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"Build Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) - from scratch in C" |
"About This course is about Developing your own Remote procedure calls - I will use Linux OS for this course, however you can use Windows OS if you are used to it. The essence and real strength of this course is No use of any third party libraries. I follow this principle in all my other courses. Whatever you learn through my courses, you learn from absolute ground level. This course does not violate the principle and teaches you how to build Remote Procedure Calls step by step from absolute scratch - No framework, tools, supporting libraries or anything - just pure C. This course actually lays the foundation of many future System Software Projects. Few of which are below and is a part of this course curriculum.Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) is a technique to invoke the function/procedure which actually resides on different physical machine running somewhere else in the network - hence the name remote procedures. In this course, you will learn the concepts working behind the scenes. The same concepts can be extended to implement other system programming concepts, besides RPC, such as - Data Synchronization and Check-pointing the application state. This course promise to deliver the complete content on developing RPCs in its initial release.Data Synchronization - It is a process to synchronize the complete application Heap state to remote machine. The remote machine will build the mirror heap state. In the event, the first machine fails, the remote machine can take over as it has all the state required to resume the operation of failed machine.Check pointing - It is a process of saving the application Memory state to disk/file persistently, so that, the application can be restarted/resumed any time building the exact same Memory state from Memory snapshot stored earlier to secondary storage.Check pointing shall be delivered in subsequent releases of this course.Who should do this course ?Beginners Please take this course at your discretion. You should be good with C pointers and how C objects are laid out in memory. I expect you to be at-least above beginner level in C programming. This means, that only very enthusiastic students who wants to get an edge over the smartest student in their college should enroll. Average students Pls excuse. Job seekers and professional developers Must enroll. The concepts you learn from this course is language agnostic and having learned them will enable you to implement the RPC/Data-Synch/Checkpointing in any programming language of your choice. If tomorrow you happen to work in Java, you shall be knowing how RPCs work at the lowest level of implementation. Pre-requisiteC and being good at pointers is a pre-requiste of this course. A minimal socket programming back-ground is desirable but not mandatory. We designed this course starting from absolute basics and building the foundation of learners first before actually pulling the course at full throttle. If you are not good with pointers and memory manipulation in C, Pls enroll only after meeting the pre-requisite criteria.Also, Please just do not sit and watch my codes. Write your own codes, even if it is same as mine !Programming Language used In this course :We have a strong reasons to choose C as a language for this course:RPC is a technique which if knowing the concepts can be implemented in any programming language of your choice. Learning RPC using C helps you understand what is going on behind the scenes. C language really exposes the low level details about how system actually works. In System programming, C is the only language to be used and there is not even a remote substitute of this language when it comes to System programming.No Third Party librariesWhatever logic you implement, you need to implement it from scratch, beginning from #include <stdio.h>. This course do not suggest taking help of any third party library to get the jobs done. Use of external libraries completely defeats the purpose of the course. However, it is recommended to use third party libraries for commonly used data structures such as linked lists/Trees/Queues etc which saves a lot of time implementing these data structures.Related CoursesRPC is one way of carrying out Inter Process Communication between two processes running on separate machines in the network. You may also want to check my another course in which Linux IPC techniques has been discussed.Warning : This course has auto system-generated subtitles which may not be perfect. Please disable subtitles as per your convenience.CurriculumThis Course is divided into two major parts - 1. Understanding the Concept of Serialization and DeSerialization in great detail2. Using the Serialization and DeSerialization to actually solve/build system. This includes :Building Remote Procedure CallsState SynchronizationCheck pointing the application stateSection 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are dedicated to build up the base on thoroughly mastering the concept of Serialization and DeSerialization.Section 7, 8, 9 are dedicated to build and develop above stated systemsSection 1 - Get StartedTable Of Contents of the Entire CourseLinux Installation for BeginnersSection 2 - What is Serialization and Why we need it ?Section 3 - Concept of Data Serialization and DeSerializationSerializing and DeSerializing Simple C StructuresSerializing and DeSerializing Nested C StructuresSerializing and DeSerializing Pointer C StructuresSection 4 - STREAMS - A Data StructureDesign and ImplementationSection 5 - Data Serialization and DeSerialization Implementation in CSerializing and DeSerializing Simple C StructuresSerializing and DeSerializing Nested C StructuresSerializing and DeSerializing Pointer C StructuresAn ExampleSection 6 - Serializing Generic Data structuresUse Function Pointers to Serialize void *Section 7 - Implementing Remote procedure calls from ScratchUnderstanding RPC Concept and Design Developing Client Stubs - Marshalling of RPC ArgumentsDeveloping Server Stubs - UnMarshalling of RPC ArgumentsDeveloping Server Stubs - Marshalling of RPC Return TypeDeveloping Client Stubs - UnMarshalling of RPC Return TypeConcept of RPC IdentityRPC Use CasesSection 8 - State SynchronizationSection 9 - Checkpointing (Coming Soon)**Audit Trial **30 Sept 2018 - Added Section 8 on State Synchronization29 Sept 2018 - Added Section 6 on Serializing Generic Data structures"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"System C Project - Write a Garbage Collector from Scratch" |
"I was asked this question in Amazon/Google Interviews : 1. How would you design a garbage collector for C programs? 2. If designing a garbage collector was that easy, why we dont have it integrate with C programming language already ?? Complete this course to get the answers. :pThis course is a Project-based course and involved coding in C at every stage of the course.Mention this project on your Resume with all proud.This is a C Project (open for extension for C++) in which you will learn and write a library that catches the memory leaks, if any, by the application. In this project, I have explained step by step how to design and implement a garbage collector library called MLD (Memory Leak Detector) which when integrated to your application will provide the facility to catch leaked objects and report them. MLD library will be the generic library and has the ability to parse any application's data structures and manipulate them.The Project is explained in 3 phases.Note: This is a course that require a little bit of analysis power, beginner students can also learn much from this course that how you can create a program which can parse its own objects and structures. This technique is used to create many other projects out of which one is Memory leak detection. Advice: Class of Students who needs ""spoon-feeding"", pls refrain from enrolling in project-based courses.Key highlights : Since the advent of C/C++ Programming language, Memory management is one of the responsibilities which the developer has to deal withC/C++ Softwares often suffers from Two Memory related Problems :Memory corruptionMemory leakUnlike Java, C/C++ does not have the luxury for automatic garbage collectionJava does not allow programmer to access the physical memory directly, but C/C++ does, not does java expose pointers directly to the developer/coder. Therefore Java applications do not suffer from Memory corruption either, but C/C++ doesIn this course, we will design and implement Memory Leak Detector (MLD) tool for C programs, easily extensible to C++ as wellSome Students have requested to provide a formal description of this project. For Students who want to mention this project in their resume, or doing this project as their OS project - you can mention the following title and abstract of this project as below : Title: ""Design and Implementation of Java-like Garbage Collector for C Programs"".In this project, we try to implement a garbage collector for C programs which work on the principle of reachability of objects to detect memory leaks. Through this project, we understand the limitation of such a garbage collector for C like programming languages (which have direct access to underlying memory addresses, unlike Java/python) and analyze its limitations and cost for being an inbuilt feature of C-like language."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Master Class : TCP/IP Mechanics from Scratch to Expert" |
"This is Master Class course on TCP/IP protocol - Transmission Control Protocol. Since it is Master Class course, this course discusses the internal design and functioning of complex transport layer protocol - TCP. Almost all traffic on internet today is transported by TCP protocol. TCP, as where it stands today, mature and solid, is the result of over 25 yrs of research by network gurus. TCP is complicated and difficult to understand, therefore i have paid utmost attention to present the concept in most simplest way as possible without any loss of information.In this course, we unwrap internals of TCP and try to understand how it works and why it is so designed. So, be ready and place yourself in first gear ! TCP is difficult to understand and confusing if not done in the right way. In this course, I shall be covering all aspects of TCP internal functioning STEP BY STEP with beautiful diagrams, Assignments, Questions and exercises. At no point you shall be left with doubts is my promise. There is no programming in this course. This is a little Advanced Course, if you are absolute beginner in networking, I would recommend you to first enroll in my other course ""Networking course - Network Concepts and Programming from Scratch"" and cover important sections on L2 routing, L3 routing, and Transport Layer at-least before jumping into this course. If you are already familiar with this much networking basics, then you are all set to sail through this course.Table Of Contents:Section 1 : Basics1. Agenda of the course2. General overview of OSI model and TCP/IP stack3. TCP IP Stack layer functions4. Transport Layer Goals5. User Datagram Protocol (UDP)6. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)7. UDP Vs TCP8. SummarySection 2 : TCP Preliminaries1. TCP Vs Other Protocols2. TCP ARQ Challanges3. TCP Byte Circular Buffers4. Segments and Sequence Numbers5. TCP Segments Type6. TCP Reliable Delivery7. TCP Retransmission Timer Illustration8. TCP together with IP Protocol9. Summary From here on we shall dive deep into specifics of TCPSection 3 : TCP Connection Management1. Who is Client and Who is Server ?2. TCP - 4-tuples3. TCP Connection Open - 3-way handshake Explained 4. TCP Connection Closing - 4-way handshake5. Sequence Numbers Consumption Rules6. TCP Connection Timeout and Exponential Backoff Section 4 : TCP Timeout and Retransmission 1. TCP Retransmission2. TCP RTO Problems if computed Wrongly3. Expectations from TCP when Segment loss occurs4. TCP Exponential backoff - When consecutive segment loss occurs5. TCP RTO Value Estimation6. TCP Retransmission Ambiguity Problem 7. Karn's Algorithm8. Karn's Algorithm Illustration9. Karns Algorithm Analysis 9. Concept of Fast Retransmission10. TCP handling out of order segments11. TCP holes Problem and its remedy12. Redundant Retransmission due to dupACK 13. Fast Re-transmission Vs Timer based Re-transmissions 14. Selective Acknowledgement (SACKs)15. SACKs Example16. Cumulative AcknowledgementSection 5 : TCP Data flow and Window Management1. TCP Send and Recv Windows 2. TCP Send and Recv Window Layout3. TCP Flow control4. TCP Window Advertisement 5. Sliding Window Rules 6. Window Management Example 7. Data Accumulation - TCP Nagle Algorithm9. TCP Window Size Resizing10. TCP Zero Window 11. TCP Probe Segments12. Problem of Silly Window Syndrome (SWS)13. Silly Window Syndrome Solution (SWS - Solution)14. SWS - Complete ExampleSection 6 : TCP Congestion Control Procedures 1. TCP - Congestion Control Procedures2. TCP - CCP Goals3. TCP - 3 Parts of CCP 4. Introducing Congestion Window5. Congestion Control Algorithms a. Slow Start b. Congestion Avoidance 6. Slow Start Algorithm 7. Slow Start Algorithm in Action8. Slow Start Algorithm Summary and SSthrash 9. Congestion Avoidance Algorithm With Example10. Congestion Control Algorithm Selection and Switching11. Typical TCP Graph12. Concept of Fast Recovery13. Algorithm Selection FlowchartGood Luck ! Hope you Enjoy the course."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"How To Win Repeat Customers Time And Time Again" |
"Competition in businessis fierce, yet there are some that appear to be unaffected as they remain head and shoulders above the others.What do they know that others don't?They understand that retaining customers is far more cost effective than acquiring new onesThose customers are likely to make more purchases andReferrals from loyal customers can add more value to your business than paid advertising aloneThis course is a mustfor the entrepreneurand anyone positioned on thecustomer service front line keen to build a loyal client base."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"GNU/Linux de dbutant confirm en quelques heures" |
"UPDATE 2020:Chaque notion est dsormais associe un exercice en ligne gratuit qui vous permet de manipuler sans avoir besoin d'installer une machine virtuelle. En effet, grce aux exercices que j'ai cr sur Katacoda, les instructions figurent sur la gauche, et vous avez accs un terminal Linux sur la fentre de droite. Il ne reste plus qu' drouler :Commandes Linux de baseUtiliser le man et dcouvrir de nouvelles commandesUtiliser la commande lsManipulation des fichiers - Cration, suppression et dplacementApprendre trouver des fichiers sur LinuxManipuler les permissions des fichiersApprendre manipuler la gestion des utilisateursApprendre manipuler la gestion des groupesGestion, configuration et installation de nouveaux paquetsGestion et manipulation des processusUtiliser les Crontabs pour mettre en place des taches rpterUPDATE 2019Une nouvelle sixime partie, portant sur les tches d'administration d'un systme Linux a t ajoute en Fvrier 2019 avec notamment l'explication de l'utilisation des commandes permettant de grer les processus, processeurs, mmoire RAM SWAP et espace disque, grce top, ps, iostat, uptime et plein d'autres.Ce cours s'adresse un public novice qui souhaite apprendre utiliser un systme d'exploitation de type Linux.Dans un premier temps, nous reprendrons toutes les bases ncessaires la bonne comprhension du fonctionnement du systme, et nous verrons tape par tape comment installer et paramtrer sa version d'Ubuntu 16.04LTS et de Debian 9 Stretch.Dans un deuxime temps, nous explorerons notre distribution Ubuntu, en y voyant les diffrents dossiers racines existants, puis le shell et les commandes Linux de base. Il est important d'avoir le rflexe d'utiliser le man sur Linux et nous l'tudierons dans une vido ddie.Dans un troisime temps, les diteurs de texte nano et vi seront abords, tout comme la manipulation et l'interaction de l'utilisateur avec les fichiers. Nous y verrons les redirections du shell et surtout les droits d'accs aux fichiers.Dans la quatrime partie, la gestion des utilisateurs et des groupes, les services DHCP, SSH et DNS, le service networking (fichier /etc/network/interfaces) et la gestion des processus seront vu en dtail.Nous aborderons en cinquime partie le scripting bash de base, dont l'utilisation avance est disponible dans un autre cours.Enfin il existe de nombreuses vidos bonus, comme l'installation et la configuration du serveur DNS Bind9, l'utilisation de Putty, l'installation et la configuration d'un serveur RADIUS, etc...A la fin de ce cours, vous serez capable d'tre compltement autonome dans l'utilisation de votre systme Linux. Vous pourrez sans problme suivre des conversations portant sur ce domaine et vous serez capable d'tre force de proposition."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Nuclear Weapons" |
"The purpose of this course is to explain nuclear weapons and effects, and most importantly, this course explains the basic steps for protecting yourself. This course explains explosive blast, heat and thermal effects, electromagnetic pulse, initial radiation and residual radiation or fallout.At the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of nuclear weapons effects and know how to protect yourself."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"The Warrior Mindset" |
"Have you ever felt like life is hard?This is Your Chance to Finally Get the Bulletproof Mindset of a Fearless Warrior! This is about knowing what you want and going for it. Its about being tough and its about not letting little things get you down. Its about pushing ahead with what you know is right and its about carrying responsibility and hardship on your shoulders with dignity and pride. Its about not letting your emotions get the better of you and its about not taking the easy answer or the easy route to solve your problems.Youll be able to become the person that ... Instead of getting tired or bogged down, instead of being distracted and tempted, you would instead drive forward with an unstoppable, bulletproof mentality. Your enemies would quake knowing that there was nothing they could do to stop you. Your career obstacles, relationship goals and financial plans would all crumble beneath your will. You are extremely efficient, determined and full of pride. Self-discipline, determination and self-sufficiency are what will make you strong and will help you get what you want. You will become a good parent, good friend and good partner. You will be able to live with yourself and earn respect and admiration from others. You will be working out your mind, your philosophy and your soul. It will make you unstoppable. And the list goes on and onBut developing a warrior mindset is a complex and broad term that encompasses a number of different strategies and activities.In order for it to be successful, you need to have a good understanding of what it is, how it works and how you can best adapt it to work for your particular situation. To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside... What is the Warrior Mindset? What it Takes to be a Warrior Times You Were Not a Warrior The Fire Within Goals and the Warriors Creating Your Own Code of Ethics How to Use 'Fear Setting' Stoicism and the Warrior Mindset The Power of Pessimism Growth Mindset Why We Have Become Weak How to Get Tough Tools for Growth and Resilience Correct Breathing Strength Training and Martial Arts Applying Classic Warrior Principles to Business and Life Lessons from the Art of War Lessons From The Prince Taking a Harder Road Plus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually get the Bulletproof Mindset of a Fearless WarriorWho Needs This Step-By-Step?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need this I feel like life is hard I feel like it can sometimes be a struggle to get up in the morning and do all of the things that I have to do I wake up feeling constantly tired and stressed To me life just seems too much I don't do things with dignity, grace nor bravery Little things get me down I don't push ahead with what I know is right I don't carry responsibility and hardship on my shoulders with dignity and pride I let my emotions get the better of me I take the easy answer or the easy route to solve my problems"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Like a Master. Drawing a Hand." |
"This course walks you through the process of drawing a beautifully renderedthree dimensionalhand. From theoutline to final touches. 19 hours of work has been broken down andcondensed into this tutorial. It may look like an illusion. Butthere is no mystery to drawing like a master. Follow me and learn exactly how to do it!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"MATLAB for Scientists and Engineers" |
"Whetherof engineering, science, economics or medical background, you are about to join over 2 million users of MATLAB that cut across these backgrounds; a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language that allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, Fortran and Python with additional package, Simulink, adds graphical multi-domain simulation and model-based design for dynamic and embedded systems. This course starts from the elementary topics, then progressively and systematically advances to more advanced (but well explained)topics in MATLAB. It touches the major topics Engineers and Scientists meet on daily bases and major aspects of MATLAB you need to progress to becomean expert. After this course, you can stand boldly and tackle those difficult problemson your own with MATLAB and be able to proceedand specialize on any aspect of MATLAB you choose to. The videos and lecture materials are straight to the point.Each lecture has quiz which must be attempted to obtain a certificate for this course. Each section has assignment which can be evaluated by fellow Udemy students if you give the permission. Note that some of these quizzes serve as summary to the course, you will get to learn some more things and also understand some key facts emphasized in the lectures. The step-by-step answers to the assignment are also provided.The instructor's lecture notes used for each lecture is also provided so you dont need to bother writing, you will need to just pay attention to the lectures because all your needs are provided. Beside, all the codes used in the course are also provided. In case you dont have MATLAB already installed in your system, there are lectures on the various ways you can acquire MATLAB and the procedures involved in its installation. In this course, you will typically become a guru and willmove fromzeroknowledge inMATLABtohero."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Crie sites e blogs PROFISSIONAIS em UMA SEMANA com WordPress" |
"Criar um site para seu negcio mais simples do que voc imagina. Ter um site refora sua marca e credibilidade, alm de mostrar aos seus clientes com mais detalhes a qualidade e benefcios de seu produto ou servio, alm de conter seus dados de contato e ficar ativo 24 horas na internet.No seu site voc tambm poder publicar artigos relacionados ao seu produto ou servios. Esses artigos so pesquisados diariamente na internet e pode ligar voc a vrios clientes.Nosso curso utiliza uma metodologia diferenciada para que voc aprenda de forma simples,prtica, rpida e sem delongas a criar sites e blogs usando a plataforma WordPress. Voc criar o projeto de um site do zero. Aprender passo a passo como registrar um domnio (nome para seu site), contratar um plano de hospedagem e instalar um site em WordPress apenas com um nico clique como se fosse um aplicativo de celular e seu site j estar quase pronto! Ser necessrio apenas adicionar imagens, textos e menus atravs de um painel de controle simples e intuitivo. Voc no vai acreditar na qualidade final do seu site e de quanto simples construir um portal com o WordPress. Para iniciar o curso sugerimos que procure um amigo, familiar, empresa ou instituio que precise desenvolver um site. Ou at mesmo o site de seu negcio ou projeto prprio. Vamos juntos desenvolver seu site passo a passo!Acredite pois voc ser capaz de realizar grandes projetos e at mesmo conseguir renda extra com este maravilhoso e prtico curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criando Vdeos Incrveis: Produo e Edio de Vdeos" |
"Voc pretende lanar um canal no YouTube, ou criar cursos, vdeo aulas ou tutorias? Com os vdeos possvel entreter, emocionar, informar, ensinar, educar, divulgar, desenvolver produtos digitais, cursos online, canal no Youtube, criar tutoriais e tudo mais que sua imaginao quiser.Mais do que simplesmente editar vdeos, este curso tem o objetivo de ensinar a voc tcnicas de captura de vdeo, planos de gravao e enquadramentos. Escolha de equipamentos de baixo custo para captura de udio e vdeo, captura de telas, integrao PowerPoint e efeitos especiais para que voc consiga desenvolver trabalhos inesquecveis. Mergulhe neste maravilhoso mundo audiovisual com este fantstico curso desenvolvido com muito carinho para voc."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Criando um site com sistema de login e senha com Joomla!" |
"Com este curso voc conseguir criar um site com sistema de login e senha, podendo disponibilizar contedo restrito apenas para usurios cadastrados e autorizados por voc. Ser possvel criar sites com acesso restrito, intranets, ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem com vdeo aulas exclusivas para usurios cadastrado. Voc criar o projeto de um site do zero. Aprender passo a passo como registrar um domnio (nome para seu site), ir contratar um plano de hospedagem e instalar seu site em Joomla apenas com um nico clique como se fosse um aplicativo de celular e seu site vai estar pronto. Ser necessrio apenas adicionar fotos, textos e menus atravs de um painel de controle simples e intuitivo. O aluno tambm ir habilitar os diversos mdulos de um site em Joomla, inclusive o login e senha, com o recurso de cadastro de usurios e esqueceu a senha.Faremos a construo do projeto real de um site do incio ao fim do curso.O projeto consiste na construo de um portal para uma empresa que alm de divulgar seus produtos e servios, divulgar vrias notcias de interesse para seus visitantes atravs de um blog, fortalecendo conexo com o cliente e reforando a marca da empresa. A publicao de artigos em seu site tambm facilitam a localizao de sua pgina atravs das buscas orgnicas do Google.O Joomla uma aplicao gratuita, sendo necessrio apenas realizar o pagamento das taxas de hospedagem e registro de domnio do site.Pblico Alvo:Curso desenvolvido para empreendedores, profissionais liberais, empresrios e pessoas que desejam desenvolver o site de seu prprio negcio ou adquirir uma nova renda produzindo sites e blogs com a tecnologia Joomla."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Beginner 1 - Everything in HSK1" |
"Chinese Beginner 1 Course, produced by ChineseQQ is tailored for non Chinese speakers to learn Chinese, starting from a complete beginner level. Composed of 20 lessons / 82 videos, this course will move you beyond HSK 1 level. In addition, it includes everything and meet the requirements to take HSK 1 exam. In each lesson, theres a set downloadable lecture notes, which covers completely the lessons content, and a set of exercises will be provided. Regarding the exercises, theyre in various formats, such as fill in the blanks, matching the sentences within a conversation, translation...etc. Interactiveonline study sets, includingaudio flashcards, quizzes and gamesare also prepared. Moreover, Chinese character practices will be attached, which helps you to learn writing, reading and recognising characters, despite speaking and listening. A full vocabulary list will be provided by the end of course.Lesson videos are designed in a fun and engaging way, which over 90% of the content is animated. It aims to provokes your interests, while allowing you to learn enjoyably and effectively.What you'll gain from the course?- Reach beyond HSK 1 level- Learn over 250 vocabulary- Essential grammar- be able to hold a basic conversationWhat's included in each lesson?- Downloadable lecture notes- Downloadable exercises &Chinese characters practice-Online interactive study sets (including audio flashcards, quizzes, and games)- A full vocabulary listHow's the course designed?- 20 lessons, with 82sessions (6 hours in total)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a editar vdeos con Sony Vegas desde 0" |
"Sony Vegas es un programa muy potente, con mucho potencial que nos da una gran cantidad de posibilidades a la hora de editar vdeos,ya sea que queramos hacer algo sencillo o tengamos ideas ms complejas. Con los conocimientos que vais a recibir en este curso, podrs hacercualquier cosa que te propongas. Eso sin contar que es un programa muy usado, dado su potencial y facilidad de uso.En poco tiempo aprenders a manejar el programa y con unas pocas horas de practicas, ya tendrs una buena base. Para reforzar vuestros conocimientos,ir proponiendo ejercicios para que practiquis. Os animo a que vayis practicando por vuestra cuenta.Que es lo que vamos a aprender?En este curso,aprenderemos a editar vdeos con Sony Vegas Pro 13 (realmente con cualquier Sony Vegas, son todos muy parecidos) desde 0: cualquier persona podr aprender, sin necesidad de conocimientos previos.Os ensear conocimientos tericos que deberas saber antes de empezar siquiera a editar, que son totalmente opcionales, eso sin contar recomendaciones de otros programas adicionales que nos ayudarn e incrementaran la calidad de nuestros futuros proyectos.Y para cuando acabis el curso, sabris manejar el programa. Para ganar ms soltura, os propongo algunos ejercicios para que vayis practicando.Que archivos usas en tus ejemplos?Todos los archivos que he usado en mis proyectos del curso son de uso libre y gratuito. Estn por Internet. Aun que vosotros podis usar cualquier tipo de audio / vdeo, as que tranquilos.Y recordar, cualquier cosa podis preguntarla!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Feng Shui Architecture - Basic course 1" |
"Welcome to Feng Shui Architecture courses.The purpose of these course is to givethe essential theoretical knowledge of Architecture Feng Shui.In this course you will learn:Feng Shui, one of the five metaphysical knowledge of Wu ShuThe ancient origin of Feng Shui and following stratifications.What does the term Feng Shui hide?The modern paradigm of Feng Shui Architecture.Deepening of the Earth Way. The real influence of a sensitive planning. Cases of study.Conclusion of the Earth way and international projects. Deepening of the Sky Way and the Man WayClassic and modern schools. Presentation of the courses of Holistic Architecture on line"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico de Arquitectura Feng Shui 1" |
"Bienvenido a Feng Shui Arquitectura cursos.El objetivo de este curso es dar el conocimiento terico esencial de la Arquitectura Feng Shui.En este curso aprenders:El Feng Shui, una de los cinco conocimientos metafsicos del Wu Shu.El origen antigua del Feng Shui y las estratificaciones siguientes.Que hay detrs la palabra Feng Shui?Paradigma Moderno de Arquitectura Feng Shui.Ahondamiento de la Va de la Tierra. La influencia real de una planificacin sensible. Casos de estudioConclusin de la Va de la Tierra, proyectos internacionales. Ahondamiento de la Va del Cielo y del Hombre.Escuelas Clsicas y Modernas. Presentacin de los cursos en lnea de Arquitectura Feng Shui."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Feng Shui Architecture - The center of mass - course 2" |
"Welcome to Feng Shui Architecture courses.The purpose of these course is to givethe essential theoretical knowledge ofvaluation of theenergy of an ambient: the Centre of mass.In this course you will learn:The Centre, a universal principle, conformed in the architectonic planning in different cultures and traditions.Continuation of the explanation of the Centre with deepening of the column, house and physical bodyThe Centre and the four cardinal directions. Houses with different rooms positioned in the Centre of mass.Lacks and surpluses. Irregular structures.How to calculate the Centre of mass, the three fundamental methods.How to correct the Centre of mass if it is positioned in unfavourable points. Auroville and the Matrimandir. Study cases.Laboratory: exercise on the calculation of the Centre of mass of a house."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Arquitectura Feng Shui - el centro - curso 2" |
"Bienvenido a Feng Shui Arquitectura cursos.El objetivo de este curso es dar el conocimiento terico esencial de la valoracin de la energa de un ambiente: el Centro de masa.En este curso aprenders:El centro, un principio universal, conformado en la planificacin arquitectnica en diferentes culturas y tradicciones.""Continuacin del Centro con el aprobado de la colonna, casa y cuerpo fisico.""El Centro y las 4 direcciones cardinales. Casas con diferentes locales que caen en el Centro de Gravedad. Consecuencias y efectos.Deficiencias y excedentes. Estructuras irregulares.Como calcular el Centro de gravedad, los tres mtodos fundamentales.Como corregir el Centro de gravedad si se coloca en puntos malos. Auroville y el Matrimandir. Casos de estudio."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Architettura Feng Shui - Corso base 1" |
"Benvenuti ai corsi di Architettura Feng Shui.Lo scopo di questo corso quello di dare la conoscenza teorica essenziale di Architettura Feng Shui.In questo corso imparerai:Lezione 1Il Feng Shui, una delle cinque conoscenze metafisiche del Wu ShuLezione2Lorigine antico del Feng Shui e le successive stratificazioniLezione 3Architettura Feng Shui: Cosa si cela sotto la parola Feng ShuiLezione 4Paradigma moderno dellArchitettura Feng ShuiLezione 5Linfluenza reale di una progettazione sensibile. Approfondimento della via della TerraLezione 6Approfondimento della Via del Cielo e dellUomoLezione 7Approfondimento della Via del Cielo e dellUomo"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Architettura Feng Shui - Il Baricentro - Corso 2" |
"Lo scopo di questo corso quello di dare la conoscenza teorica essenziale della valutazione dell'energia di un ambiente attraverso l'analisi del Baricentro.In questo corso imparerai:Lezione 1Il Centro, un principio universale, in diverse culture e nella pianificazione architettonica.Lezione 2 (ingrandisci con icona in basso a destra)Continuazione del Centro con approfondimento della colonna, casa e corpo fisico.Lezione 3Case con diversi locali che cadono nel Baricentro. Conseguenze ed effetti.Lezione 4Mancanze e eccedenze.Strutture irregolari.Lezione 5Come calcolare il baricentro. I tre metodi fondamentali.Lezione 6Auroville e il Matrimandir. Casi studio. Come correggere il baricentro se cade in punti sfavorevoli.Lezione 7Esercizi"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Vitajte v architektre Feng Shui.Cieom tchto kurzov je poskytn zkladn teoretick znalosti o architektre Feng Shui.V tomto kurze sa naute:1 Lekcia. Feng uej, jedna z piatich kategri nskej metafyziky Wu Shu2 Lekcia. Antick pvod Feng uej a jeho rozdelenie do vrstiev3 Lekcia. o sa pod pojmom Feng uej skrva4 Lekcia. Shrn troch ciest, zklad Architektry Feng uej5 Lekcia. Prehbenie tmy Pozemskej cesty. Skuton vplyv zjavn pri projektovan. Prpadne tdie.6 Lekcia. Zver k tme pozemsk cesta, celosvetov projekty. Prehbenie tmy Nebesk cesta a udsk cesta.7 Lekcia. Tradin a modern koly. Prezentcia on-line kurzov holistickej architektry."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Vitajte v architektre Feng Shui.Cieom tchto kurzov je poskytn zkladn teoretick znalosti o architektre Feng Shui.V tomto kurze sa naute:1 Lekcia. Stred, veobecn zsady, prispsobenie sa architektonickmu plnovaniu v rznych kultrach a tradciach.2 Lekcia. Pokraovanie v analze stredu, dkladn pretudovanie stpov, domu a fyzickho tela.3 Lekcia. Stred a 4 svetov strany. Stred, nachdzajci sa v rznych miestnostach domu. Nsledky a inky.4 Lekcia. Chbaj a vynievajce asti domu. Nepravideln truktry.5 Lekcia. Ako vypota stred, tri zkladn metdy.6 Lekcia. Ako opravi stred v prpade, e pripadne v nepriaznivom bode. Auroville a Matrimandir. Prpadn tdie."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Architettura Feng Shui - La tecnica di risonanza - Corso 3" |
"Continuiamoquesto affascinante percorso di Architettura Feng Shui.In questo corso parleremo della tecnica progettuale della risonanza.In questo corso imparerai:Lezione 1VIA DELLA TERRALA RISONANZA DEL PAESAGGIOSULLARCHITETTURA 11.40 minuti di lezione1 Power point di 20 pagine1 PdfLinfluenza dellambientePaesaggiCiboLinguaLo spazio simbolicoGli aspetti energeticiLezione 2VIA DELLA TERRALA RISONANZA DEL PAESAGGIOSULLARCHITETTURA 21 ora di lezione1 Power point di 47 pagine1 PdfMatrice del feng shui classicoLe montagneRisonanzaGenius lociProgettazione sensibileCasi studioProgettazione olisticaGoticoFibonacciVignolaPalladioBerniniGaudSteinerGeometria sacraWrightCorbusierFullerMichelucciPeiOttoAlbertsHundertwasserMakoveczArchitettura organicaFosterRenzo pianoDreiseitlAurovilleProgettazione olisticaRos"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Feng Shui Architecture - PROFESSIONAL course 1" |
"Welcome to PROFESSIONAL Feng Shui Architecture courses.The purpose of these course is to givethe essential theoretical knowledge of Architecture Feng Shui.In this course you will learn:How the evironment resonace on architechture.Feng Shui Architecture it represent the study of the three primary energetic channels, which influences the environment: the way of the Sky, of the Earth and the way of the Man. Travelling around the World is fascinating to notice how the landscape, the countries, food, language and the soul of a People are elements bound together: as if the landscape would subtly influence the People ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aromatherapy Foundational Concepts" |
"Are you new to essential oils? Do you love essential oils? Do you have an hour to get started? Then let's do it!Essential oils can be part of YOUR health lifestyle.If you are totally new to essential oils and are curious about what they do and how you can use them, this course is for you. If you have already been using essential oils and have some questions about them, this course is for you too.A free 24 page workbook is provided with this course. It provides all the charts and worksheets and recipes into 1 location, and there are BONUS options for those students that complete 100% of the course.Recommended textbook for this course: Quick Start to using Essential Oils by Deanna RussellThis course is straightforward with an emphasis on practical application and is brand neutral. This course takes a conservative approach and does not cover chakra healing.Course overviewIntroductory chapters include:definingaromatherapy termshow to choose a quality essential oilfactors affecting the cost of your oilsroutes of application of essential oilsSafety section lectures include:general rules and guidelinesessential oils during pregnancyspecial medical conditionsphototoxic and irritating essential oilsuse of essential oils during cancer treatmentsdilution & calculation ratesThe course covers profiles of 12 amazing, versatile essential oils:LavenderRosemaryEucalyptusCedarwoodPeppermintGeraniumRoman chamomileTea tree (Melaleuca)Ginger rootSweet orangeSweet marjoram Bergamot.Blending essential oilsYou will learn how to blend essential oils using a blending wheel.Essential oil recipesYour workbook contains recipes to get you started using aromatherapy and essential oils.Practical assignments help you gain experience in using essential oils for you and your family. Most of all, this course helps you customize your options and make the best solutions that fit you as an individual.The nitty grittyQuizzes and tests? Yes.Workbook guide free with course? Yes.Additional textbook available? Yes. (There is an additional cost for the textbook.)What students are saying about Aromatherapy Foundational Concepts""This is a brilliant course! It is so informative and offers many great tips to help you safely play and create with oils. Deanna presents in a clear and engaging way. Highly recommended!'Lisa S""I must say ...this one of the most educational and fun aromatherapy classes i've taken. She is fun, steady, and very clear and concise. I will take more classes given by you. Thank you so much Deanna"" Denise N""This aromatherapy course provided me with a good foundation on how to use essential oils. I have been using essential oils for a few years now, mostly in a diffuser, but I appreciated the helpful tips and suggestions that this course provided. I would recommend this course to someone who is just starting out with essential oils, or to someone who would like to review some solid fundamental principles. I especially appreciate the fact that I can access this course for life, as this will be a good reference to consult in my journey with essential oils. I also plan to make good use of the downloadable resources, which will help me branch out and experiment. The quizzes make for fun review, and they are very user-friendly.It is obvious that Deanna is extremely knowledgeable and well-trained. She has answered many questions in her career, and it shows. Her emphasis on safety is impressive, as it is clear she wants these oils to be used in beneficial ways, always. I hope she will create more of these online courses. 5 stars"" Sheila S""This is a great course for beginners in aromatherapy. As a phytotherapist and herbalist I know quite a lot about herbs. With this course I got the opportunity to learn even more about plants and the use of their essential oils. Deanna knows her stuff very well and I've always got the feeling that she loves to share what she knows. I enjoyed the course a lot! I am looking forward to more courses by this instructor! Thanks a lot, Deanna!"" 5 stars Tanja Z"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Carrier Oils for Professionals Beyond Essential Oils" |
"Are you a beauty professional? A massage therapist?Informed clients are looking to their wellness providers for alternatives to products and treatments using harsh chemicals. More and more people are asking specifically for natural products. Your and your business can benefit from this healthy trend!This courseis geared toward massage therapists and skin care professionals who want to incorporate carrier oils and natural options into their treatments. This course is all about making the switch from chemical products to natural ones- using carrier oils.To start off, we will cover:what are carrier oils and how we get themthe differences between essential oils and carrier oilswhat affects the cost of a carrier oilfatty acids in carrier oilsNext we focus on specific individual carrier oils.Base carrier oils: the most versatile oils to start usingsweet almond oilrice bran oilapricot kernel oilsunflower oilValue added carrier oils: these oils are worth having to use in addition to the base oilssesame oilavocado oiloat oilpumpkin seed oilevening primrose oiljojobaHigh value carrier oils: these oils are mainly used in a skin care application, providing luxurious benefits to your client's treatmentargan oilpomegranate oilrosehip oilborage seed oilHerbal infused oils: these are mainly used in a massage application, but can also apply directly to a facial applicationYou will also learn where and how to strategically use essential oils in your practice- so you can offer added value using aromatherapy to your clients. Includes instructions and tutorial on how to make your own herbal infused oils.calendula arnicacarrot seedPractical Application to your workplaceThis course includes recipes andexamples of practical formulas.No: tests or quizzes in this courseYes: practical activities provided throughout to guide and focus yourlearning experience""My workplace has a ""no scent policy"". No problem.This course addresses situations where using scent and/or aroma is not always possible. Professionals can still use natural ingredients toprovide their clients with additional treatment benefits using carrier oils alone. Expand your service menuIf you want to offer the addition of essential oils and aromatherapy to your service menu, that is also covered. Learn how:ways to add essential oils into your workspaceways to provide your client excellent customer serviceincorporate essential oils into various spa treatmentsPractical takeaway tips for both the massage therapist and beauty professionalclient intake formhow to get organizedassignment tipsWhat people are saying about Carrier Oils for Professionals:""Most informative and interesting course I have ever taken !!!!!"" 5 starsLinda S.""I truly enjoyed your course.""Soraya P""All my massage students should be taking this class.""Sandy E""Being new to the world of aromatherapy, I found this course to be extremely helpful for choosing the carrier oils to use in various situations. I am also very interested in making my own infuses, so that part was helpful as well. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants a better understanding of the wonderful world of carrier oils and their uses. Thank you""Elizabeth H"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Aromatherapy versus the ""Keto Flu""" |
"Learn how you can bet the ""Keto Flu"" using aromatherapy strategiesWith interest in the ketogenic diet growing rapidly, this course offers a unique approach to dealing with some of the most common issues people starting the ketogenic lifestyle face. This course introduces briefly:what the ketogenic diet ishow it might potentially benefit youexamples of who should not go keto, and whyLearn how using aromatherapy (essential oils) can be a valuable tool in helping to create your success story from the very start of your keto journey.Learn how using essential oils and aromatherapy can be excellent solutions to common issues experienced by many on the keto diet. This course covers addressing various ""keto flu"" symptoms such as:headacherashacneconstipation & diarrheabody odorstressinsomnia muscle cramps (BONUS)We also cover skin toning recipes for when you have lost weight!EVEN IF you are not currently on the ketogenic diet, this course offers resources for you if you are looking for alternative solutions to some of these common issues. There are handouts with recipes and formulas on each of the above for easy reference.This course bridges the gap between coping with keto adjustment issues using aromatherapy.What you will learn: coping strategies using essential oils and aromatherapy for keto diet transition and adjustment issues.This course is targeted specifically to these topics and does not include diet and meal plans, however, there are several resources available prepared by experts which address this. What this course is NOTfocused primarily on the ketogenic dieta course on meal planning"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - From Beginner to Expert" |
"Progressive Web Applications are just web sites that progressively become apps. But how does this happen? It takes skilled developers that understand a new way to create web sites that are fast, reliable and engaging.In this course you will learn what progressive web applications are, why you need to master them and why your stakeholders want progressive web applications over traditional web sites and native applications.Businesses of all sizes are discovering the power progressive web applications bring to help them reach and engage their audiences. This means they can increase revenues while decreasing costs. Brands like Twitter, Lyft, The Washington Post, Forbes and Weather channel have all discovered the benefits upgrading to a progressive web application bring.The success these companies are having is driving more demand for developers skilled in service workers, web manifest, push notifications and more.You will learn how to craft an app shell so your experience can progressively load with an instant presence. Iexpose you to everything you need to know about progressive web applications and service workers.This course starts each section addressing the beginner, assuming you have no prior knowledge of the topic. Each section progresses andcovers more and more detail until there is just about no nook or cranny not exposed.The course includes video modules that review a combination of slides and code demos. Slides and source code references are included so you can follow along outside the course. Quizzes are also included so you can identify topics you may need to review and sharpen. Finally, the course also includes some articles about selected topic as an additional reference.You will master the web manifest file so you can tell the browser how to render your brand's desired experience.HTTPSHome Screen/Installation ExperienceHow each browser is and plans to implement PWA supportService WorkersService Worker Life CycleService Worker CachingPush NotificationsBackground SynchronizationBasic Performance Best Practices and how to implement the PRPLand RAIL Patterns.This course does not use any JavaScript frameworks. All examples, primarily a demo site called Fast Furniture, rely on vanilla JavaScript.The site does use Bootstrap 4 as a CSS library, but know prior Bootstrap knowledge is required.This does not mean I wont add lectures demonstrating how to use some of the framework PWA CLI tools over time."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Intro to jQuery for complete beginners - Project Included!" |
"Hello Everyone!! This is a jQuery beginners course and as such it will walk you through introductory topics as well as show you some more advanced ones without your head blowing up from all of it. This is the first step on the path to learning all that jQuery has to offer. Iam proud of this course so if there is a problem with it please don't hesitate to let me know. I have invested around two months time after work in order to produce this course. It is a labor of love because Itruly enjoyed building it for you.So what do you need?-- jQuery is a library in Javascript so you should know a bit of Javascript in order to proceed here, but if you dont thats ok.--You should know a bit of HTML/CSS, if you're no master at it, but know enough to find your way around it you'll be fine here as well.-- Desire to Learn and Practice: You will have to practice these exercises and keep up to date. We are using jQuery 3 here so you're still relevant for a while yet.What we deliver to thelearner.A high quality learning experience with added practice and future updates as they are produced. Along with the course files in their entirety for reference later. This course is designed to be a code along tutorial so i'll talk a bit while Iam typing and you can type with me as you are listening. Working along with me or right after me is essential to learn the library at least what Iam about to teach you. But, if you have a question on the code just leave a comment and I'll be right with you or one of your classmates may be able to help you out.Is it really worth it to know jQuery?Oh yes! And I know that sounds self-serving but think about it. If you can shrink down 30 lines of JavaScript into 4 dont you think that would be pretty efficient? Also this tech is useful while dealing with the inner working of larger projects such as Wordpress, Drupal or Magento. Honestly if there is something in the course that you dont like or if you dont like me then simply let me know and Udemy will refund your money directly. If you wish to have some short cuts to using cumbersome vanilla javascript then it is definitely worth it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Make a Living on YouTube in Urdu/Hindi ( By Proof)" |
"I have 8 years experience as a money earner by YouTube and inthis course i shared all my knowledge and experience which i got in last years . in this course i will teach you how toearn $2500 to $3000 with in 6 months by using free video making software and TOOLS . This is my course is in urdu and hindi language . I hope you will learn and Enjoy . THANK YOU"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Earn More with Google Adsense in Urdu/Hindi" |
"Google Adsense earning is the dream of every person in the field of IT or use internet.How to Earn Online with Google Adsense is the topic of this course in which i explained complete information which needed to start earning from A to Z. Non-Hosted Adsense as Well as Hosted account creation and approval method described in it completely. Embed of advertisement in websites method created with more much knowledge."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |