Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Diseo de Interiores con Sweethome3D" |
"De qu trata el curso?En este curso aprenders a realizar diseos de interiores con el programa gratuito Sweethome 3D. de manera fcil y entretenida.Crears tus ambientes paso a paso con paredes, mobiliario y toda la decoracin. Al finalizar logrars crear diseos de espacios con mobiliario, decoracin y mas elementos que le darn una visin muy realista del proyecto.Podrs generar de manera profesional fotos y vdeos del espacio tipo Render.Que temas tiene el curso?El curso tiene las siguientes video-clases:Introduccin al diseo interiorConceptos bsicos de diseoTeora del colorconoce a Sweethome 3DDibuja espacios interiores y exterioresInsertar mobiliario y decoracinNiveles y plano guaVistas en 3D"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Master in Geogebra for Mathematics" |
"This course studies the most recent version of GEOGEBRA, a very useful application for mathematics and dynamic geometry.In this course we will learn the main options of the app for various Mathematical topics such as: geometric constructions, function analysis, among others.We work with exercises that will help you to know the commands and graphing tools in each case.It is a good option to solve exercises and problems graphically and algebraically using animation. It serves both to learn and to teach mathematics."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Computers: From the Beginning" |
"COURSEDESCRIPTIONEver wonder how computer systemsmight have been conceptualized? This course will take you back to the beginning and down to the bedrock of computers and their mysteries. You will learn how to imagine and build complex systems from simple components:electricity to logic gates to binary bit adders and up!By the end of this course you should have a broader understanding of computer systemconcepts andbe able to develop low-level programs with C and even Assembly!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Proyecto Java Web JSP, Servlet con MySQL desde NetBeans IDE" |
"Bienvenidos al curso de:Introduccin aJava Web con JSPy MySQL desde NetBeans IDEdonde aprenders de manera prctica desarrollando un sistema de informacin llevar el inventario de los libros de una biblioteca y su ubicacin dentro de la misma.Qu es un CRUD?Corresponde a las 4 operaciones elementales entre un lenguajede programacin y un motor de base de datos.C = Create= InsertarDatosR = Read= Mostrar DatosU = Update= ActualizarDatosD = Delete= Borrar DatosPara el desarrollo frontend de la aplicacin utilizaremos el framework Bootstrap (HTML5 y CSS3).Utilizaremos las siguientes herramientas:XAMPPNetBeansPara una mejor compresin,la instalacin y configuracinde las herramientasse explicar desde 0 .Dirigido a Desarrolladores, estudiantes y docentesque quieran aprender a trabajar con la tecnologaJSPy MySQLServerInteresados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones webInteresados en aprender el desarrollo de unCRUD (create, read, update, delete)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a crear Web de Aerolnea PHP POO con Pagos en Lnea" |
"Acompaare a crear un sistema de informacin con PHP OO, JavaScript, Ajax y MySQL que permita vender boletos de avina una aerolnea. Para lo que vamos a necesitar crear la base de datos con los procedimientos que permitan verificar la disponibilidad de vuelos, los horarios y precios de acuerdo a la empresa que presta el servicio."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a MongoDB (NoSQL) - los conceptos esenciales" |
"Un elemento clave del xito de las bases de datos relacionalesha sidodisponer del lenguaje estndar de consultas SQL. Sin embargo,el surgimiento del denominado Big Data ha trado el nacimientosde nuevas necesidades y formas de procesamiento yalmacenamiento de la informacin. En este curso vamos a trabajar los conceptos esenciales para trabajar en una compaa con bases de datos MongoDB."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Complete PowerPoint Slide Design Tools for Speed Up" |
"Complete PowerPoint Slide Design Tools for Speed Up PowerPoint ... ..... powerpoint 2-3 !!! Powerpoint .."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Let Us PIC: A Datasheet Approach for PIC Microcontroller" |
"Hi, welcome you all to this course on PIC microcontrollers. The course is tailored for the need of students to best understand microcontrollers from scratch till you master your skills. This course is the outcome of the experience we gained after training hundreds of graduate students of engineering and technology, and with our expertise in the field of embedded systems. Few basic C concepts are also covered in initial lectures to help non-IT students to get hold of C coding.Swadeshee Parinatie invites you all to enroll in this course and explore the world of embedded systems as a step towards excellence. There is no better way to master the PIC microcontroller than joining this course. "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
intro-archetype |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO ON EBAY: The Easy Ranking Master Guide & Best Practices" |
"If you want to learn about the eBay search engine and are looking to optimize your ownor someone else's eBay offers, this course is for you! With the""EBAY SEO: The Easy Ranking Master Guide with Applicable Tips"" you will be able to establish, coordinate and manage your marketplace presence for the maximum ranking possible. In this course, you are going to learn about the background of theeBay search engine as well as the current status today and where it is heading in the future. How do the eBay searchalgorithms work? How can you profit from themand how can you list well? Within this guide, I will cover all relevant aspects of ranking well withinthe search engine. After the course you will be abletoboost your traffic, increase yoursales and elevate yourrevenue to a whole new level!In this course, you will:Learn about the basics of SEO on eBayIdentify methods and tricks benefitting your own offersReveal shocking truths about rankingmisconceptionsDetect opportunities to optimize your own eBay presenceImplement tracking methods and helpful tools into your daily business activitiesGet a step-by-stepintroduction to eBay selling methodsIdentify differences between optimized and not optimized offersMaster ways to get new traffic and revenueLearn aboutOptimization onMobile devicesRealize the power of utilizing the correctKeywordsUnderstand the pros and cons of SEO services and costs of eBay toolsAnd much more!Why learn eBay Search Engine Optimization (SEO)eBay is one of the oldest and biggest marketplaces out there. With more than 25 million sellers and well over 150 million customers it is only rivaled by the othereCommerce giants namely for exampleAmazon orAlibaba. There is almost no weekwithout somenews of another big step of one ofthese onlinemarketplaces.As they gain more and more influence and consumerreach, thecompetition between sellers increases simultaneously as well. Therefore selling via e.g. eBaycan be very lucrative but also highly contested - getting harder every year. Between your own marketing efforts and the usual Google SEO and SEM, sellers are also able to optimize their eBay presence with eBay SEO. The current search engine is called""Cassini"" and implements a lot of different factorsinto its search-algorithm, which will be explored and explained within the course. You willfind that ""eBay SEO""is a surefire way to increase your traffic andincome without heavy initialinvestments.Youll learnto Optimize your own eBay listings by watching AND do it right awayFrom the first to thelast video, you will gain know-how about the eBaysearch engine,as well as operative tips & tricks.As an eBay seller, you can implement these optimizing actionsdirectly into your listings. Keep in mindthat depending on the size of your business, you will need to distinguish between changes towards all ofyour listings as well as changes to only some of them.At the end of each section you will get an article summarizing every detailtalked about earlier, especiallydesigned to test and reinforce what youve learned.An analysis like this can cost you a lot of money if you are working with service partners. And without any help you will never know it is was correct or not what you did on your own. With the""EBAY SEO: The Easy Ranking Master Guide with Applicable Tips""you will be able to optimize your listings on your own with a guide to look at. And also note that this is a course designed to grow and evolve with the marketplace and you, it's sellers. Therefore:""I will update and upload new videos every fewweeks, responding tonew changes or new ranking criteria on the marketplace.""Why Learn From MeThere is always something to learn and optimization can be crucial to the overall performance of an eBay sellers account. However, the eBay SEO landscape is still very underrated and not utilized to it's fullest potential.Even though working yourself through your offerings and gaining ground in the search engine is comparable easy to establish, it is still being treated either not important enough or too much of a nuisance to actually initialize. I have worked as an Google SEO Optimizer before, for other people butfor my own company as well. Due to mygreat results I shifted towards optimizingthe web presence of other companiesas well.This lead me toexpandmy knowledge oneBay SEO, in which I specialized over the past fewyears as well.During my services I ended up teaching the core mechanics of Search Engine Optimization to customers and people who were interested repeatedly. In order to reach a lot of people simultaneously,I am now offering all ofmy knowledge within this ""EBAY SEO: The Easy Ranking Master Guide with Applicable Tips"" for eBay sellers and service partners.If you commit the time and effort to master the concepts, strategies and little tricksyou will set yourself up for success on eBay and get a feeling for other marketplaces as well. I look forward to sharing my knowledge of my day to day experienceswith you and proceed my developmentas an Instructor on Udemy.This is an ongoing course, which I will update with incoming changes!Join me on this journey, and enroll in the course today.Who is the target audience?Anyone who is willingto learn about eBay SEOand become an expert in gaining the edge within the ranking system of eBay.This course is a good fit for aspiring retailers on eBay who intend to gain ground and increase their traffic &sales on the platform.This course is best suited for those who already operate on eBay on a daily basis and know how the marketplaceworks, including the ""Seller Cockpit"".People who are interested in hands-on learning and If you are the type of person who likes to outperform your competition,you will love this course.Especially new sellers to eBay or SEO beginners will benefit the most, but long-established sellers might also find quite a fewnew hints &tricks!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting Mastery Course" |
"The Goal setting Mastery course is a step by step practical guide on not only setting goals that line up with your purpose in life but also a step by step process of achieving these goals. Who needs this goal setting course? This course is designed for anyone who is looking to get unstuck in life and for anyone who wants to achieve their goals and needs a practical step by step guide on how to. Have you ever set goals but never seem to achieve them? Do you ever get the feeling that you dont get time to work on your goals? Or you feel overwhelmed and caught up in the daily routine of life that never accommodates for your goals? Ever wondered why successful people out there always seem to achieve whatever they put their mind to. This course is designed to specifically to address all those concerns. It is a step by step practical guide that not only helps you identify what you want out of life, but teaches you a practical approach on how to do it through a comprehensive goal setting process. What exactlyis taught in this goal setting course? I will be teaching you a specific technique known as the MAAP technique. This technique utilizes 4 key components that are needed for you to reach your dreams, desires and goals. The course takes you through each of these aspects in detail. It has been designed through years of studying successful people that have set goals and have achieved them. This technique will begin to yield results in as little as 30 days whereby you will see good progression towards each of the goals that you have set. MAAP is an abbreviated form which stands for Mindset, Awareness, Action & Planning. Not only will I cover each of these aspects in detail, but each section will be accompanied by a workbook which contains practical exercises that I will work through with you. Each aspect will be related to the goal setting process gearing you for success in life. What will students gain after this goal setting course? By the end of the course you will be able to not only get clear direction on what you want out of life but also set SMARTER goals accompanied by a specified action plan that will be incorporated into a planned daily routine.The ideal student for this course is anyone who feels stuck in life and does not know how to achieve their dreams and goals. Its for anyone that wants to escape the monotony of life and wants to take their life to the next level. In the course, I will take you through how I achieved my goals despite experiencing massive adversity and essentially being an economic refugee. They are no requirements for this course, just an open mind and a will to win in life!Feel free to go through the course description as well as some of the free videos that I have posted. If you feel that this course is for you then go ahead and enroll. I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
businessplanisrael |
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Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"How to Effectively Provide Negative Feedback to Employees" |
"This is the only leadership course you'll ever need to become comfortable and effective at providing negative feedback!Do you ever feel so uncomfortable delivering negative feedback that you avoid providing feedback altogether?Your employees are missing out, and you're missing out on results!Have you ever felt so awkward with how you approached giving feedback that you're just grateful you got the words out, even if the employee didn't handle it well?There's a better way!Even on what seems like small feedback moments, it's natural to hope the employee will turn around on their own someday without us having to ""be the bearer of bad news.""Without feedback, your employees will rarely get better on their own.They need you to help them be better, and you need them to be better so you can achieve results.The core concepts of the COACH ME acronym will be your guide to prepping for casual and serious feedback conversations.You'll also be able to integrate this content into your professional leadership style and personal communication approach to strengthen your ability to get the results you want in every day life.After this course, you'll be able to better engage your employees, hold them accountable, and feel more comfortable and confident doing so."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The Extensive WebGL Series ! - Part1 : Low Level Graphics" |
"This course covers the fundamentals of computer graphics programming using WebGL2. In the course, we will walk together in two complementary andinterleavingtracks. The first track will cover the mathematical foundations of computer graphics. This will include illustrations, examples, and proofs. I do not require you to have strong mathematical background for this as I will illustrate almost everything you need. You only need to know simplebasics such as matrices, vectors, dot products, and cross products. The second track will cover the conversion of these concepts into actual code implementation. In this track, you will learn how to manipulate your graphics card (GPU) to perform the required graphics calculations for you. You will learn how to write code that runs directly on the GPU (using GLSL ), and how to communicate with it using your code that runs on the CPU (using JavaScript). Again I do not require you to even know JavaScript although it certainly will help. I do require you, however, to have good knowledge of at least one programming language. Words like variables, arrays, functions, or objects must be familiar to you.That said, those two tracks are not delivered one after the other. Instead, they are interleaved. I lay the theoretical and mathematical foundation for some concept, and then follow up by the practical implementation in code. Then repeat.While this course focuses on graphics programming on the web, you will actually find this course equally useful if you wish to learn computer graphics fundamentals on any other platform, and you will be able to switch with minimum effort. WebGL is only a tool.This course is a low-level programming course. You will send the required data to the GPU byte by byte. While this will not make you able to create the best game ever in 3 minutes, it will certainly help you gain deep knowledge that you will find extremely useful when you take the next step forwards, as you will actually know what really does happen behind the scenewhen you use a higher level library in your production code later.If you encounter any problems of any kind during watching the course,pleaselet me know instantly. I will be quite responsive, and my response will vary from answering in text,supplying more code examples and illustrative articles, to actually re-recording entire videos and supplementary content just for you!This course is only the beginning. I will follow up with more advanced courses quite soon. Enjoy!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"College Level Linear Algebra In Arabic" |
". - .. . - -:1- Linear Combinations of vectors and independence2- Understanding different types ofsolution for Ax=b , for different shapes of A3- Gaussian Elimination And Gauss Inverse4- Matrices as linear transformations (Rotation - scale .. etc) with a large number of examples5- Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors6- Matrix Diagonalization and Exponentiation7- Solution of Systems of first Order differential equations8- The Four Spaces Of A Matrix (Column Space - Row Space - Null Space - Left Null Space)9 - Variance - Covariance - Covariance Matrix10 - Lagrange Multipliers11 - PCA(The Principal Component Analysis)12 - Singular Value Decomposition13 - LU - LDU - LUPdecomposition14 - Positive Definite Matrices"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"College Level Advanced Linear Algebra! Theory & Programming!" |
"From Matrix Calculus, To Robotics! From Control Systems, To Computer Graphics! From the Singular Value Decompositions to the Principal Component Analysis. From Systems Of Linear Equations, To Systems Of Differential Equations. From Inverses, to Pseudo Inverses. From Determinants, to positive definiteness. From Concepts To Programming. From Matlab To Python. From Proofs to Visualizations & From Theory to Applications. From Solved Examples To thoughtful Exams, and From Many Other Things to Many other things,I, Present This Course !My Name is Ahmed Fathy, currently a machine learning scientist at Affectiva, and a university teacher previously. Over the years, I happened to teach many subjects that make a very deep use of linear algebra. Those include Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Computer Graphics, Control Systems, Game Development, and even Pure Linear Algebra. Every one of those subjects handled linear algebra from very different perspectives. In this course, I provide them all.This course is intended to be a Reference on linear algebra in the world of online courses, having proofs, theories, programming, concepts, applications, solved examples, visualizations, and everything ! Any suggestions for more topics to add are always welcome. Since the course contents are so large and extensive, I will not summarize them here. Instead, I ask you to please watch the promo video & also have a look on the course contents towards the bottom of the page. Have a nice day !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Nur keine Panik! - so befreist du dich von Angst und Panik" |
"In meiner psychologischen Praxis treffe ich immer wieder auf Menschen, die unter Angststrungen und Panikattacken leiden. Von ihnen wei ich, wie sehr diese inneren Zustnde das gesamte Leben beeinflussen knnen. Dieser Kurs zeigt alle Strategien auf, die schon vielen Menschen geholfen haben, sich von Angst- und Panikstrungen zu befreien.Dies ist ein Praxiskurs, das heit, dass der Theorieteil bewusst klein gehalten ist. Es wird kurz und knapp erlutert, was im Gehirn passiert, wenn sich ngste und Panikzustnde einnisten. Der viel grere Teil des Kurses liegt aber auf den praktischen Strategien, die jeder Betroffene anwenden kann, um selbst fr Besserung zu sorgen. Die Erfahrung hat gezeigt, dass man zwar wissen sollte, welche Ursachen bei dieser Strungeine Rolle spielen, dass es aber zuallererst wichtig ist, handfeste Strategien zu haben, um sich aus der Not herauszu helfen.Die vorgestellten Strategien sind allesamt praxiserprobt und wissenschaftlich fundiert. Sie knnen alleine und in Eigenregie durchgefhrt werden oder aber eine fachkundige rztliche oder psychotherapeutische Behandlung begleiten. Das entscheidet jeder fr sich.Mein Ansatz ist stets, Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe zu geben. Daher ist der Kurs auch darauf ausgelegt, dass der Betroffene wieder in seine Kraft kommt und selbst das Ruder seines Lebens in die Hand nehmen kann.In diesem Sinne, viel Erfolg bei diesem Kurs!DeineKatrin Faust"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Achtsamkeit trainieren - fr Erfolg & Glck" |
"Stress und seine Folgen sind eine Geiel unserer modernen Gesellschaft. Wir sind mit unseren Gedanken immer schon beim nchsten Schritt, planen und denken voraus. Oder aber wir grbeln ber Vergangenes nach, etwa wie ein Termin verlaufen ist, vielleicht kommen sogar Selbstvorwrfe auf, man hadert mit sich und seinen Entscheidungen, die Gedanken kreisen und kreisen. Diese stndige berflutung des Geistes, das stndige Sein im Morgen oder Gestern,erzeugt Stress. Burnout und viele krperliche und psychische Leiden sind die Folge.Lerne daher in diesem Kurs, wie du mit einfachen Mitteln und Techniken wieder mehr im Hier-und-Jetzt sein kannst, wie du raus aus dem Hamsterrad hinein in das eigentliche gegenwrtige Leben kommen kannst. Denn das Leben findet nur im Jetzt statt. Lerne also das Gegenwrtige zu achten und dein Leben wieder zu genieen.Der Kurs besteht aus ein wenig Theorie darber, was Achtsamkeit bedeutet und welchen Ursprung sie hat,und aus vielen praktischen bungen, die du einfach in deinen Alltag integrieren kannst. Du lernst Schritt fr Schritt und bezogen auf die Bereiche Selbstwahrnehmung, Alltagsttigkeiten, Genieen von Schnem, Persnlichkeit und Beziehung zu anderen, wie du Achtsamkeit in dein Leben einladen kannst.Achtsamkeit strkt nachweislich das Immunsystem, schafft einen inneren Abstand zu deinen Stressoren und hilft dabei, alle Stresssymptome zu heilen.Fange also gleich an und lerne in meinem Kurs Achtsamkeit.Ich wnsche dir viel Erfolg bei der Arbeit mit und an dir!Deine Katrin Faust"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Systemisches Coaching lernen" |
"Die Methode des Systemischen Coachings liegt voll im Trend, die Ausbildungsinstitute fr diese Coaching-Methode sind ausgebucht. Lerne auch du, schnell, effizient und auf den Punkt, wie Systemisches Coaching funktioniert. In diesem Kurs erhltst du, neben den Grundlagen des Systemischen Coachings, auch einen genauen Fahrplan fr das Fhren eines Systemischen Coaching-Zyklus. So kannst du mit diesem Handwerkszeug gleich ins Tun kommen und eigene Gesprche fhren."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Build an Authority Website and Generate Income" |
"Here is a summary of the course which I like to call it the blueprint for building an authority website. There are seven parts in building an authority website. This course is developed and designed based on these seven parts.Module 1 is the introduction module in which I introduce the course and lay the training outline. Module 2 is the key success factors needed to ensure your success in building a profitable website.Module 3, Module 4, Module 5, Module 6 and Module 7 forms the core of this training. In these modules, I will teach you how to plan and target your niche area using the right approach, processes, and tools.Module 7 and Module 8 will focus on how to develop a systematic approach to building your website and on how to create good and quality contents for your website to become authoritative. Module 9 will focus on how you can promote your website and start developing a community using various social media platforms.Module 10 is on how to do link building to your website. It is one of the key critical areas you need to learn that will set you apart from other competitors. Module 11 is how you can monetize your website. This module will show you the basic approach to monetization and what are the channels possible for monetization of your website.Finally, Module 12 is all about maintaining and growing your site using SEO and also Google Analytics."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Product Management : Be a Product Manager and Get the Job" |
"This course teaches you everything you should know to about Product Management to become a product manager and get the job.WHY BECOME A PRODUCT MANAGER?Product managers are typically paid around 100,000 USD in silicon valley which is on par with engineers. Every company or startup needs a product manager to make sure they build the right product for their users and eventually become successful. Also you might know that there are no degrees in Product Management and very few certifications available. GUARANTEEThis course is backed by Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee. If after taking this course you realize that this is not for you. Please request a refund, I only want satisfied studentsWHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE?In this course, you will learn the core of Product Management, how to build product from just an idea to launch.I will teach you about Product development lifecycle, MVP, how to create a Product Roadmap and skills needed to become a great product managerI will teach you how to conduct user interviews, form hypothesis and validate it before building the productI will also teach you how to work with designers and engineers. We will also learn about different software development methodologiesWHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?Students who want to start their career working as a Product ManagerPeople who are looking to transition their way to become a Product ManagerEntrepreneurs, who have ideas but are looking for ways to understand the process of how a product is built and validatedABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTOR : I am Faisal, having 8 years of experience working on software products and building companies from scratch. Currently I am heading product at one of the most innovative health care startup.Products that I have built have catered millions of users across the globe, have been funded by best VC's and also was shortlisted for Google Launchpad Accelerator. I have compiled all my experience that I have gained throughout my startup journey in this course. SO ARE YOU READY TO GET STARTED AS A PRODUCT MANAGER?What are you waiting for? Press the BUY NOW button and start the course. See you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Lessons for the Curious Guitarist" |
"What students are saying: 5 stars, ""Easy to understand. Its the best course I have ever come across, very systematic."" - Khalid S. 5 stars, ""Keeping it simple and good with explanations. "" - Tanja S. 5 stars, ""Enthusiastic, knowledgeable approach!"" - William M. 5 stars, ""In-depth and gives a clear pathway to each goal."" - Derek S. 5 stars, ""Simplification of not so simple questions."" - Allan S.Welcome to Guitar Lessons for the Curious Guitarist! This is a complete guitar lessons course for all guitar students - beginner to advanced. These guitar lessons start at the very beginning, assuming that you don't know how to play at all. Any kind of six-string guitar will work well for this course - electric, acoustic, or classical guitar. This course is arranged in 10 sections with lessons that each build on the previous lesson. The sections are: GUITAR BASICS, BEGINNER LEVEL, NOVICE LEVEL, INTERMEDIATE LEVEL, ADVANCED LEVEL, EXPERT LEVEL, WORLD CLASS LEVEL, JAM ALONG, JAM TRACKS, and BONUS LESSONS.Throughout this course, we'll focus mainly on these guitar fundamentals: Chords - Including open & barre chords in multiple positions, relative (scale chords), extended, altered, naming, & more. Rhythm - Including reading, writing, counting, strumming, picking, tapping, timing, and all things rhythm guitar. Arpeggios - From basic major & minor to extended & altered, some include multiple redundant positions for better guitar mastery so you can easily arpeggiate every chord. Scales & Modes - Including major & minor pentatonics, major & minor scales, all 7 relative modes, full-fretboard soloing, & other exotic scales. Other - Including techniques, reading standard music notation, blues guitar, dyads, ear training, and more!The JAM ALONG section includes 10 videos, each with a PDF, of live-recorded jam along guitar loops for you to use while you practice soloing. The keys and scales are clearly marked & charted out on the whiteboard (and the PDF attachments) so you'll know exactly what to play! The JAM TRACKS section includes 6 videos of backing music each set to the standard modal chord structures. These are for you to practice soloing the modes. Additionally, on the video screen there is a tab diagram of the mode for each video.Every lesson video has a PDF attachment in the ""additional resources"" tab which can be downloaded, saved, and printed. These PDFs are the tabs, chords, rhythms, songs, and guitar lessons. You may have questions throughout the learning process. You can send me a private message - or use the Q&A area (Questions & Answers) inside this course. You are encouraged to use this whenever you need it - I'm here for you!I've been teaching guitar students for over 27 years. I'm familiar with all of the pitfalls, issues, questions, and confusions that you are likely to have while learning. If you want to be a great guitarist, you will need this course. This will be easy for you to learn and it'll be fun.I'm glad you're here - let's get started."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bluegrass for the Curious Guitarist" |
"What students are saying:5 stars, ""I've gained more ground here than I have with years of live lessons."" -Sean L.5 stars, ""Many other teachers would stretch this to 3 or 4 courses. Great!"" -Allan S.5 stars, ""Inspired!"" -Gary K.5 stars, ""Keeps what should be simple...simple."" -Walt S5 stars, ""I would highly recommend Dan to any one wanting to learn guitar!"" -James B.Welcome to Bluegrass for the Curious Guitarist! This is a complete bluegrass guitar course that takes you from the beginning to an advanced level in which you'll be playing & jamming bluegrass guitar. This course is in two sections: Bluegrass Guitar Basics & Songs.In the Bluegrass Guitar Basics section, the lessons will get you up to speed with your basic skills, such as reading tabs, basic chords, basic strum patterns, open scale shapes, solo techniques, jam etiquette, bluegrass history, and even learning how to read standard sheet music (for the adventurous guitar student!)You do not need to read music - or even learn how to - for this course. Everything in this course is in tab form.Any kind of six-string guitar will work well for this course - electric, acoustic, or classical guitar. Every lesson video has PDFs attached in the additional resources tab. Download these, print these, & keep these. Each song in the Songs section has two PDFs - one with the melody tab & chords, and the other with just the chords. Be sure to get both!The Songs section has 10 of the most commonly played bluegrass songs. I'll play through each song with you, chord at a time, strum at a time, and note at a time. I'll show you a few methods for playing the chords & melody, then I'll teach you how to jam (solo) over the chord changes. This course is easy and a lot of fun. Let's get started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye Photoshop CC 2018 Dersleri Sinan Karabalta" |
"Adobe'nin 1990 ylnda gelitirmeye balad, Dnya'nn en iyi grnt ve tasarm uygulamas olan Photoshop ile ilgili tm eitimleri bu blmde bulabilirsiniz.ektiiniz fotorafla, tasarladnz grselle eksik yanlarn hayal gc ile buluturarak kendinizi veya markanz en iyi ifade etmenin yolu Photoshoptur. Profesyonel ilemleri hzla ve kolayca yapabilmek iin strateji ve taktikleri iyi kavramak bol bol pratik yapmak gerekir. Bu dersi HEMEN almanz iin 4 neden: Eitim setine srekli yeni videolar eklenecek! Eitim setini alan herkes bu videolara cretsiz eriebilecek. Eitim seti kapsamnda aklnza gelebilecek btn sorular bana iletebilirsiniz! Bu sorular dzenli olarak cevaplayacam.Bu eitim setinin ierisindeki btn bilgiler orijinal, test edilmi ve yeteri kadar ayrntldr.Bu kurs sayesinde Markanzn veya letmenizin marka deerini kaliteli grseller ile arttrarak rakiplerin arasnda farkedilecek ne kn!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe XD ile Kendi Mobil Uygulaman Tasarla" |
"AdobeExperience Design (XD), tamamenUI / UXtasarmclar iinAdobe tarafndan retilen yepyeni birtasarmveprototiplemearacdr.Bu eitim setinde Adobe XD'nin temellerini renecekve iyi birmobil uygulamasnasl tasarlanr adm adm greceksiniz.Kursun ilk blmnde program tanyacaksnz. Sonrasnda birbirinden gzel arayz tasarmlar yapacaksnz. Tasarmnza hayat verebilmenizi ve herhangi bir nc parti yazlma ihtiya duymadan dorudan Adobe XD'de bir almaprototipioluturabileceksiniz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Get Rid of Your Debt" |
"Are you in debt?Do you have credit cards you can't seem to pay off?Then listen closely... we understand your situation. In fact, we know ever-so-closely how it feels to be neck-deep in debt - it sucks, it's disheartening, and even can be depressing!If you feel like you can't seem to conquer your debt, slay your credit cards, and kill those loans, then we are here to help.Adnan, debt-free expert, has personally paid off 27,000 in debt in less than 90 days and he shares with you exactly how he did it and how you can too.Not only that, but he gives solutions to varioussituations and also provides a wealth of ideas on how you can find & make extra money to pay off your debt faster than you can every imagine.This course will give you creative ideas and powerful real-worldknowledge to finally tackle your debt once and for all.If you're sick and tired of being in debt and finally want to be free from its cruelshackles, then make sure you enrol in this course.Don't wait, your freedom is worth more than you realize! Take action, get the course now and we look forward seeing you there!Adnan &Gabriel"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to HTML & CSS" |
"Dear future web developer,Did you come here to learn a new skill? Very good decision.WE NEED YOU.The truth is that there is more work in IT than there are good programmers. But dont worry. We programmers are cool people. We share our knowledge and were here to help any newbies.There are many programming languages used on websites. But everything starts with knowing at least some basic HTML &CSS.I know learning any new skill can be difficult. Even though I am an experienced programmer, I constantly have to learn. Ive tried many courses and included what I found helpful in my course. Here are the 3 key points Ive built my course uponTrue lead me by the hand tutorials -Ill explain every step Ill do, every command and show you examples. When I was learning HTML, there were no video tutorials. I had to read the documentation and try if it works. Now you can see exactly what I am doing, try it yourself and what took me a week you can learn in a few days. Thats like having me sitting next to you and showing you what to do.I focused on the essentials -In these tutorials I am not doing any fancy graphic or advanced effects. Rather I want to be sure you understand how websites are built. With these concepts youll be creating pretty simple websites even without all these effects and youll have solid groundings on which you can learn more complex web programming languagesAll the important HTML elements and CSS rules explained -You can hardly find a course that will include all the possible commands. However If you come back in a few years, you can be sure that using the same commands will result in a perfectly fine web page even though there will be new HTML and CSS commands addedSo with this in mind, Id like to invite you to enrol. The whole course is approximately 6 hours of videos and thats enough to get you started. Then its more about putting things together and just programming, programming and programming. After all, when you know the basics, youll be able to find anything else you need in documentation and include it in your site."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Criar aplicativos com Ionic 3, Spring,OAuth2, REST e MongoDB" |
"Um curso completo para quem deseja criar uma API completa utilizando Spring, REST API, OAuth2, MongoDB. Voc vai aprender o quanto simples criar a sua aplicao de forma simples, com alta performance e escalvel! Vai utilizar o Java na sua melhor verso at o momento, o Spring Boot na sua verso mais atual e ainda um banco de dados NoSQL que est sendo utilizando por grandes empresas no mundo inteiro! Alm disso voc vai utilizar o Ionic 3 para desenvolver seus Apps em vrias plataformas e de uma forma muito simples e produtiva!! Voc ainda ser capaz de hospedar isso em servios gratuitos na nuvem utilizando os servios do GitHubPages, Heroku e Mlab. Aproveite!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Spring Boot com Wildfly, MongoDB (GridFS e full text search)" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender a criar APIs REST de uma forma muito rpida com o Spring Boot e ainda vai ver o quanto utilizar o MongoDB vai tornar o nosso trabalho cada vez mais eficiente! Nesse curso voc vai desenvolver APIsdo zero utlizando Spring Boot e MongoDB. Vamos utilizar a melhor verso do Spring Boot at o momento e tambm vamos utilizar o MongoDB mais atual. No final do curso voc estar preparado para lidar com complexos desafios utilizando Spring Data Repositories e vai perceber que at as queries mais complexas ns executaremos de uma maneira muito simples utilizando apenas os mtodos do Spring Data.Voc poder criar mltiplas conexes com o MongoDB e ainda ser capaz de fazer upload de arquivos gigantescos utilizando o melhor do MongoDB(GridFS). Voc ser capaz que fazer buscas incrveis com full text search."
Price: 549.99 ![]() |
"Introduo a lgica de programao com Java 9" |
"Uma das matrias que mais deixam os alunos traumatizados no ensino superior a lgica de programao, porm nesse curso voc vai ver o quanto simples programar, desde criar um if at a criao de grandes sistemas. Esse curso vai abordar a lgica de programao para aquele aluno que nunca programou na vida, mas que queira saber como tudo isso funciona. Nesse curso vamos utilizar uma das tecnologias mais utilizadas no mundo que o Java 9."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Crie aplicativos com Ionic 3, PouchDB, CouchDB e uso Offline" |
"Esse curso vai fazer com que o aluno seja capaz de criar um aplicativo de uma forma muito simples, podendo sincronizar os dados do aplicativo com um banco de dados NoSQL chamado CouchDB e ainda poder armazenar dados internos com o banco de dados PouchDB. O aluno ir aprender como gerar apk para o Android e ainda vai poder subir uma verso Web para o GitHubPages e poder rodar o banco de dados na Google Cloud."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |