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"Essential Swedish: Learn Over 1000 Swedish Words & Phrases" |
"Learn the essential phrases and vocabulary you needto have basic everyday conversations in Swedish.The perfect course if you would like to:Have basic conversations in Swedish.Learn quickly and intuitively.Be able to use words and phrases spontaneously and fluently.Talk about a variety of topics in Swedish.Start speakingin just 5 minutes!There is absolutely no time wasted in this course with unnecessary andlong winded explanations. All 90 minutes of audio is completely in the Swedish language where you will progressively learn more and more words and phrases.In just the first 5 minutes alone you will learn how to:Say helloGreet peopleIntroduce yourselfAsk people about their occupationLearn intuitively and naturallyDespite what you may have heard, you reallydon't need to stress yourself out trying to memorize hundreds of different grammar rules and spending long hoursdrilling grammar exercises to learn a foreign language.All you need to do is listen to and read the words and phrases through the lessons and you will intuitively learn the grammatical patterns and sentence structures. You'll be able to use correct and proper usage of basicSwedish easily andfluently.The Chapter Notes at the end of each section contain brief, easy to read explanations about the Swedish language that aim to clarify and help you understand the course material better.Practical and efficientWith this course you willlearn vocabulary and phrases that you could easily come across in everyday conversation. I've spent years studying foreign languages, and I've seen so many courses that spend too much time trying to teach you completely irrelevant words and phrases that you will rarely come across and which beginner students certainly don't need to know.Learn only what you need to know and have fun in the process!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Background to Beekeeping: Start with Why!" |
"Beekeeping has very many benefits/potential benefits. Established beekeepers may not even be aware of all the benefits they, their family and community are getting from their beekeeping enterprise. This course will give you a very good overview of the history and current state of bees and beekeeping around the world, the honey trade, why you should get into beekeeping, how you can benefit personally from beekeeping and how your local community and the planet will thank you as well. The course will give you the WHY of beekeeping which is essential before you get lost in the detail of the HOW. Remember reasons always come first and once you understand why you should start beekeeping you will figure out the how. The WHY of beekeeping is absolutely essential to your success as a beekeeper. The course ends by giving you the first key step on the road to learning the HOW of beekeeping. In addition to other resources included with the course there are two free downloadable beekeeping books (PDF format) for your further reference."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Transform Your Life: 30 Experiments in Personal Change" |
"You may be feelingunsure about yourlife's purpose,feelfrustrated by lack of progress,perhaps fearchange andare tired of feeling stuck, bored and wanting more from your life. In today's world we are called upon to reinvent ourselves again and again. It is predicted by some commentators that nearly half of Americans will be Self-employed by 2021. The concept of the job for life is gone and reinvention and change is the name of the game. Join me on this course and I will help you to step out of your comfort zone and experiment with re-inventing your life. Please note this course was previously called 'Transform Your Life: 30 experiments in Personal Change'."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Future Skills 2030-Prepare for the 4th Industrial Revolution" |
"Today we are at the beginning of what has been termed the 4th Industrial Revolution.This isnt about some far future of work. In many ways the future is already here! The pace of change is rapid and the world of work is being transformed by technology at an ever increasing pace. Will you be left behind or will you be ready for change? To be prepared for the future you have to understand it. Will there be enough employment in the future, and if so what will that work be? Which occupations will thrive, and which ones will decline? By one popular estimate, 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that dont yet exist! This course gives you an overview of the different new technologies that are driving change and the skills you and your loved ones need to develop to survive and thrive in this new world of the 4th industrial revolution. This isnt a time to sit back and wait for events to unfold around us. What actions should we take today? What should we tell our children and grandchildren, colleagues, friends and neighbours about the future of work? Those individuals and organisations that understand the future of work, and prepare for it, will be the best placed to succeed."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Create Your Own Business Plan" |
"A business plan is much more than just a way to get funding. It's a tool to help you understand how the pieces of your business has been put together, while using it as a way to measure your progress as it is a means to hold yourself and the rest of your team accountable. This course takes you through the basic steps of what a business plan is, why it's important, as well as the different components that it is made up of. At the end of the course you will have your own business plan template, which you can customize to suit your business, and use for funding when approaching banks and other investors."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"YouTube 2017" |
"iPhoneYouTubeYouTubeYouTube 0.050.1YouTubeGoogleYouTubeGoogleYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeWindowsAdSenseYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTube"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
YouTube2018 |
"YouTubeYouTube100%100% YES YES YES YouTubeGoogleYouTubeYouTubeYouTube+YouTube+YouTubeYouTube/ASPYouTubeYouTube"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
durwdqae |
"IT20090.079123012/8328520091328520172017121795ETF ETFExchange Traded FundETF1ETFETFETFSEC2018726GeminiETF2017325ETF2ETFETFETF 20090.07923091999"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Grundlagen des Innovationsmanagements" |
"Der Kurs stellt wichtige Methoden und Werkzeuge zum Innovationsmanagement vor. Beginnend bei grundlegenden Definitionen und dem Selbstverstndnis eines Innovationsmanagers werden weitere Themen wie Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Innovationsprozesse im Grounternehmen (Stage Gate Prozess) sowieBusiness Inkubation und Think Tanks vorgestellt.Die Kenntnis dieser Vorgehensweisen ist essentiell fr Startup-Grnder, Unternehmer, Innovatoren,Entwicklungs- und Unternehmensleiter.Sie stellen den systematischen Rahmen dar, innerhalb dessenkomplexeInnovationsprojekte erfolgreich stattfinden knnen."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de PHP 7 PROFISSIONAL - 6 cursos em 1." |
"Este o treinamento de PHP mais completo da Udemy. So mais de 285 aulas e mais de 19 horas de aulas gravadas. Junte-se a mais de 240 mil alunos com o professor #1 da Udemy Brasil.O objetivo deste treinamento ensinar tanto quem est iniciando, como aqueles profissionais que j conhecem a linguagem server-side mais popular e desejam ir muito alm.Neste curso, voc vai aprender:Instalar o PHP e MySQL.Variveis e Arrays em PHP.Aes condicionais (IF, ELSE, Switch-Case).Estruturas de Repetio (While, For, For each).Funes.Data e Hora.Criar consultas em MySQL.Criar filtros.Relacionamento entre tabelas.Criar um banco de dados do zero.Conhecer as API's de conexo.Listagem de Produtos.Rotina de Pesquisa.Login de usurio.Incluso, Alterao e Excluso de dados.Upload de arquivos.Pgina de Contato (por email).O que AJAX.Como carregar arquivos XML.Como carregar arquivos JSON.Como criar arquivos JSON com PHP.Usando funo CallBack.Criar uma lista aninhada a outra.Como utilizar servios de terceiros (CEP, Tempo, etc).Introduo OOP.Classe e Objeto.Mtodo Construtor.Herana, Polimorfismo, Abstrao e Encapsulamento.Membros de Base.Associao de Agregao.Associao por Composio.Interfaces.O curso contm um conjunto completo para seu aprendizado:Vdeo-aulas.Exerccios e simulaes para voc praticar.Suporte para tirar as suas dvidas. Nesta formao, voc aprender do ZERO at o AVANADO como: Vamos comear do princpio, vou te ensinar como criar uma conta instalar cada software necessrio. Depois, vou ensinar conceitos iniciais da linguagem. Logo em seguida, vamos entender como funciona um banco de dados, vamos aprender a criar consultas simples e complexas. Vamos tambm aprender a criar um banco de dados do zero. Vamos aprender como integrar PHP com MySQL, sero dois cursos para estas tcnicas.Vamos aprender em seguida como utilizar tcnicas de AJAX com PHP. Aprender a carregar arquivos JSON e XML. Vamos aprender a criar arquivos JSON com PHP, funes de CallBack, consumir servios de terceiros como CEP e Previso de Tempo. Vamos aprender tambm os fundamentos de Programao Orientada Objetos com PHP.O que nossos alunos falam a respeito:Moacir Na apresentao realmente possui tudo o que preciso para desenvolver bem em PHP. Estou gostando muito ! O Curso simplesmente FANTSTICO ! O Docente est de Parabns, excelente metodologia. Excelente !!!!Fbio LisboaO curso tem sido excepcional. Cada lio ensinada mpar e um curso de tima qualidade, claro e objetivo. Indico a todos.Andr Lisboatimo professor aprendei muito com o curso.Respostas de nossos alunos:Voc est obtendo informaes importantes? -- Resposta: 98% SimAs explicaes dos conceitos so claras? -- Resposta: 98% Sim.A apresentao do instrutor cativante? -- Resposta: 97% Sim.O curso est atendendo a suas expectativas? -- Resposta: 97% Sim.O instrutor entende do assunto? -- Resposta: 98% Sim.No h risco algum, a plataforma da Udemy oferece:Certificado ao trmino da formao.Garantia de Qualidade (ou seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias aps a compra).Acesso vitalcio, no expira nunca. Clique no boto COMPRAR AGORA e tenha acesso 100% do meu curso. Seja muito bem-vindo e conte conosco em sua jornada de aprendizado!O pacote contm 286 aulas gravadas distribudas em 71 sees. So 19h e 40 minutos de aulas gravadas."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Digital COMPLETO 2020" |
"** Aprenda conosco! Temos mais de 225 mil alunos inscritos em todos os nossos cursos **Junte-se aos mais de 78 mil alunos inscritos no curso mais vendido de Marketing Digital da Udemy Brasil. So 280 aulas e mais de 20 horas de vdeos. O curso composto de 16 cursos que faro voc aprender Marketing Digital de forma inteligente para explorar da melhor forma o investimento de seu oramento e do seu tempo. Abordaremos desde o incio com Fundamentos do Marketing Digital, vamos ensinar tudo sobre Google Ads, Facebook e Instagram Ads, SEO e Email Marketing. Alm de como monitorar e analisar suas campanhas para melhorar a performance e trazer mais resultado ao seu negcio.Lista de cursos deste pacote:Introduo ao Marketing Digital.Instagram Ads Fundamental (novo).Instagram Ads Avanado (novo).Google Ads Fundamental (novo).Google Ads Rede de Pesquisa (novo).Google Ads Rede de Display (novo).Google Ads Vdeo (novo).Google Ads Promoo de App (novo).Google Ads Remarketing. SEO - Seu site no topo do GoogleFacebook Ads Fundamental.Facebook Ads Avanado.Email Marketing.LinkedIn Ads.Google Analytics.Entrevista com Profissionais de Marketing."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Curso Desenvolvedor Web Completo + 10 de projetos." |
"** Curso mais vendido de Desenvolvimento Web da Udemy em portugus. So mais de 50 MIL ALUNOS nesta formao, 515 aulas somando todo o curso e mais de 36 horas de vdeos**Este o pacote de treinamentos para desenvolvimento web mais COMPLETO que voc vai encontrar no Udemy, so 14 cursos completos de onde voc vai sair do absoluto ZERO ao nvel PROFISSIONAL. Durante o treinamento, criamos mais de 10 projetos para voc aplicar nos seu dia a dia. Assista nossa aula de apresentao e conhea tudo que voc vai aprender, cursos, nmero de unidades e aulas.Curso HTML 5 Essencial (61 aulas)Curso CSS 3 Fundamental 50 aulas )Curso Javascript Fundamental ( 32 aulas )Curso jQuery Essencial ( 34 aulas )Curso BootStrap Fundamental ( 43 aulas ) Curso ECMAScript 6.0 ( 23 aulas )Curso YouTube API v3.0 ( 15 aulas )Curso SEO na prtica ( 12 aulas ) Curso PHP Fundamental 2020 ( 65 aulas ) Curso Banco de Dados MySQL 2020 ( 45 aulas )Curso PHP com Banco de Dados MySQL Fundamental ( 24 aulas )Curso PHP com Banco de Dados MySQL Avanado ( 41 aulas )Curso PHP com AJAX ( 42 aulas )Curso Webpack Essential (47 aulas)Total: 515 aulas."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Curso Diseo Grafico Completo" |
"La formacin Diseo Grfico Completo, tiene el nombre. Es la formacin de cursos ms completa que usted encontrar, son 6cursos, siendo 2de Photoshop, 1 de Illustrator, 2 de inDesign y un curso Bono de Adobe Portafolio que le ensear a crear un sitio web para exponer sus trabajos al mundo.Conozca los cursos que forman parte:Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 - Fundamental.Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 - Tratamiento de imgenes.Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 - Fundamental.Adobe InDesign CC 2017 - Esencial.Adobe InDesign CC 2017 - Avanzado.Adobe Portfolio.Son 224 clases, desarrolladas por los mejores instructores."
Price: 2745.00 ![]() |
"Curso Design Grfico COMPLETO - 9 Cursos do Zero ao Avanado" |
"** Curso mais vendido de Design Grfico da Udemy em portugus e um dos mais vendidos no mundo. So mais de 87 mil alunos nesta formao, 342 aulas somando todo o curso e mais de 30 horas de vdeos**** Atualizado para verso CC 2020 **A formao Design Grfico Completo, faz jus o nome. a formao de cursos mais completa que voc encontrar, so 9 cursos, sendo 4 de Photoshop, 1 de Illustrator, 1 de inDesign e um curso Bnus de Adobe Portfolio que ensinar voc a criar um website para expor seus trabalhos para o mundo. Alm dos cursos de atualizao das verses 2019 e 2020. Conhea os cursos que fazem parte:Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 - FundamentalAdobe Photoshop CC 2015 - Tratamento de ImagemAdobe Photoshop CC 2020 - AvanadoCamera 9 no Photoshop CC 2015.Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 - Fundamental Adobe inDesign CC 2014.3 EssencialAdobe Portfolio.Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 - AtualizaoAdobe Photoshop CC 2020 - Atualizao- So 342 aulas, desenvolvidas pelos melhores instrutores. - de responsabilidade do aluno, possuir os softwares instalados em seu computador. A Udemy ou Andr Fontenelle, no disponibilizam softwares para seus alunos."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Curso Google Analytics" |
"** Aprenda a partir zero sobre um dos servios mais importantes da Google j com a nova interface. Temos mais de 200 mil cursos vendidos**A formao Google Analytics para iniciantes tem mais de 25 aulas e conta com mais de 2 horas de vdeo-aulas. Conhea as unidades que abordaremos:Introduo ao cursoApresentao do Google AnalyticsRelatrio de PblicoRelatrio de AquisioRelatrio de ComportamentoRelatrio de Converses Extras muito contedo para voc que quer aprender como gerar relatrios segmentados do seu site e melhorar o direcionamento dos seus projetos. "
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Radiologia para estudantes e profissionais formados na rea" |
"A radiologia uma das reas que mais cresce no mundo quando se trata de tecnologia. Todos os anos vrios eventos nacionais e internacionais trazem vrias novidades quando aos equipamentos de Raios X e impressoras de imagens radiogrficas. Por essa razo as empresas requerem cada vez mais dos profissionais, ou seja, um conhecimento tecnolgico e tcnico para que se adaptem as novas tecnologias. Neste curso alm das tcnicas de aplicao de qualidade, o aluno tambm estudar as tcnicas de posicionamentos radiolgicos de rotina e especiais, passo a passo. Ao final, todos os estudantes aperfeioaro suas tcnicas e compreendero como aplica-las na prtica mdica."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
Radioterapia |
"A radioterapia uma especialidade mdica que utiliza radiaes ionizantes nas suas aplicaes com o objetivo de destruir tumores. Nesse curso abordaremos todo o princpio fsico, tipos de radiaes, mtodos e aplicaes, planejamentos e muito mais.Ser abordado neste curso a interao da radiao com as clulas do corpo humano e seus efeitos deletrios.Indicado paraestudantes e Tcnicos em Radiologia e todos da rea da sade."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Ressonncia Magntica" |
"O curso proporcionar aos alunos a compreenso dos princpios fsicos de formao das imagens de ressonncia magntica (RM), conhecer as tcnicas de posicionamento, exames e a avaliao das imagens produzidas. O estudante contar com vdeo aulas dinmicas e explicativas passo a passo, assim ao final o aluno ser capaz de exercer uma funo na rea tcnica prtica."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Anatomia radiogrfica" |
"O curso de Anatomia Radiogrfica tem como objetivo esclarecer aspectos importantes sobre a anatomia e anlise da qualidadedas radiografias. Assim, enfatiza os acidentes sseos, detalhes anatmicos; prope aprofundar e atualizar os conhecimentos do profissional da sade no que diz respeito anatomia radiogrfica; e pretende qualificar esse profissional para sua atuao no mercado de trabalho, promovendo a melhoria da assistncia prestada ao paciente."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Radiologia Mdica" |
"A radiologia mdica uma especialidade em crescimento contnuo que mais avanou na rea do diagnstico por imagens. Para trabalhar nessa rea o profissional dever estar habilitado a aplicar as tcnicas de kV e mAs para adquirir excelentes radiografias do corpo do paciente. Alm do conhecimento das tcnicas de exposies, o tcnico em radiologia dever reconhecer as estruturas anatmicas visualizadas nas imagens mdicas, assim ter maior facilidade de produzir radiografias de qualidade e facilitar um diagnstico mdico mais preciso e eficaz. Neste curso o aluno compreender passo a passo como utilizar a kV e mAs na prtica, estudar os principais posicionamentos de rotina e saber analisar as principais estruturas anatmicas visualizadas no exames de rotina."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Power BI" |
"Curso Completo de Power BI foi desenvolvido para que o aluno aprenda desde o incio os conceitos do Power BI, seu componentes, suas caractersticas e finalidades.Nesse curso, alm do embasamento terico, o aluno conta com 100% de prtica dos componentes apresentados atravs de demonstraes simples, diretas e objetivas.Dividido em 9 Mdulos, o Curso completo de Power BI engloba o Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service e o Power BI Mobile."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Student will learn exercises, basic striking, blocking and kicking as well as the ACTS Breathing Drill, Seven Stance Set, and Eight Gates Set in this first course of Way of the Shepherd Warrior, a blend of Tai Chi, Kenpo, and Weaponry with biblical symbolism for positive meditation on truth. Certification is available via video testing online for those who wish to progress in rank in this system. Contact Prof. Lewis for details on this at"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"This course will prepare the student for the Yellow Rank Sash Level with added technique, the Worship Chi Gung Set, and the Eight Key Moves Set along with self defense applications for these and the previous sets. Additional tips on training are given as well as kicking technique and a one for one partner drill of deflection and striking."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pro Tools im Heimstudio (fr Einsteiger)" |
"Hi und willkommen auf meiner Kursseite,in diesem Kurs werde ich dirzeigen, wie du dichin Pro Tools zurecht findest und wie dues schaffen kannst, deineersten eigenen Produktionen zu starten. Wenn du selbst keine Aufnahmen machen mchtest, sondern dich eher nur um die Mischung kmmern willst ist das auch hier kein Problem. Ich werde direinzelne Spuren bereitstellen, die du in Pro Tools importieren kannst und dann mit mir zusammen mischen wirst.Bei Fragen kannst du dich jederzeit bei mir melden und ich werde dir alles so detailliert wie mglich erklren."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Computer Science And Programming Fundamentals" |
"This is the most comprehensive and uniquecomputer science course which will give you in depth understanding of most importantfundamental concepts in computer science And Programming. This course is specifically designedfor anyone who aspires to be a computer science professional ( programming ,hardware , web development ) . You couldbe a budding programmer , hardware engineer or computer professional interestedin enhancing the depth of your knowledge . Thiscourse will has beendesigned to arm you with most important foundational concepts and knowledgein computer science which every computerprofessional is expected to knowirrespective of which field in computer science you may choose in future .Computer science is inherently an interdisciplinary science and therefore It isimportant for every computer professional to have a good understanding of thefundamental concepts in computer science no matter whichprogramming language or any other stream you may choose as career option . Each concept has been discussed in detail with the helpof graphics and multimedia to facilitateyour understanding . Computer science is full of technical jargon and thereforeall the topics have been presentedin a most simplified language to ease your learning curve . After completing thiscourse, you will have the critically important foundational knowledgeto confidently learn any programming language or any other course in computers .This course is ideal as a both a study tool and an on-the-job reference .This coursecomes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied inany way, you'll get your money back. So what areyou waiting for ? Let your professional career take off on the solid foundation . I am sure ,this course will give competitiveedge , confidence and knowledge base to master any subject in computer science."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Complete Database Design With MySQL Database Project." |
"The Database is vital component of most software applications that are being designed to handle large volumes of data . The performance of these software applications significantly depends upon the efficiency of the database which provide database functionality to these applications . And therefore , the database design professionals are in great demand in the job market .The database projects can be broadly split in to two stages . The first stage is database design part ( Planning ) in which the database designers make use of data modelling techniques to create the necessary data models which are used as blue prints for actually building the database using a specific DBMS . It is absolutely important for database design professional to understand and master the database design part which includes various data modelling techniques and database normalization process . The database design professional must develop professional expertise in both database design part and the particle knowledge base to build a robust well planned database . This course has been designed forboth absolute beginners as well as experienced professionals who wants to learn both the database design theory , important fundamental concepts and the practical knowledge in database design . This course will teach you step-by-step entire database design process in most simplified manner to effectively plan and build a professional level database using MySQLRelational Database Management System. In this course , we will work together on a database design project using MySQL Relational Database Management System . This course is packed with graphics , images which will help you easily grasp the important fundamental concepts in database design and development . This course will be an important resource in gaining professional level expertise as a database design professional ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to look impeccable and achieve business success" |
"This is not a course for fashionistas or men interested in the latestmanufactured trend by the fashion industry.This is a course for men who believe in the importance of dressing the part and see it as a way of respecting one's self and those around him. It is a course for those that believe the term ""gentleman"" is of value.The internet is filled with information but you can't be sure which is right and which is just another blogger's opinion.I've created this program because nobody teaches us hot to look our best in business. Men's dress has its origins in the early 20th century and there are certain secrets that most men don't know about.This course is for you:If you're a young gentleman looking to get the job you wantIf you are an established businessman and want to make sure that your image matches your level of expertise and experienceIf you are a lovely lady and want to make sure that your man is dressed like a million bucksEnrol today! Apply what I offer and you'llfeel and look your best in no time."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Firebase realtime database for Android Apps." |
"*** 3.5 hours of content ****** 50 comprehensive lectures ****** 31 sample projects included, with a mix of stand-alone and course projects ****** Free accompanying eBook of the course. All of the lecture content plus a glossary of the term used and an easy to read format. ******We have over 800 happy students on our courses****** Fantastic course which includes many practical challenges and focuses on student engagement. ***This course is a great introduction for Android App developers to meet and explore the functions of the real-time Firebase database provided by Google, Google Firebase. The database provided by Google Firebase is a comprehensive database solution, provided in an easy-to-use manner with a straightforward interface to make implementing data management quite simple for the budding App developer.You will be using Android Studio and be shown ways in which to enrich your Android Development through expert database management, user authentication, aspects of Java object-oriented programming language and the basic JSON database.So, where to start?Once the course is underway, we are going to take you through the basic Google Firebase console. Along the way, we will look at using Googles Json Firebase database and Android Studio and the concept of user authentication, and the reading of media files.There are some useful and interesting challenges throughout the lectures, with a combination of both stand-alone projects, known as Spike projects, and projects that directly affect the main game app to which this course feeds into.As always and most importantly, you are in charge of the pace at which you wish to learn.Mobile apps are a now huge industry, grown out of all proportion in recent years, so the skills to create fantastic apps are highly sought after. The Firebase realtime database for Android Apps is an excellent guide through the concepts of handling data. Over the course of 48 quality lectures - over 3 hours of lessons - we start at the basics of database management and show you the ways in which you can maximise your data with the minimum of effort. Excellent coding will always do the hard work for you and the Google realtime database that is Firebase is an invaluable tool to explore.As a student of this course you should have a desire to explore user validation, media file storage and ways of handling data management. It is ideal for students who want to expand their knowledge in order to code, and code well in Java using Android Studio and this course is extremely useful to those of you wishing to progress into the exciting world of Android App development.For those of you who enjoy being given the opportunity to code for themselves, with a guidance from the instructor - we guarantee you will get a real sense of achievement when you see your own code working!So, what are you waiting for? Build a fantastic grounding in Android App Development, Android Studio and object-oriented Java Programming with this brilliant course and who knows where it will take you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Secrets Of Bethsaida" |
"For nearly two thousand years, the ancient biblical city of Bethsaida on the shores of the Sea of Galilee (one of the most frequently mentioned towns in the New Testament, more than Bethlehem and Nazareth) had been lost to humanity and was assumed by many to be a myth. Here, according to the New Testament of the Bible, the Apostles of Jesus, Peter, Andrew, and Phillip, were born. Here too, Jesus performed some of his miracles, including healing of a blind man, the feeding of the multitudes (miracle of the five loaves and two fish), and walking on the water of the Sea of Galilee. And here too, Phillip, the son of Herod the Great, upgraded the city to the status of a Greek city, where he was subsequently buried after his death, His Royal thumb is still somewhere under this old mount.Bethsaida is also related to one os the most important documents ever written and still never been found: The Q Source. This document contain collection of sayings of Jesus, assumed to be one of two written sources behind the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke.It was not until 1987, through the pioneering work of the Israeli archaeologist, Prof. Rami Arav, that the location of Bethsaida was finally revealed. Scientific investigations and excavations have been conducted at the site since 1990 through a consortium of universities."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4 Mastery: Create Multiplayer Games with C++" |
"Approved by Epic Games and taught by former Epic Games engineer, Tom Looman, this course teaches you how to use C++ to build your own games including artificial intelligence in Unreal Engine 4.If you have a bit of programming know-how from other coding languages but are new to C++ game development, then this course is for you! Unreal Engine 4 Mastery is also a great fit for current developers who have previous experience with Unity3D or other game engines. Unleash the full power of the Unreal Engine by taking this step-by-step guide. In this course, you will:Create two multiplayer-ready games in C++Create multiple types of AI enemiesExpose C++ code to Blueprint to unlock the full power of the engineDiscover the fundamental classes required to build gamesCode many common gameplay mechanics like weapons, power-ups, characters, guards, and more Challenge yourself with fun activities that further test your programming knowledgeDiscover many tricks and features in C++ to get the most out of Unreal EngineMaster the fundamentals to build your own dream gameYoull go hands-on immediately and dive straight into completing over 14 challenges and two game projects. Youll start by creating a first-person stealth game, where youll learn the basics of C++, AI, and networking. Then youll build a third-person cooperative shooter game, in the likes of Gears of War or Fortnite. In this project, youll expand your learning of C++, make the game fully multiplayer-ready, and create fun artificial intelligence to play against with friends.This course is also packed with challenges where youll build a grenade launcher, a black hole that sucks in the fabric of space, and a launchpad that bounces players and objects aroundjust to name a few! Through these activities, youll explore the engines code, improve your problem-solving capabilities, and take your games to the next level. By the end of the course, you can use your knowledge of C++ and Blueprints to build your own dream games. You can use the games built during this course for your personal projects moving forward, as you add more advanced features. Even if you thought C++ was difficult or intimidating before taking this course, you will learn how easy it is to code C++ within Unreal Engine 4 once you go through these lectures. Even if you are only interested in single-player type games, this course will be a great fit as it teaches many other concepts besides programming for multiplayer games.Why Learn From MeIn this course you will learn more than just programming in Unreal Engine 4. You will actually follow the Unreal Way of making games in this Epic Games-approved course. Start off on the right foot and write effective C++ code using methods the engine creators have used themselves! I have been working with Unreal Engine 4 and creating game development tutorials since day one. Through this partnership with Epic Games, you will gain the skills to create stunning new projects and advance your professional aspirations in game development.Join me in this course and start building awesome games in C++ today!Note: Now includes hand-made Chinese subtitles for all lectures!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Como comprar bem um terreno" |
"um curso com 10 videoaulas, 10 e-books, 10 testes e 10 gabaritos dos testes. Ensina a comprar bem um terreno. Os ensinamentos presentes nas 10 videoaulas evitam que o comprador seja enganado. Nada mais triste do que comprar um terreno, pagar o preo e ao final ver o sonho dourado se transformar em pesadelo. Istoacontece bastante. Voc olhou, gostou, mostrou para os amigos, comprou e pagou. Na sua cabea tudo ficou certo. Parecia que era como comprar um carro. Todo mundo to amvel, tudo to fcil. Aos poucos os erros comeam a aparecer e com eles os prejuzos.Comprar um terreno pode levar sua vida para frente ou para trs. Se comprar mal vai andar para trs e perder dinheiro. Se comprar bem vai progredir e rpido.Quem tiver pacincia de fazer este curso simples e direto vai comprar bem. Vai acertar todas. Vai se dar muito bem.No curso so dados mais de 50conselhos. So conselhos simples mas voc sozinho dificilmente acertaria todos. Estes conselhos vo proteg-lo das armadilhas presentes nas negociaes de um terreno. Veja este exemplo: Voc vai comprar um terreno e quer medi-lo antes de comprar. Nada mais normal, nada mais certo. Agora se voc est pensando em medir o seu futuro terreno com trena, metro ou qualquer aparelho eletrnico est muito enganado! No assimque se mede o terreno que vamos comprar. No curso eu ensino a maneira certa de medir e evitar este enorme erro. E lembre-se, voc no vai pegar nem em trena nem em metro. Mesmo profissionais do ramo dos imveis,como construtores,engenheiros, arquitetose corretores de imveisvo se beneficiar com os ensinamentos contidos neste curso.Aprendendo a comprar um terreno voc saber comprar um apartamento ou uma casa. Os princpios so os mesmos. Este curso vai levar voc longe. Boa sorte!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |