Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Unique & Specific Ways to Increase Your Ecommerce Engagement" |
"Aren't you bored of traditional ways to increase conversions? Because I am!:)You mighthave quitegood running online/offline marketing, macro navigation, sales funnel and a traffic.You might focus on big stuff.The big stuff is important.You might want to stand out in competitors market.You want to stick in user'smind and make him return back.You want to become influentialonline store.You wonder what is the key to differentiate a generic storefrom the individual and outstanding one.You simply want more. And that's agreat attitude to achieve it!One of most successful key isdetails.In this course I will share you my carefully crafted experiment which I revealed during theyears of working in user experience field. By developing effective micro elements you will reduce user's frustrations in failure moments. You will also frame joyful messages to reduce his cognitive loads andmotivateto complete particular tasks, thusend up shopping journey with successful purchase!You will cross all user journey starting from home to purchase pageand see the best micro ux practises of famous brands as Zappos, Pinterest, Hubspot, Yelp, Zalando, Mailchimpand other.You will see that the giant products take a lot of attention for micro moments. And after this fast and engaging course you willbe able to adjust their principles to your product .This course will reveal micro ux not just a matter of creativity and inspirations. It will show it as subtle science of usability, full of theory, formulas and tactical methods to increase conversion rates and boost business revenues. In the end of thiscourse you will get theMicro UX implementation model as a course summaryin order to use it in your working routine and ensure you not to miss any of essential detail.This is ajoyful methods and practice based course to increase your online store CRO!No mess, only actionable steps.Now, jump straight to the content! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"TensorFlow 101: Introduction to Deep Learning" |
"This course provides you to be able to build Deep Neural Networks models for different business domains with one of the most common machine learning library TensorFlow provided by Google AI team. The both concept of deep learning and its applications will be mentioned in this course. Also, we will focus on Keras. We will also focus on the advanced topics in this lecture such as transfer learning, autoencoders, face recognition (including those models: VGG-Face, Google FaceNet, OpenFace and Facebook DeepFace).This course appeals to ones who interested in Machine Learning, Data Science and AI. Also, you don't have to be attend any ML course before."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Neural Networks for Machine Learning From Scratch" |
"Deep learning would be part of every developer's toolbox in near future. It wouldn't just be tool forexperts.In this course, we will developour own deep learning frameworkin Pythonfrom zero to one whereas the mathematical backgroundsof neural networks and deep learning are mentioned concretely. Hands on programming approach wouldmakeconcepts more understandable. So, you would not need to consume any high level deep learning framework anymore. Even though, python is used in the course, you can easily adapt the theory into any other programming language."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Decision Trees for Machine Learning From Scratch" |
"Decision trees are one of the hottest topics in Machine Learning. They dominate many Kaggle competitions nowadays. Empower yourself for challenges.This course covers both fundamentals of decision tree algorithms such as CHAID, ID3, C4.5, CART, Regression Trees and its hands-on practical applications. Besides, we will mention some bagging and boosting methods such as Random Forest or Gradient Boosting to increase decision tree accuracy. Finally, we will focus on some tree based frameworks such as LightGBM, XGBoost and Chefboost.We will create our own decision tree framework from scratch in Python. Meanwhile, step by step exercises guide you to understand concepts clearly.This course appeals to ones who interested in Machine Learning, Data Science and Data Mining."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 - Profissional" |
"Ocurse de HTML5 tem o objetivo de mostrar de forma clara para os alunos as ferramentas que so usadas para a criao de pginas web. O HTML reponsvel por estruturar o site esttico, a base para o desenvolvimento web. O aluno est apto formatar pargrafo, construir tabelas, inserir e configurar imagens, criar formulrilos e entender o funcionamento da internet e do desenvolvimento web."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Firewall - pfSense Completo" |
"OFirewall - pfSense Completo uma poderosa ferramenta de segurana de rede com funo de filtrar o trfego do enlace, por ser um firewall livre e muito robusto ficou muito popular no mundo e est bem estvel. Outra caracterstica do Firewall pfSense sua acessibilidade com diversos pacotes de servios como VPN, Servidor DHCP, NAT, DNS, VLan, Proxy Squid e etc, dessa forma esse firewall muito usado para gerenciar pequenas redes.O curso deFirewall - pfSense Completotem o objetivo de apresentar de forma didtica para o aluno com implantar um sistema de segurana em redes de computadores. Ser abordado com contedos funcionais focando nas necessidades corporativas que exigem efetividade do profissional de redes, por isso ser detalhado o funcionamento do firewall e apresenta suas funcionalidades com foco em produtos a serem entregues."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress: La guida base completa allo sviluppo" |
"**************************************************************************************************************************************** ULTIMO AGGIORNAMENTO SETTEMBRE 2020 #WORSPRESS&JQUERY #WORSPRESS&TRADUZIONI #INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONEAggiornamento dedicato ancora alla parte di jQuery dei selettori che risulta ancora lunga ed una sezione nuova di approfondimenti su tutto il processo di traduzione del tema. Analizzeremo l'utilizzo delle funzione per caricare il text domain sul nostro tema e tutto il flow per gestire, customizzare ed implementare ogni tipo di traduzione all'interno del tema tramite le localization functions e le loro funzionalit. Vuoi imparare ad usare WordPress in maniera professionale.. cosa aspetti?? iscriviti al corso!!****************************************************************************************************************************************Alcune recensioni degli studenti:Pietro un insegnante veramente eccellente e competente ! fornisce indicazioni chiare e precise ed aiuta realmente i propri allievi a comprendere le dinamiche di funzionamento di questa piattaforma. Aggiungerei che la sua disponibilit stata una piacevole sorpresa. Piero spero che tu metta in cantiere anche degli altri corsi, saro' felice di seguirli. A distanza di mesi dall'acquisto del corso vorrei, se possibile, complimentarmi ancora di pi con Pietro (premetto che io e lui non ci conosciamo) e che la mia una recensione sincera e imparziale. Il corso di Piero il migliore fra tutti quelli da me seguiti ed il mio unico rammarico averlo scoperto tardi. Piero io mi auguro che tu possa continuare a pubblicare corsi e darci la possibilit di poter condividere il tuo sapere. Avercene di Piero ! Complimenti. 5 Stelle*******************************Corso e docente di massimo livello. Grande supporto e cortesia . Consigliatissimo! 5 Stelle*******************************Piero un ottimo insegnante, spiegazioni sempre chiare. 5 StelleLa presentazione del corso pre-acquisto e nelle lezioni introduttive molto chiara e precisa. Pi vado avanti nel corso pi sono soddisfatto della scelta fatta nell'acquistare questo corso. Ogni giorno metto subito in pratica quanto imparato direttamente sui miei siti Wordpress. 5 Stelle****************************************************************************************************************************************Se non sei un esperto di programmazione ed il tuo obiettivo quello di comprendere il funzionamento di Wordpress, come creare o personalizzare un tema a tuo piacimento, capire in che modo vengono generati i contenuti come custom post type, menu, sidebar, widget, tassonomie personalizzate, template file e molto altro... questo corso adatto a te!!!Wordpress uno dei CMS (content management system) ad oggi pi utilizzati. Le molteplici funzionalit implementate col passare degli anni, hanno attribuito a questa piattaforma una collocazione che vanta il 47% di utilizzo tra tutti i CMS ad oggi sul mercato.Nonostante ci, molti utenti lo utilizzano forse per un 10% delle sue potenzialit, utilizzando solo le funzioni messe a disposizione di default o magari altre create da un team di sviluppo su temi premium acquistati on-line.Questo corso strutturato in modo tale da comprendere in che modo questa piattaforma strutturata, quali sono le dinamiche pi importanti che determinano la personalizzazione dei contenuti e come questi possano completamente essere modificati tramite una pi accurata conoscenza del codice contenuto all'interno.Nella parte introduttiva daremo uno sguardo al processo d'installazione ed analizzeremo quali siano le mansioni assegnate ai singoli file che compongono la struttura del nostro CMS.Una volta apprese le dinamiche base di funzionamento, proseguiremo tramite una sezione dedicata ai fondamenti del codice PHP che garantir la completa comprensione del corso anche senza avere conoscenza alcuna di questo linguaggio di programmazione.Successivamente inizieremo insieme un percorso di apprendimento ""step by step"", il cui obiettivo sar quello non solo di affrontare in maniera semplice ma approfondita la struttura dei temi di Wordpress ed il modo in cui creare, modificare ed implementare le funzioni di cui questo CMS dispone, ma di trasmettere allo studente una metodologia di comprensione ed operativit tale da aprire le porte ad un percorso come sviluppatore che sia per se stesso o per i futuri potenziali clienti.Che tu sia un appassionato di Programmazione Web, un Web Designer o un aspirante Wordpress Developer, questo corso potrebbe rappresentare un buon punto di partenza per meglio comprendere uno dei CMS al momento pi utilizzati!Cosa apprenderai da questo corso?Le funzionalit dei files che compongono Wordpress;In che modo vengono visualizzati i contenuti secondo una determinata gerarchia interna;Come modificare contenuti pre-esistenti come Articoli e Pagine;Come creare dei nuovo contenuti tramite i ""Custom post type"" e come visualizzarli nel front-end;Come creare nuove tassonomie personalizzate e richiamarle nelle pagine di Wordpress;Come conservare il proprio codice con la creazione di un plugin personalizzato;Come creare nuove sidebar , widget e menu personalizzati e richiamarli al momento opportuno;Come creare, modificare o implementare la visualizzazione dei nostri articoli, delle nostre pagine o dei nostri ""custom post type"" all'interno delle nostra pagine web;Come creare una pagina blog personalizzata;Come consultare il Codex che rappresenta la Bibbia di Wordpress;Come vengono dichiarate le funzioni che utilizzeremo e come personalizzarle;Come inserire i fogli di stile e i file javascript;Come prelevare codice esterno ed integrarlo dentro Wordpress;Come utilizzare gli shortcode , come modificarli e come crearne di nuovi;E molto altro.....Ma soprattutto apprenderai che niente complicato se affrontato con la giusta chiave di lettura!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress: crea il tuo Pannello di Opzioni personalizzato" |
"**************************************************************************************************************************************** ULTIMO AGGIORNAMENTO Gennaio 2020#CUSTOMIZER #CONTROLLIINJAVASCRIPT #LINKDIRETTOALCONTROLLO #CUSTOMIZERANDSHORTCODESUPDATE: Creazione di controlli del customizer identificati da un seletttore a scelta, tramite il click e' possibile accedere direttamente al controllo specifico senza dover navigare nel pannello di opzioni .****************************************************************************************************************************************Alcune recensioni degli studenti:Ottimo, davvero spiegato bene, ti fa capire per bene le basi per poter applicare qualsiasi modifica al tuo customizer 5 StelleE' il secondo corso che compro da Piero. Chiaro semplice e disponibile. Complimenti. 5 Stelle****************************************************************************************************************************************Questo corso strutturato in modo tale da comprendere, partendo dai concetti base come le nozioni di PHP e della programmazione ad oggetti, in che modo lavorare con le API del Customizer di WORDPRESS al fine di progettare, creare ed implementare un nostro pannello di opzioni personalizzato.IL CONCETTO DI API MOLTO IMPORTANTEAPI lacronimo di Application Programming Interface. In pratica le API permettono agli sviluppatori di accedere a determinate funzioni o dati, altrimenti inaccessibili di un programma o servizio web E NEL NOSTRO CASO IN WORDPRESS, e manipolarle in modo da creare un utilizzo particolare o un nuovo utilizzo. Con l'utilizzo delle Theme Customization API in questo corso impareremo come implementare il nostro Pannello di Opzioni con nuove funzionalit che renderanno ancora pi dinamico e personalizzabile il tuo tema.Sezioni introduttive:Ho inserito ben 2 SEZIONI INTRODUTTIVE DI NOZIONI BASE, la prima che tratta i concetti base di PHP per non lasciare nulla al caso, e la seconda dedicata INTERAMENTE alla programmazione orientata ad oggetti in PHP. Queste due SEZIONI INTRODUTTIVE ti metteranno in condizioni non solo di apprendere il codice che utilizzeremo delle nostre lezioni durante tutto il corso, ma anche di creare del contenuti nuovi ed assolutamente personalizzabili utilizzando le API NATIVE DI WORDPRESS.Contenuto del corso:Nella parte iniziale del corso daremo uno sguardo a quali siano i controlli che Worpdress mette a disposizione e come modificarle. Continueremo il nostro percorso analizzando tutti gli altri controlli base messi disposizione dal CODEX come per esempio il controllo testo, email, url, select, testarea, checkbox , logo, image, media e molto altro... per comprendere poi come richiamarli all'interno del nostro tema in modo permanente.Nelle sezioni pi avanzate inizieremo ad implementare il pannello di opzioni con nuove funzionalit, con nuovi controlli un po' pi complessi che ci permetteranno di comprendere come sfruttare a pieno le API del Theme Customizer.Qui apprenderai come modificare tutti i parametri che vuoi direttamente da pannello di opzioni del tuo tema, come ad esempio:- personalizzazione dei colori;- titoli personalizzati;- link ai social;- dimensioni e font dei caratteri;- inserimento dei loghi con misure personalizzare;- inserimento di tutti i tipi di media supportati dal browser;- creazioni di classi personalizzate per inserire i nostri contenuti custom;......e molto altro ancora!Alla fine del corso sarai in grado di creare un Pannello di Opzioni assolutamente personalizzato con tutti i contenuti necessari e pronti da richiamare all'interno del tuo tema per renderli fruibili ai tuoi clienti.Se non sei un esperto di programmazione ed il tuo obiettivo quello di personalizzare il pannello di opzioni del tuo tema e renderlo cos fruibile ai tuoi clienti, questo il corso che fa per te!!Che tu sia un appassionato di Programmazione Web, un Web Designer o un aspirante Wordpress Developer, questo corso potrebbe dare un valore aggiunto al tuo lavoro rendendo i tuoi siti web ancora pi dinamici e ricchi di funzionalit.Cosa apprenderai da questo corso?Comprendere partendo dalle basi, il funzionamento del Pannello di Opzioni di Wordpress;Come utilizzare le API del theme Customizer per creare ed implementare il tuo Pannello Opzioni;Come creare sezioni personalizzare diverse da quelle gi presenti in wordpress;Come creare diversi tipi di ""controlli"" all'interno delle tue sezioni come logo, immagini, testo, email e molto altro da richiamare e personalizzare poi, all'interno del tuo tema;Gestire ogni parametro dei fogli di stile direttamente dal Pannello di Opzioni senza bisogno di doverli editare continuamente;Inserire contenuti multimediali come Video, Audio, PDF ed tutti quelli supportati dai browser moderni;Creare un Pannello di Opzioni personalizzato dove inserire contenuti da richiamare all'interno del tema come pagine, menu, tags, categorie, custom post type e molto altro...;Personalizzare il logo con dimensioni personalizzate da richiamare direttamente nel vostro header;E molto altro ancora.....Ma soprattutto apprenderai che niente complicato se affrontato con la giusta chiave di lettura!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate English Phrasal Verbs - British English" |
"This course is designed for anyone looking to improve their English language skill and covers some intermediate level phrasal verbs.This course will allowyou to master 40 phrasal verbs in just 10 days if you study one lecture a day and complete the activities. Of course there is no time limit, so you may take longer if that suits your learning style.Keep in mind that some phrasal verbs can have many different meanings, this course generallycovers the most commonmeanings. The English used is specifically British English, but the differences between British and International English here are small."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Nivel I - Decoracin de Ramos de Fresas con Chocolate" |
"En este cursoaprenders las tcnicas bsicas elementales y te ensearemos los recursos para que puedas convertirte en experta(o) creando arreglos decorativos de fresas con chocolate totalmente comestibles para que puedas sorprender a tus familiares y amigos en eventos especiales. Te ensearemos paso a paso todo lo que necesitas saber para que puedas crear con tus propias manos estos hermosos y deliciosos arreglos. Desde los materiales que necesitas hasta como preparar, decorar y adornar cada fresa hasta obtener un resultado sorprendente. Porque debes participar en este curso? Claro que podras buscar alguna empresa que haga estos arreglos para ti, pero porque no ahorrar y hacer estos arreglos tu misma(o) sorprendiendo a todos los que te conocen? Con el tiempo y con otros cursos ms avanzado que ofreceremos en un futuro cercano podrs obtener la practica necesaria para hacer estos hermosos arreglos y ms adelante, por qu no considerar una fuente adicional de ingresos ofreciendo estos lindos y sorprendentes arreglos a tus familiares y amigos? Cmo aprenders? Este curso est diseado para que puedas ver y aprender el paso a paso necesario para la creacin de estos lindos arreglos de manera profesional. Desde que materiales necesitas, como preparar la base de los arreglos, como preparar el chocolate, decorar las fresas, armar el arreglo y mucho ms. No encontraras otro curso como este que te ensee los trucos necesarios para crear estos deliciosos arreglos de fresa con chocolate. Sentirs que estas participando en uno de nuestros talleres personalizado. Nada demuestra ms amor que algo hecho con tus propias manos. Anmate y aprende con nosotros!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Stata el mejor software Estadstico desde cero" |
"El programa STATA es un paquete estadstico diseado para el anlisis descriptivo de datos y la implementacin de diferentes tcnicas de estimacin. Veremos en este curso un completo uso del programa , analisis de datos , sus menu, comandos mas usados , el menu inicial que conforma el programa y sus principales funciones.Aprenderemos a analizar Datos en Stata, sus principales funciones de Stata , tambien veremos ejemplos y explicaremos punto a punto su ejecucin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel La planilla de calculo de datos desde cero" |
"En este curso aprenderemos a usar Excel que es la planilla mas usada en la actualidad, veremos su menu , ingreso de datos , formulas , filtros , graficos , formatos , macros , tablas dinamicas ,agregar comandos a la barra de menus , importar datos , texto en columnas , exportar datos , macros ,trucos , ejemplos y podras desenvolverte de forma optima en cualquier trabajo que realizes Al curso se agrego una planilla en excel con el fixture o cuadro del mundial , podras ver una planilla avanzada con macros , tablas , filtros , celdas protegidas , ademas podras ingresar los resultados que crees se daran en los 8 grupos , ver si tu pas favorito tendra un cuadro facil , si pasara de ronda , si podra ser campeon , luego cuando sea el mundial puedes ingresar los resultados realies y ver cada etapa del mundial."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"App moviles sin programar" |
"Veremos como crear App moviles sin saber programar Que sitios permiten realizarlo Haremos una App mobil desde cero como subirla a Android , webs y IOSque sistemas de pagos requieren Cuanto sale gestionarlas Haremos un Rk de las ventajas y desventajas de cada sitio que permite estoComo crear logos para realizar las app mobiles y todo esto sin saber programar Se vera la evolucin de android y de IOS Las diferencias de ser desarrollador Android y de IOS Las ventajas de los sitios que permiten crear aplicaciones android y de IOS sin saber programar Las tarifas que cobran Android e ios para ser desarrollador de aplicaciones moviles Los medios de magos que se permiten.Ejemplos ilustrativos de como realizar una app el menu de gestionadores para desarrolladores tanto android como de iosEsperamos que disfrutes de este gran curso creado para cualquier usuario que no es experto en programacin y que te permitira crear , disear y luego ver tus propias app en tu smartphone"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Speed Up Your Algebra Using Vedic Math" |
"What is Vedic Math?Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of Indian Mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (1884-1960). The system is based on16 Sutras and 13 sub-sutras derived from Atharva veda. Mathematical Sutras provide simple, straight-forward alternates to calculate, the otherwise cumbersome and complicated calculations. Vedic Math is one of the ancient and the most effective method to learn math in the easiest way possible. It has plenty of benefits in store for every person willing to master this method.One very important feature of the Vedic system is that once an arithmetic method has been mastered the same method can be applied to algebraic cases of that type - the beautiful coherence between arithmetic and algebra is clearly manifest in the Vedic system. Vedic Mathematics, or simply Vedic Math, finds its applications not only in arithmetic, but also in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and applied mathematics.Why to take up this course?Here we introduce ' Speed up your Algebra using Vedic Math' to make your learning experience super easy. This course is designed to teach Algebra using Vedic Sutras. The methods are fast and effective because they rely on mental working. In many applications answers are found in one line. Vedic Math tricks can make you do Algebraic operations 10-15 times faster than our usual methods. It provides more systematic, simplified and faster technique than conventional system.Course is a system of polynomial calculations which are simpler and more enjoyable than the equivalent algorithms of modern Algebra.Course coversDividing a polynomial by another without actually dividingMultiplication of Polynomials using vertically and crosswise techniqueFactorization of QuadraticsFactorization of cubic polynomialsFactorization of homogeneous expressions of the second degreeSolving Quadratics by calculus and many other special techniquesSolving system of Simultaneous Linear EquationsSolving Simple Equations (First Principles)Solving many types of Simple Equations using Sunyam Samya Samuccaya TechniqueVedic Mathematics converts a tedious subject Algebra into a playful and blissful one which anyone can learn with smiles. It has unique and effective benefits that make it an easy choice for the learners to adopt. The ease and simplicity of Vedic Mathematics means that calculations can be carried out mentally. Vedic Math is very effective and at the same time it is easy to learn. It increases speed and accuracy.You will have fun learning these tricks and you will love them even more as you work out mental calculations by testing yourselves against time. Vedic Math Techniques/Sutras have the math tricks for fast calculation and can be used in exams like SAT, GMAT, GRE, CAT, CET, SAT, Banking Exams, etc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Quick Mental Math Tricks & Shortcuts for Competitive Exams" |
"This mental Math course is designed to prepare students for the Quantitative aptitude of the Question paper. The course is a complete guide in itself and the course provides everything you need in order to study for different Math Competitions. The course covers Basic facts, Notes, Formulas, short cuts, logical techniques, downloadable pdfs, Tasks and Practice tests. In every section, Resources are provided in the form of downloadable pdfs of Practice problems and Assignments with the answers.Tricks and shortcuts used in the course are very easy, can be applied mentally and a person with less knowledge of Math can also easily understand.The course covers almost all common topics of competitive exams (around 2000 solved questions) and there is constant upgrading in the course.Topics covered are- Algebra Short Tricks1.30 hr. section of Algebra short tricks requires very little knowledge of the actual methods of solving. Very fast techniques to solve Sequence and Series, Quadratic equations, reducible to quadratic equations, problems involving & , real-life word problems based on linear and quadratic equations, Linear Equations & Polynomials.-LogarithmsNearly 1hr. section of Logarithm short tricks explaining Logarithms and its Laws in detail. Three lectures on the application of short techniques to crack the problems in the first attempt. The last two lectures of this section are based on past paper Problems from the CAT exam. - GeometryRevision of complete Geometry Concepts with all the Formulas, Definitions, Notes, Theorem, Facts & Tricks. Topics covered are Lines and Angles, Parallel lines, Triangles, Pythagoras Th., Inequalities of Triangles, Sine and Cosine Rule, Median, Altitude, Angle bisector, properties of Equilateral & Isosceles Triangles, all types of Quadrilaterals, Polygons-interior angles & number of diagonals, Angle Bisector Theorem, Congruent & Similar Triangles, Circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Tangents to circle, Areas between two parallel lines, etc.- Trigonometry shortcutsNearly 3 hours of Topic, divided into two sections. First Section is based on Revision of Complete Basics and Formulas of Trigonometry, explained with the help of examples. In the second section, you can learn the fastest techniques of solving Trigonometry problems based on Identities, Height & Distance, Geometry & Solution of Triangles without the help of too high knowledge of Trigonometry.- Basic Topics of middle & High SchoolYou will find separate sections and step by step explanations of short techniques & logical methods to handle highly Skilled Problems based on Time and Work; Pipes and Cistern; Speed, Distance and Time; Work and wages; Percentage; Profit & loss; Discount; Tax and faulty dealer; Boats and streams and many more- Simplification ProblemsMagical short tricks to find solutions of simplification Problems Based on Percentages, Fractions, Square roots, cube roots, tricky fractions, and successive square roots, etc. in seconds.- Finding Unit digitsFinding Unit digits of tough exponents numbers and calculations.- Simplification by Digital Sum Techniques of Vedic MathsVery Fast technique of finding correct answers out of multiple-choice questions of heavy calculationswithout actually calculating.Note: I am still upgrading the course by adding more topics to the course because many students demanded topics like Trigonometry, Logarithms shortcuts, Sequence, and series, etc. I am open to your suggestions to improve the course, contact me through the message box. Your reviews and ratings to the course will be precious gift to the course.Course is based on solving problems with short tricks, tips and logical methods only so that students can solve competitive exam problems within a few seconds. Traditional methods used in schools are not included in the course.As from last 20 years, I have prepared students of different caliber for entrance to different competitive Exams. Through this course I am presenting my knowledge of short tricks of various Math topics that can help you crack quants section of various competitions. So this is the course which will help you learn tricks, tips and shortcuts to crack Quant section of any competition exams.Disclaimer:Match the syllabus of your requirement with topics given in the course before taking the course and English is not my mother tongue so watch example videos provided with the intro to understand my style of teaching. If you like my style of teaching then only buy the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"High School Math (Pure Mathematics 1)" |
"Over 10,000 schools across the world teach the Cambridge International AS/A level Mathematics to their students. IB is gaining recognition among students having intentions for joining higher studies in other countries. Pure Mathematics 1 is the course which is compulsory for AS level and A level both. Pure Mathematics 1 paper is of 75 Marks, 1 hour and 45 minutes duration and there are 7 main Topics of precalculus and calculus. This course gives complete tutorial support to the students and replaces the need for a personal tutor. The course contains All basic concepts, Notes, List of Formulas, Assignments with lots of practice problems, Expected problems, and Past year paper problems in the form of resources given at the end of each section. The course covers the following topics from the Pure Mathematics 1 curriculum- Functions- Quadratic Equations- Coordinate Geometry- Sequence & Series- Binomial Theorem- Differentiation & its Applications- Integration- Simultaneous linear equations in two variables- Essential Revision Section Essential Revision section is for revision of basic Algebra 1 topics like finding Values of algebraic expressions, Fractional Indices, Higher Indices, Rules of Brackets, Simplification by removing brackets (BODMAS), Simplifications of Algebraic Fractions, Solving complex Linear Equations in one variable, Simplifications of Algebraic Fractions and different factorization techniques along with middle term split.We have designed this course to ensure you get greater flexibility and more opportunities for personalized learning than a face-to-face classroom. The video lectures explain every concept, theory and give a step by step solution of problems relating to the topic. We have included complete resources required to prepare these topics for Examination and multiple quizzes as a part of the course to test your understanding of the topic better. This course is of more than 20 hours, consists of 169 video lectures divided into 14 sections. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"GMAT / SAT / CAT - Permutations, Combinations & Probability" |
"Permutations, Combinations & Probability are the most important topics for any competitive exam. At least 3/4 questions appear in GMAT, SAT, CAT, Math Olympiad and other competitive exams from this topic. So if you desire to score a high percentile in quantitative aptitude, it is a must to have a good grasp over these topics.The course covers almost all the fundamental concepts of Permutations, Combinations & Probability tricks and is designed for anyone with little or no previous knowledge of the topic can also understand it. So if you lack confidence in attending the topics Permutations & Combinations and Probability and needs strong foundation then this course is just for you. This course will make you expert in different techniques of arrangements, selections and probability. The course consists of 81 video lectures divided into 8 sections along with a special section on GMAT Past Paper problems. As the course progresses, basic facts, concepts, terms, principles and application are added to help the student understand the topics in the best way. In most of the lectures, theory is explained in an interactive and practical format and then further explained with questions to ensure a good grasp on the topic. Nearly 100 quizzes are added in between the sections to ensure the best understanding of the course. To help you more you can download resources from the end of each section containing Assignments.Course targets Math students of high school or early college level students. This course is very helpful for those going for Banking exams, GMAT, SAT, CAT and University entrance exams. Course covers the syllabus of mostly all boards IGCSE, CBSE, ICSE, Cambridge. By the end of this course you will be able to solve all challenging problems either through logic or by applying the appropriate formula on these topics.I hope you will like the course. Contact me with any questions and please leave a review! "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Perfect Your Mathematical Skills (Pre-Calculus Course)" |
"This Math course is carefully designed to explain various topics of Math, Algebra 1 & 2, pre-calculus of junior high or High school Mathematics in such a way that a person with little or no previous knowledge of these Math topics can also understand well. First seven sections of this course build strong foundation of Math Basics like Integers, Indices, Prime number, L.C.M, H.C.F, Rational numbers, Fractions & Decimals. Eighth section is for Plane Geometry. Plane Geometry is one of the most important sections for any competitive exam. At least 3 to 5 questions appear in GMAT, GRE, CAT, Math Olympiad and other competitive exams from this topic. So if you desire to score a high percentile in quantitative aptitude, it is a must to have a good grasp over Geometry. The course consists of 104 video lectures divided into 17 sections along with a variety of easy and difficult problems for each section. As the course progresses, basic facts, concepts, terms, principles and application are added to help the student understand the topics in the best way. In most of the lectures, theory is explained in an interactive and practical format and then further explained with questions to ensure a good grasp on the topic. Course Covers Integers Indices Prime numbers Decimals Operations on Fractions Rational Numbers. Irrational Numbers. Logarithms Lines and Angles Polygons: sides, angles and diagonals Coordinate Geometry Arithmetic Progression Geometric Progressions Functions Binomial Theorem This course is a journey of nearly 15 hours, giving you complete revision of all basic topics in enjoyable manner. This course will helpful for you to brush up your basic mathematical skills and boost up your confidence and on the other hand give you firm understanding of the fundamentals. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Perfect Your Algebra Fundamentals" |
"Why to study Algebra?Math is incomplete without Algebra. Algebra is major part of Math. Algebra is everywhere in our lives. You cannot go for higher studies in Math without algebra. It is gateway to higher Math like Calculus, Geometry and Trigonometry. Algebra is foundational for advanced Math classes, as well as many other subjects. In fact, todays modern industry rely totally on Algebra.Algebra provides us with a basic language to describe real-world problems. The purpose of Algebra is to make it easy to state a mathematical relationship with its equations by using letters of the alphabet and other symbols. The formulas used to calculate different unknown are built using the language of algebra. Formulae are powerful as they tell us rules which work in every single situation.Learning algebra helps to develop your critical thinking skills, including problem solving and logical reasoning. Studying algebra helps your mind to think logically, break down and solve problems.Algebra is one of the most important sections for any competitive exam. At least 8-10 questions appear in GMAT, GRE, CAT, Math Olympiad and other competitive exams from this topic. So if you desire to score a high percentile in quantitative aptitude, it is a must to have a good grasp over Algebra.How this course is going to help you?Sometimes Algebra remains week part of your math skills, in that case you start thinking of leaving Math in early stages of your education. It becomes the reason for many career options becomes closed for you. Due to weak foundation of algebra, it becomes tough to clear entrance exams like SAT/GMAT/GRE/ACT/University entrance.This course is going to build strong foundation of algebraic skills within a few hours. This course is helping you to get equipped with major techniques to tackle higher Algebra easily and is stepping stone to your journey towards higher Math and makes you confident in Mathematics.The course covers all the fundamental concepts of Algebra and is designed for anyone with little or no previous knowledge of the topic. So no more struggle with Algebra.The course consists of 84 video lectures divided into 17 sections along with a variety of easy and difficult problems for each section. As the course progresses, basic facts, concepts, terms, principles and application are added to help the student understand the topics in the best way. In most of the lectures, theory is explained in an interactive and practical format and then further explained with questions to ensure a good grasp on the topic.Course CoversBasic Terminology of AlgebraFinding Numerical Value of Algebraic ExpressionsAddition and Subtraction of Algebraic ExpressionsMultiplication and Division of Algebraic ExpressionsDirected Numbers (Integers)Higher Indices (Exponent)Brackets in AlgebraLinear Equations in One VariablesIdentitiesChange of Subject of FormulaLinear InequalitiesFactorizationSimplification of Algebraic FractionsCoordinate Axis Points and Line GraphSimultaneous Linear Equations in Two VariablesQuadratic EquationsCurriculum of the course is aligned with all the boards so any body from any country can take the course. Youll learn the skills quickly and effectively with no time wastage.Good luck & I hope you will enjoy the course.If you like the course dont forget to leave a review for future students."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Perfect Your Math Fundamentals (Pre-Algebra)" |
"This Math course is designed to start with an introduction to number system basics and quickly progress into an in-depth study of all the operations that are performed on them. We will be covering Integers , Fractions, Decimals, Factors & Multiples(HCF,LCM), BOD-MASrules of brackets, , Rational numbers, Irrational numbers, Approximation to Whole number, significant figures andrequired decimal places ,Estimation, Writing very big or small numbers in scientificnotation or standard form and working with numbers when they are in standard form , Percentage and Ratio-Proportion ,Unitary method , Direct and Inverse proportion , Multiple ratios , Profit , Loss, discount and Tax etc. There are 66 lectures and nearly 67 quizzes to help you test your Mathematicsunderstanding . Course covers a variety of easy andchallenging Mathproblems beingworked upon.With every topic, basic facts, concepts, terms, principles and application of various Math concept is added.In most of the lectures theory is explained in written format with easy explanation, I have emphasizedon both verbal and written explanationsso that the students do notmiss out onany important Maths fact. Course targets the Math students of middle school, high school or early college level students. Students preparing for college placement and studying for entrance exams to reputed boarding schools . This course is very helpful for those going for Banking exams, GMAT, CAT, Maths Olympiad and University entrance exams. Course covers the Mathsyllabus of mostly all boards IGCSE , CBSE , ICSE , Cambridge."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mental Math - Best Techniques To Speed Up Your Mathematics" |
"First of all how long will it take you to multiply 10005 and 10008?Even if you are using calculator, pressing the keys will take you a few seconds although you might be very quick with the calculator.But with Vedic Math you can do this within 2 seconds orally. 10005 10008 = 100130040You wont believe I can write the answer of this problem as soon as I have a first look at it. Wondering How? So thats the beauty of Vedic Math.Its not because I know Math and Im very fast with it, everybody can do this. Its simple Vedic Math. In fact you can do bigger numbers also orally like the below example 1000004 1000005=1000009000020 If you try calculating the above problem on your calculator it will show you 1.000009e12, we know that its not the full answer. Lets do one more calculations 996 992 In this case, I will be able to write the answer as soon as you finish writing the problem = 988032What about 99997 99998 = 9999500006 These are all tricks of multiplication using Vedic math and no magic.These tricks of Vedic math are very easy to learn and anybody having the knowledge of basic Math upto 5th standard can easily learn. Relation of Vedic Math with GMAT,GRE , CAT, SAT, Math Olympiad and other competitive examsWe know quantitative section is essential part of these exams and in these calculators are not permitted during the quantitative section. Even if it is permitted still you need time to write calculations on calculator. Think of it by just observing if you are able to find the answer it is going to save your time for your further skilled questions. As we all know that in these competitive exams we have to solve a lot of questions in limited time. Type of calculations you can perform using Vedic MathVedic Math tricks help in numerous ways, a glimpse of what is in this course: (1) Addition by Dropping tens method to give answer of such series of addition without carrying is very helpful in Statistics when calculators are not allowed. This method gives very fast answer instead of copying numbers in calculator. 4563 5237 4563 1257 9865 4831 7985 5486(2) Addition by grouping method & you can give answer to such series of numbers within a few seconds 5 + 8 + 9 + 7 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 7 + 8 + 1 + 6+7+1+5+9+8(3) L-R Addition Worlds Fastest Technique to add any digit numbers.Without taking time you will be able to give answers to problems like 2448 + 4487, 4658 + 9632 etc. (4) Subtraction Using Worlds Fastest Technique. Without taking time you will be able to give answers to problems like 7 1 2 3 2 4 1 5 8 6 - 3 1 4 7 0 4 1 3 7 9 ____________________(5) Left to Right Subtraction using Nikhilam Sutra You will be able to give answer to following problems within a few seconds 60000 5789, 370000 967, 600000 -2500, 7800000 85000 etc.(6) Multiplying any digit number by 11, 22 and 33 orally faster than the calculator. This will certainly help while doing calculations of problems involving volumes of cylinder, cone, sphere, area of circle etc. where value of = 22/7 is used. (7) Finding remainder when any big digit number is divided by 9 without actually dividing, faster than calculator. This is a great help to know whether a given number is divisible by 9 or not. Also this will help in reducing fractions to lowest terms or finding prime factorization, H.C.F. and L.C.M etc of given numbers. (8) Multiplying any digit number by 9; 99; 999; 9999999 etc faster than calculator. Multiplying numbers like 47356 99999 and 345 99999 is possible only in 2 seconds which is otherwise very time consuming and difficult. This is possible by Vedic Math techniques 'Nikhilam Sutra. This Vedic math technique makes your brain active, faster and accurate. (9) Multiplying two large numbers of same digits below the base 1000; 10000; 100000 etc in 2 seconds like 996 995, 9991 9992, 99999 99994 etc. with a magical trick of Vedic Math. After learning this trick you will start believing that Math is fun and it generates interest in the subject. (10) Multiplying two numbers of same digits above the base 1000; 10000; 100000 etc in 2 seconds like 105 106 , 1003 1007, 100001 100006 etc with a very fast trick of Vedic Math. While helping the slow learners grasp the basics this introduces creativity, intelligence and smartness in students. (11) Multiplication of numbers one above the base and the other less than the base like 105 94; 1002 996 (12) Vertically and Crosswise Techniques of multiplication, this helps the students in multiplying two numbers of any digits in a single line very fast. In the online competitive exams sometimes we need to write calculations from right to left in a single line. At that time this technique is very useful. (13) Multiplying any digit number by 5, 25 and 125 within 2 seconds.For example 49.24 5 215.64 25 398.96 125 Multiplication by 5, 25 and 125 is very commonly used in calculations, taking out calculator and clicking may take time but manually this will be faster than that and more important part is without giving any stress to your brain. In Fact will help your brain to develop more skill.(14) Division by 9 with super easy technique to solve the problems like 611 9, 3121 9(15) Division by Nikhilam Sutra of vedic Math. Division like shown below with in few seconds 221229987 3786999 124329807(16) Straight Division by Vedic Math, this technique gives answer in straight line when large digit number is divided by another large number. 38982 by 73, 46315 by 1054, 114704 by 134 (17) Squaring numbers that end in 5 faster than calculator like 105 8005 11.5 By One More Than One Before Sutra of Vedic Math helps in squaring numbers that ends in 5 in a magical manner. This actually creates interest in students for math and they start liking it .Being a part of Vedic Math this technique develops skill along with knowledge. (18) Squaring any two/three digit number like 43, 8.4, 96, 543, 28.4, 9.06 without actually multiplying. This is very useful for cracking bank and MBA related entrance exams. (19) Finding cubes of numbers like (34), (1.8), (0.76) by different short techniques of Vedic Math.(20) Fastest methods of finding square roots of perfect square numbers like 27225, 14641, 2209 etc.(21) Finding approximate value of Square roots of non perfect square numbers like 27, 53, 3491, 79654537 in very short time.(22) Fastest methods of finding cube roots of perfect cube numbers like 24389, 175616 etc.(23) Finding approximate value of cube roots of non perfect cube numbers like 29, 67, 227 in a few seconds. (24) Digital Sum technique is absolutely magical in Vedic Math that gives answers of complex calculations very fast in multiple choice problems that also without actually solving it. For example Q1 8.5 0.93 147 1.43 = (1) 1761.71005 (2) 1661.71005 (3) 1661.72105 (4) 1666.71004 Q2 3647.1456 4.58 (1) 796.32 (2) 725.10 (3) 647.92 (4) 596.72 Students can check answer of any calculation in a few seconds using Digital Sum Technique. (26) Finding Day of the week when any date is given in 2 Seconds without counting leap years etc. Why you will start loving Vedic Math? When you perform calculations with the help of Vedic Math orally this generates positive waves inside you and gives you inner peace and also eradicates fear from you. Builds confidence in you, improves reactivate ability of brain and improves concentration making you many times faster. In Vedic Mathematics, we actually perform calculations keeping some part of it in our brain, this helps in activation of more intellect in brain. Confidence builds up in you keeps you in a joyous mood. Vedic Math increases mathematics skills and teaches methods you dont ever want to miss again.So to Join the World's Fastest Mental Math System , Enroll in the course. You are fully protected by 100% money back guarantee with in month so no risk."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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"Develop MQTT Client Android App" |
"Learn about MQTT protocol, Eclipse Paho APIs and how to build a Client that can publish / subscribe to MQTT Messages. The client will be built using Java withAndroid Studio. At the end of the course, you can use the same Eclipse Paho API to make the client on any other language too."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Networking Fundamentals - IP, DHCP, ARP and NAT" |
"This is a first in a series ofbeginner courses on TCP/IP Data Networking. This course covers -IP Data Networking with Subnetting, DHCP, NAT and ARP basics. The idea is to give a high level overview of these protocols, so that the student can then go out and read more material easily.Suitable for undergrad 2nd and 3rd year students learning TCP/IPNetworking. The videos also give some examples of how packets traverse the routers, especially, in the case of NAT function in the boundary routers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NodeMCU ESP8266 Dev Board Tutorial" |
"This course is a short introduction to the NodeMCU, its various Firmware options and how we program it with the Arduino IDE. This is suitable for a beginner level student, who wishes to get some introduction on how to work with such boards, like Arduino or NodeMCU that use the ESP8266 chipset. Small programs are provided that do some basic tasks, like blinking LEDs on the NodeMCU board.There is also an example of how to use IBM's MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) protocol with NodeMCU as an IOT Device, and acting as a MQTT Client. The protocol uses a publish/subscribe architecture in contrast to HTTP with its request/response paradigm. Publish/Subscribe is event-driven and enables messages to be pushed to clients. The central communication point is the MQTT broker, it is in charge of dispatching all messages between the senders and the rightful receivers.In the example, the NodeMCU sends Telemetry data to a MQTT Server/Broker, and a publisher, that can be an android app, subscribes to the ""Topic"" of this message, and is able to receive messages sent by the NodeMCU to the Server/Broker. This is slightly more complex example of running a MQTT Client on the board, that pushes MQTT messages to ant MQTT server on the cloud."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux Kernel System Programming" |
"Ihave included some interesting short tutorials on various Linux topics like - coding in assembly a simple system call, basic Loadable Kernel Module example in C, creating an entry in the /proc file system, Virtualization, Linux logging explained etc. The tutorials all have small code example in assembly or Clanguage."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |