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"Code a Resume and CV Page using popular web frameworks" |
"ABOUT THE COURSEThis course is for the beginner who wants to get a quick introduction to various popular front-end CSS frameworks by recreating the same project multiple times. By taking this course you'll get introduced to the latest versions of Bootstrap 4, Bulma, Semantic UI, Foundation 6 and Materialize. These frameworks are some of the most popular ones used today by web designers and developers all over the world.In this course you'll learn how to create a Resume and CV Page using various popular front-end CSS frameworks. Using one framework at a time I will start from scratch and walk you through how to create the same project. The project created with each framework will have the same general layout and design, however there will be some small visual differences from project to project due to the specific features and styles of the various frameworks.The idea behind re-creating the same project with different frameworks is to learn how each framework use different code structure, classes and attributes to create the same kind of component. You will also learn how each framework differ in the visual style of each component, and learn what is possible and what isn't with each framework.ABOUT THE PROJECTThis project is about creating a Resume and CV Page. You'll learn how to structure various pieces of content, how to design a user-friendly interface, and how to make it look great on all device sizes by using a responsive grid.The project will contain the following sections:AboutAn introduction section with name, picture, heading, description and quoteWork ExperienceA list of work experience with icon, job title, workplace, time period and descriptionEducationA list of education with icon, education title, institution, time period and descriptionTestimonialsA carousel with testimonials with quote and nameContact InfoVarious facts: Full name, date of birth, contact information, user profiles, address and message formPortfolioA list of links with icons to different online portfolio and social media profilesSkillsA list of skills with icon, technology and progress bar grouped into various categoriesABOUT THE FRAMEWORKSThe following frameworks will be used to create a Resume and CV Page:Bootstrap 4 (compatible with the latest version v4.4.0)Bulma (compatible with the latest version v0.8.0)Semantic UI (compatible with the latest version v2.4.2)Foundation 6 (compatible with the latest version v6.5.3)Materialize (compatible with the latest version v1.0.0)Bootstrap 4:We'll use the following parts of Bootstrap 4:Layout: Containers, Grid systemContent: Typography, ImagesComponents: Button, Card, Carousel, Forms, Input Group, Media Object, ProgressUtilities: Colors, Display, Flex, Sizing, Spacing, TextBonus:As a bonus you'll also learn how to use Font Awesome 5 to add icons to your project.Bulma:We'll use the following parts of Bulma:Modifiers: Color Helpers, Typography HelpersLayout: Columns, Container, Level, Media Object, SectionForms: General, Input, TextareaElements: Box, Button, Content, Icon, Image, TitleBonus:As a bonus you'll also learn how to use Font Awesome 5 to add icons to your project.Semantic UI:We'll use the following parts of Semantic UI:Elements: Button, Container, Header, Icon, Image, InputCollections: Form, GridModules: ProgressViews: Card, ItemFoundation 6:We'll use the following parts of Foundation 6:General: XY Grid, FormsUtilities: Flexbox UtilitiesTypography: Helper ClassesControls: Button, Button GroupContainers: Card, Media ObjectMedia: Orbit, Progress BarBonus:As a bonus you'll also learn how to use Font Awesome 5 to add icons to your project.Materialize:We'll use the following parts of Materialize:CSS: Color, Grid, Helpers, Media, TypographyComponents: Buttons, Cards, Collection, PreloaderJavaScript: CarouselForms: Text InputsBonus:As a bonus you'll also learn how to use Font Awesome 5 to add icons to your project.---I hope you will be inspired to create your own Resume and CV Page afterwards. Please send me a link if you do so. I would love to see it!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Code a Small Business Website using popular web frameworks" |
"ABOUT THE COURSEThis course is for the beginner who wants to get a quick introduction to various popular front-end CSS frameworks by recreating the same project multiple times. By taking this course you'll get introduced to the latest versions of Bootstrap 4, Bulma, Semantic UI, Foundation 6 and Materialize. These frameworks are some of the most popular ones used today by web designers and developers all over the world.In this course you'll learn how to create a Small Business Website using various popular front-end CSS frameworks. Using one framework at a time I will start from scratch and walk you through how to create the same project. The project created with each framework will have the same general layout and design, however there will be some small visual differences from project to project due to the specific features and styles of the various frameworks.The idea behind re-creating the same project with different frameworks is to learn how each framework use different code structure, classes and attributes to create the same kind of component. You will also learn how each framework differ in the visual style of each component, and learn what is possible and what isn't with each framework.ABOUT THE PROJECTThis project is about creating a Small Business Website. You'll learn how to structure various pieces of content, how to design a user-friendly interface, and how to make it look great on all device sizes by using a responsive grid.The project will contain the following pages:HomeMenu, dropdown, hero section, message, highlights, responsive grid layout with cards, footer with iconsServicesMenu, dropdown, responsive grid layout with large images, text and buttons, footer with iconsAboutMenu, dropdown, text, responsive grid layout with images, footer with iconsTeamMenu, dropdown, responsive grid layout with images, icons and headings, footer with iconsContactAddress, opening hours, contact form, embedded Google MapsABOUT THE FRAMEWORKSThe following frameworks will be used to create a Small Business Website:Bootstrap 4 (compatible with the latest version v4.4.0)Bulma (compatible with the latest version v0.8.0)Semantic UI (compatible with the latest version v2.4.2)Foundation 6 (compatible with the latest version v6.5.3)Materialize (compatible with the latest version v1.0.0)Bootstrap 4:We'll use the following parts of Bootstrap 4:Layout: Containers, Grid systemContent: Typography, ImagesComponents: Alert, Button, Card, Dropdown, Forms, Input Group, Jumbotron, NavbarUtilities: Border, Embed, Flex, Spacing, TextBonus:As a bonus you'll also learn how to use Font Awesome 5 to add icons to your project and how to use Google Fonts to add web fonts to your project.Bulma:We'll use the following parts of Bulma:Modifiers: Color Helpers, Typography HelpersLayout: Columns, Container, Footer, Hero, SectionForms: General, Input, Select, TextareaElements: Button, Content, Icon, Image, Notification, TitleComponents: Card, Dropdown, NavbarBonus:As a bonus you'll also learn how to use Font Awesome 5 to add icons to your project.Semantic UI:We'll use the following parts of Semantic UI:Elements: Button, Container, Header, Icon, Image, Input, ListCollections: Form, Grid, Menu, MessageModules: Dropdown, EmbedViews: CardFoundation 6:We'll use the following parts of Foundation 6:General: XY Grid, Forms, IconsUtilities: Prototyping UtilitiesControls: ButtonNavigation: Top Bar, MenuContainers: Callout, Card, DropdownMaterialize:We'll use the following parts of Materialize:CSS: Color, Grid, Helpers, MediaComponents: Buttons, Cards, Footer, Icons, NavbarJavaScript: Dropdown, SidenavForms: Select, Text Inputs---I hope you will be inspired to create your own Small Business Website afterwards. Please send me a link if you do so. I would love to see it!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master Semantic UI and code 3 projects with 9 pages" |
"ABOUTSemantic UI - one of the world's most popular front-end frameworks!This course covers all the different parts of the latest version of one of the world's most popular front-end framework, Semantic UI 2.4.2. Semantic UI has been used by thousands of people around the world and have been carefully developed to cover a wide range of typical user interfaces. Web pages built with Semantic UI works across all kinds of devices, browsers and screen sizes and will have a clean and modern design.This course is for the beginner who want to learn Semantic UI from the bottom up. It goes through all the different parts, but each lecture can be watched independently.In addition to just learning about the different parts of Semantic UI you will find a detailed walk-through of how to build three different responsive and modern complete projects using only Semantic UI.PROJECTSLearn to build the following projects using Semantic UI:Project 1: Resume and CV PageProject 2: Small Business WebsiteProject 3: Knowledge BaseLEARNING STYLEMore than just video lecturesIn addition to the video lectures this course contains the following kinds of learning materials:Semantic UI Learning Kit:Downloadable ZIP file that works offlineA custom built learning kit with source code for all parts of Semantic UI. Features a reference section with many examples and a practice section, which you can use while learning about Semantic UI. More than 100 source files included in this learning kit.UPDATESUpcoming future updates for this course will include the following:New projects will be added: online shop, social network, portfolio, CMS admin, dashboard and more...New components, utilities and other features in future versions of Semantic UI will be addedAdvanced section on how to customize Semantic UI with SassCoding exercises, quizzes and assignmentsTESTIMONIALSDon't take my word for it read what other students are saying:Good. Thanks teacher ! T Hng BnExcelente eleccion. Gabriel Galn Maldonado"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Theoretische Kryptographie" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du deine Kommunikation abzusichern und wie du das beweisen kannst.Von uralten Verfahren wie der Csar-Chiffre gehen wir ber symmetrische Verschlsselung bis hin zur asymmetrischen Verschlsselung, wo wir in die Details und Angriffe gegen RSA eintauchen. Wir befassen uns mit den aktuellsten Algorithmen derDigitalen Signaturen und werfen sogar einen Blick in denBereich der Zero-Knowledge Kryptographie."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Maschinelles Lernen & Knstliche Intelligenz in der Theorie" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie viele verschiedene Techniken des Maschinellen Lernens funktionieren. Du lernst, sie zu berechnen, zu entscheiden, wann welche Technik einzusetzen ist und was ihre Schwchen und Strken sind.Natrlich werden wir uns auch mit Deep Learning und neuronalen Netzenbeschftigen und die vielen Arten von Netzen und Techniken kennen lernen."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Grundlagen der Webentwicklung" |
"In dieser Tutorialreihe lernst du alles, was du brauchst, um deine eigene Website erstellen zu knnen. Wir fangen an mit HTML, der Sprache, die den Inhalt einer Website definiert und fahren fort mit CSS, derDesignerspielwiese.Anschlieend widmen wir uns dem berhmten JavaScript, welches Berechnungen im Webbrowser des Nutzers durchfhrt und steigen sogar noch in PHP und SQL ein. Diese werden auf dem Server ausgefhrt und sind somit die sicheren Bausteine, die man fr Registrierungen und dergleichen braucht."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"TypeScript - Objektorientierung in JavaScript" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du TypeScript kennen. TypeScript transpiliert zu JavaScript, bietet aber viele Features, die in JavaScript fehlen. Das wichtigste ist wohl die explizite Typisierung und die komplette klassenbasierte Objektorientierung, die TypeScript einfhrt. Dadurch lassen sich groe und komplexe Projekte besser planen, implementieren und warten. Auch die Teamarbeit profitiert gewaltig und aus all diesenGrnden ist TypeScript fr einen ambitionierten Webentwickler nicht mehr wegzudenken.This course is intended to present the special features and do not repeat the basics. Participants should therefore also have basic JavaScript knowledge. If this is not the case, I would recommend my course to the basics of web development. But it is true: There must be only basic knowledge - things such as prototypes become obsolete by TypeScript."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python - Wie Anfnger zu Profis werden" |
"In dieser Tutorialreihe befassen wir uns mit Python, der wohl mittlerweile bekanntesten Programmiersprache. Sie ist sehr gut fr Anfnger geeignet und bietet zudem ein breites Feld fr Anwendungen - sei es im Bereich der Knstlichen Intelligenz, Datenanalyse, Apps, Webentwicklung,IT-Sicherheit und Pentesting oder selbst fr Spiele. Python ist immer die richtige Wahl.Fr diesen Kurs brauchst du keinerlei Vorkenntnisse auer Grundlagen, wie man einen PC bedient und Software installiert. Lerne auch jetzt Programmieren und erschaffe deine eigene Software."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"C# fr Einsteiger" |
"In this course, you will learn everything from the basics to professional knowledge about the Microsoft-native programming language C #.You do not have to have any previous knowledge, because all important programming concepts are explained. Only a Windows computer is prerequisite.C # is used in many applications, such as the famous Paint.Net. In the end, there are even some programming exercises, which also properly brainwashing demand :)Good luck and fun."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rust Programmieren lernen" |
"The programming language Rust of Mozilla was created as a particularly secure language. It should hardly be crashing and intuitive to learn at runtime. For this reason, no previous knowledge is necessary for this course, only a Windows computer is required, since we work with Visual Studio.Learn now programming with one of the largest emerging languages."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formale Logik" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du formaleLogik kennen. Diese hat nicht nur eine Anwendung in der Philosophie, sondern auch in der Mathematik und der Informatik - Machine Learning, automatische Codeprfunge und vieles mehr lebt davon.Lerne die verschiedenen Logiken kennen (ja es gibt mehrere!) und mit ihnen umzugehen. Aussagenlogik, Prdikatenlogik und automatische Lsungssysteme erwarten dich!Freue dich auf viele Informationen, Aufgaben und sogar einen logischen Sudokulser in Java."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Alle Sprachen programmieren lernen" |
"In diesem umfangreichen Programmierkurs wirst du nicht eine einzige Programmiersprache anfassen! Stattdessen wirst du verstehen, wie Programmiersprachen funktionieren und dass sie doch irgendwie alle gleich sind. Alle nutzen dieselbe Logik und die kann man lernen und verstehen.Dadurch musst du nur einmal programmieren lernen um schlussendlich alle Sprachen programmieren zu knnen. Nach diesemKurs kannst du also jede Sprache nach nur wenigen Minuten lernen und fr einige wirst du nicht mal das brauchen.Und das Beste: Du brauchst absolut keine Vorkenntnisse!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"C Programmieren fr Anfnger" |
"In diesemC-Kurs lernst du nicht nur die Grundlagen des Programmierens sondern auch eine Sprache, die in vielen Bereichen trotz - oder vielleicht gerade - wegen ihrem Alter noch immer einwichtiger Bestandteil ist. Kleines Beispiel:Der komplette Linux-Kernel ist in C geschrieben. Mchte man diesen um seine eigenen Module erweitern ist C unumgnglich."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Grafische Oberflchen in Python mit PyQT" |
"In diesemKurs lernst du, grafische Oberflchen mit Python und QT zu erstellen. Dazu nutzen wir die aktuellste Version von PyQT. Vorraussetzung ist jedoch, dass du Python schon zumindest grundlegend kannst. Falls das nicht der Fall ist, biete ich dir auch einen dazu passenden Kurs an.Warum grafische Oberflchen?Fast alle Anwendungen, die der durchschnittliche Nutzer verwendet sind grafisch - Sei es der Texteditor oder der Browser, den du gerade geffnet hast. Terminalanwendungen sind im Vergleich hierzu unpraktisch, userunfreundlich und fr eine beachtliche Zahl der Nutzer abschreckend.Warum gerade PyQT? PyQT ist plattformunabhngig, schnell und dennoch leicht zu benutzen. Es gibt einen angenehmen Designer, mit dem man schnell das Layout seiner Anwendung einrichten kann, sodass nur noch das Backend geschrieben werden muss. All das macht PyQT zur idealen Einsteigerplattform."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Der Lambda-Kalkl" |
"In diesemKurs lernst du zunchst, dass alles als Funktion dargestellt werden kann. Es gibt einige Regeln, wenn man Parameter in Funktionen einsetzt. Nachdem wir uns mit diesen vertraut gemacht haben, sehen wir uns die Darstellung von Variablen als Funktionen an.Zum Schluss sehen wir uns noch Typsysteme an, die in der Praxis in Compilern undInterpreteneingesetzt werden, um den Typ von Variablen und Funktionen zu inferieren."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SASS und SCSS - CSS mit Superkrften" |
"In diesem Kurs werden Stylesheets mit SCSS erstellt. SCSS ist eine von zwei Varianten des Sass-Standards und ermglicht die ""richtige"" Programmierung vonCascading Style Sheets.Wer hat sich nicht schon immer gewnscht endlich Variablen in CSSnutzen zu drfen? Einheitliche Farben, schnelle nderungen am Style, Themes mit 5 Zeilen Code.All dies sind Dinge, die du in diesem Kurs lernst.Voraussetzungen sind lediglich HTML und CSS - also nur die geringsten Grundlagen im Bereich Web Entwicklung.VielSpa :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Browserautomatisierung mit Python und Selenium" |
"In diesemKurs lernst du, deinen Browser automatisch Dinge erledigen zu lassen - einmal programmieren - jederzeit ausfhren.Somit ist Selenium das perfekte Tool fr Integrationstests von Webanwendungen oder die Automatisierung von allerlei immer gleichen Aufgaben.Du musst dazu nur Grundlagenwissen in Python besitzen und eventuell HTML lesen knnen. Alles andere wird dir hier erklrt. Sollte dir Wissen fehlen, um den Kurs entweder zu belegen oder zu absolvieren, zgere nicht, mich anzuschreiben und wir finden sicher einen Weg :)Viel Spa!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LaTeX - Professionelle Texte, Prsentationen & Publikationen" |
"LaTeX ist eine Markup-Sprache, hnlich wie HTML, mit der PDF-Dateien erstellt werden knnen. Sowohl fr Bcher als auch fr wissenschaftliche Publikationen und Zeitungen ist LaTeX mittlerweile Standard geworden, da sich layouten sehr einfach gestaltet und die Designs gut wiederverwendbar sind. Um ein paar Komfortfunktionen zu nennen:Zhlende Funoten und QuellenangabenKapitelnummerierungBild- und Tabellenunterschriften und VerzeichnisseInhaltsverzeichnisseMathematik und wissenschaftliche Grafiken, die gut aussehen. (Richtig gut.)"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Proxmox VE - Iniciante" |
"Um curso inicial sobre Proxmox VE.Neste pequeno curso, voc ter contato com o Proxmox VE, ambiente virtual semelhante ao VMWare, XenServer, mas com mais recursos e totalmente via web!Voc tambm ir aprender como instalar e configurar o ambiente, bem como gerenciamento bsico de rede e discos e criao de uma VM! Tambm saber como atualizar o sistema como um todo e como efetuar backup de mquina virtual e restaurao em caso de desastre."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Proxmox VE - Avanado" |
"Ideal para quem quer tirar o mximo do Proxmox, trabalhado com Storages, Redes, Cluster e Alta Disponibilidade. Iremos tratar assuntos como migrao de VM's de outras plataformas (Hyper-V, VMWare etc), clone e template, LiveMigration, Clusters, Alta Disponibilidade, replicao de storage com ZFS, GlusterFS, Ceph, ZFSOver Iscsi e muito mais... Confira!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Zentyal Server 4.0 - Nvel Bsico" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo apresentar o Zentyal Server 4.0 como ferramenta de gerenciamento de Servidores, para redes de pequenas e mdias empresas. Indicado para profissionais de TI, que atuam na rea de consultoria e implantao de infraestrutura, o curso ir guiar o aluno desde a instalao, configuraes bsicas de Rede, gerenciamento de Firewall, DNS, DHCP, SAMBAADcom GPO, Proxy com Autenticao SSO e mais."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Real Deal of Lady's Self-Defense!" |
"My life experiences make this Course very Unique but to me the most Unique thing about this course is that I give you Real and Honest teaching in Self-Defense that comes first from a Spirit-Soul and then Body perspective which means I believe that we are Spirit-Soul-Body. I do not know anyone who does this and most all teach only from a Body perspective.WHY is this Course Unique and important ?? It is good to ask that question. Because in a Self-Defense, a Fight and in a Martial Art battle the first thing that every person will experience HITS the Spirit-Soul first !! Your Spirit-Soul is touched and effected first !! Want to learn some more Truth on Self-Defense ?? Please take the course and support our Mission = Muay Thai Mission !!Please allow me introduce myself ... the Instructor of this Course.My name is Daniel C. Docto aka ""Khru Doc"" which means Teacher Doc in the Thailand language. I am 55 years young butat the age 10 I was a fat and overweight boy and many started to bully me. This motivated meto exercise and through school I played American Football for 7 years.By the influence of my Filipino Dad,my Uncles and heavy weight Champ Ali;I started do some Western Boxing from age 12 to 16. Then from 16 to age 30 I fell in love with Bruce Lee and started to study Martial Arts like Karate/Judo from Japan, KungFu/Tai-Chi from China and then Tae Kwon Do from Korea. In the year 1984 to 1988 I was in a Special Forces Air-Bourne Army unit in California. I won awards in the Army for Fitness and Leadership. From the year 1990 to 2004 I started and owned CKC - Concord Kickboxing Club in California USA.In the year 1993 I became a California Kickboxing Champ which mixes Western Boxing with Martial Arts kicks. Also in the year 1993 I became a Muay Thai Kickboxing Instructor. In the year 2003 to 2006 I became a Police CorrectionalOfficer at San Quentin CA State Prison and in the Police Academy I won awards in Fitness and Leadership.In the year 2004 I made my first trip to Thailand, then in 2005 I did another trip with my wife Zina and then in 2006 we sold everything in the USA and moved to Thailand.In 2010 I was the first American to get Certified with Thailand's Muay Thai College/University and Khru (Teachers) Association. Been living in Thailand for over 11 years now and to say the least I have had some Amazing LIFE Experiences."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Rhetorik-Kurs: Die 4 Sulen der mchtigen berzeugungskraft" |
"Ein Trainingskurs zum Thema der freien und berzeugenden Rede! Fr alle Menschen mit einfachen bis fortgeschrittenen rhetorischen Kenntnissen, um nach Absolvierung der einzelnen Lektionen, vom Anfang bis zum Ende, erfolgreich und professionell Inhalte besser transportieren zu knnen. Eigene Ziele im Leben gekonnt durchsetzen und rhetorische Fhigkeiten im Businessbereich auf ein neues Level bringen? Hier genau richtig.. Let's Go!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to do live audio recording" |
"This course is about how to record your music on a live performance, it can be your own performance or somebody elses. You will be able to accomplish this by applying some key techniques and principles about how audio recording works at almost 100% of the times.This course is aimed for people that love music and intends to give everlasting life with a ggod quality to musical performances or for the ones that just want to record that demo song that they will show to a music producer or to ""someone that knows someone"" in order to get more contracts, more views, more followers or that big opportunity that will allow you to reach the sky."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D - High quality furniture modeling" |
"In this course you will learn how to model high quality furniture. This course is a combination of simple and advanced techniques. Furniture industry is very big and furniture companies increasingly use 3D visualization of their products. I know this from experience since I am working in a company of a similar type.So this course can be helpful to come closer to industry standards.Presented techniques in this course can be also of great help in high poly modeling of any type of products and objects. All learned techniques can be transferred to other 3D software."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"O Jornalismo e os Caminhos da Profisso com Ricardo Boechat" |
"O curso de jornalismo do Ricardo Boechat oferece conhecimento a todos os profissionais que j produzem notcias nas plataformas digitais e tambm ao aluno, j provido de base jornalstica, que deseja gerar contedo factual e reportagens com base em fontes seguras de informaes. O aluno aprender a desenvolver seu prprio mtodo de checagem de fontes e as tcnicas de uma redao objetiva, imparcial e equilibrada para divulgar um contedo, livre das armadilhas atuais da comunicao, com mais credibilidade."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements (Basic)" |
"This course explainsthe steps for the preparation ofconsolidated financial statements. The course will provide details regarding the preparation of the following parts :Consolidated Statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive incomeConsolidated Statement of Financial PositionConsolidated Statement of Changes in EquityNote: Financial statementsnotesand cash flow are excluded.You will learn from the beginning until to the end how you consolidate thefinancial figures fo two entities. In this course you willlearn how the actual accountants prepare consolidated financial statements. The course explain the consolidation processfor thefollowing2 scenarios.You receive and consolidate thefinalfinancial statements (or management accounts) of 2 entities. (not happen in real life )You receive and consolidatethe final Trial Balances of the 2 entities. Then you use the consolidated TB for the preparation of the consolidated Financial Statements(what happen in real life)Our example is based on 2 companies. The 1st company purchased the 90% of the shares of the 2nd company. Both companies currency is the same. The 1st company sells products and the 2nd company sells services.For our presentation I use the following:PowerPointExcelPDFPCWhite BoardWriting tablet (perform calculation, highlight and drawduring the presentations)During the presentations there is audio and on goingcalculations and indications"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Einfhrung in die Verschlsselung (Kryptographie)" |
"Der Online-Kurs ""Einfhrung in die Verschlsselung (Kryptographie)"" zeigt dir, warum wir unsere Daten verschlsseln und wie die komplexen Elemente der Kryptographie miteinander verbunden sind. Jeder von uns besitzt vertrauliche Daten, die es Wert sind zu schtzen. In den praktischen bungen zeige ich dir online, mit welchen Tools du schnell und kostenfrei, deine vertraulichen Daten verschlsseln kannst, sodass niemand anderes als du selbst, darauf zugreifen kann.Ein Beispiel: du hast ein sehr persnliches Foto auf einem USB-Stick gespeichert und pltzlich verlierst du den. Wie kannst du verhindern, dass eine fremde Person das Foto sehen kann? Ein verschlsselter USB-Stick kann dir dabei helfen und in meinem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie diese funktionieren und verwendet werden.Ein weiteres Beispiel: du hast vertrauliche Daten auf deinem Windows-Notebook gespeichert. Pltzlich verlierst du es? Wie stellst du sicher, dass niemand fremdes diese Daten verwerten kann? Mittels EFS (Encrypted File System) oder Bitlocker kannst du deine Daten verschlsseln und ich zeige dir, wie diese Tools in Windows funktionieren.Kryptographie ist ein sehr trockenes und schwieriges Thema. Meine Videos besitzeneine ausgewogene Kombination aus Grafiken und Text und sind in perfekter Bild- und Tonqualitt. Dadurch erhlst du nicht nur wertvolle Informationen, sondern der Kurs macht dir auch viel Spa.Wir, das Team Mike, Alice, Bob und Mallory wnschen dir viel Spass :-)!Du hast eine uneingeschrnkte 30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie durch udemy! Sollte dir mein Kurs absolut nicht weiterhelfen, bekommst du ohne Wenn und Aber dein Geld zurck!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Verschlsselung fr Experten (Kryptographie)." |
"Der Online-Kurs ""Verschlsselung fr Experten (Kryptographie)"" zeigt dir,wie die Algorithmen in der Kryptographie funktionieren.Jeder von uns besitzt vertrauliche Daten, die es Wert sind zu schtzen. In der digitalen Welt werden dafr symmetrische und asymmetrische Algorithmen eingesetzt, um deine Daten zu verschlsseln. Das funktioniert aber nur dann, wenn die komplexen Elemente wie Algorithmus, Schlsselmaterial und Datenkodierung perfekt zusammenarbeiten. Und in diesem Kurs zeige ich dir wie das funktioniert.In den praktischen bungen mit OpenSSL zeige ich dir, wie du deine Daten verschlsselt mit deinen Freunden austauschen kannst, ohne das Fremde den Inhalt sehen knnen. Das Tool OpenSSL ist kostenfrei und wird regelmig aktualisiert."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Professional Photography" |
"This is course one of three that will give you a complete understanding of professional photography. In this basic course, I willintroduceyou to the basics of camera operation. You will learn all of the camera modesalong with all of the features that a DSLR has built in. I will instructyou onISO, apertures (F/Stop). shutter speeds, white balance andexposure compensation. You will have a complete understanding on what each of these items does and how it effects the image you are photographing. I will end this video with a look at creating better imagery through improvedcomposition by giving yousome basic compositional rules and showing examples of how those rules apply to every day photography. It's everything you need to know about the basics of professional photography starting with the most important tool - the camera."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Axure RP 8 - Comprehensive training for UX Design" |
"KICK START your prototyping with this 4 hour online, video training of Axure RP 8 course.The course includes basic, intermediate and advance level of prototyping. This will help you understand the UX fundamental of prototyping and master the intermediate to advanced level as you learn and practice it with resource files.In this course you will get practical experience on -Understanding widgets and stylesCreating a style that can be used as may times as you want.Adding SVG file to prototypeAnnotating widget for easy understanding to another colleagueAdding interaction Page stylesEffective use of Master and dynamic panelUsing the option provided in generating prototype Math, Functions, Expression and VariablesIf / Else conditional logicShopping cart interactionExploring the true power of the repeater widget by adding dynamic data in it.Making adaptive design for mobileWhat student say""The teacher is professional and passionate, I really learn a lot form this course "" - Jusin ""Very usefull course. A good overview for a beginner with also some cool advanced stuff. Almost every topic is covered."" - Felix Staab ""Great course! I liked very much! The course shows us many tips and techniques on the Axure in a very practical way. It does not explain much what each function is but shows how to execute something to make it work. I recommend this course."" - Bianca Faraj""I am beginner in Axure RP and keep on updating my knowledge around it. Whenever I stuck somewhere i go back to the course and refer that particular video and that helps me a lot in concepts because - It is very easy to understand and follow - And point to point explanation Thanks for creating an informative course."" - Abhishek Korpe""Very informative and explanation is too good. Anand is explaining everything in good pace and with examples which makes it easy to grasp and implement. Thanks a lot for this amazing tutorial.""- Vikrant SinghThis course will teach you everything you need to know to start prototyping.Because, prototyping is a crucial part of iterative design and later you can incorporate in design thinking process too.For that reason, individual person or organization need to create wireframes and prototypes in order to make a successful user experience (UX) , and Axure RP 8 is the tool to do that quickly, easily and efficiently. Taking early feedback in design, so that you don't need to run at the end. Showcase you client how their design transform as the project go ahead.Why Axure RP ?Because Axure RP is the tool known for rapid prototyping, and you can create the whole user experience design of a product without writing single line of code.Secondly, you can create simple click-through diagrams to highly functional, rich prototypes with conditional logic (IF/Else), dynamic panel content, masters, repeater widgets, web fonts, animations, math functions, and data-driven interactions that too all in one tool. Furthermore, we will look into the details of all those as we move forward in courses.Thirdly, you can sharing your prototype to your anyone with just click's of buttons."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |