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"Financial Derivatives: A Quantitative Finance View" |
"Student Testimonials:This course offers an unreal value. Very rich content! This beats any financial course I've taken at my university. Looking forward to completing this course and using some of these skills in my career.--StevenCameron is an outstanding teacher. Thank you very much for making the most important and difficult Finance concepts so easy to understand. Looking forward to the further courses.--GevorgI got (am getting) some intuition about quant finance, not just leaning facts without really understanding the concepts.Cameron gives nice detailed answers to students questions.--RichInterested in a lucrative and rewarding position in quantitative finance? Are you a quantitative professional working in finance or a technical field and want to bridge the gap and become a full on quant? Then read on.The role of a quantitative analyst in an investment bank, hedge fund, or financial company is an attractive career option for many quantitatively skilled professionals working in finance or other fields like data science, technology or engineering. If this describes you, what you need to move to the next level is a gateway to the quantitative finance knowledge required for this role that builds on the technical foundations you have already mastered.This course is designed to be exactly such a gateway into the quant world. If you succeed in this course you will become a master of quantitative finance and the financial engineering of the most influential class of financial products that exist on markets today: derivatives.About the instructor:This course was created by a mathematician and financial quant holding a Ph.D. from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU, and who earned his quant chops on Wall Street after an accomplished career as a theoretical materials scientist.The focus of the course is thus very much on the practical skills someone working in the trenches in the real world of finance needs to have. But since the course author also has 10 years of college teaching experience, it is taught with an eye to sound course structure and sensitivity to the concerns of students.What you will learn:Many finance students and professionals find derivatives the most challenging subject in their field. But if you have a background in quantitative fields like statistics or computer science this course will show you that these most daunting of financial products are completely accessible to you.Even if you are completely new to the world of finance, after completing this course you will have a deep mastery of the fundamental derivative structures traded on markets today: forwards, futures, swaps, and options. But since this course is presented by a practitioner you will also learn how derivatives are actually used in the real world, as tools for both speculation and risk management.The world of finance and markets is fast-paced and exciting, but can also be very intimidating. In the heat of the moment, the markets are volatile and unpredictable, positions go south in unanticipated ways, you have traders yelling at you, you have computer software failing, you're relying on data you can't trust. Keeping your head above water in this environment can be well nigh impossible.You need a conceptual framework that allows you to keep above the fray and keep your wits about you. In this course, my primary purpose is to convey that conceptual framework to my students. The same conceptual framework that allowed me to survive and thrive in the pits of Wall Street during the dark days of the financial crisis.Concerned that you may not have the required background to succeed in this course? As long as you meet the formal prerequisites you need not be. A quantitatively strong business background is more than enough to meet these requirements. Any decent course in statistics and the basics of calculus is enough. In truth, high school mathematics is all that is needed for 80-90% of the course material. The most important requirement is simply to think analytically and logically.Here is a sampling of some of the main topics that we'll cover on your journey into the quant profession:Interest rate fundamentalsPeriodic and continuous compoundingDiscounted cash flow analysisBond analysisThe fundamentals of equity, currency, and commodity assetsPortfolio modellingLong and short positionsThe principle of arbitrageThe Law of One PriceForwards, futures, and swapsRisk management principlesFutures hedgingStochastic processesTime series conceptsThe real statistics of asset prices: volatility clustering and autocorrelationFat-tailed distribution and their importance for financial assetsBrownian motionThe log-normal model of asset pricesOptionsPut-call parityThe binomial model of option pricingThe Black-Scholes theory and formulaOption greeks: delta, gamma, and vegaDynamic hedgingVolatility tradingImplied volatilityIncludes Python toolsPython based tools are now included for computations with bonds, yield curves, and options. All software that is part of this course is released under a permissive MIT license, so students are free to take these tools with them and use them in their future careers, include them in their own projects, whether open source or proprietary, anything you want!So Sign Up Now!Accelerate your finance career by taking this course, and advancing into quantitative finance. With 23 hours of lectures and supplemental course materials including 10 problem sets and solutions, the course content is equivalent to a full semester college course, available for a fraction of that price, not to mention a 30 day money back guarantee. You can't go wrong!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Magic Tricks with Magnets" |
"This workshop contains the many ways of how MAGNETS were introduced to develop & design different illusions in magic. Methods & principles behind the illusions will be presented with many Gimmicks developed from scratch. Many of the tricks will be examined, discussed and built. We collected most tricks related to magnets from the Magic Castle archive. Referenced and pages will be included in the course. This is more than ""how to learn tricks"" we aim to bring concepts of psychology behind misdirection and the combination of trickery methods in creating illusions. We hope to enhance creativity regardless if you are a magician or not. With 4 hours of visual presentation; we are committed to create a clear and comfortable environment for you to follow along. Introduction The Psychology of MagicWorkshop IntroThe Cups, Balls & MoreLinking Rings & RopesReels & PK ToolsWands & PensCard & CoinsBoxes & SlatesMiscellaneous Children, Science & Future innovationsThe course does not teach routine, meaning I will not teach performance of what to say and how to move. We focus on the methods used with the Magnet approach to do illusion. We hope to spark creativity to combine, mix, and illustrate the tricks with your own performance style.Good Luck and thank you for Viewing"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acumen Presents: Adam Grant on Developing Original Ideas" |
"This course will introduce you to research-grounded insights to become an original thinker capable of driving creativity and change in the world.Taught byAdam Grant, Whartons top-rated professor for five straight years and the author of the New York Times bestsellersOriginalsandGive and Take,you'll learn strategies for developing and selecting abreakthrough idea and championing it effectively.Adam will share surprising studiesspanning business, social entrepreneurship, technology and entertainment.He will teach you how to recognize a good idea, speak up without getting silenced, build a coalition of allies, and choose the right time to act.Hell also share his findings onhow anyone can pursue a more generous, creative life whilestill getting ahead in their careers.Most importantly, hell present hisinsights in ways that you can immediately apply to your own work and life. Each video will be accompanied by an actionable tool or exercise you can use to apply the principles Adam talks about to advance your own original ideas. This course is ideal for anyone who wants to develop ameaningful and original idea to change the world."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"HEADSPINS 101: Beginner guide to headspin mechanics & form" |
"Ever wondered how people are able to spin on their head?Ever wanted to learn how to start a headspin?Inquiring minds, this course is for you!In Headspins 101you will learn each component of the headspin position in easytofollow steps. The continuous headspin is an incredible feat of coordination and disciplined training, known as a 'powermove' in the culture and dance of breakin (also known as breakdancing), and has been performed and popularized by bboys and bgirls all around the world.This instructional allows you to understand the basic building blocks of the headspin and grasp the foundational physics involved in executing it. Upon completion of Headspins 101 the mystery of how dancers are able to pull of this incredible move will be revealed and you will have techniques you can practice to achieve the basic headspin position. This course ismeant to be accessible to people of all skill levels and fitness backgrounds,however,to start trainingthe headspin position it is required that you be able to hold a headstand for at least 10seconds. Course material includes:Keydrillsto efficientlytrain your body to start the headspinCorrect arms, legs, and back positioning in the headspin positionCore exercises to help train the headspin positionPracticing the headspin position safely and efficientlyCommonly asked questions about headspinsThis course is an hour and 15 minutes of fun headspin education!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acumen Presents: Emily Esfahani Smith on A Meaningful Life" |
"There's more to life than being happy. People who lead the most meaningful lives have a far-reaching purpose. They forge relationships where they help themselves and others feel valued. They assemble their experiences into a coherent narrative. And they contribute to something bigger than themselves.If this all sounds abstract, it doesnt have to be. In this 3-hour, video-based course, Emily Esfahani Smith, the author of The Power of Meaning: Crafting a Life that Matters will teach you concrete strategies for implementing elements of belonging, purpose, storytelling, and transcendence into your everyday life in practical ways and achievable steps. Drawing on the latest research in positive psychology; along with insights from philosophers across the ages, Emily Esfahani Smith will share strategies from real people and companies that have effectively built meaningful lives or established cultures of meaning. Youll create a Meaningful Life Notebook where you can implement and record the results of the experiments you take to start pursuing a life that matters. In the process, youll immeasurably deepen your own life, and start to figure out how you can help others in the process."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"7 Day Ninja Traffic Plan" |
"Welcome to the 7 Day Ninja Traffic plan for your Amazon affiliate sites.Within this course you have a step by step course - all you need to do is follow the plan - oneday at a time.In the video i mention the ""3 C's"".These 3 ""C's"" are:ContentConsistencyCreativityThe main two being content and consistency.The simple fact is that most people will not promote their sites! Why? Because it is hardwork!It can be a little boring BUT it does pay off.I ask you during your time with me and this course to give 100%! If you do, and you followthrough this course it will make you money. Also, as you keep on building the sites andworking hard you will get to the point where you don't need to promote them quite as muchas you will get your 'money makers'.Remember: You are following this course to FIND the winners! Once you have sites that takeoff for you and make sales you can then concentrate on a niche that you KNOW will sell andkeep on going to get better results.You can also use this material to promote ANY affiliate site to send free traffic"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Parejas que Perduran" |
"El amor es un verbo y el verbo se manifiesta en la accin, sern 12 intensos captulos para reflexionar y emprender acciones que nos permitan recuperar o elevar an ms el Amor y la Pasin en nuestra relacin de Pareja. Ests lista? Ests listo? Bien, demos la bienvenida a la vida en pareja que cada uno desea. Reflexionemos: El enamoramiento es pasivo, pues es algo que sientes al apreciar a tu pareja, el amor es activo, es algo que haces para buscar la plenitud y el crecimiento de tu pareja. No amas porque ests enamorado, ests y permaneces enamorado porque amas a tu pareja, y amar a tu pareja es una accin diaria que aprenders y expandirs todos los das. A amar se aprende amando. Bendiciones, iniciemos el viaje.El Programa en linea El Arte de vivir en Pareja esta basado en 6 necesidades que tanto tu como tu pareja buscan satisfacer. Notaras que a veces podemos utilizar mecanismos que de momento satisfacen esas 6 necesidades pero a un costo enorme, en donde nos danamos a nosotros mismos y a nuestra pareja.El 87% de los matrimonios que conocen y aplican las 6 necesidades humanas que se deben satisfacer en pareja logran revivir el amor y la pasin en su relacin. Veremos paso a paso cuales son estas 6 necesidades y como deben ser satisfechas. Una de las necesidades ms importante es la CONEXIN veremos a detalle como conectas de forma negativa y positiva con tu pareja y viceversa y por supuesto nos enfocaremos en buscar las formas positivas de conectar, y as lo haremos con cada una de las 6 necesidades en pareja.Revisaras a detalle las estrategias que utilizaste tanto tu como tu pareja en la etapa del enamoramiento.Por que despues de un tiempo se pierde la pasion?Conoceras las 6 necesidades humanas y el orden de importancia que tienen tanto para ti como para tu pareja. Este orden puede ser diferente para ambos y a veces ocasionar conflictos. Notar en que nivel has estado cumpliendo con las 6 necesidades de tu pareja y viceversa.Como satisfacer estas 6 necesidades de forma positiva.Pasar del conflicto a la Armonia. Los niveles del Amor y de la atraccion.Pasos para crear cambios duraderos en la relacion de pareja.Visualizacion para definir la vision en pareja.Mantener en los niveles mas altos el amor y la pasion. Como podemos mantener la atraccion?Tarea para los Hombres.Tarea para las Mujeres.Reflexion y cierre."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Get Employed into a Hidden Job" |
"In this course I will teach you how to find a hidden job by contacting employers directly. It all began for me four years ago when my dear friend became unemployed. He had had a great career in the IT industry, he was in a management position as a team leader and there was no reason why his employment should have ended. Yet then suddenly the company decided to downsize and he was let go. At first my friend was not concerned at all. He had a great CV and although he was already over 50 he was confident that a new job would emerge. He sent applications but time went by him now even getting invitations to interviews. Apparently the reason was simply because there were so many applicants for each open position.As three years had gone by the situation started to affect even me as I become more and more stressed about it. Occasionally I advised my friend that he should call firms directly to find out about hidden jobs. Hidden jobs are those jobs that will be filled without announcing them publicly in a newspaper or a digital job board.The only consequence of my calls was that my friend stopped answering my calls to him.Then one day it dawned to me. If I were such a great sales guy, why would I not invest a couple of hours my work into helping my dear friend. (By the way, this idea totally removed my stress immediately. I now had a clear plan and I was now in total control of the situation. The whole problem would disappear if I kept executing my plan.)So I asked my friend to send me his resume and with the help of the CV I wrote a short telephone script. The sole goal of the script was to be able to tell to the prospective employer my friends major strengths in three sentences.Next I needed a list of prospective employers. This was surprisingly easy. I just searched with Google for an association of IT firms. On the website of the association there was a long list of IT firms. I went the list through and picked up firms that sounded geographically and otherwise suitable and there I had my prospect list. The website even gave the numbers to the telephone operators of the firms.Then I started to call the firms. If it was a small firm, I asked for the managing director. If it was a larger firm I asked for the HR-person in charge of recruiting. As soon as the switchboard gave the name I asked would he or she be now available. When I was connected to the right person I then just told my script. The results were quite unexpected. Over the weeks I made these calls I managed to reach 41 decision makers. Those discussions led to 6 interviews and my friend did not even have to go to the last one, since he got a job already from the fifth interview. Additionally later even two of the firms among the first four ones called back as they were preparing for a job offer for him.In this course I will walk you through how to generate the list of prospective employers, how to create an effective script for the decision maker and another one for the switchboard. And most importantly, I will also teach you how to build courage to make the calls and how to sound convincing during the phone calls.I am convinced, that if you work a couple hours in a week according to these guidelines, you will find become employed into a new job within 1-2 months. Give your self a try and take action now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HIIT @ Home: Body Confidence in 4 Weeks" |
"I have Joe Wicks DVD and got up to level 7I must admit I have preferred your course, quality over quantity, I use that myself a lot! Feedback from our HIIT@Home trial, May 2017 HIIT @ Home: Body Confidence in 4 weeks is the latest online fitness course, designed to fit into the busy lifestyle so many of us lead. Im all about using exercise to de-stress, find more energy, and most importantly, feel good about yourself for a healthy body and a healthy mind. Your workout is your time for you, you deserve it. This High Intensity Interval Training workout can last between 10-30 minutes you just do what you can with the time you have available. With HIIT training being one of the quickest ways to burn fat, that feel-good factor gets to work straight away. Our workout progresses so that with every week, you get a brand new workout to push your boundaries. Within 4 weeks you can expect to feel fitter, more toned and have a body confidence boost! We dont just promise workout videos at K Fit we want to keep you motivated and committed to your workout regime, so we also give you the tools to track your progression. With a whole library of downloadable goodies, such as your very own Fitness Diary, Goal Setting Worksheet and Exercise Checklists (ooh, I do love a list!), you are given the best possible chances to get that workout done and exceed your limits. What are you waiting for? Start HIIT @ Home today, set that bar high and expect to achieve!"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Curso de diseo narrativo y guin de videojuegos" |
"En los ltimos aos, los videojuegos rivalizan con el cine y la literatura en potencial para contar historias y, sobre todo, generar experiencias.En este curso, aprenders qu es realmente el diseo narrativo de videojuegos. Al terminar el mismo, tendrs un punto de vista y un control de conceptos profesional sobre este campo tan importante del Game Design.Tanto si sois diseadores de juegos que queris profundizar en el mundo del diseo narrativo, guionistas o escritores clsicos interesados en entrar en este nuevo mundo, o si sois entusiastas de los videojuegos que queris saber qu se esconde en las tripas de sus emocionantes historias, este curso es para vosotros."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro CC de A Z" |
"Bienvenuedans cette formation complte sur Adobe Premiere Pro CC !Saviez-vous que Adobe Premiere Pro CC est le logiciel de montage vido le plus utilis dans le monde l'heure actuelle ? Non seulement il est le plus utilis, mais il permet galement d'en faire sa profession ! Avec un salaire moyen de plus de 5000/mois, les monteurs vidos n'ont pas se plaindre ! Que ce soit pour des raisons professionnelles ou par simple hobby, ce cours est fait pour vous ! En plus de 4 heures, il va vous apprendre monter des vidos, tapes par tapes. Les deux premires sections vont vous permettre de vous familiariser avec les bases du logiciel : Organisation et premier contact avec le logicielPremire dcouverte de l'interfaceCrer sa premire timeline et dbuter son montageCrer son premier titreFaire un ralenti simplementComment stabiliser une videoComment appliquer une transitionComprendre les courbes de bzier des images clsetc...Puis la troisime section va vous permettre d'utiliser des fonctionnalits plus pousses: Personnalisation ou modification de l'interfaceComment faire un enregistrement voix off directement dans le logicielComment amliorer la qualit de sa voix grce un effetComment animer un mediaComment faire un arrt sur imageComment corriger les courbures d'cran d'une camra de sportComment talonner sa vido pour un aspect cinmaComment crer des looks personnalissDcouverte des nouveauts du raccourci ""nouvel lment""Comment exporter son projet pour le partagerComment exporter sa vido grce media encoderComment crer une squence multicamComment utiliser les objets graphiques essentielsComment optimiser le logiciel selon sa configuration informatiqueComment mieux utiliser le mixage audioComment bien faire les rglages d'export de vos vidosComment crer de superbes ralentis grce un nouvel outilRetoucher l'audio avec l""galiseur paramtriqueComment ajouter des sous-titres ses vidosComment crer et animer un titreComment effectuer un tracking de masqueToutes les vidos sont enregistres enHD 1080ppour que vouspuissieztout voir clairementpendant le cours !Je rpondrai personnellement vosquestions si vous en avez, et je fournirai autantd'aide que possiblepour vousaider devenir un monteur vido du tonnerre !N'attendez plus etcliquez surSuivre ce coursen haut droite.C'est parti !"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
mobilevideo |
", ... , ! ! ! , , - - ! , 3 . . 5 , , , - . ! , , , . , , , Udemy . ! -, , . , , 1490 . 2 3000 . , ! , , . ! , !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
AmazonKindle |
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
"Have lasting change in your life" |
"Learning the steps to having lasting change in your lifeChange is something that most people struggle with most of there life.What's the problem?Change is the easiest and hardest thing you will ever do, it it all starts will a decision and yourcommitmentDo you have the ability to change?Yes, We all the the ability to change with motivation, commitment, and a planIs lasting change even possible?Yes,Lasting changeis most successful when you focus on creating habits. Habits are making lifestyle shifts versus quick wins.There are many reasons thatattribute to these questions:Could it be?You Dont want to Its challenging Its fearful Its frustrating Your environment is holding you back You just dont know what to do Its not painful enough yet You give up easilyWhatever your reason maybe, Master Your Life Series willgive you theaction steps to teach you not only how to change, but to have lasting change in your life. I have been in a place where I had to make change last, when Iwas diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Ihad to make significant change from the inside out, which caused me to dig not only into myself, but look into change methods. From my own experience and research and study, I was able to discover things that truly work and last. In the Master Your Life Series you will learn detailed strategies that will transform your life and give you the joy, happiness and the goals you desire.Master Your Life Seriesis a series designed to change lives from the inside out, bring awareness and teach balance in all aspects of your life: Physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and financial. Imbalance in one these aspects will affect all areas of your life. Master Your Life helps participants recognize their unhealthy thinking habits, learn essential life skills, and create action plans all towards achieving realistic goal.Iendeavorto challengeas many people as possible to evokechange their lives.."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Overcoming your unhealthy thinking habits" |
"Are your negative thoughts controlling your behavior, therefore taking over your life?1Do you find yourself asking questions like "" Why did Ido that?!"" and find it very frustrating.This is the course for you.This course will give you provenstrategies that you can use everydayto overcome your negative thinking habits, therefore controlling your unwanted behavior.Changing how you think will change your life from the inside outand give you a new positiveperspective on life.We all have had a series of events that has impacted our thinking therefore affecting our behavior, many times not knowing why we do the thing we do.Some of you have even had altering moments that have changed your way of thinking therefore changing your behavior and your belief system. Know that you have the ability to change your life, just by changing how you think."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Learn Maya 3D Modeling for Unity Mobile Game Development" |
"Learn how to make low poly scene in Maya and import it into Unity for Mobile Games.One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.You will get fulllifetimeaccess to this course for a single one off fee.What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 150 Mobile Games with more than 25,000,000 downloads in iOSand Google Play.I run a company called SevenBulls Games, so I am actively in the field building games.I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroom.Who is this class for?People who want to improve their skills in Maya and Unity.This courseis NOT for complete beginners.People who are interested in Game Development for Mobile Devices.I promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"From Paper to Screen: Editing Your Artwork in Photoshop" |
"Cat Coquilletteis a professional illustrator and designer as well as a full-time traveler. Thanks to her success with licensing her artwork and selling through on print-on-demand companies like Society6, she is able to fully support herself as an artist and travel the world. Cat is one of Society6s top artists, selling 60,000 products on their platform alone.Cat will walk you step-by-step through her entire process to show you how she gets her artwork from paper to computer, focusing on all the steps she takes to digitally transform her artwork into top-selling pieces, including: Fusing multiple scans of artwork together into one image Removing the paper background Erasing pencil marks, paint splatters, and errors Exploring color variations Creating patterns Adjusting artwork for various template dimensions Saving artwork files for optimizationOne key factor with succeeded with passive income streams like licensing and print on demand is making sure your artwork translates beautifully from paper to screen. This class will be tailored to that process. There is so much more to the process than just scanning in your artwork and uploading it to sell online. What you do in-between those actions can make the difference between an average piece and a best-seller.If you dont have Photoshop, no problem. You can sign up for a free trial online in just a few minutes.As a bonus for this class, you'll receive a free digital guide that covers all the basics of the classPLUS a high-res watercolor paper texture so you can get started immediately with digitizing your own artwork."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Prepare Your Taxes" |
"After years of seeing people who prepare their own tax return make the same expensive mistakes over and over, I decided to create a course that will save you time, money, and sanity at tax time.This course is designed to thoroughly teach you the ins and outs of your federal income taxes. It is taught line-by-line so you can understand where the amounts comefrom and how they effect your tax situation. Whether you use Turbo Tax, Tax Slayer, or any other software, this course will be easy to follow as it teaches tax in a way that is unaffected by which software you use.There is also a checklist provided to use once you have completed your tax return to make sure you've claimed all the deductions you can before you efile your return.There are also tips and tricks to save on tax,including things you can do now for next year's tax return, throughout the course. Never file your return without this knowledge again! You cannot afford to neglect this important part of your personal finances. If you are intentional with your money, your budget, and deliberate with your financial goals, this course is for you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Wondershare Filmora 9" |
" Wondershare filmora 9 "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Special and Healthy Recipes For your celebrations" |
"This course is for everyone who loves cooking whether it is a professional or a beginner.You will learn how to prepare the most famous dishes from the kitchen of the Middle East.Using available and healthy ingredients you will cooking delicious dishes.Be prepared to eat delicious food from your cooking and enjoy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Bsico 2016 Paso a Paso Desde Cero." |
"Este curso consta de 73 vdeos con una duracin total de 5 horasexplicados paso a paso desde cero, de una manera amena y sencilla. Aprenders a usar los elementos bsicos que conforman una hoja de clculo, desde la pgina o men de inicio,hasta la personalizacin de tus trabajos, de acuerdoa tus gustos y preferencias."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Geometra Analtica" |
"El curso de Geometra Analtica est dividido de la siguiente manera:Plano Cartesiano: donde aprenders a ubicar cualquier punto en cualquiera de los 4 cuadrantes o ejes cartesianos.Sistema Bidimensional: aprenders todas las propiedades como distancia entre dos puntos, divisin de un segmento en una razn dada, punto medio, proyeccin y simetra respecto a los ejes cartesianos.Inclinacin y Pendiente: Sabrs hallar la inclinacin y pendiente de una recta y la relacin entre ellas.Recta: Conocers los dos casos para hallar la ecuacin de una recta en todas sus formas.Cnicas Principales: Definicin, ecuaciones y ejemplos de aplicacin en las siguientes cnicas:Circunferencia.Parbola.Elipse.Hiprbola."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Reversal Candlestick Trading Strategy - Forex/Stock Trading" |
"Course Updated: November-2019>> This is the Only Best Seller course on Udemy, which Talks Very Detailed about the Trading Strategy of the World's Most Traded and Strongest Trend Reversal Candlestick Patterns to Successfully Trade the Forex and Stocks. >> Almost all the Traders who Depend on the Technical analysis, Knows about These Reversal Candlestick Patterns. But still they suffer to Make Consistent Profit from the Market. >> Just Learning the Shape, Size and Name of a Candle is Not What a Trader Actually Need. A Trader Need to Know Exactly Where and Why to Place Trade Entries by Analyzing the Traders Sentiment Using the Reversal Candlestick Patterns in the Market. Which is this course all about. What our existing students said about this course:""Brilliant course taught by an experienced professional trader. This course helped me to understand how to trade candle stick the right way in order to be a profitable trader. Also very helpful and answers question almost immediately"" - Dave""Very good explanation of the most common Japanese candlestick reversal patterns found on the FX market. I especially liked that Syed explains the patterns, and then takes it a step further to explain entry, stop loss and take profit of each pattern. Well done! I'll recommend this course first, and then follow up with Syed's other course on swing trading - both really good courses."" - Peter Efland""This is a very engaging course. My perception has changed a bit after i watched the lectures. Now I feel that i need to change my trading method, which i was using before taking this course. I found some very useful information on trading the candle sticks. The speech and delivery is great. Highly recommended"" - Fred WilliamThis is a mastery course for both the beginner and advanced - FOREX and Stock market traders, who wants to increase their potentiality by analyzing the price action chart to earn consistent profit from their trades. Build - a strong foundation on 4 of the worlds most traded and strongest trend reversal candlestick patterns, that is being the first choice to get trade signal - to most of the large banks, financial institutions and professional traders in the Forex and stock exchange markets. At the end of this course, you will be able to make successful trade entries with Pin Bar candlestick pattern. Engulfing candlestick pattern. Inside bar candlestick pattern. Piercing line candlestick pattern.Wait! - You already know what these candlesticks are and how to trade these patterns? Are you sure that you are making consistent profit from these 4 candlestick patterns? If so - then perhaps this course is not for you. But if you are not consistently making profit from the Forex and stock market with these 4 worlds most traded and strongest trend reversal candlestick patterns, then perhaps you should change your trading plan. But dont worry, you are at the right place to learn how to crack down these 4 candlestick patterns to successfully trade the Forex and stocks. You dont need to learn and trade 100 candlesticks to earn consistent profit from the market, you need jus 4! If you trade every single time you see a strong trend reversal candlestick pattern, then you are already dead in the long run! You see, when I or you get the first education about forex trading or stock market trading, then it is taught to us that technical analysis and fundamental analysis is the main analysis method of Forex and stock trading. Among which technical analysis is the most Simple and convenient trading method for the general traders like me and you. Because for fundamental analysis, it requires a good knowledge of collecting and analyzing the financial data from various sources, which is quite difficult enough for the individual traders like us. Japanese Candlestick ChartSo, for technical analysis, the Japanese Candlestick Chart is the most popular chart among all the price action charts. In Japanese candlestick chart, each and every single bar is called as candle, candlestick or candlestick pattern. Every single candlestick pattern represents traders action or traders sentiment for a specific timeframe in a price action chart. You will find thousands of different types of candlestick patterns in a price action chart. Where each and every candle represents the market sentiment, either its a forex chart or stock chart. You don't need em all !Now, should you learn all of these candles? No. not at all. Only a few handful candlesticks are there on the chart - which frequently tend to form at the supply and demand zones of the forex and stock market. And after their formation, price tend to change its direction and hence swing points formed in a price action chart. These swing points are the area where we should find the strongest trend reversal candlestick patterns to enter for a trade. Therefore learning the structure of a candlestick pattern is not what you need most to get success in forex trading or stock trading, rather learning when and where a candlestick pattern forms hold the significance of trading at a candlestick pattern. Reading the overall market sentiment with a trend reversal pattern is more important to make any decision to trade the forex and stocks. Learning ObjectivesSo in this course, you will learn 4 of the strongest trend reversal candlestick patterns to make successful trades by the help of most probable and profitable candlestick trading strategies which are the Pin bar trading strategy, Engulfing trading strategy, Inside bar trading strategy, the Piercing line trading strategy and the Dark cloud cover trading strategy (Dark cloud cover is the bearish pattern of piercing line candlestick pattern).This course covers all the necessary details about trading the forex and stock with these 4 strongest trend reversal candlestick patterns. Which includes- Detecting the valid formation and structure of these 4 strongest trend reversal candlestick patterns. Ability to read the market sentiment with these candlestick pattern. Most profitable method to place trade entries at the right position of the market. Setting the stop loss for capital safety, if somehow the market goes against your trade. Which is a normal thing in trading forex and stocks. Targeting the most probable profit level using the appropriate risk and reward ratio model. Filtering the invalid trade entry position, since not every time you can trigger a trade, no matter how strong the candlestick pattern look like based on their structure. You should avoid making trades in invalid positions on the chart of forex and stock. Ability to detect if the candlestick pattern is really going to act as a trend reversal pattern or a trend continuation pattern. Sometimes a trend reversal candlestick pattern act as a trend continuation pattern, which is very much necessary to detect as a price action trader to trading forex and stocks. And some other relevant things to master the worlds most traded and strongest trend reversal candlestick patterns to trade the forex and stock successfully - to turn yourself a consistent trade winner in forex trading and stock trading. Timeframe independencyThese Candles can be traded in all the time frames. These candlestick patterns will work almost in every time frames, but mostly in higher time frames like 1 hour charts, 4 hour charts, Daily charts, or weekly - monthly charts. Even scalping strategies can be made with these candlestick patterns. No matter which timeframe or strategy you follow to trade the forex and stocks with these candlestick patterns, always try to find out these patterns at the right position of the market. Indicator free clean chartsNo indicator has been used in this course. Its a mastery course of pure price action based trading strategy. In this course, no indicators has been used to trading forex and stocks. This course is based on only candlestick based technical analysis. This course made Forex trading and stock trading so easy that if someone follow all of the rules taught in this course, has higher chance of getting consistent profit from the market. If a trader master him/ herself of these 4 candlestick patterns - including the different candlestick structure, traders sentiment on different market conditions, valid and invalid trade entry positions, and the ability to identify the trend reversal pattern to trend continuation pattern of these 4 candlestick patterns, then they will be able to stay in the market for long time and make consistent profit from the FOREX and Stock market as well. They will qualify to read the market sentiment and hence make consistent profit as a professional trader. ""Master the Profitable Reversal Candlestick Patterns - Forex & Stock"" is a must take course for the traders - who wants to increase their potentiality of maximizing the number of winning trades, and minimize the number of losing trades in FOREX and Stock market trading - with the worlds most traded and strongest trend reversal candlestick patterns. ."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"ADVANCED Swing Trading Strategy -Forex Trading/Stock Trading" |
"[Latest Course Update: Downloadable section summaries and trading checklist has been added]>> This is the very first and only Advanced course on the whole internet (not just on Udemy), which talks very detailed and shows you the step-by-step trading method of the world's most popular and effective price action based trading strategy, The Advanced Swing Trading Strategy. >> Most of the Traders who trade the market as a technical analyst have a trading strategy, but still, they don't have the ability to read the market sentiment or predict the future market direction, and hence fail to get consistent profit by using their unprofitable trading method. >> Advanced Swing Trading Strategy is the first and only complete course, that not only show you the method to trade the swings of a trend, rather it also focuses on strengthening your basics and give you the ability to read & predict the market sentiment, by which you can pinpoint the exact Trade entry and Exit points and become an experienced price action trader. >> This is the course that will dramatically make you able to see lots and lots of profitable trading opportunities in your price action chart. See what the existing students have said about this course:""This is the Swing Trading course you need. This is probably the first time that I've understood a swing trading strategy which is simple and effective. I've encountered a lot of confusing strategies over the last year and this course has helped my confidence in executing swing trades. Simple, well explained, easy to apply. Thanks for this course."" - Vincent Roy Yup ""It's a must ( if you are serious ) to do this course , in my opinion it's the best course available on swing trading that's out there , Syed's lectures have a clear & systematic approach to understanding the foundational principles of swing trends & trade placement , you get a real candlestick / MA lines understanding , learn the beauty of applying Fibonacci to the mix & it's designed not only for the novice but the pro as well , forget youtube hacks , & learn from a real trading educator , Syed Rahman is the man , peace out , Mike from Perth Aus !!"" - Micheal Mccoy""I will HIGHLY recommend this course. This is the BEST course I have taken and I learnt so much. The instructor is absolutely great teacher, with a lot of examples and very very detailed explanation. He's the best. My trading has improved a lot, and I can read price action chart like the pros do. Thank you so much sir. I appreciate you make this course available."" - Paul Omasere""I have taken a number of Forex courses and whilst most are detailed they don't always provide easy to follow trading strategies. This swing trading course gives you what you need and emphasizes that too many indicators will only confuse you and make it harder to find a trade with proper entry. I enjoyed the explanation of determining a valid or invalid swing point and the many examples on how to trade off moving averages of the Fibonacci indicator. Swing trading I feel gives traders more consistent returns than breakout trading which may give higher winning trades but less of them. I do recommend this course to other Forex traders."" - John MandichThis is a mastery swing trading course for both the beginner and advanced - FOREX, Stock or other Investment traders, who wants to have a complete price action based trading strategy, that really helps to win each and every single most probable trades they trigger in the market. This single trading strategy is more than enough to become a consistent winning trader. Build - a strong foundation in trading the trends. You will find a trend in almost 80% of the time in the major trading securities and higher time frames, like 15 minutes to daily or weekly charts. Which means, you will never run out of trading opportunities or don't have to wait for too long to have a winning trade signal to get into the market and make a serious profit from the trend, if you follow the step-by-step method of the Advanced Swing Trading Strategy. So in this course of mastering the Advanced swing trading strategy You will learn each and every single detail that is necessary - to successfully trade the swings of a trend. - Before diving into the strategy, I will first teach you the essential price action basics, specially designed to strengthen your knowledge base to make you understand the exact sentiment of a trend. - Then I will teach you the trade entry and exit strategy for the valid swing points, as well as the strategy for invalid swing points of a trend. To successfully trade the trend, you must need to master not only the valid swing points but also need to learn how to deal with the complex looking - invalid swing points of a trend.- Throughout the complete course, you will learn almost all the important and necessary things to turn yourself into a consistently profitable trader.No matter if you are a trader in Forex, Stock or in any other financial trading market, the ADVANCED Swing Trading Strategy is a complete trading strategy for you if you want to predict the market as a professional technical chart analyst. Although, The ADVANCED Swing Trading Strategy works in all the Time-frames that are available in your brokers trading software.You can literally use this swing trading strategy in every chart time frame of your choice. No matter if you are a scalper, day trader, or have 9-5 day job, this course is a perfect match for you, if you really want to learn the psychology behind every trade setups. The main goal of this course is not to just show you some random price action patterns like the other courses do, rather in this course, you will learn how to understand the psychology behind a specific trade setup using the best and most profitable price action trading strategy - The ADVANCED Swing Trading Strategy.- Swing Trading needs patience - but that does not necessarily mean you have to wait YEARS or MONTHS to see profit. You can close your trades with maximum profit even after 2 to 3 days of entering the trade, if you trade lower time-frames like 4-hour or 1-hourly charts. - A trader does not necessarily need huge capital to invest for Swing Trading. If you follow the Advanced Swing Trading Strategy, then you can enter at the very beginning of price reversal point, for which the Stop Loss become very small relative to the potential profit target.- Once you learn the Exact Strategy of trading the Swings of the Trends in the right way by analyzing the market sentiment - Then you are going to be UNSTOPPABLE making Consistent Profit - which will completely transform your trading habit ... and your life!- You will understand why market moves in a specific direction. Can filter the invalid trade positions. Will see quality trade signals. Identify the most profitable trading points of the chart.- Which will give you the opportunity and ability to make maximum profit from every single trade you trigger in Forex or Stocks, no matter how COMPLEX a trend setup you face in the markets. ""The course is very well layed out and the content is very applicable to real world trading. While taking the course I would have a question, that question would be answered by the next lecture. At the end of the course I felt confident with the strategy and have used it with a real account and have made profit. Highly recommend this course if you want to learn swing trading. "" - Kyle Riddle (Student of Advanced Swing Trading Strategy)Most of the real chart examples of this course has been taken from different Forex currency pair charts, and the charts are from the 4 hour and daily timeframes, to give you a better understanding on how to really trade the trends as a professional Swing Trader. Advanced Swing Trading Strategy - Forex Trading & Stock Trading is a must take course for you, - If you want to increase the potentiality of maximizing the number of winning trades, and minimize the number of losing trades in FOREX, Stock and other Financial market trading - with the worlds most popular and powerful price action based trading strategy. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Forex Best Currency Pairs Selection Strategy- Forex Trading" |
"Course Updated: November-2019>> This is the only course on the whole internet which talks very detailed about selecting the best and most profitable currency pairs in Forex by using currency pair correlation and relative strength analysis of the currencies. >> This course is not about a price action based trading strategy where you learn how to make profitable trade entries and exits, rather it's a course on knowing the market you trade and making the best trades by choosing the profitable currency pairs from all the correlated currency pairs in Forex. >> After completing the course, you will learn how to use currency pairs correlation and relative strength analysis of the currencies with some other tricks, to be able to choose the best currency pair for a trade to gain extra 50 to 60 pips with your existing trading strategy.>> This is the course, that will dramatically improve your Forex trading and will make you a successful Forex trader. Its a course that every Forex trader should take to turn themselves as a successful Forex trader.This is a mastery course for both the beginner and advanced Forex traders, who needs to know the currency pairs very well to choose the most profitable currency pairs to trade for maximum profit.Having good knowledge on currency pairs correlation and relative strength analysis of the currencies, should be the first priority to a Forex trader, to know their currency pairs very well, to minimize the risks by analyzing the currency pairs correlation, and maximizing the profits with relative strength analysis of the currencies. About 80% of the 95% new comer forex traders, they dont have any good knowledge on the currency pairs correlation, and the risks associated with that, hence they blow up their entire balance for several times, since they trade in every currency pairs whenever they see a trade setup on those pairs, and finally leave Forex trading forever by blaming that Forex trading does not work. While the truth is, the 5% successful traders makes consistent profit in Forex, because they know how to minimize the risks by trading only a few selected currency pairs. This is the topic that many newbie traders underrated and thinks is not so worthy to learn. But, the truth is, most of the newbies traders loses most of their trades just because the lack of unawareness of currency pairs correlation.Everyone is trying to just find a profitable trading strategy, and not very concerned about minimizing the losses and maximizing the profits with the strategy they follow. But the true fact is that the currency pair selection is as important as it is to having a profitable trading strategy - like swing trading! So, what are you going to learn in this course and how can this course make a positive impact in your Forex trading? The course contains 4 main section of related lectures. The sections are -The basic but most important knowledge-base of currency pair correlation.The calculation method of your own customized currency pair correlation report.Profitable currency pair selection method with the relative strength analysis of the currencies.And some important tips and tricks to gain extra 50 to 60 pips from the selected currency pairs # We will start the first section of this course by understanding the basics of currency pair correlation and its importance in Forex trading. The lectures of the first section will teach you about the different types of currency pairs correlations, The danger of not knowing the correlation of currency pairs, better understanding of correlation coefficient values in currency trading, understanding on which currency pairs to trade or avoid based on different currency pair correlation coefficient values, reading currency pair correlation reports, etc. # Then in the 2nd section, you will learn how to calculate a fully customized currency pair correlation report by your own, so that you can make you trading strategies based on your own currency pair correlation report. # Then after completing the basic understanding of currency pairs and the impact of their correlation with each other, you will learn the methods of Relative Strength Analysis of Currency Pairs to select the most profitable currency pairs from all the 28 major and their cross currency pairs. The Relative Strength Analysis of currency pairs is one of the most important technique to choose the best currency pairs to make the most profitable trade entries, and also helps to avoid trading when it is not actually the time of making a trade. # And then in the 4th section, you will learn some more tips and tricks to choose the best currency pairs and make extra 50 to 60 pips profit from every trade you make in Forex. In this section, you will discover what important thing you have missed in all these years, and suddenly feel the beauty of choosing the best currency pairs to trade for more profit. The course contains valuable video lectures, section summaries, downloadable practice materials, and some very important templates to download to take your Forex trading to the next level. This is the ultimate course that every Forex trader should take to master the currency pairs they trade to get consistent profit in Forex, and hence become a successful Forex trader. I hope you will enjoy the course and find yourself more confident in trading the currencies by the time you complete the course."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Gestin de tiempo para profesionales de alto desempeo" |
"Muchos piensan que ""no tienen tiempo""; sin embargo, todos contamos con 24 horas cada da todos los das.Cmo es posible que algunas personas puedan trabajar tiempo completo, ir a la universidad, practicar un deporte y mantener una vida social activa? Aprende a manejar tu recurso ms valioso: el tiempo.Una vez que aprendas cmo aprovechar al mximo cada hora del da, alcanzars tus objetivos personales y profesionales rpidamente convirtindote en un ""profesional de alto desempeo"""
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"UI UX Design & Prototyping using Adobe XD - 2020 Essentials" |
"This course was crafted to start your UI/UX design career with no experience. While teaching you the latest design & prototyping methods for Adobe XD.Adobe XD is a vector based design tool developed for UI/UX design by Adobe. One of the leading programs used for User Experience (UX) design, it took the industry by storm with its seamless design to prototyping capability. In this course we will work from the ground up, going through the interface of Adobe XD and each tool to ensure you learn the program and get comfortable using it.I personally have been using Adobe XD since beta and have made many tutorial videos over the program on my YouTube channel (CalerEdwards). I have gotten to know the program extensively over that time and I think that's what will make me a great teacher for you!Excited for Adobe XD? Adobe XD is not all we will be learning in this course. We will also learn User Interface (UI) design and User Experience (UX) design from scratch. In this course we will go over several principles of UI/UX and how to use them in your designs. This way you can take what you learn from this course into your own projects. After all the goal of this course is to get you started in your UI/UX design career. Have a great day!! I hope to see you in class!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Marketing Online y Redes Sociales desde cero (2020)" |
"Certifcate en Marketing Digital y Redes Sociales e inicia tu camino hacia el xito empresarial. Canaliza tu espritu de emprendimiento de manera profesional, y adquiere conocimientos en la profesin ms demandada a nivel global por empresas y por el mercado.- 10 Mdulos - Duracin total: Ms de 5 Horas de contenido audiovisual- Ms de 65 ClasesCreador del Curso: Lic. Rmulo RodrguezPerfil del Creador: 1. Licenciado en Derecho 2. Especialista en Mercadeo Gerencial 3. Empresario Digital4. Asesor de mercadeo, legal y finanzas.5. Especialista en Negocios Internacionales (Madrid)6. Especialista en Creacin y Aceleracin Empresarial (Madrid)7. Cuatro (04) certificaciones en Marketing Digital (Social Media, Email Marketing, SEO-SEM, Marketing Digital).Por qu dar el paso?1. El curso online ms completo del mercado2. Contenido altamente profesional3. La profesin ms demandada globalmente4. Aprende de bsico a experto (de 0 a 100)5. Contamos con ms de 5,000 estudiantes en 41 pases.-"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Academia UNITY 2D - Produo de Jogos" |
"Nesse curso vamos ensinar voc a como criar jogos 2D utilizando o Unity 2019.x e/ou 2018.x uma das mais poderosas ferramentas do mercado de desenvolvimento de games, mas tambm a como desenvolver os mais variado tipos de jogos que atualmente conquistam a maior parte dos jogadores ao redor do mundo. Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a criar jogos com qualidade e recursos fantsticos, extraindo ao mximo todas as informaes da Unity 2019.x e/ou 2018.xAprenda do zero e criando jogos reais, como: Infinity RUN, um Jogo de Plataforma 2D e um de tiros futurista.Satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta""E se eu no gostar do curso? Ns devolvemos seu dinheiro! Essa mais uma garantia de qualidade e um incentivo a mais para voc comear j! Aps a compra voc ter 30 dias para testar o produto, e se no gostar, basta solicitar o reembolso.No perca mais tempo e vamos desenvolver jogos!*** Sero inclusas semanalmente novas aulas e atualizaes at o final do curso. ***"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Get Excel Training from beginner to advanced" |
"Go from Excel Beginner to Excel Expert in record time!1. Master Microsoft Excel from Beginner to Advanced2. A complete guide, 100%comprehensive, to learn the essentails as well as the advnanced features in Microsoft Excel3. Be able to solve complex problems in Excel and become a confident and advanced Excel user.4. Build a solid understanding of the most powerful features and functions in Excel"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Excel Training" |
"Do you have an intermediate understanding of Excel but are keen to break through to true mastery? Want to finally use the programme with ease and confidence at work and become known as an expert user? With this course you will learn how to create and format Pivot Tables, automate complex tasks with Macros, learn few functions and formulas and much more. You can learn what you need as quickly as possible, with as little hassle as possible.When you're finished with this course, you'll be a pro at Excel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |