Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Geography of Globalization" |
"This course will explore the complexities related to globalization. It will examine the history of modern globalization, the critical ideologies, theories, and policies that helped to connect the world economies, and the impacts of globalization on culture, development, and the environment. No textbook is required for this course. The course is structured in a way that breaks down the concept of Globalization into fifteen (15) lectures (including the Introduction and Conclusion). Most lectures will be in video form and will have an organized PowerPoint to help frame each concept. I believe this class will really provide perspective about our world, today. The human landscape has and continues to be shaped by the processes of Globalization, both in good ways and bad ways. After this course, you will understand the globalized world much better. I am confident that the lessons learned in this course can be applied at work, will support a deeper understanding of world issues, or just make you a more informed individual."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Traveling With Your iPhone" |
" Your iPhone can become one of the most valuable items you bring with you on your next vacation! In this class, expert technology teacher (and avid traveler) Chet Davis provides you with a series of short video lessons so you can turn your iPhone into your digital travel assistant. Having traveled domestically and internationally with his iPhone - Chet provides you with first-hand tips and ideas to help you plan and enjoy your upcoming vacation or business trips with the assistance of your trusty iPhone.From settings to apps, suggested applications and just enough tech info to help you make sense of it all... this class will help prepare you for traveling with your iPhone.Learn from an experienced expert who not only knows his technology, but has used it while traveling."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA: Vlans, Access-List & NAT + Bonus Material!" |
"This course is almost 3 hours in length and will cover several aspects of the CCNA certification. Topics covered in this course will include; IP configuration, Vlan and Inter-Vlan communication, the use of the IP Helper-Address, Access-List (both extended and standard), the NAT protocol and backing up the startup-configurations to a TFTP server. This course is very different from the rest because It's the beginning of a new way of teaching using Smart Board Technology. (We've come along way from the traditional Whiteboard).This is a fun & interactive course that will give you the knowledge to master these subjects and prepare you for the CCNA certification. (..and yes, I said fun!)You will need a simulator if you want to follow along. (i.e.: Cisco Packet Tracer, GNS3, Boson or live equipment). The course was created with the Cisco Packet Tracer.Please Note: Unfortunately, the Cisco Packet Tracer is proprietary to Cisco and it is not part of this course. So, if in any of the lectures, you hear me say that I would provide the CPT, please disregard this for I cannot provide it and it is not part of the course.DISCLAIMER: Please note that the simulators/emulators used in this course arenot part of the course. It is the students responsibility to have these to practice with. The Cisco Packet Tracer and/orVIRAL (Virtual Internet Routing Lab) are Cisco proprietarysoftwareand canonly be obtained through Cisco. It is up to each student to obtain the simulator/emulator of their choice to study along with this course.The course will also show students advanced configurations of the Cisco Packet Tracer Server components, DHCP, DNS and HTTP. Students will acquire and have a better understanding of the topics covered to guide them towards the CCNA or CCNAX certification.This course is primarily hands on using the Cisco Packet Tracer with some lectures using the NEW & Improved Smart Board Technology. This type of course is most helpful, not only for the CCNA, but also for real world implementation of networks.Handouts and labs will be available to facilitate learning and practice. Once the student finishes the course they will be comfortable with IP configurations, Vlans, Access-lists, and Router configuration. It will also help them in preparing for the CCNA certification so they can have an advantage and pass the examalso, for those already in the field, it will help them to better understand the use of the topics covered so they can implement it in their prospective networks. (Please always check the ANNOUNCEMENTS section for new updates and events, since I am always letting you guys know of my newest and latest endeavors!)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Skate-Pro: The complete Intermediate inline skating course." |
"This inline skate course is taught through video tutorials with accompanying training notes. Nearly 2 hours of detailed video lessons are divided into a progressive course syllabus, allowing the skate student to learn at their own pace through step-by-step instructions, detailed demos and explanations. The training notes then help to structure your practice in a way that will lead to safe and continuous learning of new skills. This course will help you learn how to skate backwards from scratch using transitions to get there and back. You will know how to stop using two non-heel braking methods (t-stop and lunge stop), and master higher speed turns with the forwards crossovers and lunge turn. We will also focus on your skating technique and learn how to skate more efficiently so that you can improve your fitness. The course will take several months to complete depending on the amount and frequency of practice time available to the student. You may be learning the skills presented here for the first time or you have been using them for a while but know they need some tweaking."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Measurement-Based Handwriting Movement Analysis 1" |
"Level I is the foundation for understanding the advanced graphological analysistechniques discussed in levels II and III: Recognizing a writers core personality, interpreting combinations of handwriting characteristics, identifying handwriting features for relationship compatibility, vocational guidance, and pre-employment selection and employee management, identifying conscious and subconscious or unconscious behavioral controls, identifying self-concept of strengths and weaknesses, integrity, and work ethic, revealing behavioral or personality disorders, medical and/or mental illnesses, and dangerous behavior."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Living Big Program" |
""Here's How You Can Truly Make The Most Of Your Hidden Potential By Living Big..." The Living Big Program has been designed to help you take your life to the next level by challenging erroneous beliefs that even self-help gurus teach! Each lesson will challenge your conventional way of thinking, as only by challenging what everyone else does, will you truly move forward in ways that you never dreamed possible! Lesson 1 Making A Start : Hurdling Over Procrastination Length : 33:48 Learn the keys to both getting started in the short-term, and curing procrastination completely in the long term. Lesson 2 Beating Self-Sabotage : Training That Voice Inside Your Head Length : 40:57 You will discover how critical it is to have a positive voice inside your head, and I share three simple approaches that will ensure that you consistently focus this voice in your favor. Lesson 3 The Myth Of Leading A Balanced Life Length : 33:54 You will discover why, even though it is a foundation for most personal coaching, aiming for a balanced life could actually be harming your chances of success. Lesson 4 Decisions - The Golden Thread Of Success Length : 35.04 We cover the most important decision you will ever need to make, and six ways that will ensure that you make better (and easier) decisions in the future. Lesson 5 Spirituality Is The New Religion Length : 46:31 We cover the three levels of self-improvement, and ask some very important questions about how relevant spirituality is to your success. Lesson 6 Grading Your Life - A Way To Improve, Or A Recipe For Disaster? Length : 40:11 We examine the real reason why experts get you to give areas of your life marks out of ten...and you'll discover why it could be the worst thing you can do if you want to stay motivated and on-course for success. Lesson 7 The Simple Edge - How The Little Things Make A Big Difference Length : 43:45 I share with you a discovery that should, along with playing to your strengths, be a fundamental part of what you do. The "Simple Edge" is a very simple concept, but it's extremely powerful once you recognize what it is, and put it into practice! Lesson 8 Finding Your WHY...And Why You Won't Succeed Without It Length : 31:08 This should be the foundation of everything you do - yet nobody really talks about it, or gives it much thought. I always thought that being able to play to my strengths would be enough motivation for me. I was wrong...and I go into depth about what is missing, and why YOU need to find your WHY! Lesson 9 The Art Of Detachment Length : 29:32 I'll show you why being detached from the outcome of your goals can make you more likely to achieve them. I also discuss the fascinating side benefits in other areas of your life once you begin to apply "The Art Of Detachment". Lesson 10 The Only 'Secret' You'll Ever Need To Know Length : 39:08 In reality, this is the only 'secret' you need to know in order to live a truly happy and successful life. You might be a little surprised at what this secret is...but you'll soon discover why it is so powerful, and how to apply it in your own life. Lesson 11 Believing In Yourself. Somebody's Got To! Length : 46:36 I share the obstacles most people put in front of their own self-belief, and why you should focus your thoughts on the opposite of what others may tell you about what belief means and what it is. Lesson 12 Taking It To The Next Level : Breaking Through Your Mental Glass Ceiling Length : 34:17 We look at why you are consistently holding yourself back, and the four steps to implement any change in your life, one of which virtually nobody ever does! I look forward to helping you take your life to the next level by really thinking BIG! To Our Success! Gary Vurnum P.S. This Program is available only for a limited time at this special price just for Udemy students as it is currently available on my own website at $197."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Work for Yourself" |
"One of the fastest paths to success is starting a new project like a business, blog, book or some other creative endeavor. Side projects can result in extra income, greater fulfillment and even a more enjoyable career. If you aren't creating something in your spare time, you aren't reaching your full potential. But learning to work for yourself is no picnic. Most people can't find the time, energy or correct life priorities to start and complete creative side projects. They keep putting off planning these projects, never finding out what they could have accomplished if they'd only created something. Instructor Bryan Cohen is no stranger to creative productivity. He's earned more than $35,000 in the past few years from his side business, Build Creative Writing Ideas. His 30 books, all of which were written in the past few years, have sold more than 20,000 copies. He learned to get more done through the life-enriching tips he learned by reading dozens of books, attending multiple conferences and through his own trial and error. He's put in hundreds of hours of refining his creativity techniques so that you don't have to. By using Cohen's tips and tricks, you'll start planning your business, book, blog or course in the next few days with optimized time, renewed energy and an improved balance in your life. You'll learn to work for yourself. It's time to get more done in your life. Click the Take This Course button right now to finally get that amazing (and potentially money-making) idea out of your head, onto paper and into reality. "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Superar Tus Miedos y Emprender con xito en 31 das" |
"4 Mdulos de Contenido para que lo dividas en 4 semanas. Despus de probar este sistema con otros emprendedores hemos comprobado que al dividir el Entrenamiento en semanas se alcanzan hasta un 160% ms de resultados.Tendrs acceso a ms de 4 horas de vdeo, y por qu vdeo? hemos elegido este formato porque nuestro cerebro retiene 4 veces ms informacin que si lo leemos y 2 veces ms que si lo escuchamos, y esto es la pieza bsica del sistema del Pro Aprendizaje que usaremos para que aprendas en 30 das lo que otros tardan aos en aprender. Adems podrs ver los vdeos todas las veces que quieras, para siempre.Tambin he preparado una Gua de Accin de cada mdulo para que despus de ver el vdeo realices durante la semana los pasos detallados en el plan de accin y as ir conquistando la cimatu sueo. Y an ms importante estas guas de accin son para ti de manera permanente, es como tener la solucin de un juego antes de empezarlo y a partir de ahora siempre que lo empieces lo ganars.1 plan estratgico de proyecto, No slo vas a pasar a la accin y vas a poner a andar, o ms bien a correr, tu proyecto, sino que adems tendrs un detallado Plan de Proyecto que he diseado para que tu xito sea inevitable. Irs asegurando tus pasos, con la confianza de saber que ests en el camino correcto. Esta plantilla es fruto de horas y horas de investigacin y de prueba y error y ahora est disponible para ti con este curso.1 Gua de regalo sobre el diseo de Mapas Mentales, una herramienta eficaz para la organizacin y la creacin de ideas poderosas. Bono De Regalo de una MasterClass de Marketing: 8 Pasos Para Poner Tu Negocio en Piloto Automtico, impartida por Nacho Muoz, un crack del Marketing Online y el VideoMarketing ( Y qu aprendes en esa MasterClass? La verdad es que te llevas cosas en dos horas que otros tardan aos en recibir. Soy una de las pruebas vivientes de Nacho. Aprenders lo que es el Funnel Marketing y ya siempre podrs disear tus propias estrategias online.Sabrs exactamente cul es el pblico al que has de dirigirte.Conocers recursos para investigar y estudiar el mercado.Aprenders cmo hacerte tus planes de accin de Marketing Online para que no se te escape nada.Sabrs cmo hacer tu Propuesta nica de Ventas.Conocers maneras de mover y promocionar tus productos en la red, cmo atraer a tu pblico y hacer que tus listas de correo se llenen de personas interesadas en tus productos.Aprenders a crear productos diferentes y saber cmo hacer ofertas irresistibles para tus clientes.Sabrs como eliminar las objeciones y cmo redactar textos vendedores Y todo esto, por una inversin mnima que recuperars en cuanto tengas tu primer cliente. A qu esperas? Pon en marcha tu proyecto en 4 semanas y en piloto automtico. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Entrepreneur's Game Plan" |
"When it comes to having the right skills to launch and operate a successful business, you will be far ahead of the competition when you are able to learn from successful, seasoned mentors. This first course, "Getting Started", in the Entrepreneur's Playbook Series is a fun, and interactive way for you to learn many of the basic business and personal things you will need to reach success faster, and with less failure. This first course is three hours, and will help set a strong foundation to learning over 50 total hours in the entire series. If you stick with with the entire series, you will receive more direct information than an entire semester of learning, but at small fraction of the cost!In this first course, you will learn about the Critical Flow of the Free Enterprise System and how to maximize positive business growth in any economy. We will discuss 9 Signs of Successful Entrepreneurs and why they have found success in their business ventures. Once you master these 9 areas you will find the success in your own business and personal life you are hoping to achieve. Next we move into some crucial elements about leading and motivating your team. This critical area will make or break your business depending on how much attention you place here. Then we start to learn about what makes you unique and how your skills and talents (and those that you may not even know about) will help you build a successful business - whether you are just starting out, or you already have an operating business. This section is a refresher course that even the most seasoned business people should take at least twice a year to help re-focus and re-double our efforts towards the passion of being in business. Our next area of focus will be centered on 10 Questions that you will need to answer before you launch your business, or move into the next phase of your business if you are an existing business owner. If you can honestly answer these questions, then you will be miles, and even years ahead of your competitors. After 30 years of running highly successful ventures, these are the top 10 questions that can make or break your business - depending on your answers.We wrap up this course with some very cool ways to make your business recession proof. When you build on this information you will be armed with the knowledge and the tools to build a solid business case to attract customers, strategic alliance partners, and key investors. "
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Beginning Flute Lessons" |
" Roberta Hayes, a professional flutist and teacher for over 34 years, will teach you everything you need to know about playing the flute, from the beginning to the intermediate level. This course is designed for beginners. You will start with the basics and work through a variety of lessons to get to the intermediate stage. Within a short time, you will be playing songs and melodies to impress your friends and family, as well as bring a lifetime of enjoyment to your own life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Um curso direto ao ponto, pois voc vai aprender Matemtica Financeira de forma rpida, prtica e objetiva! Desenvolvido de forma que voc possa escutar, ver e praticar junto comigo a resoluo de vrios exerccios. Como funciona?Exerccios, com passo a passo da resoluo.Ideal para usurios que aprendem melhor vendo, ouvindo e praticando o conhecimento adquirido.Dvidas Frequentes 1) Preciso comprar uma calculadora financeira?No, pois atualmente existem calculadoras virtuais para celulares, tabletes e microcomputadores.2) Preciso saber operar a calculadora HP 12c ?No, pois voc ir aprender passo a passo como utilizar calculadora.Programa:Como usar a calculadora HP12c.Diagrama de fluxo de caixa.Clculo de juros simples e compostos.Clculo do valor presente/investimento inicial.Clculo do valor futuro/montante.Calculo de srie uniforme de pagamentos.Vrios exerccios de matemtica financeira."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap Basics: Program Responsive Websites" |
"Join Over 2,000 Very Happy Bootstrappers! Bootstrap is the most popular front-end framework on the web today, and people are going nuts over it! Why? Because it's incredibly easy to learn, and because you can save hours of work (or hundreds of dollars in precious development time)! Taking a step-by-step approach, this course will have you learning by doing, and you will become well-acquainted with the Bootstrap framework in very little time! Learn the Most Popular Web Design Framework Quickly and Easily Responsive web design Attractive sliding carousels Popup & Modal windows Media Queries HTML Form Layout Beautiful Typography Increase development time by 50% or more! Hundreds of thousands of websites are using Bootstrap to achieve beautiful, unique, and custom layouts. It's time you learn this framework, and hit the ground running! Boost Your Income by Learning Bootstrap Whether you're self employed, or work at a company understanding how to develop website layouts with Bootstrap will save you and your company precious development time. Self employed? Look at it this way. Two self-employed web developers are each hired to build a small website for $1,000. Developer #1 hand codes his website and it takes him 40 hours to complete, effectively making $25/hour. Developer #2 uses Bootstrap to build his website, and it takes him 20 hours, effectively making $50/hour. Which developer do you want to be? Work at a studio? Bootstrap is a valuable skill. It's fundamental that company employees keep up to date with the latest technologies. An educated employee is an incredibly valuable asset. If you prove to your company that you can build high-quality websites in record time with a framework like Bootstrap, you have negotiating power for a higher salary. Are you an Entrepreneur? If you're starting a new business, but only have a shoestring budget for your new venture, do yourself a favour and learn to code your company website with Bootstrap. You'll save yourself thousands of dollars, and be grateful you invested in yourself! Invest in your future With the incredibly valuable skills you will learn in this course, you will make the value of this course back 10x by completing only a single web design job! And it's completely risk-free! If you take this course and don't think it's worth the value you paid you have 30-days to get a full refund. In 3 - 5 hours of your time, you will build a truly beautiful web page you didn't know you had the ability to do! There is no reason why you shouldn't start right now. Invest in your future, and join me on the other side! Get started today by clicking Take This Course"". See you on the inside!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Guitar for Music Educators: Learning How to Teach Guitar" |
"This course is designed to give you the knowledge you need to play the guitar and teach the instrument to students. The course is taught in the same way you would teach your class, covering the same topics in a class-based progression. In order to develop a multi-year class you will be given tools to develop a continuing guitar class, a class that develops the same ensemble skills and advanced musicianship that band, choir, and orchestra provide to students. Throughout the course you will learn how to play and teach fingerstyle technique, picking technique, note reading, chord playing, and basic soloing. Images and videos will be used to demonstrate proper left and right hand placements on the guitar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dr. Ian Dunbar's SIRIUS Dog Trainer Academy - All 4 Days" |
"Dr. Dunbar taught the world's very first off-leash puppy socialization and training classes and he has been perfecting the SIRIUS Dog Training business model for the past 30 years. If you are a dog training professional, or you're thinking of becoming one, this is the course you simply must take.The SIRIUS Academy is a structured and comprehensive course on how to run a successful dog training business. This course cuts to the chase and focuses on the essential information that you absolutely need to know in order to effectively teach people to train dogs as quickly, easily and enjoyably as possible.The full Academy consists of all 4 days of lecture, 6+ hours each, as well as substantial notes, including notes for the lectures, a Behavior Problem Solving Matrix, and the complete SIRIUS Syllabi for Puppy 1, Puppy 2, and Adult 1 classes, with week-by-week-schedules and minute-by-minute class notes. You will also get two free eBooks and 16 Behavior Blueprints which you can customize with your business information and distribute freely to clients and colleagues to aid in training and promotion.Day 1: Business, Promotion, People Training & GamesDay 2: Behavior CounselingDay 3: Adult Dog Classes & Home TrainingDay 4: Puppy Classes & Home TrainingWhether you're new to dog training and wondering how to get started in the business, or you've been doing it for ages (like me) and you're looking for some fresh ideas to super-charge your business, this is the very best place to get what you need. I found myself taking detailed notes for some long-term changes, and then also jotting down little nuggets of gold to go home and immediately implement into my classes or business practicesThis four-day event, and yes, you MUST attend all four days, offers the attendee who already has some hands-on experience with dogs everything they need to start up their own classes. Those of us who've already been running our own classes come away with many new ideas for classroom games and exercises for both puppies and adult dogs, PLUS a comprehensive, tested plan to measure and increase our success, and to market ourselves (which we could all use help with).I am so excited to make some changes! Thanks so much for everything!""- Michelle Douglas, CPDT-KA, CDBC Past President of the APDT"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Essential Skills for Designers - Images in InDesign" |
"Do you want to master handling images in Adobe Indesign so you can create layouts and work just like a creative professional? Working with images is part of any Graphic Designers day to day life and they are often essential to communicating the right message. InDesign offers a whole host of useful and innovative ways in which you can introduce images into a both print and web based compositions. This course will introduce you to everything you need to know, from placing images into your documents to far more advanced techniques which help create a great looking composition! A closer look at what you will learn: The course will start by providing you with some useful resources for creative professionals, like design terms to ensure you are familiar with, useful websites to bookmark and a way to get to grips with keyboard shortcuts. Which can half your working time! Then we will start by mastering the basics, learn to incorporate Adobe Bridge and how to place files into InDesign.In the third chapter we will move onto learning all of the essentials, like image resolution, using the preflight panel, frames, image fitting options etc. Once you know all of the essentials its time to move onto the advanced techniques, the largest section of this course. Discover how to use tools and effects like the Gap Tool, Text Wrap, Opacity & Feathering, Object styles, Multiple Frames effect and loads more. This course includes: 18 Videos2 Hours of learning content 2 Downloadable resourcesMartin is an Adobe Certified Instructor who has years of experience teaching in both and online in classroom environments. He has also worked professionally in the creative industry for over 10 years on a wide range of projects. The examples and techniques used have been developed over this time to deliver the most efficient and enjoyable approach to teaching and learning. Who will find it useful:Ideal for anyone who is aspiring to become a professional Graphic Designer.Those particularly interested in Editorial Design, Poster and Print Design.Anyone who often works in InDesign.Designers looking to build on their current creative skill set.This course is based in Adobe InDesign and basic knowledge of how to use the software will help you make the most of the course and learning experience. Learn how to handle and work with images in the fastest and most efficient way possible by enrolling on this course."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Essential Skills for Designers - Mastering the Pen Tool" |
"About the course:Most of the tools of Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign are easy to learn and understand, but there is one major exception: the Pen tool. It is a very versatile vector drawing tool present in all three applications and can save you a lot of time and effort in many ways if you learn to use it properly. It can be used for drawing shapes and illustrations, creating custom frames for your layouts, making selections of your images, designing custom paths for your type, drawing artistic effects and so much more.In this course we will learn everything you need to know about the Pen tool. You can master it following many exercises and in less than 2 hours you can become a real Pen tool pro in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.The course includes:17 instructional video tutorialsQuizzes about the techniques learnt in each sectionExercise files used in the course to help follow along and practiceEssential Skills for Designers & Career Guide PDFDesign Terminology PDFUseful Keyboard Shortcuts PDFCollection of Useful websites for Designers PDFCertificate of completionHow long will the course take to complete?This course will takeonly 2 hours to complete, but it will take some time to put all the techniques into practice.How the course is structured?The course is structured into17 videos, each explaining a technique for working with the Pen tool. It is recommended to watch the videos in order of the outline but you can also choose to watch them individually. After each section you can take Quizzes to revise the crucial techniques and definitions learnt on the way.Why take this course?Easy. If you want to get a job as a designer either being employed or freelancing, you have to know how to work with the Pen Tool This course will make you very confident about this essential skill for designers.This course is for you if you are planning to take your design skills to the next level and want to become a Pro in no time."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Essential Skills for Designers - Working with Type" |
"The aim of this course is to teach you how to work with type at the exact same standard as a creative professional. We will be working with type in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign as well as learning some essential theory knowledge for this topic. Working with type in Graphic Design is essential. Visual communication relies mainly on the combination of images and text. In a good design typography is an integral part of the composition as a whole and in many cases the whole design is based around a creative use of typography. A closer look at what you will learn: The course will start by providing you with some useful resources for creative professionals, like design terms to ensure you are familiar with, useful websites to bookmark and a way to get to grips with keyboard shortcuts. Which can half your working time! Then we will jump right in to learning about the definition of a font, the different types or classifications of fonts, how to choose the right font when working on a projects and loads more! Next we will move onto working with text, adding type to compositions, changing colours, formatting/editing existing text so it looks great and pick up some time saving shortcuts.The final chapter is the longest and most advanced. Learn about working with body copy, how to apply text wrap, add drop caps, customise fonts and loads more! This course includes:18 Videos 2 Hours learning content 2 Downloadable resourcesEvery Graphic Designer in the creative industry handles type on a day to day basis. Its a pretty big topic, with plenty to get your head around. If you want to learn all about it this course is the right place to be! Who will find it useful:Anyone who is aspiring to become a professional Graphic Designer and wants to master essential skills of the trade.Those particularly interested in Editorial Design.Creatives who want to learn more about working with type.Designers looking to build on their current creative skill set.No need for any previous experience in the topic but basic knowledge of InDesign will be very useful.The practises learnt in this course can be applied to any project which uses type in the future and can help to develop a strong understanding of this complex subject.Martin is an Adobe Certified Instructor who has years of experience teaching in both and online in classroom environments. He has also worked professionally in the creative industry for over 10 years on a wide range of projects. The examples and techniques used have been developed over this time to deliver the most efficient and enjoyable approach to teaching and learning. Feel inspired to start learning, enroll and lets get going!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Word 2013: Office Certification Series" |
"This course is the first in a series that covers the new Microsoft Office Specialist exam format for 2013. The new exams are completely different! Word 2013: Office Certification Series covers the Word Core 2013 Microsoft Office Specialist Exam #77-418 exam from Microsoft. By passing this exam and earning a Microsoft certification you become part of the MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) network which will enhance job opportunities and could increase pay as well.With the course you will receive practice materials and the skills needed to pass the Word Core 2013 exam. This course should take you only a few days to complete.There are 6 sections in this course, and each lecture is tied directly to one or more skilled measured as defined by Microsoft.This course covers every objective listed by Microsoft and a few skills that are not, but are considered valuable knowledge. Mail merge for example is not covered on the exam, but is a huge time saver when having to compose form letters to multiple recipients. To register for the exam please visit Microsoft's exam provider Certiport and purchase an exam voucher. The website is Select Register in the upper right corner, to begin the process. When asked what your purpose is answer "Take an Exam." Then register for the Microsoft exams. Now you are all set to visit a Certiport testing center to take your exam!Once you pass the exam, you will receive an exam certification and access to the Microsoft Certified Professional website which offers a wealth of benefits."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Edit Professional Looking Cooking Videos in an Hour or Less" |
"If you're making cooking videos, editing may take you hours and hours. Or, you maybe so intimidated by the idea of editing, that you refuse to do it. This course picks up where my last course "How to Make Professional Looking Cooking Videos" ends. I show you how I edit my cooking videos from start to finish and also spend time showing you how I create several assets that are part of my videos' branding, like my animated logo and end cards. I show you the best places to find the perfect music and fonts for your videos. Armed with the knowledge from "How to Make Professional Looking Cooking Videos" and a step by step walk through of editing, you'll be uploading cooking videos to YouTube that will make you proud and delight your viewers. Special Note: I will be using a Mac in the tutorials. However, if you have a PC, you should still benefit from learning the process which you can apply to the software you have."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Routing Configuration & Router Administration for Cisco CCNA" |
"This course is over 10 hours in length and will cover everything from connecting to a router, configuring administrative tasks on the router, learning the routers internal components such as RAM, ROM, NVRAM and FLASH; learning how to manipulate the Registers on the router, backing up configurations, using the CDP protocol, and all aspects of Static, Default and Dynamic routing. Please Note: The Cisco Packet Tracer is a Cisco proprietary software and can only be given out by Cisco. So, if you hear me say in any of the lectures, that I would be providing the CPT, please disregard since I cannot do so.DISCLAIMER: Please note that the simulators/emulators used in this course arenot part of the course. It is the students responsibility to have these to practice with. The Cisco Packet Tracer and/orVIRAL (Virtual Internet Routing Lab) are Cisco proprietarysoftwareand canonly be obtained through Cisco. It is up to each student to obtain the simulator/emulator of their choice to study along with this course.If you are unable to get a hold of the CPT, remember that you have other options, like: GNS3, Boson or even live equipment.It is recommended that you use any of the simulators mentioned above to follow along with the course. Students will get a thorough understanding of how the routing process actually works and they will also learn how to configure all inter-networking components using the Cisco Packet Tracer (link attached for download), look for it under external . Students will also be configuring RIPv2, EIGRP and OSPF and understand how to manipulate each routing protocols attributes to meet the requirements of the network. This is a lecture based course using the Touch-IT Technology Smart board, which will make learning very interactive and engaging. Hands on labs will be used to drill down the concepts learned in each lecture using the Ciscos Packet Tracer. My method will make you feel like you are sitting in a classroom environment and give you the most needed hands on experience! Handouts will be available to facilitate learning and practice. This course is designed to help the student become comfortable with the routing concepts and router administrationbut it will also help in preparing them for any networking certification or Computer Science Degree; not to mention the fact, that for those already in the field, it will further improve routing decisions in their particular networks."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel 2010 for Beginners" |
"In this Microsoft Excel 2010 Training course, you will learn by watching the instructor actually conduct the exercises as she explains step-by-step how to perform these functions. The training starts with the absolute basics of creating your very first worksheet and slowly progresses through learning numerous capabilities of this very powerful program. The topics range from creating very basic formulas to more advanced functions like table editing, the help function and more. As part of this course, you can also download the exercise files that allow you to work alongside the author as she teaches you how to master Microsoft Excel 2010.Our Microsoft courses help you to prepare for the official Microsoft Office Specialist exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Newsstand: Publish your magazine today" |
"--- Are you a student or a non-profit organization? Just message me for a considerable discount. --- ---------------------------------------- Build your Newsstand magazine from scratch! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Newsstand gold rush has just started! We all heard that the App Store gold rush is officially over. That might be true for apps but it certainly isn't true for Newsstand apps/magazines. There are only a handful of magazines on Newsstand and the time to act is now! In this course I will show you that anyone can publish on the Newsstand! Newsstand is a built-in application on Apple iOS devices the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. It is dedicated to downloading and displaying digital versions of newspapers and magazines. The most popular and largest printed newspaper and magazine names now publish digital content specifically designed for mobile devices and tablets. Now it's time for you to do the same and take part in this publishing revolution. You don't have to be a publisher, you don't have to know coding or designing! You just need to have the interest to publish on this emerging platform. You will learn all the rest from this course! The Newsstand myths There are two major myths about publishing on the Newsstand. Once I bust these myths you will be thrilled to join the publishing revolution. The first myth is that you have to be a publisher. It is said that you have to own a magazine/newspaper and you have to write your articles. This myth scares you and tells you right in the face: you have to be in the publishing business. That is absolutely not true. There are hundreds of magazines out there that aren't from huge publishing firms, so don't dare tell yourself you can't do the same. The second myth is that it's way too expensive. Well, it is, but not if you take this course. Let's take a look at the fees that publishing sites take. The above is for geeky people (I know I am one) with stats and figures. The main point is this: If you take this course publishing on the Newsstand will cost you less than $50/month; If you use other publishing platforms it will cost you $300+/month. I will present the price that best fits for a comparison for this course (unlimited apps, unlimited issues, unlimited devices etc.): Mag+ $2999/month (there's also a $399/month with a lot of limitations!) MagCast $297/month TapEdition $299/month (only 5000 downloads/month!) This course = $50/month or less! Now that's about TEN TIMES CHEAPER than the cheapest publishing platform offers you! How is this possible? The answer is easy! You have to use 1 secret tool. It is secret because it's so awesome. You will have to take the course in order for me to tell you what that Secret Weapon is, but don't worry, if you don't like the course you can still get your money back: there is a 30 day Money Back Guarantee for all Udemy courses. I will also show you the tools that you will use to design, deliver and sell your magazine. "Ok, but why should I take this course when all these tools are to be found on the internet?" For a multitude of reasons. They are all spread out in different places. This course brings them all together in one place. Their documentation is sometimes too complicated or parts of the process is left for you to figure out. In this course I will take you step by step through the process. Because it is a video course you will see everything and you will no longer need to read bouring, confuzing documentation. Anyone can easily follow the steps from the course and publish on the Newsstand in one day; even a 5 year old can do it armed with the knowledge from this course -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plus there are some pitfalls on the way you should avoid. Inside the course I will tell you all my tricks and tips. Design magazines with these free tools and don’t get tied into high cost and proprietary solutions! Prefer to work in InDesign? The course has got you covered. Design in InDesign, export with In5 . Remember the unparalleled advantages of Newsstand magazines (iOS devs will love these): change your magazine icon anytime you want with a click (without submitting an update for Apple to approve, which takes 10 to 14 days) publish new issues (without submitting an update) change screenshots of your magazine whenever you want (without submitting an update) edit/update your published issues whenever you want take part of an emerging market that has huge potential DON'T UNDERSTAND A WORD OF THAT TECHNICAL TEXT? Don't worry. The course is designed in a way that even beginners can follow along the step by step guide. Anyone can learn to publish on the Newsstand! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can’t afford to pay $$$$ for those “other” Newsstand publishing solutions? Take this course now and join the Newsstand gold rush!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Run Your Business On Cloud Systems" |
"Learn the principles and 'blueprint' to running a lean, cost-effective company on Internet-based business systems and tools, from a working entrepreneur, former CIO and professional 'explainer.'"Cloud Computing" is more than a buzzword. All of the systems required to run a company are available now. The huge time-and-cost roadblock of old fashioned IT is gone - for the companies that grab the opportunity. This course will teach you how.My aim in this course is to give business owners a blueprint for building and running their business on SaaS ("Software as a Service") solutions. It's not a technical course for cloud-computing IT professionals. It's a pragmatic approach to evaluating, selecting and running cloud systems for business use.Some technical terms are unavoidable, so by design, the course materials are all visual, to help grasp the concepts and connections even if the terms are unfamiliar. When I mention specific companies and services, it's not a 'commercial endorsement' - it's my opinion, based on firsthand use.You won't find this approach to business cloud-computing spelled out in any single book, because I haven't written it yet. I run two successful businesses this way, with a business partner and employees. We've made mistakes, refined, evaluated and learned the hard way. Watching these lessons will, I hope, save you a few years of the same challenges and let you focus on your business!This is just a better way to get systems that support running and growing business. If you don't agree, or if it doesn't work for your specific business, contact me within 30 days and I'll happily refund your course fee. "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint Video Magic Top Video Making Tips" |
"THIS IS A GENUINE SKILLS TRAINING TO CREATE SLEEK PROFESSIONAL MOTION GRAPHICS VIDEO IN POWERPOINT. AFTER STUDYING IT YOU'LL EASILY SAVE MONEY MAKING VIDEOS YOUR VIEWERS WILL LOVE TO WATCH! YOU ALSO GET 60+ FREE TEMPLATES WITH THIS COURSE.-0-0-0-0-0-0- Video making is a HOT business today. But know what, you have to make video that people love to watch. It's a sad reality many video makers face on the web every day. Today the videos not only need good contents, but also VISUAL PLEASURE to impress people. In this course you are going to learn the skills to create exciting motion graphics videos with PowerPoint that your viewers would love to watch. You WILL learn making eye-catching animations, record and add audio, and put everything together to make videos that will impress your viewers. That's my guarantee.-0-0-0-The highlight of my course is that I give you all the PowerPoint animation templates used in the course for free, plus ALL THOSE I ADD IN FUTURE. Right now you get a whopping 46 ANIMATED TEMPLATES for FREE (watch the previews). I aim to give you 100+ templates in the future. This means you can immediately start using them and create videos for your needs. -0-0-0- There are more than 60 video lessons in the course that take you through the different stages of making video with PowerPoint. If you are an existing PowerPoint user, you will find my lessons easy to understand, and exciting as well. Check out the course previews below. What better way could there be to hit the ground running! I bet you will like this. Btw, do you know you have 30-day money-back guarantee if you don't like my course? That's right, you have nothing to lose. So why don't you try my course today? I'll briefly outline the main benefits of my course, but before that I can't resist a recent testimonial from a student: ""Fantastic! I already know a great deal about PowerPoint but I learned so much I never thought I could do. This is a great course so worth taking. Thank you for such an educational course."" June Hollister If you wish you can go through other testimonials down this page. Okay, so here are the main learning points for you in my course: How to create animations that are simple but leave lasting impression with texts, shapes, charts, images, clip arts, lines, and smart arts. How to record, edit, merge (2 or more tracks), and embed audio into PowerPoint, and synchronize it perfectly with the slides How to embed, format, trim, and edit external video from YouTube and Vimeo How to create video on another video, and why to do this How to convert PowerPoint slides/video to MP4 video and embed/upload to anywhere How to create interactive dropdown and popup menu, and interactive quiz in PowerPoint (BONUS tutorials) So what do you think? Isn't the course beneficial for you? Remember, when you enroll, you have lifetime access to all the course lessons. You can always come back to the lessons for any reference for ever. Plus (this is important) you get all my future lessons and templates for FREE, for EVER. So no more guessing! No waiting any longer! Let this course empower your wants, your ambition. Buy this course now, and let me get you started. All the best to you!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master SAT Writing: Easy Essay & Perfect Grammar" |
"Master SAT Writing will teach you the fundamental strategies, tactics, and knowledge necessary to do incredibly well on the SAT writing section. There are 35 lessons that walk you from an SAT introduction, to a SAT strategy guide, and then from the SAT grammar sections to the SAT essay. There are >90% video lessons. The course will take several hours to complete. Course Structure: SAT Overview SAT Strategy Error ID & Sentence Correction Strategy SAT Grammar SAT Essay Masterclass You should take this course if you are struggling with SAT writing and need a clear strategy for how to deal with the grammar and essay. Note: This course does NOT yet include an improving paragraphs section. In the last 10 years that I've been teaching SAT, only a handful of students asked for improving paragraph help. If you are one of those students, I will gladly answer all questions in the Q&A section and will, if asked, record more improving paragraph videos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn iOS Programming from Scratch" |
"The best iOS course on the web just got better. The iOS course now have been updated for the latest iOS7 SDK. This update not only covers the design basics but also cover topics such as Airdrop, Multitasking, Local Notifications, SpriteKit, Game Center, Core Motion, Core Location and Camera Updates. You will not only learn about the concepts but will get a proper understanding with live demo examples. This 3+ hours update covers the real iOS7 changes and will sure add to you iOS competence. This Video series is the most comprehensive course on net to learn and master iOS programming. We have designed the course keeping in mind the need of the developer community to have a complete a structured curriculum to learn this exciting technology. The course will allow even a beginner to grasp the important concepts and create apps by the end of this course. iOS apps are the most profitable across all Smartphone platforms and with a large community of active app users this technology continues to present great opportunity for any developer. This course is based on years of teaching iOS programming to thousands of students and build on the inputs received from students and industry professionals alike. The course does not assume any prior knowledge of iOS or Objective C the primary programming language for iOS development and is well suited for both beginners and intermediate developers. Our course covers the latest OS version as permitted by Apple Developer NDA. By the end of the series you will be able to develop interesting and exciting Apps of your own or for your customers. This series has been created by our in house experts and focus on real and practical usage of the technology. This series is useful for anybody who wants to quickly learn iOS or wants to upgrade their knowledge for the latest OS."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Mystery Writing Course for Kids" |
"This course is designed for children 8-12 years of age who are interested in writing their own mysteries. National Board Certified elementary school teacher and award-winning author Steve Reifman will take young writers step-by-step from the beginning of the writing process to the end and help them craft stories that keep readers guessing and on the edge of their seats! It doesnt matter whether students are already seasoned mystery writers or brand new to the genre. This course promises to take young writers to the next level.In the easy-to-follow videos and detailed handouts that comprise this course, Steve skillfully combines the wisdom accumulated throughout his 19 years as an educator with numerous examples from his book Chase Against Time to teach students about crimes, crime solvers, suspects, motives, clues, witnesses, alibis, red herrings, and all the other elements that make mysteries so much fun to read and write.Whats even better, students can learn at their own pace. While the course's twenty-nine videos focus on the same knowledge and skills that one might find in a more traditional 4-6 week writing class, the structure of this course enables students to work on their mysteries anytime, anywhere. Students can watch and pause the videos whenever they wish, re-watch videos as necessary, and complete the course as their schedule permits.In addition to teaching the knowledge and skills required to help children write their own mysteries, Steve focuses on higher purposes. He wants children to experience the same thrill of writing a mystery adventure that he had when he wrote Chase Against Time and its sequels. He also promotes valuable writing habits such as perseverance, pride, and paying attention to detail. Furthermore, he wants children to develop a passion for reading and writing, and he leads the course with these larger objectives in mind."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Fast & Easy Way to Master The Basics of HTML5" |
"HTML is the language of the web. It is a world-wide industry standard. Now HTML5 aims to bring additional features and functionality to the language for the next phase of the web; connected devices. HTML5 will soon become ubiquitous across mobile devices and even televisions. This course introduces the basic concepts of HTML and introduces the new features which have been added in HTML5. From creating your first page to adding useful elements to create a functional page this course covers it. This course is perfect for beginners. If you have never done any coding, let along even know what HTML is then this course is for you. With an instructor available to answer your questions there is no better or faster way to learn HTML for Beginners!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learning Responsive Web Design" |
"In this Responsive Web Design training course, expert author Geoff Blake shows you how to create custom CSS and HTML so that your web site responds to differing screen sizes. With mobile and tablet web traffic increasing by leaps and bounds every day, all web designers should know how to create breakpoints and custom CSS layouts to adapt their designs to varying device resolutions.You will learn how to setup your external style sheets for three different resolutions, and how to customize your layouts for each of those. This training video will teach you how to deal with navigation and graphics as well as text and other layout features, making them responsive. You will use the latest in CSS3 and HTML5 techniques to create a website design that will gracefully wrap and adapt to three different screen sizes. Extensive working files are included with this video tutorial, so you can work along with the author throughout each lesson.When you have completed this computer based video training course, you will be capable of creating responsive, adaptive designs for your websites. You will understand how to create different external CSS files that are called depending on the resolution of the device that is requesting the web page. You will be confident in your ability to create a Responsive Web Site for todays mobile world!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 11g PL/SQL Fundamentals I" |
"The primary objective of this Oracle 11g training course is to provide an introduction to the PL/SQL database programming language covering syntax, structure and features of the language within the context of database applications and programming.This Oracle 11g course will prepare students for the Oracle certification exams (OCP)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Solid Start: How To Introduce Solids to Create Adventurous" |
"Weve all heard the stories of toddlers who will only eat food that is yellow or shaped like a fish. Stories of picky eaters who refuse to eat their vegetables, sneak their dinner to the family dog at every opportunity and turn up their nose at anything not in the shape of a nugget. Eliminating picking eating behaviors and creating an adventurous eater starts at the moment you introduce solid foods. A Solid Start is a comprehensive course in infant and early childhood nutrition where you will learn how to properly introduce solid foods to your infant without the use of purees. A method that saves the family time, money and creates adventurous eaters! Most importantly, introducing solids the right way reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes, eczema and Celiac disease."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |