Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Per Unit Analysis for Single and Three Phase Systems" |
"In the power systems analysis field of electrical engineering, a per-unit system is the expression of system quantities as fractions of a defined base unit quantity. Calculations are simplified because quantities expressed as per-unit do not change when they are referred from one side of a transformer to the other.In this course you will learn exactly what Per Unit Analysis is, the main advantages of using it, how manufacturers of equipment use and rate their products and the technique of converting to and from the Per Unit system.Several examples of working with Per Unit are demonstrated in this crisp clear presentation. When you finish you will have a though understanding of this subject.It is important for all power engineers and technicians to be familiar with the concept of Per Unit as it is being used and referred to every day in power flow, short circuit evaluation and motor starting studies."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Symmetrical Components for Three Phase Power Analysis" |
"The method of symmetrical components is used to simplify asymmetrical three phase voltages and current analysis by converting the unbalanced system into two sets of balanced phasors and a set of single-phase phasors, or symmetrical components. These sets of phasors are called the positive, negative, and zero sequence components.An understanding of this method is essential for the understanding of fault analysis and modern day protection schemes. This course will provide you with the knowledge to comprehend the concept and how it is applied"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Short Circuit Analysis for HV Three Phase Systems" |
"This Course Short Circuit Analysis for HV Three Phase Systems introduces the student to the basic concepts of fault studies on a high voltage three phase system. With the help of a quick review of Per Phase & Per Unit methodologies system faults are analyzed with the use of symmetrical components. System modeling is then used in order to aid in the process, with the ability to move between asymmetrical and symmetrical systems."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Basic Fundamentals of Electricity and DC Circuit Analysis" |
"This course examines Ohm's Law, Series and Parallel Circuits, the first, and perhaps most important, relationship between current, voltage, and impedance, Ohms Law, and its relevance to Series and Parallel Circuits. Subsequently this will lead to the development of Kirchhoff's Laws as they help to further analyze Network Analysis & Metering Circuits.Conductors and Insulators are investigated along with their connected components, Capacitors, Inductors and how they are influenced by Electromagnetism."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Basic Fundamentals of AC Circuit Analysis" |
"This course will provide the student with the basic understanding of working with circuits involving Alternation Current, which includes sinusoidal waveforms, vectors & phasors, reactance & impedance of R,L,C circuits, as they relate to the basic laws and theorems of electricity. This includes working with AC Power, Power Factor, Resonance, Complex Numbers, Reactance and Impedance"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"12 Steps to Wholesome Nutrition" |
"The 12 Steps to Wholesome Nutrition courseis designed for people who would like to take charge of their own health by learning moreabout their bestfood and lifestyle choices.So if youre looking for another diet to blindly follow, please move along to the next item in your Google search list. If, however, you wish to learn a lot about nutrition, health and individuality, plus value self-empowerment so that you can make informed choices by the end of the course, come and join us.Our book Wholesome NutritioncomesFREEwith this course (except during periods when Udemy has discounted the course). If you are within metropolitan areas in South Africa,easily accessible by courier, you may receive a hard copy of the book. If you are outside of these areas, you will receive the e-book version."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"DSE Math M2 Ch18 Introduction to Vectors" |
"In this course, I will teach M2Ch18Introduction to VectorsThis course is designed for HKDSE Mathematics (M2) Examination.This coursewillprovide shortvideos, notes and sufficientexercises with solution.The medium of instruction is Cantonese.All materials are written in English.If you have any inquires, please dont hesitate to email ormessageme.My email:"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Edexcel Pure Math Ch11 Vectors" |
"In this course, I will teach Edexcel AS and A Level Pure Math Ch11 VectorsThis course is designed for Edexcel AS and A Level Mathematics ExamEdexcel AS and A Level MathematicsExamThis coursewillprovide shortvideos, notes and sufficientexercises with solution.The medium of instruction is Cantonese.All materials are written in English.If you have any inquires, please dont hesitate to email ormessageme.My email:"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Affiliate Marketing using Email List Promotions" |
"In this online business course - I have revealed the necessary information needed to kickstart a lucrative affiliate marketing business by anybody using training videos.This is a technique I have been using to run my affiliate marketing campaigns and which anybody can do as well irrespective of your experience in online business.It is my expectation that this course will prove very useful for all my students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build your Youtube channel overnight" |
"Hey there,We are Bamboo Digital Media and we have made this course for everyone, whether you are a business or someone that just wants to build a great channel. Come join our course and find out how you can usevideo and Youtube to build an audience and create great content."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"In 60 Tagen 40 Neukunden am Telefon - Akquise Kurs B2B" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich Dir wie wir innerhalb von 60 Tagen 40 Neukunden (B2B) am Telefon gewonnen haben. Dafr musst Du kein Telefonprofi sein und brauchst auch kein 10 Personen Team. Das Geheimnis liegt in der Vorbereitung und dem System (das richtige CRM) dahinter. Dieses System macht Dich innerhalb eines Tages um ein vielfaches produktiver im Telefonvertrieb."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Markdown Fundamentals" |
"Learn the fundamentalsof Markdown,a simple, text-to-html tool used to format writing on the Web.Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).In this course, you'll learnhow to write common markdown syntax to create headlines, lists, tables, links, images, and block quotes. We'll then get intosome of the different implementations of the language, such asGitHub Flavored Markdown.Markdown is free software, available under a BSD-style open sourcelicense."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"What mistakes you must avoid to succeed in business?" |
"Every day in the world, tens of thousands of different businesses are being closed - from small companies of 2 people to big corporations, that are listed in Fortune 500. This figure is growing from year to year, because we live in a very dynamic world with incredible competition almost everywhere.Those, who survive, work further for 2 reasons.The first reason is that they are lucky. Is it a fate, a good coincidence or something else, but it's the fact. They began to do something and do it successfully, according to their will or not.The second reason - they understand what not to do in their case, they understand the weaknesses over which they must work and have made a competent plan of action based on them. It is difficult to survive due to the first reason, since it is impossible to predict whether will you be lucky or not. But it is possible and necessary to survive with the help of second reason, and here everything depends only on ourselves.To survive due to the second reason, you need to study in detail the experience of other people and learn from their mistakes. In this course, I want to give you this opportunity. Over these years in business, I've tried almost every type of the business: - two online subscription services.- some complex b2b businesses.- an affiliate marketing.- an online store.- an offline business.- a franchise that I bought.- a business based on some training course.- a ready-made business that I bought.- a b2c big check business.- an informational business.- worked as a dealer and partner.And this is only considering the businesses I have been engaged in at least 3 months. And a bunch of others that, for various reasons, were closed. This is even more than serial entrepreneurship! Based on this, I have profited a colossal experience - and I want to share it with you!I worked out certain criteria for the future success of the project. Thanks to them I built my profitable company - an outstaffing company HuntSmart with more than 50 employees, and I continue to develop it.Each of these sections are based on the experience of my mistakes, when I lost years and hundreds of thousands of dollars. In each section, I describe in detail my mistakes and talk about how to prevent their recurrence in your business, I describe in detail what knowledge I acquired in order to avoid such problems in the future. This is a kind of reality show, you will go my way step by step and get knowledge not only about how it mustn't be done, but also about how to do it correctly.Most of these mistakes are not quite typical and you will not find such stories from the people who committed them, and the more they will not share their findings because it cost them a lot! Also, I will give you the knowledge that will give you the basis for not repeating other mistakes that are more widely known.All advice, all techniques and techniques are based on real life examples. This is a set of life and business experience, that I made based on my own mistakes, these are not typical examples of ""How to succeed and what you need to do,"" everything is much more practical.And finally - everyone who passes the course can get my consultation on analyzing mistakes in your business that can occur and to which you need to prepare, or for what you need to pay specialattention while implementing your idea. For free!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a Fotografar no Modo Manual" |
"Aprenda a fotografar no modo MANUALe usufrua de todos os recursos que sua cmera tem.Nesse curso vou te ensinar a usar sua cmera de maneira manual.Voc vai aprender:O que o ISO e como control-lo;O que abertura da sua lente (diafragma) e como control-la;Controlar avelocidade do obturador (disparador);Fotmetro e fotometria;Tipos de foco e pontos de autofoco nas cmeras;Tipos de cmeras, desde as cmeras de celulares, profissionais (DSLRe Mirrorless) e cmeras de ao;Tamanho dos sensores nas cmeras e suas diferenas;Tipos delentes e para que servem;Composio fotogrfica, suas regras e como voc pode fazer fotos bonitas e harmoniosas.Edio de imagens e como voc pode tirar sombras, ajustar cores e deixar sua fotografia maravilhosa!Todas as aulas mostro fotografias minhas como exemplo e tambm aulas prticas, no qual demonstro as configuraes direto da minha cmera (demonstro em uma cmera Sony Mirrorless)para que voc possa aprender mais facilmente.iControle sua cmera e faa fotos lindas e criativasa partir de agora.Ao final do curso voc vai:Saber dominar a sua cmera;Entender como fazer uma boa fotografia com uma exposio de acordo com o SEUGOSTO;Entender como a cmera ""pensa"";Poder at mesmo trabalhar como fotgrafo profissional.Espero voc!Abrao!Claudia Tavares"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Fotografia de Viagem" |
"Ol, muito bem-vindos!Nesse curso vamos falar nica e exclusivamente de Fotografia de Viagem.Quando viajamos para outra cidade, outro pas, nossa cmera fotogrfica (seja profissional, seja compacta, seja do smartphone) a nossa melhor amiga. Queremos registrar todos os momentos inesqueciveis que vivenciamos em nossa viagem.O que vamos abordar nesse curso:- Como podemos fazer fotos muito mais bonitas, agradveis, harmoniosas e bem compostas (fotografia de paisagem e natureza, flores, arquitetura, interiores, pessoas desconhecidas, fotografiacom cmeras de ao e fotografia de viagemcom celular) com exemplos das fotografias que fiz e o que me chama a ateno em cada lugar que visito.- Passar a parte terica das minhas fotografias para colaborar com idias criativas de suas viagens.- As cmeras e lentesque eu uso em minhas viagens (incluindo meu smartphone e cmeras de ao (Go Proe Sony Action);- O bsico sobre fotografia no modo manual- Importar e Exportar imagens no Lightroom;- Editar (tratar) nossa fotografia no Lightroom, inclusive a fotografia de capa desse curso!Voc vai fazer fotografias muito mais criativas em suas viagens!Mas, pra onde j viajei?Chile, Argentina, Repblica Tcheca, Grcia, Itlia, Noruega, ustria,Polnia, Hungria, Eslovquia, EUA (3 vezes para diversos estados),Portugal, Espanha,Frana e Holanda.As fotografias expostas nesse curso foram feitas com as seguintes cmeras e lentes:Sony Nex 6 + lente 18-55mmSony A6000 + 18-55mm / 28-70mmSony A7II + 28-70mmLeica Dlux Typ 109Go Pro Hero 3 BlackSony Action AS200ViPhone 7 PlusUm abrao!Claudia Tavares."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Play Guitar and Harmonica Together Quickly and Easily" |
"Are you a guitar player looking for something new to add to your bag of tricks? Playing the harmonica with your guitar will add a whole new dimension to your playing.Are you a harmonica player looking to be able to accompany yourself easily and make your harmonica playing sound even better? Play the guitar with your harmonica and discover a huge new sound that will come out of your playing.Playing the guitar and harmonica together until now has been seen as either a novelty or else as something so difficult that it's an impossibility. Explode that myth completely with the first video in the course, to discover how simple playing the guitar and harmonica together can really be.You'll love how you can quickly and easily add basic harmonica playing to your guitar and have this new voice in your playing that wasn't there before, or if you are a harmonica player then you'll have these chords and rhythms behind your playingright at your fingertips any time you want to make it happen.This can be a transformational thing to learn for you, whether you either play guitar or harmonica.You'll find that playing the guitar and harmonica together is not just a gimmicky thing to mimic what someone has already done (although you certainly will be able to do that!).Rather, you'll discover that by taking your existing guitar playing or harmonica playing and putting them together in the right way, step by step creates both a sound and an effect that is more than just the sum of guitar+harmonica. Through this playing the guitar and harmonica together course you may very well discover a whole new way of approaching your instruments that actually is both fun and inspiring.This course only requires basic guitar skills, knowing the basic chords in the key of C andG, and E if you would like to do the bonus materials.Also, no particular harmonica skills are needed for this course at all - you can be a complete beginner. I will get you through the basics and you will have good tone in your playing right from the start, which is a major secret and needed skill for guitar/harmonica rack playing.You will need a harmonica holder, but not for the first lesson. You'll getthe benefit of my years of harmonica holder use and testing to give you my best recommendations for what harmonica holder to get - and they aren't expensive.In terms of harmonicas, you will need a key of C harmonica, and a key of A harmonica and a key G if you want to go through the key of E guitar and E minor guitar songbonus materials at the end. No fancy harmonicas needed, I will give you some recommendations for harmonicas also, to go along with your guitar playing.This will be easy, this will be fun and I truly believe that you will have a great time and discover a whole new voice in your playing by learning to play guitar and harmonica together. So let's get your playing guitar and harmonica together thing started right now!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"(PKI). 1." |
". , , . ? - . , , "" "", . , , "" (PKI)""."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Design Patterns with C++" |
"It's a totally example-oriented C++ theory and implementation course in order to make you improve your understanding of object oriented design and design patterns.Only you will need a basic knowledge of object oriented programming.If you're the one who started programming and wants to improve software engineering skills with abstracted examples this course is for you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Analog electronic circuit designs In Simple Words" |
"This course draws a guiding line between learning concepts and quantifying them. The mathematical description of a system mystifies and drives students away from seeing the intuitive simplicity behind a design. In most courses you are taught to calculate voltage, voltage drop, current, and power by solving node and mesh analysis equations, however, it is hard to figure out the real purpose of the circuit.Latch circuit, frequency domains, low and high filters, control circuits are not taught in any fundamental or basic courses anywhere. In basic or fundamental courses you are taught laws and how to find voltage and current. , this course takes you in a snap from basic to advanced in a very short time that is why it is unique, innovative, and impressive. It is designed specifically for that purpose. It has tremendous value for a very low cost.Many hours of course does not necessarily mean good content or good learning, most of the time you would not even end the course. This course is very optimized to deliver precisely and efficiently the information without any extra talking that is not relevant."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"""Bauchtanz im Kopf"" Meditationen fr den Orientalischen Tanz" |
"Dieser Kurs nimmt dich mit auf eine Reise zu dir selbst. Die einzelnen Stationen sind die jeweiligen Krperregionendie du fr den Bauchtanz bentigt. Oft sind wir in unseren Bewegungen blockiert und wir wissen nicht warum. Alte behindernde Glaubensstze sind nicht selten der Grund, dass wiruns in unserem Leben nicht so entfalten knnen, wie wir es gern htten. Das trifft auch auf den Bauchtanz zu. ngste und blockierende Gedankengngeerschweren leichte,flieende Bewegungen und verhindern das Loslassen alter Muster.In den Meditationen lernst du dich wieder wahrzunehmen und die fr den Tanz typischen negativen Glaubensstze zu erkennen und dadurch aufzulsen.Mit neuen positiven Glaubensstzen,den Affirmationen, kannst du beginnen, diealte Muster zuberschreiben.Verstrkt werden die Affirmationen, indem siezustzlich""unhrbar"" in den Meditation eingespielt werden und somit noch einfacher in dein Unterbewusstsein gelangen knnen"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deine perfekte Bewerbung" |
"Du bist auf Jobsuche und gerade dabei, Deine Bewerbungsunterlagen zu erstellen - mchtest aber dich aber nichtwie08/15 bewerben?Du bist mit Deinem Lebenslaufeigentlichganz zufrieden, aber mit dem Bewerbungsschreiben kommst Du nicht weiter - oder umgekehrt?Du kommst im Bewerbungsprozess nicht weiter und wirst nicht oder seltenzu Vorstellungsgesprchen eingeladen - weit aber gar nicht, woran das liegen kann?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr Dich!In unserem Kurs lernst Du, passgenaue Bewerbungsunterlagen zu erstellen, die zur Stelle passen und gleichzeitig Deine Persnlichkeit widerspiegeln.Du lernst, Deinen Lebenslauf aussagekrftig, bersichtlich UND individuell zu gestalten.Du lernst, was im Anschreiben enthalten sein sollte - und was Du beruhigt weglassen kannst.Und wir teilen die wirkungsvollsten Tipps, Tricks und Strategien, mit denen Du Dich von der Masse abheben kannst.Zum Podcast ""Die Berufsoptimierer"" jetzt auch der Online-Kurs ""Deine perfekte Bewerbung"" -mit vielen unterhaltsamen Lektionen, lehrreichen Informationen und wertvollen Tipps, die fr Dichim Bewerbungsprozess eine Abkrzung sind."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Project 2016 - From startup to ready to control" |
"This course will help you get started using Microsoft Project and provide you with the information you need from day one setting your options through to developing your first project schedule and then maintaining the project schedule on a regular basis to ensure it always reflects the current status. While this course's focus is on learning how to use the tool, it used a practical scenario based approach to ensure that you understand both how the tool work, but more importantly, how this can be used to develop and manage a project schedule."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Die homopathische Luferapotheke" |
"Laufen ist eine sehr natrliche Bewegung, an die wir Menschen grundstzlich seit Urzeiten gewhnt sind. Unser heutiger Lebensstil ist jedoch oft sehr bewegungsarm. Viele Wege im Alltag werden nicht mehr laufend zurckgelegt. Dadurch sind manche Strukturen unseres Krpers, vor allem der passive Bewegungsapparat mit den Sehnen und Bndern, nicht mehr optimal auf grere Belastungen eingestellt.Andererseits entdecken aber immer mehr Menschen den Laufsport fr sich. Einmal im Leben einen Marathon oder wenigstens einen Halbmarathon zu laufen, wird hufig zum Ziel erhoben. Und wie vieles in unserem heutigen Leben soll dieses Ziel mglichst schnell erreicht werden. Also strzen wir uns hinein ins Lauftraining. Doch was sagt unser durch sitzende Ttigkeiten ansonsten nur sehr wenig geforderter Krper dazu?Hufig meldet er sich schon bald mit einem Zwicken hier und einem Ziehen da. Werden diese Warnsignale berhrt, kommt es schnell zu ernsteren berlastungsbeschwerden und es hilft nur noch, mit dem Laufen wieder auszusetzen. Der ausgefeilte Trainingsplan fr den nchsten Marathon kann nicht mehr eingehalten werden, und eventuell muss der Lauf ganz aus dem persnlichen Programm gestrichen werden. Frust macht sich breit und die Frage stellt sich, was kann ich tun, um schnell wieder fit zu sein?Die Homopathie bietet gute Mglichkeiten, um den eigenen Krper sanft zu untersttzen.Die homopathische Luferapotheke enthlt 15 homopathische Mittel, die speziell fr die Bedrfnisse von Luferinnen und Lufern ausgewhlt sind.Der Kurs Die homopathische Luferapotheke vermittelt das komplette Wissen, was bentigt wird, um die homopathischen Mittel richtig auszuwhlen und erfolgreich bei vielen typischen Beschwerden aus dem Luferalltag einzusetzen.Die Kursteilnehmer lernen die Ursprnge und die Entstehungsgeschichte der Homopathie kennen.Sie verstehen die wichtigen Prinzipien, nach denen die Homopathie arbeitet.Sie erhalten das komplette Wissen fr die praktische Anwendung der homopathischen Mittel.Sie lernen die 15 homopathischen Mittel der homopathischen Luferapotheke mit ihren besonders charakteristischen Symptomen kennen.Sie verstehen die praktische Anwendung der 15 homopathischen Mittel am Beispiel von 12 typischen Beschwerden, die Luferinnen und Lufern immer wieder Probleme bereiten knnen. Dazu gehren zum Beispiel Muskelkater, Lampenfieber, Erschpfung, Achillessehnenbeschwerden und das Luferknie.Sie lernen zu den vorgestellten 12 typischen Luferbeschwerden homopathische Erfolgsrezepte kennen.Neben dem lebenslangen Zugriff auf die Videos erhalten die Kursteilnehmer alle wichtigenInformationen des Kurses auch in schriftlicher Form. Alle Erfolgsrezepte sind als Merkblatt verfgbar, ebenfalls eine Checkliste zur homopathischen Luferapotheke, in der die wichtigsten Merkmale aller 15Mittel schnell nachgesehen werden knnen.Nach Abschluss des Kurses und mit den zur Verfgung gestellten Materialien sind die Kursteilnehmer selbstndig in der Lage, die 15 homopathischen Mittel der Luferapotheke richtig einzusetzen und den eigenen Krper bei den eigenen Beschwerden in ihrem Luferalltag optimal zu untersttzen."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for Runners" |
"With a variety of yoga classes and short lectures, you'll practiceyoga to gain strength, flexibility, body and breath awareness, and a strong, positive mindset.Add Yoga to Your Training Schedule to Become a Better RunnerGain strength and flexibility to help prevent injury and run stronger.Explore themes that relate specifically to runners:trust in the training process, courage to step to the starting line, support for your endeavors, and more.Focus on the breath and the connection it has to your body, which is useful in both yoga and running.Learn more about IT band syndrome, core muscles, restorative yoga, and more.Yoga for Runners features 14 shortpre- and post-run yoga practices, four yoga practices under 30 minutes, andfour practices between 40 and 53 minutes. There are also fourspecialty practices: one for beginners,one for the core, one forhip strength andstability, and one for rest and recovery.The short lectures give you more instruction about how or why we do certain things in yoga, and how yoga can help make you a stronger runner. Supplemental materials include links to a variety of articles and studies, as well as ideasfor how to schedule the yoga practices into your life whether you want to practice twice per week or nearly every day.This course is ideal for runners who are curious about yoga and how it can help their running, but want to focus their practices to complement their running andaccording to the time they have available."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"3 Pricing Strategies to Spend Less Time Making More" |
"This course is the last step you need to take in stopping the money and time leaks by addressing the problems that exist in your service and information-product business. You will learn 3 strategies in easy-to-duplicate, detailed, plan that feels good to both you and your clients.This gives you the secret sauce recipe. Instead of the typical ""you need the mindset, a pipeline, color-coded schedule..."" to get more clients, sales, fun, time - I actually walk you through numbers, we do the math, you learn an easier way and the actual ""HOW you do it!"" And it works because my clients and I have done it. Case studies to prove. Why?Because your bottom line is one of the most important things in your business.You will learn how to increase profits, better your bottom line, and save time whether you are selling:: products (e-courses):: hourly-based services:: project-based services (coaching packages)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Corel Draw X19 2017" |
"No curso Corel Draw X19 2017, voc aprender as tcnicas usadas no dia a dia para trabalhar em qualquer grfica. Teremos aula de vetorizao, ferramentas do sistema, cores, formas, texto, cdigo de barras, QRcode e o famoso CSV.Aps finalizar o curso, voc ter noo pratica de como trabalhar com corel draw;"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The Complete C# and Object-Oriented Programming Course" |
"[Update C# 8]The next major version of C# is officially released which is C# 8.0. We were expecting it for quite some time, we had the chance to learn all the minor features and enhancements included in C# 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3, and I can say I am quite excited about the new capabilities Microsoft keep adding to C#.In chapter 11 we will be discussing the new features and enhancements of C# 8 with easy to follow examples to make you understand what each feature is about.------------Hello and welcome to The Complete C# and Object-Oriented Programming Course, The one and only course you will need to learn C# and object-oriented programming. This is more like a collection of many courses brought together to help you learn C# and how to use it efficiently. This course is by far the most comprehensive and effective on the market. Here's why:The course will teach you almost everything you need to know regarding the powerful C# language.This course start with you from zero experience in programming and starts to level up to the object-oriented programming till you reach the advanced concepts and topics of C# (Asynchronous Programming, LINQ,Generics, Collections, Delegates and more).It will help you learn any programming languages other than C# later, because the course discusses almost every programming concepts and of course how to implement it in C#.You will experience more than 200 examples, 30 exercises, 24 assignments and over 150 quiz questions.You will learn about the new features in C# (7.1 - 7.2 - 7.3 and 8) like Enhanced tuples, out variables, local functions, expression bodied members, pattern matching and other more features.This course will cover different encryption and decryption methods, plus explaining the theory of cryptography.You will be very familiar with Visual Studio and many of its features like snippets and how to use them and even create custom snippets.You will learn about real world staff like naming conventions, the small little differences between data types, terminologies, programming concepts and more.Understand the advanced concepts such as multithreading, the synchronous and asynchronous programming.Get familiar with the .Net framework structure and understand is the .Net frameworkLearn the history of C# language and differences between each version of C#.Learn how to work like professionals.What other students who have taken this course say:""I enjoyed the course. It's comprehensive and covers most of everything you'd want to know about C# and .NET. There's plenty of exercises and assignments in the course to help reinforce lessons. The course could be improved with the addition of a course project, but the instructor has assured that there will be another course forthcoming that will cover this. I recommend this course for anyone who wants to learn more about C# and the .NET framework.""""I am about 1/4 throught this course, and i have to say its brilliant. I have tried to learn how to program with many different languages using may different courses on udemy and have given up either because the course moved to fast or was to technical for me to understand. However this course is fantastic the material presented is very easy to digest and very informative while still engaging. So far i have learnt about using build in metods such as DateTime methods for my programs, creating and useing classes using inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism. The course progresses on a nice incline in difficulty to test you on what you have just learnt and it has coding exercises, assignments and also quizes to test yourself with. The instructor is also very friendly and is quick to answer your questions with a good level of detail. I would recommend this course for anyone wanting to learn c# or learn how to program in general using c# as a first language.""""This course clearly covered the topics to understanding the language from a first-steps approach. I highly recommend to anyone who wishes to learn the language and requires a video tutorial with enough exercises. -- Thanks Ahmad""""I've enrolled in countless other C# courses on UDEMY but always end up either getting bored or end up getting confused. In this course so far, the course has assignments which keep it fun for me, plus it cover all topics clearly to prevent me from getting confused. Thank You.""""The course is comprehensive and well explained, undoubtedly the author knows what he is talking about and is pretty experienced with this kind of topics.Examples were short enough to make obvious what each pattern is all about. Author points out issues in different approaches and provides a solution.Never seen these kind of explanations before...Overall I find this course excellent""""Great course!! The instructor has comprehensive knowledge about the C# language and is able to present the programming concepts and paradigms in a way that is easily understandable.The presentation is very detailed and concise which is greatly appreciated.I feel ready to implement the knowledge gained""Students also said that this course was:Comprehensive CurriculumFriendlyDirect & To-the-pointGet ready to start a journey of 20+ hours of C#, 20+ hours will make you a C# guru. So what are you waiting for....let's start!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Dropshipping and Shopify" |
"Welcome to The Ultimate Ecommerce Dropshipping and Shopify Course, The one and only course you will need to learn all about creating an ecommerce website, dropshipping, Shopify, domains, business emails, marketing, Facebook ads and more.Some of the topics we are going to cover in this course:Understanding dropshipping and answering almost all the questions you might be asking yourself about dropshipping.Understand what is a niche and how to choose good products.The course includes a good list of different products (updated weekly) for you to choose from to start your online store.Creating Shopify account and applying themes to your store.Building your store step-by-step, starting from branding your store and choosing colors, images, logos, tag-lines, typography.You are going to learn how to import products into your store in different ways, and you choose the best one that suits you.You are going to learn how to set prices, descriptions for your products, leave notes for suppliers you are working with.Building a stunning looking online store with many different ways to display your products and arrange your store as you want.Learn how to customize menus, pages, products, collections and more.You are going to learn how to set shipping rules, rates and zones.How to add payment providers to start accepting credit cards and processing money through your store.Adding policies like any professional website, privacy policy, terms of services..etc.You will be creating a Facebook page for your store and integrating this Facebook page with your store.You will be integrating Facebook Messenger with your store so that customers can send messages to your Facebook Page from your website.Learn how to create announcement bars such as (Free Shipping bars, Happy Halloween, Merry Christmas) to keep in touch with your customers.You will be adding timers and counters for the offers you will set.You will be creating discount codes to motivate customers to buy.Get into the world of domains, how to register your own domain, how to add your domains to Shopify and more.How to create business emails using G Suite.Dive into the world of analysis using Google Analytics. Understand what is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and how to apply it in Shopify.Installing apps on top of your Shopify store.Learn how to use websites (free ones) to get free images, reduce size of images, reduce resolution to make your store loads much faster.You are going to create the structure of the your store using Google Drawings (Free).Get to use Facebook Audience Insights to get all the necessary information before creating your Facebook Ad Campaigns.Learn how to create Facebook Ads.Also we will be using Google Trends to get more information about potential customers for our products.All you need is a computer and an internet connection. No need to have any technical skills, The course is going to guide you through every single step with enough explanation and if you got stuck feel free to send me.The knowledge and information provided in this course will help you in many other projects as well, some of the covered topics: Registering a domain.Working with domain DNS.Getting a business email.Working with Google Analytics.Understanding SEO (Search Engine Optimization).Creating Facebook Pages.Creating Facebook Ads Campaign.Installing Facebook Pixel.Using Google Drawings.Using Google Trends.By the end of this course you will have your stunning looking store which integrates with your Facebook page, you will have also your own domain, your own business email and you can start making money out of this store.So what are you waiting for, lets get started creating your ecommerce store."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Alteryx Bootcamp" |
"This course is for everyone who is either completely new, or a beginner with Alteryx Designer. In this course, I'll walk you through the basics of Alteryx, from installing your free trial, to connecting to various data sources, performing complex transformation, developing macros, analytic apps and predictive modelling using R.This course does not require any prior knowledge of Alteryx. You should be comfortable with data transformation and reporting, using tools such as Microsoft Excel, everything else you'll pick up along the way in this course.This course is excellent to kickstart your path to becoming an Alteryx developer, you'll learn all the basics in four hours of material, and will be able to apply your knowledge in the real world, immediately."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Writing Life Stories - made simple." |
"So many people tell me their life story would make a good book or that they'd like to write about a remarkable Father or the cricket club they belong to. Writing about a life is a wonderful idea yet to busy people with limited time to write the task can seem daunting. Regret can follow as time passes and a fantastic story fails to be recorded for others to read.I have presented seven different ways of making the onerous task of writing a memoir, biography or autobiography manageable. You will still have to put pen to paper and tell your story, but you will have tools to aid you. The task will be broken down and inspiring examples will spur you on. you will learn :-How to use what material you have.Ways of putting notes into the right order.How to create a memorable beginning and ending for your story.Writing tips and ways of making your work as good as it can be.Different styles of presentation depending on your needs and abilities."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Developing Fiction Writing Skills." |
"Guided exercises will enable you to create a number of pieces of fictional writing. The process will sharpen your skills from whatever starting point you're at. I'm interested in encouraging people to find ways of writing rather than theorising about writing. Every piece you create will be better than its predecessor and will give a solid foundation for what you write next."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |