Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Declutter your bedroom (de-clutter, decluttering)" |
"Are you sick of tripping over clutter in your bedroom? Has your bedroom become a dumping ground? Are you tired of waking up and going to sleep in messy, dusty chaos? How much time do you waste looking for stuff lost in your bedroom clutter?This course will walk you through everything you need to know to transform your bedroom, and create a bedroom you're proud of. Your bedroom is the most personal room in your home. Don't you deserve a bedroom that expresses who you are - a calm, restful space to start and finish every day?""The structure is good and clear. You obviously know what you're talking about. Watching the course is like you giving me the instructions I never received as a child. I can see that you understand that some people just dont have that skillset""."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis" |
"Learn all about rheumatic disordersPolymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis in easy to understand terms and with practical applications Learn how to prepare for a doctors visits, what questions to ask, and what information to have ready Learn how to recognize the symptoms and how diagnosis is made Learn how proper physical exam is performed and what diagnostic tests are relevant and helpful Learn what to expect of the treatment and what medications are available and how they work Armed with this knowledge you or your loved one can get proper help and treatment and improve your quality of life There is a lot of free medical knowledge available online but often it is not accurate or relevant. In addition, the sheer size of the data available is daunting. You need someone to give you the most accurate and up to date information that you can apply right away. I designed this course to share my 36 years of experience in the medical field and to provide all the most critical information you need through engaging video lectures and short case studies. At the completion of this course you will have the knowledge and the skill to significantly assist in the care of yourself or someone else with confidence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Saia das dvidas e Aprenda cuidar do seu dinheiro" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de te ajudar a organizar suas finanas e a sair das dvidas ruins, demonstrando como utilizar seu dinheiro, e como possvel colocar o dinheiro trabalhar para voc, formando uma renda passiva com os princpios de independncia financeira. Com um passo a passo voc aprender como sair das dvidas ruins, e suas armadilhas, principalmente dos juros altos e despesas financeiras desnecessrias.Com este curso voc aprender como planejar e organizar as sua vida financeira, com mtodos simples e objetivos para alcanar sua independncia financeira , e proporcionar qualidade de vida e realizar seus sonhos.Demonstrarei no decorrer deste curso, que independentemente do motivo, ou dos motivos que o levaram para a situao de endividamento, ela tem soluo, e poder ser mais fcil que voc possa imaginar, utilizando um passo a passo simples e consistente.Portanto, voc iniciar o caminho para alcanar a to sonhada segurana, independncia e liberdade financeira . Aproveite o curso, e sucesso !!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como construir Mapas Mentais com o Freemind (app gratuita)" |
"Obrigado pelo seu interesse neste curso!O Mapa Mental um hbito simples e fcil de adoptar,para aumentar a sua produtividade e conseguir fazer muito mais em muito menos tempo.Se aindano tiver o Freemind, vou dar-lhe oACESSO TOTAL E GRATUITOAO SOFTWAREemostrar-lhe como instal-lo rapidamente.Neste curso, aprender ausar oFreemind para obter um suporte adicionalparaprojectos de negcios,tomar decises com maior confiana,melhorar os sistemas...O curso fornece as bases para a utilizao do Freemind, numa metodologia muito simples,passo-a-passo, que permitir a qualquer pessoa, ficar a dominar esta fantstica ferramentade criao e desenvolvimento de mapas mentais.Alm do bsico, o curso fornece igualmente ao aluno,todas as informaes paramaximizar as ferramentas mais avanadas que osoftware disponibiliza.Aproveite para eliminar a desordem dasnotas que vai amontoando, de forma desenquadrada e aleatria, sem qualquer possibilidade de estabelecer um elo de ligao entre elas!A importncia dos Mapas Mentaisainda dodesconhecimento da generalidade das pessoas e, tambm por esta razo, resulta numa vantagem ainda maisreforada, para quem jos utiliza!A forma habitual deescrever informaes ou tomarnotas bastante aborrecida e pouco eficaz(na verdade, oseu crebro queno se adapta aessas metodologias), e os mapas mentais soa melhordetodas as formas, de desenvolverideias, projectos, estudos... praticamente tudo o que lhe vier cabea!Neste curso aprender como elaborar Mapas Mentais paratomar decises, estudar, organizar,resolver problemas,fazer brainstorming,...Ir verificar quepode colocartodos os seus pensamentos numa estrutura demapa mentaletodas as vantagens que da poder beneficiar!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso completo de Finanas Pessoais" |
"Este curso on-line de finanas pessoais vai ensinar-lhe como lidar com suas finanas, como fazer um oramento da maneira fcil, como reduzir a sua dvida, abordar maneiras de investir o seu dinheiro e muito mais!O curso compreende: O que o Fluxo de caixa; O que Oramento; Quais so os benefcios de trabalhar em seu fluxo de caixa regularmente; Como fazer um oramento familiar; Como sair da dvida; Como definir uma meta de poupana; Como reduzir suas despesas e poupar mais; Quais so as opes de investimentos e como gerenciar os riscos.E finalmente vamos abordar sobre a a importncia das metas para alcanar seus objetivos*E de bonus vamos fazer um mural do quadro dos sonhos para te ajudar a manter-se motivado! O objetivo do curso de introduo s finanas pessoais te ajudar a ter uma boa relao com suas finanas, ao aprender como se organizar, como se planejar e a se manter motivado tambem; voc ser capaz de atingir seus objetivos financeiros com certeza!Nos falamos no curso!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aristotle on Advertising" |
"A combination eLearning micro-course and accompanying business eBook. ""Rhetoric has gotten a bad name. Today, it refers only to misinformation, untruthful communications, or propaganda. But classical rhetoric is actually the study of effective writing and speakingand its been taught for more than 2,500 years since the time of Aristotle and ancient Greece. The proven tactics and strategies of classical rhetoric are a powerful means of developing strategic communications, as well as improving one's writing and presentation skills. This advanced course is designed for professionals in the ""persuasion"" businesses of advertising, marketing, sales, public relations, fundraising, and lobbying. The course is based on the instructor's business eBook, ""Winning Through the Art of Words,"" which is offered as supporting course material.* * *Aristotle on Advertising: Rhetoric for Writing and Communication Strategy is part of the instructor's 3-ebook/eLearning course catalog entitled Ageless Wisdom @ Work."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3 Beliefs that will Transform your Life" |
"Over the past two years I have believed I am not good enough, I don't need other people, there's nothing out in the world for me. These thoughts were almost my ruin, but I found a system that altered these destructive beliefs. This system can also transform your thoughts and bring hope back to your life again. Through three simple beliefs, I am Enough, Unity in Community, and There is good, we will peel away all the unneeded information and get to the heart of the matter, this course will teach you how to restore hope back into your life through your beliefs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Lean Lifestyle" |
"What if I told you that you could get fit at home and have fun at the same time? This course is designed to do just that.Make thisyear the year thatyou actuallyget fit while having fun, with the Lean Lifestyle!This is more than just a course it is a lifestyle.Thepurpose ofthis course is toyou teach youeverything you need to get fit at home and maintain your results.This course is designed for people of all fitness levels (Beginner to Pro)What's included withthe Lean Lifestyle:A Comprehensive 13 Week Transformation Course Designed For Weight LossProfessional Instruction From A Certified Personal Trainer And Friend ;)20 MinuteFull Length VideoWorkouts You Can Do Anywhere (Just Press Play)No Equipment Needed90 Day Meal Plan (With Fast Food Options)Weekly Motivational Videos and SupportFitness Calendar To Track Your ProgressThe Knowledge And Motivation To Get Fit And Stay FitStop making excuses and start your transformation today! I will see you on the otherside :)"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Become a College Basketball Coach" |
"Becoming a college basketball coach is possible for students that learn theskills needed to make it happen. In this course, the contentis easy to follow and execute. The main skills you will learn include building a coaching network, separating yourself from others, finding open job opportunities, interviewing, andgoal setting. The course alsodescribesthe number of jobs available in the country at all different levels and sizes and the variety of positions available.Students will benefit in many ways by taking this course. Making the decision to pursue college coaching is the most important step and from the course you will learn how.From scratch you will start building your own coaching network no matter how large or small is currently is. Each day you will see your network grow in size and quality until it begins to grow exponentially. Another benefit is understanding how important your brand is to the coach hiring process and how you can begin to separate yourself from other coaches. Finding out about newjobs giveyou a head start based on your learning in this course as well as becoming adept at handling interviews. Goal setting isthe map you create for your career. Students will be able toquickly write theirgoals to a clear path at what is ahead for their coaching career."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Master Excel Pivot Tables" |
"Pivot Tables are the most powerful tool in Excel to analyze large sets of information. If you've never used Pivot Tables before, don't worry. This course takes you from the very beginning of Pivot Tables and slowly builds on your skills and knowledge by breaking up new skills into short but comprehensive videos.By the end of the course, you'll be confident using Pivot Tables on the data that you use every day.Who will benefit from this course?If you use large sets of information within Excel, then you'll definitely benefit from learning Pivot Tables. You might get this data from other departments in your company or maintain it on your own, but if you ever need to analyse that information or understand it more thoroughly, Pivot Table will be essential.What skills do you need?Pivot Tables are an intermediate topic in Excel so before you take this course you should be comfortable with the following tasks in Excel. Copying and pasting informationCreating formulas in ExcelNavigating between sheets and using the RibbonWhy this course?This course stands out in a few key areas. Firstly, we actually show you how to ensure your data is in the right format to start using Pivot Tables. This is one of the most critical elements of Pivot Tables, but it's something that most courses leave out. Without the correct structure, you'll struggle to effectively analyse your data.Additionally, this course uses the same sample data throughout the majority of the course. So instead of showing you a new skill on data that you're not familiar with, we build your skills on data that you've used throughout the course. This way you can focus on learning new skills without being bogged down with trying to understand the new data set.The course does have practice activities that use different data sets to test your skills and expose you to some other data. In those videos, we spend time ensuring you understand the data set and pose specific questions for you to answer. We then walk through the practice answers together to ensure you get the most out of them.ConclusionPivot Tables have the power to change the way you use Excel and give you skills that will set you apart from your colleagues. With Excel being a critical tool in almost every business, these skills will go a long way to boosting your career."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Homemaker's Guide: Sewing Fundamentals" |
"Dust off those forgotten sewing machines! It is time to rid yourself of the fear of using it. Do you know the different parts of your machine or how they function? Do you know the basic stitch and how to execute it? Learn the basics of sewing and complete those projects you always put aside. Anything from a dinner napkin to a dress can be achieved once learning the fundamentals.Taking thiscourse, you will learn many of the basic fundamentals needed to execute projects you have wanted to do over the years. You will learn things like the following:-How to wind a bobbin-Threading your machine-History of the Sewing Machine-The parts and functions of your machine-and much more!This course was designed with the beginner hobbyist in mind, but may also be valuable to someone that is looking to create a career out of sewing! Bringing you as much information about sewing, this goal of this courseis to leave you feeling confident and excited about the idea of sewing on your own!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Docker Mastery: with Kubernetes +Swarm from a Docker Captain" |
"Updated Monthly in 2019! Be ready for the Dockerized future with the number ONE Docker + Kubernetes mega-course on Udemy. Welcome to the most complete and up-to-date course for learning and using containers end-to-end, from development and testing, to server deployments and production. Taught by an award-winning Docker Captain and DevOps consultant.Just starting out with Docker? Perfect. This course starts out assuming you're new to containers.Or: Using Docker now and need to deal with real-world problems? I'm here for you! See my production topics around Swarm, Kubernetes, secrets, logging, rolling upgrades, and more.BONUS: This course comes with Slack Chat and Live Weekly Q&A with me!""I've followed another course on (Udemy). This one is a million times more in depth."" ""...when it comes to all the docker stuff, this is the course you're gonna want to take"" - 2019 Student Udemy ReviewJust updated in November 2019 with sections on:Docker Security top 10Docker 19.03 release featuresWhy should you learn from me? Why trust me to teach you the best ways to use Docker? (Hi, I'm Bret, please allow me to talk about myself for a sec):I'm A Practitioner. Welcome to the real world: I've got 20 years of sysadmin and developer experience, over 30 certifications, and have been using Docker and the container ecosystem for my consulting clients and my own companies since Docker's early days. Learn from someone who's run hundreds of containers across dozens of projects and organizations.I'm An Educator. Learn from someone who knows how to make a syllabus: I want to help you. People say I'm good at it. For the last few years I've trained thousands of people on using Docker in workshops, conferences and meetups. See me teach at events like DockerCon, O'Reilly Velocity, GOTO Conf, and Linux Open Source Summit. I hope you'll decide to learn with me, and join the fantastic online Docker community.I Lead Communities. Also, I'm a Docker Captain, meaning that Docker Inc. thinks I know a thing or two about Docker and that I do well in sharing it with others. In the real-world: I help run two local meetups in our fabulous tech community in Norfolk/Virginia Beach USA. I help online: usually in Slack and Twitter, where I learn from and help others.""Because of the Docker Mastery course, I landed my first DevOps job. Thank you Captain!"" - Student Ronald Alonzo""There are a lot of Docker courses on Udemy -- but ignore those, Bret is the single most qualified person to teach you."" - Kevin Griffin, Microsoft MVPGiving Back: a portion of my profit on this course will be donated to supporting open source and protecting our freedoms online! This course is only made possible by the amazing people creating open source. I'm standing on the shoulders of (open source) giants! Donations will be split between my favorite charities including the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Free Software Foundation. Look them up. They're awesome!This is a living course, and will be updated as Docker and Kubernetes features change.This course is designed to be fast at getting you started but also get you deep into the ""why"" of things. Simply the fastest and best way to learn the latest container skills. Look at the scope of topics in the Session and see the breadth of skills you will learn.Also included is a private Slack Chat group with 20k students for getting help with this course and continuing your Docker and DevOps learning with help from myself and other students.""Bret's course is a level above all of those resources, and if you're struggling to get a handle on Docker, this is the resource you need to invest in."" - Austin Tindle, Course StudentSome of the many cool things you'll do in this course:Edit web code on your machine while it's served up in a containerLock down your apps in private networks that only expose necessary portsCreate a 3-node Swarm cluster in the cloudInstall Kubernetes and and learn the leading server cluster toolsUse Virtual IP's for built-in load balancing in your clusterOptimize your Dockerfiles for faster building and tiny deploysBuild/Publish your own custom application imagesLearn the differences between Kubernetes and SwarmCreate your own image registryUse Swarm Secrets to encrypt your environment configs, even on diskDeploy container updates in a rolling always-up designCreate the config utopia of a single set of YAML files for local dev, CI testing, and prod cluster deploysAnd so much more... After taking this course, you'll be able to:Use Docker in your daily developer and/or sysadmin rolesDeploy apps to KubernetesMake Dockerfiles and Compose filesBuild multi-node Swarm clusters and deploying H/A containersMake Kubernetes YAML manifests and deploy using infrastructure-as-code methodsBuild a workflow of using Docker in dev, then test/CI, then production with YAMLProtect your keys, TLS certificates, and passwords with encrypted secretsKeep your Dockerfiles and images small, efficient, and fastRun apps in Docker, Swarm, and Kubernetes and understand the pros/cons of eachDevelop locally while your code runs in a containerProtect important persistent data in volumes and bind mountsLead your team into the future with the latest Docker container skills! Extra things that come with this course:Access to the course Slack team, for getting help/advice from me and other students.Bonus videos I put elsewhere like YouTube, linked to from this courses resources.Weekly Live Q&A on YouTube Live.Tons of reference links to supplement this content.Updates to content as Docker changes their features on these topics."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Time Management, Goal Setting, Focus & Concentration: Basics" |
"YOUARENOTALONE !!Do you feeltired of being Run by Your Day's Priorities in life?Have you ever felt like you have no control over your life and simply had to accept whatever life or othersthrew at you and just ""go with the flow""?Are you in your early 20's 30's or 40's and feel like your work dayor job dictatethe quality of your personallife and relationships?Do you often wonder ""Is this all I'm capable of doing in this lifetime?"" or ""What is My True Purpose in Life""? or ""What was I born to do beyond just the 9 - 5 Job""?Maybe you're a student in high school or college, and are asking questions on what direction you should go in life? Intimidated by the flurry of adviceandpressures of family andfriends.Do you often wish you'd like to take control of your health, have more time to travel, start ablog or cut a CD or a Radio Show but just can't seem to find the time to sit down, plan and set things in motion?Do you have a list of Passion Projects or Creative Things you'd Love to work on outside of your job or work life - But simply dont know how to make time for it? Or may be you have the time and dont know how or WHERE to begin?Are you someone who find it difficult to keep your attention levels up for a longer period of time? Do you suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD /ADHD)?If you answered YES to any of the above - You need not worry. You are Not Alone!Hi My Name is Kamlesh (call me Kam)and I am a Program Manager in theSoftware Industry with a Software andITEnabled Servicesbackground. I am alsoaCoachand Consultant. Having worked in some the most demanding job roles and high performancecompanies that shape the world, I have seen first hand at many levelsand personally experienced extremely high levels of workplacedistraction, dysfunction,haphazardshifting of priorities, rampantwork-life imbalance, the resulting impact on one's own personal life or relationshipand a clientor customer's satisfaction levels, to the ability of an organization to grow and scale above and beyond it's current level.But after 15years of having seen the typical day to day challenges faced by both working professionals in demanding positions or high performancejob roles, and companies / employers alike, I resolved to seek out better alternative pathways to achieving outcomes that mattered to both individuals and company's or clients without going insane yourself.After asking thousands of questions to coaches &Gurus, after following numerousProject Management Guidelines and best practices, observing the ways employees atsuccessful & growing companies do things, and after having applied that inmy own day to day affairs, I wanted to summarize and share my experiences on what works for both me and those that I have closely worked with while highlighting things that one could / should avoid.These have definitely helped me both at work and in my ownpersonal life. It will work for you as well.It will alsohelp you create your own personalized Productivity &SuccessRoadmap or Blueprint that you can constantly BUILDON as you go forward.In this course you'll learn:Crushing your resolutions for this year and every year that followsGetting clear on the #1 basis of time management (before adopting any strategy concerning time management)The3 guiding principles foreffective goal settingDividing& conquering short term &long term goalsSkills to prioritize your goalsSimple tools to help you optimize time and manage your tasks effectivelyHow to create a schedule that'll help youbetter manageyour timePitfalls to avoid with time managementExecuting yourtime managementplan of action1 simple aid to significantly reduce workplace distraction (it's so easily available, it's almost taken for granted.Hint!You may already have this)2 rarely taughtFocus and Concentration building techniques you can implement right away to double your concentration levelsWays toOvercomeday to day obstaclesHandling failure and rejection and moving past itEffective ways of improving collaboration at the workplaceRight ways to track progressGetting andStaying motivatedTop productivity drainers and ways to counter them"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dosage Calculations Mastery for Nursing & Pharmacy Students" |
"A 100% Video Course and Study Guideon Medical Math and Pharmacy Math for practicingpharmacists, pharmacy technicians, pharmacy students preparing to take board exams or certification exams. Nursing students, Vet Tech, Veterinary Assistant, MA, PTA, OTA students and other allied medical professionals andstudents may also benefit from this Medical Math videocourse.With my goal to help lessen medication errors (caused by wrong calculations) in the healthcare industry, I would like to share myrecorded Pharmacy Math classes that have helped hundreds of pharmacy,medical, and paramedical students. In this video course, you will learn:*How to avoid anxiety from number word problems* How to analyze word problems -- which numbers are necessary in solving the problem and which ones are not*How to master percentages,alligation, dilution, dosage calculation* How to avoid calculation errors that may cost a patient's life*How to avoid getting your license revokedI will also throw in theseBONUSES to help you not only master math but also your other major classes like Pharmacology:*Drugs: Made Ridiculously Easy To Memorize ebook*Most Commonly Used Medical Abbreviations ebook* Top 250 Drugs List*TJC's DO NOT USE Abbreviations ebookTo Your Success and to a Better Healthcare and Patient Care,Lorraine Lohner, MBA, BS PharmP.S. Students of this in-class course paid tens of thousands of dollars to attend my program but, I am letting you be a fly on the wall and take the class without physically being in my classroom for a very tiny fraction of the cost just because I want you to master math before you become part of the medical field or for a better patient care you provide.P.P.S. - All my students have great successes taking this program but, don't just take my word for it... take a look at the testimonials of former students in the video above."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Fixed Income Valuation, CFA Level I 2019 Prep" |
"Fixed income, known to be one of the largest segments of global financial markets has been rated as one of the most difficult courses by most CFA candidates. Thiscourse is divided intothree sections as follows:1. The first section introduces elements that define and characterize fixed-income securities;2. The second section describes the primary issuers, sectors, and types of bonds;3. The third section introduces calculation and interpretation of prices, yields, and spreads for fixed-income securities; market conventions for price/yield calculations and quotations; and spot rates, forward rates, and alternative definitions of a yield curve."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Embedded Systems Job Interview 101" |
"Learn how to handle embedded systems job interviews. This course is a 360 overview of embedded systems paradigm: competencies needed, how to get prepared, and what to expect. The course is also a good tool to assess your skills and understand what background and experience is needed to become an embedded systems developer Get a free professional Proof Reading for your resume. By registering through this course, you will also get a free professional proof reading for your resume. The field of embedded systems design is reshaping the way we live our everyday life. The demand for technically trained individuals has skyrocketed. This course will help you get prepared before going to your next Embedded Systems job interview. Embedded System design is more than just programming and Embedded systems Interviews is more than just Q&As. The course covers the skills sets required for an Embedded Systems position. The course highlights various topics that are essential in any embedded systems interview."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Beginners Guide of the Enneagram Personality Course" |
".In this course you do not have to know your Enneagram Personality Type..This is a beginner level of the enneagram..You will Identify your own personality type as I explain this course in this video..You will learn about the 3 Triads of the Enneagram Personality Type..You will learn about the Social Style of the Hornevian groups of the Enneagram..Students will learn about the harmonic style of the coping groups..Students will learn about the wings & variants of their personality types..Students will learn about the Levels of the enneagram development..Students will learn about the direction & integrations & disintegrations in this beginners course of the Enneagram.."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Legal English Language Certificate (LELC) Level 1 - CPD" |
"A Comprehensive new course to learn legal English and gainyour 'Legal English Language Certification - Level 1 (LELC)' (Launched in February 2017). Buy only from this 'Udemy' website as other websites do not provide you with directhelpfrom English lawyers nor do they provide you withthecertificate.Do you want to become morefamiliar with common legal terminology?Do you want to learn how to writesimple, conciseletters to your client with ease?Do you want to gainyour respectiveContinuing Professional Development (CPD) hoursas an International Lawyer?If your answer isYES to above questions, then you are at the right place. Learning from lawyers is fun!Advance your Legal English skills!This course allows you to advance your legal English skills by learning how to use English articles, prepositions, punctuations.You will also becomefamiliar with some legal terminology.Iwill guide youin writing yourletter.This course also allows you to gainthe Legal English Language Certificate Level 1which is a qualification delivered by an accredited trainingorganisation.Many law &business students aspire to work ininternational law firms or companies where a good grasp ofwritten English is essential. Employees/students/businessexecutivesmay be able to write but have problems connecting their words with the correct 'articles' such as 'a'/'an'/'the'and they alsohave never-endingissues with'prepositions' such as 'on'/'in'/'to' or 'since'/'from' or 'to'.This course ispractical and designed to assist youwith yourwritten English skills.Istart by providing youwith an overview ofthe correctuse of articles andprepositions both in a general English and legal Englishcontext.The course then moves on to provide youwith an overview ofthe importance of correct punctuation;another key skill in drafting.Ithen introduce some legal terminology and emphasise the importance of its use.By theend of the course youwill knowhow to draft simple letters in English.You are probablywondering -Why I should take this course?You will learn from a practising lawyer Learning from Lawyer is a Fun!You will have enough practice exercises during the entire course including quizzes.You will understand some commonlegal terminology.You will have an improved understanding of how to use articles, prepositions and punctuations correctly, these arekey skillsin both your verbal and written skills.Iwill take the time out to help you with any queries regarding the course.30-day satisfaction guaranteedThis is the course could change your life. Obtaining the Legal English Language Certificate (LELC) can help you to enhance your career opportunities and canhelpboost your income because if you can get the basics right, then you naturally become more marketable.An investment in your career is an investment in yourself.There is no time like the present to take controlof your career.Take your career to the next level by getting you Legal English Language Certificate Level 1(LELC).You have 30 days money back guarantee!!!Remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So what are you thinking go ahead and click on Enroll Now button and join me on this course!FURTHERFEEFOROFFICIALCERTIFICATEFor the official LCATE- Legal English Online Certificate Level 1 - contact LCATEvia and pay an additional 15 for your certificate."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Learn ZBrush: Easy & Fun Character 3D Sculpt Modeling" |
"Hello!In this course, we're going to delve into all steps and functions of ZBrush, a dynamic creation tool that we'll be using to create a sculpted model from start to finish inside of the program. Course Highlights:Overview and Workflow of ZBrushElements of Character Design and Visual LanguageMajor Sculpting OperationsA major goal is to make this course as accessible as possible, as all of the major elements to the program are covered herein. We'll begin with where to start, talk about the lifespan of a model and reach a point of acceptable completion, and will also discuss how to reach such a point when first starting out. We'll also cover how it's important to learn to get better results for your work by introducing character design elements to your projects early on. So sit back, relax and enjoy this comprehensive design tutorial for one of the most powerful 3D software packages to date!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Essential Japanese - Travel Phrases" |
"***The FIRST Japanese travel phrases course on Udemy*** ***The ONLYJapanese travel phrases course taught with a professional native Japanese language instructor******The ONLY Japanese travel phrases course with a unique role-play system, shadowing, and full grammar explanations.***Planning on that dream trip to Japan?In this courseyou will learnessential phrases for yourtrip to Japan, whether you are a tourist or moving to Japan for the long term. But rather than just teaching you to memorizephrases, we go beyond by explaining each phrase to you. That way you not only will have a deeper understanding of the phrases, but it will also help you make your own sentences in Japanese.All grammar and sentence explanations are done by Taka-sensei,a professional native Japanese teacher with over 20 years of experience.Now you may be wondering, don't the Japanese speak English?The short answer is, most people don't. If you stick to the city and major tourist areas, you might be able to find places with with English speakers, but you'll quickly notice that there is a shortage of English speaking staff. And, once you go outside the city, you'll find even fewer Japanese people who speak English. So, we believe this course is essential for tourists!And aside from being just for tourist, if you are moving to Japan and want to learn the most essential survival Japanese quickly, or perhaps a beginner at learning Japanese, this course is for you!In addition to learning Japanese, throughout the course we also included some cultural notes and insights to Japan to help you enjoy your travels through the country even more. Should you have any questions about traveling to Japan, we'll try to help you! We will be active in the Q&A section, and we guarantee that we will respond to any questions that you may have as soon as possible, whether it be about language or travel. Just give us at least 48 hours to respond in case both of us aren't available.Not happy about the course? Udemy has you covered. You have a 30-day money back guarantee. No questions asked!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Development With Google Maps" |
"Thank you for stopping by. There are many web development courses out there, but there is absolutely none like this one. In this course, Erik shows you how to build several small web applications using Google Maps ,HTML5, JavaScript, Windows, PHP, jQuery, CSS, and related technologies. Erik brings 20years of software development experience to show you how real programs are written, and gives you many unique and practical tips along the way.The first 20 videosare areview of the fundamentals of programming using JavaScript. The bottom 40 videos show you how to combine a variety of technologies, like Visual Studio Code, JavaScript, Windows, jQuery, CSS, PHP, HTMLand others, to produce powerful and unique code.Some of the videos cover programming topics, and some of the videos allow you to take a break from programming to focus on concepts. You can code along with Erik, or you can download the course files and install them them on your computer. By the end, you willhave learned a great variety of powerful and interesting skills that will push your web development skills to new highs. That's our guarantee to you.Thanks so much for reading. Let's get coding!Promo video PP licensed from PresenterMediajQuery and related marks are trademarks of the JS Foundation, and this course is not affiliated with or endorsed by the JS Foundation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Free of Pain #2, Release Back Originated Pains While Sitting" |
"Do you find yourself totally dependent on physicians, therapists, pain killersandsurgeries/procedure? Release yourself easilyfrom your back originated pains: immediately, without any effort, stretch or pain, with no experience whatsoever learnstep by step howto freeyourself from your pains, while you are already sitting, working, eating, watching themovieand so on, this course isapplicable to allback originated pains: sciatica, degenerative disc and vertebrae likeSpondylolysis andSpondylolisthesis,spinediseases, scoliosis,spinal stenosis, Parkinsondisease, Fibromyalgia,post stroke,and moreYou will learn exactly how and why these movements work so that you could use them over and over again for different types and locations of pain.Ada Medek fromQweenstown Australia says:""I was drown to the fact that Orna is a highly experiencedphisiotherapist, not only a quallified feldenkrais theacher.And the clincherfor me was that Orna herself suffered from back problems for few yearsFor me it was a real trinity: Ithought thatOrna was someone who really understand my pains.I have never done exercises like this that are so easy to do,You feel like you do so little, you don't strech anything,You just relearn how to move in a proper way, that allows your body to let go.I get a lot of benefits from the exercises:I have learned how to walk in a way that doesn't stress my back so much, so i can go back to walk like I used to.I also learn how tolie on my belly again with no pain,which is a huge thing for me.Most of the pains I suffered from and that I spent thousants of dollars on them just to see them comming back after maximumfew weeks - are gone.I find it incredibly comfortable to do it from the comfort of my own home,at the times that i want to do it.I highly recommend that if you suffer from any kind of pain that you would absolutly give it a go.The only thing you can possibly loose, is your back originated pains.You and your family would thank yourself.Free of Pain is not just a bonus for me, it's a bonus for everyone around me .So if you want to do something for your pains that would stop you from going again and again to doctors and therapists, and spend time and money on things that only work for short time,I highly recomend that you give this Free of Pain Series of courses a go,and you will have tools for life""."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Russian Language For Every Occasion" |
"Would you like to impress your Russian counterpart and communicate with Russian speaking people without focusing on grammar and other formalities? This course would fit you perfectly.In this Russian For Every Occasion course we focus on most common words, phrases, questions and answers that are used a lot on a day-to-day basis among Russian speaking people in occasions and situations such as:Greeting a personMorning routine at home, at a cafe or a restaurant, looking for a transportComing home from work in the evening and communicating with your counterpartGoing out and having funMost important common wordsFunny and slang words and phrasesNice and kind words with your counterpartDinner timeColoursNumbersDays of the weekAt the end of the course you will be able to ask and answer questions, make useful or funny comments and maintain a conversation.You do not need any knowledge of Russian language to take this course. I will be speaking to you in English first and then saying the same meaning in Russian language, while thewords and phrasesI pronounce willappear on the screen. You can pause and rewind the video anytime it is convenient for you.Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn Russian most commonly used words and phrasesPeople that want to impress their counterpart or any other Russian speaking peopleThis course is designed for any level: beginner to advance"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Primeiros Passos com Laravel Framework" |
"O Curso de Laravel Online tem o objetivo de mostrar na prtica como funciona o desenvolvimento de aplicaes web, utilizando o padro MVC. O Laravel um dos mais utilizados frameworks em PHP, que alm de oferecer produtividade no desenvolvimento, voc ainda ganha em performance e segurana. Cdigo limpo e simples uma de suas principais caractersticas.Este cursotem o objetivo de ensinar o aluno a criar uma aplicao de contas pagar (listar, cadastrar, atualizar e apagar). Este curso ensina a voc a trabalhar com banco de dados (MySQL), validaes, Eloquent ORM, Blade Template e Bootstrap."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Complete Modern C++ (C++11/14/17)" |
"Learn C++ in depth with modern features introduced with C++11/14/17Updated with C++17 features!C++ is a general purpose programming language invented by Bjarne Stroustrup. It is still one of the more popular programming languages, used for creating high performance applications across a wide variety of domains & platforms.In 2011, C++11 was born. This revision added lot of new features to the language and it got a new name, Modern C++. This emphasizes writing C++ code using modern features of the language such as move semantics, automatic type inference, threading, lambda expressions, smart pointers and a lot more. C++11 was followed by C++14, that added even more features and enhanced existing onces. In 2017, we may see a new release called C++17, that will add a filesystem library (covered in the course), parallel versions of STL algorithms, new library types such as std::optional, std::any and more.This course teaches C++ as an object oriented language with modern features. It focuses on teaching C++ concepts, both old and new, with clear examples. It builds upon the basic language facilities that are then used to build more complex programs with classes, operator overloading, composition, inheritance, polymorphism, templates, concurrency, etc. It even digs deep into assembly to understand few concepts better. After every few topics, a quiz is presented that tests your understanding of the previous topics. Have fun learning Modern C++.Note that this course is not for you ifYou have never programmed beforeYou don't know ANY programming languageYou want to learn basics of programmingUpdate [April 19, 2020] : Biggest update so far. Added C++17 core language changes, template enhancement and new library types.Update [April 11, 2020] : Added content on copy elision, type traits, static_assert & generalized lambda capture, C++11 unionsUpdate [Mar 25, 2020]: XCode installation & high-level concurrency (std::async)Update [Mar 1, 2019] : More videos added for memory management with smart pointers (shared_ptr, unique_ptr, weak_ptrUpdate [Oct 19, 2017] :Instructions added for installing Visual Studio Community 2017, Cevelop (Eclipse) & Code::BlocksUpdate [Sep 29, 2107] : Added more content on dynamic memory allocation (malloc, new[], 2D arrays, strings)Update [Sep 16, 2017] : C++ concurrency (std::thread, std::mutex, etc)Update [April 27, 2017] : Templates, Function Object, Lambda Expressions, Standard Template LibraryUpdate [Mar 23, 2017] : Virtual Inheritance, Exception handling, File I/O, std::filesystem (C++17)Update [Mar 4, 2017] : Strings, stringstreams, enums, inheritance, polymorphismUpdate [Feb 25, 2017] : Source Code of existing topics added"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"24 Hour Essay Knockout: Proven 9 Step A+ Writing System" |
"STOP LETTING ESSAYS RUIN YOUR LIFE! Never again will you stress or worry about an upcoming essay. With the 24 Hour Essay Knockout System you'll have a PROVEN SYSTEM to complete A+ Papers in record time, every time!STEP-BY-STEP SYSTEM that takes you from first learning about an upcoming essay assignment to essay completion in as little as 14 hours!Here's the deal....Essays can be a drain on our time, energy, enthusiasm, and overall.... our life.But it doesn't have to be that way.You see, the problem with essays is that we don't know what to expect. Sometimes we spend HOURS and DAYS just selecting our topic. And other times it takes us FOREVER to look up and research some of what we want to write about.Then, when actually writing our essay. We get stuck. We don't always know what to say. And we always question if the essay will be good enough to get the grade that we desire.BUT NOW, with 24 Hour Essay Knockout, you can eliminate all the problems that come along with essay writing.How exactly will we do that?With 24HEK, you'll learn a system that has been proven effective to eliminate all the stress, anxiety, fears, and frustrations that come along with essay writing.In fact, I've personally used the system to cut the time it takes me to write essays in half, without sacrificing my grade at all.After you take this course you'll not only know how to write A+ Papers in Record Time, you'll also:* Never Worry About Upcoming Essays Again* Have a System In Place That Makes Essay Writing as Easy as Writing an Email* Know the FILL-IN-THE-BLANK Research Method that makes research quick and easy* Streamline Your Writing Process* NEVER Lose Points for Small Tiny Mistakes ever again* Develop Life Long practices that will help with EVERY ESSAY YOU EVER WRITE!* .... and so much more!And now it's your turn to test the system out. And guess what?For a limited time I've priced this course EXTREMELY LOW as I could use some help....This is a new course, and I need some testimonials for this page!So buy the course today. Learn the system and see how much it improves your essay writing process. Then after, write me a quick note and let me know what it did for you!I'm so confident in the system....If you don't like it, send me an email and I'll refund your money completely. Seriously. It works. All you have to do is give it a shot!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4: How to Develop Your First Two Games" |
"Approved by Epic Games and taught by Unreal Engine Evangelist Chris Murphy,thiscourseis for any developer wishing to work in Unreal Engine for creating interactive experiences and/or enterprise fields of real time training simulation, visualization, and media/entertainment. Create realistic games with the complete game development tool - Unreal Engine 4. Start with the fundamentals so that you build a solid base understanding.Know the basics of how to operate a computer? Maybe a little bit of game design or coding experience? Visual arts designer? You are ready! Learn step by step by creating 3 unique projects. Christeaches through demonstrations so you will be applying real skills in each lecture.Get a complete introduction to core competency with the editor, learn how the engine works and how it works to help make your project run efficiently, how to use assets to customize your project, design and create interactivity, and have the tools and strategies to debug an error.By the end of thiscourseyou can design and create working projects that could include games, architectural visualization, training simulations, and media entertainment. Plus, you will be aware of the tools and techniques that you need to focus on your area of interest."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kaizen-Dit: Abnehmen mit einer alten japanischen Methode" |
"Nutzen Sie die Macht der ""KAIZEN-Methode""Wer heute abnehmen mchte, der steht einer teilweise unberschaubaren Zahl von Diten gegenber. Die meisten dieser Diten sind Trends, teilweise ungesund, nicht praktikabel oder sehr kompliziert umzusetzen. Des Weiteren fehlt in der bergewichtigen Gesellschaft nach wie vor die Aufklrung darber, dass eine Gewichtsreduktion nur mit einer vernderten Lebenseinstellung einhergeht. Viele Ratgeber, Kurse und Workshops sind zu einseitig bzw. haben nur daran Interesse, teure Produkte an den Mann bzw. an die Frau zu bringen. Fakt ist ! wer heute abnehmen mchte, muss und daran fhrt kein Weg vorbei , seine persnliche Lebensfhrung ndern.Durch ein verndertes Essverhalten, ausreichend Bewegung und das Ganze ber einen realistischen Zeitraum gesehen, gibt es keinen besseren Weg, als den eigenen Stoffwechsel so zu manipulieren, dass der Krper letztendlich gezwungen ist, seine berschssigen Pfunde zu verlieren. Basierend auf den drei Sulen: Geistige Einstellung, Ernhrung und Bewegung konnten so viele meiner Klienten ihr persnliches Wohlfhgewicht erreichen. Auch die zahlreichen Feedback-Mails meiner Klientensprechen eine deutliche Sprache, wie wichtig es ist, die drei Sulen als einen festen Bestandteil einer Dit zu betrachten.Dennoch hat die Erfahrung gezeigt, dass ein gewisser Prozentsatz es trotz guter Absichten nicht schafft, die drei Sulen praxisnah umzusetzen.Grnde, woran das liegen mag, gibt es viele, aber drei bestimmte Faktoren stechen bei persnlichen Gesprchen immer wieder am hufigsten hervor. Diese sind:- berforderung- Angst vor Vernderungund ...... die Macht der destruktiven Gewohnheiten.In wieweit diese einen Einfluss haben und wie Sie diese drei Faktoren in den Griff bekommen knnen, ist Gegenstand dieses Kurses.Sie erfahren in diesem Kurs:- Die Kraft der (radikalen) Vernderung- Was ist Kaizen-Methode berhaupt?- berforderung, die Macht der Gewohnheit und die Angst vor Vernderungen- Wie Kaizen funktioniert- Die Kaizen""-Werkzeugkiste oder stellen Sie kleine Fragen- Das Kernstck von Kaizen""- Wie Sie mit der Kaizen-Methode gezielt abnehmen knnen- Kaizen-Dit: kleine Schritte gleich magere Ergebnisse?- Kleine Vernderung, groe Wirkung- Die Kaizen-Dit in der Praxis (+ zahlreiche Fallbeispiele)+++Plus zahlreiche Bonusse+++- 2 weitere Bonus-Videos- 6 weitereUmsetzungstipps / Kaizen-Dit- Kaizen-Dit trifft das Tabata-Prinzip- Mit 10.000 Schritten zum WohlfhlgewichtVerlieren Sie keine kostbareLebenszeit...Schreiben Sie sich jetzt in den Online-Kurs ein und erreichen Sie in den nchsten Tagen / Wochen Ihr persnliches Wohlfhlgewicht."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Principles for a Successful Marriage" |
"Welcome to the course '"" The Ultimate Principles for a Successful Marriage"" where you will learn what makes a marriage successful and how to implement the tools you need to upgrade your marriage and make it thrive. My name is Ginger Spark and I will be leading you through this course. I have been married for the past 30 years and together with my husband wehave two adult daughters, one adult son and a son who is in his teens. Being an academic in the field of social sciences, a certified trainer, and abook author, the focus of my professional career is in the creation of online courses designed for people who want to personally grow and upgrade different areas of their lives such as their relationships, health, and well-being. I have designed this course for all people who plan to get married and want to understand what marriage is all aboutand those who are already married so that they can upgrade and improve their marriage. By the end of the course, you will be able to recognize the core ingredients for a successful marriage,learn the necessary skills andtechniques to tackle marital problems and challenges as well as understand how to upgrade the four primary areas of marriage: kids, money, in-laws and intimacy. This course is divided into three sections: Section One:The Core Ingredients for a Successful Marriage, Section Two: Skills and Techniques fora Successful Marriage, Section Three: UpgradingtheFour Primary Areas of Marriage. I have chosen this approach so that you canbecome aware, understand and put marriage in the right perspective in a matter of few well invested minutes. Not only will this course reveal how improtant communication, friendship, trust, forgiveness and love are in marriage, but it will also teach you the skills and techniques to combine these ingredients together into creating your own successful version of marriage. I will walk you through the entire process of conflict resolution and negotiation, step by step with the help of specially designed exercises, tips, and advice. This course is designed for everyone, regardless of whether you are married or not. All that is needed is your willingness and intention to understand andput marriage in the right perspective, uncover the secrets of a successful marriage and your readiness to bring in awareness into your relationship. There are no special requirements necessary to enroll so if you are open-minded and ready to learn, this is the right course for you. Feel free to take a look at the course and I will be happy to see you on the other side!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"How to Defeat Diabetes Type 2" |
"Learnthe basics, the tried-and-tested methods and discover the personal secrets of reversing diabetes type 2 from someone who has done just that. Follow the dedicated worksheets designed to help you conquer your own condition.Follow this inspiring step-by-step walk-through to recovery and a Diabetes-free life Realize that it is possible to reverse Diabetes Learn effective new ways to bring down your weight and blood sugar levels Recognise the obstacles that prevented your progress, and overcome them Discover the personally-proven tools and techniques for defeating Diabetes No-nonsense advice, guidance and practical exercises to overcome Type 2 Diabetes Theres plenty of info and chat out there about Diabetes its a global epidemic now - but who can say theyve had it and now they dont! This unique authentic course, compiled by someone who has been through what youre going through, and has recovered to become non-diabetic, shares the tips and techniques that really work. Customising an action plan for yourself from the practical worksheets that accompany each lecture; will enable you to design your own recovery, by reducing your weight, bringing down your blood sugar numbers and re-designing your lifestyle to stay fit and free from Diabetes. Youll be able to look at your old habits and attitudes and help yourself to construct a new healthy mindset for overall wellbeing and freedom. Content and overview Whether youre newly diagnosed with Diabetes type 2 or youve been struggling of years, there are insights and options for you. Core subjects, such as exercise, weight loss, wholesome food and healthy eating habits, motivational techniques, plus the tools and the support youll need, and life-changing new attitudes are spelled out in clear instruction and compelling personal experience contained in direct engaging video, and location reports. The course is constructed in seven essential sections. Each section has seven high-quality videos of information, instruction and personal experience. The lectures are supported by downloadable resources (quizzes, questionnaires, worksheets and exercises) where you can practically test out for yourself what has been suggested. Charts and graphs enable you to track your own progress and motivate you to further success. And the final lecture in each section, an audio commentary of reflection, speaks directly to you and takes you a deeper level of understanding, in which you can allow the learning points to settle into your mind and lifestyle. Together, we can follow what I did to become free from Diabetes. By the end of this course, youll know everything I did and precisely how to do it for yourself."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Revealed: Excel Power Query One Hour Bootcamp (Great Stuff)" |
"1st in my series of Udemy courses on mastering data cleaning in the age of bigdataIf you're like me, you have a curious mind but limited time to learn data cleaning.But, your datacareer is in your hands. Stand outby making data transformations that are simple to use and quick. This lets companies make better businessdecisions, faster. People noticeand it provides youwith a solid career.Microsoft has the best tool to do this. Its called Excel Power Query. Want to use it like I do and improve your data career opportunities? This is the course youshould take.Introduce Yourself To Excel Power Query To Strengthen Your Data Analytics CareerCreate fast, repeatable data transformations that improve Excel analysis and reportingUse the Power Query Editor and its many push-button, formula and multi-query functionsChange 'dirty' data to 'clean' data in a structured andreliable wayInstall the Power Query add-in for Excel on your computer and get monthly feature updatesPower Query has many features - - this course does not cover everything but provides a solid foundation so you can navigate the ribbons and learn more on yourown____________________________________________________________________________________________Comments from students:""Simple and to the point. If you're unsure of where to begin with Power Query, this is the course to take. Thank you!"" - Cynthia S.""Bravo! I love every video in this course. Mr. Burke is a true teacher - He seems to know the learning pain points of students and then simplifies and arranges the lessons for maximum learning."" - Aisha I.""Well summarized and articulate. Be sure to do the little exercises to fully grasp the concepts."" - Rudi P._______________________________________________________________________________________________Become a more valuable professional. Spending less time manipulating data& more time analyzing it.The explosion of data ischanging thebusiness world at an accelerating rate. Power Query is the perfect analytics tool for helpingcompanies manage their data. Learning this awesome power is within everyone's reach. Let me prepare you for a career that will evolve as this new world evolves.Learn secrets and strategies to save countless hours and avoid the mistakes I oncemadeUnique video presentations transfer the most important knowledge from me to youModules explain the theory behind the techniques and show demonstrations of their useThis investment in learning Power Query will be the best you can make! It will pay you back every single time you use it. It will pay you back every single time you use it.The career enhancing power of learning Power Query is amazing. It's time to see the tremendous benefits."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |