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"Learn Matlab Programming in Arabic" |
". 25 10 ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 minutos al da para mejorar tu ingls: para gente ocupada" |
"Gracias or tomarse el tiempo de ver este curso. tal vez este es el curso correcto para ti! Pero, Por qu deberias elegir ste y no otro?. Bueno, antes que nada, este curso no es para todos. Este curso es principalmente para principiantes o novatos, o estudiantes intermedios que quieren recordar y repasar sus habilidades en Ingls. Si esto te describe, entonces aqui estan algunos de los rasgos nicos que el curso ofrece: No hay dificultad para entender ilustraciones y tablas de verbos. por qu? Es un curso en espaol comienzas con lo que ya sabes. Mi Espaol no es perfecto, pero no te preocupes, el curso tiene subtitulos. ste curso es diseado espicificamente para t, hispano-parlante. He estado enseando a hablantes de Espaol por tres aos. No es un curso para hablantes ingleses, Rusos o Japoneses. No, es slo para t. Si tienes cinco minutos al da, puedes completar una lectura completa,incluso, tal vez dos. No tendrs que digerir una lectura de cuarenta y cinco minutos, los videos son cortos de dos a cuatro minutos. No tendrs que comprar un libro de trabajo o de estudiante, todo est en el curso. No falta nada. Todo lo que necesitas est en el curso. No hay juegos ni distracciones, slo aprendizaje, tu tiempo es valioso y no quiero que desperdiciarlo.Soy un hablante nativo de Ingls Brintnico, y como Bretaa es donde el Ingls tuvo sus orgenes, Por qu no comenzar con un hablante Britnico?No tendrs que presionarte para escucharme o comprenderme. La calidad del audio es excepcional. Todas las lecciones estn grabadas en una cabina con un micrfono de alta calidad.Siete grandes razones para adquirir el curso, si ya has obtenido el curso, recibe mi infinito agradecimiento. Si ests pensando en adquirirlo, por qu no lo haces y aprovechas la garanta de reembolso que Udemy tiene para ti?"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Master Sentence Diagramming Basics Now! (basic grammar too)" |
"Always wanted to master sentence diagramming?Are you a visual learner?Prefer videos over books? This course is for you! You will learn so much in such a short time with this basic, but amazing, sentence diagramming course. Once you enrol you'll quickly get to the heart of sentence with no fluff or filler, just the real deal. The heart of the sentence is the heart of grammar. As you study this course your ability to understand, conceptualize and understand complex sentences will increase dramatically. Your ability to express yourself clearly in written or spoken form is also guaranteed to improve. What's in the course.Discover how to recognise, diagram and understand;subject and predicate linking verbs and action verbs adjectives and adverbs predicate nominativespredicate adjectives direct and indirect objects prepositional phrases verbals; gerunds infinitives participles Non-essential parts of sentence appositives nouns of address interjections interrogatives imperatives non-simple sentences noun clauses compound sentences complex sentences compound-complex sentences"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"iPad Ganz Einfach: Der iPad Grundkurs fr Silersurfer" |
"Der Grundkurs von iPad-ganz-einfachmacht Sie innerhalb weniger Wochen (je nach Ihrem Lerntempo) zu einem souvernen und selbstsicheren iPad-Nutzer.Vor ca. einem Jahr hat sich mein Vater sein erstes iPad gekauft und war anfangs vllig berfordert. Er ist 64 Jahre alt und fragte sich anfangs, ob er fr diesen ""Technikkram"" (wie er es nannte), nicht schon zu alt sei.Das iPad bietet ja auch unglaublich viele Mglichkeiten- und es stimmt auch in diesem Fall:Aller Anfang ist schwer. Ohne die Basics einmal gelernt zu haben, ist an ""hhere"" Sphren gar nicht zu denken. Mit dem iPad ist es so:Eigentlich ist die Bedienung gar nicht schwer- aber man muss eben einmal gezeigt bekommen, wie es funktioniert. Und dann wird alles total einfach!So erging es auch meinem Vater. Die anfnglichen Schwierigkeiten waren bald berwunden:Das W-Lan richteten wir zusammen ebenso ein wie seinen Mail-Account, seine Safari-Favoriten und seine Kontakte. War das einmal geschafft, waren die Tore zu weiteren iPad ""Wundern"" weit geffnet!Speicherplatz freimachen, Fotos bearbeiten und einzelne Apps kennenzulernen stand dann im zweiten Schritt auf dem Programm. Heute nutztmein Vater dasiPad ohne meine Hilfe. Das iPad ist in seinem Alltag ein treuer Begleiter geworden, den er nicht mehr missen mchte.Mein Kurs behandelt exakt die Themen, die ich auch damals mit meinem Vater nach und nach durchgegangen bin. Und sie sehen:Heute ist er ein regelmiger iPad-Nutzer. Ich werde Ihnen mit meinen Videos helfen, Ihr iPad sicher zu bedienen- und zwar in jeder Situation.Und falls Sie das noch nicht berzeugt hat:Zustzlich biete ich eine 30-Tage Geld Zurck Garantie. Gefllt Ihnen mein Kurs nicht?Dann bekommen Sie Ihr Geld zurck!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Excel Tools for Financial Modelling" |
"This course equips delegates with Excel tools to build financial models. This course takes delegates through the most useful Excel functions, add-ons and formulas to build financial models, perform lookups, assess risk and scenarios and build reports.The course also delves into Goal Seek, Solver and Data Tables for optimisation and scenario analysis.The course gives an outline of the financial modelling process and cash flow waterfalls."
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Python Pandas: connect & import directly any database" |
"Don't be the guy who can only import a csv fileinto Pandas, learn the techniques to connect directly with Python toa variety of database sources and import data directly into Pandas DataFrames.At the end ofthis course you will be able to connect and import directly fromORACLE Database, IBM DB2, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Postgresql, andSQLite, and you will know how to deal with tricky connection parameter andwhere to find them.This course is design for you to stand out from the crowd."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Pandas: Professional Data Exploration for client projects" |
"Don't jump too early into analyzing data you haven't spent enough time exploring properly.In this course you will learn the proper professional way to approach Data Exploration, before you move into Data Analysis.A mistake beginners make, is to jump too early into analysing data they do not understand. The resulting analysis is obviously too generic, and often misses the point.I have 15 years experience providing professional services to Major companies including ExxonMobil, Shell, British Petroleum, Unilever, PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, and many more.I have worked on high profile projects including the bribery investigation, that led the US department of justice to impose criminal and civil penalties for bribery on oil companies. This involved the use of advanced data analysis to acquire evidenceThis course is for anyone who wants to be ready for real life client projects, it sets you apart by providing you with robust techniques.If you want to learn the proper professional way to explore data so your resulting analysis is better appreciated by the client, hit the button to enroll, I look forward to welcome you in the course."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Learn Excel" |
"Microsoft Excelis a spreadsheet developed byMicrosoftfor Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications.It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications.By taking this course, you'll be able to :MASTER SHORTCUTS, FUNCTIONS AND FORMULAS THAT SAVE TIME AND INCREASE PRODUCTIVITYLEARN HOW TO PRODUCE PROFESSIONAL-LOOKING CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS FOR REPORTS, PRESENTATIONS AND PRINTOUTSSHORTEN WORKDAYS USING RECORDED AND PROGRAMMED MACROSUNDERSTAND THE WORK OF COLLEAGUES AND EXCEL SOLUTIONS FOUND ON THE INTERNET"
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"The Basics of Recruitment" |
"HI Everbody!Will you like to receive the tips(and tricks)of a Talent Acquisition Expert that has work for companies like AMAZON, HPE and LIONBRIDGE!? Well, this is your chance then! In this course I am going to show you the basics of the recruitment process, so in this way you will be able to understand how to get the JOB of your DREAMS or how to help other to get the JOB of their DREAMS!Recruitment is the process of having the right person, in the right place, at the right time. It is crucial to organisational performance. Recruitment is a critical activity, not just for the HR team but also for line managers who are increasingly involved in the selection process. All those involved in recruitment activities should be equipped with the appropriate knowledge and skills.In this couse, you will find videos, tips, tricks, examples and FREE material, that will make your learning process a funny and fantastic experience!See you later!Andrey"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A TOP Recruiter tells you how to setup your Upwork Profile" |
"HiEverbody!Will you like to receive the tips(and tricks)of a Talent Acquisition Expert that has work for companies likeAMAZON, HPEandLIONBRIDGE!? Well, this is your chance then! In this course I am going to show you the basics when it comes to creating an Upwork profile, so in this way you will be able to get theJOBof theirDREAMS!Upwork, formerlyElance-oDesk,is a globalfreelancing platform where businesses and independent professionals connect and collaborate remotely. In 2015, Elance-oDesk was rebranded as Upwork.Upwork allows clients to interview, hire and work with freelancers and agencies through the company's platform. The platform now includes a real-time chat platform aimed at reducing the time it takes to find and hire freelancers.In this couse, you will find videos, tips, tricks, examples andFREEmaterial, that will make your learning process a funny and fantastic experience!See you later!Andrey"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Post-Production of Voice Recordings - Adobe Audition" |
"You want to record your voice but you have a lot of background noise, and when you record it you don't know exactly what to do to make your voice sound great.Whether it is a voice recording for a course, a voice over, or any recording of vocals, you will learn advanced techniques simplified for you, step by step in the right sequence to take your sound from bad to good and from good to great."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Davinci Resolve 15: Editing" |
"Welcome, in this course you will learn how to Edit in Davinci Resolve 15how to create projects and organise them in foldersThe importance of setting your Frame ratehow to import mediahow to automate the organisation of 100s of media with Smart binsyou will feel comfortable in the interface, I will show you every part of itYou will master the 4 Edit modesThe 7 Edit toolsThe 3 methods to speed up your editing using caching and two types of proxiesTransitionsOpenFX and where to get free effectsAnd how to export your projectI will spend more time on some aspects not because they're complicated, but because they're important.This is not your typical classroom teacher, I'm a filmmaker, and I will take you in a journey in which we also talk about stuff you should do while filming so when you reach the editing stage it goes smoother."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Davinci Resolve 15: FAIRLIGHT Sound post-production" |
"Do you know what's the number one factor that differentiates professional production from amateur ones? it's Sound.It's one of the main reasons why submissions to festivals get rejected.Set yourself apart from the crowd, and give the right attention Sound. Well, it represents at least 50% of your project and definitely more that 70% of emotions.You will learn sound post production for your film, documentary, or any audio visual project with Fairlight in Davinci Resolve 15.I will cover:- The recommended workflow, step by step- A thorough walk-through of the interface- Where to find a large Sound Library for free to enrich your projects- Sound Editing modes- Noise Reduction using several techniques- Compression- EQ- DeEsser- Limiter- how to mix properly Music with Vocals avoiding amateur music mixing- and We will also touch on other topics such as panning and reverb.All of this right inside the free version of Davinci Resolve 15Let sound be one of your strengths."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Davinci Resolve 15: FUSION, Robust VFX for FREE" |
"Fusion is now integrated with Davinci Resolve 15.It's a robust compositing software, node based just like Nuke. And it is used in High End films from Avatar to Star Wars, Harry Potter, Superman, Spiderman, Ironman, X-Men, Game of thrones, James Bond films. you name itThese are just a few films, the list is long. But the question is not how many films, the question is do you want to join the professionals, and add the power of node based compositing to your workflow ... FOR FREE... yes BlackMagic did it again. It has bought the monster software from Eyeon and released it for free. What an opportunity? One you cannot afford to miss, because now you can it do it all in Davinci: editing, visual effects, Sound and color correction.And I will take you in the Fusion journey, from the very beginnning to get you up and running fast in a top notch compositing beast.We'll start strong with:- a quick compositing,- and then I will take you in a tour of the interface, because I want you to feel comfortable in YOUR new compositing software.- You will learn how to work with nodes, including text, how to organise them and make them do what you want.- Of course we'll do tracking, - stabilising shaky footage, - rotoscoping, - green screen keying,- Animation, - and much more including where to get more free OpenFX to have a richer toolkit.I can't wait to see what you will do with Fusion in Davinci Resolve 15."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Audition: Sound post-production for Film & Documentary" |
"It's not enough to remove some noise and tweak the volume of music to match dialogue to call it Sound Post-production.Do you know why most film and documentary submissions to festivals get rejected: AMATEURSOUND!50% of your film, documentary, interview, or clip is Sound, and at least 70% of emotions are in Sound.It's a pity to spend so much time and money on the image of a project that will eventually be considered amateur of low quality, because of Sound.You will learn professional Sound Post-production, even if you are a one man band filmmaker.I'll teach you advanced techniques that are necessary, but I will simplify them for you. Techniques that will make you proud of your film project.- I'll walk you through the workflow, - how to take your Sound from Adobe premiere to Adobe Audition, - the interface, - how to organise your tracks,- The differences between Male and female voices- Spectral frequency display- I will explain frequencies in detail- noise reduction for inconsistent noise, - 2 methods for consistent noise, - and how to automate noise removal for several files- Single-band compression, - multi-band compression- Limiter- The magic of EQ- DeEsser- Normalisation- and of course professional mixing of music with vocals- before exporting your sound.Let's make sound one of your strengths."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"After Effects CC: Create a Sci fi Futuristic Interface (HUD)" |
"Welcome, you will learn visual effects techniques in After Effects to create futuristic interfaces to add to your sci fi scenes and increase the production value of your film. You will learn how to create different categories of elements:RadarWorld map related: turning globe and world scanning lookTextvideo feed of special operationGaugesSound elements in several shapesOnce you watch the course, practice: Start by a map and turn it into a rotating globe, then create other futuristic elements using the same techniques.Create variations of the same elements you have created, just by changing rotation direction, speed, width, dashes, opacity... the more variations you can create the richer your interface will look."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Davinci Resolve 15 Fusion: Pro VFX - Remove Markers & Wires" |
"You cannot do visual effects without them, they are everywhere. A green screen or blue screen would look totally amateur and utterly useless without them. They are a must, they make possible the matching of the movement of the camera with the movement in the background. If your camera will move in a green screen, you need tracking markers. But after they've done their work, you need to remove them. How you do that? I will show you.And then there are the famous wires, no action scene, no jump, no superman, no ironman ... without them. The wires. You need to know how to remove them, because it's not just about fancy action scenes, sometimes it's a simple as removing the cable of a lavalier microphone that is visible that no one paid attention to when shooting.In this course you will learn how to remove tracking markers and wires including guidance for filming on set.Get ready for the next level in visual effects."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"After Effects CC: Night Vision, Sniper Scope and CCTV look" |
"You will learn how to create the following looks in After Effects CC:- (Military) Night Vision- Sniper scope- Security camera lookin After Effects CC that you may need for a scene in your film or you simply want to add these techniques to your effects arsenal.You will learn step by step how to prepare the footage, add the effects and details for realism."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sharpening Wood Carving Gouge with WorkSharp 3000 Sharpening" |
"My name is Alexander Grabovetskiy. I was chosen as best International Woodcarver is 2012. Iam carvingevery day and havethe same problemsI have to solve. One of them, howmakingmy Sharpening process Quicker and more Accurate.If you love wood Carving and the only roadblock is, sharpening your Woodcarving Tools. This Course is for you. I willteachyou my trusted system to Sharpen Wood Carving Gouge by usingWork Sharp3000 Sharpening machine."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"project management professional (PMP )" |
". 2006. . . . . ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Going from no Spanish to the Spanish skills" |
"'Going from no Spanish to the Spanish skills' is a high quality course for beginners, designed for everyone who wants to achieve excellent results in speaking Spanish in a very short time. The course is 'touching' some practical areas of our daily life and it covers each aspect of learning: LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING, WRITING. You will also learn some BASIC GRAMMAR, which, really, one needs to learn: speaking 'Tarzan language' can't be the aim of this course! It is wise to use different learning techniques. What works best for you may not work the same for your friend. That's why this basic practical course has a little bit of everything.Of course, in order to get the best results, it is important that you get involved. In fact, the more you enjoy the exercises, or listen and watch the videos, the more you will learn. And repetition is the key after all! Most of us need an incredible amount of repetition so don't worry if your Spanish doesn't come after you finish the lessons. That's normal. Here comes one of the great benefits of online courses, you can repeat as many times as you need!Learn this funny easy course at your own pace: Many people appreciate that they can learn at their own pace. No one is messing with you or demanding you do it at a certain time. You also don't have to go anywhere to learn you do it home, in your comfortable sofa, drinking your tea or coffee.'Going from no Spanish to the Spanish skills' satisfies any expectation of the most demanding students. At the end of this course you will read, write, listen and speak some Spanish!And, please don't stop learning: join the Facebook Group: Practical Spanish for English Speakers. Make friends, practice Spanish, have fun and learn. Good luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Mastery: The Psychology of Happiness & Fulfilment" |
"What people are saying: Alan is exceptionally engagingInsightful suggestions coupled with practical lessons and ways to change create a platform for success in changing and overcoming personal challenges.This course has been designed with practicality and applicability in mind. What that means is that you'll learn much more than just theory that gives insight. You'll be coached in real-world techniques that you can easily apply in your own life to practically up your skill level and master any aspect of life you want to improve on - relationships, business, sports, academia... literally anything.Become more outgoingImprove your relationshipsBecome happier Gain control of your life and destinyDiscover why you've been setting 'wrong' goals, and how to set 'right' ones insteadLearn to to Instant Mindfulness for incredible self-awareness Unmask the mechanisms of ""change"" and apply the most powerful model of personal change to yourself.Yes, that sounds like a big promise! But I've personally learned, developed and refined these very techniques to get myself from a poorly educated and physically disabled person to the heights of mastery in many different areas, A black belt martial arts instructor A PADI qualified Master SCUBA Diver TrainerA Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy - with a distinction!And become a Master Trainer in NLP and Neuro-Semantics so I can share these amazing insights with youSo if I can master anything I set my mind to - so can you. I'll teach you how in this course.The course is in three sections, each one systemically supporting the others:The first section reveals three massive mistakes that trip up most people; and they all negatively reinforce each other. If you study happy, successful, resilient people, you'll find they don't make these mistakes. In this section I'll not only tell you what these blind spots to a fulfilling life are, but coach you on how to develop the skills to take control of your own life.The second section goes deep into 'change'. After all, change is a process, so how does it happen, what exactly is the process? I'll teach you how real, generative, long lasting, sustainable change happens. And give you a model you can use to track yourself successfully through the changes you want to make.Lastly, I'll teach you how to master your body and personal states of mind. This is the essential essence of emotional-mastery; absolutely necessary to sustain your positive growth for long term results. "
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
Java |
"JavaAndroidSpring Boot Java Web ApplicationJavaJava1995Java AppletWebWebWebWebJavaJava EE 2004WebJava Web StartJavaFXJavaJ2MEAndroidAppJavaJavaJavaJavaJavaJavaJavaJavaJavaJava JavaJavaJavaJavaJavaI/OI/OJavaListSetMapQueueJavaJDBCServletJSPJava 8 LambdaStream..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"V mais longe com o Excel" |
"Ol!J pensou em fazer um curso de Excel, que aborde suas principais ferramentas, de forma extremamente didtica, e que alm disso lhe fornea dicas necessrias para ir cada vez mais longe com o Excel 2016?Se sua ideia estar cada vez mais preparado para atuar no mercado de trabalho este curso ir oferecer as ferramentas necessrias para que voc seja capaz de criar planilhas eletrnicas, utilizar ferramentas de edio, formatar planilhas de forma a transform-las em planilhas profissionais.Alm disso, voc aprender a criar grficos e aplicar frmulas e funes.Qual o diferencial deste curso?Que ele foi criado para que qualquer pessoa seja capaz de utilizar o Excel aps realiz-lo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"V ainda mais longe com o Excel - Intermedirio" |
"Este curso foi especialmente preparado para servir de continuao do Curso V Mais Longe com o Excel. Uma vez que neste primeiro curso foram ensinadas ferramentas de nvel mais bsico do Excel se fazia necessrio apresentar ferramentas de nvel intermedirio ao avanado em um curso onde alm das ferramentas do Excel fossem abordados conceitos fundamentais.Assim, tenho certeza que o Curso V Ainda Mais Longe com o Excel ir ser de extrema importncia para a sua formao profissional."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Project para pequenos e mdios projetos" |
"Gerenciar Projetos uma importante funo em uma empresa, e atuar nesta funo aplicando o software correto fundamental para que voc cresa cada vez mais.O curso Project para Pequenos e Mdios Projetos foi criado para fornecer a voc as ferramentas necessrias para elaborar projetos com facilidade utilizando esta fantstica ferramenta da Microsoft.Ao final do curso voc ter atingido o nvel intermedirio de uso do Project e ser capaz de:Criar projetos noProjectCriar tarefas, resumos e marcos em projetosCriar e formatar Grficos de GanttAlterar calendrio do projetoCriar relatrios do projetoVenha aprender Project com que atua no mercado de produo de cursos onlines h 7 anos, tendo produzido diversos contedos importantes para o desenvolvimento de profissionais em todo o Brasil."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Padres de Projeto em JAVA: 23 Padres do GoF na prtica" |
"Neste curso veremos como utilizar e extrair benefcios de cada um dos 23 padres de projeto GoF (Gang of Four). Cada Padro de Projeto reconhecido como uma soluo comprovada para um determinado problema na concepo de um projeto de software, os padres do GoF so divididos em 3 reas:Criacionais - Se refere aabstrao do processo de criao dos objetos,Estruturais - Se referecomo as classes e os objetos so compostos.Comportamentais - Se refere as responsabilidades so atribudas as classes e aos objetos.Os padres foram concebidos para ofereceremas melhores solues, seguindo um processo detalhado para responder a anlise dos requisitos atravs deuma arquitetura flexvel."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Cash Flow Management" |
"We have all heard the saying ""CASH IS KING."" The old time phrase is extremelyrelevant if you run a small business. Without sufficient cash flow, a business will most likely fail even if the business has consistent positive monthly net profits. This class will demonstrate the difference between cash flow and net profit. The class will also provide you with a simple tool that will help you understand and visualize how profit and cash flow work side by side."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Self-employed - Are you ready to get organized?" |
"Do you want toalleviate the pain of gathering all of your documents at tax time? Would you like to automate about 80% of your accounting? Are you an independent contractoror a small business owner?If youansweredyes to one or all three of these questions, you must sign up for this class.You will learn how to sort and trackbusiness income,capture all expense deductions,track business mileage,estimate quarterly tax payments, and invoice your customers anytime, anywhere, from multiple devices. And what's even more exciting, you will learn how to automate 80% of the entire accounting process.You will learn how to manage your entire business using QuickBooks self-employed. Give up the confusion and destain of bookkeeping and let this course together with the software easily guide you through the normal drudgery of bookkeeping.You will fall in love with QuickBooks Self-employed."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Discover Real English Grammar: Speaking about the Future" |
"How do you speak about the future in English? Maybe you already know a little about will, going to and the Present Continuous. But there are lots of other forms for talking about the future. With so many future forms to choose from, we have to ask two questions:Why do native English speakers sometimes choose one future form and not another? How can you choose the best future form to explain the things you want to say?You'll find the answers to these questions and so much more in this course.I'm Sam, and I'm a native British English speaker and experienced English as a Foreign Language Teacher. I've worked for many years in France and Italy teaching English to adults and teenagers. I have spent thousands of hours with students like you in the classroom. During this time, my students learnt English, and I learnt how to help them understand English. I saw that speaking about the future is often very difficult for students. Sadly, some students didn't use the future forms like native English speakers; they didn't feel confident about their English and they worried about exams they needed to take.Students studied and studied, reading grammar books and doing exercises. They learnt to chose between the present continuous and the going to form in the exercises, but when they spoke English they still didn't sound English. It was sad to see, but the books didn't give students a clear idea about how we really speak about the future in English and didn't help them understand why native English speakers choose them.I decided to find a solution. When I shared the Secret for the Future Forms with my students they started to really understand the English they read and hear -now you can understand real, natural English too! And that's only the start, because when you can understand real English you can do two more things:start to express your ideasusing natural English when you speak and writestart to talk about the future with confidence I've come to Udemy because I want to share these Secrets with you. I really want to help you understand the English you read and hear and talk about the future using natural English.I was a teacher in the classroom for thousands of students, so I knowthat every student is different.Every student knows different things at the start of the course, and every student will need help in different ways so they can understand; every student needs a personal course. So I will help you to make a personal decision about how to use the course, so you will learn faster and understand more - like a Super Student. Before the end of the course, you will be making your own decisions independently.There are lots of different resources in this course that you can choose to help you understand. Every student should start with the Start Points Practice Test, so you can see exactly what you understand at the start of the course.If you need to study the basic grammar of the future, you can use the Start Points Grammar Lectures. If you are ready to start learning the Secret of the Future Forms, you can follow the lectures. But they're not simple videos - your lectures are full of questions, so you are always active and thinking, and never passive and only listening.During the course you will also complete two unique and challenging assignments to really test your understanding. You will also complete a Super Student Diary to help you understand the things you are learning and why you are learning them.And if you ever have a problem,you can always ask for help in the Question and Answer section.I know that learning English is a long process. So at the end of the course I will help you decide the best thing you can do after the course to continue learning about the future forms. So become a Super Student and explore the Secret of Future Forms - click the Enroll Now button and join me on this course so you can discover the Secret of Real English Grammar: Speaking about the Future."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Practical Business English" |
"There are 320,000,000 people who speak English as a first language - and 1,000,000,000 people who speak English as a second language! Did you know that there are more conversations between two people who speak English as a foreign language than conversations between two native speakers? And business is one of the most important reasons people use English to talk together. These simple facts tell us a very clear story: you will have to speak English with confidence and precision for international business.Somewhere, in the world at this moment, an Arabic speaking businessman is speaking on the phone with his English speaking colleague. Or a Spanish business owner needs to email his English speaking customer. Who do you speak English to in your business life and why?When there are two people who use English together for business and one of these people doesn't speak English as a first language, we say that they are using English as a lingua franca. A lingua franca is a common language that everyone understands.English is the lingua franca of international business. Speaking English for business can be a great opportunity for business people who have the right confidence and communication skills.Are you one of those business people?Perhaps you already know some business English because you use English at work.Or perhaps you simply have an intermediate or upper-intermediate level of English and want to improve so you can use your English for business.You can gain so much from using your English to do business internationally. But the big possibilities create big pressures.Maybe you feel a lack of confidence when you speak English.Perhaps you don't know what to say, or what other English speakers expect on the phone or in an interview.Of course you want to create the best possible impression when you present yourself or your company. But perhaps you don't know the specific phrases you can say or write when you interact in English.Louise and Sam have both seen these problems in different situations - one as a teacher and one as a businesswoman. We both really wanted to help people like you communicate better for business. But sometimes English teachers don't know enough about business, and business people don't know enough about teaching English. So we combined all the things we know and all the experience we have to create this course. We know that with our combination of English language teaching and international business experience we can help you improve your English business communication.Sam is a fully qualified English teacher, with 6 years experience working with thousands of students in many different countries.""I have seen in the classroom that students at an intermediate and upper intermediate level of English often know all the grammar they need to understand real English and communicate successfully in most situations. But often students find it difficult to speak English with confidence and precision in specific situations, such as job interviews or on the phone. My experience has shown me that the biggest reason students don't succeed when they use business English is because of problems with vocabulary. Just a relatively small number of key phrases, idioms and phrasal verbs has made a big difference to the confidence and success of my students in the classroom. And now I would like to bring this vocabulary to you.""Louise has used her knowledge from her first class business degree to set up multiple businesses and travel the world. She now has several of the top ranked business courses on Udemy.""I have interacted with hundreds of business people using English as a lingua franca and I know very well the problems business people often have when they use English to do business. Working in so many different countries with so many different people has shown me that I have a natural advantage in business - I am a native English speaker and I know English business culture. I want you to have this advantage too! In this course, I really want to give you the best possible advice about the things you should do in the most important business situations.""There are 4 main objectives you will complete during this course. By the end of the course, you will be very different when you speak English! You will be able to:Speak with more confidence on the phoneCreate the best possible impression in a business interviewHold the attention of your audience with clearer presentationsWrite with a more appropriate style in a business interviewFrom Sam you will learn over 150 phrasal verbs, idioms and key phrases. And from Louise you will hear some great advice for business communication in the English speaking world.The centre of each unit is a lecture from Louise about what you can do to improve your communication skills and make a great impression with other English speakers. She explains the best things you can do when you communicate in English. And there's a bonus: Louise is a real, native speaker and uses natural English - she's not a textbook! She speaks fast and uses a lot of common English from the business world, just like the people you will interact with. Understanding Louise will give you the satisfaction and confidence that comes from understanding a real, native speaker.And there will always be help from Sam when you need it. Before you listen to Louise's lecture, Sam will explain all the phrasal verbs and idioms she uses so you can understand all her advice. For each phrasal verb and idiom there is a clear explanation and an example in spoken English. After you listen to Louise's lecture, Sam will explain some key phrases you can use so you can follow Louise's advice.And of course, after every lecture there is a quiz so you can check you understand Louise's advice and Sam's vocabulary.There are also bonus downloadable PDF documents with all the phrasal verbs, key phrases and idioms. So you can study all the vocabulary you need watching and listening to the lectures and by reading the documents.The best way to improve your communication skills for business English is to learn from an experienced master - and here you have two of them! So enrol on this course now and begin gaining the confidence you need to communicate successfully for international business."
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