Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn HTML & CSS By Building a Facebook Clone" |
"Welcome to the number one course to learn HTML and CSS.I go over the skills that you need to be ready to start applying for a position as a front end developerIn this course you will learn the following:HTMLCSSConvert PSD or any design to HTML and CSS"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PUG Template Engine Master Course" |
"Learn how to write html with the pug template engine and make your work flow faster. Also when you learn pug you can use it for node js as your main template engine. Pug used to be known as jade but for legal reasons they decide it to rename it pug. Learn how to write loops, render template on node js, and export it to html."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"jQuery 2018 and beyond course" |
"Developers find jQuery intuitive and easy to learn -- this library is built on shorter, simpler code, after all. With simple syntax and open coding standards, developers can shorten the time it takes to deploy an application or site. In addition, developers don't have to be experts in programming or Web design to create great styles for their sites. Any developer who has spent hours coding and testing CSS files will surely appreciate the simple implementation that jQuery brings to the table. There's also a set of robust jQuery UI components that developers can plug into their websites."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Javascript ECMAscript ES6, ES7, ES8, and Beyond Course" |
"Javascript is one of those languages that will continue to evolve every year with this course you get every version released. We start with ES6 which is the current official released version of javascript. I break down ES6 in a way that people can easily understand and give you real life examples that you will see why it's important to learn."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"If you are a developer who has been using css frameworks like bootstrap or bulmaand wish to be able to create sites with your own grid this is the course for you. In this course we will go straight to the point when it comes to learning advance features of css like grids and flexbox. I breakdownthese 2 difficult topicsand make them look easy. At the end of this course you will be comfortable to put under your skills sets that you have master CSS Grids and Flexbox."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Web Developer Portfolio and Brand To Get Hired" |
"If you are a junior developer looking to get hired ASAP this is the best courses for you. I will teach you how to create a brand for yourself as a web developer that will impress your future employer. We will also build a portfolio that will show that you are a professional developer not just a junior developer. We will start with all the major social network platforms and then we will build your portfolio."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a Bitcoin y a la Tecnologa Blockchain." |
"Bienvenidos al curso: ""Introduccin a Bitcoin y a la Tecnologa Blockchain"". Mi nombre es Gimer Cervera, soy profesor-investigador y un entusiasta promotor de la tecnologa Blockchain. Las criptomonedas como Bitcoin son cada vez ms populares pero es muy complicado entender estas tecnologas ya que existe muy poca informacin confiable (sobre todo en el idioma espaol) en esta rea. En este curso resolveremos estas preguntas: Qu es y cmo funciona Blockchain? Qu es Bitcoin? Cules son los problemas que resuelve Blockchain? Qu es un contrato inteligente? Qu es una ICO? Qu beneficios nos traen las aplicaciones descentralizadas?Para responder a estas preguntas, he recopilado en este curso los conceptos fundamentales que le permitan al estudiante entender estos conceptos y los alcances de esta tecnologa.La tecnologa Blockchain revolucionar el Internet y cambiar nuestras vidas en forma sorprendente. Este curso permitir a los profesionales de TI, CEOs, CTOs, desarrolladores y otros interesados, comprender los principios tericos sobre los cuales se fundamenta esta tecnologa. Por otra parte, los estudiantes comprendern su potencial aplicacin en diferentes reas como: la industria financiera, sector salud, Internet de las cosas, sector energtico, logstica y sector inmobiliario entre otros.Qu voy a aprender? Cmo est organizado el curso?Este curso est dividido en las siguientes secciones: 1. Introduccin: En ese seccin se describe el contenido y alcances del curso.2. Conceptos Fundamentales de la tecnologa Blockchain: en esta seccin se presentan conceptos bsicos de esta tecnologa. Tambin se explica que es y como funciona una blockchain pblica como Bitcoin. Para profundizar ms en el tema, se describen a detalles conceptos bsicos de criptografa de llave pblica para entender las bases que permiten que la informacin sea segura, inalterable y permanente. Se explica que es una funcin hash, que son los rboles de Merkle y como funciona la criptografa de llave pblica.Finalmente, se analiza un ""demo en lnea"" para ejemplificar el funcionamiento de una red blockchain.3. Introduccin a Ethereum: En esta seccin se explica con mayor detalle que es la blockchain Ethereum y la principal diferencia con otras redes blockchain. Se introducen conceptos relacionados como son: aplicaciones descentralizadas, ICO's, monederos electrnicos y contratos inteligentes.4. Conclusiones: En esta seccin se presentan las conclusiones del curso y se hace un breve repaso de los temas vistos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dominando Git e GitHub - Do iniciante ao expert" |
"O curso est sendo desenvolvido de forma iterativa. Isso significa que teremos contedo novo toda semana.Atualmente, o curso est 90% finalizado.Neste curso, voc entender de uma vez por todas porque deve utilizar Git e Github em seus projetos. Comeando por uma explicao extremamente didtica sobreo fluxo bsico de uso do Git, passando pelas principais ferramentas da plataforma Github e explorando o universo de possibilidades do encontro dessas duas tecnologias, voc se sentir confortvel para lidar com as tarefas ligadas ao versionamento de projetos no dia-a-dia, alm de adquirir experincia com exerccios baseados em projetos reais.As quatro primeiras sees do curso foram desenvolvidas para que voc, em poucos minutos, aprenda a usufruir das vantagens doGithub, manipulandoo fluxo de versionamento do seu projeto. O objetivo principal dessas sees te apresentar de forma sucinta, aquilo que voc realmente precisa saber sobre essas tecnologias, para aplicar ao seu dia-a-dia.As sees subsequentes, trazem diversas estratgias para se trabalhar em equipe. Voc conhecer os principais fluxos de trabalho, resolvendovrios tipos deconflitos, com os principais comandos do Git. Isso tudo a partir de uma abordagem orientada a projetos, que torna o conhecimento muito mais prtico e real.As ltimas sees do curso, trazem o desenvolvimento de um livro de fico cientfica (projeto exemplo), usando os recursos de controle de verso aprendidos. Se voc j conhece git e github, aqui que voc v como tudo funciona no dia-a-dia!Neste curso, voc ver:Como realizar a instalao do Git;Como utilizar os principais comandos do GitComo funcionam osestados do projeto (Staged, Modified e Commited)Como integrar o projeto ao GitHubComoenviar e receber asverses do projeto na plataformaGithubComo resolver conflitos de alteraes em arquivos do projeto.Como trabalhar com branches.Como utilizar a rea de StashComo trabalhar com o comando reflogComo manipularpull requests,issues e milestones.Como trabalhar com os fluxos de colaborao Fork Workflow e Github Workflow.Como criartags para gerenciar a verso do projeto (em andamento)Como usufruir das principais ferramentas doGithub, como Git pages, Gists, etc. (em andamento)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Polite American English" |
"If you are studying english for work, this course is for you. We will focus on the critical skill of polite english mastery.In this class you will learn what polite english is, why its important, and how to use polite english to improve the course of your career in America. The lessons will introduce important concepts and vocabulary, then concrete this information in your mind with real world examples that will translate directly to your life in the workplace. Using this method, by the end of this course you will be empowered to harness the power of polite english and understand why youre using it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Swift 4 in 3 Weeks - Beginners to Advanced Swift!" |
"Welcome to the world's most cost-effective, comprehensivecourse on Swift 4 Programming. This course is designed to help you master Swift in the least cost and amount of time!By following this course, you'll master all theconcepts(beginner to advanced) that you will need to build fully functional iOSand Mac Apps with the popular programming language, Swift 4.Here are some things that you'll be able to do after this course:Step right in tocoding iOSApplications without fearing for swiftWrite fluently in Swift 4Be well-versed in Object-oriented programmingWrite scripts for web scrapersBuild a strong foundation inobject-oriented programming andget up to speed withSwift 4with this tutorial for ANYONE.Our syllabus includes all these topics:Xcode and Playground Installation +WalkthroughVariables,types, operators etc.Functions andLogics(Conditionals, Switch case)Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Classes,Objects, Initialization and many moreMore advanced topics(Enums, Protocols, Optionals, Closures etc.)Swift 4 primerIf you are a completebeginner:If you are completely new to programming and have no prior experience, be sure to stick to the lesson plan!Don't worry asIwill answer all your questions through email, or you can ask around in the community of Udemy learners.I've designed the course so that it would be a step-by-step guide for beginners to master swift and move on to conquer many more languages, so don't skip around!If you alreadyhave some experiencewith the past versions of swift:This course is still very helpful to help you get back to speed with Swift 4. There is a dedicated screencast to help you master the new stuff inSwift 4 as well, so feel free to explore around.Feelfree to ask for help in thelive community where you can get free help 24/7."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Quick, Simple Way To Look At A Stock And Know What To Do" |
"Welcome to Amazing Power PatternsAmazing Power Patterns was built around the most basic reality concept of there only being three things a stock or index can do. Simply stated, up, down or nowhere. It can be no other way. That being said, I wanted to keep it simple when it came to looking at stock ideas long or short, so it was designed around the cornerstone upon which there are only three things you need to know to be successful.Specifically,Up trends and how to trade themDowntrends and how to trade themChange in Trends and how to identify them, after allif you are long at a market peak or top you need to know when to get out, if you are short at a market low or bottom here too you need to know when to cover a short sell.Within each of those three areas are what I callThe Amazing Power PatternsThese series of courses lay the foundation of the whole Amazing Power Patterns system.As we all know the key to any system is being able to lay a stable foundation. Get this part right and it goes a long way towards moving from surviving to thriving.Not only are theydesigned to not only move you from surviving to thriving butmost importantly how to keep you out of trouble!Let's face it, every day we see it on the web, TV, social media, our emails you name it. The latest and greatest pitch, the latest and greatest thing since sliced bread all designed to get you to bite. But rarely do we see much talkabout how to stay out of trouble Remember rule number one in investing and trading is PRESERVATION OFPRINCIPAL.Thiscourse isdesigned to help YOU take control of your futureSo if you are tired of being bombarded on a daily basis with the likes of how I turned $6000 into a gazillion dollars, seeing the videos of their so called Beverly Hills mansion, the sports cars, the beaches, the 20 million dollar yachts and the like just to get you to bite?Were all smarter than that right? Thenthis course ought to be right up your alley.This course isfor those who are looking for a simpler wayvs the noise of the information age (yes the yachts and sports cars are a form ofnoise too you know) where we are constantly bombarded with one guy says this, one gal says that , all of which leads to not knowing what to do. Aren't you all tired of that too? If so then this is the course for you.No more will you rely on some pundit on TV or some so called expert telling you to buy this, sell that without any confidence within yourself.Youll learn how to look at a stock and know in 30 seconds what you should or should not be doing.For some of us, those who like to keep it simple like uschartists, the market talks to us in the form of chart pattern recognition. Its really all about learning that language. That's what these series of courses is going to do for you.This courseis designed with you in mind and building confidence within yourself! Under the surface isnt that a big piece of what we are all striving for anyway?Onceyou'velearnedthe patterns you'll make better informed decisions all based upon the reality of what is.Once you learn the patterns and get better at identifying them BEFORE you take a trade you'll find out your two best friends will always be:What To Watch For and What To Watch Out ForThey go hand in hand withWhat do I need to see to make me take a trade""or not take a trade.These are all centering statements that keep you grounded and methodical vs trading by the seat of your pants in a highly emotional impulsive state all because you read or saw someone say something positive about a stock or the market.Thiscourse isdesigned to cut thru the noise that we are constantly bombarded with on a daily basis. Being successfulon a consistent basisdoesn't have to be that hard and I'll show you how all with the use of some simple easy to use tools that even a 10 yr old can master.THESE ARE NOT BUY OR SELL RECOMMENDATIONS! Past performance is no guarantee of future success. Comments contained in the body of this report are technical opinions only. The material herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable and accurate, however, its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed.Amazing Power Patterns is not an investment adviser, hence it does not endorse or recommend any securities or other investments. Anything contained in this report may not be suitable forallinvestors and it is not to be deemed an offer or solicitation on our part with respect to the purchase or sale of any securities.Alltrademarks,service marksandtrade namesappearing in this report are the property of their respective owners, and are likewise used for identification purposes only. The reader/member/subscriber agrees that he/she alone bears complete responsibility for his/her own investment/trading decisions. Harlan Pyan, Amazing Patterns and affiliates shall not be liable to anyone for any loss, injury or damage resulting from the use of any information.Trade at your own risk, this information is strictly for educational and informational purposes only. Amazing Patterns assumes NO responsibility whatsoever for any losses experienced by anyone who uses its educational materials to make financial decisions."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Aula de Polimento de Resinas em Restauraes Estticas" |
"Curso de polimento em resinas compostas voltado para Dentstias interessados em melhorar seus resultados de restauraes e que desejam valorizar seu trabalho e sua carreira. Ao final deste curso o aluno dever ser capaz de realizar o procedimento com um resultado acima da mdia e com isto as restauraes tero um aspecto mais natural. Este um curso que contm a prtica bem descrita para que voc consiga reproduzir o mesmo resultado em seu ambiente de trabalho."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Apri un blog da zero e impara a gestirlo e monetizzarlo" |
"Navigando in rete ti sar sicuramente capitato di visitare qualcheblog. Questi siti, che negli ultimi anni si sono specializzati in argomenti specifici, sono utili per diverse ragioni: permettono di informare, consentono agli autori di esprimersi e fanno guadagnare anche qualche soldo. Ti sei mai chiesto come si fa a crearne uno e, soprattutto, farlo nel modo corretto?Ecco il corso che fa per te.Diventa un grande blogger, ti consente di imparare tutto ci che c' da sapere per aprire un blog, riempirlo di contenuti, curarlo, farlo crescere e monetizzare. un corso completo che ho preparato per te, raccogliendo la mia esperienza decennale nel settore.All'interno troverai15 lezioniche ti insegneranno tanti argomenti, come:- La creazione dei contenuti.- Cercare e verificare le fonti.- Gestire la community.- Monetizzare.- Gestire la SEO del blog.- Evitare gli errori comuni.Ogni lezione contiene un video, delle slide, un riassunto e dei test per imparare, lezione dopo lezione, tutto ci che c' da sapere eti trasformer in un grande blogger.Nel corso troverai:- Oltre 2 ore e 37 minuti di video.- 286 slide.- 15 riassunti.- 61 quiz."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"How to Present to Camera Like a Pro?" |
"Statistics says that 9 out of 10 people freeze up in front of a camera.And that is fine if you feel the same. From my experience I can say that even those who can speak confidently to a large live audience dont come across well on camera and often look nervous.But why does this happen?Well, the camera sees things differently and what is normal for a live presentation in most cases is inappropriate in a video. Your gestures, sight, position, background, voice - are all different and all matter. One little mistake can make your video bad. At best your viewers or customers won't give you another chance to tell get your message across, at worst - it will hurt your business or reputation.The latest Cisco report says that 74% of all internet data used in 2019 will be video.We now live in the era of smartphones and personal branding. What if someone asks you for an interview or if you want to present your company video? Would you be ready?If you feellike you are under a microscopein front of a camera, if you don't know where to start, if you don't like to see or hear yourself on a video - this course is definitelyfor you.I worked behind the camera for many years and when I had to get in front of the camera I experienced the same fear and anxiety that I saw many of my clients go through.I've gone thorough that, I've taught a lot of managers and educators, have had many positive reviews and now, I can teach you!This unique course ""How to present to camera"" is a big part of my series of courseson how to create professional video on a smartphone. It is very important to learn the technical side, such as a lighting, sound, framing and so on, but if you don't know how to present, it's very likely you can't just get in front of the camera and know how to present properly.This course also includespractice exercises andshort final test to consolidate your new knowledge.Bonuses: Free PDF ""7 common mistakes made by amateurs when filming on their smartphones and how to avoid them""Access to our enclosed Facebook group todiscuss issues, learn and get ideas about your next videoStart this course today and take your video content to the next level!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Personagens com Blender" |
"Durante curso o Aluno atravs do Software 3D Gratuito mais usado no Mundo ( Blender ), aprendercom produzir seu prprio personagem a partir de desenho Tcnico ou Artstico, seguindo todas as etapas de produo sendo:Modelagemde Rob focado para Games,em LowPoly ( BaixaQuantidade de Faces)com as tcnicas de Bones ( Mecanismo para Movimentao do Modelo 3D), Skin ( Mapa de Textura que Envolve o Modelo 3D ), Equilbrio de Fora do Modelo 3D."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"UE4 Level Designer" |
"O foco do Curso ensinar a pensar comoLevel Designer(Desenvolvedor de Ambientes de Games), de forma 100% prtica produzindo diferentes ambientes. No curso serexplicado como usar de forma coerente iluminao, mapa de texturas, sistemas de partculas, estruturas, formas estticas e dinmicas, atmosfera de ambiente, sensores,entre outros."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Personagens com Poser" |
"O curso focado a transmitir a nvel avanado a produzir seus prprios personagens,seja filmes ou games, atravs dos processos:modelagem, animao, mapeamento, composio de materiais, iluminao, efeitos de ps produo, renderizao, alm de integrao com Engines de Games. Capacitando assim o aluno a se tornar um animador/modelador 3d."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Designer de Ambientes 3D com Bryce" |
"Fcil, intuitivo e de boa qualidade no produto final, oBryce 3D uma excelente opo para trabalhos de paisagismo e modelagem de ambientes. Tambm possui total integrao com outros softwares como AutoCad, 3D Max, Maya ou Blender. O Foco do curso capacitar o aluno na construo e animao de diversos ambientes, como: cidades, apartamentos, florestas, terrenos, mares, etc. Capacitando assim o aluno a se tornar um Designer de Ambientes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Houdini |
"O curso focado a transmitir a nvel fundamental slidos conhecimentos de modelagem, mapeamento, composio de materiais, iluminao, renderizao. Capacitando assim o aluno a se tornar um modelador 3d. Atravs do software mais utilizando em Hollywood,Houdini. A cada 10 grandes filmes e animaes 9 so produzidas em Houdini, incluindo sries. O Houdini possui tambm integrao 100% com as principais Engines do mercado de Games, como: Unreal Engine, CryEngine, Unity, Havok entre outras, sendo um dos softwares 3d mais usados no mundo para produo de games. O criador do primeiro curso de Houdini no Brasil, o professor do curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Daz Studio" |
"O curso focado a transmitir a nvel avanado slidos conhecimentos de modelagem, animao, mapeamento, composio de materiais, iluminao, efeitos de ps produo, rings e renderizao, integrao com engines de games e software 3d, sistema de renderizao, composio de vdeos finais.Capacitando assim o aluno a se tornar um Designer de Ambientes e Personagens 3D"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Arte Digital com PhotoShop Elements" |
"O aluno aprender diferentes tcnicas de tratamento de fotos, efeitos, composio de mapas de texturas para games, composio de cenas, iluminao, mapas de relevo, composio de suas prprias texturas,entre outras tcnicas focadas para o mercado publicitrio e de games. Tambm aprender a criar skin (mapa de texturas que envolve modelos 3d) para softwares como Blender e 3D Studio Max."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Games 2D para Mobile com Unity" |
"Aprenda a produzir seu Game 2D, em etapas como: ilustrao, edio de imagens, programao, edio de udio, fsica, controle de animao, Programao interao e publicao final do produto para Mobile e PC, sendo gerado os formatos .exe ( nativo para rodar pela plataforma windows ) e .apk ( nativo para rodar em redes on-line como: Play Store do Google)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Foundation Stock Trading Course" |
"This course not only includes the material that is required to be successful in Trading but also the way that we interpret the different types of information in real time to make the best Trading decisions possible.You will be learning from Mohsen Hassan, Founder of Bloom TradingSo whether you want to generate some side income by trading stocks or if you want to make trading your only source of income (like our Traders), then this course is for you. In This course we will cover beginner and Intermediary level information to get you on the right path to becoming a successful and consistently profitable Trader. On top of all the material thought we will be giving you our personal tricks, techniques and views on the stock market that have tremendously fast-tracked our success.This is a full course separated in 2, this is the 1st part of the series."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Cryptocurrency Investment Course" |
"In this Complete Cryptocurrency Course, you will learn how to invest like a PRO by learning from the Founder of Bloom TradingWell start off by teaching you about the Cryptocurrency Fundamentals like:-The Blockchain-Ledgers-Hash Functions-Public/Private Key Digital Signatures-The role of MiningWell then cover Different Cryptocurrencies so you understand exactly how they work. Some of the Cryptocurrencies covered are:-Bitcoin-Ethereum-Ripple (XRP)-Litecoin-Bitcoin Cash-EOSYou will also learn (and see through Live Examples) how to Buy, Transfer and use Wallets to Secure your Cryptocurrencies! Well learn about:-Cold Storage-Hot Storage-Electrum Bitcoin Client-Creating Paper Wallets-Using online Wallets (like Multi-Asset Client (like Exodus)-Hardware WalletsWell also go over Different Exchanges, so you know how to trade your Cryptocurrencies. Well look at:-Gateway Exchanges-Centralized Exchanges-Orders, Time of Sales, Order Books (Level2)-Buying Cryptocurrency with Fiat-Using Binance Exchange-Using Bittrex ExchangeThe best part about this course though is that it's not only about Cryptocurrencies, but also about Investing! So, you will also learn Technical Analysis. Some of the topics covered here are:-Candlesticks, Charts-Tradingview-Trendlines-Channels-Supports and Resistances-Chart Patterns-Tops, Bottoms, Triangles-Volume-LiquidityFollowing that you will learn about Fundamental Analysis and how to do proper research to find the best coins to invest in!The course doesn't finish here though, we follow this up by learning Portfolio Management Techniques (both for Passive Investing and Active Investing). We cover things from Optimal Asset Allocation to Portfolio Re-balancing and Much More.This is the most Practical Course out there: We Buy, Transfer, Secure and Build A Portfolio with Real Money so you know exactly how to do it! You also get the BEST Resources and Tools that we have found as well as a FREE Custom Excel Sheet to help you Invest in the best way possible.This Course will get you to Invest Like A PRO! See you Inside :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build a Complete Programming Language" |
"This course is all about Programming Languages how they work and the different between compiler and interpreter. We will write a basic grammar and then we'll interpretit.By the end of course student will be able to write his/her own and complete programming Language which can serves same features like otherprogramming Languages in the market.This course is pure computer science course. It isa beginner level forstudent who just start leaning about CS. Also, expert student can attend the course and any other student no matter what is his/her majorcan enroll. Iam sure you will learn new things"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trading para novatos - Aprende a invertir desde cero." |
"Quieres convertirte en un inversionista profesional enla bolsa de valores de Nueva York?En este curso aprenders desde lo mas bsico como que es la bolsa de valores, hasta lo mas complejo como analizar y leer grficos de velas japones, adems de operar diariamente en una casa de bolsa profesional de Estados Unidos tal como los corredores de bolsa profesionales en Wall Street y ganar dinero cada da con tus contratos que abrirsy cerraras el mismo da. Adems sabrs los tipos de acciones que hay y como convertirte en un accionista de cualquier empresa, al finalizar sabrs comprar acciones de empresas, etfs e indices de pases, tanto en Estados Unidos, como en Mxico, tendrs abiertas tus cuentas en dos casas de bolsa profesionales, y sabrs utilizar tu anlisis tcnico y los indicadores a fin de hacer Daytrading.No necesitas tener experiencia previa, el curso es muy completo, y te servir aun si no tienes ninguna experiencia en inversiones al finalizarlosers todo un trader profesional."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Shopify-Dropshipping- Crea tu propia tienda online" |
"Eneste curso aprenders que es el dropshipping, y podrs crear tu propia tienda online a travs de la plataforma de shopify, con tu dominio propio, y sabrs como encontrar productos ganadores, ademas aprenders como optimizar tus ventas con publicidad, al igual que las grandes compaas, la publicidad serclave en tu nueva tienda online, lo mejor de todo es que no necesitas invertir dinero en inventario, si eres una persona que desea obtener su propia tienda online y administrar tus propias ganancias este curso es el adecuado para ti."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Particle VFX in Unity and After Effects" |
"Get up to speed with the techniques and pipelines for creating complex, high quality, AAA ready particle effects for your games!This course will teach you how to create advanced particle systems using PRACTICAL REAL WORLD projects!Particle systems and visual effects for games is a deep and complicated subject, and once you learn the fundamentals of the tools, it can be hard and frustrating to take your effects up that extra level to something that looks like it belongs in a new best selling game.This course will teach you that extra step.Good particle systems are not just derived from the behavior of the particles themselves. Their look comes primarily from their textures. Being able to create high quality, believable textures is a vital skill for creating effects, and this course will teach you how to do just that.Learn by DOINGThis course is divided into 4 projects, each intended to cover a different key facet of creating particle systems. In addition to this, we will have a final project that will combine all of these lessons into one complex, unique, and truly impression effect that YOU will make! For each project, we'll go step by step over not only the particle behavior, but creating their textures as well.Downloadable project files to help you follow along and learn!This course includes several .zip files that contain the Unity project for you to use, After Effects project files, and the finished textures so you can follow along with any portion of the curriculum!This course will cover:The fundamentals of Unity's particle systemThe fundamentals of using After EffectsHow to combine custom made textures and particle behaviorHow to animate in After Effects to create more advanced texturesHow to animate in Unity to change our particle effects over time and add more depthGet a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!30-Day 100% money back guarantee means there's no reason to hesitate!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Unlocking the Unreal Engine Material Editor" |
"Find out the tricks and techniques to create complex, high quality shader effects for your games!This course will teach you how to create advanced materials and shaders using PRACTICAL REAL WORLD examples!The power of materials in a game environment is often severely underestimated. Many complex effects like animated grass, parallax shading, light absorption, and more are achieved with only an object's material and not with any complicated scripts. Good materials and shaders are becoming an ever more important facet of a game's overall look and node based shader networks are the industry standard for creating them. The Unreal Engine material editor is one of the best on the market.This course will teach you how to use this powerful toolBeing a good material artist is all about understanding how to manipulate textures using math operations and information from the 3d-world. There is a special design philosophy that surrounds node based shader networks and it requires a new way of thinking about color and value and how they all interact. This is not only true of the Unreal material editor, but of nearly ALL node based shader editors. Meaning that you can use the techniques taught in this course in many different software applications! By the end of this course, this design ethos will be second-nature to you. Learn by DOINGThis course is divided into several projects. Each is intended to teach you a new powerful technique for creating materials. For each material, we'll go step-by-step through each node, what it does, and why it's used. By the end, YOU will make a collection of high quality materials that you can build off of for your own games!Downloadable project files to help you follow alongThis course includes a .zip file which can be extracted into an Unreal project directory. Within the project, you'll find all of the textures, meshes, landscapes, and map files that are used with each lesson so you can follow along from any starting point! This directory even includes all of the exact materials that I made during the curriculum's production so you can dive in and see how they were made or even modify them to create something new.This course will cover:The fundamentals of the Unreal Engine material editorThe differences between textures and materialsHow to use information about an object like its position, rotation, and proximity to other objects to affect the materialHow to combine colors and values using simple math operations to have total control over the material's lookHow to create your own custom material functionsGet a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!30-Day 100% money back guarantee means there's no reason to hesitate!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Mathematical tools for thermodynamics 1" |
"This course is reserved for people who havenever had a thermodynamics course, or who have never had an advanced course on differential calculus.Anyone can use itjust needs aHighSchool Diplomalevel, this course is presentedas a direct application whereevery detail is explained. Each quiz containsa detailed answer with explanation.Before any thermodynamics course we need mathematical tools like :The partial derivativeMixed second partial derivativedifferential formintegral of function of two variablesnotion of state functionpath integralintegrating factorIn this course we present all this concept for beginnerOur method is detailed the calculation from A to Z .Content and OverviewAbout 4 hours of classes using a white board as a real university course for total immersion.We start with a recall aboutthe polar coordinates followed directly by a quiz with detailed correction, after this we attack the notion of partial derivative of a function of several variables, here, for simplicity we will only see the functions of two variables, but to understand for two variables is to understand automatically for several variables, after that, we will see the mixed derivative.During our course we will see quite a recall on some rules of derivation already seen in high school.At the end of section 1 we will see an interesting property in thermodynamics, a general result.In the second part of this course we shall attack the notion of differential forms, very important concept in thermodynamics, we shall see especially the notion of an exact differential form of a function, since all the functions in thermodynamics their differential is exact.In the third part we will see the notion of ""state function"", because all the thermodynamic functions are state functions.Finally part 4 is a great application of that has been seen previously, it is like a summary, but in this part we will also calculate very simple path integrals for beginners,just to see that there exist such integrals, wich may depend on the path taken.And at the end we will see an example of an integrating factor, which in fact multiplied by a differential form will allow to integrate, hence its name."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Una Semana para cambiar nuestras vidas - Gua paso a paso" |
"Este curso online de finanzas personales te ensear cmo ser dueo de tu destino, cmo hacer establecer de manera efectiva metas y hbitos, tener finanzas personales saludables, generar relaciones que te permitan crecer como persona y mucho ms.Quieres establecer y lograr metas?Necesitas ayuda con tus hbitos?Sueas con una vida financieramente libre?Quieres aumentar tu productividad?Te interesa obtener estrategias para mejorar tus relaciones?Si las respuestas a las anteriores preguntas son un SI, te encuentras en el lugar correcto. Nosotros conocemos lo difcil que es el mundo moderno, entiendo tus problemas ya que he estado ah, pero creme es posible dar vuelta la situacin.Este no es un curso tradicional de crecimiento personal, ya que todo lo que te plantea aqu es porque lo he vivido, lo he experimentado y aplicando las estrategias y herramientas que aqu te planteo he logrado salir adelante. En este curso encontrars muchas herramientas y estrategias para cambiar tu vida en diferentes aspectos, desde lo ms general hasta lo ms especifico.Al finalizar este curso tendrs una mejor comprensin de tus fortalezas y debilidades, sabr cmo ganar ms dinero, gastar menos, plantearte metas en forma clara, desarrollar hbitos saludables, ser ms enfocado y productivo. Se liberar del estrs asociado a aos y aos de malos hbitos y malas prcticas respecto a su vida. Comienza tu viaje para cambiar tu vida con este curso."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |