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"Adobe Photoshop for Newbies" |
"In the Graphic Design Masterclass video series, you will learn how to design simple yet professional looking mini-sites, and virtual covers using Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia, and GIMP (free tool) even if you aren't good at art creation!Follow this easy to under video series step by step to create your own mini-sites and before you know it your friends and customers will ask you ""Who'd you hire to make those mini-sites?!"""
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Build Real World PHP MVC Framework From Scratch" |
"Modelviewcontroller is an architectural pattern commonly used for developing user interfaces that divides an application into three interconnected parts, Model, View and Controller model folder store all the database related files, views store all the html files like signup form, login form, navigation bar etc, and controller is a middleware between views and models. What you will learn in this course ? Object Oriented Programming BasicsMVC Design pattern Your own libraries and helpersdatabase libraryform validation libraryfiles upload librarysession libraryform helpershtml helpersurl helperredirect helperAjax basicsAjax CRUD application with MVCsignup & login form with complete user profile Modern looking design with Vanilla/Pure CSS"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap 4 desde 0 - La gua definitiva" |
"Bienvenidoal curso de Bootstrap 4, donde conoceremos completamente todo lo que nos ofreceelframework ms poderoso y conocido del mundo, desde el sistemade grid, descubriendo un mundo nuevo de posibilidades al trabajar conFlexBoxhastautilizarlos 17 componentes JavaScript de una forma muy sencillaylo mejor no necesitas conocimientosprevios de Bootstrap, este curso empieza desde lo ms bsico hasta un nivel avanzado.ltima versin!Trabajamos con la versin final :)RetosAlfinal del curso realizaremos algunos retos. y te ayude a colocaren prctica todo loaprendido en este curso de Bootstrap(Te servir para aumentar tu portafolio)Reto 1- Construimos un sitio web completo ""One Page"" adaptable a cualquier dispositivo.Reto 2- Desarrollamosun sitio web completo tipo portafolio pensado especialmente para diseadores grficos (Aunque se puede adaptar a cualquier campo, fotgrafos, desarrolladores web)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Diseo y Desarrollo web desde Cero Figma Bootstrap WordPress" |
"Si quieres aprender a utilizar las herramientas mas usadas en el mercado laboral, para los diferentes campos, tal diseo como desarrollo, este es tu curso.Te ensearemos a crear diseos estupendos utilizando FIGMA, esta fantstica herramienta nos ahorra montones de trabajo hacindonos la vida mucho ms fcil y poderosa.Si eres diseador y estas pensando en convertir tus propios diseos en sitios web, en este curso te enseramos las bases de HTML y CSS donde crearemos un proyecto pequeo para tomar confianza y practicar lo visto en clase, luego daremos un salto bastante grande ya que aprenderemos a utilizar el Framework CSS mas usado en el mundo, si te hablo de Bootstrap en su ltima versin, este fantstico Framework nos permitir lograr cosas en muy poco tiempo.Aprovecho y te cuento que nos dimos a la tarea de solo generar un nico proyecto, pero es algo bastante ambicioso ya que es un proyecto real, con un grado de dificultad mucho mayor en todas sus reas (diseo, maquetacin y desarrollo del tema) el cual nos retara en muchas partes del mismo.Y ya para finalizar no nos podemos olvidar de que conoceremos primero la parte administrativa de WordPress, pasaremos por una seccin donde conoceremos el lenguaje de programacin PHP y despus nos meteremos de una a TRANSFORMAR ese sitio web esttico construido con BOOTSTRAP 4 a un tema completamente dinmico en WordPress, siguiendo las indicaciones del Hanbook (la biblia del desarrollo de temas en WordPress). En esta seccin conoceremos dos plugins fundamentales a la hora de trabajar en el desarrollo de temas, que son Advanced Custom Fields y Custom post type UI el cual nos permitir construir un panel de administrador super personalizado para otorgarle una mayor facilidad a nuestro cliente a la hora de administrarlo.Y lo mejor te retamos a cumplir con los retos propuestos a los largo del curso y aumentar tu conocimiento, de seguro te vas a divertir con estas 26 horas (o ms) que dura el curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Shortcut to Published!" |
"Ever Dreamed Of Becoming A Published Author? It's Easier Than You Think!What's your business? What exactly makes you stick out? What do you have right now that you can give your customers that will establish instant credibility? How are you telling the world your story? If you ever asked yourself any of these questions, then you're definitely at the right course! In this course, you'll learn the foundation on how to write your own book without spending a lot of time doing so. All you would have to do is FOLLOW THE HOW TO VIDEOS."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Augmented Reality apps with ARKit and SceneKit on iOS" |
"* Now including Face tracking *ARKit was launched in June 2017 by Apple and instantly became the largest AR platform with 350 million compatible devices. ARKit makes it much easier for developers to code augmented reality apps than ever before. Learn the future of programming with ARKit today and be in demand!AR is disrupting the world and will become mass market very soon. Don't wait for the crowd, be a leader and innovator in this new exciting field :Augmented reality is going to change everything we know in the next few yearsSO WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?This course will teach you : How to design 3D objects, and text with and without code Primitive Geometries, colors/textures/materials, lights, animations, physics and particle systems. Physically based rendering for realistic appearance How to use Scenekit's built in Physics engineARKit fundamentals : Surface recognition (floor, tables, walls...) Image detection (posters, paintings, postcards, magazines, book covers, business cards...) Spacial sound for immersive experiences Image detection and Tracking Automatic environment texture Face tracking and animation (requires iPhone X, Xs, XsPlus or Xr)FREE ARKIT COMPANION APPYou can try all the ARKit projects you will learn right now on your device. Look for ""Augmented Reality App"" on the App Store.WHAT'S INCLUDEDAll source codes and 3D design materials are included and easy to re-use in your commercial apps and projects - This will save you countless hours, which is pricelessFurthermore, you will learn the key concepts of good user experience in Augmented Reality apps!People are hungry for amazing AR experiences but today there is a lack of ""killer AR Apps"" on the App Store. This is a huge opportunity to get in early before it becomes a crowded space! Big brands are looking for skilled ARKit developers as augmented reality is already available on 380 million iOS devices, but the technology is so new that there is a lack of trained ARKit iOS developers. AR Games are gaining in popularity since Pokemon Go, but even in gaming, there is a shortage of good AR apps that people are raving about. What is your app idea? Could it make you the next app millionaire?!CREATE THE APPS OF THE FUTURE After completing this course, you will be ahead of the game! The Mobile AR Market is about to grow exponentially, so you will be in a great position to dominate the AR app section of the AppStore and hopefully make your creative ideas come to reality within a few weeks thanks to ARKit.ARKit is here to stay, and we are only at the beginning as all the big brands are investing heavily in Augmented Reality platforms. Apple is betting big on ARKit and wants to feature your awesome ARKit apps as soon as possible! WHAT WILL YOU BUILD?SceneKit Design 3D Shapes and add colors using the scene editor (no code required, infinite possibilities!) Build the exact same with code only using SWIFT 4.1 & the SceneKit Framework from Apple. Create Animated scenes using SCNActions (with and without code again!) PhysicsARKIT Horizontal surface detection Vertical surface detection Image detection Shadows Occlusion : Make objects disappear behind a door or under a table Spacial Sound : For truly immersive Augmented Reality experiences, use 3D sound to delight your users AR Game Design with particle systems : add realistic smoke, fire, stars and much more to your AR Scenes Measure real world distances with iPhone. Create optical illusions! Face tracking and animation Play videos in AR Using Arkit for virtual reality : play 360 videos SPRITEKIT display 2D content and create AR apps using SpriteKitIntroduction to SpriteKit in a simple section. Learn how to use SpriteKit with ARKit to display simple 2D elements like text and emojis.HAVE FUN!Augmented Reality programming can be daunting at first sight but this course will give you the confidence to build your own AR apps and grow your coding skills using Apple's latest and hottest framework ARKit, step by step, at your own pace. We will design a 3D drone from scratch in Xcode and make it fly around the user We will throw fireballs to Destroy a pyramid of bricks, right from your living room! We will build a portable hole like in Roger Rabbit! (that one is a challenge actually, are you up for it?) We will create and animate a 3D Face using Apple's latest hardware : the iPhone X, Xs, Xs Plus or Xr and perform AR on the selfie camera on people's face like in Instagram stories and Snapchat. We will learn how to use camera filters and lenses to interact with people's live emotions.If you read all the way to this line, you know this is the right course for you! And after all, there is no risk as you can ask a full refund with 30 days if the course is not for you... I'm sure you'll love it though! I had so much fun recording it and can't wait to see what you build too!Come and learn ARKit and start your Augmented Reality Career today!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to make you child responsible" |
"You love your child and you help it a lot every day, but he/she seems not to be able to finish simple tasks. Her/his toys are left everywhere in the house. He/she is denying to do homework. You feel frustrated and upset. Sometimes you feel embarrassed.In this course will find in a workbook 4 tips to work with your child that will increase the chores at home that your child is doing.You will find the magic tips on how to help your child to be able to be effective with homework and chores. Many parents ask about the responsibilities that a child can handle. In this course, you will learn the basic rules that a parent can have in order to make like an expert a child responsible without asking for more than it can handle. Responsibility for many parents and children seems to be a fight. This course stops the fight. In this course, you will learn how to listen to your children and transform them into responsible persons without having to fight with them. After this course, you will have the tools to turn on the responsibility of your child. Find what was preventing this till now. Begin a new way of communication for responsibility with your child and others.Moreover, this course is a whole system for training or intervention about responsibility and prevention and intervention of ""Space and Time Disorder (STD)"". Most noteworthy from the first lecture you will see a noticeable:Decrease of unfinished tasks, frustration, postponing, unhappiness, time not being enough andincrease of finished tasks, because children will do more chores than they used to doalso, happiness, autonomy, action-taking, happiness, free time, sustainabilityThis is a master course to learn about 4-6 years old children responsibility Why is this the master course about responsibility?Because this course is full of my 32 years experience and studies content which will show you in-depth the 3 basic aspects of responsibility which will give you the magic stick to make your child more effective in finishing tasks. You will learn about Space and Time Disorder Intervention and Therapy. So, this course is more than just information about responsibility, as a result, you work also to make the results permanent and experiential for you. This is a double-face course. Actually this course will give you both from parent/teacher/counselor/coach perspective and from the child or client perspective. Therefore, I encourage you to do the parent/teacher/counselor section as if you were being coached/counseled. A course ideal for counseling/coaching centers and school administrators for their employee/coach faculty training. That is why this course is a master course ideal for business development. In conclusion, this is an opportunity course for you and the children or clients.Learn how to make a 4-6 years old child responsible. An online course to get all the tools and my 31 years of helping parents with their children about the home chores and take packed Knowledge of my anthropocentric approach about responsibility for early childhood. First of all, nobody has ever talked to you about the real meaning of responsibility or about intervention or therapy of Space and Time disorder. So you are a parent, but you never have been taught how to help children to be responsible. As a result, you work based on what you learned from your childhood. Is it enough? Can it be accurate or it needs an update?You are a counselor and you want to know ways to prevent and how to make an invention for Space and time disorder. Why learning 4-6 years old children's responsibility is important?Preschool age is the best age to teach your child to be responsible, because of the brain openness to learn and furthermore, because body dexterities are now maturing.Because responsibility is helping children to achieve in school.Moreover, responsibility can prevent and heal the effects of learning disabilities and S.T.D (Space-Time Disorder) according to the anthropocentric SCore approach. Responsible persons are more accountable and organized.s this course for me?This is a course for you if you are a parent and you have tried many recipes and advice to make your child do chores at home with no result.This course is for you if you are a teacher, and you want to learn the 3 basic aspects of responsibility.If you are a parent you should learn about responsibility. This course is for you if you are an online entrepreneur and you want to put an order to your house and your child.Because what you remember about responsibility from your childhood is not enough. After finishing this course you will be able to help children to be responsible.Moreover, if you are already working in the facilitating area or counseling and teaching you will be able to teach, counsel, coach or help adult parents to manage with responsibility and prevent STD. You will have in hand ways and tools to use for intervention and therapy of STD (Space and Time Disorder).A course ideal for counseling/coaching centers and school administrators for their employee/coach faculty training. It gives the flexibility to work from remote locations.Not facilitating your child to be responsible is so easy for you!But your child will not be happy. He will be living in chaos.Help your child to be happy!My name is Anastasia Makratzi and I am a teacher, a counselor, anthropocentric sand tray play therapist, researcher and a reiki master therapist founder of the anthropocentric Self Communication and Relation approach. I have been working many years now on how to be in full functionality in our everyday life, and how to help our children to be happy, fully functional persons, not to be afraid to work in order to accomplish their dreams, desires, and deeper needs. I have got a specialization (Ph.D.) and I am counseling and teaching for Space and Time Disorder (STD) prevention, identification and therapy. See you in "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to be reconnected with your inner child from an expert" |
"This is a course about the Inner child ability connection with the simple S.T.A.R.T. method. You will learn what the inner child is in order effectively to facilitate your child or students as parents or teachers not to lose all the benefits it has got. Many times we listen in our counselling sessions I CAN'T UNDERSTAND IT SEEMS TO BE A LANGUAGE BARRIER. This is the scream of a person who is not able to listen to his own inner child. If you are in the same condition is not your blame and for sure you do not want your children to come in the condition not to be able to listen and understand their own inner child language. It is because of trauma, of the way that we were brought up or just because of the educational and social system. Our brain has created barriers in the connection between the parts of the brain and the self. So language cannot communicate with the emotion or the right part of the brain. This is creating barriers in communication.This method is simple and is recreating the connection to the whole. The inner child connection is an ultimate connection even though misunderstood by many therapists. I want to help you to be reconnected with your inner child. I am open to listen and improve my self and the course. Sometimes improvement is simplicity.Simple is the truth. Have you ever tried to start something new or to start working on something that you want very much but you afraid and so you never go in? This way the time is passing and you lose deadlines, you lose money; you lose the ability to be in your core job or, to do what you really love and deserve. or you have started, you have finished all the dirty work and the only thing you have to do is to present it, but you are afraid to do it. I know exactly how you feel. I have passed from the same path. For many years I was doing all the work and then I was not going on to present it. The cost was enormous, loss of money, time, jobs, and hours of happiness with my family as well as my own self because I always had to finish the already finished work. Up to now, the only way was to wait and wait till you could not wait any more, or to take programs to help you unstuck. But these were not permanent because they were not taking into account the inner problem. And this was that there was a loss of the connection with the inner child. This results in Space and Time Disorder (STD). This is why I have made this course. I want to help you to understand what the inner child is and I am giving you a very simple task with which you will be able to start to be again connected with this ability of yourself. I do not want any more people to feel this pain. My name is Anastasia Makratzi and I' m Health Counselor, teacher, author, researcher, and reiki master therapist. I am the founder of the anthropocentric Self Communication and Relation approach. I have been working many years now on how to be in full functionality in our everyday life, and how to help our children to be happy, fully functional persons, not to be afraid to work in order to accomplish their dreams, desires, and core needs. I have got a specialization (PhD) and I am counselling and teaching for Space and Time Disorder (STD) prevention, identification and therapy. In this course: You will understand the difference with the child that we normally work in sessions You will have in clear steps the S.T.A.R.T. method to start to connect with your inner child You will be able to work with your child or students to help them to learn to work in a way that respects their self and to be able to finish what they start and prevent or therapy of Space and Time Disorder (STD) Eventually, you will be able to save time, money, energy. Till now there is not another course or workshop to work with this method. In this way can be done only by me as I have the awareness through all the studies and work with myself in many areas and specifically on the perception of space and time and the self. This is an online informative and educational course. For mental issues and treatment for you or your child, you must get advice from a specialist. In this course, you will learn the basic concept of the inner child Where it is that differentiates from all the other works on the child till now where other people take control over you You will learn to work with the method S.T.A.R.T., and start to UNDERSTAND YOUR INNER CHILD LANGUAGE without BARRIERSYou will have an in-hand tool to work for the prevention and Therapy of Space and TIme Disorder (STD)So it is time to take action and click on the Take This Course button on the top right-hand side of this page and follow the instructions. You have nothing to lose. There is a 30 day back guarantee, and you will have access to all the future updates with no extra cost. If you have any questions, you can message, or leave a question in the Q& A area in order a question to start. Can you imagine how you will feel if you know exactly how to help your child or students to work in a way that will be in connection with the inner child's ability of the self? And prevent them from Space and Time Disorder (STD)? Or how it will be when you are educated again through very simple steps to not to be afraid to start, finish and present your dream work, the real needs of your inner child? Click to Take this Course button now "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Child's stories or narrations organized for therapy & growth" |
"This course will give you the opportunity to learn about the basic features that narration, fairy tales, myths, and other stories have got that can reinforce therapy, development, and perception of space and time.You will learn the benefits that they have for childrens maturity.You will learn about the connection with Space & TIme Disorder (STD) as it is in the anthropocentric score approach. Narration is an ability of the self that gives flexibility, serves the development of the space and the time perception, and prevents the Space and Time Disorder, so it should not be lost.You will learn soft skills as well as organizing dexterities that you must have in order to be able to facilitate your child and students or customers to develop the ability to narrate for their benefit."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Rejection: Prevention, Therapy and Personal Development" |
"This course is giving answers to many questions about rejection. Why do we feel pain after rejection? Why are we angry? How can we educate and help ourselves and our children to create resilience against rejection?It is based on my research about Space and Time Disorder (STD). In this course, for the first time, you will have all the above answered. It is a unique and valuable course for everybody. You have been rejected many times but you cannot understand why it is so painful. Rejection will be painful many years after it happens. We can never forget rejection. So, it is very important as parents and teachers to learn how to avoid rejecting our children and students, and moreover, how to help them to develop through our acceptance.You want to facilitate a child to have the power to transform rejection to knowledge and development and not to be broken into pieces after a rejection.After you finish this course you will have the knowledge that you need to feel confident and power to go on without being afraid of rejection or rejecting your children without not even have understood that you are doing it.Rejection can stop you from doing the next step to your development. It is really crucial to learn how to help your children and yourself to cope with rejection.You also will have as a bonus a companion book to help you go on."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
c4-6-etwn-years-old |
"4-6 . En Lefko . , . : STD ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Parenting and teaching communication with a child made easy" |
"Your children do not listen to you. Your child is anxious and sometimes you feel that you don't have contact with him/her. So you feel that you are unable to be effective as a parent.You don't know how to speak with them and you do not know how to make them be able to communicate what they want in an effective way. The problem is how we speak and make a relation with our children. You can be able to communicate if someone teaches you how to do it.The steps are really simple and I am an expert on self-communication and relation. I have more than 32 years of experience in environments where relations and communication are vital for development and learning.With one small question, you can transform the child from anxious to be calm and ready to be there with you or in the learning environment.In this course you will learn: how to communicate with your children how to listen how to teach your child to listento teach your children to communicate with the othersto teach your children to communicate with themselves. how to transform anxiety to happinessCommunication has got many aspects which are important if we want to help our children to be effective in their lives.After you will finish this course you will feel secure and you will believe in your abilities to communicate with the children.You will learn from the shortcut of my expertise, my knowledge, and the experience that I share with you, to be the facilitator that your child needs for the development of his/her communication skills. In this course, you will have an outline that makes the communication from an abstract concept to a concrete practical guide with simple steps to be accomplished.You will have the opportunity to practice in a very easy and engaging way with the child You also can have as a bonus free real-time counseling with me in which will identify the problem and will go on solutions"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dejar el paal con el mtodo CEA" |
"Cmo acompaar a tu hijo o a tu hija en el proceso de retirada de paal con el mtodo CEA (control de esfnteres autorregulado) a partir de que pueden caminar.En este cursote explicamos por quel control de esfnteres no es slo para el verano, sino que podemos y debemos trabajarlo siempre. Trabajar, promover y desarrollar la autonoma de los nios y nios para que hagan pip y caca en el wter solitos y solitas es posible con el mtodo que os voy a proponer.Tras ms de 10 aos de experiencia trabajando en el primer ciclo de educacin infantil, te contar que trabajar el control de esfnteres es muchsimo ms que quitar el paal."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Alimentacin complementaria con Baby-led Weaning (BLW)" |
"El mtodo BLW para la introduccin de la alimentacin complementaria ha ido ganando muchos adeptos a lo largo del mundo. Un mtodo respetuoso con el nivel madurativo, cognitivo, y ritmo de aprendizaje de los nios y nias que pone su nfasis en que los nios y nias coman solos y solas desde los 6 meses de edad."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Cmo ensear a dormir a los nios y nias de manera autnoma" |
"El cursoNo importa si tu eleccin es el colecho, cuna dentro de la habitacin o cama en otra habitacin. La modalidad elegida no est reida con el hecho de que aprendan a dormir de manera autnoma.Tras ms de 10 aos de experiencia trabajando en el primer ciclo de educacin infantil, te contar como hacemos en la escuela infantil para que duerman la siesta al mismo tiempo un grupo de varios nios y nias.Cunto antes, mejorSi comenzamos esta rutina a los 6 meses, tu hijo o hija, aprender de manera progresiva, natural y sin oposicin a este nuevo hbito. Todo va a ir sobre ruedas. Si por el contrario, ya nos encontramos en una edad ms avanzada, todo ser algo ms complejo, pero voy a contarte como revertir la situacin.La importancia del descansoSi has encadenado dos o tres malas noches consecutivas, habrs experimentado de primera mano, lo devastador que es la falta de sueo para la familia. Estamos de peor humor, se producen muchas ms discusiones, tratamos peor a nuestro hijo o hija. Es hora de que pongamos el sueo en una prioridad alta entre nuestras tareas educativas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rabietas - Todo lo que debes saber" |
"Descubre qu son las rabietas, por qu se producen, cmo se gestionan, aprende a mirar las rabietas desde un punto de vista global del nio o nia y no desde un punto de vista sinttico y simplista. Propondremos algunos consejos a nuestro estilo y hablaremos sobre algunos de los principios educativos a tener encuenta para un manejo respetuoso de las rabietas.En el curso abordaremos las rabietas desde un punto de vista profesional y tcnico. Es decir, profundizaremos qu mecanismos psicolgicos entran en escena cuando se alcanza un nivel madurativo aproximadamente de 2 aos para comprender en profundidad el origen y el por qu de las rabietas.Te mostraremos videos reales de grandes rabietas donde analizaremos qu est ocurriendo y por qu."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Core Mathematics" |
"Welcome to a course that will enable you to master Numbers and Fundamental Math Operations.This course will teach you all the essential skills required to successfully complete Basic Mathematics. This course is for those students who are in Primary School, parents who want to help their kids to move forward and excel in their Basic Mathematics or anyone who is interested in learning the it.In this course, you will learn: Number Places Values Number Forms Understanding Numbers Rounding Numbers Addition of Numbers Subtraction of Numbers Multiplication of Numbers Division of Numbers Fact Families Checking Answers for +, -, , x How is the course delivered? We know visually seeing a problem getting solved is the easiest and the most direct way for a student to learn so we designed the course keeping this in mind. The materials are delivered mostly through videos to make hard subject easy to comprehend. More details on certain lessons are delivered through text files to provide more explanation or examples. The course is taught in plain English, away from cloudy, complicated mathematical jargons and that is to help the student learn the material rather than getting stuck with fancy words. How can I learn better? There are quizzes after each section so you can test your knowledge and see how much of the material has sank in. I suggest you go through each lesson several times to better understand the content."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Way To Eat Healthy Forever" |
"The course is designed to make you fall in love with healthy eating. It helps you in losing weight, improving your health or being fit in general for the lifetime.Eating healthy and staying fit is a skill that is developed over time. The course is not meant to give a diet program for quick fixes. Instead, it will help you to develop the skill of becoming a healthy person. The only way to make lasting change is to fall in love with the process.The course covers in-depth information, tips and tricks to overcome food cravings, binge eating, food addiction or any other eating disorder. It will also help you to form and maintain new healthy habits and break the old unhealthy ones.I've covered all factors like psychological, emotional, physical, environmental, etc. to help you make a permanent healthy eating behavior change.By the end of the course, you should be well on your way to eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.Get ready to take charge of your health and become healthy forever."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MBA Online FinTech Academy (Mdulo em Finanas)" |
"OBS.: este curso est em processo de construo, e voc me ajudar nesse processo!Confira abaixo a agenda de lanamento das nossasaulas!O lanamento do Mdulo de Finanas ser gradual e foi pensado para que voc possa me acompanhar nessa trajetria. Espero que voc me ajude na construo desse curso dando o seu feedback, assim voc tambm ajudar os demais alunos que integraro o nosso time.J temos uma agenda prevista para os prximos meses e voc ser avisado diretamente em seu email. Veja abaixo essa agenda!! ;)Todo o planejamento desse curso foi desenvolvido com base em minha experinciaem meus cursos presenciais (ps-graduao) nas principais escolas de negcios do mundo. Pode parecer exagero, no mesmo?!? Mas com a minha bagagem de mais de 20 anos de mercado financeiro somado a minha experincia como docente, tive a oportunidade de aprender e selecionar o que de fato relevante para os alunos, levando sempre:=> Contedos atualizados=>Utilizados em escolas de renome (ps-graduao)=> Com aplicao prtica, o que permite que recm formados possam aplicar em seus negcios o que serapresentado nesse cursoEsse Mdulo em Finanas o primeiro de trs mdulos que sero desenvolvidos, considerando os principais conceitos tericos observados nessa rea, mas tambm no deixando de lado o grande impacto que a 4 Revoluo Industrial tem trazido.Portanto, de forma exclusiva, teremos mais dois mdulos:=> Mdulo em Estratgia=> Mdulo em TecnologiaDessa forma, como a minha experinciaprofissional de mais de 20 anos de mercado financeiro, e tambmcomo docente, quero levar at vocum material bem atualizado e consistente para se diferencie no mercado de trabalho, j super concorrido.Estou programando uma agenda de lanamentos quinzenais das aulas. Dessa forma, vocs tero tempo de estudar os contedos j disponibilizados, como tambm, tero a oportunidade de colocar em prtica os conhecimentos adquiridos aqui.Lembrando tambm, que tero a oportunidade - de forma EXCLUSIVA para os alunos do MBA Online FinTech Academy - de debater os conhecimentos e provveis dificuldades de implantao dentro de um grupo fechado no Facebook. Ainda tero um ambiente muito promissor para networking! ;)AGENDA PREVISTA DE LANAMENTOS2quinzena de Julho/2017 : Demonstrativos Financeiros / Balano Patrimonial1 quinzena de Agosto/2017: Demonstrativos Financeiros / Demonstrativos de Resultados2quinzena de Agosto/2017 : Demonstrativos Financeiros / Demonstrativo do Fluxo de Caixa2 quinzena de Novembro/2017: Indicadores de Desempenho1quinzena de Dezembro/2017 : Anlise e tcnicas de avaliao de projetos de investimentos2 quinzena de Dezembro/2017: Gerenciamento do Capital de Giro2quinzena de Dezembro/2017 : Matemtica FinanceiraE muito mais! Na medida que recebermos os feedbacks de vocs quanto ao formato, contedo e estilo das aulas, iremos avanando com os temas que vocs acharem relevantes! Por isso, se vocs gostarem do curso, no se esquea de dar a sua nota! Trabalhamos intensamente para que esse curso seja NOTA 5!!! Contamos com a sua efetiva participao, estudando e colaborando para que consigamos atingir esse patamar JUNTOS!Podem contar comigo quanto ao contedo e formato, ok?!?!Por isso,venha participar dessa nossa primeira jornada e teremos muitas novidades em breve!Forte abrao,Professor Andr Salerno, MSc"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Data Science : Master Machine Learning Without Coding" |
"Learn To Master Data Science And Machine Learning Without Coding And Earn a 6-Figure Income Why Data Science and Machine Learning are the Hottest and Most In-Demand Technology Jobs.Data Scientist was recently dubbed The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century by Harvard Business Review, and for good reason! If youre looking for a fast and effective way to earn a 6-figure income without spending thousands of dollars in training, keep reading to learn about this revolutionary Udemy course. Glassdoor reports that Data Scientist was named the Best Job in America for 2016, which was based on the huge amount of career opportunities and 6-figure average salary. Business media from Forbes to The New York Times also frequently report about the increasing demand for data scientists.Why is this great news for you? The sudden increase in demand for Data Scientists has created an incredible skills gap in the job market. According to a McKinsey Report, by the end of 2018 the demand for them is expected to be 60% higher than the available talent! Machine Learning is the Key to Your High-Earning FutureLeading companies understand that Machine Learning is the future, and are investing millions of dollars into Machine Learning Research. Machine Learning is the subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enables computers to learn and perform tasks they havent been explicitly programmed to do. Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers who are skilled in Machine Learning are even higher in demand across the entire employment spectrum. Many diverse industries are searching for innovation in the field, and their need for Machine Learning experts and engineers is rapidly increasing. Traditional Machine Learning requires students to know software programming, which enables them to write machine learning algorithms. But in this groundbreaking Udemy course, youll learn Machine Learning without any coding whatsoever. As a result, its much easier and faster to learn! Theres literally no other course on Udemy that teaches Machine Learning without the need for programming knowledge or coding, using free open source software! A Rare Opportunity to Quickly Learn Data Science and Machine Learning at an Affordable Cost No Previous Knowledge of Programming Required!Happily, now you can shorten your learning curve and be on your way toward earning a 6-figure income with this groundbreaking Udemy training.Master Machine Learning & Data Science Quickly!One of the most common problems learners have when jumping into Machine Learning and Data Science is the steep learning curve, and when you add to this the complexity of learning programming languages like Python or R you can get demotivated and lose interest fast.A Different & More Effective Approach To Learning Data ScienceIn this groundbreaking course, you will learn the basic concepts of machine learning using avisual tool. Where you can just drag dropmachine learning algorithmsand all other functionality hiding the ugliness of code, making it much easier to grasp the fundamental concepts.Well Build Several Machine Learning Algorithms Together.Ill hand-hold you as we build from scratch several different types of machine learning algorithms used in the real world, across several industries and I will explain where and how they are used.Learn Both The Theory & Application Of Machine: The course will teach you those fundamental concepts of machine learningby implementing practical exercises which are based on real world examples. You will learn the theory, but get hands on practice building these machine learning algorithms.Youll also get access to: The datasets used in all the exercises. The solution files of the completed exercises. Cheat sheets to help you remember the fundamental concepts.Join the class now!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Natural Language Processing and Text Mining Without Coding" |
"Looking to Earn a 6-Figure Income? Data Scientists withNatural Language Processing & Text MiningSkills aretheHottest and Most In-Demand Job ApplicantsToday!Data Scientist was recently dubbed The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century by Harvard Business Review, Glassdoor reports that Data Scientist was named the Best Job in America for 2016, and business media from Forbes to The New York Times frequently report about the increasing demand for data scientists.Most of this boom is using data that is organized and structured from your databases and spreadsheets but a huge opportunity awaits from the untapped unstructured text data (aka tweets, Facebook posts, blog posts, comments, SMS, chats, voice transcripts, etc.). Within the data science field, natural language processing is an extremely hot area in academia, startups and is just being started to be used widely within the mainstream of corporate America. Data Scientist job posting with natural language processing skills roughly doubled in 2016. Why is this great news for you? When you learn natural language processing and text mining, you will be among the elite few who can choose from a huge amount of career opportunities and a high 6-figure average salary. The sudden increase in demand for Data Scientists with natural language processing and text mining skills will create a huge gap in the coming few years. A Rare Opportunity to Quickly Learn Natural Language Processing and Text Mining at an Affordable Cost No Previous Knowledge of Programming Required! Traditional Natural Language Processing and Text Mining requires students to know software programming, which enables them to write NLP algorithms. As a new learner the complexity of learning programming languages like Python or R can be demotivating and make you lose interest fast. But in this groundbreaking Udemy course, youll learn Natural Language Processing and Text Mining fundamentals and techniques without any coding whatsoever. You will learn these basic concepts using avisual tool where you can just drag dropNatural Language Processing functions, hiding the ugliness of code, as a result, its much easier and faster to learn! Theres literally no other course on the market that teaches Machine Learning without the need for programming knowledge or coding using Rapidminer! Happily, now you can shorten your learning curve and be on your way toward earning a 6-figure income with this groundbreaking Udemy training. Well Build Several Natural Language Processing Algorithms and Advanced Reports Using Text Ill hand-hold you as we build from scratch several hands-on examples using Natural Language Processing algorithms used in the real world. I will explain where and how these algorithms are used. Learn Both the Theory and Application of Natural Language Processing The course will teach you those fundamental concepts of natural language processing by implementing practical exercises which are based on real world examples. You will learn the theory, but get hands on practice building these natural language processing algorithms. Youll also get access to:The datasets used in all the exercises.The solution files of the completed exercises.Cheat sheets to help you remember the fundamental concepts.Join the class now!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Hortonworks Hadoop Cluster Installation in different ways." |
"This course explains various installation method used to build Hortonworks Data Platform cluster . We will start from Single node installation to automated installation using Ambari blueprints. This course helps you to install Hortonworks Hadoop cluster in various ways .The installation is the first phase of learning Hadoop Administration . The course is in beta stage now . I will be uploading remaining contents soon."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hortonworks Data Platform( HDP ) Administration" |
"The course is in preview phase and I will be uploading the remaining contents soon . This course is intended for systems administrators who will be responsible for the design, installation, configuration, and management of the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP). The course provides in-depth knowledge and experience in using Apache Ambari as the operational management platform for HDP. This course presumes no prior knowledge or experience with Hadoop .This course covers installation, configuration, Upgrade , Security implementation and other typicalcluster maintenance task This course teaches Hortonworks Hadoop Cluster Administration."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cloudera Hadoop Administration" |
"This training provides you with proficiency in all the steps required to operate and sustain a Cloudera Hadoop Cluster which includes Planning, Installation,Configuration ,Active Directory Integration , Securing Cluster using Kerberos ,HDFS Access Control List,High Availability ,Hadoop Eco system components in detail and Upgrading Cloudera Manager and CDH . This training will provide hands-on preparation for the real-world challenges faced by Hadoop Administrators. The course curriculum follows Cloudera Hadoop distribution."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMD Pro: Project Management in NGOs" |
"PMD Pro 1 PMD Pro PM4NGOS AMPG : : : : : : : : : : : ( ) : : : : : :"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Como Hacer Rap Improvisado" |
"En este curso vas a aprender como improvisar rap freestyle en menos de 10 minutos ....Este curso te ayudar a romper bloqueos mentales creativos para que puedas improvisar fcilmente tus propias letras en el momento.12 raperos profesionalesde rap improvisado fueron estudiados en una resonancia magntica, mientras que los neurocientficos estudiaron sus cerebros ...Descubrieron una parte del cerebro que evita que la mayora de las personas puedan aprender improvisacin rapEsta parte del cerebro es como un monstruo enfadado siempre dicindole cosas malas...Y cuando lo apagas, tu creatividad puede fluir ...Y puedes fluir fcilmente tus propias letras, sentirte ms seguro y escribir tus propias canciones ...El problema con la mayora de los mtodos del reto de improvisacin rapen lnea es que no tratan de este monstruo en su cerebro.Ellos no te ayudan a cerrar la parte del cerebro que te impide ser capaz de freestyle rap que es por qu otros mtodos no funcionan tan rpido como el mtodo que encontrar en este curso.Mi mtodo de improvisar rap pone al monstruo en tu cerebro para dormir, pasando por pasos muy simples que has estado haciendo desde que tenas 8 aos.Se tarda slo 10 minutos ...Y despus de pasar por estos 4 pasos que ser capaz de rapear al estilo libre durante el tiempo que quieras en cualquier ritmo.No es mgico ...Su ciencia y estos pasos ahora estn probados con ms de 3.500 estudiantes.Espero que disfrutes de la versin en espaol de mi curso de como rapear improvisando y gracias por visitar mi pgina.Pat Parraps. Como beneficio adicional, tambin obtendrs las 3 mejores habilidades de rap profesional para asegurarte de que las personas adoren escuchar tu rapPss. Y como segunda ventaja, tambin te ests capacitando para asegurarte de que siempre tendrs algo interesante de lo que hablar mientras te frecuentas. De esta forma, nunca tendr que preocuparse por no tener nada que decir. Las palabras le llegarn naturalmente y esto aumentar su confianza en expresarse mucho.Pss. Si adivinaste que aprender a improvisar letras en el momento te ayudar con tu composicin, tienes toda la razn.Tu mejor herramienta como compositor es tu habilidad para improvisar letras en el momento y este es el curso perfecto para darte este increble talento.Course Photo by Andrew Gaines on Unsplash"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"TypeScript: Learn the Basics in a Refreshing Way" |
"In this course we will learn TypeScript in a new and refreshing way.together we inspecta series ofcommon JavaScript challenges, problems and pitfalls, and learn how toelegantly address themusing TypeScript.By the end of this fun and fast paced courseyou will have a good understanding ofTypeScript's essential features, and be able to start coding right away."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine desde 0: Crea 3 Juegos con Blueprints y C++" |
"Sin experiencia previa requerida, y con la ayuda de explicaciones paso a paso para principiantes, aprenders a usar las tcnicas esenciales de programacin en Unreal Engine 4, uno de los motores de desarrollo de videojuegos ms conocidos y con ms trayectoria en el mercado. Utilizado por grandes ttulos comerciales (Batman Arkham Asylum, Rocket League, Final Fantasy, y la lista contina), Unreal es una herramienta muy completa para todo tipo de proyectos, tanto videojuegos como aplicaciones interactivas 3D, visualizacin arquitectnica o simuladores para entrenamiento. En el curso nos concentramos en cmo programar juegos con Blueprints y C++, y utilizar arte descargado de internet, o sea, modelos 3d, UI y audio (no haremos grficos ni sonido propio).El curso est dividido en 3 partes:Introduccin a Unreal: En esta primera parte haremos un juego de disparos con vista superior. Para ello aprenderemos los conceptos bsicos de Unreal y programacin a travs del uso del lenguaje visual Blueprints, el cual nos permite adentrarnos fcilmente a pesar de no saber programar. Tambin integraremos grficos 3d y audio a nuestro juego.Introduccin a C++: Aqu crearemos un juego de laberintos en C++, un potente lenguaje de programacin que nos permitir hacer cosas ms avanzadas en la siguiente parte. Aplicaremos lo visto anteriormente en dicho lenguaje y tambin veremos cmo crear interfaces grficas para mostrar informacin del juegoJuegos FPS: En este mdulo veremos cmo crear un juego de disparos en primera persona o FPS. Haremos los distintos sistemas de juego (disparos, vida, etc), una IA bsica para los enemigos y profundizaremos sobre diferentes apartados grficos, como partculas, iluminacin y la creacin de un ejecutable.Cualquier duda sobre el curso no duden en mandarme un mensaje privado antes de comprarlo.Saludos y disfruten del curso!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como atualizar o Currculo Lattes" |
"Neste curso introdutrio de como atualizar o Currculo Lattes, voc aprendercomo criar um Currculo Lattese atualizar os principais itens.Voc no perder mais tempo assistindo aulas que no explicam os detalhes e ler apostilas que no solucionam suas dvidas.Com este curso voc ir finalmente solucionarsuas dvidas de como criar e atualizar seu Lattes.Este curso estar em constante atualizao.Conforme asnecessidades e dvidas dos alunos sero gravadas novas aulas para solucionar essas dvidas.O curso Como atualizar o Currculo Lattes ideal para graduandos e ps-graduandos que estejam iniciando na vida acadmica. Nas aulas, alm de ensinar o local em que deve ser inserido determinada informao, comento sobre como inserir e o que no fazer na hora de inserir esobreos principais erros que vejo em minha atuao com o Lattes.Alm do curso, voc tambm ter acesso a um grupo exclusivo no Facebook sobre o Currculo Lattes.Pblico alvo:Estudantes de graduao de todas as reasEstudantes que iro prestar processo seletivo para ps-graduaoPs-graduandos de todas as reasProfissionais de reasquenecessitam do Currculo Lattes"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Travel Developer Course - Work Remotely as a Digital Nomad" |
"Have you ever dreamed about working while you travel around the world?Ever wanted to build your own business as a freelancer and become your own boss?Or maybe you have the next big idea and want to get started designing and building websites...The Complete Travel Developer course will teach you how to become a profitable freelance web designer and developer. In the course, you'll learn how to start your own freelance business and take your skills ANYWHERE in the world.Becoming a digital nomad is one of the most desirable lifestyles today.You set up a freelancing business in your home country, limit your expenses, and head out on the road.You work by doing all of your marketing, sales, finances, and customer service straight from your computer.Soooo whats the best way to make money as a digital nomad?This course, based on over 8+ years of personal research and interviews with other digital nomads, reveals how to become a profitable remote worker.Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful will be added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow as the years go by.Over 14 sections you will learn:Section 1: Create Your First WebsiteSection 2: HTML 5Section 3: CSSSection 4: JavascriptSection 5: Create Your Portfolio WebsiteSection 6: Domain Names and HostingSection 7: WordpressSection 8: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Section 9: Design with SketchSection 10: Freelance MarketingSection 11: Getting ClientsSection 12: Managing ClientsSection 13: Billing and FinancesSection 14: Working AbroadWhat else will you get?Ebooks and financial statementsLifetime access to course materialsUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guaranteeHands-on learning to lock that knowledge inA deep understanding of how to code, design and build websitesThe are tons of other courses, ebooks, and seminars on how to become a digital nomad - dont waste your time trying to piece all these sources together. I've spent almost 8 years working and traveling freely around the world.About the instructor:PJ Manning is a self-taught, full-stack developer and small-business consultant. Over the past 8+ years, he has worked with 30+ businesses creating websites and iOS applications while also providing business consultant services from SEO and digital marketing to strategy and pricing. He has a unique perspective having worked with boutique hotels in Costa Rica, to the fastest growing e-commerce website in the world..What makes me the right teacher for this class?Ive had my own design and development freelance business for 8+ yearsIve worked with over 30+ clients in 10+ different countries.I teach more than 400 other students on my Travel Developer platformWhen I was first learning design and development, I had to take many courses, bootcamps, and tutorials to make sense of everything. I put this course together so you didn't have to do the same.Who is this class for?People who want to make websites. I will not be teaching super technical computer science 'theory'. I will be teaching you the basics how to make websites that you can charge REAL MONEY to REAL CLIENTS!Beginners. You don't need any programming experience to take this class. I have been the absolute beginner before and I want you to get to my level as quickly as possible.Those who want to start their own business. Becoming a freelancer is one of the easiest ways to create your own business and has tax benefits as well.Entrepreneurs who have an idea for a website/app. Don't pay somebody thousands to build your website. Do it yourself. Having the ability to create something you can think of is extremely powerful.Career development professionals who want to earn money professionally via contract work, consulting, full-time employment, and so onThis is the class I wish I had when I was trying to learn how to become a digital nomad. I have a unique perspective to teach this class because I've been the newb that didnt understand anything and had no idea where to start with design or code. This courses covers EVERYTHING you need to become a digital nomad.By the end of this course, you'll be on your way to becoming a web designer, developer, SEO consultant and remote freelancer.Start NOW with ZERO Experience!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Content Strategy for Indie Game Developers" |
"Indie game developers are facing a discoverability crisis: there's so many games out there. Too many games, perhaps!Marketing your game is one of the biggest thorns in game devs' sides, especially with so many more games out there now. But fear not: you have a fighting chance against the indiepocalypse by harnessing the power of content marketing and forming a solid content strategy that will keep attracting people to your game long after you post it! Content is king and you're going to learn why it's the future of selling indie games and growing a fanbase.This webinar is appropriate for all technical proficiency levels, no marketing knowledge or game development experience is necessary! If you're not in games but in another creative profession that involves world-building such as a novelist or filmmaker, you may also find this content marketing and content strategy webinar helpful. The following topics will be covered:SEO basicsHow and why content marketing worksForming a content strategy using both data and intuitionDifferent types of content and their attributesHow to give your audience what they really wantGathering a fanbase in and outside of gaming circlesAnd much more!Anythingfrom blog posts to videos to photography and VR experiences can be used to draw people into your game world and genuinely become interested in your work. This is no small feat inwhat's a very noisy world we have today. Learn how you can harness the power of content strategy so that you can hop to your success today, so you can chill on your pad tomorrow!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |