Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Negotiation: Master Essential Skills for Success" |
"In this course, you willto learn how to becomean effective negotiator and be able to forge agreements with othersfrom simple transactions to complex deals.Negotiating is as much a part of life as eating, sleeping, and, breathing. Every day we look for ways to find agreement with others. Sometimes its easy, but more often than not, we find that no matter how hard we try to reach an agreement, we dont succeed. Were looking for a way to get a yes, but frequently the response is no.Think about a typical day.You want to go to the beach for a vacation, but your spouse wants to go to the mountains. You have a great idea to present to your colleagues at the office, but all they want to talk about is why it wont work instead how it might.You get tricked into buying a monthly subscription when you only wanted to try the free, no obligation offer. You want to cancel and get your money back, but the customer service person says, Sorry. You should have read the terms and conditions more carefully.More and more these days, negotiation is the most frequent method of decision making on the public stage. Although we may not be directly involved in the negotiation, the outcome can affect our lives and the lives of others.No matter what your role is, learning to be an effective negotiator can make your lifebetter and this course will give you the essential skills you need."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Kickass PR Strategies for Agencies & Freelancers" |
"PR services are more in demand now than ever before. But that means a lot of competition. It can be hard to make sales, viefor media attention and stay on top of changing trends in the industry...This video training series is perfect for new PR people or people fresh off a communications degree, PR companies who are trying to grow or get better results for clients, PRfreelancersor SEO/digital marketing agencies who are trying to figure out this PR game."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word 2016 - 2019 una Experiencia desde Cero" |
"Objetivo General: Al finalizar el curso el participante ser capaz de conocer y aplicar las herramientas que nos brinda Microsoft Word 2016. Descripcin: El contenido est dividido en 9 secciones de los cuales, los temas ms relevantes son: Entorno general de la aplicacin de la aplicacin. Crear portadas, Aplicar formato al texto, Crear tablas, Realizar clculos en las tablas, Crear ndice electrnicos, Crear y administrar fuentes Bibliogrficas Crear bibliografas para documentos de investigacin formales Correspondencia combinada para la creacin de constancias u otros documentos Creacin de grficos de barra, de lneas y circulares para anlisis estadsticos Gestin de documentos. Beneficios del Curso: Aplicar las herramientas de Microsoft Word 2016 como una ventaja competitiva, facilitando el trabajo, optimizando tiempo y evitando realizar tareas tediosas. Crearas documentos formales y bien presentables de una forma profesional y rpida."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Java desde Cero" |
"Objetivo General:El participante pueda adquirir los fundamentos de la programacin en Java desde cero para obtener una mayor comprensin del lenguajeDescripcin:El curso esta enfocado a aquellas personas que vienen comenzando yque no tienen conocimiento de los fundamentos que comprende el lenguaje Java; no es necesario que sepas programar yNo esta dirigido a los que ya tienen conocimientos slidos en Java.El contenido est dividido en secciones de los cuales, los temas ms relevantes son:Introduccin a la programacin en JavaEstructuras de control - Fase IEstructuras de control - Fase IIMetodosArreglosHerenciaPolimorfismoManejo de ExcepcionesBeneficios del Curso:Obtener los conocimientos slidos de los fundamentos de JavaEstar preparado para poder pasar a la programacin de formularios en Java"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Excel 2016 desde Cero" |
"Objetivo General:Al finalizar el curso el participante ser capaz de realizar diferentes tipos de clculos matemticos y al mismo tiempo poder interactuar con las herramientas disponibles de ExcelDescripcin:El contenido est dividido en 5 secciones de los cuales, los temas ms relevantes son:Conocer el entorno de ExcelFunciones condicionalesOpciones de Insercin: 1. Filtros, grficos, 2. subtotales agrupados, 3. validaciones,4. hipervinculos Funciones FinancierasFunciones de DepreciacionesBeneficios del Curso:Te convertirs en un experto para realizar hojas electrnicas en Excel con cualquier tipo de calculo matemtico o funcin financiera.Evitaras tiempos largos para poder realizar tus clculos matemticosPodrs crear cualquier calculo utilizando formulas financieras y formulas de depreciaciones.Podrs solucionar problemas complejos en tu vida personal o a nivel organizacional dando mltiples soluciones puntuales tomando en cuenta el uso correcto de Microsoft Excel"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Crea Ecommerce con Shopify" |
"Objetivo General:Al finalizar el curso el participante sera capaz de poder crear su propio negocio virtual de comercio electrnico y al mismo tiempo podr aprovechar todos los recursos que ofrece Shopify para ofrecer sus productos de una manera atractiva a todos los clientes a nivel mundial.Descripcin:El contenido esta dividido en tres secciones, los cuales las mas relevantes son:Iniciando en Shopify: Se describe las herramientas principales para poder iniciar a la creacin de un sitio de comercio electrnico. Tienda en Linea: Se detalla como poder agregar mas paginas, control de navegacin, creacin de blogs , aadir plantillas, etc.Configuraciones: Se da a conocer como realizar todas las configuraciones necesarias para poder empezar a trabajar con el sitio de comercio electrnico.Beneficios del Curso: Te convertirs en un experto en la creacin de un negocio de comercio electrnico.Podrs llevar un mejor control de tu inventario de productos.Llevaras un mejor control detallado de tus clientes.Podrs aplicar descuentos a tus productos de acuerdo a fechas establecidas.Tendrs a disposicin poder dar tarjetas de regalo a tus clientesPodrs configurar tu sitio de comercio electrnico de manera detallada."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"TravelHacking: What the Industry Doesn't Want You to Know" |
"In this course, you will learn to travel the world for way less than you'd expect, using the lesser known secrets of the travel industry to make your trip extremely inexpensive! Learn how to book travel, take advantage of mileage programs, and maximize each dollar on your journey to an exciting trip without breaking the bank! Pack your bags and get ready for your next trip while utilizing all of these insider secrets in order to capitalize on the best travel deals that you will ever find. Happy travels!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"O desenho de cabeas, rostos e retratos" |
"Vamos estudar os fundamentos do desenho e da tradio clssica da arte realista.Aprenda a desenhar o rosto da figura humana de forma racional. Voc aprender a desenhar cabeas de imaginao e de observao. Curso que aborda conceitos bsicos, intermedirios e avanados. Este o primeiro mdulo do curso completo de desenho do canal do Youtube: ""Fundamentos do Desenho""!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Pintura de Rostos e Figuras a leo com Paleta Reduzida" |
"Partirei do princpio que voc nunca tenha usado a tinta a leo na vida, mas que pelo menos j sabe desenhar e domina os contedos de desenho acadmico que ensinei em meus cursos: Como desenhar Cabeas, Rostos e retratos e Como desenhar a Figura Humana e Introduo Anatomia Artstica . Juntos iremos pintar Figuras variadas. O uso do material ser apresentado de forma gradual, inicialmente com a pr-pintura, pintura monocromtica, teoria das cores e depois a pintura com cores."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Essencial para Redes Sociais" |
"Este curso tem por objetivo apresentar ferramentas essenciais do software mais utilizado no mercado mundial (photoshop), tendo como foco principal a produo de peas publicitarias para suas campanhas no Facebook e Instagram. Alm de um contedo rico, voc ter a oportunidade de entender como feito uma arte para post profissional nas redes sociais, aprendendo quais os formatos, tamanhos, tipos de arquivos, imagens, textos persuasivos e uma srie de ferramentas dentro do Photoshop que faro com que sua arte tenha um aspecto profissional e com bastante qualidade."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Building Apps in Delphi With the VCL Part 1" |
"Delphi is a fantastic tool for building applications for a variety of platforms. In this course we are going to focus on buildingapplications for Windows using the Visual Component Library (VCL). This course (and subsequent parts) is the most comprehensive and in-depth of its kind, from it you will learn many VCL controls and how to use them in more detail than most experienced Delphi developers.This course will cover building applications in Delphi from the ground up, we start with ""Hello, World!"", and proceed to cover 20 essential visual controls (labels, edits buttons, etc.), examining their Properties, Events and Methods (PMEs) in great depth.We look at many common properties and ways build your user interface so that it is responsive to changes in size,shape and state.Actions are coveredallowing you to keep the state of your application consistent and updatedwith minimal code (in fact,sometimes evenno code at all).Finally we bringthings together andbuild an application to display theperiodic table of the elements. We also buildan installer so we can easily distribute it.Who this courseis forIf you are new to Delphi, then this course is a great way to get quickly up-to-speed on building user interfaces for Windows. If you are familiar with Delphi you will learn the VCL in greater depth. Even if you are very experienced in Delphi you will likely a number of great tips (I certainly did while producing this course).This course is not forBuilding cross-platform applications - the focus is Windows only (32/64 bit)Learning to program in the Delphi language - although there will be a number of examples"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Building Apps in Delphi With the VCL Part 2" |
"Yes that's right, it's back, it's better, it's Part 2. This course continues on from where we left off in Part 1. We increase our coverageof the Visual Component Library looking at over 40 additional controls - that's more than twice as many as the previous video! This gives you a total of over 60 visual and non-visual controls that you can use to build powerful and flexible user interfaces.We alsoenhance our Periodic Table, write a couple of new periodic tables (using a TGridPanel and TPaintBox) and look at how Drag and Dock works.Who This Course is ForIf you've completed Part 1There is a particular control you want to know how to use (note that I won't be reviewingproperties already covered in Part 1)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Building Apps in Delphi With the VCL Part 3" |
"We've covered a lot in Parts 1 and 2, but there is still lots of interesting stuff to go. Here in Part 3 we tackle two of the most complex VCLcomponents:TListView and TTreeView, both of these are highly useful. TTreeView is used whenever you want to display hierarchical information, such as a directory structure or nodes in an XML file. Use TListView whenever you want to display a list of items, such as files, with their file name, size, modified date etc.If you are like me you will use TListView regularly when building applications.In the second half we cover all of the dialog components, you will find yourself using the variousopen and save dialogs all the time, so it is important to know them inside and out.Next we examine context sensitive help (pressing F1)- a highly important topic for the usability of your applications. Then finally we look at a few of theremaining controls anda number of additional properties on TForm."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Delphi Generic Collections" |
"The Generic Collections Library is one of the best recent additions to the Delphi RTL. With it you can get type safety on your containers without having to write a whole bunch of boiler plate code each time. This can represent a big reduction in the amount of code you need write and also reduce bugs in your code. Learn how to best make use of this library and take advantage of some of its more powerful features.This video covers all the containers available in the collections library and gives an in depth account of most of their capabilities. You will learn about the basic containers (TStack, TQueue and TList), covering their basic features (adding, moving, removing etc.) then more advanced topics such as how the internals of sorting works. Then we move on to TDictionary and how hashing works and how you can provide your own hashing mechanisms to changes its default behavour. Finally we look at the thread safe collections and how they can be used in multi-threaded code."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mastering TClientDataSet Part 1" |
"In this course we begin our journey to produce data-aware applications. Before we can do this we need to understand how datasets work. Probably the most common dataset is TClientDataSet which is used extensively in all sorts of data-aware applications, making knowledge of it essential in building modern Delphi applications. In part 1 we take a close look at many of its properties and methods and using its abilities to load and save data to either a xml file or binary packet. Examples are done using the VCL and you should be able to follow along even with very old versions of Delphi."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering TClientDataSet Part 2" |
"We now continue our journey learning about TClientDataSet, picking up from where we left off in part 1. In this part we finish covering the properties, events and methods of TClientDataSet that relate to local datasets (that is to say, not connecting to a database or multi-tier development). We also examine how Master / Detail relationships work and how to use CloneCursor to have multiple views on the same DataSet.After finishing both Part 1 and 2 you should have a very good understanding of how TClientDataSet and it's ancestor TDataSet work."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering TClientDataSet Part 3" |
"This course is a continuation of Part 1 and 2 where we (very almost) conclude our coverage of TClientDataSet.We also cover the TDataSetProvider which allows us to (finally) connect to a real database, for which we use Interbase via Database Express (DBX4) - which is also covered briefly. We examine how we can get data from a database, manipulate it and then apply those changes back."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"XML in Delphi Part 1" |
"Handling XML in Delphi can be tricky and the main tool to do this is the TXMLDocument component, which is not the most friendly tool to use. However in this video we strip away all the confusion and look at both producing and consuming XML. You will learn how to create XML files in a simple and straight forward manor and also how to read and process XML. We look at several ways of doing this, both when the structure of the file is known and unknown. We then look at some methods for manipulating the structure of XML files. Delphi XE3 is used throughout, and we build our example code using the FireMonkey framework (the examples are simple enough to translate into the VCL). The video is over an hour and a half long and anyone with a basic (or better) understanding of Delphi should be able to follow. Length 1.5 Hours"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Building Data-Aware Applications in Delphi using the VCL" |
"Delphi is a fantastic tool for building applications that talk to databases andin this course we look at the controls in the VCL that you need to knowto be able to build powerful data-awareapps for Windows. We will continue to buildon what we learnt from our previous courses on theVCLand familiarize ourselves with the data-aware versions of these controls. We will look at how we can use the VCL to connect to a data source and be able to Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) data with minimal code."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Earn Extra Income With Profitable Broiler chicken Production" |
"This course is about how to run a chicken production enterprise efficiently with low costs, low mortality, quicker turnover and consequently higher profits. Understand common terms used in chicken productionThe course will concentrate on chicken welfare which involves, proper housing, spacing, feeding, feed mixing/formulation, heating, lighting, hygiene practices, vaccination and symptoms of sick chickens. There will be an extra section on the use of herbs to prevent and treat some of the diseases. You will be able to understand notable disease namely bird flue, new castle, coryza, IBD, mycloplasma, ascites and collibacilos. The course also dwells on how to plan, implement, run and evaluate a chicken production enterprise. Compile a comprehensive business plan with (budgets, cashflows, housing plan, equipment and procedures). The business plan can be used for own planning or to apply for funding from financiers."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"How To Get Your DREAM Salesforce Admin / Developer Job!" |
"** ACCORDING TO BURNINGGLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: ""Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite,Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill...putting Salesforcedemand ahead of IT stalwarts such as Python,.Net, and C++, and in line with commonly used applications such as Adobe Photoshop""****INDEED Ranked Salesforce Adminin theirtop 10 best jobs of 2017with salaries ranging between $70,000-$100,000 per annum**ACETHESALESFORCE JOBINTERVIEW!THISCOURSEISBUILTTOHELPYOULANDTHATSALESFORCEJOBINNOTIME!** INCLUDESSPECIAL FREE BONUS SALESFORCE LOGIN,JOBPOSTINGEXAMPLESANDMUCHMUCHMORE**Learn what you need to know in rapid timeUtilize the practice resources to master that interviewHave full access to the instructor to answer any of your questions:This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & iseven more fun and engaging! **The contents of this course are all based on our work experience and Warren's qualification as aADM201CertifiedData Associate.Combined, Warren and Russell are skilled educators, andentrepreneurs with global experience infor profit, start up and corporate settings.Weuse Sales force on a daily basis to drive organizational performance. And now, wewantto share my knowledge and expertise with you.Are you ready for a practical course designed to equip you with the skills to:Answer interview questions, apply knowledge and demonstrate Salesforce Administration and Developercompetencies such as Appexchange to land that top job!Know what to look for in a job posting by reviewing our real-life examples!Identify the steps to apply for your dream jobThis course includes important topics such as Chatter, AppExchange,and Security and AccessApplications!We will work with you throughout the courseto support your journey to mastery!Ready to pass your ace the Salesforce Interview?Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Make Money On Instagram & Gain 10,000+ Real Followers" |
"**BRAND NEW & UP TO DATE! - COMPLETE UDEMY COURSE!**Learn EXACTLY How To Gain 10,000+ Instagram Followers For Your Account -Learn The Essential Apps, Websites &Methods To Make Money On Instagram. Over 40+Lectures.Know exactly how to gain 10,000+Followers &Be Gaining 100's Per Week.Know the methods to make50+ Per Instagram Post.Know the relationship between a follower and a Paying Customer.Know growth hacking skills to rapidly grow your Business/Personal Brand.Know whatexactly methodsmake your posts goVIRAL&Gain 1000's of Likes."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Make Money On Snapchat & Attract New Customers" |
"**BRAND NEW & UP TO DATE! - COMPLETE UDEMY COURSE!**LearnHow To Make Money FromYour SNAPCHATAccount -Learn The Essential Apps, Websites &Methods To Make Money On Snapchat.Know Exactly How To Attract 1000's OfNew Customers To Your Account.Know The Methods To Make50+ Per Snapchat Story Post.Mixing Snapchat marketingwith Instagram marketing.Know The Relationship Between AFollower And APaying Customer.Know Growth Hacking Skills To Rapidly Grow Your Business/Personal Brand.Know Methods To Stay Ahead Of The Curve &Keep YourFollowers."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Setup Your First WordPress Site In Less Than 4 Hours!" |
"**BRAND NEW & UP TO DATE! - SEOWordPress COURSE!**LearnHow To WordPress-Learn How To Use Domain NamesLearn The BestSEO PluginsLearn How To Get HostingLearn The Best Themes, Tips &TricksLearn The Best Wordpress ThemesProfessional Email AddressesFaster Loading TimesNewsletters &SocialMedia ManagementLogo &Canva Tutorial"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Strategic Business Planning" |
"Shape the overall business direction of your organization by leveraging a proven strategic planning process. In this course, Mohamed teaches you how to formulate, execute, and monitor strategic planning for your organization by assessing your current business status.Mohamed shows you how to articulate your organization's core competencies, vision, mission, and strategic criteria. Using these criteria, he shows how to evaluate prioritize competing initiatives, how to allocate resources to best support those initiatives."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Write Your Essays and Papers Methodically and Thoroughly (Wi" |
"Are you a student who has difficulties in writing your essays and papers? Do you think that you still need practice to learn how to write your essays or papaers properly? Are you an individual who would like to learn how to write essays or papers? If you replied with ""yes"" on at least one of this questiions then this course is right for you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Criar Button Soccer em Construct 2" |
"Aprenda a criar do zero um game de futebol de boto em construct 2.Este um jogo para 2 pessoas, baseado em turnos. um local multiplayer game, onde os jogadores jogam no mesmo dispositivo. A partida controlada por tempo e ganha quem fizer mais gols no tempo do jogo.O projeto contm os recursos: Splah screen, Credit screen, Menu, e Gameplay.Veja passo a passo a criao de cada recurso e ainda:- Utilizao de fsica, touch, browser, audio, function, timer, e audio.Ao final do curso voc ter conhecimento para criar a sua verso do jogo, ou fazer ajustes na verso que ser distribuda."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The Roadmap to Successfully Moving Overseas" |
"Designed and writtenby an American expat who lived in Italy and is still living in France, this coursegives you the right questions to ask about moving abroad. Better yet, it also gives you the answers. Living in another country can be a wonderful experience, but it is also a daunting one. Avoid the pitfalls the author made by learning how to do the research, so you can makegreat decisions. Learn everything you need to know before moving overseas, along with the information you need to actually makethe move, and to live in your destination country. A free ebook with the course material is included."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make shapes using beads" |
"In this course, you will learn how to make a hello kitty face using beads.Also, you will learn how to finish the face whether you are using nylon thread or wire.Notice that the size of nylon thread (or the wire) must be of diameter suitable for the beads used.At last, you willattach a ring and chain to the face to make the key chain."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C Programming - The Complete Practice Test" |
"Learn how to use variables, methods, loops, conditionsFully understand how OOP (object oriented Programming) works and how to use it.You start off by learning the C basics and C programming concepts in general:variablesmethodsarraysif statementsloops30-DAY FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. Take the course, watch every lecture, and do the exercises, and if you feel like this course is not for you,ask for a full refund within 30 days.All your money back, no questions asked."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Graphic Design Masterclass Intermediate: The NEXT Level" |
"NEW CONTENT ADDED FREQUENTLY! May 2020 - New - Logo Design Presentation Template! April 2020 - New - Adobe InDesign Portfolio Building Template! Feb 2020 - New - The Full Logo Design Process and Downloadable Logo Design Worksheet Template Feb 2020 - New - Mastering Isometric Grids! Feb 2020 - New Portfolio Building Section - How to Build Strong Design PortfoliosJan 2020 - New InDesign Project Added - Creating a Magazine Front Cover and Article SpreadJan 2020 - New full page ad design project and Photoshop section added!June 2019 - Create Compelling Infographics! (Section 11)Nov 2018 - How to Price Your Freelance Projects! Updated lessons (Section 19)Nov 2018 - New Package Design Lessons! Design a chocolate bar wrapper from start to finishOct 2018 - Project: Create a Poster Using Only Typography Sept 2018 - New Lesson - Characteristics of Solid Logo Designs Aug 2018 - The Legal Side of Design: Properly Using Photos, Fonts and ResourcesThe Graphic design masterclass intermediate level, are you ready to level up your design skillsWho should take this class? Those with very basic skills in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. You already may be familiar with the pen tool basics understand the layering system and know a few other basic tools. You have a little experience using these programs and have a solid basic working knowledge of these programs.Or you have taking my Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Great Design, the first in this masterclass series, although taking this class is not a requirement to join on this one, just those basic software skills. But this class Is a natural next intermediate step.This is a practical design course meant to teach you techniques and skills by producing real world projects. We will first talk about intermediate techniques when it comes to Adobe Photoshop, like diving deep with removing complex objects from photos and using the content aware tools. We then will talk about photo composites and put two totally different photos together using curves and other more intermediate Photoshop tools. We will brush up on your brush tool in Photoshop to learn how to paint on realistic shadows that can be applied to a variety of situations. We quickly get into real world projects by tackling a fast food burger ad that is both dynamic and helps us practice working with typography, headlines and effects in Adobe Photoshop. This course includes a fairly large logo design section. We talk about the power of sketching our ideas on paper or in a digital sketching app. This course even includes an extensive downloadable logo design worksheet and we will work through the entire logo design process with the help of this worksheet. We talk about client presentation, when to present to clients, color and even exporting files.The golden ratio is a great intermediate logo design concept to master and we will do just that in this course. Speaking of grids we will not stop there, we talk all about the isometric grid system and work through an entire project using isometric grids to create a realistic 3D illustration. New to this course is an intermediate InDesign section. We will walk through the creation of a magazine spread and cover and talk in more depth about creating strong editorial designs, headlines and crafting compelling stories with photos. Infographics is a tough topic for designers and can have a steep learning curve, I thought it would make for the perfect project to work through together in this extensive section. We will walk through topics about how to legally and safely use fonts photos and downloadable vector resources as this is impotent to any maturing designer. Knowing how to craft effective ads is a great quality to have and can help you have more success as a designer, we will talk about how to create effective advertising as well as work through an entire social media campaign. There are tons of extra project sections including one on creating a poster using just typography. Package design is another great intermediate topic and we will go in-depth about the package design process including how to work with files, set them up and create a rich looking package design for a chocolate bar. Graphic design is more than just creating projects it also about finding work and clients. I have included an entire portfolio building section where we talk about how to create stunning portfolio presentations and how to build them online and offline. I hope you decide to join me for this incredible journey through lots of fantastic intermediate design topics, projects and more. The Ready for the next Level? This course is dynamic, so new lessons and bonus content will be added frequently! "
Price: 179.99 ![]() |