Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Fingerstyle and Fingerpicking Lessons for Acoustic Guitar" |
"Taught by Grammy Award winningguitarist John Konesky, these fingerpicking techniques willtake you from basic to advanced. They includefolk style, basic chords, Travis picking, acoustic blues, and how to play in style of Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor andother greats. You'll learn every technique you'd ever need tomaster acoustic guitar, including: how to make chord changes effortlessly, adding rhythmic elements such as the chuck and rhythmic slap, a nifty little trick that lets you totally change the sound and tone of a chord with just one finger, learning hammer-on and pull-off chords, and a myriad of new chords, pseudo bar chords, strum patterns, and much more."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Extensionentwicklung mit Typo3 CMS V8.7.x" |
"In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die Entwicklung von Extensions fr das Typo3 CMSin der Version 8.7.x. Dabei lernen Sie nicht nur Frontend Plugins, sondern auchBackend Module und SchedulerTaskszu schreiben.Sie lernen die wichtigstenAspekte vonExtbase und Fluid kennen, wie:Struktur einer ExtensionErstellung eines FrontendPluginsErstellung eines Backend ModulsErstellung eines Scheduler TasksArbeiten mit der Datenbank (Model &Repository)Formulare mit eigenenValidator schreibenAJAX - Requests ber eID und typeNumEinbindung vonTypoScript (Setup &Constants)uvm.In diesem Kurs programmieren wir ein kleines Memory Minispiel.Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Anfnger in der Entwicklung vonExtensions inTypo3. Erfahrungen in der PHPProgrammierung und dem Typo3 CMSsind notwendig."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Extension Development with TYPO3 CMS V8.7.x" |
"In this course you will learn how to create TYPO3 8.7.x extensions. You will not only learn how to create frontend plugins, you will also learn how to create backend modules and Scheduler tasks.You learn all most important aspects of Extbase and Fluid, like:Extension structureCreating frontend pluginsCreating backend modulesCreating Scheduler tasksWorking with the datbase (Model &Repository)Creating custom validators for formsAJAX - Requests via eID and typeNumInclude TypoScript (Setup &Constants)and much moreIn this course you will develope a small Memory game.This course is for beginners in extension development for TYPO3. Experience in PHPprogramming and TYPO3 CMS is recommended."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fusion 360: Create a slide and pop mechanism" |
"In this course you will learn about Fusion 360 and how to designcomplex mechanical assemblies.After the quick introduction to Fusion 360, section 1explains step by step how to design slide-n-pop mechanism. The mechanism is used to hide an iPad Pro underneath the surface of a deskor a wall. When the arm rotates, the iPad pops up and the cover slides back. Behind this interesting motion are many parts that are designed to work together to carry out this motion properly. Through the lessons a great focus in given to explain the concept behind each part's design and why it's made the way it is. Throughout the course, you will learn about Fusion 360 power when it comes to assembly modeling. You will gain experience with top-down design using Fusion 360. Further, you will become very comfortable using Fusion 360 for any kind of design work later. This course is comprehensive and cuts through allthe important modules in Fusion 360. By the end of the course, you will learn all the basics that you need to approach any mechanical design project in Fusion 360.Section 1starts from the ground up; modelling the frame and stationary gear, and moving up step by step to model the cover. You will watch how the mechanism is built step by step while observing the thinking methodology behind the structure of the model. All the modelling done is kept realistic and true to natureby using fasteners, proper sketches, chamfers and well selectedmaterials. You will be getting a front seat to an inside look at how the professional do it.If you're not familiar withFusion 360, Section 3 will give you a brief introduction to Fusion.I'll explain the reasons that makes Fusion very special among other CAD softwares. This section includes an introduction to theUI,Data management conceptsin Fusion and the specialmodel structure.After that Rule#1 will be introduced and the methodology of the modelling will explained."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Designing Mechanisms using Fusion 360" |
"Testimonials from students of Designing Mechanisms using Fusion 360:""Video content is high quality and very professional. Subject matter is relevant and is backed up with real world examples. Narrator is easy to understand with a good grasp of the English language. The content is perfect for designers wishing to expand their toolbox of mechanical design knowledge. This allows designers to engineer complex mechanism that would normally be the realm of professional engineers. The design practices can be used with any CAD system and is not just a AutoCAD (Fusion) 360. Keep up the good work."" Ward Holloway PE==========================================================================================In this course you will learn the basics of Mechanism Design. This course is based on two textbooks:Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery by Robert L.Norton.Machines and Mechanisms: Applied Kinematic Analysis by David H. MyszkaThis course is equivalent to what is taught in Mechanical Engineering course in universities around the world.By building on the same excellent textbooksin this course I will teach you not only the theory but also the applications in Fusion 360.At first, you will learn about the exciting field of Mechanism Design and its applications that surround us. This is followed by an overview of the different branches of MechanismDesign: Kinematics and Kinetics. Afterwards, you will earn about the theory of Kinematics before you apply your knowledge to design projects in section three.This coursecovers Kinematics with focus on Graphical Mechanism Design methods using Fusion 360.In section two you will learn about the basic concepts of Kinematics: Types of motion, Links, Mobility, Joints and so on. This section will focus on four-bar linkage's types and categories. Four-bar linkages are widely used in everyday life; from window pivots to windscreen wipers. Four-bar linkages are very flexible and can produce a huge variety of motions. This section will build up your basic knowledge that will be utilised in section three to solve complex Mechanism Design tasks.Section three is where the magic happens. This section is focused on the actual design process and how to approach design problems. The section is focused on Graphical Design Methods that are easily utilised using Fusion 360. By using Fusion 360 powerful sketching engine, complex Kinematic Diagrams can easily be simulated. You will learn howto solve two-position design problems like Crank-Slider and Crank-Rocker. Also you will learn how to solve three-position design problems in Fusion 360 by designing a material handling mechanism that carries boxes of a conveyor belt to a lower platform. This mini project will show you how to design a six-bar linkagethat has one DOF to achieve a very specific motion. In each of these design problems, I will show you the method to solve the problem first then you will learn how to apply this method in Fusion 360. In Fusion 360 we will use the sketching constraints to construct geometrical relationships between sketch elements. It's exactly like using a pencil and paper but easier! This is followed by 3D Modelling the Mechanism and Animating it to check if the output is the required motion. All of this happens within Fusion 360 and the method I will show you is 100% parametric. This means you can go back to change the requirements and everything will update automatically to give you a new mechanism."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Node.js + Express Web" |
"Node.js , Express, MongoDB Web JavaScriptES6Promise Gulp.js 1 2 9 Node.js v6.11.3 / v8.11.1Express v4.15.4 / v.4.16.3MongoDB v3.4.9 / v.3.6.3Gulp.js v3.9.1 / v3.9.1 8 v4.0.0"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
Node.js |
"Node.js Node.jsNode.jsNode.jsCoreNode.js 102019/05/02v1.0.0"
Price: 15600.00 ![]() |
facebookmaya |
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Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SQL para administracin de Bases de Datos con MySQL" |
"En este curso tienes a tu disposicin ms de 4 horas de clases en video que te ayudarn a entender los fundamentos y la mayora de caractersticas del lenguaje SQL mediante ejemplos prcticos y utilizando MySQL como motor de base de datos.En otras palabras, te quiero ensear de forma fcil y partiendo desde lo ms sencillo a lo ms complejo el funcionamiento del lenguaje SQLy cmo ser tu herramienta principal para interactuar con diferentes bases de datos.Adems, debes saber que este curso es para todos los niveles: desde personas que no han utilizado nunca una base de datos hasta programadores independientes o desarrolladores web que deseen reforzar sus conocimientos acerca de bases de datos."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads Advanced Traffic & Conversions Mastermind 2017" |
"The most complete advanced Facebook ads training that teaches you how to generate sales and profits using the Shopify platform. Watch how I've helped 6 studentsbecome 6 figure earners in less than 2 months. This course goes over how toSet up your own Shopify storeFind products that are sellingUse Facebook for market researchCreate your Facebook adsCreate your Facebook fanpageCase studies of studentgoing from $0 to $230k with this courseCase studies of student going from $200 a day to $2,000+ a dayCase study of student going from 0 to $1,000 a day in 2 weeksCase study of student going from $0 to $200 a day in 3 daysYou will get a hands on experience and see EXACTLY how we do the ads and how we roll out campaigns on Facebook. This isn't your typical course where we show you just the basics. We show you real life strategies that you can implement today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fcil y Rpido Web Profesional Wordpress 2019 de 0 a Experto" |
"TENER UN SITIO WEB COMO OFICINA VIRTUAL PARA MOSTRAR TU PRODUCTO SERVICIO O MARCA PERSONAL Pues aqu lo va vas a tener Este es un Curso Completo. Si eres principiante no importa aqu aprenders desde 0 a Experto.. Crea una pgina Web Profesional para tu Negocio. La frmula paso a paso ms rpida y fcil. Hazte Experto de una vez y Crea Tu Propia Web Profesional!Curso Totalmente ACTUALIZADOy siempre subiendo contenido nuevo!! Necesitas un sitio para mostrar tus productos, servicio o contenidos? Tienes informacin importante para tus seguidores pero no sabes cmo ponerla en lnea? Quieres desarrollar tu sitio web rpidamente? EL ERROR DE MUCHOS EMPRENDEDORES AL QUERER CREAR SU SITIO WEB DE MANERA INDEPENDIENTE, ES QUE TIENEN QUE BUSCAR INFORMACIN POR DIFERENTES PGINAS Y TARDAR SEMANAS O MESES EN DESARROLLARLO. Es lgico que si de verdad quieres desarrollar tu negocio, querrs hacerlo lo ms rpido posible. Cuanto antes tienes que poseer las herramientas necesarias para llegar al siguiente nivel. Tienes que entregar tu producto o contenido como realmente quieres que lo perciban, y YO TE VOY A MOSTRAR EL PROCESO PASO A PASO! **** ATENCIN EN ESTE CURSO VOY A UTILIZAR UN PLUGINPARA WORDPRESS DE PAGO, CUESTA $34 DOLLARES (PAGO NICO) Y UN TEMA PREMIUM $53 PAGO NICO ***** Proveedor de Hosting si es que aun no lo tienes En lo personal es lo mejor que he probado entre los servicios con los que he trabajado, me ha dejado con una muy buena opinin, ellos hicieron la transferencia de mi sitio sin contratiempos, tienen varios servidores trabaja con discos SSD por lo que es ms rpido, tiene cloudflare para mantener siempre en linea tu sitio, y el costo es el mismo cada ao no te cobran por separado el dominio. T podrs utilizar si quieres cualquier otra herramienta, lo que importa es el fin. SE QUE TIENESMUCHAS GANAS DE APRENDER! MIRA TODO EL TEMARIO A VER QUE TE PARECE. Este curso es muy sencillo de aplicar y lo explico lo ms al fcil posible.A todos mis alumnos les gusta eso. Espero que a ti tambin! Hazclic en el botn de ""TOMAR ESTE CURSO , para que podamos empezar! Nos vemos dentro ;)wordpress, wordpress tutorial, wordpress website, crear una website, wordpress blog, como hacer un sitio web, como hacer un sitio web en wordpress, como crear un sitio web wordpress, wordpress para principiantes"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Develop a Sustainable Meditation Practice" |
"Have you always wanted to meditate but don't know how to begin? Tried meditating but gotten frustrated? Many people experience challenges starting meditation and staying consistent with it. This course will give you the tools to make this life-changing practice manageable and rewarding.This course will be great for you if...You need a simple guide to start meditating.You want accessible techniques to focus on. You wish to overcome what is holding you back in meditation.You are ready to deepen your existing meditation practice.You want to know that your meditations are working.You would like to be part of a meditation community.You need the guidance of someone who understands the difficulties of meditation, and works hard to sustain her own daily practice.You will receive:4 video classes4 written lessons & homework3 guided meditations to downloadMembership in a private Facebook group with support from a community of people practicing meditation regularly and on-going inspiration from Jennie Lee.I felt guidedthrough the information so that it became meaningful and pertinent. I am so grateful. ~ Marie S.""Just closing my eyes and listening to Jennie's voice this morning, I was hooked in."" ~ Lynne O."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"FL Studio: Zero to Hero" |
"In this course, I take you through the basics of FL Studio to achieve the end goal of releasing a song online. This course is a generalized overview of the steps to achieve that goal. I start off with a tour of the software, so that you get an understanding of it before you even start. Then I take you through some techniques on how to create the song from start to finish, including simplified mixing and mastering. After this course is finished, you will have a song of your own to post on the internet along with its album artwork and music visualization. Then you can move on to do your own independentresearch on all of the conceptsIwent over to heighten your understanding. This course emphasizes building intuition and creativity."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creating HTML5 banners & animations using Adobe Animate CC" |
"Creating HTML5 banners that work seamlessly through all browsers can be a tedious task if developed via coding only. Animate CC now allows web developers and creative engineers to concentrate on the creative side of the banners without having to worry about coding whilepublishing on the HTML5 canvas element, rendering smooth animations.In this tutorial, I will teach you how to build an HTML5 banner from scratch. In the first section, I willexplain you a few things about ad-servers and HTML5 banners. I'll then give you tips on how to properly export images from your Image software such as Photoshop. We willprogressively build our banner by importing the images, organise the layers and work on the animations.There is also one whole chapter dedicated to Fonts, which is of great importance. I'll teach you 5 different methods for integrating fonts including custom CSS font.In the last chapter, we will finalise the banner by making it loopthe required amount of times, add the clickthrough URL and prepare it for publish on adServer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coding HTML5 animations & banners made easy" |
"This tutorial is mini project based where we will produce an HTML5 animated banner. Using a PSD file as asset, I willguide you through all the steps to exactly reproduce thebanner in HTML before animating it. This tutorial will cover the following sessions :- Export images from PSD,- Organise folder by creating and linkingHTML, JS, CSS files,- Create HTMLfile,- Style HTML elements by taking measurements from PSD,- Animate the HTML elements using Greensock Javascript Library.We will start by exporting the contents from the PSD, writing the HTML codes, adding CSS styles and finally use the Greensock Tweenmax library to animate the banner.This course is for students who already have some basic knowledge about HTML, and wish to progress further by doing some more advanced styling and produce animations. If you don't have any HTML knowledge, you can still take the course and you will understand what it is all about.It will also help students reproduce an HTML document from a any PSD."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3DS MAX, Modlisation polygonale et Subdivision" |
"Je vous propose ici un cours un peu particulier pour apprendre la modlisation polygonale, car pour une fois on s'carte de la thorie et vous allez me suivre dans la modlisation complte d'une console de jeu PSVITA.L'intrt de cette forme de cours, c'est que nous allons rencontrer ensemble des difficults qu'il faudra contourner, vous pourrez donc voir ce qui marche et ce qui ne marche pas dans certains cas.Mme si ce cours est trs long (environ 28h), vous pouvez allez piocher dans les diffrentes sections quand vous en avez besoin, que ce soit pour apprendre faire des dcoupes circulaires sur un plan, ou des dcoupes courbes sur des surfaces courbes !Le type de modlisation que je vous propose d'aborder dans cet exemple respecte les rgle de l'art de la modlisation dite ""Quad"", c'est--dire que chaque polygone (ou face) de l'objet est compos uniquement de 4 cots (et 4 coins).C'est notamment ce type de modlisation restrictive que l'on utilise pour crer des objets destins tre utiliser dans les jeux vido.La modlisation en ""Quad"" a galement pour second objectif de donner la possibilit de Subdiviser les faces par des algorithmes simples qui vont permettre d'affiner les surfaces l'infini (ou presque) pour des rendus ""impeccables""."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"FumeFX de A Z sur 3DS Max" |
"Dans cette formation en 36 modules nous allons passer en revue tout ce qu'il est possible de faire avec FumeFX sur 3DS MAX.Note : Contrairement ce que je dis dans la vido d'introduction, vous trouverez en fin de formation 2 modules dans lesquels je vous montre comment faire des rendus volumtriques d'une simulation FumeFX avec les moteur Octane et Redshift en passant par un export de donnes OpenVDB.On dmarre par un tour d'horizon de l'outil FumeFX pour se mettre tout de suite dans le bain, puis on s'occupera de regarder quoi servent tous les paramtres un par un.Chaque section de la formation est dtaille avec une mise en application, c'est--dire que je ne m'en tiens pas uniquement la thorie mais que chaque lment pass en revue est mis en uvre visuellement par la pratique."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Learn English like a Native (with free e-book)" |
"If you have studied English for years, but still feel like a beginner sometimes, or you are not confident about your fluency, then this course is for you. It was designed not to only help you become a fluent speaker, but more importantly, to change the way you learn English.I will share with you the tools you can use to:improve your Englishgain confidencereach the fluency level that you have worked hard for and that youdeserve.We will also look at the biggest mistakeEnglish learners make with English; studying! Yes, most learners study English, but a language is not a subject like science or mathematics where you can read textbooks and keep the information. Learning a language is a skill, and it can only improve through practice. Remember when you first started driving? Did you read book after book about driving or memorise rule after rule? No, of course you didn't! You learned the necessary rules to stay safe, then you got in the car and started practicing. In other words, you learned to drive by driving, not by studying! The same method is applied to learning a language, and the more you practice, the quicker you will improve.Another important feature of thiscourse is that Englishlearnersshould not learn English like a foreign student, but like a native speaker. Have you asked yourself how native speakers became native speakers? They did not memorise rules or worry about making mistakes. In fact, I share with you in this course groundbreaking research that proves that adults should learn a language just like children. Why? Because children go through a very important process before they become fluent and sophisticated speakers. Theylistenobserve,repeatand then they perfect.If you are fed up of wasting years of your life reading boring textbooks, memorising rules or spending a lot of money on improving your English, then the good news I have for you is that you no longer have to do that! Give yourself the success you deserve by changing the way you learn English and by applying the tools I share with you throughout this course.Remember, 'Old ways won't open new doors.'"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Common Mistakes Arabic Speakers Make in English" |
"This course is the result of 4 years of working with Arabic students and experiencing the unique challenges they face when learning English. It's speciallydesigned to address these challenges so that the information in this course will equip youwith the tools youneed to become confident and fluent in English.You will discover how many of the mistakes you make arenot due to ignorance of the language or your individualchallenges in English, but is common to all Arabic speakers. This is because a person's first language interfereswith the learning of the second language, and thus, they unintentionallytransfer a lot of Arabic rules toEnglish.Whether your challenges are in grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, reading or writing skills, this course will allow you to understand why you make the mistakes you make, and how you can avoid them in the future and become more confident in your English language skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Achieve Your Goals in 2020 by Learning How To Stay Focused." |
"Most people focus too much on goal setting as if setting goals are more important than achieving them.On the other hand, it is true that you need to set the right goals if you want to achieve anything.If you ever had any goals and dreams but in the process, you just got lost you got too distracted, you lost your motivation or anything else happened and you stopped, this course is for you!In 2020 you can find many resources out there that deal with goal setting but so few people ever achieve their goals. Why?It's because we know many things about setting goals but we know nothing about progression and sticking to it.Then what's the point?How can you achieve the great goals you set if you do not stay focused?You see, the problem is not that we don't know how to set goals or we don't know how to manage our time but we don't know how to stay on track or more importantly how to get back on track and refocus every time we lose it.Being one of those people for many years throughout my life I had enough and decided to change. I tried many different things some of them worked some of them didn't but one solution stood the test of time, the one I present in this course. So, this course is not about setting goals it's about achieving them!In this course, my goal is to walk you through 5 fundamental steps extracted from real-life through my observations. My approach is to make you understand first what those 5 steps are and to apply the same real-life principle in any project any goals you might have so that you will achieve them. Your job is to find something worth fighting for.Alin"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn Odoo 10 Supply chain Management" |
"This courseis around to explain supply chain activities using Odoo 10 in deep details with Arabic language. We will discover how Odoo deal with inventory and warehouse activities. Add to that sales orders and purchase orders. How stock moves occursand the reflection on inventory. We will try to reach every deep point in Odoo 10."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Make a robot the easy way - real building and coding" |
"Get started with Arduino and making robots.You will learn how the arduino board works, how to build basic circuits and control LEDS.Then you will move on to programming motors andcombine everything to build and program your own robot.By the end of the course you will understand:How to program outputs in ArduinoHow to build a basic circuitHow to use a motor driverHow to put everything together to make a robotYou will also understand how and when to use functions, if statements and variables."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Consultor de Marketing Digital" |
"Aprenda na prtica como se tornar um consultor de marketing digital, atravs de uma srie de vdeos que ensina passo a passo de como iniciar e se posicionar no mercado, descobrir nichos, produzir contedo, anunciar e gerenciar anncios em mecanismos de busca e redes sociais.Criar um Negcio de Consultoria em Vendas Online a maneira mais rpida e segura para comear um negcio com a ajuda da internet. Oferecer para os microempresrios ajuda profissional para aumentar as vendas de suas empresas um servio extremamente fcil de ser oferecido. Mas... voc sabe que precisar criar uma estratgia correta para atrair os empresrios e gerar resultados reais para suas empresas. Por isso ns iremos trabalhar com voc para te ajudar a colocar em prtica o seu Projeto Consultor Digital."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Negcios com Blog" |
"Aprenda a viver de suas paixes e habilidades desenvolvendo um negcio lucrativo e prazeroso atravs de um blog em apenas 4 passos.Nesse treinamento voc ir aprender a projetar a sua vida e o seu negcio. Ir definir a BASE para desenvolver o negcio 100% com as suas habilidades e paixes. Alm de aprender os fundamentos dos negcios digitais por meio de blog. Voc ir aprender o que vender e para quem vender. E se ainda no tm um produto/servio irei te ensinar a desenvolver um. Faa parte de um grupo seleto de pessoas comuns como voc que esto desenvolvendo negcios altamente lucrativos e escalveis por meio de um blog."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest Essencial" |
"Treinamento Pinterest Essencial lhe mostrar passo a passo como atrair seguidores qualificados para seu Pinterest diariamente e de forma automatizada.Voc saber como otimizar seu perfil para receber fs engajados com seu contedo, produtos e servios.Aprender como criar Pins Estratgicos para alcanar pessoas prximas voc ou ao seu espao fsico.Ver como se tornar uma autoridade no seu mercado, conquistando diariamente novas pessoas interessadas no que voc tem dizer, construindo uma verdadeira audincia.Tudo isso para voc sair na frente da sua concorrncia e por um preo que com toda certeza cabe no seu oramento."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Produo de Contedo para Blog" |
"Criar contedo de alto impacto nunca foi to fcil. Descubra como a produo de contedo para Blog est ajudando milhares de empreendedores a alcanar novos clientes, aumentar suas vendas e melhorar o relacionamento com seu pblico.Aprenda na prtica todo processo utilizado por grandes profissionais e empreendedores para produzir contedo altamente lucrativo no seu blog."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Checklist Contedo Memorvel" |
"Esse o exator processo que eu utilizo para Desenvolver meus Contedos, Treinamentos, Consultorias e Gerar contedos qualificados para Meus Clientes.Esse Check list apesar de ser muito poderoso para qualquer tipo de negcio extremamente SIMPLES DE SER IMPLEMENTADO.No se preocupe com termos tcnicos ou conceitos difceis de entender (eu tambm no gosto disso). Eu separe apenas a parte mais importante e prtica que voc precisa conhecer para Transformar suas Ideias em Contedos Que Convertem e geram Resultados."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre concrtement dployer les 5S dans les bureaux" |
"La mise en place d'un de la dmarche 5S dans les processus administratifs rpond des rgles prcises de progression. Les chances de russite dpendent de la maitrise de ce cheminement. Durant cette formation, vous dcouvrirez comment faire juste du premier coup. A la fin du cours, vous aurez une vision claire des tapes d'un chantier 5S russi que des piges viter."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"laborer un projet l'aide de Mindmanager" |
"Dcouvrez comment concevoir vos projets laide de Mindmanager des projets. Dans ce module le formateur Abdelilah Sefrioui, vous apprend comment planifier et suivre la mise en uvre de vos projets. Le premier facteur cl de la russite dun projet est que tous les acteurs concerns par la projet parviennent se faire une ide prcise et partage du projet et interagir au max lors de la phase de conception du projet. De mme la coordination et le suivi devraient tre facilites afin que le projet puisse aboutir dans les meilleures conditions. Cest tout lintrt dutiliser un outil de mindmapping tel que Mindmanager pour faire cela. En effet de trs nombreuses fonctionnalits de cet outil permettent au chef et lquipe projet de travailler de manire efficace pour russir leur projet."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos Android e IOS sem Programao" |
"Existem hoje no mundo mais de 7 Bilhes de dispositivos mveis, a imensa maioria de celulares.Neste curso voc aprender como criar um aplicativo para o seu negcio ou at mesmo para oferecer servios a terceiros.E tambm existe a possibilidade de publicar na Google Play ou na APP Store (mediante investimento).Veja como possvel trabalhar com desenvolvimento de aplicativos completos mesmo sem conhecimentos em programao de computadores.Todos os dias surgem diversos aplicativos, que gerenciam alimentao, sade e at conduo.Voc e sua empresa agora tambm podero disponibilizar servios, promoes e muito mais com seu prprio APP.O Pblico - Alvo uma infindvel gama de pessoas todos os dias e todas as horas acessando contedo e conectadas a internet.Criar um aplicativo para sua empresa de fato uma necessidade e no apenas um ""luxo"" para seus produtos e servios, seja voc um profissional liberal, um empresrio ou at uma pessoa que procura uma fonte alternativa de renda esse o curso perfeito.Aqui voc aprender como criar categorias de produtos, promoes eventuais e at mesmo como criar um acesso direto de seu aplicativo com seu WhatsApp.Permitindo um atendimento mais eficiente e at mesmo a realizao de pedidos.Se voc no sabe programao de computadores, no dispe no momento de dinheiro para a contratao de um Profissional/Agncia este curso de Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos Perfeito pra voc. sim possvel ter um aplicativo funcional e multiplataforma de forma muito simples, fcil e rpido!E para facilitar ainda mais possvel vincular Youtube (entre outros) para inserir ou atualizar contedo de forma muito prtica e sem complicaes, permitindo que voc crie vdeos promocionais e disponibilize em seu APP.Contedo:Plataforma de aplicativos Partes utilizadas e personalizveisServios e produtosEdies PossveisVnculos com redes sociais, sites (pginas de captura e vendas) e WhatsAppPublicao: Gratuita via QRCode, Google Play e App Store (Mediante disponibilidade de investimento financeiro pois esses servios NO SO GRATUITOS).No Perca mais tempo, inscreva - se agora mesmo.Te vejo l!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"HTML e CSS Essencial - Front End Para Iniciantes" |
"J pensou em atuar como desenvolvedor Web?Conhecer os segredos do HTML e sua folha de estilos CSS?Aqui voc encontra um curso completo, desde o primeiro comando digitado at a publicao do projeto completo!Se voc um iniciante ou at um estudante da rea de informtica e est cansado de aulas tericas e maantes, aqui teremos 99% de aulas prticas ondeo aluno aprender desenvolvendo de verdade e no apenas ""ouvindo conceitos"" sobre a matria.Curso rpido e dinmico para pessoas que no tem tempo a perder e necessitam ampliar seus conhecimentos, ou at, ingressar nessa promissora carreira de desenvolvedor Front End.Neste curso abordaremos o HTML de forma bem completa, desde o ZERO at a publicao de um site na internet.Inscreva - se, afinal motivos no faltam...existe hoje alguma empresa ou profissional autnomoque no possua um site?Ento no perca mais tempo!Te vejo l!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |