Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Penetration Testing using Kali Linux" |
"As an EthicalHacker and a PenTester, this course will introduce you to the world of Kali Linux.The material is practical and the student will be able to pergormexersicesby working with the operating system Kali Linux and its tools.IT professionals will learn how to use hacker techniques and use them professionally as Pentesters.We will lead you to the end with a clear methodology to be able to do business in this area."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Conscious creators" |
"Learn how to become a master of creation. Learn how to be yourself and activate all of your potential, while being more and more an expression of love. With this course I help you activate more of your authentic energy. It will help you tune into deeper layers of yourself and navigate through the world as a conscious creator, no longer victim to your past nor expectations of other people. You'll learn how to tune into the love that you are, experience the world as love and be able to access more inspiration as well as express it in the world. You'll learn how to be an energetic master of life!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Was sind QR-Codes?! ..und was sich damit anstellen lsst!" |
"In dieser Schulung erfahren Sie, was QR-Codes sind & wie sie funktionieren. Trafficstrme knnen gezielt aufgebaut werden und Qr-Codes sind eine einfache, gnstige aber effektive Trafficmethode. Es ist eine mobile Trafficmethode die Ihre Marketing-Kanle mit einander verschmelzen kann. QR-Codes sind zweidimensionale Barcodes, welche von Smartphones oder anderen mobilen Endgerten mit sogenannten QR-Code Readern gelesen werden knnen. Diese Codes konvertieren dabei den Scanvorgang zu einer Nachricht, einem Text oder Link & geben dem Nutzer so weitere Informationen. Das ist natrlich ein supertoller Vorteil, anstatt dass Sie einen Link abtippen mssen, scannt man einfach nur den QR-Code ab und schon werden Sie automatisch dorthin geleitet. QR steht dabei fr Quick Response (schnelle Antwort) und ermglicht dem Nutzer von unterwegs unkompliziert Informationen abzufragen, zu speichern oder weiter zu verarbeiten. In drei der vier Ecken befindet sich ein Quadrat, welches einem QR-Code Reader zur Orientierung dient. QR-Codes knnen daher immer gelesen werden, egal, von welcher Seite dieser gescannt wird. Das ist natrlich ein supertoller Vorteil, anstatt dass Sie einen Link abtippen mssen, scannt man einfach nur den QR-Code ab und schon werden Sie automatisch dorthin geleitet. Ich wnsche Ihnen viel Freude beim Ansehen der Videos!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Atrae ms asistentes a tus eventos con Eventbrite." |
"Piensas hacer un evento presencial pero no sabes que herramientas utilizar o como hacer para difundirlo?---------------------------------Si es as, entonces ste curso es para ti--------------------------------------No importa si nunca antes has utilizado alguna de estas herramientas, el curso est diseado para que aprendas desde lo ms bsicohasta un nivel en el que podrs crear tus propios eventos y automatizarlos tu mismo!!Que aprenders?Acrear un evento en la plataforma de Eventbrite.Estrategias efectivas para la venta de tus entradas.A hacerle difusin a tu evento a travs de Facebook AdsA crear diseos nicos para las imgenes de tus eventosutilizando la plataforma de Canvas.A recabarcorreos electrnicos de tus asistentes.Crears campaas efectivas con ejemplos prcticos.Porque estoy compartiendo todo esto contigo?Hace algunos aos, antes de realizar mi primer evento, al igual que t tena miedo de que nadie asistiera y me dejaran plantado con las sillas vacas. Pero descubr un sistema que me ha funcionado muchsimo en la optimizacin para atraer asistentes, y quiero drtelo a travs de este cursoGracias a Eventbrite ahora puedo gestionar mis eventos desde casa.Quiero compartirte este conocimiento porque quiero que t tambin puedas hacerlo,gracias a este curso.No esperes ms y empieza a crear tus eventos.Si no te gusta te devolvemos tu dinero en 30 das."
Price: 795.00 ![]() |
"Automate Your React Native Releases with Fastlane & Bitrise" |
"What about automating yourentireprocess of uploading the application into Stores? Or you've never released an app before and want to learn it the right way?You wouldn't be reading this otherwise and you are in the right place. You just found the course that will learn you step-by-step how to do that.This is a learn-by-doing course,where you will:find out what you need in order to start creating React Native applications,unveil the complete environment setup on your computer to start working in minutes,create a very simple (empty)React Native application using react-native-cli and fine-tune it to have a consistent project for both platforms,get toknow what is Fastlane and how it will change your life,learn how to setup Fastlane for both iOS and Android,be guided through the process of setting up all requirements inside iTunes Connect, Apple Developer Portal and Google Play Consolelearn what is Bitriselearn how to setup Bitrise environment and Workflow to run your builds in the Cloud,be able to run your builds on Bitrise using Fastlane by simplepushing your code into the Git repository and more. Even if you have never logged in to the iTunes Connect, Apple Developer Portal or Google Play Console before Here is what you'll get:more than 2 hours of video lessonsguiding you through the processstep by step - with no overload,simplemakeicon CLItool, that will generate your application icons in seconds - created specially for this course,complete source code on Github with extensive Wiki covering all the topics in this course and even more - for later reference, when necessaryI've createdthecourse I would like to have at the time I started with mobile applications, when I was making my first projects, when I repeatedly -sometimes even a few times a week -made releases.It would save me a lot of time ...And it can now help you! If youre new to React Native, then this course gives youa quickintro to creating your first very simple React Native application. If you have anexperience, you can easily skip a few introductory lessonsor treat it asa nice overview.Either way, this course is perfect for you! Automate and save your time.By the end of this course you'll perfectly masterFastane and Bitrise to the extent necessaryto automate uploadingof your applications into Stores,and hungry to learn more. With these skills under your belt, you can upload your releases more often, deliver your apps really fast, focus on implementing new features What are you waiting for? Enrolnow, come and join me. It's gonna be fantastic ... Click ""Enroll now""and let's get started."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Angular Front To Back" |
"This course was crafted to benefit absolutely any level of developer. We will start from scratch and learn how to create a development environment for Angular 5+, Setup Angular CLI and learn all of the fundamentals. We start by building a sandbox application to look at all of the main Angular concepts as well as building a logging application,then move to a much more advanced client management system with authentication and data storing withFirebase's newFirestore platform.Here are some of the things you will learn about in this course:What is Angular?Dev Environment Setup Including Node.js, Visual Studio Code & Git BashAngular CLI Setup & BuildFile Structure &DependencyExaminationTypeScript IntroComponentsModules & NgModuleData Binding & String InterpolationTypes & InterfacesTemplate SyntaxngIf & ngFor Conditional DirectivesngFor & LoopsProperty Binding, ngClass & ngStylePipesEvents & FormsngModel & 2 Way BindingServicesObservables & HttpAngular RouterFirebase, Firestore & AngularFire2Flash MessagingMuch More!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap 4 From Scratch With 5 Projects" |
"This course will literally take you from knowing nothing about Bootstrap 3 or 4 to learning all of the utilities, components, widgets and grids and building real world themes and websites. You do NOTneed to know Bootstrap 3 for this course. Even if you alreadyknow Bootstrap 4, skip the learning sections and head right for section 6 to create the simple boiler themeandstart the projects. Everything is completely modular!Custom Bootstrap SandboxI have created a completelycustomHTML learning environment for the first few sections of this course. Each lecture has an html page associated with it and has a start state. As we move along through the lectures, you code along with me learning all that Bootstrap 4 offers including helpers/utilities, components, widgets, flexbox and more.5 Real Projects/ThemesWe will create 5 real world themes including. These projects are completely open source and you are free to use them anywhere.LoopLap -A social UI ThemeMizuxe - A Book/Product Showcase Theme (Sass Project)Blogen - A blog admin area UIGlozzom - A multi page theme with a carousel and some 3rd party scriptsPortfoligrid - A portfolio theme using the grid, flexbox and the collapse widget"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Object Oriented PHP & MVC" |
"In this course we will go step by step to build a complete custom MVC (Model View Controller) framework Called TraversyMVC using object orientedPHP. We will build something similar to Codeigniter but much much lighter. This framework is completely open source and you are free to change the name, add stuff, etc and use it as your own. This framework will include...A core library class to load controllers & methods from the URL (Also using .htaccess)A base controller class to load models and viewsA custom database library using PDO for all models to interact with the database using prepared statementsNot only will we create the framework but we will build an application on top of it called SharePosts which will be somewhat of a social network to share posts. This application will include..Full user authenticationAccess control for postsServer sideform validationBootstrap 4 UIPosts CRUDHelper functions (flash messaging & redirects)We will also be deployingthe application to the InternetThis is not a beginner PHP course. To learn the basics, please check out the PHP Front To Back series on YouTube by Traversy Media"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Python Django Dev To Deployment" |
"This is a very practical course where we take a list of requirements from a fictional company to build a real estate application using Django. We will take a basic html/css Bootstrap 4 theme and turn it into a real working application with an admin area to manage resources including property listings, realtors and contact inquiries. We also have a section on learning basic Python syntaxWhat You Will Learn:Basic Python (lists, dictionaries, functions, conditionals, etc)Setup Virtual EnvironmentsInstall & configure DjangoCreate Django ""apps""Postgres Setup (local and remote)Schema planning, models & migrationAdmin customizationBootstrap integrationFull search functionalityUser AuthenticationDeploy to Digital Ocean with Gunicorn & Nginx"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento Android do Absoluto ZERO para INICIANTES." |
"My commitment to foreign students.To English: The classes are taught in Brazilian Portuguese. If you speak another language I will do my best to help you.To Spanish: Las clases se imparten en portugus brasileo. Si habla otro idioma, har todo lo posible para ayudarlo.To Italian: Le lezioni sono tenute in portoghese brasiliano. Se parli un'altra lingua far del mio meglio per aiutartiEsse curso ensinar voc criar e inventar aplicativos Android 5 estrelas para turbinar a sua carreira como desenvolvedor Android, Inscreva-se! Voc s necessita ter vontade de aprender criar aplicativos completos para Android do zero e iniciar hoje ainda uma nova brilhante oportunidade para ingressar na carreira de IT como Desenvolvedor Android. Todos os aplicativos do curso so completos, criados exatamente como feito no mundo real, tudo isso para lhe preparar para trabalhar na rea no menor espao de tempo possvel, aps iniciar o curso.A principal linguagem utilizada em todo o curso Java para Android, mas voc encontrar tambm exemplos contendo Kotlin no final do curso e considerando a atual carga horria do curso, em torno de 60 horas, em menos de dois meses, dedicando-se apenas duas horas por dias para o curso, voc concluir 100% do treinamento e no tenha dvida, suas chances para o mercado de trabalho como desenvolvedor Android sero reais e maiores.10 horas aps voc iniciar os estudos, ou seja, em at quatro dias dedicando-se diariamente aos estudos, o seu primeiro projeto Android Completo ser um Cadastro de Clientes Vip, criado do absoluto zero, para cadastro de Pessoa Fsica ou Pessoa Jurdica. Um projeto totalmente focado no mundo real e no mercado de trabalho. Para esse projeto, voc vai aprender tcnicas de prototipagem de telas, programao em Camadas com o Padro de projetos MVC e muitas boas prticas de programao orientada a objetos em java. Ao concluir todo o projeto, voc j ter uma grande oportunidade de comear desenvolver outros projetos semelhantes.O curso foi lanado em 2017 mas j est em total de contedo para o ano 2020, e j ensina a partir das primeiras sees sem enrolao tudo que voc necessita para criar aplicativos Android em Java contendo: Telas de Apresentao (Splash)Telas de Login Telas com MenusDiversos modelos de Layouts suportados pelo Android em Smartphones ou TabletsBoas prticas de programaoPadres de projetos como MVCPersistncia de dados com Banco de Dados SQLite LocalPersistncia de dados com Banco de Dados MySQL Remoto na WebIntegrao com Web Services para troca de dados com outros sistemas ou Backend Backend em PHP para integrao, sincronizao com os dados dos aplicativos AndroidEnvio de e-mail, SMS, compartilhamento nas redes sociaisUtilizao dos recursos Nativos do Android nas verses mais recentes das APIs.Os fundamentos da Programao Orientada Objetos em todos os projetosLeia os depoimentos mais recentes dos alunos.Das mais de 1100 classificaes que o curso recebeu dos alunos at o momento a nota do curso 5 estrelas. ""Sinceramente o melhor curso que fiz at agora de Android desde o bsico, apenas com conhecimento bsico em programao...""""Nossa estou aprendendo muito e at comecei a fazer um apk e com menos de 30% de aulas, j tinha experincia com Java para desktop e com php, mais Android tudo para mim novo e estou indo muito bem...""Esse curso est me ajudando a conhecer a IDE android studio, com todos os detalhes necessrios para meu desenvolvimento em aplicao mobile. Eu no tinha nenhum conhecimento, agora estou bastante feliz em poder testar minhas aplicaes no meu prprio celular.""Gostaria de parabenizar o Professor Marco Maddo e toda a sua equipe pela realizao desse curso de desenvolvimento de aplicativos Android para iniciantes. Me surpreendi com a linguagem simples e didtica com que o Marco conduziu este curso. Superou minhas expectativas. Agora me sinto mais confiante e mais encorajado a comear a desenvolver aplicativos em Android e a buscar mais conhecimento nessa rea. Muito obrigado!...""""Professor sempre preocupado com os detalhes do curso para que o aluno possa aprender de uma forma melhor...""""Eu ainda no conclui o curso mas ja assisti 50% das aulas e por isso posso afirmar que o professor Marco explica muito bem e que o curso esta organizado de uma forma muito didtica. Estou muito entusiasmado pois consigo fazer todos os exerccios propostos. Muito embora algumas aulas eu tenha de assistir mais de uma vez para estar em condies de seguir para a prxima...""""Mais um excelente curso do professor Marco, um curso (este bastante rpido mas bastante incisivo que qualquer desenvolvedor Android deveria acessar para optimizar o seu rendimento e a sua ferramenta de trabalho...""""timas explicaes, eu j tenho experincia com programao em html5 CSS3 javascript e php7 em desenvolvimento web, mas no tinha conhecimento do sistema Android, ainda estou na aula de nmero 29, mas j pude perceber que comprei o curso certo para poder montar o app para um site que j conclui...""""timo material pra iniciantes e ate que j tem experincia com outros IDE para Android , minuciosamente detalhado, vale a pena conferir....""""Estou gostando muito, bem completo, organizado, e ainda disponibiliza os downloads necessrios para continuar a aula caso eu no queira assistir em sequencia...""""Excelente!!!! Fiquei muito feliz com o curso e o mtodo de ensino!!!!! Parabns!!!!""""Curso que nos traz esperana de novas oportunidades! Parabns toda equipe e em especial o Professor, muito prestativo, paciente e educado...""""Ol Professor ........ estou gostando muito do curso e quero me aprofundar cada vez mais, apesar de j ter estudado a linguagem Java a algum tempo estou adorando colocar em pratica tudo isso.obrigado...""Muito legal, no acha? Alm desses, existem muitos outros depoimentos e convidamos voc que comprove, lendo outros depoimentos postados publicamente na pgina do curso pelo alunos.Mercado de TrabalhoAo concluir 100% esse treinamento, o aluno poder trabalhar como desenvolvedor Android em startups, Fbrica de Softwares, empresas de desenvolvimento de softwares e aplicativos, e ainda, iniciar uma nova carreira desenvolvendo os seus prprios aplicativos ou prestando servios como freelancer para empresas.Aplicativos criados durante as aulas do cursoEsse um curso com foco no MERCADO DE TRABALHO. Durante o curso voc criar sempre aplicativos COMPLETOS para que possa utiliza-los livremente para empreender e comear uma carreira como desenvolvedor profissional de aplicativos Android, podendo inclusive, gerar uma receita adicional melhorando a sua renda. Isso depender nica e exclusivamente do seu comprometimento com o curso, com as atividades prticas e concluir conforme o proposto pelo professor, todos os aplicativos.Seo com contedo exclusivo sobre KotlinA demanda por profissionais com conhecimento Kotlin, est em alta e no curso foi adicionado uma seo que contm exemplos de projetos Android utilizando a linguagem Kotlin. uma seo de nvel bsico mas que permitir ao aluno avanar nos estudos, principalmente com a base Java que forte nesse treinamento.Certificado Todo aluno receber um certificado ao concluir o curso, e pela carga horria, com mais de 30 horas, poder ser aproveitado como atividades complementares, no caso do aluno se um acadmico de cursos de tecnologias ligadas com a programao e cincias da computao.Professor experienteCom mais de 30 anos de experincia ensinando e trabalho com tecnologia, o professor se compromete com o seu sucesso nesse curso, leia minha biografia para conhecer mais sobre professor.Grupo VIP no Telegram exclusivo para os alunosTodo aluno do curso poder participar do grupo de estudos criado para fortalecer os contedos estudados em cada seo, em casa aula. Com isso, conversando uns com os outros, alm de falar tambm com o professor, o sucesso de todos no curso ser muito maior. Esperamos que voc conhea a grade do curso e venha aprender desenvolver os seus prprios aplicativos Android, afinal, voc no tem nada a perder, pois se por qualquer motivo o curso, as aulas, a didtica o suporte quase que VIP que o instrutor oferece aos alunos no lhe agradar, voc pode solicitar em at 30 dias a devoluo do seu investimento se no gostar do curso ou se arrepender.Ento, vamos estudar juntos? Se desejar mais informaes sobre qualquer dvida sobre o curso, por favor, entre em contato direto comigo que terei o maior prazer em lhe atender.Professor Marco Maddo"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Instale corretamente a IDE Android Studio no seu S.O." |
"My commitment to foreign students.To English: The classes are taught in Brazilian Portuguese. If you speak another language I will do my best to help you.To Spanish: Las clases se imparten en portugus brasileo. Si habla otro idioma, har todo lo posible para ayudarlo.To Italian: Le lezioni sono tenute in portoghese brasiliano. Se parli un'altra lingua far del mio meglio per aiutarti*** Aprenda como Instalar do Android Studio no Windows, Linux e macOS ***Se voc deseja aprender criar aplicativos para Android, e quer utilizar a IDE Android Studio, ento este curso ideal para voc. Bastar instalar apenas o Android Studio para iniciar o seu aprendizado, no sendo necessrio a instalao do JDK do Java, j que agora o Android Studio traz embarcado suporte para as ferramentas do JDK e JRE necessrias para criar, compilar, testar e publicar aplicativos Android.Ao concluir este curso voc estar capacitado para instalar a atual verso mais recente e estvel do Android Studio, bem como ser capaz de instalar as prximas verses assim que foram lanadas no mercado.Neste curso voc aprender instalar o Plugin para Flutter e deixar o Android Studio pronto para iniciar projetos para Android e iOS escritor em Flutter.Tambm ir aprender nesse curso como encontrar as verses antigas do Android Studio para instalar se necessrio para compilar um projeto criado com verses anteriores. importante voc saber que o curso no ensina programao, apenas os procedimentos de instalao do Android Studio.Todos os inscritos possuem acesso vitalcio ao curso e, a contar da data da compra, poder solicitar o reembolso dentro de 30 dias."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Dicas Top do Android Studio Para Programadores Iniciantes" |
"My commitment to foreign students.To English: The classes are taught in Brazilian Portuguese. If you speak another language I will do my best to help you.To Spanish: Las clases se imparten en portugus brasileo. Si habla otro idioma, har todo lo posible para ayudarlo.To Italian: Le lezioni sono tenute in portoghese brasiliano. Se parli un'altra lingua far del mio meglio per aiutartiSe voc um desenvolvedor de aplicativos Android que est iniciando e dando os primeiros passos com a IDE Android Studio, ento este curso vai lhe ajudar muito ensinando na prtica dicas de produtividades que vo lhe ajudar a configurar o Android Studio, alm de lhe ensinar em detalhes alguns dos recursos fantsticos que esta IDE disponibilidade para os desenvolvedores que muitas vezes no sabem por desconhecimento de como fazer. Este curso foi criado com base na experincia real do instrutor ao longo de anos trabalhando com o desenvolvimento de aplicativos Android, utilizando a IDE Android Studio, bem como, a partir das perguntas recebidas pelos seus alunos em vrios cursos, sobre como resolver este o aquele problema no Android Studio.Este curso ideal para desenvolvedores iniciantes no uso da IDE Android Studio, mas tambm pode ser muito til para quem j tem alguma experincia com desenvolvimento Android e a IDE Android Studio mas deseja profundar os conhecimentos sobre configurao do Android Studio.Este curso no ensina programao, ensina usar da melhor forma possvel a IDE Android Studio, o foco est centrado no compartilhamento de dicas sensacionais para serem utilizados pelos desenvolvedores Android de todos os nveis.O curso 100% prtico, de tal forma que cada dica uma atividade prtica que dever ser executada pelo aluno.O Curso estruturado na forma de Como Fazer? ou o conhecido How To?Exemplos:Como compilar um projeto?Como rodar o aplicativo no emulador?Como rodar o aplicativo no celular ou tablet?Como fazer um backup do projeto corretamente?Como atualizar o Android Studio?Como acessar os arquivos XML do seu projeto no sistema de arquivos do Emulador?Como ativar o emulador Genymotion no Android Studio?Como importar automaticamente Classes e Pacotes?Como compilar em segundos os projetos Android Studio para maior produtividade do programador?Como liberar espao no HD limpando arquivos sem uso dos AVD e SDK?Como encontrar rapidamente os arquivos de LOG das compilaes no HD?Como ativar o modo de execuo instantnea dos aplicativos?Como organizar a lista de projetos recentes na tela principal?Como acessar o arquivos XML contendo os dados SharedPreferences?Como acessar e copiar o arquivos do Banco de Dados SQLite do app?Como ativar o modo DEBUG depois de rodar o app sem modo Debug?Como integrar o Genymotion no Android Studio quando no reconhecido?Ativando o modo auto Import para ganhar tempo no desenvolvimento.Como recompilar e publicar apenas as mudanas e no o projeto inteiro?Como liberar espao no HD removendo as imagens do Emuladores AVD SDKComo visualizar a Javadoc das Classes, Mtodos on Mouse over?e muito mais super TOP DICAS do Android studio.e muito mais.Todas as dicas foram testadas e se aplicam a praticamente todas as verses do Android Studio, da mais antiga para a mais recente.Ao concluir este curso voc ter mais confiana e melhor controle no que se refere configurao do Android Studio."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"First Aid: Learn How to Save a Life" |
"What would you do if someone aroundyou choke from their food? how would you treat a burn?how would you act if your loved ones are having a cardiac arrest? or you see someoneis bleeding?Have you ever thought about one of those questions?In my course you will learn all the basic first aid skills you have to know to have your peace of mindand be able to deal with all of those things in real life. Knowing first aid can save the lives of people around you and the lives of the people you care about.THISCOURSEWILLSHOWYOUHOWTO:Perform CPR.Save people from choking.Use of AED-Automated External Defibrillator (found in public places).How and when to apply diffrent bandages tourniquets and dressings.Treat bleeding and trauma injuries.Avoid and treat climate injuries(dehydration, hyperthermia and hypothermia).You""ll learn how to act about different injuries like: head injuries, burns, fractures,sprains, electricity shock and more.How to treat adults, children and babies.How to make your own first aid kit.All of this in an interestingand easyto understand videos. Included in this course are practice exercises so you couldtest what you have learned. I am alsogoing to be active and answer any question you haveso you will have more confidence in dealing with any unfortunate situations.This is aMust haveinformation for everyone, and it is 30 days money back graunteed if you'renot what are you waiting for?See you inside!Uri"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Street Workout For Beginners: Win Over Your Habits" |
"Always wanted to have a better body? Tried working out but didn't see any results? Went on a diet and failed? Having a hard time building muscle or losing fat?If any of that sounds like you, then this course is for you.This course focuses on giving you the right tools and mainly the mindset to start working out and keep working out.Many people want to get in shape, but not all of them succeed. The reason for that is usually not their fault. They just didn't have the right mindset or workout plan to build muscle or to lose weight when they started (if they actually started).If you think about a workout or a diet as a chore, then you need to change that in order to succeed.In my course, you will learn exactly that. From shaping your perception, to targeting your motivation and learning about how to always gain more and keep that motivation. You'll learn about how to avoid common failures, and how to make yourself take that action (and that's only the first section). From there you'll learn how to slowly shape your bodyweight workout with some weight loss tips and building muscle tips, into the best workout for you.THISCOURSEWILLSHOWYOUHOWTO:Develop the right mindset.Build and keep the habit.Get yourself out even when you don't feel like it.Make the workouts fun.Perform dynamic stretches to warm yourself up, and static stretches to cool yourself down.Perform different exercises with perfect technique and different variations.Choose the right workout type for you. Weight loss / Mass / Toningbuild muscle at home or at the beach / streetMake your own personal workout, that suits you.How to follow the rules of a healthy diet, and keep it.How to count calories and the needed amount of protein.All of this in an interesting and easy to understand way.I made sure to give a ton of examples, and include as many resources as possible.I also am going to be active and answer any question you have, so you will have more confidence when going out and working out.This street workout course is short and to the point, and every video is packed with valuable information. (you""ll probably need a pen and a piece of paper to take notes.)This information is CRUCIAL if you want to finally get to the result you've always wanted.Also don't forget, this course has a 30 days no questions asked money back guarantee if you change your mind.So what are you waiting for?See you inside!Uri"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Ataques de Negao de Servio (DoS e DDoS) c/ Kali Linux" |
"Este curso vai te ensinar como funcionam as mais perigosas tcnicas de ataques utilizadas por hackers em todo mundo. Para essa misso vamos montar um laboratrio virtual e utilizar o Kali linux, Windows 7 e algumas outras mquinas para efetuar ataques. O curso foi desenvolvido para facilitar a sua aprendizagem, com exemplos prticos, aulas dinmicas e um simulado no final para testar seus conhecimentos.O que aprenderei no curso?Aprender conceitualmente como funcionam as tcnicas de negao de servio (DoS e DDoS)Configurar um ambiente de testesInstalar e configurar o Kali LinuxEfetuar ataques de ICMP flood, TCP FloodEfetuar ataques de HTTP FloodEntender como utilizar cada ferramenta de testeFerramentas utilizadas (que sero explicadas)Kali LinuxLOICHping3 e pingR.U.D.Y deadNmap Script Engine (NSE)Alm do mais o risco totalmente meu, se voc comprar o curso e no gostar, pode pedir reembolso e todo seu dinheiro ser devolvido, sem mais.T esperando o que? Vamos nessa, te vejo do outro lado."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Lgica de Programao com Javascript. Iniciando no front-end" |
"Neste curso de lgica de programao e algortmo utilizando Javascriptvoc dar seus primeiros passos rumo ao desenvolvimento web. A didtica focada em problemas reais e medida que o aluno avana nos exerccios propostosnovos conhecimentos so adquiridos para formar uma base slida de conhecimento, que pode ser utilizada tanto por aspirantes programador frontend (utilizando Javascript) quanto para qualquer outra linguagem.Neste curso desenvolveremos cdigos com base em exemplos prticos,ondeo foco desenvolver suas habilidades em lgica de programao.O grande diferencial deste treinamento sua abordagem 100% prtica. Antes de cada assunto, ser apresentado um problema real.Voc quer iniciar a carreira como desenvolvedor? Tenha certeza que este treinamento um timo ponto de partida."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Bootstrap 4 + jQuery com 6 Projetos reais" |
"Bootstrap 4O bootstrap uma biblioteca criada com o intuito de deixar o desenvolvimento web muito mais rpido e fcil. Essa biblioteca possui diversos componentes que podem ser utilizados e customizados por ns, desenvolvedores.Ento no preciso conhecer HTML e CSS para criar layouts para a web? No bem assim. No decorrer do curso iremos modificar algumas estruturas do bootstrap privilegiando a semntica e acessibilidade. Conhecer a base do desenvolvimento web te dar a capacidade de utilizar essa ou qualquer outra ferramenta de forma muito mais consciente do que est sendo desenvolvido.jQuery O jQuery uma biblioteca javascript construda com dois principais objetivos:Tratar as diferenas de implementao do Javascript nos diversos browsersAbstrair grande parte da complexidade de cdigo Javascript puro, deixando o desenvolvimento muito menos verboso, mais simples e, portanto, mais rpido de desenvolver.Ento no preciso conhecer Javascript para iniciar com jQuery? No bem assim. Conhecer o Javascript te dar a base necessria para trabalhar de maneira muito mais eficiente com qualquer biblioteca, seja jQuery, VueJS, React, Angular etc. Mas j que existem ferramentas que nos tornam mais produtivos (como no caso da jQuery), por que no utiliza-las?"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Master Internet Of Things using RaspberryPi 3 and MS Azure" |
"ROOMAN TECHNOLOGIES has framed a spectacular course on IoT keeping beginners in mind. We help you learn IoT from scratch and eventually propel you towards IoT development. You learn things by doing things rather than hearing things- yes, bulk amount of our course is practical oriented - 80% hands on tutorial. Enroll today, let's learn IoT in a easy and simple way possible.Our course details: -- Introduction to IoT Module 1: Introduction to development boards Topic 1: Raspberry pi 3 detailed study Topic 2: Understanding PWM (Hands on) Topic 3: Hello Arduino Module 2: Protocols Topic 1: Introduction to protocols Topic 2: Data exchange protocols( MQTT & COAP) Topic 3: Sub1 GHZ Topic 4: 5G Module 3: Platforms Topic 1: IoT platforms Topic 2: Commercial platforms ( Azure, AWS) Topic 3 : Microsoft Azure architecture Topic 4: Introduction to open source platforms Module 4: Basic electronics Module 5: Time for HANDS ON! Topic 1: Decoding Raspberry pi Topic 2: Installing Raspbian OS. Topic 3: Hands on experience in a open source platform. Topic 4: Simple programming on raspberry pi and open source platform. Topic 5: WiringPi installation Topic 6: LED control - practical experiment Topic 7: LED control using mobile app - Task assignment Topic 8: Weather forecasting using sensors and open source platform Module 6: Microsoft AZURE - Hands on Topic 1: Getting started with Azure IoT Topic 2: Generating device credentials Topic 3: Read device to cloud messages Topic 4: Running simulated device app Topic 5: Azure storage account Topic 6: PowerBI Topic 7: Designing a vote count machine with azure."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Beginners Guitar Lessons - Part 2" |
"Welcometo the Ultimate Beginners Guitar Lessons - Part 2.These guitar lessons are a continuation from our Free Ultimate Beginners Guitar Lessons- Part 1. We pick up right from where we left offlearning how to play guitar the right way,withmore than 100 in-depth guitarlessonsweguarantee you immediate results. Our course is aprofessionally designed step-by-stepcourse that isfun andeasy to learnfor all ages.Now you have a feel for the guitar, practice will never feel like a chore, using the same teaching method as Part 1 all lessons arebased around learning how to play guitar with songs to build and master allnew techniques.Youll never feel rushed, get stuck or find a new skill too hard with an easy to follow arrow and onscreen tabs, scales and chord chartsmoving through each levels a breeze,and the best part is by learning the right way you'll be able to play over 100 songs and have all the skills required to play 1000's more.Your teacherMichael has been playing for 30 years andteaching one-on-one with studentsfor 20, andknows the needs of beginner guitarist,and now you have finished part 1moving onto part 2 will save you months of wasted practice.You can take your beginner guitar lessons andlearn anywhere, anytime on all platforms with access 24/7 and talk to an expert whenever you need, just leave a comment and we will get back to you with a quick response.As An Added Bonusall the guitar lessons have multiple camera angles so you can see exactly what each handis doing with printablelesson materials so you can access them any time.What you get in the course:Now you have completed Part 1 of the beginner guitar lessons and have a great feel for the guitar the best way to progress quickly through each level is to learn a few techniques at the same time. Each techniquehelps with the next which builds your skills andallows youplay 1000's of songs in all genres of music.Learningopen chords, power chords,scales along withall the tips and tricks you'll need foreachtechniqueyou'll be amazed at how fast you progress with your playingon anacoustic or an electric guitar.Guitar for beginners can be tricky butIf you learnthe right way,our step-by-step learning method will fast trackyour guitar playing by months as a beginner and years as you progress through to the advanced courses we have built.""I've always loved teaching students how to play guitar and hope you enjoy this course as much as I did creating it.""Thanks Michael Warren - Creating Musicians Since 1997Before you start this course make sure you have completed the Ultimate Beginners Guitar Lessons - Part 1 which is completely free"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Project Management Essentials" |
"Complexity is the challenge in project management. Therefore, simplicity and practicality must be the solution. Based on more than 25 years of experience with practical implementation of the formal Project Management Institute (PMI) process, this course gives you the essential information you need to understand what project management does, how it flows across the life-cycle, and the key steps you need to take to make your project successful. 1. Overview: What project management fundamentally does. The five stages of the formal process. The most important concept in PM the triple constraint. The role of the Project Manager. 2. Initiation: The purpose of initiation. Baselining the first definition of your projects scope the Objective. 3. Planning: A one page flowchart of the whole planning process. The project scope baseline the work breakdown structure. The logic of the project the precedence diagram. The schedule baseline the Gantt chart. The cost breakdown. Risk management. Documentation of the Project Management Plan. 4. Execution: The purpose of execution. The essentials of building the best project team. 5. Monitoring & Control: The purpose of monitoring and control. Managing scope, schedule, cost, and risk. The monthly project status review. 6. Closing. The purpose of closing. Wrapping up the project with a targeted final report.If after taking this crash course you wish to dig deeper, feel free to check out my comprehensive course ""Deeply Practical Project Management"", which goes into much more detail on *how* to implement the PM processes in-depth. Enjoy!InstructorWilliam Stewart is a Project Management Institute certified Project Management Professional (PMP), has managed projects from $250K to $55M using the PMI processes, and served in senior management roles on projects up to $3B. He has worked for large corporations, government, academia, and founded a software startup. He has hands-on experience with project management, risk management, systems integration, and software engineering. He earned a Ph.D. in computer science for discovery of an algorithm that creates geodesic domes in multiple dimensions in optimum space and time. He lives in Ottawa, Canada with his wife and two children."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Your Guide to Rules of Tennis." |
"Whether you watch, play or coach tennis playeryou shouldknow the fundamentals - tennis rules. After completing this course you will not struggle anymore on interpretation of tennis rules. No more stupid mistakes and misunderstandings. Know the rules of your game!The course is based on ITF tennis rules so is valid all over the world! Of course you could try to learn all of it from the rulebooks but lets be honest... You cannot learn law by reading law code. You need examples from real life to understand paragraphs. That's what is this course. Easy language, examples taken directlyfrom tennis courts!Throughoutmy 17 years career as a tennis refereeI have seenmany examplesof wrong interpretations oftennis rules or simply lack of knowledgefrom players, parents, coaches or even tennis commentators. That really have a great impact on the game. Safe stress, be smarter in your game, don't discredit yourself with ignorance.Getting the knowledge that rules the professionaltennis world will put you a step ahead of people who has a very basic, often wrong knowledge ofrules of tennis. You have a possibility to improve your position on market whether you are tennis coach, commentatoror tennisplayer.Do the step forward!In tennis every point matters and often details decide who is on the top.Do you remember any interesting situation on court while watching Wimbledon, Australian Open, Roland Garros, US Open or any other big event and not really knowing what was that about?Your child is playing tennis and you arestruggling with helping your kid cause you don't reallyunderstandwhat is that game about?You have lack of confidence when talking about tennis on business parties or meetings?Or maybe you would like to become a tennis referee and visit with tennis the most beautiful parts of the world?Don't stay behind. It is always worth to know more and better!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Lightroom Classique CC - Guide Complet pour TOUS -" |
"Que vous soyez dbutant , amateur clair , ou bien professionnel, ce cours est prvu pour vous rendre parfaitement autonome et efficace pour grer, slectionner, traiter, corriger, exporter vos photos avec Adobe Lightroom 2017 CC. De l'installation en version dmo l'installation en version complte vous ne pourrez plus vous passer de ce logiciel de retouche d'image mondialement connu."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python for Machine Learning and Data Mining" |
"Data Mining and Machine Learching are a hot topics on business intelligence strategy on many companies in the world. These fields give to data scientists the opportunity to explore on a deep way the data, finding new valuable information and constructing intelligence algorithms who can ""learn"" since the data and make optimal decisions for classification or forecasting tasks.This course is focused on practical approach, soi'll supply you useful snippet codes and i'll teach you how to build professional desktop applications for machine learning and datamining with python language.We'll also manage real data from an example of a real trading company and presenting our results in a professional view with very illustrated graphical charts.We'll initiate at the basic level covering the main topics of Python Language and also the needing programs to develop our applications. We will make a review of the main packages for scientific use and data analysis in python such us Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit-Learn and more. After that we'll dive into maching learning models applying the very powerful Scikit-Learn package, but also we will construct our own code and interpretations.Hot topics on Machine Learning and Data Mining that we will cover with practical applications on this course are:- Data Analysis and graphical display.- Linear and Multiple Regression- Regularization- Polynomial Regression- Logistic Regression- Cross Validation- Support Vector Machines for Regression and Classification- Decision Trees and Random Forest- KNN algorithm- GridSearchCV- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)- Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)- Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA)- Ensemble methods- K means clustering analysis- Market Basquet Analysis- Time Series with ARIMA models- Gradient Descent- Multilayer Neural NetworksWe will also work with MySql database, presenting data through Graphical User Interface (GUI), on windows, tables, labels, textboxs, interacting with buttons, combo box, mouse events and much more."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python and NLTK" |
"NaturalLanguage Processing (NLP) is a hot topic into the Machine Learning field.This course isfocused in practical approach with many examples and developing functional applications.This course starts explaining you, how to get the basic tools for codingand also making a review of the main machine learning concepts and algorithms. After that this course offers you a complete explanation of the main tools in NLP such as: Text Data Assemble, Text Data Preprocessing, TextData Visualization, Model Building and finally developing NLP applications.Hot topics on NLPthat Iwill cover with practical applications on this course are:- Regular expressions- Scrapping the web- Textract library for extracting text content- Sentence splitter and tokenization- Stemming and Lemmatization- Stop and rare word removal- Part of Speech (POS) tagging- Chunking- N-grams- Bag of Words: TfidfVectorizer- Frequency Chart- Co-occurence matrix- Word cloud library- Text similarity- Text clustering- Latent Semantic Analysis- Topic Modeling- Text Classification- Sentiment Analysis- Word2Vec library- Recommender Systems: Collaborative Filtering- Spam detector app- Social Media Mining on Twitterand much more!... In this course you will find a concise review of the theory with graphical explanations and for coding ituses Python language and NLTK library.Finally this courseoffers you many datasets and other resources for your practice andstudy."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Natural Language Processing(NLP) with Deep Learning in Keras" |
"Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a hot topic into Machine Learning field. This course is an advanced course of NLP using Deep Learning approach. Before starting this course please read the guidelines of the lesson 2 to have the best experience in this course.This course starts with the configuration and the installation of all resources needed including the installation of Tensor Flow CPU/GPU, Cuda and Keras. You will be able to use your GPU card if you have one, to accelate so fast the processes. But if you dont have a GPU card you can follow the instructions for running the standard CPU code, it will take a while but you still can run it. After that we are going to review the main concepts of Deep Learning in the Chapter 2 for applying them into the Natural Language Processing field offering you a solid background for the main chapter.In the main Chapter 3 we are going to study the main Deep Learning libraries and models for NLP such as Word Embeddings, Word2Vec, Glove, FastText, Universal Sentence Encoder, RNN, GRU, LSTM, Convolutions in 1D, Seq2Seq, Memory Networks, and the Attention mechanism. This course offers you many examples, with different datasets suchs as Google News, Yelp comments, Amazon reviews, IMDB reviews, the Bible corpus, etc and different text corpus. At the final in Chapter 4 you will put in practice your knowledge with practical applications such as Multiclass Sentiment Analysis, Text Generation, Machine Translation, Developing a ChatBot and more. For coding we are going to use TensorFlow, Keras, Google Colab and many Python libraries.If you need a previous background in Natural Language Processing or in Machine Learning I recommend you my courses:Python for Machine Learning and Data Mining or Natural Language Processing with Python and NLTK"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"UNDO: The Science of Planning Your Future" |
"When you finish this course, achieving goals won't be second nature - it will be your human nature! One of the biggest obstacles to gaining the future you want is having the right processes...but choosing the wrong goals.Teaching around the world to thousands, Matt noticed that it did not matter the person or their profession, if one didn't UNDO their ties to the past and choose the future they truly wanted, failure was quick to follow. Drawingon hundreds of hours of research, multiple published books, hundreds of instructional videos...Matt set out to create a scientific process of selecting goals and achieving them. UNDO has three sections - first you'll read the book section, then watch the video, and then work on the workbook!The BookA 70 page book of Matt's process of UNDO andon planning the future:The 7 Phases of UNDO, from reflection to implementationCutting ties with the failures of the past and creating your future-self ;Going from failure to success and how understanding why you fail, not what you fail doing is the key to your futureThe incredible process of TGO, where Matt takes you from dreams on a sheet of paper to attainable goals;Creating your own life start-up with UNDOs four kinds of success capital you have right now;How Matt developed the success GPS, taking the most trusted journaling methods and scientifically perfecting themThe VideoIndepth white board instruction on the concepts of UNDO, explaining the process step by step:2.5 hours of video explaining the process of UNDO;Whiteboard video covering every stage of the UNDO book and the concepts behind it;Supplemental materials include: free 20 minute audio lecture'Creating Success from Chaos', and additional video 'Attachment Math:How Attachment Stops you from Attaining Your Goals'The WorkBookA 40-page workbook that turns UNDO into your personal reality:A workbook that makes UNDOpersonal,focused on you, your goals, and scientific process for achieving them:A workbook designed around every phase of the UNDO process;Hundreds of questions geared toward helping you understand your personal capabilities;Rapid break-downs of the topics in UNDO, from Total Goal Organization to creating your own autopilot;Easy to use, premade formats for use to speed the process described in the book;Utilizing a step-by-step workbook that will teach you how to cut ties with the past and plan your future success. Combining humor and reflection with an indepth workbook that is easy to use, and 2 hours of whiteboard instruction,Matt gives you one of the most in-depth how to methods for life-planning youve ever experienced. Whether its more money in the bank or a promise you made to yourself as a child but think you cant dowith UNDO, youll gain the tools and make it happen!You dont have to wait the time is right with UNDO youll have no choice to achieve your goalsitll be how you live."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Excel Avanado de verdade - Excel NINJA" |
"O curso Excel NINJA existe h 6 anos, e foi criado por profissionais do mercado.Agora o Excel NINJA chega no Udemy para ajudar ainda mais pessoas a tornarem suas anlises e rotina de trabalho mais eficazes.Junte-se agora mesmo a mais de 500 pessoas que j fizeram esse curso conosco, agora na verso ONLINE!"
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"Concert Photography Masterclass for Beginners" |
"Hi my name is Matthias Hombauer and I am a pro music photographer.Yourepassionate about music and photography and your dream is to get started with concert photography?However, there can be a lot of challenges and frustrations- itshard to get started without any professional photographytraining- itshard to know which camera gearyou should buy in the beginning (there are somany options, and its difficult to decide!)- Itshard to figure out all the camera settingsto get the best shots in front of the stage (the automatic cameramode wont do the trick)- Itshard to build your first portfolioAll these new challenges can be quite overwhelmingand if you dont find someone to guide you, it can take you years until you get started.Since I know thatyou dont have the time to waste years of your life to figuring all of this out Im offering a step-by-step video guide that will help you get started and kickstart yourmusic photography career (it doest matter if its only your hobby or if you want to become a pro).""Matthias is a great Mentor and I learned so much from his concert photography course. My favourites were the camera & lens lessons. He gave a simple, but in depth overview about a topic that I was always scared of. There are a some many options and I didnt even know which camera and lens I should buy for concert photography. After this course I have the confidence to start as music photographer and I cant wait to get out and try the things I have learned. Thank you so much!"" - Lin *****""Really good and learning more than going to college for it"" - CDMPhoto *****""Alot of great information"" - Brent *****""I took what I learned and got the nerve to shoot two bands this week at two different gigs in Hollywood! Thank You"" - Dave *****""Good motivational stuff"" - Shaveta *****""Because he is so encouraging and gives great advice!"" - Kris *****"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SAT HERO: Writing & Language" |
"Welcome to SAT HERO 800: Writing & Language! You're in THE placeto master the Writing & Language concepts necessary to do well on the new SAT! I know exactly what it takes to master the SAT because I've tutored it full time for the past 2 years, and I have successfully tutored 100s of students to their goal scores :)This course is designed to teach you the actual Writing & Language concepts you'll see on the SAT and the strategies to approach each question. Every section breaks down a concept and the need-to-know info to answer quickly! Learn at the pace that works best for you: do a lesson or two a day or binge learn aka cram before the test LOL :) !All the sections included in this course review the exact questions and answer choices you'll see on the SAT Writing & Language section; as well, each section includes homework, so you can apply the concepts! Here's what's included:100+ Solve-along SAT Writing & Language questions 3 Full Length Writing & Language practice examsWriting & Language strategies to answer quickly and accuratelyClearly outlined take-aways, so note taking is a breeze!A super hero cape (jk, but you'll definitely be an SAThero when you finish) :)Together, we'll get you to your goal score!!! :D"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SAT Hero: No Calculator Math" |
"Welcome to SAT HERO 800: No Calculator Math! You're in THE place master the no calculator math concepts necessary to do well on the new SAT! I know exactly what it takes to master the SAT because I've tutored it full time for the past 2 years, and I have successfully tutored 100s of students to their goal scores :)This course is designed to teach you the actual no calculator math concepts you'll see on the SAT and the strategies to approach each question. Every section breaks down a concept and the need-to-know info to answer quickly! Learn at the pace that works best for you: do a lesson or two a day or binge learn aka cram before the test LOL :) !All the sections included in this course review the exact question-types and answer choice-types you'll see on the SAT no calculator math section; as well, each section includes homework, so you can apply the concepts!Here's what's included:100+ solve-along SAT no calculator math questions All the no calculator math SAT concepts: algebra, algebra 2, geometry, advanced concepts lessons + more!End of section homeworkStrategies to answer questions quickly and accuratelyClearly outlined take-aways, so note taking is a breeze!A super hero cape (jk, but you'll definitely be an SAThero when you finish) :)Together, we'll get you to your goal score!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SAT HERO: Calculator Math" |
"Welcome to SAT HERO 800: Calculator Math! You're in THE place to be to master the calculator math concepts necessary to do well on the new SAT! I know exactly what it takes to master the SAT because I've tutored it full time for the past 2 years, and I have successfully tutored 100s of students to their goal scores :)This course is designed to teach you the actual calculator concepts you'll see on the SAT and the strategies to approach each question. Every section breaks down a concept and the need-to-know info to answer quickly! Learn at the pace that works best for you: do a lesson or two a day or binge learn aka cram before the test LOL :) !All the sections included in this course review the exact question-types and answer choice-types you'll see on the SAT calculator section; as well, each section includes homework so you can apply the concepts! Practice makes improvement!Here's what's included:Solve-along SAT calculator questions all calculator SAT concepts: algebra, algebra 2, geometry, advanced concepts lessons + more! End of section homeworkStrategies to answer questions quickly and accuratelyclearly outlined take-aways, so note taking is a breeze!A super hero cape (jk, but you'll definitely be an SAThero when you finish) :)Together, we'll get you to your goal score!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |