Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Docker Certified Associate (Test your knowledge)" |
"These exams cover the following topics ;OrchestrationImage Creation, Management, and RegistryInstallation and ConfigurationNetworkingSecurityStorage and VolumesThis is not a brain dump, this is summary of theDocker documentation presented as an exam to verify your knowledge on the topic. If you're preparing for the exam, a thorough understanding of these components will ensure you're able to answer both simple and scenario based questions.If you find any topics that are not covered, please let me know and I'll add them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Read and Write Arabic For Beginners" |
"Synopsis: Learn to Read and Write Arabicis wonderfully refreshing Arabic reading course that takes learners with absolutely no knowledge in the Arabic language on a path towards reaching reading fluency like a native. As the tagline states, its your first steps towards learning the Arabic language. High Quality Full HD Video Lessons: 60 videos and approximately 4.5 hours of the highest quality, fully animated, engaging content, taught to you by myself, a professional Arabic teacher, with around 10 years experience of teaching Arabic. Interactive Exercises: Student interaction is what keeps individuals engaged and interested and more likely to complete the course. Thats why this course is filled with around 40 videos, and just over 3.5 hours of high quality, fully animated, fully interactive exercises that will get keep you engaged, interested, and on your way towards Arabic fluency. So, are you ready to take your first steps towards learning Arabic?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To Crypto Currency for Complete Beginners" |
"This course will help lay the foundation of knowledge in using Crypto-currency for beginners.Learn the history of Money.Understand the basics of Crypto-currency and its terminology.Gain an insight into the Technology behind Crypto-currency and BlockchainHints and tips and some useful tools to get started in crypto.Useful practical demonstrations to help guide you through each step from installing your wallet to buying and withdrawing coins.Dont Miss The Opportunity!Whether you are interested to learn more about Crypto-currency from a technical perspective or looking to jump into an alternative to traditional investing, this course is an ideal place to get started!Many people are already talking about the potential for Crypto-currency to become a new form of currency and Companies are beginning to welcome the idea of introducing Crypto-currency as a new way of paying for goods and services. Additionally, the technology behind Crypto is becoming well recognised for innovation and creativity in resolving real life problems.Content and OverviewSuitable for beginners, youll learn all you need to know including the essentials of Crypto-currency and gain an understanding of its potential.Starting with the history of currency, this section will help you understand how currency has evolved over the years and to understand why this new form of currency has been introduced.Following this, the course will take you through the technology behind Crypto-currency, including blockchains, and an insight into the world of mining.I will take you through the technical jargon, including a helpful breakdown in each of the elements of Crypto-currency from the different types of coins to the exchanges and ICOs.In addition, the subsequent sections will critically review Crypto-currency, provide useful tools and things that are important to know before you begin your Crypto journey.At the end of this course is a variety of practical demonstrations which you can follow to help you get started including downloadable handouts that you can refer to and use when needed."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Essential Guide to a Perfect Wardrobe: Finding your Style" |
"Learn to strategically translate your style to your closet and plan for your new wardrobe shopping or sewing & knitting projects. Building a wardrobe takes skill and organization. Evaluating your lifestyle, your favorite garment pieces, colors, and fabrics will lead you to the answers you need to curate a collection of your favorite garments. In this class, we will clean out our closets and find our hang ups. We will learn to think about what garments we love to buy or make over and over again.In this class, you will also receive an 18 page Wardrobe Planning Guide, a Project Planner Worksheet, and Wardrobe Planning Color Sheets."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Essential Guide to a Perfect Wardrobe: Picking Your Colors" |
"Your mood, feelings, and attitudes can all be effected by the colors you wear. In addition, your wardrobe is key to eliciting the emotional responses you want from others. Color harmony is essential to a wardrobe. In creating a palette to wear, instead of focusing on a single color, a range of colors should be selected. A wardrobe with a carefully selectedcolor palette will confidently and purposivelyexpress your style."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Start Sneaker Reselling eBay Business eCommerce Tips" |
"Hey guys!There is an underground, billion dollar market, ($1.2 Billion to be exact, according to Forbes). This market is something that anyone, given the correct knowledge and techniques, can take advantage of! The market is that Yes, shoes!Every day, people are paying hundreds, even thousands of dollars for a single pair of shoes, and every day, ordinary people, many of them teenagers, are making thousands of dollars by capitalizing on this economy!My name is JV, and Iwas a complete beginner to this market in 2015, and my 4th month in, I did a $10,000 month, and continue to profit as a part of this billion dollar pie!!!But first, you need to know which shoes to buy, and how to acquire them then where to sell them.I also made many costly mistakes, one in particular that lost me over $1000 in a day, another that nearly shut my operation down entirely!I know how hard it can be to earn a side income...I also know firsthand, how easy selling sneakers is once you know what you're doing! One of the first shoes Isold made me $90...and I sold them within hours of acquiring them!I've decided to condense my knowledge, compiled from hundreds of hours of research and over 2 years of first hand experience being a seasoned sneaker reseller.After completing this course, you will know:A History of Sneakers, so you know what you're talking about when dealing with your customers!How to identify and anticipate valuable sneakersDifferentiating between fake and authentic sneakersTechniques in acquiring such sneakersBusiness techniques for reselling sneakers effectively*These can be applied elsewhere!*How to make a side income and a potential primary income, selling sneakers!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn SQL Using PostgreSQL: From Zero to Hero" |
"Learning SQL was one of the most valuable skills I learned while building Match. We had one of the largest instances of Microsoft SQL Server in the 90s with millions of records to keep the site running. The better we got at SQL, the better we could make the site work for our users and answers sophisticated questions about our users. I want to teach you how to use PostgreSQL. We will walk throughBasic selection statementsJoining multiple tables togetherGrouping records to get aggregate dataInserting, updating and deleting recordsCreating tables and indexesSubqueries to create sophisticated reportsTable constraints to keep data cleanSequences to create auto incrementing fieldsCTE - common table expressions that include recursive queriesViews to simply accessing complex queriesConditional Expressions for queriesWindow functions to combine regular queries with aggregate dataHow to work with date, time and intervalsCreate SQL Functions to capture complex statementsCreate PL/pgSQL Functions that allow programming with if/then and loopsTriggersArray data typesComposite data typesTransactions and concurrency control"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Ashtanga Primary Series Pranayama" |
"This is a beginner through advanced product. Learn the fundamentals of several very important breathing exercises that will make you more aware of your thoughts and feelings and help you boost your mental efficiency and create harmony in your mind and body. Several progressions are given in detail for more advanced practitioners to take it deeper. By the end the beginner or advanced practitioner will have a full sequence of breathing patterns (pranayama) to practice with firm knowledge of how to customize their practice to their needs."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso completo de Mac OSX - Full Course of Mac OSX" |
"Aprende sobre el nuevo sistema de Apple de cero a experto de forma fcil y sencilla con Mac OS High Sierra y las herramientas mas profesionales del momento.En este curso aprenderas:Diferencias entre un PC y un MacCaractersticas tecnica que debes saber sobre un MacComando bsicos, medios y avanzados del MacFunciones con SiriUsar Spotlight para encontrar cualquier archivoUsar dos aplicaciones al mismo tiempo con SplitViewTrucos super importantes que debes saber para ser un experto en MacTe animo a que veas cualquiera de las clases que estn accesibles antes de comprar el curso y te aseguro que desearas aprender mucho mas del curso!A lo largo del curso tendrs varias horas deejemplos prcticospara que captes bien el sentido de cada concepto y sepas aplicarlo en tus propios proyectos.AnimateUna ves adquieras este curso de Mac no solo estar presente en los videos sino que tambin podrs preguntarme todas tus inquietudes del sistema y as te animaras a seguir aprendiendo cada vez mas sobre el sistema de Apple en tu Mac."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master React Native Animations" |
"Animations are fundamental to user experience. When it comes to building a mobile app they have been generally difficult and cumbersome to add.Now with the power of React Native and the Animated library, enhancing your applications experience has been easier than ever!In this course we'll start by walking through all of the functions and animation types that you can leverage with ReactNative.We'll step it up to some advanced topics live interpolating colors, rotations, using extrapolate, .99cliffs, interrupted animations and many more concepts.After that we'll learn how Animated actually works and rebuild some custom animations using d3-interpolate and other libraries to animate SVG paths.Finally we get to the real world. We'll use our new found knowledge of Animated to breakdown animations into their pieces, and then rebuild them with the Animated library.Overall you'll emerge with a new found understanding of animations in general, but the skills to be able to build any animation you want with React Native and Animated."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de iniciacin a REAKTOR 6 en espaol" |
"Te interesa crear sintetizadores? samplers? cajas de ritmo?efectos?Este primercurso ser tu pase de entrada a ese maravilloso mundo de la creacin de equipos musicales o efectos virtuales, gracias a esta magnifica herramienta: Reaktor 6Reaktor 6 tiene una inagotable paleta de posibilidades para que puedas crear el equipo musical que siempre has soado (virtualmente por su puesto) y lo mejor de todo, es que puedas usarlo en tus propios trabajos musicales o sonoros.Este primer curso te ensear progresivamentesobre:- COMPONENTES- CONEXIONES- MDULOS- CREACIN DE INTERFACES- PARMETROS- CONTROL REMOTOHay una diversidad de temticas que sern trabajadas yque de acuerdo al tiempo y dedicacin que pongas, te convertirs en poco tiempo en un programador para Reaktor 6MetodologaTe ofrezco videos explicativosque con claridad te mostrarn paso a paso la forma como construir tus equipos parausarlos en tusprcticas musicales.Como msico profesional y profesor universitario que soy, tegarantizo un nivel un aprendizaje progresivo en un lenguaje claro y directo, adems de orientaciones en temas que no tengas claros.Si REAKTOR 6 te ha parecido una herramienta dificil, te invito a cambiar esa percepcin tomando este curso con el queseguramente vers resultados prontamente."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Kapitalmarktwissen fr Einsteiger" |
"Der Kurs""Kapitalmarktwissen fr Einsteiger"" richtet sich explizit an Interessierte, die Grundlagen fr erste Brseninvestments schaffen wollen. Neben den notwendigen theoretischen Grundlagen findest Du auch einige praktische Hinweise zur Selektion von Wertpapieren.Ziel des Kurses ist der Aufbau von Basiswissen in folgenden Kategorien:BrsensystemPortfoliomanagementAktienAktienanalyseRenten / AnleihenRohstoffePrivate EquityInvestmentfondsDer Kurs ist als Einsteiger - Kurs ausgelegt und versucht auch die typischen Kapitalmarkt-Grundbegriff zu vermitteln. Nach Absolvieren solltest Du in der Lage sein, dich auf typischen Brsen-Websites zurecht zu finden und Investitionsideen selbststndig zu erarbeiten."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to be a Genius! by letting your computer do the work" |
"This course if designed for beginners to moderateusers of Computer aided design techniques (CAD) and Finite element analysis (FEA). This tools can be used by those interested in science and engineering and they are equally as useful for hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts. In this course the underlying complex mathematics and terminologies will only be brushed upon and not discussed in detail, however what will be focused on, is to enable you to solve any physical problem on your computer with the help of these tools with having to do lengthy calculations yourself or having to build prototypes. See you in the course and get ready to become a genius who can solve anything."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Excel Training - Beginners & Casual Users" |
"This is an Introductory course for Excel, after taking this course the students will be able to start using Microsoft Excel for most of the common applications. They will also have an idea where to look if they want to use any new or advanced functions. This course will form part of a series whereby other courses will be covering the advanced level skills needed by specialists using Excel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic Accounting and Bookkeeping for Beginners and Startups" |
"This course is designedto giveaninsight in to Basic Accounting Concepts from scratch so by the end ofit user will be able make his/her own set of accounts to determine his/her periodicalincome and financial position and to make better financial decisions in lifeand /or Business.Course will start withthe development of simple definition of Accounting followed by the simpleexplanation of process of Accounting. Most valuable feature of this course isthat it will help user to understand elements of accounting through simpleexplanations and examples which will help user to identify elements ofaccounting with utmost certainty.Course is centered aroundten simple financial transactions and instructor will teach how to record themin Accounting Equation and Ledger accounts step by step using double entry bookkeeping method and developed accounting basic magic table then based on thosebalances instructor will guide to prepare Trial balance and Income statementand Statement of financial position.After preparing accountingstatements instructor will guide user on how to improve financial position basedon profit maximization and loss minimization process which make the course a real-lifeexperience and apractical course.So if you are an individual seeking to improve youfinancial position or if you are in the process of starting a business or ifyou already have a small business seeking to grow your business to new levelsinstructor invite you to enroll and learn how to make better financial in lifeand business through basic accounting statements."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Excel for Accounting and Bookkeeping" |
"This course isdesigned to teach anyone who enroll to develop an Accounting Template on their own.Course will Start with the discussion of, Basic Accounting Principles So thefollower of the Course will have Basic idea about the Accounting Concepts whichwill be useful in the creation of the Accounting Template.Then Instructorwill explain step by step how to develop an Accounting Template Starting fromdrawing Ledger Accounts to setting up Outputs such as Income Statement andStatement of Financial position.Most attractivefeature of the target Accounting Template is that it is a life time templatewithout any maintenance and upgrade cost you can use over and over without anyadditional cost, so why pay more for Accounting softwares when you can developyour own Accounting Template which you customize based on your preferences andneeds.Template is setin Such a way once you input transactions in Ledger Accounts and Link withTrial Balance Template will generate Income Statement and Statement ofFinancial Position and Linked Charts, in next accounting period all you have toworry about new transactions which need new accounts but with the knowledge ofBasic Accounting principle user will able to link new accounts.This course willbe a Three in one Package since user will have a self-developed AccountingTemplate and will have a knowledge about Basic Accounting Principles and Exceltricks related Accounting Template.So enroll anddevelop your own Accounting Template and be your Own Accountant..Good Luck"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bank Reconciliation Statement using Excel - Easy Guide" |
"Bank Reconciliation is an important topic for the Accountingstudents, employees who are engaged in bank transactions as well as businessowners. It is useful not only as a study material but in a practical way also.Because in a company it is necessary to have a same cash balance in thecompanys own books as well as in the bank.So here the course will simply explain what is the meaningof a bank reconciliation and importance of it. Further it will make studentsidentify the reasons for the mismatch of cash balance and will guide to preparethe Bank reconciliation Statement.The course will not end up only by teaching the BankReconciliation Statement. After explaining to prepare the bank reconciliationstatement step by step, course will guide students to prepare a template forBank Reconciliation Statement using Excel. It will enhance the knowledge ofpreparing Bank Reconciliation as it will give the students a chance to gothrough the process step by step once again. And also it will be useful for thepractical use in preparing Bank Reconciliation Statement.So You arewarmly welcome to enroll and gain knowledge about BankReconciliation statement and in the process you can develop your own Template."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Become Successful In Life - Easy Guide to Success" |
"This Course is designed to guide followers to pursue theirDreams. According to me Life is fair in Two Aspects: (1) Everyone has a Rightto Succeed. (2) Everyone has same amount of Time (24 Hours). So, it is how wedecide to spend our life will determine whether we are going to be Successfulor not, So all depends on what we want to do in our Life.In this course we will first find WHO WE ARE through a twoStep Approach namely SWOT Analysis and Financial Position Analysis. SWOTAnalysis will be explained with a real-life exercise which enable follower tohis own SWOT Analysis. Financial Position Will be briefly explained andafterwards will explain how to find Financial position through the easy templateattached.Once we find WHO WE ARE our starting point is set so allwhat we have to is to determine our destination precisely. Our Destination willbe the desired target in life in other words OUR DREAM. So, we will make notesof OUR DREAM and make a promise ourselves that we are going to achieve the targetwe set to us.Then I will Explain step by step What you need to do toachieve Your Dream.So, You are just a Click away from Changing your life. So Iwarmly welcome to Enroll and Enjoy the Success.NO DREAM IS IF YOU REALLY WANT MAKE IT A REALITY."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Accounting Adjustments - Simple Guide" |
"The main purpose of accounting is to generate valuable information to support financial and other decisions in life or in business . So it is important that we record all transactions and events related to a particular accounting period before preparing financial statements, which we will rely on to make important decisions. Therefore, we need to adjust our book of accounts through adjusting entries to ensure that all related transactions and events are duly recorded and such entries are called Accounting Adjustments. This Course is not a Beginners Course as it require basic knowledge of accounting which relate to recording in ledger accounts and Balancing of ledger accounts and preparation of trial Balance.This course is designed to provide knowledge about Accounting Adjustments with simple explanations and examples and after each adjustment we will test our knowledge with an exercise. During this course we will discuss following Accounting Adjustments : Accrued Expense Adjustment Prepaid Expense AdjustmentReceivable Income AdjustmentIncome Received in Advance AdjustmentFixed Asset Depreciation AdjustmentDisposition of Fixed Assets AdjustmentBad Debt AdjustmentProvision for Doubtful Debt AdjustmentDrawings AdjustmentClosing Stock AdjustmentValue Added Tax Adjustment.Then we will test our knowledge on above adjustments through our final exercise, where we will prepare Income Statement and Statement of Financial Position after adjusting our accounts with adjusting entries. Therefore if you wish to learn Accounting Adjustments this course is designed for you. So I warmly welcome you to enroll and learn Accounting Adjustments and if you have any doubts feel free to contact me .Thank You and wish you all the very best"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formation Maths pour Unity3D : Verteurs et Quaternions !" |
"Bienvenue dans cette formation ddie aux mathmatiques pour le jeu vido ! Cette formation vous aidera comprendre et prendre en main tous les concepts de mathmatiques et de gomtrie dans l'espace dont vous aurez besoin pour dvelopper n'importe quels types de jeux. Chaque aspect thorique s'accompagne d'un exercice pratique. Nous appliqueront les thormes, quations et passerons en revue les fonctions pratiques de l'API d'Unity3D, afin de vous sachiez rsoudre les nombreux cas de figures que vous rencontrerez dans vos futures projets ! Au programme de ce premier volume, nous verrons en dtail les vecteurs, coordonnes spatiales, les quaternions, et dcortiquerons leurs mthodes pour comprendre dans quel cas de figure on les utilise !Nous verrons ensuite comment faire du tweening au sein d'Unity et avec une librairie externe : ""DoTween"".Cette formation s'adresse non seulement aux dbutants ayant dj appris utiliser l'interface et les concepts de bases d'Unity, mais galement tous ceux qui souhaitent approfondir leur comprhension des mathmatiques pour aller plus loin dans leurs projets de jeux vido. La difficult augmentera graduellement au fil des chapitres !Ne bridez plus vos ides cause de lacunes en mathmatiques !Montez bord et laissez vous guider !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Formation Maths pour Unity3D Vol.2 : Physics & Raycasting !" |
"Cette formation est la suite du premier volume sur les Vecteurs, Quaternions et Tweenings, assurez-vous d'avoir assimil tous les concepts de ce programme de cours avant de passer ce nouveau volume ddi aux calculs physiques !Dans cette formation nous verons comment jouer avec la physique que ce soit avec ou sans code.Nous nous attarderons sur les diffrents composants physiques qu'offre Unity3D, les colliders, joints, et leurs APIs afin de programmer des jeux bass sur la physique.Vous aurez donc besoin de maitriser les notions de vecteurs, et d'espaces de transformation.Nous apprendrons dplacer des objets grce aux forces en vitant les tremblements puis nous verons comment utiliser le raycasting pour dtecter des objets et ragir en fonction d'eux."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft SCCM Training" |
"Microsoft SCCM Training 70-703 Course ContentOverview of Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Historical Details and All SCCM versions released by Microsoft Since Beginning System Management Server versions : SMS 1.0, SMS 2.0, SMS 2003System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Versions : SCCM 2007, SCCM 2007 Sp1, SCCM 2007 Sp2, SCCM 2007 Sp3System Center Configuration Manager 2012 Versions : SCCM 2012, SCCM 2012 Sp1, SCCM 2012 Sp2, SCCM 2012 R2System Center Configuration Manager 2016 Versions : SCCM 1602, SCCM 1606, SCCM 1610System Center Configuration Manager 2017 Versions : SCCM 1702, SCCM 1706, SCCM 1710System Center Configuration Manager 2018 Versions : SCCM 1802, SCCM 1806, SCCM 1810System Center Configuration Manager 2019 Versions : SCCM 1902, SCCM 1906, SCCM 1910 Overview And Understanding of System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Site Servers And Site RolesOverview of the System Center suit and all products which are member System CenterMicrosoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Version HistoryOverview and understanding of Configuration Manager basic feature and functionalityAdvantages of utilizing System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)Things what be achieved using SCCM toolMicrosoft SCCM Certificate Exam Details to become SCCM certified professionalSCCM related Job OpportunitiesAverage Salary of System Administrators who are working on SCCM job profilesOverview of the System Center Configuration Manager For BeginnersBenefits of Implementing System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Overview of the System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) HierarchyWhat Is SCCM Central Administration Site / Primary Site / Secondary Site?Understanding SCCM Site Roles : Management Point, Distribution Point, Software Update Point, Fallback Status Point, Service Connection Point, Fallback Status Point, Application Catalogue Website Point, Application Catalogue Webservice Point, SMS Provider, Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point, Endpoint Protection Point, Reporting Services point, State Migration PointConfiguration Manager Site System Roles, Its features and functionalitiesHow Data Flows and Replicates in a SCCM Site HierarchyMonitoring Site and Component StatusSystem Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Architectural Diagram And Its CapabilityPlanning a System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Stand-Alone Primary SiteStep By Step Installation of Configuration Manager (SCCM) Stand Alone Primary Site Server DeploymentOverview And Understanding Of (SCCM) prerequisites roles and featuresExploring the System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Console with all prerequisitesSetting up Active Directory Domain Controller And DNS Server required for SCCM Site ServerExtending the Active Directory Schema to store SCCM Information int Active DirectoryInstalling and Configuring .Net Framework and SQL Database ServerCreating and configuring System Management Container in AD For SCCMConfiguring Network Firewall Ports which are needed for SCCM server client communicationInstalling a System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Site ServerExploring and navigating the System Center Configuration Manager ConsoleSearching in the Configuration Manager ConsoleMonitoring and Troubleshooting a Configuration Manager SiteReviewing Log Files by Using Configuration Manager Trace Log ToolOverview and configuring SCCM discovery methods to discover resources from Active Directory (AD)Overview of SCCM Discovery Methods to discover resources from AD into SCCM ConsoleActive Directory Discovery Methods/Network Discovery/Heartbeat Discovery to discover resources into SCCMConfiguring (Forest, Groups, System, Users) discovery methods in Configuration Manager ConsoleConfiguring boundaries and boundary groups in ConfigMgr ConsoleUnderstanding and Configuring SCCM site assignmentsOverview and Managing Configuration Manager user and device collectionsCreate device and user collection with direct, query based membership rulesOverview and Configuring Role-Based Administration In SCCM ConsoleDefining SCCM Client Policies And Managing the Configuration Manager Client ComputersOverview of Client Push method, Site wide/Software Update Point/Group Policy/Manual/Logon Script/OSDPreparing the Site for Client Installation on windows systemsConfiguring sccm client deployment methods using SCCM consoleConfiguring User and Device Policies for sccm client deploymentDeploying Configuration Manager Clients through sccm client push installation methodConfiguring and Monitoring Client Installation Process and StatusChecking sccm client logs, sccm certificate and certification conceptCollecting And Managing Hardware And Software Inventory Of SCCM Client ComputersConfiguring Asset Intelligence in SCCM ConsoleOverview, Understanding and Configuring Hardware InventoryOverview, Understanding and Configuring Software InventoryConfigure and manage hardware and software inventory, monitor inventory data flowOverview, Benefit and Configuring of software metering. Lab : Configuring and Managing Inventory CollectionSystem Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Default And Custom Query. SCCM Default And Custom ReportPreparing site to run queries and reports by using SQL Server Reporting Services.Introduction and Managing QueriesConfiguring SQL Server Reporting ServicesIntroduction to SCCM and Web portal reportsOverview to SQL Management Studio tables and view dataCreating custom reports by joining multiple SQL Data Tables using SQL Management Studio and SQL Report BuilderSoftware Deployment Through SCCM Using Application and Package ModelIntroduction to Applications and Packages models in SCCMConfiguring Software Distribution / Software Distribution ConceptsCreating and deploying Application with approval flow concepts, detection method and deployment requirementDistributing Content to Distribution PointsDeploying an Application to a User or a Device using sccm consoleWhat Is the role of Software Center in SCCMConfiguring the Application Catalog in SCCM ConsoleConfiguring Packages and Programs in SCCMManaging Application Deployment Through SCCM application management sectionViewing Log files, Monitoring and Troubleshooting application deploymentSoftware Updates / Patches Deployment Through System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)Overview of Software Updates /Prerequisites for the Software Updates FeaturePreparing the Configuration Manager Site for Software UpdatesConfiguring Software Update types product classificationsSynchronizing the Software Update Catalog Metadata with Microsoft Update ServerCreating Software Update Groups and Deployment PackagesDeploying and Managing Software UpdatesConfiguring Automatic Deployment Rules to deploy software updates / patches through SCCMUnderstanding Software Updates Reports in SCCM ConsoleViewing Log files, Monitoring and Troubleshooting Software UpdatesBare-Metal PXE Boot, In-Place Upgrade From Windows 7 To Windows 10, Wipe And Reload, Windows 10 Servicing Operating System Deployment Through Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)Overview of Operating System Deployment /Prerequisites for the Operating System DeploymentConfigure DHCP Server as a prerequisite for Operating System DeploymentPreparing the Site for Operating System DeploymentCapturing a Reference Computer Operating System ImageCreating a Operating System Task Sequence to Deploy an ImageDeploying an Operating System through SCCMViewing Log files, Monitoring and Troubleshooting Windows Operating System DeploymentOverview And Configuring System Center Endpoint Protection using Configuration Manager (SCCM)Overview of System Center Endpoint Protection in SCCMUnderstanding Endpoint Protection prerequisites in SCCMStep By Step Installation of Endpoint Protection Point Role using SCCM ConsoleConfiguring Endpoint Protection Virus Definition Polices In SCCMInstalling Endpoint Protection clients to computers through SCCMEnabling Automatic Deployment Rule For Endpoint Protection Virus Definition Updates through SCCMOverview And Setting Up Configuration Items And Compliance Baseline In through Configuration Manager (SCCM)Overview and advantages of Compliance Settings in SCCM Creating Configuration Item and Compliance Baseline for devices through SCCM consoleConfigure compliance detection and remediation method through SCCM Viewing Compliance Results in sccm reports sectionMobile Device Management Using System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)**This SCCM feature is deprecated by Microsoft**Overview of Mobile Device ManagementManaging Mobile Devices by using the Windows Intune ConnectorCreate policies and compliance settings for mobile devices.Enroll mobile devices using Microsoft Company PortalDeploying Application to Mobile DevicesOverview And Configuring Power Management And Remote Control through SCCM collectionOverview And Advantage of Using Power Management And Its Requirement Using SCCMConfiguring Step By Step SCCM Power Policy Through SCCM ConsoleSCCM Helps reducing electricity consumption by devices During non-peak hours using SCCMOverview And Advantages Of SCCM Remote Control Through Configuration Manager ConsoleStep By Step Configuring Remote Tool In SCCM Client SettingsProvisioning Remote Control Permission To SCCM System AdministratorsSystem Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Backup, Disaster And RecoveryOverview of SCCM Site And Database BackupAdvantages of SCCM Site And Database BackupEnable SCCM Backup Policy on scheduled time to a specified locationMonitoring and checking SCCM And Database Backup files Overview and step by step System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Secondary Site ServerUnderstanding the concept why we need SCCM Secondary Site serverWhat are the advantages of SCCM Secondary Site ServerPreparing And Installing Secondary Site Server PrerequisitesStep By Step Installation of SCCM Secondary Site ServerPointing devices to SCCM secondary site server using Site assignmentVerifying SCCM client on devices which points to Secondary Site serverApplication deployment to devices through SCCM secondary site Distribution PointMicrosoft System Configuration Manager (SCCM) Miscellaneous TopicsMaintenance Window Configuration using SCCM ConsoleRole Based Administration for SCCM AdministratorsAccessing SCCM console from different computerResource Explorer via Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) ConsoleWindows 10 Servicing Model through SCCM Office 365 Client update deployment through SCCMStep By Step Upgrade SCCM from old version to new version"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Application Packaging Training" |
"Application / Software Packaging Course Contents1. What is Application Packaging / repackaging?History of Windows Installer TechnologyWhy repackaging is requiredWhat are the Problems in legacy installationsMajor Benefits of windows installerDifferences between EXE & MSI2. Application Packaging Minimum Hardware & Software Requirements For Lab SetupOracle Virtual Box / VMWARE WorkStation / Hyper-VWindows 7/10 Operating SystemInstall-Shield Admin StudioPre-Installation StepsPost Installation StepsTest the repackaged application3. Client Application Pre-Validation AnalysisCommanding on Legacy Applications Installation ProcessTechnical Analysis of a Client Source applicationFunctionality Check & Source Application BehaviorReview of PRF (or) APRF & Installation Instruction FormsTechnical Review of a Legacy / MSI Application Discovery4. Introduction to Installshield Adminstudio Installation of Installshield and AdminstudioHow to use for Installshield Adminstudio for packagingOverview Of MSI ArchitectureIntroduction on Windows InstallerTechnical Review of a Legacy / MSI Application Discovery5. Methods Of Application PackagingApplication RepackagingApplication TransformsAuthoring / Building MSI ApplicationsSilent Switch Installation / Un-installation6. Working with Property Manager Working with ALLUSERS PropertyWorking with ROOTDRIVEWorking with INSTALLLEVELWorking with REBOOTWorking with ARP SYSTEM COMPONENTSWorking with Accept License Agreement7. Application Deployment through System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)Difference between applications and packages nodeDeployment of application using SCCMGenerate a report after InstallationImportant logs to monitor and troubleshoot application deployment8. How to package common application in organization for mass deploymentMicrosoft Office ApplicationMicrosoft SQL ApplicationAdobe Reader ApplicationGoogle Chrome Add-insOracle Java9. How to deploy application via common deployment methodsInstall / Uninstall Applications Using Bat FileInstall / Uninstall Applications Using VBS FileInstall / Uninstall Applications Using PowershellInstall / Uninstall Application Using SCCMInstall / Uninstall Application Using Psexec"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sell Smarter in 30 minutes" |
"Sales are the lifeblood of your company. When working with Enterprise level clients you need to be able to stand out from the competition and bring that extra added value to the conversation. You need to provide relevant sales messaging and you need to be able to challenge your customer whenever needed.This course will unveil these little hidden gems of selling that separate the average from the top sales performers. You wont be able to read about these salestactics in any sales books or sales manuals. You can only see them on the field'if you carefully analyse a top sales performer in action with a difficult client. This course will help you skip this step of shadowing a top sales performer for months and months on end. The lectures in this class will serve these priceless tips on a silver platter so that you can move your sales skills to the next level."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How To Pay Off A Mortgage Early" |
"No more fights over moneyNo more debt dragging you downNo more denying yourself the things you loveNo more trying the lame tactics that never get any actual resultsNo more giving the banks hundreds of thousands of dollars of your moneyPaying a $400,000 mortgage off in 10 years instead of 30 will save you$400,877 in interest. If youd rather keep that money foryourselfinstead of giving it to the banks, this course is for you!How To Pay Off A Mortgage Early is brought to you byAlex, an Australian finance writer that has been helping people crush their mortgages for over5 years.This material is proven, with simple steps and serious results. Already its helped thousands of people from over 175 countries pay off their mortgages in a fraction of the time it normally takes. This course will help you saveHUNDREDSof thousands of dollars with only a very small amount of effort. Best of all, this Big Win will set you up for the rest of your life.How To Pay Off A Mortgage Early isNOTTheres a lot of experts out there that will promise you the world and deliver nothing. So, let me be perfectly clear, honest and upfront with you and outline what this course isNOT:Its not a list of top tricks or hacks that dont really make any difference to your mortgage Instead, youll get access to a proven strategy that worksIts not something to just make you feel good but has you do no actual work Instead, youll do some work and then feel fantastic when you look back at your progressIts also not a hollow promise with no actual substance This strategy has already helped thousands pay off their mortgage early including me!How To Pay Off A Mortgage EarlyIS.So now that you know what this course isnt, lets go through what itIS. What you will get by working through the following course content is:A completely different way of managing your mortgage and future lifeSerious, tangible results that will drastically shorten the length of your mortgageStep-by-step instructions to help you learn and put to use all the new material Im providingA huge, ongoing advantage over the vast majority of other peopleBEST DECISION EVER!Martin had a huge mortgage and was determined to get rid of it!Started our mortgage at $375k in November 2010. Currently we have $67k remaining and its May 2016 (6 years!).Its tough going, but by far the BEST DECISION EVER! MARTINWhat You Will GetLifetime Access30-Day Money Back Guarantee5+ Hours of Practical Strategy VideosFinancial control and a paid off house in no timeFreedom to spend money on the things you love,guilt freeA mortgage that getsautomaticallycrushed in under 10 yearsA huge advantage over everyone elsewith access to fully customized resourcesNot just vague descriptions but specific,step-by-step instructionswith clearly set out walkthroughsWhat You Will LearnWhy so few pay down their mortgage quickly and how to beat itA proven strategy that has been tested on hundreds of people and gets immediate resultsHow to automate your mortgage so that paying it off in under 10 years is the default settingWhy paying off your mortgage is a true, achievable Big Win that you can hit with very little workHow offset accounts work and how to get the same result without being gouged by the big banksHow to cut through the crap and focus on the things thattrulymatter when taking down a mortgageHow to adjust the strategy so it works for you, even if you have kids, even if you only have one incomeSee What Results Others Have Already GotJOHN: ""Fantastic. This spreadsheet should be given to each person who walks into a bank. Then told to go and read it before they ask for a loan. By doing that they know what they're gettinginto.""HUY: ""We paid our $450,000 mortgage off in 7 years and 1 month. We put our highest salary on the mortgage and lived off our smallest salary. Bye bye mortgage!""APRIL: ""We bought our first home for $370k this year in April. Were now on track to pay it off in 11 years with a single income and 3 kids. It's so much more inspiring than a droll 30 years!""Join this course 100% risk free today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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"os Android ve Windows'a uygulama gelitirmek iin temel oluturacaksnz. Dnyannen popler ve en zengin dili olan csharpla uygulamalarnz gelitirebilceksiniz.Sadece tek bir dille hem ios a hem andiroide hemde windowsa uygulama gelitirebileceksiniz.Yani 2. veya 3. bir dil renmye gerek yok.Bunun yannda siber gvenlik alannda bir temel oluturmu olacaksnz.nk artk siber saldrlar yava yava mobil cihazlar tv ler hatta akll buzdolaplar stnden gerekletirilmeye baland.Visual studio xamarin kullanabilen ok az kii var.Bunun avantaj herhangi bir yerde almak isterseniz ok kolay i bulursunuz.irketler balang olarak aylk 10bin tl ile ie alyor.Dnyann en byk 20.000 den fazla Firmada kullanlyor."
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