Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Affiliate Marketing - WHAT It Takes To Get To 500 A Day" |
"ALIFE CHANGING COURSE - This is a course for everyone who wants to learn affiliate marketing click by click in action on screen.i will show how i mada $5000 fastMAKE YOUR FIRST COMMISSION ONLINE IN 30 DAYS- My aim is to get all my studens to make money online with in the frist month , if you do eveything i say and do you'll be able to make some good commissions in a short time.If you're looking for a course that can help you to make a breakthrough by learning affiliate marketing from a real person, you're in the right place.Choose An Interest And Turn It Into An Online Business With No Experience By Following 3 Simple Steps...ONE-TIME ENROLLMENT FOR LIFETIME LEARNINGThis courseis my proven step by step affiliate marketing course. A system that is working for me and making me thousands of dollars online and can make you money online too. Thiscourse will take you step by step, show you everything in amazing details, click by click to make you an expert in affiliate marketing.STEP BY STEP DETAILSTop level affiliate course is all about details. This course will take you step by step and click by click to teach you how to start a reliable and sustainable online business in no time and make thousands of dollars from it.Who Is This Couse For?I want people who's going to take massive action Someone who will listenSomeone who want to quit there dead end jobsomeone who wants to change there livesListen I'm not sure how long i will keep this couse up for ,so you must act fast and get in now."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TRIZ. Engineering Problem-Solving Algorithm" |
"The main goal of the course is to give you the most potent practical tool for Solving Complex Problems.This Algorithm has 8 STEPS. In a logical chain from receiving not apparent Complex Problem, step-by-step, through the whole Algorithm, you will find from 10 to 100 new solutions and even more depending on your efforts.STEP 1 will help you to frame the Problem into such a formulation that reveals the task of how to eliminate any Simple or Complex Problem.STEP 2 aims to divide Simple and Complex Problems. You will be able to make self-elimination of a Simple Problem, even if it is not from your profile branch of industry. And if the Problem is Complex, then you go to the next STEP 3.STEP 3 shows you how to find the root cause of the Complex Problem. At STEP 3, the ideas to solve your Complex Problem begin to appear.STEP 4 gives you the way to find resources to solve your Complex Problem.STEP 5 leads you to frame your desired result in the system without a Complex Problem. STEP 5 shows how to apply resources that you found in STEP 4 to eliminate a Complex Problem with low costs and even without them. As a result, of STEP 5, you will get several ideas to solve your Complex Problem. And with ideas to resolve an issue, you may get contradictory demands to the elements of the system in which there is a Problem. Then you go to the next STEP 6.STEP 6 will help you formulate contradictory demands to the element of the system in which there is a Problem. As a result of STEP 6, you will choose the principle for resolving contradictions. In case of severe Problems, when an accepted principle did not lead you to a solution, you go to the next STEP 7.STEP 7 will get you acquainted with special techniques out of 40 available in TRIZ to resolve physical contradictions and to find an inventive solution of your Complex Problem.STEP 8 leads you to the most powerful solution from the list of finding while doing all seven STEPs of the Algorithm.You may ask me: what kind of Problems can I resolve using this Algorithm?If I answer: ""ANY."" You, probably, would not believe me.But it's about 95% of all Problems around us.And what kind of those 5% Problems you won't fix by this tool - the only those that need preliminary researches when the nature of an undesirable phenomenon is not known.After finishing this course, it would be easy for you to find a lot of Solutions to ANY Complex Problems.You'll see things around you in another way. What does it mean?All things around you can help you to Solve a Problem with low costs and even without them. You need to know-how.With this Engineering Problem-Solving Algorithm, you'll succeed in any severe case.But it's not a magic wand - you will have to work a lot! And as a reward, there will be a lot of reliable decisions!And last, but not least: only practicing the Engineering Problem-Solving Algorithm will increase your skills and as a result, increase your market price!P.S.: From The World Economic Forum, TOP 10 high demanded skills in 2020:1. Complex Problem Solving2. Critical Thinking3. Creativity..........................................Go ahead, enroll in the course!Get better in Solving Complex Problems!It's worth a lot!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Connect Your Passion to Your Purpose" |
"Whether we recognizethem or not - values exist.We can make life more fulfillingby acknowledging and honoringour values.If you value family, but your job requires you to work a 60 hour week, will thiscause you conflict and stress? Or perhaps you work in a competitive salesenvironment but you don't value competition, are you likely to have high jobsatisfaction?It's in conflicting situationsthat understanding our values will assist you in making a decision that is right for you. When youhave anunderstanding of yourvalues, youwill recall themto make important lifedecisions.Bonus Lecture added on ""How to Get Unstuck"""
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Football Betting: Generate Your Own Odds (Introduction)" |
"The'Football Betting - Introduction to Odds Compilation'course teaches you everything you need to price your own Football matches. You will learn the methods thatprofessional traders and syndicates use to begin generating their market beating odds.In 8 easy to watch videos you will discover theMATHS, theDATAand thePROCESSrequired to derive your prices and get an edge over the market.Every trader who is seriousabout their success needs to know how to compile odds.To aid you in your development, you will receive the following:8 detailed video lecturesDetailed summariesaccompanying each lecture (PDF version)4 Odds Compilation templates (Excel)1 Season of Premier League Match Historical Data (2016/17)We have poured a combined 25 years industry experience into our training courses to ensure they are the most comprehensive learning tools for aspiring traders. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:Identify what market to bet on and when odds may present valueKnow how Football Odds are compiledCompile your own accurate owns for any league in the worldCreate team ratings to derive oddsProfitably bet using your odds vs market oddsThis course will benefit all bettors & traders who take their business seriously and want to start generating substantial profit in the markets."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Life Skills: Transitioning to Living on Your Own" |
"Being a young adult is not easy and transitioning from your parent's house to living on your own can be a challenging process. If you're unsure where to start or even how to start then this course is for you.I use to think that young adults either knew certain things or I expected them figured it out by trial and error until I witnessed my freshman college students fumble basic living tasks that I assumed were easy. Guiding students through these obstacles made me realize that I didn't learn essential life skills overnight. For instance, I didn't always know the pros and cons of having a bank account, how to replace or change my personal information, the reason why networking is good, how to get a job, and what happens if I quit, and let's not talk about overspending.In this course, I discuss situations that many young adults may experience when it's time to move out on their own. Once students complete the course, they will have a general understanding of what to expect when deciding to live independently.Students taking this course will have access to:Independent living checklistInformation about replacing personal informationA career profile testA generic job application practiceLinks to job search boardsLearn have to have fun with a tight budgetKnow what expenses to expectand have links to public transportation services and car servicesWhy is this course importantThis course is essential for individuals deciding to transition out of their current living situation. The information in this course is beneficial to young adults because it provides an outline of what to expect and what you will encounter living on your own."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel de cero a nivel Empresarial" |
"Estas en busca de tu primer trabajo, pero encuentras que la mayora de empresas requieren uso de Excel y te das cuenta de que no ests preparado. En este curso aprenders los temas de Excel ms usados por las empresas, con ejercicios y ejemplos, para que ests listo para trabajar y entrar al mundo laboral en poco tiempo. Animate y entra al curso para que puedas responder un SI, cuando el entrevistador te pregunte Sabe usted manejar Excel?.Este curso puede ser tambin un comienzo para que luego puedas aprender herramientas ms avanzadas y especficas de la labor que desempeas"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Laravel y desarrolla una app de pedidos en lnea" |
"En este curso aprenders Laravel desde cero, de forma prctica.No aprenders conceptos para luego aplicarlos, sino que a medida que necesitemos aplicar los conceptos te los voy a ir explicando.El resultado final es el desarrollo de una aplicacin de pedidos en lnea.Te preguntas cul es la diferencia con usar un CMS como Prestashop, Woocomerce, Shopify u otro?La diferencia es que este sistema lo vas a desarrollar t desde cero. Conocers todo el modelado de la base de datos, los modelos, los controladores, rutas, incluso la organizacin de las vistas. En resumen: sers participe del desarrollo del proyecto de principio a fin, y paso a paso.Eso te permitir aadir caractersticas adicionales, y hacer modificaciones segn lo necesites.Si nunca has desarrollado una aplicacin con Laravel, o te sientes perdido entre tanta informacin, este curso es para ti.No vamos a integrar mtodos de pago por tratarse de un curso para principiantes, pero s que vamos a desarrollar una gestin de productos, un carrito de compras, notificacin de nuevos pedidos por email, y sobretodo a publicar finalmente el proyecto en internet.Adems, recuerda que si llegas al final tendrs la oportunidad de inscribirte al curso que ser la continuacin de este, donde integraremos caractersticas mucho ms avanzadas, como pagos en lnea, listas de deseo, reportes estadsticos, y mucho ms.Nota: El curso se ha desarrollado con Laravel 5.5, sin embargo, puedes seguir el curso incluso con la versin 7 sin problemas.De hecho, muchos estudiantes ya lo estn haciendo. Adems recuerda: No estars solo. Cualquier duda que tengas es bienvenida. Siempre estoy atento y dedico un tiempo para revisar y atender todas las preguntas publicadas en el foro del curso ?"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Laravel y OAuth 2: Login con Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc" |
"Este es un curso muy puntual acerca de Laravel y OAuth 2. La intencin es que puedas conocer de cerca qu es y cmo funciona OAuth 2.Para ello implementamos un inicio de sesin va:FacebookTwitterGoogle+Para esto hacemos uso del paquete Laravel Socialite, que nos permitir implementar un inicio de sesin con el servicio que creamos conveniente (existen muchos ms proveedores de OAuth adems de los mencionados, que tambin son soportados, tales como: Steam, Coursera, Dailymotion, Digital Ocean, Reddit, Slack, Spotify, Twitch, Vimeo, Weibo, Youtube, Uber).Como un adicional vemos tambin cmo generar reportes en formato CSV, cmo filtrar datos en tablas y listas desplegables, y cmo devolver resultados paginados sin perder el filtro activo."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Desarrolla 1 Chatbot Messenger y aprende Python en el camino" |
"El presente curso tiene un objetivo bastante claro:Aprenders a desarrollar tu primer Chatbot para Facebook Messenger, y ademsReforzars (o aprenders) los conceptos principales de Python, como lenguaje de programacinPero eso no es todo, porque tambin aprenders a usar Google Cloud Platform, a travs de 2 servicios que ofrece:Google App Engine (como hosting, para publicar nuestro Chatbot)Google DataStore (para guardar un historial de las conversaciones)En resumen:Aprenders muchos conceptos importantes, todos relacionados con las tecnologas antes mencionadas.Y lo mejor es que al final del curso podrs publicar tu propia versin. Un chatbot creado por ti de principio a fin."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Guitarra Bsica para Iniciantes - aprenda do zero" |
"Comprou uma guitarra, ou tem vontade de aprender e adquirir uma, mas no sabe por onde comear? Agora tem um curso pra voc.Desenvolvido para Guitarristas Iniciantes; neste curso contendo 20 aulas, voc aprender tcnica e postura, acordes, batidas, riffs e msicas pra sair tocando em poucas horas de estudo. Bandas e estilos: Blues e Rock; Pearl Jam, Eric Clapton, Rolling Stones, Deep Purple, Cream, Blues Brothers."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Brazilian Portuguese For Travel" |
"This is a basic course for who is going to travel to Brazil and need to speak portuguese. Its a course with10 chapters(9 with homeworks)of a content completely focus on trips.8 Chaptersare in different scenarios, where I will give you at the first moment translations or situations in that scenarios and in a second momentexercicesto memorize, practice thepronunciationand train a little of thegrammar.In the course you willalsolearn a big quantity ofverbsandvocabulariesthat will help you a lot during your trip.I am really happy to share my knewledge with you, so lets start."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Level 1, 2 and Master/Teacher Certification" |
"Learn how to connect to Reiki, the Universal Life Force Energy.You will learn the limitless uses of Reiki we can use it on ourselves, loved ones, our beloved pets and animals, food and water, the environment even for future events!In this course, you will learn the three Reiki levels; Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2 and the Master level.As this is a self-paced home study course you can take your time to read through all the material and practice Reiki sessions on yourself and others.Your Attunement to the three Reiki levels will performed via a Distance Reiki Attunement Ceremony.I will also share tips on how you can start your own Reiki Practice which includes Certificates you can use with your own students. Please note: You will receive your Reiki Master/Teacher Certificate including your Reiki Lineage personally from me within one week of submitting your finalassessments."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"PR and Social Influence Tactics for Leaders and Coaches" |
"Create a Brand That Commands Higher Pay RatesThis course will help you stand out and get known for your expertise, so you can make a bigger impact, and finally get paid what you're worth.You'll learnthe 4 keys to influenceand how you can master the basic steps that all of the most powerful people in the world have mastered to become widely known and respected in their industry.And if you're ready to become known for your expertise on a bigger platform, this course includes PR tactics and real-life examples demonstrating how you can get mentioned in big-time publications, land a live TV segment on local or national television, and earn speaking gigs that pay you thousands of dollars.This Course Will Get You Results- Be more powerful, influential, impactful and confident, so you can attract more clients and business opportunities- Build a brand that screams credibility, so you can command a higher pay rate and charge more for your products and services- Land features in major publications, podcasts and TV shows that get you high-level exposure for your brand, sending thousands of business leads to your website- Become and in-demand speaker and get paid to share your expertise with hundreds of people while building your brand and generating leads"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Hello ,JAPANER!!!!!!Who want to learn ""JAPANESE"", can enroll this course. So,now I want to explain about this course of lesson.about this have a lot of lesson for some knowledge .That is a ""CHARACTER"" OF JAPANESE. And This course No HAVE just like this have a few lesson for your learn for FREE.That is a ""CREATE SENTENCE BY YOURSELF"". THIS IS FOR YOU BEBEEEEE!!!!!!!When you learn with this course, you will get more and more knowledge for advance your skill into ""THE FUTURE"".when you learn much more you will can teach and do some thing when you want to do something like ""JAPANESE""SO, DEAR. IF YOU READ REACH THIS YOU MAYBE SOMETHING IN MY HEART. ""THIS IS MY PLEASURE"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Blender full tutorial/Steam ready game" |
"In this series you will learn how to make a Steam ready game while learning game development fundamentals. In this series we willlearn enemy ai, health systems, modeling and landscape texturing all without any programming. By the end of this quick and easy series you should be able to create Steam ready games with confidence! All of the tips and techniques used in this series can be used across many genres of games and even artwork! SImply follow along as we show you how to develop the most requested style of game that is demanded in today's gaming world!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fluent. Simple. How to learn foreign languages fast." |
"I'm going to share with you what I actually do to learn foreign languages, in the form of a presentation based on contents that I usually show in polyglot clubs.> Become a language learning machine!After this quick-start guide, youll know exactly what to do from day one. I put popular tools and personal tips together into a complete language workout for your brain. These tools can be used to learn a language in the spare time that you have each day and can be applied without going abroad.This is not a generic guide: I only recommend methods and materials that I actually use myself and find useful. This treasure of life experience will spare you years of ineffective studies.The course includes:My experience as a language learnerLinks to select learning resourcesStudy methods and tipsAdvice to draft your study plan> Is it for me?You have a busy life. You need practical tips to communicate effectively, not an academic treatise. Does this apply to you? Then, this coaching will change your life!> Another course about foreign languages?Unlike books written by other polyglots, this course is not about what I did, but rather what you can do. It's not padded with unnecessary information to inflate the page count. I don't want to impress you. I'm only giving you relevant advice that is:Short. My life experience, your future progress, all in 2 hoursSimple. No prior knowledge required, no linguistics jargonPractical. Not just general advice, but my personal to-do list that you can apply to your learning> I want to learn ___. Does your course work for that?My study tips work for all languages, while the learning resources I recommend are available for virtually any major language in the world.> Satisfaction guaranteeIf youre not happy with the results after 30 days of applying the guide, youll be refunded the course price minus Udemy's commission.Book now!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a crear esculturas digitales en Zbrush Batman" |
"Hola.En este curso te enseare a crear una escultura digital mediante el uso deZbrush,aprenderstcnicas de escultura que uso en mi workflow.Para esta primera entrega veremos la creacin de Batman en versin cartoon, crearemos la escultura desde 0 hasta llegar al render final de la imagen, para ello te enseare a esculpir, pintar y el uso de herramientas avanzadas de zbrush para facilitarte tu trabajo y consigas mejores resultados en tus proyectos personales.Utilizaremos Keyshot para hacer una render ms realista, haremos una composicin final en photoshop."
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Learn Vietnamese for beginners" |
"Learners get a good understanding of basic grammar, develop a solid foundation in Vietnamese grammar, then be able to start basic communication with natives.There are 10 practical and useful topics: introduction, shopping, weather, hotel, restaurant.... which are arranged in a systematic order to boost the learners confidence day by day."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Study Vietnamese" |
"Through the story of Tony, a foreigner who wants to learn Vietnamese fluently and quickly. Improve your Vietnamese in practical situations with the dialogues between Cathy and Tony.Learn the basic ways in communication by Vietnamese that you use in general speaking and interacting with Vietnamese people.123VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE CENTERE: contact@123vietnamese.comP: +84963229475"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to get medical tourists to your clinic" |
"The courseconsists of three main parts:What can and should your clinic offer to medical touristsHow to make medical tourists contact youHow to turn those inquiries into actual sales in a fast & efficient manner.This covers three main steps into getting medical tourists to your clinic. Surely, there are more essentials to know (such as making your clinic appear in the online search queries & all the work with patients after the sale has been made). For your convenience, in the course, I will point out all that should be learned or checked out elsewhere. There will be over 30 minutes of video material + 5 assignments & a final practical test. Completing all of that will award you with a certificate & a special badge. The latter will signify to your patients & partners alike, that you have expertise in medical tourism. You will be able to use it on your websites, email campaigns & even email signatures."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a crear proyectos SaaS con Django Tenant/PostGreSQL" |
"Hola amigos!Estamos muy emocionados de que formes parte de este curso profesional ""Aprende a crear proyectos SaaS con Django Tenant/PostGreSQL"".En este curso aprenderemos a convertir un proyecto bsico creado en Django a un proyecto SaaS con soporte multi tenant (o multi inquilino) y listo para ser liberado a produccin utilizando Servidores Virtuales Privados (VPS).Aceptas el reto de convertirte en el prximo experto multi tenant?Si es as! Inscrbete al curso y comencemos! :D"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Leadership by Design" |
"Leadership by Design is grounded in the work written about in the New York Times Bestseller, ""TribalLeadership"".*******************This program is led by the co-author of the bookand developer of this work, John King!This program has been created specifically for Udemy students!******************Leadership by Design encompasses principles for global leadership. In other words, principles that will allow your natural authentic Self-Expression to naturally be a leader regardless of what part of the world or organization you are in. These principles have been shown to work anywhere in the world amongst any culture or organization. This course gets into some of the basic introductory principles to this work and can be directly applied into your own life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Written Communication: Improve Your Business Writing Skills" |
"In today's fast-paced business world, you have precious little time to write communications. Readers have little time to read your communications.This course provides you with strategies and resources to enhance your written communication skills, so you can quickly deliver effective messages to your readers.Written Communications will teach you the basic rules of business writing, how to successfully edit and proofread communications, and how to write a professional email."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Excel Essentials: Tutorial for Beginners" |
"Welcome to the Microsoft Excel Essentials Tutorial for Beginners. You will learn to use Excel to analyze numbers, keep track of data, and graphically represent your information. We will make your job easier by providing easy to follow steps to help you turn your data into usable information and better information leads to better decision making!This course will have you up and running in under 2 hours. Excel has some very advanced features that have been made very simple in the newer versions. This course mainly focuses on Excel 2013 and newer versions, but if you have an earlier version, you will still be able to learn effective Formulas, Functions, and Analysis."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel: Pivot Tables, Analyzing Data, Macro, & more" |
"*** Course access includes project files, quizzes & practice exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access and a 100% money-back guarantee! ***This course gives you a comprehensive understanding of Excel Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, Macros, and other functions to manage and visualize your data. The course will guide you through interactive, hands-on demos, and exercises every step of the way. As you participate in this course, you will be introduced to the wonders of creating simple Macros through the Macro Recorder. We'll cover everything you need to know about managing and auditing your data including:Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts, including SlicersDesign & Formatting OptionsGrouping & Subtotalling DataImporting Data from External Text FilesTracing ErrorsWhat-If AnalysisMacros - how to create and use them to avoid repetitive workIn today's increasingly data-driven world, analytics skills are in short supply and incredibly high demand, and those with the ability to transform data into insight are leading the charge.Full course includes downloadable resources and project files, homework, and course quizzes, lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee.Who is the target audience?Anyone who works with data and needs to ensure its validity by auditing the data.Those who need to add visuals to spreadsheets, such as Charts, Pivot Tables, and other visual elements.Anyone who manages large spreadsheets and needs to ensure data accuracy and validity."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Forex Trading: Complete Guide for Beginners" |
"This course is a very in depth overview of the Forex (currency) markets. This course will give the students a great foundation as they get started in their exciting new Forex career. In this course I discuss the basic workings of the Forex market and discuss in much detail the idea of technical trading and we discover some basic ideas behind fundamentals of the Forex market and how it effects the movements of the Forex market."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Kotlin Quick Start for Java Developers" |
"In this course, I willguide you through a number of small examples and one modestly complex project. Through these examples, you'll learn the fundamentallanguage features neededto createKotlin applications.This isn't an in-depth reference covering every detail of the language. Rather, it's a tutorial covering the most important parts of the language, the 80% that I use every day.After completing this course, you'll still have more to learn,but you'll have everything you need to start beingproductive with Kotlin.The table of contentsis not ordered in terms of Kotlin features. Rather,the course is organized by thebusiness featureswe add to our sample project. We introduce new Kotlinconcepts as the need organically arises in the contextof building ourproject.We'll be usingthe IntelliJ IDE. So you'll be learningthe fundamentals of Kotlin in the context of one of the world's greatest IDEs. And that'simportant becauseKotlin, when teamed withIntelliJ, providesthemostproductive programming environmentI ever used. With that said,this course is still appropriate for thosewho just want to learnKotlin but don't plan on using IntelliJ.Lastly, this course is not specific to any particular problemdomain ( apps, server-side web apps, compile-to-JavaScript apps, or native apps). Instead, wefocuson the coreconceptscommon to all domains. As such, most of our examples take the form junit test cases."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda linguagem STL do CLP da Siemens" |
"O objetivo do curso descomplicar as lgicas mais elaboradas em STL (loops, ponteiros, ponteiro tipo ANY, instrues matemticas, jumps). Muitas mquinas so importadas e a programao vem em STL. H uma dificuldade enorme para os profissionais de manuteno fazer qualquer alterao necessria. Com esse curso, o profissional poder entender o que foi desenvolvido, como tambm ter habilidade para fazer novas lgicas (FCs e FBs) na linguagem STL.O curso dividido em 12 captulos:-Bit Logic Instructions -Comparison Instructions -Conversion Instructions -Counter Instructions -Data Block Instructions -Logic Control Instructions-Math Instructions -Program Control Instructions -Load and Transfer Instructions -Indirect Address -ANY Pointer -PID"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"PSL300 What to study for physiology" |
"This course is a preparation for exams in endocrine section of a university level physiology course.The key points that you need to memorize are explained in detailed. This should be a supplementary resource to your physiology course. This is not a replacement for attending lectures. Lectures will engage you andprofessors will provide you hints on theexams. In contrast, this course, provides high yield content so you don't have to make notes from scratch and do research online, from textbook and wait for TA to answeryour questions. So, you can save time and do more research work and volunteering work."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Identifying the negative and turning it into a postive" |
"This course will help you clearly identify what negative words are and how you can rewire your mind to replace those words with something more postive and softer. One phrase that is not allowed in my household is "" I CAN'T"". Icant complete my homework.I cant get a good paying job. I cant find a better job. I cant find a good partner.... any of that sound familiar... Well this course will snatch that language right out of your mind!By the end of this course you will be able to identify when OTHERpeople use negative words... something that you will be able to carry on forever!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |