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"La Biblia Del Machine Learning - (Inteligencia Artificial)" |
"CURSOENLNEACON ACCESOPARASIEMPRE Cursoen espaol sobre Machine Learning en Udemy.Perfectamente estructurado y balanceado, introduce todos los temas de forma sencilla,gradual y100% prctica.Dividido en varias fases y Facil de Completar.En muchas leccionesse ensea conejemplos y ejerciciosrealesde mi propia experiencia como programador.Es uncurso innovador que utiliza herramientas avanzadas para apoyar el aprendizaje.No esperes ms ydescubre por qu el Machine Learning esta de moda, mejora tus conocimientos y da un salto adelanteen tu carrera profesional. A quin est dirigido?Aprendices que nunca hayan programadoEstudiantes que quieran mejorar sus conocimientos de programacin o Machine LearningProgramadores que quieran aprender Machine Learning"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
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Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"InfraCorp - Servidor DHCP no Linux" |
"E se voc pudesse em um curso, alm de ter o conhecimento conceitual obter tambm um pouco de consultoria baseada na vivncia de mais de 15 anos de mercado ?Este curso fruto de mais de 15 anos ministrando treinamentos para organizaes de todos os portes e reas de atuaes. Est organizado emmduloscomplementares, visando a construo do conhecimento e a possibilidade de adaptaodo contedo aos cenrios encontrados no cotidiano dos aluno.Nosso objetivo explorar os aspectos que baseiam o ""como funciona"",aplicados aos desafios do ""como fazer"" de forma objetiva e prtica atravs de roteiros que visamo entendimento e aimplementao de diversos cenrios encontrados no cotidiano, alm de dar aos alunos a capacidade de contorno de problemas corriqueiros.No primeiro mdulo trataremos da gesto de configuraes de ativos usando o servio DHCP. Com ele, trataremos desde as configuraes mais bsicas at o tratamento condicional das configuraes com uso de CLASS, SUBCLASS, IF e tratamento de FAILOVER."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How to start running - science based training" |
"This course is for you, either if you've just started running or if you want to expand your current knowledge about running and how to train properly to get the most out of your running experiences.We will go through the topics below and more:Aerobic and anaerobic trainingRunning methodsCardioEndurancePace playStrength - Why it is importantStrength ExercisesRunning PostureRunning ExercisesMax heart rate testVO2MAX testLactate theshold testAccessories available for runnersApps and online resources"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create a Smart Kitchen That Helps You Live Longer & Happier" |
"This course will help you make the right choices for creating your kitchen. Don't let the kitchen specialists sell you just any kitchen.Team with them to create yoursmart and idealkitchen that will fill you with joy, reduce your time cleaning and most importantly, that helps preserve your health.After renovating several kitchens,I finally created one that was the ideal kitchenasI renovated an old European house. Ilive inthat housefor a few yearsand latersoldit. (The kitchen sold the house to the 2nd couple who walked in).Then though I travel internationally and haveenjoyed many luxurious and beautiful kitchens, I've got to find a smarter kitchen than that ideal kitchen.I must say that I had to fight for what I wanted in that kitchen.The kitchen specialists wanted to offer me things that are""standard',while I wanted my ideal kitchen.Most kitchens seem to promote back pain and slaving away for a nice meal. If you love cooking, cleaning up a poorly design kitchen can discourage you to cook.Learn here how to get the most outof your kitchen while preserving your time, your health and wealth;then team with the kitchen specialiststo create it.Understand that I am, a technology management consultant with long work hours, I travel much and have2 young kids. I ampassionate aboutcooking, decoratingand at home entertaining.I don't take shortcuts when cooking (mostly from scratch).So for anyone that busy, theideal kitchenis efficient, welcoming, practical,easy to clean anddoes not requireslave away to maintain or keep clean.Furthermore, the house that I use as a model for this courseis averynice size,butthe kitchen spaceisrather limited and challenging. It makes it more interesting and you get to learn more.Follow this course before meeting your kitchen specialists, then team with them to create YOUR ideal kitchen.I am looking forward to seeing YOUR smart kitchen!Let's get it done!Nadia"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Winning Digital Transformation Approach" |
"Transform or DieBut, it is not entirely true for every business. Heres why.Not all transformation lead to success, unfortunately. Some only accelerate the business death. I have rescued many transformation projects of all sizes and across several industries. Most of them have in common a poor business transformation approach. Waiting for when tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of investments are at high risk to call for help is not a successful strategy.""No business can force its way through digital transformation. You need a winning approach to win!""I created the Winning Digital Transformation Approach as a consulting package for clients who were starting digital transformation as well as other businesses I was rescuing. After much positive feedback and demand, it became clear that more companies need that help. I then turned it into a course package with even greater value for entrepreneurs.Though the satisfaction I get for saving businesses from the worse is gratifying, we can achieve outstanding success without the unnecessary loss, and the desperate pain that goes with it, just by starting right. I guarantee this approach is more rewarding than crawling back from the brink of bankruptcy, and the celebration is much sweeter!""Winning Digital Transformation Approach"" is the first step towards accomplishing your business goals. I'm inviting you to take that first step toward success with me.Expertise you can trust!With a background in technology and business management (MBA), I have 20 years of experience transforming businesses and organizations, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses in Europe and the USA.My services help clients increase their business revenues, multiply their revenue streams, free-up more time for them to do what they want, reduce their operating costs, and autogenerate multi-millions on a regular basis.Let's Innovate and Disrupt to Thrive!Here is why it is urgent to transform your business now.Digital Transformation is not new, despite the buzz around it today. I have been transforming businesses for 20 years, and Ive seen the trends come and go and identified and implemented only the time-tested principles. As digital technologies evolve at an even faster pace, the need for transformation is more critical than ever.Right now could be the last opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and transform your business. Soon the inevitable will happen, and only those who dared to completely and successfully transform their business will remain on the market.Whether you choose toinnovateordisrupt, you must start right or course correct today while you still have time to do so.Effective solutions that you and your team can implement!I provide you with practical video learning lessons, worksheets, assessment quizzes and templates to direct you towards the best solutions for your business. I also offer live Q&A sessions along with additional solutions and tools to help you start and complete your digital transformation journey!Learn and implement at your own pace. Access the courses and contents at any time for years to come.Even if you have already started transforming your business, you will still reap immense benefits from this program, especially if you are facing unforeseen hurdles. I have used this same program for assessing companies looking to improve their transformation results at nearly every step of the transformation process with nearly identical results."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
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Price: 74.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 179.99 ![]() |
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Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Programacin de videojuegos con Monogame" |
"Monogame es un framework para la creacin de potentes videojuegos multiplataforma.En este curso vamos a ver todo el proceso de creacin de un videojuego en Monogame. Empezaremos preparando nuestro entorno de desarrollo y vamos a ir paso a paso desarrollando el juego hasta terminar un proyecto completamente funcional. Adems aprenderemos a publicarlo.En la actualidad existen muchas herramientas para la creacin de videojuegos pero pocas cuentan con las caractersticas de Monogame que lo hacen nico.Monogame se puede programar en C# y otros lenguajes de la plataforma .NET.Es multiplataforma, soportando iOS, Android, MacOS, Linux, Windows, PS4, Xbox One entre otras.Es open source, el cdigo est disponible para que lo puedas adaptar cuando lo necesites.Tiene una amplia comunidad de desarrolladores.Este curso te va a proporcionar los conocimientos necesarios para que al finalizar seas capaz de crear tu juego."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Programacin Java SE desde 0" |
"Bienvenidos al curso ""Programacin Java SE desde 0 al infinito"". Este curso es apto para personas que deseen aprender a programar en Java, tanto si no tienen ningn conocimiento de programacin como si ya cuentan con algn conocimiento en otros lenguajes. Tambin es un curso vlido para personas que ya tengan conocimientos previos en Java y deseen ampliar estos conocimientos.Se har especial hincapi en la prctica y por ello se acompaar el curso con numerosos ejercicios para practicar, ejemplos y documentos adicionales de apoyo a las lecciones en vdeo.Se subirn nuevos vdeos y contenidos todas las semanas hasta finalizar el curso por completo. Temario del curso:Instalacin del software necesarioFundamentos y estructuras bsicasPOOInterfaces y clases internasAplicaciones grficasEventosLayoutsComponentes SwingDisposiciones avanzadasArchivos JARExcepcionesStreamsSerializacinManipulacin de archivosProgramacin genricaThreadsColeccionesSocketsJavaFXIntrospeccin y recursividadAunque no es necesario tener conocimientos previos en programacin, si es necesario tener conocimiento a nivel usuario de una computadora."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hello World!! Curso de Wordpress" |
"Voc vai aprender de uma forma simples e divertida como criar um tema paraWordPress, praticando com um exemplo real. Se voc j dominaHTML & CSS, est na hora de dar vida seus projetos e oferecer mais para os seus clientes. Com este Curso de WordPress voc ir dominar esta ferramenta que tem muito a nos oferecer, e que tem crescido cada vez mais!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"16 Signs Your Boss is Toxic" |
"A. DESCRIPTION This course demonstrates the tool ofhandwriting analysis for detecting the negative fear and power traits of individual leaders in the workplace. Topics such as emotional temperament, personal fears attitudes and beliefs, and specific traits like temper, jealousy, resentment, lying and other counter-productive behaviors that will be shown in handwriting samples presented in screencast format. By understanding the key fears, sensitivities and psychological blocks individuals of power hold, one can learn to be aware of and overcome unhealthy situations that sabotage ones career and personal well being. Choosing to understand and/or address healthy workplace behaviors with emotional awareness provided by the insights received in studying handwriting analysis is the objective of this course.B. ORGANIZATION This is the first of three mini-lecture courses presented in screencast format whereby handwritten letter forms are demonstrated as they reveal specific character traits. Topics the instructor delivers are accomplished using screencasts of handwriting samples. The instructor gives audio descriptions of the handwriting analysis insights along with each slide. Stories about each characteristic may also be included for better comprehension about each personality trait described and how it potentially manifests in the workplace behaviors of the supervisor or co-worker. For this course, the instructor focuses on the negative, anxiety producing character traits of a boss that can make them be Boss Impossible and helps guide the student to learn the visual cues and warning signs in handwriting that can help them to avoid painful outcomes such as poor boss/employee relations, misunderstandings with team colleagues and even lost promotions. C. COURSE LECTURES 1. Personality Trait: Temperamental Boss 2. Personality Trait: Lying Boss 3. Personality Trait: Stubborn Boss 4. Personality Trait: Boss Whos Sensitive to Criticism 5. Personality Trait: Paranoid Boss 6. Personality Trait: Arrogant/Egotistical Boss 7. Personality Trait: Boss Whos Indecisive/Lacks Spine Under Pressure 8. Personality Trait: Resentful Boss 9. Personality Trait: Prideful Boss 10. Personality Trait: Domineering/Controlling Boss 11. Personality Trait: Loud/Talkative Boss 12. Personality Trait: Mean/Cruel Boss 13. Personality Trait: Lustful/Sexually Deviant Boss 14. Personality Trait: Procrastinating Boss 15. Personality Trait: Boss Who Has Low Self-Esteem 16. Personality Trait: Violent/Aggressive Boss DisclaimerAnalyses, interpretations, opinions and views are not intended to treat or diagnose; nor are they meant to replace the treatment and care that you may be receiving from a licensed physician or mental health professional. I am not responsible for the outcome or results of following advice offered in any given situation. You are completely responsible for your actions and I do not accept any liability for any situation in your life past, present or future. Analyses and advice offered are intended for informational purposes only. Analyses and advice are not intended to replace or substitute for any professional, financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional, psychological or medical help, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wireless Power to the People - Wireless Charging 101" |
"Welcome to Wireless Power to the People, the course that brings wireless power to the masses. In this course you're going to learn the basics of the different types of wireless power being researched and developed today. Spoiler alert: Some of them work a lot better than others! You're going to start out by learning the basics of magnetic induction. Then I will show you the power of resonance. Soon you're going to learn how to build a simple wireless powered LED. Things are really going to get interesting when you learn how to increase the power and range of the system, and wirelessly power LEDs, motors, fans and more up to 30cm away! And for the final project we're going to upgrade USB powered devices to be charged with wireless power. If you have ever wondered how wireless charging works, this course is for you. In the media we've seen countless stories of wireless charging using radio waves, vibration and more. Yet we still haven't seen these devices appearing in our homes. Millions of dollars in venture capital have been burned because investors did not fundamentally understand the various technologies used in wireless power.In this course I'm going to cut through all the hype and explain the different types of wireless power being researched today... the pros and cons of each, which ones are viable, which ones are not, and why. Best of all, you will not need a PhD in physics to understand what is going on. Math in this course will be kept to a minimum, and the focus will be on developing an intuitive, visual understanding of the concepts involved. During the course I am going to be showing you some wireless charging experiments that will require a power supply, an oscilloscope, and a few electronic components. If you don't have these things and you don't feel comfortable building circuits, don't worry. You'll still have a ton of fun just watching the demonstrations and you'll be able to understand the magic behind wireless power. By the end of the course you will know how to wirelessly powerany electronic device up to 4 watts! The basic principles taught in this course will scale to higher power levels if you choose to continue work in this field.If you've ever wondered how a Samsungphone charges, this course is for you. If you have ever wondered how iPhone X and Apple Watch charging works, this course is for you. If you are a student or junior engineer who is looking to get up to speed on practical solutions to wireless power problems this course is for you. And if you're someone who is thinking of investing money in a crowdfunded wireless power project, do not spend a dime until you have watched this course! Thank you for watching, and I hope to be teaching you soon!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Data Science with Python Course : Hands-on Data Science 2020" |
"Welcome to Complete Ultimate course guide on Data Science and Machine learning with Python.Have you ever thought about How amazon gives you product recommendation, How Netflix and YouTube decides which movie or video you should watch next,Google translate translate one language to another, How Google knows what is there in your photo, How Android speech Recognition or Apple siri understand your speech signal with such high accuracy.If you would like algorithm or technology running behind that, This is first course to get started in this direction.==============================================This course has more than 100 - 5 star rating. What previous students have said: ""This is a truly great course! It covers far more than it's written in its name: many data science libraries, frameworks, techniques, tips, starting from basics to advanced level topics. Thanks a lot! """"This course has taught me many things I wanted to know about pandas. It covers everything since the installation steps, so it is very good for anyone willing to learn about data analysis in python /jupyter environment.""""learning valuable concepts and feeling great.Thanks for this course.""""Good explanation, I have laready used two online tutorials on data -science and this one is more step by step, but it is good""""i have studied python from other sources as well but here i found it more basic and easy to grab especially for the beginners. I can say its best course till now . it can be improved by including some more examples and real life data but overall i would suggest every beginner to have this course.""""The instructor is so good, he helps you in all doubts within an average replying time of one hour. The content of the course and the way he delivers is great.""==================================================Why Data Science Now?Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century - By Harvard Business reviewThere is huge sortage of data scientist currently software industry is facing.The average data scientist today earns $130,000 a year by glassdoor.Want to join me for your journey towards becoming Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer.This course has more than 100+ HD - quality video lectures and is over 13+ hours in content.This is first introductory course to get started data analysis, Machine learning and towards AI algorithm implementationThis course will teach you - All Basic python library required for data analysis process.Python crash courseNumerical Python - NumpyPandas - data analysisMatplotlib for data visualizationPlotly and Business intelligence tool TableauImporting Data in Python from different sources like .csv, .tsv, .json, .html, web rest Facebook APIData Pre-Processing like normalization, train test split, Handling missing data Web Scraping with python BeautifulSoup - extract value from structured HTML DataExploratory data analysis on pima Indian diabetes datasetVisualization of Pima Indian diabetes datasetData transformation and Scaling Data - Rescale Data, Standardize Data, Binarize Data, normalise dataBasic introduction to What is Machine Learning, and Scikit learn overview Its type, and comparison with traditional system. Supervised learning vs Unsupervised LearningUnderstanding of regression, classification and clusteringFeature selection and feature elimination technique.And Many Machine learning algorithm yet to come. Data Science Prerequisite : Basics of Probability and statisticsSetup Data Science and Machine learning lab in Microsoft Azure CloudThis course is for beginner and some experienced programmer who want to make career in Data Science and Machine learning, AI.Prerequisite:basic knowledge in python programming (will be covered in python )High School mathematicsEnroll in this course, take look at brief curriculum of this course and take first step in wonderful world of Data.See you in field.Sincerely,Ankit Mistry"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Data Analysis with Pandas : Hands-on Pandas Python" |
"JOIN OTHER 40,000 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY ENROLLED & MASTERED PYTHON & PANDAS SKILLS (DATA ANALYSIS LIBRARY) WITH ONE OF MY BEST SELLING, TOP RATED COURSE.Student Testimonial : Great going, ankit is good at explanation of data processing stuff. i bought many of his course related to python and machine learning. - JayEvery concept is clearly explained and the tutor of this course replies to every question asked in Q&A section. - Mukka AkshayIt was very good session. The instructor has enough knowledge and able to make me understand clearly. Thank you Ankit! - Bibek BaniyaThis is an amazing course if you want to understand the extent of the power of Pandas. - Venkat RajIt's one of the best course !!! Most of the topics has been covered and explained up to the expectation - Ankur SInghit is a good match with what i was looking for, the instructor is quite knowledgeable. - Shivi DhirThis class is not too fast or too slow, the way he teaches is perfect. - Frankie YIt is excellent - Rakhshee Misbahgood experience - Weiting-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update : New section on Data visualization library Matplotlib and Seaborn added.Update : New section on Numpy Library get added.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want to master most in-demand data analysis library pandas, carry on reading.Hi, I am Ankit, one of the Best Selling author on Udemy, taught various courses on Data Science, Python, Pandas, PySpark, Model Deployment.By the end of this course, you will able to apply all majority of Data analysis function on various different datasets with built in function available in pandas. Analysis techniques like exploratory data analysis, data transformation, data wrangling, time series data analysis, analysis through visualization and many more. Carry on reading to know more about course.The era of Microsoft Excel is going to be over, so would you like to learn the next generation one of the most powerful data processing tool and in demand skill required for data analyst, data scientist and data engineer.Then this course is for you, welcome to the course on data analysis with python's most powerful data processing library Pandas.Why this course?Data scientist is one of the hottest skill of 21st century and many organisation are switching their project from Excel to Pandas the advanced Data analysis tool .This course is basically design to get you started with Pandas library at beginner level, covering majority of important concepts of data processing data analysis and a Pandas library and make you feel confident about data processing task with Pandas at advanced level.What is this course?This course coversBasics of Pandas libraryPython crash course for any of you want refresh basic concept of pythonPython anaconda and Pandas installationDetail understanding about two important data structure available in a Pandas librarySeries data typeData frame data typeHow you can group the data for better analysisHow to use Pandas for text processingHow to visualize the data with Pandas inbuilt visualization toolMultilevel index in Pandas.Time series analysisNumerical Python : NumPy LibraryMatplotlib and Seaborn for Data visualizationMachine Learning Theoretical backgroundComplete end to end Machine Learning Model implementation with Scikit-learn API(from Importing Data to Splitting data, Fitting data and Evaluating Data) & How to Improve Machine Learning ModelImporting Data from various different kind of fileYou will get following after enrolling in this course.150+ HD quality video lecture16+ hours of contentDiscussion forum to resolve your query.quizzes to to test your understandingThis course is still in a draft mode. I am still adding more and more content, quiz, projects related to data processing with different functionalities of Pandas. So stay tuned and enroll now.RegardsAnkit Mistry"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Art Of Database Design" |
"Upgrade your database designskills with new ideas and solutions.Starting with the installation of the relational database and its tools, and with an introduction to each subject, this course will take you through database design best practices in various business domains:taxonomy.warehousing.internationalization/localization and,database testingIt shows you the techniques of:a live stock level calculations,bitwise operations on relations,localization,advanced data searching,plural forms,basic query optimization,creating automated database tests of various teststypes, etc.It includes the source codes of the complete course for the 4 most popular relational databases:Oracle,SQL Server,MySQL, andPostgreSQL.All the databases (express editions)and tools (freeware or trial)used in thecoursecanbe used completely free of charge. You can chooseother databases and toolsif you think they are more suitable for you. The source code from the scripts will work on some other databases that are more or less compatible with the listed ones.With a help of naming convention and crow's foot notation youll be able to work alongside the author as you work through each chapter.It is not for beginners!!!Suitable for advanced or expert database designers/developers, through this course of 43 lectures and 2 hours of content andcomplete scripts for most popular relational databases, youll learn and establish a strong understanding of the practical and flexible solutions in the field of database design.You need to have experience in creating all the basic objects in any of the relational databases:tables,views,indexes,foreign keys and,other constraints.It would be preferable to know at least first three forms of normalization, joins, as well as that you have some experience in programming. By creating tables, views, indexes,and stored procedures youll understand practical problems and possible solutions in your future database design practice.Almost every chapter has exercises to encourage you to think of just learned.Complete with full scripts of creating users,privileges, and databaseobjects for each chapter,youll be able to work on your own solution as abranch of selected solution from the course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Successful B2B Trade Show Management and Marketing" |
"Thisis a practical course buildfor all producers who find themselves deprived of a high percentageof their profits for the benefit of traders and importers. This is afighting chance for them to learn how to find a more profitablemarket for their products and how to present themselves withconfidence and professionalism in order to attract more suitablepartners.The course is suitable forproducers or traders of consumergoodswho wants to expand their business on other marketsandthey want to learn how to plan and participate successfully to a trade show and what marketing tools touse. xIf you are taking this course without having a company and a product in mind I encourage you to pick a company your would like to work for and do all the research, planning and preparing for a market you consider opportunisticand then use your work to get an interview with them. Practicingwill helpyou become confident and rely on your new acquired skills.This course is not for you ifyou are an expert in marketing: market research, trade fairs, communication and promotional materials.By the end of this course you will be able to research new markets opportunities, to plan and participate to a B2B trade fair and to plan and prepare themarketing planfor theevent.What does this course cover?Market Research You will learn how to research the markets you want to enter byinvestigating competitors, local producers, similar products or services on the market, consumers, potential customers and byextracting relevant statistical data.B2B Trade Show Planning and Management Planning is the key to success! You will learn all you need to know about a trade show participation: how to choose the right trade fair, how to set your goals, to select yourteam, what samples to take, how to do the budget and howto arrange yourbooth.B2B Trade Show Marketing Plan You will have alook over the communications and promotional materials needed to be prepared for the Trade Show participation.B2B Trade Show Participation and Follow-up You will study thetrade show appropriatebusiness behaviorand learnwhat the post show report should include.Who is the target audience?Producers or Traders of consumer goodswho want to reach new internationalmarketsSales andMarketing Teams inneed forpractical information to organize the participation to a B2B Trade Show"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Doing Business in Japan: Cultural Context" |
"This course is meant to enable companies and business professionals endeavor in:Exploring Japanese business environment, Broadening their understanding about the local way of doing business;Getting prepared and become confident for an encounter with the Japanese counterparts; The course is suitable for management and middle management, sales, marketing or business development specialists willing to take their understandings about Japan an extra mile and learn as much as they can about doing business in Japan before engaging in a business relationship with Japanese business people. This course is not for you if you are simply planning a trip to Japan as there are business related characteristics explained rather than lifestyle aspects that you will most definitely not going to encounter. This course covers the national and business cultural context following Hofstede 6 dimensions: Power Distance Index,Individualism Versus Collectivism, Masculinity Versus Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance Index, Pragmatic Versus Normative,Indulgence Versus Restraint;"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Price: 12600.00 ![]() |
"Mac: From Zero to Almost Hero" |
"Ive been using a Mac for over 7 years now and every month I learn something new about it how to solve a problem, an app I havent heard of before, or even how to type a specific symbol on the keyboard when I need it. And even while creating this course, although I knew what I wanted to talk about from the start, I stumbled upon several new things to me, and I want to share these insights with you, so that you get a head start and dont have to gain this knowledge over the years like I did.Many of my friends use macOS and whenever they ask me about, say, how I zoom in on a specific part of the screen or what that little Spotlight-like thing is (Alfred), I forget for a second that I didnt know about these things a couple of years ago and that now it comes to me as second nature but not to them, so it is sometimes hard to explain even the seemingly simplest of concepts. But while designing this course, I took a step back and thought about all these things that I now do automatically and that would have helped me tremendously when I first started using a Mac, I asked around to see what other beginner users find difficult or annoying, and, on the other hand, what some more experienced users find useful and not entirely obvious at the first glance. I compiled these thoughts into this course, in which I want to give you an overview of macOS, teach you the basics of using a Mac, if youre new to the system, and also show you the tips and tricks, solutions to most frequent problems, and insights into using a Mac, Ive gathered over the years.This 2-hour course is divided into five main sections, excluding introduction and conclusion:First Steps, where youll find out how to move around your operating system, use Finder, and work with SpacesSystem Preferences, where Ill guide you through the ins and outs of this convoluted but absolutely essential appThe Essentials, where Ill tell you something about the apps you already have, where to find more, and how to run apps from the internet or that are designed for WindowsNTFS What?, where youll learn how to connect your Windows drives and work with media, such as movies or pdf documentsPower Tools, where Ill show you a few apps I hold very close to my heart and which let you greatly speed up your workflowBy the end of this course, you will have a very good overview of the entire system, you will know where to look when trying to solve a specific problem, be it a problem with your hard drive or just getting rid of the annoying large cursor which pops up when you move your mouse too fast. This course will in no way make you an expert on macOS, but no course will! To become an expert in anything, you need to put in your time and effort, and watching videos wont ever be enough. But what this course can make you is an almost hero, or an almost expert, and this simply means that youll be well on your way to becoming a real hero or an expert, whichever sounds better to you.To picture what this means, imagine a long list of features and keyboard shortcuts for an application like Adobe Photoshop. Knowing about these features and how to access them using your keyboard doesnt make you an expert, that just makes you a well-informed user, who can choose which of these features interest them the most and focus on them. Knowing these features, knowing how to use them, and using them actively makes you an expert, but thats exactly where you come into play. So let this course be something of an introduction of all these features for macOS, pointing out the ones which are more important and useful than others, and you decide, which are going to be of value to you and which youre going to discard, and be on your way to becoming a real expert.But I think thats about enough of introduction and Ill rather now let the course speak for itself. So browse through the curriculum to see a detailed overview of what youre going to learn and get started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Harnessing the Power of the 10th Dim. to Create Prosperity" |
"""Harnessing the Power of the Tenth Dimension to Create Prosperity"" is a course where you will discover your definition of prosperity and the tenth dimension. This course includes a guided meditation, where you will learn how to reach peace and make your definition of prosperity a reality, in yourlife."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Make Your Computer Run Faster! (Laptop/Desktop)" |
"Make your computer run like new for free! This course is ideal for beginners and takes you through a step by step process of making a slow and inefficient computer blazing fast again, at no cost.In this course you are going to learn how to make your computer run as fast as the day you bought it.This will be achieved by showing you how to:Get rid of junk files that build up on your computer. Optimize and correct window settings.Uninstall and get rid of viruses and malware. Correct your registry.Free up hardware space by backing up your hard-drive.Teach you how to maintain and clean your physical components on your computer.This will save you time and hundreds of dollars as you will find you no longer need to take your computer to the repair shop.You will easily finish the course in less than a weekend and will see amajor improvementin the speed of your computer after implementing the first segment."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Value Investing Turbocharged: Stock Trading with Leverage" |
"When it comes to financial education in financial market, most people just do not have the right knowledge to invest or to trade systematically.In this course, we will be focusing on investing only, and you will learn how to use leverage to accelerate gain without adding riskIt is a systematic approach that can be mastered by anyone.The approach focus on longer term investment, and back to fundamentals and what matter most in the stock itself.You will learn how to price your entry, and what price to expect in the future.A step-by-step course that guide you with calculation templates to achieve investment success.What are the choices you have?Determine the strategy you want to use.What stock is suitable?What entry price is good?What potential price in the future?What leverage instrument can be used?How to limit risk?How to accelerate gain?Upon completion of the course, you will be given access to our weekly commentary too."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Use Stock Options Trading to Increase Value Investing Gain" |
"When it comes to financial education in financial market, most people just do not have the right knowledgeto invest or to tradesystematically.In this course, we will be focusing oninvesting only, and you will learn how to use STOCKOPTIONSto increase your gain in investing.It is asystematic & STEP-BY-STEP approachthat can be mastered by anyone.The approach focus on longer term investment &short term return acceleration, that allows you to increase return using Stock Options.You will learn how to price your entry, and what price to expect in the future.You will learn how to buy stock with discount.You will learn how to generate monthly income.You will learn how to accelerate monthly income.A step-by-step coursethat guide you withcalculation templatesto achieve investment success.What are the choices you have?Determine the strategy you want to use.What stock is suitable?What entry price is good?What potential price in the future?What strategy to use as 1st step, 2nd step & 3rd step.How to limit risk?How to accelerate gain?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Jenkins CI tool" |
"Jenkinsis aContinuous Integration (CI) serveror tool which is written in java. It provides Continuous Integration services for software development, which can be started via command line or web application server. And also, it is happy to know thatJenkinsis free software to download and install. Continuous Integration (CI)is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day.It is a process of running your tests on a non-developer (say testers) machine automatically when someone pushes new code into the source repository"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling: de la idea a la historia" |
"En este curso aprenders a contar historias a travs de una combinacin de elementos cotidianos. Conocers un mtodo de proyeccin de ideas para la generacin de historias. Tu vida, tu trabajo, tus hobbies, tu imagen, tu empresa: todo aquello que tenga una historia detrs. Te iniciars en el mundo del storytelling, comenzars a arrastrar el lpiz y a convertir tus ideas en historias."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |