Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Diseo de una motocicleta de ciencia ficcin con blender (2)" |
"-El propsito de esta serie de videotutoriales es mostrar el flujo detrabajo completo, desdeel concepto inicial, hasta el procesamientofinal, de una futurista motocicleta de ciencia ficcin.-Las reas en la que profundizareis en estaserie de videotutoriales de ms de 3horas de duracin, son las siguientes:-Mapeado y optimizacin del espacio UV, para obtener mayor densidad de pixeles.-Coloreado de superficies y adicin de estampados.- Creacin de mapas de textura (Oclusin Ambiental, Cavidad, Desplazamiento).-Creacin de materiales en el motor de render Cycles, ( Pintura Metlica, Acero, Plstico, Cuero, etc)- Comenzaremos preparando nuestro modelo para la etapa de texturado, desplegando los mapas UV de todas las piezas que lo componen, las cuales colorearemos en tiempo real mediante las herramientas de pintura digital, y a continuacin generaremos el resto de mapas de texturas necesarios para la etapa de sombreado .-La segunda parte del curso la emplearemos en el desarrollo de complejos y detallados materiales en el editor de nodos, los cuales otorgarn visos de realidad a nuestra motocicleta.-Aquellos que seis aficionados a la ciencia ficcin, podis estar deenhorabuena, ya quedespus de realizar este curso habris adquiridolos conocimientos y habilidadesnecesarias para ser capaces de crearvuestra propia motocicleta de cienciaficcin (como las de la pelculatron, ideadas por syd mead; o las del anime de katsuhiro otomo, akira)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Step by Step Beginners Guide to Pro Tools 12" |
"Join me as we take a walk through Pro-Tools 12, step by step. Not only do I explain all the basic aspects of Pro-Tools 12 but I do it in a way that is clear and easy to understand. Once you complete this course, you will be ready to record and use basic editing techniquesand plug-ins."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Personal Credit- A Complete Guide to High Scores" |
"The ""Master Your Personal Credit Course"" is the most comprehensive course on credit ever comprised. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about credit scores and credit reports. Good credit is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL - It can make or break your overall finances!! Do you want to MASTER personal credit? Well then look no further because this is the course for you. Throughout my career as a consultant and credit expert I have seen hundreds of credit reports and scores. This knowledge has given me a unique insight into how credit and credit scores really work. I have included that knowledge into this course, allowing you to be able to analyze your credit report and know exactly what factors are holding you back from high credit scores and how to rectify them! No fluff - No filler. Just information and strategies to get you to the next level. All of the methods outlined in this course are proven to be effective at helping you win. I strive to educate others so that they can achieve there credit goals and educate their friends and family on credit literacy and financial awareness. A few things you will learn: What your credit scores are - How to get high credit scores How to repair your credit if damaged - What disputing is and how to properly dispute - How to build or rebuild your credit How you can save thousands of dollars by having good credit. Where to get your credit report and how to read it - What the FCRA is and why its so important - what the FDCPA is and how to deal with aggressive collection agents - How to get and maintain 0% interest rates on credit cards - Tips, tricks and insider strategies on credit and financing And much much more I have decided to bring my expertise to Udemy so that individuals from all over the world can benefit from this vital information. After completing this course, you will have the knowledge of a credit expert and a host of tools and tricks that will assist you over many obstacles. No one can afford bad credit. Take control of your financial future. See you in the course! PS: I will add to the course periodically and I will answer any and all questions you have."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Beginner 5-Day Walking Challenge for Newbies" |
"Description:Starbucks President Michelle Gass wakes up at 4:30 a.m. every morning to run. Vogue editor Anna Wintour is on the tennis court by 6:00 a.m. every morning before work. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, frequently starts his day with a morning run.What do these highly successful people know that we need to know? People who exercise are more productive. When was the last time you saw a breakthrough in your word count numbers?Mental Advantage- Studies have proven that people who exercise are 23% more productive on those days then when they don't exercise. Increased Memory and cognitive ability to learn - People learn vocabulary words 20% faster after intense exercise than low-intensity activity. What author doesn't need more word variety in their stories. Bigger & Better Brain: Exercise increases gray matter in your brain and actually builds new networks and pathways.Creativity Boost- There's an amazing chain reaction that occurs when you elevate your heart rate: increase blood flow, more oxygen and glucose to your brain, several key hormones are released that aid in the parts of your brain that spark creativity and imagination. Think like Sherlock Holmes.This 5-DayChallengewill get you moving everyday.We'll talk about the proper equipment and gear to where, when and how to get your steps in everyday.Day 1:Gearing Up - Activity Tracker, Proper footwear and fitness apparel dos and don'tsDay 2:Walkin the great outdoors - City living, suburbia, nature and pathsDay 3:Walkinside - Gym vs at-home, Treadmills andwalkingprogramsDay 4:Music - Creating playlists, buying playlists, beats per minute correlation to intensity and headphone optionsDay 5:Injuries, overuse syndrome and stretchingYou can find more information about me on my websiteTo get the FREEplaylist mentioned in the Promo Video, join our FREEFacebook Group.Lisa Siefert"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe InDesign 101" |
"In this class, youll learn how to:Choose which version of InDesign to purchase that best fits your needs and budgetArrange your workspace and toolsNavigate between Pages and Master PagesPlace and edit images create engaging and attention-getting designsUse the Type tool to find your favorite fonts, change text colors and backgroundsLearn how to edit and customize any template you purchase or find that was createdin Adobe InDesign.In this class, I will teach you how to start designing in this fun, creative layout software. Youll learn how to navigate within documents, getinsider design tips on how to add and edit images and text, and the magic of Master Pages to put a boilerplate message or image on every page like...maybe your logo and copyright info, of course!And dont stop there! You now have the skills to customize all sorts of visual InDesign templates that you can find online. You can customize resumes, marketing collateral, brochures, calendars, stationery and more!BONUS Lessons &DownloadsHow to add fonts to your computer so you can access them in InDesignTop 64 Things You Can Create UsingInDesignLink to a FREE class on how to become the next Erin Condren"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Planner 101: Start Your Own Day Planner Business" |
"Ready to take your love of day planners &organizationto the next level?Ever wondered how Erin Condren, The Happy Planner, The Kiki Planner and Plum Paper got started?In this class, you'll learn how to dojust that. I'm here to share all of the secrets no one wants to tell you about starting your own Planner business.In this class, you'll figure out exactly what type of planner you want to sell, how you're going to sell it and more importantly your options for designing & producing it.Let's make your ideas a reality.AFTER TAKING THIS CLASS, YOULL KNOW HOW TO:Figure out if your planner business idea is profitable (+ overcome your overwhelm feeling!)Configure and arrange your planner table of contentsDetermine your target customer and understand the best planner layoutSo what are you waiting for? Enroll in Planner 101class today and make your creativebusiness idea a reality. Who doesn't want to be their own boss, right? Now's the time to make it happen!Instant access to fiveweeks worth of lessons, tips and video tutorialsThe chance to network with other studentsand to geek out over organization inspiration. (Obviously!)Two approaches to designso you can finish fast or become an expert.If you love the DIY approach but want to finish fast them customize mytemplatesto speed up the design process. If youre feeling ambitious, we'll discuss how you can create yourcustom day planner from scratch.Easy to follow, video based lessons that walk you through the entire process of starting up a planner businessPractical advice forworking with a professional designer,including strategies to minimize your risk, exposure and ensure on-time deliveryBONUSESWait...there's more!*Links toBonus printable versions of the planner designsfor my best-selling GirlBoss Worksheets*Links to Bonus InDesign templates of Special Add-On Planner Pages*LIVEWebinar Session Invite for Course Q&AWe dont want you to go it alone,soyou can schedulea meeting with thecourse creator if you need help**Email opt-in required for bonus material. Don't want to give your email? No problem! The course on its own is complete and more than enough to get you started towards building your new planner empire."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking - A hands-on course on Innovation" |
"Everwonder why certain products are so integral to our lives? Someproducts or services really resonate with us.They seem to solve ourproblem before we have even expressed them.Acommontheme to products that WOWus is Design Thinking.Thiscourse is a hands-on approach to Design Thinking, a popular andeffective Innovation approach. In this course, you will learn thefollowing:Whatgood design impliesProductsand industries where Design Thinking has been usedProductDesign ChallengesFiveStage Design Thinking ProcessGettinghands-on with Design ThinkingAbout Design ThinkingDesignThinking is a customer-centric innovation framework. At the heart ofit is a strong drive to solve key problems faced by the customer whenusing products. The approach is very successful in addressing latentneeds, which results in an unforgettable customer experience. Whatmakes the latent needs so critical is that such needs are often notmentioned by the users of products. The framework we'll cover in thiscourse will set you on the path to uncover latent needs and set youon a path of a successful customer experience.Design Thinking has been used for many users in every industry you can imagine. We'll cover the wide portfolio of products where this approach has been used to innovate.Most importantly, it transform how customers interact with products and keep coming back over and over again.Product design challengesWe'llalso spend a fair amount of time on the product design challenges.These are three challenges that every product or service must meet toensure that it will be successful. First we want to ensure that thereare enough people who are facing the problem we want to solve.Second, we want to evaluate how our solution can be enabled andhow we can beat any competing products. Finally, we want to confirmthat there is a good financial return on investment for ourfantabulous introduction in the market.We'll go through the questions you need to answer when facing eachchallenge. Five stage Design Thinking ProcessWe'lldelve into the five stage Design Thinking process discussing eachstage in detail. These will walk you through understanding customerbehavior with products and how to extract their emotionalexperiences when using it. Then we will define a target that willcover the latent needs that our product has to address. The fun is inknowing how to generate as many solutions as possible to solve ourproblem. Next comes the implementation we don't just leave ideas,we want put them into practice. We will follow a strict criteria fordeveloping prototypes. Finally, we test it and discuss when torelease the product.Myapproach to this program is that it must be hands-on i.e. You will besolving a problem to innovate to a solution using the Design Thinkingapproach.Iguaranteethat once you complete this course, you will be able to directlyapply the principles for your projects.Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to introduce new products and servicesAnyone who wants to work on innovation projects"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Brainstorming - A Complete Immersion" |
"Brainstorming is an effective and verified approach to generate ideas for various projects. This course is designed to make you an expert at brainstorming. Additionally, using the material learned, you will be able to become a facilitator of brainstorming sessions at work or for clients.This is what you will learn by enrolling in this course.What is brainstorming, why it is used, benefitsModes of brainstormingThe Facilitators RoleHow to PrepareSession ChecklistBrainstorming TechniquesForce FittingFree AssociationStandalone BrainstormingWord StormWord AssociationMind MappingTopsy Turvy and Reverse BrainstormingAutumn LeavesRandom InputBrainwritingStarburstingWhat to do after a brainstorming sessionThere are no pre-requisites for this course. You will get the most out of this program byHaving a desire to become a better innovatorHaving an interest in leading people to improve products and projects"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python In A Day With 6 Projects" |
"Have you ever imagined yourself being able to ""communicate"" with your computer and build applications that can work in a way that you want? Have you ever imagined telling your friends that you know how to code?Programming is one of the very important skills that people value a lot in this era. Not only it can help you get a well-paid software engineer job, but it can also train your brain to think in a logically manner. We are sure you agree with that but you are not sure where and how to start. You may be scared bythe complicated programmingconcept, or you may be scared away by the unfriendly code.Don't worry, in this course, we will guide you how to create your first python application step by step.What is Python?Python is a simple, intuitive, yet powerful programming language. It is an high-level programming language invented back in 1991. It is a go-to language for beginners because it is so easy and expressive. You can often express concepts with very few lines of code. That's why we choose Python as the programming language for this course!However, don't have a misunderstanding that Python is only for beginner.It is used in many areas including data analysis, finance, scientific research, artificial intelligence etc. Python is a very powerful programming language and is well supported the community. There are lots of useful packages like Numpy, Scipy etc. It is a programming language that supports multiple programming paradigms like procedural, functional, object-oriented etc.In a nutshell, if you can only learn one programming language, Python is your choice!What exactly will you learn?This course has a goal, which is to teach you the basic programming skills that you need in one day!We understand everyone is busy. We therefore specially design this course to be a quick crash course. And it is okay even if you don't have any programming experience. In this course, no experience is required!You will learn all the important programming concept using Python as the programming language. We will teach you by using 6 different applications as an example.6 differentapplications you will writeBMI CalculatorLucky ColorLotteryVocabulary BuilderHunter GameTo-do ListApart from the above, there aresimple programming assignments in the course as well. I hope with this little challenges, you can learn better. And if you come across any questions during the course, feel free to raise it.We are here to make sure you enjoy your learning process.Who are the instructors?We are coming from a software engineering background. We have built sophisticated systems for investment banks. You can see our information in our Udemy profile.Instructors:Jack Chan, Henry TangCourse Designer:Raymond ChungMoney back guaranteed!We are so confident about our course. We are so sure that you will enjoy the course as well. Therefore we provide money back guaranteed. After you have enrolled the course and if you don't like it, you can have your money back! It is unconditional, Udemy backed, 30 days money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free!Sign up forourcourse today, and let us help you to start your programming journey!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Python Full Stack Web Development with Google Cloud Service" |
"You look at social platforms like facebook, twitter, have you ever imagined yourself being able to create one for yourself? Social web application is getting very popular, but to your surprise, it is not hard to build one. Have you ever imagined telling your friends that you can build a full stack web application from scratch all by yourself?You can learn it in this course!Programming is one of the very important skills that people value a lot in this era. Not only it can help you get a well-paid software engineer job, but it can also train your brain to think in a logically manner. We are sure you agree with that but you are not sure where and how to start. You may already know some basics about programming, which is good, but you may think that is another level to build a useful application by yourself.Don't worry, in this course, we will guide you how to create your first python full stack web application step by step. You may become the next Jeff Bazos or Mark Zuckerburg!What exactly will you learn?This course has a goal, which is to show you how you can build real life full stack web application using python. Unlike other programming courses which spent a lot of time on covering the syntax and logic, this course focus on the practical usage of the language. We assume you have basic understanding about the programming language (Python), we then teach you how you can build this social party web application from scratch. This course also cover a lot of latest technology like Mongo DB, Google cloud storage, Google Location API etc. Since we are showing you how to build the online web application step by step, you will see us using the free online IDE CodeAnywhere. Your application is runnable in the free server by provided by CodeAnywhere. You can also take this chance to revise important programming concept in Python. Features of the party go application that you will writeOnline web application with very nice layoutAllow users to create their own accounts and edit user profilesUsers are allowed to upload profiles pictures, party picturesCreate parties with customized information like location, date etc. Data are stored in online document based database (Mongo DB)User profile pictures, party pictures are stored using Google cloud storageApart from the above, we incorporate the latest programming concept in the course as well. I hope with this little challenges, you can learn better. And if you come across any questions during the course, feel free to raise it.We are here to make sure you enjoy your learning process.What is Python?Python is a simple, intuitive, yet powerful programming language. It is an high-level programming language invented back in 1991. It is a go-to language for beginners because it is so easy and expressive. You can often express concepts with very few lines of code. That's why we choose Python as the programming language for this course!However, don't have a misunderstanding that Python is only for beginner.It is used in many areas including data analysis, finance, scientific research, artificial intelligence etc. Python is a very powerful programming language and is well supported the community. There are lots of useful packages like Numpy, Scipy etc. It is a programming language that supports multiple programming paradigms like procedural, functional, object-oriented etc.In a nutshell, if you can only learn one programming language, Python is your choice! And if you are a beginner and you want to grab the basics before taking this course, we recommend you to enroll our python beginner course - Learn Python in a Day. You can find the course under our profile. What is Flask?Flaskis a microweb frameworkwritten inPython. It is classified as amicroframeworkbecause it does not require particular tools or libraries.It supports extensions that can add application features and making the web applications built on Flask more powerful. Extensions are updated far more regularly than the core Flask program. In this course, we will cover Flask as well as other necessary extensions that are required to build this production grade party web platform. Flask is commonly used with MongoDB (which we will cover in this course as well), allowing it more control over databases and history.Who are the instructors?Jack comes from a software engineering background. He has built sophisticated systems for top tier investment banks. You can understand more about the instructor in their Udemy profile.Instructor:Jack ChanCourse Designer:Raymond ChungMoney back guaranteed!We are so confident about our course. We are so sure that you will enjoy the course as well. Therefore we provide money back guaranteed. After you have enrolled the course and if you don't like it, you can have your money back! It is unconditional, Udemy backed, 30 days money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free!Sign up forourcourse today, and let's create this fun party web application together!"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Learning Python Flask and SQL Alchemy ORM" |
"The best way to demonstrate your programming skill is to build a web application. A web application can be run by any computer or mobile device. With nowaday technology, a web application can run as fast as native application. In this course, we will show you how you can kick start your first web application, using Python Flask framework as the frontend and SQLAlchemy ORMto interactive with the backend database. Programming is one of the very important skills that people value a lot in this era. Not only it can help you get a well-paid software engineer job, but it can also train your brain to think in a logically manner. We are sure you agree with that but you are not sure where and how to start. You may already know some basics about programming, which is good, but you may think that is another level to build a useful application by yourself.Don't worry, in this course, we will guide you how to create your first python web application step by step. You may become the next Jeff Bazos or Mark Zuckerburg!Why is this course for me?If you want to learn about Python, this course is for you! Python is simple yet powerful. It is widely used by tech giants like Google, Youtube, Dropbox etc.If you want to build a web application from Scratch, this course is for you! This course guild you how to build a workable web application from scratch. Unlike other learning materials that you can find in the internet, this course is complete and well organized. If you want to learn it in an effective and fun way, this course is for you. This course is full of practical material, you will go back with a workable web application. This give you all the techniques and confidence to create your own web application in the future. What exactly will you learn?This course has a goal, which is to show you how you can build real life full stack web application using python. Unlike other programming courses which spent a lot of time on covering the syntax and logic, this course focus on the practical usage of the language. We assume you have basic understanding about the programming language (Python), we then teach you how you can build this simple lucky draw web application from scratch. This course will show you how to use SQLAlchemy to interact with the backend database (SQLLite). We will cover a series of database operations include creat, read, update, delete records. You will be able to combine the frontend UI design with the backend data handling logic. Since we are showing you how to build the online web application step by step, you will see us using the free professional Python IDE PyCharm. Your takeaway after this course is a workable web application with a beautiful UI. We are trying to keep the course short and straight forward, so you can pick up the necessary skill to kick start your first web application in a few hours. You can also take this chance to revise important programming concept in Python. What is Python?Python is a simple, intuitive, yet powerful programming language. It is an high-level programming language invented back in 1991. It is a go-to language for beginners because it is so easy and expressive. You can often express concepts with very few lines of code. That's why we choose Python as the programming language for this course!However, don't have a misunderstanding that Python is only for beginner.It is used in many areas including data analysis, finance, scientific research, artificial intelligence etc. Python is a very powerful programming language and is well supported the community. There are lots of useful packages like Numpy, Scipy etc. It is a programming language that supports multiple programming paradigms like procedural, functional, object-oriented etc.In a nutshell, if you can only learn one programming language, Python is your choice! And if you are a beginner and you want to grab the basics before taking this course, we recommend you to enroll our python beginner course - Learn Python in a Day. You can find the course under our profile. What is Flask?Flaskis a microweb frameworkwritten inPython. It is classified as amicroframeworkbecause it does not require particular tools or libraries.It supports extensions that can add application features and making the web applications built on Flask more powerful. Extensions are updated far more regularly than the core Flask program. In this course, we will cover Flask as well as other necessary extensions that are required to build this production grade party web platform. Flask is commonly used with MongoDB (which we will cover in this course as well), allowing it more control over databases and history.What is PyCharm?PyCharm is a professional Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) developed by Jetbrains. It has a free community edition and which is more than good enough for this course. It is a powerful IDE that can significantly improve the development efficiency by providing project management, syntax highlight, syntax suggestion and version control.Who are the instructors?Jack comes from a software engineering background. He has built sophisticated systems for top tier investment banks. You can understand more about the instructor in their Udemy profile.Instructor:Jack ChanCourse Designer:Raymond ChungMoney back guaranteed!We are so confident about our course. We are so sure that you will enjoy the course as well. Therefore we provide money back guaranteed. After you have enrolled the course and if you don't like it, you can have your money back! It is unconditional, Udemy backed, 30 days money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free!Sign up forourcourse today, and let's kick start your first web application together!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como animar un plano bsico" |
"Quieres entrar en el mundo de la animacin pero todava no tienes una metodologa clara?Llevo ms de 10 aos trabajando como supervisor de animacin y en este curso te enseare:Todo el proceso de un plano de animacinComo gestionar las clavesComo tener una metodologa efectivaComo hacer un blocking slidoComo refinar un planoTe dar consejos y trucos para acelerar tu proceso de animacinDespus de este curso, aumentaras drsticamente tu nivel de animacin y podrs competir con otros profesionales."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Comment animer un plan de A Z ?" |
"Voulez-vous entrer dans le monde de l'animation, mais vous n'avez toujours pas une mthodologie claire?Cela fait plus de 10 ans que je travaille en tant que superviseur d'animation et je vous enseignerai dans ce cours: L'ensemble du processus d'un plan d'animationComment grer les cls Comment avoir une mthodologie efficaceComment faire un blocking solideComment peaufiner votre plan Je vous donnerai aussi des trucs et astuces pour acclrer votre processus d'animationAprs ce cours, vous augmenterez considrablement votre niveau d'animation et vous pourrez rivaliser avec d'autres professionnels."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to animate a basic shot ?" |
"You want to enter the animation industry but you still don't have a clear methodology?I have been working as an animation supervisor for more than 15 years and in this course I will teach you:The whole process of an animation shotHow to manage the keysHow to have an effective workflowHow to create a solid blockingHow to refine a shotI will give you tips and tricks to speed up your animation processAfter this course, you will drastically increase your level of animation and you will be able to compete with other professionals."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Building a Chatbot for Dummies" |
"This course will make you a master of chatbots, building it in as short as 1 hour all without coding!This course is for those who wants to be able to build a simple AI chatbot for their business, clients or for themselves.We will cover building the chatbots with live step by step examples of building it and integrating the features of the chatbot.This course is for you if:You want to learn how to make great chatbots without any coding.You are a beginner at chatbots and have no clue where to start.This course is for all levels of students. I will show you step-by-step how to create the bots and use tools that are easy to understand and use.You want to have a step by step walk through on building a chatbot.This is NOT for you if:You are an advanced programmer with knowledge on chatbots.You want to build a complex chatbot that requires coding."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Become a Full-time Artist and Get '1000 True-fans'!" |
"This is a one of a kind coursebringingthe fundamental methods to product developmentfrom the high-tech start up world to the music business. To minimize your risk and safe-proof your way to become a full-time artist.Suitable forMusicians, Artists, Rappers, ProducersandDJ's that has already some fans or starting from zero.Invest In Your TalentsAnd Enroll This Course To Get ANew Way of Thinking On How You CanBuild Your Career While Building Your Fanbase.We'll go trough:Lean Start UpMethodologyHow To Promote Your MusicA/B TestingMusic PromotionLearn to build your fanbase with engagementDealing with feedbackBuild your email listGet Gigs in other citiesOptimising your talentsAnalysing & MeasuringA Powerful Method ThatWill Give You An Entrepreneurial MindsetMajor Universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Berkley and top MBA programs are already embracing these methods to develop products or services thatpeople are actually willing to pay for. In this course I will teach you how you can use the same methods to develop your career to become a famous singer, rapper, DJ or Producer.Content and OverviewIn 1.5 hoursover 22 shortvideos we'll go trough what the Lean Method is,its background andsome examples on how you can implement itto Music Production, Artwork, Getting gigs andTitles.We'll discuss the concept of '1000 True Fans' by Kevin Kelly how it is crucial to build your true-fan base in the process to become a full-time artist.I will also include the secret weapon of marketeersA/B Testing, thepowerful technique for increasing conversions and revenue on their marketing campaigns.The last video ends with an exercise to immediately start using thismethod to start engaging with new fans.You will end this course with a new kind ofmindset that will helpyou on building your music career but also as a bonus know how to start a profitable business."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"#1 Ultimate Crypto Currency Investing Program + Extras" |
"Did you miss out on investing inGoogle, Apple and Amazonand only wish you had?Well don't worry, you have your chance to be involved in something equally as innovative and exciting with the opportunity to learn and invest in Cryptocurrency!This course will teach you how to become set up to buy, sell and trade Cryptocurrency in the shortest time possible.If you had bought 20 worth of Bitcoin in 2009 you would now be sitting on8.4 million, and the great thing is that the Cryptocurrency gold rush has only just started,with the market jumping from 28 to 150 billion in just 6 months and predicted to be worth 5 trillion in 5 years. The time is now!!Ihave always been an entrepreneur and have consistently prospered in my ventures. I have never encountered an opportunity with such a real potential to see me retire in as little as 3-5 years time!!!The growth of this marketplace is widely predicted to be huge and you could also be in during its infancy.Warren Buffethas been quoted saying that there will bemoremillionaires made inthe next 3 years than there have been in the last 100 years!!Ihave developed this course to accelerateyour understanding so that you don't have to waste precious timelearning the hard way through trial and financial error, or spending endless hours searching on the internet on how to do each little thing!!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How to take Risks (For The Biscuit)" |
"Do you find yourself browsing social media and wishing that your life could look just as awesome as all the ones you see because they are constantly traveling or the work they do is incredible?Do you feel stuck in a dead end job that sucks the life out of you on a day to day basis?Are you someone who is struggling to get the most out of life and grab all it has to offer?It is probably because you were never taught how to take risks in a powerful way.That is where For The Biscuit comes in. For The Biscuit is a comprehensive guide on how to properly Risk It!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2020 YouTube Masterclass - Complete Guide to YouTube Success" |
"Whether you're looking to start a career, promote an existing company/brand, or just have lots of fun, YouTube is the place for you! However only 0.0038% of all channels created ever gain traction and become successful on the platform. So how do we increase that percentage? Well that's what I'm here for!Who am I?My name is Shawn and if there is anything I know in this world, it's YouTube. I'm a YouTube content creator with over 330,000 subscribers and have been on the platform managing and working with numerous channels since 2009. Luckily for me, YouTube can be a long term career option that pays extremely well if executed properly. I'm here to give you the boost needed to succeed!Why my course?First thing you need to know is that I'm a practitioner. I didn't gather my knowledge from someone or somewhere else. I learned it all through years and years of trial and error. Albert Einstein said it best, ""The only source of knowledge is experience.""You can only learn so much from outside sources. I'll be teaching you the insider secrets to YouTube. The information that is scarce to find online. The tips and tricks to the trade that only the dedicated practitioners know of. Not only will I be sharing this exclusive information with you, but I'll be showing you current and lifetime analytics to prove to you that I'm not just talking the talk. This course is designed for me to be as transparent as possible with you.Lastly, YouTube is not static as it changes all the time. Massive updates roll out every single month whether it looks like it or not. As mentioned before, I'm a practitioner, it's my job to stay up to date on every little change YouTube goes through. I will be actively updating and adding more content to this course as YouTube changes! It's important to stay with the times and take full advantage of what YouTube has to offer.Again, if you're looking to grow your brand, GAIN MORE VIEWS AND SUBSCRIBERS, or start a channel from square 1, you've come to the right course. From beginner to advanced, I can guarantee you'll learn tons of new knowledge! The sheer size and comprehensiveness of the course speaks for itself. You'll learn everything I've learned since 2011 with this jam-packed course. If you're someone who values your time heavily, don't worry! I explain in my course which specific lectures apply to you and your situation.General Skills You'll be Capable of After the CourseStart a channel from ground zeroCreate high quality videosGain starting viewsGenerate subscribers exponentiallyMaximize use of timeBecome familiarized with the YouTube platformTitles, Tags, Descriptions, and Thumbnails OptimizationSuccessfully grow your brandEffectively improve through use of analyticsGenerate serious money from your YouTube ChannelUltimately know the BEST practices for creating and growing a SUCCESSFUL YouTube channelSo what are you waiting for? Enroll in my course so we can get you started!See you soon in lesson 1 :)-Shawn"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master Time Management in 2 Hours! - Productivity Guide" |
"Do you have more things to do than you have time for? Or maybe youre just always overwhelmed with your never ending to-do list Well youve come to the right place! Im here to turn you into a productivity machine AND IN ONLY 2 HOURS!Who am I?My name is Shawn and I pride myself in biting off more than I can chew because why settle for less when you can achieve more!? In a very short amount of time, Ive been able to find a large amount of success on YouTube, academically in school, and in the entrepreneurship/office world. So I'm here to take you to that next level!Why my course?Well first off, Ive spent countless hours on time management research! When I was in college, I had to choose 2 points out of the big 3:Good GradesGood SleepGood Social LifeI could get good grades and get a decent amount of sleep, but then I wouldnt have a social life. Or Id have a phenomenal social life and a decent amount of sleep but yeek were the grades bad! So what did I do? I took tons of time to actually research and practice this topic of Time Management. How were people being so dang productive and staying focused while still living the good life? What I learned was insane!!And thats why Im here teaching you everything Ive learned, implemented, and built upon since 2014. Best part? This course is only 2 hours!! Ill be teaching you everything Ive learned over the years in just 2 short hours. Trust me, I get that time is limited in your life right nowSo again, if 24 hours just doesnt seem like enough time in the day, then this is the right course for you. Invest 2 hours now to save you THOUSANDS of hours in the future.General Skills You'll be Capable of After CourseEffectively Manage, Monitor, and Measure Self Progress to Constantly ImproveLearn PROVEN Methods for How to Set and Stick to Efficient Goals & ExpectationsIncrease Focus and Concentration Through Expert Level TechniquesLearn How to Block Out the Noise to Stay Focused and Achieve MoreMaximize Motivation to Increase Free-TimeTake Control of Organization to Get More DoneI can guarantee you'll learn tons of new knowledge! What are you waiting for? Enroll in the course so we can get you started!See you soon in lesson 1 :)-Shawn"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"TestNG - All in One (Crash Course), Interview question & MCQ" |
"TestNG - All in One(Crash Course) - [Course Last Updated 5th June,2020]By crash course we mean every lecture is small and precise and explains one topic at a time and is a step by step guide. It doesnt mean that it is a summarized course, instead it means a detailed step by step guide where all the topics are included for TestNG including Maven and Jenkins . This course covers TestNG, Maven, Jenkins, MCQs (Multiple choice Questions), Cheat sheets, Interview Questions and all Codes available for download. *** Please look at our Course Content Video or Course Content below for complete details*** This course is a single unique place in Udemy which will provide in depth knowledge in TestNG along with Maven and Jenkins Unlike other courses in Udemy, this course provides over 6.5 hours of videos along with MCQs (Multiple choice Questions), Cheat sheets, Interview Questions and all Codes to download at the end of each sections. Every lecture is small and precise and explains one topic at a time and is a step by step guide. If you have zero knowledge in Java or TestNG, dont worry we have some basic video on Java to get you started and later we will have step by step TestNG along with Maven and Jenkins what will help you understand and learn quickly Includes 6.5 hours of videos (64 videos) + MCQs, Cheat sheets, Interview Questions (Section wise) We will provide life time support to our students. We have over 10 trainers from corporate world available at different time zone and can help answer your questions fast and easily. If you feel that any topic is missing or is not available then please reply us using message in Udemy and we will be happy to add them. If you have any question regarding any topics please post them in Q&A sections and we will get back to you within 12 hours. ***If still the issue is not resolved we will help you by taking you over Skype or Team Viewer. You can always message us in Udemy if you have any problems where you got stuck and need individual assistance. *** By the by the end of the course you will master in TestNG with Maven and Jenkins and will be able to clear any interview. Summarized Course Contents [For full course content in each section please check Curriculum for This Course] Section 1: Introduction: Covers details like why to take the course, course content and introduction to TestNG Section 2: Java Setup: Covers details like basic thing needed for Java Setup, Java Environmental Setup and Eclipse Setup Section 3: Basic Idea on Java specially for Java Novice : Covers details like Creating your first Java Project and Writing your first program in Java Section 4: TestNG Setup: Covers details like different ways to setup TestNG Section 5: TestNG Annotations: Covers in-depth details of various types of annotations supported in TestNG with examples Section 6: TestNG Assertions: Covers in-depth details of various types of assertions supported in TestNG with examples Section 7: Other Features of TestNG: Covers Hard Assertion, Soft Assertions, Hard Assertions with Try Catch, Disable in TestNG and Timeouts in Methods and Suite Level as well as Precedence with various examples Section 8: Other Advanced Features of TestNG: Covers in-depth details of TestNG Priority, TestNG Dependency, TestNG Grouping, TestNG Data Providers, TestNG ITest Results, TestNG ITestListener, TestNG IExecutionListener etc. with various examples Section 9: TestNG Reporting: Covers details of Surefire Reporting Section 10: TestNG with Maven: Covers in-depth details of Installing Maven to running TestNG Test Cases using Maven Section 11:TestNG with Jenkins: Covers in-depth details of Installing Jenkins, Creating Job, Configuring Job and running TestNG Test Cases using Scheduled JobSection 12: TestNG Running Test Cases using Parallel: Covers in-depth details of running TestNG Test Cases in parallel with various examples Note: The above Course content is the summarized one, to view more details of the topics covered in each section please check Curriculum for This Course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Associate Developer" |
"These quizzes have been designed to help you clear the AWSdeveloper Certification as well it also helps in the Associate Solution Architect Exam too.The set is quite comprehensive with 360 practice questions based on real world aws problems.It is advisable that as you practice the quizzes, you constantly refer to the AWS documentation. Most of these have been provided as links in the explanations."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect" |
"These quizzes have been designed to help you clear the AWS Associate Solution Architect Certification.The set is quite comprehensive with 360 practice questions based on real world aws problems.It is advisable that as you practice the quizzes, you constantly refer to the AWS documentation. Most of these have been provided as links in the explanations."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Accounting & Bookkeeping" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount.Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions, and is part of the process of accounting in business. whereas accounting or accountancy is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic entities such as businesses and corporations.So to record and measure general-purpose financial statements, several guidelines that are understood by both the accountants who prepare them and the users of such reports should be followed. So we have designed this best selling course which will give a broad idea on various fundamentals of accounting (Accounting Basics) that will make your accounting base stronger. This course is designed in a very easy to understand and logical format.-What you will learn? By the end of our short yet detailed sessions, you will have an understanding of: 1. The need to learn accounting 2. What are the 14 principles and conventions on which all of this accounting is based and why do we need them? 3. What are the common terms used in accounting? 4. How to classify different accounts and what are the three golden rules of accounting? 5. What is debit and credit? These topics have widespread use in practical accounting.This course includes 15 video sessions & 5 PDF documents which will help you to get more knowledge about this topic.-Who can take this course?We believe that anyone can learn accounting with a proper guidance! This course is beneficial to you weather you are a student, professional or businessman who wants to have proper knowledge of all the fundamentals of accounting. -Benefits of taking this Course:This course will make your fundamentals stronger with the help of:Explanatory videos ensures complete concept understanding.Downloadable resources helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Quiz video helps in testing your knowledge.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.If you want to purchase this course then do email us we will provide you the discount coupon code which can reduce your cost and you can able to learn easily.So hurry up and enroll now!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guide to preparation of financial statements" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount.The accounting cycle is the name given to the collective process of recording and processing the accounting events of a company. The series of steps begin when a transaction occurs and end with its inclusion in the financial statements.Financial statements (or financial report) is a formal record of the financial activities and position of a business, person, or other entity. It mainly consist of Trading account, Profit & Loss account and the balance sheet.It is standard practice for businesses to present financial statements that adhere to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to maintain continuity of information and presentation across international borders.So it is very important for companies to prepare financial statement which gives true and fair view of the business.-What you will learn? This is our best selling course which will be taking you through different Steps to prepare financial statement of a sole proprietary concern. When recording manually,this is the general procedure that is followed. It is important to understand this base even when we follow a non traditional way of book keeping.So it's begin with the,1st stage which is collecting data:-Source documents2nd stage which is recording & transferring:-Journal entries-Posting entries from Journal to ledger.-Introduction to Subsidiary Books, Preparing a Cash book and Petty cash book-Bank Reconciliation StatementThen the 3rd stage which is finalizing stage:-Trial Balance-Rectification of errors-Depreciation-Closing Stock-Adjustments in accounting-Bad Debts -Financial StatementsThen the 4th and final stage which is analyzing stage:-Reading and analysis of Financial Statements-Comparing & Analyzing two Financial Statements-Finding missing information by comparing Financial Statements-Deriving Missing financial Statement from available information-Deriving Cash/Bank Summary from 2 years statementThere are also some Accounting Test Time videos arranged for your practice/revision wherever needed.-Who can take this course?It is beneficial to you weather you are a student, professional or businessman who wants to have proper knowledge of all the fundamentals of accounting. We believe that anyone can learn accounting with a proper guidance!-Benefits of taking this Course:We have focused more on understanding of concepts and tried to explain it in a simple and easy to learn format for all. This course will make your knowledge of preparing financial statement stronger with the help of:Explanatory videos ensures complete concept understanding.Downloadable resources helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Quiz video helps in testing your knowledge.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.So hurry up and enroll now!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics on Cell Biology Cell Tissues & Functions Biology" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount.Cell biology deals with the smallest unit of life. This course contains explanatory videos on cells as wells as tissues. At the end of every video you can revise your concepts with fun filled exercises. This course consists of video sessions with basic animation for better visualization and understanding. At the end of every session you can answer the fun filled exercises which will help you to revise your concepts well.On completion of this course, you will be able to answer all the questions from the chapters Cells and also tissues. You will also get a clear understanding of all the functions of both cells and tissues. On understanding this, you will be able to take your learning in biology further and study the various organ systems. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Complete Guide on Accounting of Partnership Firms" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount.Partnership is the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them acting for all. And When these people come together and form a business is called Partnership Firm.So, this course will give you a broad overview on the entire partnership accounting, Like,-How it get's formed, -What are the criteria, -How it's accounting gets done and so on. -What you will learn? 1. Introduction to Partnership and how to prepare it's final accounts.2. Admission of a partner with all the adjustments that can be made in the financial statements.3. Retirement of a partner with all the adjustments that can be made in the financial statements.4. Profit sharing ratios calculated at the time of Admission & Retirement.5. What is goodwill and its valuation 6. Dissolution of a partner with the detail steps7. Piecemeal Distribution with its accounting treatment.These all has been explained with the simple language and taking help of real life examples focusing more on understanding of concepts which will give you a glimpse of practical life.There are also some fun with accounting and problem solving sessions for your practice/revision wherever needed. We have tried to explain it in a simple and easy to learn format for all. This is our BEST SELLING COURSE which includes 34 video sessions & 7 PDF documents that will help you to get more knowledge about this topic.-Who can take this course?This course is beneficial to you weather you are a student, professional or businessman who wants to have proper knowledge of how partnership accounting gets done. We believe that anyone can learn accounting with a proper guidance!-Benefits of taking this Course:This course will help you to understand accounting of partnership with the help of:Explanatory videos ensures complete concept understanding.Downloadable resources helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Quiz video helps in testing your knowledge.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.So hurry up and enroll now!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Accounting for Non-Profit, Single Entry & Bills of Exchange" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount.Welcome to our course on Accounting for Non profit organization, single entry system and bills of exchange (Negotiable Instrument).-What you will learn? Even though a non profit organization doesnt aim for profit they do require to maintain accounting so that they can track how much funds theyve received and from what sources and where is the money being utilized,etc.So the first section is about,1.How Non-Profit Organisation is different from Profit making Organisation, 2.How their accounting books are maintained and 3.The difference between Capital Income/Expenditure and Revenue Income/Expenditure. 4. For more practice their is also a problem solving video Also,Small scale businessmen or professionals might use a simpler way to keep their accounting records which we will understand in the single entry system of accounts;Hence the Second Section is,1. What is Single Entry System (Introduction), 2. Recording of Events, 3. Limitation of the same, 4. Difference between Single Entry & Dual Entry system, 5. and its Problem Solving for more practiceAnd lastly bills of exchange this is a negotiable instrument used in the credit system of accounting.And this section is about,1. What is Bill of Exchange? 2. General Terms & it's Importance. 3. Different Terms of payment dates.4. Video session on how transactions are recorded when bills are drawn, accepted and retained, discounted or sent to bank for collection. 5. and lastly what happens when the bill gets honored or dishonored.-Who can take this course?This course is beneficial to you weather you are a student, professional or businessman who wants to have proper knowledge of accounting of different business organizations. We believe that anyone can learn accounting with a proper guidance!-Benefits of taking this Course:Explanatory videos ensures complete concept understanding.Problem solving sessions and Downloadable resources helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Quiz video helps in testing your knowledge.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.So hurry up and enroll now!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Probability for beginners Mathematics & Statistics" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount.Probability is a numerical measure of likelihood of an event.Probability tells us how often some event will happen after many repeated trials.How it is done exactly?So we have designed this best selling course on Probability which will give a broad idea on theoretical, experimental, compound probability, permutations, combinations, and more! This course is designed in a very easy to understand and logical format. -What you will learn? By the end of our short yet detailed sessions, you will have an understanding of: -Basics of Probability-Different types of events that occur (Sample space)-Basic probability rules-Experiment based problem solving (Coin, Dice, Card & Ball Experiment)-Who can take this course?The course can be taken by school students or any learner who has Probability as a part of their curriculum.It will also help teachers who are willing to give the best quality education to students.-Benefits of taking this Course:On completion of this course, one will not only understand the concept in depth but will also be able to improve their data analysis techniques and predictions skills and hence score good marks in their exams with the help of:Explanatory videos that ensures complete concept understanding.Downloadable resources helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Quiz videos help in testing your knowledge.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.So hurry up and enroll now!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Statistics in Mathematics A Beginners Guide to Statistics" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount.Statistics is a form of mathematical analysis that uses quantified models, representations and synopses for a given set of experimental data or real-life studies. Statistics studies methodologies to gather, review, analyze and draw conclusions from data.So we have designed this best selling course on Statistics which will give a broad idea on how the data should be collected, analysed, interpreted, presented, and organized. This course is designed in a very easy to understand and logical format. -What you will learn? By the end of our short yet detailed sessions, you will have an understanding of: -Introduction of statistics-Data handelling-How to measure central tendency?-Calculation of Mean, Median & Mode-Problems based on cumulative frequency.-Who can take this course?It can be taken by all students who have statistics as a part of their curriculum. It will also benefit teachers who wishes to improve their teaching skills and make learning fun for their students.-Benefits of taking this Course:On completion of this course, you will learn basics of statistics with the help of:Explanatory videos that ensures complete concept understanding.Downloadable resources helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Quiz video helps in testing your knowledge.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.So hurry up and enroll now!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Course on Surface Areas & Volume of various Shapes" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount.Mensuration is the branch of mathematics which deals with the study of different geometrical shapes and knowing a few parameters like areas and volumes.So we have designed this best selling course on surface area and volume will give a broad idea on ascertaining lengths, areas, and volumes.-What you will learn? By the end of our short yet detailed sessions, you will have an understanding of: 1) Introduction to Surface areas and Volumes. 2) Deriving formulas for cube, cuboid and cylinder. 3) Surface areas and Volumes of Sphere and Hemisphere 4) Surface area and Volume of Cone and Frustum 5) Solved problems for each object. 6) Quiz video to test the knowledge. Apart from all this we also have assessments in PDF format. -Who can take this course?It can be taken by all students who have Arithmetic Progression as a part of their curriculum. It will also benefit teachers who wishes to improve their teaching skills and make learning fun for their students.-Benefits of taking this Course:On completion of this course, you will not only be thorough with the subject knowledge but will also be able to solve various problems related to the topic with the help of:Explanatory videos ensures complete concept understanding.Downloadable resources helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Quiz video helps in testing your knowledge.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.So hurry up and enroll now!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |