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"Self Defend : PSH SYSTEM" |
" h e l o you start with it now . let go . i dont want to say any more for this course. because it very expain in video . just right that. everyone can do for all my stye skill selfdefend techniqe . if i can do this . you got it dont difficuly do step by step to begin my action is very teach for to make comboyou need to try patern move more to professionali can traning you to make auto hit , block , counter, evade,control and read them move for you defend easyyou dont think more move and you do like me it ok. to get special fast moveoh it hard but i tell you all techniqe to do . try againTechniqe.1.Experience2.knowledge3.tranning"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP GRC Access Control 10 Connector Configuration" |
"SAP GRC Access Control 10 ConfigurationSAPGRCArchitecture including components like Access Control, Process Control, Risk Management and NFE- Nota Fiscal ElectronicaPost Installation steps or Pre checks before starting GRCACConfigurationConnector Configuration - Connector GroupsIntegration Scenarios - AUTH, PROV, ROLMG, SUPMGActions - 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004, 0005Sync Jobs - Authorization Sync, Repository Sync"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"A Beginner's guide to SAP HR Security" |
"This covers SAPHRSecurity as mentioned belowThis course covers types of HR Data - PA and PD Data, Info types & Sub Types, Authorization restrictions based on Info Types, HR Security related Authorization objects, HR Objects like- Position, Org Unit, JobIndirect role assignment to users like Position based role assignment, Org Unit based Role assignment and Job based role assignment. Creating Communication Info type i.e linking HR Master Record with user master record Structural Authorizations and Necessity of StructuralAuthorizations, Creation of PD profiles and Direct & Indirect assignment of PD Profiles"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SAP User Administration - Management of users in SAP" |
"In this course we would be covering topics like how to create and maintain users in SAPsystems. This is the procedure we follow whatever SAPsystem it is. You can alsoknowabout User types, Change Documents of users and Standard users. It also covers tables related to User Administration. At the end of this course, you will be able to maintain users in SAPsystems independently."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tworzenie aplikacji w jzyku Swift - 6 programw na iOS" |
"[RUSZYA WIOSENNA PROMOCJA] Kliknij po prawej stronie mam kupon i wprowad kod rabatowy WIOSNA20, aby naby ten kurs nawet do 90% taniej! Liczba kuponw jest ograniczona.Nauczymy Ci od podstaw tworzenia aplikacji w jzyku Swift! W trakcie szkolenia od zera stworzysz 6 aplikacji, takie jak:TinderKalkulatorGaleria zdjLottoToDoListNotepadTwoja nauka oparta bdzie o jzyk Swift - jest to wci rozwijajcy si jzyk od Apple, dziki ktremu w prosty i intuicyjny sposb napiszesz aplikacje na platform iOS. Bdziesz uczy si na praktycznych przykadach w rodowisku Xcode. Swoj pierwsz aplikacj napiszesz ju na pocztku nauki. Dziki temu masz pewno, e zdobywasz praktyczn wiedz! Szkolenie moesz realizowa we wasnym tempie, wracajc wielokrotnie do lekcji, kiedy tylko bdziesz mia czas i ochot.>> Podstawy skadni jzyka SwiftJeeli nie masz podstaw programowania, nie rozumiesz poj takich jak: stae, zmienne, tablice, sowniki, przepywy, to koniecznie zajrzyj do naszego kursu wprowadzajcego Podstawy jzyka Swift. Jest to idealne szkolenie, aby rozpocz przygod z nauk programowania.>> Dlaczego warto pozna jzyk Swift?Swift uatwia tworzenie szybkich aplikacji, posiada prost struktur kodu i jest intuicyjny w zastosowaniu. Swoj pierwsz aplikacj napiszesz nawet w 10 minut! Nowy jzyk od Apple jest atwy w nauce, dlatego polecany jest dla osb pocztkujcych jako pierwszy jzyk programowania. Programujc w jzyku Swift moesz tworzy aplikacje nie tylko na iOS, ale rwnie na Apple WatchOS i tvOS.>> Dlaczego warto wybra nasze szkolenie?Od zupenych podstaw nauczymy Ci pisa aplikacje mobilne w Swift, a wic poznasz wszelkie potrzebne narzdzia do rozpoczcia tworzenia wasnych projektw. Wszystkie zagadnienia przedstawimy Ci na praktycznych przykadach. Masz pewno, e nie zanudzimy Ci teori!W trakcie szkolenia poznasz rodowisko programistyczne Xcode, ktre uatwi Ci proces projektowania i kodowania aplikacji. Szkolenie przygotuje Ci do samodzielnego programowania aplikacji mobilnych. Moemy Ci obieca, e napiszesz z nami swj pierwszy, w peni dziaajcy program!>> Co zrobi jeli nie masz komputera Mac?Chciaby zacz nauk programowania aplikacji na system iOS, ale nie masz odpowiedniego oprogramowania? Nie szkodzi! Istnieje sposb, ktry pozwala rozwiza ten problem.Moesz skorzysta z wirtualnej maszyny, ktra umoliwia uruchomienie systemu Mac OS X. Zdalne korzystanie z systemu od Apple jest bardzo proste. Do czenia si z Twoim wirtualnym Maciem wykorzystasz dedykowan aplikacj zdalnego pulpitu lub przegldark internetow. Po zalogowaniu bdziesz korzysta z penych moliwoci systemu. Nie musisz te martwi si o tworzone przez Ciebie projekty - bdziesz mia moliwo zapisywania plikw i ich synchronizacji z wirtualn maszyn.Gdzie znale tak usug? Moemy poleci usugi MainCloud.*** Sprawd kolejn cz szkolenia Tworzenie gier w Swift - SpriteKit, SceneKit i ARKit ***"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Swift - tworzenie gier 2D i 3D" |
"[RUSZYA WIOSENNA PROMOCJA] Kliknij po prawej stronie mam kupon i wprowad kod rabatowy WIOSNA20, aby naby ten kurs nawet do 90% taniej! Liczba kuponw jest ograniczona.Swift umoliwia atwe tworzenie gier 2D i 3DProgramujc w Swift stworzysz nie tyko szybkie aplikacje, ale rwnie gry, ktre bd pynnie dziaa na kadym urzdzeniu z systemem iOS, Poznasz najpopularniejsze wzorce projektowe i frameworki. Midzy innymi dowiesz si, jak wykorzysta rozszerzon rzeczywisto w swoich projektach oraz jak w bardzo prosty sposb tworzy gry 2D z wykorzystaniem edytora graficznego. 1) Flying Bird, Cats and Birds, Birds Cats and Dog, Stony Bird Stworzysz klon wiatowego hitu Flappy Bird i rne jego wariacje. Na podstawie kilku rnych gier 2D tworzonych z wykorzystaniem SpriteKit nauczysz si symulowania fizycznych waciwoci obiektw, dodawania interakcji pomidzy obiektami, konkretnego owietlenia na scenie i niesamowitych efektw specjalnych. 2) Cats GoStworzysz gr 3D opart na mechanice ""Pokemon Go"", pokazujc zasady tworzenia aplikacji z wykorzystaniem rozszerzonej rzeczywistoci. Uyjesz do tego frameworka SceneKit i dowiesz si, jak dodawa obiekty i porusza je na scenie. Wykorzystasz rwnie dostp do aparatu i yroskopu.3) ARKitZaimplementujesz jeden z najnowszych i najpopularniejszych frameworkw. ARKit umoliwi Ci programowanie aplikacji mobilnych, wykorzystujcych rozszerzon rzeczywisto. W czasie kursu osobicie wykorzystasz go przy tworzeniu gry Cats GO.Wyprzed konkurencj i ju dzisiaj wykorzystaj jzyk Swift do tworzenia efektownych gier!>>>> Jeeli nie znasz podstaw jzyka Swift - sprawd nasze szkolenia dla pocztkujcych <<<<"
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Podstawy jzyka Swift" |
"[RUSZYA WIOSENNA PROMOCJA] Kliknij po prawej stronie mam kupon i wprowad kod rabatowy WIOSNA20, aby naby ten kurs nawet do 90% taniej! Liczba kuponw jest ograniczona.>> Nie wiesz nic o programowaniu? Ten kurs jest wanie dla Ciebie! Jeeli chcesz programowa aplikacje na iOS, znajomo jzyka Swift jest niezbdna.W trakcie 4 godzin poznasz wszystkie najwaniejsze zagadnienia zwizane z pisaniem programw w jzyku Swift. Od zupenych podstaw poznasz skadni jzyka Swift Trener w prostych sowach wyjania wszystkie pojcia i zasady dziaania poszczeglnych elementw kodu. Dowiesz si, na czym polega programowanie obiektowe i napiszesz swoje pierwsze programy w Xcode!Cay kurs przygotowany jest z myl o osobach dopiero zaczynajcych swoj przygod z programowaniem. Kada lekcja zawiera praktyczne wiczenia z kodem oraz dodatkowe testy do powtrzenia omawianego materiau. >> Od tego kursu musisz zacz, jeeli chcesz zdoby aktualn wiedz i wyuczy prawidowe nawyki pisania kodu. Jzyk Swift naley do czowki najpopularniejszych jzykw programowania (wedug indeksu TIOBE). Nad jego rozwojem czuwa nie tylko koncern Apple, ale take ogromna spoeczno niezalenych programistw. Narzdzia i biblioteki jzyka zostay udostpnione wszystkim na otwartej licencji, wic teraz w Swift moesz programowa nie tylko na urzdzenia Apple, ale take tworzy programy na systemy operacyjne Linux i systemy serwerowe IBM. Swift jest stworzony dla osb pocztkujcych! To bezpieczny, szybki i intuicyjny jzyk. Uproszczona skadnia pozwala na szybk i efektywn nauk programowania. >> Co zrobi jeli nie masz komputera Mac?Chciaby zacz nauk programowania aplikacji na system iOS, ale nie masz odpowiedniego oprogramowania? Nie szkodzi! Istnieje sposb, ktry pozwala rozwiza ten problem.Moesz skorzysta z wirtualnej maszyny, ktra umoliwia uruchomienie systemu Mac OS X. Zdalne korzystanie z systemu od Apple jest bardzo proste. Do czenia si z Twoim wirtualnym Maciem wykorzystasz dedykowan aplikacj zdalnego pulpitu lub przegldark internetow. Po zalogowaniu bdziesz korzysta z penych moliwoci systemu. Nie musisz te martwi si o tworzone przez Ciebie projekty - bdziesz mia moliwo zapisywania plikw i ich synchronizacji z wirtualn maszyn.Gdzie znale tak usug? Moemy poleci usugi MainCloud.Aby nauczy si podstaw skadni jzyka Swift i ukoczy t cz szkolenia moesz skorzysta z bezpatnej konsoli IBM.>> Przekonaj si, jak szybko zaczniesz samodzielnie pisa pierwsze aplikacje!Gwarantujemy, e zdobdziesz podstawow wiedz na temat programowania w jzyku Swift. Sumienna realizacja caego kursu odpowiednio przygotuje Ci do kolejnych szkole z zakresu tworzenia niesamowitych aplikacji na iOS dostpnych w naszej ofercie.Nie szukaj wymwek i ju dzi zacznij nauk programowania w jzyku Swift! *** Kontynuuj nauk i sprawd kolejn cz szkolenia Tworzenie aplikacji w jzyku Swift - 6 programw na iOS***"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Android Kotlin desde cero" |
"Quieres aprender a desarrollar tus propias aplicaciones Android? S !? Pues al terminar el curso tendrs las bases necesarias y sers capaz de disear y crear tus propias aplicaciones Android! El curso est diseado para que principiantes que desean aprender a desarrollar aplicaciones Android lo puedan hacer desde cero, ya que vers los fundamentos de programacin que se necesitan para programar con este lenguaje que es muy amigable, con ejemplos claros y concisos, empezando desde lo bsico; si ya tienes conocimientos previos de Java y un nivel medio,tambin te servir el curso para conocer Kotlin y continuar a un nivel ms avanzado.Si ya eres un desarrollador Android con Javael curso te servir para conocer el lenguaje Kotlin y su beneficios.Los beneficios de Kotlin sobre Java:Es un lenguaje compatible con JavaCompila al menos tan rpido como JavaEs ms seguro que JavaEs ms conciso que JavaReduce la base de cdigo significativamente cuando se compara con el mismo cdigo escrito en JavaEn el curso se abarcarn temas como variables, operadores lgicos y matemticos, arrays, bucles, etc., todo paso a paso con ejemplos sencillos de entender para poder adentrarnos al concepto de Programacin Orientada a Objetos, que es necesario para programar aplicaciones en Kotlin.Tambin aprenders como consumir servicios web RESTful con JSON; te ensear a usar GPS y Maps. Aprenders a usar SQLite para agregar, eliminar o actualizar registros en la base de datos, Notificaciones Push,como usar Firebase en tu aplicacin entreotras cosas.Todo esto y mucho ms en un solo curso, MUY completo por cierto! y cuando finalices sers todo un PROFESIONAL en el desarrollo de aplicaciones android con Kotlin.Qu esperas para cumplir tu sueo? Comencemos a aprender Kotlin!"
Price: 2970.00 ![]() |
"Forget Stiffness & Back-Pain! 12min' to a FIT & Vital Body" |
"Have you ever struggled back pain and stiffness? Sure, Over! 80% of people suffer it. Did you try different drugs, or conservative therapies that didn't help much or didnt last? Sure most of us did. Did you try stretching, massaging or strengthening muscles around the pain but it didnt help? Youre not alone and for clear reasons.This course is more than just about stiffness and back pain relief, its about leveraging your body into new levels of energy, improving your balance, mobility, stamina, standing and sitting postures. And as side effect lifting up your vitality, mood, and even tone your hips and belly on the way. And Yes you can do that with a 12 minute simple habit. No need for Gym, or long Yoga and Pilates sessions.Imagine what it will fill like to be without the pain and stiffness that's capturing you, and how it will feel to be vital, energized and agile again. Would you revive some activities that you prevent from yourself? Using only 12 min' of this technique at evenings will relieve your pain and strengthen crucial inner core muscles that will free your brain off the 'pain circle' and remove stress off your nerves. This will reduce the inflammation stress on your nerves and allow your body's self repair and healing mechanism to kick into action and work for you further overnight. Using it at mornings will allow you also to pass your day pain free and add energy and vitality. By time you'll experience amazing results. Just minutes a day, no need for private trainers, drugs, pain clinics... This program is not going to make you sweat to your bone and not going to raise your bit-rate much, it's different, it's going to balance your body, relieve stress and then strengthen specific core muscles that are crucial for your health and proper fit, selectively and accurately. And it does leverage athletic capabilities at any level, by adding flexibility and core strength, in case you want to use it for that reason.This course firstly teach you what causes continuous damage to your spine, how to stop this damaging to your spine, and then take you into a collection of professionally crafted and selected exercises for releasing the body, relieving back pain and stiffness, improve the flexibility and strengthen your core and back. You will learnThe 3 Unknown Causes for Stiffness & Spine illnesses, that we subject ourselves to every day!How to prevent further damage to your spineHow to Release Tense in your Spine, Cartilage and Nerves, and take you out off the circle of painHow to Relieve Sciatica (pain affecting the back, hip, and outer side of the leg, caused by compression of a spinal nerve root in the lower back, due to degeneration of an intervertebral disk)How to Laser focus on Releasing the Exact muscles that causes Stress and imbalanceHow to Balance and Align Your Spine and skeleton to reduce tensionsHow to Strengthen Core Muscles that are responsible for spine stability, health and fit.How to Improve your standing and sitting posturesHow to Quickly Relieve Pain & Stiffness by 10 simple and easy to perform exercises.How to reduce static sitting damage with 7 On Chair Exercises, and stimulate your blood flow and vitality.Bonus - Simple, Safe and Cheap Vitamins & Food Additives that will help your spine to recover fast and stay healthyThis tutorial willFirstly raise into your continuous the number one cause in the new era for stiffness, back pain and spinal health problems.It will than teach you how to workaround this in your everyday, in order to prevent further damage to your body, and in order to allow you to heal your body.And then it will teach you, step by step, with full details and fully featured videos, how to perform simple everyday exercises that are extremely helpful to relieve your pain, immune your body for your everyday tasks, and add energy and vitality to your everyday.Once you'll be familiar with the exercises you'll be able to use the summary videos as your everyday private trainer.Youll get the 10Ex Easy SOS Pain Relief subset that you can use as an SOS pain relieve in case you suffer severe pain and stiffness at a certain time.How to reduce static sitting damage and stimulate your blood & vitality, by 7 simple on-chair ex.Which Vitamins & Food Additives can help your spine and joints to recover fast and stay healthy. Simple, safe and cheap ones.The practice program is a set of 31 exercises, tested extensively to be most effective for releasing the body and to help improve the flexibility and the strength of your back.19 exercises that remove the stress off our cartilage, muscles, ligaments and joints12 exercises that strengthen core muscles that are most important for our spine health, daily activities and for sittingUse the 10 exercises subset as a 3 min quick relief, in case you're stiff, or you feel pain in your spine, legs or hands. This short set is easy to perform even in severe stiffness and pain. You can perform it just in 3 minutes, or linger on the most relieving postures as much as you like. It can make wonders to your painful body, just watch gravity in action and breath slowly.There are additional 7 On-Chair exercises, specially designed to reduce static sitting damage and stimulate your blood & vitality, and strengthen your core muscles. You can use them any place any time."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Practical Deep Learning with PyTorch" |
"Growing Importance of Deep LearningDeep learning underpins a lot of important and increasingly important applications today ranging from facial recognition, to self-driving cars, to medical diagnostics and more. Made for Anyone Although many courses are very mathematical or too practical in nature, this course strikes a careful balance between the two to provide a solid foundation in deep learning for you to explore further if you are interested in research in the field of deep learning and/or applied deep learning. It is purposefully made for anyone without a strong background in mathematics. And for those with a strong background, it would accelerate your learning in understanding the different models in deep learning. Code As You Learn This entire course is delivered in a Python Notebook such that you can follow along the videos and replicate the results. You can practice and tweak the models until you truly understand every line of code as we go along.I highly recommend you to type every line of codewhen you are listening to the videos as this will help a lot in getting used to the syntax. Gradual Learning Style The thing about many guides out there is that they lack the transition from the very basics and people often get lost or miss out vital links that are critical in understanding certain models. Because of this, you can see how every single topic is closely linked with one another. In fact, at the beginning of every topic from logistic regression, I take the time to carefully explain how one model is simply a modification from the previous. That is the marvel of deep learning, we can trace back some part of it to linear regression where we will start. Diagram-Driven Code This course uses more than 100 custom-made diagrams where I took hundreds of hours to carefully create such that you can clearly see the transition from one model to another and understand the models comprehensively. Also, the diagrams are created so you can clearly see the link between the theory that I would teach and the code you would learn. Mentor Availability When I first started learning, I wished I had a mentor to guide me through the basics till the advanced theories where you can publish research papers and/or implement very complicated projects. And this course provides you with free access to ask any question, no matter how basic. I will be there and try my very best to answer your question. Even if the material is covered here, I will take the effort to point you to where you can learn here and more resources beyond this course.Math Prerequisite FAQThis is not a course that emphasizes heavily on the mathematics behind deep learning. It focuses on getting you to understand how everything works first which is very important for you to easily catch up on the mathematics later on.There are mathematics involved but they are limited with the sole aimto enhance your understanding and provide a gentle learning curve forfuture courses that would dive much deeper into it.Latest Python Notebooks Compatible with PyTorch 0.4 and 1.0There are very small changes from PyTorch 0.3 for this deep learning series where you will find it is extremely easy to transit over!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"zielgerichtetes E-Mail Marketing mit Klick-Tipp umsetzen" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an ""Unternehmer des Lebens"",die sichmit Hilfe vonE-MailMarketing einen greren Interessenten- und Kundenkreis aufbauen wollen und sich langfristige Kundenbeziehungen wnschen!In diesem Kurs lernst du:Du lernst die Vorteile von E-Mail Marketing, im Vergleich zu anderen Online Medien kennen.Wie du typische Fehler im Online Marketing vermeidest und wie erfolgreiche Online Unternehmer vorgehen.Du lernst das einzigartige Tagging System von Klick-Tipp kennen und die Mglichkeiten die du damit an die Hand bekommst. Ich erklre dir in mehreren Videos den Aufbau eines kompletten E-Mail Marketing System mit der Erstellung von verschiedenenAnmeldeformularen, Mail- bzw. Newslettererstellung und Kontaktverwaltung. Ich stelle dir den Aufbau von verschiedenen E-Mail Kampagnen vor, damit du sofort eigenen Kampagne umsetzen kannst.Ich erklre dir den Aufbau und die vielfltigen Mglichkeiten des Marketing Cockpits, dem zentralen Baustein von Klick-Tipp um AutoresponderE-Mail Kampagnen zu entwerfen.Wir erstellen am Bildschirm ein Beispiel E-Mail Interessentenkampagne mit dem Marketing Cockpit.Du lernst zielgerichtete Verkaufsmails zu gestalten, die schon jahrelang erfolgreich am Markt funktionieren, inklusive 26 Power Wrter die in keiner Betreffzeile fehlen drfen. Welche Mglichkeiten habe ich Klick-Tipp mit anderen Marketingstools wie Webinarsoftware, Bezahlsystemeund Schnittstellen zu verknpfen. verschiedene Checklisten und Aufgaben helfen dir dein Wissen zu vertiefenDamit bist du dannin der Lage smarte und zielgerichtete E-Mail Marketing einzusetzen um deine Interessenten und Kunden gezielt anzusprechen und dauerhaft zu binden."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Yo Consultor de Ventas 2.0" |
"Primero debemos trabajar en ti, en la incorporacin de habilidades que te permitan mejorar la relacin que tienes con tus clientes y como consecuencia mayores ingresos a travs de ventas eficientes. Luego, te propongo conocera los clientes y como toman decisiones para tener el control de la negociacin, influyendo de forma positiva e integra y se sientan escuchados, atenidos e impactados con tu propuesta. Si ya son tus clientes No los dejes ir!, existen herramientas de post venta que te ayudarn a retenerlos e incrementar tus ventas por el cross selling o con sus referidos. Este mdulo necesita de tu voluntad de cambio."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Pixologic Zbrush 4R7 (Bengali language)" |
"In this ZBrush tutorial well take an introductory look at this powerful sculpting, painting, and illustration application. Well begin by exploring the ZBrush interface and cover the process of getting geometry ready to sculpt so you can jump in and begin creating. We'll talk about Pixols and the unique 2.5D workflow and we'll talk about basic methods for creating and manipulating geometry on the canvas. Subdividing your mesh and beginning to use the sculpting brushes to add detail will be covered, as well as techniques for painting your models. We'll also cover topics like masking and polygroups, and several innovative methods for building geometry including ZModeler, ZSpheres, DynaMesh and ShadowBox. We'll start with some simple geometry and then progress to more of a project-based approach as we explore sculpting, painting, using FiberMesh, lighting and rendering, and map creation. ZBrush is an extremely robust application, so we'll only be able to skim the surface of many of its tools in our time together. This course will cover everything you need to know to start digital sculpting: Starting basic sculpting Slicing and clipping Editing polypaint Masking Adding Material Using Zremesher What is Dynamesh Using surface noise Working with shadowBox Using Spotlight Lighting and rendering in Zbrush UV and map creation So much more!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Topogun Introduction (bengali language)" |
"In this TopoGun tutorial, we learnto build custom topology for our models. These days it's common practice to create extremely high-resolution and highly detailed models in sculpting applications like ZBrush or Mudbox. These models can give us a great idea of what a character, set, or prop will look like, but they're usually not optimized for rigging, animation, or use in a real-time game engine. Or the underlying topology we are using to sculpt may not be optimal for the detail we're creating. This new topology can be used as a new base mesh when sculpting, or we can use it in a game engine along with all of the texture and normal maps that TopoGun also creates. We'll start off the course by talking about the importance of good topology and why TopoGun can be such a a useful tool. We'll go over the interface and the basics of getting around the application.You'll be able to start using TopoGun to really speed up your workflow and create more optimal topology for your projects. We will also be jumping around a little to different applications to see how well TopoGun integrates, so it will be helpful if you have some experience with Maya, ZBrush, or Mudbox.Software required: TopoGun.This course will cover everything you need to create retopoly model:Why do we need new topologyCustomizing the InterfaceUsing the Tube ToolHow to UseDraw ToolWorking with Extrude ToolViewing and SelectingWorking with filesUsing the Simple CreateSo much more!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"JQuery Master, build awesome websites, 5 Projects included!" |
"Master JQuery and start building rich webpages and applications.JQuery is the most used library in the world to build Web-Pages and applications. From transitions to just simplify you code just like jquery says, write less do more.In this course...We will start from the very beginning. From ""..I Don't know what JQuery is..."" to actually build a few applications with transitions and custom functions. We will divide this journey together in different modules, where we are going to be increasing the difficulty as we advance through the course.Since I believe that the best way to learn its by coding, at the end of the course, we will create three small widgets from the very start, and two whole projects were we will apply a los of Jquery and as we advance in time, I will be adding more projects so we can practice with something new.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:The very basics of Jquery, Selecting elements, childrens and parents, EQ'ing, Filters.We will learn how to manipulate the screen with the DOM, Events, Listeners, creating elements, Inserting elements and more.We will create transitions and use the built in transitions of jquery and we will create our own custom animations.We will learn how to use JQuery UI to make our website awesome.And of course we will cover bonus features Other libraries, ajax, etcAt the end we well create widgets and apps to apply everything in a real world experience.What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi,Fox, Dysney and a lot more.Today I work as developer for a major company developing applications in React or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a liitle bit of Javascript is required.If you want to take your website to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Starting with React & Redux: Build modern apps (2nd edition)" |
"Build modern Apps with React and Redux.Doyou want to take your coding to the next level?.This is the course for you.You will learn React from the ground up here.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know how torun it"" to actually building a few applications.You will learn all the logic and practice behind React in different modules, and as we advancethrough the course we will be increasing the difficulty.Since I believe that the best way to fully learn is by coding,after each section we will puteverything in practice with some course projects, and after you have a strong base of Reactwe will journey into REDUX, the most belovedstate manager.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:The very basics of React.How toy install and run it.How to create different types of components.Learn the tools React provides, just like State and React Lifecycles to handle you application.Work with events and use them in a real life scenario and theimportance of props to handle the applicationHow to use React Router to navigate through pages and create transition with React Transition GroupHow to do typechecking with React ProptypesLearn how to use the Redux cycle properly and handle the information that flows in your entire applicationWe will learn the importance of middlewares.Much more of course...And of course, we will stop before going to different levels and create a project to put everything in practice..What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies likeCiti,Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as developer for a major company developing applications inReact or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a liitle bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.If you want to take your codingto the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The complete Javascript ES6 course." |
"Upgrade yourself with ES6!!Want to take you JavaScript knowledgeto meettoday's standards ? so this is the course for you.Right here you will learn ES6 from the ground up.Right know in the web development industry, there is a growing demand for modern web framework such as REACT, Angular or VUE. So mastering ES6 syntax will put you in a place were you can create amazing web apps and meet today's standards.This new version of JavaScript comes with a lot of new features and a bunch of updates for the old ways. We will cover every new piece of syntax ES6 provides to us as well as the updates that made this language great, but now makes it better.Starting from the foundation of JS Arrayhelpers such as ""foreach"", ""map"", ""reduce"", """", then we will learn the new ways to interact with our code with ""Object literals"", ""template strings"", ""default arguments"" ,""classes"" and we will end learning the hard stuff of ES6 like ""Generators"" and ""modules"".Which topics will wecover ?Constantsand variablesTemplate stringsArray helpers ( foreach, map, filter, reduce, every and some, reduce, for..of)Fat arrow functionsObject literals and default function argumentsRest and Spread operator.How to use classesMake the code simplewith DestructuringPromises and fetchHow to use modulesGeneratorsMapand Set"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Definitive Node.Js Developer Course" |
"Doyou want to take yourcoding to the next level?.This is the course for you.You will learnNode jsfrom the ground up here.We will start from the verybeginning, from ""I don't even know how use it..and why would I to actuallyunderstanding how Node.js and javascript works and use its power.You will learn all thelogicandpracticebehindNode.jsin different modules, and as we advancethroughthe course we will be increasing the difficulty.Since I believe that the best way to fullylearn is by coding,after each important section we will puteverything inpracticewith somecourse projects, and after you have astrong base of node jswe will journey intoDatabases, Sockets and deploying our apps to production.We will use ES6, the latest version of javascript.You dont know ES6 ?Dont sweat it, there is a full bonus section where we will show you all the ES6 magic.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:The verybasics of Node js. How toy install and run it.How itworks, and what happens behind the scenes.Learn thetools Node js provides, to get your project going.Create simple web server servers with the built in power of Node js.Take things to the next level using Express and HBS to render you web apps.Understand the essentials of Mongo DB, and go deep with Mongoose.Apply security, authentication, restricting routes, hashing passwords and JWTsLearn how to process uploadsusing multer and cloud services.Level up you application using sockets with socket ioFull ES6 course.New sections added every monthAnd of course, we will stop before going to different levels andcreate a project to put everything in practice..What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies likeCiti,Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as developer for a major company developing applications inReact or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.If you want to take your codingto the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The complete React Fullstack course ( 2nd edition )" |
"Do you want to learn the whole process of building your App ?. This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know how use it..and why would I to actually understanding how React works and make it communicate with other technologies like Node js.You will learn all the logic and practice behind React in different modules, and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.Since I believe that the best way to fully learn is by coding, after each important section we will put everything in practice with some course projects, and after you have a strong base of React we will journey into Servers and Databases, Redux and deploying apps to production.We will use ES6, the latest version of javascript. Dont know ES6 ?Dont sweat it, there is a full bonus section where we will show you all the ES6 magic.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:The very basics of React. How to install and the logic behind it.Once you know the basics of React we will journey into the confusing stuff.After you have a strong base of React we will create a full practice project.Everybody is using Redux, so we will learn how to use redux with our React Apps.Since our app will need a database, you will learn how to use MongoDB and mongoose.Apply security, authentication, restricting routes, hashing passwords and JWTs.We will create a second practice project using React, Redux, Node Server and MongoDB.Of course, we will learn the whole process of publishing you app using Heroku, Git and Github.Webpack is part of the fullstack, so we will discuss the basics of Webpack .You also get a Full ES6 courseWhat about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi,Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as developer for a major company developing applications in React or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The React practice course, learn by building projects." |
"Do you want to practice your React coding or just to learn it by creating webpages ?.This is the course for you.Because sometimes the best way to learn its by practicing and because most of the courses teach you the just the basics and give you a todo app, I wanted to create something different. We will create Three real life projects, so we can practice our react coding in a more real environment.If you dont know much of React, no worries. We will start simple with a static landing page , then we will go to a much more compete project with authentication and DB and last but not least we will create am e-commerce style project with user cart, PayPal, not only that we will create our own server to handle all the requests.If you know nothing about React, dont worry, I added a bonus section with a tiny React course so you can understand the basics and how react works. So you can start from there and then go to the practice projects.To sum everything up, this what we will be creating in this course:Project one The venue:How to create a project with React CLICreation of componentsUsing third party librariesCreating transitions on reveal and carrousel.Using parts of Material UI to make our app better.Deployment of a static webpages to SURGE.Project two M City:Creating of routes to navigate our projectMore complex animations and transitionsRendering components using data from a serverWe will use authentication and create an Admin endpointFirebase uploads and storageAdd a database on a server to work withDeployment of the project to FirebaseProject three Waves:E-Commerce style applicationCreation of dynamic routesUsing REDUX as store.Authentication, user dashboard and admin dashboardCreate a server with Node JS and expressAdd database to our Project with Mongo DBCreating different routes to process the requestsAdd cart items to user accountComplete checkout with PaypalDeployment to HerokuAnd as a bonus just like tiny React course, you will get additional React components to the projects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The complete Vue JS course" |
"Do you want to learn the whole process of building your App with Vue ?. This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know how use it..and why should I to actually understanding how Vue works and make it communicate with other technologies like Firebase and Node js.You will learn all the logic and practice behind Vue in different modules, and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.Since I believe that the best way to fully learn is by coding, after each important section we will put everything in practice with some course projects, and after you have a strong base of Vue we will journey into Routes, VUEX and Authentication.We will use ES6.Dont know ES6 ?Dont sweat it, there is a full section where we will show you all the ES6 magic.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:The very basics of Vue. How to install and the logic behind it.We will build a tiny game just knowing the basics.Once we are done with the basics, we will use Vue like the pros by adding Node jsWe will connect our Vue app with technologies like Firebase and we will push our practice project to production.Everybody is using VUEX, so we will learn how to use Vuex.Once we know the hardcore stuff about Vue, Vuex and routes we will put everything in practice by creating a third practice project where we will mix it all.You also get a Full ES6 course, just in caseWhat about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi,Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as developer for a major company developing applications in React or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Hacking: Become a Professional Web Pentester" |
"This course contains everything to start working as a web pentester. You will learn about exploitation techniques, hacking tools, methodologies, and the whole process of security assessments. It is absolutely hands-on, you will do all the attacks in your own penetration testing environment using the provided applications. The targets are real open-source software. You will have to work hard but at the end you will be able to do web security assessments on your own as a real ethical hacker.My name is Geri and I am the instructor of this course about web application hacking. If you are interested in hacking and IT security, then this is the perfect place to start. You might be a developer, an IT administrator, or basically anybody with an IT background. With this training you will get everything you need to start working as a professional web penetration tester.But why would you want to become one? First of all because it is lot's of fun. You can be in the position of an attacker trying to hack various system. Finding vulnerabilities exploiting them and taking over the system. You can find the true hacker in yourself. It is a very creative and exciting job.Also the security business is booming now. I get offers every day on LinkedIn, because there is a serious shortage of penetration testers. As companies figure out that they really have to care about security they face the problem that they cannot find people to do that. And it just keeps growing. And because of that you can earn pretty well even as a white hat ethical hacker, so there is no reason to go to the dark side.But why should you learn web hacking. Mostly because there is the biggest demand on the market. Wherever you go to work right now as a penetration tester, around 80 % of the projects are web hacking related. This usually because the awareness of web security was already established and because basically everything has a web interface from web application to embedded devices or IoT. Also because that is the fastest to learn. It is because web related technologies are usually text based and are easy to work with. So at the end of the day web pentesting is the fastest to learn and the most searched for so I think it is an obvious choice to start your carrier there.But who am I to teach that, you might ask. I work as a penetration tester in Germany. I am lucky to work with the extremely wide spectrum of technologies in my day job.I also talk on conferences, when I have the time (google my name).And I have already made an online hacking course which has 20000+ students, and people seemed to like it.But most importantly I know how to become a penetration tester because I did it myself. I was a software quality engineer when I decided to change to pentesting. I did trainings read books to become one. But when I designed this ethical hacking course I tried to figure out what are the most important things you need, based on my own experience. I analysed what I needed the most to become a pentester and also what we are looking for, when we hire somebody in our team. And I put these topics in this course. So if you learn everything in this ethical hacking course, then I would be glad to work with you, because I would know that I can trust you with doing a web assessment.So how is this course looks like. It is absolutely hands on. We are gonna hack real open source applications where you can try every technique and attack yourself. So you will have to get your hands dirty. I will show you everything first and then you can keep experimenting and testing yourself.Of course this course is the essentials. I don't like the idea of people calling courses the ""complete whatever"". In IT generally there is no such thing as complete. There are new systems and technologies born everyday. You will have to learn forever and your knowledge will never be complete. But that is good for two reasons:It never gets boring, there will be always something interesting new thing to learn.You will be never without job. If you keep up with the developments there will be always something new to do. And as long as there are new systems people will keep screwing up and building insecure stuff. And that's what brings projects to us.So I hope I piqued you attention, to learn web application hacking and becoming an ethical hacker. But if you don't believe me here is what my students say:""The instruction is hitting some key elements to test for web apps and in the process providing some useful tips when using Burp."" - Danny Rogers""I watched first time all video - and didn't see 10% of the value LOL shame on me. But over now that am doing exercises i see how much and how powerful this course - thank you Geri!!"" - ARturs Stays""Dude you are awesome. Teach me!!!! Teach me!!!!!"" - Rubem""A very well developed and presented course."" - Steve HineslySo join now and let's get hacking."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"START 1 NOW - Know-How For Entrepreneurs In A Hurry" |
"START 1 NOW KNOW-HOW FOR ENTREPRENEURS IN A HURRY Select startupingredients, tips & tricks,from outstanding startup founders Create your own delicious idea-to-launch recipe. Learn what startup veterans learned the hard way: What to avoid, what are must-haves. Elevator Pitch, Executive Summary, Company Valuation, Pitch Deck, Marketing & Branding, Getting the Money, and more. No-nonsense reality: Results from 5 decades, over 2,000 startups winners & losers, $billions of startup capital raised. For startups of all sizes, all countries. WHAT WILL I LEARN? You will be equipped to whip up a plan to launch your new enterprise, be-it-large or not-so-large. Quickly learn what works: Startup strategy, how to out-maneuver competition, where to use marketing, PR & buzz, how to create a brand that stands out, and to value your startup as well as forecast financial statements, and more. Understand startup investors: what successful angels, venture investors and experienced startup talent look for in a plan for a fresh enterprise. REQUIREMENTSNo prerequisite knowledge or additional applications are required. DESCRIPTION Quick simple nutritious tasty. Create your own startuprecipe usingingredients from the best of the best. Move swiftly from dreaming to delivering a real launch plan. Get going in minutes creating an appetizing recipe to move your initial idea to launch of first product. Grasp what is included in the secret sauce of stunning startup chefs. Move from boring to WOW! See how to clever startup chefs employ the power of creative marketing. Be amazed at your company valuation and financial forecast. Avoid wasting time feeding on fads that have faded. Total course includes36Lectures, each typically fifteen minutes in duration, for a total of more than 7hours of learning. Taste real world examples, from sweet to sour. What works, what flops. Learn from the finest startup chefs who know Experience is cheapest second hand. No-nonsense reality, frank, factual: Results from 5 decades, over 2,000 startups, $billions of startup capital raised. Quick simple powerful tasty. CURRICULUM FOR THIS COURSE: INTRODUCTION TO JOHN & START1NOW.COM SHOULD I DO A STARTUP NOW? GOOD IDEA? SPRINT FROM ZERO TO START ELEVATOR PITCH PITCH DECK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MARKETING SELLING & BRANDING SLOGAN BATTLECRY VISUAL HAMMER NAMES YOU NEED STRATEGY GET THE MONEY GET RICH NUMBERS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking" |
"De forma leve e descontrada, mostro os conceitos da metodologia que ajuda as empresas a criarem algo novo, e tambm torna os profissionais mais atraentes para os mercados onde as coisas novas precisam acontecer por causa dos novos rumos dos negcios que esto surgindo a cada dia. Aps isso, basta evoluir aprendendo outras coisas e as portas se abrem no sucesso total profissional!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Beginner English: Moms and Dads Learning English at Home" |
"Beginner course for moms and dads learning English. Learn 40 English phrasal verbs and wordsto confidently use with your children at home!Learn to use this vocabulary in 150+ example sentences in the Present Tense and the Past Tense.Want to feel confident speaking English at home with your child?Want to improve your accent and understand naturally spoken English with other parents?Recommended for A1/A2 students.B1 students who want to learn vocabulary for the home and want to improve their accents.Every course I teach focuses on the 4 important subjects of learning:Listening: Clear American accent: Native American English SpeakerNatural Speed and RhythmListen to Proper English PronunciationReading:20 Reading PassagesReading Practice using the VocabularyWriting:9 Colorful & HelpfulWorksheets to Practice your VocabularySpeaking:Listen and Repeat Speaking Practice125 Common Expressions and Sentences to Practice Speaking*BONUS*Daily To-Do List WorksheetColorful Kids' Chores Poster to Practice together with your child/children at home!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Find your passion, live your dreams" |
"Embarkon your journey to create the life youve dreamed of living. Find meaningand purpose, embrace your authenticity. Learn how to define your ownsuccess and achieve your potential.Want more out of life? Want to align with your valuesand live with meaning and purpose. Considering a career change and wantout of the 9-5 rat race or just wanting to find more meaning and purpose in life? Learn how to define your passion and then build a lifearound it. Create a life full of meaning and live on purpose. Learnthe basics for building a career around your passions, common pitfalls and howto avoid them. Including how to navigate fear, failure and buildresilience. Define your passion and create success based on what mattersto you. Set goals to help you bring this to live and live your dreams.Bythe end of this course you will have completed practical exercises to help you:Realise who you are and what you wantDiscover your authenticity and define your ownsuccessDefine your values, find your passion and uncoveryour strengthsAchieve your potentialOvercome the challenges along the way and buildyour resilience to battle the tough timesSet powerful goals to achieve your dreamsAlife coach and mindfulness teacher coaching individuals and corporatebusinesses alike. An author and regularwriter for some of the top wellness and personal development magazines. With 15 years in personal development and myown personal experience or life transformation to draw on. Described byothers as authentic, uplifting and inspiring, full of helpful insights.Iknow how it feels to be stuck in a rut or scared of the future and simply nothave the answers. I also know how tofind those answers, uncover our potential and build a life we love. As someone who has been there and done this,travelled the path youre on now I know its possible and its well worth theeffort. Come with me to define yourpassion, find your purpose and live a life with meaning."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Success: Uncover your brilliance, achieve your potential" |
"Learn to be a success at work and at life! Uncover your brilliance, Make your dreams areality and achieve your full potentialDefine your own success. Understand the art of balance and embraceyour authenticity. Leverage yourstrengths and align to your values to be the best version of yourself.Build a life around your dreams full of meaning andpurpose. Understand the relationship between success and money and how itcontributes to our happiness. Learn about emotional intelligence, self confidenceand being resilient. Navigate fear andfailure along the way to achieve your full potential.With practical tools and techniques to help you achieveyour goals and be a success.A life coach and mindfulness teacher coachingindividuals and corporate businesses alike. An author and regular writerfor some of the top wellness and personal development magazines. With 15years in personal development and my own personal experience of lifetransformation to draw on. I knowhow it feels to be stuck in a rut or scared of the future and simply not havethe answers. I also know how to find those answers, uncover our potential,and make a success of life. As someonewho has been there and done this, travelled the path youre on now I know itspossible and its well worth the effort.Engaging content, practical tools and techniques aswell as bonus material and resources.Available online and through your device with lifetime access oncepurchased. Study at your own pace fromyour own place to achieve your potential"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Quantitative Investment Analysis in Excel (Template Incl.)" |
"Have you ever heard of Quantitative Investing? Do you want to sharpen your skills within Microsoft Excel? This course will take you through the process of building a quantitative investment model in Excel. We will build a trading model based off of the technical indicators and model various buy and sell parameters to find optimal trades. You can use the information you glean from this model to make informed trades with high probabilities of success. ****Investment Modeling Template Included****The model we will build in this course will simulate and back test a trading strategy, outputting your performance, probability of success and average profitability per trade. The model will be built around an analysis of technical indicators, namely the Relative Strength Index, which we will use to determine high probability trades for any stock you wish to analyze. Quantitative finance is all about making investing more of a science and less of an art. If you are interesting in learning how to make trades with 80%-90% success rates, this course is for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comunicating with Children. How to Get Closer to Children" |
"Great communicationwith childrencan bean acquired and practiced skill.It can be very easy to connect with children if you follow some simple steps.Sometime, connecting with children is the base to have a good communication with themUsing empathy one canaccess ""children's world"". From here, you canhave amazingcommunicationwith children.If your relationship with a child is based upon emotional connection, empathy, the child will feel loved, accepted, encouraged, trusted. Through empathy, grown-ups can gain access to their inner child, as we all have an inner child. Will also talk about the kids world, so as to understand what children are capable of at different ages. Will present information briefly, so you can put it into practice as soon as you go through the practical parts of the presentation. Will also give you some tips and tricks, so the techniques shown here can really work.The most important part of this presentation refers to:establishing emotional connections with children (connecting with children)child developmentchildren's worldempathy, smiling, having aplayful attitudeIrecommend this presentation to:educators or having any profession related to young childrenstep parentsfamilies who have adopted children;anyone who wants to deepen their emotional connection with childrenaunts, uncles, or having any degree of kinship with a childmen"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Conectarea emotionala" |
"O buna comunicare cu copiii poate fi o abilitate dobndit. Poate fi foarte uor s te conectezi cu copiii dac urmeaz nite pai simpli. Uneori, conectarea cu copii reprezint baza pentru a avea o bun comunicare cu acetia Folosind empatie se poate accesa ""lumea copiilor"". De aici, putei avea o comunicare uimitoare cu copiii. Dac relaia cu un copil se bazeaz pe conexiune emoional, empatie, copilul se va simi iubit, acceptat, ncurajat, de ncredere. Prin empatie, adulii pot avea acces la copilul lor interior, deoarece toi avem un copil interior. Va vorbi, de asemenea, despre lumea copiilor, astfel nct s neleag ce sunt capabili copiii la vrste diferite. Informaiile sunt prezentate astfel nct s putei pune n practic imediat ce ati terminat de parcurs prezentriea. De asemenea, v va oferi cteva sfaturi i trucuri, astfel nct tehnicile prezentate aici pot funciona cu adevrat. Cea mai important parte a acestei prezentri se refer la: stabilirea de legturi emoionale cu copiii (conectarea cu copiii)dezvoltarea copiluluilumea copiilorempatiezmbetuljocul.Recomandm aceast prezentare pentru: educatori sau cei care au orice profesie legat de copii miciparinti vitregifamilii care au adoptat copiioricine dorete s-i aprofundeze legtura emoional cu copiiimtui, unchi sau care au un grad de rudenie cu un copilbrbai"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 Beginners Course" |
"Photoshop CC, the worlds best imaging and design application. Create and enhance photographs, illustrations, and 3D artwork. Design websites and mobile apps. Edit videos, simulate real-life paintings, and more. Its everything you need to make any idea real.Allfuture updates,bonusesin this course are always free. There's an unconditionalfull 30-day money-back guarantee!so that you can check it out, make sure its the right course for you, and get a refund if its not!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |