Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Data Visualization with Bokeh" |
"Bokeh is a Python interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation.Bokeh can help anyone who would like to quickly and easily create interactive plots, dashboards, and data applications.In this course you'll learn how to use the Bokeh library to generate interactive charts, graphs, and other visualizations using Python. We'll explore a world population data set and see how to generate different charts using this powerful library.By the end of this course you'll have a firm understanding of data visualization with Bokeh."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Professional Websites with Joomla Gantry" |
"DescriptionThis course will take you from absolutely no knowledge of web development to creating a professional website. Amazingly, this course uses all free tools with the exception of a web hosting account should you choose that method rather than a free WAMP install. You will learn which tools to install and how to use them. Take this class to learn step by step from a seasoned professional.What will I learn?Learn to Build professional Websites with Joomla Gantryfrom the comfort of your home or officeThis course is designed for a total novice, but also explainsinformation every professional needsAt the end of this courseYou will be ready to build websites for yourself and even other clients!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
americanpronunciation |
"-? ? ? , ? - ! , , . , , - . (, ), , -. , . , . , , ( ). , ( ). + = !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Diagnosis: CANCER What Now?" |
"This program helps you live radiantly through your treatment with tips, tricks and helpful insights you wont get from a medical team.The presentations are real life stuff and this program is here to support you asyou fight this disease.The Diagnosis: CANCER. What Now? program provides some key tips and tricks we hope will enable you to navigate through diagnosis, treatments, and side effects..The audio/vider version ofDonna'sbook ""Living Like A Lady When You Have Cancer"" is included in the program."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Computer Programming for Beginners" |
"This course is meant to introduce people who have no programming experience to the world of computer science. With the tech industry becoming one of the most trending fields in the job market, learning how to program can be one of the most important and meaningful skills. This course will teach the basic, foundation concepts of programming in an easy-to-follow manner.The first part of the course will get students acquainted with some basic concepts used in programming and will lay the conceptual groundwork that the rest of the course will build upon. After learning the basic terms and concepts of computer programming, the next two sections of the course allow students to practice these concepts hand-on. Students will follow along with basic examples in two programming languages: Python and JavaScript. Both languages are easy for beginners to learn and are very user friendly. This course wont make you an expert programmer, but it will give you an exciting first look at programming and a foundation of basic concepts with which you can start your journey learning computer programming."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Python Graphics Programming and Game Development" |
"In this course, students will learn Python programming hands-on by using code to create fun art and games. This course teaches programming in Python and the Turtle Graphics library, a Python library used to create digital art and visual patterns. Students with little to no programming experience will find this course particularly useful as it will teach concepts from the ground up. Intermediate level students with an interest in using programming to capture user input and create graphics can also benefit from the later sections of this course. First, we will look at setting up Python IDLE and Turtle Graphics and some basic things we can do using the graphics library. Next, you will get hands-on experience using programming to create a simple graphics creation program. Finally, you will learn basic game development using Turtle Graphics and will understand how we can capture user input and construct game logic in Python. By the end of this course, you will have a firm grasp on the foundational concepts of Python programming and be able to implement your knowledge to create visually appealing graphics. You will have a set of skills that you can use to build video games for your portfolio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Guide to Editor Scripting in Unity" |
"This course will teach you how to maximize your potential using the Unity editor. By using the techniques taught in this course, you will speed up your development time and customize your Unity workflow. You will learn how to make Unity user friendly to your preferences, techniques, and workflows. First, we will look at some built-in options Unity gives developers for customizing the editor. We will learn how to customize window layout, console output, and more. Next, we will look at how to use editor scripting to our advantage. Unity allows us to customize and extend the functionality of the editor by writing C# code. The final topic we will look at is customizing the inspector. This will give us the ability to edit and modify our game objects in the scene. By the end of this course you will have a well-rounded knowledge of how to customize each of these areas of Unity. The result will be a more efficient and effective development process allowing you to get more quality work done in less time. This course also comes with aPDF review sheet that you can print out covering all of the major terms and functions taught in this course and screenshot examples of using each in Unity."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Direcionar a carreira e focar nos resultados: Faa acontecer" |
"Voc j refletiu sobre a lgica existente por trs do sucesso, e a complexa combinao entre o talento e a preparao? Estecurso foi criado paraelucidar essas questes e auxiliar vocno direcionamento de sua carreira profissional. Alm de compreender essas temticas, voc realizar uma atividade prtica onde conseguir enxergar suas habilidades e interesses, e ir relacion-los com seus objetivos e sonhos. Com isso, voc ter subsdios para repensar a forma como est utilizando o seu tempo e tomar decises para o direcionamento da sua carreira."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Tudo sobre apresentao: do roteiro ao palco" |
"-Este curso foi criado para que estudantes e profissionais possam desenvolver ou aperfeioar suas habilidades em apresentaes;-Para isso, preparamos uma gama de contedos que iro te auxiliar desde a preparao do roteiro (assunto e contedo) at o momento da apresentao (o palco), abordando todos os elementos dessa jornada;-Para quem no tem muita prtica com apresentaes, o curso oferece aulas para que voc possa dar os primeiros passos e alcanar o sucesso;-E para as pessoas que j possuem experincias em apresentar, oferecemos muitos contedos para que voc possa incrementar e ter novos insights em suas apresentaes e palestras;-Ao longo do curso, tambm apresentamos ferramentas e tcnicas para auxiliar na preparao do material visual da apresentao;-Entre os assuntos abordados esto: como conhecer a audincia, para que possa realmente criar sintonia com ela; trabalhar a voz e usar recursos para envolver as pessoas; estrutura do roteiro; como elevar a ateno da audincia; como preparar um Pitch; como preparar slides a partir de alguns princpios do design; e para os alunos, como apresentar o TCC (Trabalho de Concluso de Curso); entre outros.-Todos esses e muito mais so contedos deste curso, e certamente iro transformar a forma com que voc faz as suas apresentaes."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Relay Modern + GraphQL + React + MongoDb" |
"Relay Modern is the most fascinatingweb-technology I know about. That's why I so eager to share it with everyone. This course is a Relay Modern tutorial.As of the moment there are certain road blocks for a beginnerto start working with the Relay Modern. In the duration of the course, I will remove them all.You will start with a clean slate, only intermediate JavaScript knowledge is required, at the end of the course you will be so fascinated by Relay, that you will never look back or wonder whether any other technology is better or not.I am in no way selling it, but you'll be convinced that Relay is the way."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"20/20 Visions" |
"Welcome! Our hope is that the Holy Spirit will deeply impact your life through this school as He has done for hundreds of students since its inception in 2006. We hope it will bring you into a greater passion and zeal to know Him better.We highly encourage you to follow each class as it's laid out, with suggested videos, audio clips, activations, homework, and outside reading assignments. Your efforts will pave the way to greater intimacy with Him, as well as expansion of your seer gift, and an increased ability to prophesy. Simply said, your life will never be the same. Get ready for an amazing, life-changing, biblically based adventure toward intimacy with your Creator."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Find a Full-Time Work From Home Job ..... FAST" |
"Want to know how to find a full-time work from home job (that pays the bills) FAST? There are plenty of remote jobs available that offer a competitive salary and benefits; all you need is a proven simple process to find real remote jobs that actually pay the bills.Don't waste hours going thru theories and fluff...get straight to the proven strategies and find your work from job. In this simple, 3 step process, I will show you:Secret strategies for finding unadvertised remote job positions.How to increase your chances of finding and landing an at-home job.Simple ways to automate your remote job searchThis course will show you how to:Obtain remote career goalsGain a competitive edge (even in highly competitive markets)Grab and keep recruiters and hiring managers attentionEarn a competitive salary while working from home. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Superar Fobias con PNL" |
"Superar fobias con PNL, es un curso previsto para que el alumno interesado pueda aprender uno de los mtodos ms eficaces empleados en la terapia con PNL, con el que podr resolver su problema de forma autnoma,en un corto espacio de tiempo, y sin sufrimiento.Aracnofobias, claustrofobias, apifobias, aerofobias, hematofobias y un largo sin fin de ellas, tienen un elemento comn""el miedo exagerado o desproporcionado e irracional""que las personas sufren, y que de forma totalmente consciente y racional entienden, que no es normal esa respuestaante situaciones donde la inmensa mayora de los seres humanos reaccionan de una forma ms adecuada y natural; y no slo eso, sino que se ven impedidos a controlar la situacin, ya que sta sucede espontneamente, sin que ningn esfuerzo consciente consiga hacer cambiar lo que su cuerpo experimenta.La tcnica de trabajoque se expondr ser de mucha utilidad para todas las respuestas conductuales y automticas demiedo, pnico o terrorque se siente ante la presencia del estmulo que suele causar la fobia: ver un perro, o una araa, o una cucaracha, o cualquier otra cosa y sentir el pnico; ver una aguja y marearse, no poder estar en espacios cerrados como los ascensores, entrar en un avin y comenzar a temblar, la imposibilidad de ver la sangre, sentirse fatal al hablar en pblico, etc.El curso es ideal para cualquier persona que sufre reacciones fbicas y busca soluciones efectivas sin necesidad de sufrir;tambin para profesionales de la psicoterapia y terapias alternativas que deseen incrementar su abanico de recursos para resolver este tipo de problemas con sus pacientes / clientes. Al mismo tiempo de utilidad para iniciados y practicantes de PNL, as como para cualquier persona interesada en nuevas metodologas del cambio personal."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Believe in Love Again" |
"It didnt make any sense.Here I was this hot mess girl in need of a chin tweeze, and yet, over and over I was meeting great, suitable, guys that were truly interested in me.How did this happen?For years, my love life was a disaster. I dressed well, made great money and visited the best bars and clubs in New York City. I went to lots of parties and took classes. I read all of the dating books! Despite having everything on the ball, and doing everything right, I was no closer to finding the love I wanted.At the age of 35, I had gone on too many dates, been used too many times, and had my heart broken enough that love no longer felt like a real tangible thing. And then something awesome happened.My love options began to change and my friends took notice. They were all beautiful, successful and just as bewildered in love as I used to be. They wanted to know my secret so I decided to look back and assess what I had done to make this transformation.How to Believe in Love Again is a series of exercises that employs the changes I made to go from perfect on paper to someones soulmate. It took me years to discover these incredibly simple ideas and Im sure given enough time, you could too, but why wait?WHAT YOU WILLLEARN- The value of vulnerability and how to use it without getting hurt- Where to find the purest love and how to use itto recognizethe one for you- How to produce an irresistible energy that willattract the right love matches- Who to share your love with for maximum return- Whenlove comes your way, what to do next- Gain the strength to trust in the process and enjoy the life you have until that true love comes your wayWHAT THIS COURSE IS NOT- Recommendations on how to fill out your online dating profile- Suggestions on how long you should wait to reply to a text or email- Specific ideason how to get date- A set of rules onhow and when to become intimate with a new parter- A study of male and female dating patterns and how to manipulate them to your advantageINSTEADThis course is a perspective change and the person we will study most is you. Executed properly, it will free you from the idea that being single is your fault or that you havent been working hard enough. Phrases like, putting yourself out there will take on a new meaning and dating will no longer feel like a chore.COURSE DESIGNThis course is a series of short lectures designed to be heard over eight weeks. I will tell you face to face what I did and then provide you with an exercise that allows you to go into the world and practice it for yourself. The Udemy Q&A board for this course will be active. Come by to share what youve learned and what you're up against. I am in this process with you.It needs to be said thatIf all you can do at this point is listen to the lectures, you are already on your way. Remember, I discovered and put into practice these techniquesover years. Planting these seeds in your mind will allow you waterthem whenever your heart is ready.Why I decided to create this courseMonths after meeting my love, we moved in together and ten months after that, we were married. I can honestly say that I could not have selected such a great match for myself. The techniques in this course will bring you closer to a love experience that is rightfor you. A love you cant control or predict, a match that is perfect for you in ways you have yet to imagine.TESTIMONIALHow to Believe in Love Again started in an exclusiveFacebook groupfor my friends. Heres one message I got when the course finished:You helped me so much in this process to the point that my heart is opened at 9 !! Work in progress for sure ...but i definitely say YES to TRUST and to sharing my vulnerability. I am not trying to understand everything that is happening to me.... I just TRUST the process especially when it feels right and peaceful. Thanks againAfter reading that response, I knew what I had to do. Everyday I feel and know that Iamblessed to have experienced what it means to love and be loved. Sharing this course with a wider audience is my way of saying thank you.You may be thinking, if shes so thankful, why isnt this course for free? The answer is simple, I nowhave a baby on the way! If I want to spend my time helping others, I have to make it financially feasible for my family as well.For the price of a good dinner, I share these secrets with you and hope you will come back and share with me, and many others,how this course hashelped you.Enroll now. With amoney back guarantee, what do you have to lose but love?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Screenwriting Forest: Write a Notable Screenplay in 95 Days" |
"**LEARNER TESTOMINIAL 1**""This is easily worth the money, truly a life-changing course if you are serious about doing this, and succeeding as a screenwriter."" I've read dozens of screenwriting books; these lectures aligned with industry standards that I've read, but offer fresh ideas, and convey ways to accomplish and succeed that I've not read before. Hearing his presentation energizes me in ways that I have not found in books, seeing his examples, breaking this down into manageable steps, make this all possible. This is easily worth the money, truly a life-changing course if you are serious about doing this, and succeeding as a screenwriter. The instructor's accent is Indian and took me about 10-minutes to get used to his inflections, and now I'm able to easily understand his words. There is a ton of research done in this, he's combined the mass confusion sitting buried into my library shelves, organized and laid it all out for me in a way that makes sense and motivates me because now as I listened to the course, I have come up with breakthroughs on 3 different scripts that I've been struggling through! That alone makes this worth every penny!- Mark **INTRODUCTION**Is Writing and Selling, a HighConcept Feature Length Screenplay, your goal?Awesome! Because the Most Detailed Study in Writing for Films: ScreenwritingForest, is only a Click away, in supporting you in your Goals.Welcome to the Only Screenwriting Course you willever need!This power-packed Study, is the most Comprehensive and Dynamic Text on Screenwriting available onUDEMY!.This course is designed primarily, fora Complete Beginner who aims to write a memorable Screenplay after learning the craft in its entirety. However, this Study is also suited fora Giant professional who wouldnt mind getting hands on some unique tools and techniques covered in thisStudy, to be included in his/her Screenwriting Bank.In all, you get the best of both the worlds.**CURRICULUM**Throughout the Study, we willcovertopics on: Screenwriting EssentialsPremiseLogline IdeaResearchGenreHighConceptStoryCharactersStory WorldDialogueStory StructureScenesStory OutlineScript Writing Software 101Screenwriting Contests and FellowshipsTons of Add-on Lectures onTheme, Aesthetic Emotion, Script vs Screenplay,Dilemma, ScreenplayFormat, Title, Character Arcand other Important Screenwriting Tips and Tricks.TheCourse is bifurcated into 15 Extensive Modules and over 150 Lessons (over 14 Hours!! of highlyvaluable content).A raw, Film-School Experience.**LEARNER TESTOMINIAL 2**""Very thorough class""Great for those who are new to screenwriting.- Jasmine **HIGHLIGHT OF THE COURSE**It doesnt end there After covering up the Screenwriting Theory, we delve straight into WRITING AND SELLING A SCREENPLAY, STEP-BY-STEP in 95 Days!!Yes, this is what makes Screenwriting Forest, the mostdynamic Study available on the Marketplace. This course is also unique in the way that it is structured and presented.It is inclusive ofeverything which I have learnt over the Period of my learning the Screenwriting Theory and Writing screenplays.**BONUSES** I am sure you are already intrigued. But wait!You will be more when you will learn about the Bonuses, that you will receivealong with the above mentioned curriculum:Templates and Screenwriting Examples to aid you in writing specificTopics of Story like Premise, Synopsis, Character and World Development etc.Interactive Quizzes to test your knowledge about the Screenwriting Concepts that you have learnt (The number ofQuestions increasewith the proceeding section, to keep it challenging)Day by Day Breakdown of Writing and Selling YOUR Original Screenplay, from scratch (You will be ready with the Third Draft of your Original Feature Length Screenplay,at the end of this Study - GUARANTEED!!)Lots of Recommended Resources and Screenwriting Books for further developing yourSkills.**LEARNER TESTOMINIAL 3**""Formatting""Great explanation of how formatting can make a world of difference.- Cataline-Andrei**FINAL WORD BEFORE WE BEGIN**I invite you to giveScreenwriting Forest:An Extensive Study in Screenwriting, a chance to aid you in fulfilling your dream to be a Screenwriter. I assure you that you wont be disappointed.ENROLL in this Course now, and see your vision come right by writing a fantastic High Concept Screenplay.I am looking forward to see you on the other side.Best Wishes!Ansh J"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Pixel Art Mastery: The #1 course on retro video game art" |
"Join the Pixel Art Revolution and start making efficient, professional quality pixel art today!So what is the Pixel Art Revolution? Its an approach to making pixel art, based on the belief that creating it shouldnt have to be a long and difficult process. In fact, modern technology can help us do what used to be done one pixel at a time better and faster! Working smarter, not harder thats the Pixel Art Revolution.Whether you want to make money as a game artist, make assets for your own projects, or create freelance illustrations, this is the course to help get you there. Armed with the knowledge packed into this course you'll sharpen your existing skills and learn the techniques needed to create professional quality pixel art and animations in less time!Well start out by getting Photoshop set up for maximum speed and efficiency, and by the end of the course youll have made game-ready assets across the 3 most common styles of pixel art games by creating: An isometric building for an RTS gameAn animated side-scroller level mockupAnd a populated top-down/RPG mapPlus, youll gain the knowledge needed to build a killer library of custom, reusable resources you can pull from whenever you need!Throughout the lessons youll create assets ranging fromcolor palettescustom brushesPhotoshop automationsDIY patternsmap tilesunique characterscustom propsmultiple animationsIn addition to the course lectures, youll also get digital copies of everything I make throughout the course plus a few bonuses! That means youll finish the material with new knowledge, all of the course files, AND a bunch of my personal custom brushes, templates, and other time-saving files Ive amassed over the years as a pixel artist.The truth is, if you have the right tools for the job, you can get a high quality result in a fraction of the time. When youre making pixel art, don't decide to be just good or fast make the decision to be BOTH! Using the information in this course you can do that very thing.Each section focuses on a specific project with a real-world premise to get you used to creating pixel art for real jobs and indie game development.Every lesson builds upon the last to help get you to Pixel Pro status at a consistent pace. After each lecture youll walk away with a new skill, knowledge, or game asset which means you can go from never having made pixel art before to creating animated assets in as little as only a few days!And! Because I only want students who are totally thrilled with what theyve learned, I offer a full, money-back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course no questions asked! The only request I make upon a refund is for input to help improve the course. :)Once you join the course youll get instant access to all of the course materials spanning 100+ knowledge-packed lectures, along with all of the resource files and bonuses! Within mere moments you could be on your way to Pixel Art Mastery in Photoshop and a proud member of the Pixel Art Revolution!So what are you waiting for? With everything listed here plus my 30-day guarantee youve got nothing to lose and everything to gain! Join me, and others just like you, in the Pixel Art Revolution today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"American English Pronunciation for Beginners" |
"Are you struggling with your English pronunciation? Do you have a strong accent when speaking English?Do native speakers always ask you to repeat yourself?Do you want to begin speaking with an American accent confidently?Do you what tips and help with speaking with an American accent? I welcome you to this - American English Pronunciation Training - course where I will patiently guide you through the basic techniques you need to pronounce English sounds correctly. This course will guide you through the basics of correct American pronunciation and help you learn how to make the sounds of standard American English with confidence.STUDENTS WHO LOVED THIS COURSEXiaolin Yu says The content is exquisite, the focus is prominent, the picture is meticulous, and the information is rich. The teacher was very kind, and I would soon look for the teacher's other courses, keep in touch with the teacher, and recommend it to my friend.Fabiola Suarez says This course is essential to start learning about phonetics and fundamentals of pronunciation. It's special for students from beginner level to advance level. Great course I was learning better about some silent letters with word examples. Thanks to Loretta! : ) Sarmad Agha says It's a great course to understand the basics we often forgot while speaking American English. The instructor is experienced and teaches to the point. It establishes a foundation for your pronunciation so you can easily master the difficult words you use in daily life even though if they are apart from the scope of this course. :) Soon Kheng, Chan says An amazing instructress. Love her in-depth explanations and the pace is very comfortable. Thank you, Ms. Loretta Huether! Priyanka Dunakhe says ""Thank you, this course is detailed one and teaches pronunciation with great accuracy. Great to practice and good for English accent improvement. If you are not sure how to pronounce American English sounds it becomes difficult to communicate with others. This causes a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. To help with these problems, I will show you how to properly use your dont know how to use your tongue, lips, mouth and jaw correctly to form the sounds of English. You will train these speech muscles to begin to speak with a clear American accent.This course focuses on and helps you to improve your American English speaking accent.LEARN THE DIFFICULT SOUNDS OF AMERICAN ENGLISHIn this course, you will learn how to pronounce some difficult sounds of English. But you will do more than just learn you will train your ears to hear the correct sounds of English and speak them clearly. Its not enough to just look at pictures of tongue positions.In this course, you will understand the problems of English pronunciations, the basic sounds in English, the difficult sounds such TH"" R L V W, know some commonly mispronounced words and their correct pronunciation in the American English accent.Further, you will know the correct pronunciations of the numbers, dates, time, fraction, decimal and percentages.At the end of the course you will have fun stuff to practice and tips for improving your pronunciation every day at home. You will also have additional resources (links) which I put together for you to practice your pronunciation.This self-paced online course will help you to learn at your convenient time and tempo.This course comes with the lifetime access and that means you will have access to any future updates to this course at NO extra cost.ENROLL NOW!All the Best and see you inside the course!Your English Coach, Loretta#American English #english pronunciation #training #fluently #speak clearly"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"The New Generation of Back, Hip and Groin Pain Elimination" |
"Hello!I can't wait to share with you some new break-thrufindings that have helped 1000's ofpeople alleviate their low back and neck pain, hip and groinpain and even buttockpain for good!It is largely assumed that when our back hurt, we just need to have a therapist rub out that tight spot or our doctor give us a cortisone shot right into the painful area. That may even be helpful to a certain extent- but that is often not the realreason why we area in painand therefore it is not the completecure.We can see this across all of medicine. There is a specialist for every body part. While that is great and useful, it also compartmentalized our bodies into little, disconnected sections. You go to physical therapy for your hip, you getstretches and strengthening exercises for your hip. You go to the orthopedic surgeon for your shoulder, you have a shoulder surgery done. Do these specialists ever investigatewhy these body parts got inflamed and painful in the first place?As a yoga instructor,massage therapist and nutritionalhealth coach I come across many clients with back pain issues. Most of myclients have tried numerous approaches to alleviate their pain. It sparked my interest when Inoticed thatoften their pain couldn't get resolved bysimply getting a massage or doing yoga poses. That finding inspired me to come up with a much more complex system that looks at the body as a sophisticated, highly interconnected machine. A machine that is very capable of healing itself when given the right tools...which makes this course you are about to take, a power-tool!See, you can do all theback strengthening exercises and yoga posesyou want - if the few key muscles in your body are not ""fine-tuned"" correctlyso that they are encouraged to do the job they are meant to do, you will do any exercise and activitywith a misaligned, compromised body andthe results will belousy and the pain may get even worse.I am not here to tell you about a new workout regimen.No, I am here to introduce you to some little known,easy-to-dotechniques that will quicklyhelp unlock your nervous system and allow your body to release its hold on the muscles and nerves that contribute to back, hip, groin and buttock pain (you may also get rid of neck pain, arm pain and even foot issues as a side effect of working these methods).What you will learn in a moment are advanced and scientifically proven methods that will bring your body back to its most natural, advantageous and most of all, pain-freeposture.These methods are used by professionals like Osteopaths, Physical Therapists, Postural Restoration Clinics, and other health care professionals. This course is the place where you will find tid-bits of all these professional approachesin one place.Warning:as a side effect, you may stop some seemingly unrelated issues you have been having (check list of symptoms below).The difference between regular back exercises and what you learn in this program is that here, you will work through your nervous system.See, nerves govern the body's muscles. In other words,the nerves talk to the muscles and tell them how to behave, what length to be at and when to contract, etc.So then if you have a bunch of nerves that are restricted and locked in by the compression of muscles and other structures, the signals in those nerves get interrupted or even temporarily shut down.The reason for thatis that one or more key postural muscles are not working properly and therefore pull on your low back andpush your abdominal organs forward, tug on your chest, your shoulder blades, etc.These tissuesare either too tight or too weak. Problem is, most of these deep tissuesyou can't seelike you can seea biceps musclesince they are embedded deep inside the body. Tight and restricted muscles pull unfavorablyon nearby nerves and other structures and voila, there is the perfect recipe for pain and discomfort.In addition to your back pain, you may have one or more of these symptoms:Constipation, maybe even chronicAppearance of a pot belly, protruding abdomenHip painNeck and shoulder painAppearance of flat backMenstrual issuesDiscomfort, pain and aches in the front hip socket and groinRestriction in the hip socket.bursitis/tendinitis.Restriction moving the thigh backward.Deep pelvic pain, usually on one side.Can feel like menstrual pain.Deep ache in the bellyTwisted pelvisDifficulty breathingHeadachesAcid RefluxThe best news is by working with this highly effective system you likely will get rid of issues listed above.So let's get ready to attack the problem at its source by working with these ""trouble maker"" muscles!I designed this course to give you the knowledge and the power to heal your pain and take charge of your own well-being.I am proud to be part of the new generation of lasting pain relief.In a world full of information, it becomes clear thatYOUare your own best therapist and I thank you for taking a step toward feeling great again!Warmly,Nicole"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Krisen strker begegnen - Seelische Gesundheit verbessern" |
"Was ist Resilienz? Was sind Ressourcen?Wie knnen sie zur Seelischen Gesundheit beitragen? Wie kann ich mir diese selbst erhalten oder erschaffen?Nur wer sich selbst gut kennt und wer in der Lage ist, sich wahrzunehmen, kann auch etwas in seinem Leben verndern.Mit einigen wichtigen Fragen und Hinweisen schon ist es mglich, die eigene Autonomie und Selbstbestimmung zu strken.Selbstreflexion ermglicht es, eigene Strken zu entdecken oder wiederzuerlangen, wenn sie verschttet waren.Das bearbeiten der Arbeitsbltter ermglicht es mit den beiliegenden Fragen, eigenstndig Strken zu erforschen und sich selbst besser kennenzulernen.Sind Ressourcen und Autonomie, Selbstliebe wieder entdeckt, lassen sie sich mit Metaphernarbeit konkret im Leben haltbar etablieren."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GROW your Self-Confidence" |
"If you have ever wanted to say what's on your mind but couldn't in a meeting, social gathering or presentation, even with family and friends, perhaps you lack self-confidence, self- belief in your value and the value of your ideas. This course will help you to overcome those limiting beliefs to find your voice and share your views and in turn, help others engage with you too!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 5 Apprendre Utiliser le Repository Pattern" |
"Cette formation a pour objectif de vous donner les clefs ncessaire pour que vos puissiez comprendre ce quest le Repository Pattern et surtout pouvoir limplementer sur vos applications Laravel.En effet nous allons aborder la formation travers plusieurs examples pratiques de manire ce que vous puissiez vous projeter dans du concret.Au bout de la formation vous serez apte dcider est ce que vous vous avez besoin du Repository Pattern dans vos projets et si cest le cas vous allez pouvoir limplementer via une approche structure qui donnera votre code plus deflexibilit et surtoutvouspermettra de le maintenir assez facilement."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Most Effective Guitar Lessons for Absolute Beginners" |
"I understand that you're busy. That's why I've created these lesson videos to be very short & concise. Focusing & being very observant regardinghand & fingerplacement will help you immensely.THE GOAL OF THESE VIDEOS IS FOR YOU TO BE ABLE TO DROP INTO CHORD SHAPES USING LEARNED MUSCLE MEMORY. This is the crucial first step to playing any song.I've created two kinds of practice: dedicated and flow. Dedicated practice is a place where muscle memory is worked. This iswhere we spend mostof our time in these lectures..they are building blocks that will propel you farther, faster. Flow practice is where we simply strum a chord or chords and learn to play songs. Dedicated practice is crucial to an effective flow play.I've scripted the entire lecture series so the edits happen before I record...this ensures that the information is clear and effective.Expect each video to be under 3 minutes long, so you can easily find material you want to go over again.Expect to see video of the hand doing the work. You won't see my face in videos. You'll see what matters, from a point of view that's closer to what you're seeing when you play.Expect the lectures to have repeated movements, goals, & exercises and phrases...repetition is crucial & has been proven with me &my students over the last 21years."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate WordPress User Guide For Beginners" |
"Welcome to The Ultimate WordPress User Guide For BeginnersNo worries, no coding experience is required for this course :)In this course I will guide you step-by-step through the process of creating your very first WordPress website. We will create avisually attractivefully functional websitefor$11 total (inclusive of hosting and domain)and we will get it livein less than a day!Check out the end result below!http://wpbymatt.partyWordpress development doesn't have to be some confusing voodoo, a secret knowledge reserved for chosen ones :)WordPress is actually an amazing tool for every entrepreneur, business owner or any individual who wants to share his or hers passion with the rest of the world. It's great for creating blogs and websites alike and creates endless possibilities for those who get into it.This course is perfect for those just starting their adventure with WordPress. No previous CSS or coding experience is required. Just a computer, internet and a positive attitude!By the end of this course you will be able to:put together and customize your own website by installing a WordPress Theme;create WordPress Pages;create Blog Posts;customize menus and side-bar widgets;play with plug-ins and install the perfect ones for what you are looking for;So let's do this! Let's learn and have some fun while at it! :)Still not sold? Check out the free trial video below to see how fast you can register your own domain and install Wordpress!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Write Children's Stories and Get Published (Updated!)" |
"Do you write children's stories but find it difficult to get published? So did I! Until a few years ago I had only one book accepted for publication only to have the publisher call as I was signing the contract and tell me never mind! It seemed their marketing department could not figure out how to pitch my book to the book selling chains. In actuality, I believeit was a ploy to switch me to vanity publishing so the publisher could make all the money and take none of the risk.Fast forward a few years and now I am a published author!How did Ido it? That is what you will learn inside this course!I will walk you through the steps I followed to finally get into print. In this course you will:Explore your market and determine what age group to write forLearn what the classification types are for children's booksDetermine which genre is best for youExplore the writing processDecide if self-illustration is for you and if not, where to find an illustratorExplore the different software options available to you if you do decide to illustrate yourselfLearn where to get support throughout the writing processExplore the publishing options available to you and determine if you should approach a literary agentLearn how to market your book once it is publishedI will share with you these and other lessons learned so you too may soon say, ""I am a published author!""DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a creative writing course. While I will cover some of the basics of writing such as where to get story ideas and share some writing tips, the main focus of this course is to share with you how you can follow a similar path to getting published that allowed me to publish quickly and successfully. If you are looking for a creative writing course, may Isuggest you check out some of the outstanding courses available right here on Udemy?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Creating Your 2D Game Art" |
"Hello there,You might have a great game idea or you might want to work as a freelancer designer and make money creating game art.Even if you are a programmer creating the assets for your game, this course is going to help you a lot.Even if you are a complete beginner,This course if for you!We are going to be using the free open source project Inkscape in order to design and animate our game assets.By the end of the course you will feel extremely comfortable to use Inkscape whenever you have to create assets for your game.And since we are drawing with Inkscape you are going to enjoy the benefits of Vector graphics.Your assets are going to be highly scalable so you can draw them once and use them on any resolution!What will we be creating:We are going to redesign one of the classics, Pac Man.We are going to design the items of a platformer game like Super Mario.We are going to design and animate a nice gem.We are going to design and animate a 2D game character.We are going to design a nice game background.And if you have any questions along the course, I am here for you so you can ask me anything.I am going to keep updating and adding new content to the course and help you along the way."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Aha! A Practical Guide to Have More Insight" |
"Have you always wondered why some people are able to come up with better solutions to business and personal problems than others?Their solutions seem effortless and obvious on hindsight. This may have left you wondering why couldnt I think of it before? If you often feel this way, you arent alone! And what you are searching for isInsight making better sense of whats right in front of us. Say it any way you like - seeing beyond the obvious, seeing through appearances, whats obvious on hindsight - welcome to the world of elusive insights .Elusive UNTIL NOW! Insight isnt just for big problems. Having insight can change the way we live and work, make us better investigators and problem solvers through the better understanding of people and situations. Through a compelling insight, we can become better communicators and persuade others to change. Even nicer, we can better understand ourselves and bring about the desired changes to ourselves This course is packed to the brim with real life examples that are both fun and exciting, while we deep dive in to Insight mining from a practical perspective. You will learn several psychological concepts that will help you to avoid common pitfalls, make better sense of the world around you on a daily basis and crack both business and personal problems better The course is structured in five parts; Part 1 A fresh take on insights Part 2 Developing a mindset for Insight mining Part 3 Mastering key skills Part 4 Insights in practice Part 5 Bonus material"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Entrenamiento para la Certificacin de Red Hat RHCSA" |
"Mi formacin consiste en multiples videos por cada mdulo o clase. En donde me Me concentro ms en la prctica y menos en la teora. Porque la clave para pasar el examen en el primer intento es ""prctica y ms prctica"".Como todos saben, los objetivos del examen de certificacin de Red Hat RHCSA han cambiado, donde ahora se han incluido otros temas muy interesantes. Si usted planea presentar al examen en rhel7, entonces este curso es el ideal, porque el examen va a estar disponible al menos 12 meses mas. Pero si planea presentarse en la nueva versin rhel8, entonces los invito a que vean el nuevo curso RHEL 8 - Camino a la Certificacin RHCSA, el cual cubre estos temas.El 30% de todos los estudiantes que se presentan al examen de RHCSA por primera vez no pasan el examen en su primer intento. Sea parte del 70% que pasa el examen de certificacin de Red Hat RHCSA en su primer intento.TE GARANTIZO que si prcticas todos los objetivos como los muestro en los videos, absolutamente pasars el examen real.RESULTADOS:Ya suman mas de 100 estudiantes ( y contando ) que se han certificado gracias a mi curso. Puede ver los comentarios, valoraciones, y reseas positivas que han dejado los estudiantes que toman este curso. La primera sesin es para mostrarle y explicarle lo que necesitar para seguir todos los ejercicios. Recomiendo usar KVM como virtualizacin (CentOS, RHEL7 o Fedora). Pero puedes hacerlo en VirtualBox, VMWare Workstation. Pero tenga en cuenta algunos conceptos sobre las redes virtuales. (NAT, briges, etc)El resto de las sesiones se agrupan utilizando la lgica. Porque algunos objetivos estn relacionados entre s.Me concentro ms en la prctica y menos en la teora. Porque la clave para pasar el examen en el primer intento es ""prctica y ms prctica"".Los objetivos del examen son pblicos y se pueden encontrar en la pgina oficial de Red Hat.Examen de Prctica:Al finalizar el curso, encontrar un examen de prctica en donde le mostrare con ejemplos y recopilaciones de preguntas de encuentros y talleres que he realizado, un escenario ms cercano a lo que encontrar en el examen real.Actualizaciones:El curso siempre esta en constante actualizacin. Basandome en los comentarios de los estudiantes, los cuales me recomiendan temas que quieren que muestre."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Entrenamiento para la Certificacin de Red Hat RHCE" |
"Mi formacin consiste en multiples videos por cada modulo o clase. En donde me Me concentro ms en la prctica y menos en la teora. Porque la clave para pasar el examen en el primer intento es ""prctica y ms prctica"".El 30% de todos los candidatos que se presentan al examen de RHCE por primera vez no pasan la prueba en su primer intento. Sea parte del 70% que pasa RHCE en su primer intento. Recuerde, la practica es la clave para lograrlo.Como todos saben, los objetivos del examen de certificacin de Red Hat RHCE han cambiado, donde ahora se basan ms en la autimatizacin. Si usted planea presentar al examen en rhel7, entonces este curso es el ideal, porque el examen va a estar disponible al menos 12 meses ms.Por lo que si estas preparandote para el examen en la versin de rhel8, entonces te recomiendo que veas mi curso Ansible, Automatizacin de Principiante a Experto, el cual cubre estos temas y muchos ejemplos de gran utilidad.TE GARANTIZO que si practicas todos los objetivos como los muestro en los videos, absolutamente pasars el examen real.RESULTADOS:Ya suman mas de 100 estudiantes ( y contando ) que se han certificado gracias a mi curso. Puede ver los comentarios, valoraciones, y reseas positivas que han dejado los estudiantes que toman este curso. La primera sesin es para mostrarle y explicarle lo que necesitar para seguir todos los ejercicios. Recomiendo usar KVM como virtualizacin (CentOS, RHEL7 o Fedora). Pero puedes hacerlo en VirtualBox, VMWare Workstation. Pero tenga en cuenta algunos conceptos sobre las redes virtuales. (NAT, briges, etc).Siempre utilizo la versin de Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3. Usted puede descarga una copia del software totalmente gratis del sitio oficial de developers de Red Hat. Pero es valido si usted utiliza otra versin.El en curso los videos estan en el mismo order en que estan los objetivos oficiales para el examen de Certificacin de Red Hat RHCE. Estos objetivos son pblicos y los puede encontrar en la pgina oficial de Red Hat.Actualizaciones:El curso siempre esta en constante actualizacin. Basandome en los comentarios de los estudiantes, los cuales me recomiendan temas que quieren que muestre."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"RHCE Practice Exam" |
"This is the RHCE Practice Exam.At the end you will be ready to take the exam and pass it in the first attend.In this course you will learn how to approach each question in the RHCE exam. Keep in mind this is a practice exam, the real one it gonna be 80% close to this one.I made this exam taking the questions from miscellaneous books, and some question are duplicate just to show you the different ways that you can do it.Each video is more than 1 hour long, I did the practice exam without any kind of edition. This is because I'm demonstrating that is possible to finish the exam in the time frame that the real exam has.In my course I use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3My goal is in first place show you how to resolve one practice exam, and then keep updating the course explaining each objectives.Important to know:In this course I don't explain how to create the server, nor how to enroll the clients to the server.I adapted some questions to matchmy environment.You will notice some questions that you can approach it in another way, but the results need to be the same.My lab environment is based on RHEL 7.3I will continue updating the course posting new videos by objectives."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"RHCSA Training Class RHEL7" |
"DescriptionMy training consist in 10 lessons. The duration of each one is between 60 and 90 minutes.This is the ULTIMATE RHCSA Preparation Course. 30% of all first time RHCSA fail to pass the test on their first try. Be part of the 70% who pass RHCSA on their first try.Classroom training cost anywhere from 3500 to 7500 for a week worth of training. Who has that type of money, or time, take advantage of the discount price of this exam.This is an engaging self-paced video course that provides learners with real world examples and how they may be tested in the RHCSA course.ALL THE VIDEOS ARE FROM MY PREVIOUS TRAINING COURSE, WHERE AT SOME POINTS OF THE VIDEOS YOU WILL SEE THAT I ASK FOR QUESTIONS.THE VIDEOS HAS NOT ANY KIND OF EDITIONTHE VIDEOS QUALITY IS GOODI DO NOT EXPLAIN HOW TO CREATE THE SERVER NOR THE CLIENT VIRTUAL MACHINE TO PRACTICE ALL THE OBJECTIVES - BUT I WILL UPDATE THE COURSE WITH THIS EXPLANATION.NO PRACTICE EXAM PROVIDED... But I will update the course with one practice exam.I GUARANTEE YOU if you practice every objective as I show on the videos, you will absolutely ACE the real exam. I focus more in the practice and less on the theory. Because the key to pass the exam at first try is ""practice and more practice"".What is different about my training from the rest of the courses?The course I give is based on the key points to pass the EX200 (RHCSA) exam on your first try. It is worth clarifying that I do not waste time into basic topics such as: moving through the file system, creating directories and files, as these points are practiced during of my training.I expose each goal by the easiest way in which you can memorize how to do it, it is worth clarifying that there are several ways to achieve the same result.During my training, I mention several tips that will help you during the exam.Guaranteed to pass the exam?No one can give you the guarantee that after take the training, you will pass the exam. Since the key to everything is practice. Even official partner courses do not guarantee that you pass the exam.Books or documentation to useOn the internet you can find much documentation of each topic related to the exam, it is only know how to search and put it into practice.Example: How to extend a logical volume. If this same question puts it on the internet, you will get many answers on how to achieve it. Now you need to know how to apply it to your system.What distribution should you use in training?You can use any distribution, but I recommend using a Red Hat based distribution (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL) Preferably using RHEL, you can enroll in developers atredhat and get a free copy of the software, or you can go and register on redhatwhere you can have updates for 30 days.In my course I use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3How to use this subscription of 30 days, on the same page explain you how to do it."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"RHCSA Examen de Practica RHEL 7" |
"En este curso aprender cmo crear su propio entorno de laboratorio para hacer todos los ejercicios en el examen de prctica.Es importante mencionar que todas las preguntas en este examen de prctica son de diferentes libros como:Asghar Ghori RHCSA _ RHCE Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Training and Exam Preparation Guide (EX200 and EX300)Sander van Vugt - Red Hat RHCSA-RHCE 7 Cert Guide_ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (EX200 and EX300) - 2016Tambin he agregado preguntas de mi capacitacin anterior donde los alumnos me plantearon preguntas interesantes. Significa que este NO es un examen real, pero estoy 100% seguro de que si practicas todas las preguntas obtendrs la mxima calificacin en el examen real.Garantizado para aprobar el examen?Nadie puede darle la garanta de que despus de tomar el entrenamiento, aprobar el examen. Dado que la clave para todo es la prctica. Incluso los cursos oficiales de socios no garantizan que apruebes el examen.Libros o documentacin para usarEn Internet puede encontrar mucha documentacin de cada tema relacionado con el examen, solo se sabe cmo buscarlo y ponerlo en prctica. Ejemplo: cmo extender un volumen lgico. Si esta misma pregunta lo pone en Internet, obtendr muchas respuestas sobre cmo lograrlo. Ahora necesita saber cmo aplicarlo a su sistema.Qu distribucin deberas usar en el entrenamiento?Puedes usar cualquier distribucin, pero te recomiendo usar una distribucin basada en Red Hat (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL) Preferiblemente, usando RHEL, puedes inscribirte en desarrolladores en redhat y obtener una copia gratis del software, o puedes ir y registrarte en redhat donde puedes tener actualizaciones durante 30 das.En mi curso uso Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |