Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Acheter, stocker et trader des crypto-monnaies" |
"20.000.000 de dollars !Cest ce que vous auriez aujourdhui en poche si vous aviez achet 10.000 Bitcoins en 2010 pour peine 40 dollarsA cette poque, le Bitcoin ne valait pas grand-chose et personne nen voulait. Pour preuve, le dveloppeur amricain Laszlo Hanyecz avait tweet quil donnerait 10.000 Bitcoins la personne qui lui livrerait 2 pizzas.Malheureusement pour lui, ces 2 pizzas valent plus ou moins 20 millions de dollars lheure actuelle...LeBitcoina donc bien pris de la valeur ces dernires annes, mais depuis, plusieurs centaines dautrescrypto-monnaiesont t cres.Dans notre formation, nous allons vous expliquer comment, vous aussi, vous pourrez bnficier de cet engouement pour les crypto-monnaies.Nous verrons ensemble les diffrentesplateformesdisponibles pouracheteroutrader des crypto-monnaiesainsi que les diffrentes stratgies possibles.Le tout avec desexemples concretsdans lesquels nous vous montrerons toutes les tapes pour que vous puissiez acheter ou trader vos propres crypto-monnaies.Si vous aussi, vous voulez tenter votre chance et surfer sur la vague des crypto-monnaies, rejoignez-nous ds maintenant dans notre formation."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Sketch, apprenez designer des apps mobiles de A Z !" |
"Dtails du coursCe cours est tant destin aux personnes sans aucune base en design, tant aux designers expriments qui aimeraient passer de Photoshop ou Illustrator Sketch.Vous apprendrez les bases de l'interface utilisateur sur mobile, le design d'application native et les outils ncessaires dont vous aurez besoin pour crer de magnifiques applications smartphone grce Sketch 4.Grce cette formation, vous apprendrez devenir un vritable designer d'app mobile mme si vous ne possdez pas de qualification technique en design.Au travers du cours, nous voluerons pas pas en partant des bases de Sketch jusqu' la ralisation d'une app. L'ide est d'apprendre en faisant ensemble.Cette formation vous donnera, je l'espre, l'envie de devenir designer d'app, un mtier qui peut rapporter l'heure actuelle jusqu' 100.000 par an en Europe.Qu'allez-vous recevoir en plus ?Un diplme qui certifie que vous avez suivi la formation complte.Une rduction exclusive de 15% sur Zeplin*, le meilleur ami de Sketch pour exporter vos design et travailler en quipe* Rduction de 15% pendant 3 mois sur tous les plan Zeplin propos sur Zeplin. Valable uniquement pour une personne"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Yii2 beginner to professional" |
"Yii is a fast, secure and professional PHP framework. Yii2 is a high performance PHP framework bet for developing robust project with speed.Yii is one of the mostpopular framework and it is gaining popularity and relevancy day-by-day because of its key concept, performance, efficiency, flexibilityand security.Coding in plain PHP or any other language can be time consuming, especially for common tasks. Using a framework is the best way to apply common tasks, like:SecurityForm validationDatabase configurationsAuthenticationDatabase queries (CRUD), andMany moreIn this course you will build a complete application in the Yii2 Framework from the ground up. You'll learn how the MVC pattern works as I take you step-by-step through everything needed to be an expert in Yii2.High paying jobs require knowledge of frameworks, since speed and accuracy are crucial for the development team and company. Having knowledge of using frameworks will allow you to find a hight paying job, or find a job easier than not having the skill at all.This course will help newbies as well as experts to solving regular problems during coding. In this course you will learn all the available features given to us from Yii2 framework. This course is all about students who are willing to learn Yii2 and want their programming skills enhanced. You will learn all sort ofBest Practices to use during your development.I created this course with the intention to provide you with the knowledge you need to use Yii2 to develop applications fast and efficiently. I also create this course to help you provide a great skill that will propel you in your web development career.Who is the target audience?Students who want to developer PHP dynamic applications and websites fasterStudents who have basic Knowledge of OOP in PHPStudents who have basic knowledge of PHP and willing to learn a PHP frameworkStudents who want to improve their careers or get a better oneStudents who want to learn Yii2 from basic to advancedStudents who want to build web application using Yii2"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Yii2 Complete Restful API guide" |
"This course will teach you how to Build and design your own web project with Yii2 framework, to consume services and APIs online.In this course, you will learn the step-by-step processes to get started with API development with Yii2 for general consumption. You will learn how to use HTTP protocol to consume the resources your web services is meant to provide.Are you a frontend developer, do you have a mobile product idea, do you want to create your own startup or you just want to build a technology but you need an API? This is course for you.What are you going to learn?Understand API and how it works betterLearn, what isHTTPand how it worksYou will learn how to use postman to test APIHow to properly install Yii2 frameworkHow to correctly structure your API projectYou will understand how and when Gii comes to playHow to properly configure your response for consumptionHow to send request to API and how to consume itHow to authenticate access to your API using different optionsHow to version your API if your update is not backward compatibleAnd many more.Don't wait, andenroll todayto take another step toward web services mastery!Looking forward to having you in my course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Utiliser le marketing de contenu pour attirer des visiteurs" |
"Attirer des visiteurs et des clients quand ils n'en ont pas envie, ce n'est pas facile. Et en y rflchissant, ce n'est pas ce qu'il y a de plus logique...Le marketing est une des disciplines qui a le plus chang ces dernires annes. Pendant longtemps, le marketing traditionnel (ou outbound marketing) a consist pousser votre produit vers la cible la plus large possible, grce des publicits, de la prospection tlphonique, la participation des salons...Il existe maintenant de nouvelles formes de marketing. L'inbound marketing, qui s'est dvelopp ces 10 dernires annes, cherche attirer les clients en les aidant grce notamment la publication rgulire de contenu pertinent et de qualit.Le marketing de contenu (ou content marketing) est donc la base de l'inbound marketing. Il ne s'agit pas d'apprendre rdiger des articles (et de n'apprendre que le copywriting), mais de mettre en place une stratgie complte, de la gnration d'ides la promotion de votre contenu."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Comment monter facilement ses vidos avec Filmora" |
"Dans cette formation, vous allez apprendre monter vos vidos vous-mme grce un logiciel facile utiliser : Filmora.Vous passerez en revue toutes les fonctionnalits de Filmora, qui est un logiciel qui fonctionne sous Mac ou sous Windows.Pas besoin de connaissances en montage vido. Toutes les tapes ncessaires l'dition de votre vido et l'export du rendu final seront abordes.Si vous n'avez pas de vido monter, vous apprendrez galement enregistrer votre cran, et vous saurez mme agrmenter vos vidos d'une introduction avec musique !NB : les vidos ont t tournes avec Filmora 8. La plupart des fonctionnalits sont les mmes sous Filmora 9, mais l'interface est un peu diffrente."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a DJ - Learn How to Start DJing Online Today" |
"Learn how to become a DJ online:This best-selling, top-rated Udemy DJ course is a complete masterclass with 11 hours of original, high quality instruction.Hi there everyone!My name is Ross Palmer, and I'm going to show you how to become a DJ online, ata world-class level.Here's a demo mix of me showing off some of the skills you'll learn in my online DJ school:vimeo dotcom/274562678/eadfd0b470I spent 13 years building my DJ technique, starting from vinyl turntables and moving all the way up through CDJs. I've been passionate about dance music since I was 11 years old, and Istarted professionally DJing when I was 18.After years of honing my craft, I was fortunate enough to get a job at Armada Music*. During my time there, I worked alongside some of the best DJs in the world of dance musictoday. I witnessed that my own ideas and theories of DJing were superior to those of many signed artists, and it was a complete validation of the skills Ihad built over so many years. Ihad some tricks up my sleeve that even top people had never thought of!Today, former students of my DJ school and directmentors are currently playing to packed crowds at festivals, in stadiums, and atthe worlds most prestigious clubs, including Tomorrowland, EDC, and more.And I can say with 100% confidence, these are the skills the worlds top DJs use to crush it in front of any crowd, every time. How you execute these skills is all about how often you practice, but these are definitely the technical foundations on which you can learn how to become a DJ online, at the highest level.Sections 1 and 2 will cover all the basics of how to DJ - everythingyou need to get started. Ill even give you some advice on purchasing your first deck and how to book your first show.In Section 3, the DJ classes dive deeper into the different tools needed to create a really engaging show, including how to make seamless transitions in a pinch and a super easy way to spice up even the most boring sections of a track. I will even walk you through creating a playlist to fill a 1-hour set, which is a lot longer than it seems if you're doing it right.Section 4 will focus in on advanced techniques that will help you learn how to be a DJ like the pros. In addition, you will learn how to mix faster and more precise, as well as secret tricks the pros use to make their show sound larger than life. Finally, we will talk about showmanship and how to really polish your performance to take your DJing to the highest level.My former students and good friends are signed to the world's best labels right now, Spinnin', Ultra, Revealed and more. I've been very fortunate to learn how to DJ from professionalsat the highest level, and now you can learnto DJ online, anytime, anywhere.But don't take my word for it: have a look at the reviews of my DJ school and see for yourself - thousands and thousands of happy students have already taken the course and left their reviews.And it's not just the course itself, many students have already asked hundreds of questions in the Q&Asection, and I do my best to answer every single one. We've built a community where all can learn how to improve, and that's the massive value of this course.Thanks for reading,Ross*Note: This course is not affiliated with or endorsed by Armada Music. All the music used in this course is royalty-free music for the purposes of demonstration!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SOLID Software Architecture: Complete Guide with Coding Examples" |
"In this course you will learn in detail the SOLIDsoftware architecture design principles for Object Oriented Programming. You will learnwhat are the benefits (and sometimes drawbacks !) of each of the SOLID principles which are:Single Responsibility PrincipleOpen/Closed PrincipleLiskov Substitution PrincipleInterface Segregation PrincipleDependency Inversion PrincipleWe will explore each principle in detail and will then go throughcode examples that violatethe principle and refactor thesetogether in video tutorials. The code files of both the initial code and the refactored version are provided for each coding example.In this way, after following this courseyou will not onlybe able to apply this knowledge to your own code and develop software architecture of higher quality, but you will also be able to detect existing violations and correct them.The coding examples are in C# , a widely used object oriented programming language. However, if you are not familiar with C# but use another object oriented programming language (e.g. Java, PHP, Python etc. ) don't worry you'll still be able to fully grasp the different principles and the scope of each refactoring. Additionally, if you'd like me to go through a similar codeexample in another programminglanguage, just sent me a message and I'll be glad to guide you through one.I'm also available to answer any queries you may have regarding any course material which you didn't understand or would like further detail on.Some of the many positive reviews I have received so far :""The course is comprehensive and well explained through clear and concise examples, and shows that the instructor is highly experienced in their field. Overall this course is excellent and highly appropriate for software developers looking to improve their architectural and programming skills, both beginners as well as more advanced programmers. I will be looking forward to more courses by the author in the future."" - J. Fusselberg""High quality videos, lectures are clear and to the point. This course is highly recommended for any developer who wants to move on to a senior position or software architect role. However, it will also be a good start for beginner to introduce them to proper coding practices early on."" - Roberto de SouzaI look forward to seeing you in my course and hearing how the content's helping you in your work orstudies!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"RabbitMQ: The Complete Guide with Software Architecture Applications" |
"In this course you will learn about RabbitMQ, explore its functionality in detail and learn how it can be used to build scalable and robust systems.We will go through all of its core features including:InstallationQueuesDurabilityAcknowledgementsDifferent exchange types ( fanout, direct, topic, headers)Popular pluginsSoftware architecture and design applicationsThe course is structured around both video tutorials explaining different features, together with practical demonstration sessions to make sure that we are able to apply what we have learnt.Practical demonstrations are done using the RabbitMQManagement UI, a very useful plugin which will also be explained in detail in the course. In this way, demonstrations are easy to follow by programmers of allprogramming languages.I'm also available to answer any queries you may have regarding any course material which you didn't understand or would like further detail on."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Influence" |
"No one is really able to influenceothers unless he or she is able to managethemselves.This program utilizes the personal half of emotionalintelligence to build the skills needed to correctly manage actions, words, demeanor, andattitude.The importance of a persons example and how that impactsothers is theprimary focus.This program also reviews how to obtain meaningful feedback about personalbehavior and attitudes. Often people do not see some of the very behavior that is mostdestructive to the working environment. From the feedback, participants begin to improveresilience, optimism, creativity, flexibility, self-control, and self-regulation. The importance ofconsistency in behavior and attitude are also covered."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Estratgias Digitais para Iniciantes" |
"Pense duas vezes antes de se inscrever nesse Curso. Dependendo de sua expectativa pode ser um curso fantstico ou uma decepo. um curso fantstico para quem est iniciando e quer aprender com que tem experincia e gera resultados extraordinrios hoje. Pode ser um decepcionante para quem quer um curso modinha, cheio de frases motivacionais, grficos..... O professor um idoso abordando Estratgias Digitais direto, sem firulas. praticamente um podcast filmado. Mas algum que faz acontecer e investe mais de R$ 2.000.000,00 por ano somente no Face/Insta (claro, antes do Covid-19).Se voc no tem experincia com o universo digital e precisa de uma viso geral, aqui o seu lugar.""Curso indicado para quem no da rea do marketing digital, ou ento para quem est entrando na rea comeando do zero absoluto. o curso que eu gostaria de ter assistido primeiro, antes de mais nada. Faz um timo meio de campo entre o marketing tradicional e o marketing digital. "" Este foi o comentrio de um aluno.Aqui, voc encontrar uma Metodologia para mergulhar no Universo Digital. Enquanto muitos cursos esto focados em ferramentas e frmulas, o nosso est focado em Estratgias Digitais. Como fazer muito investindo exclusivamente o necessrio. Como se diferenciar e obter um posicionamento nico.Como promover uma Marca obtendo engajamento e aproveitando o melhor da cada Canal Digital. Ao final, o aluno saber o que deve comunicar, como, quando, para quem e em quais canais digitais.Mas lembre-se: tudo isso ser dito por um idoso, sem firulas visuais nem frases motivacionais."
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"A guide to become a Welding Inspector" |
"Ever wonder how welding inspectors get to do their job? Questions like; Do you have to be a welder? What kind of education does it require to have? How much does it pay? etc...This course will give you all the information you need as to inform you of What kind of person is a welding inspector The different types of welding inspector Their scope of work Steps in becoming a welding inspector Which industry could you work for And the best -tickets to have.At the end of the course you will be well educated on were to go and how to start your career and see if you have the right tools in becoming a welding inspector.As a certified welding inspector I have experience way to often these types of questions because a lot of people admire the type of work that I do. And think this is a good way to start a very well lucrative career."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The World's Best Side Job: How To Become A Brand Ambassador" |
"Have you ever seen peoplehandingout samples of aproduct at a festival or street fair? Howabout that person sampling foodat a grocery store? What about a car show model or a person dressed as a mascot posing for pictures?Did you know NONEof these people actuallywork for the companies they are representing?THEYAREBRANDAMBASSADORS PAIDTOREPRESENTCOMPANIESATPUBLICEVENTS!With an average income of $20/hr for 4-12hour events, brand ambassadors can expect to have the freedom to choosetheir own scheduleas well as a large increase in monthly side income!Sidejobs like Uber or food deliveryhave the potential to make youmoney, but so manypeople areapplying tothem that it's gettingharder every dayto actually achievesuccess.BENEFITS:Brandambassadorship hasbeen the marketing industry's best kept secretfor over 20 years. Today,people havejust begunto seethe amazing potential to:Create recurring work opportunities withtop agencies.Makevaluable networkingconnections.Generate moreside income than Uber orFood Delivery.There has never been a course teaching people about this unique and rewarding job...until now!Ive compiled all that Ive learned as a Brand Ambassador and marketer who hasrepresentedcompanies fromstartups to international brandsto give you the valuable skills and knowledge to become a successful brand ambassador yourself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Anxiety Breakthrough - help yourself without medication" |
"Anxiety breakthrough - help yourself to start to feeling normal again and enjoy life all without medication is a fully comprehensive course not only for anxiety management but for anxiety breakthrough so that you can live your life on your terms.This anxiety management and removalcourse will help you tostart feeling a little better every day from anxiety and panic attacks right from the moment you apply the strategies.... you can imagine how it feels to start improving day by day can't you! By the end of the course you will have everything you need to destroy anxiety and remove it from your daily life. PLUS there is a complete 28 day program of activities and strategiesto follow to ensure your success.""Freedom from anxiety is not just a wish or a dream, it is a reality - a reality you deserve!"" - Graham NichollsYou'll learn exactly what anxiety is, what anxietyisn't (and what you are not!) and how to break down anxiety at it's core!After being diagnosed with Anxiety, Depression and Stress myself and suffering for many years I went on a mission to find out as much as I could about these horrible conditions. After attending many seminars, courses and webinars while reading countless books and listening to numerous audio programs I was able to put together a program that helped me.Now I help others just like you and I, through StrategicCoaching, who suffer with the terrible condition of anxiety and all that goes with it. I have now turned my learnings in to this video course so that people from all around the world can use these easy to learn, simple to use tools, strategies and techniques.It's now your time and your turn to start feeling better every day.Hit the 'BuyNow' button and let's get started making you feel a little better even day!I look forward to talking to you in the course.Thank youGraham"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting - How To Set, Prepare For & Succeed at Any Goal" |
"Goal setting is a core skillwhen you want to live yourlife on your terms....... BUT goal setting is not enough!Goal Setting - how to set, prepare & succeed at any goal isa comprehensive system and set of strategies for Goal Settingthat are authentic to who you are, deciding on the key areas of life you want to focus on and deriving dynamicactions that ensure your success.This Goal Setting course does not only rely on the traditional 'watch and learn' videos, it also incorporates experience based videos that immerse you fully in the process so that you get the very best from the course. You will be guided through key activities in each section of the course so that by the end you are fully set up to succeed in your goals and achieve a life on your terms.What do you want to achieve?In this Goal Setting course you will learn how to set effective and authentic goals and you'll also learn something just as important....... Goal Setting is not enough! Within this course you will also discover the exact actions you need to take to achieve your goals - that's right, by the end of this course you will not only have a full set of goals but also a full list of targeted actions for how to go out there and achieve them - how to live your life on your terms!PLUS - you'll discover how to find a compelling future for yourself!When you are ready to set effective and authentic goals, find the actions and then go and achieve them hit the ""Buy Now"" button and let's get started.I look forward to seeing you inside the course.Thank You and Best RegardsGraham"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Meditation for Beginners - Full 28 Day Meditation Program" |
"Meditation for Beginners - Full 28 Day ProgramThis Meditation for Beginners program is a fully comprehensive course taking you from beginner level of meditation through to understanding and being able to meditate by yourself. Learn the simple, effective and easy to use Meditation techniques as you follow the program through from beginning to completion.Within this Meditation course I guide you through a progression of 28 days starting from the basics of meditation through to an effective and thorough process of meditating. PLUS - at the end of the course I've also added a rolling 7-day meditation program so that you can continue with the guided meditation if you choose to.""The thing about meditation is; you become more and more you"" - David LynchThere are many proven benefits of Meditation to your life, these include (but are not limited to):Meditation helps you to focus and concentrate betterMeditation assists you in being calmer and balanced in your daily lifeMeditation guides you to controlling your emotions more easilyMeditation promotes emotional healthMeditation enhances self-swarenessMeditation helps reduce stress and anxietyMeditation assists depression recovery Meditation aids sleepMeditation can help control painWhat will you use Meditation for? Remember that these are only some of the benefits of meditation and that there are many others. You can now get the benefits of meditation by going through this course and learning how to meditate and then either take it on for yourself or follow on with my 7-Day rolling program.""The goal of meditation isn't to control your thoughts, it's to stop them from controlling you""==>> PLUS - There is a complete downloadable audio version of the course for you so that, once you've been through the course you can download it and use it again when and where you need to.If you are reading this then you are clearly interested in Meditation and maybe have been for some time but didn't really know where to start, you want some (or all) of the benefits that Meditation offers and you're looking for the right course for you and you want a course that guides you through the process in an easy to understand and use way - let me assure you that you have found the right course for you as that is exactly what I offer.Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" button and let's get started on your Meditation journey.""Meditation can reintroduce you to the part that's been missing"" - Russell SimmonsI look forward to seeing you within the course.My Best RegardsGraham"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Strategic Life Coaching Practitioner Cert (ACCREDITED)" |
"Strategic Life Coaching Practitioner CertificationWelcome to this fully comprehensive Strategic Life Coaching Certification course that will take you from Beginner to Expert Level of Life Coaching through to Strategic Life Coaching while giving you the tools, techniques and strategies to be a truly effective conduit of change for you and your clients.Join me on this journey to improve and enhance your own life while gaining the knowledge to become a Strategic Life Coach for both yourself and others. Discover powerful strategies drawn from Life Coaching, NLP, CBT, REBT as well as leading Life Coaches and Strategic Life Coaches from around the world.** Please Note: This Strategic Life Coaching Practitioner Course is FULYY ACCREDITED with the Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA) and The Priority Academy is Fully Accredited as a Quality Distance Learning Provider, also with the CTAA - Membership Number: 10662322. On completion of this course you will be able to claim your Strategic Life Coaching Practitioner Certificate of Accreditation from The Priority Academy and a Practitioner Accreditation Membership from the CTAA (details contained within the course).There is no more rewarding journey than that of the finding yourself and going on to helping others around the world with the framework that Strategic Life Coaching offers. Strategic Life Coaching is the new and improved level of Life Coaching and you can either start you journey right here or enhance the skills you already possess and step up to becoming the force for good that you want to be.""The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling"" - Fabienne FredricksonThere's every chance that you are interested in helping both yourself and others and you are looking for a course that can help you be effective at that. You have maybe taken some training, listened to an audio program or read books on life coaching and now want to expand that knowledge further, let me assure you that you have found the right course for you!This Strategic Life Coaching Practitioner Certification course will give you everything from the core skills you need to be an effective helper, all of the insights and experiences of an instructor who has been coaching for nearly 20 years, plus tools and strategies to not only start you on your journey to being a Strategic Life Coach but also to becoming an effective part of the Helping Industry.......... helping to work on and improve your own life alongside doing the same for others.How would it feel to know that you were learning key life strategies that can help you to overcome the things that hold you back, strategies that can resolve lifelong emotional and behavioural issues and can open up your future to anything you want it to be? How would that feel?How would it feel to know you can also do that for others?Within the course you'll not only find powerful strategies for your own life and individuals that you go on to help, I've also included an entire section dedicated to coaching relationships. This sections is packed with strategies for helping couples to move their relationship forward or even bring it back from the edge of break-up. Don't miss out on this section as it will shape the way you see relationships forever.""The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life"" - Tony RobbinsThe moment you click ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" you get full, lifetime access to the course so there is no need to worry about deadlines, you complete the course in your own time and when you finish there is the opportunity to claim your personalised Certificate of Completion from the Instructor.""The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new"" - SocratesBeing that conduit of change, the Helping Practitioner, the Strategic Life Coach that helps people to take positive steps to create the life they want and deserve provides an immense sense of joy and fulfilment. Take on that journey yourself as you work through each section of the course, taking part in the Experience Based Video Learning style of the instructor so that you not only watch and learn but fully engage with the material to get the best learning experience possible.=>> PLUS (1) - Provided for you are 2 fully loaded Client Workbooks, one for coaching individuals and one for coaching relationships. These contain all the information you need to get started as a Strategic Life Coach and engage in effective coaching sessions with your clients. All of the information within the workbooks is contained and explained throughout the course so you'll know exactly how to use it. These workbooks will also help you to follow through with the course and increase your learning experience further.=>> PLUS (2) - There is a full section on getting your business started as a Strategic Life Coach as the instructor guides you through 10 key steps to success.=>> PLUS (3) - There is also a fully downloadable audio version of the course so that you can learn on the move and no matter where you are! Simply download to your phone or tablet and take your learning experience along for the ride.""The path to success is to take massive, determined actions"" - Tony RobbinsGain the core skills to become an effective Strategic Life CoachBuild strong relationships and understand how to create and maintain a productive helping relationshipCreate effective change in undesired behaviours in both yourself and othersDiscover how to elicit and modify emotional and behavioural reactionsUncover and break down the limiting beliefs that hold yourself and others back from living the life you and they desireUse the strategies of top Strategic Life Coach's to create effective, long-lasting changeBecome an effective communicatorSet goals for yourself and others that are meaningful and action drivenLearn how to get yourself and clients from their current situation to their desired situationBecome an effective Strategic Relationship Coach Learn why we, as human beings do the things we do and how we can use that for changeDiscover a shortcut to happiness and fulfilment that you can use with yourself and othersPlus much, much more..........Join me on this incredible journey of learning, growth and self-awareness as you discover your values, beliefs, identity and purpose and experience the move towards becoming a certified Strategic Life Coach and Helping Practitioner.""As soon as you truly commit to making something happen, the 'how' will reveal itself"" - Tony RobbinsThis fascinating Strategic Life Coach Practitioner Certification Course comes with a Full 30-Day Money Back Guarantee with no questions asked. If you are unhappy with the course in any way you can simply request a full refund from Udemy within that 30 day time period.Click on the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" butting to start you journey into the world of Strategic Life Coaching, it's time to make a difference for yourself and for others!I look forward to seeing you inside the course.My Best RegardsGrahamStrategic Life Coaching Life Coaching Life Coach NLP CBT REBT"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Practitioner ACCREDITED" |
"This Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Practitioner Certification course takes you into the fascinating world of combining Mindfulness with CBT, REBT and other Cognitive Therapy and Psychotherapy areas. In this fully comprehensive course you will discover how Mindfulness and Cognitive Therapy intertwine so effectively to create a therapy model that can benefit both yourself and those you work with.Taking effective tools from the world of Mindfulness and combining them with the best tools from CBT and REBT produces a powerful framework for helping and change. Originally designed to help with recurring bouts of Depression, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy has evolved into something that can help with so much more from emotional issues such as anxiety, stress, depression, overwhelm and frustration to behavioural issues such as anger management as well as being a fantastic way to have and enjoy a better life.... a life on your terms, a mindful life!** Please Note: This Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Practitioner Course is FULYY ACCREDITED with the Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA) and The Priority Academy is Fully Accredited as a Quality Distance Learning Provider, also with the CTAA - Membership Number: 10662322. On completion of this course you will be able to claim your Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Certificate of Accreditation from The Priority Academy and a Practitioner Accreditation Membership from the CTAA (details contained within the course).""Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different. Enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will) and being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won't). - James BarazThe core of working with Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy is an 8 week program of using the varying Mindfulness, Meditation and Cognitive Therapy tools to learn, grow and truly discover what living a mindful life is like. Within this course you will get that full 8 week program, including daily practices of Mindfulness, Cognitive Worksheets and Meditation.==> Ready to jump in and get started? Hit the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" button and join in!What are other students saying about this course?Student DV - 5 Stars""This course is very well done and easy to understand""Student MM - 5 Stars""I am really having an amazing ride of discovery. I have already made changes that will benefit my new state of mind""Student WR - 5 Stars""The instructor is great! Very thorough, knowledgable and funny. His delivery of complex information is spot on""Student MS - 5 Stars""Great course, I'm learning a lot and really enjoying it! I really like the instructors style of teaching""Student VS - 5 Stars""I truly loved this course and would recommend it to all practitioners""PLUS... you will get so much more than that!As we travel through this journey together you will discover all the tools you need to use with the 8 week mindfulness based cognitive therapy program, you'll also discover how Mindfulness and Meditation can have a powerful effect on so much of your life and the life of your clients when combined with Cognitive Therapy. As with all my courses I have included several ""experience videos"" so that you can fully immerse yourself in the learning, not just watching and listening but truly getting involved so that you know how it feels, sounds and looks to be working through the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy process.""The present moment is the only time anyone has to perceive, learn, grow or change"" - Jon Kabat-Zinn (generally regarded as the creator of western mindfulness)There is a chance that you have looked at mindfulness courses already, you may have even taken one or more. You probably know that you want to help others, help yourself or even a bit of both and you are looking to learn, grow and develop your knowledge so that you can do that. The good news is you have found the right mindfulness based course for you, one where you can understand how to interact with these powerful modalities of Mindfulness and Cognitive Therapy and make them work for you and your clients.PLUS - There are mindfulness and cognitive therapy worksheets and workbooks for you to download and use as you wish.PLUS - There is a fully downloadable audio version of this Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy course so that you can listen along and learn on the go. Contained in the audio version is, of course, all of the mindfulness breathing and meditation exercises so that you can use them for yourself or even give them to your clients.There really is no doubt about it, this is one of the most comprehensive courses you will find on Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, at a Practitioner level, out there on the marketplace. It's time to take the opportunity that is presented to you and grab the moment... click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enrol Now"" button and let's take this journey together. It will be my utmost pleasure to be your instructor, your guide, your coach and your mentor into this amazing world of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy.Come and join me!""It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped"" - Tony Robbins As with all courses on Udemy, there is a full 30-day money back guarantee so if, for any reason, you do not like this Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy course you can claim your refund. I am also available via the primate message system here on Udemy to answer any of your questions.Are you ready to take your learning in the areas of mindfulness and cognitive therapy to the next level? Is it time you discovered how effective it is to combine mindfulness and cognitive therapy into a powerful framework for helping people? You are ready to push that ""Buy Now"" button on this mindfulness based cognitive therapy course aren't you? It's time to make that decision, it's time to click that button...... I look forward to seeing you inside this Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy course.My Best RegardsGrahamMindfulness Cognitive Therapy CBT REBT Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Psychotherapy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Procrastination Breakthrough - How to stop procrastinating!" |
"""Procrastination Breakthrough - How to stop procrastinating"" is a fully comprehensive course that will show you what procrastination is along with simple to use, practical strategies that will help you to stop procrastinating, break through and take the actions that will take you to the life you want.""Procrastination is the thief of time"" - Edward YoungThere's a good chance that you are reading this because you procrastinate and, although you know that you do, you don't know how to break free of it. You've probably got fed up of not getting the things and life that you want and you want to break through...... just know that you have come to the right place and that I will help you to discover what is holding you back and make the changes that will give you what you want.Procrastination isn't just the thief of time, it is the thief of life! We all want to live our life on our terms and when we procrastinate we stop ourselves from having that life. Here's what you'll learn throughout this course:Discover what procrastination really is Uncover the patterns that, when you break free of them you'll be set freeBreak free of the habits of procrastinationDig deep down and find out the truth behind why you procrastinate and then free yourselfLearn key strategies to keep you moving forward and gain momentumPLUS - you get a 7 day program to work through to help you end procrastination for good""Don't talk, act. Don't say, show. Don't promise, prove""Here's the thing..... I don't just want to feed you information and leave you to it! Within the course I have added exercises that you can do with me as the video plays, I've included worksheets for you to use and follow through with and (as with all my courses) I've included what I life to call ""Experience Videos"" - These are videos in which you can completely immerse yourself in and get the benefit from. We, as human beings, learn best when we are actually doing and experiencing, that's why I've included all of this.... so that you get the benefits and break yourself free of procrastination!I know that you have started to take steps towards breaking through your procrastination, the fact that you are here right now and reading this is proof of that! Those that want to take the steps towards making that move away from procrastination take action, they search for information, they read and they take courses that will benefit them; this is where you are..... ready to take the actions that will help you live your life.There may be something creeping up inside you right now that is telling you to stop and you need to fight against that and take one simple step...... click ""Buy Now"" or ""Enrol Now"" ......... and you are on the road to setting yourself free. Make sure that you take that first step and sign up now as that gives you the momentum to get started and keep going to the life you want. Now is the time!""The path to success is to take determined action"" - Tony RobbinsFirst of all you'll learn the truth behind procrastination (and it's probably not what you've been told!), you'll discover how to break free of the patterns that have held you back and then you'll get a 7 days program of strategies to follow to follow and rid yourself of procrastination once and for all.If you procrastinate now there's a good chance you'll do so for the rest of your life, now is the time to step up and take action...... hit the ""Buy Now"" button now and let's get started breaking you through and breaking you free to live your life on your terms.Consider what it is that you want in life and what procrastinating has cost you up until now....... are you willing to keep missing out? I look forward to seeing you within the course.My Best RegardsGraham"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Tinkercad ile Arduino Programlama" |
"Artk, arduino programlamak ok kolay. Tinkercad Circuitszerindenarduino program hazrlayp, blokla (ksmi) programlayp,simulasyon ortamnda test etmek ok kolay. Kodlama, tasarm, uygulama hepsi bir arada. Oluturacanz programn kodunu download edip, arduino ile donanma aktarp, ok hzl ilem yapabileceksiniz. Buton, led, servo motor, kablo, ultrasonic sensr, scaklk sensr, dc motor, 9v batarya. ... .... ...... .... ... .... .... .... ... ... ... . . . . .. ... .... . . seviye programlamadr. leriki dnemde devam eitimi vereceim. Kendinizi en iyi gelitirebilmeniz dileiyle."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Optimization problems and algorithms" |
"This is an introductory course to the stochastic optimization problems and algorithms as the basics sub-fields in Artificial Intelligence. We will cover the most fundamental concepts in the field of optimization including metaheuristics and swarm intelligence. By the end of this course, you will be able to identify and implement the main components of an optimization problem. Optimization problems are different, yet there have mostly similar challenges and difficulties such as constraints, multiple objectives, discrete variables, and noises. This course will show you how to tackle each of these difficulties. Most of the lectures come with coding videos. In such videos, the step-by-step process of implementing the optimization algorithms or problems are presented. We have also a number of quizzes and exercises to practice the theoretical knowledge covered in the lectures. Here is the list of topics covered:History of optimization Optimization problems Single-objective optimization algorithmsParticle Swarm Optimization Optimization of problems with constraints Optimization of problems with binary and/or discrete variables Optimization of problems with multiple objectivesOptimization of problems with uncertainties Particle Swarm Optimization will be the main algorithm, which is a search method that can be easily applied to different applications including Machine Learning, Data Science, Neural Networks, and Deep Learning. I am proud of 200+ 5-star reviews. Some of the reviews are as follows: David said: ""This course is one of the best online course I have ever taken. The instructor did an excellent job to very carefully prepare the contents, slides, videos, and explains the complicated code in a very careful way. Hope the instructor can develop much more courses to enrich the society. Thanks!""Khaled said: ""Dr. Seyedali is one of the greatest instructor that i had the privilege to take a course with. The course was direct to the point and the lessons are easy to understand and comprehensive. He is very helpful during and out of the course. i truly recommend this course to all who would like to learn optimizationPSO or those who would like to sharpen their understanding in optimization. best of luck to all and THANK YOU Dr. Seyedali.""Biswajit said: ""This coursework has really been very helpful for me as I have to frequently deal with optimization. The most prominent feature of the course is the emphasis given on coding and visualization of results. Further, the support provided by Dr. Seyedali through personal interaction is top notch.Boumaza said: ""Good Course from Dr. Seyedali Mirjalili. It gives us clear picture of the algorithms used in optimization. It covers technical as well as practical aspects of optimization. Step by step and very practical approach to optimization through well though and properly explained topics, highly recommended course You really help me a lot. I hope, someday, I will be one of the players in this exciting field! Thanks to Dr. Seyedali Mirjalili.""Join 1000+ students and start your optimization journey with us. If you are in any way not satisfied, for any reason, you can get a full refund from Udemy within 30 days. No questions asked. But I am confident you won't need to. I stand behind this course 100% and am committed to help you along the way."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Multi-objective Optimization Problems and Algorithms" |
"This is an introductory course to multi-objective optimization using Artificial Intelligence search algorithms. We start with the details and mathematical models of problems with multiple objectives. Then, we focus on understanding the most fundamental concepts in the field of multi-objective optimization including but not limited to: search space, objective space, Pareto optimality, Pareto optimal solution set, Pareto optimal front, Pareto dominance, constraints, objective function, local fronts, local solutions, true Pareto optimal solutions, true Pareto optimal front, etc. In the second part of this course, several optimization methods will be given to solve multi-objective optimization problems as follows: No preference methods A priori methods A posteriori methods Progressive methods The course also includes a large number of coding videos to give you enough opportunity to practice the theory covered in the lecture. There are also several case studies including real-world problems that allow you to learn the process of solving challenging multi-objective optimization problems using multi-objective optimization algorithms. For the search methods, we will be using stochastic optimization algorithms including Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithms. This means that we develop Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) and multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms (MOGA). Some of the reviews for this course are as follows: Femi said: ""As always, the instructor is expert in the course and explained in details with real-life examples, and I love his teaching style, even though the course is a bit tough, he made it fun!""Pankaj said: ""Dr Mirjalili teaches with a very good pace and conveys the concept clearly. The examples he uses are very relatable and he makes learning tricky concepts really fun.""Oyakhilome said: ""Another great course by Dr. Seyedali. All components of the course were well structured and tailored to meet the educational needs of the students. I strongly recommend this course to everyone new to the field of optimization.""Join 1000+ students and start your optimization journey with us. If you are in any way not satisfied, for any reason, you can get a full refund from Udemy within 30 days. No questions asked. But I am confident you won't need to. I stand behind this course 100% and am committed to help you along the way."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Combinatorial Problems and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm" |
"Search methods and heuristics are of the most fundamental Artificial Intelligence techniques. One of the most well-regarded of them is Ant Colony Optimization that allows humans to solve some of the most challenging problems in history. This course takes you through the details of this algorithm. The course is helpful to learn the following concepts: Part 1: 1.The main components of the 2.Formulating combinatorial optimization problems 3.Difficulty of combinatorial optimization problems 4.State space tree5.Search space 6.Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)Part 2: 1.Exact methods 2.Heuristics methods 3.Brute-force (exhaustive) algorithm to solve combinatorial problems 4.Branch and bound algorithm to solve combinatorial problems 5.The nearest neighbour to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem Part 3: 1.Inspirations of the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) 2.Mathematical models of the Ant Colony Optimization 3.Implementation of the Ant Colony Optimization 4.Testing and analysing the performance of the Ant Colony Optimization 5.Tuning the parameter of the Ant Colony Optimization Ant Colony Optimization will be the main algorithm, which is a search method that can be easily applied to different applications including Machine Learning, Data Science, Neural Networks, and Deep Learning. Some of the reviews are as follows: Fan said: ""Another Wonderful course of Dr SeyedaliI really appreciate it I also look forward to more applications and examples of ACO.""Ashish said: ""This course clears my concept about Ant colony optimization specially with MATLAB and how to apply to our problem. Thank you so much, Sir, for design such a helpful course""Join 100+ students and start your optimization journey with us. If you are in any way not satisfied, for any reason, you can get a full refund from Udemy within 30 days. No questions asked. But I am confident you won't need to. I stand behind this course 100% and am committed to help you along the way."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
IOS-Objective-C |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Drawing on the iPad with Adobe Draw" |
"This course will help you unleash the power and fun of making art and design on your iPad! In this coursestudentswill learnhow to draw with Adobe Draw on aniPad. This course covers the tools inside of Adobe Draw while showinga method to approach a drawing. Studentswill learn to add an image layer as well as how to adddrawing layers.This course coverscreating a color library that reflects a reference imageas well as how toaddcolor fills toshapes with the paintbrush and paint bucket to capture an image. (In this course I am working with an iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil. Any ipad and stylus will work for this course.)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tableau 10 Industry Secrets: Top Dashboard Tables" |
"DescriptionThrough Tableau 10, learn how to take those outdatedExcel reports and start delivering opportunities to decision makers, that gives them the information to increase sales, revenue or cut poor running projects.Youll learn how to visualise data and how to build indicators, that will allow you to deliver great reports that are, used, advocate data driven decisions and look beautiful.Start delivering REAL value with TableauWe are all in the business of making money, if your reports do not help the key decision maker steer the company to increase value, because there are static or difficult to grasp,then your reports are unfortunately providing NO value.Take boring Excel reports and Deliver Actionable Insights in Tableau.Each section is packed full of ideas, hints and tips. Whether, you are converting Excel reports to Tableau or you are optimising your current Tableau reports. The skillset built during the course will produce value for the rest of your Tableau career.Contents & OverviewThe course covers one of the most popular requests when using Tableau.Can you please, take this Excel report and put it in Tableau?""The course introduces you to Tableau table designs, using both basic and advance calculations to deliverindicators with actionable insights.As you move through the course, you will gather invaluable skills on how to develop your spreadsheetvisualisations, with smart and intuitive solutions.By the end you will be fully prepared to take those insufficient spreadsheetreports and use your new skills straight away to move them intopowerful Tableau reports.Make a Difference -Take Action"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como descifrar un mapa del tesoro" |
"Este curso de anlisis tcnico de los mercados financieros est basado en mi propia experiencia. Es un curso personal. Podra expresarlo como ""Trading de autor"". Conl aprenders a manejar las herramientas que yo personalmente utilizo para operar en los mercados. No es un curso de anlisis tcnico al uso. Es estimulante,prctico y muy til . Conocers la frmula para descifrar en un grfico el camino que te llevar al tesoro.Una vez lo finalices tendrs la sensacin de haber estudiadoalgo realmente interesante que te permitir,si lo deseas, adentrarte con paso firme en este apasionante mundo de la bolsa."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"90-Minute Guide to Keeping Yourself & Your Family Safe" |
"Our workshop will cover the following topics:Safety On-the-GoPreventing Sexual AssaultHome SecurityRed Flags of Domestic AbuseBasic Self-DefenseCreating Body Boundaries in ChildrenTeaching the Importance of StrangersSelf-Worth, Confidence, & Assertiveness-Lecturer Sarah Lenzini, Certified Assertiveness CoachWhat to do in the Event of an AttackMass Shooting Safety-Lecturer Itamar Marani, Former Air Marshal & Professional Martial ArtistPreparing for College"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux Inter Process Communication (IPC) from Scratch in C" |
"About This Course is about learning How Linux Processes Talk to each Other. This is a sub-domain of Linux System Programming. We shall explore various popular mechanism used in the industry through which Linux processes to exchange data with each other. We will go through the concepts in detail behind each IPC mechanism, discuss the implementation, and design and analyze the situation where the given IPC is preferred over others.We also discuss how applications should be designed to use IPC facilities provided by underlying Linux OS.You will have Assignments wherever possible, and throughout the course, there shall be one project in which you shall be incrementally applying the new IPC technique you have learned. Towards the end of the course, you would have practiced and applied all IPC techniques learned in this course.Each IPC mechanism, we will have a detailed code walk in which I show you how actually a given IPC mechanism is implemented on sending and receiving side. When you would join the industry, from day 1 you will witness IPC concepts being applied all over the software in order to facilitate communication between different parts of the software.Who should do this course ?This course is meant for UG Computer science students, job seekers, and professional developers. This is a MUST do course for those who want to join MNCs as a developer in System Programming. In System Programming, almost all the time you have to use IPC to carry out data exchange between processes, therefore students graduating in computer science and looking to seek an opportunity in MNCs as a developer should have IPC concepts at his/her fingertips.Pre-requisiteIt shall be advantageous if you know a little about C and OS. We designed this course assuming the student is a complete beginner in Linux IPC and we raise the level of course gradually as we move from Basic to advance concepts wherever necessary.Also, please just do not sit and watch my codes. Write your own codes, even if it is the same as mine!Related CoursesRPC (Remote Procedure Calls) is another way of carrying out Inter-Process Communication between two processes running on separate machines in the network. You may also want to check my other course on Linux RPCs where you will learn how to implement RPCs from scratch.Programming Language used In this course :We have strong reasons to choose C as a language for this course:IPC is a facility provided by the OS to developers to carry out data exchange between processes. Learning IPC using C helps you understand what is going on behind the scenes. C language really exposes the low-level details about how the system actually works. In System programming, C is the only language to be used and there is not even a remote substitute of this language when it comes to System programming.No Third-Party librariesWhatever logic you implement, you need to implement it from scratch. This course does not suggest taking the help of any third party library to get the jobs done. Use of external libraries completely defeats the purpose of the course. However, it is recommended to use third-party libraries for commonly used data structures such as linked lists/Trees/Queues, etc which saves a lot of time implementing these data structures.Note1 : Though we use Linux to teach the IPC techniques, conceptually, IPC of Linux is not very different from other OS platforms such as windows, iOS, etc. So, if you are a programmer for other platforms, this course still holds great value for you.Note2 : This Course talks about various techniques regarding exchanging data between processes, the other related topics such as process synchronization and locking is out of the scope of this course and will be covered separately.Warning: This course has auto system-generated subtitles which may not be perfect. Please disable subtitles as per your convenience.CurriculumIntroductionTable of ContentsComputer Architecture - OverviewVarious IPC TechniquesCommunication TypesIPC Technique 1 - Unix Domain SocketsSocket API IntroductionSocket Message TypesSocket Design ParadigmAccept System CallIntroducing Unix Domain SocketUnix Domain Socket Server ImplementationUnix Domain Socket Client ImplementationMultiplexingSelect System CallMultiplexing Server State machineMultiplexed Server ImplementationData Synchronization - IPC Project part 1IPC Technique 2 - Message QueueIntroductionMsgQ as a Kernel ResourceOpen & Create a MsgQClosing a MsgQEnque Data in MsgQDequeue Data from MsgQUnlinking a MsgQUsing a Msg Q - Design perspectiveBi-Directional Communication Code Walk - ImplementationDemonstrationIPC Technique 3 - Shared MemoryOverall Design GoalsConcept of Virtual Memory Program Control BlockShared Memory BasicsKernel Memorymmap() - Memory MappingDesign ConstraintShared Memory related APIsData Synchronization - IPC Project part 2IPC Technique 4 - SignalsIntroductionLinux Well knows SignalsSignals Generation and TrappingSending Signals using Kill()Data Synchronization - IPC Project part 3IPC Technique 5 - Network socketsSocket Programming DesignSelect System callAccept System callConcept of MultiplexingServer State machineProject on Socket Programming - IPC Project 4Multiplexing on Different IPCsUse select() to multiplex on different IPC interfaces"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts" |
"There are already innumerable courses/tutorials on internet/Udemy which teaches almost every aspect of C programming language. All those courses sound same, talk same and deliver more or less same knowledge. How is this course different from others ? The intention of this course is to make you ready for System programming Technical interviews, interview level - from Beginner to Intermediate. This course is for (future) Developers, not for testers or System Administrators.I choose to create this course to fill the gap between novice/beginner and intermediate/Advanced Programmers. This course assumes that you are at-least above average in programming (in any programming language, but preferable in C/C++) - know memory allocations, all kinds of loops, function calls, pointers etc. In this course, I won't teach C/C++ (there are already many courses on it online), but would teach programming techniques and low-level details regarding how C program works behind the scenes - All topics very important from interview point of view. My Target is to grow this course into Linux/C Bible.Yet, I always feel, you need to outsmart your fellow colleagues in this era of stiff competition, and therefore, I tried this attempt to present you the wisdom and knowledge which is of utmost importance for a programmer. I have seen though students could write good C/C++ programs, yet they lack the clarity on how one should write better organized, Manageable, extensible and programmable codes in the form of libraries. For example, Students too good in competitive programming, yet do not know how to write a simple Makefile, reason being, Academics do not teach and students do not care to learn. In this course, I will cover the topics related to creating Linux System Libraries (release 1) with Advanced language-agnostic Programming Concepts (release 2) which can be well applied if you happen to become a programmer in other languages tomorrow. The Concepts like MultiThreading, Thread-Synchronization, Socket Programming, IPCs etc demands a separate course on each topic altogether. Currently, I have a course on IPC, pls check it out. These topics are out of scope for this course. The Course shall be delivered into two Releases : Release 1 Building and Managing a Library: This covers basics regarding how one should create and organize his code as a Library. Release 2 Memory Management Concepts: This covers Advance concepts on Linux Memory Management specifically. Please check Table of Contents for more info.Why you should *NOT* do this course?1. Please Excuse this course if you are the ultimate beginner in C programming !!2. There is no point of doing this course if you don't like hitting the keyboard, and lazy enough to watch lecture VDOs only3. If you want everything cooked and served on your plate. Course Pre-requisite :Above Beginners Level in C/C++ programmingGood to have basic OS knowledgeZeal to excel and CodeNo Third Party librariesWhatever logic you implement, you need to implement it from scratch. Like all my other courses, this course do not suggest taking help of any third party library to get the jobs done. Use of external libraries completely defeats the purpose of the course. Warning: This course has auto system-generated subtitles which may not be perfect. Please disable subtitles as per your convenience.Curriculum :**********************************************Release 1 Building and Managing a Library**********************************************Section 1 : Introduction to Libraries What is LibraryRelationship between Library and ApplicationEx : Doubly linked list as a LibraryQuick Compilation StepsSummarySection 2 : Header FilesRelationship between Source and header filesText Substitution MethodText Substitution Method - Example and DemoSection 3 : Preprocessing DirectivesProblem of Duplicate inclusion of Hdr filesPre-processing DirectivesSolution to Duplicate inclusion of Hdr filesSection 4 : Correct way of Using Structures and FunctionsStructures - Define and Use thumb RuleFunctions - Declare and Use thumb ruleThe problem of Recursive DependencyA solution to Recursive DependencySection 5 : Creation of Static and Dynamic LibrariesResuming with Doubly Linked List LibraryQuick Creation of Static and Dynamic LibrariesLinking with Static LibraryLinking with Dynamic LibrarySection 7: Understanding four stages of Compilation Four stages of C/C++ CompilationHow Dynamic Library works ?Dynamic Linking : Linking with Dynamic LibraryComparison - Static Vs Dynamic LinkingSection 8 : Building using a Makefile What are Makefiles and why do we need itFunctions of MakefileMakefile Dependency treeSteps of Writing a MakefileAssignment on MakefileSection 9 : Run-time Programmable libraries What are Programmable Libraries?Steps to Program the librariesRegistering of the callbacks with Librarieskey_match callbackcomparison_fn callbackDelegation of Application-specific operations to LibrariesSection 10 : Writing Iterators using MacrosWhat are Iterative Macros ?Why we need Iterative Macros ?How to Write Iterative Macros - For Trees and Linked ListsExercisesSection 11 : Glue Based Libraries and Data structuresWhat are the Glue Based Libraries?Introducing Glthreads - A Glued LinkedListGlthreads Vs Traditional Linked ListStructure field offsetGLThread Operations Code WalkGLThread Benefits ************************************************Release 2 Memory Management Concepts************************************************Section 12 : Memory Layout of Linux ProcessVirtual Memory Basics Memory Layout of Linux Process Example: Memory Layout of Linux Process Exercise on size command Section 13 : Stack Memory ManagementStack Memory Basics and Contents Stack-Overflow and Prevention Stack Memory Corruption Common Cpu RegistersProcedure Call Mechanism - Step by StepPurpose of Base Pointer register (ebp) Procedure Return Mechanism - Step by StepLab session Section 14 : Heap Memory ManagementIntroduction and GoalsHow Malloc Works Top of Heap Memory region - break pointerHeap Memory Mgmt Sys Calls - brk and sbrkMeta and Data BlocksHow free() worksBlock SplittingBlock MergingMemory Illness - Problem of FragmentationSection 15 : Concept of PagingIntroduction to PagingByte Addressable Memory32 bit and 64 bit Machine ArchitectureAddress Bus and Data bus Physical Vs Virtual AddressPhysical Memory Frames Virtual Address CompositionPage TablePaging In ActionShared Physical MemorySection 16 : Multilevel PagingSection 17 : Demand PagingSection 18 : Memory Management for Multi-threaded ProcessThe intention of this course is to make you ready for System programming Technical interviews from beginners to upto 8-9 yrs of experience.Q. What are the frequently asked questions by interviewers in a technical round when someone writes C/C++/System Programming language on their resume?Answer : If i am interviewer, what questions i would ask depends on his no of years of experience in C.13 yrs of experience I would have asked:Double pointersdesign a Macro to return the size of the structureTwo Dimensional Arrays, passing and returning arrays from a fnDifferent stages of C program compilationhow fork() worksWhat are various ways to debug memory corruptions.various IPCsHeap and Stack memory-based Question46 yrs of experience - I would have asked:How memory is allocated by the OSInternal and external fragmentation, what can be done to avoid itSystem calls, strace()Trade-of of one IPC over othervarious ways to communicate with kernel and comparisonData (De)Serialization in CRPC in Ccallbacks advanced applicationtypedef Vs #defineGeneric programming in C using macrosThread SynchronizationHeap and Stack memory based Question7+ yrs of experience - I would have askedHave you designed any system module to solve any problemDesign thread library 0 what functionalities would you incorporate in and how ?What are Dos and Donts for writing a robust and flexible libraryHow to write generic code in CVarious ways to implement timers in C, and comparison of approachesHow Interrupts work ?IPCs and comparisonHow would you convert a C code to C++ and vice versaHow to write a tool to detect memory leaks, Or garbage collectionDesign your own memory allocation tool. Why would you write your own memory allocation scheme ?When to go for Multi-process design over Multi-threaded design and vice versaHow ValGrind tool worksIn production code, would you favor recursive but simple logic, Or Non recursive but complex logic, and why ?If you analyze the pattern,Candidate with 13 yrs of experience, I would chose to ask more of a direct and straightforward Questions.Candidate with 46 yrs of experience, I would chose to ask more advanced technical C Question plus some comparison of approaches based QuestionsCandidate with 7+ yrs of experience, I would chose to ask more of a design and Analysis based Question.Note that, since Question pertains to C and System Programming, so i have not mentioned Data structures and Algorithms."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Integrate CLI interface to your C/C++ Projects Quickly" |
" This Course may make your rest of the life easy !! :pThis Course is not limited to only Linux Programmers, Windows Programmers using CodeBlocks or other IDE can also follow up this course, however, all codes discussed in this course are compiled using GNU gcc compiler on ubuntu.I have seen students, creating Menu driven approach in order to interact and test their Linux Or System programs and applications. This approach just somehow works but gives away soon when you need to provide additional input to your application Or number of options to interact with the applications scales.Hence, Tired of creating a Main-Menu Like interface to interact with your Linux short programs or projects ? Here is a solution. This is a short course using which you can quickly integrate the CLI library libcli to your linux programs or projects written in C or C++ in less than 1.5 hr. You can add more configuration, show, debug, clear etc commands as per your wish. Gone are the days of creating a Main-Menu in order to interact with the linux applications which do not have GUI interfaces.In this course, we tour you quickly through the steps required to integrate the libcli to a C Hello world application, and shows you how you can add your own custom commands to your application in a step by step manner.Note : We do not discuss the internal implementation of libcli library (as of today on 25 Aug 2019), the purpose of this course is to quickly help you come up with the CLI interface to your C/C++ programs and projects being developed on Linux platforms.This is one time effort !After Doing this Short Course, You shall be able to integrate libcli library with all your future projects quickly, and this is essential for doing big projects in system programming domain where user has to provide variety of number of inputs to the application/project.Through this short course you will understand :1. How to integrate a given LibCLI library to the project in C/C++2. Power of Callbacks3. Compiling your projects by linking it with libcli library4. Overview of Data structure used to organize CommandsTable Of Contents :Section 1 :We shall cover the necessary minimal theory to understand the high-level general design and implementation of Command-Line Interfaces.Section 2 :We shall be doing practical sessions - Integrating a libcli library to your hello world application/project Note : I would like to have your feedback, would you like me to expand this course and add more details regarding internal design and implementation of libCLI library so that you can implement your own version of libCLI library as a project. It shall be an intermediate level project.I would also suggest you think along the way, how would you have designed and implemented libCLI like library by yourself from scratch. Take it as a self system programming project."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |