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"MS Excel: A'dan Z'ye Tm Komutlar, Formller ve zellikler!" |
"Microsoft Excel kullanclar, genellikle uygulamann gerek kapasitesinin yalnzca kk bir yzdesini kullanr. Excel'de gizlenmi, Excel deneyiminizi daha verimli ve elenceli hale getirecek hem en ok kullanlan zelliklerinin hem de Excel'inaz bilinenler dnyasna sizi davet etmek istiyoruz.""Video Eitim"" olarake-Ders kavramn hem online hem DVD tabanl eitimler ile uzun yllardrdestekleyerek36 niversitenine-Eitim sistemlerini hem ierik hem de Eitim Ynetim Sistemi olarak sunuyoruz.Piyasadaki en popler elektronik tablo aracnn, Microsoft Excel'in derinliklerine dalmak iin imdi kayt olun. Balang seviyesinden enileri seviye adm adm rehberlik ederekoluturduumuz, Trke olarak PYASADA BULABLECENZEN KAPSAMLI MFREDATa sahip eitim setine bakyorsunuz! hayatnda veya kiisel amal kullanmlarnzda, gnlk grevlerinizde skmann acsn ortadan kaldracak Excel aralarn bu ders ile birlikte rahatlkla anlayacaksnz. Temel bilgilerle balayarak, ara ve ileri seviye konulara ilerledike bolca uygulamalar zerinden pratik yaparak size kolay bir renme frsat sunuyoruz.Bu dersi tamamladnzda, en popler ve niExcel aralarnautan uca hakim olabileceksiniz.----------Ek olarak bilmenizi de isteriz ki aklnza taklan en basit konularda bile bize7/24ulaabiliyor olacaksnz. Sorularnz en ksa srede cevaplayarak aklnzda hibir soru iareti brakmamay da hedefliyoruz.-----------"
Price: 379.99 ![]() |
"CV Hazrlama ve Mlakat Teknikleri" |
"CV(zgemi) dilimize Latince Curriculum Vitae ba harfleri olanCVden gemitir. bulma srecinde kendinizi en ksa ekilde tantan, bitirdiiniz okuldan, katldnz kurslara, seminerlere, daha nceki i deneyimlerinizden kiisel bilgilere kadar bilgilerin yer ald dosyadr.zgemi(CV), ie uygunluu, zellikleri ve baary zetle anlatan bir aratr.Bu eitim setinde bavuracanz ilerde sizi n sralara tayacak olan tyolar renerek yapacanz herhangi bir i mlakatnda dikkat etmeniz gereken pf noktalara dikkatinizi ekerek olumlu geri dn alma orannz artracaksnz. Kim bilir kk bir yardmla kariyeriniz belki de bir anda ivme kazanr.."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"e Eleman Alma ve Mlakat Teknikleri" |
"Rekabeti ve baarl olabilmek iin kk-byk tm iletmeler doru kiileri istihdam etmelidirler. Rolu ile uyum salayan alanlar hem kendilerini hem de iinde bulunduu i ortamn saladklar katkyla gelitirirler.Aksi durumlarda ise uyumsuzluklar ie koymak, yksek ciro, devamszlk, daha yksek salk masraflar, iyeri iddeti ve hrszlk - bir kuruluun alt izgisi ve itibar iin nemli maliyetlerle sonulanabilir.Bu eitim setiyle doru kiiyi istihdam edebilmek iin dikkat etmeniz gereken en nemli pf noktalar size aktarmay hedefliyoruz. Doru bir mlakat tekniiyle hem vakitten kazacanzahem de iinizi yukar tayacanza emin olabilirsiniz."
Price: 289.99 ![]() |
"Sfr Programlama Bilgisiyle Matlab renin" |
"MATLAB, temel olarak nmerik hesaplama, grafiksel veri gsterimi ve programlamay ieren teknik ve bilimsel hesaplamalar iin yazlm yksek performansa sahip bir yazlmdr. Matlab programnn tipik kullanm alanlar: Matematik and hesaplama ilemleri / Algoritma gelitirme / Modelleme, simlasyon (benzetim) ve ntipleme / Veri analizi ve grsel efektlerle destekli gsterim / Bilimsel ve mhendislik grafikleri / Uygulama Gelitirme eklinde zetlenebilir.MATLAB ad, MATrix LABoratory (Matrix Laboratuar) kelimelerinden gelir. MATLAB, ilk olarak Fortran Linpack ve Eispack projeleriyle gelitirilen ve bu programlara daha etkin ve kolay eriim salamak amacyla 1970lerin sonlarnda yazlmtr. lk balarda bilim adamlarna problemlerin zmne matris temelli teknikleri kullanarak yardmc olmaktayd. Bugn ise gelitirilen yerleik ktphanesi ve uygulama ve programlama zellikleri ile gerek niversite ortamlarnda (bata matematik ve mhendislik olmak zere tm bilim dallarnda) gerekse sanayi evresinde yksek verimli aratrma, gelitirme ve analiz arac olarak yaygn bir kullanm alan bulmutur. Ayrca iaret ileme, kontrol, fuzzy, sinir alar, wavelet analiz gibi bir ok alanda ortaya koyduu Toolbox ad verilen yardmc alt programlarla da zelletirilmi ve kolaylatrlm imkanlar salam ve salamaya da devam etmektedir."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Java Programming for Beginners" |
"In this course, you will be introduced to programming on an interesting and effective way. The course includes 22 video lessons, where every video has a unique topic that we're gonna be dealing with. Lessons are unique because students can always expect important theory with animation that easily explains later practical work. With animation, the theory becomes much easier to understand while practical tasks cover all the tips and tricks that programmers nowadays use. I keep my lessons short and precise because I focus on just stuff that you will really use in life as a developer. The course does not require any previous experience in programming just your will to become a professional software developer. After completing the course, you will be able to work on regular programming tasks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
let-s-take-a-video |
", , , -. , . , , , . , , . , , , - , . , 2017 ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to organise successful events" |
"Do you already run or are thinking of running events? Do you want to know the how to of confidently creating and producing great events? Have been given an event to run and dont know where to start? Do you already run events and want to get a better return on your time, effort and money investment?Are you or your organisation looking to use events as a great way to build an audience, public awareness and sales Are you serious about becoming a super effective event planner? IF SO.. THIS ONLINE EVENT MANAGEMENT COURSE HOW TO ORGANISE SUCCESSFUL EVENTS IS FOR YOU Online event management How to organise successful events course: Introduction Events play an ever-increasing and important part of our everyday lives. We love our events! They can encompass anything from festivals and conferences to food and craft fairs to parties and celebrations. Events are also a tried and tested method for businesses and organisations to market themselves and generate sales. Here's the tricky bit: Events, like many things in life, seem in essence quite simple things but are in fact, a little more difficult to actually deliver. Creating memorable and crucially rewarding events when visitor expectations are so high - is no easy task. Designing, planning and producing events is a bit like directing a live stage show. Unlike a show though: there is usually no dress rehearsal or full run through and once started - no second chances. But the truth is:My experiences have shown me that you can all be great event managers, with a little of the right kind of help and a can do attitude. So on my on line event management course 'How to organise successful events' I am going to teach you everything I know about the how to of organising great events and so give you the skills and confidence to run eventsin just a few hours. Course Outcomes: you will learn how to: design events your customers or visitors actually want using objective setting to guide your events planning create and design an event that excites effectively project plan and budget your events select, contract and work with great contractors and suppliers search, evaluate, select and site plan your perfect venue design a great event programme that delivers excitement and change increase your event sign up rates by creating effective event promotional plans using on and off line media construct accurate operational plans to help you set up and run your events deliver safe, well run and risk assessed events lead, motivate and brief your event day teams obtain feedback and evaluate the effect of your event And of cause know that YOU can design and deliver successful and rewarding events: packed full of great takeaway memories. The course The Event Expert How to organise successful events is a high content course designed to give you a good understanding of how to run successful events. You will get clear, logical, easy to follow advice that you can implement straight away. You will also get high quality course materials which include: A 30+ page reference material jammed packed with additional materials A course workbook of activities to help you try out your new found learning Various event planning templates so you dont have to create your own A selection of subject specific articles to help embed the learning Access to my unique 7-step event planning process. NB: Its the same one I use to run my own events. I have been designing, planning and delivering events for the past 20+ years. I know events are no soft option. However with the right kind of help and a positive attitude, I believe we can all be great event managers. This course will certainly set you up nicely to enter the wonderful world of events planning! The truth is: I Knew nothing about events when I was asked to run my first event. I learnt quickly and happily survived. I think you will too. Who is this 'How to organise successful events' course for? This on line event management course is specifically for: New event managers who have no or little actual events experience or formal training.Anyone who has been given an event to organise or been asked to help plan and deliver an event.Anyone who has already tried events before but found they have not quite delivered.Anyone who wants to know how to run a successful eventAnyone who is seriously considering a career in eventsAnyone who is already involved in events but wants to take the next step up to become the event manager So, if you are an employee or are doing this voluntarily for a charity, community group, club, association, school, college or interest group this course will give you a full understanding of the how to of successful event planning.It is suitable for all types of public and business events. Please note: This course is for those serious about developing their event planning skills. It is a very comprehensive: concept to completion and every step in between 'how to' course based on my 20+ events of practical events management experience. It is for those who genuinely think events could be their thing: either professionally or as a volunteer event manager running events for your favourite course or charity.It is not suitable for experienced professional event planners but, would be a very helpful reminder of the fundamentals of successful event planning or for those who have had no formal event management training. Course duration I would recommend you set aside about 8-10 hours to review the presentations, watch the videos, read the accompanying blogs and reference manual and complete the quizzes and exercises. Or if time is precious: you could try and set aside an hour at a time and complete a module a day? The choice is yours Your tutor, Chris Powell, The Event ExpertChris Powell is Director of The Event Expert. Chris has been designing, planning and delivering events for 24 years. In that time he has been a local authority events manager and events director of a range of events and festivals, as well as helping a variety of organisations to deliver their events as a freelance events manager and consultant.For the past 19 years he has also been helping clients from the world of business, exhibitions, education, sport, the public and charity sector, training, tourism, creative agencies and festivals develop the ideas, skills and confidence to go it alone: run their own events. He specialises in providing in-house and on line events training and consultancy services to accidental, occasional and professional event managers across the UK, Europe and the Middle East. His clients include some very well-known names. Hes an in demand event specialist.With some 500 events successfully completed and over 4500 events managers trained, its safe to say that there is not much Chris doesnt know about the how to of successful events. He is a regular blogger on all things events, a speaker and author of two event planning books. Work with or listen to Chris and you will get clear, logical and easy to follow advice based on his 20+ years of practical events management experience. He does indeed practice what he preaches. He is not somebody who once ran an event or never ran an event and thinks they can now write a authoritative course on planning an event. He has successfully completed over 500 events and taught over 5000 events managers: its safe to say that there is not much Chris doesnt know about the how to of successful events. His client list is testimony to that. Here are some recent testimonials for this on line course This is exactly what I need!! It was full of details and practical steps. This course is broken down in an order that makes sense and is doable for any type of event.It contains valuable information, clear explanations, helpful practice activities and delivered by an engaging and very knowledgeable instructorAmandaDetailed, lots of advice from the real world, tons of information. Can't wait to put it into practice. Thanks for your time and energy to put this together.AndreI am so glad I came across this course! Great explanations Chris made it very clear by the way he organised the lessons. Thank you, this helped a lot!AnnaI have really enjoyed this course! Filled with useful information, detailed, and extremely helpful.Annaline,I've been organising events for a few years now, but I haven't come across any course which was more applicable to my everyday work than this. I loved that it systematically goes through every stage of the event management process with a really practical approach. Whether you are an experienced event manager or just starting it's a perfect choice. I can definitely recommend it.Milan An extremely helpful events course. I found the course extremely helpful. I have learnt things I never knew before. The workbook provided during the course is great for taking notes and the reference manual is full of so much useful information about everything you need to know. I have kept a copy of both for myself to refer back to when I need a bit of guidance. I really liked the fun test at the end of the course to the quiz after module 8. I fully enjoyed the blog posts, I especially liked reading about Chris's own personal experiences. I particularly liked the blog titled ' is finding the perfect venue really such a big deal'. I believe reading about his personal experiences as an event manager really helps understand all aspects in organising an event. I will recommend the course to anyone who is truly interested in the events industry. Gemma Rolfe Jam packed full of information that is really useful, relevant and reliable WOW! What a comprehensive course, I found it jam packed full of information that was really useful, relevant and reliable. The course literally covers everything a new event manager could possibly need to know in a simple and easy-to-understand manner with the course elements covered in a logical and common sense order which helps it flow easily. I like the way the way you have used a combination of narrated presentations, PDFs and fun aspects like the quiz / survey at the end, this makes it varied and interesting to read. With so much information to take in, the individual slides are simple, easy to digest and absorb. The visual of where you are in the course in the left hand side column is helpful and useful to keep track with. If you are thinking of or new to events, this course is a must do! Louisa Brown Here are words that have been used to describe me taken from recent in-house course evaluation and testimonials are:Creative, personable, expert, very keen attention to detail, enthusiast, inspiring, passionate, engaging, funny, relaxed, captivating, incredibly knowledgeable, meticulous, real can do approach, really reallyknows events, practical, excellent communicator, approachable, has a wealth of event experience! Course completion certificate? When you complete 100% of the course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in the course topic. Your 100% No-risk Money back guaranteeThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed. I really do believe that you will find the course incredibly helpful as you seek to learn the event planning ropes but should you not: You can have your money back. No questions asked.Interested? Want to learn to be a great be an events manager? Then dont delay sign up nowit could be the start of something very special PS: Imagine having the confidence to run your own events? To lead or be part of an event planning team organising charity, arts and sports events: exhibitions, shows and fares, parties and celebrations and know you did yourselfwith a little help from someone who startedjust where you did knowing nothing about events! Go on: give it a go: events really could be your thing! Thank you! "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Paternidade responsvel" |
"Nessas videoaulas, a mestre em enfermagem obsttrica e neonatal e diretora de contedo da SOS MAMMYS, Fanny Sarfati Kosminsky, aborda de forma didtica os mdulos de contedo sobre paternidade responsvel, abrangendo as seguintes aulas: Pr-Natal J hora de ir a maternidade? Nasceu, o que eu fao agora? Cuidados com a mame aps o parto! Planejamento Familiar. Quanto custa um filho? A importncia do papai na educao do filho. Cuidados com o papai."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Primeiros Socorros" |
"Seu filho se machucou? Voc tem que prestar socorro algum prximo? Fique tranquilo, a SOS MAMMYS e a Click Editora trazem para voc o curso de Primeiros Socorros totalmente digital e para sua melhor compreenso e um download fcil e rpido.Nessas aulas, a mestre em enfermagem obsttrica e neonatal e diretora de contedo da SOS MAMMYS, Fanny Sarfati Kosminsky, aborda de forma didtica os mdulos de contedo sobre primeiros socorros, abrangendo as seguintes aulas:- Mdulo 1 : Consideraes gerais RCP em adultos e bebs Tipos de choques Corpos estranhos Transportes de acidentados- Mdulo 2 Emergncias clnicas Alteraes mentais- Mdulo 3 Emergncias traumticas Queimaduras Emergncias OrtopdicasEmergncia Obsttrica: Parto de emergncia- Mdulo 4 Envenenamento, intoxicao e outras ocorrncias"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Curso para Gestantes" |
"Nessas videoaulas, a mestre em enfermagem obsttrica e neonatal, Fanny Sarfati Kosminsky, aborda de forma didtica os mdulos de contedo sobre Parto ePs-Parto, abrangendo as seguintes aulas:PARTO- Fatores que interferem no parto- Hora de ir para a maternidade- Internao- Tipos de parto e anestesiaPS-PARTO- Cuidados com a me aps o parto- Amamentao- Alojamento conjuntoCONTEDO BONUS- Assista um parto normal na ntegra (filme)- Seio materno livre demanda"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"How to Get Work in Hollywood" |
"In this course you will learn.How to get more work on Hollywood film sets.A better way to market yourself.The only way to learn this business and get work is by doing it.If you aren't getting work youdon't have a big enough network of people who know yourwork. This shows you how to find that network and develop it.And you will learn much more.This course goes over the basics of networking in the film industry at any level. You can increase the number of jobs you get weather you are a beginner or an expert."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Data Science for Business - An Introduction" |
"Business Analytics (BA) is the practice of iterative, methodical exploration of an organization's data, with an emphasis on statistical analysis. Wait! Common, since when do these definitions help! Let me make an attempt at explaining it.Ever noticed chocolates and chewing gums placed near the cash counter in a shopping marts such as Walmart? Retail stores observe buying patterns of the customers and strategically place the product to induce the buyer to make an impulse purchase. Ever noticed when you shop online, e-commerce websites list down array of recommended products? E-commerce businesses recommend these products based on search relevance. Ever saw Facebook ads of products that you were looking to buy last week? Social media platforms track your buying patterns and choices to suggest you related items or posts. Businesses gather datafrom the consumers to deliver better products and services. This data is useless unless it is used to derive insights, insights about customers! And this is where you need Business Analytics.This course is a Business Analytics job simulation that will put youin the shoes of a Business Analyst. This course is meant for young professionals and college students who want to explore career options in Business Analytics. Following are the salient features of this course:This course is a job simulation. The raw data, analytical methods, data analysis etc. utilized in educating students are replicas of the problem statements solved by industry professionals.Students can try their hands on their interest even before becoming a professional in that field! The method in which Business Analytics course is conducted, makes students feel as if they are actually working with a company to solve a business problem.This course helps students master various tools and concepts of Business Analytics even before stepping into full time job. Hence enabling them to contribute from the first day of their full-time job"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Say Hello To SAP Integrated Business Planning IBP" |
"Introduction:If you are looking to ramp-up on SAP Integrated Business Planning IBP, you are at the right place.This introductory course is going to give quick insights into SAP IBP Platform, Applications, Integration, and Configuration aspects. There are no prerequisites to attend this course.This course is designed for:Business Planners or IT Team Members at Customer Organizations considering SAP IBP; who may be currently live on SAP APOSAP SCM (APO) Practitioners who are looking to ramp-up on IBPYoung Professionals looking to jumpstart their career in SAP / Supply ChainSCM Practice Managers at SAP Implementation ProvidersAnyone else interested in SAP IBPCourse Content:Welcome & Learning Agenda ReviewIBP Business Context & Platform OverviewIBP for Demand Overview & Showcase (Excel UI Showcase, Demand Forecasting, Demand Sensing)IBP for Inventory Overview & Showcase (Single Stage, Multi Stage Inventory Optimization)IBP for Response & Supply Overview & Showcase (Time Series Based Planning with Supply Heuristic and Supply Optimizer, Order Based Planning with Priority Heuristic)Supply Chain Control Tower Overview & ShowcaseIBP Integration Overview & Showcase (Cloud Platform Integration, Smart Data Integration)IBP Configuration Overview & Showcase (Key Figures, Attribute Transformations, Disaggregation Methods)Next Steps (Digital Learning, Interactive Learning)See you on the other side of this course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Segurana Da Informao" |
"-Utilize o CUPOM de desconto de lanamento digitando PROMOCAO10MotivaoCom as constantes e aceleradas mudanas na rea de TI, novas ferramentas, sistemas e protocolos surgem a cada dia, tornando tantas outras obsoletas. O mesmo vale para tcnicas de ataque e ferramentas associadas. Para ser um bom profissional de segurana preciso, mais do que dominar suas ferramentas de trabalho, entender conceitos e tcnicas por trs de cada ferramenta. S assim voc ser capaz de modelar seus ataques, dimensionar seu trabalho e aplicar com confiana o que sabe, atravs do ferramental mais atual e tcnicas mais adequadas quele problema.ConclusoA auditoria Teste de Invaso uma das auditorias de segurana que podem ser realizadas sobre ativos do cliente. O principal diferencial deste tipo de auditoria que a avaliao de segurana realizada atravs de simulaes de ataques reais aos ativos do cliente. Isto quer dizer que a auditoria Teste de Invaso vai alm da simples identificao de potenciais vulnerabilidades, incluindo a avaliao do risco real que estas vulnerabilidades representam para o cliente e a apreciao do impacto associado explorao das mesmas sobre a segurana da informao e o prprio negcio do cliente.Teste de invaso oque Teste de invaso oupentestso mtodos que avaliam a segurana de um sistema de computador ou de uma rede, simulando ataques de uma fonte maliciosa. O processo envolve uma anlise nas atividades do sistema, que envolvem a busca de alguma vulnerabilidade em potencial que possa ser resultado de uma m configurao do sistema, falhas em hardwares/softwares desconhecidas, deficincia no sistema operacional ou tcnicas contramedidas. Todas as anlises submetidas pelos testes escolhidos so apresentadas no sistema, junto com uma avaliao do seu impacto e muitas vezes com uma proposta de resoluo ou de uma soluo tcnica.Teste de invaso x Analise de vulnerabilidadeDiferente de uma avaliao de vulnerabilidades, ao realizar um teste de invaso, ospentestersno s identificam as vulnerabilidades que poderiam ser utilizadas pelos invasores, mas tambm exploram essas vulnerabilidades, sempre que possvel, para avaliar os danos que os invasores poderiam causar aps uma explorao bem-sucedida das falhas.Sobre PentestUmpentest realizado seguindo algumas etapas explicadas abaixo. Porm, antes de iniciar umpentest, necessrio que o cliente esteja a par de todo o processo para que no haja nenhuma falha de comunicao entre as partes. necessrio conhecer os objetivos do negcio do cliente no que diz respeito ao teste de invaso: se esse o primeiro teste de invaso, o que o levou a procurar esse servio? Quais as exposies que ele mais teme? Existe algum dispositivo frgil com o qual deveremos ter cuidado ao efetuar os testes?"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Android Daily Shopping List App Using Firebase(Project base)" |
"Welcome to this Android (Daily Shopping List App) Project Base App Development Course. In This Android Course Students, Will Learn How to complete a Real-World Android App Using Firebase Database.You, Will, Learn Many Android Features When you will develop this Android App. Here are Some Lists That You Are Going To Learn When you will Complete This Course:Android Complex UI Layout DesignA Complete Android App ProjectAndroid RecyclerViewAndroid Firebase CRUD OperationAndroid Firebase AuthenticationAndroid Firebase QuerySign Up Today And You Will Learn:How To Become an Android App Developer.How To Develop A Complete Android App.You, Will, Have A Good Project On your Profile that you can add on your CV When you Will Apply For Your Job.After Complete This Course You Can Upload This App On Google Play store.You Will Learn About Android Firebase From Basics To Advanced.You, Will, Build a Complex Android App.Nowadays Android is a hot topic for IT Sector. There is many job Sector is open for an Android App Developer. Even You can also Work as a Freelancer Android App Developer From All around the world. So, When you will apply for an Android job they will ask you about your previous android project that you have completed. So, That time you can show them this complete project. In this Daily Shopping List App, You Will Learn How to develop Android App Using Firebase. So its a plus point that you are developing A Complete Android App Using Firebase Database.In This Course, You Are Learning Android Firebase Database that is developed by Google. Firebase is now a hot topic for developing android and ios apps. Many companies and clients are using Firebase Database for their Android Project. So, We All need to have Work Experience on this Android Firebase. In This Course, You Will Learn How to Work with Android Firebase. Even We Are developing this Daily shopping List App Using Firebase. So After Complete This Course You Will Have A Complete app that you used Firebase. And You Will learn how to Work it from Basics.Here are Some Feedbacks about my courses from my Students:""This course is enough good for start android apps development.This course cover all basic features of android and then real world android apps.I Mostly like Expense Manager App section using firebase. Best course so far.this course contain a lot of information about android development.""""I wanted an app development course that would show what is really important and that is what I got. I learned all features of Android for becoming Android developer. Certainly would recommend the course. """"Best android apps development course so far. First I learn basic of all android components. After that I learn how to develop real world android apps for client and App Store. I mostly like all firebase sections of this course. Instructor shows how to develop real world apps using firebase. After complete this section I learn a lot about firebase and I build many real world android apps. Thanks for your course.""""Best Android development course I have taken so far. The teacher has amazing teaching skills. He has the ability to describe all parts very clearly on a step-by-step basis. Highly recommended! """"Very well made course about Android Development. Will continue and hope to learn a lot more. I am very happy with what I have learned so far!"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Office Task Management App Using Firebase(Real App)" |
"Welcome to this (Android Office Task Management) Project Base App Development Course. In This Android Course Students, Will Learn How to complete a Real-World Android App Using Firebase Database.You, Will, Learn Many Android Features When you will develop this Android App. Here are Some Lists That You Are Going To Learn When you will Complete This CourseAndroid Firebase CRUD OperationA Complete Android App ProjectAndroid RecyclerViewAndroid Complex UI Layout Design Android Firebase AuthenticationAndroid Firebase QueryAndroid Material DesignAndroid Custom Alert DialogYou, Will, learn how to work with android Card View.Sign Up Today And You Will Learn: How To Become an Android App Developer.How To Develop A Complete Android App.You, Will, Have A Good Project On your Profile that you can add on your CV When you Will Apply For Your Job.After Complete This Course You Can Upload This App On Google Play store.You Will Learn About Android Firebase From Basics To Advanced.You, Will, Build A Complex Android App.You, Will, learn how to develop An Office Task Management Android App.Here are Some Feedbacks about my courses from my Students: ""I wanted an app development course that would show what is really important and that is what I got. I learned all features of Android for becoming Android developer. Certainly would recommend the course. """"Best android apps development course so far. First I learn basic of all android components. After that I learn how to develop real world android apps for client and App Store. I mostly like all firebase sections of this course. Instructor shows how to develop real world apps using firebase. After complete this section I learn a lot about firebase and I build many real world android apps. Thanks for your course.""""Best Android development course I have taken so far. The teacher has amazing teaching skills. He has the ability to describe all parts very clearly on a step-by-step basis. Highly recommended! """"Very well made course about Android Development. Will continue and hope to learn a lot more. I am very happy with what I have learned so far!"""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Android App Development Course Build 5 Real Android App" |
"Welcome to this Android Apps Development Course. If you want to learn Android Apps development from scratch, then this is the course for you.In This Course First You Will Learn Basics of Android. After that, you will learn how to develop a complete Project. This course is designed to create real World Android Apps.Here is Some List of Android App That You Are going to develop in this course:You, Will, Build Real World Job Portal Android App.You, Will, Build Real World Expense Manager Android App.You Will Build Real World Online Store Android App.You Will Build Portfolio Profile Android App.You Will Build Sum Of Number Android App.You, Will, Build a Custom Material Design Android App.Here is Some List That You Are Going To Learn In This Android App Development Course:Android Layout Design XML/UIAndroid Date Picker DialogAndroid Bottom Navigation BarAndroid Menu barAndroid Fragment, Develop an App Using Android FragmentDevelop an Android Project ShowCase AppWork With Android Firebase DatabaseWork With Firebase AuthenticationAndroid Custom ToolbarAndroid Scroll ViewAndroid Card ViewAndroid Firebase Insert OperationAndroid Firebase Update OperationAndroid Firebase Delete OperationAndroid FirebaseRecyclerAdapterSign Up To This Course and You Will Get:This Course has 14 Hours Video ContentProject Base Android App Development Video LecturesThis Course has 81 Lectures For Android App DevelopmentReal-World Example of Android ProjectBecome Master With Android Firebase DatabaseDevelop Complex Android App Using Firebase DatabaseHow To Become an Android App Developer? Step by Step Guide For Android App Development.Here are Some Feedbacks about this course from my Students:""This course is enough good for start android apps development.This course cover all basic features of android and then real world android apps.I Mostly like Expense Manager App section using firebase. Best course so far.this course contain a lot of information about android development.""""I wanted an app development course that would show what is really important and that is what I got. I learned all features of Android for becoming Android developer. Certainly would recommend the course. """"Best android apps development course so far. First I learn basic of all android components. After that I learn how to develop real world android apps for client and App Store. I mostly like all firebase sections of this course. Instructor shows how to develop real world apps using firebase. After complete this section I learn a lot about firebase and I build many real world android apps. Thanks for your course.""""Best Android development course I have taken so far. The teacher has amazing teaching skills. He has the ability to describe all parts very clearly on a step-by-step basis. Highly recommended! """"Very well made course about Android Development. Will continue and hope to learn a lot more. I am very happy with what I have learned so far!"""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso MathCad 15 Bsico" |
"OMathcad um software daPTC padro da indstria para clculos e empresas engenharia. Suas funes intuitivas de usar, baseadas na escrita simples da matemticapermitem que engenheiros e organizaes simplifiquem processos crticos do desenvolvimento de projetos. O Mathcad apresenta clculos, texto e imagens de forma organizada e segmentar, possibilitando uma fcil compreenso, a reutilizao para trabalhos futurose a vericao do projeto, resultando em um produto que consegue optimizar o tempo de desenvolvimento de um projeto aomercado.Ocurso de bsico de MathCad tem o objetivo de treinar profissionais e universitrios que necessitam efetuar rotinas de clculos e precisam apresentar de maneira organizada e coesa.Apresentao do cursoAula 0 - Apresentao do programaAula 1 - Diferentes maneiras de escrever equaesAula 2 - Declarando variveisAula 3 - Escrevendo grandes equaesAula 4 - Escrevendo com Alfabeto gregoAula 5 - Mundando a apresentao de um resultadoAula 6 - Inserindo unidadesAula 7 - Equaes trigonomtricasAula 8 - Ferramentas exponenciaisAula 9: Inserindo ImagensAula 10 - Equaes LinearesAula 11 - MatrizesAula 12 - Produto Escalar e Produto VetorialAula 13 - Variveis em progresso e listaAula Extra - Tarefa n1: FORMULRIO DE FORAS DEVIDAS AO VENTO EM EDIFICAESAula Extra - Empuxo em um Muro de ArrimoAula Extra - Exemplo de formulrioAula 18 - Plotando GrficosAula 19- Editando GrficosAula 20 - Equaes CondicionaisAula 21 - Resultados com Texto para controleAula 22 - Utilizando Marca Texto"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Iniciacin a SmartOffice" |
"En este curso se explican los diferentes elementos de la aplicacin SmartOffice y cmo hacer uso de ellos para llevar a cabo sutrabajo administrativo de la forma ms eficiente posible.Se describen las diferentes zonas e la pantalla, el uso de los mens y los atajos de teclado.Se explica cmo instalar la aplicacin para, a continuacin, acceder a ella por medio de un usuario asignado y una contrasea.SmarOffice es una herramienta de productividad, por ello se har hincapi en el uso de ""atajos de teclado"" que permitan al usuario realizar sus tareas cotidianas de una manera altamente eficiente.Tambin, centraremos gran parte de la informacin en el uso de filtros para hacer selecciones y composiciones de datos.Por ltimo, se presentan varios de ejemplos de cmo editar clientes e introducir albaranes de venta."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"#Remote PMP Management Consulting Meetings Hypnotic Edition" |
"Thinking about new ways of learning? Your not alone.Why not try Hypnotic Imagery and Sound in this high value competitively priced online course.Are you CONDUCTING meetings remotely? Is your AUDIENCE multi-cultural i.e. speaks more than ONE language and PREFER an EFFECTIVE and simple FRAMEWORK to achieve complex OUTCOMES.If you answered YES to any of the above questions YOU are not ALONE. In todays CRISIS climate, conducting meetings REMOTELY to interact with clients has never been more IMPORTANT. This online training course is designed for the time conscious, who require a refresh or reusable framework to efficiently conduct REMOTE client meetings. Want the full experience, interactive, embroidered registered certificate, email us at for further detailsWhether you are an existing Project Director, Business Analyst, PMO Manager, Medical Consultant, Sales Director, Researcher, Manager, Lawyer, Graduate, Data Scientist or CEO, this course will help you build and maintain credibility fast, achieve consistent results, acquire client respect and gain the knowledge to mentally prepare for your project management consulting engagement meetings either REMOTELY or ONSITE through:Visual;Auditory and;Kin-aesthetic awarenessDevelop a personalised meeting framework and an approach based on attitude disposition, purpose and executionUnderstand your client and what is involved in engagement and how to gain:Commitment;Execute the implementation plan;Followed by review and closure and of the project.Online interactions are on the horizon and could well be the future in high numbers. Lets help accelerate innovation throughout 2020, battle global impacts, working as one to stay safe and profitable at the same time.Expected outcomes: Learn how to chair and facilitate the following meetings, REMOTELY or ONSITE both in practice and a real case scenario:Preliminary discussions with clients and or venture capitalistsProposal development with your primary teamProposal review and agreement with your investment stakeholdersProject initiation and execution with your team and stakeholdersProject completion and review with your stakeholdersAnd for those of you that are PMP's, claim upto 8 PDU's in maintaining you credential. Choose and submit 3 Meeting frameworks for assessment and claim upto 8 PDUs across multiple PMI categories."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"This course includes all possible types of fraction problems with video lectures andtextexplanations which help you to gain 100% confident while dealing with any types of fractions.95% students found comfortable and confident in solving fractions after taking this course.In the video lectures few problems I have solved in two different methods, so that you cango with any of themethod that makes better sense to you to understand the concept.At the end of each and every video lectures assignment questions and quiz questionswill be provided to you to help you to test your understanding along the way.To become a Master in Fractions the course is organised into the following sections.*Prime Factorization.*Least Common Multiple (LCM)* Greatest Common factor (GCF)/Highest Common Factor (HCF).*Simplify fraction (or Reduce fraction) to the lowest term.*Convert mixed number to improper fraction.*Convert improper fraction to mixed number.*Add fractions with like denominators.*Subtract fractions with like denominators.*Add fractions with unlike denominators.*Subtract fractions with unlike denominators.*Multiply fractions. *Divide fractions.*Add and subtract mixed numbers (mixed fractions) with like denominators.*Add and subtract mixed numbers (mixed fractions) with unlike denominators.*MultiplyandDivide mixedfractions.Notes:The notes section is where you find the most important things to learn, remember and refreshyour knowledge.Video Lectures:Watch the video lectures carefully to understand each and every steps of the problem.I have covered all the common possible questions which are usually asked in your exam.Assignment Questions: The assignment section will cover the related questions discussed in video lectures whichhelp you to test yourself and build the confidence.Quiz Questions:When you think that you have enough confidence on a topic , you can test your knowledgeby taking one of our quiz test. Quiz questions are having four different options and you will be askedto mark the correct option. Once quiz is over you can check you score percentage."
Price: 3840.00 ![]() |
"Become Top Banker With Complete Bank Teller Training - 2019" |
"If youre looking to prepare for an outstanding career in banking and finance or if you are working as a cashier in a small company and are looking to have your dream job as a bank teller. but you don't have any professional help or guidance then ""Become Top Banker With Complete Bank Teller Training - 2019"" is ideal for you...What students are saying about the course;1. ""Course is Amazing, The Content and knowledge is excellent. I have really learnt in depth knowledge about the work scope of Bank teller. It has improved my knowledge a lot. i highly recommend it."" Course Review by student (Rizwan samad) 2. ""Very professional. Knowledgeable. Course delivery is very good."" Course Review by student (Afzaal Ahmed)""A Top Cashier or Bank Teller are always in demand and are one of the top-paying jobs. Forbes ""Even in the toughest job markets, the best candidates find great positions."" This course will make You acquire practical skills that will give you an edge over the other candidates. ""Become Top Banker With Complete Bank Teller Training - 2019"" is the most comprehensive, dynamic, and practical course you will find on the subject online. It covers a number of topics, which will lay foundation for Top bank Teller ready for next big Promotion: Understanding and learning about the Bank Teller position. Learn how to prepare the Eye catching Resume which will guarantee you an Interview. Prepare well for teller written tests, Prepare your self for the Interview. Learn Mind power and body language along with Proper job interview dressing. Know and Develop the Positive Mind set. Pre-Interview Tune Ups. In depth interview question answer training to Win a Job Interview. Get your Dream Job. Bank Teller area security Protocols explained. Get to know the Cash handling, Managing it well, mitigating Risks. Financial instruments explained in detail. Complete On Job tasks like Cash deposit, Withdrawal, Transfers, Making change, DD's, Forex transactions etc. Type of Tellers, their job roles, responsibilities and Tasks. Cash management at branch level to reduce cost, increasing the profit margins as well as mitigating risks. Start of day as well as End of day Functions explained. Closing and Balancing till, Custodianship concepts. Report checking at the end of day. As you can see, this is a complete bundle that ensures you will have the right training for each of critical areas. Excellent support: If you dont understand a concept or you simply want more explanation just drop me a line and youll receive an answer from me at priority within 1 to 2 business days. Why should you consider a career as a Bank Teller? Salary. A Bank teller job usually is a very well-paid career Promotions. Bank Tellers develop excellent Top skills with Top training even in other departments, which makes them the leading candidates for senior roles within a corporation Secure Future. There is high demand of well trained Bank Tellers on the job market. Growth. This is an exciting job. Every day, you will face different challenges that will challenge your existing skills to develop more and learn new skills, Bank Tellers can reach even to Vice President positions in Banks. Just go ahead and subscribe to this course! Don't miss an opportunity to become successful and separate yourself from the others. Let's start learning together now! Who is the target audience? Anyone who wants to learn the practical skills of Top Bank Teller People who want a successful career in Finance and Banking People who are ambitious and want to learn faster and get ahead than their peers"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Complete Twitter Marketing for Business Growth and Followers" |
"Complete Twitter marketing for Business Growth: Learn to create Twitter Account with Professional configuration. Optimized to get Top class followers, Targeted traffic and sales to grow your business.You will Accomplish by the end of the Course: By the end of this course youwill become a professional Twitter Marketing Expert and will be able topromote your Brand and Business, Market your products, get more Targeted Followers, increased Engagement and Business Leads.In this Complete Twitter Marketing for Business Growth course, You will learn fundamentals of Effective Account Configuration and Optimization. Usage of tools and advanced strategies practiced by professional marketers to promote their business on Twitter. These Tools, Tips, Tricks and strategies will get you more targeted Followers, Retweets, Engagement, Leads and Sale. You will learn how use Twitter for better network with your peers and Influencers in your business niche.Learn the science of HashTags, Discover most trending HashTags for Rapid Growth. In this Complete Twitter Marketing for Business Growth course You will also learn to Monetize the Account and to Earn Complete Passive Income with Zero Investment. Make your Twitter account an Online Money Making Income Stream. ===========================================================================================You Get Money Back Guarantee . . This course comes with an unconditional, 30-days money-back guarantee. So that you can try the course risk free. Join the course now and let's start growing your business today!Who is the target audience?People willing to Learn Twitter and Social Media marketing.Online Entrepreneurs and Marketing Managers.People looking forward to promote their business."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn the Contract Basics All the Professionals Know" |
"This is a beginner level course.It will introduce you to the fundamentals of contract and business law. You'll understand the advantages and disadvantages of term sheets. You'll walk away with an understanding of what the requirements are for contract formation. You'll know who to include during contract negotiations and when you will likely need to amend the contract. Finally, you'll understand the importance of winding down and terminating the contract.The Course PurposeThe purpose of this course is to help you with the following:Understand key concepts that will help decrease ambiguities and inconsistencies in contract languageUnderstand the function of term sheets during preliminary negotiationsLearn which parties to include during contract developmentUnderstand contract amendmentsUnderstand contract terminationThe Course InstructorThe course instructor is a North Carolina licensed attorney (since 2002) with over a decade of experience drafting, negotiating, and managing contracts both in the public sector and in a private law firm."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"4 Strategies that Will Make you a Professional Day Trader" |
"When I get asked at a party or something, ""so, what do you do?"" Ireply, I'm a professionalDay Trader.That blank stare and's almost refreshing. Because SOmany people have a horrible misconception about day trading. Masses of people think it's gambling. Huge risks, little rewards that only a math genius or a robot can accomplish.The great news is, that's simply not the case. With day trading, it all comes down to risk mitigation, having a simple strategy and world class discipline. Do you consider yourself a determined person? When you begin to learn, do you just throw yourself in 100%and fully immerse yourself in that world?Of course you do!That's why are you here. That is the type of person you are.You are here to learn and that excites me, because ILOVEteaching and I'm REALLYgood at it. Iwould argue, Iam the best mentor, coach and teacher on Udemy. Iam very confident that at the end of this easy to understand course, you will know exactlyWhen to get into a day tradeWhen to get out of a day tradeHow much to risk on each tradeHow to remove variables in day tradingWhat a day trading plan isHow to create a day trading planHow to scan for specific day trades(before they even happen)How to analyze gapsWhich moving averages are the most powerfulWhich timeframes are best to use in day tradingWhen you finish this one of a kind course, you will be super confident about your day trading approach. You will know exactly why you are getting into a trade and your stress level will be totally gone.Knowing when to get in, knowinghow much to risk, knowingwhen to get out, knowing which trade to take and how many trades to take...this is the path of becoming a Real Life Professional Day Trader!!You rock!!I'm excited to see you in course!~Jerremy Alexander Newsome"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Startup Your Life finde Deine Bestimmung in Arbeit & Leben" |
"Schaffe Dir das Leben, die Karriere und die Zukunft, die Du wirklich willst!!!Erkenne Deine versteckten Talente und Fhigkeiten, entwickle Deine Persnlichkeit und mache die Karriere deines Lebens!---BeschreibungDer Workshop fr Deine berufliche und private Zukunft Schaffe Dir das Leben, das Du wirklich willst! Du hast nicht die Karriere und die Zukunftsaussichten, die Du haben knntest? Andere scheinen auf der berholspur zu fahren, whrend Du in Deinem Job feststeckst? Du fhrst oft mit angezogener Handbremse durch Dein Leben?Dann ist dieser Workshop fr Dich!Wenn wir nicht den Beruf haben, der uns erfllt, liegt das daran, dass wir nicht wissen, was wir wirklich wirklich wirklich brauchen, um in der Arbeit glcklich und zufrieden zu sein. Das heraus zu finden ist eine der schwierigsten Aufgaben berhaupt.Oft hren wir: Du musst nur herausfinden, was Du willst und Deinem Traum folgen. Deinen Traum verfolgen zu knnen, setzt jedoch sehr viel voraus: eine glasklares Wissen ber Dich selbst, Deine persnlichen Arbeits-Bedrfnisse und ber Fhigkeiten, die Dich einzigartig machen.Zu wissen, wer und wie Du bist, was Du kannst und was Deine Bedrfnisse und ngste sind, ist eine der schwierigsten Aufgaben der Welt. Dich selbst zu kennen undpositionieren zu knnen, ist jedoch dieFhigkeit, die dich unabhngig und frei macht. Je besser Du dich kennst, umso besser kannst Du deine Umstnde an Deine Bedrfnisse anpassen und Entscheidungen fr Deine Zukunft in allen Lebensbereichentreffen.Genau darum geht es in diesem intensiven Workshop.Um zu sehen wie hoch ein Wolkenkratzer gebaut wird, muss man nur schauen, wie tief sein Fundament gegraben ist.---Die zentralen Fragen Wer und wie bin ich? Wohin gehe ich beruflich? Was sind meine Ziele? Wie erreiche ich diese?beantworten wir nicht theoretisch sondern legen sie fest und verankern sie in unserem Bewusstsein.Du wirst ein klares Konzept von Dir, Deinen Fhigkeiten und beruflichen Zielen fr die Zukunft erarbeiten und eine dokumentierte Grundlage haben, die Dir in jeder Lage als Kompass dient.---Wie wir das machen:Unternehmen haben einen Business Plan, in dem sie sich selbst und die Geschfte fr die kommenden Jahre festhalten und den Weg zu ihren Zielen planen. Sie definieren darin ihre Werte, ihre Leistungen, ihre Produkte, Kunden, Geschftsablufe und alles, was mit ihrem Handeln zu tun hat. Wie wre es, Dich selbstals ein Lebens-Unternehmen zu sehen, das Du systematisch untersuchst?Den Prozess da hin nennt man Business Modeling und genau darum geht es in diesem Workshop.Hier erarbeitest Du in vielen inspirierendenWorkshopsDein ganz persnliches ""Future Modell"", das Dir hilft, Deine Berufung zu finden. Indem Du definierst, wer Du bist, was Du kannst und wohin Du willst, hast Du die einzigartige Gelegenheit, aktiv an Deiner Zukunft und ultimativ an Deinem Lebensglck zu arbeiten.---Das Ergebnis:Maximale Inspiration, unendliche neue Ideen fr deine Zukunft und einen echtenPlan fr die nchsten Schritte hin zu einem selbstbewussten underfllten Arbeitsleben.---Was Du von diesem Workshop hast: Klarheit ber deine Fhigkeiten und Kompetenzen Wissen ber Deine Bedrfnisse, Strken und Motivationstreiber Der Sweet Spot deiner Interessen, Persnlichkeit und Fhigkeiten Dein individuelles persnliches Business Model Unterlagen, Arbeitsmaterialien, Notizbuch und alles, was du bentigst. Was Dich in den Flow bei der Arbeit bringt Warum Du bisher unzufrieden mit deiner Arbeit bist---ber michAls selbstndiger Designer und Geschftsfhrer helfe ich Menschen und Unternehmen zur besten Version ihrer selbst zu werden, ihre Persnlichkeit zu definieren und authentisch zu kommunizieren.Meine eigene Suche nach mir selbst hat mich durch nahezu alle Formen der beruflichen und persnlichen Entwicklung gebracht. So wurde ich von Grafiker zum Inhaber, zum Pilger, zum Impact Coach und Gestalttherapeut. Mein heutiges Wissen teile ich in Gruppen und in Workshops, die verschiedenste Formate und Strategien neu kombinieren, um Teilnehmern vllig neue Einsichten zu ermglichen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Gerenciamento de Projetos com Dotproject" |
"O curso GESTO DE PROJETOS COM DOTPROJECT a sua forma de se diferenciar no Universo de Gesto de Projetos!O Curso Gesto de Projetos com Dotproject oferece uma introduo ao universo do gerenciamento de projetos usando como apoioas melhores prticas de mercado, anos de experiencias dos nossos consultores e uma das ferramentas mais populares em gesto de projetos, o Dotproject. um curso estruturado para fornecer ao aluno a capacidade de instalar e dominar a ferramenta de gerenciamento de projetos DotProject. um curso indicado para quem j tem o conhecimento bsico, mdio ou avanado sobre Gerenciamento de Projetos atravs de muitos conceitos e processos do Guia de Melhores Prticas PMBOK do PMI (Project Management Institute).Ns criamos para a ferramenta mdulos extras alinhados aos principais processos e as melhores prticas de mercado."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Anlisis y Visualizacin de Datos con Tableau" |
"En este curso vamos a aprender a utilizar Tableau paso a paso.Tableau es posiblemente la herramienta ms avanzada de visualizacin de datos en el mercado del momento. Vamos a aprender a tomar informacinde diversos sitios, y a hacer sencillo lo que parece complejo. No se trata de realizar grficos, sino de crear visualizaciones que nos ayuden aentender nuestros datos y a poder contar una historia con ellos.Aprenderemos a crear grficos de muy diferentes tipos, mapas y mucho ms. Y nuestras visualizaciones sern interactivas y cobrarn vida gracias aluso de filtros, parmetros, agrupaciones, conjuntos, clculos, etc.Tambin explicaremos los diferentes tipos de uniones de datos, concepto que se utiliza constantemente en el mundo de las bases de datos.Finalmente crearemos dashboards, que nos ayudarn a combinar distintas visualizaciones de datos en una sola vista, lo cual nos facilitar enormemente el poder contar una historia con nuestros datos.En definitiva, vamos a aprender a utilizar la herramienta ms potente en visualizacin de datos del momento con soltura.Comenzamos?"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Curso de QGIS 3" |
"Curso de QGIS 3, iniciamos en cero, vamos directo al grano hasta obtener un nivel intermedio, al finalizar se otorga un certificado.Es un curso diseado casi en su totalidad de forma prctica. Tambin combina una mnima parte terica que permitea los estudiantes fundamentar sus conocimientos en SIG, porque no se pretende impartir unaprendizaje mecanizado, sino integral.Este curso esta 100% elaborado por el creador de ""El blog de franz"", incluye los ejercicios de prctica en cada clase que lo amerite."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Best Probability Course" |
".. .. The course covers the following:- The concept of probability & laws of probability- Counting Techniques- Conditional Probability- Discrete & Continuous Random Variables- Understanding Some Known Probability Distributions(Binomial - Geometric - Exponential - Erlang - Normal)- Bivariate Random Variables"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ninja's Guide to Streaming: Grow Your Channel (2019)" |
"Most people know Ninja from Fortnite, but he got his start with professional Halo, and has been a full-time streamer for over 5 years. Before he was known for getting high kill wins in Fortnite and building like the professional he is, he built an audience around his persona as a gamer. Learn the ins and outs starting a Twitch channel from scratch and building it into an empire. Covering personal branding, gimmicks, growth hacks, interaction with fans, and more, join Ninja in the Dojo for a full breakdown of what it takes to be a full-time Twitch streamer."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |