Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"A Complete Guide to Statistics & Probability Mathematics" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount.Hello Learners,Probability is a numerical measure of likelihood of an event.Probability tells us how often some event will happen after many repeated trials. Where as Statistics is a form of mathematical analysis that uses quantified models, representations and synopses for a given set of experimental data or real-life studies. Statistics studies methodologies to gather, review, analyze and draw conclusions from data.How it is done exactly?So we have designed this best selling course on Probability & Statistics which will give a broad idea on theoretical, experimental, compound probability, permutations, combinations also how the data should be collected, analysed, interpreted, presented, and organized. This course is designed in a very easy to understand and logical format. -What you will learn? By the end of our short yet detailed sessions, you will have an understanding of: -Basics of Probability-Different types of events that occur (Sample space)-Basic probability rules-Experiment based problem solving (Coin, Dice, Card & Ball Experiment)Introduction of statistics-Data handling-How to measure central tendency?-Calculation of Mean, Median & Mode-Problems based on cumulative frequency.-Who can take this course?The course can be taken by school students or any learner who has Probability & Statistics as a part of their curriculum.It will also help teachers who are willing to give the best quality education to students.-Benefits of taking this Course:On completion of this course, one will not only understand the concept in depth but will also be able to improve their data analysis techniques and predictions skills and hence score good marks in their exams with the help of:Explanatory videos that ensures complete concept understanding.Downloadable resources helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Quiz videos help in testing your knowledge.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.So hurry up and enroll now!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Accounting Basics (For Grades 10-12th of GCE & BJC Syllabus)" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount.Hello Learners,Accounting focuses on measuring performance and processing and communicating financial information about economic sectors. It deals with the logical, systematic and accurate selection and recording of financial information and transactions, as well as the compilation, analysis, interpretation and communication of financial statements and managerial reports for use by interested parties. Hence we have designed this Basics accounting course for South Africa students. This course consists of simple and logical explanatory videos on each of the mentioned topics along with some problem solving sessions and fun quiz videos that will test your knowledge on the subject. It also includes assessment tools in PDF format which contain a summary on the topic along with practice questions and solutions.-What you will learn? Grade 10 - Concepts related to sole traderFinancial Accounting of sole trader Bookkeeping of a sole traderAccounting equationCalculation & recording of DepreciationGrade 11 - Accounting Concepts related to partnerships & Non-ProfitBook-keeping of Partnerships & Non-profit organisationsPreparation of reconciliation statementGrade 12- Accounting of CompaniesValuation of inventories-Who can take this course? This course is beneficial to you weather you are a student, professional or businessman who wants to have proper knowledge of all the topics of accounting. also this course is suitable for students of South Africa. -Benefits of taking this Course:On completion of the course, your foundation on accounting will be stronger. You will understand the various topics of accounting to be learn in Grade 10 , 11 & 12 with the help of:Explanatory videos ensures complete concept understanding.Problem solving sessions & Downloadable resources helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Quiz video helps in testing your knowledge.This course will prove beneficial in learning any other higher level accounting chapter as well because the basics always remain the same.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.So hurry up and enroll now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"La Independencia Financiera. Saca provecho de tus recursos" |
"La Independencia Financiera es un ideal de vida que muchas personas tendemos a alcanzar. Pero, sabras realmente como llegar a ella asumiendo los menores riesgos posibles? La democratizacin de las inversiones es una realidad. Internet ha hecho accesibles los mercados financieros al pblico, pero acceder a ellos sin los conocimientos suficientes es un riesgo para cualquier inversor, que puede convertir tus ilusiones en un fracaso. Esta popularizacin de los mercados financieros pone a nuestro alcance nuevas y variadas herramientas de inversin que, con la preparacin necesaria, pueden generarnos atractivos rendimientos.Se nos abren nuevas oportunidades, y debemos aprovecharlas, pero debemos ser conscientes del riesgo que corremos si no nos formamos con antelacin. En los mercados financieros existen unos pocos depredadores y muchas presas. Si no actuamos con criterio seremos vctima fcil para los ms inversores ms astutos y experimentados.En este curso NO vamos a ensearte cmo ser millonario en solo tres meses, sin riesgo y con una inversin mnima. No ofrecemos falsas promesas. Somos realistas, sabemos de la dificultad que tiene invertir en los mercados financieros, y queremos ayudarte a que t lo consigas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"La mejor forma de ganar dinero: el Trading Social" |
"Si te atrae el mundo del trading y las inversiones, pero no te sientes capaz de operar con garantas de xito, aqu tienes una oportunidad de obtener el mejor rendimiento replicando a los mejores traders del mundo.El Trading Social es una nueva tendencia de inversin que poco a poco se va abriendo paso dentro de la ya amplia gama de productos de inversin existente."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"La valutazione e gestione dello Stress Lavoro Correlato" |
"Gi dai primi anni di questo secolo si era stimato che in Europa lo stress lavorativo colpisce circa 40 milioni di lavoratori.Dalla fine del 2010 la valutazione dello stress lavoro correlato in tutti i tipi di organizzazione diventato obbligatorio anche in Italia.Imparare a capire quali sono i fattori e isintomi dello stress lavoro correlato diventa per l'organizzazione un obiettivo fondamentale per garantirsi un futuro nel mercato.Infatti i costi di una mancata valutazione e gestione dello stress lavoro correlato comporta per molte organizzazioni una drammatica diminuzionedelle prestazionidei lavoratori e una fonte di costi non indifferente.In un mondo sempre pi ""veloce"" il mantenimento di un livello adeguato di benessere dei lavoratoridiventa un fattore strategico che fa la differenza."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Il Colloquio di Lavoro" |
"Obiettivi del corso:sviluppare la capacit di analizzare con spirito critico le proprie esperienze professionali e risorse personali edi renderle esplicite all'interlocutore e migliorarela capacit di valorizzare le proprie risorse promuovendole al meglio.Nello specifico tiillustrer:1) le fasi del colloquio di lavoro2) le domande pi frequenti che ti possono essere rivolte in un colloquio di lavoro e quali sono gli argomenti su cui ti devi preparare per affrontarle al meglio3) alcuni aspetti dei colloqui di gruppo4) alcune cenni ai test che solitamente vengono utilizzati nei colloqui di lavoro"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gestire conflitti e generare soluzioni" |
"Il corso mira a fornirti le conoscenze propedeutiche e le competenze di base che servono per gestire al meglio le relazioni interpersonali con le persone, in particolare con i colleghi, superiori e collaboratori, quando ci troviamo in situazioni conflittuali. Molti contenuti e tecniche, come l'ascolto attivo ed il messaggio assertivo, li potrai utilizzare anche nella tua vita privata.Nella prima sezione Conoscenze propedeutiche e competenze di base per la gestione del conflitto imparerai: Come si struttura un processo comunicativo Quali sono le tipologie di situazioni comunicative in cui puoi trovare Quali sono gli stili comunicativi che le persone possono adottare Quali sono le principali emozioni che vengono agite l'interno delle relazioni tra persone e come puoi arrivare ad una loro gestione Quali sono le spinte che inducono le persone a prendere decisioni Come puoi ascoltare qualcuno in modo efficace e come puoi farti capire da qualcuno in modo altrettanto efficace Come puoi esercitare una leadership che impatta positivamente sui tuoi collegi e collaboratori Conoscere gli effetti delle diverse forme comunicative Infine, ti insegner una tecnica di problem solving creativo da applicare nel gruppo quando compaiono problemi o ci sono delle decisioni da prendereNella seconda sessione Definizione, analisi e gestione del conflitto affronteremo il tema centrale del corso ovvero la gestione del conflitto Ti far un esempio di come il conflitto possa generarsi quando la comunicazione all'interno di un gruppo di lavoro non efficace Analizzeremo nel dettaglio che cos' un conflitto, quali sono le sue fasi e come lo puoi gestire al meglio Ti insegner un esercizio che aiuta le persone a capire come individuare le cause di un conflitto Infine, ti proporr una situazione aziendale reale da analizzare e provare a gestire sulla base delle competenze e conoscenze acquisiteNella terza sezione Comunicazione organizzativa far un approfondimento sul tema della comunicazione aziendale come strumento che, se utilizzato in modo efficace, pu consentire ai membri di unorganizzazione di evitare situazioni ambigue ed incomprensioni che possono portare alla nascita di conflitti sterili e sofferenze relazionali."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Gestire il conflitto sul lavoro" |
"In ogni contesto di lavoro nascono e si risolvono conflitti continuamente.In questo breve corso imparerai a riconoscere e gestire un conflitto per evitare che esso possa diventare una fonte di disagio per le persone in esso coinvolte. In questo corso potrai anche capire quali sono i meccanismi psicologici che portano alla formazione dei pregiudizi, che, come ti spiegher, sono spesso il terreno fertile che la nascita dei conflitti pi pericolosi"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Microeconomics" |
"Thiscourse provides main concepts and exercises fordemand and supply, consumer behaviour, production theory, market structures and market failures. Analysis is mainly done graphically but youshould be able to solve algebraic equations.See The World ThroughThe Eyes Of An Economist, Learn Microeconomics with me!after completing this course, you should:Know how demand andsupplyinfluencemarketsBe able to evaluate the success of governmental policiesUnderstand how industries react to different economic eventsRecognizecollusion, price discrimination, and externalities when you see themBe better prepared foryour Economics classesMicroeconomic theory focuses on understanding the behaviour of individual agents under scarcityIn this course, you will see the theory behind demand and supply, government intervention, elasticity, the theory of the firm, and maximisation strategies. Economics can seem very complicated and confusing at times. Iwill help you understand various eventshappening all around you!Understanding the economy can help you in your personal and professional life. Whether you want to start your own company,work for someone else, or just make good financial decisions,Economics can help you.Content and OverviewThis course aims at helping high school and university students learnEconomics, but anyone is welcome to follow along. You will find material that covers most IB and A-level programmes,as well asMicroeconomic coursesat the university level forminors and majors.This course offers 32 classes,32 exercise videos, and more than six hours of content. The first section slowly introduceskey concepts to make sure you have all the tools you need. We then see more complicated models that describethe real-world in greaterdetail.You will be able to see how marketdecisions are made and when they are beneficial or detrimental to society. You will also see why governments intervene in markets and when their policies have positive or negative impacts on the economy. Many years of teaching introductory courses have led me to develop an intuitive approach that works well for students that have not been introduced to Economics before. However, if you already feel comfortable with the basic concepts of Economics, you can skip to the concepts you need most help with. Don't hesitate to revisit any of the classes to refresh your memory if you feel uncertain about a definition or a concept.You will also find exercises to help you practice for your exams. Each class has an additionalvideo that shows different types of problemsyou may be asked to solve. Every exercise video ends with an exam-type question you can try to solve before being shownthe answer.Welcome to the wonderful world of Economics!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"React.JS, Guia desde 0" |
"En este curso vamos a aprender a utilizar de forma sencilla y rapida la libreria para el desarrollo de frontents creada por Facebook llamada React JS. utilizada hoy en dia en el desarrollo de sitios de grandes empresas tales como Dropbox, ebay, Instagram, Paypal y Netflix.Completamente desde 0, iniciando con las bases esenciales para dominar la creacion y rendereo de componentes. Importante tambien los eventos de cada uno de los elementos, crear formularios, controlar estados, propiedades, referencias, estilizarlos con css , comunicacion entre componentes, ruteo hasta construir una Single Page Application con arquitectura FLUX lista para consumir una REST API, todo esto utilizando JSX y ecmascript 6 (es6)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Art Idea Creating a watermelon rose carving, Food Decoration" |
"Watermelon is not only a delicious fruit. It can also be used in various carving ideas. Fruit carving always presents a wonderful decoration. In this course you will learn how to choose the fruit for carving, how to carve rose from watermelon and how to preserve the fruit after carving. You can do it and surprise everyone you love."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cider to the World" |
"With 300 years of tradition behind us, Ciders complexities are being brought to the people once again.. From England to China from North america to New Zealand apples grow, and sophisticated, accessible wine is made.This course is for everyone interested in cider, but especially the educators- Chefs, bartenders, cellar managers, and servers. If you want to speak confidently about cider, youre in the right place. You will connect with others around the country who share your interest in the fastest growing segment of the adult beveragemarket."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Creative Violin, The New Violin Method 1: Basics, Lesson 1-2" |
"The violin is the most perfect instrument for all thinkable music styles, apart from classical music it has claimed it's place in jazz, pop, rock, country, world music...Until now there has been no violin method that went beyond classical music.Creative Violin brings this to a change.Apart from classical music the student will taste many different styles of music and even learn to improvise, right from the start.I see that this works very well, even the youngest beginners (6 years old!) learn how to close the book and start playing intuitive, along with the provided studio recorded accompaniments, right from the first lessons.Creative Violin is a new method which even includes improvisation training right from the start.What can you expect in this first course?This course will set you up with all the basics needed to play the violin the right way.In the basics you will learn the correct posture, how to hold the violin, how to place the fingers on the fingerboard, exercises...You will learn how to hold the bow correctly and learn the most common bowing techniques.The 3rd basics video teaches you the first notes, you will also learn to read them from a score.Included is the video where you will learn how to tune your violin (without breaking strings).If you want to master the basics you need for violin study this will be the best choice you'll find online, because the course is made to guide you every step of the way in clear tutorial videos.After this course you will be ready for the next courses where we start with the 3rd finger, quarter/eighth notes, more bowing techniques...Included music are classical pieces (Bach, Mozart, Dvorak, Bartok...) as well as the jazz/swing, musical, and world music from countries like Ireland and Romania...All lessons and exercises are accompanied with studio recorded backing tracks, so you'll never have to play alone."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Creative Violin, The New Violin Method 1: Lessons 3, 4 and 5" |
"The violin is the most perfect instrument for all thinkable music styles, apart from classical music it has claimed it's place in jazz, pop, rock, country, world music...Until now there has been no violin method that went beyond classical music.Creative Violin brings this to a change.Apart from classical music the student will taste many different styles of music and even learn to improvise, right from the start.I see that this works very well, even the youngest beginners (6 years old!) learn how to close the book and start playing intuitive, along with the provided studio recorded accompaniments, right from the first lessons.Creative Violin is a new method which even includes improvisation training right from the start.What can you expect in this first course?This course is the follow up on lessons 1 and 2 (basics)Here we will learn combining quarter notes with eighth notes, ties (playing 2 or more notes on the same bow direction),3rd finger, improvisation...Included music in the full course are classical pieces (Bach, Mozart, Dvorak, Bartok...) as well as the jazz/swing (lesson 8), musical, and world music from countries like Ireland and Romania...All lessons and exercises are accompanied with studio recorded backing tracks, so you'll never have to play alone."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Buy it. Rent it. Profit! taught by best selling author" |
"We are excited to announce the new 2017 online training course! Featuring new video footage of Bryan Chavis in class and onsite at different properties, the online training is our most advanced training yet. Follow Bryan as he takes you step by step through his best selling book Buy it. Rent it. Profit! published by Simon & Schuster.Bryan will personally guide you through each chapter of his book, using a variety of educational out-lets such as onsite at his rental propertyvideos, onsite lectures andaudio book coverage of hand selected audio footage by Bryan himself.topics covered in this course:Study real-life property management training case studies of actual property management situationsLearn the 5 phases of property management: Acquisition, Implementation, Stabilization, Growth and Exit StrategyHow to think like an investor to speak to investorsLearn to do what 95% of your competition cant or wont doAnswer the question: Just because I can buy it, should I?Common property viewpoints of successful investorsIdentify the basic property product types and determine if your business philosophy matches the property you are buyingBe able to answer the question: Why am I really buying this property?How to determine your exit strategy before you buyPros & cons of single- vs. multi-tenant propertyNow that you own the property, what do you do with it?Identify the vendors you will need for your propertyHow to find and keep reliable vendorsHow to set-up an easy-to-use bookkeeping systemWhen to choose off-the-shelf vs. custom accounting softwareDevelop marketing programs that cost next to nothingIdentify the most effective marketing techniques for your specific propertyPros & cons of hiring a leasing broker vs. doing it yourselfHow to create multiple marketing messages for the same propertyFree & low-cost marketing resources and where to find themStudy real-life property management training case studies of actual property management situationsLearn the 5 phases of property management: Acquisition, Implementation, Stabilization, Growth and Exit StrategyHow to think like an investor to speak to investorsLearn to do what 95% of your competition cant or wont doAnswer the question: Just because I can buy it, should I?Common property viewpoints of successful investorsIdentify the basic property product types and determine if your business philosophy matches the property you are buyingBe able to answer the question: Why am I really buying this property?How to determine your exit strategy before you buyPros & cons of single- vs. multi-tenant propertyNow that you own the property, what do you do with it?Identify the vendors you will need for your propertyHow to find and keep reliable vendorsHow to set-up an easy-to-use bookkeeping systemWhen to choose off-the-shelf vs. custom accounting softwareDevelop marketing programs that cost next to nothingIdentify the most effective marketing techniques for your specific propertyPros & cons of hiring a leasing broker vs. doing it yourself"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Boas prticas em Cibersegurana" |
"A Cibersegurana um tema muito relevante atualmente. Rotineiramente, ataques e golpes eletrnicos das mais diversas naturezas so executados contra empresas e indivduos. Grande parcela do sucesso das pessoas mal-intencionadas por trs desses episdios se deve falta de conhecimento de suas vtimas.O objetivo deste curso educ-lo quanto ao uso de sistemas de informao, websites, dispositivos mveis e computadores, tanto em sua casa quanto em ambiente empresarial, de forma que voc e/ou a sua empresa esteja menos vulnervel ao de indivduos mal-intencionados no mundo digital."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Cration de manga avec Manga Maker de ComiPo : Ce cours a pour but de vous faire dcouvrir le logiciel Manga Maker de ComiPo! Nous allons explorer les diffrentes fonctionnalits du logiciel. Pour ce faire, nous irons ensemble la dcouverte du logiciel en utilisant un manga que j'ai cr. Nous verrons les effets les un la suite des autres.Cration de personnages en quelques clicsMouvements des personnages et posesItem, accessoires et arrires-planComment crer des Clins ou des baisers pour vos scnes romantiquesFiltres de couleur, encre noir ounuance de grisEffets de lumire (glow) sur les personnages o les objetsDans la section bonus, vous pourrez tlcharger beaucoup de ressources pour ComiPo (arrires-plan, vtements, voitures, effets de magie, etc.)Et plus encore!Enrichir vos prsentations Powerpoint :Ce cours vous prsentera galement comment le logiciel ComiPo Manga Maker peut vous aider dynamiser et enrichir vos prsentations Powerpoint. Plus spcifiquement, vous verrez diffrents trucs pour : Remplacer vos listes puces classiquesDynamiser vos arrires-planUtiliser les silhouettes de ComiPo! pour crer des mises en situation.Dans la section bonus, vous pourrez tlcharger la prsentation au format Powerpoint pour vrifier les diffrents rglages ou rutiliser les images du cours.N'hsitez pas consulter les vidos gratuites disponibles pour ce cours."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Course to Manage G Suite" |
"Do you have an existing G Suite domain that you are managing, or planning to deploy G Suite for your organization? Are you looking for resources to help you perform the administration and management tasks on your G Suite domain? Well then, you have found the best resource for that!In this detailed and comprehensive course and guide, I take you through the details and steps to be able to deploy and manage G Suite for your organization effectively and easily.This course is for anyone who is a beginner or advanced in G Suite, and for anyone who is looking to explore what is G Suite or is planning to deploy it. I'll share my 7 years experience in G Suite with you, and I'll bring out many real life scenarios that happened with me, to help you with your G Suite administration tasks and activities. I've deployed projects for customers with users ranging from less than 10 up to thousands of users per organization!By the end of this course, you will be able to completely manage, deploy, or expand our G Suite domain. I will have most of the actvities covered including:New account setup and what are the requirements for thatDNS records requirements and setup (MX, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC)User provisioning scenarios and tools (such as using GCDS, CSV file upload, GAM, and the API)Organizational structure, buildings and resources setup and managementGroups settings and typesServices settings, permissions, and control based on OU level and groups membershipAdmin roles and admin privileges delegationSecurity best practices and recommendations (password management, 2SV, SSO)Device management and policiesReports and audit detailsEmail routing settings and compliance rulesChrome management and policiesThis course will mainly focus on the G Suite Basic and G Suite Business admin console. Coverage for Enterprise features is still to be added very soon.Also...If you are looking to get a good starting point to prepare and get familiar with the Google Cloud Professional Collaboration Engineer certification, then this course will put you on the road to get the core and bulk of information that you need for preparing and passing that exam, you will need to take some more external resources and you will be all set to take the exam.."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"ESSENTIAL IT Fundamentals" |
"As the Course name suggest, Itsfor Beginners to IT and for those who wantsto clear or re-learn or revise their smaller chunks of comcepts. For newbies in IT and Computer Science field, this course will prove very essential and I will keep on adding more core concepts and ideas into it in the form of videos. Please do rememberthat, this course will expand and expand with coming days and I'll cover all core and base concepts one at a time in each lecture or notesSo don't miss to grab the base and core concepts of Computer World"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Learn Manual Software Testing In Arabic." |
"This Course for all who want to learn the basics ofsoftware testing, after this course you will be able to test any Desktop and Web applications.Course content- Overview- What is testing?- When do we start testing?- Testing Process.- Testing levels.- Testing types.-Writing test cases and Test procedure with examples.- Exploratory testing with examples.- Bug Life cycle.- Bug reporting.- Test Summery report."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Patent, Trademark, Copyright Law Basics for Creative People" |
"This course is meant for anyone who wants to protect their intellectual property in the USA, no matter what country you may live in. Every creative person is a target to have their work stolen and used by unscrupulous people and companies. In the Entrepreneur's Guide to Protecting Your Creative Work, you will get the tools to stop thieves from using your work without your authorization. You'll learn how to apply for patents, trademarks and copyrights without using an attorney, and how to communicate with an attorney if you do want to use one to help you get protection. Mary Lou and I have invented 50 different consumer products for our own company. We've earned ten patents, dozens of registered trademarks and hundreds of copyrights over the past 40 years. We filed our own intellectual property applications at times, and we also worked closely with a legal team to file our applications. We also used an attorney to argue our cases with patent and trademark examiners when necessary. We even won a jury verdict in a major trademark lawsuit in Federal District Court in Denver, Colorado. We tell you this because we want you to feel confident we understand intellectual property from our entrepreneur's and artist's perspective."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
UnityAR |
"VuforiaUntiy.2017Unity5.xVuforiaVRARAR3DUnityUnityAndroidiPhoneARVuforia()GO(201798) AppleARARKitVRARUnityWebUnityiPhoneiPhoneXcodeUnityMac PC iPhone 5s(7)UnityARMac PCWindowsPCWindowsPCUnityMacWindowsPCUnity version5.6.2Vuforia6.2.10 (Vuforia)1 VRAR2Unity3Vuforia4:AR5AR6AR7XcodeUnity"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
Python |
"APIPublicPrivateAPI201710BitcoinBitcoin1702013VR,ARBot()Bot()PythonPythonPythonslackgooglehangoutPythonver3.xMac PCMac PCWindowsPCWindowsPCMacWindowsPCPython version3.6.21 2Python3Python45API6Slack7Google Hangout"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"A beginners guide to designing gardens and drawing plans" |
"This course is ideal ifyou want to learn how to create a well designed garden and show your friends or clients how it will look.At the endof this courseyou will be able to understand design principles and apply them to drawing up plans and sketches.Learn how to designgardens and easily drawup plans and sketchesLearn aboutgarden design principlesLearn about garden user areasFind out how to draw baseplans to scalefrom site informationFind out how to draw up plans with plant and construction symbolsFind out how to colour in plans easilyLearnhow to do sketches from photoseasilyApply design principles to any garden that will work well and lookgoodThiscourse can be used by beginners and can lead to work designing gardens.It is unique as it shows quick easy ways ofdesigning gardens with hand drawn plans.OverviewThis course offers you a easy, simple way to understand sound design principles as they apply to gardens. You will learn the design principles, and how to divide up yourgardeninto user areas.Once you have obtained the site information youcan easily draw this up on a baseplan.After obtaining the client wishes and working out the user areas,you can add in the gardens and construction areas using symbols. You can then colour in the plan and add wording.You will also learn how to do a quick sketch from a photo to show your client how the garden could look in 3D."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Organic edible gardening" |
"This course is ideal if you want to learn how to create a successful ediblegarden using organic methods.At the end of the course you will be able to understand organic growing principles and apply them to your ownedible garden.Learn how to improve your soils and soil fertilityFind outhow to growplants in raised gardens and greenhouses tooptimise growth.Find outhow you can irrigate your gardenFind out how you can directlysow seeds in your garden.Find out how you plant out seedlingsin yourgarden.Learn about how crop rotation and companion planting can improve yoursoil and reduce pests and diseases.Find out about how to control pests and diseases using organic methods.Learn about how you can harvest your edibleplants to keep them fresh and tasty.OverviewThis course offers you a simple, easy way to understandorganic growing methods, and how you can apply them in your garden.Once you have obtained the information you can set up your ediblegarden and grow plants successfully."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Propagation of ornamental plants" |
"This course is ideal if you want to learn how to propagate your own plants or work in a nursery that propagates plants. At the end of the course you will be able to understand the types of propagation and apply this to propagate common plants.Learn the difference between sexual or seed propagation and asexual propagation.Find out how to propagate byseedsFind out how to prick out and pot onseedlings into traysFind out how to propagate plants by cuttingsFind out how to pot on cuttings once they have formed rootsFind out how to create more plants by division.Learn about budding and grafting plants and how it is done.This course can be used by beginners and can lead to work in nurseries.This course is unique as it easily and quickly shows students how to propagate plants and grow them on.OverviewThis course offers you a easy, simple way to understand the main types of propagation.Once you have obtained the information you will easily be able to grow your own plants from other plants yourself,with just a fewpropagationmaterials. You will have learnt the necessary skills to work ina nursery that propagates and grows on plants."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A beginners guide to pruning and training plants" |
"This course is ideal if you want to learn how to prune and train common ornamental and fruiting plants in yourown garden or do thework in client'sgardens.Learn how to prune and train common plantsDIscuss why we prune,how, when & where we prune and train your garden plants so you can enjoy them.Show how you can prune and train plants correctly for a range of common types of ornamental & fruitingplants, such as roses, hedges, and fruiting plantsDemonstrate how you use pruningtools correctly.Show how you can care for yourplants such as usingfertilisers or pest & disease control.This course can be used by beginners and can lead to work pruning and training garden plants. It is unique as it easily and quickly shows you how to prune and care for your plants.OverviewThis course offers you a simple, easy way to understand why we prune and how, when and where we prune.Once you have obtained this information you can apply it to common ornamental and fruiting plantsso they can be pruned and cared for to obtain the best results."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn English: The Psychology of Improving English Fluency" |
"This Englishlearning course has four main parts. Using correct memorizing, reading and listening methodswill result in a higher level of English speaking fluency, so we will look at these different skills in detail,one by one:1) Memorizing English Vocabulary EffectivelyThe first part focuses on memorizing English vocabulary in a real way. A lot of students have a habit of translating between English and their first language too muchwhen they read or listen to English vocabulary. I believe that this results in vocabulary that is very easy to forget. The connection is very weak when only using translation to understand meaning. So when these students try and speak in English, the words don't come out very quickly, and the student needs to search hard for the vocabulary.In this section I talk about methods which you can use to create really deep, strong, natural connections and meanings for English vocabulary, without relying on translating so much,which makes remembering the English vocabulary when speaking much, much easier. This is English vocabulary which is harder to forget, just like the vocabulary of your first language.2) English Reading Fluency StrategiesThe second section focuses on English reading strategies. For building English vocabulary, some students like to create flash cards, or study English vocabulary lists, or just rely on reading grammar books or English course books. In this section I will explain how using some differentreading strategies and different types of English contentcan help you to build your vocabulary in a much more effective and naturalway. The memorizing vocabulary technique should be used with these English reading strategies together for the best results. I also talk about some ideas andresources that you can use to find the best English reading material, depending on your level of reading fluency in English. Gaining a high level ofreading fluency is hugely important beforemoving onto English listening and speaking fluency, because it's the easiest and most logical to achieve first.3) English Listening Fluency StrategiesJust like reading, developingEnglish listening fluencyishugely importantfor building a large English vocabulary, but it can be done the wrong way (mentally translating everything when listening) or it can be done the right way (the natural way of listening). I talk about how to you can improve your English listening fluency by using certain learning methods, and I talk about some resources/websites etc where you can find great English listening content. English listening content that you will naturally be interested in. That is listening content for beginners, but alsolistening content for intermediate and advanced English learners as well. Listening fluency is one of those skills that can really effect your English speaking fluency because listening skills are so important for social situations in English and understanding what is going on in the conversation before you want to speak. But these listening skills can be improved by yourself at home as well.4) English Speaking Fluency StrategiesAnd to finish off the course, I'll talk about English speaking fluency methods. Speaking, especially in groups where everyone is trying to speakat the same time, where you need a high level of English listening fluency so that you can understand everything, is the hardest English skill to master, as it alsoproduces the most amount of nerves for students. In this section I talk aboutfinding good situations to practice speaking English, and some websites for finding great English teachers to practice speaking with.I'll also talk about a method which I use in my onlineEnglish Skype lessons to boost my students' English speaking fluency by turning their""passive"" English vocabulary into ""active"" English vocabulary using a very specific method which surprisingly isn't used by a lot of English teachers. I'll also describean English speaking exercisewhich you can use at home by yourself, without paying for an English teacher,which can improve your English speaking skills. You won't have an English teacher to correct your mistakes, but it's free to use! And lastly I'll talk a little about how this method can be used to improve your English writing skills as well, and then I'll discuss the idea of moving to an English speaking country, and some of the bad habits that you should avoid, and some good English learning habits that you should try to develop.If you have any questions about English fluency or improving your English memorizing, reading, listening or speaking skills, please feel free to send me a message and we can have a chat about which ever English learning topic you would like to talk about.Enjoy the course and I hope your English fluency improves!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VIDEO EDITING: How to Edit Videos with FILMORA 8" |
"**Note** This course covers the previous version of Filmora, they have just recently released a new version called 'Filmora9' so just check which version of the software you have before buying this course. This course should give you a good foundation in video editing in general, but the layout of Filmora9 is slightly different ******Video Editing with Wondershare FilmoraIn these series of lessons, you will learn how to create great looking videos that you can upload to YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Vimeo etc using this easy-to-use video editor from Wondershare Filmora. It's a great video editor to start with if you are new to video editing and it will allow you to edit videos simply and very quickly. There are some really great effects available, and it may be an easy video editor to get started with, but you will still be able to create really dynamic looking videos that look professional.Learning GoalsIn these video tutorials the goal is to present the video editing tools in Wondershare Filmora so that you can start editing videos as soon as possible. These lessons are simple and 'to-the-point', and I try and avoid going over unnecessary details and overloading you with information about video editing. This is just a simple 'no frills' demonstration of how to use the tools in Filmora. Practice as You LearnI highly recommend visiting the Wondershare Filmora website and downloading the video editor (for Windows or Mac) for free. Shoot some video footage using your phone or camera or download some royalty free footage (I show you how to do this in the course). There are some free effects available as well to get started with. And then as I teach you how to use the video editing tools and effects, try and experiment with the tools yourself using your own footage. Learn and experiment as you go.If you have any questions about the lessons, just send me a message and I'll be happy to try and help.Best of luck!***Bonus Material***At the end of the course I'll show you how to create a live action 'Explainer Video"". I'll show you where to find stock video footage and images to use in your project, where to find good music, how to edit all your clips together in the timeline, how to add movement to your images, how to add text to present information in your video, how to change the color of your text to emphasize certain key words that you want your audience to focus on, and I'll talk about crediting the authors of the stock videos and images properly. ********************"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Data Science: Beginners Guide to the Command Line" |
"""I used to avoid my bash shell and go straight to my GUI. This course has taught me that it is pretty easy (and even necessary for any aspiring Data Scientist ) to use!"" ~ Vanessa""This is the best course I have taken on Udemy and your style of teachingissuper amazing."" ~Albert""Very well explained."" ~BipenWelcome toData Science: Beginners Guide to the Command Line! If you are interested in kick starting your career in Data Science, then this course is for you!This course will guide you through an array of topics concerning why the command line is a necessary tool for Data Scientists, anintroduction to theUnix filesystem structure, andthe basic shell commands that Data Scientists must master in order toeffectivelyoperatefrom the command line. My course is broken up into four main topics: Introduction, Command Line Basics, Command Line Advanced Topics, and Data Science From the Command Line. Introduction- In this section I will cover topics including, but not limited to, why the command line is a necessary tool for Data Scientists, a brief comparison between the Unix and Linux operating systems, and how to choose the correct shell environment.Command Line Basics- In this section I will cover topics including, but not limited to, a quick guide to shortcuts within the macOS Graphical User Interface, an introduction to the Unix filesystem structure, and the basics of executing shell commands.Command Line Advanced Topics- In this section I will cover common file types Data Scientists must be familiar with along with advanced shell commands.Data Science From the Command Line In this section I willcover how to create, open, run, and save IPython scripts from the command line. In addition, I will go through an entire Data Science workflow from opening the terminal to completing a small analysis of a data set."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
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