Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Zabbix - De Principiante a Experto" |
"Zabbix - De Principiante a Experto es un extenso curso de video que brinda una introduccin completa a las caractersticas clave del software de monitoreo Zabbix para empresas. Aprenda a configurar su propio servidor de supervisin y aproveche muchas funciones tiles que estn ocultas en la documentacin. El curso comienza mostrndole una nueva instalacin del servidor Zabbix. Toda la funcionalidad relevante se explicar paso por paso al pasar por la interfaz web.Primero aprender a recopilar informacin de sus servidores mediante el uso del agente Zabbix. Luego, har uso de desencadenantes para definir qu condiciones representan problemas reales y debe generar una alerta. Adems, aprender cmo visualizar los elementos y desencadenantes en pantallas y mapas.Al final del curso, habr configurado y aprendido a administrar un servidor Zabbix como un profesional.ACTUALIZACIONES:El curso se mantiene en constante actualizacin, gracias a los estudiantes que se mantienen aportando ideas de lo que quieren que se explique en el mismo.Dentro de los temas ms notados que se han agregado al curso como parte de la constante actualizacin podemos mencionar:Implementacin de SSLActualizacin de Zabbix (de la versin 3.4 a la 4.0)Integrazin de Zabbix con GrafanaY la lista sigue aumentando...El curso siempre esta en constante actualizacin. Basandome en los comentarios de los estudiantes, los cuales me recomiendan temas que quieren que muestre."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Camino a la Certificacin - Reloaded" |
"Camino a la Certificacin - ReloadedEs la versin actualizada de mi curso anterior ""Entrenamiento para la Certificacin ... "". Este curso es trabajado con la versin rhel 7.5 ( CentOS ), en donde los objetivos se explican de forma ordenada tal como aparecen en la pgina oficial.Como todos saben, los objetivos del examen de certificacin de Red Hat RHCSA han cambiado, donde ahora se han incluido otros temas muy interesantes. Si usted planea presentar al examen en rhel7, entonces este curso es el ideal, porque el examen va a estar disponible al menos 12 meses mas. Pero si planea presentarse en la nueva versin rhel8, entonces los invito a que vean el nuevo curso RHEL 8 - Camino a la Certificacin, el cual cubre estos temas.Descripcin:Mi formacin consiste en multiples y completos videos por cada mdulo.El 30% de todos los estudiantes que se presentan al examen de certificacin por primera vez no pasan el examen en su primer intento. Sea parte del 70% que pasa el examen de certificacin en su primer intento.TE GARANTIZO que si prcticas todos los objetivos como los muestro en los videos, absolutamente pasars el examen real.RESULTADOS:Ya suman mas de 500 estudiantes ( y contando ) que se han certificado gracias a mi curso. Puede ver los comentarios, valoraciones, y reseas positivas que han dejado los estudiantes que toman este curso. Sobre el curso:La primera sesin es para mostrarle y explicarle lo que necesitar para seguir todos los ejercicios. Recomiendo usar KVM ( virt-manager ) como software de virtualizacin (CentOS, RHEL7 o Fedora). Pero puedes hacerlo en VirtualBox, VMWare Workstation. Pero tenga en cuenta algunos conceptos sobre las redes virtuales. (NAT, briges, etc).Me concentro ms en la prctica y menos en la teora. Porque la clave para pasar el examen en el primer intento es ""prctica y ms prctica"".Examen de Prctica: Al finalizar el curso, encontrar un examen de prctica en donde le mostrare con ejemplos y recopilaciones de preguntas de encuentros y talleres que he realizado un escenario ms cercano a lo que encontrara en el examen real.Actualizaciones:El curso siempre esta en constante actualizacin. Basandome en los comentarios de los estudiantes, los cuales me recomiendan temas que quieren que muestre."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete ASP.NET MVC course in C#" |
"Learn Web Development with one of the most upcoming framework for Microsoft which is ASP.NET MVC using C#. ASP.NET MVC is most common requirement now when you are looking for a new job in .NET world and with this course you will have the knowledge that is needed for the same. I have designed this course by taking in picture anyone who has been working with ASP.NET C# , but they think its time to learn the most upcoming trend which is ASP.NET MVC. This course will help you get a solid understanding of the basic building blocks of MVC and you will also take a look at some advance topics in MVC as we build Book Rental application from scratch. The key to success is practice and that is what you would be doing over and over as you would write controllers, actions and view from scratch and work your way to success, while doing so you would get solid understanding of the flow of MVC along with other concepts.So jump right in to kick start your career in ASP.NET MVC or to take your career to next level!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Metaphysics: The Science of Improving Your Life" |
"This course is a fastpaced, supercharged course on the concepts of metaphysics. Although I briefly cover the science behindmetaphysics, I explain in practical terms how you can use the concepts andprinciples of metaphysics to improve your life.This course is designed to help build a positive mental consciousnessand create a life you desire.Henry Ford once said:""Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason thatonly a few are dedicated to it.""However, thousands of people are doing just that. I have personallytaught hundreds of people how to use these scientific principles to improvetheir lives. I have observed with great joy these people applying theseprinciples in their life and I saw them rejoice at the wonders that began tohappen in their lives. I saw people come into money they didn't know they hadcoming to them. I saw people's health improve. I saw peoples relationshipsimprove. I saw people find their perfect partner (a partner perfect for them),love was in the air. I saw people get the car of their dreams, get the house orapartment they wanted, and the jobs they wanted. These hundreds of people didall this by simply following a few metaphysical principles. The same principles you will learn in thiscourse. You will learn about thepower of the mind and how the mind works. You will learn how to create powerfulstatements that, if used correctly, will change your life. You will learn how to use meditation in aneffective manner. Some people are intimidated by meditation. They think thatmeditation is only for Buddhist monks sitting on the mountaintops. I am going to debunk this by showing you howto use mediation to improve your life. I'mgoing to teach you about the wonders of the universe. When I say universe, I amtalking about the metaphysical or spiritual universe and how it works for us.That is what this course is about, a practical guide for the metaphysical andhow to use it to improve your life.In lessons one and two, Idiscuss the concepts and principles of metaphysics. You learn about the powerof the mind. We discuss the definitionof metaphysics and that it is a science. We cover the study of metaphysics andhow thoughts go from the invisible to the visible. I gave examples of three greatthinkers and how they changed the world with their thoughts. There were manymore people that could have been mentioned, but I only mentioned three.In lesson three,Icover, in detail, on what is a positive statement and how touse the affirmation. I talk about writing your affirmation, repeating itthroughout the day and seeing your desires manifest. I discuss how to write apositive affirmation, an affirmation empty of negativity. We discuss thenegative thoughts or doubts may arise when you start to think and read youraffirmations on a daily basis. I giverecommendations on how to silence these negative thoughts and instructions onwriting a second or third affirmation to negate these negative thoughts. Iclose lesson three with some affirmations to get you started, both as anexample on how to say these affirmations and as an example of how affirmationscan be written.In lesson four, I give abrief summary of meditation. I teach four basic types of meditation:contemplative meditation, visualization meditation, focus meditation, and quietmeditation. I explain these meditative practices and practical examples of howthey can be used. I close the lesson with a meditation that contains someaffirmations that you can use in your life.In lesson five, I talkabout religion and spirituality. I talk about the differences between religionand spirituality. I talk about the concepts of reciprocity and karma. I arguethat having a spiritual life is important in metaphysics and how youdetermine what your spiritual life should look like. In lesson six, I do aquick summary of the first five lessons.I also tell you how I used these principles and practices in my life tobuild me the life I that I desired. The power of the mind is very impressive. There are filmsabout people with incredible powers. Sometimes we think that it is all sciencefiction and most of it is. However, we metaphysicians know that not everythingis science fiction. When you think of traveling to another country, it may nothappen like in the science fiction movies where you are instantly transportedto that country. On the other hand, in metaphysics, we think about the idea oftraveling to another country. We write and believe the affirmation, visualizethe trip, and meditate on these thoughts. In time, maybe not at the moment, butsoon, we are traveling to that country and we are having the time of our lives. All of this may have seemed impossible beforewe set the intention, wrote the affirmation, and began practicing metaphysics, butnow it is happening. As a bonus for takingthis class, I have included an additional class on how to create a vision board.A vision board is a visual representation of the life you want. I talk moreabout this in the bonus lesson. The main reason it is not included as a regularlesson is that, unlike all the other lessons, a vision board is not mandatoryto have a good metaphysical practice. However, many people, myself included,find that a vision board is a useful tool in our lives. Once you have followedthe principles contained in the first six lessons, a vision board should beeasy and fun to create."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The world of infographics 2017" |
"Why The world of infographics ?! As always said the shortest distance between two people is a story and I believe that the best way to tell a story is through infographics and the shortest way to learn infographic design is getting through the world of infographics. This course is the first part of a series of course on Infographic design that would help you design stunning appealing infographics. You don't need any previous experience in design, all that you need is a copy of Adobe Illustrator CC and a little basic knowledge of its most common tools like the type tool, so you don't have to worry as every option or tool that I used would be explained in that course. By the end of that course students would be able to Understand the anatomy of an Illustrator graph.Build stunning and editable graphs to represent data and statistics including Column graphs, pie charts, Donut charts, stacked column graphs, area and line graphs.Stylize any graph type and create appealing designs to your graphs, define the scale for charts and add numeric values.Design your own chart from scratchMaster the most common tools and options in Illustrator that are used in infographic design.Create vector map of the world or any custom place, highlight any part of that map, adjust the border's color and the background of the map ,adjust the perspective of the maps to give it a more realistic look,learn some tips to give your map stunning look, apply pattern fill to any map,learn how to create different types of the location sign and all other elements related to maps and locations...Create a lot of infographic elements including all the human icons that are used in expressing ratios and percentage, stylish lists, rating stars and ratio bars, stylish title bars.Effectively Use patterns and learn how to edit them and use them in infographic design.Use different techniques to create hand drawn infographics including hand drawn shapes, column graphs, pie charts and any custom objects.Apply hand drawn effect to any font.Use a package of free hand drawn fonts.Create different sketch papers that are used as a background in hand drawn infographic projects.And as I always believe that the best way to learn is through practice, I uploaded almost every single file and image that I used in any video so that you can use it to practice step-by-step with me. So, every video can be considered an application for you. However, at the end of each section you will have a real application as you will be asked to design a project using all the tools, options and techniques that you've learned through each section. Im waiting for you in my infographic world"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Motley Fool's Guide to Investing" |
"Today, anyone can be an informed investor -- but it takes a Fool to tune out the noise, focus on the mostmeaningful factors, and beat the Street. With The Motley Fool's Guide to Investing, you'll have the secret sauce to building a motley portfolio that you can understand, stand by, and use to build your wealth. You'll learn how to shift away from mutual funds into individual stocks, then target the stocks that make the most sense foryour portfolio. You'll hear first-hand from our co-founding brothers, Tom and David Gardner, about their tried-and-true investing strategies. You'll master the financial statements that tell you the health of your companies. And if you're so bold, you'll dive into three advanced investing strategies -- margin, shorting, and options -- that could take your portfolio over the top. What are you waiting for? Tap into your inner Fool and get started today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Handstand - Foundational course for learning!" |
"Have you always wanted to be able to do a handstand?Ibet you've tried many times, but given up as quickly.Youjust cant seem to figure out how to find that balancedown without falling over. Or maybe you have never evertriedto do one, because you assumed that youre not strong, athletic orflexible enoughMastering handstands takes alot of effort,It requires consistent practice.With the right tools provided, Master the handstandwill get you there.Master the Handstand -This isa coursefor everyonewho wants to learn how to handstand.The course will containthe vital basicsto understand and to buildasolid,healthy and fun handstand practice.We will breakdown the handstand to it's core.In the course you will learnabout the following:-wrist health- Strenght basics- conscious falling-preparatory excercises- Basic stretching- The principals of the handstand- Building balanceIf you are new to handstanding, and have accumulated fear around being upside down.Iwill give you the essentialtools to master thefear of falling, and i hope that i can help you to find the passion for being upside down!The world just seems to become a better place when you're handstanding!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10 para profesionales de TI" |
"Bienvenido al curso ms nuevo y completo de Windows 10 para profesionales de TI Que aprender en este curso?Los estudiantes adquirirn los conocimientos bsicos y avanzados, hasta convertirte en un experto en el manejo de Windows 10, enfocado para profesionales de TI, as como los conocimientos necesarios que debes de tener, para conseguir tu primer trabajo en una empresa. Te sorprenders de las posibilidades que se abren ante ti, cuando sabes sacarle el mximo partido a Windows 10."
Price: 1620.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods" |
"This is afully developed graduate-level course on Monte Carlo methods open to the public. I simplify much of the work created leaders in the field like Christian Robert and George Casella into easy to digest lectures with examples.The target audience is anyone with a background in programming and statistics with a specific interest in Bayesian computation.In this course, students tackle problems of generating random samples from target distributions through transformation methods and Markov Chains, optimizing numerical and combinatorial problems (i.e. Traveling Salesman Problem) and Bayesian computation for data analysis.In this course, students have the opportunity to develop Monte Carlo algorithms into code""by hand"" without needing to use ""black-box"" 3rd partypackages."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Active Directory on Windows Server 2016" |
"This course is intended for those that want to broaden their knowledge of active directory domain services (AD DS) and/or prepare for Microsoft exam 70-742, which is one of the required exams for theMCSA: Windows Server 2016certification. Students that are seeking certification will benefit from additional resources such aspractice exams which will simulate the certification exam. This course is beneficial for those that are already IT professionals and for those that are entering the IT field. You will learn:Active Directory termsActive Directory deploymentDeployment using PowerShellUser account creation and managementComputer account creation and managementGroup administrationOU structuring and managementConfiguring delegationPlanning Global Catalog placementRead Only Domain Controller deploymentManaging Operations Masters (FSMO Roles)Group Policy fundamentalsDomain and Forest functional levelsImplementation ofthe Active Directory Recycle BinPlanning Active Directory site designConfiguring Active Directory sitesPlanning Active Directory Trusts relationshipsCreating trusts between two separate forestsDisaster preparedness andrecovery of Active DirectoryRestoring Active Directory objectsAnd more..."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Group Policy on Windows Server 2016" |
"Mastering Group Policy on Windows Server 2016is designed to teach Group Policy management tothose thatneed toutilize group policy and other Active Directory toolsto manage users and computers within their environments or to anyone that wants to able to understand group policy processing and capabilities at an Active Directory level.This course will cover the following topics, and more.Group Policy processing order with Active DirectoryAltering the processing order with Active DirectorySoftware deploymentCentral store designAdministrativetemplatesSecurity settingsFirewall managementPassword policesUser rights assignmentsPreferencesApp locker restrictions Folder redirectionStarterGPO designScriptsDelegationRefresh intervalsTroubleshooting GPO issuesBackup/restore/copy/import"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Securing Windows Server 2016" |
"This course is designed toteach studentsthat are knowledgeable about Windows Server how to secure Windows Server 2016 by providing practical exercises that demonstrate configurations that you can follow along with.In this course you will learn:Types of attacks and how they can be mitigatedUnderstand and configure privileged access managementExplore Sysinternals security toolsConfigure Jump ServersSecure User and Computer accountsControl applications, including application versions that are allowedProtect data by using EFS and BitLocker encryptionSecure network/internet traffic by using IPsec encryptionLearn to use PowerShell Remote management Configurethe Windows firewall to provide for a secure environmentManage password policiesManage NTLMDeploy Dynamic Access Control to provide extra data protectionImplement Service AccountsDeploy Server Core operating systemsDeploy Read Only Domain ControllersImplement auditingManage Windows Defender on the Server operating systemManage access to removable storageUse Group Policy Preferences to provide enhanced securityAnd more...."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mastering the Seven Quality Tools" |
"This course provides an in-depth review of the Seven Quality Tools. Manufacturing and service industry professionals, quality technicians and auditors, and industrial engineers will all benefit from understanding thesetools. Once mastered, they will serve as the foundation for your root cause analyses, problem solving sessions, and continuous improvement projects. Also, if you are preparing for theCertified Quality Engineer (CQE), Certified Quality Technician (CQT), or Certified Quality Improvement Associate (CQIA) examthrough the American Society for Quality (ASQ), or your Six Sigma Green Beltexam through any of several different organizations, this course will provide an excellent survey of the Seven Quality Tools plus other topics relevant to those certifications.""Your Control Chart series has been extremely helpful in assisting me with my PMP exam prep."" - Judith R.""This is an excellent tutorial for beginners and people who are new to the manufacturing world. It is often overlooked in the production world today."" - Ann W."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cost of Quality Analysis and Reporting" |
"A complete plan of attack for molding your quality cost information into an informativereport that will grab the attention of anyone who cares about the bottom line of your company.Learn the four standard cost of quality categories. Learn how to gather the essential building blocks of your report. Then learn to analyze and summarize this data to DRIVEIMPROVEMENT within your company."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Process Capability Analysis" |
"Capability analysis is a computational method for comparing the output of a manufacturing process to its engineered specification limits. It's also an essential set of tools for new process development, 6-sigma projects, Statistical Process Control, and process monitoring. This set of tools can be applied to product characteristics such as its size, weight and hardness, or to process characteristics such as temperature, voltage or flow.This class, ""Process Capability Analysis"" starts at the beginning of how manufacturing processes are developed and analyzed. It moves on to the basic concepts of capability analysis along with it applications and math (both ""on paper"" and in Excel). You will learn how to analyze capability data for a population, for a sample drawn from a population, and from the data found on control charts. At the end, you will also learn more advanced topics such as dealing with one-sided tolerances and an alternate capability index call Cpm. Plus, you'll receive all the Excel templates and ""cheat sheets"" you'll need to apply this to your manufacturing projects.By the end of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of capability analysis, and be able to apply these tools broadly across a wide range of production problems.Also, if you are studying for your ASQ CQE, CQT or CQIA exams, this is essential material. I carefully explained the difference between Cpk and Ppk, between analyzing a population and a sample, and how to interpret your capability analysis results; all critical elements on these exams.Hear what you're colleagues are saying about Process Capability Analysis:This Process Capability Analysis class is awesome! - Lawrence M.Clarity on the confusing Process Capability concepts and how to apply them was well explained. Lecture very good and passionate about the subject. Thank you very much, really enjoyed the course from start to finish. - Kemsley J.I'm a quality manager, consultant and project manager in the food industry. This course was a great way to for me to gain experience with process capability analysis. The explanations were thorough and the examples made the math and statistics come to life. I recommend this to anyone who wants to better understand the measures of process capability. - Chris F.A comprehensive knowledge of utilizing Pp and Cp Indices. Also the instructor have good knowledge and understanding of the topic. - Nasir M.I work in manufacturing and appreciated this courses focus on Cpk and Ppk . it gave me a better understanding of what I was looking at when i analyzed process capability data. it is definitely worth taking if you use process capability charts. Easy to follow and made a dry topic easy to follow and complete! - Robin S.Great course! If you work in a manufacturing environment, you will find that the lessons are very applicable to your everyday dealings with quality. The instructor (Ray) mentions that even many quality professionals are 'fuzzy' with some of these concepts. I have found that to be true in my experience. I much appreciate Ray Harkins for delivering this great content! - Charles S.Great refresher course! - Wallace Y.If you want to excel as a quality or manufacturing professional, you must understand and be able to apply PROCESS CAPABILITY ANALYSIS. Sign up today!!!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"FPGA Design and VHDL" |
"A course designed to teach the candidate the concepts of digital systems design using FPGAs. The design is taught using a Hardware Description Language (HDL) called as VHDL. The course will discuss in-depth all the components of VHDL and how different language constructs help us in designing hardware. The course will then give the student an option of doing real hardware experiments remotely or perform simulation experiments using the software that is available to download from the internet."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Programming and Labs" |
"This course aims at giving the student a basic introduction to Arduino. The course will also discuss the basics of various electrical components like LEDs, Seven Segment Displays, LCDs, Matrix Keypads. The course will discuss the interfacing of an Arduino platform with these components. The course will also include a hands on component where students can access an Arduino Board remotely and test their experiments."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics of PIC18 Microcontroller" |
"PIC 18 is a family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. PIC devices are popular with both industrial developers and hobbyists due to their low cost, wide availability, large user base, extensive collection of application notes, availability of low cost or free development tools, serial programming, and re-programmable Flash-memory capability. For this course you will need a computer software for development known as MPLAB X IDE and XC8 compiler.The course aims at teaching the various concepts of embedded systems and Peripheral Interface Controller. The course covers the basic simulations on MPLABx software. The course also covers various aspects of programming and focuses over advanced interfaces like Analog and Serial interface with PIC18 using the software."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate" |
"""Strongly recommended. More effective than many courses ten times the price.""If you want to learn about AWS from they guy who wrote the book (AWS for Dummies, Dummies Press) about it, you've come to the right place! I'm Bernard Golden, andWIREDnamed meone of the ten most influential people in cloud computing.The Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate truly is all you need to pass the certificationexam and become Amazon Web Services Certified. But its far more than that. Its the entry portal to your mastery of AWS -- todays most important computing platform. AWS is the fastest growing technology offering -- ever -- and this course covers it in depth. If you're ready to take your career to the next level, this is the course for you!Here's what some previous students had to say about my course:""Thiscourse is the best tool for someone who wants to get the certification.""""This one of the best course not only on Udemy but on the internet""""Had an awesome experience with the course and Ialready recommended to my friends.""""Very well presented. Much better than most Udemy courses.""""I loved learning with these videos. I am a trainer myself, I can say these videos are very well made.""""Surprised at how much good information was packed into this.If you've never spent any time in AWS, prepare to be amazed.""""Excellent course for AWS.""The Ultimate AWSCertified Solutions Architect - Associategives you everything you need to succeed with AWS:Its comprehensive: It covers all the AWS services, so that you learn the breadth of the AWS offering and understand how they all interrelate and support one another. It also provides deep dives into the core AWS services so that you develop a full set of skills in EC2, S3, VPC, and IAM. And its constantly updated -- which is important, given that AWS released 1300+ new services or service improvements in 2017 alone!Its comprehensible: Im sure youve shared my experience in trying to learn a new technology and being overwhelmed by jargon and complexity. In this course Ive applied all the skills I learned in writing two best-selling cloud computing books in how to make technology comprehensible. But wait, theres more! Ive also leveraged the power of the Udemy platform to show as well as tell. And its all presented in a way that makes it easy for you to understand AWS services.It gets you ready for the Solutions Architect Associate certification exam. Naturally, the course gives you all the knowledge you need in a comprehensible format. That provides the foundation for your certification exam. But the course also contains exam tips in every section that discuss the specific knowledge youll need about each service to answer the certification questions. And there's even a practice exam at the end of the course that contains questions just like the ones you'll see in your actual AWScertification exam.It launches your AWS career: Taking this course is the best way to prepare for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification exam -- and transform your future.In the course I discuss this certification and share survey data that shows it as the most desirable -- and best paid -- certificate in the industry. Average salaries for certificate holders are well over six figures US, and theyre in high demand all around the world. The Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate course gets you ready to pass the certification exam on your very first try. What more could you want? If you:Want to learn all about AWS and its amazing portfolio of servicesDo a deep dive into the most important and widely-used AWS servicesBuild our a real-world application that uses those core services to show how AWS enables resilient and dynamically scalable applicationsLearn everything you need to know to pass your AWSSolutions Architect Associate certificationThe Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate is for you.I look forward to seeing you in the course!P.S. Every student has access to my ""Five Must-Have AWS Certification Tips"" ebook, which gives you five strategies to improve your AWScertification exam test scores. Be sure to look for a link to the ebook in the confirmation email you receive when you sign up for this course!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"The Elevator Pitch Starter Session" |
"The Elevator Pitch Starter Session; 80mins of content over 14 chapters jam packed with insights, steps, and charts to improve how you structure your message and pitch your top 3 communication points.Over this course you will learn:How to structure your keymessage with a effectiveflexible framework.You will discusswhere and how to effectivelyuse your elevator pitch.We will break down case studies and see how the theories and strategies work to give you a way to connect with the audience in front of you.Set the goal of the pitch and think about how best to structure the story for the audience.Each chapter is between 3-8 minutes and is ideal for watching and reviewing before each new pitch."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Agile Certified Practitioner PMI-ACP - Exam Simulator-I" |
"Are you ready to pass the PMI-ACP certification exam? Find out by testing yourself with this practice exam course. Each of the 6 full practice tests (120Q / 3hrs each ) in this set provide an entire exams worth of 720 Different questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery and providing you with the confidence youll need to pass your PMI-ACP exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to help you continually improve. Youll also be able to see an explanation for each question at the end of the test to help you avoid making the same mistakes when taking the exam. Are you ready to prep for your future?The course cover the 7 PMI-ACP domains :Domain 1: Agile Principles and MindsetDomain 2: Value-Driven DeliveryDomain 3: Stakeholder EngagementDomain 4: Team PerformanceDomain 5: Adaptive PlanningDomain 6: Problem Detection and ResolutionDomain 7: Continuous ImprovementIncluding the following values and methodologies :Agile values,principles and MindsetScrumExtreme Programming XPLean/kanbanBeside Risk Management , Interpersonal Skills , PM ethics , ... etcInstructions:You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.NB. Copying the course contents is permitted for any educational or commercial purpose. We look forward to receiving your suggestions and remarks for exam simulator's improvement and development.Mohamed Gouda, SFC, PMI-ACP , PMP edu.Projects Management"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Very Important Woman Academy" |
"In diesem Kurs bekommst du eine ganze Menge an Aufgaben um zuerst herauszufinden wo du gerade stehst und was dich daran hindert, deinem Ziel nher zu kommen. Du wirst lernen wieder mehr auf dich Acht zu geben, mehr Entspannung in deinen Alltag zu integrieren aber auch wie du dich gesnder ernhrst und mit kurzen knackigen Workouts fitter und straffer wirst.Ich freu mich, dich dabei zu untersttzen!Alles LiebeDeineAndrea :)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The 12 Pillars of Trading & Investing" |
"Tired of losing money? Try just one of these strategies before you enter your next trade and avoid costly mistakes!The secret to investing success is - managing risk - reduce or ideally eliminate it.I love that statement... so much, that I am solely focused on managing my risk in trading and investing. This has done wonders for me, from making massive losses to making ""decent"" profits.Learn these 7 MUST KNOW trading strategies & 5 TIMELESS investing strategies before you enter your next trade... act now!** These strategies are not supposed to be used with passive, index investing - theyre more trading strategies - but can be adapted if you like.This program is for those who are more advanced in their journey towards trading and investing. You've got the basics right now it's time for some solid food.Over the next few days, you'll learn the must know strategies of trading & timeless strategies of investing - secrets never shared by professional investors. They're universal, so no matter which country you're in, no matter where you're from - you can apply these strategies!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Masterclass" |
"Last year, I made a small investment in Cryptocurrencies. And the returns, well, to put it mildly, have been spectacular! It's been the best trade Ive ever made. How much? 3,300% in 12 months. Thats not a typo.Thats enough to turn $1,000 into $33,000.Or $100,000 into $3.3 million.And what's more, I still continue to earn around 100% each year on that investment!Every day, I get a call or message from a friend, asking me to explain Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoins.Its no surprise, Cryptocurrencies are all over the news with breathtaking returns. But before I tell you more, keep this in mind - I believe this is just the beginning.Exceeding 400% growth earlier this year, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have finally started to catch the attention of most of the world. The Blockchain is being called the greatest invention since the internet (or even sliced bread) with companies worldwide flocking to take part in this digital revolution.See, most of my friends know me as a professional investor in private markets - markets which are not liquid, are private and only meant for High Net Worth Individuals or HNWIs.However, in the last few years Ive been noticing a mega trend developing, where juicy returns are no longer exclusive to the rich.Heres a list of gains Cryptocurrencies have been handing to those in the knowEthereum (ETH) 109,254%IOTA (IOTA) 103,882%Antshares (NEO) 88,368%Stratis (STRAT) 40,226%Storj (SJCX) 5,524%QTUM (QTUM) 3,442%Augur (REP) 2,818%OmiseGo (OMG) 3,045%And the list goes on. Whats more, is that these massive gains are changing peoples lives too. And thats what I love to see.And the second most asked question is is it the right time to invest? My answer YES! Now is the time to make generational wealth, using this foundational technology called Blockchain.And the best part is all this is possible, even if youre not an geek or hacker, even if you know nothing about blockchain or cryptocurrencies, even if youre not a venture capitalist or trader and even if you dont have lots of free time!You can participate in the digital gold rush! But if you wait, even for just a few weeks, youll likely miss the easy gains!Feel like waiting a year or two, to see how others are burnt because this is the Wild West no problem, but youll miss out all the big gains - and thats your loss.If you wait too long, the biggest opportunity in a lifetime will be gone. (Enroll NOW!)Think about this for a moment, it was from the Wild West that companies like Amazon were born. All the wealth weve seen generated in the last decade have risen from this Wild West period. Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google, you name it.So why would I share all this insight with you? Why not keep it secret and enjoy the fruits and make a tonne of money?Well, thats a good question. One that Im happy to answer.I come from a middle class background. One thing my father taught me, is to work hard. But for some reason, despite all the hard work - I couldnt really make much money. Then I started to study the ways of the rich, and realized they were playing a totally different game.And the more I studied, the more I realized what was going on. Slowly but surely, a tremendous shift was taking place - glacial speeds you could say, which is why you cant see them overnight. People really cant figure out whats going on because the mainstream media will never report it until its too late.And all I can say, is that this is just the tip of the iceberg.As a kid I used to collect stamps and coins. What is interesting is that these stamps had a value - more than the value printed on it some times. And the coins, well they served as a reminder. A reminder of what happens over time in history.I honestly hated history, but decided to study the history of currencies and how they corrected the course of empires and civilizations.Right now, money is going through a fundamental change. Ill explain this in detail through the course and youll realize why this is so important to understand and how you can profit from it.And of course when theres money to be made, there are going to be scam artists for sure. And its true with Cryptocurrencies today, some of these shouldn't even see the light of day. People have raised millions of dollars, only to spend the money vacationing in Spain!People are getting scammed out of their hard earned money. I know how hard it is to work for money, to earn it with integrity. So I decided to help them make sense of this transformational shift were going through - and give them an edge.Thats why I decided to do this. I want to make sure that everyone in this world, has a chance to profit from this change. Thats why Im sharing this.Were at the dawn of the next massive transfer of wealth. I want you to be a part of it. And the best part is, you dont need a lot of money to start using this insight.Ill share with you how I generated over 3,000% returns in less than 12 months, and how I transformed just $300 into $10,000 and still continue to earn a 100% return on my investment.But Im not stopping there.Today, Im going to tell you about my trading and investing strategies for FREE. And you might think Im nuts giving away these strategies. I actually sell them for over $800. And here I am giving them away for FREE as a part of this course!AND Youll also get a downloadable PDF The Rise of Blockchain & Cryptocurrency a beginners guide in plain English as a bonus.Think about this, there are over 1,000 cryptocurrencies being issued and more are being added each day. The cryptocurrency space is currently over $170 billion and growing, with billions being exchanged each day. And heres the interesting thing, this is just the beginning. You see currency markets or forex markets as we call them are over $5 TRILLION - so were only seeing the tip of the iceberg in terms of cryptos and theres so much more upside to be had.How do you participate in this space, or should you even do so and how do you do it safely? Thats what I hope to answer in this course. So, dont delay - it could be costing you those easy gains. Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Von der Geschftsidee zum erfolgreichen Business Model 2020" |
"An Hand von 9 Modulen lernst Du Dein eigenes Business Model zu erstellen. Falls Du schon ein Unternehmen gegrndet hast kannst Du die Zukunftsfhigkeit Deines Geschftsmodells berprfen.Durch die in den 9 Modulen zur Verfgung gestellten Templates kannst Du dein eigenes Business Model erstellen.Standard- und Schlsselkompetenzen unterteilen knnenInterne und externe Ressourcen fr das Unternehmen auswhlenAnstze fr Partnerschaften findenKundennutzen gezielt herausarbeitenKundensegmente methodisch analysierenDirekte und indirekte Vertriebskanle verstehenFinanzierungslcken und Liquidittsengpsse meisternRisiko- Analyse und Risiko Reduzierung per ToolAngemessenes Preis- /Leistungsverhltnis ausloten fr Deine ProdukteDie dort aufgefhrten Fragen leiten Dich durch alle Module sodass es ganz einfach ist die Hypothesen fr sein eigenes Business Model zu formulieren.Du mchtest die Zukunftsfhigkeit Deines Business Model berprfen? Dies kannst Du ebenfalls, indem Du die Templates fr ein Review Deines Business Models verwendest.Jedes Modul wird durch ein eigenes Template untersttzt, dass Dich gezielt durch die Erstellung Deines Geschftsmodells fhrt.Du bekommst Zugang zu einem Risiko Management Tool fr Dein Unternehmen, dass Dir hilft Deine unternehmerischen Risiken besser einschtzen zu knnen.Aktuelle Bewertungen: ""Sehr verstndlich erklrt. Gut geeignet um bereits bestehende Prozesse nochmals kritisch zu hinterfragen... Top!"" ""Ich bin derzeit am erstellen meines ersten Business Plan. Die Lernvideos geben immer wieder neue Denkanste die fr mich sehr hilfreich waren"" ""Dieses Online Training bringt die Grundzge der Business Model Entwicklung ohne Schnrkeleien auf den Punkt"""
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a Crear tu Curriculum u Hoja de Vida" |
"Reciban un saludo y bienvenidos al curso crea tu hoja de vida, donde aprenders a elaborar tu currculum de forma rpida y sencilla.Con este curso aprenders desde cmo elaborar tu perfil laboral, hasta como realizar referencias y certificados, todo para conseguir un curriculum claro, fcil de leer y que llame mucho atencin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC Bsico" |
"Curso Bsico Photoshop CC 2015.Desmistifique o Photoshop e aprenda a usar umas das ferramentas mais poderosas do mercado de design.So 10 aulas com contedo simples e fcil de se aprender: Aula 1. Introduo Aula 2. Trabalhando com selees geomtricas Aula 3. Modificando selees Aula 4. Painel camada Aula 5. Camada e mscara Aula 6. Objeto inteligente Aula 7. Corte sensvel ao contedo Aula 8. Imagem dentro do texto Aula 9. Efeitos Aula 10. Dissolver sensvel ao rosto"
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"SMBC: Sales Magnet Boot Camp" |
"Do you HATE were your online business is now, and not sure whether to put it into a course or Facebook Ads?Do you simply need a step-by-stepguideon how to become a Entrepreneur and crush the market?Are you part of the 80% of Shopify owners who fail to make a dollar in your store?Or part of the 15% of stores who make some money, but not crushing it in their store?Eagerto become the top 5% of Shopify owners in the country!?The ""Sales Magnet Boot-camp"" offers a blueprint for Shopify store owners to shifttheir business to the next level without going the traditional route most Shopify gurus lead you to believe works the best. It also provides a step-by-stepformula to get your business started legally in the United States.Unlike other courses you pay thousands of dollars for, receiving no real logical understanding, D'Marco will break down every step into simple proven formulasfor you to implementbefore you move ahead through this boot camp.Slots are limited, the $25 deal will only be available to the first 100who take actionnow!!!This course is very powerful, and the opportunity will only be available for a limited time! If you are not ready to earn six figures from home ....DO NOT purchase this course ...Thank You.See you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Secrets to Writing Dialogue" |
"In this course you will learn 2 solid secrets that will help your dialogue.Dialogue can be one of the most unique aspects of any book or screenplay, but only if it is created with solid tools.This course is so you can ""sharpen the saw"" of your writing skills and help yourself to create solid andengaging, yet unique dialogue that will keep your readers hooked!When you enter this dimension of my Udemywriting course youll discover how to write creative dialogue that advances your story. We willexamine examples, ideas, and structures for yourdialogue."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Intensive Spanish Listening" |
"Intensive Spanish Listening: Its purpose is to improve the student's fluency and their skills to understand real spoken Spanish. This course is meant for intermediate students who have already studied Spanish in the past, but they can't speak yet. It's also forpeople who want to improve their fluency in Spanish.Intensive Spanish Listening focuses on acquiringand enforcing the language through listening, funstories and repetition. It is an awesome resource for those who desire to improve theirfluency in Spanish and their vocabulary of idioms and expressions used by native speakers. It is not intended as a complete DELE course, nor it is for complete beginners.From the very beginning of the course, the student will experience a Spanish immersion (the course is completely in Spanish: videos, lectures and audio lessons) through the help of his coachand the TPRSmethod for increasing speaking and listening skills."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Stories in Spanish to Improve Your Grammar: Ser y Estar" |
"Stories in Spanish to Improve Your Grammar: Its purpose is to improve the student's skills to use and identify the verbs ""Ser"" and ""Estar"" in Spanish, using fun and engaging stories. We will achieve this by putting grammar away and get to practice right away by listening to stories using these two verbs in Spanish. At the beginning of the course, you will find a brief introduction to what native speakers have in mind when they use the verbs ""Ser"" y ""Estar"" in their daily speaking. However, you will not find rules to use these two verbs in this course because we will focus on practicing these grammar points using short stories.This course focuses on high beginners and intermediate students of Spanish who are looking to improve the way they use grammar during their spontaneous conversations. You will not get fluent in Spanish with this course, but you will definitely improve the way you use ""Ser"" y ""Estar"" in your speaking skills.Stories in Spanish to Improve Your Grammar: Ser y Estar uses a teaching technique called TPRS, which aims to improve listening and speaking skills in Spanish, and to record vocabulary in the student's mind for the long run. This is not intended as a DELE course, nor it is for complete beginners.From the very beginning of the course, the student will experience a Spanish immersion (the course is completely in Spanish: videos, lectures and audio lessons)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |