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"English for job interviews : Pass Job Interview In English" |
"English for job interviews : Pass Job Interview In EnglishYour dream job in English is waiting..You know you are the right person...You know you can do the job...All you need is to pass the job interview and then you will have your opportunity to show everyone what you are capable of !This course teaches you step by step how to answer the most common interview questions and pass your job interview in English.You will learn :-How to understand and answer the most common English interview questions- How to avoid common English grammar mistakes and give grammatically correct answers- Essential English phrases and vocabulary to build your answer- You will learn about ""competency"" questions or the ""hard"" questions-You will learn how to use the STAR job interview techniqueusing simple structures to build amazing answers for the ""hard"" questionsALLVIDEOSCANBEDOWNLOADEDand have COMPLETESUBTITLESAudio mp3 download of complete course available to practice on your phone!After many years of preparing students for job interviews, most jobs have 2 rounds or phases of interivews.The first round, the questions are really predictable!We know what they will be!My course will help you prepare for them perfectly, so you are 100% ready for youThe second round is more difficult, the employer wants to know more about you now.They want to be sure you are the right person, so they ask more complicated questions..Answering complicated questions is about telling the right story..My course teaches you the STAR interview technique, a technique that helps you prepare the right storyand answer ANY QUESTION!!Hundreds of students have already used this course to achieve their dream job!join me now in the course!!#PassyourjobintervieainEnglish #Englishforjobinterviews #Englishinterviewquestions"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ingls para Brasileiros : Caminho a Fluncia Acelerada 1" |
"""O curso FANTSTICO e realmente vale apena adquiri e investir tempo nele. O professor extremamente didtico e aprender ingls nunca foi to fcil.""""Estou aprendendo coisas simples que os cursinhos de ingles no ensina.""""Porque estou aprendendo com clareza. Muito satisfeita.""""Estou adorando as aulas. Ele explica de uma maneira to fcil, diferente de muitos cursinhos que no exigem a conversa, sendo mais a escrita.""Ola! Meu nome Terry , sou Professor de Ingls ( nativo da Irlanda ),fluente em portugus, e meu foco nos ltimos 8 anos tem sido dar aulas para Brasileiros ,Eu trabalhava em uma escola de Ingls onde 90% dos meus alunos so Brasileiros !Aps anos de experincia dando aula em escolas para Brasileiros em Dublin,cheguei a concluso que o que mais me frustrava era ver pessoas/estudantes, sem base na lngua inglesa e/ou com um nvel muito baixo, sofrer durante as aulas porque no estavam preparados para estudar 100 % em outro idioma, no entendendo o professor , e consequentemente no conseguindo acompanhar as aulas e assimilar os novos contedos.Pude observar ao longo dos anos que isso gerava uma grande frustrao nos alunos, e por consequncia eu acabei criando esse curso para reciniciar seu Ingls do zero Assim surgiu o meu problema e minha busca incessante para a soluo !Pensando nisso ( no meu problema e no dos alunos) e muito incomodado em ver muitas vezes esse sonho acabar precocemente, comecei a estudar novas metodologias, para que, o aluno ao iniciar seu intercmbio, esteja preparado para iniciar o seu curso de ingls e ter um resultado efetivo !E a pergunta que sempre me vinha mente :Como fazer isso?Como criar um material preparatrio para iniciantes que tenham o sonho de realizar um intercmbio?Como poderia criar um material, onde pudssemos poupar tempo, energia e principalmente dinheiro gasto dentro de sala de aula?Bom. primeiro eu criei um blog passado o tempo, decidi escrever um livro e finalmente desenvolvi e criei meu prprio curso online com videos aulas !O curso um serie de videos interligados, onde vai ajudar os estudantes na correria do dia a dia a aprender de forma rpida e eficaz , absolutamente tudo que seja essencial do idioma, tanto a parte gramatical como a pronncia correta!O sistema de aprendizado muito simples, as aulas/vdeos possuem de 5 a 7 minutos cada, tornando fcil e acessvel assistir um ou dois vdeos por dia, sem sobrecarregar o aluno.Como funcionam os videos?A primeira parte de cada vdeo eu vou explicar um conceito gramatical, com grande foco na pronncia, explicando e fazendo um paralelo do portugus x ingls .A segunda parte do vdeo, focada em praticar o contedo/conceito apresentado ,ou seja,eu vou passar uma frase em portugus, o aluno ir pausar o vdeo e traduzir em voz alta,feito isso ele retorna o vdeo para escutar a resposta e a pronncia correta, repetindo quantas vezes achar necessrio, dessa forma o aluno estar treinando a sua capacidade de formar frases completas.Esse processo de traduzir frases exatamente o que acontece. Se voc tem uma oportunidade de praticar o seu ingls, mesmo em um nvel bsico, voc certamente ir traduzir palavra por palavra, isso normal, mas na grande maioria das vezes a traduo no est gramaticalmente correta, pois feita ao p da letra!Com meu curso voc vai aprender a traduzir as frases corretamente , e o mais importante , vai aprender a se expressar com frases e sentenas completas e cada vez mais complexas!Nos primeiro mdulo do curso voc vai aprender a formar frases de 5 at 15 palavras!Eu falo quatro lnguas estrangeiras, e vai por mim, o segredo de todo novo idioma aprender a se expressar com frases completas!Mas, importante ressaltar, No tem uma frmula mgica !!!! E eu sei que vocs tm uma vida MEGA ocupada e corrida, com trabalho,estudos,transito outras responsabilidades e ir pra uma escola de idiomas simplesmente no uma opo,Voc vai precisar de apenas 15 minutos por dia com meu curso e eu te garanto que voc no vai mais perder tempo tentando entender uma gramtica confusa, complicada e pouco efetiva!No meu curso eu vou explicando de forma gradativa todo o contedo essencial que voc precisa e assim que terminar voc vai se sentir preparado para se comunicar em qualquer situao. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ingls para Brasileiros : Caminho a Fluncia Acelerada 2" |
"Voc quer melhorar o seu ingls, ganhar fluncia, mas sente que no tem tempo para estudar?... Voc sabe que o ingls importante para sua carreira, j deixou de participar ou ficou de fora de processos seletivos por no ter o ingls mas no sabe como conciliar os estudos e o trabalho com uma vida to ocupada?Voc j estudou ingls na escola, j se matriculou em vrios cursinhos de ingls mas sente que ainda no aprendeu muita coisa e fica pensando: quando que finalmente conseguirei quebrar essa barreira e me tornar fluente?Esse curso pra voc!- Caminho a fluncia acelerada 2, uma continuao direta -do meu Primeiro curso. Nele voc vai ter , aulas prticas e descomplicadas de ingls. Ao longo dos mdulos, voc vai adquirir mais vocabulrio, e melhorar a sua pronncia com a ajuda de um nativo e chegar mais perto da sua to sonhada fluncia.Ao todo so quatro mdulos e mais de 40 aulas curtas, de 8 a 10 minutos cheias de dicas e contedo100% do curso est disponvel para voc baixar em mp3 assim, voc pode estudar onde e quando voc quiser!Cada aula composta por duas partes, Na primeira parte de cada aula- , voc vai aprender alguma regra gramatical ou vou te dar alguma dica de pronuncia. Na segunda parte, vou te ensinar a traduzir pensamentos em portugus em frases completas em ingls. Vamos colocar tudo o que voc aprendeu em prtica treinando exemplos de frases reais, do dia a dia, que sero essenciais para voc manter uma conversa em ingls. Como vai funcionar?Vou te passar uma frase em portugus, e voc ter alguns minutos para traduzi-la para o ingls mentalmente e depois disso, vou te falar e mostrar a traduo correta em ingls. Ao final voc treinar a frase em voz alta,Com o passar dos mdulos do curso as frases ficaro mais complexas.Este processo de traduzir frases cada vez mais maiores e complicadas e mais elaboradas, te ensina a no s decorar frases, mas a comear a aprender a formular as suas prprias frases sozinho., Cada frase prtica escolhida a dedo e programada para te ajudar a treinar e aprimorar a sua habilidade de formular as suas prprias frases e se sentir mais fluente desde o inicio. Quando eu era mais novo, uns 19, 20 anos, e ainda morava com meus pais, eu queria aprender portugues mas eu trabalhava muitas horas por dia - em um hotel e no tinha tempo para estudar. .Nessa poca eu ainda morava com os meus pais e uUma das minhas responsabilidades em casa era levar o nosso cachorro para passear todos os dia, , ento pensei: porque no usar esse tempo para aprender outras lnguas? , Foi assim, que eu comecei a aprender e me tornei fluente em portugus e outras lnguas!, Ouvindo cursos de Portuguse,no pouco tempo que eu tinha enquanto passeava com o meu cachorro. Falando sozinho e, treinando as frases do curso em voz alta., Ento, Se voc quer falar como um nativo, voc tem que treinar o seu sotaque falando sozinho.E justamente por isso que Assim nas partes de prticas do curso, voc vai escutar e repetir, treinando as frases , e rapidamente voc vai adquirindo mais vocabulrio e fluncia. O objetivo desse curso fazer voc aprender a formular as suas prprias frases e sentir mais confiana em voc mesmo na hora de falar ingls no mundo real Neste curso, com mais de mais de 40 aulas e com 5 horas de contedoNo modulo 1 vamos Aprender a usar Ter que HAVE TO para falar de obrigaes No mdulo 2 vamos Turbinar o seu vocabulrio e a sua pronuncia explorando o universo dos cognatos, o vocabulrio em comum entre ingls e portugus, para Aumentar os seu vocabulrio pra 3000 palavras. No mdulo 3 Vamos ampliar o seu entendimento conhecimento do ingls com aulas sobre como usar IT com verbos e atravs de uma explicao muito detalhada das Preposies TO e FOR. No modulo 4 v, Vou te mostrar tudo que voc precisa saber para se -expressar no passado Com uma quantidade enorme de frases de exemplo para voc treinar e dominar o passado em ingls. Assim se-inscreva no curso hoje para continuar o seu caminho a fluncia O que alunos falam sobre o meu primer curso!!""Muito bem detalhado. Estou gostando desde o incio...Congratulations!!! """"O Terry e suas aulas tem uma didtica incrvel, muito prtica e descomplicado. """"gostei muito do mtodo de ensino do TERRY, para aqueles que desejam aprender ingls mas esto indecisos eu recomendo o curso ingls para BRASILEIROS: CAMINHO A fluncia aceleradaestou fazendo o curso ainda e at agora estou adorando, o fato de aprender com um nativo ajuda muito a aprender ingls da forma correta."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Understanding CouchDB 3: Learn Basic & Advanced NoSQL Skills" |
"UPDATED FOR CouchDB 3.0!!!Apache CouchDB is an exciting NoSQL database that is easy to get up and running with. It stores JSON documents and attachments of any type. You are free to store your data the way you want, and access it the way you want. It features a brilliant web interface which allows you to quickly maintain many aspects of the program and each database.In this course we will discuss:The fundamentals of what CouchDB is, and how it differs from traditional databasesThe different versions of CouchDB that are available (version 1 thru 3 and Cloudant)How to install CouchDB on MacOS, Windows and LinuxHow to sign up for a hosted CouchDB accountWorking in the web interface (Futon and Fauxton)Working with the REST API Create and work with Design DocumentsRunning queries with MangoReplication among databases and serversClustered serversMore content will be added to this course as CouchDB develops.Please note: this course is about Apache CouchDB and NOT Couchbase which is a completely unrelated databaseThe official slogan of CouchDB is ""Relax."" So relax and enjoy this class and CouchDB. There are no stupid questions, so relax and ask them. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Live - Tech House Tutorial 2017" |
"In this course, we teach youhow to produce a modern, bass driven tech house track in Ableton Live. The course spans 59 videos, totalling 9 hours of lectures.The Tech House Tutorial 2017 covers everything from start to finish, from a blank canvas to a fullymixedand mastered track.After completing this course, you will be able to take the techniques used throughout the course and produceyour own tech housetrack to play out atthe club!This course uses a few third party plugins:Native instruments Monark (moog style bass synthesiser)Rave generator (a free lead synthesiserdownload included in the course)This course will recreate some of the popular sounds currently in the Beatport Top 100 Tech House Charts, with similarities linking to industry greats such as Solardo, Leonardo Gonelli and Latmun."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Live 10 Lite - A Comprehensive Course For Beginners" |
"This course has been created as an entry level course for complete beginners wishing to learn everything about how to produce music using the Ableton Live software.This course is suitable for: DJ's, new producers, live acts & musicians, and even those with no musical background.You will start the course with a 'Quickstart' crash-course in Ableton Live, to get you hands on, using the music production software straight away. Next, we go through every single feature of Ableton Live in microscopic detail. The aim here is to teach you everything you need to know about producing, recording, editing and arranging in Ableton Live 10. The Ableton Live Lite software often comes bundled free with hardware MIDI keyboards and controllers. So this course is great for those of you that have purchased a keyboard or controller and would like to take up a new hobby, or even those who are already playing around in Live & wish to take it more seriously. We have managed to cram so much knowledge into the 9.5 hours of this course that we guarantee you that you will learn much faster here than you would spending weeks trawling through YouTube videos. We have also included 7 Free Ableton Live 10 project files which are used throughout the course. These files can be used for you to practice, play or use as a head start in your own productions to help you reach your fullest potential in Ableton Live 10!We are so confident that you will be happy with this course that we are offering a 30-day money back guarantee for anyone who may still be unsure about learning Ableton Live with us, so there really is absolutely nothing to lose!If you are still in any doubt, then check out our ratings & reviews. We are proud to have great feedback on Udemy, YouTube, ADSRsounds & our ownStudioSlave website.We hope to see you learning with us in the near future!A bit about Your tutor: Studio Slave has been DJ'ing, producing, and using Ableton Live for Live performance for the past 8 years. After Studying at PointBlank Music School in London, he graduated with a 1st Class Honours degree in electronic music production &DJ practice at the School of Sound Recording in Manchester. Studio Slave has been teaching electronic music production for the past 4 years and is looking forward to educating you throughout the course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Reddit Marketing: Start Getting Traffic Today" |
"Do you want to learn how to Get Thousand and Millions of Traffic on yourYouTube Videos orwebsites?Professional marketers have been doing it for decades. How? By using provenmethods and formulas.I've developed a course thatwill show you how to Market on Reddit. You will be taken through astep-by-step Guidethat will teach you everything you need to know to start Marketing on Reddit.INSIDE THE Reddit Marketing Guide YOU WILL LEARN...Basics of RedditBefore Starting Reddit Marketing you needto know the Basics of Reddit so may easily promote your things on Reddit without any hurdle.Basics of Sub_RedditSubReddits Role in Reddit Marketing is very important that's why you need to learn which SubReddits you needto use for promoting your website/products and How to Find your Niche Related SubReddits.How to Increase Link & CommentKarmaLink karma(known as Post Karma) and Comment Karma are very much important before starting Reddit Marketing so we have shared some hiddentips and techniques to increase your Karma Easily.Reddit Account ban GuideReddit is so much tricky in Banning your Account so you need complete information about How and Why Reddit BanAccounts in order to be safe from Account Banning.Getting Views on YouTube VideosSo here comes the Very important Part of Reddit Marketing Guide this Part you will Learn about getting views on your YouTube Videos no matter what type of video it is, a Niche Related video or a Video for Affiliate Marketing. you can get thousands of views using the trick which is shared in this Course.Getting Views on Website:There are manypurposes of getting Views on Website.But i Have Explained the main two methods. forCPCNetworks like Adsense andfor Affiliate Marketing. You can get views in thousands andMillions after learning the tactics which are explained in this course.I created this courseto help you make money and succeed. And I know that sometimes, a little help is needed.So if you decide to join the Academy you will also get24/7 direct access to me via the course discussion board."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Invertir en Bolsa de Valores USA para Principiantes" |
"Con nuestro Curso Bolsa de Valores, podrs aprender desde cero todos los conocimientos necesarios que te permitan invertir en la Bolsa de Valores de Estados Unidos.Durante este curso de Bolsa de Valores para principiantes, aprenders qu es una bolsa de valores y cmo hacer para invertir tu dinero en la bolsa de valores de Nueva York. Adquiriendo los conceptos bsicos sobre la Bolsa de Valores en Estados Unidos.Adems adquirirs las herramientas que te permitirn construir un portafolio de activos financieros que se negocian en la Bolsa de Valores de Estados Unidos, como los bonos y las acciones, que se ajuste a tu perfil de riesgo y te permita el logro de tus objetivos de inversin de mediano y largo plazo.Nuestro curso Bolsa de Valores es su mejor opcin, sobre aburridos manuales o libros que utilizan lenguaje tcnico difcil de entender. Nunca es tarde para dar el primer paso y aprender cmo hacer que el dinero genere ingresos y/o crezca en el tiempo. Se parte de los millones de personas que invierten en la Bolsa de Valores en Estados Unidos.Esperamos te inscribas en nuestro curso Bolsa de Valores para principiantes y descubras al inversionista que hay en ti. "
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Opciones sobre Acciones" |
"Sabas que los mercados de opciones son los que ms dinero mueven en el mundo?. Esto se debe a que ofrecen grandes oportunidades para generar ganancias recurrentes y tambin para cubrir portafolios en momentos de incertidumbre. Sin embargo, al igual que la mayora de inversores, puedes tener la creencia que las opciones son algo muy complejo. Da el primer paso para descubrir el mundo de las opciones sobre acciones, al inscribirte en el curso de opciones sobre acciones que hemos preparado especialmente para ti.Conoce las nociones bsicas, hasta los conceptos ms avanzados en la negociacin de opciones sobre acciones. Todo explicado paso a paso y con demostraciones de negociacin en simuladores, que te permitirn la fcil comprensin de los contenidos del curso de opciones. Al finalizar el curso, adquirirs los conocimientos y herramientas que te brindarn mayor seguridad para comenzar el trading de opciones."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To Software Testing" |
"This course is designed to teach students the basics of Software Testing. The material is presented in a step-by-step format from defining what software testing is to reporting software defects.In this course you will learn the following: What is Software TestingWhy Software Testing is important,Software Testing and the economy,Software Tester DutiesWhat are System Requirements and how Software Testers utilized them.What are Test Scenarios/ Test Cases/Test DataWhat are Software DefectsThe cost to fix defects at various phases of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). How to create and report defects"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Get Started Teaching ESL Online" |
"This course covers a wide range of topics related to teaching ESL online, mainly as it pertains to the job hunt process, teacher certification, and interacting with students. Here are some of the more detailed topics we cover: Benefits and drawbacks of teaching ESL online, what makes a good online ESL teacher, ESL teaching certification, companies vs. teaching with your own tutoring business, teaching with an actual online public or private school, pay, lesson planning as it relates to deciding who to work for or to work for yourself, record keeping, schedule, what to expect from an application/interview process with a company, interview questions you may be asked and questions you should ask in an interview, training with a company, introduction videos when you work for a company, the equipment you need to teach online, how to share ideas with students in an online environment, tutor manuals if you work for a company, how to effectively for your first class, tips for getting more students and higher ratings, how to engage students online, some online resources for teaching online, online communities of online ESL teachers, and where to find online ESL teaching jobs. This course is best suited for current ESL teachers who are considering making the move to teaching ESL online. It is also good for those who are looking at starting an online career but who have not quite decided what job they want. The course is not designed to help you start your own business teaching ESL online, although I do offer some points to consider if that is the route you want to take. Also, I point out some resources to train you on how to do that."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Buyers Attraction Mastery" |
"The frustration of having a good offer that you don't know how to show it to the right audience is enormous. Through the eCommerce and marketing community in general there are a lot of challenges when it comes to target the right audience with the right offer to insure sales. In many cases audience research is a topic of a great void. I've gone ahead and assembled this easy-to-follow course for you to see how you can promote your brand to the right audience through a simple process. In this course I will show you techniques that if I knew them 4 years ago - I could earn 10 times more than now.In this course you will learn the following topics:How to spy onexistingbuyers in your niche and discover their interests.How to gather a high affinity audience in your nice (in-spite of Facebook's removal).How to extract emails from people that are highly active in your nice and target them.How to create an ad that will convert the best in your nice in few simple steps.How to avoid amateur mistakes that can kill your business.As a personal bonus I wanted to share with you my T-shirt mockup collection that you can use for your Facebook advertising (the mockups are Facebook approved) and my ad+product design and copy. I added another gift for those who will tune in till the last video, so keep your eyes and ears peeled in the bonus video!Enjoy the techniques that I will teach you and share your success :)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How Not To Screw Up Your e-Commerce Business" |
"In this course I will teach how to avoid very common mistakes which can ruin your e-commercebusiness overnight.I burned through thousands of dollars and spent many sleepless nights figuring out why my business was failing, even though I followed all the ""gurus"" out there to the last letter.There is no need for you to learn the hard way like I did.After you complete the course you, will have the tools to ensure massive profits in e-commerce with reduced risk- youwill make way more sales than before!In the course Iwill cover the following topics:Saturation - how to avoid it and how to sell in-spite of it.Bankruptcy - how to minimize your financial risks in e-commerce.Competition Analysis - how to swaggerjack what works for your competitors and match it to your store, thereby ensuring sales.'TheShopify Funnel' - how to increase conversion rate using proven and relevant techniques.Positive ROI - how to ensure profitability in each and everysale (in the scaling/lifespan phase).Tools for success - how to masterthe tools you have gained inthis course and where to go from here.Enjoy my course and Ihope you will save yourself the money and the time that Iwasted on making the mistakes that Ilisted before you.Share the success :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hacking Literature: How to Write Your Novel Like the Pros" |
"The purpose of this course is to give you the tools necessary to put pen to paper and write your first novel. We will provide you with in-depth lessons to writing your novel. The steps we will cover are tried and true methods and will help you overcome some of the barriers that writers encounter. Together we will conquer writer's block and fill in plot holes."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"ForteMente - Desenvolvimento Pessoal" |
"O Fortemente um Programa de Desenvolvimento Pessoal todo estruturado com base em tcnicas de Psicoterapia Cognitivo-comportamental, envolvendo os trs movimentos dessa escola de Psicoterapia, a cognio (pensamentos e crenas), o comportamento e a contemplao (meditao).Trata-se de um conjunto de ferramentas psicolgicas validadas cientificamente para te ajudar a viver melhor, ter uma melhor regulao emocional e se livrar de aflies mentais.O mtodo te mostra o caminho para desenvolver uma srie de recursos prprios, habilidades e competncias emocionais, bem como evitar as armadilhas da Mente.Cuide bem da sua Mente, ela a sua maior riqueza."
Price: 519.99 ![]() |
"Psicofrmacos Para Psiclogos" |
"Este um curso faz um assunto difcil e pouco interessante se tornar atrativo e prazeroso. Este meu desafio ao ensinar sobre Psicofrmacos para Psiclogos. Sabemos da deficincia deste aprendizado nas graduaes de Psicologia e por isso esse curso est aqui. um curso dinmico, que se tornar cada vez melhor com o tempo. Seu acesso ser vitalcio, como o compromisso da Udemy. Assim, teremos uma verdadeira sala de aula virtual para constante revises, atualizaes e retirada de dvidas."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Communication and Service" |
"The course is theoretical and practical, with good examples and small and big assignments. The introduction ""What I Know About"" focuses on the topics that come. Students can think through and discuss the concepts before continuing. The purpose is to facilitate contact net to the theoretical material. The sections end with repetition questions and subsequent issues (major assignments).Emphasis is placed on making the course interesting for the students. Terms that must be learned are defined as they appear.Good luck with the learning. I am grateful for feedback from students and instructors about how the course works."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SDLC - The System Development Life Cycle for Beginners" |
"The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a method, or methodology, in which we change existing systems, and create new systems. The SDLChave many uses, one of many being its majorly use in Software Development. Ialways liked the simplicity of the system, and have used it for many systems, not only computer software. Imost frequently use the SDLCfor altering protocols and standards within organizations, in order to improve upon the existing systems my clients currently use. These can be systems of any kind.Join me in this course, where you can learn the SDLC from scratch as well, and be able to put it to use immediately! Most of us have some ""standard"" we follow, as we do things - for example shopping or what not - and we can use the SDLC for tasks as simple as this as well! We just need to know how to use this system, which is incredibly simply, but all so powerful!After you have completed this course, Iam confident you will have the knowledge to implement the System Development Life Cycle into any system development project you may be involved with. Many Project Managers will try to manage projects, but simply lack the basic understanding of the SDLC. Take advantage, and learn the basics, so that you can outperform your competition.This course has been carefully planned:I've separated the five phases of the System Development Life Cycle into five separate modules. In addition, there's an introduction section, as well as a summary section. I've also made the lectures very short, this is to help you focus on the topic at hand, be able to understand it better, and so that you can review the information more easily, should you require this."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Break-Even Business Analysis" |
"Through this course, you will learn how to find the break-even point in a business, both in terms of units to sell, and dollars in revenue. We also have a practical look at a business, where we find all the information we want from its P&Lstatement. Additionally, you get the P&Lstatement for the same company, though one year later, and you are set with the task of finding the key information!This knowledge is incredibly valuable for you, regardless if you're a student going for a degree in business management/administration, accounting or bookkeeping, or considering to start your own business - the break-even point is invaluable for any business, especially when it comes to planning how to run the business.The Break-Even Analysis is one of the most important, yet one of the least used business analyzing tools in business's today, and is practically an essential skill to have as part of the managing team of any business.Join me today, and learn how you can conduct a break-even analysis, within an hour!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Color Mixing Course in Acrylics & Oil Paints" |
"This Color Mixing Course in Oils or Acrylic Paints is designed for beginners to intermediate artists with a desire to learn more about color and how to mix it. Color mixing is an essential skill for all artists and it does not matter if you are a complete beginner or someone with some experience, if you don't understand color and color mixing you won't get very far with your artwork.In the Color Mixing Course you will learn how to get started with color and color mixing. You will learn simple techniques for understanding color and the key elements of color that go into making a great painting. It's something that Master artists do intuitively and its a skill you can learn today when you enroll.This course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to gain a greater understanding of color and the color mixing process.Covered in the course are key elements in understanding and using color effectively including:* Understanding the Primary Colors and Color Wheel* How to mix Primary Colors and create a Color Chart* Use of a Palette to match what you are painting eg Landscape Palette* Understanding Values and How To Mix a Values Scale* The major role that Color Temperature plays in your painting* Learn to use Saturation of Color and Grey's to great effect* How to Mix Greys* How To Mix A Huge Range of Greens* Expanding to an Advanced Palette* Plus so much more.The course is taught in Arylics so you will learn various acrylic painting techniques and how they apply to color mixing. It could be easily taken in oils as well.Once you master the ideas in this Color Mixing Course you will be able to apply the ideas directly to your own painting and start producing greatly improved paintings that will amaze yourself and your friends and family.Let's get started today on learning all about Color and Color Mixing. Enroll in the Color Mixing Course right now.Rod Moore of Moore Art School has taught hundreds of students in one day art classes and more than 15,000 students globally through our online courses. He is a highly regarded teacher who has helped thousands of beginners start to paint. He is the creator of the Moore Method of Painting and the star of 2 TV shows broadcast in Australia & New Zealand."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic Painting - Introduction to Acrylic Painting" |
"This Acrylic Painting course is designed for beginners with a desire to learn how to paint in acrylics.In theAcrylic Painting - Introduction to Acrylic Painting course you will learn how to get started painting in acrylics. By following along with what you learn you will complete a simple landscape painting at the end of the course that you will be proud to hang on the wall.The Acrylic Painting course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to try out acrylics.The course covers some of the key things you need to know about painting with Acrylic paint including:The characteristics of Acrylic PaintThe differences between Acrylic Paint and Oil PaintsWhich Acrylic Paints to useHow to use Acrylic Paints to best effectThe basic primary colour palette to use for landscape paintingThe key to painting effectively with acrylicsHow to use acrylic paints like oil paintsThe basic equipment to use for acrylic paintingPlus the course will teach you abut how to paint simple landscape paintings including:The correct use of Values in paintingHow to use Aerial Perspective in landscape paintingThe basic composition of good landscape paintingHow to create a sense of realism in your landscape paintingCreating light in your landscapesDeveloping layers of depth in your landscapesPainting structures and objects in your landscapesIn addition you are going to learn the Moore Method of Painting.The Moore Method of Painting has been taught to hundreds of students in one day art classes and more than 15,000 students globally through our online courses. The Moore Method of Painting makes it easy for anyone to learn how to paint.In the Moore Method of Painting we use just 3 colours with 3 brushes and follow 3 simple steps.This makes it easier for you to learn how to start painting and still finish a great looking painting that you will be proud to hang on the wall or have framed. The Moore Method of Painting has been proven to be the most effective method for beginners to learn how to paint with hundreds of students giving testimonials and feedback on the success of the method.When you combine the Moore Method of Painting with Acrylic Paints you have the perfect combination to help get you started learning how to paint.By the time you have completed this Acrylic Painting introduction course you will have developed the skills and knowledge to continue on in your learning of how to paint with acrylics.Join us today for the Acrylic Painting- Introduction to Acrylic Painting and let's have some fun doing your first painting today."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Start & Run An Art Teaching Business" |
"Are you an artist, or someone who loves art, who has been thinking about starting your own Art Teaching Business?It doesn't matter if you want to do an art class or two for some extra part time money, or you want to start your own art school like I have done, this course 'Start &Run An Art Teaching Business' is ideal for you.Over the last six years Ihave been building my art teachingbusiness Moore Art School from home. In the process I have taught hundreds of students in my one day art workshops and more than 15,000 people in my online courses and projects. In this course Iam going to give you a detailed and comprehensive look at everything I have learnt along the way.Iwill share with you my failures along the way so you don't repeat the same mistakes I made, and I will share with you the actual strategies that have led me to success.In the first section you will learn about the 3 MAJORKEYSTOSUCCESS in the art teaching business.Over the last few years I have trained others through my certification program (Moore Certified Instructor) how to start their own art business. The ones who achieved the most success all followed these 3 major keys to success. Now you have the opportunity to learn what they are and model them into your art teaching business.In the second section we will have an in depth look at the day to day running of an art business. Everything is discussed from finding venues, to sourcing art supplies and negotiating discounts, choosing the subjects for your classes, to pricing and profit forecasting. The information in this section will give you a solid grounding in the important aspects of running an art teaching business.In the third section we look at the one thing that will make or break your success ... how to ATTRACTSTUDENTSINTOYOURARTCLASSES!This is clearly one of the most important things you need to learn and apply. If you can not attract students then you won't be in business for long.So we will discuss key MARKETINGSTRATEGIESincluding:The Number ONEMarketing Secret To SuccessThe Number TWOMarketing Secret To SuccessHow To Book Students On Your WebsiteBuilding An Email Database To Market ToHow To Market Your Classes In The Local AreaUsing Social Media to Attract and Engage StudentsHow To Get Found In The Search EnginesUsing the Power Of The MediaPLUS... I will share with you my FACEBOOKMARKETINGSTRATEGY that is attracting a large number of my students to me.In the last section we will look at the enormous market for TEACHINGARTONLINE.Udemy alone is set to grow to more than 100 million members in the next few years ... this means there will be lots of new students looking for art classes. When you add in sites like SkillShare, YouTube, Patreon and self hosted sites like Thinkific and Teachable well ... the market place for teaching art online is huge and growing.So Iwill show you how to create your own projects and courses that you can sell on any of these platforms or on your own website.I've personally had more than 15,000 students go through my online courses and have created more than 20 courses. So Iam well positioned to be able to share with you exactly what works to start teaching art online and earning a solid part time or full time income.This course is a comprehensive and detailed look at the Art Teaching business ... it is not a high level overview that you can skim through in thirty minutes. There is a lot to learn to start and run a successful art teaching business. You need a mentor to show you the right blueprint and help you along the way.If you are ready to get started then register for this course today and I will show you everything Iknow."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic Painting Techniques for Landscape Course" |
"This Acrylic Painting Techniques course is designed for beginners with a desire to learn how to paint landscapes in acrylics using a simple approach.In the Acrylic Painting Techniques for Landscape Course you will learn how to get started painting easy landscape elements in acrylics. You will learn simple techniques for painting each of the elements that are important to painting good landscape paintings.The Acrylic Painting Techniques course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to try out acrylics and learn new approaches to the various elements found within a landscape.Covered in the course are key techniques for various landscape elements including:* Which Acrylic Paints to use and why* The simple palette you need to get started painting Landscapes* Which brushes work best for landscape painting* The mediums that will help you with painting in acrylics* The key elements in any landscape painting including skies, mountains, trees, buildings and more* How to paint skies including blue skies, glowing sun, setting sun and stormy rain clouds* Understanding how to paint mountains using aerial perspective* A simple yet effective technique to painting virtually any tree you can think of* How to paint cottages, farm houses and other buildings in a landscape* Plus the various elements in a landscape like grasses, fields, paths, driveways, fences, gates and moreThe course is taught in Arylics so you will learn various acrylic painting techniques and how they apply to landscape painting.Rod Moore of Moore Art School has taught hundreds of students in one day art classes and more than 15,000 students globally through our online courses. He is a highly regarded teacher who has helped thousands of beginners start to paint. He is the creator of the Moore Method of Painting and the star of 2 TV shows broadcast in Australia & New Zealand.Join us today for the Acrylic Painting Techniques for Landscape Course and let's have some fun learning to paint landscapes using these acrylic painting techniques."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic Painting Course - Impressionist Seascapes & Beaches" |
"This Acrylic Painting course on painting Impressionist Seascapes & Beaches is designed for beginners to intermediate artists with a desire to learn how to paint impressionist seascapes in acrylics using a simple approach.In the Acrylic Painting Impressionist Seascapes & Beaches Course you will learn how to get started painting easy seascapes and beaches in acrylics. You will learn simple techniques for painting each of the elements that are important to painting good seascapes and beach paintings.This Acrylic Painting Techniques course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to try out acrylics and learn new approaches to the various elements found within a seascape or beach scene.Covered in the course are key techniques for various impressionist seascape painting elements including:* Which Acrylic Paints to use and why* The simple palette you need to get started painting seascapes* Which brushes work best for seascape painting* What other thing you need with painting in acrylics* The key elements in any seascape painting including skies, headlands, waves, sand, forground foliage, sunsets.* How To Paint a Headland in a Seascape with a Lighthouse* How to Paint Waves and Sand* How To Paint A Beautiful Sunset with yatchThe course is taught in Arylics so you will learn various acrylic painting techniques and how they apply to seascape painting. It could be easily taken in oils as well.Rod Moore of Moore Art School has taught hundreds of students in one day art classes and more than 15,000 students globally through our online courses. He is a highly regarded teacher who has helped thousands of beginners start to paint. He is the creator of the Moore Method of Painting and the star of 2 TV shows broadcast in Australia & New Zealand.Join us today for the Acrylic Painting Impressionist Seascape & Beaches Techniques Course and let's have some fun learning to paint seascapes using these acrylic painting techniques."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic Painting for Beginners Landscape Techniques Course" |
"ThisAcrylic Painting Techniques course is designed for beginners with a desire to learn how to paint Impressionistlandscapes in acrylics using a simple step by step approach.In theImpressionist Acrylic Painting Landscape Techniques Courseyou will learn how to get started painting easy landscape with an Impressionistic style inacrylic paints or oil painting. You will learn simple techniques for painting each of the elements that are important to painting good landscape paintings including how to create a sense of depth by using aerial perspective.The Impressionist Acrylic Painting Landscape Techniques Course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to try out acrylics and learn new approaches to the various elements found within a landscape.Covered in the course are key techniques for various landscape elements including:* Which Acrylic Paints to use and why* The simple palette you need to get started painting Landscapes* Which brushes work best for landscape painting* The mediums that will help you with painting in acrylics* How To Paint Landscapes In A Loose Impressionistic Style* How to paint the various elements in this landscape painting* Understanding How To Create DepthUsing Aerial Perspective* A simple yet effective technique to painting virtually trees and grasses* How to paint foreground elements like rocks and fence posts* Plus understanding the importance of COLOUR Mixing &COLOURTemperatureThe course is taught in Arylics so you will learn various acrylic painting techniques and how they apply to landscape painting. It could equally apply to oil painting as the techniques we use in the course are very similar to how you would approach the painting in oilsRod Moore of Moore Art School has taught hundreds of students in one day art classes and more than 15,000 students globally through our online courses. He is a highly regarded teacher who has helped thousands of beginners start to paint. He is the creator of the Moore Method of Painting and the star of 2 TV shows broadcast in Australia & New Zealand.Join us today for theImpressionist Acrylic Painting Landscape Techniques Courseand let's have some fun learning to paint landscapes using these acrylic painting techniques."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic Painting Beginners Seascape Projects" |
"This Painting Course is a collection of Seascape Painting Projects you can try in Acrylic Paint or Oil Paint and is designed for beginners to intermediate artists with a desire to learn how to paint impressionist seascapes in acrylics using a simple approach.In this collection Acrylic Painting Seascape Projects you will learn how to get started painting easy seascapes and beaches in acrylics. You will learn simple techniques for painting each of the elements that are important to painting good seascapes and beach paintings.This Acrylic Painting Techniques course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to try out acrylics and learn new approaches to the various elements found within a seascape or beach scene.Covered in the course are key techniques for various impressionist seascape painting elements including:* Which Acrylic Paints to use and why* The simple palette you need to get started painting seascapes* Which brushes work best for seascape painting* What other thing you need with painting in acrylics* The key elements in any seascape painting including skies, headlands, waves, sand, forground foliage, sunsets.* How To Paint a Headland in a Seascape with a Lighthouse* How to Paint Waves and Sand*Plus moreThe course is taught in Acrylics so you will learn various acrylic painting techniques and how they apply to seascape painting. It could be easily taken in oils as well. Each of the painting projects is taken from the popular Learn To Paint TVshow published weekly online.Rod Moore of Moore Art School has taught hundreds of students in one day art classes and more than 20,000 students globally through our online courses. He is a highly regarded teacher who has helped thousands of beginners start to paint. He is the creator of the Moore Method of Painting and the star of 2 TV shows broadcast in Australia & New Zealand.Join us today for the Acrylic Painting Impressionist Seascape & Beaches Techniques Course and let's have some fun learning to paint seascapes using these acrylic painting techniques."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic Painting Beginners Landscape Projects" |
"This Painting Course is a collection of Landscape Painting Projects you can try in Acrylic Paint or Oil Paint and is designed for beginners to intermediate artists with a desire to learn how to paint impressionist landscapes in acrylics using a simple approach.In this collection Acrylic Painting Landscape Projects you will learn how to get started painting easy landscapes in acrylics. You will learn simple techniques for painting each of the elements that are important to painting good landscapes and landscapes paintings.This Acrylic Painting Techniques course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to try out acrylics and learn new approaches to the various elements found within a landscape painting.Covered in the course are key techniques for various impressionist landscape painting elements including:* Which Acrylic Paints to use and why* The simple palette you need to get started painting landscapes* Which brushes work best for landscape painting* What other thing you need with painting in acrylics* The key elements in any landscape painting including skies, headlands, rivers, trees, buildings and more.* How To Paint a sense of atmosphere and depth in your landscape paintings.* How to Paint River Reflections*Plus moreThe course is taught in Acrylics so you will learn various acrylic painting techniques and how they apply to landscape painting. It could be easily taken in oils as well. Each of the painting projects is taken from the popular Learn To Paint TVshow published weekly online.Rod Moore of Moore Art School has taught hundreds of students in one day art classes and more than 20,000 students globally through our online courses. He is a highly regarded teacher who has helped thousands of beginners start to paint. He is the creator of the Moore Method of Painting and the star of 2 TV shows broadcast in Australia & New Zealand.Join us today for the Acrylic Painting Impressionist Landscape Projects Course and let's have some fun learning to paint landscapes using these acrylic painting techniques."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
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Price: 12600.00 ![]() |
"Learn ARKit 2 for iOS 12 from Scratch!" |
"Hey you!Are you interested in learning how to write Augmented Reality (AR) Apps?Augmented Reality (AR) is the future of iOSapps!And now you can learn it from the comfort of your home,in your own time,without having to attend a boringclass.My name is Amit Kalra, a WWDC'16 and '18 scholarship winner! (Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference)Ihave created 2 apps and bothof my apps werefeatured by Apple inthe App Store and have hit top charts, alongside getting some press!I didn't come from a tech background and I didn't let that stop me!I'm not really into technical terms and I'm gonna teach you the same way I learned!Why should I take your course?I'm not going to teach you the extra stuff that you'll NEVERneed to build AR apps. I'm going to show you in-depth from the basics how to create AR apps and then break it down and show you how it's done. We'll learn using the official Appleway and one of the best third party ways!What if I don't have enough time?That's not a problem at all!!You can take all the time in the world inthe comfort of your home to complete this course! I've designed this course for everything to be learned within 5 hours!Here are some reviews I've gotten from teaching others!""I went from knowing NOTHINGin Swift to making my own tutorials on how to create apps!""""Amitteaches in a veryunique way. He doesn't teach in a normal way. He teaches in a waythat's super natural andit's so detailed!""""His teaching style is really fun!It's really boring when he explains the terms but that stuff won't even be needed in the future and teachesyou the way he learned!""What will I get if I buy this course today?Iwill show you how to build real and amazing augmented reality (AR) apps using ARKit. I'm going tostart from thebeginning covering the basics of AR and how to setup your AR project! Then, we'lldive into advanced concepts of plane detection, physics, and collision detection. I'll also show you how to make 3DModels using SketchUp, Unity, and Blender! Alongside this course, you also get all of the source code! FORFREE!! And with comments to understand it better!You'llalso receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered. Not only that, if you need another way to reach me, you can always tweet and dm me on my Twitter @amitnkalra! I am extremely active there!Can you believe you get all this (and MORE) for just $150? (Also being constantly updated!!)""I saw the preview of this course and it's amazing!It'sjam-packed with information so grab your popcorn and get ready to learn!""Well, you're not dreaming!This is a reality. Take advantage of this great courseNOW!!Why should you evenlearn ARKit?ARKit is the future!That means not everything has been done yet!If you can create something truly original and dope, you're almost guaranteed to hit the top charts!ARKit is going to help create attractive and intuitive experiences!Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to learn all about the brand new ARKit. Knowing how to useAugmented Reality using ARKitcan also help you get paid a higher salary because not many people are educated inARKit!Is this course right for me?YES!If you have a passion to learn and you enjoy learning, I encourage you to purchase this course right now!!What are the requirements?A MacComputerXcode 10or Xcode 10(LatestBeta)iPhone 6S oraboverunning iOS12oriOS 12(Latest Beta)Very basic understanding of the Swift 5!- I'll teach you the rest!What am I going to get from this course?Create dope Augmented Reality (AR)Apps Using ARKit Using Swift 5!Build apps that can beplacing virtual objects in the real world!Learn all about theSceneKit framework through the use of ARKit!Become a professional app developer andtake freelance gigs to work from anywhere in the world!Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOSdeveloper! (ARKit is brand new and will be seen as a great advantage!)Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course! (And it continues to be updated!)Anyone who wants to learn to code!Augmented Realityis the future and the future is happeningrightNOW!Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Everyone uses apps and computers all the time, but why don't that many people know how to write code?Anyone who wants to learn about ARKit!Anyone who wants to learn about SceneKit!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Comprehensive Guide to iOS 12 & Swift 5! (From Scratch)" |
"So you want to create an app, huh?Great careerchoice fam!I already knowhow to make apps with Swift, how can this course benefit me?iOS 12 includes TONSof new things and add on to your skills!You can start RIGHTNOW and start to create some dope apps within a month!Who is the instructor?My name is Amit Kalra, a WWDC'16 and '18scholarship winner!Ihave created 2 apps and bothof my apps werefeatured by Apple inthe App Store and have hit top charts, alongside getting some press!I didn't come from a tech background and I didn't let that stop me!I'm not really into technical terms and I'm gonna teach you the same way I learned, a fun way!Why should I take your course?I'm not going to teach you the extra stuff that you'll NEVERneed to build apps. I'm going to show you in-depth from the basics how to create amazing apps and then break it down and show you how it's done. We'll learn using the official Appleway!What if I don't have enough time?That's not a problem at all!!You can take all the time in the world inthe comfort of your home to complete this course! I've designed this course for everything to be learned within 5 hours! So once you get the basics, you're ready to go out in the real world and create anything you've ever imagined!Here are some reviews I've gotten from teaching others!""I went from knowing NOTHINGin Swift to making my own tutorials on how to create apps!""""Amitteaches in a veryunique way. He doesn't teach in a normal way. He teaches in a waythat's super natural andit's so detailed!""""His teaching style is really fun!It's really boring when he explains the terms but that stuff won't even be needed in the future and teachesyou the way he learned!""What will I get if I buy this course today?Iwill show you how to build real and amazing apps using Swift. I'm going tostart from thebeginning covering the basics of Swift and how to setup ourproject! Then, we'lldive into advanced concepts and begin cloning apps so you can understand how your favorite apps are made! Alongside this course, you also get all of the source code! FORFREE!! And with comments to understand it better!You'llalso receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and MORE) for just $150? (Also being constantly updated!!)""I saw the preview of this course and it's amazing!It'sjam-packed with information so grab your popcorn and get ready to learn!""Well, you're not dreaming!This is a reality. Take advantage of this great courseNOW!!Why should you evenlearn Swift?Swift is the future!That means not everything has been done yet!If you can create something truly original and dope, you're almost guaranteed to hit the top charts!Software Engineers are the most wanted in the tech community and you can land a very high paying job!Everyone should know how to code!Swift is going to help create attractive and intuitive experiences!Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to create app!. Knowing Swift can also help you get paid a higher salary because not many people are educated inSwift and are still using Apple's old programming language, Objective C!Is this course right for me?YES!If you have a passion to learn and you enjoy learning, I encourage you to purchase this course right now!!What are the requirements?A MacComputerXcode 10or Xcode 10(LatestBeta)What am I going to get from this course?Create dope using ARKit 2 Using Swift 5!Learn how to build your favorite apps!Learn all about Xcode and how to use it!Become a professional app developer andtake freelance gigs to work from anywhere in the world!Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOSdeveloper! (Swiftwill be seen as a great advantage!)Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course! (And it continues to be updated!)Anyone who wants to learn to code!Swift is the future and the future is happeningrightNOW!Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Everyone uses apps and computers all the time, but why don't that many people know how to write code?Anyone who wants to learn about creating iOS apps!Anyone who wants to learn about Xcode!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Total Life Transformation" |
"If you are feeling like youre not living up to your fullest potential, if you are struggling with unhealthy coping mechanisms, if you are constantly dwelling in the past or rehashing old wounds of shame or guilt, or if youre trying to release self-destructive habits and cant seem to break your way through, then this course is for you.This is an intensive course where you will be doing deep inner work in order to re-shape your outer reality. Ive read hundreds of books on personal growth and development, self-help, and personal transformation. The 12 principles of life transformation boils it all down, with practical exercises and tools you can use right away that will have a lasting and positive impact on your life.How do I know 12 principles can change your life? By learning and living these 12 principles, I was able to:Quit drinkingQuit smokingHeal my depressionQuit allowing others to treat me poorlyStop allowing others and outside forces control how I felt about myself and my lifeTake control of my life and my destiny in positive and transformational waysI'll take you through 14 full lessons, including reading assignments, guided exercises, and step-by-step instructions for incorporating these principles in your daily life for truly life-altering results.You have the power and the capability of recovering your life, healing from emotional wounds, and transforming your life to something you consciously define, versus allowing outside forces, circumstances, and situations to govern your happiness and sense of well-being. I'll show you how in this course.What You'll LearnIn this course you'll learn proven tools, techniques, and strategies to help you:Acknowledge life's journey as a work in progress and be okay with the processFind your self love and build a strong foundation of itLet go the past and the things that hold you back from moving forwardPurge the critical internal mind and find your inner championExpress your feelings and emotions in empowering waysOwn and claim your power to create your life as yoursRecover and cultivate your connection with the divine spiritLearn ways to find abundance and embrace gratitude in your lifeStop fighting things in your life and let go that which serves you no goodFind forgiveness for yourself and othersReintegrate the pieces of yourself and transform the stories you tell yourselfWrite a new vision of your life story moving forward"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |