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"Rompe con tus Creencias Limitantes" |
"La motivacin que tienes para realizar cualquier accin viene de la unin de las palabras motivo y accin.Motivo viene del latn motus, que significa movimiento, y junto a la palabra accin, compone el trmino motivacin que es la fuerza interna que te empuja a hacer o lograr algo.Dicho de otra manera, un motivo es el motor que te ayuda a concretar alguna accin. Del tamao del motivo deriva el tamao de la accin.Las creencias limitantes son una percepcin de la realidad que nos impide crecer, desarrollarnos como personas o alcanzar todas esas cosas que nos hacen ilusin. Es algo que realmente no es cierto pero que como si lo es para nuestra mente y eso es lo que vale para nosotros, lo damos por bueno.Temas Destacados: Aprende a usar la mente, Distorsiones Cognitivas, El impacto de los Pensamientos y Frenar el Piloto Automtico.Los contenidos de este cursoson el resultado de sucesivas investigaciones personales y tambin del aprendizaje de muchos autores, investigadores, acadmicos, consultores y expertos en desarrollo personal, management y neurociencias."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C#: Coding for Beginners. A Hands-on Approach to Learning" |
"This course will teach you the basic concepts and theories of the C# coding language. You will learn how to write clean code that is formatted in an easy-to-read way. I will show you shortcuts that will enable you to use less keystrokes and avoid misspelling code. The course is taught using a hands-on approach to C# that enables you to be actively involved in your learning rather than passively involved by listening to lectures. At the end of the course you will have the practical knowledge needed to advance to an intermediate level of C# coding. To reinforce your knowledge, you will be provided with quizzes at the end of each section that will allow you to assess your mastery of the material before you move on to the next section of the course. As you progress through the course your knowledge and confidence in coding will grow. In the course you will also learn how to use the Visual Studio integrated development environment. Visual Studio is a phenomenal developer tool that enables you to create web sites, web apps, desktop apps, web services, windows store apps and mobile apps (iPhone and Android). For this course, we will use Visual Studio to create console applications.Who is this for?Are you interested in learning the C#coding language and have little to no experience? Do you have prior programming experience and want to learn C#? Answer Yes to anyone of these questions? Then this course is for YOU! What? Build a strong foundation of C# syntax and structure through this easy to follow course. Topics covered in this C# course include classes, arrays, loops, constructors, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. Why? Positive job outlook, opportunity to be creative and learn a highly desirable skill. Take the first steps today towards learning a new skill that can launch your programming career!What students who completed this course are saying:I am very pleased in purchasing this course. I found the information to be very informative, clear and concise. Not only that but I love how the instructor took a hands on approach in this course and made you feel as if he was right there guiding you through every issue and showing you step by step how to code. Along with that I was taught in this course how to research on your own to resolve problems you might encounter later on as a coder. This course is suitable for both beginners and advance coders that don't know C# and would like to learn it. I enjoyed this course and instructor and would recommend this course to anyone reading this review! Akeem Fyine""I really enjoyed the course. It's great for someone who wants to learn the fundamentals of C# programming. I feel I gained a great understanding of the concepts presented and I am prepared to advance to an intermediate level of learning."" Judy Nunez""This is an excellent course. The examples given and pace of the course is perfect in order to learn this material. Having learned about array and loops and variable assignment in VB.Net it was much easier to understand from this course. This course goes into just enough depth to learn the concepts without bogging down a beginner with overly complex examples.""- Roger Henderson""Very easy to follow, its step by step its exactly how I like walk throughs."" - Jahnii Moore""The Instructor Efrain is clear and Explain verywell at every single step. This is the course I am enjoying the most comparedto other courses I took on Udemy!"" - Eugene Uwiragiye"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Grundlagen des Projektmanagements" |
"Egalob im private oder beruflichen Umfeld, das Projektmanagement kann in vielenSituationen entscheidende Vorteile bringen. Mit einem klaren Plan undstrukturierten Vorgehen, kann jedes Projekt bewltigt werden.Indiesem Kurs schauen wir auf die 5 Phasen des Projektmanagements. Dabei zeigeichIhnen, welche Schritte je Phase notwendig sind, um einProjekterfolgreich zu verwalten. Durch gezielte Aufgabenstellungen werden Sie dasgelernte direkt anwenden, somit verinnerlichen und folglich besser anwendenknnen. Nehmen Sie sich etwas Zeit, um in die Welt des Projektmanagementseinzutauchen."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Build Data Visualizations with D3.js & Firebase" |
"Learn how to create great-looking data visualizations with D3.jsD3.js is a powerful JavaScript library used to create data visualizations easily. In this course I'll teach you how to harness the power of D3 to create a variety of different data-driven visualizations such as bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, bubble packs and tree diagrams.We'll learn about D3 select, changing SVG attributes & styles, scales, axes, transitions, hierarchial data and much more...Use Firebase Firestore to update your D3.js diagrams in real-timeI'll also teach you how to use Firestore (from Google Firebase) - a real-time NoSQL database in which we can store our data. We'll use this to power our D3.js visualizations in real-time (without updating the browser) and to make them interactive, fun & dynamic.We'll also be creating 3 projects to put our D3 & Firebase skills to the test - first of all a money planner called Ninja Wonga, then a fitness tracker called The Dojo and finally a company employee tree diagram called Ninja Corp. ...Why all the ninjas?I'm also known as the Net Ninja on YouTube, with over 200,000 subscribers and nearly 1000 free development tutorials. Feel free to check out my teaching style there before you a buy my course :)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cubic spline interpolation with examples in Python" |
"This is a technicalcourse designed for students and practitioners.This course gets youan introduction to spline interpolationan understanding of what splines area detailed description ofhow to construct linear and cubic splinesPython code to construct cubic splines with different boundary conditionsthe confidence of knowing what library functions for spline interpolation actually do"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Super Quis PRO - Desenvolvimento de Jogos com a Unity" |
"Com o curso Super Quis Pro voc ir aprender desde o zero de programao C# at a compilao final do jogo para Android e para PC.Para voc que j programador e quer apenas aprender a desenvolver jogos com a Unity este curso tambm para voc, por isso a seo C# est separada do desenvolvimento para que j tem conhecimento no ficar preso a aulas de contedo base.Neste curso eu ensino como criar mecanismos customizveis para que voc possa deixar seu quis exatamente da forma que deseja, cada tema que voc incluir pode ter uma mecnica de jogo completamente diferente e tudo isso customizvel de forma simples.Dentre os recursos que voc ir aprender a fazer esto: sistema de perguntas aleatrias, tempo para responder, indicao de erro e acerto, utilizar imagens como perguntas ou respostas entre outros recursos, todos eles com opo de ligar e desligar ou seja, voc pode ter temas sem tempo outros com tempo temas que utilizam o sistema randmico outros que no e por ai vai.Procurando por Aprenda Unity voc ir encontrar outros trabalhos meus e comprovar a qualidade do que estou lhe oferecendo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Graphic Design" |
"The New to Graphic Design course will guide you through the fundamentals of the graphic design process.This includes research that needs to be done prior to starting your design, the key tools that you will be using, choosing suitable styles, creating your own personal branding and building your online portfolio. This will ready you to start a rewarding career as a Graphic Designer."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Web Design for Beginners" |
"This course will teach students about the processes of web design and will ready them to begin a career as a Web Designer. Topics included in the course are file transfer protocol, adding CSS, an introduction to HTML, text editors and adding files. Upon completion of this course, students will have learned the skills that are necessary to create well-functioning websites using CSS and HTML."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Formation Premiere Pro Autonome en montage vido" |
"Apprends RAPIDEMENT et GRATUITEMENT le Montage Vido !Salutations ! Humain !Je sais, cest une faon bien trange de commencer la description dune formation vido. libert orthographique quand tu nous tiens !Maintenant que jai sorti ce que javais dans le coeur, je peux me prsenter, je m'appelle Ahmed, jai 28 ans et je suis formateur. Ce que je m'apprte te dire va bouleverser ta vie ! Bon relativement parlant, toute proportion confondue ! Cela va plutt bouleverser ta faon de voir la .Mais avant commenons par le commencement c'est--dire le dbut ! Mon histoire commence avec Movie Maker ! Un logiciel de montage qui a berc mon enfance, cette poque, il y navait ni tutoriel, ni formation, et internet faisait un bruit bizarre... Lapprentissage, se faisait par ttonnement, exprimentation, un peu comme un apprenti chimiste, j'explorais la grandeur de linconnu. Jai mis des annes apprendre des choses simples: jaurais aim, cette poque, avoir un guide pour bien dbuter.Rares sont les personnes qui exploitent leur potentiel artistique et se limitent souvent, en faisant des rflexions du style :- le montage cest quoi ?- cest trop Geek pour moi !- Et moi je ne peux pas faire ci...- je suis trop vieux pour apprendre ablablabla et blablabla chewing-gum et chocolats !Cest clair, net et prcis, chaque personne a un artiste qui sommeille en lui , tout le monde peut apprendre le montage vido. Peu importe ton niveau, du moment que tu as un cerveau et undoigt* Tu devrais tre capable de monter une vido !*avoir un doigt est optionneljtais comme toi: une personne qui voulait apprendre, comprendre mais qui ne trouvait pas de solution simple. Jai t oblig d'emprunter un long chemin pour enfin comprendre quil y avait des raccourcis.Jai pris le temps de former des personnes comme toi, qui n'avaient aucune connaissance du montage vido ! ni de premiere Pro, aucune notion. aucune solution. En trs peu de temps, les rsultats obtenus ont t poustouflants."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server 2014 Basico - Intermedio" |
"A quin dirigido este curso? viernes en la tarde, el socio se acerca a tu cubculo y deja caer un nuevo proyecto en tu escritorio, este proyecto es similar a los otros en los que has trabajado, sin embargo, incluye grandes volmenes de datos por lo que parece inminente la necesidad de hacer uso de una base de datos relacional. Recuerdas alguna vez haber visto trminos como SQL, tablas, registros y consultas, pero actualmente no recuerdas mucho de lo que en su momento viste en la Universidad. Te das cuenta que la fecha de cierre de estas pruebas es en una semana, y es cuando te planteas la siguiente interrogante Cmo comenzar a buscar definiciones y ejemplos de cdigo para ponerlas en contexto? Este curso es para las personas que quieren aprender los fundamentos del Lenguaje Estructurado de Consultas (Structured Query Language SQL) rpidamente. A travs de algunos ejemplos, tambin conoceremos los principales componentes del SQL Server como software de gestin y manejo de bases de datos. Recuerda que al inscribirte podrs enviarnos correos para aclarar las dudas e ir interactuando constamente. Tambin podrs tener tu Diploma Bit2In y acceso a los webinars que estaremos impartiendo constantemente."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Coping with Sadness/ Depression" |
"This coursebegins with a brief background ofmy experienceas a Mental Health Therapist, in the city of Los Angeles,California. It covers the Difference Between Sadness and Depression,When to Seek Medical Attention or get aMedical Check-up,Suicide Risk Factors, Areas of Brain Research, followed by; 11Strategies proven Beneficial in Supporting Individuals Copingwith Sadness orDepression.The material was written forindividuals who have the desire to manifest ameaningful and authentic life. Individuals who are willing to look outside and within themselves and adjust or change the areas in need of improvement.The importance of letting go of thoughts andbehaviors,that are not beneficial to yourwell being is also covered in this workshop. A step-by step guide isshown in the workshop to help youmake those adjustments and changes possible.If youmake a commitment and put these strategies into practice, you will see positiveresults.Trust in the process,be patient with yourself, and you will be happy you took the time to invest in your Mental Health and Wellness."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"A Beginner's Step by Step Guide to Start a Career in Fitness" |
"Are you thinking of starting a career in fitness?One day you think, this is the best idea ever, the other day you want to skip taking the big step and start a new career? Or you want to start a career but you have no idea where to start or if you really want to invest into a long course to learn the bits and pieces of starting a career in this very new field? This mini course is for you! This is the first step of your future, we will cover 5 main steps of starting a fitness career: Module 1 Is being a trainer really for you? Module 2 How to get certified Module 3 How to get the most out of your teachers training Module 4 Surviving your first class Module 5 Continuing education"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Foundation to Health, Fitness and Nutrition" |
"Don't you want to get back your healthagain?Wishing you were able to do what you love without being judge because of your weight or look?Well of course, that's why you'll here.Just like what Itaught my clients who pay me $3000 + for my coaching, I'm going to invest in YOURhealth this time! How does that sound?!Look, I get it...Health was a huge issue for me. Being born in Vietnam where Ididn't have much to eat. Even after learning what was in my food, I realized that Iwas in control of what I ate so Icould feel better and do more.What would a healthy lifestyle for you look like? Could you see yourself spending more time with your love ones instead of having to go to the doctor all the time?After investing $100's of thousands of dollars, hours, and time with coaches. I'm committed and here to empower you and give you the knowledge that you can use to fully improve your health, gain confidence and feel better.In this course you'll walk away with:How to achieve a healthier and more natural eating lifestyleCool hacks to improve your productivityHow to gain the support of your friends, and family to help you along your journeySimple exercises you can do to improve your vitality and well beingTackle stress with confidenceBe more aware of what goes into your bodyThe class is delivered in easy to follow video modules, and also a PDFand slides so that you can follow along with me.My goal for you is to be able to have confidence in your ability and knowledge to apply these health improving techniques to your daily life.Reach out to me if you have any comments or suggestions whatsoever.I'm here for you!See you on the other side!Connor Cranston"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"7 Simple Steps to Natural Weight Loss Masterclass" |
"Do any of these resonate with you when it comes to dieting and weight loss...You tried everything?Spending thousands of dollars, yet none of them payoff?Having weight problems all your life and not knowing where to turn to?Losing confidence because you don't want to looked at?Afraid to ask for help because of embrassment?Want to learn a natural and ethical way?Sick and tired of people judging?On a budget or looking for a more affordable way?Battlingwith depression?Overeating or having no energy?Worse of all, you just want your life back and be happy again?The question is, you tried everything and now you want a new natural approach to a healthier lifestyle, am I getting hotter?...Gym membership promising you the worldClasses that are just way too muchCourses ranging from $500 - $3,000 guaranteeing you that you will lose [x] poundsCoaches that charge you by the hour and you'll still stuck and confusedWith all this money, why not spend it on a dream vacation?Health honestly is true wealth, just like Gandhi said. Yet for some reason, we abuse and neglect the most. Some consciously, but most are uneducated and misinformed about the underlying epidemic of this disease in our society.How about you not only learn but also make eating naturally and being healthy a part of your lifestyle so that it becomes second nature and also empowering.*** Age, sex, andbody type are just labels. I worked with thousands of students from almost 100different countries. Some clients I charge$3,000and up for private coachingThis weight loss program works as longs as you work with it.Results are what people want, and I can help you get that.In this Course You'll Get:15 Modules to make sure you get the right knowledgePDF WorkbookPowerPointof the slidesActionable steps and exercises to track your progressFull lifetime accessAccess to meThis course will buy itself 100x over and over!You'll Experience the following...Why dieting is a big mistake and what they don't want you to know.Even if you follow a diet to the exact step, you can still gain weight.Simple ways to make eating healthy and enjoyable again.Save hours off your day without having to go to the gym 24/7.Empower not yourself, but also help save the planet by making better eating choices.Secrets in the health industry that aren't taught in the world.Myths and lies that are holding you back from obtaining that life you desire.The 3 biggest health killers in the industry.How to make losing weight fun and interactive.You to budget and be healthy at the same timeLook young again and feel like you were in your 20's.Love yourself again and be an inspiration for your family and friendsOf course much much more...I have to be honest, Inever really had an over weight problem, it could be the fact that I was malnourished as a child sinceI was born in Vietname.This course is just more about losing weight, rather controlling your weight in a natural and healthy lifestyle. At one time I gained almost 35 lbs in 1 months, I had a belly but nothing serious or life threatening. It was also really easy and natural for me to lose that 35 pounds.Why not help others with what I know without charging them millions of dollars but also help the planet as well?By the time you reach the end of the course. You'll know the step by step methods to live a healthy and natural lifestyle while helping the planet at the same time!________________________________Before we begin...Whether you sign up for the course, you have nothing to lose thanks to the 30 day guaranteed by Udemy! You can even take the whole course and cancel. I know that you wouldn't but hey if you do, please share what you learned that helped you on your journey.I have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars, time and energy to give you this valuable life changing insight that has helped me in my journey.Even if you follow one step, you'll be forever changed in a way that you never thought that was possible. You'll the the star of the show and friends and family will be so inspired by your actions and habits that they will have no choice but to look to you!See you in the course :)-Connor Cranston"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency Complete Trading and Investing Masterclass" |
"'s Connor Cranston. Welcome to the Cryptocurrency Complete Trading and Investing Masterclass. I am a full time cryptocurrency trader and coach. You can usually find me all over the world putting on seminars and speaking on stages.I know you want to not just learn, but also profit from the cryptocurrency, then you came to the right place. This course will take a beginner to intermediate and intermediate to advance level. I believe this is the most COMPLETED cryptocurrency course here, with over 20 hours of content.Whether you have traded in Forex, Options, or invested in another market, you are in the perfect situation to take advantage of this courseSection 1:Your Cryptocurrency JourneyModule 01- Getting Started With CryptocurrencyModule 02- Buying Your First Bitcoin and CryptocurrencyModule 03- How to Transfer Bitcoin and CryptocurrencyModule 04- How to Trade on Binance or any Cryptocurrency ExchangeSection 2: Psychology and TermsModule 05 - Trading PsychologyModule 06 - Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Lingos and Their Meanings Part 1Module 07 -Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Lingos and Their Meanings Part 2Section 3: How to Use Technical Analysis in the Cryptocurrency MarketModule 08- How to Use TradingviewModule 09- How to Setup a TradeModule 10- Finding Altcoins to TradeModule 11- How to Draw and Use Trend LinesModule 12- How to Draw and Use ChannelsModule 13- The Importance of Support and ResistanceModule 14 - How to Use Bollinger BandsModule 15- 3 Important Triangles in Technical AnalysisModule 16- Flags and PennantsModule 17- Falling and Rising WedgesModule 18- MACD, RSI, and Stoch RSIModule 19- Entry and Exit Points, Risk Reward Ratio ManagementModule 20- Fibonacci Extension and RetracementSection 4: More Important Cryptocurrency TrainingModule 21- 4 Ways to Hedge in the Cryptocurrency MarketModule 22 - How to Margin Trade and Scalp the Cryptocurrency MarketModule 23 - Cryptocurrency Portfolio ManagementModule 24 - Understanding Market CyclesModule 25 - Top 3 Cryptocurrency Trading Techniques Part 1 Module 27 - Top 3 Cryptocurrency Trading Techniques Part 2Module 27 - Cryptocurrency ICOTrainingSection 5: More ContentModule 28 - LIVECryptocurrency Training in LondonModule 29 - LIVETechnical Analysis Training in MalaysiaModule 30 - Digging for Gems in the Cryptocurrency MarketAgain, thank you for your commitment to this course and the cryptocurrency/blockchain technology overall.I look forward to helping you learn, grow and profit in the cryptocurrency market. If you have any questions, or comments, please reach out to me.To Freedom and Riches,Connor Cranston"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn MS Excel from Scratch" |
"Learn from an experienced consultantwith over10 Yearsof MSExcel and MS Access experience Hands-on practical exercisesthat you can use in real life and on the job. Beginner and Intermediate concepts covered Useful for Excel Beginners, College and University Students, and New Job seekers who would like to improve their skills"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Price: 21600.00 ![]() |
"HTML5 & CSS3 for Beginners The Ultimate Guide" |
"In this tutorial you Learn how to use HTML5 and CSS3 to bring a HTMLwebsite to life. Learn HTML5 and CSS3 fundamentals as you build two websites in this introductory course to web development.Starting with how to plan out your website, including a header, navigation bar, content area and footer I'll show you all the techniques used to create a website . Next setup your HTML to match with all the main container sections of your web design. Create a basic HTML template that can be used and reused on multiple projects. Then learn how to jazz up your HTML with CSS. Section by section this course will show you how to create a real world website. Then tweak and update the code as needed to customize and make the site perform. Finalize the code by checking the output on different screen sizes adding in and adjusting the CSS to create responsiveness.Source Code is includedTop links and Resources providesStep by step from planning to creationReusable templatesProfessional trainingHDvideo contentI'm ready to answer any questions you may have about creating a website from scratch. Everything is included to get you started quickly. Expand your portfolio learn how to make a website from scratch. By the end of the course you will have the skills to make your own version of the website presented within the course.Nothing to lose, there is a 100% Money Back if you don't like itWant to know more, what are you waiting for take the first step. Join now to start learning to create websites today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"[HTML/CSS/JavaScript] Web" |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Git Git" |
"GitKraken Git Git WebGit Git HTML/CSSGitGitHubGit Flow GitHub Flow Git"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Complete Trading Strategies Course - Beginner to Advanced" |
"This is a complete 10 lecture (6.5 hour) video course covering how to get started through to placing successful trades in the financial markets. The course is divided into sections each covering a different subject including but not limited to - The Psychology of Trading, Money Management, Candlestick Charting Patterns, Support and Resistance, Technical Indicators including Moving Averages and the Ichimoku system techniques.Whether you are just beginning your journey or you are a more experienced trader wanting to refine your skills, and wish to further enhance your trading career, our in depth Trading Course, taught by an experienced and highly profitable active trader, educator and coach who has 25+ years experience in the profession should suit your needs. Our easy to follow trading course will take all the mystery and doubt out of your trading analysis and decisions, which includes very detailed explanations throughout, along with easy to understand graphics and demonstrations.We like to keep things simple here, so we use minimal indicators and clutter on our charts, which makes our trading and analysis very clear and concise.We also show how to identify potential trade setups. These setups will give clear instructions on; why the trade is high probability, what the recommended stop loss should be, and recommendations on when and where to take potential profit.The techniques we use and teach in the course always give us high probability opportunities, which can be set and left to play out (Set and Forget), freeing up your time to do more of the other things you enjoy in life.We feel our course will significantly improve your trading knowledge, and ability to read the markets quickly and confidently.Our techniques and strategies can be used on any instrument that can be charted, such as Forex, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Gold, Silver + many more markets, and traded on any time-frame.We will also be available for guidance should you get stuck or need to ask any questions, even long after you have completed the course.As a student you will also be eligible for any new additions, updates, or further course material as and when published.We believe good education should be accessible and affordable to all, and this is reflected by our course being offered very reasonably priced.We hope you enjoy our course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"From Blank Page to Published to Sold" |
"Learn how you can turn your ideas into profits through ebook publishing.Start a profitable ebook publishing business or learn how you can increase your ebook sales by reaching out to more readers.Find out the steps to take to write your content from scratch, package it into an ebook, top it up with an amazing ebook cover, publish through Amazon Kindle or your own website, market to your audience and voila! Wait for the sales to roll.And then, do it again if you want to create an ebook publishing business.Or, outsource the ebook creationpart, or marketing, or publishing or the least appealing tasks. Find out how to do it smart to avoid frustrations and, throwing away your time and budget.Discover simple methods to gain your readers' trust and become an authority in your topic. When you're perceived as an authority, you attract more loyal readers who follow your content and buy products from you. And learn to do all these, making sure that there are ready buyers waiting for you to publish! Find out the simple things that you need to do at the very beginning, to create lasting sales in the end.Do you want more people buying your ebook? Will that be interesting to you?You can also learn how to expand your marketing efforts to reach a wider audience who would want to buy your ebooks.Save time and resources by applying the techniques taught in the lectures, to make your current readers stick and attract new readers.What else can you do in 7 days?You can spend the week with the same old results, OR, you can take the course, do your best efforts, and see a breakthrough in your ebook sales!If you want to make a living from home or any location you like, OR, you want to add income on the side, OR, launch a full-fledged publishing business, this course is where you start!This course leaves nothing out, and teaches you every aspect that you need to do, and, the tools that you can use, to make ebook publishing work for you. It also includes a ready-to-use complete ebook template, checklists, guides, summaries, and printables that will help speed up your learnings as you go and take action.If you're a beginner, you will learn simple steps and the minimum work to perform to gain market feedback. If you're not new to ebook publishing, there's a lot of room for you to learn, to sharpen your content creation and online marketing skills which can translate into more sales.Go ahead, enroll today, and start attending your lectures!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Angular and ASP.Net Core Integration" |
"There is a lot of confusion about how to integrate Angular and ASP.Net Core. A big part of the problem is a lack of resources and limited understanding of how to integrate these 2 awesome technologies, Angular on the front-end and ASP.Net Core on the back-end.The big problem, is that the industry has always tried to simplify the solution by compartmentalizing the technologies. But knowing how to integrate technologies is the key to performance, and making an application easy to maintain. This mean you must have a good understanding of the backend technologies, the development environment, as well as the frontend technologies.Why do you think Microsoft seems behind in the integration of Angular on the front-end? Hmm Could it be that the newer technologies have us dropping down to the command line? Why do we need to drop down to the command line anyway? Could it be the only way to be compatible across multiple platforms? Are there Microsoft developers that like to drop down to the command line? Can I do my complete development, without dropping down to the command line? Watch this course, and I will show you how!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Acupuncture - The Jin three needle technique" |
"This acupuncture treatment method has been summarized by professor Jin from 1979 (Guangzhou TCM University). His clinical experience and trials have been done to proof his theory. In Guangdong province, south China, this method still is very popular. In China different provinces developed different acupuncture methods.Short introduction:The Jin 3 needle technique, originally contains 39 groups. It is also called the three point technique.The idea is to use three needles to treat the disease. Sometimes this might not be enough, but as a basic method , the Jin three needle method has shown good clinical results.For example in the treatment of acute pain ( lumbar pain), sometimes one treatment can be enough.Learn about various point combinations and their application.Learn about Medical mandarin and get known to the Chinese medical terminology of this online course. Get insight into the meanings of Chinese characters and their correct pronouncation."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Guide to Chinese Medicine" |
"This Course was designed to assist you in the beginnings of your Chinese medicine studies and to offer great help in understanding the way Chinese medicine works. A great course for everyone who is studying Chinese medicine and wishes to attain a better understanding of Chinese medicine to gain a more effective practice!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Selfmassage" |
"Learn aboutChinese Self Massage and simple techniques to massage the body to gain more relaxation as well as prevent from illness and improve our health. Focus on Breathe, Movements, Visualizations, Coordination between eyes and hand, a calm mind, all of this leads the body and mind to a comfortable and natural well being. Learn about Tuina for Health Care / Applied manipulations to different parts of our body. You will be guided by detailed videos showing you the theory, techniques, manipulations and exercises."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Use Google Analytics for Financial Advisors" |
"How muchmoney have you spent on your websiteover the years? How is itperforming for you?If you're like most advisors,you have no idea!That's because most advisors have not connected Google Analytics to their site so they can view their traffic. Without visibility into their site's traffic,they're flying blind.In this exclusive course, you will learn how toconnect Google Analytics to your websiteso you can find out:How many peopleare coming to your website each month?How are visitorsfinding your website?Which devicesare your site visitors using?Which pages and blog postsget the most views?How much traffic iscoming from social media?This quickone hour video courseexplains the step-by-step instructions for:Setting upGoogle AnalyticsConnectingit to your websiteUnderstanding and analyzingyour site's trafficWe'll review real life examples of websites to give you a live demo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MBA ASAP Corporate Finance Fundamentals" |
"""It is a 5-star course by any means. Contents, way of communication and pace is so much easy that even Non Finance guys can understand easily."" AsadLearn how to raise money and invest it wisely. Learn how to analyze and value companies and income producing assets. Make better business decisions and support them with financial analysis and rationale. This course includes the eBook version of MBA ASAP Corporate Finance, voted best Corporate Finance book of all time by BookAuthority. Corporate Finance is the Tools and Techniques of how Companies Make Decisions about what Projects to Pursue, and how to Value those Projects. Time Value of Money Present Value and Future Value Net Present Value Internal Rate of Return Ever wonder how the top executives at your company got there and what they think about?This course provides a framework for how financial professionals make decisions about how, when, and where to invest money. Corporate Finance comprises a set of skills that interact with all the aspects of running a business. It is also extremely helpful in our personal lives when making decisions about buying or leasing, borrowing money, and making big purchases. It provides analytic tools to think about getting, spending, and saving. Content and Overview We will explore the time value of money and develop a set of tools for making good financial decisions, tools like Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return. We will explore the trade off between risk and return, and how to value income producing assets. Valuation of companies and assets can seem mysterious. Where do you even begin? How can you value a startup that doesnt even have any revenues yet? You will gain confidence in your knowledge and understanding of these concepts. The tools of corporate finance will help you as a manager or business owner to evaluate performance and make smart decisions about the value of opportunities and which to pursue. An understanding of Corporate Finance is essential for the professional manager in order to meaningfully discuss issues with colleagues and upper management. You need to be versed in this subject in order to climb any corporate ladder. Get started understanding corporate finance today. This course is based on my best selling book MBA ASAP Understanding Corporate Finance. Here are some reviews: I am a big fan of your books, which make all these difficult topics really easy to understand. This is excellent work. Adnan After reading John Cousins' book I was finally able to understand a subject that has been, for me, very foreign and intimidating. He makes the topic of corporate finance accessible to people like me who need the knowledge but easily get lost ""in the weeds"". Clear and very easy to digest and apply! Lizabeth Having read the 10 minutes to understanding Corporate Finance I can honestly say that it comprises a well-structured and straightforward presentation of the core elements of corporate finance. Nikolaos "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"MBA ASAP Guide to Startups and Entrepreneurship" |
"""Another winner from John Cousins! Doing business in this day and age can be daunting, especially for those of us who are from ""a different era"". This author knows his stuff and shares it in such a way that informs, encourages and inspires."" Liz K.Business is always evolving especially with advances in technology. Business and technology topics can be new and novel or difficult to understand. John has the ability to frame and present business topics in a way where the audience feels like they can quickly grasp concepts, define strategy, and begin to execute.""Simplicity is the end result of long, hard work; not the starting point."" Fredrick MaitlandWhy take this Course?Learn to use strategic and idea generation tools that can help you get a handle on marketing strategy and focus on the big picture.Since you are here reading this, chances are you want to make something meaningful happen like start a business, get a promotion, be more successful and fulfilled, or make your mark on the universe.It is also likely that a few things are holding you back from achieving your dreams:Business Fear. The feeling that you dont know much about business and could never start your own company or take more responsibility for your current situation. Better to maintain the status quo and stay within your comfort zone than to face the fear of the unknown.Certificate Intimidation. The idea that business is super complicated is an area best left to highly trained elite experts. If you don't have an Ivy League MBA or similar expensive and time-consuming credentials, who are you to think you know what to do.Imposter Syndrome. The gnawing fears that you're inadequate and already in over your head. It's only a matter of time before you're exposed to be a total ""fraud"" and ""phony.""We don't rise to our expectations; we fall to the level of our knowledge.Here is the good news, everyone has these unfounded fears, and you can quickly put an end to them. All you need to do is learn a few simple concepts that will change how you think about the way business works.Once you have conquered your fears, you can do anything!No matter who you are or what you are trying to accomplish, you're about to discover a practical new way of looking at business startups and entrepreneurship that will help you spend less time worrying about your fears and more time doing things that make a difference.Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Make WordPress Website Shine on Social Media" |
"Does an image show up when you share you website on Facebook?Can your fans automatically tag you when they share on Twitter?Does the same horizontal image show up when people try to share a post on Pinterest (even though you know you need a vertical image)?If you answered no to any of the questions above, this is the course for you."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Electric Power Metering for Single and Three Phase Systems" |
"Upon completion participants will be familiar with:What is Electric PowerAC & DC PowerVoltage, Current, & Power Vectors (Phasors)Capacitive & Inductive LoadsReal, Reactive & Apparent Power (Watts, Vars, VA)The Dynamometer WattmeterThe Energy MeterSingle-Phase MeteringInstrument Transformers(Current & Voltage CT's & PT's)3-Wire, Single-Phase MeteringPolyphase Energy Meters3-Wire, Single-Phase Metering with CT's & PT'sMetering a 3 Phase 4 Wire Load (""Y"" Connected)Metering a 3 Phase 3 Wire Load (Delta Connected)Measurement Canada StandardsBlondels TheoremPhase & Line Relationship"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |