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"How To Become A Stylish And Well-Dressed Woman" |
"Hi and WELCOMEto How To Become A Stylish & Well-Dressed Woman!Wantto stop wasting money on clothes you never wear?Wantto learn whichstyles suit your body shape and which colors are your most flattering?Wantto be more fashionable but have no idea where to start?Sounds like you need a helping hand to guide you through the 7vital steps to becominga better-dressed, more stylish, confident and attractive woman...How many times have you seen the way a well-dressed woman has put an outfit together and wondered how does she dothat? You cant help but notice stylish women. They just have a certain SOMETHING. They have that je ne sais quoithats a cut above all the endless fashion trends, whimsical magazine covers and shop window displays.My name is Peta Stephenson and my favorite part of being an image consultant is seeing my clients' confidence grow as they learn which styles and colors to embrace (and which to forego).I've been a personal stylist for ten years and have taken the guesswork out of clothes shopping and getting dressed for hundreds and hundredsof women.Now, for the first time, I'm sharing theadvice I give clientsin one-on-one consultations in my new course'How To Become A Stylish & Well-Dressed Woman'.There are 7 steps to having great style, and this course covers all of them. It includes:A separate unit on how to make a great first and lasting impression A separate unit on how to work out your body type and learn which cuts and shapes are your most flattering A separate unit on discovering your individual style personality A separate unit covering how clothes are constructed (and why it matters)A separate unit to help you understand your most flattering colors A separate unit on getting the most wear and value from the clothes you already own, andA separate unit showing you how to save money and shop like a pro.With my help you'll be one of THOSE women ...the ones we see on the streetand admire for their 'effortless style'.To become a more stylish and well-dressed woman, all you have to do is enrol in this course. Just click on the green 'Buy Now' button to get started.And remember, you're taking this course at no risk. Udemy backs your purchase with a 30 day, no questions asked money back guarantee.So what are you waiting for? Enrol now so we can begin learning together.I look forward to seeing you inside.Peta xxPS The course also includes greatbonus resources:7 downloadable PDFs and 100+ course slides"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Der ultimative HTML5 und CSS3 Komplettkurs" |
"Lerne HTML5 und CSS3 wie ein Profi - detailliert, vollstndig und praxisnah Du willst Webdesigner oder Webentwickler werden? Oder du brauchst HTML und CSS fr Beruf, Studium oder ein Praktikum? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Dieser Kurs ist der detaillierteste, praxisorientierteste und bestbewertete deutschsprachige Kurs fr HTML5 und CSS3 auf Udemy.Dieser Kurs vermittelt Verstndnis bis in die Tiefe der MaterieIn mehr als 190 Lektionen und knapp 33 Stunden Videomaterial lernst du alles ber HTML5 und CSS3 und erstellst in einem riesigen Praxis-Projekt deine erste eigene Website. Du lernst dabei immer alles bis ins Detail und wir beschftigen uns gemeinsam mit nahezu jeden noch so kleinen Aspekt von HTML und CSS.Du lernst responsive Webdesign - Optimiert fr Desktop und Mobile Devices Websites mssen heutzutage nicht nur am PC gut aussehen, sondern auch fr mobile Endgerte wie Smartphones oder Tablets optimiert sein. Deshalb lernst du in diesem Kurs genau das, was du in der heutigen Zeit brauchst: Responsive Webdesign!Ganz nebenbei beschftigen wir uns jedoch auch mit allen anderen gngigen Entwicklungsanstzen, wie Grid-Systemen, mobile-first Webdesign und Flexboxen.Die Kombination aus Theorie und Praxis fhrt dich zum ErfolgWer HTML und CSS lernen will, der wird mit Theorie alleine nicht glcklich werden - denn Praxiserfahrung ist das A und O im Bereich Webdesign! Neben der kompletten theoretischen Basis erstellst du deshalb in einem riesigen Praxis-Projekt deine erste eigene Website und sammelst ganz nebenbei mehr als 15 Stunden wertvolle Praxiserfahrung.Geeignet fr alle Zielgruppen - vom Anfnger bis hin zum ProfiGanz egal, ob du noch nie mit HTMLund CSS zu tun hattest oder ob du vielleicht nach einer guten Mglichkeit suchst deine Wissen aufzufrischen oder zu erweitern - dieser Kurs bietet dir genau das, was du brauchst. Als Komplettkurs konzipiert, fangen wir ganz vorne bei den Basics an und arbeiten und stressfrei und unkompliziert vor bis hin zum Expertenwissen.Wir lernen gemeinsam und du bist niemals allein Wir schauen uns jedes Thema gemeinsam an und du lernst in den Tempo, das zu dir passt. Sollte dabei doch mal eine Frage offen bleiben, kannst du sie problemlos im Fragenbereich des Kurses stellen. Bisher ist dabei noch keine Frage unbeantwortet und kein Problem ungelst geblieben!Noch Fragen? Dann schreib mir eine Nachricht auf UdemySolltest du jetzt noch Fragen haben oder dir noch immer unsicher sein, ob der Kurs der richtige fr dich ist, dann zgere nicht mir eine Nachricht bei Udemy zu schreiben. Ich freue mich von dir zu hren!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Craft Wire Tree Sculptures With Andy Elliott" |
"My name is Andy Elliott andI'm an artist that specializes in wire tree sculptures.In this short course you will learn the methodstechniques I use to craft my work. The course Includes 6 video tutorials where you will learn the process of crafting a small bonsai wire sculpture. You will learn about the materials and tools needed as well as the technique of crafting the trunk branches and leaves. It also includes an 18 minute step by step tutorial showing how to craft a larger sculpture with roots."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre la mthode Data envelopment Analysis (DEA)" |
"Ce cours prsente la mthode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), une mthode dvaluation de la performance. Il est destin aux responsables dorganisations publiques et aux mangers des organisations prives qui ne sont pas familiers avec les notions doptimisation mathmatique, autrement dit de recherche oprationnelle. Lutilisation des mathmatiques est par consquent rduite au minimum. Ce cours est fortement orient vers la pratique. Il permet aux dcideurs de raliser leurs propres leurs propres analyses defficience et dinterprter facilement les rsultats obtenus."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"German for Beginners" |
"On this course you will learn the basics of the grammar of the German language, you will learn how to write sentences and ask questions. After learning more than 200 words, you will expandvocabulary.You will learn how to pronounce sounds and usegrammatical topics in a conversation. To achieve excellent results, you need to learnevery day. In a short time you canlearnthe most basic grammar ofGerman language.Subscribe and enjoy the video lessons!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hands-on Professional Programming for Beginners: Python + SE" |
"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Steve Jobs, the man who brought us the iPhone said: ""I think every body in this country should learn how to program a computer.. should learn a computer language...because it teaches you how to think.""""I view computer science as a liberal art. It should be something that everybody learns... takes a year in their lives.. one of the courses they take is .. learning how to program."" [ -- Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview, 1995]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course teaches you how to think, about computer programs; it doesn't just teach you a programming language. Along the way, want to learn programming?Eager to become a software engineer? How aboutlearning the basics of the world's hottest programming language Python, wildly popular software engineering tools, and excellent programming methodology?This hands-on, continuously evolving course that will grow to have 20+ hours of screen-cast programming-session recordings will teach you -- a novice -- how to create useful computer programs that people can use, and how to continually upgrade your programs with new features based on user requirements. In fact, you will build and evolve your own program, ""myPlanner"", during the course, alongside evolving your programming skills. Read the storyline of the program's evolution in the resources section of the very first lecture or the ""Future Lectures!"" section, both of which are available for free preview.The Python programming language is ranked as the hottest programming language on the planet right now. (Search the internet for ""Python popularity"" and see for yourself!) Python is also a popular platform for the wildly in-demand programming job of data scientist. This course teachesPython and how to use it in a professional manner. Software engineering tools such as Integrated Development Environments and Version Control Systems, program development methodologies such as Agile, and programming skills such as requirement specification, top-down design, object-oriented design, and software testing are essential requirements for a software engineer. This course teaches the basics of all these tools, methodologies, and skills.The attraction of this course is that it is designed to help you learn the basics of all the above in a natural and easy manner by taking you on a guided tour ofevolving your own computer program. At each stage of your program's evolution you will learn the necessary tools, processes, and methodologies just exactly when you need them, thus building in your mind a nice, complete and memorable storyline of all the things you learn.This holistic course is a combination of two courses that are often taught separately: a programming language course and a software engineering course. Each video lecture is a programming session captured on screen rather than a talking head and power-point slides, and downloadable for every lecture isthe fully working program developed in that lecture!Here are some of the highly marketable skills you will acquire from this course:Python programming languageAgile MethodolgyRequirements specificationTop-down Program designFlowchartsObject-Oriented Programming (OOP)Software TestingPyCharm IDE (Integrated Development Environment)GIT Version Control SystemUser Interface (UI) designetc., etc., etc. So, hop on board, join the class and become a software engineer!Target Audience:You want to become a professional programmer but have no prior programming backgroundYou want to learn the Python programming language and the basics of software engineeringYouwant to re-learn programming in a better waySkills Needed:You already have or are willing to develop the habits of precise, logical, and systematic thinking and expression, being organized in your work, and persistence and patience. This coursewill not only make you a very good beginning programmer, but also perhaps make your approach to all other work as well more methodical.Course Mechanics:In the very first lecture you will build your very first program, and with each subsequent lecture you will grow your program organically into something bigger, along the way learning all the different tools, methods, processes and methodologies required.Thus, you will pickup the basics of all the different skills needed towards becoming a professional programmer,not just a particular programming language. Just as becoming a good writer involves much more than learning English grammar and vocabulary, becoming a good programmer involves much more than just learning a programming language. This course will start you on the path to becoming a good programmer.As you progress in the course, not only will you have your own working Planner program that you can show off to your friends, but also you will grow a beginner programmer skill set of the most in-demand things in the software industry.Additional Course Lectures:This course provides you a unique opportunity to shape the lectures to your benefit. The course has been seeded with an initial 20 lectures, and at least as many more lectures are in preparation and will be added to the course in the near future. These latter lectures will take into account all student feedback on the initial seed lectures. Such development of any product, based on user feedback and involving many releases/upgrades, is referred to as Agile Product Development, a methodology that is taught in this course. Your feedback will shape not only what is taught next but also how it is taught. The earlier you join the course and the more feedback you give, the more you can shape this course to your liking!Course Outcomes:Computer programming is not just about learning a programming language. In this course you will learn in an easy, enjoyable, and motivating manner how to develop working software programs, that is, the basics of Software Engineering. You will be learning the Python programming language along the way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Level 1 Home Study Course" |
"Reiki Level 1 Energy Practitioner Training CourseLearn how to become a certified Traditional Usui Reiki PractitionerHi, I'm Teri Taylor, Reiki Master Teacher.Spiritual Adviser, and Holistic Healer. I have put together a pretty cool Reiki Level 1 home training course, that I think you are going to absolutely love. In this course you will learn about Reiki, which is a beautiful divine universal energy that has been practiced all over the world for centuries to heal any emotional,physical, and energetic imbalances. In this course you will learn how to perform Reiki on yourself and others and will be one step closer to being able to starting your own practice by giving others Reiki Treatments on a professional and paid level. In the level 1 course you will learn how to activate Reiki and give yourself treatments as well as treat others. In this follow along course you will receive high quality videos, follow along lectures and a manual for The Reiki Level 1 degree. At the end of the course you will receive your attunements distant style, by me, via guided meditation video. At the end of the course you will receive your level 1 certificate. This course will change your life in so many ways, one by opening you up ,to a whole new level of existence that you have never experienced before! You will also deepen your connection to your higher self and power, as well as increasing your love for self. Reiki helps you to find a new meaning of life by helping you to heal old energetic blockages that could be holding you back in your life that is keeping you from ascending to where you are meant to be.with Gratitude,Teri TaylorReiki Master TeacherThis course includes slides & links to get you certified in Reiki Level 1! Once you have enrolled you will receive a series of emails to give you access to this amazing training course. The slides do not go along with the manual however they do cover information from the manual plus more information that may or may not be covered in this manual. Please use the resources provided."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Level 2 Certification Home Study Course" |
"I have put together this amazing home study course that I know you are going to love! This course covers and teaches so much on the Reiki 2nd degree, that your not gonna wanna miss this! Students will learn the following:The Power of Reiki & how it works.How to accurately give a Reiki treatmentHow to perform a distance Reiki session What a surrogate is. How to use a surrogate. The 3 Sacred Symbols and the importance of the symbols How to send Reiki healing in the past, present, & future. & so much more! At the completion of this home study course, students will receive the Reiki 2nd degree attunement along with The Reiki Level 2 Home Study Certification."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Master Certification Home-Study Course" |
"Students will learn the following: How to properly give Reiki TreatmentsHow to activate the power of Reiki How to properly use the Reiki Master symbols to attune your own studentsHow to draw the masters symbols Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to build and teach your own Reiki Class and even get the chance to teach your courses here on the Udemy platform!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Quickstart Crowdfunding" |
"In this short course, you'll learn about:1. Choosing a platform2. What categories and products do well3. How to validate your idea4. What you should spend your time on5. Monitoring traffic sources6. How to effectively and efficientlypromoteyour campaign7. Battle tested methods for boosting revenue8. Services that make life betterI'll be opinionated about what you should do so you don't have to think as much. Speed is the key. If you want to fiddle with details for 1 year before launching, this course isn't right for you. If you want to get moving now, then this is your place."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fluid Art Mastery: Abstract Flow Art Secrets Revealed" |
"Also known as paint pouring, flow art, liquid art.etc.Is a form of abstract art that uses acrylic paints with a runny (fluid)consistency. The acrylic paints react with each other when combined together to make interesting and visually organic motifs. This type of art is fun for all ages. Fluid acrylics can be used on many types of substrates and in many different forms such as pouring, dripping, swirling, glazing, dipping and many other effects. Fluid art opens up a lot of possibilities and is definitely worth exploring and adding to your artist tool belt. In this course I will teach you everything you will need to become a paint pouring artist. I will share with you:* Please Note! If you like a lot of talking this course may not be for you. When I create art I get in a trance like state and talking interrupts my flow. I do some voice over introductions and descriptions here and there but this course is heavy on visual content. I do a lot of pop ups on the screen that are full of helpful information and descriptions and I supply you with written resources as well.How to set up your paint pouring studio on a budgetcomplete supplies listshare all the techniques that I use like; dirty pour flip cup, puddle pours, pre-lift slide technique, open cylinder, ribbon pour, swipe technique and more.I will show you how to properly handle and care for your artI will show you how to protect your artworkThe bonus section will have plenty of resources to refer to with information about mixing ratios, paint density and moreI will also share with you many techniques I use to embellish the work to give it even more visual appealI will show you how to priceAnd tips on where to sell your masterpiece!I'm here to help you become a confident Fluid Painting Artist..Enroll in my Udemy CourseToday!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Rock Painting and Beyond - Decorative Stone Art" |
"Rock Painting/Stone Art is fun, easy and can be inexpensiveStone carvings (Petroglyphs)and Rock paintings (Pictographs) date backtens of thousands of years. Though the tools and methods have changed, the desire to communicate through art remains and is as strong as ever. This course covers the basics and my ""out of the box"" techniques that I use to create unique stone artin my Home Decor and Design businesses.* Please Note! If you like a lot of talking,this course may not be for you. When I create art I get in a trance-like state and talking interrupts my flow. I do some voiceover introductions and descriptions here and there but this course is heavy on visual content. I do a lot of pop-ups on the screen that are full of helpful information and descriptions and I supply you with written resources as well. Also note, I will use the terms ""stone"" and ""rock"" interchangeablythroughout this course. Also, I like to do things a little different than what is already out there, so I will NOT be doing any mandala designs. There are many great rock artists that have mastered that type of stone art. Here is a list of my favorites:Elspeth McLean,Maria Trujillo,Natasha Alexander, andF Sehnaz Bac."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Planning and Executing a Usability Test" |
"Learn quick and practical usability testing techniques - A 7 step process that will help you move the design into compliance with the users needs, limitations, mental models and cognitive styles. You will learn essential testing techniques ranging from test setup to test planning & execution. The course talks about simple paper prototype tests to cutting-edge remote testing using advanced tool sets & how to successfully moderate your session. A student would learnWhere UT fits in the design process,Who are the actors who participate in a UT session,What are different type of tests,What are the different type of questions in a UTWhat is the right number of participants for a session. How to plan for a Kickoff Meeting,How to screen participant,How to build a test protocol,How to prepare a data log sheet,What are the pointers to remember while scheduling participants,How to analysis & prioritize findingsHow to redesign & present design changes. How to initiate a session,What is a think aloud protocol,How to probe users & maintain neutral voice tone & body language,What is a remote usability test,What is Guerilla UTWhat isA-B & multivariate testing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy Ninja Hacks For SEO" |
"Hi! So this class will be about how to do your own SEO, make your own website with a few tidbits thrown in including an underused SEO technique that Google loves.. I am going to make this so easy to help skyrocket your websiterankings and gain the visibility you deserve for your business. This will not be a stodgy course.The easiestkeyword research ever! My 5 minute method works and anybody can do this!Backlinking like a BOSS. This is a SUPER important element in rankings online. Google loves it and if Google loves it, so should you, my ninja warrior.How web sites are bringing sexy back! I am going to share with you a FREE website maker that is so darned easy to use and so amazing in looks, you will be very happy you discovered this.Why blog post ideas beat peanut butter on pancakes! You need ideas for your blogs? Titles? I'm going to show you how to generate amazing titles and get ideas. No more writers block!Why you should not eat and screen record in bed. ( And NOT what you are thinking, you naughty ninja ) No more complicated software to screen record. I'm going to give you the easiest software to use to screen record. ( I'm using it to record my videos)How to fight Lex Luthor usingthis secret Google trick. Superman's secret weapon and Lex doesn't like it. ( VERY NINJA TACTIC for indexing your site)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unity 3D" |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"ComputerCavalry: Slow Computer Repair and PC Maintenance" |
"Is your computer running slowly? Welcome to an easy-to-master web based course on basic computer maintenance to help keep your PC running in tip top shape and provide you a solid foundation in computer repair.In this course you will learn all the various methods to answer the age old question: How to speed up a slow computer as well as a few little known features ( tips and tricks ) of Windows to help your productivity. After all, there must be more you can do with your PC besides online shop and check email right?Welcome to ComputerCavalry!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ComputerCavalry: IT Help Desk Training for IT Professionals!" |
"ComputerCavalry: Help Desk Training for IT Professionals is a 10 lecture course designed with update to date training for the customer service professional. By enrolling you will be guided and properly trained in topics such as: Troubleshooting, Active Directory, Password Management and Basic Networking.You will learn how to respond to common help desk related issues with great customer service, critical thinking, remote support, and proper troubleshooting to resolve many IT related issues.In this course we will be covering the beginning steps to the IT Industry!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ComputerCavalry: Command & Conquer ( Command Line Basics )" |
"In this course you will learn the basic, mid, and advance level commands for the command prompt application in windows! Commands such as IPCONFIG, PATHPING, WMIC, and QUERY will all be discussed in detail. Each video averages about 5 min and can viewed as many times as you like! Please leave a review of your experience"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Lightning for Beginners (with Examples)" |
"Salesforce Lightning - Modern CRMLightningis an updated user interface from Salesforce. If you lookat the Home page in Salesforce Classic versus Lightning Experience highlights some of the aesthetic improvements. It provides modern fonts and colors, and the flexible size and arrangement of components makes much better use of available screen space. Lightning Experience is impressivelycool and it offers lot ofnew functionality and a beautiful interface that makes data look just awesome withso much friendlier and more impressive. It also includes great enhancements for list views, report filters, inline email, enhanced notes, etc.What's you will learn:Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Components,you'll learn how easily customize Salesforce with the new Lightning Component framework, which includes all the tools and technologies needed to build responsive and efficient components for any device."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 7200.00 ![]() |
"Set Your Personal Leadership Vision and Make it Actionable" |
"WHATWILLILEARN ?The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision.This course takes you through a proven 8-step process on setting your personal leadership vision and translating it into action. The course walks you through the process withinstructional steps and timed working sessions where, ata rapid pace, you will learn a repeatable process.Learn about the fundamental leadership skill from a trained expertSuitable for beginners and expertsBreaks down a complex process into simple stepsVisual training offering users increased retention and engagement"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step By Step HTML and CSS course for beginners" |
"HTML and CSS are the easiest and most important languages for a new learner to get skills in a short time. Both the languages will help you in this course to create, design and code websites quickly, easily and with confidence, if you are keen to develop a real worldweb pages.Today the web has made the world a global village. There are millions of websites and all the websites are basically made up of two the most important languages - HTML and CSS. Hundred of programming languages are used to make the website and web applications, but the two most important to learn from them are HTML and CSS!In this course we'll learn HTML and CSS in easy to follow way and we'll also build a simple but attractive web page together. We'll explain why the code we right looks the way it does and we'll go through the best coding practices.We'll figure out how HTML and CSS work together to create awesome web pages.This tutorial will take you step by step through the fundamentals of HTML and CSS. From knowing absolutely nothing about HTML and CSS to creating your first beautiful looking web pages from scratch.Enroll right now and let's get started with our learning!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Become a Highly Paid JavaScript Developer in 2 Weeks" |
"JavaScriptis the most popular programming language in the world!It's a programming language used for creating dynamic action on your website.JavaScript gives your websites additional functionalities that can be executed on the user's computer without re-connecting to the server.Because of this, the user interface becomes more friendly and more interactive.Learning JavaScript will allow you to become a full stack web developer. With JavaScript you'll be able to use front end frameworks like React and Angular on the client side. And you can also code on back end server side with NodeJS and create databases with MongoDB.With JavaScript you'll be able to add features and interactivity to your websites, build large scale full stack applications and add functionality to existing projects.In this course we'll start learning JavaScript from the very beginning and we will start from some of the basic building blocks of JavaScript.Learning about variables, primitives, operators and more.We'll then move onto JavaScript objects - learning how to create, access and modify them.Then we'll learn about two special kinds of JavaScript objects - arrays (where we'll focus on using its properties and methods) and functions (where we'll look at declarations, parameters and expressions)We'll then move onto Control Flow and Loops section where we will cover Logical operators, Switch statements, While loop, FOR loop and much more.This is the most organised course about JavaScript from Beginner to Professional on the Internet and it's based on the best practices for developing clean, easy to read and maintain and well-performing code in JavaScript. It I will take you step by step from theory to building your own real-world applications. We will explain in details all the code we will write together and launch in our browsers to see how it in action.Upon completion of this course you will know JavaScript perfectly and learning any JavaScript based framework will not be a struggle for you!Just start your learning today and let's start speaking JavaScript!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Unity" |
"Esse curso foi criado para introduzir o aluno ao desenvolvimento de jogos e Unity. umcurso com grande quantidade de assuntos abordadose que se preocupa em entregar as informaes essenciais para quem quer comear sem perder muito tempo.O curso estorganizado em vdeoaulasde durao mdia de15 min cada, dando um total demais de8h de vdeo aulas,onde qualquer pessoa que nunca trabalhou com a unity na vida poder aprender acriar seuprimeiro jogo!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Curso de 3Ds Max Fundamentos" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender amodelar em 2D e 3D, usar cmeras e luzes, aplicar materiais e renderizar. Conceitos essenciais decomo usar as ferramentas e os comandos, alm de conhecer as melhores tcnicas para criar seus projetos com o 3ds Max. Ao final do curso, voc estar apto a desenvolver modelos 2D e 3D, renderizar e anim-los de forma fcil e rpida.O curso estorganizado em vdeoaulasde durao mdia de10min cada,dando um total demais de5h de vdeo aulas,onde qualquer pessoa que nunca trabalhou com 3Ds Maxna vida poder aprender.O que est esperando?Comece j seus estudos e bom curso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Strategy -" |
"Since the basic purpose of business is to create customers, the way to grow a business is through marketing. This explains why marketing has often been equated with creativity and viewed as the most important function in business. Marketing is a dynamic, fascinating and highly stimulating field of contemporary business studies and in this course you will be exposed to the language of marketing used by marketing practitioners and scholars.The coursedescribes frameworks supporting marketing activities. It discusses the understanding to consumer goods, as well as service, andbusiness-to-business.Topics include: marketing processes and planning, the use of market research, an understanding of consumers and customers, decision-making and the marketing mix, market segmentation, positioning and product differentiation, the changing global environment.Industry & Environmental Analysis Target Market Selection Proposed Research Tools (Interviews, Survey,) Consumer Analysis Competitive Analysis SWOT Analysis Problem Identification Marketing Objectives Marketing Strategies (Product Positioning& Branding, Pricing, Distribution management, Integrated Marketing Communications - IMC) Detailed Implementation Plan , Timeline & Budgeting . . "" "" . . . : ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"French course beginner DELF A1 CEFRL official certificate" |
"Bienvenue votre cours de franais conu dans le cadre du CECRL (Cadre Europen De Rfrence des Langues) !Ce cours va vous permettre de prparer l'examen officiel de niveau DELF A1 o que vous soyiez (depuis votre ordinateur, votre tablette ou votre smartphone ou encore votre TV...) et quand vous le souhaitez (les cours restent disponibles 24h/24 et 7J/7) et d'obtenir le diplme officiel en toute scurit!Bonne prparation!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"French course elementary DELF A2 CEFRL official certificate" |
"Bienvenue votre cours de franais conu dans le cadre du CECRL (Cadre Europen De Rfrence des Langues) !Ce cours va vous permettre de prparer l'examen officiel de niveau DELF2 o que vous soyiez (depuis votre ordinateur, votre tablette ou votre smartphone ou encore votre TV...) et quand vous le souhaitez (les cours restent disponibles 24h/24 et 7J/7) et d'obtenir le diplme officiel en toute scurit!Bonne prparation!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"French course intermediate DELF B1 CEFRL official certificat" |
"Bienvenue votre cours de franais conu dans le cadre du CECRL (Cadre Europen De Rfrence des Langues) !Ce cours va vous permettre de prparer l'examen officiel de niveau DELF B1 o que vous soyiez (depuis votre ordinateur, votre tablette ou votre smartphone ou encore votre TV...) et quand vous le souhaitez (les cours restent disponibles 24h/24 et 7J/7) et d'obtenir le diplme officiel en toute scurit!Bonne prparation!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"French course independant DELF B2 CEFRL official certificate" |
"Bienvenue votre cours de franais conu dans le cadre du CECRL (Cadre Europen De Rfrence des Langues) !Ce cours va vous permettre de prparer l'examen officiel de niveau DELF B2 o que vous soyiez (depuis votre ordinateur, votre tablette ou votre smartphone ou encore votre TV...) et quand vous le souhaitez (les cours restent disponibles 24h/24 et 7J/7) et d'obtenir le diplme officiel en toute scurit!Bonne prparation!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |