas tendencias del SEO que debemos comprender para lograr destacar nuestro proyecto en el mundo digital.Este curso es la continuacin delcurso general de posicionamiento en buscadores.Todas las actualizaciones del curso son gratuitas."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Windows 8 Crash Course with 50 Tips" |
"**** Launching Price Sale Now On . Course Heavily Discounted to $10 *** Windows 8 overview Windows 8 is Microsofts latest installment of their operating system. In the latest update from Windows 7, Windows 8 offers many new features. The biggest of all being the new UI overhaul. Windows is now split in both the classic desktop UI along with the modern/metro UI. The new user interface offers a whole new way to browse windows. Not only is windows built for mouse & keyboard but now touch based computers as well. It retains the popular aero interface with some noticeable changes like the removal of the windows start menu. On top of everything windows 8 is a lighter, faster, and more efficient OS. Despite the UI changes its under the hood tweaks provide a cleaner and faster experience. Why Upgrade?- Upgrading to Windows 8 isnt required. However most new PCs today will have it. If your coming from a 7 PC it may be worthy to upgrade as along with windows 8 theres a big unification n process for Microsoft.The modern UI is built with the windows phone & tablet UI in mind. Learning to use windows 8 allows you to also understand navigating their mobile platforms. Additionally if your a user of Microsofts service skydrive, live, and so on then Windows 8 is for you. Windows 8 is built around your live account and accommodates all its services into the OS. If you have older hardware or even new hardware upgrading to windows 8 also brings a speed performance increase. Namely that in boot times, windows 8 is rebuilt from the core and optimizes hardware usage much more than its predecessor. Why Windows 8 is a headache to many ? Not everyone is satisfied with Windows 8, and thats for one main reason. The user interface change has left some new windows users lost. The modern UI leaves older users confused. While the modern UI has many great uses and substitutes that of the start menu its translation is lost between the classic desktop & its own interface. The main issue with Windows 8 is that the two UIs dont play well together. That issue alone makes many people weary of trying and using windows 8. What people will learn from this crash course ? In this course we cover the basics all the way up to some advanced windows 8 tweaks and tips. The new user interface can be a bit of hassle to navigate and within the series we show you around the new features of windows 8. Going from basic UI to advanced keyboard shortcuts etc. Along with that we show you how to increase your efficiency around Windows 8 and even great 3rd party apps that help fix common issues with windows 8 like the start menu. Overall youll learn the a crash course on everything new in Windows 8 and how to navigate around familiar features that you may have missed from 7. Key Features of the Course- -Basic UI Navigation - Replacing the Windows 8 Start Menu - The Modern UI - Windows Charms - The New Internet Explorer - Useful Shortcuts and much more."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Sex, Power, and the Law" |
"You know you're not going to harass anyone, but you might be somewhat fearful of being accused of doing so and want to know where the lines are. You also need to know what to do if you learn about a possible incident of harassment.This course introduces participants to the two kinds of illegal workplace harassment, the classes of people who are protected, and effective prevention strategies. It reviews the emotional turmoil, physical illness, indirect financial costs, and litigation risks that damage unprotected organizations. The training summarizes what organizations must do to comply with state and federal harassment prevention laws. It explains what all employees should do if they become targets and what managers and supervisors must do if they learn of an incident of possible harassment."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How I gained 18,437 followers on Facebook" |
"This course will help you to understand and implement a Facebook marketing strategy. Whether you are brand new to Facebook marketing or have done some marketing in the past this course will be of tremendous benefit. Whether you have a product, an idea or simply require a platform to get more visibility, having a Facebook page is a great start. However, if you only have your friends and family as members it will be tough to get your message to the masses. More followers mean higher visibility, and higher visibility means more interest and potentially more sales!Over the course of 4 hours you will acquire the knowledge that took more than 6 months to learn. The instructor has tried and tested many of the marketing times, approaches and implemented several strategies, and will demonstrate these in this course. Using video screencasts of the actual Facebook Page - The Secrets to Wealth you will see exactly what he has done to increase his following from literally 1 follower to more than 18,437 followers!You will learn what has worked well, what hasnt worked well. You will learn the marketing terminology so that you can walk away with a clear understanding of all the terms used. In the section on marketing your page you will have the opportunity to create your very own marketing campaign, or, simply watch exactly how it is done. You will learn how to track and understand the results from your marketing, as well as learn how to manage your advertising budget. Having all this knowledge should remove your fear to market your Facebook page and give you the confidence to get your message to reach more people, to get more likes and to increase your Facebook followers engagement. The instructor will check questions on a daily basis and respond as soon as possible, likely within 48 hours but by latest within the week. Now is the time for you to start building your platform, to grow your reach and to increase the level of your followers engagement. More people in time could mean more money for you, your business or your product! "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Science-Based Dog Training (with Feeling) - All 3 Days" |
"This three-day seminar by world-renowned dog training expert Dr. Ian Dunbar is the product of a lifetime of studying dogs. This course brings together a wide variety of lessons learned from Dr. Dunbar's training as a veterinarian, a scientific researcher, an animal behaviorist, a professional dog trainer and a young boy growing up on an English farm. This seminar will focus on many principles and methods that have been scientifically proven in the research lab, and then adapted for the real-world environment and the many constraints that exist when a family of novices trains a pet dog in their home. And just because his methods are supported by science doesn't mean that they have no heart. In fact, Dr. Dunbar is quick to criticize techniques that ask trainers to behave like dispassionate laboratory robots. Instead, he believes that we as trainers need to utilize our strengths as humans: our intuition, our voice and our relationship with our dogs, in order to be the best trainers we can be. Then we can dispassionately measure and evaluate the results of our training, so we can scientifically determine whether or not our methods are effective. Whether you are a professional dog trainer, veterinary clinician, shelter worker, groomer, dog walker, or simply a pet owner who is interested in the science of dog training and behavior modification, this course will provide you with a wealth of exciting new ideas that you can immediately use to bring about positive change in your life with your dog. Dr. Dunbar was instrumental in the popularization of dog friendly training methods that are enjoyable for dogs and their owners, but also efficient and effective. You'll learn techniques that are perfectly appropriate for the whole family, and designed to produce well-behaved canine companions that are friendly and reliable. This course consists of 18+ hours worth of video lecture by Dr. Ian Dunbar, a set of accompanying notes and 2 eBooks: BEFORE You Get Your Puppy & AFTER You Get Your Puppy Friday We Continue to Waste Puppyhood Saturday Transcending Reinforcement Schedules, Going Way Beyond Dominance"" and Punishment and Rekindling the Relationship Sunday Off-leash Verbal Control with Distance and Distractions; Phasing out Food Lures and Rewards and Naturally Motivating your Dog to Perform Quickly, Reliably and Willingly"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Start A T Shirt Transfer Printing Business From Home" |
"In this course we'll be taking you through the whole procedure on what you need to start a home business in the t shirt transfer printing business. We'll show you exactly the things we do and show you the equipment and the different procedures you'll need to know including the correct materials and equipment you'll need to produce successful decorated t shirts.We cover the following:SECTION 1Introduction - A bit about how we started in the T Shirt Transfer Printing Business including the mistakes we made and why Transfer Printing is the most cost effective way to get into the T Shirt Printing Business.The Different Types of T Shirt Printing - In this section, we look at the other ways to print onto T Shirts and explain the pro's and con's with each method.The Equipment Needed - In this section we look at the equipment required and share the equipment we use and are still using.SECTION 2The Transfer Paper - In this section we reveal the transfer papers we use and the differences between the papers for printing on different color garments.Creating Your Designs - In this section we show how we use the cutter software and actually get an image onto transfer paper and produce the cut lines for the cutter to automate the job.SECTION 3Using The Heat Press - In this section we show you how to use the heat press to produce the finished garment including some important pre press procedures to ensure there is no moisture present when pressing images onto T shirts.Black T Shirt Transfer Application - In this section we take you through the differences when printing on a black or coloured T shirt compared to printing on a White T shirt.Conclusion, Marketing And Resources - In this section we give you some tips that we used when we started off by generating local customers on a limited budget.SECTION 4Heat Press Facts - In this section we show you why you shouldn't buy an inferior heat press and what to check for when you buy this important piece of equipment.SECTION 5We finish off with some course notes and additional material. Don't skip this."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Skate-Pro: Inline skating course for adult beginners." |
"This inline skate course is taught through video tutorials with accompanying training notes. Nearly two hours of detailed video lessons are divided into a progressive course syllabus, allowing the skate student to learn at their own pace through step-by-step instructions, detailed demos and explanations. The training notes then help to structure your practice in a way that will lead to safe and continuous learning of new skills. Learn how to use the heel brake effectively, how to skate slowly for stability and then faster for fitness. Learn two different turning methods, beginner and advanced beginner options. Feel safe and secure at increasing speeds. The course will take several months to complete depending on the amount and frequency of practice time available to the student, but its far more efficient than learning by trial and error. Starting with the basics the benefits of learning with this course include knowing how a skill should look and feel, understanding the mechanics of what's going on and creating informed practice time to consolidate the theory that is learned in the videos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"7 Simple Steps to Add Excitement To Your Lifestyle" |
"This course is specifically designed for Gen-X women who are stuck in life and want to get unstuck. It serves as a catalyst to help you to put into action what you may already know. Think of it as your digital course reminder.Many of us use four of the most dangerous words that keep us exactly where we are -- ""I already know that"". But suspend what you know and allow this NO-FLUFF course to help you get your goals back on track.This course will share:An overview of my proprietary system to stop making EXCUSES and BOOST your productivity; Common mistakes you may be making that impact your happiness;How to get off auto-pilot and take control of your life; and How to jump-start your life and life life on purpose.If you've ever felt that life just seems so routine and everyday is groundhog's day, then this CONCISE course will show you where you got lost and remind you what to do. It's time to add excitement to your life, get out of a rut, AND imagine your possibilities! Enroll today!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Buy a Home: Expert Advice on the Whole Buying Process" |
"Buying your own home is the American Dream, especially once you get into your home. But the home buying process can be confusing and stressful, and the outcome can be costly and disheartening, unless you know what you are doing going into the purchase process. This course is designed to give home buyers all the information they need to protect themselves and make smart decisions throughout the home buying process. This course is designed to make buying your home the fun and enjoyable process it should be.Anybody buying a home will benefit from this course as well as anybody new to the real estate industry including new real estate agents, loan officers or escrow officers. After taking this course you will understand what a home buyer needs to do to get the best home while protecting their interests as much as possible. The value of this course for anybody planning to buy a home far exceeds the price of the course. The course will teach you how to get the home you want at the best possible price and how to renegotiate to save even more money after your property is already under contract. The instructor is also offering to help you find the best agent in your area. And in the end, if this course helps you get the home of your dreams, you couldnt be thankful enough for having taken the course. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Create eBook Cover Graphics Using Free Software" |
"By investing your time to take this course, youll realize how easy it is to create attractive eBook covers without being a design wizard.You'll use all free software, so there is no need to invest in software.Everything will be done online using free resources, you will not need to download software.The course is structured using screencast videos, basically it's as if you're watching over my shoulder.You should take this course if you want to save money and not have to hire a designer to create online graphics for you.You can even use this information to create a service to create graphics for others who don't know how easy it is to do. "
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Become a UX Designer Learn the Skills & Get the Job" |
"Here's what students have said:""This course is the most valuable UX course I've ever bought on Udemy!"" - Jody T.""Brendan's course is AMAZING! It helped me land my first UX job!"" - Phillip C.""First course, which I found useful from practical point of view. Not just some broad, abstract philosophical narrative about UX."" - Viacheslav M.""Great instructor! He's able to deconstruct complex ideas and easily break them down into digestible content. I really recommend this course for UX practitioners of all levels."" - Nutte""After viewing Brendan's lectures and completing the project, I felt much more confident about entering the field of UX and my project ended up being one of the best pieces in my portfolio. I used it during an interview to land my first internship"" - Ana K.""The instructor's enthusiasm shines through as does his deep UX knowledge and real life experience. Certainly one of the most thoroughly thought out and well presented courses I have experienced on Udemy. I believe this course is suitable for beginners and UX practitioners as each can get different outcomes based on experience."" Simon C.(All quotes from reviews below.)Description:User Experience, or UX, is an exciting field. It's essentially about empowering people to do the things they want to do, which is both fun and gratifying. And, having a great user experience drives business success.Learning UX, however, can be a challenge. Since it's a relatively young field, there's no real gold standard yet for how things are practiced, or taught, which can frustrate people who are just trying to learn things the right way, in order to apply UX immediately to what they're doing, as well as students looking to become practitioners.I created this course because I believe your time is precious, and you shouldn't have to hunt around to get a practical foundation in UX. Or watch 24 hours of videos. This course takes you through the key concepts and steps of UX, as they would occur across a real-world project, so you gain a complete understanding of how to practice UX - from Research, to Strategy, to Design. And the confidence that comes with these new skills.There's a fair bit of material to share, but the content is mostly short, entertaining, to-the-point videos, followed by assignments where you'll apply what you're learning so it sinks in. And, I'm confident you'll like this material because I've already taught it to Thousands of professionals and university students who have enjoyed and benefited from it.Whether you need to effectively learn UX and apply it immediately, or you're looking to supplement your skillset, or you're just curious about entering this fun and lucrative field, this course is designed for youAfter taking the course you'll possess a powerful understanding of UX and the key activities related to the field. You'll also be able to take that knowledge, and put it to use to make better work and advance your career! (And, you'll have some great portfolio pieces if you complete the assignments!)See you in class!- Brendan"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Overcome The 5 Roadblocks To Learning In Schools" |
"There are 5 roadblocks most students face when it comes to effective learning and success in school. I'll be cover all 5 of them in these in this video, but before I get to that I'd like to share a personal experience with you /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hi I'm Richard Hart, I was a university student just like you and in my first year of school, I almost flunked out before I discovered a major oversight in modern education. You see, I spent the majority of my schooling being told WHAT to learn, but not much time at all was spent showing me HOW to learn. As a result I spent countless hours every night trying to stay on top of my studies, but constantly feeling like I was falling farther and father behind. At one point I seriously questioned whether I was cut out for University and had what it takes to succeed. I was trying my best, but my best just didn't seem to be good enough. Once I realized what the problem really was, I began to find the solution and was able to significantly improve the way I learned and ultimately graduate with honours. So here are the 5 major roadblocks I faced as a student and how I overcame them. Roadblock 1 - I didn't understand how my memory worked and how to use it effectively Once I had a better understanding of how my brain worked, I was able to to radically boost my ability to remember whatever I wanted, which had an instant almost impact on my grades. Roadblock 2 - I failed to understand the powerful impact sleep had on my learning. Once I cut out the cramming and late night studying and began to get regular sleep and leverage the power of naps, my ability to learn exploded. Roadblock 3 - I had no idea how my brain worked and how to study effectively. I learned how to break down what I was trying to learn into bite sized chucks, leverage short study sessions and make use of spaced repetition. Roadblock 4- I felt like I was the worlds slowest reader! There is a lot to read in university and college and man did it take me a long time to do it before I found simple and practical ways to boost my reading speed. Roadblock 5 - While I understood what procrastination was, I often found it difficult to overcome. When you're feeling overwhelmed or distracted it can be easy procrastination can take hold. Once I understood the reasons behind procrastination, I was better able to take control over my studies and my life. Since graduating I spent over a decade continuing to hone my ability to learn and teach and I'm still shocked that to this very day students are still not being taught How to learn effectively in school. I created this course to close the gap, so that any student taking this course can benefit from my experience and begin to master the skills and techniques for effective learning. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// In just over 1 hour, my unique, highly focused, hands on course I'll show you how to: -Understand how your brain works and learn to use it more effectively -Radically boost your memory and recall. -Make sleep and breaks work to your advantage -Detect and deal with stress -Improve your learning by improving what you eat -Free up more time by learning to read faster -Practical and effective ways to tackle procrastination head on As a former student and a successful college and online instructor, I believe any student can and will benefit from my new course. But if your still not sure, don't forget, Udemy has a 30 day money back guarantee. So take my course, watch every video, try every exercise and if you don't feel it's helped you improve your ability to learn, just ask for a refund within the first 30 days. It's that simple. Remember, your education is one of the biggest investments you will ever make, so make it count! Sign up and start learning how to kick @$$ in school today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |