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"Oratria para Apresentao de TCC" |
"** Treinamento #1 do Brasil focado especificamente na apresentao de TCC! ***** Me d 30 dias para te mostrar o que o curso Oratria para TCC pode fazer por voc! ***Este treinamento visa te ajudar a fazer uma excelente apresentao de TCC - Trabalho de Concluso de Curso, monografia ou defesa de artigos, mesmo que voc seja tmido ou um orador iniciante.O contedo do treinamento trabalha as tcnicas e ferramentas da oratria voltadas para a apresentao de TCC, visando ajudar o aluno a ganhar autoconfiana para fazer uma apresentao de excelncia.O curso terico e prtico, com exerccios para mensurar a evoluo do aluno at a sua apresentao.De forma resumida, no mdulo I, os alunos tero:Preparao para como apresentar melhor o seu TCC ou monografia;Reflexo sobre os maiores erros ao se apresentar;Exerccio prtico;No mdulo II, iro estudar:Os alunos vero os conceitos de oratria de forma geral;Elementos da oratria como a vestimenta;Movimentao e postura corporal;Expresso facial e fala;Entonao e pausas;Histrias e narrativas;Domnio do contedo da apresentao de TCC/monografia.Exerccio prtico.Mdulo III: focamos no planejamento da apresentao, considerando:O ensaio;A construo dos slides;A banca;Preparao para o dia da apresentao;As diferenas entre uma defesa de TCC/monografia e outros tipos de apresentao;Exerccio de encerramento.No mdulo IV e V, conta com contedos bnus sobre construo e apresentao de TCC que so sempre atualizados.INSCREVA-SE AGORA!"
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"Os segredos da Influncia e linguagem corporal" |
"* As situaes abaixo soam familiares a voc? (Responda a essas perguntas) **- Voc sente que poderia influenciar mais as pessoas?- Sente que precisa trabalhar a sua imagem para conseguir novas oportunidades?- Voc uma pessoa tmida e gostaria de aumentar o seu impacto nos vrios contextos em que estiver?- Gostaria de ser uma pessoa mais carismtica?## Se voc respondeu Sim a alguma dessas perguntas, esse curso para voc! ##Recentes pesquisas da neurocincia e psicologia provam que a linguagem corporal crucial para a eficcia da liderana e este curso vai mostrar a voc, exatamente, como ela impacta a capacidade pessoas. Voc precisa de influncia e linguagem corporal bem trabalhadas se quiser negociar, administrar a mudana, estabelecer a confiana, projetar o carisma e promover a colaborao.Neste curso de Influncia e Linguagem corporal, vou te ensinar a gerar uma imagem de confiana em qualquer ambiente para que voc alcance novas posies na carreira, consiga um novo emprego ou mesmo tenha melhores relacionamentos.Pesquisas mostram que quando seus sinais verbais e no verbais esto desalinhados, as pessoas so foradas a escolher entre o que ouvem e o que vem. E subconscientemente, eles vo acreditar em sua linguagem corporal. Neste curso, eu Prof. Danilo Mota, revelarei como ser mais influente e como trabalhar a linguagem corporal para que ela no seja mal interpretada, e compartilharei os sinais no-verbais que voc precisa conhecer para causar uma primeira impresso positiva. Eu tambm discutirei a importncia da linguagem corporal para os lderes e mostrarei como voc pode estabelecer presena de liderana. Por ltimo, fornecerei dicas simples e eficazes sobre a comunicao com gestos e postura.Neste novo curso, eu compartilho o que existe de mais relevante em Linguagem corporal de forma fcil e acessvel amparado em pesquisas cientficas.No um curso de uso de ferramentas. um curso de estratgia. Quem o pblico-alvo?Estudantes em geralProfissionais de nveis iniciais (estagirios e trainees)Profissionais que estejam buscando nveis de lideranaProfessores e palestrantes iniciantesAmantes de temas ligados a oratria, persuaso e linguagem corporalPessoas em geral que buscam melhorar a sua imagem perante as pessoas==> Programa do curso:Mdulo I: Introduo e como as pessoas enxergam vocIntroduoObjetivo do cursoComo aproveitar melhor as aulasExerccio: Conhecendo suas necessidades de persuasoMdulo II: Trabalhando a persuasoPrincpios humanos universaisFazendo o outro se sentir importanteTornando-se um bom ouvinteComo conversarMdulo III: Utilizando a influncia e a linguagem corporalComo as pessoas veem a sua linguagem corporalA linguagem corporal mal interpretadaCombinando a linguagem corporal com as palavrasExerccioMdulo IV: Causando uma primeira impresso positivaSeis elementos para uma boa impressoExerccio prticoElementos para um bom aperto de moExerccio de fixaoMdulo V: Influncia para lderesTrabalhando a presena como lderExemplos de gestosComentrios sobre linguagem corporal no trabalhoConseguindo empatiaMindset para conquistar as pessoasExerccioMdulo VI: A importncia da vozAvaliando seu tom de vozMdulo VII: Postura corporal e gestosComunicao com as mosComunicao com os psEntendendo o uso do espaoMdulo VIIII: ConclusoTpicos finais sobre Reunies corporativas, indicao de livros e materiais extrasExerccios finaisMdulo V: BnusLinguagem corporal em reunies corporativasInfluncia em entrevistas de empregoLivros para aperfeioar a influncia e persuaso"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Business Analyst - agil und klassisch" |
"In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie ein fundamentales Wissen ber die Aufgaben eines Business Analysten und gleichzeitig einen tiefen Einblick in die agile Arbeitswelt. Egal auf welchem Level Sie sich gerade befinden. Sie knnen sofort einsteigen. Sie lernen die Aufgaben eines Business Analysten kennen und bekommen gleichzeitig wichtige Tools und Techniken an die Hand, mit denen Sie Ihr Unternehmen vorantreiben und verbessern knnen. Trainingsinhalte: Definition Business AnalyseAufgaben und Rolle eines Business AnalystenUnternehmens-AgilittStrategische AnalyseTechniken der Business Analyse ProjektinitiierungDer Business Caseagiles AnforderungsmanagementEinfhrung zu ScrumDieser Kurs enthlt einen Zusatzabschnitt zum Thema Management 3.0. Er wird Ihnen dabei helfen, die Projektteams zu motivieren und Ihre Verbesserungsinitiativen erfolgreich im Unternehmen zu platzieren. Das sagen unsere Teilnehmer: *****""Super Kurs! Hat Spa gemacht und ich habe viel gelernt"" *****""Top! Strukturiert, high-level und gleichzeitig przise. Das Ganze abgerundet mit Zusatzmaterial, klare Kaufempfehlung! ""*****""Truly insightful, a lot of learning's to take from the course."""
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"c S-HUBme" |
", , : . . , . . , . . , . , ? ? ! ( ). ( )., , ! .Wow-! , . . , , ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Art of stretching for beginners. 200 min Full Body Workout" |
"200 minutes of stretching routine for beginners. Program will consist of 10 brief stretching workouts teaching you everything you need to become flexible and to do the splits. Every workout consists of exercises directed on stretching specific groups of muscles. The classes move gradually from simple to complex. So in general 200 minutes of stretching routines forall muscle groups: from toes to fingers.The author - Lisa, master of gymnastics and young mom originally from Ukraine."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"70min stretches and flexibility tabata workout for seniors." |
"- Love Tabata?! - This stretching routine is special for you! Tabata stretches is a timed interval method that alternates between 20-second intervals performed at maximum effort and 10-second stages of rest to improve your flexibility. The author - Lisa, master of rhythmic gymnastic and young mom originally from Ukraine. No-equipment needed.+ 25 minute stretching plan for seniors."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mindset de Sucesso" |
"Este treinamento foi desenvolvido sob a metodologia Coaching e conceitos poderosssimos de desenvolvimento humano. O objetivo deste treinamento apresentar um plano de mudana de panorama mental em 60 dias. Isso possvel graas ao autoconhecimento embutido nestes conceitos, metodologias e ferramentas do Coaching que te levar a um patamar mais elevado da sua vidae aocondicionamento da sua mente criadoraEste treinamento umaexperincia incrvel de descoberta sobre si mesmo e sobre o poder da sua mente. A proposta deste treinamento que voc se conhecendo, mudando sua mente, se desenvolvendo e claro, sendo feliz e pleno. Voc ver que uma simples mudana na sua forma de pensar, muda o curso do seu dia e da sua vida.<<Bnus - Para voc que adquire o treinamento por esta plataforma, eu ofereo um bnus incrvelque umRelatrio de Mapeamento de Perfil Comportamental, baseado na metodologia DISC e emitido pela Empresa Solides.Dentro do Coaching esta ferramenta muito utilizada para que o Coach possa conhecer o seu cliente e ajud-lo a se conhecer e melhorar seu comportamento interno (seu mindset) e externo. Por saber como esta ferramenta pode te auxiliar no desenvolvimento do seu mindse de sucesso porque, como vimos, voc precisa primeiramente se conhecer, eu te dei esta ferramenta como bnus ao adquirir o seu treinamento.>>Leve srio este treinamento, milhares de pessoas se beneficiaram com estes exerccios e com esta viso de si mesmo e milhares buscaram o que voc busca agora, paz, sade, riqueza, prosperidade e felicidade.Estarei sua disposiono e-mail <> para tirar suas dvidas sobre qualquer ponto do treinamento, bem como tambm pode me enviar dvidas a respeito do resultado dos seus exerccios caso precise de ajuda na interpretao deles."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"My name is Charley Pangus, Welcome my T-Shirt Design Masterclass!I have over 9 years of merch design experience and I'm so excited to be your instructor. In this course I go everything you need to know to start creating your own custom T-Shirt Graphics. This course is for all skill levels, so even if you're a beginner, you will find this course easy to follow.This course is designed to make learning easy for beginners! I will include quizzes throughout the course to test your knowledge. This will help you re-cape what you learned in the previous section. I'm here to help, so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me!What This Course Includes:Free T-Shirt Mock upBonus TutorialsLife-Time AccessSupport From MeFree Design CritiquesNew Updates Often2+ hours of in-depth tutorialsFree UpdatesIn This Course, You Will Learn How To:Create Custom T-Shirt GraphicsCreate 3 Unique Designs Using The Skills You LearnedPrepare Your Files For PrintColor Your Designs Using Color Pallet'sFind and Download Custom FontsI wanted to thank everyone for joining my Masterclass here on Udemy! I can't wait to see what everyone designs using the skills learned in this course!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How To Texture T-Shirt Designs" |
"Welcome to my Udemy Course! I'm really excited to teach everyone. This course gets straight to the point! You will learn how to find textures and turn them into custom Photoshop Brushes. Additionally, I will show you how to take those custom texture brushes and use them on a Artwork/Design I provide completely free.Course Includes: Free Resources (Design + Textures)Bonus Graphic Design TutorialsStraight To The Point LecturesFull Q&A SupportLifetime Access"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Travel Budget: Plan Your Next Trip Like an Expert" |
"This course outlines how to budget for any vacation. Whether you are taking a road trip around your home state, jet-setting halfway around the world, or hopping on an all-inclusive cruise, my travel budgeting tool will ensure you stay on budget. This course sets out to uncover the little, unexpected costs related totravel so you can be prepared, and finish your vacation with a little extra money left in your bank account.We'll go through allexpenses related to travel:transportation, ""necessities"" such as accommodations, food, and fees, and ""fun money, including activities and souvenirs.Finally, I'll use our honeymoon as an example, walking you through the whole process one more time!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Before Building Your Small Business Website" |
"Many times small business owners have to wear many hats andplay many roles in running their businesses. This can include building their own website. If you have no skills or experience with web design, this can be an overwhelming task. This class is specifically designed for small business owners who have to be do-it-yourselfers when it comes to their websites.If you want to build a house, is the first step to go and get the bricks and lumber and start building? Of course not! You start with a plan, a blueprint, and decide what your needs are before you build anything. The same should be taken if you plan to build a website. You shouldn't start with the web platform tools (Weebly, Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace, etc.), start with a plan. Decide what you need in your website, where everything should go, and create your content beforehand.In this class you will learn: How to identify your website's purposeThe essentials for your home pageHow to write content that attracts your target audienceHow to lay the foundation to drive web traffic to your websiteTools that can convert web visitors into leads for your businessA plan for organizing your web content before you start buildingYou will leave with practical tools and resources to get started building your business website"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Percusso ""Power Cajon"" 1.0 Pop & Rock" |
"*** Atualizao 2020 - 2 aulas de teoria musical contidas no curso Power Cajon 2.0 ***Este curso vai te ensinar a tocar Cajon comeando do zero! O curso dividido em 3 sees, sendo que a primeira, aborda os conceitos e lies fundamentais como postura, posicionamento, coordenao (independncia rtmica motora), movimentos corretos, etc. A segunda seo j o instrumento na prtica, essa seo ensina a iniciar um ritmo, conta com um contedo com 13 grooves (batidas) diferentes dentro do Pop, PopRock, Rock'n'roll, Blues e variaes. Esta seo tambm conta com exerccios rtmicos preparatrios, diferentes tcnicas e aluas de leitura rtmica, tudo na prtica, sem enrolao.A terceira seo, conta com todo o contedo da segunda, no entanto, os grooves e exerccios so feitos utilizando o cajon combinado com chimbal da bateria, isso para podermos simular com mais fidelidade os ritmos da bateria, enriquecendo mil por cento a sua sonoridade!As sees dois e trs, contam com um exemplo dos ritmos sendo executados na bateria para maior assimilao e, logo aps alguns compassos, o mesmo groove executado no cajon. Todos os exerccios das ltimas sees contam com um material anexo contendo as transcries (partituras) do que foi executado, dessa forma, alm de voc se familiarizar com a escrita musical, caso voc no tenha estudado teoria antes, voc melhor a sua percepo e sana quaisquer dvidas que possam vir a aparecer.Esse curso foi o resultado de 12 anos de trabalho, pesquisa e adaptao em diferentes situaes para poder se entregue a voc um material rico, direto e cuidadosamente elaborado!Abraos,George Harrison ""Geoharri"""
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
ljfbtnot |
"Kali LinuxWindowsLinuxCUIWindowsWindows7KaliLinuxRollingEditionLANLANOKLAN"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Business Administration for Your Business - BUS102" |
"Hi, there!Werelease New Course ""Micro-MBA Program for Everyone"" at Udemy.Ifyou could complete the course, you could get Certificateof Completion by Udemy.We hope that you will enjoyour course. - Producer: Animate U, Japan -Corporate Writer: Sara Teller, United States -Corporate Voice Talent: Michael Neeb, Canada - Corporate Voice Talent:Shayna Keller, United States - Corporate Animator: Uliana Ovchar, UkraineIntroduction to Course This course is designed to helpstudents understand what an Master of Business Administration (MBA) is fromboth a functional and educational standpoint, and the value of starting abusiness from an MBA perspective.Students will follow Erik, who would like to open a caf, but doesntknow where to begin. He consults Susan,who has an MBA degree and is able to help him along the way. Erik discusses that his primarygoals include profit maximization, providing a public service and running abusiness to create social benefit. Intheir interaction, Susan walks Erik through the various business systems,including production, marketing, finance and human resources, and discusses thebusinesss supply chain. She explainswhat it means to work with yourself and with others to create value forcustomers. This course is a valuable toolfor anyone studying business management or hoping to start a business. It will help students understand basicconcepts and how these can be applied to real-life ventures. Following Erik and Susanthrough all twelve chapters will ensure first-time learners grasp how an MBAcan help them to achieve their goals.Those already in a business program will brush up on important skills,gaining a better understanding of the most important concepts taught.How to get ""Certificate of Completion"" by Udemy"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Physics - A Course on Gravitation from Beginner to Advanced." |
"This course in physics explains gravitational interactions. In these lessons, you will learn everything about the law of universal gravitation, its relationship with the laws of dynamics, the Third Law of Kepler, and you will understand why gravitational forces are the weakest that exist in our natural world. This course includes the derivation of all formulas with step-by-step unit conversions and values. Each topic is explained using detailed examples with helpful animations."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Business Modelling Masterclass- Business Meets Funding" |
"How have successful Entrepreneurs in the Made it?, the Took a simple idea, searched for an awesome business model and built and high growth business.Are you an entrepreneur or have a unique business idea struggling to get your business off the ground, and finding the kind and amount of customers you desire. In this masterclass, business strategist Olawunmi Olatunji will walk you through the processand teach you exactly how to how to create a unique model for your business, attract the right kind or customers and win investors confidence.In this course you will learn how to.Validate your business idea. Outline your existing business model and value proposition. Produce improvements and new models. Reduce risk of failures through systematic testing. Improve customer understanding. Chart the environment and competition. Create a model in any business environment."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Unternehmensgrndung ""Alles, was du wissen musst!""" |
"Dieser Kurs fhrt dich von deinen ersten Steppsdeiner Idee bis zur Existenzgrndung. Schritt fr Schritt lernst du in diesem Kurs, wie du die wichtigsten Theorien mit vielen praktischen Tipps und Tricks umsetzt. Wir beginnen mit der Bewertung deiner Idee und danach geht es mit dem sogenannten ""Roten Faden"" in einzelnen Lektionen weiter.Diese Lektionen fhren dich bis zu deiner Grndung. Es wird aufgzeigt auf was du unbedingt achten musst und welche unterschiedlichen Lsungsanstze es gibt. Untersttzend erhltst du Checklisten und Info-Material, welches dir hilft, dein Ziel schnell zu erreichen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso para Criar Vdeos Promocionais Animados" |
"Ol, este curso de animao era bsico com 1 mdulo mas passou a ser completo com 3 mdulos com um total de 38 vdeo aulas, onde voc conhecer o programa de animao 2D que possui diversas funcionalidades para criar vdeos animados com personagens e imagens do prprio programa, ou at mesmo personalizar com suas ideias! Aprender na prtica a criar animaes intuitivamente de forma fcil e rpida comparado a outros programas!O programa utilizado serve tanto para criar desenhos animados como vdeos promocionais e explicativos. Mas este curso especificamente voltado para criar animaes de vdeos promocionais e explicativos animados, que voc poder utilizar para si prprio criando animaes para seu canal ou para prestar servios para outros, empresas ou profissionais individuais!Aproveite a promoo e inscreva-se agora pois a demanda por vdeos com animaes nesta rea est cada dia maior!Grade Curricular das aulas deste curso:Mdulo 1 = 14 vdeos- Vdeo 1 - Apresentao do Programa Crazytalk Animator 3 - Parte 1- Vdeo 2 - Apresentao do Programa Crazytalk Animator 3 - Parte 2- Vdeo 3 - Apresentao do Programa CrazyTalk Animator - Parte 3- Vdeo 4 - Diferena entre Personagesn do tipo G1, G2 e G3- Vdeo 5 - Iniciando movimentos num Personagem- Vdeo 6 - Continuando com movimentos e iniciando expresses faciais- Vdeo 7 - Utilizando o 2D Motion Key Editor- Vdeo 8 - Animao facial com o Face Puppet- Vdeo 9 - Criando um vdeo Promocional - Parte 1- Vdeo 10 - Criando um Vdeo Animado - Parte 2- Vdeo 11 - Animao com o Free Bone- Vdeo 12 - Criando um Personagem a partir de um j existente- Vdeo 13 - Alterando a cor do Vesturio- Vdeo 14 - Tirando o Fundo de Imagens para anim-las!Mdulo 2 = 12 vdeos- Vdeo 15 - Barras de Animao do Content Manager - Parte 1- Vdeo 16 - Barras de Animao do Content Manager - Parte 2- Vdeo 17 - Barras de Animao do Content Manager - Parte 3 Final- Vdeo 18 - Conhecendo outros recursos e inserindo mais animaes de face em personagens- Vdeo 19 - Time Line e seus Recursos de Animao - Parte 1- Vdeo 20 - Time Line e recursos de animao - Parte 2- Vdeo 21 - Movimentos de Personagens Free Bones- Vdeo 22 - Animao com Movimentos e Fixao de Objetos- Vdeo 23 - Salvando animaes para outros Projetos- Vdeo 24 - Criando detalhes em outra animao- Vdeo 25 - Criando animao para uma cena completa - Final do Mdulo 2- Vdeo 26 - Inserindo um vdeo dentro do projeto para animaoMdulo 3 = 11 vdeos- Vdeo 27 - Vendo mais detalhes da Time Line para Animao de Personagens- Vdeo 28 - Utilizando mais recursos de animaes da Time Line - Parte 2- Vdeo 29 - Utilizando mais recursos da Time Line - Parte 3- Vdeo 30 - Inserindo mais uma personagem e mais detalhes na cena do vdeo anterior- Vdeo 31 - Utilizando alguns recursos para animar um personagem prprio- Vdeo 32 - Animao com troca de cabea de personagem- Vdeo 33 - Animao com Elementos da Barra Prop- Vdeo 34 - Animao com itens Prop - Parte 2- Vdeo 35 - Criando uma Animao com Letreiros e efeitos Elastic Motion- Vdeo 36 - Fazendo uma animao com cenas diferentes e utilizando efeitos de cmera- Vdeo 37 - Vdeo Promocional Animado de Divulgao de Evento - Final do CursoSe tiver alguma dvida relativa ao contedo por favor entre antes em contato que respondo o mais breve possvel. Valoni O. Nunes - Produtor e Instrutor do Curso de Animao 2D - Criartevideos"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Beginners Guide to Advanced JavaScript & ES6 - ES2017" |
"Are you ready to finallyunderstand JavaScript?Do any of thesewords confuse you:recursion, scope, hoisting,the keywordthis, or ES6?JavaScript is the worlds most popular language and if you want to be hired as a JavaScript Developer, these are concepts you have to know andunderstand.As a self-taught developer myself, Iknow first hand just how difficult it can be to learn to code online. I break down every concept in an easy to understand way so you walk away completely understanding each topic.The problem with every course Ifind is that they're either a video course or a text based course. Video lectures are great for learning concepts, but can be difficult to skim through later when you're trying to remember what you learned. Because of this, this courseincludes video lectures ANDwritten articles. Nearly every video is accompanied with a written article so you can reinforce your learning, and have an easy way to skim through and study the tougher concepts.This Course Covers:The latest and greatest in JavaScript:ES2015 (ES6), ES 2016, and ES 2017The keyword 'this' and how it worksThe 'new' keyword== vs ===Operators and Operator PrecedenceScopesVar, let, and constRecursionClosuresCallbacksAnd much, much more!Best of all, this course is constantly updated with new material! Iupload new walkthroughs each month so you can stay on top of the latest and greatest in JavaScript!Lastly, I want you to succeed in this course. I'm available every step of the way if you run into problems or questions! The student Q&Asection of the course makes it really easy for me to answer your questions and provide deeper knowledge as issues come up.What are you waiting for?Take your JavaScript knowledge to the next level and sign up for this course today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Creacin de Personajes para Videojuegos. (Vol. 1)" |
"Creacin a partir de conceptos de arte de un personaje para videojuego.Para quin es este curso?Para personas que deseen crear personajes para videojuegos. Que ya tengan conocimientos bsicos de zbrush. Lo interesante del curso:Es un tutorial que le enseara de manera didctica y lo ms fcil posible el proceso completo de creacin de un personaje para videojuego.Contenido del curso:Los tpicos principales son: Modelado yTexturizado.Cual es la motivacin para comprar el curso?Una de las motivacines es que trabajamos en un software de gran demanda en el mercado como lo es el zbrush.Se hace el proceso completo sin cortes con todo bien explicado.Se da un conocimiento extra para presentar nuestros personajes al cliente al final del curso.Es importante destacar que este curso es el primero de 4 Volmenes que incluyen los dems procesos en la elaboracin de videojuegos, como lo es el retopolizado, los UV, Rigging de personajes y animacin. De por si, por ser un procedimiento tan largo, tuve que desglozarlo en cuatro niveles, y de esta manera aligerar un poco la densidad del curso. (as el estudiante podr culminarlo ms eficientemente).Programas usados: Usaremos zbrush.Importante: Poseer un lpiz ptico.(El Video promocional corresponde a los dos primeros niveles)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Integracin CGI con Nuke + 3dsMax Hardsurface + V-ray + HDRI" |
"Cuando trabajamos en la produccin de un video 3d para televisin o cine. El hecho de saber un paquete 3d no basta. Sucede que en esas pelculas donde vemos robots o mounstros movindose con un look tan real, el responsable definitivo de esas imagenes deben ser apoyadas con un programa para post-produccin. Uno de los reyes para lograr esos acabados definitivos es Nuke. Este curso no solo te ensear a crear tu modelo 3d en todas sus etapas de creacin. Sino que crearemos los elementos necesarios como son el HDRI y nosotros mismos tomaremos un video en el entorno real para junto con nuestro CGI (imagen creada por computadora) hacer el ltimo paso, que es trasformar esos passes de render en una imagen integrada de tal forma, que parecer que existe, que respira en la toma. Atrvete a pasar esa ltima barrera y lograr con este curso el acabado final de tu trabajo 3d para cualquier soporte audiovisual. Para tener una idea del contenido del curso:Aprenderemos Nuke desde cero. En el principio tomaremos el software y empezaremos a entenderlo y conociendo todas sus caractersticas.Nos prepararemos para integrar 3d o cualquierimagen por medio de la correccin del color a videos de entorno real. Haremos el Modelado,texturizado,rigging y animacinde un bpedo mecnico hiper realque gracias a un tracking en Nuke que analizar el movimiento de lacmara de nuestro video; integrar fielmente nuestro CGI a un entorno real. (La idea es poder crear nuestro propio elemento 3d y de esta forma poder dominar todas las facetas en la produccin de una pieza digital. Manejaremos los materiales procedurales, passes y luces del motor de render masusado en la industria V-ray. (Utilizando el HDRI creado con tu celular y la ayuda de Photoshop).Lo importante es que a travs de tu celular recolectars las muestras necesarias para poder crear tu propio HDRI, de un entorno real en el que tomars varias grabaciones y escogers una para incorporar tu robot en la escena.Aadiremos trucos al render para agilizar la velocidad de salida.Sacaremos los passes Vray a travs de un EXR. Modalidad muy usada en Nuke. Formato que contiene encapsulado todos los passes para una mejor administracin en el proceso de composicin.En Nuke compondremos todos los passes.Integraremos el CGI al fondo real logrando un trabajo ntegro que puede ser usado para comerciales o para pelculas.Aadiremos piedras escombros, fuego y humo para darle mas dramatismo a la escena, recordando que luego debemos integrarlos con el fondo para que se vea mas realista.Aadiremos varios efectos fsicos al Robot como lo son Motion Blur, Lents Flares, Profundidad de campo, Ligthwrap, etc.Buscaremos de realzar el video con el cambo del color para darle un aspecto ms cinematogrfico y por ltimo le aadiremos una vieta al trabajo final.Aprenderemos a exportar nuestro trabajo final en dos modalidades. Una versin pesada y otra con compresin. Notando que las dos son bastantes semejantes, pero el tamao final es distinto.Con estos estudios tendrs la capacidad de integrar elementos 3d a cualquier fondo real grabado, como tambin modelar piezas reales en CGI independientemente del concepto de arte.Que lo hace diferente:Lo interesante de esta propuesta es que usted mismo tomar las muestras con su celular. Grabar el video y tomar las fotografas necesarias para crear la imagen HDRI, sin contar que este curso es prcticamente un combo, ya que aprender desde cero a crear un Robot hiper-real con el estilo de modelado hard surface; haremos el rigging y la animacin utilizando el motion mixer, herramienta muy til para mesclar nuestras animaciones en 3ds Max. manejaremos el motor de Render V-ray con un plugin aparte muy interesante que nos agilizar las configuraciones de render.IMPORTANTE:Cada seccin tiene el material que se maneja en clases y tambien los editables por si tienes alguna duda poder consultarlos. Te recomiendo que tu mismo escojas un lugar al que te sea fcil tomar las muestras y videos que te servirn de soporte para montar tu CGI. Igual yo te coloque mis muestras tomadas por si quieres saltarte ese paso. Pero pienso que lo ideal sera que tu mismo logrs la experiencia completa. (Al comienzo de cada seccin esta el material a descargar)."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Pipeline game con Substance, Maya, Zbrush y Unity" |
"En este curso aprenders todo el pipeline completo en la creacin de Assets y Personajes para juegos, enfocndonos en Substance Painter desde cero a nivel profesional. Lo importante es saber que haremos 2 ejercicios completos. El primero la Creacin de un Asset estilo cartoon y el segundo un Troll con un look mas realista.Primero haremos el bloqueo del Asset en Maya a partir de un concepto de arte.Usaremos Zbrush para proporcionarle a nuestro bloqueo los detalles necesarios para darle un nivel ptimo de realismo.Lo traeremos a Maya y aprenderemos a retopolizar con su nueva herramienta ""Modeling Toolkit"".Haremos sus UV y prepararemos la versin en baja y alto poligono para exporta a Substance Painter.Aprederemos a crear el material ID desde Maya (Asset Casita) y Zbrush (Troll) y asi conocer las dos formas de hacer el bakin en Substance Painter.Ya en Substance Painter:Exploraremos toda la interface y su edicin. Aprenderemos a usar el ""Layer"" y el ""Fill Layer"".Crearemos mascaras y dentro de ellas a crear Levels, Fill, Paint, Blur, Add Generator, etc.Crearemos materiales inteligentes.Nombraremos nuestras capas y las agruparemos para optimizar la organizacin de nuestro trabajo y poder luego editar y corregir sin perdernos en el intento.Con el manejo del Roughness crearemos sudor en el Troll y con la ayuda de las partculas crearemos gotas que caen por su cuerpo.Usaremos el ""Micro Details"". para anadir detalles donde el mapa de curvature no llega.Anadiremos el mapa de Emisive para que nuestros materiales tengan autoiluminacin.en Unity:Importaremos un Asset y sus texturas.Lograremos optimizar la iluminacin para que tenga un look ms parecido a Substance Painter.Utilizaremos plugins free para mejorar el aspecto de la escena.Incorporaremos particulas al Asset para dar un aspecto mgico.Aprenderemos hacer Prefab con partculasLograremos exportar nuestras piezas terminadas a: Marmoset Toolbag 3 Sketchfab ArtStation Todo el proceso completo, exportacin desde Substance Painter hasta la importacin y setteo completo en la plataforma correspondiente."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ingls Bsico - Domina los Tiempos Verbales en Ingls." |
"Curso de ingls para hispanohablantes paradominarlos tiempos verbales.Aprende a conjugar todos los tiempos verbales en ingls!Los tiempos verbales en ingls son fciles de aprender si se explican adecuadamente.Al finalizar el curso tendrs los conocimientospara expresarte en cualquier tiempo en ingls, y sers capaz de comunicar conceptos complejos de forma segura y fluida en este idioma.Adems de mis vdeos explicativos dispondrsde material de texto para ayudarte en tu aprendizaje,ejercicios resueltos y sin resolverpara practicar lo aprendidoy mi libro de gramticainglesa, de 110 pginas,en el que explico todos los conceptos gramaticales del ingls, desde los ms bsicos hasta los ms avanzados, y que adems cuenta con un anexo con elvocabulario y losverbos de uso ms habitual.Aprenders en el curso:Conceptos generales de los tiempos verbales.Los pronombres personales.Presente simple, presente continuo y presente perfecto.Pasado simple, pasado continuo y pasado perfecto.Futuro simple, futuro continuo y futuro perfecto.Condicional simple, condicional continuo y condicional perfecto.Qu significa esto? Te pongo un pequeoejemplo con el verbo ""trabajar"". Sers capaz de conjugar en ingls:Yo trabajo, yo estoy trabajando, yo he trabajado...T no trabajabas, t noestabas trabajando, t nohabas trabajado...Trabajar l?, estar l trabajando?, habr trabajado l?...Ellos trabajaran, ellos estaran trabajando, ellos habran trabajado...Y mucho ms!Parece difcil? No lo es!Te animas a comunicarte en ingls? Te veo dentro del curso!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de Estudio y Memorizacin para los Exmenes." |
"Curso de Tcnicas de Estudio, Memorizacin y Consejos para los Exmenes.Aprovecha al mximo tu tiempo de estudio y no olvides lo aprendido!Al finalizar el curso habrs aprendido y practicado tcnicas que te permitirn obtener el mximo de tu tiempo de estudio. Comprenders bien lo que has estudiado y conocers las tcnicas para no olvidar lo aprendido. Conocers los diferentes tipos de exmenes y cmo afrontar cada uno de ellos.Adems de mis vdeos explicativos dispondrs de ejercicios para practicar lo aprendido y un libro de 25 pginas con el contenido del curso para que puedas usar de gua en el futuro.En el curso aprenders:Estrategias de estudio.Tcnicas de memorizacin.Tipos de exmenes.Subrayados, resmenes, esquemas, apuntes...Y mucho ms!Te animas a obtener el mximo de tu tiempo y esfuerzo? Te veo dentro del curso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux - EHwK - 2020" |
"Welcome to this exclusive course on Kali Linux & Ethical Hacking.Here youll learn all the Essentials of Kali Linux, gain Attackers Perspective, ways in which Black Hat Hackers may infiltrate into your System, and develop mindsets to think like White Hat Hackers.This course has been designed considering that, you dont have any knowledge on Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking, even you know nothing about Linux. But, you do have strong urge to learn and start your career in Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking. You can consider Kali Linux Boot Camp as the introductory course of your Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking expedition. By the end of this course, youll develop a solid foundation on Kali Linux, gain entry into the minds of seasoned computer criminals, and reveal ethical hackers mindset.Through this course, you are going to learn how to build your own lab to practice hack safely, how Kali Linux can be used to compromise another Linux machine, Kali Linux fundamentals, Ethical Hacking, Vulnerability assessment, Penetration Testing, reporting to clients. And, finally you are going to get a flavor of Real World Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Engagement.The ideal student for this course are those, who do want to learn Kali Linux and Hacking, but dont know where to start. Even Experienced Security Professionals, who want to expand and shuffle their present skills of Linux will be benefited from this course.There are no requirements necessary to enroll. I only ask you to be open minded, and ready to learn.Feel free to take a look on the course content, and I look forward to see you in the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Install Carpet Tile and Vinyl Planking" |
"in this video you will be learning the basics as well as in-depth detail on laying carpet squares and vinyl planking.These are two of the most popular flooring options that contractors are installing in most commercial and residential properties.You are going to need a few tools such as a hammer, carpentry knife, Wonder Bar/Crowbar, tape measure, and a few others that will be mentioned in the video.Did you know that your average flooring installation can cost over $1,000 for only 500 square feet?After watching this course you will learn all you need to know about laying different types of flooring and you will not have to spend any money on insulation.I teach you step by step the entire process from prep to finish. You're going to have fun while doing your project because it is really that simple."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency Mining, Investing, App Creation & Outsourcing" |
"In this course you will be specifically taught how to distinguish cryptocurrency altcoin value as well as mining auctions.Will also be touching on outsource your app idea through up-work and how to Outsource the graphics for your app specifically I recommend 99designs.We also go over a few potential ideas on how to dream up new apps as well as copyright and trademark descriptions.As the lectures go on we also talked on how to form an LLC and get your EIN if you decide to take your business to the next level.If you're curious about cryptocurrency investing through binance or Robin Hood this is the course for you.I also encourage you along the way and remind you that 7 year olds build apps and you can do the same as well. If you are passionate about creating apps and forming a company around your ideas you will get it done.Creating cryptocurrency apps is an outstanding way to start creating passive income for yourself.You don't need to know how to write code or be an app developer to create apps anymore. You can also ass all of your ideas pay someone to do it for you and you run the company.I strongly suggest going through Apple instead of Android. Of course for the Sewell need and iOS device.Through this udemy course you will be able to1. Learn the app market as well as trending cryptocurrency topics.2. Understand fully how to Outsource not only your app idea but other aspects of creating a nap as well3. How to form an LLC and attain aEin4. As well as some tips and tricks that I've learned with hands-on experience in the past."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Singing Like a Pro: Notice Changes to Your Singing Fast" |
"'This course is INCREDIBLE ! I got what I needed ! Eve Williams is by far one of the best singing teachers that I have encountered. After joining the singing course, the 2nd day I got breakthrough in the high notes, in the 3rd day my singing range increased and had more power and started to manage different styles of singing' - Keith, Udemy student'Eve Williams is by far one of the best singing teachers that I have encountered in this platform. She is straight to the point, engaging and experienced. I found the tips and techniques taught to be helpful in improving my voice range and singing well.' - Aderonkje, Udemy student'A caring tutor who demonstrates herself that she knows what she is teaching us!' - Susie, Udemy studentNew: Course now includes free downloadable mp3 exercises and free Android app.DO YOU WANT TO BE ABLE TO SING OUT LIKE A PRO? DO YOU NEED TO OVERCOME CONFIDENCE PROBLEMS OR SOME TECHNICAL ISSUES WITH YOUR VOICE SUCH AS CONSTRICTION, LIMITED RANGE OR INEFFICIENT BREATHING?This is the course for you if you want to stretch yourself beyond your current vocal capabilities and discover your own unique sound. If you have a little tightness in your voice, if you want to improve your range, if you would like more power and control, this course shows you how to be the master of your own unique voice.WHAT MAKES ME THE RIGHT VOCAL COACH FOR YOU?I am an award winning singer and recording artist and I've been teaching singing since 2005. I have studied anatomy of voice and the safest, industry recognised singing techniques so your voice is safe with me. Some singers set themselves up as singing teachers without studying vocal pedagogy or anatomy of voice. I am properly qualified to work with every kind of voice, from children's voices to professional voices to those with vocal health issues. I have taught in colleges and universities as well as schools and in private practice with a Master of Music degree and a wealth of music industry experience. I have also had students referred to me by ENT surgeons so you can trust me with your voice.My singing career includes international performances, filmscore, critically acclaimed albums as well as studio work across Europe and the US. I have worked with multiplatinum musicians right the way through to young children. As a songwriter I have worked with graduates of The Voice and The Ones to Watch as well as commercially successful singers and multi platinum producers and songwriters. At present my youngest student is 6 and the oldest is 102! There are no barriers to finding your voice. Age, experience and negative experiences in the past don't need to stand in the way. I pay as much attention to my Udemy students as my onsite students, and if you email me an mp3 or ask me a question you can expect a quick, detailed reply. I'm here to help you! WHAT YOU WILL LEARN TO DO ON THIS COURSEThe course is very practical with exercises in every lecture. You can also ask questions and send mp3s for supportive individual feedback on your singing.The exercises will help you avoid common singing problems like constriction (a feeling of tightness and not being able to get medium high notes out), bridging the break in the passagio (when the higher part of your voice sounds different to the lower part), limited range, running out of breath or lack of stamina.Topics include:BreathingRange Improving PitchVoice qualities (the vocal techniques needed for singing particular styles of music)The break in the passagio (blending registers)Avoiding constriction (singing freely without any tightness)ProjectionDiction Looking after your voice: safe singingWe put all this into practice by performing songs at the end of the course. You can select the level of difficulty you wish to attempt.After the course, with dedication to doing the exercises you will notice changes to your voice. You will increase your range, improve your tone and be able to use the right vocal technique for many genres of music. You will in essence sound like the best version of you.My Press:'An artist of considerable sophistication' - The Musician Magazine'Recalling the great lady vocalists of decades past, Eve Williams is a woman armed with a beautiful, powerful voice capable of carrying entire albums with its frank, expressive, engaging timbre. Hypnotic and soulful, we cant wait to see her live' - YouBloom Headroom, L.A.If you are excited to start hearing real change in your singing, please enroll now. You can enroll with confidence because of Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Singing: Aim for a Record Deal" |
"DO YOU WANT TO BE A SIGNED SINGER? HAVE YOU RECEIVED POSITIVE FEEDBACK ON YOUR SINGING AND NOW YOU WANT TO GO AS FAR AS YOU CAN GO? I can help you get industry ready.New: Course now includes free downloadable mp3 package of singing exercises plus a bonus video of artists I have worked with signed to Universal, Golden Gate and Out of the Woods.This course is a bootcamp for vocalists. It includes advanced and challenging vocal technique taught In a safe way, based on my in depth study of vocal pedagogy and anatomy of voice as well as my expertise as an internationally performing singer and recording artist. You will work hard on this course and stretch your vocal abilities using practical, easy to understand exercises. You will also learn the business information you need to build a career as a professional singer.Do you want to learn the most advanced technicalities of singing? Are you ready to record a demo and get live bookings as well as to find out how to navigate the music industry? Do you want to progress your singing career in an informed, professional way?Singing has taken me all over the world. I am a professional singer, songwriter and recording artist. I've had the privilege of working with multi platinum artists and producers as well as teaching music at all levels for more than 13 years including teaching singing at the prestigious Queen's University of Belfast. Now I would like to work with you to help you achieve your singing potential. My Press as a Singer:'Eve has established herself as an artist of considerable sophistication.'-The Musician Magazine, UK'A woman armed with a powerful, beautiful voice""- YouBloom HeadroomYouBloom, LAFollowing on from my Singing for All Abilities: Find Your Unique Voice course (though it is not necessary to take the basic course as we go over the basics at the start of the course, including breathing, projection, anchoring, diction, range exercises, cool downs. pitching, posture and lightening/darkening sound), this course goes into some very advanced vocal techniques such as vocal frywhistle registerglottal onsetssinging in harmonyworking with studio condenser micsmovement and vocalisationan in depth look at voice qualities (the sounds associated with various genres of music)retraction (singing without constriction) improvisationbridging the break in the passagio (blending chest voice and head voice)We then move on to look at building your artist persona and your brand by coveringstagecraft and performancecreating an artist personarecording studio techniques After that we look at the business side of professional singing:recording contractsyour online presencegetting live bookingsgetting airplaygetting presssourcing the right musical materialrecording a demo to showcase your work to the industryAt the end of this course, you will be ready to face the music industry. As well as the 100 + videos of the course, you will get personal, supportive feedback from me on any mp3s or videos of your singing you send me.I'm really looking forward to being part of your musical journey. Enroll now for the next incredible chapter of your singing career."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Music Business: Find Music Publishing & Licensing Placements" |
"Do you write music but don't know how to get artists to record it or have it placed in film, TV, advertising etc?If you have been writing and recording songs and you would like to start making money from them, this course is for you. Music publishing can seem hard to break into, but in this course you will find out that its possible for songwriters at various stages of their careers to have songs placed with artists and used in film, TV and other media by using online platforms and finding reputable companies in the music industry to work on your behalf. We will also look at self publishing. This is everything you need to know about music publishing in one place. The course has input form me as a published songwriter but also includes interviews with songwriters signed to universal and cool independents and a commercial pop publisher with international success . Do you want to be a published songwriter but havent been sure how to have your songs published?I am published songwriter named One to Watch twice by Nashville Songwriters Association International. I have been commissioned to write for reality TV graduates, written for up and coming artists, co-written with multi platinum writers and producers and my music has been used in documentaries and advertising. I would like to help you succeed in the music industry in doing what I do. What We Will DiscoverWe will learn about the different kinds of music publishers and music publishing deals and their role in the music industry but more importantly we will learn how to apply this information to your goal of monetising your songwriting.Topics include: Traditional Music Publishers Music Licensing Agencies Online Music Libraries* Being paid royalties When to Find a Music Publisher (assessing the commercial viability of your songwriting) How to Find a Music Publisher Self Publishing Finding and Building Relationships with Music Supervisors Pitching services and how to use them to maximum benefit Organisations to join who can help advance your songwriting career After the course you will Be able to find the right publisher for you Be able to find sync (TV,film etc) opportunities Be able to efficiently make use of online pitching services Use platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter to find placements Understand how to become a published songwriterPlease Note: There are no 'hacks', shortcuts or insider tips that will help you succeed in publishing and licensing. There is a process which you need to commit to and your songs need to be written to commercial standard and recorded to broadcast standard. This course is for professionals with a business-like approach so ti wont suit you if you are looking for a quick fix.If you want to start earning money from your music, please enroll now and Im looking forward to joining you on your musical journey."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Arte y Personalidad" |
"Les presentamos un taller destinado al desarrollo de la creatividad divertido, dinmico e interactivo, con actividades correctamente explicadas paso a paso.Realizaremos trabajos llenos de color, mediante la transformacin de objetos cotidianos podrn crear, descubrir e inventar.Aqu podrnliberar la creatividad y hacer cosas diferentes,ste curso ha sido pensado para cubrir vuestras expectativas, los invito a sumarse a ste desafo, Arte y Personalidad es una oportunidad especial para que puedan mostrar toda su creatividad y talento"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |