Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso de Feng Shui : Tcnicas para harmonizao de ambientes" |
"O curso foi elaborado de forma didtica , contendo instrumentos em vdeo , texto ,udio , elementos grficos , e links para apoio pedaggico , possibilitando maior compreenso e assimilao dos contedos pelo aluno .Utilizaremos princpios das escola de Feng Shui da Bssula e Chapu Negro , sugestes de materiais a serem utilizados em cada regio e situaes especificas.O Curso foi desenvolvido para que voc possarealizar as mudanas necessrias em sua residncia , de forma simples , proporcionando harmonia e bem estar ."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Yoga para Crianas" |
"Este curso direcionado a professores e educadores , bem como apreciadores da cultura indiana.Contm elementos pedaggicos para a prtica da yoga para crianas da pr-escola ao ensino fundamental I , explorando uma abordagem cultural e educativa , podendo ser utilizado em escolas , clubes , associaes , instituies e Ongs .Alem da prtica do yoga ,ser abordado elementos da msica indiana , bem como os Contos e as Lendas , e aspectos comportamentais como a prtica da respirao , meditao e relaxamento .Todo contedo apresentado ser acompanhado de vivncias prticas , desta forma podendo ser utilizado de forma completa a sua aplicao em projetos scio educativos ."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Kryptowaluty: kompleksowy kurs od A do Z" |
"Witajcie, Zapraszam na swj kurs podczas ktrego dowiecie si najwaniejszych technicznych informacji ze wiata kryptowalut oraz praktycznie nauczycie si porusza na giedach i portfelach, kupowa i sprzedawa oraz traidowa. Kady, kto bdzie uczestniczy w kursie zostanie dodany do tajnej grupy, na ktrej bdziesz mg zada pytania, otrzyma najwiesze informacj ze wiata krypto, uczestniczy w ciekawych projektach i wiele wicej. Dostaniecie rwnie informacj na temat ciekawych stron do ledzenia informacji ze wiata krypto oraz list osb, ktre warto obserwowa na Twiterze, aby by cay czas na bieco. Kurs odpowiada na bardzo podstawowe zagadnienia np:1. Co to jest Bitcoin,jego historia i moliwoci, mining, Segwit HArd Fork itd. 2. Blockchain i jego zastosowanie3. Analiza techniczna: wiece, techniki analizy i formacje 4. Opis gied wraz z filmami instruktaowymi jak na nich si porusza i wykorzystywa funkcj.5. Altcoiny: przegld najwaniejszych altcoinw, analiza co warto kupowa i jak rozpoznawa pereki6. Bezpieczestwo w wiecie krypto7. ICO 8. Psychologia traidingu9. i wiele wicej"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Wsparcie by Sylwia" |
"Kurs jest przygotowany TYLKO dla uytkownikw oprogramowania Smart Trade Software, ktrzy chc nauczy obsugi gied np Bitbay, Bittrex, Binance, Poloniex, HitBTC,EXMO, CEX, Kraken, Huobi:- rejestracja, weryfikacja -poruszanie si po giedzie-ustawianie zlece,-wpata i wypata rodkw- ustawianie take profit i stop loss- pobieranie i dodawanie klucza API i wiele wicejW kolejnym etapie nauczymy si obsugi i strategii oprogramowania STS oraz tradingu: - Jakie mamy trendy na rynku i jak je rozpozna?- Co to jest linia wsparcia i oporu i jak je wyznacza?- Jak si formuj wieca, jakie mamy formacje wiecowe i jak je odczytywa?- Jakie s wskaniki i oscylatory? Jak je wykorzystywa?- Jakie s strategie inwestycyjne?i wiele wicej...Bd prowadzi Ciebie krok po kroku w prosty i zrozumiay sposb, tak eby mg swobodnie porusza si po giedach i rozumie wiat kryptowalut i technologii Blockchain. Nawet jeeli obecny Twj poziom jest podstawowy czy rednio zaawansowany jestem przekonana, e szybko to zmienimy o ile bdziesz mia chci do nauki :). Ja od siebie obiecuj, e bdzie to miejsce ciekawe, pene wiedzy i wsparcia-Wsparcia by Sylwia :) Zapraszam do odkrycia wiata Kryptowalut ze mn!Sylwia"
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"Accessing the Hidden Job Market" |
"The estimates are that 80% of job openingsare never publicly posted. They are filled through internal candidates, referrals, recommendations, etc.In this course we cover all the strategies and tactics to access this hidden job market and give you new processes and techniques to help you find a job fast.This course has been created for anyone looking for a job, including:Those that have been laid offNew GraduatesThose looking to change companiesThose looking to change careersThose moving to a new CityOver the course of 6 lectures, Ken Tucker will walk you through what you need to do to find a great job.* Bonus * Includes a 20 page Guide - ""Accessing the Hidden Job Market"" which summarizes and extends on the topics covered in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Essentials for Professionals -- Level 1" |
"This course covers basic information about Microsoft Excel including terminology, navigation, formatting, formulas, functions, database features and more. It is geared towards getting the basic user more firmly grounded in the program in order to increase their fluency and efficiency. Concrete examples are provided as well as listings of shortcuts and techniques to provide a solid foundation in using this popular spreadsheet software."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to choose the right location & premise for a restaurant" |
"If you are interested in opening your own restaurant and want to learn more about what's involved, how realistic it is, where to start from, and how to avoid the most common mistakes with restaurant start-ups, this course is the right place to learn from.Developed by the industry professional with more than 10 years experience in restaurant set up and operations, it's based on practical approach and real experience from the field and delivered in easy to understand, straight to the point language.Wrong location choice is one of the top reason why restaurants fail. You can avoid this misfortune and set yourself up for success by taking the necessary steps when it comes to choosing the right location and premise for a new restaurant opening.This includes:Full understanding of restaurant concept and what it means for your operation and location choiceCustomer target analysis and how to use it when choosing a potetial site for a restaurant operationTrade area and site analysis, includingexercises,checklists and practicalrecommendations What do you need to know about premise specifications and requirements for a restaurant operationBuilding limitations and what to be aware of to avoid mistakes How to developing layout for effective operation flow required for food business Important lease detailsyou needto negotiatewhen takinga commercialproperty Learn about industry standards and benchmarks on location requirements, rent benchmarks, operational restaurantdesign.This course is based on real-world experience and knowledge and this this step-by-step practical guide will give you the essential knowledge and you need to pursue your dream of opening a successful restaurant.If you have taken my course and feel that you have some additional questions not covered in this guide, feel free to contact me. I will be happy to answer them and give you further direction and support."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Health & Safety and Food Safety for hospitality operators" |
"This courseprovides information for people working in the catering and hospitality industry on how to comply with Health and Safety Law and Food Safety law, the main risks areas and control and prevention methods. You will learn how to managehealth and safety in your business and provide adequate training to your team.The course covers:H&S and Food Safety Legislation overview; Management and employeeresponsibilities in ensuring compliance with the Law;MainHazardsand risks within catering and hospitality and theirmanagement;Risk assessments and mapping tools;Fire Safety;Equipment and Electrical Safety;Manual Handling techniques;Control of Substances Hazardous to Health;Stress Management at Work;Provision of training and information for staff;Food Safety and how to implement food safety management procedures;Food Hygienepractice and controls;Allergens and safe allergen handling;Cross-contamination and its prevention;Safer Food, Better Business concept andHACCP food safety management system.The course also contains quizzes, test anddownloadable training materials that make it more engaging and practical and alsocan be used for your business.By the end of this training you will be able to recognise health & safety andfood safety hazards, hygiene risks and understand how they may be prevented and controlled and, all in all,how to ensure safety in your business."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Numerology 101" |
"GOOD GEOMETRIZESLearn how to calculate your Personal Numbers and Personal Years. The science and method of Numerology has been misunderstood by the masses in today society. Learn the history and beginnings of Numerology. Learn how to calculate your Divine Triangle which was used as a divination tool in ancient times by Kings and Emperors. Learn how to find your soul contract path and how your Destiny and Soul Number can keep you from achieving your soul destiny. Brief History of Numerology through the Old and New Testament is explained.Part 1Esoteric Numerology: Numbers 1-9Edgar Cayce HistoryYour Personal Numbers & Personal Years Number Values Hebrew Alphabet The Life Lesson Number The Soul Number Outer Personality Number The Path of Destiny Number Delineations of All NumbersYour Personal Numbers & Personal Years Number Values Hebrew Alphabet The Life Lesson Number The Soul Number Outer Personality Number The Path of Destiny Number Delineations of All Numbers Period Numbers Personal Years Personal MonthsGOD GEOMETRIZES The Basic Shapes The Triangle Pythagoras The Divine Triangle Find Your Blueprint What is a Soul Contract?The Divine Triangle Exemplar Cases Determining Line Experiences Major and Minor Process After 81 Discover your Divine Triangle Application Activity"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a Witch" |
"I am glad that you decided to begin your journey by learning the basics of the world of Wicca and Witchcraft. Perhaps you have learned about the Craft, became interested and are exploring alone. This course is a basic and good introduction and might serve you to decide if this is a good path for you. Almost everything that you have heard and seen about Witches in popular culture is wrong. Those are fairy tales and only for entertainment. In real life there is a Witch network in existence all over the world. Witchcraft is incredibly diverse from place to place, coven to coven, and individual to individual. There is no true way to be a Witch--and that is one of the glories of the Craft. In this course you will learn the basics and the bedrocks for Witchcraft. If you want to be told what to believe or to learn about Satanism and other unholy practices you should look elsewhere. If you are interested in learning the basics or curious about what wicca is you came to the right place."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Herbal Home Remedies Certificate 101" |
"Herbs and tinctures have been used for centuries to treat ailments of all sorts. This class will cover theory of using herbs and beginner herbal therapies and methods of application.Diagnosis and treatment, kitchen medicine, western and chinese herbs are also covered. The student will learn how to obtain and store herbs and make herbal formulas for the home. Cautionary notes on the use of herbs, weights, measures, and educational resources will be provided."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crystal Energy Healing and Chakras: Guide 69 Most Powerful" |
"Learn and distinguish the healing and structural properties of crystals.Knowing what crystals to use to resonate to higher frequency.Assist healers and other therapists in working with light and working with stones.Purifying, activating, and maintain your powers as a healer or light worker.Crystal Basics. How are crystals form. Types of shapes and powers for crystals, origin and history, healing uses, magical powers and other folklore. Chakra correspondences and physiological correspondences. Chakras and the Nadis. Prana and what is aura and the electromagnetic field. A very complete course. 69 most beautiful crystals."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python for Data Science" |
"Learning the basic of Python and the interpreter. Learn how to install Python and create your first program. Learn how to do operations with PYthon. Acquire the ability to write lists, manipulate lists, restrict list, associate elements. Functions and Methods. Supply arguments and returning values. Using callbacks, placeholders, generators and handling exceptions. Learning how to store functions, function names, interrogating the system, performing mathematics, calculating decimals, telling time, running a timer, etc... This is part I of II."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Alchemy is a philosophical and pro-scientific tradition practiced throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia. It aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects.Common aims were chrysopoeia, the transmutation of ""base metals"" (e.g., lead) into ""noble metals"" (particularly gold); the creation of an elixir of immortality; the creation of panaceas able to cure any disease; and the development of an alkahest, a universal solvent.The perfection of the human body and soul was thought to permit or result from the alchemical magnum opus and, in the Hellenistic and western tradition, the achievement of gnosis. In Europe, the creation of a philosopher's stone was variously connected with all of these projects.ENROLL TODAY! LEARN THIS HERMETIC ART."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Heal your Chakras, change your life" |
"Do you want to learn how to heal and enrich your life?Do you want a happier, healthier and wealthier life? Do you want to learn where energy blocks come from, and how they affect us?Do you want to discover your own energy blocks and become your own guru?Well then these 7 magical but powerful little wheels of life are the first step in creating it.The Chakras hold the potential to completely transform your life.In this course, we will:Delve into the 7 Chakras, learn what each one is, where they are located and how they work, as in their basic functions and purpose.Learn how to diagnose whether each chakra is blocked, healthy, or overactive, as well as how to release blocks and strengthen any one of your Chakras.Learn how to effectively treat yourself and others.Learn how to use foods, gemstones, oils, and simple, practical, quick techniques to balance your Chakra energy and improve your life, techniques that you can continue to use long after the course is finished.Don't underestimate the power of your Chakras. Whatever has been holding you back or going wrong in your life can start going right, today, with chakra clearing, and you can begin using these techniques the same day you begin the course. Never again do you have to seek help from energy healers or anyone else, as you will hold the knowledge and power within yourself to heal yourself and others after completing this course!Keeping your Chakras in harmony can have numerous benefits such as the below to name but a few:"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"21 Days to Combat Over thinking" |
"#21daystocombatoverthinkingMental health problems is not all about bipolar or depression, overthinking is a more common trait than we care to give it credit for! It is something that a lot of people struggle with on a daily basis!Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, you just can't shut off? That incessant pest of a mind monkey is working on over drive?You feel like your head is full of zooming rockets, whizzing round endlessly, and you have no control over what you are thinking or when! To the point where is you are like me, it is causing insomnia, which lets face it, just starts the whole vicious cycle again!Do you wish you could learn some cool little tips and techniques that are easy enough for anyone to do, to help put that mind monkey back in it's cage once and for all, or at least for awhile. Tools that are effective and powerful, that can be done quickly and discreetly without making your mind work on overdrive trying to figure them out! Well now you can!W all know the importance of affirmations in attaining your goals, these stemmed from optimistic auto suggestions derived from a French therapist.But did you know that sometimes your affirmations may be more detrimental to your mindset than helpful because of the emotional attachment to them and the opposing beliefs you currently hold?That's why I have put together this 21 day package to help combat overthinking and eliminate all that endless mind chatter in less than 10 mins a day. There is a journal with a particular affirmation and a tap-a-long video for each and every day.Tapfirmations are particularly helpful as they help tap out any resistance you may be experiencing to a particular affirmation so it can begin to work for you in helping to aid quieten and still the mind. These are quick and easy to do, just follow along!I have had great success for several clients using only my special affirmation technique, let alone adding tapfirmations into the mix.So don't delay, get your Overthinking Affirmation Bundle todayIf you are resisting this means you definitely need this in your life!Lisa x"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Work Your Money Like A BOSS" |
"Tired of being broke?Afraid to look at your bank account balance? Overwhelmed at the thought of creating a monthly budget?Fact: Money is just a piece of paper that has no control over your life.Fact: The U.S. Mint prints more and more of it every day.Fact: Your fear of money keeps you poor.The truth is as long as you're afraid of money, it will feel overwhelming. You won't check your balances, or know what to do to help yourself. And you definitely won't make more of it.Here's a shift to try on instead...You get to decide how you think, feel and act around money, not the other way around. Money is yours to command and do with as you wish. It's a tool you use to live the life you want and deserve. But until you banish that fear and get up close and personal with your cashflow (or lack thereof), you won't fix this -- and make bank.Enter ""Work Your Money Like A BOSS,"" a 6 step program to attracting more money with ease.Work Your Money Like A BOSS is my process of short, actionable steps to help you Get in full control of your Money, ditch the fear and feel good. It's time to take the reigns!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Build an Online Store & Sell Private Label Products" |
"Starting -and more importantly succeeding - withyour online store selling private label products is a challenging process. Yes, putting up your store is easy nowadays, but it isn't neccessary to build a sustainable business. You can spend dozens of hours searching the internet and waste a lot of money if this is your first time doing it. So I compliled the most important information in this video course.Learn The Most Important Aspects Of Starting Your Own Private Label Business In This Comprehensive CourseLearn how to find a product to sellCaculate your profit margin on productsFind trustworthy suppliersLearn how to validate your productLearn how to ship products from ChinaChoose a shopping cartSetup a domain name, hosting and SSLBuild youronline storeLearn how to use market your store effectively+2 Years Worth Of Real-Life Experience Running A BusinessCompiled Into Less Than 2 HoursThis is not your typical guy rambling on the internet who never sold more than 100$ on his site. Ibootstrapped my store from scratch starting it with only 5 products. I share tips that very tested under real world conditions, not in the dream world of ""ideas"".By the end of this course you'll have a solid grasp on product research, product validation, shipping & logistics (China), creating your own online store and marketing it - all the tested in the real world. No fluff, straigh to the point and delivered in a friendly, casual manner. Ideal for people in the beginning stages of their business journey."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Vender Ms por menos usando el Marketing Digital" |
"Se basa en un curso que te explica paso a paso cmo un negocio o profesional debe trabajar su presencia digital para obtener resultados tangibles.Con el curso obtendrs un estado de situacin de tu empresa mediante una micro-auditora y con ello definirs el inicio de tu propia estrategia para poner en marcha de inmediato.Descubrirs las habilidades y conocimientos que darn un nuevo rumbo a las tctica empresarial de tu proyecto, as como resultados reales.Tendrs a tu disposicin las plantillas y recursos del propio mtodo, que te ayudarn a hacer un seguimiento y obtencin de resultados en tus acciones de marketing y ventas.Aprenders a manejar las herramientas esenciales para conseguir los resultados (tctica y ejecucin).Para sacar el mximo partido al curso, debes estar dispuesto a ver el marketing digital de una manera diferente.Es aconsejable tener algn proyecto sobre el que poder aplicarlo, para llevarlo a la realidad."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Erstelle iOS Apps die geliebt werden" |
"Trumst du davon eine App zu entwickeln?Vielleicht hast du eine Vision, etwas Inspiration und bist bereit zu lernen?Oder vielleicht willst du bei der Arbeit schneller voran kommen?Mchtest ein Profi Programmierer sein,Oder du mchtest einen kompletten Karrierewechsel!?So oder so, du bist hier um etwas wundervolles zu machen - etwas groartiges...Dann gratuliere ich dir. RobPercival, Nick Walter und ich haben den kompletteniOS 11 Entwicklerkurs nur fr dich entwickelt!Schau dir an was Apple zu iOS 11 sagt...iOS 11 sets a new standard for the worlds most advanced mobile operating system. Your apps can now become more intelligent using the power of machine learning with Core ML. You can create incredible augmented reality experiences with ARKit. And you can deliver a more unified and immersive user experience with new multitasking features, including drag and drop for iPad, the new Files app, new camera APIs, new SiriKit domains, Apple Music integration, and more.Heit zu Deutsch, richtig geiles Betriebssystem mit super neuen Features.Als:Mehr powerMehr MglichkeitenMehr BOOOOMWarum solltest du Meinen Kurs anderen bevorzugen?Ich bin Denis Panjuta,und lehre bereits ber 30000 begeisterteTeilnehmer das Programmieren.Der Kurs ist voller echter Projekte, die es dir ermglichen umfangreiche eigene Apps zu entwickeln.Der Kurs ist super Umfangreich :)Genug ber michIch vermute du willst eine Vernderung in deinem leben. Karrierewechsel, starkeFhigkeiten lernen, oder sogar eineIdee fr ein Startup umsetzen.Dann bist du hier auf jeden Fall gut aufgehoben.Du kannst jeder Zeit hier loslegen, und musst dich dazu nur einschreiben.Schreibe dich jetzt ein und erhalten sofort Zugang:Ein riesiger Kurs der auf ber 25 Stunden getestetes5 SterneVideomaterial kommt.Ein kompletter Werkzeugkasten mit dem du deine eigenen Apps fr iOS 11 entwickeln kannst.Apps wie Snapchat, Tinder, Flappy bird und viele mehr.Warte, du bist immer noch nicht berzeugt?Ich bin vollkommen berzeugt, dass du diesen Kurs lieben wirst. Ich gebe dir darauf meine 30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie.Bereit einzusteigen? SUPER.Klicke auf den Button Jetzt kaufen rechts neben diesem Text oder lese dir vorher den kompletten Kurslehrplan durch.XCode und Interface BuilderInputs, Buttons, und interactive InterfacesApples neue Programmiersprache: SwiftVariablen,Arrays, Tables, und SchleifenNavigation, Datenspeicherung, und Live ContentBilder, Maps und MusicAccelerometerund Motion/Bewegungs FeedbackOnline Datenspeicherung mitParseSpiele und dasSprite KitInstagram und Snapchat KloneApp Store VerffentlichungAnfnger, fortgeschrittener oder Profi Entwickler?Ja, dieser Kurs ist absolut das Richtige fr dich. Egal in welchem Stadium du dich befindest.Anfnger? Kein Problem, wir beginnen mit den Grundlagen. Du kannst bereits Programmieren?Super, dann verbessere diene Fhigkeiten. Am Anfang geht es erstmal darum Selbstvertrauen aufzubauen.Wie? Na weil du bereits zu Beginn echte Apps bauen wirst. Es gibt keinen besseren, spannenderen und effektiveren Weg programmieren zu lernen. Wir wissen, dass du wenig Zeit hast, aber erstmal ist es nur wichtig berhaupt anzufangen.Du wirst erkennen wie schnell die Lektionen vorbei sind und di etwas neues gelernt hast.Du wirst berrascht sein, wie schnell du neue Fhigkeiten gelernt hast und wirst sehen wie schnell du die Gnge hochschaltest.Stell dir vor du baust dein eigenen Super Mario World?!Schau: du musst nicht dein haus verkaufen oder dich 3 Jahre einschlieen...Ich empfehle es den Kurs in sechs Wochen durchzuarbeiten. Du kannst natrlich auch schnell durcharbeiten wenn du mchtest, oder es langsamer angehen und dir Zeit nehmen.Das ist das Schne am Kompletten iOS 11 Entwicklerkurs - Er passt sich dir und deinem Leben an. Ziemlich cool, oder?Hilfe, wann DU sie brauchstDu brauchst Untersttzung?Kein Problem. Mein Team und ich helfen dir bei Fragen aus.Schreib uns einfach eine Email oder schreibe in den Kommentarbereich rein. Wir helfen so schnell es geht aus.Tritt einer riesigen Gruppe von tausenden zufriedener Studenten bei und fange endlich an die Apps zu entwickeln, deren Ideen du seit langem schon im Kopf hast.OK, Denis, du hast mich berzeugt - wie fange ich an?Du brauchst dein Gehirn, diesen Kurs, einen Laptop/Computer und InternetKeine Vorkenntnisse ntigEin Mac ist zwarntig, aber kein kostenpflichtige extra Software.Kann ich wirklich ein Profi Programmierer mit diesem Kurs werden?Na klar! Dieser Kurs hat in seiner Englischen Version schon tausenden Menschen dabei geholfen Programmieren zu lernen und tolle Apps zu entwickeln.Wer auch immer du bist, wo auch immer du bist, dieser Kurs ist so designed, dass er dich zum Profi machen. Der Rest liegt bei dir.Mit diesemKurs bist du perfekt ausgestattet.Also lass es nicht schleifen und schreibe dich JETZTein und lass das Abenteuer beginnen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Kotlin Developer Course" |
"Google is now officially supporting Kotlin in Android development. Kotlin is clearly the future for Java. Come learn it in this fun and exciting course!For beginners or experienced programmers- If you are a complete beginner I have asection for you in the course that walks you through Kotlin step by step. If you have had previous programming experience,I have a section titled Kotlin for Programmers that will get you up to speed as quickly as possible.Learn with fully functional projects-I believe in learning by doing, so in this course you will create twoAndroid apps, a command line tool, andJavascript for a website!Challenges to test your learning- As we move through the course I provide challenges that test your new skills and makes sure you're getting the most you can from this course.If you're looking to make Android apps, command line tools, Javascript, or just want to learna new programming language, this is the course for you!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete ARKit Course - Build 11 Augmented Reality Apps" |
"ARKit has been called a Game Changer for Augmented Reality! It allows developers to create augmented reality apps for Apple's newly launched iOS 11. This new technology opens up the door for creative people and mobile app designers to build new experiences in a brand new industry that is expected to be worth $165 billion by 2024!Come learn Arkit in this fun and exciting course with Rayan Slim - an experienced iOS developer who has followed Rob Percival's ""learn by doing"" style to create this amazing course. With over 9 hours of content and 5* reviews, it's already the longest and best rated ARKit course on Udemy!Just Take A Look At What Students Are Saying ""Goes from 0 to 100 very slowly and steadily, explains everything to the decimal point, and the apps we're building are fun and easy to understand.""- Vladimir Porton ""Totally amazing, I love the step-by-step style of this course.""- Wang Hang ""It gets you where you want to be with ARKit quickly. I would absolutely take another course from this instructor.""- James Justin DavisBuild 11 Augmented Reality apps using ARKit in iOS 11 and Swift 4You'll go from beginner to extremely high-level and your instructor will build each app with you step by step on screen.You'll build 11 AR apps, including a Floor isLava App, AR measuring App, Ikea App and many other popular augmented reality apps. By doing so, you will learn how to:Use textures to make cool 3D modelsDisplay and animate 3D models in the camera view of the real worldUse World Tracking to track your position at all timesLaunch projectiles in the real worldPlace 3D objects on horizontal surfacesDrive a car on horizontal surfacesBuild an inter-dimensional portalDetect collisions between two 3D nodesAs always, you'll get all the required source code and friendly support in the Q&A area. No ARKit or iOS development experiencerequired, although basic understanding of Xcode and Swift will help you progress quicker.Make This Investment in YourselfIf you're looking to create your own augmented reality app or win work as a freelancer or developer in a new field, then this is the course for you!Come join this new wave of app development!Take this course and start learning!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete JavaScript Course - Beginner to Professional" |
"This course has everything you need to become a professional JavaScript developer!With over 33 hours of training, quizzes and challenges, it's the most comprehensive JavaScript course availableon Udemy!Whether you want acareer in front end or back end development - it's essential that you have a solid understanding of this versatile language!Come learn the #1 programming language in the world in this fun and exciting course with Laurence Svekis - a web developer with 18 years experiencewho has followed Rob Percival's ""learn by doing"" style to create this amazing course.Build 45 Games, WebApps and Websiteswith JavaScriptYou'll go from beginner to extremely high-level and your instructor will complete each project with you step by step on screen. Inside the course, you'll build a Magic Eight Ball game, mini calculator, a Calorie Counter app, a geo-located Google Map, a functioning online store and much muchmore!You'll learn how to:Use logic statements to make decisions within your codeSave time writing the same thing over and over again with JavaScript LoopsUse JavaScript Functions to build mini programs to selectively execute codeMake your webpages comes to life with Interactive ContentConnect to HTML5 elements & newer API'sMake your code more efficient with RegexHandle data and updating page content without page refreshes using JSON and AJAXBuild fasterwith the new ECMA6 version of JavaScript.Gain a strong foundation in Javascript so youll be ready to move up to frameworks like Angular and Node.jsNo JavaScript or web development experienced required. You'll get friendly support in the Q&A area and all the source code available for download.This Offer Won't Last ForeverGo ahead andhit that ""take this course"" button to start learning the #1 programming language in the world!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Machine Learning Course with Python" |
"The Complete Machine Learning Course in Python has been FULLY UPDATED for November 2019!With brand new sections as well as updated and improved content, you get everything you need to master Machine Learning in one course! The machine learning field is constantly evolving, and we want to make sure students have the most up-to-date information and practices available to them:Brand new sections include:Foundations of Deep Learning covering topics such as the difference between classical programming and machine learning, differentiate between machine and deep learning, the building blocks of neural networks, descriptions of tensor and tensor operations, categories of machine learning and advanced concepts such as over- and underfitting, regularization, dropout, validation and testing and much more.Computer Vision in the form of Convolutional Neural Networks covering building the layers, understanding filters / kernels, to advanced topics such as transfer learning, and feature extractions.And the following sections have all been improved and added to:All the codes have been updated to work with Python 3.6 and 3.7The codes have been refactored to work with Google ColabDeep Learning and NLPBinary and multi-class classifications with deep learningGet the most up to date machine learning information possible, and get it in a single course! * * *The average salary of a Machine Learning Engineer in the US is $166,000! By the end of this course, you will have a Portfolio of 12 Machine Learning projects that will help you land your dream job or enable you to solve real life problems in your business, job or personal life with Machine Learning algorithms.Come learn Machine Learning with Python this exciting course with Anthony NG, a Senior Lecturer in Singapore who has followed Rob Percivals project based"" teaching style to bring you this hands-on course.With over 18 hours of content and more than fifty 5 star ratings, it's already the longest and best rated Machine Learning course on Udemy!Build Powerful Machine Learning Models to Solve Any ProblemYou'll go from beginner to extremely high-level and your instructor will build each algorithm with you step by step on screen.By the end of the course, you will have trained machine learning algorithms to classify flowers, predict house price, identify handwritings or digits, identify staff that is most likely to leave prematurely, detect cancer cells and much more! Inside the course, you'll learn how to:Gain complete machine learning tool sets to tackle most real world problemsUnderstand the various regression, classification and other ml algorithms performance metrics such as R-squared, MSE, accuracy, confusion matrix, prevision, recall, etc. and when to use them.Combine multiple models with by bagging, boosting or stackingMake use to unsupervised Machine Learning (ML) algorithms such as Hierarchical clustering, k-means clustering etc. to understand your dataDevelop in Jupyter (IPython) notebook, Spyder and various IDECommunicate visually and effectively with Matplotlib and SeabornEngineer new features to improve algorithm predictionsMake use of train/test, K-fold and Stratified K-fold cross validation to select correct model and predict model perform with unseen dataUse SVM for handwriting recognition, and classification problems in generalUse decision trees to predict staff attritionApply the association rule to retail shopping datasetsAnd much much more!No Machine Learning required. Although having some basic Python experience would be helpful, no prior Python knowledge is necessary as all the codes will be provided and the instructor will be going through them line-by-line and you get friendly support in the Q&A area. Make This Investment in YourselfIf you want to ride the machine learning wave and enjoy the salaries that data scientists make, then this is the course for you!Take this course and become a machine learning engineer!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete iOS SDK Development Course - be job-ready!" |
"Are you an iOS developer looking towork as a freelancer or get a job in the industry? Do you want toincrease your market worth? Do you want to learn how tointegrate third party SDKs into your own app? Do you want to be job-ready and learn how to tackle most clients requests when you work as a freelancer? If you answer Yes to any of these questions then this course is for you!WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS COURSEThis course includes ALL themostpopular 3rd party iOS SDKsthat you will need to learn to be job-ready. Some of the vendor SDKs well cover include;FACEBOOK: One of the biggest requests you will receive from clients (by far!), as its extremely important to learn how to use Facebook to authenticate users on iOS apps.ONESIGNAL: Its almost impossible to find any app that doesnt send a push notification, so its crucial you learn how to send these quickly and easily. OneSignal is one of the most popular SDKs to do this, and Ill help you master it!AMAZON AWS S3: As the most popular app storage platform, if you upload a file through an iOS app, chances are that the file ends up on AWS S3 bucket. Learning to use AWS SDK is crucial to your career.TWITTER: Users often prefer to login to apps using their Twitter account, so make sure you know how to do this!BRAINTREE: Braintree is the most popular company for accepting credit cards and paypal payments in apps, and in this course youll learn how to set this up in less than 30 minutes.ADMOB: A frequent client request is to add banner and full screen ads to their apps (so they can earn some money from the app!). AdMob is the most popular ad delivery platrofm make sure you know how to install it!GOOGLE SIGN IN: The big ol Google ignore this SDK at your peril! Google sign in is a very popular request and, while not hard to implement, the documentation is extremely confusing (it took me two days the first time I tried it!) Ill walk you through every step.CRASHLYTICS: What to 1) know immediately if your app has crashed? 2) Know which code file the crash occurred in? 3) Know which line of code (including the line number) was responsible ? Learn how to install Crashlytics. Itss saved mehoursof headache in my career.FOURSQUARE: Get access to the most interesting/popular/trending places around you with the Foursquare API. The only limit you have is your imagination.PARSE: Save simple app data to the cloud with the best Backend-As -A-Service on the market (and build your own Instagram!)Others SDKsincluding DropBox, Firebase, Paypal, to name a fewWHY I CREATED THIS COURSEI created this course because of my experience working as a freelancer. Time is money as a freelancer, and the more time I spent figuring out how to implement SDKs on my freelance jobs, the less money I earned. Sometimes I had to turn down potential work because I wasn't sure I was up to the task. One potential client needed their app to work with DropBox; I haven't worked with Dropbox at that point and the documentation seemed scary and hard so I didnt take the job.If I had the resources provided in this course when I was starting out, Id have worked much quicker, accept more jobs, and made more money.Here are some of the benefits this course can offer you.FAST RESULTS: Complete most SDK implementations in less 30 minutes. Dont waste any more time on forums or google searches!BECOME SDK PRO: You know all the popular third party SDKs implementation, increasing the number of paid jobs available to you.INCREASED MARKET WORTH: A CV that shows you can manage multiple vendors with ease will increase your market worth dramatically.BE A BETTER IOS DEVELOPER: Better iOS development skills and more confidence in your ability to work with other vendors SDK.GO BEYOND APPLE API: Know how to replace some native iOS APIs with third party products that can do the same, but better e.g Parse in-app purchase implementation is a lot simpler than using Apple's own API.BE MORE PRODUCTIVE AND SAVE TIME: Some third party libraries e.g SwiftyJSON allows you to write 90% less code than if you were to use Apples own API. Write 1 line of code instead of 20 lines!ABOUT MEI have been developing for 5 years on iOS platform and around 4 years working as a freelancer.I have integrated countless of third party SDKs into different apps over this period. Even though I have faced many frustrations, I still continue to learn how to add other SDKs into my app. I have developed over 100 apps in my career. I am passionate about teaching and I enjoy coding :) I have a bachelor degree in computer science and a masters degree in software engineering.ABOUT YOUThis course assumes that you have some Swift and iOS development skills, around 3-6 months of programming in Swift and the ability to develop a basic iOS app.The course is NOT for absolute beginner who hasnt programmed in Swift. I explained in details all the steps in the course however a basic understanding of iOS development and some swift programming skills are required.SIGN UP/ENROLL NOWEnroll in the course now so you can start learning immediately.Theres no better time to become a professional iOS developer. App development continue to grow and more developers are required with good salary. If you are ready to go to the next step in your careerCLICK THE ENROLL BUTTON now.CAN YOU DO IT YOURSELF?It's true that you can go on vendor's website and read through their documentations to learn how to integrate these SDKs into your iOS app, however, here are some of the issues you will face along the way...Old codes in documentation:Most companies cannot write a comprehensive documentation to save their life, and when they do they forget to update as time change. For example, Facebook SDK still has Swift 2.0 example codes in its documentation at the time of writing this. If you attempt to follow documentations for these vendors, you will spend more time scratching your heads than writing code.Poor documentation:Other issues you will commonly face is how poorly the vendor has written the documentation. The steps to follow are not in order and some are even missed out completely. You will wonder why things arent working, and then have to wait 2-5 days for an answer from support?Ever changing implementation:We have vendors that change their SDK very often, but then forget to update the documentation at the same time. This way there's a big mismatch between what you are told to do in the documentation and what you are actually meant to do.SUPPORT WHEN YOU NEED ITYou will be supported throughout your journey in this course.If you get stuck on any of the lectures, you can use the Q/A section of the course to ask for assistance.I am committed to supporting my students on this course, I am constantly involved in the Q&A to provide assistance to anyone that needs it.ENROLL TODAYIf you're ready to become a professional iOS developer and be ready to take on any job, then click the ""Enroll Now"" button and join the course today!STILL NOT CONVINCED?Watch some of theFREE preview lecturesto learn more about the course.Click the enroll button to join the course today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Sketch 5 Course - Design Apps & Websites 2020" |
"This course uses Sketch 5 (version 51.2), course version 2018.1 - released August 23rd 2018,and featuring the latest features of Sketch 3such as Libraries & Prototyping.Clean, intuitive and frequently named on of the best packages available for digital design, Sketch is used by everyone from entrepreneurs and start ups to Apple, Google, Facebook, and Instagram.A brilliant tool for platform design, Sketch and can be learned in a matter of hours and days, not weeks and months, and this course will take your mobile and web app designs to the next level!But is it the right course for you? It is if....You want to get a job at an amazing company like Facebook, Google, Amazon, or Uber.You have amazing startup ideas, but don't know how to bring them to life.You are tired of your day job and want to learn a new (and extremely valuable) skill.You want to earn money on the side as a freelancer.You want to change your career trajectory but do not have the time or money to go to an immersive 3 month bootcamp.You are a developer and want to be able to run all aspects of the product development lifecycle including frontend design.Still not convinced? Course instructor Andrew Eddy is an extremely well regarded UI/UX designer with over 10 years of professional experience. He has helped some of the largest companies in the world design beautiful products, and worked with countless start-ups to help bring their ideas to life. And he did it all with one tool, Sketch.Withover 13hours of content across110+ lectures, Andrew will take you from beginner to expert, and teach you everything you need to know in order to use Sketch in professional setting. The first half of the course is a compendium of hundreds of the most important techniques, key shortcuts, tips and tricks... welcome to:Sketch University!The most comprehensive A-Z approach to understanding Sketch concepts and the tools that power the platform.The second half of the course is entirely practical and teaches you the skills you need to tackle your own projects and ideas. Together you and Andrew will design, build and complete two brilliant projects. Beginning with a...:Speed Project! Use your newfound skills to design your very first mobile app screen.This is followed by a huge, in-depth project to build a commercial mobile and web app called Spendo. Here youll get the inside track on everything you need to consider for your own projects - from the initial idea, through research and mock ups, to prototyping, design and, finally, the deployment of assets to developers:The Idea:What do you need to consider when launching your own business? Find out here!Style Guide: Learn how to create a brand-focused style guide, and why its so important you do! Includes typography and colour design.Logo Design: Every great business needs a great logo. In this section youll learn how to create an amazing business logo.Wireframing: Learn what a wireframe is and how to use it to create a first draft for a mobile application.Building the mobile app:Learn best practices for your mobile design work, from an industry professional!Building the web app: See how web differs from mobile, and the key elements you must include for a successful web app.Every lecture is fully supported by the Instructor,with image downloads and sketch files available, as well as additional resources, quizzes, and assignments to make sure test and cement your knowledge.A fantastic course for people with zero design experience, or for experienced designers that want to learn and master Sketch 3.By the end of this course youll have a complete, professional-level project for your own portfolio, and every student will have the knowledge they need to create beautiful and usable apps that leave people with a smile on their face.Course highlights:Practical, A-Zproject ofApp designTips&Tricks, make most of Sketch ToolsVector Tools and SymbolsColors, Icons, and TypographyBONUS!Creating a working, interactive PrototypeA certificate of completion upon finishing the course.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll today!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete C# Programming Course" |
"Last year C# was named one of the most popular languages for mobile development and game development out there! --- Why learn C#? C# was designed by Microsoft and is a simple and modern programming language that's incredibly widely used by developers, and used by Microsoft for everything from Windows application development, to web development, and game design.So it's a fantastically useful programming language to use, but how does taking this C# course help you? Well...Are you a young developer trying to increase your skill set and make yourself attractive employers? Are you an experienced coder looking to change your career path? Do you know a bit of C# but really want to hone your C# skills? Or perhaps you want to develop your own apps and websites?Or build games?! The incredibly popular Unity game engine uses C#! If you answered 'YES!' to any of the above, this course is exactly what you need! Take your C# coding skills from novice to pro, and get the job you want. --- Why this course? With over 20 hours of content, this is the biggest, best and most in-depth course yet from Instructor Tod Vachev. As an instructor Tod has already taught over 70,000+ students to code, and has published a number of highly-rated and best-selling C# courses on Udemy... Tod takes you step-by-step through the fundamentals of C#, using regular challenges and practical exercises to make sure every student enrolled on the course is able to put theory in to practice, and use their C# skills with ease!Students loved his previous courses!***** Outstanding course put together by a teacher who knows how to teach well.***** Clear communication and beginner friendly without dumbing it down***** The course progressively (and logically) builds concept upon concept. The lectures are short and very manageable. Excellent!---Challenges and exercisesThis is a really hands-on course!Throughout each section you'll complete in-lecture exercises and coding challenges. Experience shows that this is the best way to learn, practice and internalise the fundamentals of C#. Each topic has a new challenge, and after you've had a go at completing the exercise/challenge by yourself, the instructor will go through every step of the exercise on screen - giving you tips an tricks as he does so! By the end of the course you'll have the skills and confidence to build your own projects (and more!)--- Is this course for you?No coding experience required, this course takes your from beginner to pro - and (other than enrolling in the course) everything you need to succeed is included in the course!Theres no better time to become a professional developer, so enroll in the course now and you can start learning C# immediately!Good luck!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to Designing a Mobile App" |
"Welcome to The Complete Guide to Designing a Mobile App!The number of app downloads worldwide in 2017 was 178.1 billion. The average US user spends5 hours per day on their mobile phone, primarily browsing apps and looking at websites.In 2020 mobile apps are projected to generate 188.9 billion U.S. dollars($) in revenue via app stores and in-app advertising.There are millions of apps out there to download, and (literally!) billions of dollars to be made by app creators. How do you make your app to stand out from the crowd? How do you get users for your app, and keep them? One answer: GOODAPPDESIGN! Why Learn App Design?Many fantastic apps never find a big audience, and one key reason for that is that they're poorly designed.A good design will make your app stand out from the crowd, and keep your users coming back for more! There's a difference between building an app and designing it; it's the difference between an app that works perfectly, looks fantastic, and does exactly what it promises... and one that doesn't. The more design work you put in to your app, the more successful your app will be. Why Choose THIS Course?With the same focus on practical learning that Rob Percival brings to his courses, in this course you'll get a brief overview of design principles before getting into the how to and learning by doing, with regular exercises and challenges to test and cement your learning. The first half of the course focuses on:Design basics - learn simple (but devastatingly effective) design principles. Understand the differences between iOSand Android design systems, and what that means for your app.Polishing your idea - tailor your app to your users, and stand out from the competition! Learn how to sketch out and wireframe an app idea, and see the difference this makes!Information architecture - the backbone of any good app. The structure of your design is so important - learn the guiding principles of app and information architecture here! Style - colour, font, icons, typography - everything you need to know!Components &patterns - Help users navigate your app. Create forms, fields, notifications, animations and more!The user experience - make your app simple and intuitive and your users will love you. Learn how here. Design with Sketch - a complete guide to the hugely well regarded design software, Sketch. As your skills increase and your confidence grows, you'll start work on three brilliant projects - designing and creating every element of the following apps!An instagram appA food delivery appA studio booking appBy the end of this course you'll know everything there is to know about app design, and also have three hugely impressive projects for your career portfolio!Who's the Instructor?This course is taught by Renata Phillippi, a lead UX designer with 10+ years industry experience. Renata specializes in information architecture, interaction design, usability and user research, and has worked with both multinational tech companies and small start ups. Renata is also a hugely experienced teacher - her lectures have been watched over 750,000 times across Linkedin Learning & Udemy! Who's This Course For?Beginners who have never designed an app beforeExperienced creators who want to maximise the impact of their appsAnyone who wants to learn app design tips, tricks and methods from an industry professionalSo don't wait! Enroll now, and begin building better apps today!(Also, you have 30 days to change your mind and get your money back, with absolutely no questions asked! So there's no risk!)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
bubnovsky |
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Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2021 - 2015 : Refresher's Crash Course program" |
"About This Course :The Ultimate Drawing Course that will show you how to create advanced drawings using AutoCAD that will stand up as professional work. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of drawing.This course will take you from having little knowledge in drawing to creating advanced masterpieces and having a deep understanding of drawing fundamentals.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of drawing using AutoCAD in many different styles. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning designs at the least work time.As we know that practically you will not get to operate your desired version of AutoCAD at your job. So In section-2 you will learn about the interfaces of various versions of AutoCAD i.e from 2015 to 2021. Hence you will be able to operate any version of AutoCAD with great ease.In this AutoCAD Crash Course program you will experience a unique successful method of teaching developed and experimented on 1000's of students in live sessions. This course is designed for individuals who are new to AutoCAD or the students who had learned AutoCAD long time ago and just want a brush up on the tools AutoCAD features quickly and use in their projects immediately.This course introduces the tools of AutoCAD in a step by step process which will enable you to clearly understand the application of the tools under discussion before starting the next tool. You will witness a Uniquely Designed Course by Mr. S.N.S.Roy; who heads our Product Design Unit. He has an Experience of Over 50 years in Design and Development of various Aeronautical projects. Some of the Reviews of our Students : Luis Pablo Cruz BarraganGreat course, I had some experience before with some 3D modeling software so I thought I would not struggle much in AutoCAD but as said at the beginning, many commands and shortcuts are new and specific to AutoCAD. It is nice that so many time is taken to explain the basics, for 100 % beginners and also for non beginners who think would know it, but when you realize it is really different to what you had been doing, having that support in the videos makes it worth watching because you know that any doubt you may have is already being answered. Great Job! Jag Pal SinghThis is very very helpful for me as I am was not aware of such tricky and convenient practices to draw the objects very accurately. Shahrukh AhmadFull course was excellent.....I completely watched all the tutorials and i brushed up my drafting skills.....I personally recommend you to enroll in this course if you're looking for a great drafting and designing career ahead. Cinka KumarI am in the midway of the course and so far very good course. Very good designed content. The exercise drawing and the drawing that we make are arranged side by side which makes the understanding easy.What you will get in this course :Over 6.5 hours of Course content in 50 lectures and 10 sectionsAll the Exercise and Example Files are available for download and practise. At the end of each section you will encounter a QUIZ related to that section which will enhance your understanding furtherDedicated section on demo of AutoCAD 2015 to 2021 User interfaces which will enable students to work on any version of AutoCAD We are updating our course with new content (drawings and concepts) every monthAn ebook containing the AutoCAD keyboard shortcuts at one place for your ready reference is includedA QUIZ at the end of the course containing questions on the entire span of the course which will help you in attending Interviews.This course will help you to prepare for Autodesk certified Exams.Will take you on a journey for not only Learning AutoCAD but Experiencing it.So What are you waiting for ENROLL today to EXPERIENCE AutoCAD and not just LEARN it !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Praxis I Core Exams-Math (5732)" |
"The course is the one stop shop for prepare the Praxis I Math test (5372) for Core Exams of all educators. Personally, I had full good experience oftaking the Praxis I math and Praxis II math, my score was on thevery top scale (both top 5%). I would like to share all my knowledge and experience for taking the Praxis I math exam. I had also studied Praxis I Official Study Guidecarefully and all relevant content(math part)will be covered in this course. By taking this course, you will grow your math skill as well as your test skill for thePraxis I Math exam.I created short videos for understanding each conceptas well as instructions for how to solveexample questions. Allmaterials in this course cover:Conceptual Understanding(Really important!) by Videos teachingExample solvingwith guided tutorialsPractice Question with different levelsAnswers in very detailThis is will be a very helpful course for student who is struggling with Praxis I Core Exam-Math subject (Code: 5732) or any person whoisseekinghelp for taking Praxis I Core Exam Math subject test.Don't doubt your math skill!Don't be scared of themath test! Let's get started today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |