Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
tokuminpaku |
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"TRIZ - Teoria da Resoluo de Problemas Inventivos" |
"TRIZ: Teoria da Resoluo de Problemas InventivosO MAIS PODEROSO MTODO PARAMULTIPLICAR A CRIATIVIDADE TCNICAEntre os muitos problemas tcnicos que os engenheirosenfrentam nos mais diversos campos tecnolgicos, os que mais trazem umdesafio nossa capacidade de inovaoso osproblemas inventivos, que surgem quando a implementao de solues tradicionais prejudicam algum aspecto do desempenho do produto ou processo em questo.Em tais situaes, os engenheiros usualmente acabam optando por um ""trade-off"" ou""soluo de compromisso"", que na verdade no elimina o conflito tcnico pela raiz, e portanto no traz resultados satisfatrios.O que TRIZ?TRIZ a sigla (em russo) para Teoria da Resoluo de Problemas Inventivos. uma metodologia comprovada paraaumento da criatividade tcnica. Mas, ao contrrio da tradicional abordagem psicolgica para aumento da criatividade, o TRIZ fundamenta-se nacincia e tecnologia. Desenvolvida por Genrich Altshuller a partir dos anos '50 e divulgada no Ocidente a partir dos anos '90, este mtodo revolucionrio vem ganhando crescente interesse da comunidade tcnica internacional.A pesquisa que deu origem ao TRIZ partiu da hiptese de que existem princpios inventivos universais por detrs das grandes inovaes que fazem avanar a tecnologia. Logo, se tais princpios forem identificados e sintetizados, elespodem ser usados por qualquer pessoa, paratornar o processo de criatividade tcnica mais eficaz e previsvel. A pesquisa prosseguiu em vrios nveis nas ltimas dcadas, e mais de 3 milhes de patentes j foram examinadas. Hoje a base de conhecimento do TRIZ integra mais de 250 princpios inventivos e mais de 1.350 efeitos qumicos, fsicos e geomtricos utilizados pelas mentes mais criativas dos ltimos 500 anos.Resultados!O TRIZ j consideradoestratgicopor vrias empresas de ponta, que utilizam este mtodo revolucionrio para:Acelerar a evoluo tecnolgicade seus produtos e processos tecnolgicos, criando barreiras de patentes ou contornando as barreiras dos concorrentes.Eliminar os conflitos tcnicosque esto na raz dos problemas de engenharia mais complexos, ao invs de adotar as tradicionais solues de compromisso (trade-off).Expandir dramaticamenteo conhecimento e a criatividade da equipe tcnica, compartilhando a experincia dos inventores mais brilhantes.Nesse curso, voc aprender comEduardo Moura, pioneiro na introduo do TRIZ no Brasil e Amrica Latina (desde 1998) com experincia acumulada em quase uma centena de casos reais de aplicao, nos mais diversos tipos de indstrias.CONTEDO (indito em cursos online):Introduo: O Contexto de Uso do TRIZ. Saiba qual o contexto de uso do TRIZ, e porque esse mtodo simplesmente indispensvel para multiplicar sua criatividade tcnica.1.Viso Geral do TRIZ. Obtenha uma viso geral do TRIZ: sua origem e os conceitos que fundamentam o mtodo.2. Idealidade. Aprenda sua primeira tcnica para resolver problemas inventivos: o RFI - Resultado Final Ideal.3. Uso de Recursos. Aprenda um conceito bsico do TRIZ: usar ao mximo os recursos j disponveis no sistema tcnico que voc est analisando.4. Anlise Funcional para Produtos e Processos. Saiba como construir um mapa visual de todas funes teis e prejudiciais atuando em um produto. Use a Anlise Funcional para identificar e priorizar as funes realizadas em um processo, buscando simplificao, inovao, reduo de custo e aumento do valor agregado.5. Princpios Inventivos e Matriz de Conflitos Tcnicos. Conhea os 40 Princpios Inventivos sintetizados por Altshuller, cujo conhecimento aumentar drasticamente a sua criatividade tcnica. Aprenda a usar a Matriz de Altshuller, que lhe orientar na aplicao dos princpios inventivos ao seu problema especfico.6. Contradies Fsicas e Princpios de Separao. Aprenda como identificar Contradies Fsicas e como elimin-las aplicando os Princpios de Separao no tempo, no espao e entre as partes e o todo.7. Anlise Substncia-Campo. Aprenda uma poderosa tcnica de abstrao do TRIZ: o modelamento da situao inventiva usando a Anlise Substncia-Campo. Saiba tambm como usar o Sistema de Solues Padro, para gerar solues de alto nvel de criatividade e eficcia.8. Tendncias Evolutivas dos Sistemas Tcnicos. Conhea as 8 Tendncias Evolutivas dos sistemas tcnicos, que permitem orientar o processo criativo no sentido mais promissor, para um dado produto ou tecnologia.9. Efeitos Cientficos. Introduo vasta base de Efeitos Cientficos do TRIZ. Consultada no momento correto, essa base de conhecimento pode lhe ajudar a derivar solues conceituais especficas criativas, a partir de uma soluo genrica sugerida pelas diferentes tcnicas do TRIZ.10. ARIZ:Algoritmo da Resoluo de Problemas Inventivos. Conhea o ""canho"" do TRIZ: o Algoritmo da Resoluo de Problemas Inventivos (ARIZ). Esse poderoso mtodo vai lhe orientar no uso integrado e coerente de todos os conceito e tcnicas que voc aprendeu nas sesses anteriores do curso. Estudar e dominar o ARIZ ir torn-lo um profissional extremamente criativo e eficaz!VANTAGENS EXCLUSIVAS:Apresentao e discusso de vrios casos reais de aplicao liderados pelo instrutor em diferentes indstrias.Vdeos com resoluo passo-a-passo dos vrios exerccios propostos ao longo do curso.GUIA DE APLICAO PRTICA, com dicas valiosas que resumem muitos anos de experincia do instrutor.Arquivos template para baixar, para orient-lo na aplicao do ARIZ e ajud-lo na documentao dos seus prprios casos de TRIZ.Curso 100% online, sem agendamento de aulas e sem enrolao. Aulas disponveis quando voc quiser, no conforto da sua casa ou qualquer outro lugar. Faa o curso no SEU ritmo."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al sistema de salud y seguridad en el trabajo" |
"El curso Fundamentos de SG-SST nos da un introduccingeneral para comprender realmente qu es un sistema de gestin de seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SGSST), su contexto y las implicaciones para las organizaciones medianas y pequeas,permitindole a su organizacin cumplir con los requisitos de ley y evitar posible multas.Los invitamos a adentrarse en el mundo de la seguridad de una forma didctica, fcil de entender y aplicar para todo tipo de organizaciones, sin complicaciones con tips que nos ayudarn a contextualizar su implementacin en cualquier tipo de organizacin y cumplir la legislacin Colombiana."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a programar! Aprende con C!" |
"Aprende los conceptos bsicos de la programacin desde 0 para comprender y poder utilizar las distintas herramientas que nos proporcionan los distintos proyectos de software hoy en da.Construye un slido conocimiento en los fundamentos del diseo e ingeniera de softwareEvolucin de las computadorasUnidades de una computadora para el manejo por programacinElementos de la programacin estructuradaTipos de estructura de controlManejo de librerasManejo bsico de la memoriaDe manera sencilla aprende los principios que rigen a los proyectos de software ms elaborados!Adquiere sencillos y poderosos conocimientos Aprender los fundamentos de la programacin en C es la manera ms sencilla de poder disernir e identificar las distintas maneras de elaborar proyectos de software. La utilizacin de sus principios te permitir entender porque se toman ciertas desiciones y se siguen ciertos patrones en la elaboracin de programas complejos y te permitir ir escalando tu conocimiento de manera secuencial en la elaboracin de tus propios proyecto e intereses.Otros lenguajes utilizan los principios de la programacin en C por ejemplo: C++, Java, C#, JavaScript.... los fundamentos de C te permitiran entender mejor estos lenguajes.Contenido: Adecuado para personas completamente novatas, a travs de ms de 150elementosy 13 horas de video podrs conocer cuales son los requerimientos bsicos para comenzar a programar en tu computadora y convertirla en tu centro de trabajo customizado. Cada capitulocontiene los objetivos de cada seccin y un resumen donde podrs evaluar si se cumplieron los objetivos;adems todo, a excepcin del capitulo de introduccin es contenido totalmente prctico donde se muestra directamente como funcionan las cosas pues una gran cantidad de ejemplos y la secuencia de los mismos fueron tomados de distintas fuentes bibliogrficas dentro de las que destacan el libro ""C/C++ y Java como programar"" de Pearson Prentice Hall y Deitel por HarveyM. Deitel y Paul J. Deitel, entre otras cosas los capitulos y los videos se relacionan en su titulo con los nombres de las secciones en el libro para que si lo deseas puedas consultar ms informacin y validar tus conocimientos en la obra escrita."
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"WiFi Hacking for 2020: Learn to Hack WiFi in 30 Minutes" |
"Do you want to Hack Real Life WiFi? Are you a Student of Cyber Security OR Are you a Professional wanted to sharpen Pentesting Skills, Then think no more and Join this Course. I am an Ethical Hacking Trainer and I have selected TOP 3 methods to hack WiFi. These are tested and Proven Methods. You don't have to worry about anything, I am here to help you. Join this course without wasting time. I assure you about this course.But remember I am not encouraging any illegal activities, I am just a trainer wanted to share my knowledge. If you found doing any illegal activity, I am not responsible at all.All attacks are performed in Real Environment and with Sufficient Permissions. To get best out of this course, try attacking your own Modem for Practice. Anyone who is interested to understand the real process of Wi-Fi Hacking may join this course.This WiFi Hacking course comes with risk-free 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Enroll Now!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Basic Electrical Circuit Laboratory" |
"Do you want to learnthe whole Electrical Basic rules in one course? Do you want to repair all failed electrical applianceat home? Do you want to have a complete idea about the basic electrical rules in a practical way?Thisexperimentalcourse covers allbasic and fundamentallaws theorems and rulesused inelectrical circuits such as Ohm's and Kirchoff's Laws, Superposition Norton and Thevenin'sTheorems, the Maximum Power Transfer rule etc... Beside the DC currents, the AC(Alternative Current) is studied in this course covering the phase shifting and the capacitive reactance as well as the transformer measurements."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"M&A Theory and Process: A Complete Guide" |
"About this CourseM&A Theory and Process: A Complete Guide covers the theoretical parts of Become an M&A Analyst: The Complete Skillset series.This course offers 22 lectures across 2 sections where mergers and acquisitions and the complete process of a proper M&A deal is explained with 2.5hours of extensive video content.In M&A theory part, we will be covering all the key concepts about mergers and acquisitions by going through some real life examples and case studies.In M&A Process part, we will be covering all the key points in a proper M&A deal and all the necessary steps to run a successful M&A process with a focus on analyst/associate level tasks and responsibilities.There is also 17 quiz questions.What should you expect from this course?Students/Career ChangersYou will understand the concept of mergers and acquisitons and be ready to talk in analyst /associate level M&A interviews with confidenceYou will became very familiar with a real, proper M&A process and learn all necessary steps with every single document executed each stage of a dealBusiness Owners/ EntrepreneursYou will get an in-depth knowledge about what it really means to buy or sell a business / asset and how it is actually executed"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Excel, PowerPoint & Presentations for Investment Bankers" |
"About this CourseExcel, PowerPoint and Presentations for Investment Bankers covers the soft skill parts of Become an M&A Analyst: The Complete Skillset series.This course offers 41 lectures across 3 sections and everything is done with almost10 hours of extensive video content. There is also 9 supporting Excel and PowerPoint supporting documents including some first class presentations.In this course, we will be covering all theExcel and Power Point skills necessary become an investment banking analyst.What should you expect from this course?Students/Career ChangersYou will be able use Excel like a pro, as if you have been working in the industry for a few yearsDeliver first class presentations using the most well-know methods and tricksJunior EmployeesYou will get better and faster in Excel and PowerPoint, eyeing your promotionBusiness Owners/ EntrepreneursYou will develop super useful Excel and PowerPoint skills to make your daily business much more efficient"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Piano e Teclado : Academia da Msica Online 2020" |
"O Curso de Piano Online da Academia da Msica Online, um curso pensado e desenvolvido pelo professor Glauco Csar Segundo para o ensino de Piano de alunos a partir do zero e que nunca tiveram qual quer contacto com este instrumento musical.O Curso foi desenvolvido para durar um ano (52 semanas) e por essa razo est dividido em 52 Aulas, s quais o aluno deve assistir a uma por semana, sendo que depois deve praticar os exerccios demonstrados pelo instrutor ao longo do resto dasemana, por forma a ir evoluindo de forma sustentada, com exerccios cada vez mais complexos.The Online Piano Course of the Academy of Online Music is a course designed and developed by teacher Glauco Csar Segundo to teach piano to students who have never had any contact with this musical instrument, starting from scratch.The course is designed to last a year (52 weeks) and for this reason is divided into 52 classes, which the student should watch weekly, and then practice the exercises demonstrated by the instructor during the rest of the week, in order to develop steadily, using increasingly complex exercises."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"The 7 Ultimate Hacks to a Blow Out Yard Sale & Garage Sale" |
"***Be sure to watch thePREVIEW (top right corner)& 1stfreevideo in the series (below this)***Traditional yard sales don't work like they used to because the buyinghabits of Americans have changed in the past few decades and our garagesales have failed to change with them. Yard sales can make GREATMONEY...butONLY IFthey align with the new buying culture. Seriously, thinkabout it...Just because you set yourstuff out...doesnt mean that even a single shopper will come bynor that anyone willactuallyget out of the car to shopnor that anyone willbuy a single thing. In fact, studies show thatthe typical garage sale - done by good, smart people -only makes ameasly$25-100 in sales on average. We, however,made$1000+in our last 4 sales! And we want to show you how. It's much easier than you think once a few things come together for you.So...consider this your CHEAT SHEET - your shortcut -for a fun weekend of making great money while de-cluttering your house! You'll learn...The best times &day(s) to do your sales (they might surprise you)How to get buyers out of their cars (to stop the Dreaded Drive-By)How to price items to sellfor fast sales AND big profitsHow to create a Buying Atmosphere likeretailers doBonus:How to avoid getting haggled by the HagglersBonus: Everything You Need Checklist For the Big DayIt literally pays for itself within the 1st half-hour of your sale. Easily.Learn DOZENS of Cunning Hacks for YourSaletoExponentially Boost ProfitsWhether you are a rookie or a pro atdoing yard sales, you'll have fun, de-clutter and walk away with a pocket full of cash that you can blow on whatever you want...All because your garage sale was BRILLIANTLYexecuted (which you can brag about later to your friends!)Seriously, why on EARTHwould you try to figureout how to avoid The 7Killer Mistakes all byyourself when experiencedGuides have gone ahead of you already and are willing to help? Be smart. Learn from us and then innovate from there.What Makes This WorkshopDifferent From The ""Best 10 Tips"" Articles Found ElsewhereWhen we first started re-thinking yard sales, we thought we could learn aton fromonline research, but it was no help at all actually. Allthose articlesabout ""The Best Yard Sale Ever"" and ""The 10 Best Tips"" were bothobvious andridiculous at the same time. We needed real strategies. Real innovation. Next level hacks. So we turned to the business world andshifted to the framework of seeing our sale as a business like any other, with merchandise, retail-scape, pricing, positioning, marketing, etc.Having nowdone *numerous* $1000+ yard sales,we layout for youthe next-levelstrategies,tactics, decisions, ideas and creative hacks youll need to REALLY make your yard sale awesome(!)with dozens and dozensof examples!Thatis, to do this right, you'll need more than thedisorganized ""10 besttips"" articlesoffered by some randomblogger who accidentallystumbled intodoingan above-averageyard sale - without ANY concept of the mechanics of how they did it -and now wants to tell you their story so they cangetmore Likes and Subscribes.Instead, you need solid, reliable, provenwisdom that you can use instantly- year after year- and this systematicworkshopis exactly that...found all in one place...saving you tons of time and frustration and failure...all with just an hour-long series of videos.How easy can that be? And the price? The first 15 minutes of your sale will pay for it!As a matter of fact, due to the highmoney-makingvalue of this course, we will likely bedoubling the price soon so this might be the best time to get in on this before then.So c'mon and join us on the inside. You will love this...knowing immediately that you made the right choice...and will want toshare thiswith ALLyour friends and neighbors because it's so legit.C'mon already, join us!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Easy: How to Find FREE Stuff to Resell" |
"***Be sure to watch thePREVIEW (top right corner)& 1stfreevideo in the series (below this)***There are 2 problems with selling used stuff:1) You always need more stuff to sell, and2) You need to find a way to steal buyers attention from all the noise out there.No matter how savvy you are at selling, if you don't have an endless supply of stuff to sell then your ability to make extra money is highly limited.Of course, we have course for both of these problems -whether you are selling online or offline. This course focuses solely on How, When & Where to Find Free Stuff to Sell. Its actually way easier than you might think once we lay it out for you.We bring stuff home all the time. Good stuff! (Just watch the Preview video for examples.) We make about $50-300 an hour selling stuff that's not even ours! So...paying for our familys playtime and adventures just got WAY easier! So did buying new furnitureand new clothesand new...So...consider thisyour CHEAT SHEET - your shortcut -for fun weekends of making great money in your spare time!You'll get...Goodies: When, Where & How to find good stuff for free from the 7SourcesDos: Only pick up the items that sell the fastest and make the mostDonts: Which items are a total waste of time, even if they are brand newEven More: How to Make 30% more on each itemSpace: The 5 storage hacks you need to know***Bonus: 50% discounts to our courses about selling on Facebook & at yard salesThis training literally pays for itself with the first item you sell.Easily.Learn DOZENS of Cunning Hacks toExponentially Boost ProfitsWhether you are a rookie or a pro at reselling, this workshop will help you find good stuff for free so you can makepockets full of cash that you can blow on whatever you want...(which you can brag about later to your friends!)Seriously, why on EARTHwould you try to figureout how to find The 7Sources of Unlimited Free Stuffall byyourself when experiencedGuides have gone ahead of you already and are willing to help?Be smart.Learn from us and then innovate from there.Being that we make $300-1000 each weekend selling stuff thats not even ours ($40k last year alone!),we can confidently layout for youexactly how we have collected over 1000 quality items - for free! - so that you make money as fast as you want to...which is totally awesome, is it!?!giving you dozens and dozens and dozens of examples!You need solid, reliable, provenwisdom that you can use instantly- year after year- and this systematicworkshopis exactly that...found all in one place...saving you tons of time and frustration and failure...all with just an hour-long series of videos.How easy can that be?And the price?The first item you sell will pay for it! All money made after that are profits.As a matter of fact, due to the highmoney-makingvalue of this course, we will likely beDOUBLINGthe price soon so this might be the best time to get in on this before then.So c'mon and join us on the inside.You will love this...knowingimmediatelythat you made the right choice...and will want toshare thiswith ALLyour friends and family because it's so legit.C'mon already, join us!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Easy: How to Make BIG MONEY Selling on Facebook Marketplace" |
"***Be sure to watch thePREVIEW (top right corner)& 1stfreevideo in the series (below this)***Warning: Dont let your stuff get lost in the pile. Let us explain...There will be about 3000 items posted this week in the zip codes around you. So what will make your items stand out? Of course, POSTING an item for sell is easy that everyone is doing itbut SELLING your stuff is another matter entirely. So let us ask you this.What if a couple had cracked the code on creating what we call BUYING FRENZIES where, within just a few hours of posting, theres a line of 10-20 buyers fighting to see who will get to purchase your stuff?We do it all the time. (Just watch the Preview video for examples.) We make about $50-300 an hourdoing this. So...paying for our familysadventures just got WAY easier! So did buying new furnitureand new clothesand new...So...consider thisyour CHEAT SHEET - your shortcut -for fun weekends of making great money while de-cluttering your home!You'll get...Smart: Thebesttimes &days to post your items (they might surprise you)The Pricing Game: How to price items to sellforfastsales ANDbigprofitsStand Out: Taking eye-catching photos that get shoppers to Stop-N-ClickSell the Sizzle: Craft attention-stealing headlines that making buying FUN!Demand: Write descriptions that create urgency & competition so that they buy faster and don't try to haggle***Bonus:16Things You GOTTAKnowto AvoidGetting Haggled by the Hagglers***Bonus: The Top 50 Best-Selling Headlines & DescriptionsThis training literally pays for itself with the first item you sell.Easily.Learn DOZENS of Cunning Hacks toExponentially Boost ProfitsWhether you are a rookie or a pro atselling online, this workshop will help you de-clutter and make pockets full of cash that you can blow on whatever you want...(which you can brag about later to your friends!)Seriously, why on EARTHwould you try to figureout how to avoidThe 7Killer Mistakesall byyourself when experiencedGuides have gone ahead of you already and are willing to help?Be smart.Learn from us and then innovate from there.What Makes This WorkshopDifferent From The ""Best 10 Tips"" Articles Found OnlineWhen we first started to sell online, we thought we could learn aton fromonline research, but it was NO help at all actually.Allthose articlesabout ""The Best Online Yard Sale Ever"" and ""The 10 Best Tips"" were bothobvious andridiculous at the same time. We needed real strategies. Real innovation. Next level hacks. So we turned to the marketing world andshifted to the framework of seeing our project as a business like any other...with merchandise, retail-scape, pricing, positioning, marketing, etc.Now that we make $300-1000 each weekend selling on Facebook ($40k last year alone!),we can confidently layout for youthe next-levelstrategies,tactics, ideas and creative hacks youll need to create buying frenzies time and time again so that you make money as fast as you want to - which is totally awesome, is it!?!giving you dozens and dozens and dozens of examples!Thatis,to do this right,you'll need more than thedisorganized ""10 besttips"" articlesoffered by some randomblogger who sells a few things a year online - without ANY concept of the mechanics of buying psychology -and now wants to tell you their story so they cangetmore Likes and Subscribes.Instead, you need solid, reliable, provenwisdom that you can use instantly- year after year- and this systematicworkshopis exactly that...found all in one place...saving you tons of time and frustration and failure...all with just an hour-long series of videos.How easy can that be?And the price?The first item you sell will pay for it! All money made after that are profits.As a matter of fact, due to the highmoney-makingvalue of this course, we will likely beDOUBLINGthe price soon so this might be the best time to get in on this before then.So c'mon and join us on the inside.You will love this...knowingimmediatelythat you made the right choice...and will want toshare thiswith ALLyour friends and family because it's so legit.C'mon already, join us on the inside of the workshop! You'll love it and can thank us later!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Zero to Unity Hero: Learn by Building My App, Block Physics" |
"Join me in the exciting process of developing iOS applications! Learn by making my app, Block Physics.The finished game was published on the App Store. It is currently no longer on the the App Store because I have not renewed my development license with Apple.As far as I know, this is the only development course of its kind. A course where the developer demonstrates the process he or she took to build an app published on the App Store.This is the perfect course for anyone wanting to get an awesome kickstart making amazing apps.We will start from the beginning and I will take you through the step-by-step process of app development.We will be using the incredible Unity Game Engine. This is one of the best platforms to begin developing on. It offers powerful tools to make extraordinary products.Within the engine, you will learn about:Lighting, including lighting for multiple levelsDesigning gameplayWriting scripts in C#Creating a responsive heads-up displayIncorporating game instructionsDesigning multiple levels using prefabsImporting App IconsBuilding for XcodeThe game will be built in a way that will allow for easy expansion. I will show you how to make a multi-leveled game starting with levels 1 and 2 of my game. From there, I will explain how you can make many more levels on your own. We will also be taking a look at creating an App Preview and an App Icon. These assets will help you sell your future games.I will also show you how to get your app ready for submission on the App Store. We will go through the process of building the game in Unity and archiving it in Xcode. Your app will then be ready for upload on the App Store.As a helpful resource, I have also included the source code for the project. By the end of this course, you will be ready to start making your own impressive games for the App Store!Let's get started!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Read Arabic and Quran perfectly in less than 5 hours" |
"This course teaches you how to read Arabic Language or Quran with no prior knowledge. The course is well presented to make learning easier for you. Whether you are a novice or slow Arabic language reader, this course is perfect for you. You will learn Arabic alphabets, Fatha, Kasroh, Dommah, Sukun, Fathatan, Kasrotan, Dommatan, Sukun, Alif Modd, Wao Modd, Yao Modd, andShaddah."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guide Your Homeschool Teen through High School to College" |
"As a parent of a teen who isheading in to high school, you might feel a little fearful or intimidated. You might be afraid you'll make a mistake, or leave out an important step, and your teen won't be able to get into college and succeed in life. Relax!This short course is a quick guide to everything you need to know, with tips to guide you into deeper research. As a teacher and school principal for over 30 years, and having helped scores offamilies in the homeschool community in Pennsylvania, I have had these conversations many times and am confident that what I share here will help you get started on this next phase of homeschooling. You CANgraduate your teen from homeschool!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Become Financially Free Doing What You Love" |
"This Video Course will show you how to become financially free by doing what you love. If you ever asked yourself is there more to Life then just working at a 9-5 Job? I am here to tell you yes, we all have a Purpose in this Life, in order to find out why you are here on Earth i have a created this Video Course where i will show you step by step how to change your Mindset. I know how you are feeling right now, i have been there as well. Life is too short to live for what others think might be good for you, you should take action and take your Life in your Hands right now.In this Video Course i will show you: How to determine your outcome by setting Goals How to get rid of your Limiting Beliefs which are holding you back How to find 100 Reasons why you should Make Money How to find 100 Ways how to Make Money How to Discover your Life Purpose And much more... Don't wait any longer and take action right now, if you don't then in one year you wish you would have started back then since its your precious time. The question is do you want to really change your life and get rid of your 9-5 job and become financially free by doing what you really love? Then act now and commit by taking the next step. See you at the other side..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Path to Profit: Turn Ideas into Profitable Products" |
"Learn how to get your dream product idea one step closer to reality. This course is the ideal starting point for entrepreneurs and small businesseswith ideas for a consumer or business product. The Path to Profitwill guide you through the essential steps to verify your product idea has a real chance of success in the market.In just a couple of hours, you'll have the answers you need to make a decision on whether or not to launch your product. During the course, you'll conduct analysis on trends, competitors, customer needs and even some simple financial analysis. The instructor will complete each lessonalongside you with a mock product to help illustrate and clarifyeach important step.Once you complete the course, you can be confident that you have answeredthe essential questions to make a final decision on whether or not to launch your great product idea!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Skills: Build Self Confidence & Quickly Make Friends" |
"Studies have shown that having solid friendships encourages good habits, reduces depression, helps overcome disease, provides pleasure, increases happiness and can even cause us to live longer, so we know unequivocally that friendships are important and even crucial to long life and well being. The challenge for most people though is not necessarily having existing friends (since most friendships are formed during adolescence) but how to make new friends as adults.This course will change all that.In this beginner's mini-course you will learn simple yet powerful tactics and complete fun exercises that will cause you to attract new friendships like a magnet. No more desperation. No more wondering...........................................................................................................................................Enroll in this course TODAY and you will learn: Twenty one (21) specific techniques to help you attract the types of friends you desire most.Step by step exercises for each technique so you can apply what you learn immediately.The Positivity Formula that will cause you to always be perceived as a glass half full person even if you're venting about a negative situation.Why listening is the ""secret sauce"" for magnetically attracting new friendsHow to become more interesting to potential friends in 10 minutes or lessMy fail proof method for keeping your mind from wandering, staying focused and being perceived as a great listener by potential new friendsHow to test your authenticity factor to keep yourself from repelling new friendshipsHow to instantly boost your self confidence every morning to become more appealing to would be friendsThe truth about how the way you dress directly impacts your ability to attract new friends and much more"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Confidence Course #yesyoucan" |
"In this expertly designed3 part video training series, Stress Consultant & Confidence Coach Trisha Miltimore, guides you through a proprietary process of building confidence andGETTINGOUTOFYOUROWNWAY! No holds barred Trisha's upfront style calls it like it is (she is not a fluffy, unicorns and rainbows kinda coach). Viaproven LifeTools shehelps you to create your own momentum sustainabletowards goals that you know you need to achieve. This programis bursting full of inspiring stories and powerful WorkBooks so that you can move up from wanting to creating your best life experience.IT. IS. TIME."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Improve your art-2d concept art rifle" |
"In this course, I divide the process on drawing a 2d concept into simple videos where Iteach you just how comprehensiveit is to draw concept art. I go over line work, color, textures, light, shadow and weathering effects for easyrapidadvancement of your drawing skill.Understanding subject-matter and structural specificsof what you aredrawing is critical to making good 2d art. As with all things practice makes perfect, this course will make the learning curve less daunting."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SUPER POWER 2: HOW TO HEAL PERSON (facing and distance heal)" |
"Its Easy As 1 2 3, Just Say The Secret Password And Feel The Power Come To You. You Will Shock How It Change Your Life.It profoundly changes your life. Not only have I experienced the wonderful events brought on by the unconditional love of the universe in myself, but I have witnessed it in others too. No one will deny the humbling power of the universal energy that celebrates our connection to everything around us, however too often we impose crippling restrictions and limitations onto ourselves due to our fears; of failure, abandonment, pain or even success. It can diminish and destroy these fears. It can highlight our connection and our love to ourselves, our planet and our universe."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SUPER POWER 4: Cleansing A Room/House From Negative Energy" |
"Its Easy As 1 2 3, Just Say The Secret Password And Feel The Power Come To You. You Will Shock How It Change Your Life.It profoundly changes your life. Not only have I experienced the wonderful events brought on by the unconditional love of the universe in myself, but I have witnessed it in others too. No one will deny the humbling power of the universal energy that celebrates our connection to everything around us, however too often we impose crippling restrictions and limitations onto ourselves due to our fears; of failure, abandonment, pain or even success. It can diminish and destroy these fears. It can highlight our connection and our love to ourselves, our planet and our universe."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Real Estate Agent's Guide To Working By Referral" |
"What Will I Learn?Discover the most important skill to succeed in real estate sales.5 lectures (2.5 hours of content) teaching you the fundamental steps to take to prepare to work exclusively by referral.Suitable for all real estate agents, even beginners needing to make their first sale.A powerful mixture of slides and live lecture presentation for textual, visual and auditory learners.Breaks the complex task of lead generation down into simple, actionable steps.A SHORT NOTE FROM STEVENDear real estate agent,This FREE ""Starting Point"" training session is a way for you to......get an introduction to my system for FREE.But don't worry, you'll get great value! And you'll learn a few great techniques to get more referrals immediately...THINGS I PROBABLY SHOULDN'T BE GIVING AWAY FOR FREE!!Then, if you're excited to learn my whole system you can invest in my flagship 7-hour ""Successful Real Estate Agent"" e-seminar. Visit my website for access.That's how I roll... I give great value away for free. I earn your trust. You're happy to buy from me.Does that sound fair?See you inside the course!Steven"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kontrol Eitimi" |
"COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of Treadway Commission) 2017 son makalesiyle birlikte yaynlanan i kontrol ve kurumsal risk ynetiminin iletmelere veya organizasyonlara nasl entegre edilebilecei konusu anlatlmtr. Ayrca kurulan sistemde, izleme ve gzetimin nasl olmas gerektii de anlatlmtr. COSO makaleleri ve Trk kanunlarnda yaynlanan i kontrol sisteminin organizasyonlarda oluturulmasyla ilgili konulara yer verilmitir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Web Automation-Selenium-RubyE-2-E Cucumber integration-15hr" |
"Rubyis one of themost popular scripting language for developer as well as testers, and selenium is the most popular tool for web automation.This course is designed for newbies who are not much familiarto any programming and automationHere we are going to cover- almost all basic and advance concepts of Ruby Scriptingwhich are required to work on different automation tool.Here you will cover 1. Basic concepts like Class, Object, String, Loop and advance concepts like File Handling, working with Excel, Database connectivity etc2. Selenium web driver basics and advance convepts3. End to End BDD framework with Selenium, Cucumber and RubyAfter completing this course, you will be very much comfortable to start automation and face automation interviews"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Step by Step Ruby Scripting for Software Testers50+RealTask" |
"Rubyis one of themost popular scripting language for developer as well as testers.On testers point of view, we can use it in Selenium, Calabash, Appium, APItesting etc.If youre new to programming and want to enter either of these automation tool, this course is a great place to get started.After completing this course, you will be very much comfortable to start automation and face automation interviewsIn this course we prepare student for all automation challenges, it gives coverage of almost all basic toadvance concepts of Ruby Scripting and also how can we use it with different automation tools.Its a continuous grooming course which will give you in depth knowledge of theory as well as practicalconceptsHere you will cover basic concepts like Class, Object, String, Loop and advance concepts like File Handling, working with Excel, Database connectivity etc"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mobile Application Automation using Appium" |
"It is very important for software QA engineers, automation engineers and software developers to understand the importance ofWeb Servicestestingand more importantlyhow to automate these tests. We will be focusing on the important topics listed below:Group/Run Tests using TagsLearn to generateTest DataCreateCucumber Scenarios,Steps,Tags& integrate with Serenity BDDAutomate Rest API using Ruby ScriptingWe are going to cover ruby programming from basic to expert level.1- Setup Ruby environment2- Ruby Basics +Classes +Object3- OOPS concepts"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Test::Unit Framework: Unit Testing for Ruby" |
"Test-unit (Test::Unit) is unit testing framework for Ruby, based on xUnit principles.It allows writing tests, checking results and automated testing in Ruby.This course will coverage to- Test Unit Setup- Basic of test unit- Setup and teardown- Write test cases using Test unittest-unit 1.2.3 is the original test-unit, taken straight from the ruby distribution. It is being distributed as a gem to allow tool builders to use it as a stand-alone package. (The test framework in ruby is going to radically change very soon).test-unit will be improved actively and may break compatiblity with test-unit 1.2.3. (We will not hope it if it isn't needed.)Some features exist as separated gems like GUI test runner. (Tk, GTK+ and Fox) test-unit-full gem package provides for installing all test-unit related gems easily."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mobile Application Automation using Python" |
"Appium one of the most popular automation tool for Mobile Application Automation, supportsNative apps,Mobile web apps&Hybrid apps.Importantly, Appium is cross-platform: it allows you to write tests against multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Windows), using the same API. This enables code reuse between iOS, Android, and Windows testsuites.Here we are going to cover1. Basic to advance Java concepts2. Automation of Native android application3.Automation of Web basedandroid application4.Automation of Hybrid android application5. End to End Setup6. Detailed understanding of Element Locators7. Framework Designing8. Best Practices"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico de Yoga para iniciantes" |
"Esse curso lhe proporcionar contedos bsicos para uma boa iniciao a prtica da Yoga , atravs de posturas bsicas e tcnicas respiratrias .Deseja uma vida menos stressada ? Lidar melhor com a correria do dia a dia ? Se exercitar de forma mais integral ?Melhorar sua postura corporal ? Ter mais energia e vitalidade para as tarefas dirias ?Se respondeu Sim ... Esse curso foi feito para voc!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Alinhamento postural para a prtica de Tai Chi Chuan" |
"Auxiliar no aprendizado do Tai Chi Chuan , atravs da utilizao de acessrios, utilizaremos tijolo para prtica de yoga e bambol especfico.Realizaremos movimentos como : Girar a bola , separar a crina do cavalo , acompanhar a cauda do pssaro etc ... de forma simples e didtica . Indicado para voc que sempre desejou praticar Tai Chi Chuan ."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |