Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Serverless Computing with AWS Lambda" |
"AWS Course Pre-requisite:-Basic knowledge of Amazon Web Services is required for this course Having an active account with AWS is a must if you would like to follow the step-by-step demoGeneral IT Knowledge:- Basic understanding of web applications N-Tier architecture Basic understanding of Serverless Computing. Familiarity with AWS Services and AWS APIs.Who is the target audience?This video is primarily for IT architects and developers who want to build scalable systems and deploy serverless applications with AWS Lambda. 1. BE/B-Tech/M-Tech/MCA/MS, BS or anyone who is interested to learn about Serverless Computing with AWS.2. Cloud Solutions Architects.3. Professional who are working on AWS Cloud Computing.4. Application Developers.5. Cloud Engineers.6. Any Graduate who has interest to learn about Serverless Computing with AWS.7. Developers who want to learn about AWS Lambda and the Serverless Architecture.8. Solutions Architect who want to understand how Serverless Apps are Architected, Built and Deployed.Why I should take this course?1. You will get AWS Solution Architect Study Guide FREE which is of Rs. 2036 on Amazon.2. To make you confident and know everything you need to successfully develop and deploy AWS Lambda functions with serverless framework as soon as possible.3. You will have all the required hands-on experience and you will learn through real world examples.4. You will get Real Time LIVE Practical Demonstration on each and every Topic.5. Hands-on experience programming with AWS APIs. 6. In this course, you will understand the architecture of Serverless framework, how Serverless Apps are Built and Deployed.7. You will also understand about how AWS Lambda works, how AWS Lambda is used with Real world examples and how they are interacting with S3 and/or CloudWatch.At the End of the Course, Students will get below Values:-1. With over 4-6 hours of videos and 50+ classes, you will be confident to develop and deploy AWS Lambda functions easily with Serverless Framework!2. You will have all knowledge with Serverless AWS Lambda Compute.3. You will understand the architecture of Serverless framework, how Serverless Apps are Built and Deployed.4. You will learn how to build a basic REST API using AWS Lambda, the API Gateway and DynamoDB."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Data Science Masterclass With R! 4 Projects+8 Case Studies" |
"Are you planing to build your career in Data Science in This Year?Do you the the Average Salary of a Data Scientist is $100,000/yr?Do you know over 10 Million+ New Job will be created for the Data Science Filed in Just Next 3 years??If you are a Student / a Job Holder/ a Job Seeker then it is the Right time for you to go for Data Science!Do you Ever Wonder that Data Science is the ""Hottest"" Job Globally in 2018 - 2019!>>30+ Hours Video>> 4 Capstone Projects>> 8+ Case Studies>> 24x7 Support >>ENROLL TODAY & GET DATA SCIENCE INTERVIEW PREPARATION COURSE FOR FREE <<What Projects We are Going to Cover In the Course?Project1-Titanic Case Study which is based on Classification Problem.Project 2- E-commerce Sale Data Analysis - based on Regression.Project 3- Customer Segmentation which is based on Unsupervised learning.Final Project- Market Basket Analysis - based on Association rule miningWhy Data Science is a MUST HAVE for Now A Days?The Answer Why Data Science is a Must have for Now a days will take a lot of time to explain. Let's have a look into the Company name who are using Data Science and Machine Learning. Then You will get the Idea How it BOOST your Salary if you have Depth Knowledge in Data Science & Machine Learning!What Students Are Saying: ""A great course to kick-start journey in Machine Learning. It gives a clear contextual overview in most areas of Machine Learning . The effort in explaining the intuition of algorithms is especially useful""-John Doe,Co-Founder, Impressive LLCI simply love this course and I definitely learned a ton of new concepts.Nevertheless, I wish there was some real life examples at the end of the course. A few homework problems and solutions wouldve been good enough.- -Brain Dee, Data ScientistIt was amazing experience. I really liked the course. The way the trainers explained the concepts were too good. The only think which I thought was missing was more of real world datasets and application in the course. Overall it was great experience. The course will really help the beginners to gain knowledge. Cheers to the team- -Devon Smeeth, Software DeveloperAbove, we just give you a very few examples why you Should move into Data Science and Test the Hot Demanding Job Market Ever Created!The Good News is That From this Hands On Data Science and Machine Learning in R course You will Learn All the Knowledge what you need to be a MASTER in Data Science.Why Data Science is a MUSTHAVE for Now A Days?The Answer Why Data Science is a Must have for Now a days will take a lot of time to explain. Let's have a look into the Company name who are using Data Science and Machine Learning. Then You will get the Idea How it BOOST your Salary if you have Depth Knowledge in Data Science & Machine Learning!Here we list a Very Few Companies : -Google - For Advertise Serving, Advertise Targeting, Self Driving Car, Super Computer, Google Home etc. Google use Data Science + ML + AI to Take DecisionApple: Apple Use Data Science in different places like: Siri, Face Detection etcFacebook: Data Science , Machine Learning and AI used in Graph Algorithm for Find a Friend, Photo Tagging, Advertising Targeting, Chat bot, Face Detection etcNASA: Use Data Science For different PurposeMicrosoft: Amplifying human ingenuity with Data ScienceSo From the List of the Companies you can Understand all Big Giant to Very Small Startups all are chessing Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and it the Opportunity for You!Why Choose This Data Science with R Course?We not only ""How"" to do it but also Cover ""WHY"" to do it?Theory explained by Hands On Example!30+ Hours Long Data Science Course100+ Study Materials on Each and Every Topic of Data Science! Code Templates are Ready to Download! Save a lot of TimeWhat You Will Learn From The Data Science MASTERCLASS Course:Learn what is Data science and how Data Science is helping the modern world!What are the benefits of Data Science , Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Able to Solve Data Science Related Problem with the Help of R ProgrammingWhy R is a Must Have for Data Science , AI and Machine Learning!Right Guidance of the Path if You want to be a Data Scientist + Data Science Interview Preparation GuideHow to switch career in Data Science?R Data Structure - Matrix, Array, Data Frame, Factor, ListWork with Rs conditional statements, functions, and loopsSystematically explore data in RData Science Package: Dplyr , GGPlot 2Index, slice, and Subset DataGet your data in and out of R - CSV, Excel, Database, Web, Text DataData Science - Data Visualization : plot different types of data & draw insights like: Line Chart, Bar Plot, Pie Chart, Histogram, Density Plot, Box Plot, 3D Plot, Mosaic PlotData Science - Data Manipulation - Apply function, mutate(), filter(), arrange (), summarise(), groupby(), date in RStatistics - A Must have for Data ScienceData Science - Hypothesis TestingBusiness Use Case Understanding Data Pre-processing Supervised LearningLogistic Regression K-NN SVM Naive Bayes Decision Tree Random ForestK-Mean Clustering Hierarchical Clustering DBScan Clustering PCA (Principal Component Analysis)Association Rule Mining Model Deployment"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Data Science Interview Preparation - Career Guide" |
"You May Have Some Knowledge in Data Science But In Interview the Interviewer ask some tricky questions to the Applicant. In most of the Cases the Candidate do not able to Handle such questions.This is why We make the Course!If you are Going for an Data Science Interview this Course is For YouIf you Don't Know How to Prepare your CV for the Interview This Course Also Helps you!We cover the Tricky Questions for Data Science with Explanation.According to Glassdoor, a career as a Data Scientist is the best job in America! With an average base salary of over $120,000, not only do Data Scientists earn fantastic compensation, but they also get to work on some of the world's most interesting problems! Data Scientist positions are also rated as having some of the best work-life balances by Glassdoor. Companies are in dire need of filling out this unique role, and you can use this course to help you rock your Data Scientist Interview!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Private Pilot Ground School" |
"The Ground School Course for Private & Recreational Pilots is a self-directed study course designed to prepare you to pass the FAA knowledge tests. You can use this course to study at your own pace. The course ensures that you master all of the information you will need to be a competent, safe pilot and to pass your knowledge test with confidence."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Build Beautiful Icon Based Web Designs with Font Awesome 4" |
"Do you wantto learn how to easily create icon based webdesigns? Are you tired of using rasterbased icons (.bmp, .jpg, .png)that degrade when you resize them?Then this course is for you!This course demonstrates how to use and customizetheicon based font library Font Awesome!Font Awesome can be used in web applications, web sites, and even in office products like Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word!Each of the Font Awesomedemonstrations includea sandbox which arehosted on JSFiddle. This allowsyou to easily practice the techniques I teach you! I also provide practical examples of how to use the icons to create an awesome user experience!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mejora tu autoestima en 30 das: El arte de aceptarse" |
"TE IDENTIFICAS CON ALGUNA DE ESTAS AFIRMACIONES?Tengo miedo de expresar mis opiniones y sentimientos.Tengo miedo a arriesgarme por miedo al fracaso.Tengo dificultad para relacionarme con los dems.Me considero una persona no vlida para la mayora de los trabajos.Siento que mis opiniones no son tenidas en cuenta.Creo que todo el mundo est por encima mo.No confo en m mismo/a.Tengo tendencia a la depresin y la ansiedad.Si te encuentras en alguna de estas situaciones, sin duda NECESITAS este curso. Si no es el caso, podrs reforzar tu buena autoestima y conocer las claves para potenciarla y conseguir llegar a lo ms alto en el mbito emocional y laboral.Tener una autoestima equilibrada y positiva es indispensable para afrontar las situaciones que la vida nos aporta cada da. La confianza en uno mismo es fundamental para sostener el bienestar fsico, mental y emocional.Este curso va dirigido a todas las personas que quieren conocer las herramientas destinadas a aumentar y reforzar su autoestima. Sin duda, con mi ayuda y tus ganas lo conseguiremos.Con una autoestima adecuada:La vida te resultar ms sencilla.Tendrs ms estabilidad emocional.Tendrs mejores relaciones personales.Podrs conseguir logros.Sers feliz.Te aceptars y te querrs tal como eres.La peor soledad es no estar cmodo contigo mismo -Mark Twain.Nadie te puede hacerte sentir inferior sin tu consentimiento-Eleanor Roosevelt.La baja autoestima es como conducir a travs de la vida con tu mano rota-Maxwll Maltz.Aprende a conocer quin eres y a sacar lo bueno que tienes por ofrecer al mundo. Autoestima-te!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Travel The World" |
"Does this sound like you?You dream of travelling the world, meeting new people, discovering new cultures and living the adventure.You feel stuck in your current situation and you want to get out there and explore other countries and cultures.You find it difficult to organise your money, time and environment to be able to travel.You want more flexibility in your life to be able to explore new destinations, cities, and people, whenever you want.You feel like your ""missing out"" on life by sitting at home and not travelling the world and having adventures.Have you been wanting to travel for ages but for whatever reason you haven't been able to make it happen? Maybe its a lack of money, not having the free time, not having a travel partner, or simply not knowing where to start or what to do.This is where my 'Travel The World' course comes in.I have travelled to over 90 cities, in 29 countries, across 5 continents.Over my countless years of travelling around the world I have learnt the skills, tips and tricks of consistent, cheap, organised travel.I have been helping thousands of people to travel the world through my youtube channel and travel videos. Through this journey I have discovered how to get you from where you are now to where you want to be... travelling!No matter what is holding you back from travelling right now, we will be able to get you on the road and discovering the world in no time at all."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Android & Kotlin Formation complte" |
"Bienvenue dans la formation complte Android & Kotlin. Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre utiliser le langage Kotlin pour dvelopper vos applications Android. Que vous soyez dbutant complet en programmation ou que vous tes dj intermdiaire, ce cours vous apprendra raliser des applications mobiles.Pourquoi faire des applications Android en Kotlin ?Google a annonc en 2017 le support officiel de Kotlin sur Android. Java nest plus le seul langage sur cette plateforme, vous pouvez maintenant crire vos applications en utilisant Kotlin 100% !A la fin de ce cours, vous serez capable dcrire des applications Android complexes, avec le support de laffichage tlphone / tablette, le stockage de vos informations en base de donnes et des requtes HTTP pour rendre votre application connecte.Si vous avez envie de devenir un dveloppeur mobile, Android est aujourdhui lOS le plus rpandu sur les tlphones des utilisateurs. Il reprsente 85% de tout le march. Si vous avez une ide dapplication en tte, il y a 9 chances sur 10 pour que vos utilisateurs soient sur Android.Structure du coursJe pense que pour apprendre et matriser une nouvelle comptence, il faut la pratiquer. Cest pour cela que nous allons raliser ensemble 2 projets dapplications compltes (Notes et Mto) avec toutes les explications thoriques qui vont autour.Dans cette optique, jai structur le cours de la manire suivante :Section(s) consacre au langage Kotlin ;Section(s) consacre Android ;Projet dapplication qui intgre toutes les notions prcdemment abordes.Nous allons rpter ce schma, en augmentant progressivement la difficult.Projets dapplicationsLes 2 projets que nous raliserons sont de difficult croissante, le premier tant lapplication Note qui a les fonctionnalit suivantes :Afficher de notes dans une liste dynamique ;diter des notes dans un cran ddi ;Stocker les notes en fichier pour avoir de la persistance.Lapplication suivante, Mto, est plus complexe car elle intgre plus de fonctionnalits :Rcuprer des donnes mtos depuis Internet avec le service OpenWeatherMap ;Supporter laffichage sur tlphone et tablette ;Stocker les informations de villes en base de donnes.KotlinPour dvelopper ces projets, nous devons apprendre programmer en Kotlin ! Voici les grands thmes que nous allons aborder pour dcouvrir le langage :Les types de variables et les dclarations ;Le contrle de flux : if / else, for, while ;Dfinir et appeler des fonctions ;Crer des classes avec de lhritage, des interfaces et des gnriques.Une fois que les bases auront t poses, nous passerons des notions plus avances comme :Le late init et le lazy init ;Les Data Class, Sealed Class, Enum Class ;Les high order functions et les lambdas ;Les fonctions dextensions personnalises et propose par Kotlin (let, apply, use, etc.).AndroidUne fois que le langage est matris, nous basculons sur Android, la dcouverte complte de cet OS :Dfinition dun cran avec une Activity et un Layout ;Communication dinformations entre les crans avec un Intent ;Afficher des listes dlments ;Afficher des Dialogs.Aprs cela, on passe la vitesse suprieur avec des fonctionnalits qui se trouveront dans la majorit de vos applications :Supporter laffichage multi-device (tlphone / tablette) avec les Fragments ;Stocker des informations en base de donnes SQLite ;Faire des requtes rseau avec la bibliothque Retrofit ;Grer les permissions de lapplications.BonusParce-qu'il ny a pas que le code qui compte pour dvelopper une application, nous allons galement regarder des sujets qui sont autour du code :Installation de lenvironnement de dveloppement sur Windows, macOS, Linux ;Tour des fonctionnalits dAndroid Studio pour se familiariser avec linterface ;Comment dbugger une application pour dtecter les erreurs ;Explication de la procdure suivre pour dployer votre application sur le Google Play StoreUn dernier motJai cr ce cours avec lenvie de partager ma passion pour le langage Kotlin et vous montrer quel point cette nouvelle technologie fonctionne bien avec Android. Jespre vous retrouver dans cette formation et changer avec vous dans la section Questions / Rponses. Je suis trs prsent dans cette partie, qui est sans doute ma prfr : discuter avec vous de techno !A trs vite !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Android & Kotlin Apps Next Gen et Architecture Components" |
"Bienvenue dans la formation Android & Kotlin Dveloppez des Apps Next Gen. Dans ce cours, vous allez raliser des applications Android nouvelle gnration avec les dernires techniques de programmation proposes par Google.Mon objectif est qu la fin de la formation, vous soyez quips pour dvelopper des applications Android robustes et maintenables. Vous allez le voir, la structure de votre code Android va changer aprs avoir regard ces vidos !Le cours sarticule autour des Architecture Components, un ensemble de bibliothques publi par Google. Chaque composant va modifier une partie de votre appli pour quelle soit prte voluer sans que vous commenciez transpirer en pensant tout ce quil va falloir casser pour y arriver.Les Architecture Components sont utiliss par de grandes entreprises comme Samsung, AirBnB ou HP. Ces bibliothques sont dj prsentes dans 72% des 500 applications les plus utilises sur le Play Store (statistiques du site appbrain).Une section est ddie chaque Architecture Component. Pour chaque composant, nous tudierons sa structure et son utilisation, avant de faire un exercice pratique. Nous finirons par un projet dapplication complte : le projet BookStore. Les Architecture ComponentsLes Architecture Components sont voir comme des legos : vous pouvez les utiliser indpendamment ou les combiner. Ils fonctionnent trs bien ensemble, mais libre vous de n'utiliser que les composants qui sont utiles votre projet !Voici la liste complte des Architecture Components que nous aborderons ensemble :Lifecycle : simplifier la gestion du cycle de vie des Activity et des Fragments ;LiveData : rendre vos donnes observables pour ragir la moindre modification ;ViewModel : structurez autrement vos Activity et modulariser vos applications ;Room : rduisez votre code base de donnes sans sacrifier la moindre fonctionnalit ;WorkManager : programmez facilement des tches en background.Les cas pratiquesChaque exercice se rapproche dun cas pratique que vous pouvez rencontrer dans votre application :Un LocationListener abonn au Lifecycle : vous pourrez le dplacer dans une Activity ou un Fragment avec un minimum de code ;Surveiller la connectivit rseau avec un LiveData : soyez notifi des changements dtat avec une API plus naturelle et sans risque de crash ;Un cran de Login utilisateur avec un ViewModel : grez les tats de succs / checs avec le modle MVVM pour amliorer votre code ;Stockage de favoris en base de donnes avec Room : supprimez 90% du code base de donnes tout en conservant les mmes fonctionnalits ;Squence de tches en background paralllise avec WorkManager : simplifiez la gestion de vos tches et des contraintes.Le projet BookStoreAprs avoir approfondi chaque Architecture Component, nous les runirons tous dans une application dexemple de bibliothque de livres : le projet BookStore. Cette appli stocke ses donnes en base de donnes locale et simule une synchronisation serveur en background.Un dernier motCe cours se base sur ce que jai appris aprs avoir pratiqu des milliers dheures sur Android. Dornavant, toutes mes applications se basent sur les Architecture Components. Je men sers comme dun buffet, je prends ce qui est pratique et utile au moment o jen ai besoin !Jespre de tout cur que vous me rejoindrez dans le dveloppement de cette nouvelle gnration dapplis sur Android ! Je suis trs ractif dans la section Questions / Rponses et adore changer avec les tudiants autour ce sujet passionnant.A trs vite !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PHOTOGRAPHY MASTERCLASS: Complete Guide To Photo Retouching" |
"Learn Non-Destructive Professional Beauty Retouching Tools and Techniques in PhotoshopDo you want to know how you can get more higher paying clients? Well then you're in the right place. I'm Sheldon Evans, a professional photographer and retoucher who has been in the industry for over 11 years. Iknow how difficult it can be to find high quality photography education online and that's why Ihave decided to create this course.A lot of photographers jump into the working field without fully learning how to retouch their images.This results in photographers missing out on higher paying clients simply because their work does not meet the standard of the professional industry. By improving your retouching skills, not only can you save money by not having to hire a retoucher and give up some of your creative process to someone else, but you can also then retouch for other photographers and earn extra income.There are a few things you should know about retouching, it's not about making the image look fake and smooth. We need to learn how to retouch non-destructively so that we preserve the quality of the image. In this course you will learn:How to non-destructively retouch imagesHow to clean up skin while preserving the textureHow to enhance the eyes and lipsHow to do frequency separation and dodge &burnHow to professionally color grade your imagesHow to perfect image sharpening for social mediaYou will get over 35 video lessons, hours of content and high resolution RAWfiles to practice on!As a FREEBONUS you will get photoshop actions to speed up your workflow!In the course nothing is left to chance, we cover each step of the retouching process to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of every aspect by the end. If you're passionate about photography then you'll love this course and become a world class retoucher by the end.Let's get your work on the cover of magazines! Enroll now and I'll see you inside the course!- Sheldon#photoshop #retouching #face #beauty #tools #techniques"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"1Adobe Muse" |
"HTMLCSSAdobe MusePowerPointGoogleYoutubeSNSAdobe Muse360Adobe Muse"
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"Phone Conversation in Danish" |
"You will learn some essential telephone vocabulary, at the same time hearing and reading the examples of formal and informal telephone conversations. The majority of the phrases can also be used in face to face conversations. Every phrase is spelled in Danish, translated into English, and pronounced in Danish, giving you time to repeat after the teacher and learn the correct pronunciation of every phrase. You can optionally learn the phrases by heart and record your performance. This will give you the advantage of being able to spontaneously speak Danish on the phone without preparing to every single conversation. The course is very well structured and there is a pleasant and recognizable routine, that will make your learning a habit. Please see the free promotional video to get the idea.#Spanish: #Dans - La conversacin telefonica en dans.#Russian: # - ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Job Search Course" |
"Have you been applying to jobs, but not hearing anything back? Or only getting interviews for not-quite-dream jobs?If so, you're not alone. And the good news is,The Muse's Ultimate Job Search Course can help. Based on the proven techniques of The Muse's career experts and coaches, this course will show you how to approachthe jobsearch strategicallyand walks you step-by-step through each step of the process.This class is right for you ifyoudeeply want to get a new job, but not just any jobyou want a new role that isin line with your personal values and goals, and at a company where you'll be happy for a while. Whether you're in sales, tech, HR, operations, or any other office-based job, you'll find strategies you can apply to your job search tomorrow, including:Identifying your career values so you're applying to the right jobs and companiesApproaching the search strategically by focusing on quality, not quantity.Making networking apart of your job search (in a non-scary way!)Identifying your uniquestory and communicating itthrough your resume, cover letter, and online presenceStructuring your job search for maximum effectiveness, minimum stressBy the end of the course, you'll be confident in applying to thejobs you're really excited about, and you'll have materials that are more likely to get noticed by hiring managers and recruiters."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Savory Recipes with The Jays" |
"In this course, you will learn toput togetheramazing meals that willROCKyour taste buds and take you to different countries. Instead ofmaking the same set of foods for dinner, we will show you how to make Creole meals, Healthy meals, and more!Learn About CookingDiverse Foods That You May Have Never Heard Of From Different Countries Around The World.By the end of this course you will accomplish the following:Learn how to makeChicken FranceseLearn how to makeHaitian SpaghettiLearn how to makeCurry Chicken with Rice and PeasLearn how to makeBeef Wellington and Sweet Potato PureeLearn how to makeCreole-StyleFried Pork and PlantainsLearn how to makeSmoked Paprika Chicken with Fresh AvocadoLearn how to makeHoney-Crusted Salmon and AsparagusNot only will you learn how to cookbut you'll be cooking dishes that are practically restaurant quality while being entertained!Our names are Josh and Jess and we are known as ""The Jays."" We've been together for 8 amazing years and we both are talented home chefs. We used to eat the same thing over and over for breakfast, lunch, and dinner while craving the foods we tried at a restaurant the night before.We made the decision stop eating and cooking the same. We impressed one another and we hosted family events starring our family favorites above.So, have you ever wondered how to make restaurant-quality meals? You may have heard about amazing food from different places like France, Jamaica, and Haiti, but never created these dishes. You may have noteven tasted these meals!We'll change your life with this course. Your meals will FOREVERchange :)We'll give you some health tips along the way and show you a variety of ways of making the same dish.Each course will start with an introduction, materials list, and a video demonstration of each meal. We've also included a printable recipe so that you can use to follow along. Your friends, your family, and most importantly, your stomach will complete this course satisfied.WARNING:WATCHING OUR COURSE ON AN EMPTY STOMACH MAY CAUSE UNCONTROLLABLE SALIVATING :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The TV HOST Course: On-Camera Skills & Spokesmodel Training" |
"DISCOVER HOW TO Host Television and Videos PROFESSIONALLY!Do You Want to Become a Professional On-Camera Host, TV Presenter and Spokesmodel?Do Want to Host Commercials, Shows or Online Videos?Do You Want to Feel Completely Confident On-Camera?In This Exclusive Step-by-Step Training Course, Students Learn.. Professional On-Camera Skills & MethodsHow to Launch Your Career as a Television Presenter and SpokesmodelHow to Find Exclusive Hosting or Spokesmodel Job Opportunities What to Do With Your Hands, Eyes, Feet, Etc. While Presenting On-Camera...How to Eliminate Nerves While You're On TVHow to Read a Teleprompter Like a ProHow to Memorize A Script Like A ProProper On-Camera Voice Inflection & Technique TrainingHow to Combine Broadcasting, Anchoring, Reporting, Presenting and Acting SkillsHow to Produce, Shoot & Edit Your Own VideosHow to Stand Out in Acting AuditionsHow to Keep Hosting/Spokesmodel Work Coming and Coming...And Much, Much More...Course Includes: 55+ High-Value Training Video Lessons7 Workbooks3 Free Bonus TrainingsUse the unique strategies in this course to gain complete confidence in your your on-camera skills and go on to find paying job opportunities.To be successful: view all 55+ high-value training video lessons and complete each of the seven module workbooks. Decide which of the following would be beneficial for you to create: your personal spokesmodel website, resume, business cards, video reel, etc. Then, use the the step-by-step strategies to identify your on-camera hosting opportunities and get paid appear on camera!Feel free to upload your reel video here for a personal critique by the instructor."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Alternative Inking: Go Beyond the Brush and Pen" |
"Most of us who have worked with ink are familiar with using a brush and quill pen/nib pen. While this tools are classic, they can be somewhat limiting considering there are many tools that can offer more variety, richness and texture that can not be achieved through conventional inking tools. Better still, all of these tools are either free, already in your home orcan be purchased cheaply at most general stores, pharmacies or supermarkets.In this class, I'm going to introduce five of my favorite unconventional inking tools and show you the special effects they can produce and how to use each one. This class is designed to be an exploration on new drawing and painting tools.So get ready to branch out of your creative comfort zone and try some new, fun art tools!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Emotions and Expressions (Draw Better Faces)" |
"Drawing accurate facial expressions that viewers can relate to can seem tricky, but by understanding the emotions behind each facial expression and how each emotion changes your facial muscles. We'll talk about the four basic human emotions and I'll show you how to look for points of tension on your face so you can get familiar with the specific facial movements of each unique human emotion.I'll also teach you about facial expression model sheets and walk you through making your own, so you can explore all kinds of facial expressions to get a better understanding of your character's individual emotional range."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Using Critical Analysis to Improve Your Drawing Skills" |
"Every artist that I've known (myself included), has had a desire to do better in their work and go beyond the bounds of their creative limitations. At times this can feel daunting or even impossible, but it's important to remember that drawing is a skill; and skills can always be honed and improved upon. There are simple and practical steps you can take to make your drawings better, and this class will help you do just that.Most of us already know that practice is an important key to improving any technical skill, but what else can be done to help speed up your learning? This class will show you how to critically analyze your work, harness your observation skills and demonstrate a couple of practical warm up exercises that will help your drawing be the best it can be.Music courtesy of DJQuads"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Teoria da Msica" |
"Total de 37 videoaulas com o contedo completo de teoria musical abordando o aprendizado da leitura da partitura, englobando praticamente todo o contedo necessrio para o domnio de uma leitura musical (notas, ritmos, claves, compassos, expresses, andamentos, etc.) e da estruturao musical (escalas maiores menores e intervalos). Nesse curso voc ter contedos vitais para o conhecimento bsico da teoria musical.No final desse curso voc ser capaz de:Ler uma partitura;montar qualquer escala maior ou menor;interpretar os sinais de repetio e abreviao;montar acordes de 3 sons;montar acordes de 4 sons;identificar as armaduras;compreender os intervalos musicais;anotar suas ideias musicais em uma pauta musical;Montar os acordes das escalas maiores."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Certified EROS Oracle 5 senses Healing cards deck" |
"Welcome to this course!I am Calliope Oracle investigator, Astral Channeler and Radiesthesia Dowser Healer, almost 20 years.In this course, you will learn the basic steps of an ancient Greek Oracle healing technique of the 5senses. You will be extremely qualified to decode 5 senses operational system of hearing, smelling, vision, touch & taste the way they react each on a matter and transform them in harmony for you or your customers. This is a very new method of Divination & Healing based on Greek Shamans priests. Pythia and Sibilla are well-known titles of Apollos' priestesses, who gave great and accurate Oracles with an unknown technique. The esoteric ancient Greek Philosophy had the paths and the ways How to connect humans with their Divine Soul, Purity, Wisdom, and Grace. Our goal and life purpose are to uncover/decode and bring into the surface, this secret knowledge, and ancient oracle techniques. Divination (Mantiki called in Greek) is one of the Apollonian forces. The purpose of Mantiki is to bring in our conscious/mind accurate and valuable pieces of information, so we can make wise choices in this life and reduce our Karma so we can conquer the Divine Grace vibration. This course is the start of a Divine esoteric journey with great gold, silver and platinum stations. As we travel Many of you, will feel that you are aware of this ... and this is true, cause every awaken soul had at least one lifetime in Ancient Greece so he/she could study the source/birth of Virtues (Aretes in Greek). Every ancient civilization has its priests and their Sun God and they reveal the same themes and purpose, it's like a chain of same mysteries, secret knowledge and high vibrations connected in one Great Source of Akasha (Ether - Etheras in Greek). Having this in mind, no matter what you believe, let polarity aside and dive into your gold ratio field of knowledge in order to connect the lost pieces of the chain though our Oracle courses. Healing 5 senses technique, given in this card method, is a unique step & healing tool!Oracle was and is the first step for a healing process! This course is the first Oracle station on our Oracle trip. Eros and Psyche is our symbolic pathway to see and feel Love as humans and as Divine Cosmic entities of this Galaxy, the same time. But how can we decode these symbols and their myth? Eros and Psyche will lead us to see our self in this life and through the technique we are about to learn, to measure and receive guidance for our Soulmates, our Twin flame and of course for ourselves mirror, till the next level of awakening.Love is the child of Eros & Psyche! We all need this child. We all seek this child even when we have it. Love is all around us and in us. But how we miss it? Is it our Karma? Is it our mind? Is our distance from our Divine I Am? Is all the above? This course analyzes and establishes the healing principals of Divination, so we can find the missing child of Love. Qualifies you to be an expert Eros healer starting with the senses system which is the path of sensing Love! This course is divided into 4 major sections, the Oracle theory, ancient scripts (symbols and decode) and Oracle principles, Analysis of Eros cards set / Archetypes decodePractice with Oracle Eros cards - a techniqueThe healing 5senses method Additionally, we will travel in the electromagnetic field of Cuma Italy Apollo's temple, Sibylla Oracle centrum, and Sibilla's Oracle Cave, so we can connect... Let's not forget that we are humans and we embody a part of our flying soul, that ancient sacred places all over Earth have open Gates for us to enter ... See you at our first station... Eros healing cards deck StationMay Universal Love be in YouCalliope Xrisi Grigorioy"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Trigonometry in" |
"Why rush to any coaching center? Why rush to mukherjeenagar, eat unhygenic & waste plenty of yourtime, money & efforts. Learn at your home from Nigania Coaching & achieve your success by studying from one of the best coachingin entire India. And best part is, you have not to go anywhere.After doing this complete course you will be able yo solve all questions of trigonometry within seconds.Do more than 95% of the trigonometry questions in less than 20 seconds."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Big data, Cloud, Data Science, IoT, ML - iSMAC - All in One" |
"Understand latest technologies on Big data, Cloud, Data Science, IoT, Machine Learning and how they collaborate in real world.This course covers wide range of technologies and how they collaborate and adds value to any enterprise. In every organisation iOT, Social, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud (iSMAC), all together plays a significant role in their business success. Being a software engineer or an executing getting the complete understanding on all the technology and its overview would be near to impossible. This course is designed to get complete overview wide spectrum of technologies and how they collaborate. Every technology is explained with appropriate demo.BigDataHadoopHDFSYARNMapReduceApache PigApache HiveApache FlumeApache SqoopHUEAlluxio - In memory storageRDBMSand NoSQLRelational DatabaseNoSQL DatabaseTypes of NoSQL DatabasesColumn Family DatabaseDocument DatabaseKey Value DatabaseGraph DatabaseMachine Learning and Data ScienceMachine LearningModelsDimensionality ReductionSupervised and Unsupervised LearningClusteringRegressionDevops and Continuous DeliveryDevOpsContainerizationDockerDocker ContainerDocker ComposeDocker SwarmKubernetesVirtualizationVirtual BoxContinuous Integration - JenkinsCloud TechnologiesLambda ArchitectureAWS ServicesCloud Scaleability & AvailabilityWebserver and Webpage in CloudServerless Architecture - AWS LambdaQuality control and Rapid Application DevelopmentCode quality verification - SonarQubeAutomated unit testing - JunitBuild process - MaveniOT - Internet of ThingsIoT - ArduinoIoT - Raspberry Pi"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Apache Spark SQL - Bigdata In-Memory Analytics Master Course" |
"This course is designed for professionals fromzero experienceto alreadyskilled professionalsto enhance their Spark SQL Skills.Handson session covers on end to end setup of Spark Cluster in AWS and in local systems.COURSEUPDATEDPERIODICALLY SINCELAUNCH: Last Updated : DecemberWhat students are saying:5 stars, ""This is classic. Spark related concepts are clearly explained with real life examples. "" - Temitayo Joseph In data pipeline whether the data is in structured or in unstructured form, the final extracted data would be in structured form only. At the final stage we need to work with the structured data. SQL is popular query language to do analysis on structured data.Apache spark facilitates distributed in-memory computing. Spark has inbuilt module called Spark-SQL for structured data processing. Users can mix SQL queries with Spark programs and seamlessly integrates with other constructs of Spark.Spark SQL facilitates loading and writing data from various sources like RDBMS, NoSQL databases, Cloud storage like S3 and easily it can handle different format of data like Parquet, Avro, JSON and many more.Spark Provides two types of APIsLow Level API - RDDHigh Level API - Dataframes and DatasetsSpark SQL amalgamates very well with various components of Spark like Spark Streaming, Spark Core and GraphX as it has good APIintegration between High level and low level APIs.Initial part of the course is on Introduction on Lambda Architecture and Big data ecosystem. Remaining section would concentrate on reading and writing data between Spark and various data sources.Dataframe and Datasets are the basic building blocks for Spark SQL. We will learn on how to work on Transformations and Actions with RDDs, Dataframes and Datasets.Optimization on table with Partitioning and Bucketing.To facilitate the understanding on data processing following usecase have been included to understand the complete data flow.1) NHL Dataset Analysis2) Bay Area Bike Share Dataset AnalysisUpdates:++ Apache Zeppelin notebook (Installation, configuration, Dynamic Input)++Spark Demo with Apache Zeppelin"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Apache Zeppelin - Big Data Interactive Visualization Master" |
"At some point in Big Data Ecosystem, you may be called upon to produce a graph or a chart by analyzing the data from Big Data Ecosystem and from other data sources. Collaborating data from multiple sources can be remarkably complex. What pre-processing to do? Setting up the interaction with various sources, What kind of chart should you use? what are the consequences of that choice? Apache Zeppelin provides web based note book along with 20 plus Interpreters to interact with and facilitates collaboration from a WebUI. Zeppelin server runs on top of Jetty server and supports Data Ingestion, Data Discovery, Data Analysis and Data Visualization with collaboration Using and integration of Interpreters is very simple and seamless. Apache Zeppelin also supports impersonation, Authentication and Authorization.Resultant data can be exported or stored in various sources or can be explored with various visualization and can be analysed with pivot graph like setupThis course introduces every aspect of visualization, from story, to numbers, to architecture, to code. Tell your story with charts on the web. Visualization always reflects the reality of the data."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mr. K's Grammar World Presents: The ""Be"" Verb" |
"This course is designed to introduce or review the basic use of the ""be"" verb in English. This course is suitable for beginning and intermediate English students. The purpose of the course is to give students the tools that they need to make good decisions about when to use the ""be"" verb and what form they need."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Professional Mixes with Free Plugins" |
"This course is a thorough lesson in finding and using the best free plugins to create professional mixes.By the end of the course, you will be able to easily identify and download incredible free plugins, and use them in your DAW to get great mixes.Several years ago, I was bad at mixing music. I downloaded random plugins I found, simply because they were free, and wasted a bunch of time chasing plugins that didn't help me make any better music. I lacked the knowledge of mixingtechniques that professionals use, and I had no idea how to download the good freebies whileavoiding thebad.However, fast-forward to today, and I professionally record and mix music - and I have a vast collection of the best free plugins available.This course is designed to help you get from where I was to where I am today, without spending as much time as I had to. And you can use any DAW that you like, as long as it supports VST or AUplugins:Logic Pro X, Reaper, Cubase, Studio One, FL StudioandGarageband are all great choices. I will be demonstrating using Reaper.In this course, I will provide you with a hand-picked list of great free plugins that Iuse in almost every single one of my mixes. I will also teach you my secrets to finding the best ones, so you can begin building your own custom collection of great music tools.After I show you where to find these tools, I'll dive deep in showing you how to use them.I won't just dump these tools into your hands and expect you to know how to make them work, I will guide you in the mixing process, showing you my exact settings for mixing drums, bass, vocals, effects, and more. We will mix through an indie rock song together, from start to finish. I'll help you craft a rough mix using the faders and pan pots, shape the tone and dynamics of the tracks and busses, and even master the song and get it ready for release.If you're ready to get the most out of the huge wealth of free plugins available on the internet, sign up for the course today.*Note: Some of the materials in this course are found on websites that also offer paid content, but no paid content will be required, promoted, or suggested in the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word: Formatierung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten" |
"Du bist Student, schreibst gerade deine wissenschaftliche Arbeit mit Microsoft Word und willst diese professionell formatieren? Dann bist du hier genau richtig!Ich zeige dir kompakt und Schritt fr Schritt alles was du zum professionellen Formatieren deiner Arbeit brauchst. Mittels praktischen bungen nach jedem Kapitel kannst du das Gelernte direkt anwenden.Am Ende des Kurses wirst du eine ansprechend formatierte und automatisierte Vorlage fr deine Arbeit erstellt haben, so dass du dich im Anschluss voll und ganz auf das Schreiben konzentrieren kannst, ohne dir Gedanken um deine weitere Formatierung machen zu mssen.Bisherige Teilnehmer sagten:Der Kurs war umfangreicher als hnliche Angebote, man bekam mehr als das absolute Minimum beigebracht.Sehr sinnvoll, auch wenn man schon ein wenig Erfahrung mit wissenschaftlichen Texten hat.Sehr gut gemacht, auch die zur Verfgung gestellten Unterlagen waren super.Vielen Dank fr den tollen Kurs!Es spielt dabei keine Rolle, ob du schon bung und Erfahrung mit der Formatierung in Microsoft Word hast oder nicht. Ich bin davon berzeugt, dass du in diesem Kurs viele neue Tricks und Kniffe lernen wirst, die dir das Arbeiten mit Microsoft Word erleichtern und dich schneller zu deinem Ziel bringen.Konkret wirst du lernen, wie du Seitenrnder individuell bearbeitest.Fortlaufende Seitenzahlen einfgst.Eigene Formatvorlagen erstellst und bearbeitest.berschriften automatisch nummerierst.Grafiken, Diagramme und Bilder richtig einfgst, so dass sie sich nicht stndig verschieben.Tabellen erstellst und bearbeitest.Grafiken, Diagramme und Tabellen beschriftest.Formeln automatisch nummerierst.Quellen und Zitationen richtig einfgst und anpasst.Fu- und Endnoten einfgst und bearbeitest.Dir die Arbeit mit Querverweisen erleichterst.Ein automatisches Inhaltsverzeichnis und Quellenverzeichnis erstellst und anpasst.Ein automatisches Abbildungsverzeichnis und Tabellenverzeichnis erstellst.Unterschiedliche Seitenzahlen mit arabischen und rmischen Ziffern einfgst.Sich selbst aktualisierende Kopfzeilen mit der aktuellen Kapitelberschrift gestaltest.Ein anspruchsvolles Deckblatt anfertigst.Eine eidesstattliche Erklrung einfgst.Kurzum, du wirst lernen, wie du eine professionelle Formatierung fr deine wissenschaftliche Arbeit erstellst und Microsoft Word in Zukunft schneller bndigst.Dieser Kurs enthlt verschiedene bungen und Arbeitsmaterialien. Du lernst also nicht nur theoretisch wie du deine Arbeit richtig formatierst, sondern kannst das Gelernte direkt an einem unformatierten Beispieldokument umsetzten und anwenden.Nach Abschluss des Kurses wirst du eine fertige Formatvorlage fr deine Arbeit haben, so dass du dich danach voll auf das Schreiben konzentrieren kannst, ohne das Microsoft Word deine Formatierung zerschiet.Mittels deiner eigenen Vorlage bist du auch fr das sptere Schreiben anderer wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten oder auch Papern bestens gerstet und vorbereitet. Auch dein Professor beziehungsweise dein Betreuer werden deine sorgfltige Arbeitsweise zu schtzen wissen und dich wahrscheinlich nach dem ein oder anderen Tipp fragen. Mit deinem neuen Wissen wirst du sicher auch Punkten knnen, wenn dein Lieblingskommilitone dich nach Hilfe bei Microsoft Word fragt.Warum solltest du nicht heute damit anfangen?Klick auf den Button und schreib dich jetzt ein.Dieser Kurs richtet sich vor allem an:Studentinnen / StudentenDoktorandinnen / DoktorandenWissenschaftlerinnen / WissenschaftlerSchlerinnen / SchlerMicrosoft Word: Formatierung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten is an independent seminar and is neither affiliated with, nor authorized, sponsored, or approved by, Microsoft Corporation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aproximadamente 15 % de las personas presentan un trastorno de ansiedad en algn momento de su vida; son enfermedades que deterioran de manera significativa la vida, disminuyen la productividad y el funcionamiento de las personas, y que aumentan el riesgo depresentar otras enfermedades (Ejemplo: Enfermedades cardiovasculares). Apesar de esto solamente un 20 a 30% de las personas con un trastorno deansiedad son diagnsticas y tratadascorrectamente, esto debido en gran parte al desconocimiento que existe sobre el tema y al miedo y estigma asociado a los trastornos mentales.Este curso pretende llenar estosvacosy brindar a las personas que puedan estar teniendo problemas deansiedad (y a sus seres queridos) con el conocimiento adecuado y suficiente para enfrentar su problema y saber que tipo de ayuda debe recibir.Por qu estoy enseando este curso?.Como profesional en el rea de salud mental, y como un ser humano que tambin ha presentado problemas de ansiedad en diferentes momentos de su vida se que los trastornos de ansiedad son enfermedades tratables y de buen pronstico en la gran mayora de los casos, y que uno de los principales factores que contribuyen a agravarlos es la desinformacin e ignorancia sobre el tema. Con este curso espero ser parte de la solucin y la gua de las personas con problemas de ansiedad y sus seres queridos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginning Intuition - Finding Inner Wisdom and Self-Coaching" |
"Personal growth is accelerated when youstart to see that everything is Mind (all possiblethoughts/ideas), that you are conscious, and that your consciousness allows you to be aware of the thoughts that move through you. Youcan choose which thoughts to align with. This understanding allows you to finally accessdeep Wisdom.What Wisdom is waiting for you, deeper than the noisy and habitual nature of surface mind?What ancient knowledge is awaiting you, deeper than the noise of everyday life? You have an inner resource that allows youaccess to oceans of intelligence -a well of Wisdom.These waters can cleanse, nourish, nurture, grow, enrich and collectively empower. Every question you ask is like a bucket being sent down into the well of yourinner universal. In this course you will learn to ask empowering, rather than disempowering questions.So, what role does your Intuition play in this? This introductorycourse to Intuition reveals concepts and practices that support deeply transformative self-coaching and contemplation. This course will train the foundational intuitive skills needed to find, translate and draw from your inner wisdom.What you will learn:How to tune in, at will, to the inner wisdom stored in your body Module 2How to pick up on, and read the subtleties of, your Inner Wisdom Module 3How to let go and return to yourself by ridding yourself of other peoples burdens andreturn to strength Module 4Liberate yourself with thispractice... Module 5How to improve your self-image greater awareness equals greater self-image, and vice versa Module 6How to practice to find answers, insights and wisdom you will no longer be stuck for answers Module 7How to avoid big life mistakes through developing your intuition by learning to translate the subtle communications and cues from your gut instincts and feelings Module 8How to hear the language of all natural things by tuning-in and listening through your body Module 9 How to practice switching perceptual positions so you can see people, and read situation, from all sides. Youll never be caught by surprise again Module 10Your journey of a thousand miles begins with your first step... That first step should be remembering how to access your deeper more wise self, through your intuition. Your first step back is this course.See you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn English Speaking Course: English speaking secrets" |
"Do you feel frustrated when listening to English native speakers?Is it super difficult to understand English native speakers for you?Do you feel anxious or nervous when you try to communicate with English native speakers in a professional situation?Well, I am here to tell you it is NOT YOUR FAULT ... all the English you studied in high school or a private language school never prepared you correctly, they never teach the little secrets of speaking that help you understand and communicate with native speakers.Normally it is necessary to spend years and years of listening to English and guessing, and trying to understand native speakers, this is a very slow and frustrating process for many people.People feel very frustrated with this situation because in a professional situation it is very embarrassing, people feel worried about their professional credibility because of their English.Work and jobs are more and more competitive in today's world...If you want to advance in your career and professional life and to be an important person in the company you need to be ready to communicate on the phone or in meetings with English native speakers.if you can be the person in the room that is able to communicate in English professionally, you will probably have a 60% better Salary.BUTIf you don't understand the little English native speaker will always have a disadvantage....This course can help you learn the secret English native speaker contractions in just a few hours...Normally people need 3 maybe 4 years to learn all the secrets but you can do it in 3 or 4 days!I worked for years teaching people who work in companies...I spent years and years collecting all the ""data"" all the little secrets to help my students learn them quickly!I developed my special RSS learning system that will transform your ability to understand fast English!Rule : I will teach you the grammar rule in a clear simple waySecret : I will teach you how English native speakers BREAK the rules when speaking Shadow: With special ""shadow"" speaking and listening exercises in every video you have an opportunity to practice and train your listening skillsThis course will make you the most important person in the can start to think about promotions or better positions because after this course you will =- Understand natives when they speak quickly- Feel confident to speak to English native speakers- Feel more prepared for meeting and job interviews- Feel more confident to speak on the telephone- You will be able to understand your boss!-Feel super confident in your grammar - You will understand better Movies and Tv series in English- Feel confident when travelling in airports and other cities REVIEWS FROM MORE THAN 11,000 HAPPY STUDENTS""This is an amazing course. I felt my oral English improved a lot. And I will definitely re-watch this course in the future to sharp my skills.""""I loved so much. I recommend this course to everyone. t contains great examinations. maybe best in their field.""""When I started this course, I did not agree with Terry's lessons, so I started watching some movies and I understood exactly what he was teaching. This course is awesome for intermediate to fluent levels, so if you're into them, go ahead and you certainly will not regret it. Thank you Terry for creating and making this training available""""it's a really good course is incredible how the pronunciation make the sentence more shortest and easier""""Hi, Teacher! I've bought here lots of really useful courses, but your English Speaking Course is the best! I like everything in it: your explanation, examples and patterns.Thanks to your course I've managed to overcome the speech barrier greatly! Thanks, Teacher!""""This course is simply amazing. I've never felt so confident in speaking English. In just 10 days I hugely improved my speaking skills. I will definitely go trough this course again and again. There is so much treasure in it, and I am gonna collect it all ?? Terry's approach is unique and I have never seen something similar. His way of teaching is really something that I have needed. I am really looking forward to take some other course from him. I will definitely recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve speaking skills. Besides a knowledge you will definitely get, you will also enjoy in Terry's positive character""""It was amazing for me because I have got more tips especially how to use want to, wanna, wanted and did wanna.""""I really enjoyed this course, it was very useful and beneficial. I strongly recommend English students/ESL teachers and those who want to improve their English communication skills to enroll this course.""""This course is awesome. I love all the contents of this course. So helpful. I love all the courses of Terry because the courses of Terry are always useful, well targeting. I make a lot of progresses. Terry is a great English teacher!!!! Dominique!""FREQUENT QUESTIONS BEFORE STARTING THE COURSEWhat is it ?It is a course to help you learn English speaking secrets super quickly and become the most important person in the room at meetings!When can I expect results?You will see results from the first lesson, after the first lesson you will already understand faster English. Will I learn grammar?This is a complete grammar course, in every lesson we have grammar, pronunciation and speaking in one lesson!Will I learn speaking?You will train your speaking and listening in the special RSS system, you will learn a powerful linguistic technique of shadowing and repeating to train your speak to super confidence!How much time do I have access to the course?You have lifetime access to the course!What if I don't like the course?No problem! We have 30 day money back guarantee for all courses here on udemy, you can try the course to see if it is the right course for you!This course will help students transform their intermediate English into advanced!A complete step by step video guide to transforming their intermediate listening and English speaking from intermediate to advanced !This course will help you become an advanced speaker of English - you will learn how to speak English fluently!When English speakers speak quickly, they break the grammar rules !!!In this course you will learn step by step how to use and understand these little contractions when you learn English.FULL SUBTITLES AND CAPTIONS for complete course and PDF downloads for home study!You will learn all the secrets to be able to speak English fluently and understand like a native speaker!The course is very student focused and makes it easy to learn English. The videos all have practice exercises for you to train your English pronunciation and listening.What will you learn with this course?your English listening skills will improve dramaticallyyou will practice English speaking in structured exercisesyou will feel more confident to speak English and communicate You will learn English intermediate grammar, including advanced conditionalsWho is the course for?Students who are intermediate students but want to take the next step with English speakingStudents who are preparing to visit or study in an English speaking countryStudents who are already living and working in an international environment and want to communicate in English fluentlyInstructorExpert English teacher Terry Mc Gonigle has been teaching students from all over the world for 10 years in Language schools and online.He has helped people from all over the world achieve success with their English, helping people get better jobs with their English or adapt to living in a new country.Today he creates video materials for his online students who want to improve their English fluency.This Course Also Comes With: Lifetime Access to All Future Updates and new videos added to the course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!COURSE REQUIREMENTSYou will need to have intermediate English as the course is in 100% English.complete captions and subtitles available for every videoThe course will give you a complete review of the intermediate grammar as well as teaching you the secrets of spoken English.#speakenglishfluently #englishspeakingcourse #learnenglish"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to write a perfect IELTS writing task 1 answer" |
"The complete guide to write a perfect task 1 answer on the IELTS writing examination.Many students find it difficult to prepare for the task 1 in the writing, most students have never summarized a graph before, but with this step by step video series you will quickly learn the essential words and sentence structures to quickly describe ANY graph !Full PDFdownload included!FULL SCRIPT INCLUDED IN THE COURSE!All of the course script is written in the course videos, this is to help everyone understand, no matter what their level of EnglishPDF DOWNLOAD OF THE SCRIPT availableThe course has clear simple strategies on howto plan your answer quickly and write an excellent IELTStask 1 answer in just 15 minutes!In part 1 of the course you will learn all about the key structures we can use to describe any graphincluding:The figure for / comparative sentences / superlative sentencesthere are practice exercises with sample answers in the PDFfileyou will study discourse markers and key word structures to describe trendsIn part 2 of the course you will see 4 worked examples,You will see a step by step analysis of how to plan and write a full task 1 answerYou will write 4 of your own task 1 answers in practice examples in the PDFIn part 3 of the course you will learn about other constructions and vocabularyyou will learn new structures to include in your answersyou will learn how to introduce synonyms without changing the grammaryou will build on the previous structures you learned in part 1 of the course"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |