Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Achieve Your Goals: Visualization" |
"This is not your average Goal Achieving course!The Goal Achiever Plan you'll receive in this course is all you need to achieve your goals, but, what about creating a life of abundance and happiness while you strive to move ahead in your life? Would you like more time with family? Connect toyour creative personality? This course promises to help you attain more joy in your life by helping youremovemental obstacles such as procrastination, self-doubt &fear that may have kept you from achieving your dreams &goals in the past.Are you tired of outside distractions in your life,such as social media, friendsand duties that keep you from achieving your dreams and goals?You may be ready to take time out for yourself to clear your mind for the healing and goal achieving power that Precision Visualization as well as ancient practices can give you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The EFT Learning Series: How EFT Works" |
"This course presents the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and focuses on the core foundations of what EFTis, what it is used for, its history, the acupoints used; and goes in more depth discussing the Energy body and how EFTworks.Presented is how EFTworks on the energy body, what the Meridians are. The effects of tapping on meridian end points (acupoints) are examined as to how the entire body, mind and spirit are impacted. The neurophysiology and anatomy related to how EFTworks is examined in detail. The role of the Amygdala is discussed and how it is effected when EFTis used. Neuropathways are defined and obliteration of old neuropathways and the creation of new neuropathways in EFTare examined.The course is highly focused on the Energy Body and how EFT works to balance the body's energy system, remove energy blockages and provide for more effective free-flowing body energy thus facilitating phenomenal outcomes when used for a multitude of issues in behavioral, physical and spiritual health. The instructor will lead students through an EFTexercise to de-stress their energy body. Students are provided with a full set of handouts of power point slides which can be used to take notes. A bonus e-book is also provided containing many articles on the Emotional Freedom Technique."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn EFT Energy Meridian Tapping: From Basics to Intermedia" |
"This course is a comprehensive course in EFT Energy Meridian Tapping. It covers the Meridian Tapping points and provides all of the basic instructions to learn how to do EFT Meridian Tapping. Explanations and demonstrations are provided so that students have a real experience to learn the tapping accupoints and sequences well. How to develop effective Set Up Statements and Reminder Phrases are presented. The instructor presents many tips for tapping to teach you the most effective ways to tap for the best possible outcomes. The course then moves on to teach students many intermediate techniques in EFT Meridian Energy Tapping such as working with simple issues such as anxiety, stress and de-stressing of our energy bodies. The SUD Scale (subjective units of distress) is examined and discussed as an evaluative tool in meridian tapping. Presented is the concept of psychological reversals and how to correct them. A methodology for dealing with any specific issue is presented. In addition, students are taught about identifying and working with aspects and how such can significantly improve Meridian Tapping results/outcomes. The EFT Tapping Story Protocol is presented as an excellent way to resolve primary issues and aspects together. Students are also instructed in the Intuitive Method of EFT Meridian Energy Tapping and when it is acceptable to begin to work with positive affirmations when using tapping. Students will tap along with the instructor for several different EFT Meridian Energy Tapping Sessions. This course includes a complete set of downloadable handouts as well as two bonus E-Books filled with articles on EFT Tapping. In this course you can start from the very basics and be using EFT Meridian Energy Tapping by the end to really begin to work with issues and start transforming your life! Bonus Section: This course offers a bonus section for those who are new to EFT& Meridian Tapping. Lectures include a presentation of various definitions of EFT & MeridianTapping as well as a slower presentation of the Tapping Points;including exactly where to tap for proper and effective tapping. Those who are new to EFT/Tapping are encouraged to please view these lectures in the bonus section first before proceeding with the full course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Ingls! - O Fantstico Mtodo para Ser Fluente" |
"Este curso est entre os maiores e mais bem avaliados e elogiados do mundo.Voc no encontrar NADA similar em nenhum outro curso online ou presencial no mercado brasileiro.Esquea o ingls tradicional, esquea tudo que voc j viu!Original e revolucionrio, este curso apresenta um mtodo indito pelo qual qualquer pessoa pode se tornar fluente em pouqussimo tempo.Inovador, com qualidade didtica nica e especialmente elaborado para o aluno brasileiro, a primeira aula de apenas 33 minutos j ensina contedos que demoram 4 anos para serem tratados em cursos tradicionais, e de uma maneira entendvel como jamais foi ensinada em qualquer outro curso de ingls.Como funciona o curso:Na Aula do Mtodo - em apenas 33 minutos - voc receber uma exploso de informaes incrveis atravs de um quadro dinmico e inteligente onde ser explicado de uma forma absolutamente simples TUDO que necessrio para falar fluentemente em ingls. Com didtica passo-a-passo voc aprender a fazer qualquer tipo de (1) perguntas, (2) afirmaes e (3) negaes em qualquer tempo verbal j na aula introdutria. Em outras palavras: voc aprender a como dialogar. neste momento que muitos alunos se deparam com um CHOQUE DE REALIDADE ao perceberem como o ingls simples e fcil, especialmente quem j perdeu muitos anos fazendo cursos tradicionais.Em seguida, no decorrer das aulas, voc adquirir de forma crescente uma quantidade enorme dos vocabulrios mais falados e importantes e treinar a aplicao prtica do mtodo atravs da formao de milhares de frases, uma seguida da outra.De forma inteligvel, diversos tpicos importantes do ingls que em outros cursos parecem to difceis como o verbo Be, Going to / Gonna, Can e Could, Shall e Should, Get e Take, In, On e At, Contveis e Incontveis, Have e Had, Had Been, etc, sero entregues a voc com uma didtica extremamente descomplicada como jamais se viu. Dica: assista algumas aulas disponveis gratuitamente e comprove voc mesmo.Em suma os passos para a fluncia so simples: compreender a lgica da formao das frases, memorizar os vocabulrios mais falados e, por fim, treinar at que a formao mental e traduo de qualquer frase se tornem naturais.Voc se dar conta que chegou fluncia quando comear a formar e traduzir qualquer frase em menos de 5 segundos!O curso para alunos de todos os nveis:Alunos com qualquer nvel de domnio de ingls podem se beneficiar das aulas, inclusive quem nunca teve contato com o idioma. O Fantstico Mtodo para Ser Fluente excelente para alunos iniciantes, esclarecedor e surpreendente para alunos intermedirios, e a chave que falta aos alunos avanados para dialogar sem medo.Ainda no est convencido?Assista s aulas gratuitas e leia o incrvel feedback deste curso nos comentrios e compare:Fernando Tosi comentou: ""Dvidas que eu tinha desde os meus 14 anos esclarecidas em 33 minutos.""Segundo Thiago Vieira, apenas a aula introdutria j foram ""33 minutos que valeu por uma vida... valeu por anos e anos de estudo.""Thiago Santana compartilhou que ""O que no consegui aprender em 30 anos aprendi em 33 minutos. Excelente!""Leonardo Alves comentou que ""Esse o curso mais barato de ingls que j comprei e o melhor que j fiz! Fantstico o mtodo e a didtica!""William Santos achou ""Impressionante... Em 33 minutos ensinou muito mais que todos os professores de ingls que tive. Ele nos mostra de um jeito simples e descomplicado todas as formulaes de frases.""Paulo Vitor de Castro compartilhou: ""Nunca vi um idioma explicado to bem igual foi explicado nesse curso, sensacional!""Segundo Juan Moreira, ""Foi o melhor dinheiro que gastei na minha vida toda, o Brasil inteiro precisa conhecer esse mtodo de ensino!""Andr Oliveira confessa que ""Achava que era mais uma daquelas falsas promessas de fluncia rpida. Queimei a lngua! Realmente o mtodo faz uma sntese incrvel dos tempos verbais e estruturas de frases, valeu a pena cada centavo!""Marllon Figueiredo exclamou: ""Que massa! Compreendi em apenas alguns minutos o verbo BE, to prolongado nas escolas e cursos.""Jssica Nascimento considerou como ""Simplesmente incrvel, aprendi em uma hora o que no aprendi em todo ensino mdio e outros cursos!""Pedro Leo definiu como um ""Curso inacreditvel! J fiz cursos de ingls, no sou iniciante, mas alm de caros, a didtica deles cansativa. Esse curso numa tela inseriu contedo de muitas aulas, TALVEZ ANOS NUM RETNGULO S. Simplesmente o melhor curso de ingls.""Adriana Camargo considerou como ""Definitivamente o melhor curso de ingls. Confesso que comprei com certa incredulidade mas para o meu espanto o curso superou minhas expectativas. O que o curso prope no anncio verdico, aprendi lies em minutos que fora daqui levei anos para ""NO"" aprender. Sem dvida meu melhor investimento em cursos de ingls.""Tiago Riedner exclamou: ""Uau! Como uma explicao bem feita muda tudo! Eu no estava preparado para esse choque de lucidez.""Marcos de Farias explica que ""Em uma aula de 33 minutos j vi praticamente tudo que precisava para ser fluente na lngua, muito esclarecedor e fcil ao extremo de entender.""Valdir Cardoso descreveu o curso como ""Um mtodo diferente e revolucionrio na rea de lingustica, a minha nota a mxima possvel, estou na metade do curso e j sinto que vou aprender o ingls desta vez.""Joo Barreto comentou: ""Tenho 54 anos, e em poucas horas de estudo aprendi mais do que ao iniciar na escola pblica at aqui.""Carlos Roberto acredita que ""Este curso mostra e prova como o mtodo de estudo da lngua inglesa aplicada no Brasil totalmente equivocado. Estou muito feliz de ter a sorte de poder aprender de forma to fcil e direta. Obrigado!""Rosana Gregoruci comentou que o mtodo deste curso ""Direto ao ponto, super organizado e sem 'embromeixan'. Estou ENCANTADA por esse curso!!""Ellen Martins comentou que est ""Maravilhada com o que vi at agora! Maravilhada com a simplicidade e clareza na forma como ensinada. Realmente faz muito jus ao nome do curso. Aprendi hoje o que em anos no conseguia compreender.""Mario Anaya escreveu: ""Mtodo incrvel! Foi uma grata surpresa. Professor Vincius descomplicou o ingls em 33 minutos.""Segundo Paulo Cesar Andrade, ""S a primeira aula j valeu todo o investimento! Sensacional!""Guilherme Tosi considerou como ""O melhor investimento que eu fiz aqui na Udemy, sem desmerecer os outros cursos, mas esse simplesmente fenomenal! Nunca vi nada parecido!""No perca essa oportunidade. Inscreva-se agora!Vejo voc na Aula do Fantstico Mtodo para Ser Fluente!Vincius Mangili."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Hard Rock Lead Guitar" |
"Are you looking to take your lead guitar playing skills to Rock Star status To master the techniques necessary to not only improve your skill, but to create killer songs and a die hard fan base!?Welcome, to Hard Rock Lead Guitar The Ultimate Guide to Speed and Accuracy, where my goal is to help you achievea new level of confidence in your lead guitarabilities.I willbreak down fast and complicated techniques into theirmost basic components, allowing you tobuilda solid foundation forgrowth. Some of the techniques covered include legato, speed picking, sweep picking, tapping, and more!This is more than just a library of licks, but a powerful set of exercisesthatbuild your strength, dexterity, speed,and accuracy. From beginner to advanced, practice these licks on a regular basis andI guarantee you will be on your way to playing like a Rock Star!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Jabones Naturales y Productos de Relajo Online" |
"En este curso On line de Jabones Naturales y Productos de Relajo aprenders a dar un sello nico a tu propios productos: Jabn artesanalJabn de GlicerinaJabn LquidoBarra de masajeBomba efervescente Sales. En este curso de Jabones Naturales y Productos de Relajo, conocers cmo hacer la saponificacin en fro, aprenders a utilizar los insumos y las materias primas en la elaboracin de tus productos, y entenders cmo elegir cada materia prima de acuerdo a los respectivos tipos de piel.En el curso de Jabones Naturales y Productos de Relajo de uso ilimitado, podrs descargar descripcin terica completa del curso, ms formulaciones, dosis de los principios activos a usar en cada preparacin, y un listado de proveedores de materias primas en Chile ( Si estas en otro pas debes buscar los proveedores cosmticos locales)T nimo y ganas de aprender cosas nuevas, y a elaborar productos de cosmtica natural son los nicos requisitos necesarios para echar a volar tu imaginacin y potencial."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Shampoo Natural y Productos Capilares Online" |
"En este curso On line de Shampoo Natural y Productos Capilares aprenders a dar un sello nico a tu propios productosEn este curso de Shampoo Natural y Productos Capilare online, conocers cmo hacer los clculos de mater activa de un shampoo, aprenders a utilizar los insumos y las materias primas en la elaboracin de tus productos, y entenders cmo elegir cada materia prima de acuerdo a los respectivos tipos de cuero cabelludo.En el curso Shampoo Natural y Productos Capilares de acceso ilimitado, podrs descargar un contenido con la descripcin terica del curso y las frmulas de los productos que vas a elaborar en el curso, y un listado de proveedores de materias primas en Chile ( Si estas en otro pas debes buscar los proveedores cosmticos locales)En este curso de Shampoo Natural y Productos Capilares elaborars desde cero:Shampoo lquido para cabello normalShampoo lquido para cabello secoShampoo lquido para cabello grasoAcondicionadorMscara CapilarSerum CapilarT nimo y ganas de aprender cosas nuevas, y a elaborar productos de cosmtica natural son los nicos requisitos necesarios para echar a volar tu imaginacin y potencial."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Cosmtica Natural Apcola Online" |
"En este curso On line de Cosmtica Natural Apcola aprenders a dar un sello nico a tu propios productos: Jabn de Colmena, Crema de da, Crema de manos, Serum, Exfoliante de Azcar y Blsamo Labial.En el Curso Cosmtica Natural Apcola Online elaborars tus productos paso a paso desde cero, en cada video aprenders a utilizar los insumos y las materias primas en la elaboracin de tus productos, y entenders cmo elegir cada materia prima de acuerdo al tipo de pielEn el curso podrs descargar la descripcin terica del curso, y un listado de proveedores de materias primas en Chile ( Si estas en otro pas debes buscar los proveedores cosmticos locales)T nimo y ganas de aprender cosas nuevas, y a elaborar productos de cosmtica natural son los nicos requisitos necesarios para echar a volar tu imaginacin y potencial."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business Analysis Simplified" |
"This course is about a simple repeatable approach on using the10 key Business Analysis techniquesthat will help you deliverrequirements on every project, every time.As Business Analysts, we have a lot of useful resources supporting us in our professional journeys. Professional associations, certifications, training,continuing education programs, and online resources all offer great information. But do you ever feel that you don't have enough time to keep up with the new information? You may bookmark thelatest blog and save an interestingBusiness Analysis podcast, but never get around to exploring them.That, when thrown into a project, you wish you could bundle all that wealth of information in a clear, conciseclear step-by-step approach and a set of techniques you could apply time and time again? In this course, you will learn a failure proof, consistent approach to deliver requirements successfully every time.Through our years of experience in the Business Analysisindustry, wehave applied a variety of techniques on projects with various degree of successes. And in the end, we took our learningandboiled it down tothe10 BABOK techniques that areabsolute must haves when applied with our approach.While other techniques are helpful, the 10 you will learn about in this courseare foundational for all Business Analysis work you will do.Once you master thesetechniques and approach,you will confidently deliver requirements in any business domain, application, or industry.A key note about this course. While understanding of theBusiness Analysis concepts and theory is important, this course is focused on practice.You will work through a software developmentproject as it's being delivered by a Business Analyst, named Laura, so that you can see how each technique is applied in a real-life scenario. We will also share thesolution to the case study which you can use as a template for your own projects.Our goal is to provide you with enoughinformation so that you can start applying your learnings on the projects immediately.The course is concise, it's practical, and most of all it's useful. So check it out and let's get started.In this course, you will learn:Key elicitation techniques that you can use on every projectScoping techniques to determine to requirements scope of the projectEnd-to-end business process modeling techniquesDetailed system requirements techniques"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Model Scope with Use Case Diagram" |
"This course is about a foundational technique of Business Analysis, use case modeling. For those of you who have taken our Business Analysis Simplified: Master These 10 Techniques to Deliver Requirements in Less Time, you will recognize use case modeling as one of the golden techniques. This is a first course on use case modeling. It willfocus on the use case diagram and explain the overall framework and why it's so successful.So why use case modeling? In our opinion, itis the most important, useful, and efficient technique for analysis of system functional requirements. Once you learn thistechnique, you will not be able to approach a project without it and just like us for the last 15 years, willbecome a use case aficionado!Here are our top three reasons why use case modeling is such a powerful technique:Focuson value - this technique will guide all your elicitation and analysis activities and help you keep laser focus on the business needsClear structure - using this technique, you will be able toorganize all your system requirements clearly and consistently around the goals of the usersSupport of all delivery methodologies - use case modeling enables Iterative and Waterfallmethodologies and is really a technique for all agesAs with all our courses,this course is focused on practice.You will work through a software developmentproject as it's being delivered by a Business Analyst, named Laura, so that you can see use case diagramis applied in a real-life scenario. You will also have an opportunity to practice use case diagram technique in the assignment section of the course.In this course, you will learn:What is use case modelling and why its a powerful techniqueWhen to use use case modelingHow to create use case diagram step-by-stepExample to work through"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How I got a Six-Figure Salary in 4 Years: Part 1" |
"As a thank you forearly supporters, the first 200 students of this coursewill get a code to access Part 2 (coming Winter 2017) for FREE! Part 2 will cover how to ace an interview, how to use data to get >10% salary increase, and career path tips to continue your journey to a six-figure salary in four years.---In this course, you'll learn how to go fromunemployed to your first jobto a six-figure salary in four years. We'll usemy own real life experience going from an unemployed English major to amarketing manager making a six-figure salaryas a guide for this course.Through my own stories, you'lllearn about the Job Acquisition Funnel, how I used this funnel to find my first job, andhow it applies to your job search.As this is Part 1, we'll do a deepdive into the top of the Job Acquisition Funnel:applying for jobs. We'll walk through how to write a proper resume and cover letter as well ashow to build multiple templates off of your firstresume and cover letter so that you can increase your chance of getting to the phone interview stage. I'll then teach you some secret tricks on how to find jobs on job search engines like Indeed and how to make you more discoverable by recruiters on platforms like Indeed and LinkedIn.By the end of the course, you'll gain the skills necessary to jumpstartyour career out of college andimprove the success rate of yourjob hunt.In Part 2 (coming Winter 2017) of this course, we willcover how to ace an interview, how to use data to get >10% salary increase, and career path tips to continue your journey to a six-figure salary in four years."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A Dozen Photography Lessons: Art Through a Lens" |
"Photography is much more than just taking pictures of things. It is an artform and can help us remember some of our most treasuredmemories. However, few people actually take the time to wait for thatgorgeous shot and may doubt their ability to do it effectively. This coursecontains some great tips for improving your photography skills andcapturing beautiful photographs that will be appreciated by many."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks - Modelagem de peas" |
"Entre em contato e solicite o seu cupom de desconto!!!Aprender a modelar no SolidWorks nunca foi to fcil!Chega de perder tempo procurando tutoriais evdeos sem sequncia de aprendizagem na internet, aqui voc aprender tudo o que voc precisa, no seu tempo esem sair de casa.Dobsico ao avanado!Aps a concluso domdulo de modelagem de peas, voc estar aptoa criar seus prprios prottipos virtuais sem precisar ter nenhum conhecimento ou experincia com outros softwares.Eainda ter direito a trs consultorias para solucionar osproblemas dos seus prprios projetos. Assista ao vdeo da Seo 1 para entender melhor a oferta desse curso.Espero t-lo como aluno em breve.***As consultorias no se aplicam s promoes automticas da Udemy. Alunos interessados, devero adquirir o curso com ovalor integral."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Licensing for beginners" |
"Looking for a quick refresher or quick introduction to Oracle Licensing? Then this course is right for you.This course is ideal for anyone working in IT who wants to understand the fundamentals of Oracle Licensing for the technology products such as Oracle Database Enterprise Edition.You will learnReviewing a basic architecture as a referenceWhat needs to be licensed?The different Licence metricsHow to calculate Processor metric licensingUnderstanding the differences between Processors, Sockets and coresMultiplexingExample walk throughsWhat else may affect how many licenses you need?Virtualisation, Disaster Recovery Scenarios, mixed metrics and older licencesAt the end of this course you will gain the fundamental knowledge of Oracle Licensing rules and policies for Oracle Database Enterprise Edition."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Business of Solar for Students and Professionals" |
"Go ahead, book your next networking session, business meeting or interview with a professional in the energy or solar PV industry. Once you've completed this course you'll have a complete understandingon the regulatory, business, and technical aspects of a solar array development. You'll be able to understand the key terminology that's used across the industry and you'll be able to utilize your experience to push the solar industry forward.The solar and renewable industry is growing rapidly the United Stated is going to likely Double the total number of installation from the year before and solar PV is being deployed globally as the preferred choice of electricity. You may have noticed through increased job posts or just by driving through your community and seeing the number of installations. Now if youre a professional either marketer, accountant, business development guru or project manager this is a great time for you to join our industry and for you to utilize your existing knowledge and experience to propel our industry forward.This course was built for everyone, new graduates across the arts & sciences, mid-career professionals, and executives, who are looking to take charge of their career and grow their knowledge base. You could be working with a solar developer, launching a solar project for your businessand want to understand that you have all the right information, or you could be be working at or looking for workat a solar developer and want to make sure you interview strong.Within the course youll learn about the different components of a solar installation, and how to identify them. Youll learn how to calculate the total cost of a system and compare that to the total revenue generated by a system. In addition, youll also get a brief introduction into what concepts are utilized to produce a safe and high quality system. Finally, we will then then apply these learnings to different business models commonly used in the industry so that you have a holistic view of how a solar installation is developed. Youll then be able to use this knowledge to either gain a job in our industry or to excel at your existing one!The course is broken down into four main sections:How Solar Array's generate electricity and fit within our Energy infrastructure.The Renewable Energy Business LandscapeDeveloping and Operating a Solar ArrayThe Business of Solar:Bringing it all TogetherCheck out the Free Introduction Video's of each section to get an understanding of the specific information you'll learn in each section.Within each section you are provided course notes, along with some reading material and quizzesto ensure."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Lua Programming and Game Development with LVE" |
"For beginner and experienced programmers alike, one of the best tools to learn game development with is LVE (also known as Love2D), an open-source game engine that allows users to write the logic of their games in Lua, an easy to pick up scripting language. These hidden gems of the development industry are perfect for learning the basic concepts, as well as applying them to create full-scale applications.This course is a project-based approach to understanding the basics of programming and its role in game development. The lectures assume no prior technical knowledge, and whether or not you have programmed before, there is content in this course that can be utilized by anyone. Together, we will create three separate games, each one growing in difficulty, and in doing so, we will gain a strong familiarity with programming video games. After learning the core functionality of what LVE has to offer, you will be ready to apply this knowledge into creating your very own games.The course begins with several lectures discussing the basics of programming with Lua, specifically covering: Variables Conditional Statements Loops Functions Comments Local vs Global TablesThese concepts are common throughout most programming languages, so the information covered in this section can be applied beyond the scope of this course. To add to this, if you already have a background in programming, there will be a ""syntax recap"" that will quickly discuss how to perform each of these actions in Lua specifically, so there is no need to watch every lecture if you already have some related experience, but haven't worked with Lua before.After the programming lesson, we will jump right into working with LVE, and will create our games throughout the rest of the course. We will start with a simple button pressing game, then move on to a top-down shooter, and finish off the course with a physics-based platformer. By the end, we will cover all of the following game development concepts: Making a playable character Keyboard and mouse input Drawing graphics Enemies Collisions Timers Randomness RGB Color Scheme Physics Animations Utilizing open-source software Tiled Camera Keeping score Saving dataWith the ability to implement all of these features, you will be fully prepared to create your own games. By coding along with the lectures, the information will stick with you as we go through the material, and by the end, your programming and development skills will be strong enough for you to bring to life whatever game idea you can think of!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Basic English Conversation Skills" |
"This course focuses on teaching basic English grammar and conversation skills for students at the beginner level. By the end of this course, students should be able to hold short 5 to 10 minute conversations with native English speakers with no problem. Little to no English language skills are required for this course, though some prior knowledge will be beneficial in the long run."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Negotiation Mastery for Sales Professionals" |
"This course will teach you the negotiation skills needed to be successful in any setting, such as planning, communicating, and closing the negotiation. With over 25 years of sales experience in the Silicon Valley and over $300M negotiated in contracts, Sundar Nathan offers his insights and shares his learnings to help you become an exceptional negotiator in any walk of life."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Leading Effective Meetings" |
"Here's what you'll learn:Lead meetingsEfficiently prepare for meetingsKnow how to actively participate in meetingsEffectively followup after meetingsMake your voice heard in meetings (even if you don't normally take an active role)If any of the following are you then, this is the course for you...Anyone who thinks the meetings they're in are a waste of timeAnyone who feels their voice is not being heard in meetingsPeople who don't have the confidence to speak up in meetings"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"First Time Leaders: set the right foundations!" |
"Hello everybody and welcome to this course!After launching my first course into successfully preparing for theinterview and be getthe job as a Team Leader, you have been offered the job. Woohoo! Many congratulations!Now the time has come to know how to make the right impact first monthsas a Team Leader. This is therefore a BEGINNER's course.You want to step into those new shoes with confidence and eagerness and overcome any fear you might have regarding a lack of experience in leadership. Leadership is both learned and an inner attitude, so fear not, you have what it takes. This course will only bring out all the greatness residing in you so that you can lead your team to success.In this course, you will learn how to run a good first meeting, how to have a quick learning curve, how to gain trust and respect from your team members, and much more. I actually don't have a section called how to gain respect and trust; rather, I share many of my tips in this fundamental/sample course where trust and respect are gained all throughout the different actions I encourage you to take.I also expose bad practices that I was unlucky enough to experience, so that you avoid falling into the same pitfalls.I will ask you to please keep an open mind as Istrongly believe in applying Personal Development tools (mainly mental attitude and displaying the same into actions). My leadership style is highly influenced by those great principles.Should you have any questions, please ask them in the forum; there might be a time difference as Ilive in Europe, but Iwill respond in due time.Thanks again for studying my course and Iwish you every success in your career!To your success,Sabine"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"El tutorial est pensado para que pueda ser desarrollado por una persona que conoce muy poco de SQL. El objetivo de este tutoriales poder aprender PostgreSQL en forma sencilla viendo conceptos tericos, luego algunos ejercicios resueltos y por ltimo y lo ms importante efectuar una serie de ejercicios.Un conocimiento profundo de SQL nos facilitar el desarrollo de pginas dinmicas con PHP que acceden a una base de datos."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Mobile Telecommunications: Complicated Technology Made Easy" |
"This course describes the radio and core sub-networks of a mobile network. It reminds us a little on how it all began with 2G GSM and moves through 3G UMTS to 4GLTEand beyond.We take a journey through the different networktopologies, network elements,protocols, signals,standards, interfaces and functionalities that make up a mobile telecom network. As we explore this fascinating world,weget to understand the terminology,and to ""join the dots""between themany layers that belong tomobile telecommunications.This course is not about specific vendor equipment. It is course about the technology that is used by telephone companies allover the world. Thiscourse makes a very complicated topic very easy to understand and the knowledgecan be applied to any vendor equipment. It does this by teaching the technology in the order it wasimplemented and thus allows the student to build upon knowledge already gained.It avoids for example,the inability to understand 4G technology because certain concepts in UMTS had never been fully understood.The course covers;3G Radio Access Networks (RAN)Cell Site ConfigurationA comparison of handover typesThe evolution of UMTS from AMPS and GSMThe physical components of a cell siteUMTS architecture and interfacesAn explanation of spreading and how it is used in W-CDMAPhysical, logical and transport channels explainedSynchronisation3G Core Networks Understanding the difference between user planes and control planesInternal and external core network interfacesIntroducing theNon-stratum Access layer and understanding its relevance to the core networkCore network elements and typical topologiesThe function of each NE for packet switching and circuit switchingHow paging worksThe meaning and use of the IMSI, MSISDN, IMEI, ICCID & SIM and the information they contain How subscriber data is routed and processedHow 3G subscribers are authenticated and how their data is encryptedA mobile subscriber to fixed line subscriber call caseInternational RoamingThe difference between inbound and outbound roamersThe functionality of international roaming by considering the call case of an outbound roamerThe functionality of international roaming by considering the call case of an inbound roamerDealing with short numbers when roamingHow roaming is charged for including call cases involving voicemailHow international roaming agreements between operators are createdHow international roaming is tested prior to being implementedHow CDRs and TAP files are used for billingHow clearing-houses are used to settle international accountsThe contents of acontract between subscribers and operatorsLong Term Evolution (LTE)The evolution from 3G technology from an operators perspectiveThe evolution from 3G technology from a customers perspectiveThe differences between LTE, LTE-A and 4GAll IP networks and NGN as applied to LTELTE E-UTRANs functionality, architecture, network elements and interfacesLTE Radio; use of OFDMA, SC-FDMA and MIMOLTE use of spectrumLTE EPCs functionality, architecture, network elements and interfacesLTE Protocol stackVoice options in LTE including VoLTE, OTT and FallbackThe courseencourages students to understand what they don't know, to ask the right questions and to validate the answers they have found through research."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How To Get on TV-Captivate Audiences & Monetize Your Brand!" |
"Do you want to grow your brand or business exponentially with tons of free advertising and publicity opportunities?Can you see yourself as a ""go-to person"" on TV?Do you want to bring your expertise, skill, of perspective to a national audience?Are you looking for the path to overcome your reservations about being a force on-camera?Then my TV Expert Academy is the perfect place for you.Whether youre an interior designer, a doctor, lawyer, chef or any successful business owneryou could be an ON-CAMERA EXPERT!This will not only solidify (and increase) your top positioning in your field, but also will grow your business exponentially with tons of free publicity!In this course, you will learn the proper on camera technique, how to find your brand message, and youll even learn about sound bites and talking points. Plus, I will teach you about energy levels, and not only HOW to secure TV appearances but also proper protocols once you are on the set.If you feel you have something to say, but dont know how to get your message out there,TV Expert Academy can train you not only how to get your message out but also how to feel super confident doing it.This course is chalked full of all the information that will make your dream of being a TV expert or household name a reality.Together we will make that dream come true!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
entrepreneurship-course-by-guy-kawasaki-korean |
"********! LEARNSTARTUP 25(74%) ******** & ! . . ,30 & ! , ? . - .- .- .-() . 30 . , . , , . . . , ! , . , , .-AZ: , , , , . .- : , .- : . , "" ?"","" ?"", "" ?"" . , . . ."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"(React) (Redux)" |
"Modern React with Redux , . :) ! ! ! LEARNREACT !94% :)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .(Redux)? . ES6/(Babel)? . (Webpack)? . . . . . , .JSX, props, state, . , . , , (reducers) , . , , . . . . JSX , . .props state , . , . . . . , ."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
10-minutes-daily-office-yoga |
"********************************************************!! ' ?' LEARNYOGA $80$29 !!******************************************************** 1/10 ! , 10 . , , . , / . . . , . . 10 ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
read-once-and-remember-always |
"********! LEARNLT 29 ******** ? ? ? ? ,'' !(* .) , , , , 3 . '' ' ' , '' . . . '' . , , . , , ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Brick Breaker Game in most Powerful C++ graphic library SDL2" |
"In this course I'll take your BasicC++ skills, takethem up a littleand use them to make a Brick Breakergame using SDL2. You'll be given code after every few tutorials to carry alongWe are going to learn basic game development elements, such as Events,game loop, object movement, objectcollision ,memory management etcand After taking this course Advance Game Programming will be 5 times easier for you guys.At the end of the course you will be able to build 2D Common marketing Games and sell them...Let's make a game!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn Advanced Python Programming" |
"In this course i will take you from a basic knowledge of Python to using more advanced features of the language. We will make some advance Python Applications like Download Manager using advance concepts to make you a professional programmer able to get good jobs in this field. This course is for those who have learnt some Basics Python and want to deepen the knowledge of Python and are looking for the next step. You will never be able to succeed in Programming Field until you learnt Advance concepts so that is why i have made this course to make you guys capable to design your own Applications and be a successful Programmer. Just by sticking on the Basics concept will not do the job. You have to learn advance concepts to be a Professional so just take this Course and become a Pro Programmer...Lets Get Started..."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to Design Your Instagram to Gain Followers 10x Faster" |
"Ever had some Instagram feed envy for a friend or co-worker who always seems to post the perfect thing? Get on their level with this course. It breaks down the aesthetic, technical, and strategic ways to improve your posts, streamline your feed, and start really establishing your following. Quality is incredibly important in getting followers to stick to your profile. Stop losing followers and feeling unhappy with your feed or following with this simple, easy to follow course. You'll watch videos, read articles, and go over visual and video learning examples to show you how easy it is to change your feed - if you follow the rules and guidelines."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) Firewall" |
"TheCisco Firepower Threat Defense NGFW ImplementationTrainingcourse shows you how to use and configure Cisco Firepower Threat Defense technology, beginning with initial device setup and configuration and including routing,Network Address Translation (NAT) and Policies.This course teaches you how to implement advanced Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) and Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS) features.Please take a moment and check the Course Sections Outline:Course Lab Topology. Setting up the environmentCisco Firepower Device Manager(FDM) - On-Box ManagementCisco Firepower Management Center(FMC) Initial SetupFirepower Threat Defense(FTD) Firewall Basic ConfigurationConnect LAN Users to Internet and Outside WorldConfiguring URL Filtering PoliciesConfigure SSL PolicyConfigure Malware & File PolicyConfigure Intrusion PolicyConfigure Platform Settings"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |