Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Complete Graphic Design Theory for Beginners Course" |
"NEW! June 2020 - How to Become a Graphic Designer New Lessons and 14 page Resource PDF! NEW! Jan 2020 - Design Trends for 2020 and how to create them! Learn Graphic Design Theory in this New Course!Many people want to become designers but don't know the basic fundamentals of design at all.It can takes years to piece together different ideas to truly begin to understand how it even works.but it doesn't have to be like that.By understanding the foundations of color, typography, layout, composition, branding, and other fields of study in the graphic design realm, you can propel yourself from a beginner to an expert, just by having the right education.You have found the perfect course for learning graphic design. It doesn't matter if you have no experience at all, this course was designed to teach you design theory in the most effective means necessary. With over 4.5+ hours (and counting) of video and practical projects to follow along with, this course is JAM PACKED with information to help you learn this graphic design theory!The videos build on one another so that as you work through this course, you will understand more and more!Pretty sweet, huh? :)Not only that, but this course is also designed so that if you already know some design theory and just need help with a specific principle, you can skip directly to that topic! So who can benefit from learning graphic design theory?The fundamentals of design are useful for a lot of careers, industries, and hobbies. It doesn't matter if it's logo design, web design, social media, user interface design, advertising, product design, printing, or t-shirts. This course will cover ideas that can be used in any niche!Each section goes into specific detail of the main principle being taught so that you get in-depth knowledge of that theory.This course will cover:The Basics of Graphic DesignColor TheoryTypographyLayoutCompositionUser Experience BrandingLogo DesignPhotography in Graphic DesignModern Trends and ThemesThe Legal Side of Graphic Designand much, much more!Other great stuff you might want to know..Not only will you get over 5+ hours of video content (and counting) and lessons, project files, and a new life skill, you will also have direct communication with the instructors to help you along.This includes direct messages, discussions, and specialized projects in the course that will allow you to interact with the instructors and others. There is even a facebook group to connect with Lindsay and I and other students to ask questions, get feedback and participate in design challenges. Feeling lost? Don't worry, we are here for you!As they say, ""Come for the course, stay for the community.""What else is there to know?Well there is that little 30 day money back guarantee thing.That basically means that if you don't enjoy this course for any reason at all, you can get a full refund up to thirty days since the time you purchase it.It's a win-win situation!and we applaud winners.So what are you waiting for?!The time is now to stop procrastinating and begin learning graphic design theory so that you can take full advantage of everything that it has to offer!Enroll now in this course and get started!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Do It Yourself Branding & Graphic Design for Non-Designers" |
"Are you a new start up?A small business needing a logo and branded assets like letterheads, business cards and social media ads?A freelance business wanting to develop a personal brand, but your not a graphic designer or do not want to pay thousands or to get these assets created?This course is an intimate and detailed guide through developing your entire brand including the creation of your logo and branded color palette and fonts that we will then use to create business cards, letterheads and social media graphics of all shapes and sizes. You will follow me as I develop a personal brand for my freelance business.I will show you every detail and theWHY behind certain choices, there is a specific marketing tactic, reason and logic behind choices. You will also learn through this detailed process how to properly layout and design using many different dimensions and sizes, learn how to work with social media posts, how to look professional and make solid design choices even if you know nothing about design when starting this course. There is even a exclusive facebook student group where we create conversations together and support each other as we develop our brands. I will even hold challenges to help you start to create these branded assets and give you inspiration by seeing what other students are creating. That means you are not just buying a bunch of videos in a course, but a support system and access to me as a guide through this important process of developing your brand and brand assets. We will use Canva as our DIY tool of choice because of it's easy access and ease of use. You do not need to know how to use Canva to feel comfortable taking this course. There is even a free version of Canva where you can still accomplish a lot talked about in this course.So, ready to save thousands of dollars in design and marketing costs by doing it yourself?This can be a fun and enjoyable process, so let's learn together!"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Adobe CC Masterclass: Photoshop, Illustrator, XD & InDesign" |
"Learn Graphic Design with Adobe CC in this New Course!Many people want to become designers but don't know the basic fundamentals of design at all.It can takes years to piece together different ideas to truly begin to understand how it even works.but it doesn't have to be like that.By utilizing the proper tools of programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, XD, InDesign, and more you can propel yourself from a beginner to an expert, just by having the right education.You have found the perfect course for learning graphic design. It doesn't matter if you have no experience at all, this course was designed to teach you design in the most effective means necessary. Withover 13+ hours (and counting) of videoandpractical projects to follow along with, this course is JAMPACKEDwith information to help you learn this graphic design and Adobe CCprograms!The videos build on one another so that as you work through this course, you will understand more and more!Not only that, but this course is also designed so that if you already know some graphic design principles and just need help with a specific program,you can skip directly to that topic! So who can benefit from learning graphic design?The fundamentals of design are useful for a lot of careers, industries, and hobbies. It doesn't matter if it's logo design, web design, social media, user interface design, advertising, product design, printing, or t-shirts.This course will cover ideas that can be used in any niche!Each section goes into specific detail of the main principle being taught so that you get in-depth knowledge of that theory. And most sections come with a practical, real-world project that you can follow along with.This course will cover:Adobe CCProgramsAdobe PhotoshopAdobe IllustratorAdobe XDAdobe InDesignSocial Media Graphic DesignIcon DesignLogo DesignWebsite DesignMobile App DesignPoster DesignBook Cover Designand much, much more!Other great stuff you might want to know..Not only will you get over 13+ hours of video content (and counting) and lessons, project files, and a new life skill, you will also have direct communication with the instructors to help you along.This includes direct messages, discussions, and specialized projects in the course that will allow you to interact with the instructors and others. There is even a facebook group to connect with Lindsay and I and other students to ask questions, get feedback and participate indesign challenges. Feeling lost? Don't worry,we are here for you!As they say, ""Come for the course, stay for the community.""What else is there to know?Well there is that little30 day money back guaranteething.That basically means that if you don't enjoy this course for any reason at all, you can get afull refundup to thirty days since the time you purchase it.It's awin-win situation!and we applaud winners.So what are you waiting for?!The time is now to stop procrastinating and begin learning graphic design with Adobe CC so that you can take full advantage of everything that it has to offer!Enroll now in this course and get started!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"The Business Side to Becoming a Successful Translator" |
"This course is intended for anyone interested in acareer as a professional freelance translator. Whether you are brand new to the field or have already been working in the field, this course offers you valuable insights into how to set up your translation business, get (and keep!) clients, how to handle your deliverables and set you on the course for becoming a successful translator! Welcome to your course! Now, let's get started!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
PowerPoint |
""" PowerPoint "" 10 , 1 10 . , 10-12 -. , , . 7 , . , . + "" "", , ., ! !! . PowerPoint ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Neste curso voc aprender:- Oque Workflow e para que serve;- Criar o Business Object Builder,seus atributos e mtodos;- Criar as Tarefas de Workflow;- Configuraro fluxo de Workflow;- Incrementar as etapas de um Workflow;- Utilizar a regra de responsvel para encontrar o aprovador;- Analisando os logs de um Workflow."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Instagram 2020: Guia Completo para Conquistar Seguidores" |
"Descrio** NOVO e ATUALIZADO ""- CURSO COMPLETO DA UDEMY **O Instagram uma ferramenta muito poderosa e divertida que permite impulsionar o seu negcio ou conta pessoal para centenas de novos clientes / seguidores! Para ter uma idia do poder do Instagram, atualmente, a plataforma conta com mais de 200 milhes de usurios ao redor do mundo e mais de 31 milhes somente no Brasil. Neste curso, voc aprender estratgias simples para obter 10 milhes de adolescentes e poder usar um negcio com o instagram, obter mais renda para os seus seguidores que podem se tornar clientes.O Instagram uma maneira simples e eficaz de conectar novos clientes interessados em seu negcio.Com o curso voc pode: Criar um atrativo e poderoso perfil comercial do Instagram (consulte uma inteno) Conectar-se com usurios direcionados todos os dias Criar relacionamentos fortes e fortes com seus seguidoresEste curso, um pequeno investimento de tempo para um enorme retorno de clientes!Depois de passar muitas horas aprendendo tcnicas de marketing avanado no Instagram, crie este curso para quem tambm pode gerar receita utilizando o instagram. O seu investimento neste curso ser pago com novos clientes que voc poder gerar usando o Instagram.Contedo e viso geralEste curso Instagram contm 30 aulas e 2 horas de contedo. projetado para qualquer pessoa com menos de 10.000 seguidores no Instagram que aprender a usar o Instagram para expandir seus negcios ou conta pessoal.Neste curso, voc aprender como criar um timo perfil no Instagram para voc ou sua empresa, projetado para atrair efetivamente seu cliente-alvo.Voc aprende, usando as incrveis estratgias promocionais do Instagram, como ganha / centenas de seguidores todos os dias.No final deste curso, voc ter habilidades valiosas para ajudar a criar uma comunidade forte de seguidores do Instagram, e vender produtos e servios mesmo que voc no tenha um produto para ser vendido.Te aguardo l dentro do curso- Rayan Maia."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Afiliado Hotmart 2020: Do ZERO a PRIMEIRA VENDA" |
"O curso foi criado pensando nas pessoas que querem DESBLOQUEAR sua vendas na internet, aquelas pessoas que ainda no conseguiram realizar a sua primeira venda de um infoproduto e precisam de uma estratgia matadora que pode ser implementada de forma simples, rpida e que gere resultados.O curso tambm foi desenvolvido pensando nas pessoas que j realizaram a sua primeira venda mas ainda no obtiveram resultados muito expressivos e necessitam de uma boa estratgia para impulsionar o seu negcio.Lembre-se, este um curso da Udemy, ento voc possui segurana e garantia. Voc no tem nada a perder, ento junte-se a mim agora, o que posso te prometer que voc conseguir fazer a sua primeira e muitas outras dentro de pouco tempo.-RayanMaia."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Complete Beginner Guitar - Play Your Favorite Songs In Weeks" |
"Every exercise in this course is part of a REALSONGLet me ask you a question: why do you want to play guitar? For mostpeople, the answer is ""to play my favorite songs"", or ""to play cool music""Most courses seem to forget about this and spend months making you play boring exercises and useless information, which leaves students demotivated and bored.My main goal is to get you playing your favorite songs as quickly as possible.So to do this, every single exercise in this course teaches you to play a real song. You'll learn all the techniquesyou need to by playing songs with those techniques in them, so you're never left learning something pointless or boring.___________________________________________________________What songs will I learn?This course is based around popular modern music, you'll learn songs from:Ed Sheeran -Shape of you, PerfectCharlie Puth -AttentionThe Chainsmokers -CloserJustin Bieber -Love YourselfLuis Fonsi -DespacitoJohn Legend -All of MeJames Arthur -Say You Won't Let GoSam Smith -Stay With MeOasis -WonderwallThe Plain White T's -Hey There DelilahAnd more!By the end of the course you'll be able to actually play all of these songs, and you'll be able to learn any newsong you want!If this sounds like your jam, then I invite you to come try out my course with Udemy'sno risk, 30 day 100% money back guarantee!___________________________________________________________What's included in the course?Over 2 hours of video content. This course is purposelydirect and to the point.You'll learn everything you need, without wasting time onboring, drawn outcontent. It shouldn't take years to learnguitar.A proven, step-by-step method you can use to learnany song and technique you choose. You'll learn the process you need to be able to learn anysong or techniqueyou want once you're done.Individual, priority support. Have a question? No worries, I'm alwayshere to help you with any issues you have along the way!A great system on udemy for keeping track of which videos you've been through, regardless of which device you're on___________________________________________________________100% money back guarantee within 30 days.This method of teaching has worked for hundreds of my students over the years, soIam confident that it will work for you.You can try the course at no risk to you - if somethingjust doesn't click for you, I'll give you your money back, no questions asked!___________________________________________________________Priority Support At No Extra ChargeIf you haveany issues at allduring the course, I'malwaysready and available to answer any questions you have.I know that people struggle withguitar, and I can help you get through your problems hassle free. I love being able to directly help students, so I'm always happy when my students send me questions!___________________________________________________________This course is NOTa magic wand, but it ISa targeted missileWill this course give you instant guitar god superpowers? Of course not. Like any skill, it takes practice.But what this course will do for you is set you on the absolute most direct path to being able to playguitar well withas little time and effort as possible. You'll still have to practice, but everything you do practice will be incredibly useful, and get you much farther than you thought you'd be, in much less time.So give the course a try, and I guarantee you'll be jamming outin no time at all :)"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Fingerstyle Guitar - Fingerpicking Techniques For Beginners" |
"What's included in the course?2 hours of video content. This course is purposelydirect and to the point.You'll learn everything you need, without wasting time onboring, drawn outcontent. It shouldn't take years to learn fingerpicked guitar.A proven, step-by-step method you can use to learnany song and technique you choose. You'll learn the process you need to be able to learn any fingerpicking song or techniqueyou want once you're done.Individual, priority support. Have a question? No worries, I'm alwayshere to help you with any issues you have along the way!A great system on udemy for keeping track of which videos you've been through, regardless of which device you're on___________________________________________________________Priority Support At No Extra ChargeIf you haveany issues at allduring the course, I'm always ready and available to answer any questions you have.I know that people struggle with fingerstyleguitar, and I can help you get through your problems hassle free. I love being able to directly help students, so I'm always happy when my students send me questions!___________________________________________________________100% money back guarantee within 30 days.This method of teaching has worked for hundreds of my students over the years, soIam confident that it will work for you.You can try the course at no risk to you - if somethingjust doesn't click for you, I'll give you your money back, no questions asked!___________________________________________________________This course is NOTa magic wand, but it ISa targeted missileWill this course give you instant guitar god superpowers? Of course not. Like any skill, it takes practice.But what this course will do for you is set you on the absolute most direct path to being able to play fingerstyleguitar well withas little time and effort as possible. You'll still have to practice, but everything you do practice will be incredibly useful, and get you much farther than you thought you'd be, in much less time.So give the course a try, and I guarantee you'll be fingerpickingin no time at all :)"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Read Music Now - For Piano Players" |
"Have you ever looked at a piece of music and thought it looked like a foreign language? Music notation is strange looking at the beginning, but pretty simple once you get used to it a little bit.I'll walk you step by step through everything you need to know to be able to read music and play it on the piano, and in a very short period of time you'll be able to read music comfortably - most students can get through the course in an hour or two.At the end of this course, you'll be comfortably able to take a completely new piece of music, and understand exactly what's going on. You'll be able to take that music and know how to play it on the piano.Now this course is NOT a ""how to play piano"" course. We won't go in depth on piano techniques or exercises, but this course is a great first step if you want to get started on the piano quickly. You'll come out of the course being able to play basic songs and melodies."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Selenium: Easy Guide to Automated Functional Testing Dev" |
"This selenium webdriver course teaches you in a straight to the point approach, in about 3.5 hours, straight to the point, on-demand video, Selenium WebDriver from scratch with clear samples of how to use Selenium WebDriver with Java to automate functional testing on a wide variety of browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox).""Great course for beginners. Concepts are explained in a concise manner and the examples are well structured.""(Jogesh Anand)I want you to start building profitable testing automation projects with Selenium webdriver and Java every single month for a small one-time payment!Enrol today to become a Selenium Webdriver automation expert! I will be more than happy to provide one-on-one support, or add lessons to answer any of your questions on this matter.We have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. So there's no reason to hesitate! You can basically try the course for free, and see if you learn anything.I can't wait to see you on the selenium webdriver course!! More thousands of students are already joined, part of an active community!This selenium webdriver course also includes lectures on:-Case StudyCreate a Real Functional Testing Automation Project using Java in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition together with:-Functional Testing Automation Architecture-Complete EnvironmentSetup-First Steps with Selenium Webdriver framework-Hyperlinks Automation-Input text fields automation-Select lists automation-Radio fields automation-Checkbox fields automation-Secure access and popup login automation by combining Selenium Webdriver and Autoit-An easy way to approach Assertions-All the selenium webdriver with Java source codes and clear samples ready to be downloaded and used!I can't wait to see you on the selenium webdriver course!! Please enroll now or tell to your friends about this great selenium webdriver course!Enrol today to become a Selenium Webdriver automation expert!The lectures teach also QA Engineers how to build an amazing test automation framework using Selenium WebDriver with Java. ""It is a good course overall as it is quite comprehensive and easy to understand. I learned the basics about how to create Selenium Webdriver Java automation from scratch and how to apply them in a real website. The instructor is encouraging and is right on point. Thank you Claudiu for putting together the insightful course with many helpful examples and for offering them for free."" (John Coleman) ""The instructor was very clear on his explanations."" (Giuseppe L.) "" Great course for beginners. Concepts are explained in a concise manner and the examples are well structured.""(Jogesh Anand) ""Very well structured course with a lot of code examples!"" (Vlad) ""This is a great course for those willing to learn how to work with Selenium from scratch. In case you have a few information about Java programming, HTML or CSS you can easily skip the first lessons and go straight to Selenium related videos."" (Mihaela M.) ""I liked this course because even if I am a beginner with Java and Selenium, by following the steps provided in the course, now I'm able to do my first automation scripts. Also the lessons regarding the intro to XML, Java and search method by DOM, xpath and css where very helpful. I believe that this course is a very useful resource for those who want to move to automation testing."" (Raluca Catalina B.)If you want to do any of these things, just enroll in the course. You have a 30-day money back guarantee if you don't like it. And I'm always improving my courses so that they stay up to date and the best that they can be. You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Selenium Webdriver Course and to all Ready to use Sample Code resources Video lessons captions in English, French and Polish!Lgendes de leons vido en anglais, franais et polonais! (FR)Wszystkie lekcje wideo maj podpisy CC w jzyku angielskim, francuskim i polskim! (PL) Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee! Response to any Question in a professional manner with clear explanations !Check them out, and enrol today for a great selenium webdriver testing automation career !Thank you!*All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Appium Android: Easy Guide to Mobile Automation Testing Dev" |
"This Appium mobile testing automation course teaches you in an easy, straight to the point approach, in about 5.5 hours on-demand video, Appium concepts from scratch with clear samples of how to code with Java to automate functional mobile testing on a wide variety of Android applications. We will work with Android Real Devices, as well with Emulators!I want you to start building profitable mobile testing automation projects with Appium and Java every single month for a small one-time payment!Enrol today to become an Appium mobile testing automation expert! I will be more than happy to provide one-on-one support or add lessons to answer any of your questions on this matter.We have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. So there's no reason to hesitate! You can basically try the course for free, and see if you learn anything.I can't wait to see you on the Appium mobile testing automation course!! More thousands of students are already joined in similar classes on Selenium Webdriver testing automation, part of an active community! Their feedback you can find below.This course takes you to step by step from no coding experience to become a professional expert able build mobile testing automation on Android applications with Appium and Selenium libraries, relying on the power of the Java language.I'm Claudiu and I'm an experienced IT professional, working in this industry since 2000! In the last years, I've helped hundreds and hundreds of people to learn how to code and find the best solutions to IT challenges. I'm also a course creator with many thousands of students. I put a lot of passion for creating video lectures and the student's feedback is very positive! The key strategy when building courses are to follow the ""learn by doing approach"" with more code samples, ready to be used, more code challenges and Quiz related exercises! This Appium mobile testing automation course also includes lectures on:-Case Study Create a Real Functional Mobile Testing Automation Project using Java in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition together with:-Functional Mobile Testing Automation Architecture with Appium-Complete Appium Environment Setup-First Steps with Appium-Simple and Robust ways in Appium to locate elements in the Android mobile applications-Find elements in mobile applications using ID, Class Name, XPath, Name or AndroidUIAutomator and UISelector with many Code Samples-Input text fields automation-Select lists automation-Toggle On/Off, Drag and Drop, Swiping, Scrolling automation in Appium-An easy way to approach Assertions-Quiz to quickly check the understanding level during the lectures-All the Appium work with Java source codes and clear samples ready to be downloaded and used!I can't wait to see you on the Appium mobile testing automation course!! Please enrol now or tell your friends about this great opportunity.Enrol today to become an Appium mobile testing automation expert!The lectures teach professional and also QA Engineers how to build an amazing mobile test automation with Appium, and the Selenium WebDriver framework, with Java language.Student's feedback on my previous lectures: ""The instructor was very clear on his explanations."" (Giuseppe L.) "" Great course for beginners. Concepts are explained in a concise manner and the examples are well structured.""(Jogesh Anand) ""Very well structured course with a lot of code examples!"" (Vlad) ""This is a great course for those willing to learn how to work with Selenium from scratch. In case you have a few information about Java programming, HTML or CSS you can easily skip the first lessons and go straight to Selenium related videos."" (Mihaela M.) ""I liked this course because even if I am a beginner with Java and Selenium, by following the steps provided in the course, now I'm able to do my first automation scripts. Also the lessons regarding the intro to XML, Java and search method by DOM, xpath and css where very helpful. I believe that this course is a very useful resource for those who want to move to automation testing."" (Raluca Catalina B.)If you want to do any of these things, just enrol in the course. You have a 30-day money back guarantee if you don't like it. And I'm always improving my courses so that they stay up to date and the best that they can be. You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Appium Mobile Automation Course and to all Ready to use Sample Code resources Video lessons captions in English ! Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee! Response to any Question in a professional manner with clear explanations!Check them out, and enrol today for a great Appium mobile application testing career!Thank you!*All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Come Build a Foundation for Learning to Play Piano By Ear" |
"This piano course is designed to give students who want to play by ear, a basic foundation for understanding the piano. And also point out the fact that anyone who truly desires to play the piano or electronic keyboard can do so with study and practice.Come and Learn the Basics of Piano Playing By Ear. Learn key/note recognition Train and tune your earLearn what sharps and flats are Learn to play the major scale in any key Learn the fundamentals to build more complex chordsLearn how to form 3 and 4 finger piano chords Become comfortable with the piano or electronic keyboardEstablish a great foundation to grow and build from. This course aims to take the intimidation, if any, out of this beautiful instrument for those of you that have never played the piano before. I aim to make you feel relaxed and comfortable while learning with me.You will become comfortable with the piano once you learn that it has repeating patterns that are easily recognizable. Upon completion of this piano course students will be able to: Name and identify the different types of notes and keys of the piano or keyboard such as middle (C), D, E, F, G, A, B, sharps and flatsRemove intimidation of playing the piano or electronic keyboard by learning the hidden repeated patterns of the piano Learn the different octaves of the electronic keyboard or piano and how to locate and find themStudents will know the difference between whole steps and half steps and know how to apply the information to form more complex chords Students will also learn the major scale and the formula for translating this learned information to any key on the piano or electronic keyboard Students will learn how to form 3 and 4 finger chords and will also have the knowledge to expand upon and advance into playing songsBut most importantly, students that complete this course will feel comfortable with the piano or electronic keyboard and want to learn more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Growing Your Business Through Connecting (Networking)" |
"Growing your business through connection is a skill that can be learned. Not everyone needs to be a extrovert to be successful. It is more important how you connect rather than how many you connect to.Overlooked Necessities for Growing Your BusinessEach great connection opens you and your business to the otherperson's network, resources, and knowledge. Learn to connect the right way and watch your business opportunities grow as a result. Limitless Potential within Your NetworkYour time is limited as a new entrepreneur, therefore you have to be wise with your time. What is often neglected is time to connect. We get too busy trying to find customers we often neglect the one glaring resource at our fingertips- our network.Within your network is countless referrals that can turn into business-to-customer and business-to-business opportunities. Usually networking is free but has the potential to grow your business exponentially. But you must connect with people the right way to grow your customer-base, network and business.Course OverviewWe begin the course with understanding the importance of networking for business growth and thendive into recognizing the difference between a customer and a supporter (client). You will learn the following points:Partnering with your client for business growthWhen to ask for the referralHow to ask for the referralThen, we dive into the basics of networking the right way. Yes, there is a right way and wrong way to networking. The right way will grow your business through valued-relationships. You'll learn the following points:Winning people while networkingQuality over quantity of connectionsHow to develop those relationshipsFinally, we close with one of the most important relationships for a new entrepreneur- the mentor. Not every mentor is equal, but finding the right one for you is essential. You will learn the following:The right mentor for youStarting a mentorship relationshipDeveloping a mentorship relationship"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Connecting Mastery- How to Be Liked While Networking" |
"Networking for many people can be scary because of the fear of being disliked by others. However, becoming a successful networkeris a skill that can be learned. Not everyone needs to be a extrovert to be successful. This course is to going to teach you how to confidently network just by following specific rules.Course PricingThis course will be free for the first 30 days. Afterwards, the course price will go up because the value of the course will increase. I will be adding content on a periodic basis. As value is added the course price will go up as a result. However, when you sign up during the free period you will have access to new content when it becomes a paid course.No Self-made SuccessesRegardless if you are networking for business, career or academically, learning how to connect with others is important to your success. Each great connection opens doors of opportunity for you and your future. There are no self-made successes. Everyone, became successful based on who they were connected to. Don't allow the fear of networking to stop you from connecting to great people who can help you achieve your goals. Course OverviewWe begin the course with understanding the importance of networking for success. Then we dive into how to ""win"" people while networking. You will learn the following points:How to win peopleWhy people are dislikedHow to be likedThen, we dive into the basics of starting a conversation. Yes, there is a right way and wrong way to do so. The right way will grow your business through valued-relationships. You'll learn the following points:How to remember namesHow to complement people and be liked as a resultBuilding a great elevator pitchNext, we breakdown the parts of the conversation into different section. Each section outlines rules to follow to get people talking to you and how to deepen your connection. Everyone wants to feel important these section will make the other person feel like they are the most important person in the room. You will learn the following:How to listen effectivelyHow to make eye-contact without being awkwardExpressing confidence through your body language"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
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Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Worship Piano for Beginners - Play Worship Songs on Keys!" |
"Play your first worship song on the piano!By the end of this course, you will be able to play easy worship songs like Cornerstone (Hillsong) on the piano. You will be learning the the technique and music theory required to play easy worship songs through my step-by-step, easy to follow method.Brand new to the piano? Have a little background in classical piano?This course is for you! This is a course for beginners, where you will learn the music fundamentals such as notes, chords and rhythm.You will learn how to:Name notes on the PianoMaster Sharps and Flats on the PianoPlay Intervals and Basic ChordsRead and Play from Lead SheetsPlay Cornerstone from HillsongPlay with Both Hands TogetherLearn the Fundamentals of Rhythm and CountingStructure and Content of This Course:This course has 2 components:Music Theory + Hands-On Practice Activity Lessons.(In the Hands-On Practice Lessons, will learn the technique on how you can learn & play chords faster, and more efficiently.)****IMPORTANT*****Please note, that this is not a ""learn piano overnight"" course. In order to master the concepts and skills, it requires active participation and practice! Good luck and have fun! :)**********************At the price of a few private lessons, you will receive all the course material, which will be available 24/7 on-line! This course also has a 30 day money back guarantee, so you are not satisfied with the course, you can also request your money back.I am so looking forward to meet you, and to share this musical adventure together! See you on the inside!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
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Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"Duck Hunting for Beginners" |
"Do you want to hunt ducks but are frustrated with your lack of success? Or do you wantto start duck hunting but you do not have anyone to show you how? No problem! TheDuck Hunting for Beginners course is just for you.Many duck hunters have spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on hunting supplies and hours driving around, setting up decoys but then having ducks fly by without even taking a 2nd look or not seeing any ducks at all. Unfortunately, that is the experience that many duck hunters have. Whether you are new to duck hunting or you have been duck hunting without much success, Duck Hunting for Beginners can get you bagging more ducks FAST! We would all like to shoot more ducks. The trick is to know how to use the wind to your advantage, the most effective ways to setup duck decoys, when to go duck hunting, how to find where the ducks are and how to make proper shot placement. Duck Hunting for Beginners can help you with all of these common issues. You see, the problem is most other educational duckproductsand duck hunting booksspeak to you as if you have been hunting for 50 years and are written in a way that expects you to already have duck hunting knowledge so they leave out the details that you could really learn from.In addition, most duck huntingproducts do not provide actionable tips meaning they often tell stories about how their duck hunting trip went and who they went hunting with so they are more of a story based product leaving you with little if anything actually learned This Duck Hunting for Beginners course is completely different where you will get detailed steps on how to improve your duck hunting skills without the fluff like here is what my duck hunting trip was like back in 1969. You see times have changed and people do not always have someone who is willing to show them how to duck hunt.Additionally, many experienced hunters hold back sharing their secrets as they feel that you should have to struggle to learn on your own. Unfortunately, that is not good for you or the sport of duck hunting.That is why I created this ""Duck Hunting for Beginners""courseso you cansimply watchthese easy to understand videos and quickly get agood grasp of many of the duck hunting basics. Then you cankeep learning and gain years worth of duck hunting knowledge in just a short period of time. In this course you get detailed yet simple to understand videos that show you exactly how to setup your decoys, how to effectively conceal yourself and how to use the wind and sun to your benefit. I explain each duck hunting tacticin detail so you can understand the exact strategy used every time. So if you are looking to jump start your duck hunting success, learn some new tactics or get a refresher on effective duck hunting strategies then join ""Duck Hunting for Beginners""and get the knowledge you need to start bagging more ducks! Here are the topics that are covered in Duck Hunting for Beginners. Section 1: Duck Hunting for Beginners: Duck Hunting 101, The Basics Understanding Wind Direction Concealment & Blind Placement Gear Shotguns Shotgun Shells Shooting Techniques Selecting a Duck Call Basic Decoy Spreads for DucksSection 2 : Duck Hunting for Beginners: Duck Hunting 102, Supercharging Your Success How to Find Ducks What time to go Duck Hunting Understanding the Duck Hunting Seasons Shooting Distance Decoy Spread Size Getting the Ducks to Come in Close Section 3: Duck Hunting for Beginners: Duck Hunting 103, Advanced Decoying Strategies & Duck Hunting Decoy TipsDecoy Types Adding Confidence Decoys Hunting Without Decoys Impact of Weather on Decoy Setup Proper Distance Between Decoys Facing Your Decoys Effectively Adjusting your Decoy SpreadHow to Hunt From Standing Crops"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Quickly Learn and Build Augmented Reality Apps in 30 Minutes" |
"Augmented Reality means that the information in the world we live in is enriched for a purpose by being combined with images and / or information obtained through a vehicle. During the acquisition of the image of the real world with the camera, the pre-determined target points on the real world are connected at certain points of the materials prepared on the computer and the output image is taken simultaneously by interpretation through the resulting software.The concept of ""Augmented Reality"" is translated into Turkish as ""Enriched Reality"" or ""Increased Reality"". Thanks to Augmented Reality, anything can be positioned and functional in the real world, for example via a mobile device or a camera in a computer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VOC NO PRECISA DE MUITO TEMPO PARA APRENDER PORTUGUS!!!!!MTODO INOVADOR PARA VOC APRENDER PORTUGUS EM 3 HORAS.Aprenda a lngua portuguesa de forma simples e rpida em aulas didticas e super simples de entender.Aulas de curta durao!Curso produzido inteiramente com animao!Mais de 500 exerccios para voc treinar!Certificado no final do curso.Acesso vitalicio e vdeos novos toda semana.O que est esperando? Esse curso pode te ajudar a compreender melhor o Portugus!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"New CCNA Routing and Switching 100-105 ICND1 Lab1" |
"Use Code ICND1LAB10This course is about configuring the lab tasks that are part of CCNA ICND1 100-105 syllabus. This lab uses Cisco Packet tracer and topics include IP addressing, VLAN, Trunking, IP Routing etc.. This lab is like a real scenario where you have more than one office location and provide communication between the offices using the topics ICND1 course. For more information on the topics covered, pls see the curriculum."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"New CCNA ICND1 100-105 Practice Lab guide" |
"This course is about configuring the lab tasks that are part of CCNA ICND1 100-105 syllabus. This lab uses Cisco Packet tracer and topics include IP addressing, VLAN, Trunking, IP Routing etc.. This lab is like a real scenario where you have more than one office location and provide communication between the offices using the topics ICND1 course. More tasks will be added."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DropShip Niche Mastery: How to Discover DropShipping Niches" |
"Have YOU Ever Asked Yourself These Questions? Which niche should I choose? What are the best products to DropShip? Which products should I sell on my eCommerce store? How do I find profitable niches? Why do I always stuggle with how to find profitable niches?Where do I begin to find products to DropShip? How do I know if my chosen niche will be profitable? Why do I find it so difficult to come up with Niche ideas? Why is niche research so frustrating? I guarantee, this is THE most thorough, laser-focused and up-to-date course available ANYWHERE on the market on the subject of how to find a niche.. This course is for anybody who wants to learn how to easily discover profitable ecommerce and DropShipping niches and test if they will be profitable or not. I have included everything that I have learnt over the past five years which has helped me to earn a considerable amount of money online. When I began my ecommerce journey five years ago I struggled to find products to sell and my first two stores only made one sale between them, yes you did read that right, only ONE sale between two stores. This was even after I received advice from some well known Gurus within the eCommerce/DropShipping field. In fact one very well known person in the Ecommerce world even told me which niche to choose. The store was a complete disaster even though it looked amazing and had good traffic. Knowing what I know about niche research I can quite confidently say that I was advised to choose one of the worst niches possible. The niche had too many variables that you need to avoid and it lacked many criteria that it should have possessed. Now I do not make these mistakes anymore as I have researched what these variables and criteria are. More importantly YOU do not need to make these time consuming mistakes anymore as you have everything you need to choose a profitable niche in this course. Why is there such a lack of useful information on what could undeniably be THE MOST important aspect of any ecommerce venture? I have spent thousands of dollars on ecommerce and dropshipping courses only to be let down by the lack of useful and relevant content on this extremely important subject. Frustrated and annoyed with the lack of niche information on the market I began a journey to learn as much as I could about how to find profitable niches. But not just any niches but niches that made big dollars for very little work. As a result of my knowledge I rarely create ecommerce stores that do not pull in at least $10,000 of profit per Month. Whether youre just beginning your ecommerce journey or youre a seasoned DropShipper, here youll find everything you need to become a niche finding master. I am so confident that this course will help you with discovering niches that I am offering a full money back guarantee at ANY time after you receive the course. Who Is This Training Program For? For those that Continuously Struggle to Find Niches Do Not Know the Correct Method to Discover Niches Do Not Know the Correct Method to Validate Niches Do not Know what makes a Niche Profitable Are Confused and Frustrated trying to find Niches Feel that every Niche is Saturated with Competition Do not know How to find Legitimate DropShip Suppliers Do not know How to get Approved by Suppliers Why Should I Take This Course? The niche selection process is THE most important stage of any Dropshipping or eCommerce business. Get this part wrong and its almost impossible of achieving success. You will struggle to find any other course that is as comprehensive and detailed as this one for this often neglected yet essential process. What Should I Expect to Achieve After Completing This Course? After you complete this course you will know the exact blueprint to easily select profitable DropShipping niches as well knowing which criteria makes a great niche. You will also know the exact steps to take to find and get approved by real and legitimate DropShip Suppliers. Watch me as I show you over-the-shoulder demonstrations of the exact step-by-step process that I use to consistently find profitable niches. You will easily be able to use your newly discovered skills over and over again to find amazing niches. Over 25 Lectures You will Learn: How to discover Profitable Niches using multiple proven methods How to test if a niche will be profitable using specific criteria The three very IMPORTANT criteria a niche must have Which DropShipping niches you MUST avoid How and why you should be ONLY creating niche specific stores How to Use Specific Online Tools to test and validate niches How to Find legitimate suppliers for Dropshipping How to contact suppliers and know what to say How to Optimize your store for high conversions How to generate high quality targeted traffic to your store My secret Bonus Hacks to guarantee sourcing hundreds of products"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"DropShip Supplier Mastery: How to Find DropShip Suppliers" |
"Have YOU Ever Asked Yourself These Questions? How do I find DropShippers? Where do I begin to start looking for suppliers?Where do I find suppliers that are professional and trustworthy?How do I contact suppliers?Why is it so difficult to find suppliers?How do I find suppliers for a certain product? I guarantee, this is THE most thorough, laser-focused and up-to-date course available ANYWHERE on the market on the subject of how to find legitimate DropShipping Suppliers. This course is for anybody who wants to learn how to easily discover real and legitimate suppliers who will DropShip your products in a professional manner. I have included everything that I have learnt over the past five years which has helped me to earn a considerable amount of money online. Who Is This Training Program For? For those that Continuously Struggle to Find DropShip Suppliers Do Not Know the Correct Method to Find SuppliersDo not Know what makes a Great SupplierAre Confused and Frustrated trying to find SuppliersDo not know How to find Legitimate DropShip Suppliers Do not know How to get Approved by Suppliers Do not Know the Correct Method How to Contact Suppliers Why Should I Take This Course? The supplier selection process is one of the most important stages of any Dropshipping or eCommerce business. Get this part wrong and its almost impossible of achieving success. The quality of the suppliers that you work with will have a direct impact on the money that you will make in your DropShipping business. You will struggle to find any other course that is as comprehensive and detailed as this one for this often neglected yet essential process. What Should I Expect to Achieve After Completing This Course? After you complete this course you will know the exact blueprint to easily find legitimate DropShipping suppliers. You will also know the exact steps to take to get approved by real and legitimate DropShip Suppliers. Watch me as I show you over-the-shoulder demonstrations of the exact step-by-step process that I use to consistently find the highest quality suppliers. You will even listen in to a telephone conversation when I speak to a supplier for the first time. You will easily be able to use your newly discovered skills over and over again to find reliable DropShip suppliers. Over 25 Lectures you will Learn: How to discover Legitimate Suppliers using multiple proven methods How to Find legitimate suppliers for Dropshipping How to contact suppliers and know what to say How to Know which Suppliers you MUST avoidWhy you Should NEVER pay any introductory fees or Monthly feesWhy you Should NEVER use DropShipping DirectoriesWhat exactly to say on the telephone"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Conversion Mastery: How to Optimize ANY Ecommerce Website" |
"The techniques outlined in this course can be applied to your ecommerce business to see immediate results, unlike many other techniques that require a much longer period of time to see any benefits. Requirements You Do NOT Need Any Prior Experience Online To Begin Making Money With This CourseYou Need a Computer and an Internet ConnectionYou Need to be Interested in Mastering the Art of Optimization to Increase SalesYou Need To Be Interested In Making Money Online Description Have YOU Ever Asked Yourself These Questions? How can I make more sales from my eCommerce website?How can I make more sales without needing to increase traffic? How can I optimize my eCommerce website?How can I optimize my eCommerce website to Increase conversions?How can I optimize my eCommerce website to see immediate results in the increase of sales?How can I make more money from my existing eCommerce business I guarantee, this is THE most thorough, laser-focused and up-to-date course available ANYWHERE on the market on the subject of Optimizing your ecommerce website to increase conversions and sales. This course is for anybody who wants to learn how to easily optimize their eCommerce business to increase their conversion rate and in return increase their sales. I have included everything that I have learnt over the past five years which has helped me to earn a considerable amount of money online. When I began my ecommerce journey five years ago I realised that setting up an eCommerce store was only part of the process. I realised that setting up and launching any eCommerce business was only the beginning of the journey and that if you truly want to get the most out of your business, and by most I mean the most amount money, then you have to keep improving your website. Literally billions of dollars are left on the table every year due to many ecommerce owners not knowing what or how to optimize their ecommerce websites to increase the chances of every visitor becoming a customer. Who Is This Training Program For? For those that want to increase their sales on their eCommerce businessDo Not Know the Correct Methods to Optimize their websiteDo Not Know the Correct Method to Optimize their website to Increase their ConversionsDo not Know what techniques to apply to increase their conversion rateFor those that want to see quick results without having to wait Months to see any increase in sales Why Should I Take This Course? The optimization of any eCommerce business is one of the most important aspects that you can apply to your business. If you do not correctly apply these techniques to your ecommerce store you are quite literally throwing money away. You will struggle to find any other course that is as comprehensive and detailed as this one for this often neglected yet essential process. What Should I Expect to Achieve After Completing This Course? After you complete this course you will know many optimization techniques that you can easily apply to your ecommerce business that WILL increase your conversion rate and then increase your sales. Watch me as I show you over-the-shoulder demonstrations of the exact step-by-step process that I use to consistently create high converting eCommerce websites. You will easily be able to use your newly discovered skills over and over again to launch high converting eCommerce stores that produce the maximum amount of revenue per visitor. Over 50 Lectures you will learn: How to easily increase your conversion rateHow to apply over 50 optimization techniques to your eCommerce businessHow to increase your salesHow to increase the chances of every website visitor making a purchase from you Who is the target audience? StudentsEntrepreneursEmployeesAnybody That Wants To Sell Products OnlineEcommerce NewbiesOptimization NewbiesAnybody That Wants Their Own Home Based BusinessAnybody That Has No Idea WHAT to Sell OnlineAnybody That Just Wants Another Income Stream on The Side"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Optimize Your Ecommerce Product Pages to Increase Sales" |
"The techniques outlined in this course can be applied to your Ecommerce Product Pages to see immediate results, unlike many other techniques that require a much longer period of time to see any benefits. Requirements You Do NOT Need Any Prior Experience Online To Begin Making Money With This CourseYou Need a Computer and an Internet ConnectionYou Need to be Interested in Mastering the Art of Optimization to Increase SalesYou Need To Be Interested In Making Money Online Description Have YOU Ever Asked Yourself These Questions? How can I make more sales from my eCommerce product pages?How can I make more sales without needing to increase traffic? How can I optimize my product pages?How can I optimize my product pages to Increase conversions?How can I optimize my product pages to see immediate results in the increase of sales?How can I make more money from my existing eCommerce business? I guarantee, this is THE most thorough, laser-focused and up-to-date course available ANYWHERE on the market on the subject of Optimizing your Ecommerce Product Pages to increase conversions and sales. This course is for anybody who wants to learn how to easily optimize their Ecommerce Product Pages to increase their conversion rate and in return increase their sales. I have included everything that I have learnt over the past five years which has helped me to earn a considerable amount of money online. When I began my ecommerce journey five years ago I realised that setting up an eCommerce store was only part of the process. I realised that setting up and launching any eCommerce business was only the beginning of the journey and that if you truly want to get the most out of your business, and by most I mean the most amount money, then you have to keep improving your website. Literally billions of dollars are left on the table every year due to many ecommerce owners not knowing what or how to optimize their Ecommerce Product Pages to increase the chances of every visitor becoming a customer. Who Is This Training Program For? For those that want to increase their sales on their eCommerce businessDo Not Know the Correct Methods to Optimize their eCommerce product pagesDo Not Know the Correct Method to Optimize their eCommerce product pages to Increase their ConversionsDo not Know what techniques to apply to increase their conversion rateFor those that want to see quick results without having to wait Months to see any increase in sales Why Should I Take This Course? The optimization of any eCommerce business is one of the most important aspects that you can apply to your business. If you do not correctly apply these techniques to your ecommerce store you are quite literally throwing money away. You will struggle to find any other course that is as comprehensive and detailed as this one for this often neglected yet essential process. What Should I Expect to Achieve After Completing This Course? After you complete this course you will know many optimization techniques that you can easily apply to your eCommerce product pages that WILL increase your conversion rate and then increase your sales. Watch me as I show you over-the-shoulder demonstrations of the exact step-by-step process that I use to consistently create high converting product pages. You will easily be able to use your newly discovered skills over and over again to launch high converting eCommerce stores that produce the maximum amount of revenue per visitor. Over 30 Lectures you will learn: How to easily increase your conversion rate on your product pages.How to apply over 30 optimization techniques to your eCommerce product pagesHow to increase your salesHow to increase the chances of every website visitor making a purchase from you Who is the target audience? StudentsEntrepreneursEmployeesAnybody That Wants To Sell Products OnlineEcommerce NewbiesOptimization NewbiesAnybody That Wants Their Own Home Based BusinessAnybody That Has No Idea WHAT to Sell OnlineAnybody That Just Wants Another Income Stream on The Side"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Optimize Your Ecommerce Homepage to Increase Sales" |
"The techniques outlined in this course can be applied to your Ecommerce Homepage to see immediate results, unlike many other techniques that require a much longer period of time to see any benefits. Requirements You Do NOT Need Any Prior Experience Online To Begin Making Money With This CourseYou Need a Computer and an Internet ConnectionYou Need to be Interested in Mastering the Art of Optimization to Increase SalesYou Need To Be Interested In Making Money Online Description Have YOU Ever Asked Yourself These Questions? How can I make more sales from my eCommerce Homepage ?How can I make more sales without needing to increase traffic? How can I optimize my Homepage?How can I optimize my Homepage to Increase conversions?How can I optimize my Homepage to see immediate results in the increase of sales?How can I make more money from my existing eCommerce business? I guarantee, this is THE most thorough, laser-focused and up-to-date course available ANYWHERE on the market on the subject of Optimizing your Ecommerce Homepage to increase conversions and sales. This course is for anybody who wants to learn how to easily optimize their Ecommerce Homepage to increase their conversion rate and in return increase their sales. I have included everything that I have learnt over the past five years which has helped me to earn a considerable amount of money online. When I began my ecommerce journey five years ago I realised that setting up an eCommerce store was only part of the process. I realised that setting up and launching any eCommerce business was only the beginning of the journey and that if you truly want to get the most out of your business, and by most I mean the most amount money, then you have to keep improving your website. Literally billions of dollars are left on the table every year due to many ecommerce owners not knowing what or how to optimize their Ecommerce Homepage to increase the chances of every visitor becoming a customer. Who Is This Training Program For? For those that want to increase their sales on their eCommerce businessDo Not Know the Correct Methods to Optimize their eCommerce HomepageDo Not Know the Correct Method to Optimize their eCommerce Homepage to Increase their ConversionsDo not Know what techniques to apply to increase their conversion rateFor those that want to see quick results without having to wait Months to see any increase in sales Why Should I Take This Course? The optimization of any eCommerce business is one of the most important aspects that you can apply to your business. If you do not correctly apply these techniques to your ecommerce store you are quite literally throwing money away. You will struggle to find any other course that is as comprehensive and detailed as this one for this often neglected yet essential process. What Should I Expect to Achieve After Completing This Course? After you complete this course you will know many optimization techniques that you can easily apply to your eCommerce Homepage that WILL increase your conversion rate and then increase your sales. Watch me as I show you over-the-shoulder demonstrations of the exact step-by-step process that I use to consistently create high converting Homepages . You will easily be able to use your newly discovered skills over and over again to launch high converting eCommerce stores that produce the maximum amount of revenue per visitor. Over 30 Lectures you will learn: How to easily increase your conversion rate on your Homepage.How to apply over 30 optimization techniques to your eCommerce HomepageHow to increase your salesHow to increase the chances of every website visitor making a purchase from you Who is the target audience? StudentsEntrepreneursEmployeesAnybody That Wants To Sell Products OnlineEcommerce NewbiesOptimization NewbiesAnybody That Wants Their Own Home Based BusinessAnybody That Has No Idea WHAT to Sell OnlineAnybody That Just Wants Another Income Stream on The Side"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |