Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Digital Pianist Course-Learn Piano & Keyboard Fast & Easy" |
"Thousands Now Play The PianoWho Never Thought They Could!This powerful piano course has helped thousands to successfully play the piano from scratch and improve drasticallyand now it can help you, too!Learning to play the piano is a dream for manybut the demands of a busy life and the expense of a piano teacher can leave many thwarted when it comes to achieving this simple ambition. That has all changed with Digital Pianist...Piano Course For Adult Beginners Or People Who Want To Renew,Supplement And Improve Drastically Their Previous Knowledge-Now you can learn to play the piano in the comfort of your own homewith an amazing video course that takes you from the basics through to mastering musical theory and playing your favorite pieces to friends and family.With bite-size 10-minute lessons you can take at your own pace, you can learn to play the piano on your own schedule!With over 2.5h highly effective 10-minute, HD lessons, you can develop as a player at your own pace.You can watch these videos on your tablet at home, or even on the move on your smartphone, making this a versatile teacher whos there to help you 24/7.Each lesson also comes with complete notes and exercises which you can print out and study for enhanced learning.You'll also get full access to our bonus :5 exclusive video lessonsThis video lessons will teach you to play popular songs from very beginning so you can impress your friends and family with your piano playing skillsFreeBonus Report50 Songs 4 ChordsYou'll get PDF report with 50 popular songs that you can play with only 4 chords.The chords are written above the song text so you can read the text and know when to play chords."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Foundamentals" |
"In this course,the fundamentals of QuickBooks will be covered in detail. Utilizing the desktop edition of QuickBooks,students will learnhowto set up and customize a QuickBooks file from the beginning stages using the easy step interview (detailed and express start), setting up customers, vendors, and items,entering basictransactions, performingbanking activities, and generatingand analyzingreports. Also, an appendix is included which discusses how to perform other related tasks in QuickBooks. This course is taught using a real-world perspective from the standpoint of customizing QuickBooks to meet the needs of a small business.Upon completion of this course, students will have a general understanding of how to setup a QuickBooks company file and enter basic business transactions."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Google20162017 |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Desarrolla Android (Desde 0 Hasta las Ultimas Tecnologas)" |
"Eneste curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones para Android desde cero yde forma sencilla con Android Studio y las ltimas tecnologas delmomento.Esimportante entender todos los componentes que actan cuando se tratade crear aplicaciones profesionales, satisfacer la necesidad delcliente final y tener productos competitivos a nivel mundial. Entrelas cosas que te enseare estn:Desarrollode aplicaciones para Android.Laestructura de proyectos con Android StudioDiseoy usabilidad.Interfacecon Material Desing.Soportemultilenguaje de una app.DataBinding.Almacenarinformacin con SQLiteAlo largo de este curso realizaremos diferentes tipos de ejemplos paraque entiendas bien el sentido de cada concepto y sepas aplicarlo entus propios proyectos.Enmuchas de las secciones desarrollaremos una app como ejercicio, endonde veras como aplicar lo aprendido en cada video.Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de:Crear apps profesionalmente y de acuerdo a las necesidades que tengas sin ningn problema.Crear apps nativas en Android y la herramienta oficial de Google Android Studio.Estars listo para cualquier reto que se te presente a la hora de desarrollar en Android."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Natural Singing for everyone" |
"Learn to sing Naturally from a professional singing teacherwho has worked as a singer and trained all types of vocalist worldwide.To help you with that daily singing routine, wehave produced this Natural Singing Fundamentals Coursewith the beginner, actor and singer in mind, using the ""John Oxley Technique""The Natural Singing fundamentals course will help you in many ways for example:Opening your Throat and freeing it of tensionCorrect breathing the absolute core of singingUnderstanding resonance through the 'Focus of Breath technique'Using the 'Covering Technique' when singing in the upper register (high notes)And not having to sing falsetto (Male voice)This training is geared to straight singing, e.g. Musical Theatre & good Pop singingBy using this training your voice will last you yearsYou will be able to approach all styles; Pop, Blues, Jazz, Folk, etc.No matter what style you do decide to sing, there is one important rule that** Your throat must be open and free of tension **If you wish to sing then themantra is you have to practise daily to improve.This means you get to exercise your voice but also you build your awareness of your voice.The course not only offers yougood vocal technique but a confidence knowing that well known actors such as:Jeremy Irons - Jane Lapotaire - Tim Pigott-Smith - Chris Biggins - Greta Scacchi - Allan name just a few, received the same basic training from John Oxley at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School and all have made their mark in the profession as actors and over many years have used their voices correctly in speech and singing.I emphasise the Natural approach with my knowledge gained over many years of study and singing, and teaching.Dont sit back and do nothingEnrol today and prepare yourself foryour futureas an all round confident singer..John is in touch with many of his old students who are now household names and they regularly thank him for his influence in their professional careers. He can do the same for you ifYOUare prepared to work at it."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Estude matemtica com a ajuda do EXCEL" |
"O aluno poder acessar as funes de matemticapara estudar e, tambm, aperfeioar o seu conhecimento em EXCEL. Pois oExcel o nome pelo qual conhecido osoftwaredesenvolvido pela empresa Microsoft, amplamente usado por empresas e particulares para a realizao de operaes financeiras e contabilsticas usando planilhas eletrnicas (folhas de clculo). As planilhas so constitudas por clulas organizadas em linhas e colunas."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Millennials: Invest or pay down debt" |
"Discover how the top 1% prevents Main Street from getting an upperhand!InMillennial Money Masterysintroductory course, you will learn how your societal influences have shaped your financial fate.You will also learn how to identify your own money gameplan and revise it to not only create success but, more importantly, to keep and continually grow it. Once you start yourwealth mindset, you'll learn the exercises to grow your wealth, including:How toprioritizewhatYOUdeem to be important, not society and what others say you should think is importantHow tooptimizeyour savings and debt repayment strategies to grow your wealth consistently over time like many great investorsThis is NOT a traditional course. I wrote it in order to teach you how to grow your wealth rate in the most effective way possible. It contains almost no theorybut several exercises and step-by-step templates."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Circular Templates Vegas" |
": 6 10 ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"10 Jam Jago Membuat Addon Odoo" |
"Course ini menceritakan bagaimana mulai membuat addons untuk Odoo 10 secara lengkap. Pembahasan dimulai dari membuat folder, membuat file identifikasi addon, membuat class, membuat view XML, inherit class, inherit view, advanced view, workflow, security, wizard, dashboard dan report, dan domain.Contoh soal yang kita jadikan bahan praktek adalah system informasi Akademik. Terdiri dari data Course yang punya banyak Session. Setiap Session dihadiri oleh banyak peserta (Attendee).Course ada penganggungjawabnya, yang kita link ke User odoo. Setiap Session ada instrukturnya yang link ke Partner odoo.Setiap Attendee dihadiri oleh peserta yang juga di-link Partner odoo.Partner yang udah jadi Instrktur pada suatu Session nggak boleh lagi jadi Attendee pada Session itu."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"TOEFL Reading Strategies" |
"This course teaches you test strategies, for theREADING portion of the TOEFL test. This course introduces the ten types of reading questions you will find on the READING portion of the TOEFL test such as...Vocabulary Questions Referents Questions Paraphrase Questions Insert Sentence into Passage Questions Find Factual Information Questions Identify Negative Facts Questions Make Inferences from Stated Facts Questions Infer Rhetorical Purpose Questions Select Summary Information QuestionsComplete Organizational (Schematic) Tables QuestionsAt the end of this course students will have the knowledge of the ten types of reading questions, on the TOEFL test, and a strategic approach on how to answer them correctly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spiritual Weight loss for permanent release" |
"This course will guide you through the process to identify, and finally release; self-defeating patterns, emotional blocks, and your limited beliefs around food and weight. Over time these beliefs and emotions have built a wall of comfort and protection around your physical body. On this journey you will learn how to easily shift your awareness and process your feelings in a healthy way. Supported on your path to reconnect with your divine mind and physical body. Utilizing the power of your higher self, to tap into infinite intelligence, inner wisdom and intuition. As you build your body with love you believe in yourself, and experience liberation and permanent weight release. A powerful investment in your health and well being."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Mejorar La Autoestima En 30 Das" |
"Requisitos No es necesario ningn conocimiento previo para realizar el cursoEs importante el querer aumentar la autoestima y mejorarse a s mismoEs es un curso prctico que ha sido creado en base a mi experiencia personal y conocimientos para ayudarle a aumentar la autoestima.El curso est dividido en 5 mdulos. En todos los mdulos usted va a recibir, videos, hojas de trabajo y en algunos casos mini meditaciones. En los primeros 4 mdulos usted va a aprender A tomar conciencia de cmo ha creado su baja autoestima Como la sigue manteniendo y no puede salir de este crculo vicioso Como ha creado los pensamientos negativos que tiene acerca de usted mimo Vamos a hablar de la culpa, el perfeccionismo, la timidez y mucho ms En el 5to mdulo va a tener la oportunidad de hacer un plan de accin en dnde le voy a indicar semana por semana los pasos a seguir para Identificar las causas de su baja autoestima Identificar las creencias negativas que tiene acerca de si mismo Ser consciente de los patrones que mantienen su baja autoestima y comportamiento automticos Aumentar su autoestima en estos 30 das cambiando estas creencias negativas y comportamientos Vivir una mejor calidad de vida Este curso contiene ejercicios que me han servido a m y a otras personas, y por lo tanto sern efectivos para que pueda realizar los cambios que busca. A quin est dirigido?El curso es adecuado para cualquier persona, que tenga inters por mejorar su actitud hacia s misma y mejorar su autoestimPersonas que estn determinadas a cambiar, con una actitud positiva y estn dispuestas a hacer los ejercicios del curso"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How to Color Comic Books... with a Mouse" |
"They say that the best way to learn a language is to speak it.Similarly, this is an immersive course. Rather than breaking the course into individual segments to discuss color theory and the like, we've chosen to take you through a page as it's colored in real time. Although we concentrate on Comic Book art, the techniques that you will learn in this course apply to any black and white line-work that you need to transform into colored pieces.This specific course is aimed at (but not limited to) those of you whodon't have access toa Wacom tablet (or the like). We will be using only Photoshop and a Mouse.Some of the topics that will be covered include: Setting up your tools,Flatting, Techniques for coloring Objects and Backgrounds, Techniques for coloring Outfits and Skin-tones, Choosing colors, Professional tips.As industry professionals, we believe that this course offers something incredibly unique... that is, the philosophies andmotivations behind ""WHY""we do something.... rather thanjust ""how"" to. For those of you without previous Photoshop experience, the pace of this course is extremely fast and you will probably have to view it multiple times to make full use of the information. After all,""repetition is the mother of skill.""Thanks and happy coloring!!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
decorlessons_1 |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Planung von Forschungsarbeiten mit Gantt Charts" |
"Willst du demnchst mit deiner Bachelor-, Masters- oder Doktorarbeit anfangen oder bist schon mitten drin und verlierst langsam den berblick? Oder planst du ein groes mehrjhriges Forschungsprojekt fr deine Arbeitsgruppe?Die zeitliche Planung mit Hilfe von Gantt Charts kann dir helfen, deine Arbeitsschritte bersichtlichzu planen und deinen Arbeitsfortschritt zu visualisieren. Du wirst sojederzeitwissen, was die nchsten Schritte in deine Projektsind und welche Arbeitsschritte besonders kritischfr das Vorankommen sind, um rasch und ohne Zeitverlustzum Ziel zu kommen.Dieser Kurs wirddir die Funktionen des Gantt Charts Schritt fr Schritt erklren, whrend du parallel deinen eigenen Gantt Chart mit Hilfe der Freeware GanttProjecterstellst, welche frWindows, macOS und Linux umsonstheruntergeladen werden kann."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coach Guitar - Amazing New Way To Learn Guitar With Colors" |
"CoachGuitaris the most popular onlineguitar courseswith colors -over 5 millionof users worldwideANYONE can Learn Guitar and Play Songs!CoachGuitar will be a valuable resource to a wide range of people want to play a few songs around a campfire to those who aspire to become rock stars. Imagine being able to take your guitar and just PLAY -Rock, Blues, Ballads, Pop, Reggae, even amazing Riffs ? It's now possible and you will be able to do it in months not yearswithout music theory. All is 100% visual, there are no talking/voice-over on this course, just essentials informations to play directly!An Amazing Step-By-Step instructionsCoachGuitar shows you how to play popular songs on guitarwith videos and animated fretboard. You can learn to play Guitar Hits all around the world.The black fretboard represents your guitar. The colored dots represents your fingers. The dots will show you where to put your fingers and which strings to strum. It's very simple andspecially designed to take complete beginners to an intermediate level faster than any other method. You will start with sometechniques to improve your guitar playability and you will continue by learning populars songs from Bob Marley, Adle, Eagles, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, Oasis, GunsN' Roses,Metallica, Led Zeppelin, andAC/DC.The course include 14very easy to follow sections:Basics For Beginners 1Basics For Beginners 2Basics For Beginners 3Basics For Beginners 4Hello (Beginner) - AdleHotel California (Beginner) - EaglesNo Woman No Cry (Beginner) - Bob MarleyWish You Were Here (Beginner) - Pink FloydAngie (Beginner) - Rolling StonesWonderwall (Beginner) - OasisKnockin'On Heaven's Door(Beginner)- OasisNothing Else Matters (Beginner)- OasisStairway To Heaven(Beginner)-Led ZeppelinBack In Black(Beginner)- AC/DCCoachGuitar is one of the only guitarcourses on Udemy that comes with exceptional supplemental material - each songhas an accompanyingPDF Tablaturethat you can print out and travel with it. There is a complete Full song inthe beginning of eachsection with a professionalbacking track and voices.It's very importantto learn from printed instruction as well as video so that you can explore more written material after you finish the course.As simple as colors5 colors to memorize, and you're good to learn any song from this course. We made things so that our method can be followed by everyone, whether you already know guitar or not."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Energised For Success" |
"This course is designed to get you Energised. Do you feel that there are not enoughhours in the day and that you don't have enough energy available to build your creative vision or dream business and so thats how it stays..a dream. In this course you will be given some quick and easy exercises that brings fresh energy, inspiration and clarity into your life. The relatively small amount oftime invested in doing the material and getting some valuable energy boosting techniques and tools will pay you back manytimes over and is an ideal investment in and for you. Itis worth noting it is holistic and balanced across mind body and souland is likely to open up new insights and inspiration in you! Watch the video for more information and testimonials on the kind of results you can expect and i look forward to seeing you there!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP Materials Management (MM) End User Training" |
"SAP is the most popular enterprise business system used by the biggest organisations in the world to help run their companies. This SAP power-user course is designed for SAP beginners and will teach you the basics to intermediate level of the SAP system knowledge in no time. After you have completed this course you will be comfortable working with the most commonly-used functions and features of SAP.This course not only gives you a thorough insight into how the SAP work but is delivered in such a way that everyone who takes the course will have absolutely no problem in understanding all the topics discussed. This course makes it so easy to learn SAP, you will running transactions and analyzingreport data in no time.So not to bog you down with theory this course focuses on learning through a hands-on approach and is packed full of practical step by step examples so that you are using SAP from day one. Whether you are a new SAP user, Business Analyst, Project Manager or a C-Level executive, this SAP course is designed to be your guide and introduction to SAP systems.So What is Covered as Part of this Course:Introduction to the CourseIntroduction to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and the SAP SystemHow to Navigate in the SAPSystemRole of Organizational Structure in the SAPSystemA Business Example:Samsung Inc.,Fundamentals of Purchasing and Inventory ManagementHow to use an existing MMMaster Data in the SAPSystemPerform end to end transactional activities in the SAP System (Procure to Pay Cycle)And much more!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to Land the Job You Want in 2 Weeks" |
"Do you have a job you love? Do you WANT a job you will love?""How to Land the Job You Want in 2 Weeks"" will show you how to:Secure a job offer within 10 business daysBypass HR and connect with your future bossGet hired without having to network or sellFind a job by sending out only 10 - 20 resumesIf you are like most people, finding work is a dreadful and dreaded process. You send out 100s of resumes and wait for months on end for the phone to ring or your email box to light up with interview offersWhat if you could shortcut the traditional jobhunt process from 100s of resumes down to just 10 and from months of agonized waiting down to just 2 weeks?""How to Land the Job You Want in 2 Weeks"" will teach you how you can land your dream job in 2 weeks by sending out as few as 5-10 resumes instead of sending out 100s of CVs and waiting for months to be hiredAs long as you are qualified and there are job opportunities available in your industry, you can use this system in order to bypass the traditional job application process completely and be the #1 candidate for each job that you apply toMost employment workshops, books and coaches focus on creating a ""killer"" resume or cover letter, or memorizing the answers to ""top 20"" interview questions. These are mostly cosmetic touches which are icing on the job hunting cake, so to speak. You WILL learn how to restructure your resume to be an advertisement as well as a simple 3-step sales process for winning interviews in this phenomenal courseHowever, the real ""magic"" behind seeing immediate results in your job search is your approach: you will learn and see a proven system demonstrated that allows you to bypass Human Resources and get your resume right into the hands of your Hiring Manager each and every timeYou do not need to learn how to sell or be a master networker; in fact, you will not have to leave your comfort zone at allFree yourself from ever having to worry about work again. Become an ""Enlightened Employee"" with the power to find the work you love at the company you want and turn your career into one you have always dreamed of"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Bootcamp : Learning Through Projects" |
"This is a hands-on, projects-based approach to learning the Arduino platform catered to all levels of experience. In this course, you willbuild projects such as:An Arduino car that can beremotely driven using a smart phone appYour very own Arduino phone that you can make/receive phone calls with and send/receive text messagesYour own Universal Arduino Remote that can copy and playback IR signals from any electronic deviceAn Arduino Online Weather Station that connects to the internet to retrieve and display weather information based on your locationArduino game projectsusing light, soundand joysticksMuch much more...No previous programming or electronics knowledge is required for this course! All electronics concepts and programming for eachproject will be explained step-by-stepin detail.You will quickly learn and become proficient with Arduino in this bootcampby building complete projects from scratch. Here is the approach that is taken for each project:A detailed background of allthe electronics principles and operation of the electricalcomponents for eachproject will first be discussedThe wiring of components and layout of the project will then be covered in the circuit diagramDetailed step-by-step videos will thenshow how you how towire up and assemblethe components for the projectThe code will be uploaded to demo the project and how it worksA detailed line-by-line code review will then describe how the software and hardware components play togetherYou will get the complete picture and it is a much better way to learn Arduino by creating full working projects from scratch!Along the way, you will learn about and become extremely proficient withthe following components and understand exactly how they work as they will be incorporated in projects:BreadboardsLEDsActive and PassiveBuzzersSwitchesPotentiometersTransistorsUltrasonic SensorsSeven Segment LEDs (single and four digit)Infrared ReceiversJoysticks8x8 Matrix LEDsShift RegistersDCMotorsServosLCDScreensBluetooth ModulesWifi and GSMShieldsAndmuch much more...The course is broken up into a Simple Projects section, anIntermediate Projects section and an Advanced Projectssectionallowing you to progress to or start from any level based on how comfortable you are with Arduino.If you are new to Arduino, the first lessons will get you quickly up to speed on what the platform is and how to use it. You can then progress to simple projects which get you comfortable with basic electrical components.For those already familiar with Arduino who want to take their skills to the next level, you can jump straight to the intermediate projects section. There, we will focus on making game-type projects using the Arduino and even an infrared repeater that can allow you to copy, store, and playback any IR signal, just like your own universal remote.Next, for those that might be already comfortable with Arduino, there is an advanced projects section where we tackle projects like an online weather station, remote-controlled car that you can drive with a smart phone app, and a workingphone that can make actual calls and send text messagesand many more.I have always believed that project-based learning is thebest approach where you actually learn by doing and building something that actually works. This is the approach I am taking in this course. I will explain all the electronics principles involved with each project, show you how to wire up the circuits and give detailed line-by-line code reviews on how it all works.Don't just take my word for it, here are what past students are saying about this course!This is really a nice course with some great projects and use of add- on devices beyond most simple Arduino courses. The instructor is very easy to understand and does a great job. The only thing I would prefer is more projects and less watching jumpers getting plugged. :) Don't hesitate on this purchase if buying on special. I hope he updates the content so I get more stuff to watch! ~ Johnnie NorsworthyTop notch Arduino course! Way better than a few of the other highly rated Arduino courses I have taken on Udemy. The projects range from easy to challenging and the instructor explains everything involved in great detail. Don't think twice about joining this course. I have not seen better projects in any other Arduino course! Cheers! ~ Cody WillisLee is doing a great job of an instructor. I have no electrical background at all and can follow the course pretty easy. Lee is also super fast on answer your questions ~ Dat NgyenLoved this course! Instructor is clear and to the point! Can't wait to see if he adds more projects to the course. ~ Joan BrixbyLearned so much! Excellent course! The projects I did were really fun. I think i am going to get the instructor's Raspberry Pi Bootcamp course too!~ Renny BecherIf you already have an Arduino orby purchasing an Arduino Kit (about $35 US), you will get most of the components needed to complete at least80% of the course. The more advanced projects will require some additional parts but they are all really affordable. A detailed parts list by project and for the course is provided once you join the course, with links to online suppliers that are kept up to date. You can buy all the parts at onceor select which advanced projects you want to work on and obtain only the specific additionalcomponents you need based on your electronics collection."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Complete Custom Wordpress Website Freelancer in 2018" |
"Building a website is kinda a like painting a masterpiece & it can show you much better result if you know what you are exactly doing with Custom Wordpress Development & it's a best time to build an income and a business around it because 25% of websites around the world are using wordpress these days.You're here because you want to master WordPress, right? Good idea. You're in the right place. And, you can do it without learning any programming or coding.Why am I qualified to teach you?Through this course, I'll teach you everything I've learned and mastered through 10 years of web development business with great companies & online projects that i have received from fiverr, upwork & freelancer.Many of my best and biggest clients have come from ""abandoned"" WordPress websites, where the client's website designer or developer has left the scene. My ability to get in and restore, fix, redesign, and continue to manage WordPress websites brings me lots of instant and recurring income.You'll learn how to do all this in just 3 hours of easy-to-follow video content, fun lessons and challenges.During this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to start or improve your own WordPress website business.By spending zero-to-little money, you can stand on the shoulders of those who came before you, to create your own business niche, by learning the skills and secrets presented in this course.Curriculum of this custom wordpress web development course :- Learn to set up local development environments to play with Wordpress websites in private, on your own computer.Page ManagementCustom Header & Footer SetupCustom Slider, Parallax effect & Button Styling4 section circle counterFullwidth GalleryRows & multiple image logicCustom shapes and corners of images & Black & white effectAudio Video Music Gallery with download optionEcommerce Pre requisites & UIECommerce and WordPress: using WooCommerce to build a webstore, and using Custom Post Types within WooCommerce.Customizing Account, Cart, and Checkout pages.Shipping and Digital Delivery.Blog implementation with subscriber's box linked with mailchimpContact Us PageSEO Skills"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"AI Python 2020" |
"-------------------- -----------------------202083Google Colaboratorly4----------------------------------------------------AIUdemyPythonGoogle Colaboratory- - - - - Python-"
Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"Como Editar Vdeos - Mdulo Bsico - SUB Espaol" |
"Nesse curso mostrarei como usar todas as ferramentas bsicas para edio de vdeos. Ideal para quem est comeando no mundo da edio de vdeos, usarei exemplos prticos e de fcil aprendizado.Veremos queumvdeo compostode pistas, tais como pistade udio, de vdeo, de imagens, efeitos e outros. E ao final aprenderemos como juntar todas essas pistas e fazer dela um nico vdeo.Inclui todas as ferramentas bsicas para um trabalho simples e rpido.Em cursos posteriores, estarei ensinando como usarmtodos avanados de edio, tais como chrome key (a famosa tela verde), clonar imagem dinmica, shakes, crop, blur e outros para deixar seu vdeo com efeitos surpreendentes.____________________________________________________________________________________________En este curso os ensear cmo utilizar todas las herramientas bsicas para edicin de vdeos. Diseado para quin est comenzando en el mundo de la edicin de vdeos, utilizar ejemplos prcticos y de fcil apredizaje.Veremos que un vdeo est compuestopor pistas,tales como pista de audio, de vdeo, de imgenes, efectos y otros. Y al final aprenderemos cmo juntar todas estas pistas y hacer de ella un nico vdeo.Contiene todas las herramientas bsicas para un trabajo sencillo y rpido.En los siguientes cursos, os ensear a cmo utilizar mtodos avanzados de edicin, tales como chrome key (la famosapantalla verde), clonar imgenes dinmicas, shakes, crop, blur y otros para dejar tu vdeo con efectos sorprendentes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Teach your child to read: A Parent's Guide to Phonics" |
"As a parent you want to help your child succeed in life and we know that reading is one of the most valuable life skills your child will ever learn.So how can you help your child learn to read?Teachers train for years in order to gain competency in the teaching of phonics yet you're probably still stuck singing the ABC. If this sounds familiar then this is the course for you. I've summarised my many years of teaching experience, early years specialism and phonics leadership into a course designed to help you understanding the teaching of reading.This is abasic level course intended for parents of children at preschool/kindergarten or in their first year of education, who want to develop their understanding of phonics. Learn and grow confident in the vocabulary and terminology used to discuss phonic teaching.Understand what teachers are talking about in parents evenings when they refer to phonic learning.Feel confident to respond to your child knowledgeably when they tell you they've been learning a new digraph at school! Pronounce each phoneme accurately so that you can support your child's learning at home.Gain a small bank of activities that support phonics at home without feeling like your forcing'homework' in your little one!Learn why sounds are taught in a particular order rather than the old fashioned ABCGain an insight into how phonics is integrated into the curriculumThis quick course is designed to allow parents to feel included in their child's phonic learning, by giving them a solid overview of the subject. It will allow parents to understand the building blocks of phonics learning to support reading and writing.See what other students have said about this course:""Really interesting course.great explanation of the vocabulary related to phonics.""Sign up now so that you can learn how your child needs to learn to read!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learning digital compositing with Photoshop, from A to Z" |
"This course is continually updated, future new projects and new Photoshop compositing techniques will be added ongoingly.This is the fullest course on compositing in Photoshop. It also includes additional sections about creating 3D backgrounds in other applications, how to setup lighting and photoshoot models in a studio, and how to design and layout posters. New sections will be added in time, to cover a wide range of skills.The structure of this course is based on several years of experience in teaching online students. For only a one time fee you can get a Lifetime access to this growing course and its digital assets.What Will I Learn?How to create commercial level compositing that you can sell.Improve your photoshop skills and techniques to professional level.Learn how to optimize your workflow and produce mastery level work in the shortest time possible.Basic and advanced principles of digital compositing for commercial production.This course is separated into modular sections based on your level of Photoshop knowledge and compositing skills. I do recommend to follow the designated order of the sections and tutorials, but don't feel locked up to it. Please just be sure to view the Tips before starting on Projects before your proceed to next section.This course is designed to be hands on, project based with more projects being added on a continuous basis. All of them will include project materials, but you can always use your own.Introduction to Photoshop section:If you feel a little bit rusty in your current Photoshop skills, then watch this.Masking in Photoshop:Different techniques of masking in Photoshop. The different pros and cons and recommendations.Masking - one of the essential steps in the compositing workflow. Finding characters for your compositing, from Photoshoots to image stocks:Lighting setup, posing, and camera settings for those who want take photos by themself and resources for stock photography.Retouching. Preparing a model for the compositing step:Important steps in retouching techniques, valuable for any digital artist who works with models. Even if you arent creating composites, this is a must to know section. Includes advanced techniques.Introduction to Digital Compositing:What is compositing and the different types of compositing.Compositing essential skills:Each tutorial in this section introduces different techniques that are used in blending components. This includes an understanding of shadows, lighting, perspective and their importance in photorealistic compositing.Creating 3D background for compositing work:Optional section.In many projects we are using digital photos, or compositions of several digital photos, for the background. But if you want to bring your creative environment to the next level, then you can start using 3D application to bring your own imaginary worlds to life. In this section we are looking into how to use other applications besides Photoshop to achieve that, as well as where to find free and inexpensive 3D programs.Resources for compositing work:Where to find and how to manage it.Tips before beginning working on projects:A fast refresh on what weve learned about compositing.Creating movie poster:Basic principals in creating movie posters. How to prepare background and an integrated model as well as positioning texts and credits.Robot and the Boy, project:Step by step going over the workflow in creating this compositing. You can use either your own assets or those provided with this project.Note: A bonus pack with this course includes a growing collection of digital assets that you may use for your personal or commercial work, royalty free. No reselling.What are the requirements?Mac or PC with Adobe Photoshop (CC preferable) installed.Access to digital assets of this course. Download them.Optional software for the 3D section.Some knowledge of Photoshop principles, you can always watch the Introduction to Photoshop section if you feel that your knowledge needs a little refresh.What am I going to get from this course?Learn concepts for digital compositingRecommended workflowGain an excellent general knowledge on how to blend different components together in PhotoshopTypes of masking to extract model from backgroundsHow to make model realistically blend into different backgroundsHow to create professional digital compositionsWhat is the target audience?Digital artist who want improve their skill in PhotoshopPhotographers with a creative soulArtists who want take the next step in becoming professionalThose who want to create compositing work that sellsHobbyists or professionals looking for their next creative challenge and personal growth"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Good morning! English vocabulary for intermediate students" |
"This is a fun course, based on the adventures of Susan on one of her mornings - well, a morning that doesn't go very well...The course uses attractivecartoon-style pictures to help you visualise the story. It also provides illustrations of the new words.Each episode is about 4minutes long, and shows you how to use at least 7 upper-intermediate words, and a few bonus words as well. The words are first presented in the story, then explained later on in the video, and finally tested in the quiz.All of that is offered to you by Kasia Sielicka, PhD - a highlyqualifiedand experiencedteacher of English with her own language school and hundreds of satisfied students!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Read the Bible for your Benefit." |
"If you are wondering if the Bible is worth reading and are lookingfor encouragement and help in this effort, then this course will interest you!In this course, you will find yourpersonal development studyskill enhanced. You will learn successful steps used by Bible scholars throughout the ages to receivebenefits for their lives. Master the Skill of Bible Reading Using Three Powerful Steps Learn how to read your Bible for benefit. Recognize helpful ways to understand your reading. Find profitable applications from your personal Bible reading. You can learn how to read the Bible for your benefit. In this course, we explore powerful steps that will enhance your personal Bible reading skill. 1.. I will help you find and develop the skill of observation. 2. You can learn ways that will enable you to discover what the Bible means. 3. Bible readers discover that the reader becomes what he reads. I will share my own learning experiences of personal Bible reading with you. When you complete this course, you will be able to read the Bible and discover hope, encouragement, and lifestyle changes that are good for you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 x Django 2.0Django" |
"WindowsDjangoPythonRuby on RailsRailsDjangoDjangoDjangoTwitterDjangoDjangoPythonUdemyWindowsAnacondaPython3DjangoPythonWindowsMacLinuxWindowsWindowsMacLinuxWindowsMacWindowsDjangoListViewDetaiView)(CreateView)UpdateView)DeleteView(forms)URLurls)PythonWindows"
Price: 11400.00 ![]() |
"Creating Engaging and Powerful Videos using Free Software" |
"Itsnot too difficult to find courses on Udemy that teach the art ofcreating educational videos.Most courses youll find willhighlight the use of expensive commercial software. My coursewill teach you how to create engaging video courses using free andpowerful software available online. You will not have to invest anymoney. Theall inclusive andcomprehensive software that I will share in my course can be used forprivate or commercial purposes and is absolutely free with no expiration date or restrictions.Itmay take a little bit of time to learn to navigate the software Iwill share. However, I am confident that my course will allow you tomaster the fundamentals in just one hour. Along the way you will findthat the program is actually quite simple and user-friendly. Inthis course, you will learn step-by-step how to create these powerfuland captivating video presentations. I will also share all my tipsand tricks to creating successful and memorable presentations. I willalso periodically update the course to ensure its content stays up todate. Thankyou for your interest and I hope this course saves you time andmoney."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"C# Simply Master in Less Than a Day" |
"C# Simply Master in Less Than a Day- This video course is specifically designedfor absolute beginners.Theinnovative easy way of teaching enablesanyone to learn and master C# in ASP.NETYou do not have to be a Developer or Programmer to understand this course. Anyone can learn and master the well paid skills which arehighly sought by employers all over the world. The time you spend on learning this C# course will bea real investment for your professional career.Even though I have developed the course keeping beginners in mind, this course can also be very useful for any Developer who wants to master C# programming with ease. Unlike other courses you find on the web, this course will give you the logical reasoning for why you are actually writing a line of code. The logical reasoning for whatever you do in programming is vital so that you do not have to memorise it all. This also becomes handy when you develop rich, robustand scalable applications.C# is an Object Oriented Programming Language. Whenever someone tries to learn an Object Oriented Programming Language, it is very common for them to get distracted due to the complexity of the language. I have broken this barrier by simplifying it to a greater extent. I have ordered theLectures in a way which any one can easily understand the C# Language.Almost all the aspects I have covered in this series can be applied straight away when developing real world applications at your work place. This course will help you to do better at job interviews as well.The Lecturer of this C# Course has worked in rich data driven applications for JP Morgan, Accenture, Citigroup, Swire, Moog, Network Rail, Cancer Research, ASDA, Cadbury, Royal Mail, TomTom, and National Nuclear Lab. He has also architected and developed web applications for one ofthe European Union projectsand for theOffice for theStandards in Education (that is forHer Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools/ OFSTED, United Kingdom)You have come to the right place. You are with the C# Guru who will make sure you learn and master C# Programming."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Flip Cars Like a Pro - Learn Car Flipping" |
"This is an all-in-one course on car flipping for profit in 2019 and beyond. This course takes you from knowing nothing about buying and selling cars all the way to making thousands of dollars on car flips. Idesigned this course from my own experience as a car flipper and it is 100% no BS, and 100% ethical. This course shows you how to invest just 3 hours in the entire flipping process. Not all deals work out that way but I've found that 3 hours is a great benchmark for minimizing your time and maximizing your returns.Here are just a few topics that the course covers:Why the Myth that Car Flipping is Illegal Still ExistsDetermining What Kind of Car to BuyHow to Find a DealInspecting a Car for PurchaseThings You Should Know When You Test DrivePrice Negotiation Part 1: Buying it LowHow to Get Repairs Done Quickly and InexpensivelyPreparing the Car for SalePricing the CarWhere and How to SellShowing the Car: Dos and DontsPrice Negotiation Part 2: Selling it HighSnowballing Your ProfitsReal Life ExamplesOther Side Hustles andWays to Make Money With VehiclesI'm not interested in ripping you off. If you buy this course and don't feel like you learn what it takes to turn a few hundred dollars into a few thousand dollars on car flips, I'll refund your money no questions asked.Ready to have an experienced car flipper show you how it's done? Let's do this together!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |